2022 Conservation Calendar

Page created by Salvador Crawford
2022 Conservation Calendar

                                                                                                                     Keeping You

                                                                                                                     Connected to

                                                                             t t e v il l e P u b l i c


                                                                                                                    om m
                                                                                                                           issi o n

Serving Our Communit y.
Protecting Our Pl anet.

        2 22

                                                            Keeping You

                                                            Connected to
                    t t e v il l e P u b l i c




 Conservation Calendar
                                                           om m
                                                                  issi o n

      Serving. Conserving. Helping You Save.
2022 Conservation Calendar
2022 Conservation Calendar
      At Fayetteville Public Works Commission, we want to help you stay connected to                                                              • PWC Connections: The Podcast –
      conservation all year long! This calendar features PWC incentive programs,                                                                     faypwc.com/pwc-connections-the-podcast –

      with bill credits for taking steps to reduce your power and water use, which                                               Keeping You         FREE to subscribe and downloadable                Coming Soon

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Time-of-Use Rates
                                                                                                                                 Connected to

                                                                                         t t e v il l e P u b l i c
      will also lower your bills for years to come. You’ll find valuable conservation                                                                wherever you listen to podcasts – a quick,        May 2019 marks our shift to Time-of-Use rates for billing

                                                                                                                                                                                                       the power you use. Time-of-Use Rates can lower your electric bills
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Off Peak                               Off Peak
                                                                                                                                                                                                       when you conserve and shift consumption from Peak to Off-Peak hours.                                    Hours                                  Hours

      tips and safety information. And, you can stay connected to what’s happening                                                                   fun and informative look into PWC. We             Peak hours will happen only four hours of the day, while Off-Peak
                                                                                                                                                                                                       will be 20 hours each day as well as weekends and holidays. Rates for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       On Peak
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           On Peak

                                                                                                                                                                                                       electricity used during Off - Peak hours will be 30% lower than during

      in our community and at PWC.                                                                                                                   discuss hot topics, answer questions about
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Peak times. Take advantage of the powerful tools PWC provides
                                                                                                                                                                                                       so you can shift to Off-Peak and save.                                              Winter Peak Hours (November - March)         Summer Peak Hours (April - October)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        6-10 AM Weekdays                           3-7 PM Weekdays

                                                                                                                                                     your utility services and speak with experts about things that matter to you!

                                                                                                                                                                                                          16658 250 2/2019

      Community Powered. World-Class Service.                                                                              sC
                                                                                                                                om m

      PWC is Fayetteville’s Hometown Utility – providing our community with the
                                                                                                                                       issi o n   • Social Media – widespread presence on many outlets with
      benefits and resources of a locally owned/operated municipal utility and providing reliable, safe and                                          up-to-date news, advisories, outage updates and conservation tips.
      affordable electric and water services.  As a Public Power provider, we’re owned by the community
      and locally operated, which means we offer benefits that include lower rates, greater reliability,
                                                                          			and faster response. We’re prepared
                                                                                                                                                  • Wide variety of brochures, videos and
                                                                          24/7/365 to respond to service outages.
                                                                                                                                                    other informative resources. Much of this
                                                                          We’re also leaders in sustainability and                                  information can be accessed on our







                                                                          promoting conservation.  And, we offer the                                website, and you can request information
                                                                          excellent communications and the community                                by calling 910-223-4009 or emailing
                                                                                                                                                    info@faypwc.com.                                              ight & kS!av
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     e.                                                                     What I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Capturf We Could
                                                                          commitment only a municipal utility                                                                                        Time ittRth            e  a
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Beya2019, saveewhen yohou shursiftocencuergr 20y ushoeurstos. offa dapey on weekdays
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       e the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ak hours

                                                                          can provide.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sun...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ak               ay
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Coming Ma the lowest! Off Pe weekends & holid          ril - October)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    when rates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and all da
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 y on              k Hours (Ap                                                                 With Co
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Summer Pea
                                                                                                                                                  • Electric Outage Map – faypwc.com/                                                 )                                                                                               mmunit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       - March                                                                                               y Solar,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 k Hours                                                                                                 North Ca        At Fayette   we Can!
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Winter Pea                                                                                                                  rolina              ville Pu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            custome ’s first municipa c Works Comm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       r – wheth                l Co                 iss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    er you ow mmunity Solar ion, we’ve built
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Add ren                                      n                    far
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      as a ‘subsc or rent your ho m. If you’re a PW

                                                                                                                                                     electric-outage-map – this new feature
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Off Peak                                          ew                                                      me

      Other ways you can stay connected with PWC and our efforts to help you conserve:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  rs                                              ab                                riber’ in                          C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Hou                                    and expe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    le  energy to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     our local                this pro – you can parti electric
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     k                                                                                               of                                               ject:           cipate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Off Pea                                                                             • Pay for              installin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  g solar pa power grid witho
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Hours                                                On Peak                                 a portion                            nels at ho           ut the eff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hours                          get a cre            of the po                           me.                 ort
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              dit on yo              we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ur month r generated by

                                                                                                                                                     provides up-to-date information showing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       On Peak                                                                                                                       ly bill.                this solar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Hours                                                                                                                                                          plant, an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         But the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            provide st reward? Helpi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        cleaner,                ng
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        kda ys                                               po we                 greener
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             3-7 PM Wee                           rates.                            r  for our co

      • faypwc.com – an important resource with comprehensive information on conservation and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       h Off Peak

                                                                                                                                                     all current outage locations throughout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               save wit                                      If yo u                mmunity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            to                                                        want to                 .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and learn how                                                   the ball             help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          6-10 AM Wee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       kdays                    r energy use                                                                              rolling tow us get
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to view you                                                                            brighter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ypwc.com                                                                                                     future for ard a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                r at ww w.fa                                                                                               children
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ount Manage                                                                                                                        , visit ou our
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Visit Your Acc                                                                                                                      for detai               r website

        your utility services.

                                                                                                                                                     our service area. Be sure to sign up for the
                                                                                                                                                     SMS/Email Outage Notification through the PWC Online Account Manager.                                                                                                                                                                                  16758

      • Online Account Manager – accessible on our website – or ‘in the palm of your hand’
        through our Mobile App – puts you in charge of your accounts – and your savings –                                                         For Customer Service/Account Information and Emergencies
        with detailed usage charts for all your PWC services, interactive features including                                                      from *7:00 am – 8:00 pm, Monday-Friday: 910-483-1382
        Time-of-Use savings calculator, and so much more.                                                                                         24-Hour Emergency/Service Outages: 1-877-OUR PWC1 (1-877-687-7921)

      • Your PWC Connections TV Show – airing nightly on FAY TV (City of Fayetteville’s Access Channel on
        Spectrum, channel 7) and available any time on PWC’s YouTube Channel – youtube.com/user/
        FAYPWC; includes the “Conservation Corner” segment.
                                                                                                                                                  *Subject to Change                                                                                       QR
2022 Conservation Calendar
PUMP Up Your Savings                       Gimme an S! For Saving, when you
                                                 install an ENERGY STAR® heat pump
                                                 HVAC system. Replace your older,
                                                 inefficient system (HVAC and ducts) with
                                                 an ENERGY STAR qualified system, and
                                                 take advantage of PWC’s incentive program.
                                                 Three cheers for the bill credit you’ll earn
                                                 (up to $400). And Hurrah for staying
                                                 warm and comfy (cool in warm
      weather), while cutting your electric costs month after month.
      Remember, heating and cooling accounts for about
      50% of the average household’s energy costs,
      so you’re sure to be pumped by the money
      you’ll save.

                                                                              Your INput Counts
                                                        Seeking diverse input, we invite customers to be part of our
      Visit our website for
      incentive details –                Community Advisory Group (CAG) to discuss current PWC services
      and conservation               and programs, as well as future plans. CAG members, who rotate
      tips to save 		         annually, get an inside look at our operations and meet with staff
      even more.            members. Their feedback helps us better understand how our customers
                                     and the community are impacted by our operations and what we can do to
                                enhance our services. We also sponsor *PWC Days, hosting customers for a day-long
                              tour of our plant facilities and operations.

                              						 *2022 schedule subject to prevailing Covid conditions

                                                                                   January 2022
Winter Peak Hours (November - March)
     for PWC Electric Customers


          6-10 AM Weekdays                                                                                                 New Years Eve            New Years Day
                                                                                                                           PWC Offices Closed
                                                                                                                                                    Change Your HVAC Filters
                                                                                                                           Off Peak hours
Start 2021 with Safety                                                                                                     (Electric Customers)
• It’s a good time to check
  appliances! Replace
  ones that have frayed
  cords. Make sure large
  appliances have their
  own circuit with a
  three-pronged plug.
  Never use electrical
  appliances while you’re
  standing in water.                                 National Cut Your
                                                     Energy Costs Day
• If you’re buying a space
  heater, make sure it has
  an automatic shut-off,
  in case it tips over.
  Don’t place space
  heaters near anything
                                                     Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  flammable, such as                                 PWC Offices Closed
  curtains. Keep heaters
  and portable fans out
  of children’s reach.                 faypwc.com    Off Peak Hours
                                                     (Electric Customers)

• Know how to check for
  tripped circuit breakers
  or blown fuses if your                                                                                                   4th Friday Celebration
  power goes off. Learn                                                                                                    Downtown Fayetteville
  how to turn off main
  switches for electricity
  and water in case you
  have to leave home
  in an emergency.
• Before digging in your
  yard, call 811 to have
  underground utility
  lines located.

Visit faypwc.com/safety/
for more tips.
                                                                                                                       Dates/events are subject to change without notice.
2022 Conservation Calendar
Don’t Let Your Home Be a Loser
        If your home has old ducts and/or insufficient insulation, you’re not
        just losing ‘air,’ you’re losing money! Ductwork generally lasts
        about 15 years before it develops gaps, holes and loose joints.
        Insulation that has a low “R-value,” which measures its capacity
        to resist thermal transfer, allows more warm air to escape
        and more cool air to enter (vice versa in warm weather).
        The air loss or transfer from leaky ducts and low-grade
        insulation causes your HVAC system to work harder,
        so you use a lot more power to heat or cool your home.

        Take advantage of PWC incentive programs
        (see details on our website) for upgading ducts and
        insulation. With the bill credits you’ll earn –
        and the money you’ll save for many
        years – it’s a win-win!

                                                                                    Power and Water Conservation Expo
                                                                      This annual event is free and open to everyone. It provides
                               			                                  extensive information – including hands-on demonstrations
                               		                                   and the opportunity to speak with customer service reps and
                               			                                  conservation specialists – to help you conserve and save on
                               			                                  your bills. Join us:

                                       		                            March 26 & 27 at Skyview on Hay (121 Hay St.)

                               			                                   See our website for further details.

                                                                                          February 2022
Winter Peak Hours (November - March)
     For PWC Electric Customers


          6-10 AM Weekdays                                                           Change Your HVAC Filters   Ground Hog Day          National Wear Red Day

 No Grease, No Wipes …
      Clean Pipes!
Grease, fat and oil – as
well as wipes (even those
labeled ‘flushable’) –
should never be poured
or flushed down drains
or toilets. They can
block sewer lines and                                             Valentine’s Day                               Ash Wednesday
cause wastewater to
back up. The overflow
can damage our water
supply, harm the environ-
ment and cause costly                                             Presidents’ Day                                                        4th Friday Celebration
damage to your home.                                                                                                                     Downtown Fayetteville

Learn more at faypwc.                   National Engineers Week


                                                                                                                                    Dates/events are subject to change without notice.
2022 Conservation Calendar
Stay on Top of Your Savings
       		                                         PWC’s Online Account Manager can be

       		                                         accessed anywhere, any time, from any

                                                  device – including our Mobile App on

       			                                                 your phone. It has more than useful

       features for bill payment and viewing and comparing your bills.

       With valuable information and interactive resources, it puts you

       in charge and helps you save. For example, with the Time-of-Use

       Calculator, you can actually see how much you’ll save by

       shifting power usage to Off-Peak hours.

       Visit My.faypwc.com for more information,
       to sign up or to access your account.
                                                                                     Charge at No Charge
                                                               Good news for people in our community who own (or plan
                                                         to own) a plug-in electric vehicle (PEV)! As part of our Clean Fuel
                                                       Advanced Technology project, PWC has installed four Level 2 Dual
                                                 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in strategic public locations throughout
                                            our service area. The stations are open to the public, currently free of charge.

                                 To learn more – including the location of our charging stations and the benefits of electric driving – visit faypwc.com/


Winter Peak Hours (November - March)
     For PWC Electric Customers

                                                                                                   March 2022

          6-10 AM Weekdays                                                           Change Your HVAC Filters   Ash Wednesday                           PWC Birthday
                                                                                                                                                        March 4, 1905
                                                                                                                                                        (Celebrating 117 Years
                                                                                                                                                        of Service!)

  Our People Make                                                                                                                                       National Day of
   the Difference                      Women in
                                       Construction Week

                                                                 NC Severe Weather
                                                                 Preparedness Week

                                                                  Daylight Saving    Fix a Leak Week                            St. Patrick’s Day        NC Arbor Day
                                                                  Time Begins
                                                                  Spring Forward

                                                                                      World Water Day                                                   4th Friday Celebration
Meet Homer Savemore.                                                                                                                                    Downtown Fayetteville

As a Certified Energy
Auditor, Homer has
advanced training in
energy conservation. He                                          Palm Sunday
and his colleagues will
come to your home to
identify opportunities
and make recommenda-
tions for ways to reduce
your power (and water)
consumption – to help
you save money. And
blah and blah and blah,
as fits.                                                                                                                                            Dates/events are subject to change without notice.
2022 Conservation Calendar
       On April 1, PWC billing for electricity shifts to the summer sched-
       ule (Peak rates in effect from 3:00 to 7:00 PM weekdays). ‘Flip’ your
       switches off (conserve all the power you can) during these Peak Hours,
       		                                 and be amazed by how much you can save. Off-
                                           Peak, electricity is billed at 35% lower rates!

                                            Install an ENERGY STAR Smart Thermostat for
                                      your heap pump system and earn a bill credit.
       You can program your thermostat to keep your A/C
       at the highest comfortable temperature during Peak
       Hours. For more information on the Smart

                                                                               CARING SUPPORT FOR UNITED WAY
       Thermostat incentive and other Peak
       Savings incentives– plus tips to

       shift your power usage                    Each year in May, PWC volunteers participate in the United
                                           Way of Cumberland County’s “Days of Caring.” In 2021 (modified
       Off-Peak – visit                 format due to COVID), we held a supply drive for United Way partner
                    		            agencies, and a number of employees participated in their blood drive.
       our website.
                             Our annual United Way contributions go to support their NC 211 free
                          information and referral service that connects people with human service
                     resources, including disaster assistance.


                                                                                    APRIL 2022
Summer Peak Hours (April - October)
   For PWC Electric Customers


                 PM Peak

          3-7 PM Weekdays
                                                                                                                  Start of Summer Peak

What You Need to                                                                                                  Change Your HVAC Filters

Know About Easements
and Rights-of-Way
Property owners should
know there may be
easements and rights-
of-way – with certain
restrictions – located
on your property. An                    Palm Sunday                                                               Good Friday
                                                                                                                  PWC Offices Closed
easement is a land
right granted by property                                                                                         Off Peak Hours
                                                                                                                  (Electric Customers)
owners to a utility for the
purpose of operating their
lines and equipment. A                                                                                            Earth Day
                                        Easter Sunday    National Lineworker
right-of-way is a corridor/                              Appreciation Day
                                                                                                                  4th Friday Celebration
strip of land a utility is
allowed to use to access
lines or equipment. If
you’re planning to put
permanent structures –
such as houses, sheds,
pools, decks, etc. – on
your property, check to
see if/where there are
that need to remain clear.
For more information,
visit faypwc.com under
                                                                                                              Dates/events are subject to change without notice.
2022 Conservation Calendar
Water Wasters Are All Wet!
        Using water wisely helps protect our finite supply of the precious

        resource – and it helps us keep your rates down. We hope you’ll make

        a conscious effort to save water wherever you can (indoors and out).

        Find lots of conservation tips and incentive programs on our website.

                    Even                                Be sure to follow the year-round
         Water Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
       if street address ends in an even number
                                                        Odd/Even schedule (depending on
            Water Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
        if street address ends in an odd number         your address) for watering with

        automatic or unattended sprinklers.

        Install a Rain Sensor on your automatic sprinklers

        (so they don’t run in rainy weather), and earn

        a credit up to $50 on your water bill.
                                                                                                       A Chance to Show Your Work
                                                                                       Every year, PWC sponsors the “Public Works” art exhibit at the
        See details on
        our website.                                                           Fayetteville/Cumberland County Arts Council. It’s open to all, giving
                                   		                              people in our community – of all ages and skill levels, working in any style
                                                 or medium – the opportunity to have their artwork displayed at the Arts Council’s
                                      gallery downtown.


                                                                                                                MaY 2022
 Summer Peak Hours (April - October)
    For PWC Electric Customers


                  PM Peak

           3-7 PM Weekdays
                                                  Change Your HVAC Filters                                                            Cinco de Mayo

                                                  Drinking Water Week

  Raising Awareness
 through Electrical                               Mother’s Day

Safety Month in May
Some tips to keep you
and your family safe:

• When you unplug
  something, pull the
  plug, not the cord.

• If using a generator
  during a power outage,
  be sure it’s outside in a                                                                                                                               4th Friday Celebration
  dry, well-ventilated 		                                                                                                                                 Downtown Fayetteville
  area, and follow all
  instructions carefully.                                                                                                                                 Heat Safety
                                                                                                                                                          Awareness Day

• Don’t attempt amateur
  repairs on your appli-
  ances. Call a qualified                                                       Memorial Day
  technician. Never insert                                                      PWC Offices Closed
  knifes or other metal 		                                                      Off Peak Hours
  objects into a toaster.                                                       (Electric Customers)

• If you have young
  children, cover sel-
  dom-used outlets
  with tight-fitting plastic
  safety plugs. Never
  leave light bulb
  sockets empty.

For more, visit faypwc.
com/safety.                                                                                                                                           Dates/events are subject to change without notice.
2022 Conservation Calendar
      Hurricane season begins in June. While we remain hopeful our region will

      avoid major weather events, we know that’s not always true. Past storms and their

      lingering damage are harsh reminders of what may occur. Prudent planning and

      preparation will help you stay safe and avoid or mitigate storm damage.

      PWC publishes a comprehensive Storm Preparation Guide, updated annually,

      with detailed information that includes: making an emergency supply kit;

      preparing your home and your family; safety tips; what to do if the

      power goes out; important resources and contacts; and so

      much more. You can request a copy of the Guide –

      and find extensive storm prep information –

      at faypwc.com/storm-central.
                                                                                                   ONE MORE WAY WE GIVE BACK
                                                                              “Public Power is defined by our commitment to community
                                                                    service,” states the American Public Power Association (APPA).
      See details on                                           Each year in June, they celebrate a Day of Giving, encouraging member
      our website.
                                                     utilities to make a positive impact on their communities. Our participation, as
                                              a proud APPA member, is yet another way we give back. In 2021 (to avoid large
                                      groups), they promoted month-long giving. And we used this opportunity to hold our Fan Drive, whereby PWC employees
                                                  donated fans that are distributed to help community members in need stay cool throughout the summer.

                                                                                                    JUNE 2022
Summer Peak Hours (April - October)
   For PWC Electric Customers


                 PM Peak

          3-7 PM Weekdays
                                                                                                        Start of Hurricane Season
                                                                                                        (June - November)

June is National                                                                                        Change Your HVAC Filters

Safety Month
Some helpful tips:
• Call NC811 before you
  dig in your yard. They’ll
  arrange for utilities
  (including PWC) to
  mark the location of
  underground lines you                                            Flag Day
                                                                                        Flag Day

  need to avoid.
• Water from hoses
  sitting in the sun can
  be scalding hot. Be
                                          Father’s Day                                                                                   4th Friday Celebration
  aware (and teach your                   National Lightning                                                                             Downtown Fayetteville
                                          Safety Awareness Week
  children) that you 		                   Juneteenth

  need to run the water                   Father’s Day Safety
                                          Nat’l Lighting
                                          Awareness Week
  until it’s cool before
  getting it on you.
• To keep you and our
  people at work safe,
  when traveling
  through work zones,
  please heed our signs,
  slow down and avoid

See faypwc.com/safety
for more tips.
                                                                                                                                     Dates/events are subject to change without notice.
2022 Conservation Calendar
make Your Toilets Green
        No, we’re not suggesting you use them as planters. But we are giving you a
        strong incentive for replacing your traditional, water-wasting toilets with
        WaterSense High Efficiency Toilets (HETs) that use a lot less water for
        flushing. Toilets are typically the largest source of water consumption
        in your home. Replacing just one with an HET can save the average
        household more than 10,000 gallons of water a year. Good for
        conserving this precious resource. Great for saving money
        on your bills! Plus, you’ll earn a bill credit for every toilet
        you replace.

        Water Heating – In most homes, hot water
        heaters are the second largest energy users. Find

                                                                                                  United We Care
        ways to save: turn off your heater during
        Peak billing hours; lower the heater
        thermostat to 120°; insulate the
                                           				                                    Our major push for United Way campaign donations takes
        tank; and use less!  And
                                                                       place in July. With high participation (typically near 100%), PWC
        consider buying a new
                        unit.                                    employees consistently make their caring count. Year after year, we’ve
                                                        earned recognition for our generous support. In 2020-21, we once again
        Learn more on
        our website.                               received the United Way of North Carolina Spirit of NC Award for “Engaged
                                           Leadership and Employees,” as well as the United Way of Cumberland County Marquis Award for having the highest
                                                                                                            number of Marquis/Leadership contributions ($1000 or more).

                                                                                                         JUly 2022
Summer Peak Hours (April - October)
   For PWC Electric Customers


                    PM Peak

            3-7 PM Weekdays
                                                                                                                                                 National Smart
                                                                                                                                                 Irrigation Month

                                                                                                                                                 Change Your HVAC Filters
July is Smart
Irrigation Month
Be “smart” about water-
ing lawns and gardens                                                   Independence Day
by adhering to the
ODD-EVEN year-long                                                      PWC Offices Closed
schedule for automatic                                                  Off Peak Hour
or unattended sprinklers.                                               (Electric Customers)

                                                                        Flag Day
• Water only when you
     need to, not just
     because it’s “your day.”
     (To see if your lawn
     needs watering, step
     on it. If grass doesn’t                                                                                                                     4th Friday Celebration
                                               National Lightning                                                                                Downtown Fayetteville
     spring back, it needs 		                  Safety Awareness Week
                                               Father’s Day
• Early morning is the
  most efficient time to
  water. Don’t water in
  the heat of the day or
  when it’s windy.

  Water Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
if street address ends in an even number

    Water Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
if street address ends in an odd number

                                                                                                                                            Dates/events are subject to change without notice.
2022 Conservation Calendar
It’s Cool To Conserve
       Even in the sizzle of summer, you can stay cool and still keep your
       bills down when you take extra care to conserve. And, yes, conserving
       energy resources is a ‘cool’ thing to do. First, be sure to conserve all
       you can during summer Peak Hours (3:00 – 7:00 pm, weekdays).
       Shifting usage to Off Peak Hours, when electricity is billed at 35%
       lower rates, will help you save big!

       Visit PWC’s website for extensive tips that include: Adjusting
       your habits to do laundry, run the dishwasher, use hot water
       and other ‘high-energy’ tasks during Off-Peak Hours;
       keeping your A/C set at 78° (higher when you’re not

                                                                                                      Valuable Job Training
       home). And did you know that using fans will
       make a room feel about 4° degrees cooler!

                                                                             As part of our commitment to educating and supporting
                                      			                         existing and prospective employees, PWC collaborates with
                                                              Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC) for their Lineworker
                                                     Basic Training Course. Completing the 8-week course gives job seekers the
                                            skills and knowledge they need to become entry level electrical lineworkers.
                                      For more information: faytechcc.edu/corporate-continuing-education/corporate-industry-training/


                                                                                                            AUGUST 2022
Summer Peak Hours (April - October)
   For PWC Electric Customers


                 PM Peak

          3-7 PM Weekdays
                                                                  Change Your HVAC Filters   National Night Out      Professional
                                                                                                                     Engineers Day

August is Water
Quality Month
At PWC, we care deeply
about providing our cus-                                                                                                             National 811 Day
tomers with a clean, safe                                                                                                            (Call before you dig!)
supply of quality drinking
water. And we’re proud of
the exceptional standards
we maintain. In 2000, we
became the first utility in
North Carolina to earn the                                                                   National Airborne Day
Director’s Award from the                                         Flag Day
Partnership for Safe Water
and we've continued meet-
ing these standards for 20
years. The award, devel-
oped by the EPA and other
organizations, recognizes                                                                                                                                          4th Friday Celebration
                                          National Lightning                                                                                                       Downtown Fayetteville
our efforts and proven                    Safety Awareness Week
ability to treat water in
a manner that meets or                    Father’s Day
exceeds current regulatory

      for Safe Water
Learn more in our Water
Quality Report, visit

                                                                                                                                                              Dates/events are subject to change without notice.
Is Your Refrigerator Running?
                                      Too “fast”? If you have older, inefficient appliances,

                                      it’s no kid’s prank! They’re using more power

                                      (and water) and costing you more on your

                                      utility bills every month. “Catch” your

                                      power-wasting appliances and replace

                                      them with ENERGY STAR® qualified models.

      You’ll save money for years to come! And, with

      PWC’s incentive programs, earn a bill credit

      for each appliance you replace.

      Visit our website for incentive
      details and applications.                                                        Sustainability Leaders
                                		                              Proud members of Sustainable Sandhills, we have earned
                                                            recognition from this organization for our significant achievements
                                                       as a green business and our efforts to promote conservation, environ-
                                                   mental awareness and sustainability in our community. We are also
                                                   participants in the 5 for Friday community clean-up initiative – launched
                                                   by Cumberland County, the City of Fayetteville and Sustainable Sandhills – encouraging businesses, schools,
                                                   groups and individuals to take an active role in picking up litter and recyclables.

                  faypwc.com                                                   Learn more about this initiative and take the anti-littering pledge yourself at 5forFriday.org.

                                                                                           SEPTEMBER 2022
Summer Peak Hours (April - October)
   For PWC Electric Customers


                 PM Peak

          3-7 PM Weekdays
                                                                                                                             Change Your HVAC Filters

  Our People Make
   the Difference
                                                                    Labor Day
                                                                    PWC Offices Closed

                                                                    Off Peak Hours
                                                                    (Electric Customers)

                                                                                                                                                         4th Friday Celebration
Meet Homer Savemore.                                                                                                                                     Downtown Fayetteville
As a Certified Energy
Auditor, Homer has
advanced training in
energy conservation. He                   Rosh Hashanah
and his colleagues will
                                          National Drive Electric
come to your home to                      Week

identify opportunities
and make recommenda-
tions for ways to reduce
your power (and water)
consumption – to help
you save money. And
blah and blah and blah,
as fits.
                                                                                                                                                    Dates/events are subject to change without notice.
Celebrating Public Power
      October designates a week to recognize “Public Power.” Why join the celebration?

      As a Public Power provider, PWC is community-owned. Everything we do … we do

      for you, not to generate shareholder profits. We don’t answer to outsiders, either.

      PWC leaders and decision-makers are also customers. They have our shared

      best interests in mind. Our employees are your friends and neighbors.

      They care about our community, while providing world-class,

      award-winning services. And, we’re locally operated, so

      we can respond faster in an emergency, after a storm,

                                                                                    Giving You the Opportunity to Shine
      or when you need service.

      Learn more about the benefits              The PWC Solar Farm is North Carolina’s first community
      we enjoy at faypwc.com/
                     				                   solar and battery storage project of its type built by a
      public-power-at-work.              municipal utility. And you, as a PWC electric customer, can

        		 participate! Whether you rent – or own and want to avoid
                                      		                     the effort and expense of installing panels at your home or business –
                                                          you can subscribe (join the “Solar Circle”). You get a bill credit for your
                                                   subscription. And better still, by helping us add renewable energy to our
                                             local power grid, you’re contributing to a cleaner, greener future.

                                      Find details at faypwc.com/community-solar.


                                                                                        OCToBER 2022
Summer Peak Hours (April - October)
   For PWC Electric Customers


                 PM Peak

          3-7 PM Weekdays
                                                                                                                                                                      Change Your
                                                                                                                                                                      HVAC Filters

Lots to “celebrate” in
October. Take heed
and save big!
                                            Public Power Week
Energy Awareness Month
Great time to reinforce
(and expand) power-
saving efforts. Be sure
to switch to the Winter                                         Columbus Day
Time-of-Use schedule
on November 1!

Toilet Tank Repair Month
Flushing accounts for                       Nional Boss Day
about 38% of household
water use, so fixing leaky
toilets can save a lot.
PWC’s YouTube channel
has “easy fix” videos.                                                                                                                       4th Friday Celebration
                                                                                                                                             Downtown Fayetteville
Shower Better Month
Taking shorter showers –
or installing WaterSense
showerheads – can save
the average family 2,900
gallons of water a year,
plus enough electricity
to power your home for
13 days.
                                                                                                                                        Dates/events are subject to change without notice.
Switch to LEDs and We’ll Foot the Bill*
        Before you decorate for the holidays this year, consider switching to LEDs.
        ENERGY STAR® LED light strings use up to 96% less energy. As an added
        ‘bonus,’ they last up 10 times longer. When you purchase LED holiday lights,
        you can take advantage of our incentive and earn a *bill credit up to $40.
        And, keep this in mind – if all decorative light strands sold in the U.S.
        were ENERGY STAR LEDs, it would prevent nearly 10 million lbs.
        of greenhouse gas emissions!

        Save even more energy by replacing incandescent lighting
        in your home with ENERGY STAR LED bulbs. You can
        earn a *bill credit up to $100, then lower your
        electric bills for years to come.

        See our website for details on
        the PWC holiday  and home
                                                                     Honoring America’s Heroes
                     			                     PWC is proud to sponsor the Field of Honor at the
        lighting incentive                Airborne & Special Operations Museum. This annual
                                                    exhibit features hundreds of American flags, on display
                                              from September 10 through November 14 – each one telling
                                          the story and paying tribute to an active duty service member or
                                       veteran, including those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for
                                 our nation.


                                                                               NovEMBER 2022
Winter Peak Hours (November - March)
     For PWC Electric Customers


          6-10 AM Weekdays
                                                                          Start of Winter Peak

Time to Shift to Save                                                     Change Your HVAC Filters
On Nov. 1, we begin
billing for electricity on
the winter schedule, with
Peak Hour rates from                   Daylight Saving                                                                                    Veterans Day
6:00 am – 10:00 am,                    Time Ends                                                                                          PWC Offices Open
                                       Fall Back
weekdays. Do things
like laundry, etc. during
Off-Peak Hours – when
electricity is billed at 35%
lower rates! The biggest
share of your energy use
typically comes from
heating your home (with
a heat pump). During
Peak Hours, keep your
heat at 68° (lower at
night or when you’re not
                                                                                                              Thanksgiving Day            Thanksgiving Holiday
home for more savings).                                                                                       PWC Offices Closed          PWC Offices Closed
Take full advantage of
Off-Peak savings with a                                                                                       Off Peak Hour               Off Peak Hours
programmable thermo-                                                                                          (Electric Customers)        (Electric Customers)
stat for automatic control
of your heat.
Visit faypwc.com/resi-
dentialprograms to learn
about an $80 bill credit
for installing a program-
mable thermostat.

                                                                                                                                     Dates/events are subject to change without notice.
Hung With Great Care
                As you decorate for the holiday season, we urge everyone
                to keep safety in mind and take extra care as you hang
                all your lights and decorations. Tips to remember:

                • Keep live trees well watered.

                • Be sure all lights and decorations have the UL seal,
                      and don’t use anything that has a frayed or damaged
                       cord. Lights used outdoors should be labeled for
                      outdoor use. Unplug lights when you go out or
                      go the bed. And use LEDs – they’re safer.

                • Keep ladders away from power lines.

                Visit faypwc.com/safety/ for
                more safety tips.                                         Spreading Holiday Cheer
                                 		                    Now in its 65th year, this PWC tradition continues to brighten
                                 		                the holidays for residents and visitors to our City. Our employees
                                 		            volunteer their time and bucket-truck expertise to hang the beautiful
                                           decorations that line our streets downtown. Since 1999, our volunteers
                                         have added to the holiday magic by coordinating the Grand Illumination at
                                    A Dickens Holiday. For our community’s newest holiday celebration, we’re part-
                                 nering with Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Recreation for
                                 “Christmas in the Park Powered by PWC”!

                                                                             DECEMBER 2022
Winter Peak Hours (November - March)
     For PWC Electric Customers


          6-10 AM Weekdays                                                                                 Change Your HVAC Filters

 Happy Holidays
    to All
    From everyone at
   PWC, we wish you a
 joyous holiday season
    and a healthy, safe
      and prosperous
          New Year!                    Hanukkah Begins                                                     Christmas Holiday           Christmas Holiday      Christmas Eve
                                                                                                           PWC Offices Closed          PWC Offices Closed

                                                                                                           Off Peak Hours              Off Peak Hours
                                                                                                           (Electric Customers)        (Electric Customers)

                                       Christmas Day     Kwanzaa Begins                                                                                       New Year’s Eve

                                       January 1, 2023
                                       New Year’s Day                                                                                    NOVEMBER                 JANUARY

                                                                                                                                  Dates/events are subject to change without notice.
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