28 July 2019 - Faith Methodist Church

Page created by Kevin Hodges
28 July 2019 - Faith Methodist Church
28 July 2019
28 July 2019 - Faith Methodist Church
Welcome To Faith !
       Today is Pledge Sunday!
   We honour God with the simple act
        of giving back to Him the
     “first portion”—the best part—
       of what He has given to us.

  On Pledge Sunday, we come together
   collectively as the body of Christ to
    dedicate our individual pledges to
   God as part of our worship to Him.

                                              2. Global Professionals: A New Mission Force
ACTIVITIES                                    Sat, 5 Oct, 10am—4pm, Koinonia Rooms (L4)
1. Memorial Service For The Late              New Mission Force For The Harvest Field is
Rev T. C. Nga, Faith’s Founding Pastor        a conference by Cru Singapore for Global
Wed, 14 Aug, Faith Methodist Church           Professionals.

Programme                                     Global Professionals are people who live
6pm—Dinner (L3 Carpark)                       outside their home country because of
7.30pm—Memorial Service (L4 Worship           work commitments, and whose
Hall)                                         marketplace ministry could change the
                                              manpower outlook of world missions! If
The family of the late Rev T. C. Nga,         you are a Global Professional, considering
together with the Trinity Annual              taking up a position overseas, or
Conference (TRAC), invites you to join in     interested to find out more, join us to
the Thanksgiving Memorial Dinner &            learn:
Worship for the late Rev T. C. Nga, Faith's   - What does God have to do with your
Founding Pastor.                              career move?
                                              - What challenges will you and your
To facilitate our catering and logistics,     family face overseas?
please RSVP your attendance at the Info       - Is being a Global Professional the same
Counter by 4 August. Should you have any      as being a tentmaker?
significant or memorable moments with
the late Rev T C Nga or his late wife, Mdm    Sign up at tinyurl.com/glopro2019 by
Tham Boon Fah to share, you may also          16 September to learn more about this
send them in writing to Rev Paul Nga for      exciting new mission force! Registration
collating (paulnga@tmc.org.sg).               costs $20/pax.

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 1
3. Corporate House Of Prayer: Overseas          5. The Significant Woman
Missions                                        —A Life-Coaching Discipleship Course
Wed, 31 Jul, 7.30pm, Worship Hall (L4)
                                                Preview Session
Come and let us catch God’s Heart for lost       Friday, 2 August, 7pm—9pm,
souls as we continue to pray                      Kairos 1 & 2 (L4)
Conversational Prayers in Groups! Our           Course Sessions
prayer focus for this session will be            10 sessions on Thursday evenings
Overseas Missions. Let’s gather to pray as
                                                  or Friday mornings beginning August
a Faith church family!
                                                 Each class size capped at 12 pax
4. Covenant Marriage Retreat 2019               The Significant Woman (TSW) is a
Thu-Sat, 14-16 Nov, Faith Methodist Church      10-session life-coaching discipleship
                                                course organized by our ministry for
Session Times                                   Discipleship & Nurture. It is a coaching
Thu 14 Nov: 7pm—10pm                            environment that provides a framework
Fri 15 Nov: 7pm—10pm                            for discovering and staying focused on
Sat 16 Nov: 9am—4.30pm                          your life mission from a biblical
Complimentary kids’ programme                   perspective, and will help you discover
for ages 4—10 on 16 Nov                         who God has created you to be and what
                                                He has created you to do (Ephesians 2:10).
Fees Per Couple
First 50 couples (by 5 Aug): $60                Attend the preview session to find out
Early-bird (by 14 Sep): $120                    more and sign up! For enquiries, contact
Regular price (after 14 Sep): $160              Nina Pang at cepedapang@yahoo.com.
Payment required to confirm registration
                                                6. NCCS National Day Thanksgiving
The Covenant Marriage Retreat is a              Service
powerful experience for married couples,        Thu, 15 Aug, 7.45pm, St Andrew's Cathedral
organized by our Family Life Ministry and       (Cathedral New Sanctuary)
Family Foundations with Pastor Craig Hill
and his wife, Jan Hill. The teaching            Guest Speaker
includes an understanding of covenant as        Bishop Dr Chong Chin Chung of
God views it, and practical tools that          The Methodist Church in Singapore,
couples can begin to use immediately.           Vice-President of NCCS
The experience makes good marriages             The National Council of Churches of
stronger, and gives hope and help to            Singapore (NCCS) is organizing a National
those who are struggling in their               Day Thanksgiving Service for all Christians
marriage.                                       in Singapore! Join us for a time of worship
                                                to celebrate Singapore’s 54th National Day,
Join us at this dynamic practical retreat for   and to pray and give thanks for our nation
married and engaged couples, and come           and our people.
to understand God’s heart for your
marriage, and the power of a covenant           Please be seated by 7.35pm. Light
commitment!                                     refreshments will also be served after the
                                                service. Limited parking available at the St
Register at tinyurl.com/faithcmr by 31          Andrew’s Cathedral grounds. For more
October! For more information, please           details, please visit the NCCS website at
contact Alison Lim at 9797-3937.                nccs.org.sg.

                                 HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 2
ANNOUNCEMENTS                                  4. Attic Library Feature: Philip Yancey

1. Second Offering Next Sunday (4 Aug)         Missed the Philip Yancey conference? You
                                               can still hear from him via his books, such
TRAC Disaster Relief is a relief fund that     as “Where Is God When It Hurts”, and
can be made available at short notice          “What’s So Amazing About Grace”! Visit the
when disasters arise to send resources         Attic Library to browse our collection of
and personnel where appropriate. This          books by Philip Yancey, and gain deeper
allows TRAC to bear witness for Christ by      insights into the Christian faith!
serving humanity in such crises through
The Methodist Church in Singapore.             Attic Library Locations & Hours
2. Faith Family Day 2019                       Attic Level, all Sundays, 9am—1pm
—Know Before You Go!                           L3 Lift Lobby, 1st Sundays,
                                               10am—11am & 12pm—1pm
Calling all participants at our upcoming       L4 Lift Lobby, 2nd—5th Sundays, 10am—11am
Faith Family Day! Do note the following:       ACJC:
                                               Candeck, all Sundays, 11.30am—12.30pm
Zoo Pass Collection
- Please collect your Zoo passes from the      5. Carpark Closures (2—8 Aug)
Family Day booth after service on 4 & 11
August                                         Please note that due to Faith
- If you will be taking our chartered          Kindergarten's annual Sports Day, the L3
transport to the Zoo, please collect your      carpark of our Commonwealth premises
Zoo passes on 24 August itself                 will be fully closed to vehicles on the
- Please note that there will be strictly      following days:
NO REPLACEMENT of lost passes
                                               Fri 2 Aug: Closed From 8am—2.45pm
Attire & Things To Bring                       Tue 6 Aug: Full Day Closure
- Please wear your Faith tshirt (any colour)   Wed 7 Aug: Full Day Closure
- Please bring your own water bottles          Thu 8 Aug: Closed From 7am—12.30pm

See you at Family Day 2019!                    Members are advised to park at the
                                               basement carpark (weekdays only) or
3. Faithlink July 2019 Now Available!          neighbouring HDB estates instead. Please
                                               be reminded that the basement carpark is
The July 2019 issue of Faithlink is now        reserved for QCMC members on Sundays.
available! Pick up your copy from the Info
Counter for highlights including our           6. Floral Offerings
interview with Rev See Swee Fang, a
spotlight on our shofar ministry, and much     From Kelly Han, in loving memory of the
more!                                          late Mdm Sun Ai Wah.

The digital magazine is also available on      From Mrs Mary Leong and family, in
our website at faithmc.sg/faithlink.           thanksgiving to the Lord.

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 3
7. Condolences                                 9. Attendance 21 July 2019

Our deepest condolences to Fong Ngan           Commonwealth
Keong, Samuel Fong Ngan Seng, and              Traditional (8am):          699
family, on the demise of their mother, the     Contemporary (9am):         221
late Mdm Leong Shoke Chun on 18 July           SUN JAM Kids (9am):         42
2019. Ngan Keong and his wife Annie Teo        Contemporary (11am):        551
Bee Wah, and Samuel and his wife Mabel         SUN JAM Kids (11am):        55
Goh Kim Hiang, are members of Faith.           Filipino (1.30pm):          18
                                               Indonesian (3.30pm):        21
Our deepest condolences to Sheryl Sim
Siew Yong and family on the demise of          ACJC
her mother, the late Mdm Tan Suay Nee          Mandarin (10.15am):         140
on 19 July 2019. Sheryl and her husband,       Contemporary (10.30am):     320
Stanislaus Ho Ngai Meng are members of         SUN JAM Kids (10.30am):     83
Faith.                                         TTB Youth (10.30am):        192

8. Pastoral Team Movement                      TOTAL:                      2,342

Annual Leave
1 Aug:               Pearly Sim
1—3 Aug:             Dawn Lee
3—4 Aug:             Peh Oon Thian

   Fellowship Meals will be served at both our Commonwealth and ACJC premises
  next Sunday! We would like to thank the following Small Groups who have readily
             offered to serve Fellowship Meals next Sunday, 4 August:
   Service       Meal        Served By                   Time            Venue
   8am           Breakfast   Crossroad SG                After service   CW L3 carpark
   9am           Breakfast   Kaironz SG                  After service   CW L3 carpark
   10.30am       Lunch       Overcomers SG               After service   ACJC
   11am          Lunch       S.A.L.T. SG                 After service   CW L3 carpark
    Please note that due to the Fellowship Meals being served at the L3 carpark of our
       Commonwealth premises, the L3 carpark will be partially closed next Sunday,
    4 August. Lots will be available on a first-come-first-served basis, and members are
    advised to park at the neighbouring HDB estates instead. Please do not park at the
                basement carpark as it is reserved for QCMC members only.

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 4
Sun 28 Jul   Pledge Sunday
             Filipino Fellowship (1.30pm, Children’s Chapel)
             Indonesian Fellowship (3.30pm, L4 Koinonia Rooms)

Wed 31 Jul   Corporate House Of Prayer: Overseas Missions (7.30pm, L4 Worship Hall)

 Fri 2 Aug   The Significant Woman Preview Session (7pm, L4 Kairos 1 & 2)

Sun 4 Aug    Indonesian Fellowship (3.30pm, L4 Koinonia Rooms)
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