2nd Interdisciplinary International Conference

Page created by Nathaniel Newton
2nd Interdisciplinary International Conference
International Academic
                                     Research Center - USC

2nd Interdisciplinary International Conference

                      6 - 7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia)
                                  Web Conference

 Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku            Réseau Académique
  University of Dubrovnik         International Francophone
2nd Interdisciplinary International Conference
International Academic
 Research Center - USC
2nd Interdisciplinary International Conference
2nd Interdisciplinary International Conference
6 – 7 April 2020
         Dubrovnik (Croatia)

               Web Conference
            from Headquarters of
International Academic Research Center Str.

                                        Abstracts Book
2nd Interdisciplinary International Conference
published by: International Academic Research Center Str.

      Editors: Francesco D. d’Ovidio, Francesco Favia, Francesco Scalera

      Francesco D. d’Ovidio, professor of Social Statistics, Service Assessment Statistics
                and Databases & Data Mining at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Ita-
                ly), Member of AVA-ANVUR Committee, Member of the International
                Academic Research Center Str. (Albania), Member of the International
                Social Tourism Academy Italy/Albania.

      Francesco Favia, professor of Marketing and Tourism Organization, Co-Rector at
                the Pavaresia University College (Vlore, Albania). Delegate of the Uni-
                versitas Sancti Cyrilli of Malta. Rector of the International Academic
                Research Center Str. (Albania), President of the International Social
                Tourism Academy Italy/Albania, Member of the Directive Committee of
                European Tourism Quality Association (Bruxelles)..

      Francesco Scalera, professor of Business Economics & General Accounting and
                International Management at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy)
                and at University Our Lady of Good Counsel (Tirana, Albania), General
                Manager of CEDIMES-Paris, Regional Delegate of CEDIMES-Apulia,
                Member of the International Academic Research Center Str. (Albania),
                Member of the International Social Tourism Academy Italy/Albania.

Final editing: Francesco D. d’Ovidio
2nd Interdisciplinary International Conference
Thence we came forth to rebehold the stars
                      (Divine Comedy, Hell XXXIV, 139)
                                       Dante Alighieri
                              (tr. by Henry W. Longfellow)
2nd Interdisciplinary International Conference
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9                          ABSTRACTS BOOK                              p. 5

   The UNICART Scientific Conferences are planned as a cycle of itinerant meetings, so far
limited to some southern European countries (Italy, Malta, Albania, Croatia etc.). They are
great opportunities for many specialists, academics, students and professionals, as well as
for in-stitutions that deal directly or indirectly with issues of management, tourism and terri-
tory development. Participants the Conferences are invited to present their experiences,
share best practices, provide detailed examples and recommendations on the proposed top-
ics. Authors are encouraged to contribute to the conference by presenting their research ab-
stracts and papers. High-level works that describe constructive, empirical, experimental or
theoretical concepts that have not yet been published yet are also welcome.
   The 1st UNICART Interdisciplinary International Conference was organized in 16 – 19
December 2019 at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy), with large participation of re-
searchers from many countries. The 2 nd Conference was then planned, in times that now
seem very far, with the colleagues of the University of Dubrovnik (Croatia).
   Then our lives suddenly were changed.
   The "2nd UNICART Interdisciplinary International Conference" took place in the midst
of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many Scientific Conferences were cancelled by their Organiz-
ers; instead, we decided to continue the activities of UNICART.
   Of course, for health and safety reasons, all activities were rearranged in the form of Web
Conferences. A good number of researchers animated the ten telematic sessions of the Con-
ference, with their work and their discussions.
   We thank all the participants who shared their researches and analyses, contributing with
their work to the success of this second edition of the Conference. And we hope… best, we
are sure that our lives will change in a better way, when the time of next UNICART Con-
ference will come, after next summer.

12/04/2020                           Francesco D. d’Ovidio, Francesco Favia, Francesco Scalera
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
p. 6                                             ABSTRACTS BOOK                          ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9

Programme Committee:                                                     Chairs of the Scientific Committee
Francesco Domenico d’OVIDIO (Italy)                                              Claude ALBAGLI (France)
Francesco FAVIA (Italy)                                                       Gaetano DAMMACCO (Italy)
Francesco SCALERA (Italy)                                                             Tullio ROMITA (Italy)

Organizing Committee:                                                               Scientific Committee:
Drita AVDYLI (Albania)                                                       Lütfihak ALPKAN (Turkey)
Hayet BEN HAJ HAMIDA (Tunisia)                                                  Nunzio ANGIOLA (Italy)
Amel BERBER (Algeria)                                         Désiré BAYONGWA NZIBONERA (RDC)
Iris F. ÇEKANI (Malta)                                                           Piervito BIANCHI (Italy)
Patrizia DIBARI (Italy)                                      Maria Teresa CAPUTI IAMBRENGHI (Italy)
Silvia d’OVIDIO (Italy)                                                                 Eva CIPI (Albania)
Angela D’UGGENTO (Italy)                                                        Denis DHIVERT (France)
Francesco FAVIA (Italy)                                                    Francesco D. d’OVIDIO (Italy)
Najada FIRZA (Albania)                                                             Sonia FERRARI (Italy)
Armelinda FUSHEKATI/LILA (Albania)                                       Mohammed GHERIS (Morocco)
Giovanna MASTRODONATO (Italy)                                                    Rosalina GRUMO (Italy)
Antonella PERRI (Italy)                                                   Cosimo Pietro GUARINI (Italy)
Sylvie POLLASTRI (Italy)                                                        Tanses GÜLSOY (Turkey
Mario STEFANELLI (Italy)                                                           Holta HEBA (Albania)
Ardita TODRI (Albania)                                                          Joanna HERNIK (Poland)
                                                                          Nicolaia IAFFALDANO (Italy)
Rectors Committee:                                                               Pietro IAQUINTA (Italy)
Alfred Josef BALDACCHINO (Malta)                                            Orkida ILLOLLARI (Albania)
Stefano BRONZINI (Italy)                                                       Federico A. LASCO (Italy)
Francesco FAVIA (Albania)                                              Maria Giovanna ONORATI (Italy)
Reis MULITA (Albania)                                                       Petraq PAPAJORGI (Albania)
Roland ZISI (Albania)                                                            Fabio PIZZUTILO (Italy)
                                                                              Youcefi RACHID (Algeria)
Secretariat:                                                          Vito Roberto SANTAMATO (Italy)
Gabja CAUCHI                                                                 Francesco SCALERA (Italy)
Carlotta FERRARI                                                             Azeta TARTARAJ (Albania)
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9                          ABSTRACTS BOOK                          p. 7

The Conference is organized in close collaboration among:
• CEDIMES (Coordination d'Etudes du Développement International et des Mouvements
   Economiques et Sociaux) - Réseau Académique International Francophone, Paris
• International Academic Research Center – USC, IARC – USC Tirana (Albania)
• University of Dubrovnik (Croatia)
• Universitas Sancti Cyrilli A.D. 1669, La Valletta (Malta)

Partner Institutions:
• University of Bari Aldo Moro
• University of Calabria (Italy)
• Giustino Fortunato University (Italy)
• University Ismail Qemali, Vlore (Albania)
• Institut Superieur des Finances et de COMMERCE I.S.F.C - Bukavu (Democratic
    Republic of Congo)
• ICTEA - International Conference on Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications
• University USHAF, Ferizaj (Kossovo)
• CIT (Canadian Institute of Technology), Tirana ( Albania)
• University of Medicine, Tirana (Albania)
• University College Pavaresia – Vlore (Albania)
• University Aleksander Moisiu, Durres (Albania).
• International Strategic Management and Managers Association
• National Chamber of Mediation – Albania
• Lab Instruments – Training center - Italy
• Laboratoire de Recherche POIDEX,Université de Mostaganem (Algeria)
• NIKOLAOS Foundation - Italy
• Laboratoire de Recherche sur l'Intégration Régionale et Union Européenne - Algerie
• American College of Management and Technology - Croatia
• Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquée - Algerie
• Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech (Maroc)
• Research Center and Tourism Studies - University of Calabria
• CIRPAS - Interuniversity Research Center "Population, Environment and Health"
• West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin
• European Tourism Quality Association - Bruxelles
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
p. 8                                             ABSTRACTS BOOK                          ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9



                                  Municipality of Dubrovnik – Croatia


                                  Mar-Est Group
                                International Travel


                                   The Business
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik            6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9                           ABSTRACTS BOOK                           p. 11

               Corporate Social Information in the
               Fashion Industry: Corporate Social
               Responsibility and Reporting Models
                           Giovanni BRONZETTI* - University of Calabria (Italy)
                              Graziella SICOLI - University of Calabria (Italy)
                           Francesco SASSONE - Calabria Region Authority (Italy)

Purpose of this study is to describe main reporting tools at the basis of the ethical-social
sphere of the company, aimed at concretely representing the activities promoted in terms of
Corporate Social Responsibility, creating cohesion between different aspects, linked to
company dynamics. The concept of CSR is spread as a strategic tool aimed at creating a more
competitive and socially cohesive society.
Based on the main theoretical concepts in support of sustainability and CSR and, in relation to
the company's strategic choices, the urgent need for companies to communicate their
"sustainable" commitment. This is how they are born a series of documents related to non
financial reporting, which tend to split the different aspects of the concept of sustainability
and CSR using different interpretations.
From this study, based on the main economic theories that led to the creation of real non-
financial reporting models, a complete vision derives from these reporting tools, whose main
function is expressed in the "measurement" of corporate performance. sustainable, through the
adoption of internationally known reference models (GRI Standard- Global Reporting
Initiative). Specifically, the explanation of the models adopted focuses on the Sustainability
Reports (Non-Financial Statements) prepared in 2017 by a small sample of Italian companies,
operating in the fashion sector, listed on the Milan Stock Exchange.
The analyzed documents reported a series of information, the source of a research activity
aimed at different aspects (stakeholder involvement, certifications acquired, Governance,
environmental protection, etc.); the purpose is to understand how this document and therefore,
the information contained therein, affect the company's economic activities, influencing
different aspects (quality of the products offered, satisfaction of the interlocutors) and how
much "importance" is given to today sustainable information and the communication of this
type of information, in the national economic scenario.

Keywords: reporting, stakeholders, sustainability, ethical, values, Corporate Social

    Corresponding Author: giovanni.bronzetti@unical.it
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
p. 12                                            ABSTRACTS BOOK                          ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9

         Strategic Transport Infrastructures For
           Industrial Activities And Innovative
                 Aerospace Experiments
                                        Elisabetta VENEZIA*
                                     University of Bari “Aldo Moro” (Italy)

The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for European aeronautics and air transport,
published by the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and innovation in Europe (ACARE)
chaired by the European Commission and the aviation community, believes that aviation
cargo transportation will be the first application of civil unmanned air transport.There are
already several versions of small size remote controlled piloted aircraft; these are the
platforms from which to reach larger cargo planes. In order to allow these aircraft to operate
in safe environments and at compatible costs, constant research and development and flight
tests and trials are necessary to make the technology mature and reliable. This work will
present the results of a cost-benefit analysis applied to a strategic air transport infrastructure
with the objectives The project that will be presented aims to develop and enhance flight
infrastructures in order to improve the performance and operational safety levels, in
anticipation of increases in cargo flights dedicated to the transport of aeronautical and non-
aeronautical production. It also intends to create primary infrastructures dedicated to the
installation of new industrial operators, in order to develop the test Bed function for new
aeronautical and aerospace technological solutions. The intervention concerns the Grottaglie
airport in Southern Italy

Keywords: Transport infrastructures; Aviation; Costs and benefits Analysis; Strategic in-

    Corresponding Author: elisabetta.venezia@uniba.it
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik                  6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9                                 ABSTRACTS BOOK                            p. 13

       North Macedonian Hospitality Heaven:
      The Effectiveness of Technical-Industrial
             Zones Development Under
                Tourism Perspective
                           Ardita TODRI* - University of Elbasan "Aleksandër Xhuvani" (Albania)
                             Francesco SCALERA - University of Bari “Aldo Moro” (Italy)

This paper explores the tourism incentive mechanism through the establishment of tourism
development zones in North Macedonia. The latter promotes the operational and commercial
tourism economy and derivatives that can be experienced in the context of a country with rich
cultural heritage, archaeological sites intertwined with spiritual culture cultivated in
monasteries and churches surrounded from the undisputed natural beauties. The evaluation of
mechanism effectiveness is done through the implementation of Limited information
maximum likelihood function by treating as weak instruments: value added tax (VAT),
personal income tax (PIT), tourism expenditures for passenger transport items, inflation,
foreign direct investments (FDIs) and remittances. It considers as main factors: international
tourism arrivals, population, unemployment rate and international tourism expenditures.
Comparatively, the weak instruments impact on exogenous regressors was explored through
two consecutive ordinary least square regressions. The main results confirm the positive
effects of tax burden exemption regarding the development of tourism sector in the technical-
industrial zones.

Keywords: personal income tax; value added tax; fiscal benefits; technical-industrial

    Corresponding Author: ardita.todri@gmail.com
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
p. 14                                            ABSTRACTS BOOK                          ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9

                              European Citizenship
                                     Adelina Rita BISIGNANI*
                                     University of Bari “Aldo Moro” (Italy)

Until 2008, the year of the Great Recession - according to the definition suggested by Fran-
cesco Tuccari , it was a common belief that , with the creation of the single currency, the pro-
cess of European integration would have had a peaceful and linear path. The crisis of the first
decade of the century, on the oder hand, did not only slow down that process, but limited the
economic instruments which , at one time , the national states used to defend society at one
The functions performed by the national welfare states were flawed and emerged instead na-
tionalistic tendencies which see the main enemy in the European integration project. The aim
of my intervention is to identify the strategic lines that can allow the formation of European

Keywords: Europe; Nations; People.

    Corresponding Author: adelinarita.bisignani@uniba.it
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9                          ABSTRACTS BOOK                               p. 15

        In Support of “No-Fault” Civil Liability
          Rules after the Artificial Intelligence
                                      Emiliano MARCHISIO*
                                      Giustino Fortunato University (Italy)

Civil liability may be understood as indirect market regulation, since the risk to incur in
liability for damages provide an incentive to invest in safety. Such an approach is
inappropriate in markets of artificial intelligence devices – which are likely to play a much
relevant role in tourism, e.g. as regards robot hospitality, self-driving cars, AI room service
etc.. The current paradigm of civil liability allows redress only insofar “somebody” is
identified as liable to pay it (either because of a fault or pursuant to a strict liability rule).
However, robots and programs may “behave” far independently from instructions initially
provided by programmers and constructors. This represents a disincentive to new
technologies (artificial intelligence etc.) insofar as this determines charging producers and/or
programmers with liability even if the damage derives from a perfectly “correct” functioning
of algorithms and robots.
This would not foster safety with respect to technological issues, because there would be no
“fault” to blame or prevent. Instead, it would expose producers and programmers to
unforeseeable liability, which would disincentive them from entering into the market or
developing it, thus hindering technological evolution.
Therefore, I think that artificial intelligence requires that redress obligations following
damages not caused by negligence, imprudence or unskillfulness (i.e.: when producers and
programmers complied with scientifically validated standards) should move from an issue of
civil liability into one of financial management of losses. This could mirror, I propose, the
current “no-fault” schemes adopted, with respect to, e.g., medical civil liability, in very few
jurisdictions such as New Zealand.

Keywords: Civil liability; tort law; no-fault; artificial intelligence

    Corresponding Author: e.marchisio@unifortunato.eu
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
p. 16                                            ABSTRACTS BOOK                          ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9

           Sustainable Development and Tourism
           in Albania: Bridging the Gap between
                 Development Policies and
                                         Valbona MEHMETI*
                                 Aleksander Moisiu University, Durres (Albania)

Tourism holds vast development potentials and has turned out to be one of the key industries
poised to generate economic growth and prosperity for Albania. The paper will show that the
share of tourism in the Gross Domestic Product has grown steadily, especially during the last
10 years. However, the development of the tourism sector has been rather erratic. The
research presented here will show that the entrepreneurship spirit always leads the way to
satisfy what the market needs and it is exactly what has happened to the Albanian tourism
industry, but that has been far from sustainable. The development policies adopted in Albania
concerning the tourism industry often come too late or are very little known by the business
community. Apart from analyzing the present-day reality of the tourism industry in Albania,
the paper will argue that there is a great need for bridging the gap between the development
policies at national or regional level and the tourism business community, as well as for
managing the entrepreneurs vying to invest in the sector. Tourism must develop in a
sustainable way if it is to last and guarantee income for future generations, and the mindset of
all the stakeholders in the Albanian tourism industry must change if that is to happen. The
whole tourism sector of the Albanian economy must be managed more wisely, and
sustainability is the best criteria for building the required approach.

Keywords: sustainable development; development policies; tourism; entrepreneurship

    Corresponding Author: mehmeti.valbona@yahoo.com
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik                6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9                               ABSTRACTS BOOK                          p. 17

           Understanding Client’s Feelings About
                Mobile Banking in Albania
                             Orkida ILOLLARI* - Mediterranean University of Albania
                           Petraq PAPAJORGI - Canadian Institute of Technology (Albania)
                                Adrian CIVICI - Mediterranean University of Albania

Mobile banking is relatively a new service offered by a few banks in Albania. Banks are
obliged to keep investing in new technologies as otherwise they would lose market share. It is
although interesting to know how clients react to these innovation efforts.
This study was undertaken in order to understand client’s response to bank innovation. An
online experiment is conceived based on Experimental Design principles. Participants are of-
fered to evaluate combinations of messages (elements) about mobile banking, rate each com-
bination and then select an emotion that they feel when reading the messages, thus combining
a quantitative and a qualitative approach in one study. The collected data are used to create
individual models and later a general model using regression to show the statistical relevance
of each of the messages to the degree of total participant’s appreciation and to evaluate their
perceived positive, neutral or negative emotion. The models use ordinary least squares regres-
sion models and advanced data mining techniques (k—means clustering) to analyze the data
and classify participants accordingly.
At the end of the analyses, a set of two or three mind sets are presented to show how partici-
pants in the study are geared in their decision making process. The mind sets help banks un-
derstand client’s reaction and give banks an opportunity to address different issues to better
serve their clients.

Keywords: Mobile banking; experimental design principles; data mining techniques; clients

    Corresponding Author: orkida.ilollari@gmail.com
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
p. 18                                            ABSTRACTS BOOK                          ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9

              Architectural Heritage as an Element
                       of Cultural Action
                                           Sonia MANSOUR*
                                         University of Monastir (Tunisie)

The heritage space as a source of memory and instrument of historical and scientific study, is con-
sidered as a trace of the previous generations, in the form of archaeological elements, vestiges,
sites, monuments, … These works bear the mark of history, the synthesis of a cultural, intellectual
and artistic heritage. The existence, throughout the world, of these spaces of which we are the cur-
rent heirs is proof of the creativity that man has always manifested. During these last years, the
man carried out transformations and superimpositions in order to make the best use of this funda-
mental environment while ensuring its survival. These continual transformations and superimposi-
tions constitute a historical stratification of which modern society has seized the interest for a spe-
cific reading. Such reading contributes to the understanding of the various material and immaterial
behaviors which have guided human action, through the ages. In Tunisia, we have taken more re-
sponsibility in this area, in order to make heritage a real universe considered both as source and
expression of this wealth. It is in the face of this awareness that there is a particular interest in the
architectural heritage, necessarily implying a return to their origin, to understand their cogs and to
understand their reality in particular. This article is devoted to the principle of heritage, starting
from the heritage preserved, to manage to consider the strategies of development, and especially
the relationship that our society maintains with the architectural heritage. Indeed, it is obvious that
the conservation and then the enhancement of the heritage spaces in Tunisia will provide a pre-
cious tool for the learning of the citizens: in addition, they constitute a significant asset on the so-
cial, cultural and economic level.

Keywords: Architectural heritage; Archaeological elements; Valuation strategies; cultural de-

    Corresponding Author: sonia.mansourouaja@gmail.com
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9                          ABSTRACTS BOOK                             p. 19

                     Structure and Limits of the Italian
                             Protection Model
                                       Porzia Teresa PERSIO*
                                     University of Bari “Aldo Moro” (Italy)

The relationship between tourism and the environment is a very close, but also very
problematic, one. Environmental pollution can seriously affect the development of the tourism
industry, but tourism can also significantly compromise the environment if it does not respect
sustainability parameters. The purpose of this work is to evaluate, within the limits permitted,
the functionality and efficiency of the model of criminal protection of the environment
adopted in the Italian legal system.
The research departs from a rapid recognition of condition of the environmental asset and the
sources of pollution present in industrialised societies, moving on to consider the Italian
regulatory framework as a whole. Criminal law plays a leading role in the protection of the
ecosystem especially following the adoption of Law No. 68 of 22 May 2015. Despite the
critical issues encountered in regard to certain provisions, in terms of compliance with the
principles of clarity and precision, of offenses, and subject to the law, the entire
environmental protection model based on criminal sanction is to be prosecuted. In fact, the
latter normally intervenes at such time when the injury and offense against the legal asset
have already occurred and often it isn’t possible to restore the balance of the ecosystem.
Analysis of the subject confirms that in order to implement an effective prevention policy,
dynamic and innovative models must be adopted, established with the involvement of all
interested parties: public institutions, private individuals, local communities. On this issue
there is the affirmation of an integrated approach in the assessment of environmental risks,
calibrated on the characteristics of each particular individual case. The use of adaptive
management allows a re-establishment of a pyramidal system of protection from which
criminal law is not excluded but is regarded in its own role as that of the extrema ratio.

Keywords: Criminal law; environmental protection; adaptive management; stakeholders’

    Corresponding Author: porziateresa.persio@uniba.it
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik                 6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
p. 20                                                  ABSTRACTS BOOK                          ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9

     Pirates, Corsairs and Orders of Chivalry.
      Their co-presence and influence on the
              Mediterranean economy
                           Raffaele MASCOLO* - Universitas Sancti Cyrilli A.D. 1669 (Malta)
                                   Nicola FAVIA - HS A. Einstein Molfetta (Italy)

Between the thirteenth and nineteenth centuries, the Mediterranean saw the flourishing of its
jagged coasts and its islands, a very flourishing and dynamic activity, piracy; the corsair ports
facing this sea are numerous, both Christian and Muslim. It is a real industry as old as history
which, in the mare nostrum, was more natural than elsewhere and was practiced in an open
way by all the coastal populations. An industry, however, of which one could be, from time to
time, active or passive protagonists and which classified piracy in the case of the so-called
Barbary pirates, was instead considered a crusade, if exercised by the Knights of Malta or by
the Knights of Santo Stefano, also they ferocious sea runners who could be authorized to
exercise the privateer activity in a personal capacity by purchasing a special license.
According to the historian Arrigo Petacco, piracy was an activity that fueled big interests. In
Algiers, for example, a season that did not yield appreciable spoils amounted to an economic
crisis. The slaves, on the other hand, constituted, as oil is today, the only source of supply to
ensure the energy necessary to move the economy. An industry therefore, in which everything
converged towards a very refined and most current economic rationality. The literary myth of
pirates dominated by aggressive and destructive instincts, on careful analysis, should perhaps
be revised, in fact the pirates ended up choosing the policy of intimidation towards the
external enemy and that of good governance internally not because they were instinctively
meek or led to democracy, but because those moderate and civilized behaviors were, in that
specific situation, the most advantageous. This study aims to examine how cooperation also at
the time counted both within pirate crews and on galleys of knightly orders with a license and
how certain rules were valid then as now and everywhere. In this sense, strategic rationality
helps above all to understand less linear behaviors. About a quarter of the crews were of
African origin. Giving up a good black sailor just because black would have weakened the
chance of success.

Keywords: farm size, agricultural land, sheeps, costs, revenues, agrotourism

    Corresponding Author: eliomascolo@libero.it
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik                6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9                               ABSTRACTS BOOK                          p. 21

                           Tourism - Development Potentials
                              and Challenges in Albania
                           Ermelinda SATKA* - Agriculture University of Tirana (Albania)
                             Rovena LILA - Agriculture University of Tirana (Albania)

Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the world. Albania has a great
tourism potential. This is due to its geographical position, large natural resources and numer-
ous historical and cultural aspects. The country provides security and stability, but on the oth-
er hand has deficiencies in management issues and environmental protection, investment con-
ditions have very lack nesses and there are problems with the property issues and infrastruc-
ture. All of these problems contribute to the development and the competitiveness in the in-
ternational tourism markets. Although there are many negative impacts of tourism, which
leads to various economic, social and environmental problems, tourism still has a significant
positive impact on the community and contributes to its sustainable development. Through
this paper the authors intend to present a more realistic picture of the development of tourism,
while identifying, describing what are the main problems facing the sector and what are the
impacts of these problems. This analysis is important to point out the challenges facing the
sector today and why this sector has a strategic importance recently. To achieve better pur-
pose of this paper the author relied on the literature review method. Finally, the result of the
paper concludes in the fact that the tourism sector in our country, despite the great challenges
which faces is promising to contribute even more to the economy, infrastructure, community,
culture. In addition to addressing the above challenges it is very important for tourism devel-
opment efforts be directed except summer tourism, and in other sectors of tourism as; eco-
tourism, agro-tourism, cultural and sports tourism is very significant.

Keywords: Tourism, development, potentials, challenges, impacts

    Corresponding Author: esatka@ubt.edu.al
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik             6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
p. 22                                              ABSTRACTS BOOK                          ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9

                           Coronavirus Psychosis Effect:
                           When Tourism Is on Its Knees
                               Caterina AURA* - University of Calabria (Italy)
                               Francesca AURA - University of Calabria (Italy)
                               Franco RUBINO - University of Calabria (Italy)

This article describes the effect of "Coronavirus" on short-term Italian tourism. In particular,
how the effects of the virus affect the human psyche, fueling feelings of fear and anguish and
how these have negative effects on tourism and the economy in general. Psychosis is causing
sudden cancellations. Making long-term predictions about the economic impact of corona-
virus is currently impossible, as the data available to us is limited, while the effects are clear
in the short term. The coronavirus brings tourism to its knees, risking lasting repercussions.
We can imagine that we will travel much less and in any case for a year. According to the lat-
est analysis, therefore, tourism should suffer from this psychosis and panic for about a year,
and this is a serious problem for Italy, given that tourism in our country has 2 million employ-
ees who generate around 13 % of Italian GDP. The negative effects are demonstrated by the
fact that the two Regions that make up a third of their gross domestic product have been af-
fected. The country's entry into recession is certain. The main cause is represented by the in-
formation propagated by social networks, by media, from all over the world who see Italy as
the enemy of tourism destinations. The effects could have an impact on tourism in the medi-
um term. Although the effects of the first quarter show a sharp drop in GDP the trend of the
first quarter can probably jeopardize the whole year, bringing the GDP of 2020 between 0.5
and 1%. Obviously it will have very significant effects on the growth of the whole euro area.
Given that it is impossible to make precise long-term estimates, what we can say today is that
almost certainly if strict measures to maintain the infection are respected, perhaps the recov-
ery after the contraction will be rapid and production levels and tourism will recover.

Keywords: Social Tourism; Safety; Health; Psyche; Welfare

    Corresponding Author: caterina.aura@unical.it
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik                6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9                               ABSTRACTS BOOK                          p. 23

     The Relationship Between Italian Port
    Tourist Traffic and Their Efficiency Index
                           Eugenio FRANCIOSO* - University of Bari “Aldo Moro” (Italy)
                             Domenico VIOLA - University of Bari “Aldo Moro” (Italy))

One of the most important Italian sectors is certainly the tourism sector and this theme,
strengthened by a moment of economic stagnation such as that which is facing the Italian ter-
ritory, is gaining more and more importance and to help the main transportation systems (by
route, by railways, by sea, by flight) there’s the necessity to invest in infrastructures, provid-
ing the right maintenance and innovation on them to allow to compete against other countries.
Starting in the year 2014, in 2016 the Italian port system has faced a national level reorganiza-
tion, that it was looked for and strongly wanted by all the sector operators, this happened be-
cause the last legislative reform was edited in 1994 (the one that had established the port Au-
thorities). The aim was to try to reunite under one unique “wing” all the port authorities with
common interests, territories and that could take advantages by cooperation, establishing this
way the 15 Port Authority System. The Port Authorities, every year, in addition of the annual
report, indicate at the bottom of this document the efficiency index, that is nothing but the re-
lationship between the own current revenues and the functional expenses. The efficiency in-
dex, thus constituted, assume a predominantly economic connotation (that has already been
criticized because it doesn’t count the structure dimension, traffic, ecc. but It just focus only
on the first two voices aforementioned). It has been questioned if, and with which influence,
the passengers traffic variations could impact on the efficiency. The corresponding value is
brought back the voices B21, B22 and B23 (respective fleeting traffic inferior to 20 miles, fer-
ry passengers and cruise passengers) of the annual report written from every Port Authority
System and associated with the relative Index of efficiency. There is a “low correlation” with
regard to B21 and B22 and the relative Efficiency Indexes to each Port System Authority.
Different results appear for what concerns the correlation between B23. In fact there is a
negative correlation. The reasons that explain this type of relationship are different and the
subject of a more in-depth analysis.

Keywords: Port Economics; Port System Authorities; Italian Economy

    Corresponding Author: francioso.eugenio@hotmail.it
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
p. 24                                            ABSTRACTS BOOK                          ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9

      The Role of Food Labelling and the Joint
          Future Prospects of Blockchain
                                         Fabrizio CESAREO*
                                     University of Bari “Aldo Moro” (Italy)

Given that the labelling has the merit of highlighting the nature and characteristics of food
products, making consumers aware and sensitive, today this institution is to be analyzed with
the impact of certain new technologies, such as the blockchain. This need stems from the
objective of guaranteeing the weaker part of the consumerist relationship, which has the right
to have a complete vision of the food production chain; improve their safety, creating a so-
called food safety system; eliminate fraud and help bring down the costs incurred by supply
chain companies. The study of the theme undoubtedly marries a multi-perspective and
interdisciplinary study approach, consider, in fact, for example, in addition to information
technology, commodity sciences and law. In this way, it seems appropriate to mention
Regulation (EU) n. 1169/2011, amended by Regulation (EU) n. 2018/775, concerning the
supply of food information to consumers. The common thread is, therefore, to be traced back
to all the European legislation that has followed over the years and that focuses on strict
compliance with information. From a purely internationalist point of view the blockchain
could guarantee the food supply chain, precisely through the use of a digital ledger platform
accessible by anyone and above all able to guarantee the absolute reliability of the data that
are entered and managed by all the players in the supply chain without the need to rely on
paper documents or physical third parties that certify the various steps. This would make it
possible to create an economic sustainability mechanism, that is to say the ability to combine
high reliability in transaction security with maximum accessibility in terms of costs. The
study of the subject in question is indeed intended to be an exhaustive picture, with the hope
that future legislative interventions combined with the use of new technologies will guarantee
rigorous respect for the basic principles of the subject.

Keywords: food labelling; blockchain; sustainability.

    Corresponding Author: fabrizio.cesareo0602@gmail.com
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik            6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9                           ABSTRACTS BOOK                              p. 25

     Analysis of Public Expenditure Through
    the Data of the Territorial Public Accounts
                             Pietro IAQUINTA* - University of Calabria (Italy)
                            Elita Anna SABELLA - University of Calabria (Italy)
                           Francesco SASSONE - Calabria Region Authority (Italy)

The process of reconstructing information is based on the detection of the expenditure and
entry values of all subjects operating on the national territory, discriminated against at the
regional level.
In this regard, the Public Territorial Accounts (CPT) constitute an instrument for the territorial
distribution of the financial flows of the Entities / Subjects belonging to the Extended Public
Sector, which supports the activity of the analyst and the programmer, both at central and
regional level and which at the same time has filled a historical void of Italian information
sources on the territorial distribution of expenses and revenues and made more informed and
aware programming possible, also placing itself in the theoretical debate and in the
international panorama as an important reference point.
These results constitute the arrival point of a complex and not always linear path; in
particular, the construction of an adequate methodology took place by successive
approximations which led to a considerable expansion of the universe of the subjects detected
and a refinement of the criteria for the regional allocation and for the economic and sectoral
classification of financial flows.
The Territorial Public Accounts are therefore a complex system of statistical production
which made it necessary to choose a network of producers in the area, capable of
guaranteeing the widespread detection of individual subjects in each region, but also of
sharing choices and methods between center and periphery. The network of producers today
consists of 21 Regional Units, one in each Italian region with the coordination of the Central
Technical Unit, currently operating at the Public Investment Assessment Unit (UVAL).

Keywords: Public Territorial Account; Demographic implication; Public Spending

    Corresponding Author: pietro.iaquinta@unical.it
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
p. 26                                            ABSTRACTS BOOK                          ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9

                               Branded Productions
                               (The case of olive oil)
                           Morena BOJA*- Mediterranean University of Albania
                           Ardita HYKAJ - Mediterranean University of Albania
                           Armelina LILA - Mediterranean University of Albania

Consumer demand for high quality food products continues to grow. The credibility of
brands is generally developed through considerable efforts by individual firms and is often
based on consumers’ personal experience over time. Brand, as a credence attribute is consid-
ered as a factor that influences consumer preferences. Social demographic factors and reve-
nues are other factors affecting Albanian consumers' purchases.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the willingness to pay for branded olive oil. This is de-
termined by income and knowledge that Albanian consumers have regarding the certified
products and their impact of olive oil as a health product. Another focus will be on analyzing
the pros and cons of having the production of these products in the Albanian economy. The
beneficiary part is that, it gives the opportunity to increase the economy due to the exporting
of these products because of the high demand from foreign market. On the other hand, there
is a low level of consumption of branded olive oil products in the market, because of the
higher prices compare to local productions, and a new culture path needed to go this way.
The study relies on primary and secondary data. Some equations model and statistical tests
will be used in order to explore research hypotheses on the relationships among the study
factors. The analysis shows that brand is not very important to Albanian consumers since
they rely a lot on local production.

Keywords: brand; olive oil; products; the economy

    Corresponding Author: morenaboja@yahoo.it
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9                          ABSTRACTS BOOK                          p. 27

      Gender Communication Styles
(Males and females do not communicate alike)
                                               Holta HEBA*
                                      Mediterranean University of Albania

When we try to analyze communication through spoken language to men and women, we
need to be aware that for centuries it has been thought that women speak more than men.
As we rely on nonverbal communication, gestures and actions for the same phenomenon take
on different forms of expression both male and female.
When talking about relationships, we note that there are actions, behaviors and manners
coordinated and managed by the messenger and the message receiver. Being different in style,
it is understood that the appearance of communication may not be the same for males and
females. Female codes of communication, styles, behaviors, and goals differ from those of
The purpose of the study is to analyze the different communication styles of men and women
that exist in the manner of communication between male and female.
The research question posed is: Does the mode of communication of the male differ from that
of the female even though the context in which the communicative process occurs is the same
for both?
The hypothesis of this research is: There are gendered styles of communication in the
communicative process, since the male and the female do not have the same way of
communication, even though the situation they both experience is the same.
The study consists of an analysis of how men and women communicate and the purpose they
have throughout this process, based on some concrete examples of Albanian culture.

Keywords: gender; communication; context; culture.

    Corresponding Author: holtaheba@umsh.edu.al
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
p. 28                                            ABSTRACTS BOOK                          ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9

     Analysis based on the industry of the hotel
          sector in Mexico: Posadas Case
                                José G. VARGAS-HERNÁNDEZ*
                                        University of Guadalajara (Mexico)

The objective of this brief general market analysis is to determine with the VRIO framework
how the Posadas group has managed to maintain itself in the Mexican lodging market. The
aim is to understand how in the current panorama of tourism are the main challenges of the
Posadas group. The main question that generated this analysis was: Is Grupo Posadas the
current leader in the hospitality sector in Mexico? The hypothesis is that the strategies
implemented by Grupo Posadas have allowed it to remain in the lodging sector; however, the
current elements are not strong enough to be the market leader. So combining the analysis
elements of the market and the VRIO, results were obtained that pointed to Posadas shares the
leadership with IHG Hotels which begins to generate a more marked oligopolistic competition
in the field of tourism.
The final transformation of the company occurred in 1992 when Promotora Mexicana de
Hoteles changed its name to the current Grupo Posadas. That same year, the company began
trading on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV). From then on Posadas began to attack the
different segments of the tourism market starting in 1993 with business tourism with the
opening of the first Fiesta Inn. In 1998 the company had its first elements of international
expansion with the acquisition of the Caesar Park chain along with the rights to use the brand
in Latin America, thanks to this purchase, in 2001 the first Caesar Business was inaugurated
in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Taking this into account, the best feedback to conclude the hypothesis is that Posadas is the
leader of the Mexican market thanks to its history, past and purchases of hotel sector
strategies at the time. Thanks to this, it remains the market leader with the largest number of
rooms and the largest number of hotels, since lodging services are substitute goods. Indeed,
the price factor is what often determines the choice of the consumer before the substitute
Taking into account the development of the document, it is necessary to develop strategies for
future hosting times because there is not enough government support for tourism promotion.

Keywords: Tourism, hospitality, industry.

    Corresponding Author: jvargas2006@gmail.com
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik               6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9                              ABSTRACTS BOOK                          p. 29

   Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire
 cost effective instrument for early detection
           of depression in children
                      Fatjona KAMBERI* - Research Center of Public Health, Vlore (Albania)
                      Velide PULOMEMOJ - Research Center of Public Health, Vlore (Albania)

Even if behavior problems, anxiety, and depression are the most commonly diagnosed mental
disorders in children, and most of them begin in early childhood their early screening by
health professionals are underestimated. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to
assess the depression tendency in school age children using the short version of the Mood and
Feelings Questionnaire (MFQ). The data were collected during May 2019 in elementary
school in a rural area in Vlore, Albania. The questionnaire was filed by 150 children age
interval 10-14 years old. P values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Mean age of children 12.3 years old; SD±1.200. Evaluation of emotional state and mood
through cross-tabulated (MxNs) revealed a statistically significant association between
increased appetite and not feeling well in the past two weeks, p = 0.0031. Being more bored
than usual and feeling tired, lonely and unwilling to talk to someone, p = 0.0001. The
unhappy feeling was associated with crying and shouting, p = 0.0087. Also, a statistical
relation was found between gender (boys) and the non-well-being associated with apathy,
boredom, and lack of satisfaction in general, p = 0.001. The use of the short version of MFQ
for the early detection of depression in school age children revealed effective because it
detected a lot of signs and symptoms of depression. Regularly use of this tool by health care
professionals as a screening tool for depression in children is a cost-effective method to detect
early depression as well to prevent complications associated.

Keywords: MFQ; depression; children; cost-effective; screening.

    Corresponding Author: fatjona.kamberi@univlora.edu.al
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
p. 30                                            ABSTRACTS BOOK                          ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9

       Valorization of Tourist Values of
    Marble Cave Determining for Sustainable
       Tourism Development in Kosovo
                                          Hysen SOGOJEVA*
                                University of Applied sciences FERIZAJ (Kosovo)

Kosovo is characterized by a considerable variety of natural features such as: geological
construction, relief, climatic conditions, hydrography, living plant and animal life, which have
influenced the creation of natural heritage values. It should be emphasized that Kosovo, with
its diverse and interesting nature, has many natural heritage values that deserve national and
international protection status as world heritage. From the beginning, Kosovar tourism was
based on real opportunities for the development of the types of tourism that are characteristic
of continental tourism. The attractive properties of natural and anthropogenic factors are quite
complex, so their typological separation is particularly problematic. Mostly natural factors
represent different natural phenomena, morphological phenomena such as: mountains,
valleys, gorges, canyons and caves, hydrographic phenomena (rivers, lakes, thermo-mineral
springs) as well as non-geographical phenomena (plant and wildlife). So as a rare
morphological phenomenon in Kosovo we have Gadime Cave, a marble cave known not only
in Kosovo but also in the region and beyond. Gadime cave is located in Gadime village near
Lipjan, Kosovo. It is 1500 meters long, but tourists can only see the first 1300 meters of the
cave, since the rest of the cave is not yet accessible. In the cave is the middle floor which is
for visitors, the under floor and the upper floor. During the summer the temperature inside the
cave is constant 13 degrees Celsius and in winter it is 11-13 degrees. It is arranged close to
2000 square meters. The cave has two floors. Atmospheric water, which when in contact with
air through various tectonic cracks, evaporates, then calcium bicarbonate condenses and
stalactites and stalagmites are formed. Also the cave is made up of ducats, and the second
floor of the cave is not yet arranged for visitors. It is the only marble cave in Europe. Who
knows how to value natural resources preserves them, and who does not, destroys them. Its
survival depends on the human hand. Therefore, this Indian saying should not be uttered:
"Man used to fear nature while nature now fears man."

Keywords: natural monument, management, natural resources, cave, exploitation.

    Corresponding Author: hysen.sogojeva@gmail.com
Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik           6-7 April 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) - Web Conference
ISBN: 978-2-931089-01-9                          ABSTRACTS BOOK                           p. 31

            The Role of Recruitment and Selection
                  in Financial Performance
            Case study: Kosovo Service Enterprises
 Arta JASHARI* - University of Applied sciences FERIZAJ - University of PRISHTINA (Kosovo)
Enver KUTLLOVCI - University of Applied sciences FERIZAJ - University of PRISHTINA (Kosovo)
 Lejla IBRAHIMI - University of Applied sciences FERIZAJ - University of PRISHTINA (Kosovo)

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of recruitment and selection practice
and financial performance in small and medium enterprises in Kosovo. A total of 319
managers/owners of those enterprises was analyzed. Our empirical results show that
enterprises in Kosovo use recruitment and selection practice and they know how important is
to have the right people with skills and knowledge accordingly with the job requirements.
Our results provide evidence that recruitment and selection practice, have a positive
relationship with financial performance and the indication of the education level of
manager/owners of enterprises in the use of this practice.
From our results we can conclude and suggest that with by applying recruiting and selection
as the first practice in managing people, the enterprises will fill with employees who will be
able to fulfill the enterprises objective.

Keywords: Human Resource, Kosovo, Recruitment and Selection., Financial Performance.

    Corresponding Author: jashariartaa@gmail.com
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