2022 Handbook Junior Secondary School - Methodist Ladies' College

Page created by Joanne Willis
2022 Handbook Junior Secondary School - Methodist Ladies' College
Junior Secondary School
2022 Handbook Junior Secondary School - Methodist Ladies' College
Welcome to Junior Secondary School____________________________________________ 4
An MLC education___________________________________________________________________________ 6
Structure of MLC____________________________________________________________________________ 8
Daily Schedule________________________________________________________________________________ 11
Term Dates______________________________________________________________________________________ 12
Curriculum______________________________________________________________________________________ 14
House System_________________________________________________________________________________ 19
Education Outdoors________________________________________________________________________ 19
Leadership______________________________________________________________________________________ 22
Wellbeing_________________________________________________________________________________________ 23
Practical information______________________________________________________________________ 24
College map____________________________________________________________________________________ 25
Parents Association________________________________________________________________________ 26

Cover image: Matisse relaxes before Assembly with her Home Group; a source
of new friends and familiarity through the secondary school transition

Junior Secondary School Handbook 2022
2022 Handbook Junior Secondary School - Methodist Ladies' College
Year 7 and 8 classes take place in our Nicholas Learning Centre;
a recently refurbished, dedicated home for Years 7 and 8.          3
2022 Handbook Junior Secondary School - Methodist Ladies' College
Welcome to Junior
Secondary School

                                                   It is a joy to work with your daughter as she transitions to
                                                   secondary school.
                                                   When students feel a sense of belonging to their school
                                                   community, their academic, social and personal development
                                                   flourishes and they begin to be able to develop the confidence,
                                                   optimism and resilience to become world-ready women in
                                                   Junior Secondary School.
                                                   Our new Nicholas Learning Centre has been specifically built
                                                   to optimise connections with peers and teachers in conjunction
                                                   with the wonderful resources available throughout the College
                                                   for Year 7 and 8 students.
                                                   This handbook provides you with valuable information regarding
                                                   Junior Secondary School procedures and a reference to assist
                                                   you and your daughter in readying you for commencement at
                                                   MLC. It can be used in conjunction with the other resources
                                                   available online at mlc.vic.edu.au.
                                                   Additional information regarding your daughter’s curriculum
Ms Cathie Ireland with Junior Secondary Students   will be outlined at Information Evenings at the beginning of her
                                                   commencement year.
                                                   Developing a relationship with families is essential to building
                                                   community and connectedness. In order to foster this
                                                   communication please do not hesitate to contact us by phone,
                                                   email or in person via the contact details in this booklet.
                                                   If you are unsure about where to direct your query please
                                                   contact the Junior Secondary School office as a starting point.
                                                   I hope that 2022 is a great year and I look forward to welcoming
                                                   you and your daughter to MLC’s Junior Secondary School.

                                                   Ms Cathie Ireland
                                                   Head of Junior Secondary School

Junior Secondary School Handbook 2022
2022 Handbook Junior Secondary School - Methodist Ladies' College
Students enjoy recess in
the gardens of the Nicholas
Learning Centre, a dedicated
home for Years 7 and 8 designed
to simplify the transition to
secondary school

2022 Handbook Junior Secondary School - Methodist Ladies' College
An MLC education

MLC has over 139 years’ experience successfully educating
girls to be the citizens the world needs. MLC teaching and
educational support staff understand girls and the particular
way they learn, develop and communicate.

Our programs have been specifically designed to help girls
achieve their best, and their effectiveness is borne out in         A home for Junior Secondary School
our consistently outstanding academic results as well as our
students’ achievements and successes in all areas of school life.   The Nicholas Learning Centre

With a proudly progressive and diverse reputation, we have          The purpose-built Nicholas Learning Centre (NLC) was
a long history as a welcoming, inclusive community where            designed to ensure the best learning outcomes are delivered
students from all walks of life and backgrounds learn and           to our Junior Secondary School Students. The NLC includes
achieve together.                                                   24 configurable learning spaces for Year 7 and 8 Home Groups,
                                                                    as well as state of the art indoor and outdoor learning and
                                                                    recreational spaces, including:
                                                                    - Flexible layouts that can be easily moved and adjusted to suit
                                                                      every type of class or collaborative environment, including
                                                                      multiple classes simultaneously
                                                                    - Variety of lounges, seating booths and ‘break out’ areas
                                                                    - Mobile presentation screens
                                                                    - Television studio and editing suite, including green-screen
                                                                    - 3D Printers Wet areas
                                                                    - Collaborative spaces Laptop Charging lockers
                                                                    - Media Wall
                                                                    The sports oval adjacent to the building has also been re-
                                                                    surfaced as part of this development with students and sports
                                                                    staff looking forward to using this new multi-purpose outdoor
                                                                    sports space.
                                                                    This future-focused development unlocks the potential for a
MLC Students sitting on the front lawns in 1913
                                                                    series of interconnected facilities, cementing MLC’s position as
                                                                    an innovator in education.

                                                                     Click here to find out more about the NLC and hear
                                                                     reflections from our students.

Junior Secondary School Handbook 2022
2022 Handbook Junior Secondary School - Methodist Ladies' College
Year 8 students enjoying learning in the sunshine within the
diverse learning spaces of the Nicholas Learning Centre.

2022 Handbook Junior Secondary School - Methodist Ladies' College
Structure of MLC

School Management Team                    Junior Secondary School executive
Principal                                 Deputy Head of School
Ms Diana Vernon                           Mrs Penny Church
Senior Vice Principal                     The Deputy Head of School is accountable for the design
Ms Margaret Horton                        and day-to-day implementation of the Junior Secondary
                                          School Student Wellbeing Program, along with leadership,
Vice Principal
                                          management and organisation of Junior Secondary School.
Mr Mark Gray
Head of Senior School                     Student Coordinators
Dr Jennifer Bailey Smith Years 11 to 12
                                          The primary role of the Student Coordinator is to foster
Deputy Head of Senior School              student wellbeing. The Student Coordinator works closely
Ms Rebecca Akse Years 11 to 12            with the Home Group teachers, Subject teachers, Counsellors,
                                          Chaplains, Deputy Head of School and Head of School. Student
Head of Middle School
                                          Coordinators should be made aware of any issues: personal;
Mrs Melissa Lange Years 9 to 10
                                          disciplinary or academic. It is the responsibility of the Student
Deputy Head of Middle School              Coordinators to disseminate information regarding a student
Ms Belinda Buchanan Years 9 to 10         to relevant staff. There are two Student Coordinators for each
                                          year level.
Head of Junior Secondary School
Ms Cathie Ireland Years 7 to 8
                                          Curriculum Administrator
Deputy Head of Junior Secondary School
                                          The Curriculum Administrator is responsible for the allocation
Mrs Penny Church Years 7 to 8
                                          of students to subjects and any subsequent timetable
Head of Junior School                     changes. The Curriculum Administrator is also responsible for
Ms Louise Peyton K to Year 6              administration of NAPLAN testing, online Junior Secondary
                                          School subject handbook, reporting and examination
Deputy Head of Junior School
Mrs Deb Krumples K to Year 6
                                          Director of MLC Banksia
                                          The Director of MLC Banksia oversees the day-to-day operation
                                          of the education outdoors site located on the Gippsland Lakes
                                          for Years 5 – 8.
   Junior Secondary School
   Office hours 8 am – 4.30 pm            JSS Activities Coordinator
                                          All planned activities in the Junior Secondary School which
   T: 9274 6462                           require a venue booking, catering or special equipment are
   E: junsecschool@mlc.vic.edu.au         arranged through the JSS Activities Coordinator (with the
   24-hour attendance line                exception of student based excursions.) Such activities include:
   T: 9274 8166                           Parent Teacher Student Conferences, Information Evenings
                                          and Celebration Evening. The Coordinator also assumes the
                                          responsibility for lockers and seating allocation for Assemblies.

Junior Secondary School Handbook 2022
2022 Handbook Junior Secondary School - Methodist Ladies' College
Student Support Services                                                 Head of department (learning)
Contact Student Counsellors regarding personal, family or                Director of Learning and Curriculum
school-related issues of a serious or private nature. MLC offers         Mr Tim Macdonald
a professional, confidential service to students and/or families.
                                                                         Dramatic Arts and Speech and Drama
                                                                         Ms Dana Duncan
Director of Learning Support
Ms Beth Gerondis
                                                                         Ms Nicole Harris
E: gerondeh@mlc.vic.edu.au
Contact Student Support Services regarding developmental                 Home Economics
concerns and/or learning issues.                                         Mrs Kim Weston
                                                                         Humanities (History, Geography, Religious Education)
College Chaplain
                                                                         Mr Eric Ryan
Mrs Jo Waterhouse
                                                                         Languages (Chinese, French, Japanese)
E: waterhjw@mlc.vic.edu.au
                                                                         Miss Chloé Briand
Health Centre                                                            Mathematics
                                                                         Ms Geetha James
If students are unwell they must report to the Health Centre
and parents can collect students from the Health Centre if they          Music
need to go home.                                                         Mr Christopher Hill
                                                                         Physical Education
College Nurse
                                                                         Mrs Jorja Harrison
Mrs Cathy Latimer
The College nurses are on hand to address any student
                                                                         Ms Miriam Beasy
health concerns.
                                                                         Visual Arts
                                                                         Mr Mark Threadgold

                                                                         Parents and guardians can access the email addresses of
                                                                         staff teaching their daughter through myMLCfamily.net.
                                                                         When accessing this site, a ‘pop up’ box will appear which
                                                                         you will need to complete to indicate that you understand
                                                                         the MLC communication guidelines.

The Junior Secondary School office is located at the South entrance to
the Nicholas Learning Centre

2022 Handbook Junior Secondary School - Methodist Ladies' College
Charlotte and Lily are
working on their English
assignment in the Nicholas
Learning Centre’s break out
study spaces

Junior Secondary School Handbook 2022
Daily schedule
The day begins for JSS Students with Roll Call at 8.20 am in
their Home Group room with their Home Group teacher. The day
                                                                   Preparing to start / daily organisation
is divided into four 75 minute periods. Some subjects will be      Another significant part of the transition to secondary
held in the Home Room (e.g. Mathematics and English) and for       school involves students having a wide range of subjects and
others, students move to specialist rooms (e.g. Art, Science and   numerous teachers. We focus on assisting students to plan
Physical Education).                                               ahead for each day.
In Year 7, the core subjects are often held in the Home Room
and students do not have to navigate their way to different
rooms early in their transition.                                   At the start of the year students will receive an MLC JSS
                                                                   Planner. This book will contain information about their
A ten day cycle is followed at MLC. Days 1 – 5 (Monday to
                                                                   timetable, important events, organisation and homework
Friday) in Week 1 and Days 6 – 10 in the following week,
                                                                   guidelines and some helpful strategies to assist them to
(Monday to Friday).
                                                                   get organised.
There is a mid-morning recess and a lunch break. The school
day finishes at 3.20 pm on each day except Wednesday when          Technology
students finish at 3 pm.
                                                                   Students will be provided with their own notebook computer.
General assemblies and wellbeing sessions in Home Group            The College-wide wireless network provides powerful
are held every cycle. These take place in a time called General    connectivity and links to a wealth of information on the College
Period from 1.25 pm – 2.10 pm.                                     Intranet. The ‘Student Daily’ is a useful resource that assists
                                                                   students in knowing what is happening around the College. In
                                                                   addition, information can be accessed through a mobile version
                                                                   of MLC.net for smartphones, both iPhone and Android.
The daily timetable runs as follows:
                                                                   MLC College star badge
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday                               The MLC school badge is always referred to as ‘The Star’.
                                                                   The Star is the symbol of MLC and is engraved with the school
           Roll Call                  8.20 am – 8.30 am            motto: ‘DEO DOMUIQUE’, which means ‘For God and Home’.
                                                                   Students will receive their MLC Star at Orientation Morning.
                                                                   The College colours are silver and green.
           Period 1                   8.30 am – 9.45 am
           Period 2                  9.50 am – 11.05 am
                                                                   An exciting item students will receive at the beginning of the
                                                                   school year is the MLC StarCard. This card is a smart card
           Recess                    11.05 am – 11.25 am
                                                                   and a student’s photo and name will be on this card. This card
                                                                   is used as an identity card and as an alternative to cash for
           Period 3                  11.25 am – 12.40 pm           purchases around the College. Using FlexiSchools, parents can
                                                                   transfer funds onto their daughter’s Starcard so that purchases
            Lunch                    12.40 pm – 1.25 pm            can be made in the Star Cafe. The StarCard is also used when
                                                                   borrowing items from the Library and to access printing/
       General Period                 1.25 pm – 2.10 pm            photocopying services at various places around the College.

                                                                   Star café
           Period 4                   2.15 pm – 3.20 pm
                                                                   The Star Café is the gourmet centre of the College where all
                                                                   students and staff can purchase anything from a cup of soup to
                                                                   sushi rolls; it is a popular meeting place.
Wednesday (days 3 and 8 only)
                                                                   MLC bookshop
           Roll Call                  8.20 am – 8.30 am            Entry to the MLC Bruce Turner Bookshop is via the Star Café
                                                                   where members of the MLC community can purchase books,
           Period 1                   8.30 am – 9.45 am            gifts, cards and stationery. The MLC bookshop is open during
                                                                   Term time from 8 am – 4 pm.
           Period 2                  9.50 am – 11.05 am

           Recess                    11.05 am – 11.25 am

           Period 3                  11.25 am – 12.40 pm

            Lunch                    12.40 pm – 1.40 pm

           Period 4                   1.45 pm – 3.00 pm

Term dates 2022
Term 1

              Monday 03 January         New Year's Day public holiday

              Tuesday 04 January        College Re-opens for 2022

              Tuesday 04 January        MLC Kindle Staff Return

           Wednesday 05 January         MLC Kindle Re-Opens – Students Return

               Monday 24 January        New Staff Orientation

              Tuesday 25 January        New Staff Orientation

           Wednesday 26 January         Australia Day

             Thursday 27 January        Staff Day

                Friday 28 January       Staff Day

               Monday 31 January        Staff Day

               Monday 31 January        Boarders Return, Tiddeman House Re-opens (12:00 PM - 9:30 PM)

              Tuesday 01 February       Term 1 Commences - Students Return

                 Monday 14 March        Labour Day

                    Friday 08 April     Term 1 Concludes, Tiddeman House Closes (5:00 PM)

                    Friday 15 April     Good Friday

                   Sunday 17 April      Easter Sunday

                  Monday 18 April       Easter Monday

Term 2

                  Monday 25 April       ANZAC Day

                  Tuesday 26 April      Boarders Return, Tiddeman House Reopens (12:00 PM - 9:30 PM)

                  Tuesday 26 April      Staff Day

              Wednesday 27 April        Term 2 Commences - Students Return

              Wednesday 08 June         Marking and Report Writing Day (Y7-12 student free)

                  Monday 13 June        Queens Birthday

                    Friday 24 June      Term 2 Concludes, Tiddeman House Closes (5:00 PM)

Junior Secondary School Handbook 2022
Term 3

                Friday 08 July   New Staff Orientation

                Monday 11 July   Staff Day

                Monday 11 July   Boarders Return, Tiddeman House Reopens (12:00 PM - 9:30 PM)

               Tuesday 12 July   Term 3 Commences - Students Return

          Friday 09 September    Term 3 Concludes, Tiddeman House Closes (5:00 PM)

Term 4

            Sunday 02 October    Boarders Return, Tiddeman House Reopens (12:00 PM - 9:30 PM)

           Monday 03 October     Term 4 Commences - Staff and Students Return

            Monday 31 October    Mid Term Break (student free)

          Tuesday 01 November    Melbourne Cup Day

           Friday 25 November    Marking and Report Writing Day (Y7-12 student free)

           Friday 02 December    Term 4 Concludes for Prep - Year 11 Students

           Friday 02 December    Tiddeman House Closes (12:00 NOON)

           Friday 09 December    Teaching Staff Finish, Term 4 Concludes

         Thursday 22 December    MLC Kindle Students Finish

           Friday 23 December    MLC Kindle Staff Finish; MLC Kindle Closes for 2022

           Friday 23 December    College Closes for 2022

          Sunday 25 December     Christmas Day

          Monday 26 December     Boxing Day

         Tuesday 27 December     Christmas Day Observance


Junior Secondary School (Year 7 – 8) is the time where
students are experiencing individual subjects, taught
by specialist teachers, for the first time.

Easy transition from primary school to this next level of learning
is central; subjects are learned in the familiar environment
of students’ Home Groups, with subjects such as Visual Art,
Science and Music taught in specialist classrooms.
Year 8 is also the first year students are able to begin choosing
elective subjects.
Subject variety is a hallmark of an MLC education. The College
offers one of the most extensive and engaging Years 7 – 12
curriculum offerings of any Australian school.

 Click here to find out more about curriculum and learning
 at MLC.

                                                                     Students in Year 8 build an interactive electronic town using lego and
                                                                     Arduino boards during STEAM Week

Our results
MLC is an open entry, non-selective school where we welcome
students of all backgrounds and abilities. Our exceptional
programs and staff ensure that our students consistently
achieve outstanding academic results, well above the state and
national average, as well as a holistic, well-rounded education.

MLC has long had an interdisciplinary approach to learning with
a strong focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
Arts and Design, Mathematics) subjects, and we recognise the
necessity of diverse disciplines, such as science and the arts,
coming together to drive innovation.

 Click here to view our latest STEAM video

Junior Secondary School Handbook 2022
Students in Year 7 practice
their engineering skills for the
Da Vinci Decathlon as part of our
Compass Program; our gifted and
talented curriculum

Co-curricular activities
MLC’s range of co-curricular activities is one of the largest     - Tennis (Term 1)
and most varied of any school in the country, including student
                                                                  - Rising Stars Program
associations/ clubs and lunchtime activities.
                                                                  - Tennis (Term 1); AFL (Term 2);
These are optional activities for your daughter to participate
in, in addition to their school day, and MLC students embrace     - Volleyball (Term 3); Cricket (Term 4)
these opportunities!
                                                                  - Cross Country (Term 1, 2)
These activities are scheduled before school, after school or
                                                                  - Hockey (Term 2)
during lunchtimes. There are a myriad of opportunities in which
to participate, make new friends, get involved and experience     - Netball (Term 2)
new challenges through house activities, sport, clubs, the arts
                                                                  - AFL (Term 2)
and even international trips and tours.
                                                                  - Athletics (Term 3)
                                                                  - Badminton (Term 3)

Dramatic arts                                                     - Soccer (Term 3)
                                                                  - Volleyball (Term 3)
For enquiries, please contact the Drama Administration Office
on 9274 6403                                                      - Basketball (Term 4)
- Drama Club* (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)                                   - Cricket (Term 4)
- Speech and Drama Lessons* (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)                     - Water Polo (Term 4)
- Theatre Sports (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)

                                                                  Intensive sport programs and lessons*
GSV (Interschool sports)                                          For enquiries please contact the Physical Education Centre
                                                                  (PEC) on 9274 6348
For Sport enquiries, please email sport@mlc.vic.edu.au
                                                                  - Cheerleading (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Diving (Term 1)
                                                                  - Dance (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Indoor Cricket (Term 1)
                                                                  - Diving (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Softball (Term 1)
                                                                  - Gymnastics (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Swimming (Term 1)

Junior Secondary School Handbook 2022
Amy is competing in MLC’s
                                                         Intensive Swimming program;
                                                         one of many swim sports
                                                         on offer, including Diving,
                                                         Waterpolo, Competitive and
                                                         House Swimming

- Kayaking (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                         Student associations/clubs and
- Year 8 Rowing (Term 4)
                                                         lunchtime activities
- Snow Sports (Term 1, 2, 3)
                                                         - Animanga Society (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Stars Netball (Term 1, 2, 3)
                                                         - AV Technical Training Sessions (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Swimming (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                         - Art Group (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Tennis (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                         - Brain Buzz (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                         - Chess Club (Years 3 – 12) (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
Music                                                    - Coding Club (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
For music enquiries, please email music@mlc.vic.edu.au   - Connecting to Country – Indigenous Perspectives
                                                           (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Clarinet Ensemble (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                         - da Vinci Decathlon (Term 1, 2, 3)
- Drum Line (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                         - Rainbow Alliance (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Flockart Band (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                         - The Green Team (Sustainability and Environment)
- Jazz/Rock Group (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                           (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- JSS Choir (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                         - Literature Club (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- JSS Ensembles – General Info (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                         - Lunchtime Recreational Gymnastics (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- JSS Orchestra (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                         - The Writers’ Guild (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- JSS Percussion Ensemble (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                         - Pottery Club (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- JSS Saxophone Ensemble (Term 1, 3, 4)
                                                         - Walton Library Lunchtime Activity Program (Term 1, 2, 3)
- Private Music Tuition* (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                         - Walton Library Craft (Term 4)
- String Orchestra (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Year 7 String Quartet (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                         * Additional costs for these lessons / programs
- Year 8 String Quartet (Term 1, 2, 3, 4)

Caption to go here

                                        The House Athletics Carnival is a spirited annual event where students can
Junior Secondary School Handbook 2022   take part in a number of Athletics activities and show off their House pride.
House system

Each MLC student from Prep to Year 12 is allocated a House
and is encouraged to participate and contribute to their House
throughout the year.

Four Houses were established in 1933 and the fifth,
Nevile, established in 1959. All are named after significant
benefactors, former Chairs of the MLC Council and former
Principals of the College.
Each student is placed into a House once they commence
at MLC. Through their Houses, students are encouraged to
participate in an extensive array of activities ranging from:
- Music
- Drama
- Debating
- Sporting round robins
- Swimming
- Athletics
- Cross Country                                                 Students perform their own music and choreography in the annual
                                                                House Music and Drama competition.
- House week activities.

Interhouse sport
For Sport enquiries, please email sport@mlc.vic.edu.au
- House Cheerleading (Term 1)
- Lunchtime Sport
- Badminton (Term 2)
- House Athletics Carnival (Term 3)
- Lunchtime Sport: Minor Games (Term 3)
- House Cross Country Carnival (Term 2)
- House Swimming and Diving Carnival (Term 4)
- Lunchtime Sport: Minor Games (Term 4)
- Year 7 House Sport (Term 4)

Other house activities
- House Theatre Sports (Term 3)

Education Outdoors

MLC is fortunate to own and manage two dedicated remote
campuses in regional Victoria.

MLC Banksia and MLC Marshmead                                       Year 7
MLC Banksia is a unique, curriculum based program, catering
                                                                    Lake Explorers (6 days)
for students in Years 5 – 8 throughout the year.
                                                                    A key objective of the Year 7 experience is to help students form
The pinnacle of our Education Outdoors program is the
                                                                    friendships, bond with peers and develop stronger relationships
renowned and unique MLC Marshmead, where our Year 9
                                                                    with one another and their Home Group teachers. Students focus
students spend a term living together on our specially-built
                                                                    on personal development, environmental understanding, and
campus in Mallacoota.
                                                                    the Indigenous values of the Gippsland Lakes region. In addition
                                                                    to extending their bushwalking and camping skills, students
                                                                    undertake environmental projects and navigation exercises.

MLC Banksia
Students in Years 7 – 8 attend a 6-day program throughout
the year. MLC Banksia experiences are theme based and have          Year 8
strong links to the Kew curriculum.
                                                                    Inside Out (6 days)
Each MLC Banksia experience is carefully and strategically
planned to enable effective personal skill development, where       The Year 8 experience at MLC Banksia includes a strong focus
students undertake a range of new, age-appropriate challenges       on sustainability and the development of environmentally
each time they return.                                              conscious lifestyle choices.
In conjunction with experiential opportunities that traditionally   Learning is practical and hands-on, incorporating both
occur in an outdoor education program, it is the structured         individual and team activities. The Year 8 experience provides
learning that takes place which makes MLC Banksia unique.           the link between Year 7 and the students’ eight weeks at MLC
                                                                    Marshmead in Year 9. Students experience sailing, sea kayaking,
As an education-centred program, MLC Banksia utilises
                                                                    caving and further develop their navigation and camping skills.
qualified and experienced teachers in Education Outdoors,
                                                                    Student accommodation is in self-contained cabins and provides
and is supported by a raft of educational support staff and
                                                                    a valuable introduction to the experience of independent living.
One class or Home Group attend at a time, which means
students get to really know their classmates and form                Click here to find out more about Banksia
solid, long-lasting friendships through their shared Banksia
                                                                     Click here to for a Banksia Campus Virtual Tour

Banksia bonds students together through fun challenges like
camping, rock climbing and bushwalking.

Junior Secondary School Handbook 2022
Our Year 8 students embark on a day of sea kayaking at MLC Banksia.


In Years 7 and 8, students are provided with plentiful
opportunities to engage in leadership roles. Each position
has specific responsibilities, enabling students to discover
a role that aligns with their interests.

As Home Group Captain, some of the responsibilities include       Chaplain and assists in the preparation of Chapel Services. JSS
supervising the physical environment of the Home Group and        Music Leaders provide music support for all JSS Assemblies
working alongside the Home Group teacher to acknowledge           and Chapels and Student Ambassadors demonstrate leadership
fellow students’ achievements and birthdays. The Social Service   and commitment with their involvement in school tours,
Captain leads the class in their charity or project of choice,    information sessions and welcoming everyone to the College.
organising fundraising activities and managing the finances.
                                                                  Other House Leadership roles include Student Representative
The Green Queens promote environmental sustainability             Council (SRC), House Captain, House Athletic Captain, House
awareness within the JSS and the larger MLC community; the        Swimming Captain, House Debating Captain, House Sport
Technology Leader provides IT leadership and helps to promote     Captain and House Music Captain.
positive social media usage. The Faith and Worship Captain
discusses the themes for Chapels and Assemblies with the

Siena can pursue leadership
opportunities across areas like Home
Group, Technology, Environment,
House Activities and Music
Junior Secondary School Handbook 2022

PROSPER framework                                                   Health centre
MLC has long been recognised for its high quality wellbeing         The MLC Health Centre provides support to students and
programs, providing students with the best possible support as      parents when a student is unwell or injured. It is open from
they learn and grow.                                                8 am – 4.15 pm daily during the school term and is staffed
                                                                    by Division 1 Registered Nurses. If your daughter needs to go
Every student has a designated teacher who is directly
                                                                    home for health reasons, she must present to the Health Centre
responsible for her wellbeing. Together with other key wellbeing
                                                                    and the nurses will then contact you to discuss her care.
staff, this teacher acts as a focal point across a larger network
of support staff for students.                                      If your daughter calls you to say she is not well, please remind
                                                                    her of this procedure which will ensure a safe and timely hand-
MLC’s wellbeing programs are underpinned by the PROSPER
                                                                    over of care.
framework. PROSPER (Positivity, Relationships, Outcomes,
Strengths, Purpose, Engagement, Resilience) integrates the
science of wellbeing and the latest research into positive
education with best practice teaching and learning.
Every student is well supported at each stage of her schooling
and development.

 Click here to find out more about Wellbeing at MLC

Practical information

MLC Uniform                                                         Information technology
MLC girls wear their College uniform with pride, knowing            MLC has a well-earned reputation as an innovator in the use
that it identifies them as members of our respected learning        of technology to enhance learning. The College was the first
community.                                                          school in the world to introduce a one-to-one laptop program
                                                                    for students in 1990.
MLC’s official colours are green, white and silver. MLC’s uniform
offers a range of practical, timeless garments that are not only    Today, MLC believes the effective integration of technology
long wearing, but also attractive and comfortable for students.     in learning is a core element of 21st century teaching and
The Summer and Winter uniforms cater to Melbourne’s seasons         learning.
and ensure students are suitably dressed all year round, while
                                                                    Students in Years 7, 9 and 11 are given new notebook computers
the PE and sports uniforms allow students to participate in
                                                                    in a school owned, mandated program that ensures students
physical activity with comfort and ease.
                                                                    are using the latest in mobile computing technology.
T: (03) 9274 6422
E: uniform@mlc.vic.edu.au                                           Enhanced learning
The Uniform Shop is managed by Bob Stewart, you can visit the       The College is connected through a huge range of online
Uniform Shop at the College or click the button below to shop       learning tools, resources and media collections. This is
online.                                                             supported by a College-wide student and staff intranet wireless
                                                                    network, and teachers continually look for opportunities to
                                                                    meaningfully embed technology in learning.
 Click here to go to the Uniform Shop
                                                                    The CCC
                                                                    The MLC Centre for Computing and Communications (CCC) is
                                                                    our comprehensive on-campus centre available to students and
MLC Bookroom                                                        staff for laptop and computer support. Hardware and software
                                                                    issues can be resolved onsite, often on the same day.
Located on the lower level of the Woodgate Building, it is a
valuable resource for both students and staff. Open daily during
term time, students are able to purchase all their book and
stationery needs before and after school or at lunchtime.           Getting to MLC
Supplies available in the Bookroom include: text books, cards,      There are multiple public transport options close to MLC
movie tickets, art supplies and stationery items.                   ensuring students arrive to school and get home safely:
Information regarding next year’s booklists will be sent to you
later in the year. These can be ordered online through the          Tram
Campion website www.campion.com.au.                                 The route 16 tram stops directly outside of MLC on Glenferrie
                                                                    Road, and connects to many other tram routes including routes
MLC Bookroom                                                        8, 70, 72 and 75.
T: +61 3 9274 6346
E: mlcbookshop@mlc.vic.edu.au
                                                                    Glenferrie Railway Station is an easy 10 minute walk down the
Opening Hours                                                       road, serviced by the Belgrave/ Lilydale/Alamein lines.

8 am – 4 pm during term time
                                                                     Click here to view MLC’s Transport Map
Campion Education
T: 1300 433 982
                                                                     Click here to access Public Transport Victoria’s
                                                                     Journey Planner

Junior Secondary School Handbook 2022
College map

                                                                                                                        FITZWILLIAM ST
                                                                                         DROP OFF / PICK UP
                                                                                           36                                                                          40
                                   31                                                                                  Tennis                    Physical
                    30                                                                                            38   Courts                Education Centre

                                                                            35                                                                                               41
                                                            34                                                                                    39

                    28            28
                                                                                                                                                 Jean Perkins Sports Oval


                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ROSSFIELD AV
                                             Plaza    25               24                                         23

                                                                                                                                                                                          LOFTS AV
                   19                                 20                         22                                                                                         Tennis

                        18                                        12
                                                                                                   GROVE AVENUE

                                                                              11         10

                                        16           15                          9       8
                                                                                     7                                  DROP OFF / PICK UP

                                               14          13                                                                                                                                             2

                                              TIDDEMAN DRIVE                                                                                 5

                                                 Front Garden

                                                                                                                            BARKERS RD

                  5. Administration                                                               7. Hamley Centre Reception                                                          24. (PEC)
      34. Assembly Hall
 5. Administration                                                                    17. 16.  Health
                                                                                           Fitchett   Centre
                                                                                                    Hall / CCC                                                                    10.12. Principal’s
                                                                                                                                                                                      Music  School Administration
      32. ArtHall
              House                                                                      22. James Tatoulis Auditorium                                                              28. Print Centre
34. Assembly                                                                          40. Gymnasium                                                                               26. Nevile Wing
       31. Betty Jackson Hall                                                            23. Junior Secondary School Office                                                         36. Senior School Office
32. Art House                                                                          7. Hamley Centre Reception                                                                 23. Nicholas Learning Centre
       15. Boarders’ Dining Hall                                                            1. Junior School Prep – 2                                                                27. Senior Science
31. Betty
       27. Jackson Hall
            Book Room                                                                 16. Health  Centre
                                                                                           3. Junior  School Years 3 – 6                                                              Physical
                                                                                                                                                                                  39.37.       Education Centre Office (PEC)
                                                                                                                                                                                         Star Cafe
15. Boarders’
      33. CatoDining
                WingHall                                                                  4. Junior
                                                                                      22. James     School
                                                                                                Tatoulis   Office
                                                                                                         Auditorium                                                               24.41. StudentAdministration
                                                                                                                                                                                      Principal’s Support Services
27. Book   Centenary Building
      29.Room                                                                         23.30. Krome
                                                                                          Junior     Dining School
                                                                                                 Secondary  Room Office                                                           12.13. Swimming
                                                                                                                                                                                      Print Centre Pool
      35. David Loader Centre                                                            19. Language Centre                                                                         14. The Residence
33. Cato Wing                                                                          1. Junior School Prep – 2                                                                  28. Senior School Office
      18. Dramatic Arts / Dwyer Hall                                                     27. Library                                                                                  8. Tiddeman Boarding House
29. Centenary Building                                                                 3. Junior School Years 3 – 6                                                               36. Senior Science
      20. Dr Wood Learning Centre                                                         9. Maintenance                                                                             27. Uniform Shop
35. David
      21. Loader Centre
           Dr Wood  LC Eastern Courtyard                                                  Junior
                                                                                       4.25.     School
                                                                                             Middle     Office
                                                                                                     School  Office                                                               27. Star Cafe
                                                                                                                                                                                         Woodgate  Building
      38. Elizabeth
18. Dramatic         Tatoulis
             Arts / Dwyer HallScience Wing                                                2. MLCDining
                                                                                      30. Krome  KindleRoom                                                                       37. Student Support Services
         11. Flockart
20. Dr Wood           Hall
               Learning Centre                                                           10. Music School
                                                                                      19. Language Centre                                                                         41. Swimming Pool
          6. Fitchett Chapel                                                             26. Nevile Wing
21. Dr Wood LC Eastern Courtyard                                                      27. Library                                                                                 13. The Residence
         17. Fitchett Hall / CCC                                                         23. Nicholas Learning Centre
38. Elizabeth Tatoulis Science Wing                                                       Maintenance
                                                                                       9.39.  Physical Education Centre Office                                                    14. Tiddeman Boarding House
        40. Gymnasium
 11. Flockart Hall                                                                    25. Middle School Office                                                                     8. Uniform Shop
 6. Fitchett Chapel                                                                      2. MLC Kindle                                                                            27. Woodgate Building

Parents’ Association

The MLC Parents’ Association is a vibrant organisation
that provides opportunities for parents to connect with
one another, support their daughter’s education and enjoy
engagement with the College community.

The MLC PA is the overarching body for the Parent Special
Interest Groups, Year Level Liaisons and Special Event
All MLC parents automatically become members of the Parents’
Association and are invited to meetings, year level activities
and whole school events.
The Special Interest Groups encourage parent participation in
areas of particular interest to their family. The Special Interest
Groups include:

- Boarders Parents’ Committee
- Community Care Group
- Deaf Integration Support Group
- Friends of Art
- Friends of Music
                                                                     MLC Parents’ Association events are a great way to connect with
- Friends of Snow Sports                                             parents and guardians across the College.
- International Parents’ Committee
- Junior School Parents’ Committee
- Lost Property volunteers
- MLC Kayak Club
- Silver Star Rowing Club
- Year Level Representatives

The MLC Parents’ Association warmly welcomes your

Junior Secondary School Handbook 2022
Parents and Guardians
gather for drinks and
nibbles at the annual
PA meeting

Methodist Ladies’ College
T: +61 3 9274 6333
E: college@mlc.vic.edu.au

Methodist Ladies’ College Limited
ABN 55 006 036 979 | CRICOS 00325A

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