3rd Annual Conference Building the Sustainable World of Tomorrow Conference Programme 6th - 7th October 2020

Page created by Francis Harmon
3rd Annual Conference Building the Sustainable World of Tomorrow Conference Programme 6th - 7th October 2020
3rd Annual Conference
Building the Sustainable
World of Tomorrow
Conference Programme
6th – 7th October 2020
3rd Annual Conference Building the Sustainable World of Tomorrow Conference Programme 6th - 7th October 2020

                                 President’s Welcome                                                                                                CEO’s Reflection And Update

                                 Albert Manifold, GCCA President                             It is encouraging to see the level of engagement       Dinah McLeod,                                                  We will also hear about our wider work program
GCCA Conference Programme 2020

                                 and Chief Executive of CRH plc                           from all our member companies and it affirms our          GCCA Chief Executive                                       and the strong progress made over the past year.
                                                                                          collective commitment to our sustainability goals.                                                                   My thanks to all working group members and
                                     I am pleased to welcome you to the 3rd Annual           In that regard, I welcome our GCCA member                   I would also like to take this opportunity to         consultative networks and all who are positively
                                 Conference of the Global Cement and Concrete             companies and affiliates to this year’s conference,       add my own warm welcome to you all to our                  contributing to our shared mission – the driving
                                 Association (GCCA).                                      along with others in attendance who are considering       3rd Annual GCCA Conference.                                force behind our progress.
                                     As many of you will be aware, we had originally      joining us. Delivering on our Climate Ambition                 We all know that 2020 has been a year of                  Although we cannot meet in person, I hope you
                                 planned to meet in Atlanta, USA. However, owing          cannot be achieved alone, it requires our industry        challenges. But it is also a year of opportunity.          all enjoy the conference. Over the months and years
                                 to the challenges faced due to the global COVID-19       to work collaboratively with others to help build         While the COVID-19 pandemic has had an                     to come, I look forward to meeting and working
                                 pandemic and with health and safety front of mind,       a more sustainable future. Our global breadth and         unprecedented impact on the world as we know               closely with you all to shape an even brighter
                                 this year’s GCCA Conference is an exclusively online     cooperation across the industry are key to achieving      it, it has also advanced a wider discussion about          future for our industry and the world.
                                 event. It is intended to provide an informative,         our core ambition for concrete to be recognised as        our future; about how we build back better, and
                                 insightful and inspiring two days for our members        the sustainable building material of choice for today,    more sustainably.
                                 and key stakeholders.                                    and for the future needs of society.                           As the world works towards a green recovery,
                                     Despite the global health and economic crisis,          The GCCA continues to draw on the talent,              I am incredibly proud to lead the GCCA as its Chief
                                 2020 has been a very significant year for the GCCA       experience and expertise from across the global           Executive. Having just published our Climate Ambition
                                 and we should all be very proud of our work and          cement and concrete industry. Its broad work              Statement, we are positioning our industry as a key
                                 achievements. As an essential industry, we have          programme continues apace with direct input and           contributor to a sustainable future by providing
                                 continued to make an important contribution              leadership from our global membership base and I          carbon neutral concrete to society by 2050. It is
                                 to society. GCCA member companies have                   thank all our members and affiliates for your ongoing     such a pleasure to see all of our member companies
                                 been involved in maintaining the supply of raw           contribution and commitment.                              fully engaging with the launch and committing
                                 materials for construction and the upkeep of                I am honoured to serve as President of the GCCA        to this target to build a more sustainable world
                                 essential infrastructure to keep society functioning,    and to work alongside my fellow Chief Executives          of tomorrow.
                                 while playing a vital role in supporting our local       and other senior leaders. This year, while particularly        Many of you already know my background as
                                 communities. As we begin to rebuild, and as society      challenging, has shown how much we can achieve            a sustainability expert, with previous roles across
                                 recognises the need for a green recovery, concrete       together. I look forward to working with you all as       business, government and non-profit organisations.
                                 will play an increasingly important role.                we continue our journey - building the sustainable        Having recently joined the GCCA, I am delighted
                                     As the world looks towards a more sustainable        world of tomorrow.                                        to see the level of commitment to the reduction of
                                 future, I am particularly proud that the GCCA has                                                                  CO2 across the industry to position concrete as the
                                 launched its Climate Ambition Statement this year,                                                                 sustainable building material of choice.
                                 announcing to the world our industry’s commitment                                                                       Our President mentions that cooperation and
                                 to providing society with carbon neutral concrete by                                                               collaboration will be crucial to our success. The
                                 2050. This is a significant milestone for our industry                                                             programme we have produced over the conference
                                 and the first time we have come together at a global                                                               speaks to that – we will hear from senior leaders
                                 level to make an announcement of this magnitude,                                                                   and experts not just from our own industry, but
                                 building on the excellent work of the sector as well                                                               those from other sectors and global policymakers
                                 as GCCA members and affiliates over many years.                                                                    on how we can successfully continue on our own
                                                                                                                                                    sustainability journey and deliver our climate ambition.
3rd Annual Conference Building the Sustainable World of Tomorrow Conference Programme 6th - 7th October 2020
02                                                                                                                                                                                How to join
                                                                                                                                                                                   To join the conference, you must be registered and logged
                                                                                                                                                                                   into the GCCA website or you will be unable to join.

                                 Conference Programme                                                                                                                              You cannot log in on behalf of anyone else.

                                                                                                                                                                                   To join the conference, follow these steps:
                                                                                                                                                                                   1. Please log in to your account on the GCCA website
                                                                                                                                                                                   2. Go to the conference webpage
                                                                                                                                                                                   3. Please click on ‘Joining Instructions’
                                                                                                                                                                                   4. Click on the links under the sessions you would like to join

                                 Tuesday 6th October                                                                                          Wednesday 7th October                Sessions will be open to join 15 minutes before advertised start times.

                                 Session A                          Session B                              Session C                          Session A                          Session B                              Session C
GCCA Conference Programme 2020

                                 08:00 – 09.30 London               12:30 – 14.00 London                   15:00 – 16.30 London               08.00 – 09:40 London               12:30 – 14.00 London                   15:00 – 16:40 London
                                 03:00 – 04:30 New York             07:30 – 09:00 New York                 10:00 – 11:30 New York             03:00 – 04:40 New York             07:30 – 09:00 New York                 10:00 – 11:40 New York
                                 15:00 – 16:30 Beijing              19:30 – 21:00 Beijing                  22:00 – 23:30 Beijing              15:00 – 16:40 Beijing              19:30 – 21:00 Beijing                  22:00 – 23:40 Beijing

                                 Work Program Session:              Main Conference Plenary:               Work Program Session:              Work Program Session:              Main Conference Plenary:               Work Program Session:
                                 Delivering the GCCA                Industry and Business Action –         Delivering the GCCA                Acting on our Climate Ambition     Industry Transition:                   Acting on our Climate Ambition
                                 Strategic Plan                     Towards Building the Sustainable       Strategic Plan                                                        Global Policy Perspectives –           Repeated
                                                                    World of Tomorrow                      Repeated                           Languages:                         Towards Building the Sustainable
                                 Languages:                                                                                                   English                            World of Tomorrow                      Languages:
                                 English                            President’s Opening Address:           Languages:                         Chinese Mandarin                                                          English
                                 Chinese Mandarin                   •	Albert Manifold, GCCA               English                                                               Keynote Speaker:                       Spanish
                                                                       President and
                                                                       President and Chief
                                                                                      Chief                Spanish                            Attendees:                         •	Dr Fatih Birol, Executive
                                 Attendees:                            Executive of
                                                                       Executive  of CRH
                                                                                         plc                                                  GCCA Members and Affiliates only      Director, International             Attendees:
                                 GCCA Members and Affiliates only                                          Attendees:                                                               Energy Agency                       GCCA Members and Affiliates only
                                                                    Keynote Speaker:                       GCCA Members and Affiliates only
                                                                    • Dr Pratima Rangarajan, CEO,                                                                                Panel:
                                                                            Climate Investments
                                                                      OGCI Climate   Investments                                                                                 •	Araceli Fernandez Pales, Senior
                                                                                                                                                                                    Energy Analyst, International
                                                                    Panel:                                                                                                          Energy Agency
                                                                    • Jan Jenisch,
                                                                           Jenisch, CEO,
                                                                                     CEO, LafargeHolcim
                                                                                          LafargeHolcim                                                                          • Dr Dominik Von Achten,
                                                                       Daniel Balthasar,
                                                                    • Daniel   Balthasar,Senior
                                                                                           Senior                                                                                   CEO, HeidelbergCement
                                                                       Portfolio Manager
                                                                       Portfolio   Managerandand                                                                                 • María Mendiluce,
                                                                       Head ofof Basic
                                                                                        Industries                                                                                  We Mean Business
                                                                    	& Utilities,  NorgesBank
                                                                                             Bank                                                                                • Gerard Bos, Director of
                                                                       Investment Management
                                                                                                  (NBIM)                                                                            IUCN Global Business and
                                                                       Mahendra Singhi,
                                                                    • Mahendra      Singhi,Managing
                                                                                            Managing                                                                                Biodiversity Programme
                                                                       Director and
                                                                       Director   and CEO
                                                                                 (Bharat) Limited
                                                                       Cement (Bharat)     Limited                                                                               Languages:
                                                                    Languages:                                                                                                   Spanish
                                                                    English                                                                                                      Chinese Mandarin
                                                                    Chinese Mandarin                                                                                             Attendees:
                                                                                                                                                                                 GCCA Members, Affiliates
                                                                    Attendees:                                                                                                   and Guests
                                                                    GCCA Members, Affiliates
                                                                    and Guests                             Repeat of Session C                                                                                          Repeat of Session A
3rd Annual Conference Building the Sustainable World of Tomorrow Conference Programme 6th - 7th October 2020

                                 Speakers and Panellists                                                                                               Gerard Bos
                                                                                                                                                       Director, IUCN Global Business
                                                                                                                                                                                             Araceli Fernandez Pales
                                                                                                                                                                                             Senior Energy Analyst,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mahendra Singhi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Managing Director and CEO,
                                                                                                                                                       and Biodiversity Programme            International Energy Agency          Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited
                                 Full biographies are available          Keynote speakers                     Panellists                               Gerard Bos has served as Director     Araceli Pales coordinates the        Mahendra Singhi is Managing
                                 on the GCCA website                                                                                                   of the Global Business and            modelling and analysis of demand     Director and CEO of Dalmia
                                                                                                                                                       Biodiversity Programme at the         sectors in the Energy Technology     Cement, a prominent cement
                                                                                                                                                       International Union of the            and Policy division of the IEA       manufacturing group in India
                                                                                                                                                       Conservation of Nature (IUCN)         since 2019. In her previous role,    which is ranked no.1 globally by
                                                                                                                                                       since 2012. He is passionate for      she led the analysis related to      CDP on Low Carbon Economy
                                                                                                                                                       driving transformational change       the industrial sector in the same    Transition and recognised by
                                 Gavin Esler                             Dr Fatih Birol                       Dr Dominik Von Achten                    through multi-sector collaborative    division. Prior to joining the IEA   the UN Secretary-General on
                                 Conference MC                           Executive Director,                  Chairman of the Managing Board,          platforms with the aim of             in 2012, Araceli worked for about    climate innovation. He is one
GCCA Conference Programme 2020

                                 Gavin Esler is an award winning         International Energy Agency          HeidelbergCement AG                      challenging current and future        seven years, in different areas in   of the five global Climate
                                 television and radio broadcaster,       Dr Fatih Birol has served as         Dr Dominik Von Achten is the             business models of the                the Oil & Gas sector including       Defenders recognised by
                                 writer and journalist. He is also       Executive Director of the            Chairman of the Managing Board           corporate sector.                     process optimization and emissions   BBC World.
                                 an event host, a moderator for          International Energy Agency          of HeidelbergCement. In his role                                               monitoring at refinery sites for         He has represented business
                                 business conferences and a              since September 2015. He was         on the Managing Board, he has the                                              BP, as well as designing thermal     and the cement sector globally
                                 lecturer on subjects as diverse         re-elected in January 2018 for       direct responsibility for Strategy                                             equipment and steam reforming        on the most prominent multi-
                                 as British and American politics,       a second four-year term, which       and Development, Communication                                                 units for green-field refinery       country platforms such as the
                                 communications and the future           began in September 2019.             & Investor Relations, Human                                                    and petrochemical projects.          Climate Action Summit at the
                                 of the media. He delivered the          Under his leadership, the            Resources, Legal, Compliance,            Jan Jenisch                           Araceli holds a MEng in Chemical     UN General Assembly on 23rd
                                 prestigious 2017 Magnusson              IEA has undertaken its first         Internal Audit, Digital Transformation   CEO, LafargeHolcim                    Engineering and a MSc in             Sept. 2019 on invitation of UN
                                 Lecture on how institutions and         comprehensive modernisation          Office and Digital Venture Office.       Jan Jenisch has been Chief            Process Engineering.                 Secretary-General; the Paris
                                 individuals can build trust – and       programme since its creation                                                  Executive Officer of LafargeHolcim                                         Climate Agreement Ceremony
                                 how to recover if they lose it. He      in 1974.                                                                      since 2017. Jan is committed                                               on invitation from Ex. UN Secretary-
                                 has spoken on similar themes                                                                                          to leading the way in green                                                General, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon; Global
                                 with groups as diverse as senior                                                                                      construction to drive a net                                                Climate Action at COP24 on
                                 British military officers, financial                                                                                  zero future. Putting innovation and                                        invitation of UNFCCC Executive
                                 consultants, lawyers, senior public                                          Daniel Balthasar                         digitalisation at the core of the                                          Secretary, Ms. Patricia Espinosa;
                                 officials, politicians and leaders of                                        Senior Portfolio Manager and Head        company’s strategy, Jan is driving                                         and High-Level government-
                                 international corporations. He has      Dr Pratima Rangarajan                of Basic Industries and Autos/           greener and smarter solutions         María Mendiluce                      business dialogues invited by
                                 hosted conferences with business        Chief Executive,                     Sector Strategies, Norges Bank           from EcoPACT green concrete           CEO, We Mean Business                the French Presidency.
                                 and political leaders in venues         OGCI Climate Investments             Investment Management (NBIM)             to Susteno circular cement.           María Mendiluce was appointed
                                 in the United States, Indonesia,        Dr Pratima Rangarajan is Chief       Daniel is a Senior Portfolio Manager     Jan is a Member of the Executive      as CEO of the We Mean Business
                                 Singapore, China, Turkey, the UAE,      Executive of OGCI Climate            and Head of Basic Industries and         Committee of The World                coalition in 2020, at the start
                                 and all across the UK and Europe.       Investments. Before joining OGCI     Autos/Sector Strategies at Norges        Business Council for Sustainable      of a critical decade for climate
                                                                         Climate Investments, Pratima was     Bank Investment Management               Development as well as of the         action. The We Mean Business
                                                                         the General Manager for GE’s         (NBIM). NBIM manages the                 Global Cement and Concrete            coalition brings together seven
                                                                         Onshore Wind Product Line and        Government Pension Fund Global,          Association. He is also a Member      international organisations: BSR,
                                                                         the General Manager for GE’s         Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund.          of the Board of the LafargeHolcim     B-team, CDP, Ceres, CLG Europe,
                                                                         Energy Storage startup. She had      With investments in more than            Foundation for Sustainable            The Climate Group and WBCSD,
                                                                         previously held the role of Deputy   9,000 companies worldwide and            Construction. In addition he          which together catalyse business
                                                                         Chief Technology Officer and         a fund value of more than 10,000         serves as a Member of the Board       leadership and policy ambition
                                                                         Senior Vice President, Emerging      billion Norwegian Kroner, it is one      of Directors at Glas Troesch SA.      to accelerate the transition to
                                                                         Technology and Research at           of the world’s largest investors.        Previously Jan was the CEO of         a zero-carbon economy.
                                                                         Vestas Wind Systems.                 On average, the fund holds 1.5           Swiss-based Sika (2012-2017), a
                                                                                                              percent of all of the world’s listed     specialty chemicals company with
                                                                                                              companies. Daniel joined NBIM in         a leading position in the building
                                                                                                              2006 and is a CFA Charterholder.         sector and motor vehicle industry.
3rd Annual Conference Building the Sustainable World of Tomorrow Conference Programme 6th - 7th October 2020

                                 About the GCCA                                                                                              2020 Highlights So Far
                                 Launched in 2018, the GCCA is the trusted,             GCCA Sustainability Charter
                                 authoritative platform and voice for the cement           Our members commit to implementing
                                 and concrete sector across the world.                  sustainability initiatives across all five pillars
                                      Our work aims to ensure that the views of         identified in our sustainability charter and set
                                 cement and concrete are holistic and based on          targets for performance improvement for each
                                 robust evidence.                                       to achieve compliance.
                                      Our vision sees a world where concrete
                                 supports global sustainable economic, social and       Driving Industry Sustainability
                                 environmental development priorities; and where                                                             Climate Ambition                                         Innovandi
GCCA Conference Programme 2020

                                 it is valued as an essential material to deliver a                                                              The GCCA launched its Climate Ambition                  Launched at the 2019 GCCA Conference in
                                 sustainable future for the built environment.                                                               Statement on the 1st September, announcing to            Singapore, the Innovandi network has made
                                      Our mission is to position concrete to meet                                                            the world our industry’s plan to provide our planet      significant progress over the year.
                                 the world’s needs for a material that can build                                                             with carbon neutral concrete by 2050.                       In late-June, Innovandi held its inaugural Kick-Off
                                 and support growing, modern, sustainable and                                                                    Building on the longstanding commitments and         Week, bringing together 40 scientific and 30
                                 resilient communities.                                                                                      sustainability progress of our members and affiliates,   industrial partners from around the world to map
                                      The GCCA is a CEO led industry initiative. It’s                                                        this marks an important moment for our industry -        out key themes for projects focused on the
                                 members, Board of Directors, and Executive team                                                             joining up to articulate a global climate target.        reduction of CO2 emissions.
                                 are committed to sustainability – reducing the                                                                  We would like to thank all our member                   In mid-September, Academic Partners showcased
                                 impacts of cement production and promoting the                                                              companies and affiliates for their participation in      their projects during Innovandi Partner Project
                                 unique properties of concrete as a sustainable,                                                             developing the ambition and involvement in the           Sessions. Each session saw dozens of delegates from
                                 durable and resilient building material – a material                                                        outreach campaign to date. We are expecting              across academia and industry come together to
                                 that will answer the needs of a growing and                                                                 sustained momentum and an ongoing voice in               discuss their projects and lay the groundwork for
                                 increasingly urban population that is set to                                                                sustainability conversations going forward.              future collaboration.
                                 exceed nine billion people by 2050.                                                                             The launch of our ambition was well received            At the end of September, Innovandi held its
                                                                                                                                             across the world, with over 400 pieces of media          Autumn Week, which brought together academic
                                                                                                                                             coverage and interviews globally. Our digital            and industrial partners to further progress the
                                                                                                                                             campaign has received over 2.2 million impressions,      formation of core projects.
                                                                                                                                             66,000 engagements and nearly 400,000 views of
                                 GCCA Strategic Plan                                    B Sustainability                                     our CEO video.                                           Health and Safety Forum
                                 Our strategic plan spans four key pillars:             Demonstrating how concrete uniquely                      Work is progressing on our 2050 Concrete                The GCCA ran its first global Health and Safety
                                                                                        meets the global challenges of sustainable           Roadmap, which will set out the actions across           webinar on ‘World Day for Safety & Health at Work’
                                                                                        development and climate change, promoting            the value chain to achieve carbon neutral concrete.      on 28th April. The event saw over 220 attendees,
                                                                                        best practice in our industry and demonstrating      It will be published in 2021.                            and aimed to foster greater collaborative and good
                                                                                        our performance improvements.                                                                                 practice approach across the entire cement and
                                                                                                                                             UN High Level Panel                                      concrete sector.
                                                                                        C Innovation                                             Following the launch of our Climate Ambition
                                                                                        Driving performance and sustainability further       Statement, the GCCA was invited to participate in
                                                                                        by fostering innovation in cement and concrete       the UN Secretary-General’s high-level roundtable on
                                                                                        manufacturing processes through partnership          climate action, joining world leaders as a part of the
                                 A Concrete Promotion                                   across the supply chain.                             75th session of the United Nations General Assembly,
                                 Positioning concrete as the ideal building material                                                         which took place on the 24th September.
                                 to successfully and economically meet the world’s      D Building The GCCA                                      The roundtable featured 20 global leaders,
                                 sustainable construction needs by delivering a         Ensuring we are a highly effective organisation      including heads of state such as Boris Johnson,
                                 powerful communications strategy and building          that delivers tangible value to our members,         Justin Trudeau and Ursula von der Leyen to discuss
                                 a network of stakeholders to help us deliver           affiliates and the broader cement and                the bold climate actions they are taking and their
                                 that message.                                          concrete industry.                                   ambitions for a better future.
3rd Annual Conference Building the Sustainable World of Tomorrow Conference Programme 6th - 7th October 2020
05                                                                                                   Left:
                                                                                                      2019 Overall Winner
                                                                                                      Practical Concrete (Amateur)

                                 Concrete                                                             Rolando Batacan

                                                                                                      Bridge near the Al Aweer

                                 in Life                                                              Vegetable and Fruit Market;
                                                                                                      Dubai, United Arab Emirates

                                                                                                      “This photo shows one section
                                                                                                      of the pedestrian bridge located
                                    Following the success of last year’s competition,                 near Al Aweer Vegetable and Fruit
                                 we are running our second Concrete in Life                           Market in Dubai. Imitating life’s
                                 photography competition, launching on the                            cycle, these workers cross the
                                 7th October. The competition aims to showcase                        bridge every day in the morning
                                 the vital role that concrete plays in our daily lives.               and back in the evening after
GCCA Conference Programme 2020

                                    Last year’s competition saw over 5,000 entries                    real hard work.
                                 from professional and amateur photographers                              To be the winner of ‘Concrete
                                 across the world and engaged an audience of                          in Life’ means a huge amount to
                                 over 3 million.                                                      me. The concrete bridge shown
                                    This year’s competition will have four categories:                in my photo traverses the busy
                                 Urban design and use; Infrastructure; Concrete in                    Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed
                                 daily life; and video. Each category will have                       Road in Dubai, used by Asian
                                 professional and amateur brackets.                                   expats mostly working as porters
                                    The overall Best ‘Concrete in Life’ Photo of the                  in the fruit and vegetable market.
                                 Year winner will win a $10,000 USD prize. Each of                    That’s the bridge’s practically
                                 the remaining amateur and professional winners                       usage, but it’s symmetry against
                                 will win a $2,500 USD prize.                                         the backdrop of Dubai portrays
                                                                                                      architectural beauty. That’s the
                                 Please visit our website for more information.                       fascination of Concrete in Life.”
                                                                                                      Rolando Batacan

                                  1                                                       2   3   5
                                                                                                      2019 Category Winners

                                                                                                      1 Urban design and use (Professional)
                                                                                                           The façade of the Science Museum,
                                                                                                           Valencia, Spain
                                                                                                           Photo by Pedro Ajuriaguerra Saiz @pedro_ajuriaguerra

                                                                                                      2 Urban design and use (Amateur)
                                                                                                        The Palace of Justice, Le Corbusier’s Capitol Complex,
                                                                                                        Chandigarh, India
                                                                                                        Photo by Corin Gibbon @thisbrutallife

                                                                                                      3 Practical Concrete (Professional)
                                                                                                        Bridge with Security Guard,
                                                                                                        Harbin, China
                                                                                                        Photo by Jason Chowdhury @jasonchowdhury_

                                                                                                      4 Small Scale (Professional)
                                                                                                         Artificial Coral Reef,
                                                                                                         Lobo, Batangas
                                                                                                         Photo by Emman Foronda @emmanforonda

                                                                                                      5 Small Scale (Amateur)
                                                                                                            Dry Water,
                                                                                                            La Mancha, Spain
                                                                                                            Photo by Santiago Aleman @the_santiago_aleman
3rd Annual Conference Building the Sustainable World of Tomorrow Conference Programme 6th - 7th October 2020

                                 Our member companies and
                                 affiliates operate in almost
                                 every country of the world

                                 Member Companies                         •   Orient Cement Ltd                           Affiliates                                             Global Cement and
GCCA Conference Programme 2020

                                 • Asia Cement Corporation                •   SCG Cement                                  • Cámara Nacional del Cemento - Mexico                 Concrete Association
                                 • Breedon                                •   Schwenk Zement KG                           • CEMBUREAU - the European Cement Association          Paddington Central
                                 • Buzzi Unicem S.p.A.                    •   Secil S.A.                                  • Cement Association of Canada                         6th Floor, 2 Kingdom Street
                                 • Cementir Holding                       •   Shree Cement Ltd                            • Cement Concrete & Aggregates - Australia             London, W2 6JP
                                 • Cementos Argos                         •   Siam City Cement Ltd                        • Cement Industry Federation - Australia               United Kingdom
                                 • Cementos Molins                        •   Taiheiyo Cement                             • Cement Manufacturers Association of India            T ⁄ +44 20 3580 4286
                                 • Cementos Pacasmayo                     •   Taiwan Cement Corporation                   • CMI - Ireland                                        E ⁄ info@gccassociation.org
                                 • Cementos Progreso S.A.                 •   Titan Cement                                • European Concrete Platform                           gccassociation.org
                                 • CEMEX                                  •   UltraTech Cement Ltd                        • European Ready Mixed Concrete Organisation (ERMCO)
                                 • Ciments De L’Atlas (CIMAT)             •   Unión Andina de Cementos S.A.A (UNACEM)     • Federación Iboamericana del Hormignon Premezclado
                                 • CIMPOR                                 •   Vassiliko Cement Works Public Company Ltd      (FIHP) – Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula
                                 • Çimsa Çimento                          •   Vicat                                       • Federación Interamericana del Cemento
                                 • CNBM                                   •   Votorantim Cimentos                            (FICEM) – Latin-American Region
                                 • Corporacion Moctezuma S.A.B. DE C.V.   •   West China Cement                           • Japan Cement Association
                                 • CRH                                    •   YTL Cement                                  • Korea Cement Association
                                 • Dalmia Cement                                                                          • Mineral Products Association - United Kingdom
                                 • Dangote                                                                                • National Ready Mixed Concrete Association – USA
                                 • Eurocement                                                                             • Portland Cement Association - USA
                                 • Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua                                                           • SNIC/ABCP – Brazil
                                    SAB de CV (GCC)                                                                       • Spanish Cement Association (Oficemen)
                                 • HeidelbergCement                                                                       • Union of Cement Producers – Soyuzcement - Russia
                                 • JSW Cement                                                                             • VDZ - Germany
                                 • LafargeHolcim
                                 • Medcem Madencilik
                                 • Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises Ltd
3rd Annual Conference Building the Sustainable World of Tomorrow Conference Programme 6th - 7th October 2020 3rd Annual Conference Building the Sustainable World of Tomorrow Conference Programme 6th - 7th October 2020 3rd Annual Conference Building the Sustainable World of Tomorrow Conference Programme 6th - 7th October 2020
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