2022-2023 INTERNATIONAL - Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Page created by Henry Richardson
2022-2023 INTERNATIONAL - Saskatchewan Polytechnic
2022-2023 INTERNATIONAL - Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Welcome to

Saskatchewan Polytechnic is the leading publicly funded post-secondary technical and
skills training institute in Saskatchewan, recognized around the world for our international
engagement and development projects. With campuses located in the province’s four largest
cities, we offer career-focused, applied education and research opportunities.
More than 80 degree, diploma and certificate programs offered to international students lead
to rewarding careers in business, information technology, health, mining, transportation and
other sectors. With our consistently high graduate employment rate and a global reputation
for innovative, industry-focused programming, Saskatchewan Polytechnic will help you excel
in your future career.

                                        “I learned that Sask Polytech is one of the best and the most
                                          diversified colleges in Canada. It offers quality education
                                          in a challenging yet student-friendly environment.”
                                          eenu John - Electronic Systems Engineering
                                         Technology – Diploma

Table of Contents
                                                    PROGRAM LISTING
1    Message from the President and CEO             12 School of Business                             20	School of Mining, Energy               30 Admission Requirements
2    Why Saskatchewan?                              14 Joseph A. Remai School of Construction             and Manufacturing                      34 Becoming a Student / How to Apply
4    Why Canada?                                    15 School of Health Sciences                      23	School of Natural Resources            36 Program Index
6    Why Saskatchewan Polytechnic?                  16 School of Hospitality and Tourism                  and Built Environment
8    Student Supports                               17	School of Human Services and                  24 School of Nursing
10   English Language Proficiency                       Community Safety                              25 School of Transportation
11   Transfer Agreements                            18	School of Information and                     26 Post-graduate Programs
11   Co-operative Education                             Communications Technology                     28 Bundled Programs

         Serving campuses in Treaty 4 Territory, Treaty 6             All of the photos in this publication feature Saskatchewan Polytechnic students, alumni and staff.
         Territory and Homeland of the Métis People.                  Photos in this publication were taken pre-COVID-19.
2022-2023 INTERNATIONAL - Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Message from the President and CEO

Located in the beautiful Canadian province of
Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Polytechnic is a leader
in hands-on learning, applied research and strong
partnerships with business and industry. With an array
of globally recognized programs, the institution plays
an essential role across Saskatchewan and Canada,
with many graduates holding key positions in the
public and private sectors.
As a leader in innovation and applied research, we
draw on faculty expertise to support businesses and
communities, and to provide students the opportunity
to develop critical thinking skills through real-world
experience with R&D and innovation. We cater to
learners of all backgrounds and ages who choose
to build their skillsets and achieve their goals in the
complex 21st century post-pandemic reality.
Each year, international students from many countries
choose Saskatchewan Polytechnic to complete
post-graduate certificates, degrees, diplomas and
certificates, leading to successful careers. A great deal
of our success is due to our commitment to fostering
an open and inclusive environment which embraces
diverse cultures, heritages and opinions. This is one of
the institution’s greatest strengths.
At Saskatchewan Polytechnic, we are passionate
about creating an environment where lifelong learners
are able to gain the knowledge, skills and abilities to
achieve and succeed at work, in their communities, and
in life. We know that by empowering learners to realize
their aspirations throughout their learning journey, we
are helping to build a better world.
We recognize choosing a post-secondary institution
when studying abroad is one of the most important
decisions that you will make. I am confident that
Saskatchewan Polytechnic will help you achieve your
education and career goals and open the door to a
world of possibilities.

Dr. Larry S. Rosia

       Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023   1
2022-2023 INTERNATIONAL - Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Why Saskatchewan?                                                                                                                                             Pictured:

                  Saskatchewan is a destination
                  with opportunity.
                  Our economy is diverse, our quality of life is excellent, and our
                  educational standards are high. As a student, you will live in safe,                                   “I selected Saskatchewan for its polytechnic college. I had
                                                                                                                           researched about the colleges and education system in
                  welcoming communities and meet people from around the world.                                             Canada and was aware of the advantages of polytechnic
                  Enjoy four seasons of fun activities. Explore amazing landscapes,                                        education as compared to other colleges and universities.”
                  from vast golden plains to pristine lakes and peaceful boreal forests.                                  Harsh Agrawala - Mining Engineering Technology – Diploma
                  The spectacular northern lights will amaze you at night.

       Graduate Retention Program                                                          Saskatchewan                    Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot
       The Graduate Retention Program (GRP) provides a rebate up to $20,000 of             Immigrant Nominee               (RNIP) in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
       tuition fees paid by eligible graduates who live in Saskatchewan and who file       Program (SINP)                  This is a community-driven program. It is designed
       a Saskatchewan income tax return. Learn more at www.saskatchewan.ca/                The SINP has a sub-category     to spread the benefits of economic immigration to
       residents/education-and-learning/graduate-retention-program.                        for students who graduate       smaller communities by creating a path to
                                                                                           from a recognized post-         permanent residence for skilled foreign workers
                                                                                           secondary institution in        who want to work and live in one of the
       Health Benefits                                                                     Saskatchewan. Learn more at     participating communities. Learn more at
       International students who come to Canada directly from another country             www.saskatchewan.ca/            www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-
       are eligible to receive coverage in Saskatchewan upon arrival. All new              residents/moving-to-            citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/rural-
       residents must register themselves and their dependents for a Saskatchewan          saskatchewan.                   northern-immigration-pilot.html and at
       Health Card to receive health benefits. Learn more at www.ehealthsask.ca.                                           www.moosejawrnip.ca.

2   Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023
2022-2023 INTERNATIONAL - Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Saskatchewan’s unemployment rate was the                                   The province has seen record population, employment,
   6.6%            lowest in Canada (6.6% as of April 2021).                                  investment and export growth in the past decade.
                   (Source: Saskatchewan.ca)                                                   (Source: Saskatchewan.ca)

                                                                                              Saskatoon is one of the top biotechnology centers in the
                   Saskatchewan is Canada’s sunniest province.                                world and home to the Vaccine and Infectious Disease
                   (Source: Saskatchewan Research Council)                                    Organization (VIDO).
                                                                                               (Source: tourismsaskatoon.com/meetings/why-saskatoon)

                                                                                              Saskatchewan’s Growth Plan for 2020–2030: a growing
                   20 minute average commute.
                   (Source: thinksask.ca)
                                                                                              province and a strong economy with 100,000 more jobs.
                                                                                              (Source: Saskatchewan.ca)

     Cost of Living in Saskatchewan                                              Although the cost of living varies according to an individual’s
                                                                                 lifestyle, the average cost of living for a student (excluding
     Saskatchewan has a high standard of living. The average family
                                                                                 tuition and learning material costs) is estimated at around
     income is higher than the Canadian average while the cost of
                                                                                 $1,200 per month. (www.collegedunia.com/canada/article/
     living is quite affordable by Canadian standards. Housing costs
     are among the lowest in Canada (www.canadavisa.com).

                                                              Accommodation,                 Local transportation:                      Miscellaneous:
     Approximate expenses per month are:                      utilities, food:               $85                                        $310

                                                             4 Cities, 4 Campuses
                                                             Our campus cities offer every
                                                             amenity that students could
                                                               need, including shopping
                                                                 malls, public libraries,
                                                             recreation complexes, movie
                                                                 theatres, art galleries,
                                                                museums, public parks,
                                                               grocery stores, swimming
Prince Albert                    Saskatoon                     pools and easy access to        Regina                                Moose Jaw
                                                                  health care facilities.

                                                                                                                           Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023   3
2022-2023 INTERNATIONAL - Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Why Canada?                                                                                                                         Pictured: Grasslands
                                                                                                                                                    National Park Dark
                                                                                                                                                       Sky Preserve

                  Canada is a great place to live, study, work and play.
                  Canada is the number 1 Country in the World, according to the 2021 Best Countries Report! We also rank number 1 in quality of life
                  and social purpose. Canada is perceived as having a good job market, caring about human rights, and is committed to social justice.
                  We are proud of our hospitality, our affordable, high-quality education, and our reputation for welcoming immigrants.

4   Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023
2022-2023 INTERNATIONAL - Saskatchewan Polytechnic
“I think Canada is an ideal destination for study abroad and opportunities to work after graduation.
                                          The government of Canada values its relationship with international students. You will benefit
                                          from a world-class education, and lots of experiences for your future careers. Another reason
                                          why I choose Canada is its multiculturalism and welcoming community.”
                                         Ngo Thuy Duong - Hotel & Restaurant Management – Diploma

Canada consistently ranks as one of the best                                                 Our air is consistently ranked among the cleanest in the
countries in the world—and is currently the                                                  world, according to the World Health Organization.
#1 best country for quality of life.                                                         (Source: Canada.ca)
(Source: usnews.com)

                                                                                             Canada is considered one of the safest countries
Canada is the most educated country globally.
(Source: worldpopulationreview.com)
                                                                                             in the world for international students.
                                                                                             (Source: educanada.ca)

96% of international students recommend                                                      The average cost of studies and living expenses for
Canada as a study destination.
(Source: CBIE International Student Survey, 2018)
                                                                                $            international students is lower than in other top student
                                                                                             destinations — the UK, the U.S., and Australia.
                                                                                             (Source: bachelorsportal.com)

                                                                                                                         Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023   5
2022-2023 INTERNATIONAL - Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Why Saskatchewan Polytechnic?
                Saskatchewan Polytechnic is the first choice for post-secondary technical and vocational skills training in the province of Saskatchewan.
                Our programs are based on labour market needs. Our curriculum is developed through consultation with industry. Our graduates have a
                high level of knowledge, skills, and practical experience.

                                                   Strong industry connection                                               Grads are in demand
                                            Saskatchewan Polytechnic not only develops curriculum               There is a reason why Saskatchewan Polytechnic has a
                                            in consultation with employers, but we ensure that it               consistently high grad employment rate, and why we
                                            is up-to-date and relevant through program advisory                 score top marks with employers. Our focus on applied
                                            committees. About 700 representatives lend their                    learning develops marketable skills that prepare you
                                            expertise to these committees, which include employers,             to contribute from Day 1 on the job. The blend of
                                            practitioners, and grads.                                           knowledge, skills and experience you will acquire here
                                                                                                                is a big advantage in today’s job market.

                                                          94% of employers would hire a                                      92% employment rate within six months
                                                          Saskatchewan Polytechnic grad again.                               to one year of graduation

                80+ programs available                                                           Hands-on learning                                       Strength in applied research
               to international students                                         Approximately two-thirds of our programs offer a                   Students are encouraged and supported by faculty
                                                                                 work-integrated learning component to gain real-                   to partner with business, industry and the community
      We offer degrees, diplomas and certificates that                           world experience. Depending on your program,                       on applied research projects that provide real world
      lead to rewarding careers in business, information                         you will reinforce your skills through labs, clinical              solutions to today’s challenges. Learn more at
      technology, health, mining, transportation and other                       placements, field investigations, outdoor camps,                   saskpolytech.ca/research.
      sectors of the economy. Many of our programs                               machinery time, workplace practicums and/or
      let you put your credential toward a professional                          co-op work terms.
      designation, advanced professional standing or
      university degree.

                                                                                                                                                (Source: 2019-2020 Saskatchewan Polytechnic Annual Report)

6   Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023
2022-2023 INTERNATIONAL - Saskatchewan Polytechnic
93% of graduates are satisfied to
very satisfied with program quality.

                                       Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023   7
2022-2023 INTERNATIONAL - Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Student Supports
                         At Saskatchewan Polytechnic, we realize there is more to your education than what takes place in the classroom or on work placements.
                                    Our thoughtful services are here to assist you from application to graduation, for your best educational journey!

                                As in all countries of the world, Canada has laws and regulations
                                governing international visitors who are temporarily within its
                                borders. We know these laws and regulations can be complex.
                                Sask Polytech is here to help. Your international student advisor                    Sask Polytech campuses in Prince Albert, Regina and
                                can help with questions and access to information you need to                        Saskatoon offer childcare centres. Each centre accommodates
                                understand and fulfill your immigration requirements. For more                       children of various ages in a safe and friendly environment.
          Immigration           about immigration requirements and life in Saskatchewan, visit our   Child Care
           Guidance             International Student Guide at saskpolytech.ca/programs-and-

                                The Student Life Office contributes to the vibrant and                               Before starting your program, we will provide an informative,
                                student-centered campus environment for the full cycle of a                          activity-filled orientation session to help you prepare for
                                student’s experience at SaskPolytech. The Student Life Office                        your upcoming year. You will meet your international student
                                is responsible for creating a welcoming atmosphere for all                           advisor and receive specific information to help you adjust
                                students and for helping students navigate the non-academic                          to life in Canada. You will also take part in welcome activities
                                aspects of their polytechnic experience, particularly in their                       organized by Sask Polytech and your students’ association.
          Student Life          first year, and engagement initiatives that support students                         These activities are designed to help you meet fellow students,
                                                                                                     Orientation     get to know the campus and learn about the many student
                                throughout the year.
                                                                                                                     supports and activities available.

                                If you are looking for an apartment, room and board or shared
                                accommodations, housing registries are available at each
                                                                                                                     In addition to Saskatchewan health care, all students are
                                campus and can be accessed from our website. Students
                                                                                                                     eligible for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Students’
                                attending our Regina campus might also have the option of
                                                                                                                     Association Health and Dental plan. The plan will help you
                                living in residence at the nearby University of Regina campus.
                                                                                                                     save on health and dental care expenses, including eye
                                Students in Saskatoon can live with a Canadian family while
                                                                                                      Health &       care, dental care, and prescription drugs. Learn more at
                                completing their studies by applying to the Canada Homestay
             Housing                                                                                                 mystudentplan.ca/saskpolytech/en/home.
                                Network. Learn more at saskpolytech.ca/student-services/             Dental Plan

8   Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023
• C
                                                                                                     ounselling services are available to all Saskatchewan Polytechnic students
                    Students may experience challenges and stressors within their
                                                                                                    free of charge. Each appointment is private, confidential and is tailored to the
                    academic and personal life. As a Saskatchewan Polytechnic student,
                                                                                                    needs of the client.
                    you can access a variety of services related to health and wellness.
                    Learn more at saskpolytech.ca/wellness.                                       • F
                                                                                                     itness and Recreation: Through a combination of on-campus facilities and
                                                                                                    online programming, we offer group fitness, intramurals, yoga, personal
                    • A
                       ccessibility Services: We are committed to providing equal access
                                                                                                    consultations as well as use of cardio and strength training equipment.
                      for students with accessibility needs. Accessibility Services identify
                      learning needs and implement program accommodations to                      • H
                                                                                                     ealth Services: As a Saskatchewan Polytechnic student, you can access a
    Wellness          support student success.                                                      registered nurse conveniently and confidentially at any of our main campuses.
                                                                                                    Whether you are feeling stressed out, need treatment or require specific health
                                                                                                    information, come and visit a health nurse.

                    Learning Services provides support and guidance to all                                          Connecting Saskatchewan Polytechnic students, graduates
                    students throughout their experience at Saskatchewan                                            and employers is our mission. Services include individual and
                    Polytechnic. Our team is dedicated to student success                                           group sessions on resumé and cover letter writing, effective
                    and supporting the transition into Canadian culture and                                         interviewing and presentation skills, succeeding in the Canadian
                    the Canadian academic environment. Students can attend                                          workplace and planning your career path. We also provide
                                                                                                                    career fairs, updates on labour market trends, and access to job
Learning Services   workshops throughout the year or book one-on-one                             Career &
                    appointments if you need additional support in writing, math                                    search tools. We are a direct link to your future employers and
 and Language                                                                                   Employment          provide you with opportunities to gain first-hand knowledge
                    and in your program subject areas. Our language specialists
    Support         can help with technical language support and study skills.                   Services           of various career opportunities. Visit our Employment Services
                                                                                                                    Coordinators at each campus.

                                                                                                                       The Co-op coordinator responsible for international
                    Saskatchewan Polytechnic offers student awards                                                     students works with students, faculty and employers
                    for every full-time certificate, diploma and degree                                                to ensure that issues specific to International students
                    program at every campus. International students                                                    are addressed. Through workshops, online learning,
                    are eligible for all scholarships and awards based on                      Co-op Coordinator,      consultation with industry and students, the Co-op
                    academic achievement. Learn more and apply online
                                                                                                  International        coordinators strive to ensure that international students
 Student Awards     at saskpolytech.ca/scholarships.                                                                   achieve a successful outcome within the Co-op program.

                    Our energetic students’ association represents student
  Saskatchewan      interests and offers students opportunities to participate in
                    activities on campus. The students’ association offers services
   Polytechnic      such as advocacy and representation, legal services, health,
    Students’       and dental plan services, and many more. All students
   Association      enrolled in Sask Polytech programs and courses
                    are automatically members of the students’ association.

                                                                                                                                       Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023   9
English Language Proficiency
     Saskatchewan Polytechnic welcomes all international students. We offer English language
     support to help you achieve success in your program.                                                 Recognized English Language Proficiency Tests
     All our programs are taught in English. To be admitted, you need to be able to                       Canadian Academic English Language Assessment (CAEL CE, Online)
     understand, speak, read, and write in English. If your first language is not English,
     you will be required to provide evidence of English Language Proficiency (ELP). Please               Canadian Test of English for Scholars and Trainees (CanTEST)
     refer to our English Language Proficiency Requirements at
     saskpolytech.ca/englishlanguagerequirements.                                                         Duolingo English Test

                                                                                                          International Baccalaureate (IB) English

                                                                                                          IELTS, Academic Module
     English for Academic Purposes
     Saskatchewan Polytechnic has formalized a partnership                                                Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic)
     with CultureWorks ESL, a top private English as a
     Second Language school, to deliver our English for                                                   TOEFL – Internet-based / Paper-based
     Academic Purposes (EAP) courses. The partnership
     offers an unprecedented level of academic support to international students through                  University of Cambridge Assessment English
     on-campus language preparation courses (expected in January 2022) and online English
     language courses with live classes.
     Our academic English programs through CultureWorks are focused on what matters most:
     your success. We help you gain communication skills - reading, writing, listening and                              Level            IELTS          # of Weeks       Tuition
     speaking - and the cultural knowledge needed to thrive in our academic environment at Sask
     Polytech. Students who are academically admissible to Sask Polytech but require English                            CW L1          Below 4.0         8 weeks         $3,765
     language preparation will be admitted conditionally to Sask Polytech through CultureWorks.
     How to Qualify for EAP                                                                                Pre-EAP
                                                                                                                        CW L2             4.0            8 weeks         $3,765

     • Apply to a First Qualified First Admitted (FQFA) Sask Polytech post-secondary program.
                                                                                                                        CW L3             4.5             8 weeks        $3,765
         Note: English for Academic Purposes may not be an option for students applying to programs
         with specific English requirements. See English Language Requirements for applicable programs.
                                                                                                                        CW L4      5.0 (no band
Transfer Agreements                                                                  Co-operative Education
Get Credit for Saskatchewan Polytechnic Learning                                     Co-operative education is one of Sask Polytech’s strengths. It is
                                                                                     a proven, practical system of career education that gives you an
Get credit at another post-secondary institution (or in another                      opportunity to apply classroom theory to a real-world career.
Sask Polytech program) for programs or courses you have taken at                     Many of our programs have a co-operative education component.
Sask Polytech.
                                                                                     The Benefits
Take the 2 + 2 strategy. Earn a Sask Polytech diploma in your program
of choice in just two years. Then, transfer your credits to an eligible              • Earn while you learn! Co-operative work terms are paid—
university and earn a degree with just two more years of study. You’ll                  you earn a wage while gaining experience in your chosen field.
get two years of practical, hands-on, career-focused learning followed               • Real world experience. Put classroom learning to work in a
by two years of theoretical classroom learning. It’s a smart way to use                 real work environment. The practical, hands-on experience you
Sask Polytech as a stepping stone to higher education.                                  gain will give you a competitive edge in the job market.
Some partner institutions:                                                           • Test drive your career. Working in your chosen field while you are
• University of Saskatchewan             •   University of Regina                       still in school is an opportunity to “test drive” your chosen career.
• University of Alberta		                •   University of New Brunswick             • Develop “soft skills.” From job interviewing to interpersonal
• University of Lethbridge		             •   Thompson Rivers University                 communication, having strong “soft skills” is critical in today’s
• Athabasca University		                 •   Royal Roads University                     job market.
• Queen’s University                                                                 • Develop a network of employer contacts. Depending on your
Review full list at saskpolytech.ca/admissions/resources/transfer-                      co-operative education placements, you can develop a strong
credit-at-other-institutions.aspx                                                       network of potential employers and increase your chances of
                                                                                        landing a job in your career before you finish your program.
Learn more at saskpolytech.ca/getcredit.
                                                                                     • The hours you work in Co-op terms may be considered eligible work
           Look for this symbol in the program charts denoting                         experience if you plan to apply to the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee
            programs with a 2+2 transfer agreement.                                     Program (SINP) (Student category) upon graduation .
                                                                                     Learn more at saskpolytech.ca/programs-and-courses/co-operative-

                              “I was impressed with how co-op terms were arranged              Look for this symbol in the program charts denoting programs
                                in the accounting program at Sask Polytech. This                with a Co-operative Education component.
                                arrangement provided students with more chances to
                                apply for jobs to gain hands-on experience.
                                My Co-op coordinator was a great bridge between my
                                employers and me. She did her best to support
                                me from the time I applied for jobs and during my
                                Co-op term. Whenever I needed help, I could always
                                reach out to her for advice!”
                               Ngo Hoang Khanh Dan - Business Accounting – Diploma

                                                                                                                       Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023   11
School of Business
     Business skills give you a competitive edge – wherever you’re steering your career.

     Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Business students are tomorrow’s accountants, financial officers, marketing managers, insurance brokers, human resources
     specialists, executive assistants and entrepreneurs. Our programs let you call the shots, whether you’re looking for a great grounding in business basics,
     specialized training or career advancement.


Program Name & Details                               Estimated      Overview                                                                           Sample Career                NOC Code1 and
                                                     1st year                                                                                          Titles                       NOC Earning Potential2
                                                     Tuition & Fees
Business diploma specialties
Accountancy - Diploma                                $16,500       Accounting is often called the language of business. Those who speak the            Staff Accountant             Financial Auditors and           $42,700 - $120,000
Program Duration: 2 years | 4 semesters                            language are in demand in today’s global economy. Saskatchewan                                                   Accountants (1111)
                                                                   Polytechnic’s Business Accountancy program provides a practical focus to            Tax Auditor                  Financial Auditors and           $42,700 - $120,000
(3 years | 7 semesters for Co-op)
                                                                   specialized training in the accounting field. On graduation, you will receive                                    Accountants (1111)
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw, Saskatoon                          advanced standing towards Canada’s professional accounting designation-
(streaming), flexible learning (online and remote)                 Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA). And having the right credentials           Accounting Technician        Accounting Technicians           $33,300 - $74,900
                                                                   is essential for building an upwardly mobile career as an accountant, auditor                                    and Bookkeepers (1311)
                                                                   or financial analyst.
                                                                   The financial services industry is evolving to meet the demands of a more           Financial Advisor            Financial Managers (0111)        $73,100 - $150,500
Financial Services - Diploma                         $16,500
                                                                   diverse client base. That’s creating exciting new career opportunities for future
Program Duration: 2 years | 4 semesters                                                                                                                Account Manager              Banking, Credit and Other        $62,400 - $149,800
                                                                   generations. Our Business Financial Services program is designed to meet                                         Investment Managers (0122)
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw, some flexible                      actual marketplace needs as identified by our financial services advisory board
learning (online and remote)                                       in conjunction with the Canadian Securities Institute. That means your              Small Business Advisor       Professional Occupations in      $41,600 - $106,700
                                                                   education matches evolving industry needs, which ensures you’re ready to                                         Business Management
                                                                   jump into the workforce as a management trainee upon graduation.                                                 Consulting (1122)

Human Resources - Diploma                            $16,500       No matter how high-tech the business, success or failure ultimately comes           Human Resources Manager      Human Resources Managers         $50,400 - $164,000
Program Duration: 2 years | 4 semesters                            down to one critical asset—people. All organizations need trained                                                (0112)
                                                                   professionals who know how to recruit, train, compensate, motivate and              Human Resources Consultant   Human Resources                  $51,500 - $115,100
(3 years | 7 semesters for Co-op)
                                                                   retain employees. Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Business Human Resources                                            Professionals (1121)
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw, flexible                           program provides the broad-based training you need to work in any sector,
learning (online and remote)                                       from health care to manufacturing. Build a career as an HR manager,                 Payroll Administrator        Payroll Administrators (1432)    $37,500 - $67,700
                                                                   recruiter, labour relations consultant, compensation analyst, training
                                                                   coordinator, organizational developer or benefits administrator.

                                                     $16,500       It takes a unique combination of people skills and business savvy to succeed        Insurance Underwriter        Insurance Underwriters (1313) $29,000 - $83,600
Insurance - Diploma                                                in the insurance industry. Individuals, businesses, farms, charities,
Program Duration: 2 years | 4 semesters                                                                                                                Insurance Clerk              Banking, Insurance and        $33,300 - $62,900
                                                                   government agencies: all need to manage risk and protect against loss; all                                       Other Financial Clerks (1434)
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw, some flexible                      turn to insurance professionals for guidance. Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s
learning (online and remote)                                       Business Insurance program combines the knowledge and skills of a                   Insurance Broker             Insurance Agents and          $34,500 - $83,200
                                                                   business professional with courses specifically related to the property and                                      Brokers (6231)
                                                                   casualty insurance industry. At the end of the program, you’re ready to
                                                                   launch your career as a broker, agent, adjuster or underwriter.

Management - Diploma                                 $16,500       In a competitive business environment, strong management skills give you            Contract Administrator       Purchasing Managers (0113)       $42,500 - $146,800
                                                                   an edge in winning the best positions and promotions. Managers are vital to
Program Duration: 2 years | 4 semesters                                                                                                                Administrative Coordinator   Administrative Officers (1221)   $33,300 - $82,000
                                                                   any successful enterprise. The best ones are equal parts problem solvers,
(3 years | 7 semesters for Co-op)                                  organizers, communicators and team leaders. Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s              Financial Officer            Accounting Technicians           $33,300 - $74,900
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw, Prince Albert,                     Business Management program helps you hone your natural abilities, while                                         and Bookkeepers (1311)
flexible learning (online and remote)                              providing specialized knowledge and skills. On graduation, you’ll have a
                                                                   choice of career paths-administrative clerk, financial officer, management
     CO-OP EDUCATION        TRANSFER CREDIT                        trainee, merchandising manager and more.
12    Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023
Program Name & Details                               Estimated      Overview                                                                          Sample Career                     NOC Code1 and
                                                     1st year                                                                                         Titles                            NOC Earning Potential2
                                                     Tuition & Fees

Marketing - Diploma                                  $16,500        Marketing is one of the most multi-faceted and exciting careers in business       Advertising Account Manager       Professional Occupations in        $31,200 - $95,000
Program Duration: 2 years | 4 semesters                             today. It can involve everything from product research and development to                                           Advertising, Marketing and
                                                                    pricing, distribution and promotion. If you have the energy and ideas, the                                          Public Relations (1123)
(3 years | 7 semesters for Co-op)
                                                                    Business Marketing program can provide the knowledge and skills to get            Marketing Coordinator             Professional Occupations in        $31,200 - $95,000
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw, Saskatoon                           your career started as a marketing coordinator, assistant or representative in                                      Advertising, Marketing and
(streaming), flexible learning (online and remote)                  the retail, tourism, entertainment, technology, health, education, non-profit,                                      Public Relations (1123)
                                                                    industrial or financial sector.
    CO-OP EDUCATION        TRANSFER CREDIT                                                                                                            Purchasing Officer                Purchasing Agents and              $42,000 - $98,100
                                                                                                                                                                                        Officers (1225)

Bachelor of Applied Management -                     $19,500        The Bachelor of Applied Management (BAMgt) degree program provides                Manager, Information Services     Senior Managers - Health,       $55,300 - $210,900
                                                                    journeypersons and non-business diploma graduates with a unique                                                     Education, Social and
Degree                                                                                                                                                                                  Community Services and
                                                                    opportunity to leverage existing education and experience into a bachelor’s
Program Duration: 2 years | 4-5 semesters                           degree with only two years of additional study. The program provides                                                Membership Organizations
Program Location(s): Regina                                         theoretical knowledge and applied learning to help students build                                                   (0014)
                                                                    knowledge and skills in a wide range of leadership and management                                                   Senior Managers -               $28,300 - $322,000
                                                                    disciplines including accountancy, human resource management, business            Superintendent
                                                                                                                                                                                        Construction, Transportation,
                                                                    communications, strategic management, leadership development, business                                              Production and Utilities (0016)
                                                                    analytics, finance, change management, risk management, commercial law,
                                                                                                                                                      Continuous Improvement            Engineering Managers (0211) $85,100 - $168,100
                                                                    and economics.

Business Accountancy -                               $20,500        This post-graduate certificate program is designed to help students prepare       Financial Accountant              Financial Auditors and             $42,700 - $120,000
Post-Graduate Certificate                                           for the Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) designation. The program                                           Accountants (1111)
Program Duration: 1 year | 3 semesters                              was developed from the CPA competency map. Students will gain a deeper            Financial Auditor                 Financial Auditors and             $42,700 - $120,000
                                                                    understanding of accounting practices and principles, accounting                                                    Accountants (1111)
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw                                      management, taxation and commercial law as it relates to finances and
                                                                                                                                                      Accounting Technician             Accounting Technicians             $33,300 - $74,900
                                                                    accounting. You’ll develop the skills required to earn your CPA designation
                                                                                                                                                                                        and Bookkeepers (1311)
                                                                    and grow your accounting career.

Business Management -                                $17,500        The Business Management post-graduate certificate is a unique opportunity         Human Resources Administrator Human Resources                        $50,400 - $164,000
Post-Graduate Certificate                                           for professionals who want to advance their careers through the                                                 Managers (0112)
Program Duration: 1 year | 2 semesters                              development of leadership and management knowledge and skills. The                                              Purchasing Managers (0113)             $42,500 - $146,800
                                                                                                                                                      Logistics Manager
                                                                    program will prepare students with an existing bachelor’s or master’s degree
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw, Prince Albert                                                                                                         Administrative Supervisor     Supervisors, General Office            $34,400 - $100,100
                                                                    to assume leadership and managerial roles. You will develop skills and
                                                                    knowledge in fields of management, accounting, marketing, leadership,                                           and Administrative Support
                                                                    business communications and cross-cultural business practices.                                                  Workers (1211)

Entrepreneurship -                                   $17,500        The new one-year Entrepreneurship post-graduate certificate will give you         Restaurant Manager                Restaurant and Food                $30,200 - $72,100
Post-Graduate Certificate                                           the skills, the knowledge, even the beginnings of a professional network to                                         Service Managers (0631)
                                                                    launch your entrepreneurial career. What sets the Entrepreneurship program
Program Duration: 1 year | 2 semesters                                                                                                                Agricultural Manager              Retail and Wholesale               $37,500 - $120,000
                                                                    apart is our focus on relevant, real-world learning. Get the skills you need to
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw                                      effectively manage a business, from the basics of accounting and finance to                                         Trade Managers (0621)
                                                                    human resources, communication, marketing and leadership. Learn about             Store Operations Manager          Retail and Wholesale               $37,500 - $120,000
                                                                    social entrepreneurship and purpose-driven businesses, indigenous                                                   Trade Managers (0621)
                                                                    entrepreneurship and the role of technology in entrepreneurship.

Financial Services -                                 $17,500        Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Financial Services post-graduate certificate           Account Manager                   Banking, Credit and Other          $62,400 - $149,800
Post-Graduate Certificate                                           (FSPGC) program will provide students with the foundational knowledge                                               Investment Managers (0122)
Program Duration: 1 year | 2 semesters                              and skills to succeed. This program is designed to meet the growing need          Financial Sales and                                                  $33,100 - $83,200
                                                                                                                                                                                        Financial Sales
                                                                    for qualified intermediate-level planners and supervisors in the financial        Services Officer
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw                                      services sector, particularly in smaller cities. Courses provide specialized
                                                                                                                                                                                        Representatives (6235)
                                                                                                                                                      Financial Sales and
                                                                    knowledge and skills in banking, client relationships, consumer credit,                                             Financial Sales                    $33,100 - $83,200
                                                                                                                                                      Services Supervisor
                                                                    insurance, financial advising, income tax, investment funds, and more.                                              Representatives (6235)

                                                                    The one-year Project Management post-graduate certificate program                 Project Manager                   Computer and Information     $78,000 - $156,200
Project Management -                                 $17,500                                                                                                                            Systems Managers (0213)
                                                                    provides degree graduates with a strong foundation in essential project
Post-Graduate Certificate                                           management skills. Our curriculum has been developed with input from                                                                             $78,000 - $156,200
                                                                                                                                                      Team Leader                       Computer and Information
Program Duration: 1 year | 2 semesters                              industry stakeholders, which ensures students receive a relevant, work-                                             Systems Managers (0213)
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw                                      focused learning experience. Students will study the fundamentals of
                                                                                                                                                      Project Manager                   Construction Managers (0711) $58,300 - $136,900
                                                                    project management, project initiation and planning, project scheduling and
                                                                    budgeting, directing and managing project work, procurement and contract
                                                                    management, alternative methodologies for project management, as well as
                                                                    project closing and evaluation.

Supply Chain Management -                            $17,500        The Supply Chain Management post-graduate certificate provides students           Material Manager                  Purchasing Managers (0113)         $42,500 - $146,800
Post-Graduate Certificate                                           with the tools necessary to strategize solutions to complex situations and                                          Supervisors, Supply Chain,       $36,100 - $80,000
                                                                    develops competence in the areas of planning, sourcing, producing and             Freight Supervisor
Program Duration: 1 year | 2 semesters                                                                                                                                                  Tracking and Scheduling
                                                                    delivering products and services. The program will prepare students with an                                         Co-ordination Occupations (1215)
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw                                      existing bachelor’s degree in business or engineering to work in the supply       Warehouse Supervisor              Supervisors, Supply Chain,         $36,100 - $80,000
                                                                    chain management industry in public and private enterprise. Students will
                                                                    develop skills and knowledge in fields of procurement, negotiations,                                                Tracking and Scheduling
                                                                    leadership, logistics, risk management and information systems.                                                     Co-ordination Occupations (1215)

                                                                                                                                                                           Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023            13
Program Name & Details                          Estimated      Overview                                                                         Sample Career                 NOC Code1 and
                                                1st year                                                                                        Titles                        NOC Earning Potential2
                                                Tuition & Fees

Office Administration - Certificate             $15,000           Administrative assistant, administrative support staff, receptionist—         Administrative Support        Administrative Officers (1221)   $33,300 - $82,000
Program Duration: 1 year | 2 semesters                            graduates of Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Office Administration program         Executive Assistant
                                                                  work in a variety of positions and in many different office environments.                                   Executive Assistants (1222)      $50,000 - $85,000
Program Location(s): Prince Albert, Regina,                                                                                                     Administrative Assistant
                                                                  Saskatchewan Polytechnic provides practical, applied training in everything                                 Administrative Assistants        $33,200 - $66,700
flexible online learning                                          from accounting to word processing, with an emphasis on computer                                            (1241)

                                                                                                  Joseph A. Remai
                                                                                                  School of Construction
                                                                                                  If you enjoy working with your hands or you’re interested in
                                                                                                  building structures, consider a career in construction.

     There’s high demand for skilled construction tradespeople and architectural technologists, with competitive wages to match. Our programs can train you in
     every stage of building design and construction, from estimating, space planning and interior design to bricklaying and carpentry.

Program Name & Details                          Estimated      Overview                                                                         Sample Career                 NOC Code1 and
                                                1st year                                                                                        Titles                        NOC Earning Potential2
                                                Tuition & Fees

Bachelor of Construction                        $23,500           If you are a graduate of an Architectural or any Engineering Technologies     Assistant Construction        Construction Managers (0711) $58,300 - $136,900
Management - Degree                                               diploma, the Bachelor of Construction Management (BCM) degree                 Manager
                                                                  program offers you the opportunity to earn an after-diploma
Program Duration: 2 years | 4 semesters                                                                                                         Assistant Project Manager     Construction Managers (0711) $58,300 - $136,900
                                                                  baccalaureate degree with an additional two years of study. Graduates will
Program Location(s): Regina                                       be prepared for leadership roles in the growing heavy industrial,
                                                                                                                                                Project Document Controller   Production Logistics             $42,000 - $70,000
      TRANSFER CREDIT                                             commercial, engineering and construction industries. You will be actively                                   Co-ordinators (1523)
                                                                  engaged in managing the safe, timely and cost effective delivery of a
                                                                  broad range of projects in industries like construction, oil and gas,
                                                                  engineering, design, research and development and entrepreneurship.

Carpentry - Certificate                         $17,000           You’ll need more than a hammer and nails to be a carpenter in today’s         Framer                        Carpenters (7271)                $37,900 - $73,900
Program Duration: 1 year | 2 semesters                            construction industry. Carpentry is designed for people not currently
                                                                  working in the trade. The combination of classroom learning and practical     Concrete Former               Concrete Finisher (7282)         $41,600 - $68,700
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw, Prince Albert                     training prepares you to work in residential and commercial construction.
                                                                  Grads get jobs with general contractors, subcontractors and framing           Exterior/Interior Finisher    Construction Trades Helpers      $31,200 - $62,400
                                                                  contractors. Trade time and academic credit may be available for grads                                      and Labourers (7611)
                                                                  who find employment in the trade and register as apprentices.
14    Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023
School of Health Sciences
    Canada’s complex health care system, aging population
    and evolving medical technologies all add up to a growing
    demand for skilled health care workers.

    Health careers demand accuracy, attention to detail, manual dexterity, self-motivation, organizational skills, and empathy. Saskatchewan Polytechnic grads
    are answering that call. They can work as recreation therapists, recreation therapy assistant or become therapeutic recreation programmers. Explore a
    potential career road map here with the School of Health Sciences!

Program Name & Details                      Estimated      Overview                                                                        Sample Career                 NOC Code1 and
                                            1st year                                                                                       Titles                        NOC Earning Potential2
                                            Tuition & Fees

Therapeutic Recreation - Diploma            $18,000       A therapeutic recreation professional’s goals are to improve the quality of      Recreation Therapist          Other Professional              $42,600 - $83,200
Program Duration: 2 years | 5 semesters                   life, leisure functioning and health of clients through recreation and leisure                                 Occupations in Therapy
                                                          activities. Therapeutic recreation is a career that attracts outgoing, active                                  and Assessment (3144)
Program Location(s): Saskatoon, distance
                                                          individuals who like working with people of all abilities across the lifespan.
learning                                                  Career opportunities are diverse. You might work in a hospital as part of a      Therapeutic Recreation        Other Professional              $42,600 - $83,200
                                                          multidisciplinary health care team. You might also use your skills to            Programmer                    Occupations in Therapy
*There is an intake to this program every                                                                                                                                and Assessment (3144)
second year (odd numbered years only).                    improve the lives of clients in long-term care facilities, adult day programs,
                                                          rehabilitation centres, mental health and addictions, or community                                             Other Assisting Occupations
Next intake is September 2023.                                                                                                             Recreation Therapy                                            $28,800 - $58,300
                                                          agencies. Other areas include pediatrics, geriatrics, transitional care and                                    in Support of Health Services
                                                          more.                                                                            Assistant
      TRANSFER CREDIT                                                                                                                                                    (3414)

                                                                                                                                                           Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023     15
School of Hospitality and Tourism
     Saskatchewan Polytechnic will give you the practical training and knowledge
     you’ll need to succeed in a career in hospitality and tourism.

     Our Hospitality and Tourism programs will prepare you to work in an array of venues, including hotels, restaurants, resorts, schools, hospitals, recreation
     complexes and remote catering facilities, or in a business of your own.

Program Name & Details                          Estimated      Overview                                                                             Sample Career                 NOC Code1 and
                                                1st year                                                                                            Titles                        NOC Earning Potential2
                                                Tuition & Fees

Culinary Arts - Diploma                         $21,500           Turn your passion for food into a career. Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s              Kitchen Supervisor            Food Service Supervisors      $23,900 - $54,500
Program Duration: 2 years | 4 semesters                           Culinary Arts diploma program provides advanced culinary training in                                            (6311)
                                                                  everything from cooking principles and practices to cost control, menu
Program Location(s): Saskatoon                                                                                                                      Chef                          Chefs (6321)                  $27,100 - $63,400
                                                                  design and kitchen management. It’s the only two-year advanced culinary
                                                                  training program in Saskatchewan and it’s hands-on, fast-paced and                                              Chefs (6321)                  $27,100 - $63,400
                                                                                                                                                    Sous Chef
                                                                  cutting-edge. Build a career in restaurants, hotels, resorts, hospitals, clubs,
                                                                  corporate settings or your own business. You’ll earn academic credit and
                                                                  trade time toward becoming a Red Seal chef.

Food and Nutrition                              $15,500           Food and nutrition management is a multi-billion dollar global industry with      Certified Nutrition Manager   Restaurant and Food           $30,200 - $72,100
                                                                  a growing choice of career opportunities. Pursue a challenging career in the      (CNM)                         Service Managers (0631)
Management - Diploma                                              dynamic and growing health care and food service industries. With your
Program Duration: 2 years | 6 semesters                           knowledge of nutrition and food service, and your skills in business and          Nutrition Manager (NM)        Restaurant and Food           $30,200 - $97,100
Program Location(s): Saskatoon                                    human resources, you are prepared to work in the nutrition department of a                                      Service Managers (0631)
                                                                  hospital, long-term care facility, or other food or nutrition-related industry.                                 Food Service Supervisors
      TRANSFER CREDIT                                             Nutrition managers work as part of multidisciplinary teams and collaborate        Food Service Supervisor                                     $23,900 - $54,500
                                                                  with dietitians to ensure client nutritional needs are met.

                                                $15,000           All travelers want a nice home away from home. Hospitality professionals          Hotel General Manager         Senior Managers - Trade,      $27,000 - $258,300
Hotel and Restaurant                                              ensure this by making their businesses run smoothly. Hotel and Restaurant                                       Broadcasting and Other
Management - Diploma                                              Management provides a thorough background in the management of front                                            Services, N.E.C. (0015)
Program Duration: 2 years | 4 semesters                           office, housekeeping, catering, marketing and food and beverage functions.                                      Corporate Sales Managers      $48,900 - $164,300
                                                                                                                                                    Sales Manager
Program Location(s): Saskatoon                                    Students enjoy strong industry support through practicums, guest lecturers,                                     (0601)
                                                                  scholarships and input into curriculum. Many graduates work in supervisory
      TRANSFER CREDIT                                             and management positions, while others have gone on to operate their own          Restaurant Manager            Restaurant and Food           $30,200 - $97,100
                                                                  specialty restaurants.                                                                                          Service Managers (0631)

Recreation and Tourism                          $14,000           People today are hungry for authentic experiences. They want to live large        Manager Sport, Recreation     Recreation, Sports and Fitness   $35,400 - $115,100
Management - Diploma                                              and connect with a community, both at home and on their travels. Our              and Culture                   Program Service Directors (0513)
Program Duration: 2 years | 6 semesters                           revamped and reimagined Recreation and Tourism Management diploma                 Special Events Manager        Conference and Event             $35,500 - $88,100
Program Location(s): Saskatoon                                    program gives you the knowledge and skills you need to create, deliver and                                      Planners (1226)
                                                                  manage these experiences. Our grads are community leaders, industry               Community Development         Business Development Officers $40,400 - $130,000
      TRANSFER CREDIT                                             innovators, social entrepreneurs, and change-makers. Our well-rounded             Consultant                    and Marketing Researchers and
                                                                  curriculum lets you take your career in many directions: recreation, tourism,                                   Consultants (4163)
                                                                  sports, leisure development, facility management, special events and more.

Professional Cooking - Certificate              $20,000           Turn your love of food and entertaining into a career. Saskatchewan’s most        Chef                          Chefs (6321)                  $27,100 - $63,400
Program Duration: 1 year | non-semestered                         recognized culinary training program offers a comprehensive curriculum                                                                        $23,900 - $44,100
                                                                                                                                                    Cook                          Cooks (6322)
(9 months)                                                        and highly trained instructors who share their passion for professional
                                                                  cooking. Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Professional Cooking program                                                Food Counter Attendants,      $23,900 - $40,600
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw, Prince Albert                                                                                                       Kitchen Helper
                                                                  develops the skills and knowledge you need to join a team of culinary                                           Kitchen Helpers and Related
                                                                  professionals. Get hands-on experience in state-of-the-art commercial and                                       Support Occupations (6711)
                                                                  professional kitchens. Graduates have turned their passion for food
                                                                  preparation into careers as working chefs and cooks, kitchen managers,
                                                                  banquet chefs and sous chefs. Trade time and academic credit are available
                                                                  for graduates who find employment in the trade and register as cook
                                                                  apprentices to further their careers as journeyperson cooks.
16    Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023
School of Human Services
    and Community Safety
    If you’re looking to put your people skills into practice,
    start with Saskatchewan Polytechnic.

    Our Human Services and Community Safety programs can open the door to satisfying careers that will let you shine. Sask Polytech offers hands-on
    education in programs ranging from early childhood education, occupational health and safety, disability support and more. The choice is yours.

Program Name & Details                        Estimated      Overview                                                                         Sample Career                NOC Code1 and
                                              1st year                                                                                        Titles                       NOC Earning Potential2
                                              Tuition & Fees

Early Childhood Education - Diploma           $14,000       Early childhood educators enjoy engaging with children and families.              Early Childhood Educator      Early Childhood Educators    $24,000 - $47,100
Program Duration: 2 years | 4 semesters                     They have the necessary skills to create curriculum to support children’s                                       and Assistants (4214)
                                                            development in the early years of life. As a certified early childhood
Program Location(s): Prince Albert, Regina,
                                                            educator in Saskatchewan, your first job may be in a child care centre,
Saskatoon, distance learning                                preschool or a family child care home setting. A diploma in Early
                                                            Childhood Education expands your opportunities to include work with
                                                            infants and toddlers as well as children with diverse needs, as a child care
                                                            centre director or a community support worker in children’s programs.

                                                            Disability support workers believe every individual has a right to live life to   Disability Support Worker     Community and Social
Disability Support Worker - Certificate       $17,500
                                                            the fullest, and they are passionate about participation for all.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         $31,200 - $68,900
Program Duration: 1 year | 2 semesters                                                                                                                                      Service Workers (4212)
                                                            Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Disability Support Worker program prepares
Program Location(s): Saskatoon, distance                    you to support individuals with cognitive, emotional, learning and/or
learning                                                    physical disabilities. The flexible program lets you study on campus or by
                                                            distance learning, with practical experience provided in community-based
                                                            practicums. You’ll graduate with the knowledge and skills necessary to
                                                            work in a health care institution, educational setting, residential program,
                                                            adult vocational training centre or community-based agency.

Educational Assistant - Certificate           $15,000       Educational assistants work with classroom teachers to create inclusive                                         Elementary and Secondary     $33,300 - $56,200
                                                            learning environments. The Educational Assistant program prepares you to          Educational Assistant
Program Duration: 1 year | 3 semesters                                                                                                                                      School Teacher Assistants
                                                            work with children and youth who have diverse learning needs. Most                                              (4413)
Program Location(s): Saskatoon, distance                    Saskatchewan Polytechnic grads find jobs in traditional classroom settings in
learning                                                    elementary, junior high and high schools, but you could also work in resource
                                                            rooms, help with lunch and after-school programs, or find opportunities in
                                                            care facilities, youth centres and alternative education programs.

Occupational Health and Safety -              $20,000       Employers across the country must conform to occupational health and              Occupational Health and       Inspectors in Public and     $52,900 - $115,100
                                                            safety legislation. As legislation and standards become multifaceted,             Safety Officer                Environmental Health and
Certificate                                                 demand for qualified Occupational Health and Safety professionals grows.                                        Occupational Health and
Program Duration: 1 year | 3 semesters                      This program is a great fit if you’re looking to enter the Occupational Health                                  Safety (2263)
Program Location(s): Saskatoon, distance                    and Safety profession, are already working in occupational health and
learning                                                    safety and want to expand your career opportunities, or are considering or
                                                            preparing to challenge the Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP)
                                                            or Canadian Registered Safety Technician (CRST) exam.

                                              $17,000       Being able to connect with youth is a rare gift. If you have the gift,            Youth Care Worker             Community and Social         $31,200 - $68,900
Youth Care Worker - Certificate                             specialized training will help you transform young lives. There are job                                         Service Workers (4212)
Program Duration: 1 year | 2 semesters                      opportunities in many different settings—residential group homes,
Program Location(s): Saskatoon, distance                    emergency child and youth care, parenting and family support services,
learning                                                    foster care, youth justice, advocacy, community development, life skills
                                                            training and more.

                                                                                                                                                              Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023       17
School of Information and
     Communications Technology
     We live in a connected world, with a wealth of career options for
     those who embrace technology.

     Today’s digital economy needs people like you – creative minds, problem solvers, quick thinkers and technology buffs. Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s
     Information and Communications Technology programs can train you for a variety of positions, including computer network technician, web developer,
     library technician, graphic designer and media and recording technician.

Program Name & Details                             Estimated      Overview                                                                              Sample Career           NOC Code1 and
                                                   1st year                                                                                             Titles                  NOC Earning Potential2
                                                   Tuition & Fees

Business Information Systems -                     Mandatory         In business, technology is more than a tool — it’s a necessity. And that spells    Business Analyst        Information Systems Analysts $56,000 - $117,400
Diploma                                            Co-op - $17,500   opportunity for specialists in business information systems. As systems                                    and Consultants (2171)
                                                                     analysts, programmers, web developers and help desk technicians,                   Software Developer      Computer Programmers and $50,000 - $99,100
Program Duration: 2.5 years | 5 semesters
                                                                     specialists use their technical skill and business acumen to find solutions to                             Interactive Media Developers
Program Location(s): Moose Jaw, Regina                               challenging issues. It’s a great career option if you’re a self-motivated                                  (2174)
                                                                     individual who enjoys problem solving and working with technology.
     CO-OP EDUCATION         TRANSFER CREDIT                                                                                                            Web Developer           Web Designers and            $23,900 - $76,400
                                                                                                                                                                                Developers (2175)

Computer Systems                                                     Information technology is a field that is constantly evolving and innovating.      Mobile Application      Software Engineers and       $41,600 - $124,100
                                                   $19,500                                                                                              Programmer              Designers (2173)
Technology - Diploma                                                 Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Computer Systems Technology diploma
Program Duration: 2 years | 6 semesters                              program will help you gain skills in many computer related disciplines and         Computer Programmer     Computer Programmers         $50,000 - $99,100
Program Location(s): Regina, Saskatoon                               prepare you for an exciting career in the industry. Launch a career in                                     and Interactive Media
                                                                     interactive web development, mobile applications, systems analysis and                                     Developers (2174)
      TRANSFER CREDIT                                                design, local area network administration, program software and database           Network Administrator   Computer Network             $41,600 - $110,000
                                                                     solutions, hardware installation and configuration and more.                                               Technicians (2281)

                                                                                                                                                        Web Designer            Web Designers and            $23,900 - $76,400
Graphic Communications - Diploma                   $14,500           Graphic communications in the digital age is evolving in new directions …
                                                                                                                                                                                Developers (2175)
Program Duration: 2 years | 5 semesters                              and creating new opportunities. The Graphic Communications diploma
                                                                     program provides the conceptual and technical expertise necessary to build         Photographer            Photographers (5221)         $27,100 - $60,100
Program Location(s): Regina
                                                                     a career in the industry. Follow your passion — graphic design or printing.                                Graphic Designers and
                                                                     You’ll discover job opportunities in advertising agencies, commercial print        Graphic Designer                                     $31,200 - $60,700
                                                                                                                                                                                Illustrators (5241)
                                                                     shops, design firms, publishing agencies and more. Visit saskpolytech.ca to
                                                                     learn about the Canadian Printing Industry Association scholarship.

                                                                     Whether you’re interested in web design or interactive media, career               Media Developer         Computer Programmers         $50,000 - $99,100
Interactive Design and                             $17,500
                                                                     opportunities in new media are growing by leaps and bounds. Why not get                                    and Interactive Media
Technology - Diploma                                                 paid for doing what you love? Develop your creative talent in graphic, web                                 Developers (2174)
Program Duration: 2 years | 5 semesters                              and interactive design. Learn to create websites, design graphics, develop
                                                                                                                                                        Web Designer            Web Designers and            $23,900 - $76,400
Program Location(s): Regina, Saskatoon                               interactive media, create digital presentations and more. Hone your skills in                              Developers (2175)
*This program has one intake every two years on                     web and mobile technologies. Explore interests in photography, video, audio
                                                                     and 2D and 3D animation. Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Interactive Design             Graphic Designer        Graphic Designers and        $31,200 - $60,700
  odd-numbered years.                                                                                                                                                           Illustrators (5241)
                                                                     and Technology program provides a multi-faceted skill set on progressive
                                                                     media topics and software.

Library and Information                            $15,000           Whether managing resource centres or administering small libraries, library        Library Clerk           Library Assistants and       $26,700 - $56,800
Technology - Diploma                                                 and information technologists are point people on the information highway.                                 Clerks (1451)
Program Duration: 2 years | 6 semesters                              Library and Information Technology graduates enjoy a range of career
                                                                                                                                                        Library Assistant       Library Assistants and       $26,700 - $56,800
Program Location(s): Saskatoon                                       choices in school libraries, university and college libraries, resource centres,
                                                                                                                                                                                Clerks (1451)
                                                                     museums, public libraries, government departments, hospitals, law firms,
*This program has one intake every two years on                     consulting firms and more. You might start as a cataloguing technician or          Library Technician      Library and Public Archive   $28,400 - $72,800
  even-numbered years.                                               research assistant, then move up to supervisory positions.                                                 Technicians (5211)

18     Saskatchewan Polytechnic International Viewbook 2022-2023
You can also read