20 June 2021 - Faith Methodist Church

Page created by Marvin Wise
20 June 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
20 June 2021
20 June 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
Welcome To Faith !
          Blessed Father’s Day!
    Faith wishes all birth and spiritual
   fathers a very blessed Father’s Day!
   May our Lord direct your path as you
    lead those in your spheres of influence!

1. Baptism & Membership Reception Service
Sat, 26 Jun, 2pm via YouTube Live Stream

Our Baptism & Membership Reception
Service will be held this Saturday via         3. Alpha Online Labs—Alpha Facilitator
YouTube Live Stream! There will be no          Online Training
in-person congregation, and all family and     Wed, 7 Jul, 8pm-9.30pm via Zoom
friends of candidates as well as everyone
in our Faith church family are invited to      Calling all worshippers at Faith and Small
join virtually via live stream. Support our    Group F.A.I.T.H. Champions!
brothers and sisters in Christ as they are
baptised and/or received into official         Are you curious about how Alpha works as
membership of Faith—join the live stream       an effective evangelism programme, and
at faithmc.sg/livestream!                      how you could be involved? Do you have
                                               seeker friends who need a suitable space
2. House Of Prayer                             to freely ask questions about Christianity?
Wed, 23 Jun, 7.30pm via Zoom*
                                               If your Small Group is interested to reach
House Of Prayer meetings are the               out to pre-believers by hosting Alpha,
intercessory prayer times set aside to         either within your SG or in combination
discern the Lord’s heart and pray that His     with other SGs; or if you would like a
will, purposes, ways and timing be done        refresher or update about the latest on
within the Faith Family and beyond! All        Alpha at Faith, Alpha Online Labs is for
our House Of Prayer sessions are currently     YOU!
being conducted via Zoom.
                                               Visit tinyurl.com/AlphaOnlineLabs and
Zoom Session Details                           sign up to discover this personalized,
Zoom Link: faithmc.sg/zoomhop                  interactive, and engaging way of doing
Meeting ID: 935 1657 5641                      outreach! For enquiries, please
Passcode: 676605                               email alpha@faithmc.sg.

                                   HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 1
4. Faith Equipping Day 2.2                     7. D6 Family Conference 2021: Next
Sat, 3 Jul, 9.30am-12.30pm via Zoom            Steps, Next Level, Next Generation
                                               Fri & Sat, 30 & 31 Jul, 9.30am-3pm
In many cultures especially in Asia, the       via Zoom
Christian faith is perceived as a foreign or
western religion, and many do not see          D6 2021 is fully dedicated to equipping
how it is relevant to them. Join guest         parents, pastors, church & ministry
speaker I'Ching Thomas in this webinar         leaders, and volunteers with practical
which will look at how we can present the      Next Steps and Next Level strategies for
Gospel in a way that makes sense and is        discipling the Next Generation. Join this
relevant to our friends and family, and        year's conference and keynote speaker
change the way we reach out to them!           Tim Goodyear in his sharing on Creating A
                                               Culture Of Intentional Families & Marriages!
Sign up online by 27 June at                   Choose from breakout sessions such as
tinyurl.com/FaithEquippingDay2-2!              Marriage 101—Communication, and
Zoom session details will be provided to       Sexuality—Getting Real, Safe Spaces For
registrants nearer the date. For enquiries,    Conversations, Porn.
email jocelynchoo@faithmc.sg.
                                               Tim Goodyear, COO of HomePointe Inc.
5. Corporate House Of Prayer                   Tim loves to help leaders explore and
Wed, 30 Jun, 7.30pm, Worship Hall (L4)         implement strategies to Drive Faith Home
                                               and has had the opportunity to partner with
Join us for our Corporate House Of Prayer      over 600 churches of every size and tradition
as we come together in-person for prayer       across the country. After 18 years in the
and worship in the Word! Register at           corporate world, Tim earned a ThM from
faithmc.sg/chop to attend—spaces are           Dallas seminary and served in pastoral roles
limited due to COVID-19 safety measures        at Lake Point Church and Mountain Park
so sign up now! Do note that all               Community Church. He currently serves as
precautionary measures such as                 the Chief Operating Officer of HomePointe
TraceTogether checking in/out and              and as Discipleship Pastor of Valley View
temperature-taking will be observed. See       Bible Church in Paradise Valley, AZ. Tim and
you there!                                     Laura have two teenage sons.

6. Sunday Worship Service Live Streams         Sign up now! Faith worshippers enjoy a
                                               special Faith-subsidised rate of $20/pax
All our in-person Sunday worship services      (u.p. $60/pax). To redeem this special rate:
are suspended until further notice. Attend      Visit bible.org.sg/registration/?e=37 to
our online service live streams instead!         register by 15 July
                                                Enter promo code D6FM20 at checkout
 8am Traditional English Service               This special rate is only applicable for
 10.15am Mandarin Service                       Faith worshippers who register by 15 July
 11.15am Contemporary English Service
                                               For more details, visit d6family.sg. For
Visit faithmc.sg/livestream to join!           enquiries, email wendyvoon@faithmc.sg.

                                 HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 2
8. The World Needs A Father:                 3. Pledge Sunday 2021
Impact Of Fatherlessness
Sat, 10 Jul, 9am-11am via Zoom               Pledge Sunday is on 25 July! In
                                             preparation for Pledge Sunday, submit
Calling all fathers seeking to build godly   your pledge commitment:
families and bring heaven home! Join this
seminar by The World Needs A Father, and      Online at faithmc.sg/pledges
learn about the Impact of Fatherlessness       - Follow the steps at the link
on our children, and how to make the           to complete your pledge online
most of every opportunity to engage,           - This online form remains open
deepen your relationship with, and             for submissions throughout the year
disciple your children in the Lord!
                                              Via hardcopy pledge card
This seminar is organized by our Family        - If you have not submitted your pledge
Life Ministry as part of raising a             online by 4 July, a hardcopy pledge card
community of like-minded fathers               will be mailed to you. You may mail the
committed to bringing heaven home. Sign        pledge card back in the self-addressed
up at faithmc.sg/twnaf by 6 July! Zoom         envelope enclosed
session details will be provided to
registrants 3 days before the event. For     Monthly pledge envelopes will not be
enquiries, email wendyvoon@faithmc.sg.       mailed out, but will be available outside
                                             service venues when in-person services
ANNOUNCEMENTS                                resume.

                                             More information related to Pledge
1. Methodist Message—MCS Magazine
                                             Sunday (Pledge Letter 2021, Standing
                                             Instructions for Online Bank Transfers) are
Methodist Message (MM), the magazine of
                                             available at faithmc.sg/pledges. Do
the Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS),
                                             submit your pledge either online or via
continues to bring to you important MCS
                                             hardcopy before Pledge Sunday (25 July),
updates and thought-provoking editorial
                                             when all submitted pledges will be
pieces! Subscribe to MM online for FREE
                                             consecrated and dedicated to God.
at methodist.org.sg/mm-onscreen now!
                                             All submitted information related to
June Issue Highlights:
                                             pledges are kept strictly private and
 Bishop’s Message: The Father Of All        confidential. For all enquiries, please
  Families                                   email pledges@faithmc.sg.
 Bishop Dr Gordon Wong’s Life Journey
 The Methodist Fathers Movement:
  Fatherhood Journeys

2. 2021 Primary One Registration Exercise

Members who wish to register their child
for admission to Primary One in a
Methodist School under Phase 2B in 2022,
please email your request to Belinda Chan
at belindachan@faithmc.sg.

                                 HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 3
4. Online Giving                            6. COVID-19 Care Package

Online giving via PayNow is available for   Faith invites members and regular
offerings and pledging, should you feel     worshippers whose personal or family
led to give to God’s work.                  member’s income is impacted due to
                                            COVID-19 to apply for the Faith Methodist
i) Offerings                                Church COVID-19 Care Package:

 Open your ibanking app                     Those who have been retrenched or
  and scan the QR code                        have suffered a pay reduction or income
  on the right with the                       loss (for self-employed) of more than
  ibanking in-app                             20%
  scanner. The Reference                     Limited to S$500 per household and is
  Number will be auto-                        open for application until 30 June 2022
  filled for you.                            Applicants have to be 13 years old and
 Alternatively, open your ibanking app,      above
  and key in the following details:
Unique Entity Number (UEN)—S87CC0504G808    To apply, please visit faithmc.sg/ccp.
Reference Number—OFFERING
                                            7. Faith Worshippers' Database
ii) Pledges                                 —Update Your Particulars!

 Open your ibanking app                    In maintaining an updated database of
  and scan the QR code                      worshippers' records, this is an annual
  on the right with the                     reminder for all regular worshippers at
  ibanking in-app                           Faith to update your particulars. Please
  scanner. The Reference                    visit faithmc.sg/myparticulars at any time
  Number will be auto-                      to update your particulars online, or the
  filled for you.                           Church Office during office hours to do so
 Alternatively, open your ibanking app,    via hardcopy form. This database is for our
  and key in the following details:         church record purposes and is separate
Unique Entity Number (UEN)—S87CC0504G647    from enrolment into Faith's official
Reference Number—PLEDGE                     membership.

For more details, visit our website at      As part of COVID-19 safety measures, you
faithmc.sg/onlinegiving.                    are encouraged to indicate your
                                            vaccination status and upload your latest
5. Pastoral Team Movement                   vaccination report to our database.
                                            Advance verification may enable entry to
Annual Leave                                large scale gatherings, including Sunday
26 June:            Cindy Ho                worship services.

Duty Leave                                  8. Online Viewership (13 June 2021)
23—25 June:         Wilson Woon
                                            8am English Service:              253
                                            10.15am Mandarin Service:         84
                                            11.15am English Service:          741

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 4
Sun 20 Jun    Father’s Day
              8am, 10.15am, 11.15am Worship Services
              on Live Stream (faithmc.sg/livestream)

Wed 23 Jun    House Of Prayer (7.30pm via Zoom)

 Sat 26 Jun   Baptism & Membership Reception Service (2pm, faithmc.sg/livestream)

Sun 27 Jun    8am, 10.15am, 11.15am Worship Services
              on Live Stream (faithmc.sg/livestream)
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