2021 Synod Assembly Resource Packet - Minneapolis Area ...

Page created by Joe Martin
2021 Synod Assembly Resource Packet - Minneapolis Area ...
2021 Synod Assembly
  Resource Packet
2021 Synod Assembly Resource Packet - Minneapolis Area ...
Welcome and Introduction                    .............................................. 3–4

Zoom & Streaming Tips                       .............................................. 5

Voting Member Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Agenda                                      .............................................. 7

Guest Speakers                              .............................................. 8–9

Synod Council                               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Synod Staff                                 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Resolutions and Memorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 – 25

                    RC2021-01               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

                    RC2021-02               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 – 14

                    RC2021-03               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

                    RC2021-04               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 – 17

                    RC2021-05               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 – 19

                    RC2021-06               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 – 21

                    RC2021-07               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 – 23

                    RC2021-08-09            . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 – 25

Nominees                                    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 – 41

Annual Reports                              . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 – 45

       ELCA Churchwide                      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

       Augsburg                             . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

       Portico                              . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

       MN Council of Churches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

2021 Synod Assembly Resource Packet - Minneapolis Area ...
Dear Friends in Christ,

Welcome to our first synod assembly in two years. Certainly, 2020 unfolded in a way no one
could have anticipated:

       • The COVID-19 pandemic challenged us to reconsider our relationship to God’s

       • The murder of George Floyd and the global cries for justice
       challenged us to reconsider our relationships with each

       • The recession and the disparities in healthcare caused us to
       reconsider our relationship in the global economy.

The Biblical Year of Jubilee unfolded in ways the Israelites would not
have imagined.

       • The Israelites were called to observe Jubilee every 50 years – a time of dramatic
       change reminding the faithful that God is the giver of the land and that God’s community
       is responsible for the well-being of all its members.

       • Every seven years the land was left fallow and debts were forgiven. After seven sevens,
       or the 50th/Jubilee Year, a radical homecoming was called for, whereby land lost to
       indebtedness would be returned.

       • At the core, Jubilee reminds us that God’s community is to be guided by God’s ways –
       rooted in creation and in exodus. Social power and social wealth are gifts for the sake of
       community. And, community cannot be sustained when high levels of inequity exist.

Given all that’s unimaginable in our lives, while also catching glimmers of how life may be rising
anew, we have chosen the theme “Jubilee Reclaimed: Opening the Way.”

The Easter Season is really a jubilee season. Through the cross and resurrections, God ushers in
a renewed Jubilee that extends to all – as far as the ends of the earth. It is the Jubilee of new life
and forgiveness – justification and liberation because of faith in Jesus Christ.

Oh, that doesn’t mean the jubilee in Isaiah is replaced by the jubilee of justification. On the
contrary! You and I are partners with the God of Jubilee. We’ve been justified by grace. Secure
in that identity, we live and proclaim Jubilee to the ends of the earth – forgiveness of sin, good
news to the poor, release to the captives, and liberty for the oppressed.

Over the next 12 hours we will be testimony to the Jubilee opportunities in our lives from
profound speakers:
       • ELCA Vice President Bill Horne will share the hopes of ELCA Churchwide.
       • Theologian Drew Hart will draw us into a conversation about who we are and whose
       we are.
       • Pastors Marlene Helgemo and Kate Reuer Welton will share Biblical insights that will
       challenge and inspire.
       • Epidemiologist Michael Osterholm will offer current information about the virus that            3
2021 Synod Assembly Resource Packet - Minneapolis Area ...
dominates life in the church these days.
           • Youth Gathering Director Molly Beck Dean will share her excitement over Minneapolis
           hosting the 2022 event.

    As we lean into the fear and hope ascribed to our theme, let’s remember that God’s abundance
    offers us strength to think outside of boxes, outside of narthexes, outside of ourselves that
    we might be agents of welcome and healing in our world -- that we might know Jubilee for
    ourselves and our neighbors.

    In Christ,
    Bishop Ann Svennungsen

2021 Synod Assembly Resource Packet - Minneapolis Area ...
Voting Members Using Zoom
Mute                       Participants               Reactions/Raise Hand
When this icon has         Click this icon and a      Click this icon and a bubble will appear,
a red line through         list of participants on    allowing you to react or raise your hand.
it, you are muted.         the call will open in      During Synod Assembly,
Please remain muted        a separate window,         if you wish to speak to a
during the Synod           usually along the          resolution, you must raise
Assembly unless you        right side of your         your hand. We will ask you
are asked to unmute.       Zoom screen.               to unmute and speak when it is your turn.

 Stop Video                      Chat                                              End
 When this icon has              Click this icon and a chat box                    Click this button to
 a red line through it,          will open in a separate window,                   leave the Zoom call.
 your video is off.              usually along the right side of
                                 your Zoom screen. During Synod
                                 Assembly, you will only be able to
                                 chat with call administrators.
Multiple Windows
You may need more than one window open at a time in order to vote and
participate on Zoom. At the top of your Zoom window, minimize/resize the screen.
Then, open your interenet browser and pull up the portal. If you run your cursor
along the sides of each window, an arrow will appear. Click and drag the window
sides until each window is the best size for viewing both at once. You may also
choose to use multiple devices; accessing the Portal and voting can easily be done on a
smartphone or tablet while you are using Zoom on a different device.

If you need more Zoom help, we put together a short video on the basics we think you’ll need to know
for Synod Assembly 2021. Click here to view!

                                                         Guest Viewers Streaming
   YouTube Live: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaP79I0xFiBUTiTHdOmuq6w
   Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/mplssynod

   Commenting                                                         Social Media
   We will have staff monitoring the chats on                         Remember to post about Synod
   Facebook and YouTube, so please let us know                        Assembly on social media! Tag
   what you think of our first ever virtual Synod                     us and/or use our hashtag:
   Assembly!                                                          #masassembly
2021 Synod Assembly Resource Packet - Minneapolis Area ...
    Voting Member Orientation
    •   Friday at 4 p.m.                               •   If at any time you need to refresh your
    •   First-time Asembly voters should attend            memory on the Rules of Procedure, Click
    •   The budget hearing at 5 p.m. is optional           here!

                                                   Voting Member Portal
                                                   The Voting Member Portal will contain all
                                                   resources and links you will need during the
                                                   Assembly. The Portal is password protected. If you
                                                   are a Voting Member, you received the password
                                                   in email communications leading up to Synod
                                                   Assembly. If you are not a Voting Member, you may
                                                   not access the portal or vote. You may invite visitors
                                                   to watch the Synod Assembly on Facebook live or
                                                   YouTube live (links on page 5).

                                                             Important links for
                                                            participating in Syond
                                                           Assembly will be located
                                                             here on the Portal!

                                                   Please sign on to Zoom 30 minutes before
                                                   Assembly begins to ensure time for the
                                                   credentialing process. When you sign on to Zoom,
                                                   you will be asked to fill out the credentials form
                                                   (the link to which will be on the Voting Member
                                                   Portal). Please fill this form out before the first
                                                   plenary begins so all voting members are counted.

                                          Other helpful links and
                                        resources can be found in
                                         this section of the Portal.
    Need Help?
    A virtual Assembly is new for all of us; and some of us are more familiar
    with the technology than others. Please be patient and charitable in your
    interactions. If you have technology questions on Friday or Saturday,
    please call Madeline Troyer, 330-600-0664.
2021 Synod Assembly Resource Packet - Minneapolis Area ...
Friday, April 23rd
4:00 p.m.    Voter Orientation Synod Vice President, Felecia Boone and Parlimentarian, The
             Honorable Judge David Lillehaug
5:00 p.m.    Budget Hearing, Synod Treasurer, Ty Inglis
5:45 p.m.    Assembly Registration Check-In
             For credentialing purposes, assembly registrants will need to “check-in” each day.
             Please join Zoom 30-minutes prior to the assembly Call to Order.
6:00 p.m.    Gathering and Music
6:15 p.m.    Plenary 1:
             Welcome and Opening Liturgy
             Dwelling in the Word, Rev. Kate Reuer Welton, Lutheran Campus Ministry, University
             of Minnesota, Minneapolis
             Adoption of Rules, Order of Business, Credentials Report
             Report of the Reference and Counsel Committee
             Report of the Bishop
             Consent Agenda
7:20 p.m.    Break
7:30 p.m.    Keynote Address, Dr. Drew Hart, professor in theology at Messiah University, author
             of Trouble I’ve Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism
             Report of the Synod Treasurer, Ty Inglis
             Budget Resolutions
9:00 p.m.    Adjourn
                                                             Saturday, April 24th
8:00 a.m.    Deadline for Submitting Nominations and Resolutions
8:30 a.m.    Assembly Registration Check-In
             For credentialing purposes, assembly registrants will need to “check-in” each day.
             Please join Zoom 30-minutes prior to the assembly call to order.
9:00 a.m.    Plenary 2:
             Welcome and Call to Order
             Dwelling in the Word, Rev. Marlene Helgemo, All Nations Indian Church, Minneapolis
             Credentials Report
             Report of the ELCA Vice President, Bill Horne
             ELCA video
             Nominating Committee Report
9:50 a.m.    Break
10:00 a.m.   Plenary 3:
             State of the Pandemic, Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious
             Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota
             Resolution and Memorial
11:30 a.m.   Break
11:40 a.m.   Plenary 4:
             Report of the Synod Vice President, Felecia Boone
             Report of the ELCA Youth Gathering, Molly Beck Dean, Gathering Director
12:30 p.m.   Plenary 5:
             Remaining Resolutions
             Unfinished Business
             Closing of the Synod Assembly                                                         7
2021 Synod Assembly Resource Packet - Minneapolis Area ...
                        Rev. Kate Reuer Welton                      Bible Study Leader
                        The Rev. Kate Reuer Welton (she/her) serves as the Lutheran Campus
                        Pastor at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. She is married to Jim,
                        mother to Benjamin and Eleanor, and is grateful that they’re finally old
                        enough to enjoy watching the Great British Bake Off and go for bike rides
                        together! Kate graduated from HarvardDivinity School (MDiv) in 2006
                        and Luther Seminary (MTh) in 2010, after which she was called to the U
                        of M. Her approach to the Christian life? “Awe, humility, and

Dr. Drew Hart             Keynote Speaker
        Drew G. I. Hart is a public theologian and professor of theology at
Messiah University in Pennsylvania. He has 10 years of pastoral ministry
experience and has worked for an afterschool program in the city for
middle school boys. In addition to teaching, he provides anti-racism
and faith-based justice talks and workshops across the country and
collaborates with local faith-rooted organizers, activists, and leaders in
        His book, Trouble I’ve Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views
Racism, utilizes everyday stories, Jesus-shaped lessons, and anti-
racism frameworks to transform the church’s understanding and social
witness. His newest book, Who Will Be a Witness?: Igniting Activism for God’s Justice, Love,
and Deliverance calls the church to action, offering a way forward that is deeply rooted in the
nonviolent liberation of Jesus Christ. This discipleship resource unveils the church’s past failures
and offers an ecclesial path toward meaningful grassroots social change. His writing can be
found in Sojourners, The Christian Century, Red Letter Christians, and The Mennonite, among
other places, and Dr. Hart speaks regularly at colleges, conferences, and churches throughout
North America.
        Drew also serves as a co-host for the Inverse Podcast, along with Australian peace
activist Jarrod Mckenna. Together they interview interesting guests from around the world and
explore how liberative readings of scripture can subvert the status quo and invite us to turn our
world upside-down.
        Dr. Drew Hart was the recipient of bcmPEACE’s 2017 Peacemaker Award and was
honored locally with the 2019 W.E.B. Du Bois Award. He was also chosen as Elizabethtown
College’s 2019 Peace Fellow. Drew and his family live in Harrisburg, PA.

                        Rev. Marlene Helgemo                      Bible Study Leader
                       The Rev. Marlene Whiterabbit Helgemo, a member of the Ho-Chunk Tribe
                       in Wisconsin, was the first Native American woman to be a pastor in
                       the ELCA. She currently serves All Nations Indian Church of the United
                       Church of Christ here in Minneapolis. She also serves as the Executive
                       Director of the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM) of the UCC. If
                       that didn’t keep her busy enough she also serves as Board Member of the
                       American Indian Business Development Corporation, and Vice President
of the Native American Community Development Institute. She is the past President of the
Minneapolis Council of Churches and served two terms on the Minnesota Council of Churches.
2021 Synod Assembly Resource Packet - Minneapolis Area ...
                            Mr. Bill Horne            ELCA Churchwide Representative
                                    Mr. William “Bill” Horne II was elected to serve a six-year term
                             as ELCA Vice President at the 2016 ELCA Churchwide Assembly in
                             New Orleans. Bill Horne grew up as a member of the National Baptist
                             religious tradition and became a Lutheran while serving in the
                             United States Air Force in 1982. Bill has served as congregational
                             president in two ELCA congregations in Florida and is currently a
                             member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Clearwater, Florida. He served
    as a member of the Florida-Bahamas Synod Council and later as Synod Vice President.
            Bill served on the ELCA Church Council, 2009-2015 and a member of the ELCA
    Theological Education Advisory Council, 2013-2015. He is currently serving as a member
    of the ELCA Inter-Religious Task Force and of the Lutheran Services Florida Board of Directors.
            His post military retirement career has been in public management. He was appointed
    by the Clearwater City Council to serve as the Chief Administrative Officer (City Manager) of
    the city with responsibility for all departments except the City Attorney’s Office. He is
    directly responsible for 1,746 employees and accountable for the annual operating and
    capital budget of $441 million dollars. Bill was selected as Interim City Manager in 2000
    and later appointed to the position of City Manager in 2001.
            Bill served as a Colonel in the United States Air Force. He earned his Bachelor of Science
    Degree in Chemistry from the University of Tulsa, a Masters in Human Resource
    Management from Pepperdine University, and a Masters in Political Science from Auburn
    University in Montgomery.

    Dr. Michael Osterholm                   Keynote Speaker
            Dr. Osterholm is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential
    Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious
    Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor
    in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health,
    a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science
    and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at
    the University of Minnesota.
            In November 2020, Dr. Osterholm was appointed to President
    Joe Biden’s 13-member Transition COVID-19 Advisory Board. From June
    2018 through May 2019, he served as a Science Envoy for Health Security on behalf of the US
    Department of State. He is also on the Board of Regents at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa.
            He is the author of the New York Times best-selling 2017 book, Deadliest Enemy: Our War
    Against Killer Germs, in which he not only details the most pressing infectious disease threats of
    our day but lays out a nine-point strategy on how to address them, with preventing a global flu
    pandemic at the top of the list.

                            Ms. Molly Beck Dean                   ELCA Youth Gathering Director
                            Molly Beck Dean serves as the Director of the ELCA Youth Gathering,
                            a triennial faith formation event for 30,000 high school youth and their
                            adult leaders. Prior to this call, she was a part of synodical,
                            congregational, outdoor ministry and parachurch staffs focusing on
                            ministry with young people. Molly lives outside of Chicago with her two
                            children and loves ice cream, dogs, and time outside in the
9                           sunshine.
2021 Synod Assembly Resource Packet - Minneapolis Area ...
Executive Committee

Bishop Ann            Ms. Felecia          Mr. Ty Inglis           Mr. Ross
Svennungsen           Boone                Treasurer               Eichelberger
Bishop                Vice President                               Secretary

          Ms. Ronda               Rev. Bruce            Ms. Emma
          Fenlon                  Kuenzel               Kasiga

Members At Large
•   Boone, Ms. Felecia                         •   Kasiga, Ms. Emma
•   Carter, Ms. Sierra                         •   Kuenzel, Rev. Bruce
•   Eichelberger, Mr. Ross                     •   Lane, Mr. Barret
•   Fenlon, Ms. Ronda                          •   Legesse, Rev. Wondimu
•   Froisland, Rev. Brenda                     •   Rosenow, Ms. Laila
•   Greve, Rev. Deaconess Diane                •   Rundman, Mr. Paavo
•   Hoffer, Rev. Eric                          •   Svennungsen, Bishop Ann
•   Inglis, Mr. Ty                             •   Thone, Rev. Jacqueline

                    Advancing Generosity - Annual Stewardship;
                      Feasibility Studies; Capital, Mission, and
                       Debt Reduction Campaigns; Visioning;
                           Planned Giving; Endowments
Bishop Ann Svennungsen                       Bob Hulteen
Bishop                         Director of Communications
                                           and Public Voice

Kris Bjorke                                   Peg Ihinger
Assistant to First-Third       Assistant to Candidacy and
Ministry                                      Peer Groups

Brenda Blackhawk                    Rev. Norma Malfatti
Congregational Organizer for        Director of Evangelical
Racial Justice                                     Mission

Emilie Bouvier                          Lynda Nordholm
Director of Organizing                Assistant to Mission

Candy Carlson                                 Karen Ohm
Accountant                      Director of Roster and Call

Rev. Kelly Chatman                        Meghan Olsen
Advisor to the Bishop in the               Biebighauser
Minneapolis Area Synod         Congregational Organizer of
                                         Economic Justice

Eric Howard                         Rev. Craig Pederson
Executive Assistant to the          Assistant to the Bishop

Jeni Huff                               Nicholas Tangen
Events and Website               Director of Faith Practices
Coordinator                     and Neighboring Practices

Rev. John Hulden                        Madeline Troyer
Assistant to the Bishop            Associate Organizer for
                                    Environmental Justice

RC2021-01 Resolution
      Concerning Ethiopia

RC2021-02 Memorial Concerning
         Mekane Yesus Church

RC2021-03 Resolution Concerning
          Line 3 Construction

RC2021-04 Resolution Concerning
        Banning Nuclear Weapons

RC2021-05 Memorial Concerning
        Banning Nuclear Weapons

RC2021-06 Resolution Concerning
         “Conflict-Free Initiative”

RC2021-07 Memorial Concerning
        “Conflict-Free Initiative”

RC2021-08 – 09
     Budget Resolution

Synod Council                                    Ms. Karina Vincent (1st term)
                                                 Lay leader; Female; Youth; African-
Mr. Paavo Rundman (2nd term)                     American
Lay leader; Male; Youth; White
                                                 First Lutheran Church of Crystal;
                                                 Northwest Henepin Conference
Edina Community Lutheran Church;
Crosstown Conference
                                                 Church Leadership:
                                                 Vacation Bible School
“Along with serving on the Synod Council, I
play in my school’s orchestras and run tech
in our theater program, as well as personally    Consultation Committee
playing a variety of instruments and working     Rev. Rhonda Hlavinka
as a freelance animator. I’ve served one         Demographics:
term on the Synod Council, regularly seek        Minister of Word and Sacrament; Female;
opportunities to act as leader and participant   White
in various faith-focused activities and look     Congregation:
forward to further service in the church.”       Salem English Lutheran Church; Central
Ms. Ronda Fenlen (2nd term)                      Vocation/Employment:
Demographics:                                    Pastor at Salem English
Lay leader; female;                              Church Leadership:
Congregation:                                    Pastor
Long Lake Lutheran Church in Isanti;             Community Leadership:
Northern Conference                              “As a parent of two teenage boys, my
Vocation/Employment:                             volunteering and leadership outside the
Client Solutions Manager for Data Axle           church primarily revolves around youth
Church Leadership:                               sports (basketball and baseball) and
VP Church Council/Executive Team; Worship        school, where I have served on several
Leader; Missions; Adult Forum; Synod             governing boards and teams.“
Council/Executive Team                           Other:
Community Leadership:                            “As a lifelong member of the Minneapolis
Central Minnesota Emergency Response             Synod and pastor having served in the
Volunteer; 4H Volunteer                          synod for a majority of my 20 years in
Other:                                           ordained ministry, I am eager to serve in
“I’m a cradle Lutheran raised in the Lutheran    new and various ways. The consultation
Church; blessed to raise my daughters            committee would be a wonderful
and now watch my grand children attend           opportunity for me to serve our synod.”
Long Lake Lutheran (member since 1987). I
have enjoyed the last 3 years on the Synod
Council; just as sitting on your Church
                                                 Ms. Dee Ann Cameron
Council is a valuable educational experience
                                                 Lay Leader
I have found the same to be true while on
the Synod Council and would welcome the
                                                 Zion Lutheran Church, Anoka; Rum River
opportunity to participate for an additional 3
years. Thank you.”
                                                 Retired                                     26
NOMINEES (cont.)
     Other:                                             Rev. Babette Chatman
     “Recently retired from Zion Lutheran Church,       Demographics:
     where I was the Church Administrator for 17        Minister of Word and Sacrament; Female;
     years.”                                            Black
     Rev. Angela Khabeb
                                                        Redeemer Lutheran Church; North
                                                        Minneapolis Conference
     Minister of Word and Sacrament; Woman;
                                                        Augsburg University Campus Pastor
                                                        Church Leadership:
     Holy Trinity Lutheran Church; South
                                                        RLC Council co-chair Outreach and
     Minneapolis Conference
                                                        Evangelism; Women’s ministry; MAS
                                                        Equity Lens comm; MAS Mission Table;
     Associate Pastor at Holy Trinity
                                                        RLC Congregation Partner collaborator;
     Church Leadership:
                                                        Northside Parish
     Pastor; Columnist for Living Lutheran
                                                        Community Leadership:
                                                        Harrison Neighborhood Association; Mpls
                                                        “Heal Our City” virtual prayer group, CLNE
     The Rev. Angela T. Khabeb joined the Holy
     Trinity ministry staff in August 2018. Pastor
     Angela, a Bridges Scholar, completed
                                                        “I was humbled at the nomination to
     seminary at the Lutheran School of Theology
                                                        consider offering leadership on the Synod’s
     at Chicago where she won the James
                                                        discipline committee. I would not commit
     Kenneth Echols Prize for Excellence in
                                                        to this opportunity to serve if not for my
     Preaching. From 2000-2002, Angela was an
                                                        complete confidence and trust in the Spirit
     ELCA missionary in Namibia, Africa where
                                                        work within and through me. I am an eight
     she met and married her husband, Benhi.
                                                        (8) on the Enneagram Personality Test.”
     Benhi and Angela have been married since
     2001 and they have three wonderful children.       Mr. Marc Jacobson
     In their spare time, this vibrant family enjoys    Demographics:
     world music, creative writing, leisurely walks,    Lay Leader
     and bike riding.                                   Congregation/Conference:
                                                        Trinity Lutheran Church, Monticello;
     Discipline Committee                               Western Waters Conference

     Mr. Justin Zoss
     Lay leader
                                                        Augsburg Corporation
     First Lutheran Church of Crystal; Northwest
                                                            Governing Board
     Hennepin Conference
     Vocation/Employment:                               Ms. Sally Daniels Herron (1st term)
     Transportation Security Inspector                  Demographics:
     Church Leadership:                                 Lay Leader; Female; Caucasian
     Council Member                                     Congregation/Conference:
     Other:                                             Valley of Peace Lutheran Church, Golden
     “I am a member of First Lutheran Church of         Valley; Northwest Hennepin Conference
     Crustal and have been on the council for the       Vocation/Employment:
     past 6 years. I will serve the synod to the best   Parish and Communications Administrator,
27   of my ability.”                                    Valley of Peace Lutheran Church
NOMINEES (cont.)
     Church Leadership:                               Vocation/Employment:
     “I have served on our church council in a        Senior Engineering Manageer at Target
     variety of roles, twice as Congregational        Technology
     President. I taught children’s Faith Formation   Church Leadership:
     for many years. I have been the wedding          Leader of Sr. youth Group
     coordinator at Valley of Peace for 10+ years.    Community Leadership:
     I have now worked in the office at Valley of     No current engagements; formerly
     Peace for almost four years as our Parish and    VP of the Neighborhood Hub in North
     Communications Administrator.”                   Minneapolis; President of the NW Thrivent
     Community Leadership:                            Board.
     “My community activities have primarily          Other:
     been at church; prior to being at Valley of      “I’m an Alum of Augsburg and I am thrilled
     Peace, I was an active member of Central         in the direction the President Pribbenow
     Lutheran in downtown Minneapolis.”               has been taking Augsburg.”
     “Prior to working at Valley of Peace, I worked
     at Augsburg University for 38 years in a
                                                      Rev. John Strommen (2nd term)
     variety of roles and was a student for four
                                                      Minister of Word and Sacrament; Male;
     years before that! I would be honored to
     serve on the Augsburg Governing Board.”
                                                      Trinity Lutheran Church, Long Lake; 394
     Ms. Kirsten Kelly (2nd term)                     Corridor North Conference
     Demographics:                                    Vocation/Employment:
     Lay leader; Female; Caucasian                    Interim Senior Pastor of Trinity
     (Scandinavian)                                   Church Leadership:
     Congregation/Conference:                         “Facilitating an interim process that
     Light of Christ Lutheran Church, Delano; 394     clarifies congregational and staff identity,
     Corridor North Conference                        and helps the discern where God is
     Vocation/Employment:                             leading.”
     Director of Children, Youth & Family             Community Leadership:
     Ministries, Light of Christ Lutheran             Board Member of Church Innovations
     Church Leadership:                               Institute
     Staff                                            Other:
     Community Leadership:                            “I am currently a Masters of Theology
     School Volunteer                                 student at Luther Seminary, studying
     Other:                                           Lutheran theology and missional church
     “My husband and I are both Augsburg grads        leadership. I am also an avid photographer,
     (Class of 2000). We have 3 boys ages 14, 11      movie buff, cyclist, weightlifter, and traveler
     and 3. I’ve worked in ELCA congregations for     with my wife, Heidi.”
     over 20 years doing children, youth & family
     ministry and continue to have a passion for      Rev. Ashley Osborn (1st term)
     youth, families and their faith foundation.”     Demographics:
                                                      Minister of Word and Sacrament; Female;
     Mr. Larye Pohlman (2nd term)                     White
     Demographics:                                    Congregation/Conference:
     Lay leader; Male; White/Anglo                    Valley of Peace Lutheran Church, Golden
     Congregation/Conference:                         Valley; Northwest Hennepin Conference
     Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis;            Vocation/Employment:
     Central Conference                               Pastor at Valley of Peace
NOMINEES (cont.)
Church Leadership:                               currently for the Minneapolis Area Synod,
“I am active in conference gatherings, peer      as well serving on various synod task
groups, and clergy support networks. I           forces and committees over the years. I’m
have served as a facilitator for The Christian   in my third parish, and my thirtieth year of
Public Leader in Context course at Luther        ordained Word and Sacrament ministry.”
Seminary. I have also served in several areas    Community Leadership:
with the Southeastern Minnesota Synod,           “I’ve been involved in local ministerial
including on Synod Council, a special gifts      associations, including time as president,
campaign member, and the Global Missions         and on boards of local social service
Companion Synod Table member, specifically       ministries.”
working closely with Pr. Wal Reat, an ELCA
                                                 Ms. Madeline Kinn (1st term)
Community Leadership:
“I am involved in clergy networks that
                                                 Lay leader; Female; White; Young Adult
offer community support in Golden Valley,
specifically with the Golden Valley Pride
                                                 Zion Lutheran Church, Anoka; Rum River
Festival. I also work closely with Noble
Elementary School. I have served with Infants
Remembered in Silence and served on the
                                                 Life Enrichment Director at Havenwood of
boards of Community Cafe in Faribault, MN
                                                 Burnsville Senior Living
and the United Way of Faribault.”
                                                 Church Leadership:
                                                 “I am a participant in young adult small
“Ministry is fundamentally joyful for me
                                                 groups at church, volunteer with The
and I have a relentless drive to articulate
                                                 Gathering (care giver respite/support
the Gospel of Jesus Christ for our time and
                                                 group), youth bible study leader, participant
place. I am intentional about bringing the
                                                 in international and domestic mission trips,
events of the wider world into dialogue with
                                                 volunteer member of the decor team for
the revelation of Scripture and the life of
                                                 liturgical seasons, communion server, and
our church. I seek to invite people into an
                                                 I lead many different devotional and bible
experience of God’s Living Word that bears
                                                 studies at my workplace as well.”
grace, mercy, and the power to transform our
                                                 Community Leadership:
lives and communities of faith.”
                                                 “I was recently invited as a virtual guest
                                                 at my high school to provide senior high
Rev. Joseph Crippen (1st term)                   schoolers with information about senior
Demographics:                                    living and healthcare careers.
Minister of Word and Sacrament                   I assisted with cleanup efforts in the Lake
Congregation/Conference:                         Street neighborhood of Minneapolis after
Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Minneapolis;        the George Floyd riots.
Central Conference                               I recently helped raise funds via volunteer
Vocation/Employment:                             work for dementia and Alzheimer’s
Pastor of Mount Olive                            foundations.”
Church Leadership:                               Other:
“I’ve served on the ELCA Church Council,         “I’m an Augsburg University Alum,
the Synod Council of both the Minneapolis        dedicated to serving our elderly population.
Area Synod and the Southeastern Minnesota        I enjoy sharing and witnessing the growing
Synod; I’ve served on the board of campus        faith relationships with our young adult
ministry for Minnesota State-Mankato; I          populations in the church. Lastly, I like to
have served on the Reference and Counsel         learn about other cultures and languages,
committee for ELCA Churchwide Assemblies,        and to travel.”
for the Southeastern Minnesota Synod and                                                         29
NOMINEES (cont.)
     2022 Churchwide                                and adult education; outreach ministries;
                                                    neighborhood engagement; mission and

     Assembly Voting Members                        service opportunities
                                                    Community Leadership:
     Rev. Sarah Moat                                Wildfire Every Meal, Chair
     Demographics:                                  Isaiah West Metro
     Minister of Word and Sacrament; Female;        Other:
     Caucasian                                      “I am a second-career Minister of Word &
     Congregation/Conference:                       Service, ordained in 2009, having obtained
     Gethsemane Lutheran Church of Hopkins;         a Master’s degree in Congregational
     Western Parks & Lakes Conference               Mission and Leadership from Luther
     Vocation/Employment:                           Seminary. I’ve served west-metro ELCA
     Pastor at Gethsemane                           congregations since 2001 as paid staff,
     Church Leadership:                             but began serving as a volunteer in my
     “I have leadership of our global mission       home church around the age of 10 in many
     partnership in El Salvador along with our      capacities over the years.”
     local social ministry team that addresses
     issues of poverty, injustice, and food and     Ms. Susanne M. Ferkingstad
     housing instability in our community. I lead   Demographics:
     our caring ministries, women’s ministry,       Lay leader; Female; Caucasian
     education ministries (along with staff         Congregation/Conference:
     leadership) and am involved in worship         Faith-Lilac Way Lutheran Church,
     planning, regular preaching and teaching.      Robbinsdale; Northwest Hennepin
     Community Leadership:                          Conference
     I am part of the Hopkins Race and Equity       Vocation/Employment:
     Initiative (HREI) which is a collaborative     Wiley Education Services> Concordia
     between the public schools, police             University St. Paul Enrollment Counselor
     department, city, and faith community. As      Church Leadership:
     a mother of three daughters I have been an     Church Council; Chancel Choir
     avid supporter of the swim team, the dance     Community Leadership:
     studio, and the cross country teams - doing    Cherish All Children volunteer and Advisory
     my best to support their teams, coaches and    Board Member
     peers.”                                        Other:
     Other:                                         “I love to sing, cook (and eat), make
     “I am a trained spiritual director through     greeting cards and laugh. Being a work in
     Christos Center. I find great solace and joy   progress, I feel I grow each day in my faith.
     in the North Shore of Lake Superior and love   Like everyone else, I cannot wait to get
     the MN Twins.”                                 together with family and friends, hug them
     Deacon Kirsten Kessel
     Demographics:                                  Rev. Ian Coen-Frei
     Minister of Word and Service; Female;          Demographics:
     Northern European                              Minister of Word and Sacrament; Male;
     Congregation/Conference:                       White; Young Adult
     First Lutheran Church of Crystal; Northwest    Congregation/Conference:
     Hennepin Conference                            Faith Lutheran Church, Isanti; Northern
     Vocation/Employment:                           Conference
     Minister of Word and Service at First          Vocation/Employment:
     Church Leadership:                             Pastor at Faith Lutheran
30   Worship leading; preaching; confirmation
NOMINEES (cont.)
     Church Leadership:                               as the center of the church. The care
     “I work very actively with the Stewardship,      provided in healthcare is an enhancement
     Finance and Music & Worship committees, in       of the care that our pastors provide.
     addition to the church council.”                 Continuing education for our seminarians
     Other:                                           is a commitment of mine.”
     “I am a May 2020 graduate of the Lutheran
     School of Theology at Chicago, and began
                                                      Mr. Jim Sandquist
     my solo call to Faith Lutheran in July. I
     believe that through our collective power,
                                                      Lay leader; Male; Caucasian
     the ELCA has the opportunity to engender
     transformative change that can impact the
                                                      Trinity Lutheran Church, Watertown;
     lives of those within and surrounding our
                                                      Southwest Conference
     Rev. Korla Masters                               Church Leadership:
     Demographics:                                    Building Committee Chair; Cemetary Board
     Minister of Word and Sacrament; Woman;           Treasurer; Capital Campaign Co-chair;
     White                                            Stewardship; Covid Response Team
     Congregation/Conference:                         Community Leadership:
     Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church, Prior      Commission on Aging; Planning
     Lake; Southwest Conference                       Commission; WeCab volunteer driver
     Vocation/Employment:                             Other:
     Pastor at Shepherd of the Lake                   “I am single, lifetime member of Trinity
     Church Leadership:                               Lutheran.Currently working part time at
     Southwest Conference participant; synod          Target. Enjoy walking, biking, attending
     militant nonviolent direct action training and   concerts and sporting events.”
     Community Leadership:
                                                      Ms. Eileen Nelson
     Southwest Metro Campaign Action Team
     (Beacon Interfaith Housing)
                                                      Lay leader; Female; Caucasian
     Rev. Tania Hammer-Luken                          Trinity Lutheran Church, Watertown;
     Demographics:                                    Southwest Conference
     Minister of Word and Sacrament; Female;          Vocation/Employment:
     Caucasian                                        Retired
     Congregation/Conference:                         Church Leadership:
     Allina Hospitals and Clinics/Mercy Hospital;     Handbell choir member; funeral luncheon
     South Minneapolis Conference                     coordinator; altar guild co-chair; Bible
     Vocation/Employment:                             study leader
     Chaplain at Allina                               Community Leadership:
     Church Leadership:                               Volunteer at the school district and the
     ACPE Educator, Guest Speaker, Preacher           Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
     Community Leadership:                            Other:
     “Diversity, equity, and inclusion is a large     “I’m a life-long member of this church body
     part of my current role; volunteer at vaccine    and its predecessor ALC church and have
     clinics; critical incident stress debriefing     appreciated participating in its growth over
     Other:                                           the years. Retirement with the volunteer
     “My calling in the clinical setting is           opportunities and grandparenting are
31   predominantly focused on the congregation        serving me well.”
NOMINEES (cont.)
Mr. Luke Friendshuh                            song and loving presence.”
Demographics:                                  Other:
Lay leader                                     “I am beginning seminary in the fall of
Congregation/Conference:                       2021. I look forward to bringing my decade
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, New Prague;      of experience as a teacher in the public
Southwest Conference                           schools as well as my growing experience
Vocation/Employment:                           as a seminarian to the Synod Assembly.
Research Engineer at System Modeling           I am particularly interested in the ways
Institute                                      that queer, interfaith, and racial justice
Church Leadership:                             perspectives can inform and enrich the
Council President; Leader of Strategic         work of the church.”
plan development; Small group leader;
Confirmation mentor; Lead person for Holy      Mr. Asefa Wakjira
Trinity in the Congregations in Secular Age    Demographics:
Grant                                          Lay Leader
Community Leadership:                          Congregation/Conference:
Hope house volunteer                           Our Redeemer Oromo Evangelical Church;
Other:                                         South Minneapolis Conference
“I am the Father of 3 grown boys. I love the   Vocation/Employment:
peace, quiet and solitude of living in the     Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator at
country. One of my favorite “activities” is    Our Redeemer Oromo Evangelical Church
thinking.”                                     Church Leadership:
                                               Coordinating Children and Youth Ministry;
Rev. Wondimu Sonessa                           teaching Sunday School; preaching at
Demographics:                                  Church; coordinating mid-week service.
Minister of Word and Sacrament                 Community Leadership:
Congregation/Conference:                       Coordinating young adult ministry of
Our Redeemer Oromo Evangelical Church;         different emigrant Churches in Twin Cities
South Minneapolis Conference                   Other:
Vocation/Employment:                           “I was born and raised in rural Ethiopia to
Pastor at Our Redeemer Oromo                   a family of Lutherans. I got my master of
Church Leadership:                             divinity from San Francisco Theological
Pastor                                         Seminary and am currently a MTh student
                                               at Luther Seminary. I’m praying to pursue
                                               candidacy at ELCA.”
Ms. Ina Ziegler
Lay leader; Female; White                      Rev. Timothy Schroeder
Congregation/Conference:                       Demographics:
Christ Church Lutheran; South Minneapolis      Minister of Word and Sacrament; Male;
Conference                                     Caucasian
Vocation/Employment:                           Congregation/Conference:
Teacher at Minneapolis Public Schools          Peace Lutheran Church, Coon Rapids; Rum
Church Leadership:                             River Conference
Racial Justice Task Force member; Altar        Vocation/Employment:
Guild member; Lector                           Associate Pastor at Peace; Admissions
Community Leadership:                          Counselor at Luther Seminary
“I am a member of the Morning Star Singers,    Church Leadership:
a threshold choir which ministers to people    Lutheran Men in Mission Ambassador
struggling with living and dying through       (2020-Present); Extraordinary Lutheran
                                               Ministries Proclaim Chaplain (2018-20);       32
NOMINEES (cont.)
     ELCA Youth Gathering Servant Companion            Rev. Sherri Otto
     Coach (2015/2018); Pastoral Internship with       Demographics:
     the American Church in Berlin, Germany            Minister of Word and Sacrament; Female;
     (2016-17); Hospitality and Outreach Intern to     White
     Lutheran Campus Ministry UofM- Twin Cities        Congregation/Conference:
     (2014-2016); Director of Lutheran Campus          Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church,
     Ministry to University of Wisconsin-Stout         Edina; Crosstown Conference
     (2011-2014); Lutheran Youth Organization for      Vocation/Employment:
     Northwest Synod of Wisconsin- Chaplain            Associate Pastor at Shepherd of the Hills
     (2012-14); NW-Synod of Wisconsin ELCA             Church Leadership:
     Malaria Campaign Coordinator (2011-               “I work with kids of all ages in their faith
     14); Bread for the World Board Member-            formation, preach, lead Bible Studies, and
     Menomonie, WI Chapter (2007-2014)                 care for the needs of our congregation.”
     Community Leadership:                             Community Leadership:
     Lutheran Campus Ministry UofM-Twin                “I am involved with a group of pastors
     Cities Board Member (2020-Present);               from different denominations that gather
     Lutheran Campus Ministry UofM-Twin Cities         for prayer towards racial justice, equity
     Development Committee (2017-Present);             and peace. I am also part of a group that
     Lift Garage Development Committee                 is working towards housing an Asylum
     (2017-Present)                                    Seeker at our parsonage.”
     Other:                                            Other:
     “In my two paid vocations of being Pastor         “This is my first call which started on
     and Admissions Counselor, I am strongly           March 1, 2020. I retired from my first career
     called to lift up new leaders for the church. I   where I worked as a Detention Deputy at
     believe youth and young adults are the future     the Hennepin County Jail for 22 years. This
     of the Church and it is so important that all     past year, I started my call, got married,
     generations hear the invitation to invest in      bought a new home and was ordained.
     these young people to learn and carry the         Whew!!”
     upcoming leadership roles of our churches. ”
                                                       Ms. Anne Schaefer
     Ms. Emily Brown                                   Demographics:
                                                       Lay leader; Female; White, non-Hispanic
     Lay leader; Female; Chinese; Young Adult
                                                       Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church,
     Peace Lutheran Church, Coon Rapids; Rum
                                                       Edina; Crosstown Conference
     River Conference
                                                       Pastoral Intern at Shepherd of the Hills
     Youth Director at Peace
                                                       Church Leadership:
     Church Leadership:
                                                       Worship leading and planning; faith
     Youth Ministry; Office Administration; Sound
                                                       formation/programming; Bible studies;
     Tech; Parking Lot Worship Assistant
                                                       outreach; and others as needed or created
     Community Leadership:
                                                       Community Leadership:
     Served as treasurer of the 4th Precinct
                                                       Chaplain at Twin Cities Interfaith
     Advisory Council in Minneapolis
                                                       Chaplains; President of Servant
                                                       Schoolhouse Preschool Board
     “I love God! I love the Dallas Cowboys! I try
     to serve my congregation, my community,
                                                       “I will be graduating with an MDiv from
     and my neighbor in whatever ways that I
                                                       Luther Seminary in 2022, and I am hopeful
     can. I am excited to be starting Seminary at
                                                       to serve in the Minneapolis Area Synod. My
33   Luther this summer.”
NOMINEES (cont.)
     husband and I have three kids - one in each      Bloomington Faith Leaders; Twin
     college, high school and middle school. ”        Cities Interfaith Movement Chaplains;
                                                      Bloomington Housing Coalition; ISAIAH
     Ms. Shari Seifert                                Other:
     Demographics:                                    “Before seminary I spent a year in the
     Lay leader                                       Lutheran Volunteer Corps, working
     Congregation/Conference:                         as a Youth Ministry Coordinator at a
     Calvary Lutheran Church, Minneapolis;            congregation in urban Chicago. Prior to
     Central Conference                               coming to Bloomington, I served four
     Vocation/Employment:                             congregations in rural North Dakota. I
     Realtor RE/MAX Results - “I sell houses and      value hard work, fast friendship, a lived
     dismantle white supremacy in the church.”        faith, adventure, and am passionate about
     Church Leadership:                               discipleship and the work that God is doing
     MYLE core team - Cultural Awareness; Chair       in our world today.”
     of Calvary’s Race Equity Committee; Synod’s
     anti-racism team (The Unite table); VP and       Mr. Gregory Hornicke
     soon to be president of European Descent         Demographics:
     Lutheran Association for Racial Justice          Lay leader; Male; White
     (EDLARJ)                                         Congregation/Conference:
     Community Leadership:                            St. Luke’s Lutheran Church; Bloomington
     Engaged with the community of George             Conference
     Floyd Square including organizing multi-         Vocation/Employment:
     faith vigils; training education committee       Retired
     for Equity and Inclusion at RE/MAX Results;      Church Leadership:
     part of Multi-faith Anti-racism and Healing      Past 2 term music council member; choir;
     (MARCH)                                          ring bells; assistant minister
     Other:                                           Community Leadership:
     “When I attended the last CWA on behalf of       Feed my Starving Children; Augsburg
     EDLARJ, I was asked by BIPOC folks - who         Centennial Singers; Augsburg Masterworks
     were working on getting resolutions passed       Chorale
     - if I was a voting member or if there were      Other:
     EDLARJ voting members present; I had to          “Church, my two kids and my two
     say “no” on both counts. They were looking       grandchildren.”
     for white folks to speak to the resolutions. I
     am planning on being more prepared at the        Rev. Aaron Fuller
     next 2022 and having myself and others in        Demographics:
     place to offer support.”                         Minister of Word and Sacrament; Male;
     Rev. Rory Philstrom
                                                      Our Father’s Lutheran Church, Rockford;
                                                      394 Corridor North Conference
     Minister of Word and Sacrament; Male;
                                                      Pastor, Our Father’s/Chaplain, US Navy
     Christ the King Lutheran Church;
                                                      Church Leadership:
     Bloomington Conference
                                                      Churchwide involvement: M2SGF Working
                                                      Group (2015); ELCA Youth Gathering Main
     Lead Pastor at Christ the King
                                                      Stage Speaker (2018); Va Synod Diversity,
     Church Leadership:
                                                      Inclusion, & Justice Chair (2014-2017);
     Lead Pastor
                                                      ELCA Federal Chaplaincy Centurion
34   Community Leadership:
NOMINEES (cont.)
Connect Rep. (Va Synod 2013-2020; Mpls          and Property committees; Lector and
Area Synod, 2021-Present)                       Assisting Minister
Community Leadership:                           Community Leadership:
Assistant Wrestling Coach, Augsburg             Chair-Crossroads Community Organization
University                                      Other:
“As Navy Chaplain, 8 years providing            “I love to travel with family and friends so
leadership in advancing Spirituality within     cannot wait until we are all safe in other
the US Marine Corps, advancing efforts          spaces to make that possible.”
to integrate spirituality in mental health
and resiliency approaches, and service          Mr. Reuel Persaud
level working groups to address suicide         Demographics:
prevention, diversity, and ethics programs in   Lay leader; Male; Mixed
the US Navy and Marine Corps.”                  Congregation/Conference:
Other:                                          House of Hope Lutheran Church, New
“Graduate of the US Naval Academy and was       Hope; Northwest Hennepin Conference
a prior submarine warfare officer for 9 years   Vocation/Employment:
on active duty. A transracial Korean adoptee    Services Consultant
who grew up on a dairy farm in Central          Church Leadership:
MN. Married to Kelly Schumacher Fuller,         Member of the Youth and Family
who works at the Center for Leadership and      Committee at House of Hope Lutheran
Neighborhood Engagement.”                       Church
Ms. Yesenia Morales Bahena                      “I enjoy traveling, being active, and meeting
Demographics:                                   new people. I am passionate about serving
Lay leader; Female; Latina                      others.”
University Lutheran Church of Hope,             Rev. Jeffrey Schulz
Minneapolis; Central Conference                 Demographics:
Vocation/Employment:                            Minister of Word and Sacrament
Seminarian at Wartburg Theological              Congregation/Conference:
Seminary and Legal Assistant at Steven C.       Bethany Lutheran Church, Minneapolis;
Thal, P.A                                       Central Conference
Church Leadership:                              Vocation/Employment:
Compassion Care Ministry; Immigration and       Pastor at Bethany Lutheran
Sanctuary Network; lector                       Church Leadership:
Community Leadership:                           “I am the solo pastor at Bethany
Board Member of Legal Rights Center; leader     Lutheran, regularly preaching, teaching,
with ISAIAH; member of Mujeres Latinas          administering the sacraments, and
Network; Sanctuary Network                      providing pastoral care.”
                                                Community Leadership:
Synod Vice President Felecia Boone              “Bethany Lutheran continues to the life
Demographics:                                   of the greater community, continuing to
Lay leader; Female; Black                       be the home of the Soup for You! Cafe
Congregation/Conference:                        and Clothes Closet, living the Gospel
Calvary Ev. Lutheran Church, Minneapolis;       message of feeding and clothing the poor.
Central Conference                              Additionally, Bethany has been part of
Vocation/Employment:                            the Riverside Innovation Hub, looking at
DEI Consultant at Hennepin County               the participations of young adults in the
Church Leadership:                              life of the church using a public church
Synod VP; member of Calvary’s Race Equity       framework.”                                     35
NOMINEES (cont.)
     Other:                                           Mr. Michael Tarras
     “I continue to hold dear the words of the late   Demographics:
     Dr. Maya Angelou as part of my personal          Lay leader; Male; White
     credo: “The question is not how to survive,      Congregation/Conference:
     but how to thrive...with passion, compassion,    Redeemer Lutheran Church; North
     humor, and style!””                              Minnepolis Conference
     Rev. Tyler Strom                                 Sr. Technical Writer - Milestone Systems
     Demographics:                                    Inc.
     Minister of Word and Sacrament; Male;            Church Leadership:
     White                                            2009-2012 (Secretary), 2009 - Present
     Congregation/Conference:                         (Finance Committee Member) 2017-2020
     Word of Peace Lutheran Church, Rogers;           (Treasurer) 2021 - Present (Vice President)
     Western Waters Conference                        Community Leadership:
     Vocation/Employment:                             2011 & 2012 - (Redeemer After-school
     Pastor at Word of Peace                          Program volunteer & teacher) 2013 - 2016
     Church Leadership:                               (Assistant Coach for Northside Wrestling
     Oversee the ministry areas of local outreach,    Club)
     global missions, volunteer ministry, strategic   Other:
     planning and adult faith formation.              “Born in Eau Claire, WI. Baptized at St.
     Community Leadership:                            John’s Lutheran Church on Highland Ave.
     Activity involved with partner organizations     in Eau Claire. Father of two girls (10 and 7)
     of CROSS services, Dayton Mobile Hope, and       both baptized at Redeemer.”
     School District 728 Community Partners.
                                                      Mr. James Moat
     Ms. Anna Stockinger                              Demographics:
     Demographics:                                    Lay leader; Male; Caucasian
     Lay leader; Female; White; Young Adult           Congregation/Conference:
     Congregation/Conference:                         Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Hopkins;
     Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran Church        Western Parks & Lakes Conference
     of East Bethel; Northern Conference              Vocation/Employment:
     Vocation/Employment:                             Clinical Research Consultant, IMARC
     EMT, Cambridge Medical Center, Allina            Research, Inc.
     Health                                           Church Leadership:
     Church Leadership:                               Worship band member; event photography;
     Youth Group Member, Sunday School                confirmation mentor
     Teacher                                          Community Leadership:
     Community Leadership:                            political volunteer
     Volunteer with Linwood fire department,          Other:
     Volunteer with OEC Program, Run a Book           “As a Pastor’s spouse, I’ve seen firsthand
     box for my neighborhood                          the long hours they put in, along with the
     Other:                                           joys ministry can bring. Being a dad to
     “I grew up with three sisters just north of      three amazing daughters has taught me so
     the twin cities, together we enjoy all things    much about God’s grace.”
     that the Minnesota outdoors has to offer.
     Currently, I am a St. Cloud State University     Mr. Gracious Msuya
     Nursing student who will graduate in May of      Demographics:
     2022. Throughout the last year I have greatly    Lay leader; Black
     missed worshipping in person and seeing my       Congregation/Conference:
     church family. ”                                 Minnesota Swahili Christian Congregation;
NOMINEES (cont.)
     South Minneapolis Conference                    Deacon Laurie Beckman Yetzer
     Church Leadership:                              Demographics:
     Chairman of the Church Council; Writing         Minister of Word and Service; Female;
     church strategic plan; Leading online           White
     services during pandemic; Applying for          Congregation/Conference:
     loans/grants for our congregation; mentoring    Woodlake Lutheran Church, Richfield;
     church youth                                    Crosstown Conference
     Community Leadership:                           Vocation/Employment:
     Serves as an advisor-liaison for Tanzania       Take Action Minnesota
     (ETI) which works with the Evangelical          Church Leadership:
     Lutheran Church of Tanzania, Karagwe            Unite Table
     Diocese, to build an agri-business college
     in Karagwe Tanzania, among other things;
     Serves as board member of Director for
     Axis Medical Centerin Minneapolis, MN - a
                                                     2022 Churchwide Assembly
     not-for-profit organization which provides
     medical/healthcare services to low income
                                                     Alternate Voting Members
     communities in Minneapolis.                     Rev. Kaitlyn Forster
     Other:                                          Demographics:
     “I’m a leader of a small mostly immigrant       Minister of Word and Sacrament; Female;
     Swahili speaking church in Minneapolis, MN.     Caucasian
     We love and serve God through caring for        Congregation/Conference:
     one another. I believe in faith by action and   Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Maple Grove;
     is passionate about education, mentoring        Northwest Hennepin Conference
     youth, racial equity and social justice in      Vocation/Employment:
     general both in and outside of the church.”     Associate Pastor at Lord of Life
                                                     Church Leadership:
     Ms. Emma Weilage                                Leading worship, pastoring people, and
     Demographics:                                   engaging in the ministry at Lord of Life.
     Lay leader; Youth; Female; Asian                Other:
     Congregation/Conference:                        “I’m a pastor, spouse, and mom of 2, who
     Faith-Lilac Way Lutheran Church,                loves exploring the places where God is
     Robbinsdale; Northwest Hennepin                 calling. I enjoy wrestling with policies and
     Conference                                      guiding documents to give compassion and
     Vocation/Employment:                            structure to our shared life together.“
     Student at Armstron High School
     Church Leadership:                              Rev. Jodi Barry
     Youth representative and member of the          Demographics:
     internship committee                            Minister of Word and Sacrament; Female;
     Community Leadership:                           Caucasian
     Fundraiser coordinator for Girls United;        Congregation/Conference:
     softball; Best Buddies; NHS; and                Grace University Lutheran Church,
     environmental club                              Minnneapolis; Central Conference
     Other:                                          Vocation/Employment:
     “Somethings about me are that I like to go      Chaplain - Abiitan Mill City (Ecumen)
     hammocking, camping, and biking. I also like    Church Leadership:
     to try new foods around Minneapolis.”           As needed
                                                     Community Leadership:
                                                     Mom’s Demand Action - Faith Community
37                                                   Liason (NE Chapter)
NOMINEES (cont.)
Other:                                           Rev. Brian Mundt
“I am strongly committed to the work of          Demographics:
the ELCA and specifically the Minneapolis        Minister of Word and Sacrament; Male;
Synod. It is wise for the church and synods      White
to make use of specialized ministers unique      Congregation/Conference:
skill set, especially in light of the pandemic   Richfield Lutheran Church; Crosstown
and the many (unmet) mental health needs         Conference
of ELCA members.”                                Vocation/Employment:
                                                 Lead Pastor at Richfield Lutheran
Mr. Paul Mikelson                                Church Leadership:
Demographics:                                    Spiritual Director
Lay leader; Male; Caucasian                      Other:
Congregation/Conference:                         “I am honored to be nominated as an
 Valley of Peace Lutheran Church, Golden         alternate clergy voting member from the
Valley; Northwest Hennepin Conference            South Minneapolis Conference. I live in
Vocation/Employment:                             the King Field Neighborhood of south
Retired                                          Minneapolis. The only other time I’ve been
Church Leadership:                               to a Churchwide Assembly was in 2016,
Vice Chair, MAS Candidacy Committee              when I was a voting member from the
Community Leadership:                            Northwest Synod of Wisconsin to the CWA
Habitat for Humanity, Noble School Reading       in New Orleans. These are powerful times
Tutor, Loaves & Fishes                           to be the church and to grace-fully walk
Other:                                           with our neighbors.”
“My grandfather was an ordained minister
in the Lutheran Free Church; I have been
                                                 Ms. Eliza Thompson
a lifelong Lutheran, attended a Lutheran
College (Augsburg) and have always been
                                                 Lay leader; Female; White; Young Adult
active in my local congregation.”
                                                 Bethlehem Lutheran Church; South
Rev. Susan Engholm                               Minneapolis Conference
Demographics:                                    Vocation/Employment:
Minister of Word and Sacrament; Female;          “Current 4th year medical student at
White                                            Washington University in St. Louis. After
Congregation/Conference:                         graduation this spring, I will be a resident
 Trinity Lutheran Church, Watertown;             in internal medicine at the Mayo Clinic in
Southwest Conference                             Rochester MN. I love studying medicine
Vocation/Employment:                             and I am so excited to continue my work
Pastor, on leave from call                       learning how to heal and connect with
Church Leadership:                               others.”
Preaching, spiritual direction                   Church Leadership:
Other:                                           “Long time member at Bethlehem Lutheran
“I am delighted to have the opportunity to       since my baptism. Even from St. Louis, I
serve as an alternate voting member! I have      continue to be active at Bethlehem through
been a pastor for 18 years and a part of this    weekly participation in Adult Bible Study
synod for the past 6 years.”                     over Zoom. When we are able, (pandemic
                                                 or otherwise) I also like to volunteer as
                                                 assisting minister. I have been active in
                                                 VBS throughout my life, assisting my
                                                 brother as he leads our Lutefisk dinner,
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