21 Days of Fasting and Prayer - January 2-23 First Seventh-day Adventist Church of Tulsa - First Seventh-day Adventist Church ...

Page created by Teresa Lane
21 Days of Fasting and Prayer - January 2-23 First Seventh-day Adventist Church of Tulsa - First Seventh-day Adventist Church ...
First Seventh-day
              Adventist Church
              of Tulsa

21 Days of
 January 2-23

January 2, 2021
Our mission is helping people experience the love of Jesus
21 Days of Fasting and Prayer - January 2-23 First Seventh-day Adventist Church of Tulsa - First Seventh-day Adventist Church ...
Come Grow with Us!                                  TAA Health Food Store
If you are looking for a change, or for a new       At this time, the Tulsa Adventist Academy Health
church, we invite you to join our growing family.   Food Store does not have regular business hours.
Here at First Tulsa we believe that everyone has    If you would like to purchase something from
something special and unique to add to our di-      the store, please come to the TAA office
verse congregation. We would love to welcome        during school hours and the secretary will
you into our membership. If this is your desire,    assist you. You can also contact Rowland
please turn in a Connection Card (located in        Knight at 918-381-9708 for an appointment.
pew rack and on the table at the rear of the
church sanctuary) or send a text on the Connect
Line. Place it in the offering box at the rear of
the church sanctuary.                               Need Offering Envelopes?
                                                    If those at home have been mailing your tithes
                                                    and offerings to the church and need offering
United Prayer Opportunities                         envelopes, please send a note (including your
                                                    mailing address) with your offering saying that
Monday — Friday                                     you are in need of envelopes, and the church will
● 6:00-6:15 am ● Prayer Conference Call             mail them to you.
Dial 605-468-8026, Access Code: 1013047#
● 6:00 pm ● Oklahoma Prayer Line
● Dial 605-468-8026, Access Code: 450698#
                                                    Tulsa Community Service Center
                                                    Tulsa Community Service Center is looking for
● 6:30 pm ● Prayer Meeting in person at the
                                                    donations of old towels for use to clean in the
church and live stream at tulsasda.org
                                                    Center. If you have old towels that you would like
Friday                                              to donate please contact Dr. Miller. Thanks for
● 8:00-9:00 pm ● Women’s Prayer Conference          your help. — Ella Suttle, Food Pantry Coordinator
Call ● 605-468-8026, Access Code: 450698#

Prayer Meeting                                      Pastor’s Visit Request
                                                    Pastor Samson
Prayer Meeting is in person
                                                    Sembeba is eager to
at the church on Wednesday
                                                    get to know everyone in
evenings at 6:30 p.m., di-
                                                    our church family! If
rected by Pastor Samson
                                                    you would like to visit
Sembeba. Prayer Meeting
                                                    with him, please fill out
will also be live streamed on
                                                    the Pastor’s Visit
our church website and on
                                                    Request online form
our church Facebook page.
                                                    available on our church website at tulsasda.org.
21 Days of Fasting and Prayer - January 2-23 First Seventh-day Adventist Church of Tulsa - First Seventh-day Adventist Church ...
Worship Service
January 2, 2021
10:45 a.m.

                          Musical Meditation
                               Bruce Carrico
                   Welcome and Announcements
                              James Davison
                        Now the Joyful Bells, Hymn 23
                  I Sing the Mighty Power of God, Hymn 88
                                Mighty to Save
                           Children’s Story
                      Worship Through Giving
                           Local Church Budget
                                 Tom Huff
                        Song of Consecration
                                Thy Word
                         Pastor Samson Sembeba
                          Song of Response
                              Open Our Eyes
                         Pastor Samson Sembeba
                               Bruce Carrico
21 Days of Fasting and Prayer - January 2-23 First Seventh-day Adventist Church of Tulsa - First Seventh-day Adventist Church ...
Welcome!                                           Special Offering for Wewoka Woods
A heartfelt welcome is extended to everyone
                                                   Wewoka Woods Adventist Center is about 40
who has joined us for church services today,
                                                   years old now, and many of its facilities are
whether in person or online through live stream.
                                                   needing major updating and repairs, such as the
May you receive Sabbath blessings as we
                                                   pavilion roof (rust is causing leaks), pavilion
praise and worship our loving, gracious, merci-
                                                   air-conditioning units (two of which are
ful Lord together.
                                                   completely non-functional), RV campsites (need
                                                   updated plumbing and hook-ups, etc.), cabin
                                                   bathrooms (rot is setting in around some of the
                                                   fixtures, etc.), and more.
Incoming Membership Transfer                           The Oklahoma Conference is requesting
                                                   members to contribute to a special Year-end
                                                   Offering for Wewoka
Pastor Samson Sembeba from Choctaw
                                                   Woods capital
Seventh-day Adventist Church, Choctaw, OK
                                                   improvements to help
                                                   raise the many
                                                   thousands of dollars
                                                   needed to meet some

21 Days of Prayer Sign Up                          of Wewoka Woods’ pressing needs. You can
                                                   donate to the offering for Wewoka Woods in
You are invited to sign up for the 21 Days of
                                                   several ways, including the following:
Fasting and Prayer
                                                   ● Place your gift in an offering envelope and
which our church will
                                                   mark it “Wewoka Woods capital improvements”
observe January 2 - 23,
                                                   ● Donate online at our local church website:
2021. To sign up, visit
our local church website
                                                   ● Donate online at the Oklahoma Conference
at tulsasda.org and
                                                   website: okadventist.org.
select the 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer page,
                                                       For more information and a video about this
which can be accessed from the home page.
                                                   project visit the Oklahoma Conference website at

Pastor Sembeba’s Blog
                  Pastor Samson Sembeba
                                                   NAD NewsPoints Podcasts
                  has a blog on our church
                                                   To learn more about what is going on in the
                  website at tulsasda.org. Pas-
                                                   Seventh-day Adventist Church North American
                  tor Samson adds a new post
                                                   Division, check out the new NAD NewsPoints
                  frequently. Check it out!
                                                   Podcasts at nadpodcasts.podbean.com .
21 Days of Fasting and Prayer                         Prayer Requests
First Tulsa SDA Church will be embarking on a         Minnie Bork
journey, 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer. Begin-        Justin Bowen
ning January 2-23rd. Starting off the year we as a    Pat Wewerka
church going deeper with God.                         The United States             Church Finances
    As a church we are excited because the Bible      Discover Bible School         Native New Day
tells us, “if My                                      Missing Members       Tulsa Adventist Academy
people who                                            COVID-19 pandemic                God’s Closet
are called by My                                      Special Prayer
name will humble                                      For special prayer call Prayer Ministries Leader
themselves, and                                       James Davison at 603-801-7172.
pray and seek My
face, and turn
from their wicked
ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will for-
                                                      January Birthdays and Anniversaries
give their sin and heal their land.” We are excited   07   Triatmi Martin
for what the Lord has in store for First Tulsa SDA    09   Cintia Ramirez
Church, and we are also excited for what God
has in store for you.
    Now, before you think this is a food-fast, we     December Local Church Budget Report
want to clarify! This is a fast from anything that
                                                      December 05 Offering:                  $546.03
could be distracting you from your relationship
                                                      December 12 Offering:                 $1,865.04
with God. This is an opportunity to hear His voice
                                                      December 19 Offering:                 $1,857.00
and strengthen our relationship with Him as we
                                                      December 26 Offering:                 $1,603.29
enter 2021. There are a list of examples below of
                                                      Online Donations (Dec. 1-15):         $1,714.46
fasts that you can follow, and if you have any
                                                      Total December Income to date:        $7,585.82
questions feel free to contact us.
                                                      December Budget:                      $9,681.00
Examples of Fasts                                     Still needed for December:           $2,095.18
These are examples of what you can fast from,
                                                                       — Judy Miller, Church Treasurer
you can choose any of the following below but
the fast is not limited to this list.                 ● THANK YOU for your donations to our
● Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,         Local Church Budget! Please continue your
  TikTok, Snapchat etc.)                              support so that vital church expenses and
                                                      ministries can be funded and maintained.
● T.V. News
● Being inside by spending more time outside          ● Your contributions to our Local Church
                                                      Budget also enable us to replenish our Local
● Food (Not completely), Doing a Daniel Fast
                                                      Church Funds. Total amount needed at this
● Sugar                                               time for Local Church Funds replenishment
                    — Pastor Samson Sembeba           is $37,324.
 Today, January 2
 Sabbath School                   9:30 am        Offering           Local Church Budget
 Worship Service                 10:45 am        Elder                         Tom Huff
 Sunset                           5:20 pm        Deacon                            TBA

Two Weeks at a Glance | January 3—16, 2021
3                         5                 6                  7               8              9


                                            ●Prayer Meeting                                   (see below)

                                                                               Sunset 5:25p   Sunset 5:26

               11         12                13                 14              15             16

                          ●Church Board     ●Prayer Meeting
                          Meeting           6:30p

                                                                               Sunset 5:32p   Sunset 5:33p

 Next Sabbath, January 9                                      Events
    Sabbath School                         9:30 am            January 2 - 23
    Worship Service                       10:45 am            21 Days of Fasting and Prayer
    Sunset                                 5:26 pm            January 4
                                                              Tulsa Adventist Academy resumes

                                                              January 11
                                                              TAA MAP testing (formerly IOWA tests)
    Offering             Onward Oklahoma 2%
    Elder                        Daniel Duffy                 January 12
    Deacon                               TBA                  Church Board Meeting, 6:00 pm
Church Music Notes
Prelude Music                                          hymn were spoken a line at a time and sung to
      The Prelude today is a meditative keyboard       familiar tunes which the congregation knew by
arrangement by Roger House of Blessed                  heart. George Root, the composer of the tune for
Assurance (words with Hymn No. 462). Phoebe            this hymn, at age 13 could play 13 instruments!
Knapp composed this tune in 1873 and brought           He was also later the teacher of the beloved blind
it to blind hymnwriter Fanny Crosby in Brooklyn.       hymn writer, Fanny Crosby. He also wrote in our
“Play it for me on the organ,” Crosby said. Knapp      hymnal “When He Cometh”; “O Where Are the
did and then asked, “What does this tune say?”         Reapers?”; and “The Lord Is in His Holy Temple.”
She turned to see Fanny Crosby kneeling in                   Another Song of Praise is Mighty to Save,
prayer. Knapp played it a second time and then a       written by Hillsong United musicians, Reuben Mor-
third. Then the blind woman responded, “That           gan and Ben Fielding. The song quotes Zephaniah
says, ‘Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a      3:27, which tells us that God is “mighty to save.” Is
                                                       this Old Testament prophet speaking about the
                                                       power of the gospel to bring hopeless, lifeless
                                                       souls into a transforming encounter with Christ?
                                                       Or maybe Zephaniah was speaking of God’s heart
                                                       for redeeming those from every tongue and tribe
foretaste of glory divine!’ ” An interesting side      and nation? This is the gospel. Though we have
note is that Phoebe Knapp’s mother had been            done nothing to merit His favor, God sent His only
converted to the Millerite doctrine of the Second      son, Jesus, to rescue us from sin and rebellion. He
Advent by Charles Fitch prior to 1844. She had         is truly mighty to save.
come through the great disappointment of 1844
with her faith intact, also writing a hymn of her      Postlude
experience, Watch Ye Saints (Hymn No. 598).                 How Majestic Is Your Name by Mark Hayes is
This sense of dedication she must have communi-        the Postlude. This gospel song is by Michael
cated to her daughter Phoebe, and she through          Smith. The words are based on the eighth chapter
her hymntune for Blessed Assurance, on to us           of Psalms — O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is
today.                                                 your name in all the earth!
                                                       You have set your glory above
Hymn of Praise                                         the heavens. When I consider
     Our Hymn of Praise today is No. 88, I Sing        your heavens, the work of
the Mighty Power of God. Isaac Watts wrote the         your fingers, the moon and
words of this hymn. He had been writing verse          the stars, which you have set
from his childhood and at the age of 18, he            in place, what is man that you
composed his first hymn using a paraphrase of          are mindful of him, the son of man that you care
the scripture. Today’s hymn illustrates his skill in   for him? . . . O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is
taking the words of scripture and paraphrasing         your name in all the earth!” The song concludes
them into metrical verse to fit the lines of the       with several of the Biblical names of Jesus, “We
music. In 18th century England, most of the            magnify Your name, Prince of Peace, mighty God,
congregation were illiterate, so the words of the      O Lord God Almighty.”
Contact Us                                      Sabbath School Program
                                                ● Spanish Adult Sabbath School is in the Chapel.
                                                ● Classes for children and youth age 0 - teen
Samson Sembeba
                                                are held in south hall classrooms at 9:30 a.m.
(269) 277-6252
Email: ssembeba@gmail.com
                                                         Adult Sabbath School
                                                             January 2 ● 9:30 a.m.
First Elder & Prayer Ministries Leader
James Davison                                            Welcome & Opening Song
(603) 801-7172                                         Whiter Than Snow, Hymn 318
Email: 7jame7@gmail.com
                                                                Mission Video
Spanish Ministries Leader                              Adventist Mission in Euro-Asia
José Camacho                                       Sabbath School Lesson Discussion
(918) 398-3572
                                                Intro to the Book of Isaiah, Crisis of Identity
Email: juan5.39@hotmail.com
                                                   Bruce Carrico - moderator, Judy Miller,
                                                          Tom Huff, James Davison
Church Office
Office Phone: (918) 834-6671
Office fax: (918) 834-6672

Church Website: tulsasda.org
                                                Church Bulletin Information
Church Email: tulsafirstadventist@gmail.com     The deadline for receiving announcements to
                                                be printed in the bulletin is 11:00 a.m. on
Community Service Center                        Wednesday. Text your announcements to
Carma Fox: 918-200-2613                         the bulletin secretary at 918-640-6540 or
                                                email announcements to this email address:
                                                bruce.carrico@gmail.com. Email preferred.
Tulsa Adventist Academy
(Pre-K — Grade 12)
Peggy Fisher, Principal
900 S. New Haven, Tulsa OK 74112
School Office (918) 834-1107

TAA Health Food Store
                                                              First Seventh-day Adventist
Offering canned & frozen vegetarian foods                     Church of Tulsa
To purchase foods, come to the TAA office
during school hours or contact Rowland Knight   920 S. New Haven
at 918-381-9708 and make an appointment.        Tulsa, OK 74112-3938

                                                Phone: (918) 834-6671
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