Page created by Ann Avila
                                                                   MP TO
                                                                      AN RY
                                                      DEC 2021/JAN 2022
                                                           Vol. 20 • No. 7


                                             MFG WITH NORTH AMERICAN STEEL & LABOR

                      PAGE 39      PAGE 40                               PAGE 38

                      PAGE 49      PAGE 47                               PAGE 40
Looking for a metal roof that won’t
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PUBLISHER’S LOG                                                                                                             By Gary Reichert

Good Things in ‘21 – Great Things in ‘22
        ear Readers, Advertisers, Friends       date on June 2nd and our show started          Pro Tips On: Your Post Frame Home, Pro
        and Competitors, 2021 is finally        June 4th. We also held the inaugural           Tips On: Your Horse Barn, and Pro Tips
        coming to a close. In many ways,        Garage, Shed & Carport Builder Show.           On: Your Portable Shed.
throughout the year we all felt like Charlie       We completely rebuilt all of our web-         We also are officially no longer tiny. We
Brown and Lucy was holding the foot-            sites from scratch and added a corporate       surpassed 100,000 active subscriptions
ball. It was 100% an interesting year, and      website: www.shieldwallmedia.com. Now          in November. To all of our subscribers:
I doubt any of us are sad to see it disappear   our sites are searchable, articles are for-    Thank you.
in the rear view mirror.                        matted to read comfortably on a phone            The world remains “interesting,” but
   Looking back, it wasn’t all bad. Sure,       or device, and they can be translated into     we keep moving forward. I am sure you
there were challenges; many (including          different languages, including Spanish.        are moving forward, too. If you have had
a general labor shortage and increased             We added a book division, with a series     any successes you would like to share, and
material and energy costs) will continue        called “Pro Tips On:” We will offer books      have us share, please send them to me at
into the foreseeable future. But there were     in the areas of construction we have writ-     gary@shieldwallmedia.com. Your hard
also many bright spots. A huge one was          ten about for decades that are designed        work and creativity deserve recognition
our industry was spared many of the more        to educate consumers and grow the mar-         and will serve as an inspiration to us here
dire effects from COVID and the associ-         ket share for our corner of the construc-      at Shield Wall Media and our family of
ated regulation. I would like to share a few    tion industry. The first book, Pro Tips        readers and advertisers. Let’s all go into
of the good things we have experienced          On: Your Metal Roof, will be available         2022 together and keep pushing forward.
this year here at Shield Wall Media.            in January and is 144 pages. Roofers can         Merry Christmas, happy anything else
   We had the second Construction               include their own contact information,         you choose to celebrate, and we will make
Rollforming Show, and were one of the           pictures and a brief history to use this as    2022 our year.
very first live shows when the pandemic         personalized sales literature. Subsequent        Gary Reichert
lessened. Cincinnati lifted its mask man-       books will be Pro Tips On: Your Carport,          gary@shieldwallmedia.com

EDITOR’S LOG                                                                                                              By Karen Knapstein

Hunting for Outstanding Metal Roofs
       reetings! It’s hard to believe this is   it’s time well invested!                       https://bit.ly/MetalROOF22. Fill out the
       the final edition of Metal Roofing           Looking forward to 2022, we’ve got a       form and email the case study back to me
       Magazine for 2021. It’s been a           busy year planned — as always! I truly         with a few clear, high resolution images,
whirlwind year. I truly hope you had            hope you will take advantage of some of        and we’ll take care of the rest. (Your proj-
more ups than downs ... and I don’t mean        our free editorial opportunities that are      ect may even be published as a Project of
just up a ladder.                               coming up. The May edition is our annu-        the Month. As an example, check out this
   We’re finishing out the year with the        al Idea Book. You may recall it is the issue   edition’s Project of the Month on page
Metal Roofing Buyers’ Guide. In it, you’ll      that is filled with metal roofing projects.    50.)
find dozens of suppliers and loads of           If you have recently completed a roof that       If space allows, we’ll publish a project
material profiles to inspire you and fill       you’re especially proud of, I hope you’ll      form in the next edition. We will also
some gaps in your supply chain. The             share it with us so we can share it with       have project forms available at the Frame
Buyers’ Guide section begins on page 24.        the rest of the Metal Roofing Magazine         Building Expo in Nashville (Jan. 18-20,
   As you’re reading through these pages,       readers. It’s a great way to show off what     Booth #706) and at the International
make sure you take in the snow retention        you can accomplish, thus promote your          Roofing Expo in New Orleans (Feb. 1-3,
white paper written by The Metal Roof           business, and it won’t cost you a cent.        Booth #3528). I hope to hear from you
Advisory Group’s Rob Haddock (page 12).         You only need to email (or mail) me            soon!
If you can, sit in on Haddock’s abbrevi-        the details (components used, location,          Until next time — be well.
ated Metal Roofing Systems course when          etc.). You can download a form from the        Karen Knapstein
they’re offered at trade shows. You’ll find     new Metal Roofing Magazine website at          karen@shieldwallmedia.com
WWW.READMETALROOFING.COM                                                                                                                  3

12: Snow Guard Systems
    • Technical Report: Snow guard placement
    • Points to consider when choosing guards
20: Metal Roofing On The Rise
    Report shows more homeowners
    choosing metal for roof replacements
24: Product Guide
    Supplier breakdown by product
27: Company Directory            Knowledge
                                                                                                                                                        Pro Tips ON
    Businesses that cater to the needs of

                                                                                                                                                     Your Metal
                                                                                                                       Pro Tips ON your metal roof

    metal roofing contractors
                                   There are many people looking to
                                 invest in easy living options. Having a

                                 metal roof shield your home is a great
                                 choice when seeking to invest in a long-
                                 term, low-maintenance solution. Metal
                                 roofs may cost more upfront, but they
                                 can be very cost effective over time. Pro

35: Product Profiles
                                 Tips On experts will tell you why.
                                   Pro Tips On: Your Metal Roof is an                                                                                 Edited by Tracy L. Schubert
                                 invaluable resource to help benefit your
                                 experience in metal roof installation.
                                 Experts share their knowledge to
                                 help consumers and contractors have
                                 meaningful conversations that in up

    A closer look at the products you can use
                                 with satisfied homeowners. Inspiration,
                                 creativity, facts vs. fiction clarifications
                                 are all included.

    to give your customers outstanding results
                                   • 144 Color Pages
                                   • More than XXXX Images
                                   • Written by industry experts
                                   • Checklist for customers to
                                     evaluate their roof needs
                                   • Gallery of beautiful, completed
                                     metal roof installations

55: Book Line Launched
                                   • Coverage of need-to-know basics
                                     including Shield Zone climate
                                     system guidance
                                   • Warranties protections explained
                                   • Beneficial contract inclusions

    ‘Pro Tips On’ de-mystifies
                                     ABOUT THE EDITOR:
                                     While new to the construction
                                     industry, Tracy L. Schubert is

    metal roofs for consumers
                                     a career book editor who has
                                     crafted more than 17 published
                                     books. She is looking forward
                                     to developing many more
                                     consumer-focused books in
                                     the Pro Tips On series.                    Images courtesy of Isaiah Industries

                                                                                                20                                                    35
Managing Editor
                                                                                                                                       Karen Knapstein

                                                                                                                                       Linda Schmid

                                                                                                                                       Barb Prill

                                                                                                                                       Digital Product and
                                                                                                                                       Data Engineer

                                                                                                                                       For help with online Classified Ads
                                                                                                                                       & the Business Directory contact:
                                                                                                                                       Steve Duberstein:

                                                                                                                                       Gary Reichert
    FEBRUARY/MARCH PREVIEW                                                                                                             gary@shieldwallmedia.com
    n Stamping Shingles n Attract, Train & Retain Labor
                                                                                                                                       Executive/Advertising Assistant
    n Product Feature: Flashing n Setting Up A Work Contract                                                                           Kathy Budsberg

                                                                                                                                       Sales Assistant
DEPARTMENTS                                                                                                                            Kathy Welk
                                                                                                                   CO IREC
                                                                                                                     MP TO
                                                                                                                         AN RY


     3   Editor’s Note
                                                                                                        DEC 2021/JAN 2022
                                                                                                             Vol. 20 • No. 7


     6   Supplier News                                                                                                                 Graphic Designers
    18   Business Connections                     2022 BUYERS’ GUIDE
                                                       PRODUCT PROFILES: METAL ROOFING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT
                                                                                                                                       Tom Nelsen, Kevin Ulrich

    59   Advertiser Index                                                                                                              METAL ROOFING MAGAZINE (ISSN: 1533-8711)
                                                                                               MFG WITH NORTH AMERICAN STEEL & LABOR

                                                                                                                                       (Volume 20, Issue 7) is published seven times
    50   Project of the Month                                                                                                          annually in February, April, May, June, August,
                                                                        PAGE 39      PAGE 40                               PAGE 38     October, and December by Shield Wall Media
                                                                                                                                       LLC, 150 Depot St, Iola, WI 54945. Periodical
                                                                                                                                       postage paid at Iola, WI, and at additional mailing
                                                                                                                                       offices. Canadian Agreement Number: 40665675.
ONLINE SERVICES:                                                        PAGE 49      PAGE 47                               PAGE 40     POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Metal
                                                                                                                                       Roofing Magazine, Barb Prill, PO BOX 255, Iola,
•   Metal Roofing Buyers’ Guide                                                                                                        WI 54945. Copyright 2021 Shield Wall Media
•   Subscribe FREE to Metal Roofing Magazine                                                                                           LLC. Metal Roofing Magazine and its logo are

•   Archived Stories                                                                                                                   registered trademarks. Other names and logos
                                                                                                                                       referred to or displayed in editorial or advertising
•   Subscribe to Roofers’ Express e-newsletter                                                                                         content may be trademarked or copyright. Metal
                                                 ON THE COVER:                                                                         Roofing Magazine assumes no responsibility
                                                 Don’t miss the Product                                                                for unsolicited materials sent to it. Publisher
                                                 Profiles from these featured                                                          and advertisers are not liable for typographical
                                                 companies, beginning on                                                               errors that may appear in prices or descrip-
                                                                                                                                       tions in advertisements. Mailed free to roofing
                                                 page 35: Beck America,
                                                                                                                                       contractors and their suppliers throughout North
                                                 ASC Machine Tools, Leland                                                             America. Others may subscribe: $29.98 for 1
         CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE @                 Industries, Marco Industries,                                                         year, $56.98 for 2 years, and $80.98 for 3 years.
      www.readmetalroofing.com                   Palram Americas, The Bradbury
         karen@shieldwallmedia.com               Cover design by Kevin Ulrich.

Cornerstone Building Brands Acquiring Union
Corrugating Holdings
   Union Corrugating Company Holdings, Inc. an indus-
try leader serving the residential, commercial, and agricul-
tural roofing and siding markets, announced Nov. 10 that
it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by
Cornerstone Building Brands, Inc. (NYSE: CNR). Cornerstone
Building Brands is the largest manufacturer of exterior build-
ing products for residential and low-rise non-residential build-
ings in North America.
  “We’re excited that Cornerstone Buildings Brands is acquir-
ing Union Corrugating Company and the Reed’s Metals
brands,” said Keith Medick, President and Chief Executive
Officer. “We are confident that this acquisition will benefit our
existing customers with access to an unmatched portfolio of
products and services. We’ve seen a lot of positive changes over
the years, and one thing remains the same, we are focused on
delivering quality products, superior service and value for our
customers. We’re excited to become a part of the successful
Cornerstone Building Brands team.”
   The acquisition is subject to regulatory approval and custom-
ary closing conditions and is expected to be finalized later this

Sheet Metal Supply Marks                       current trends in our industry continue,    Laddha, director, marketing — part-
30th Anniversary                               with metal being a very viable choice       ner programs at GAF. “We’re thrilled to
   Sheet Metal Supply Ltd. [www.sheet-         for both roofing and walls from both a      partner with ABC Supply to provide an
metalsupplyltd.com] recently celebrated        cost standpoint, and more importantly,      integrated solution where contractors
its 30th anniversary with an employee          an aesthetic and environmental/LEED         can access everything they need for a
gathering at the plant. “It’s been an excit-   position as well,” Ben Kweton said.         roofing job at their fingertips, including
ing 30 years, no doubt about that,” said                                                   a QuickMeasure roof report.”
Phil Kewton, Founder of Sheet Metal            ABC Supply Co. and GAF
Supply. “Through the years, we’ve              Collaborate                                 Majestic Steel USA Acquires
increased our product offerings, added            ABC Supply Co. Inc. [www.abcsup-         Merit Steel
staff and recently, we moved into a state-     ply.com] and GAF are joining forces to         Majestic Steel USA [www.majestic-
of-the-art 80,000 square foot facility in      give contractors easy access to aerial      steel.com], a Cleveland, Ohio-based dis-
Grayslake [Illinois]. We succeeded by          roof measurements through the myABC-        tributor and processor of flat-rolled steel,
using a very simple formula — Customer         supply app account. The collaboration       recently announced the acquisition of
First.”                                        allows ABC Supply customers to order a      Merit Steel USA. The company is a West
   Ben Kweton, CSI-EP, Vice President of       GAF QuickMeasure report, retrieve past      Coast-based steel service center.
Sheet Metal Supply, says the company’s         reports, and place materials orders with       The acquisition expands Majestic
first 30 years have been analogous to a        ABC Supply directly through the my          Steel’s footprint in the Western United
tree putting down solid roots and pro-         ABCsupply app.                              States.
viding a strong foundation upon which            “Contractors are looking for tools that     “We are happy to welcome Merit Steel
to grow stronger, branch out, and have         help streamline processes and gather        USA to the Majestic family,” said Todd
an occasional offshoot.                        accurate information quickly and eas-       Leebow, Majestic Steel President and
  “We certainly hope to see most of the        ily to meet customer needs,” said Vishal    CEO. “Merit has a strong reputation as

                                        ON TIME AND COMPLETE!
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8                                                                                 METAL ROOFING | DECEMBER 2021/JANUARY 2022
Rosie the Riveter Says...
You know if it’s metal, DYNAMIC FASTENER is there. Whether your challenge is
fastening to all gauges of steel (D•F ® screws), a leaky metal roof (DROP-STOP®),
snow retention (DYNA-GUARD®), or roof penetrations (DYNA-FLASH®), DYNAMIC
FASTENER is your hassle free partner on the job site and and in your sheet metal
shop. This includes our recently expanded line of D•F ® rivets!

                                                               We want to be your rivet supplier!
                                                               What size do you need? Got it!
                               Give us a call... you
                              can ask for Rosie, I’m           What material do you need? Got it!
                                 your rivet boss!              What color do you need? Got it!
                                                               What quantity do you need? Got it!
                                                               Do you want your
                                                               rivets in handy bags
                                                               of 250? Got it! Our
                                                               stock level is over
                                                               100 million rivets, of
                                                               which 70 million are
                                                               prepainted, with over
                                                               a hundred different
                                                               stocked colors for
                                                               same day shipping.
                            TM                                                                  12V Rivet Tool with
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  D•F ® Rivets are now available in the most requested color . . . .INVISIBLE
   The above photo illustrates our actual stock of JUST the size 43 all stainless rivet. We stock the 43 ALL S/S rivet in
       94 different colors, many pictured above, in convenient bags of 250 pieces – all for the same day shipping.

  DYNAMIC FASTENER 800-821-5448

a West Coast service center. This acqui-         projects within 1,500 feet of the ocean,     blistering caused by UV exposure.
sition enhances our position in the              roofing laminated with Tedlar® film            DuPont Tedlar® PVF film was recently
Western region of the country and is a           will provide greater resistance to cor-      introduced to the market and is sold by
natural extension to our current busi-           rosion from seawater and salt spray.         Titan Steel and its affiliated company,
ness model.”                                     Additionally, Tedlar® film provides resis-   Metal Alliance in North America and
                                                 tance to fading, chalking, cracking, and     the Caribbean. MR
Triangle Fastener Granted
Patent Protection for BURR
   The US Patent
and Trademark
Office         has
granted Triangle                                                                                             Offers 90-Day
Fastener                                                                                                      UV exposure
patent     protec-
tion on screws
                    Triangle Fastener’s Panel-
that utilize its Tite fastener.                                                                               Non-slip,
BURR BUSTER® COURTESY OF TRIANGLE FASTENER                                                                cross-laminated
                                                                                                          traction surface
thread and point                                                  Split release liner for
design like the PANEL-TITE® metal-to-                             easy valley applications
wood self-piercing screws.
   The company reports its patented
design produces exceptional perfor-
mance and value.
   The point greatly reduces the amount
of burrs/chips (swarfs) that are cause
when the screw penetrates the steel.
These chips can damage the sealing
washer, and rust on the panel.                                                    around
  Also, the low-angle thread helps elimi-                                         roofing
nate over-driving and improves the                                                fasteners
resistance to back-out.
   Triangle Fastener Corporation, a
member of SFS, has 24 locations servic-
ing the commercial construction mar-
                                                       IT’S WHAT YOU WANT UNDERNEATH.
kets since 1977. The company provides                  Ultra HT Wind & Water Seal® high temp underlayment:
a full line of high-performance fasten-                      the best roof protection under the sun.
ers, sealants, flashings, and tools used to
construct the building envelope, along                                       Rated for temperatures up to 250°F—Ultra HT
with interior applications like steel fram-                                  is the premium high temperature, self-adhering
ing and sheet metal.                                                         underlayment engineered to take the heat of metal
                                                                             roofing systems. Discover the advantages of
                                                                             Ultra HT to protect your next roofing project.
DuPont Brings New PVF Film                                                   MFM Building Products – celebrating 60 years
to Market                                                                    of service to the roofing industry!
  DuPont (www.dupont.com) recent-
ly debuted Tedlar® polyvinyl fluoride
(PVF) film for metal roofing. Among
the key attributes of Tedlar® laminated
metal is resistance to harsh chemicals               Visit mfmbp.com for a free sample or call 800.882.7663 today.
and corrosion. For example, even for
10                                                                                  METAL ROOFING | DECEMBER 2021/JANUARY 2022
Drexel Metals Association of Regional
Manufacturers (DM-ARM) is a comprehensive
portable roll former program designed to help
you meet building codes and build your brand                          Sell More with the Roofing Passport
locally. The Drexel Metals DM-ARM program                             Exclusive to DM-ARM members, the Sherwin-Williams®
allows installers and regional manufacturers to                       Roofing Passport is a groundbreaking platform that
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control, greater profits, freight savings, less                       fully automated program, this digital platform enables
scrap, and the ability to provide metal roofing                       project estimation in one click. The Sherwin-Williams
on-demand.                                                            Roofing Passport creates a powerful link between
                                                                      EagleView’s highly accurate roof measurements and
As a DM-ARM member, Drexel Metals becomes
                                                                      SmartBuild’s automated estimation software, creating
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to spend more time in the local market!
                                                                      Learn more at www.drexmet.com
                      Become a member at

                          1234 Gardiner Lane | Louisville, KY 40213
   drexelmetals.com | Toll Free: 888-321-9630 | Fax: 877-321-9638

The Science of Snow Retention
Understanding Calculations & Patterns for Snow Guard Applications on Metal Rooftops
By Rob Haddock, CEO and Founder of S-5!                                surface that acts on a snow guard. Simply multiply the vertical

           etal roofs are known for their durability, sustainability   load (psf) by the sine of the roof angle. The loads for the entire
           and versatility. However, metal roofs are slippery and      length of each roof panel from eave to ridge are tributary to the
           snowpack can suddenly release dumping tons of snow          snow guard(s) restraining it. That tributary force is determined
below the eaves in a matter of seconds – endangering building          by multiplying vector force (in psf) by the rafter length (in feet)
elements, adjacent roofs, landscape, vehicles, property and even       and the panel width (in feet).
worse – pedestrians.                                                      A number of factors should be considered when calculating
   A scientifically tested and engineered snow retention system        this force:
increases the friction between the roof and the snow, so the              1. The roof design snow load (not ground snow) should be
buildup of snow and ice on the roof evacuates in a predictable         used in these calculations. The roof snow (vertical) load is usu-
and controlled fashion rather than by a sudden release of sliding      ally reduced from ground snow by some factor, but it may also
snow.                                                                  be increased depending on project-specific variables. This is all
   To properly determine the snow guard system for a metal roof,       dictated by engineering standards.
it is critical to:                                                        Caution should be exercised when roof and wall geometries
   #1 Understand the math and science that goes into calculat-         create aerodynamic shade, resulting in drift loads on roof areas.
ing service loads; and                                                 This occurs on roofs adjacent to parapet or other wall condi-
   #2 Match the tested load capacity of the snow retention sys-        tions that extend above lower rooflines and may increase roof
tem to the particular roof project.                                    loads significantly. When a lower roof has a roof above not pro-
                                                                       tected by snow guards, the discharge of sliding snow can also
Calculating the Service Load                                           cause increased loading (and impact factors) to the lower roof.
  The forces of snow on a rooftop can and should be mathemati-            A determination must also be made with respect to using uni-
cally calculated… for any snow guard system. (See Figure 1.)           form or non-uniform loads in design. Building codes should be
                                                                       consulted and appropriate engineering standards and calcula-
                                                                       tions used to determine the actual in-service roof loads in all
                                                                          2. The coefficient of friction between the roof material and
                                                                       snowbank is so minimal for metal it is not considered in these
                                                                          3. Factors of safety (FS) are used when matching the product’s
                                                                       load limitations to the service load. “Ultimate” load is the point
                                                                       at which failure occurs by prudent testing. “Allowable” load
                                                                       is the load used in design to ensure the failure point is never
                                                                       reached in service. The appropriate FS is subject to designer/
                                                                       engineer discretion. The Metal Construction Association
                                                                       (MCA) recommends a FS no less than 2.0 for mechanically
                                                                       attached snow guards.
                                                                          There are no ASTM standards for the use or testing of
   The service loads applied to a snow guard system vary with          snow guards, so the buyer must consider the repetition,
several site specifics, all of which are known to the design team:     appropriateness and credibility of any testing presented
1) the design roof snow load, 2) roof slope, and 3) rafter length      to validate the frequency of placement as well as expected
(eave-to-ridge). These three factors determine the sliding (vec-       performance life (which should be equivalent to the roof life).
tor) force that a system must resist for any roof surface and          After determining the service loads to be resisted and matching
should be included in specifications requiring an engineered           them to the snow retention system, it is important to determine
system proving adequate resistance to those forces.                    population and placement for the specific metal roof. This is one
   Vector force: The vertical weight of snow is reduced by the         more step of simple math: divide the tested allowable load of the
sine of the roof angle determining the force parallel to the roof      device into the service load to determine the required frequency
12                                                                                  METAL ROOFING | DECEMBER 2021/JANUARY 2022

                                                                                             Metal Performance

                                                                                             Durable PAC-CLAD metal panels are available
                                                                                             in sixteen beautiful PVDF wood grain finishes
                                                                                             for creative design and flexibility.

                                                                                                                See all sixteen
                                                                                                                wood grain finishes

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(population) and spacing of the device(s) for any given project.
(See Figure 2.)                                                    compressive strength to restrain its movement. Gravitational
                                                                   forces compress the snowbank the most at its interface with the
Snow Retention System Design Considerations                        roof surface, especially toward its lower (eave) end—so this is
Snow Retention Population and Placement                            where compressive strength is greatest. (See Figure 3.)
   Snowbanks typically accumulate and densify in a cross-sec-        The interface of snow retention devices at this location has
tional wedge pattern. All snow guards rely on the snow’s own       proven to be strongly preferred worldwide and considered to

14                                                                              METAL ROOFING | DECEMBER 2021/JANUARY 2022

be most effective. Because the compres-
sive strength is so great at the base of the
snowbank, snow guard devices only a
few inches in height have proven to be
successful even when snowbanks are
many feet deep.

    System Design
    Two snow guard concepts are quite
 common. One utilizes continuous hori-
 zontal components, assembled laterally
 across the roof in the style of a “fence.”
 Such assemblies are usually installed at
 or near the eaves. Depending on specific
 job conditions and load-to-failure char-
 acteristics of the devices, they may also
 be repeated in parallel rows up the slope
 of the roof, but with greater concentra-
 tion near the eave area.
    The other design consists of small,
 discontinuous individual units used as
“cleats,” generally spot-located at or near
 the eave or repeated in a pattern pro-
 gressing up the slope of the roof, again

 with a greater concentration near the

 eaves. This style also relies upon the
 shear strength within a snow bank to
“bridge” between the individual units.
    Both styles of snow guards (fence and
 cleat) have demonstrated satisfactory
 performance when tested, engineered               SNOW GUARDS        for Standing Seam Metal Roofs
 and installed properly and adequately.
                                                         Calculate Your Next Job
   Additional Considerations
   Aside from adequate testing for hold-
                                                       Using Our Online Project Tool
ing capacity, other design considerations
include verifying metals’ compatibil-
ity, matching corrosion resistance of the
device with that of the panel material,
and color matching. The objective is ser-
viceability that lasts as long as the roof.
   More        information,           videos
and webinars on this topic are
available at www.s-5.com and www.
metalconstruction.org. MR

About the Author: S-5! CEO and Founder
Rob Haddock, is a former contrac-
tor, award-winning roof-forensics expert,
author, lecturer and building envelope
                                                    Tested. Trusted. Engineered.
scientist who has worked in various                 888.825.3432 | www.S-5.com |
aspects of metal roofing for five decades.

 WWW.READMETALROOFING.COM                                                                             15

Pads and Rails
Things to consider when selecting a snow-retention system
By AceClamp

       nlike the rough surface of a typi-
       cal shingled roof, most forms of
       metal roofs, when wet, exhibit a
very low coefficient of friction. In other
words, a buildup of snow can become
an avalanche as it cascades off the roof.
Starting with the gutters, it will work its
way down, damaging anything or any-
one below.
   The purpose of a snow retention sys-
tem is to hold snow on the roof surface
while allowing it to melt slowly, rather
than cascade all at once off the roof onto
whatever or whoever is on the ground
   Snow retention systems include bars,
tubes, round and square, as well as indi-
vidual pads of all sizes, shapes, and mate-   Snow rails are installed directly above a structural wall. PHOTO COURTESY ACECLAMP
rials. Here are some of the things to con-
sider when deciding which system best         a system comprised of pads or brack-                        consider contacting a few manufacturers
suits a customer’s needs.                     ets that fasten through the roof into the                   of snow retention systems. Their engi-
   Pads, adhered or fastened to the roof      structure below the metal panels. If the                    neers will recommend the best method
surface, are most effective in areas with     roof has standing-seam panels, either                       for you, prioritizing the local building
light snow and residential roofs with         pads that adhere to the surface of the                      code required for that snow load. They
relatively low slope or pitch. Pads are       panel can be used or a system that attach-                  will assess the pitch of the roof, the
installed on canopies, or short overhangs     es to the standing seams using non-pen-                     specific type and material of the roof
where snow buildup will be minimal but        etrating clamps designed to fit the seam                    panel, the potential for drifting snow,
sliding snow will be more of a nuisance       type. It is better to secure a system with-                 and the areas around the building that
than a danger. Unless carefully installed,    out penetrating the roof whenever pos-                      need to be protected from sliding snow
a small percentage of adhesive-applied        sible for obvious reasons.                                  (i.e. entrances, walkways, parking areas,
pads will likely need to be re-adhered to       Things to consider when choosing a                        prized shrubbery, decking, etc.).
the roof within a couple of years. Steeper    snow retention system:                                         The engineer will then recommend
slope roofs and low slope roofs in high         • Local building code snow loads                          the position and placement of the pads
snow areas would best benefit from the          • Roof pitch                                              or snow rail system based on all of the
bar types or multiple tube snow retention       • The aesthetics of the roof. (Does the                   above conditions. They will have access
systems. We’ll look at the different crite-   customer want the snow retention sys-                       to testing data showing the strength of
ria for deciding which to choose later on.    tem to blend in with their roof, matching                   the bars or rails and the design loads for
   The type of roof — standing seam or        the roof panel color, etc.?)                                the clamps/brackets attached to the roof
through fastened — is the first consid-         • If the customer lives in a governed                     panels.
eration when determining which type           community, the HOA or POA may have                             That information goes into the calcula-
of snow retention system should be used.      guidelines that must be followed.                           tions to determine if a single rail near the
If the roof is through-fastened, one can                                                                  eave will be sufficient or if multiple rails
choose either an adhered pad system or          As a professional roofer, you should                      are necessary. The calculations will show

16                                                                                            METAL ROOFING | DECEMBER 2021/JANUARY 2022

the most effective placement if multiple
rails are required. Steep roofs, generally
in excess of a 6:12 pitch, may require a
system that consists of two or more bars
mounted on the brackets, especially to
handle the higher snow loads. The higher
snow loads may also require multiple
two- or three-bar systems to meet the
building code requirements.
   If there will be vent pipes or other
accessories on the roof that could be
damaged by sliding snow, consider
installing a short section of rails or tubes
above the accessory. Suppose you have
an intermediate rail spaced close to the
A/C unit or a vent. In that case, it might
be possible to install that rail right above
the unit to protect it instead of adding an
additional section.
   Snow guards have improved in recent         Allow space between the PV array and the eave so that snow can begin to slide off the panels before it
years to attach securely to the prolifera-     contacts the snow rails. Plan ahead if solar will be added to a roof in snow country. PHOTO COURTESY ACECLAMP
tion of different standing seam roof panel
configurations without damaging the

                                                  SOMETIMES IT’S
roof panel. In response to the addition of
PV arrays on metal roofs, manufactur-
ers have created new systems to keep the

                                                  GOOD TO JUST
snow from sliding from the slick surface
of the PV arrays. At the same time, keep-
ing the PV panels clear of snow increases

                                                  BLEND IN
the panels’ effectiveness in creating elec-
tricity for the home. If you plan to add
solar to a customer’s roof, consider the
roof, the solar array, and the snow rails as
a complete system.

Do’s and Don’ts:
   • Do involve the snow rail manufactur-
er at the beginning of the search.
   • Do go with a manufacturer who has a
proven track record and will answer your
questions during the proposal stage and
if problems arise during installation.
   • Do (if the recommendation is to
install two or more rails located between             INSTALLS IN A SNAP & LETS YOU MATCH
the eave and the ridge) begin with the                 YOUR SNOW RETENTION TO YOUR SSMR!
uppermost rail first. If you install the
lower rail and it snows before rail #2 or          • No Set Screws
#3 are installed, the lone rail down by the        • High Strength 6061 Alloy
eave may be overloaded by all the accu-            • Pre-Assembled                                          by
mulating snow sliding down from the
ridge. Roof and gutter damage can be              860-773-4144 | AceClamp.com
expensive! MR

WWW.READMETALROOFING.COM                                                                                                                                       17


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18                                                                                            METAL ROOFING | DECEMBER 2021/JANUARY 2022

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WWW.READMETALROOFING.COM                                                                             19

Residential Metal Roofing On the Rise
2020 Dodge Roofing Industry Report Shows Increase in
Metal Roofing Use for U.S. Residential Re-roofing Market

       he numbers are in and it’s good
       news for metal roofing. More
       homeowners are choosing sustain-
 able, resilient metal for their re-roofing
 projects, according the latest 2020 Dodge
 Report that measures overall roofing
 demand and activity on an annual basis.
 The report reveals that the share of metal
 roofing used for residential re-roofing in
 the U.S. rose from 12 percent in 2019 to
15 percent in 2020.
   “There’s no doubt homeowners are get-
 ting the message: Durable, stronger and
 longer-lasting quality materials are a
 much better investment for your home
 over the long run, especially in light of
 climate extremes,” said Renee Ramey,
 executive director of the Metal Roofing
Alliance (MRA, www.metalroofing.com).         and affected more homeowners, causing
“That mindset is reflected in the latest      them to gravitate towards resilient and
 numbers and overall growth of the metal      protective products that can help better
                                                                                            US Market Share by
 roofing industry.”                           safeguard their homes. Quality metal            Roofing Product
    The Dodge Report also reveals that        roofs, which carry the highest possible        Repair & Remodel
 while traditional metal roofing styles       Class A fire rating and can withstand           Segment 2020
 such as standing seam remain popular,        hurricane force winds, are an essential
 homeowners also are gravitating to the       component in fortifying homes against
 wide variety of designs that metal roof-     the worst that Mother Nature can throw
 ing offers, including shingle, shake, tile   at them.
 and slate. Steel remains the most com-          While not measured by the Dodge
 mon type of metal roofing for re-roofing     Report, the MRA also theorizes that
 projects, due in part to its affordabil-     homeowners are increasingly attracted
 ity and strength. Like other metal alloys,   to metal roofing’s low maintenance and
 steel also increases energy efficiency and   easy care benefits, based on the organiza-
 can be 100 percent recycled at the end of    tion’s own data and web site that receives
 its long life, making it a sustainable and   hundreds of thousands of visits from
 better performing choice for even the        homeowners looking to learn more about
 harshest climate conditions, including       metal roofing every year.
 high winds and hail, heavy snow and ice        “It’s clear homeowners don’t need one
 loads.                                       more thing in their lives to worry about,
    Importantly, the adoption of metal        and the fact that metal is exceptionally
 roofing rose in regions that suffered        easy to care for and will outlast other      n Asphalt n Wood Shakes & Shingle
 severe impacts from climate extremes         types of materials while offering great      n Clay n Concrete n Metal
 in recent years, including the Mountain      peace of mind is undoubtedly a very          n Composite Plastic n Flat (BU)
 and Atlantic areas. Hurricanes and wild-     strong selling point these days,” said
 fires have intensified in those regions      Ramey. MR
20                                                                               METAL ROOFING | DECEMBER 2021/JANUARY 2022
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                PRODUCT GUIDE


HOW TO USE THIS RESOURCE:                                       Companies that advertised separately in
   The index below is a guide to help you find companies,       this issue can be found in the adver-
suppliers, manufacturers, and associations that provide spe-    tising index on page 59. As an added
cific products or services for the metal roofing industry. It   convenience, the Buyers’ Guide is
is followed by an alphabetical listing in which many com-       also available online at www.read-
panies have included logos and/or descriptions to explain       metalroofing.com. The online ver-
their offerings. Companies that have won the 2021 Metal         sion contains a more comprehensive
of Honor Awards are marked with the Metal of Honor seal.        list of suppliers for each category.

                                       PRODUCT CATEGORIES
COMPONENTS                                Reed’s Metals                              ALUMINUM
                                          ST Fastening Systems                       Englert Inc.
                                          Triangle Fastener Corp
                                                                                     GALVANIZED AND GALVALUME
                                          INSULATION, BATT                           Everlast Metals
CLIPS, STANDING SEAM                                                                 Everlast Roofing, Inc.
Dynamic Fastener                          & FOAM BOARD
                                          Metal Panels, Inc.                         Metal Roofing
East Coast Fasteners                                                                 Reed’s Metals
Leland Industries, Inc.                   NOFP-High Performance Insulation
                                                                                     United Steel Supply
Marco Industries
Metal Panels, Inc.                         REFLECTIVE INSULATION
MWI Components                             MWI Components                            STEEL, COLD-ROLLED
ST Fastening Systems                       NOFP-High Performance Insulation          & WEATHERING
                                                                                     United Steel Supply
CLOSURE & VENTING                         ROOF FLASHINGS
Atlas Bolt & Screw                        Atlas Bolt & Screw                          METAL FORMING TOOLS
                                          Dynamic Fastener                            & EQUIPMENT
CLOSURE STRIPS                            Leland Industries, Inc.
Dynamic Fastener                          MFM Building Products
                                          ST Fastening Systems                       ASC Machine Tools, Inc.
East Coast Fasteners                                                                 DR!PSTOP
Leland Industries, Inc.                                                              Drexel Metals
MWI Components                            SEALANTS, CAULKS, TAPES                     - Carlisle Construction Group
ST Fastening Systems                      Atlas Bolt & Screw                         Hershey’s Metal Meister
                                          Novagard                                   SWI Machinery
                                          Triangle Fastener Corp
East Coast Fasteners                                                                 BRAKES, SHOP
                                          TRANSLUCENT PANELS                         ASC Machine Tools, Inc.
                                          MWI Components                             Hershey’s Metal Meister
Atlas Bolt & Screw
BECK America                              UNDERLAYMENTS                              DECOILERS
Day Glow Industrial Co., LTD              DR!PSTOP                                   Acu-Form
Direct Metals Inc.                        Englert Inc.                               ASC Machine Tools, Inc.
Dynamic Fastener                          Maze Nails                                 Metal Rollforming Systems
East Coast Fasteners                      MFM Building Products                      The Bradbury Group
Leland Industries, Inc.                   Titanium Synthetic Underlayment
Maze Nails
ST Fastening Systems                      VENTS & CUPOLAS                             FASTENING TOOLS
Triangle Fastener Corp                    MWI Components                              (SCREWGUNS, STAPLERS, NAILGUNS)
                                          Plyco Corporation
FASTENERS, STANDING SEAM                                                             BECK America
BECK America
Day Glow Industrial Co., LTD               METAL COIL/SHEET
                                           DISTRIBUTORS (BY SUBSTRATE)               MACHINE CONTROLS
Dynamic Fastener                                                                     Hershey’s Metal Meister
East Coast Fasteners
Leland Industries, Inc.                    Hixwood

24                                                                            METAL ROOFING | DECEMBER 2021/JANUARY 2022
2022 Buyers’ Guide | PRODUCT GUIDE

PANEL ROLL FORMERS, FIXED                                                 Simplifying the Metal Roofing Market
Acu-Form                             REROOF / MAINTENANCE
ASC Machine Tools, Inc.                                                   ROOF CONSULTING/
Metal Rollforming Systems
                                     DR!PSTOP                             Simplifying the Metal Roofing Market
                                     Triangle Fastener Corp
Acu-Form                                                                  SOFTWARE:
Englert Inc.                         RESOURCES + SOFTWARE                 ROOF ESTIMATING, IMAGING
The Bradbury Group                                                        AppliCad USA
                                     Hershey’s Metal Meister              Simplifying the Metal Roofing Market
The Bradbury Group

ASC Machine Tools, Inc.
Hershey’s Metal Meister
Metal Rollforming Systems
The Bradbury Group

Reed’s Metals
Union Corrugating Company
                                                        We service your needs with
McElroy Metal                                 consistent quality, workmanship and knowledge
Metal Panels, Inc.
Reed’s Metals

Metal Panels, Inc.



United Steel Supply

United Steel Supply
                                        It’s part of the reason customers come back to us time after time.
United Steel Supply                             Maximize your profits by decreasing your inventory.
                                                 Reduce man hours - let us fabricate, you install.
                                        98% of our American-made products are made-to-order and are
GUTTER FORMING MACHINES                manufactured inhouse. Our products are made from domestic metal
Englert Inc.
                                                   and custom crafted to your specifications.
Day Glow Industrial Co., LTD
Maze Nails
                                        Contact us today to see how we can streamline your process
                                                        and maximize your profits!
EAVE TROUGHS, DRAINAGE                  (231) 861-0050 | info@advarchsm.com | www.advarchsm.com
Englert Inc.

WWW.READMETALROOFING.COM                                                                                         25
                                           2022 BUYERS’ GUIDE

FEATURED LISTINGSWe thank these advertisers for their featured
                 listings in the Metal Roofing Buyers’ Guide.

 www.reedsmetals.com         www.unioncorrugating.com            www.plyco.com
    800-581-4645                  888-685-7663                    800-558-5895

   www.dripstop.com          www.dynamicfastener.com             www.ascmt.com
     937-660-6646                 800-821-5448                    509-534-6600

www.directmetalsinc.com      www.mwicomponents.com               www.provia.com
    855-800-8878               800-360-6467 ext. 5                800-669-4711

    To view enhanced listings go to www.readmetalroofing.com


                                                       BECK America
                                                       105 Industrial Drive
                                                       Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35661
Acu-Form                                               Info@beck-america.com
10550 Township Rd. 262                                 http://www.beck-america.com
Millersburg, Ohio 44654
Acu-Form (a division of Paint Valley Parts) is a
manufacturer of metal-forming equipment, such
as the Ag Panel, Post Cut Shear, Uncoiled, Corner,
J-Channel, Ridge Cap, Rat Guard, Hemmer, Slitter,                                                              Day Glow Industrial Co., LTD
Wrapper, etc. Also, machines made to your specs.
Our goal is to meet and exceed our customers’                                                                  No. 98, Shunfan N. Rd., Dajia Dist.
expectations. Our No. 1 priority is to send our                                                                Taichung City, 437101
customers durable, top-performing machines that                                                                886-4-268-14303
will give them years of trouble-free service.                                                                  dayglow@dayglow.com.tw
                                                       The Bradbury Group                                      Day Glow Inc. is a specialist maker of Drilling and
AkzoNobel                                                                                                      Tapping screws, since 1996. Located in Tai’Chung,
                                                       1200 E Cole
1313 Windsor Ave.                                      Moundridge, Kansas 67107                                Taiwan. Day Glow has several years’ experience in
Columbus, Ohio 43211                                   620-345-6394                                            metal building construction. Hence realize the impor-
800-294-3361                                           bradbury@bradburygroup.com                              tant of screws. We focus on producing high quality
holly.gubics@akzonobel.com                             https://bradburygroup.com/                              screws. Besides standard screws, also provide
                                                       The Bradbury Group offers quality roll forming          customized screw producing.
AppliCad USA                                           equipment to manufacturers with different manu-
1685 West Broadway Street                              facturing needs and production levels. Machines
Oviedo, Florida 33469                                  can be designed for startup companies, mid-sized
+1 541-748-0545                                        production companies, and the highest volume level
+61 418 391 324                                        manufacturers that often need more throughput and
ray@applicad.com                                       automation. Bradbury Metal Tile Roofing Solutions
                                                       (BMTRS) is providing the North American market
                                                       with a range of options that enable customers to
 ASC Machine Tools, Inc.                               manufacture and sell their own tile designs in a mar-
- Premium Rollforming and Coil Handling                ket that offers lucrative growth opportunities. BMTRS   Direct Metals Inc.
 Machinery - Made in USA since 1949!                   specializes in designing and building customized        1719 Baseline Court
900 N. Fancher Rd.                                     manufacturing equipment for unique metal tile           Fort Myers, Florida 33905
Spokane, Washington 99212                              design and production requirements.                     855-800-8878
509-534-6600                                                                                                   513-703-2626
509-536-7658 fax                                                                                               dave@directmetalsinc.com
contact-us@ascmt.com                                                                                           http://www.directmetalsinc.com
                                                                                                               DMI supplies metal roofing fasteners and building
                                                                                                               components to the post-frame, steel-frame, commer-
                                                                                                               cial and residential metal roofing industries. Adding
                                                                                                               value to a building project is of utmost importance.
                                                                                                               DIRECT*SEAL ZXL & ZAC zinc-aluminum alloy
                                                       Construction Rollforming Show                           head fasteners and SCAMP 304 SS capped metal
                                                       900 Convention Center Blvd.                             to wood and metal to metal screws provide lifetime
Atlas Bolt & Screw Co., LLC                            New Orleans, LA 70130                                   protection for a metal roof. Fastener threads coated
1628 Troy Rd.                                          715-252-6360 (Gary)                                     with DMG85 provide corrosion resistance below
Ashland, Ohio 44805                                    gary@shieldwallmedia.com                                the roof. DMI has developed a product line of Dade
kwinkler@atlasfasteners.com                            https://d.io/constructionrollformingshow22/62e4a5       County listed Pancake and Wafer head carbon steel
http://www.atlasfasteners.com                          Join us for the third annual show to be held October    and 304 SS screws and panel clips for standing
Atlas Bolt & Screw, the industry leader, has the       26-27, 2021, at the Ernest N. Morial Convention         seam metal roofs. It supplies solid foam closure
widest selection of metal wood fasteners, closures,    Center in New Orleans. Presented by Rollforming         strips and vented foam RAZORBACK rolls for venti-
venting, sealing, flashing, and exterior building      Magazine, this show is the only show exclusively        lation that are Florida Building Code approved. For
performance solutions. Headquartered in Ashland,       devoted to the construction roll-forming industry.      shingle roofs, DMI has helped develop the BULLET
Ohio, with manufacturing and distribution located in   The show offers the latest in machines and best         BOOT pipe flashing. Available in 7 colors, this
Ohio, Texas, Oregon, and North Carolina. ‘We make      business practices for the professional.                EPDM flashing has a 35 year warranty and is Florida
the complex simple and the difficult easy.’                                                                    Building Code approved.

WWW.READMETALROOFING.COM                                                                                                                                          27
2022 Buyers’ Guide | COMPANY DIRECTORY

DR!PSTOP                                                  Drexel Metals - Carlisle Construction Group
10118 Settlement House Rd.                                1234 Gardiner Ln.
Dayton, Ohio 45458                                        Louisville, Kentucky 40213                                  East Coast Fasteners
937-660-6646                                              888-321-9630                                                PO Box Q
937-999-3927                                              marketing@drexmet.com                                       Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin 53020
tony@dripstop.com                                         http://www.drexmet.com                                      800-558-5895
http://www.dripstop.com                                   Since 1985, Drexel Metals has provided a full range         MHeus@plyco.com
For over 25 years DR!PSTOP has been the absolute          of superior-quality engineered metal roofing systems,       https://www.plyco.com/building-components/
best way of dealing with condensation on non-in-          equipment, and custom fabrication services for              east-coast-fasteners
sulated metal roofs. It has been tried and tested in      commercial, governmental, industrial, historical, and       East Coast supplies a variety of Long Life, Fast Drill-
every climate condition across the globe and has          architectural customers worldwide. Headquartered in         ing construction fasteners that meet your building
proven to be a simpler and more economical way.           Louisville, Kentucky, the company operates several          needs, and backed by quick shipping programs to
The membrane will absorb the water caused by              sales, fabrication, and distribution locations in addi-     serve our customers. We stand behind our products,
condensation, thus preventing dripping from the roof.     tion to its extended family of Regional Manufacturers       we don’t just talk about them
DR!PSTOP serves as an added layer of protection           (ARM) network of Authorized Fabricators.
for the metal in corrosive environments while also
improving inside and outside acoustic properties.
Both impact and echo noises are reduced signif-
icantly. For homeowners, STEEL SHIELD is de-
signed specifically to protect metal panels installed                                                                 Englert Inc.
directly on shingles against the abrasion caused by                                                                   1 Tower Center Blvd., Floor 20
the expansion and contraction due to temperature                                                                      East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816
changes. Both DR!PSTOP and STEEL SHIELD are               Dynamic Fastener                                            1-800-ENGLERT
factory applied during the panel production process       9911 E. 53rd Street                                         732-826-8614
and show up on the job site already installed on the      Kansas City, Missouri 64133                                 info@englertinc.com
panels. Saves Time & Money! Ask for both products         800-821-5448                                                https://www.englertinc.com/
from your preferred panel provider.                       kenwebb@dynamicfastener.com                                 For over 50 years Englert has been the gold stand-
                                                          http://www.dynamicfastener.com                              ard and a leading manufacturer of metal roofing
                                                          Offers same-day shipping of screws, anchors, flash-         and gutter systems. We are built on a simple core
                                                          ings, safety equipment, hand tools and power tools,         principle, dedicating ourselves to help our customers
                                                          In-house painting of screws and rivets, with one- or        succeed.
                                                          two-day lead-time. Dyna-Guard snow retention                At Englert, we are more than just top-quality metal
                                                          system for metal roofs. Dyna-Clamps are available           roofing and gutters. We are industry pioneers, on
                                                          to accommodate many profiles of standing seam               the cutting edge of innovation to continuously meet
                                                          roofs. The company’s free 140-page, full color, tool        the challenges of a changing world, and with our
                                                          and fastener hand guide provides engineering data           unmatched customer service teams, we will be with
                                                          and also details product offering.                          you every step of the way to ensure your success.

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                                                        Transform your coils into satisfied customers!

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                                              NEW! Slinet,                                                                                      Info@HersheysMM.com
                                                                                                                                        Toll Free: (877) 289-3030
                                        The next generation in coil processing.                                                    420 Progress Dr Mattoon, IL 61938

                             Speed.                 Service.                                                        Don't just bend trim- Variobend it! Call today!

28                                                                                                         METAL ROOFING | DECEMBER 2021/JANUARY 2022
2022 Buyers’ Guide | COMPANY DIRECTORY

Everlast Metals
10 Enterprise Ct.                                                                                                    Frame Building News
Lebanon, Pennsylvania 17042                                                                                          P.O. Box 255
800-418-5057                                                                                                         Iola, WI 54945
http://www.everlastmetals.com                                                                                        www.framebuildingnews.com
Everlast Metals offers architectural metal roofing                                                                   karen@shieldwallmedia.com
and wall panel systems, available in 24-gauge steel                                                                  Frame Building News has been devoted exclusively
and aluminum. Everlast Metals offers an extensive                                                                    to coverage of the post-frame construction industry
color selection of slit coil and flat sheet. Strategically          Our Name Says It All                             for the past 30 years. It has more than 21,000
located throughout the New England, Mid-Atlantic                                                                     subscribers, most of which make their living in the
and Midwestern states, Everlast Metals can serve
                                                             Everlast Roofing, Inc.                                  post-frame industry. It is published five times a year.
your every need.                                             The Next Generation of Metal Roofing
                                                             10 Enterprise Ct.
                                                             Lebanon, Pennsylvania 17042
                                                             Everlast manufactures a variety of quality, high-
                                                             performance metal roofing and siding materials for      Page 38
                                                             architectural, commercial, industrial, post-frame and
                                                             residential markets and features a wide range of
                                                             gauges, colors and custom trims.

Page 42

East Coast Fasteners produces durable,
long las�ng fasteners for all combina�ons
of building materials.
 • Quick Ship Program
 • Extended Warran�es
 • Colors to match any rollformed steel
 • High quality products for any applica�on
East Coast Fasteners...Building Connec�ons
for the construc�on industry.

                                                             800.558.5895 ▪ www.plyco.com
                                                             The FASTEST, SHARPEST, CLEANEST Drilling Fasteners Available!!
                                                             Ply-Lo Extended ▪ Ply-Lo Extreme ▪ Ply-Lo Driller ▪ Ply-Fast ▪ Metalfast
2022 Buyers’ Guide | COMPANY DIRECTORY

                                                        Announcements coming soon for the 2022 Garage,
                                                        Shed & Carport Builder Show!

Garage, Shed & Carport Builder Magazine
P.O. Box 255
Iola, WI 54945
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30                                                                                                      METAL ROOFING | DECEMBER 2021/JANUARY 2022
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