Partnership Opportunities - d JANUARY 30-FEBRUARY 1, 2019 - Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA ...

Page created by Marion Thornton
Partnership Opportunities - d JANUARY 30-FEBRUARY 1, 2019 - Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA ...
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   JANUARY 30-FEBRUARY 1, 2019
Partnership Opportunities - d JANUARY 30-FEBRUARY 1, 2019 - Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA ...
Staff Picks                                                                        FOLIAGE SIGNS
                                                                                             Foliage signs are 2ft x 3ft and
    We heard you!                                                                            are planted outside the New
                                                                                             Orleans Convention Center. A
                                                                                             limited number of placements
 NCBA TRADE SHOW EXHIBITORS ASKED FOR                                                        are available.
 SPONSORSHIPS THAT ARE VISIBLE AND AT A                                                         • Investment:
 GREAT PRICE. WE HEARD YOU! THESE “STAFF                                                          $2,000 for five
                                                                                                • Audience: 8,000+
 PICKS” ARE OUR FAVORITE OPTIONS, AT YOUR                                                         Convention Participants

                                                                        SPOTLIGHT PACKAGE
DIGITAL ENHANCEMENT RIBBON PACKAGES                                     The Spotlight Package includes a product listing
Options are available to promote your company on the 2019 Cattle        in the mobile app, mentions in the Beef Resource
Industry Convention mobile app, website, trade show map, booth          Guide, a floor sticker with the Product Spotlight
locator kiosks and more.                                                logo and listing in the National Cattlemen.
    • Investment: $400 - $2,500                                         • Investment: $2,000
    • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants                          • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants

                                                                          AISLE SIGNS & AISLE STICKERS
PRE-AND POST-SHOW REGISTRATION LISTS                                      Your company logo will hang from the directional
Purchase a list of convention attendees before and after the show.        aisle sign. You can also be featured on an aisle
   • Investment: $500 each                                                floor sticker with your company logo and booth
   • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants                             number.
                                                                             •     Investment:
                                                                                       Aisle Sticker - $750
BEEF RESOURCE GUIDE ADVERTISEMENTS                                                     Aisle Sign - $2,000
The official convention program. All attendees in New Orleans receive                  Aisle Sticker & Sign - $2,500
the program upon arrival. Opportunities for front cover tear-off and         •     Audience: 8,000+ Convention
polybag available.                                                        		       Participants
    • Investment: $1,000 – $3,000
    • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants
Partnership Opportunities - d JANUARY 30-FEBRUARY 1, 2019 - Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA ...
                                             A 45-minute educational
                                             session on a topic of the
                                                                             Staff Picks
                                             sponsor’s choosing. The
                                             Learning Lounge is located
                                             on the NCBA Trade Show
                                             floor. Limited availability.
                                               •      Dates: Thursday,

                                                      January 31 - Friday,
                                                      February 1
    • Investment: $2,500 per session
   • Audience: Seating for 80+ Convention Participants

                      ROTATING ADVERTISING KIOSK
                      Rotating Kiosks are placed in high traffic areas
                      around the New Orleans Convention Center.                 OF ATTENDEES
                         • Investment: $3,000 per panel, or 		                   USE SOCIAL
                            $10,000 per kiosk (four panels)                     MEDIA ONSITE
                         • Audience: 8,000+ Convention

                                                                                     OF ATTENDEES
SOCIAL MEDIA PACKAGE                                                                 ARE VERY LIKELY
Package includes: four Facebook posts, four Tweets and one, 2-minute                 TO PURCHASE
Facebook Live interview from the show floor. Posts will be scheduled as              FROM EXHIBITORS
follows: 2 pre-convention, 1 during convention and 1 after convention.
Limited availability.
    • Investment: $4,000
    • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants and 100,000+ social
        media followers
Partnership Opportunities - d JANUARY 30-FEBRUARY 1, 2019 - Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA ...
                                                                          CONVENTION COUNTDOWN
                                                                          NCBA’s electronic newsletter is sent to registered convention attendees
                                                                          weekly. Emails start in early December and end in February with post-
                                                                          show highlights.
                                                                             • Investment: $5,000
                                                                             • Audience: All Registered Convention Participants
                          NATIONAL CATTLEMEN
                          CONVENTION INSERT                               CATTLEMEN TO CATTLEMEN PRODUCT FEATURE
                          Inserts will be in the October, November,       The Product Feature is a 2-4 minute segment filmed onsite in New
                          December and January National Cattlemen,        Orleans by television host Kevin Oschner. Your segment can include
                          and are dedicated to convention promotion.      interviews and product highlights. The feature will air in one episode, for
                          Exclusive advertising rights will get you a     a total of three airings.
                          full-page, four-color ad on the back cover of       • Investment: $2,500 - $3,500
                          each month.                                         • Audience: 1.16 Million Monthly Viewers
                          • Investment: $15,000
                          • Audience: 25,000+ NCBA Members                CATTLEMEN TO CATTLEMEN TV SHOW
                                                                          A one-hour TV show airing three times per week on RFD-TV. Average
                          NATIONAL CATTLEMEN                              viewership of 1.16 million per month!
                          CONVENTION ISSUE - FEBRUARY                     Sponsor Options:
                         National Cattlemen is the official monthly          • Producer Education (5-7 minutes): $25,000
newspaper of NCBA. The February edition will also be available onsite        • Panel Show (full one-hour show): $35,000
in New Orleans extending your reach.                                         • :30s Commercials (4 weeks of commercials, 12 airings): $15,000
    • Investment: $1,750 - $5,250
    • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants plus 25,000+ NCBA                                            MONTHLY PASS-THROUGH
      Members                                                                                               READERSHIP OF NATIONAL

                                                                            66% 45,000
                                                                                                                 CATTLEMEN IS
This is NCBA’s semi-annual glossy magazine. The fall edition features
a review of NCBA and a state-of-the-industry report, and the spring
edition contains management and producer education articles.
    • Investment: $2,250 - $9,000

    • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants plus
        25,000+ NCBA Members                                                 OF CATTLEMEN TO
                                           OF NCBA MEMBERS                  CATTLEMEN VIEWERS
                                          USE NEWSPAPERS TO                  WATCH AT LEAST
                                           GET INFORMATION                   ONCE PER MONTH
A variety of banners are available throughout the convention center (not
in the exhibit hall). The banner, installation and removal are included in
the price. Interactive online layout of banner locations available.
    • Investment: Please see PlanTour
    • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants

MEETING ROOM DIGITAL SIGNAGE                                                                                 DIRECTIONAL PACKAGE
Each meeting room has a digital sign, for a total of 50 monitors that can                                    Sponsor logo will be displayed
be branded with a static image. This image will be shown January 29 –                                        on all directional signage at the
February 1.                                                                                                  New Orleans Convention Center.
    • Investment: $8,500                                                                                     Signage will include window
                                                                                                             clings, floor stickers and free
    • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants                                                               standing signs.
                                                                                                               • Investment: $7,500
                                                                                                               • Audience: 8,000+
WAYFINDER AND TRADE SHOW FLOOR MAP STICKER                                                                         Convention Participants
There will be two Wayfinder Stations located on opposite ends of the
trade show in addition to the 10ft x 15ft trade show floor map sticker
placed at the main trade show entrance. Sponsor name and logo will be
                                                                                                       R & SIGNAGE TOUR
highlighted at each location.
    • Investment: $10,000                                                                  N C EN TE
    • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants
                                                                                    EN TI
                                                                              N   V                2019 NCBA

                                        FLOOR STICKERS/FOOT
                                        PATH STICKERS
                                        Floor stickers are 3ft x 3ft or
                                        can be custom shapes. Package
                                        includes four stickers.
                                          • Investment: $5,000                WWW.PLANTOUR.COM/SHOW/
                                          • Audience: 8,000+ 		                      NCBA-2019
                                             Convention Participants
                                                                                 •   Audience: 5,000+ Convention Participants

                                                                              CLOSING GENERAL SESSION
                                                                                                                                  High exposure
PRE-CONVENTION AG TOUR                                                                                                            sponsorship!
The tour will take cattle producers to visit agricultural operations unique                                                       Sponsorship
to Louisiana. Sponsorship includes branding at dinner on Monday,                                                                  includes
and the full day tour on Tuesday. Sponsor can send a representative to                                                            branding in all
network with tour attendees and address the group.                                                                                pre-convention
    • Date: Monday, January 29 - Tuesday, January 30                                                                              materials,
    • Investment: $5,000                                                                                                          onsite and post-
    • Audience: 100-150 Convention Participants
                                                                                                                                  opportunity to
                                     BOURBON STREET BLOWOUT                   address the audience before the keynote speaker, a VIP meet & greet
                                     KICK OFF RECEPTION                       with speaker, speaker presence in booth following event (pending
                                 This reception kicks off the Annual          speaker contract), chance to distribute promotional materials, GOBO’s
                                 Convention and the opening of the            throughout the room, company logo on the big screen and recognition
                                 NCBA Trade Show. Included in this            in the Beef Resource Guide.
                                 sponsorship is a beer station in your            • Date: Friday, February 1
                                 booth during the reception, GOBO’s               • Investment: $35,000
                                 in the trade show and inclusion in               • Audience: 4,000+ Convention Participants
                                 all marketing materials.
   •   Date: Wednesday, January 30
                                                                                                                BREWS & KREWES TRADE
   •   Investment: $25,000
   •   Audience: 5,000+ Convention Participants                                                                 SHOW RECEPTION
                                                                                                                This sponsorship includes
                                                                                                                recognition via signage, GOBO’s,
                                    VINEUX ON DA BAYOU                                                          promotional materials and branded
                                    TRADE SHOW RECEPTION                                                        items such as napkins, beer sample
                                    This sponsorship includes                                                   cups, toothpick flags and plates at
                                    recognition via signage, GOBO’s,                                            food stations which are scattered
                                    promotional materials and branded                                           throughout the trade show floor.
                                    items such as napkins, wine sample           •   Date: Friday, February 1
                                    glasses, toothpick flags and plates          •   Investment: $20,000
                                    at food stations which are scattered
                                                                                 •   Audience: 5,000+ Convention Participants
                                    throughout the trade show floor.
   •   Date: Thursday, January 31
   •   Investment: $20,000
The Masters of Beef Advocacy (MBA) program is designed to
strengthen the voice of beef producers, and this reception gives all
program graduates an opportunity to network. Sponsorship includes
opportunity to speak at the reception, as well as branding onsite, during
the event and in pre-event marketing materials.
    • Date: Thursday, January 31
    • Investment: $7,500                                                         B2B HAPPY HOUR
    • Audience: 200 MBA graduates                                                This happy hour is a thank you to all exhibitors, corporate members
                                                                                 and NCBA leadership. Sponsorship will include recognition on all event
THURSDAY MORNING BREAK                                                           promotions, signage in the reception area for event, opportunity to
This sponsorship includes a coffee and/or pastry station next to                 address attendees at the happy hour and recognition as a sponsor in the
your booth after General Session II is over. Branding opportunities              Beef Resource Guide.
include additional signage, plates, cups and table tents as well as the             • Date: Tuesday, January 29
opportunity to provide branded apparel for catering staff.                          • Investment: $5,000
    • Date: Thursday, January 31                                                    • Audience: 350+ Exhibitors plus Booth Staff
    • Investment: $15,000
    • Audience: 3,000+ Convention Participants                                   EXHIBITOR LOUNGE
                                                                                 The exhibitor lounge provides refreshments, snacks and a getaway for
                             BEEFIT WELLNESS PROGRAM                             all exhibitors and booth staff. Sponsorship includes recognition on a
                              The BEEFit wellness program includes a 5K          hanging banner, access to exhibitor list for marketing, ability to create
                              and a walking challenge. Sponsorship includes      a small display inside the lounge, provide branded cups and napkins for
                              branding at start/finish line, logo on finisher    inside the lounge and sponsor recognition in the Beef Resource Guide.
                              t-shirt, option to provide logo snacks and water        • Investment: $5,000
                              at the 5K. Sponsor logo will be included in all         • Audience: 350+ Exhibitors plus Booth Staff

                              marketing materials. The walking challenge
will last the duration of convention and is open to all attendees. Winners
will be determined based upon the number of steps taken during the week.                                  OF
Branding opportunities for sponsor includes a leaderboard in sponsor booth,                               ATTENDEES
recognition on walking challenge app and onsite signage, logo included in all                             HAVE NET
pre-show marketing materials.                                                                             BUYING
     • Investment: $15,000                                                                                INFLUENCE

     • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants

NCBA–PAC VIP RECEPTION AND LIVE AUCTION                                                                                         OF ATTENDEES FEEL IT
Sponsorship includes branding at the event and logo included in pre-                                                            IS VERY IMPORTANT
event marketing.                                                                                                                TO NETWORK AT
   • Date: Wednesday, January 30                                                                                                CONVENTION
   • Investment: $15,000
   • Audience: 500 Convention Participants
brand & Product awareness
                                    ROOM DROPS AND/OR                                                           SELFIE STATION
                                    DOOR HANGERS                                          Selfie stations will be placed around
                                A branded room drop can be                                the Convention Center and inside
                                placed inside attendee rooms or                           the trade show. Three stations are
                                outside the door (i.e. door hanger).                      planned. Sponsor branding will be
                                Sponsor to choose recipients from                         incorporated into the backdrop.
                                the registration list and date of                         • Investment: $7,500
                                placement.                                                • Audience: 8,000+ Convention
   •   Investment: $4/room outside, $6/room inside                                          Participants and 100,000+ Social
   •   Audience: Quantity customized to your target audience                          				Media Followers

                                     SHUTTLE BUSES                             NETWORKING HUBS
                                     Shuttles will run from overflow hotels    Hubs will be located outside of meeting spaces, the general session
                                     every 20 minutes, on two different        foyer and on the show floor. Sponsorship packages vary depending on
                                     routes. This sponsorship can include      furniture and branding opportunities.
                                     video on bus TV’s, magnets, window            • Investment: Call for pricing and locations
                                     clings and seat covers. Shuttle route         • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants
                                     signage with sponsor logo will be
                                     posted at the Convention Center and                                        BOOT SHINE STATION
                                     overflow hotels.                                                           Information about the boot shine
   •   Investment: $10,000                                                                                      will be listed in the Beef Resource
   •   Audience: 1,300+ Daily Convention Participants                                                           Guide, and sponsor branding will be
                                                                                                                incorporated into the panels along
SIDEWALK CHALK ART                                                                                              with convention graphics. Boot shine
Sidewalk chalk art will be created live at the beginning of convention                                          cards will be distributed at your
and left on display until February 1. Sponsor will coordinate with artist to                                    booth, and attendees will be required
incorporate sponsor logo and branding.                                                                          to present the card to redeem their
    • Investment: Call for pricing and location                                complimentary boot shine.
    • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants                                    • Investment: $15,000
                                                                                  • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants
brand & Product awareness
                                      UNIQUE TRANSPORTATION
                                      OPPORTUNITIES                                                                                                                                 SPONSOR RECOGNITION
                                  Unique transportation options could                                                                    Companies committing to
                                  include golf carts, pedi cabs or trolleys.                                                             sponsorships of $2,000 or
                                  Sponsorship includes branding of the       more   will be    included          in all marketing  materials surrounding convention
                                  vehicles and the opportunity to provide    including   the    onsite         sponsor   wall, the Beef Resource Guide, e-newsletters
                                  branded apparel for drivers. Vouchers      prior to the    event         and   sponsor  ribbons   onsite.
                                  will be given to attendees from                 2018 Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show Sponsors
                                  sponsor for courtesy rides.                          Agribusiness intelligence

   •   Investment: Varies by selection                                                              American

   •   Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants                                                     Products and Services for American Cattlemen

CONVENTION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM                                                                                                                      Tan is 7505c

Help attendees come to New Orleans by providing 11 scholarships for
                                                                                                                                                    Red is Pantone 188c
                                                                                                                                                    Joplin Regional is Knomen
                                                                                                                                                    Stockyards is Playbill
                                                                                                                                                    Tagline is BaskertonSW-Italic

the Education Package. Each registration is valued at $1,025. Sponsor to
receive recognition in all marketing of the program, in the Beef Resource                                                                          KeyBank
Guide and onsite signage. Sponsor will also receive contact information


of scholarship winners and assist in the selection of winners.
    • Investment: $12,500
    • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants, 100,000+ Social
       Media Followers

MARKETING AMBASSADOR PROGRAM                                                                                                                   ®

Marketing Ambassadors help to promote the Cattle Industry
Convention and NCBA Trade Show. Sponsor to receive recognition on
all marketing surrounding the program (social, online, etc). Sponsor
will receive recognition on the Marketing Ambassador page of the
convention website, the Beef Resource Guide and up to 10 “Twitter
Storms” preceding convention. Sponsor will also receive ambassador’s
contact information and be able to provide branded items for
ambassadors to wear onsite in New Orleans.
    • Investment: $15,000
    • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Attendees, 100,000+ Social
        Media Followers
unique to new orleans
                                 CAFE BEIGN-YAY                                                          CONVENTION CENTER
           This sponsorship includes branding                                                            BENCHES
           of the coffee and beignet station,                                                           Give attendees a break. Your logo
           custom sleeves, plates and napkins                                                           will be present on Convention Center
           located on the trade show floor.                                                             benches throughout the center. A cover
           • Wednesday, January 31 – Friday,                            can be created with a sponsor logo to cover all benches in the center
           February 2                                                      • Investment: 5 benches for $6,000
           • Investment: $15,000                                           • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants
           • Audience: 8,000+ Convention
                                                                        GO-CUP SPONSORSHIP
AIRPORT WELCOME SHUTTLE                                                 This sponsorship would have branded Go-Cups at all bars, except those
Shuttle your VIP customers from the airport to the New Orleans          bars that are sponsored as part of another event.
Convention Center upon arrival. Sponsorship includes pre-show              • Investment: $12,000
marketing and bus branding.                                                • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants
   • Investment: Dependent on group size
   • Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants

               WASTE RECEPTACLES

               Waste receptacles are located throughout the
               convention center and can include a sponsor logo.
               •    Investment: 10 receptacles for $3,000
               •    Audience: 8,000+ Convention Participants                                                    OF ATTENDEES
                                                                                                                COME TO SEE NEW

 Confirmed sponsorships (via email or signed agreement) cannot be changed or transferred. Cancellations initiated by the sponsor will remain
 an obligation of the sponsor at 100% of the agreed upon sponsorship fee.

    WA                         MT                     ND                                                                                      CT-4
    65                         114                    82                                                                                     DC-68
                                                                     MN                                                                      DE-0
                                                      SD             188         WI                                                          MA-3
   OR             ID                                                                                                                         MD-13
   88            165                WY
                                                      120                        143        MI
                                                                                                                    NY                       ME - 11                                 AVERAGE
                                    112                 NE                 IA                                       31                        NH-1                                     AGE:
                                                                          264                          PA
          NV             UT
                                                       400                        IL IN
                                                                                 290 153
                                                                                                                                              VT-5                                       53
          37                            CO                 KS              MO                   WV                                           AK -1
                         71             548                558             408            KY     25 VA                                        RI-1
    CA                                                                                    281        154
    337                                                       OK                     TN-509                                                TOTAL
                                                                           AR                    NC-115
                                       NM                     195                                                                       ATTENDANCE:
                         AZ            54                                  90                      SC
                         223                                                                                                                  7,578
                                                                              MS AL            GA 28
                                                         TX                LA 67 162           153
                                                         969               51                                                                                                      GENDER
                    21                                                                              FL                                                                                   62% Male
                                                                                                                                                                                         38% Female

                                                ATTENDEES PLAN TO PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS
          AI Equipment.....................................29%              Fly Control..........................................80%    Pickup truck........................................44%
          Animal Health Products.................95%                        Genetics Testing/Tracking Tools.. 25%                       Property insurance...............................1%
          ATV.......................................................30%     Grass Seed..........................................62%     Satellite Dish..........................................1%
          Bagged/Bulk Feed.............................81%                  Hay-Making equipment.................29%                    Scales....................................................17%
          Chutes...................................................18%      Health insurance..................................2%        Skid Steer............................................ 27%
          Computer...............................................3%         Life insurance.........................................1%   Steel farm building............................14%
          Computer software/technology.... 9%                               Livestock handling                                          Tractor..................................................29%
          Dewormer............................................17%           equipment...........................................45%     UTV/Side-by-Side............................ 27%
          Electronic ID tags............................. 24%               Livestock insurance...........................31%           Western Apparel...............................15%
          Feed supplements/                                                 Livestock trailer................................. 23%      Wheel loader/Payloader...................3%
          Trace Minerals................................... 92%             Livestock watering                                          Other.......................................................2%
          Fencing supplies................................86%               tanks/system........................................46%
          Financial or consulting services...... 4%                         Mixers/Feeders....................................3%

            * Data provided by the 2018 Luce Research Marketing Study, and the 2018 Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show Attendee survey
February 5-7, 2020
                                              San Antonio, Texas
                                               February 3-5, 2021
                                              Nashville, Tennessee
                                             January 26-28, 2022
                                             San Diego, California

                               Put your marketing team to work!
                Contact us for a customized sponsorship package:

#catt lecon19
                                      Becca Brown -
                                   Jill DeLucero -
                                  Nicole Bechtel -                              Beka Wall -
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