A Community Remembers - March 2020 Jewish exponent Death notices - Jewish Exponent Special ...

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A Community Remembers - March 2020 Jewish exponent Death notices - Jewish Exponent Special ...
A Community
            Jewish Exponent Death Notices
                     March 2020

Judaism isn’t just what we believe, or the prayers
we recite or the laws we observe. It’s also about
the way we live. How we interact with others.
The values we practice. The customs and traditions
                                                               & SONS
                        Sponsored by Joseph Levine & Sons
we embrace and pass down, from one generation
                                          SERVICE • TRADITION • DIGNITY
to the next.
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A Community Remembers - March 2020 Jewish exponent Death notices - Jewish Exponent Special ...
ATKINSON                                                        MARCH, 2020 DEATH NOTICES                                                                                                                                    GOODMAN
               DEATH NOTICES                                     DEATH NOTICES                                     DEATH NOTICES                                    DEATH NOTICES                                     DEATH NOTICES

                                                                                                                     CHETTY                                          FRIEDMAN
                                                                                                    Karen Chetty (nee Sheppard) age 78 years,        Estelle Friedman (nee Sofian), nee 92, died
                                                                                                    On February 22, 2020 of Broomall, PA. Be-        on March 11, 2020. She was a retired book-
                                                                                                    loved wife of Fred Chetty, Loving mother of      keeper who resided in Wynnewood ,
                                                                                                    Lisa (Ken) Connelly and Marc (Tara) Chetty,      Pennsylvania. Wife of the late Jack; mother
                                                                                                    also survived by 5 grandchildren and her sis-    of Michael (Carol) Schwartz, Jack (Michele)
                                                                                                    ter Robin Werbitzky. Karen was a School          Schwartz, Risa (Ryan) Berman, and the late
                                                                                                    Crossing Guard for many years, first with the    Frank Schwartz; sister of Bernice Rhodes and
                                                                                                    Philadelphia School District and then the        Irene Herman; grandmother of Jamie (Sean),
                                                                                                    Marple Township School District. Contribu-       Melissa (Robert), Andrew (Sara), Abe, Soph-
                                                                                                    tions in her memory may be made to any           ie (Andrew), and Avery; and also survived by
                ATKINSON                                                                            Charity of the Donor’s Choice. www.levinefu-     8 great-grandchildren. Contributions in her                      GOLDBLUM
Amy Lowenthal Atkinson, February 7, 2020                          BRECHER                           neral.com                                        memory may be made to Schizophrenia &             Barbara F. Goldblum (nee Fishkin), on Febru-
beloved mother, and 2-time cancer survivor,       Harold “Hal” Brecher, of Rydal Park, a retired                                                     Related Disorders Alliance of America             ary 29, 2020. Beloved wife of the late Robert;
died surrounded by family & friends on Fri-       clinical and school psychologist and accom-                                                        (SARDAA), www.sardaa.org.                         Loving mother of Deborah (Darrin) Uhl, Re-
day, February 7th, after succumbing to her        plished, amateur artist died February 22,                           COHEN                                  GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S                   becca (Graham) Kilshaw and the late Joseph
25-year-battle with breast cancer, she was        2020 at Abington Memorial Hospital at the         Evelyn Baker Cohen (nee Ringold). February                     RAPHAEL-SACKS                       Goldblum. Adoring grandmother of Joshua,
70. Amy was born in Philadelphia, PA, and         age of 88. From 1977 until 1993, Dr. Brecher      27, 2020 of North Wales, Pa. Widow of the                                                          Nathan, Adina, Noah, Elias and Gabriella.
attended Lower Merion High School before          was a psychologist for the School District of     late Marvin Baker. Mother of Fern (Steven)                                                         Contributions in her memory may be made to
earning a BA in Communications from               Philadelphia where he used his expertise to       Baker-Guy and David Baker (Lisa Bell). Sister                      GABER                           Joseph Goldblum Library Fund at Or Ami,
Temple University. She went on to work as a       help students struggling with behavioral, so-     of Dr. Joel (Harriett) Ringold. Grandmother of   Judith A.Gaber, Feb. 18, 2020 of Marlton, NJ.     708 Ridge Pike, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 or
producer and on-air host for Philadelphia's       cial and emotional issues. Prior to working       Lily Baker and Shannon (Eric) Bernard.           Wife of the Late Philip Gaber and the late        MANNA, PO Box 301814, Phila., PA 19103.
"Evening Magazine," a nighttime TV news           for the school district, he was a clinical psy-   Great-Grandmother of Noah and Ashtyn. The        Benjamin Lichtman. Mother of Garry                        GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S
show. In 1979 she married Hal "Fort" Atkin-       chologist in the Department of Pediatrics at      family request that contributions in her         (Melissa) Gaber, Howard (Kate) Gaber and                        RAPHAEL-SACKS
son and moved to 'Minneapolis, MN, where          Frankford Hospital from 1963 to 1980. He          memory be made to the Simon Weisenthal           Harvey (Paula) Gaber. Grandmother of Xan-
she was the director of communications for        also maintained a clinical psychology prac-       Center-www.wiesenthal.com. www.levinefu-         der, Sammy and Kaitlynn.
Control Data. The couple moved to Los             tice in Northeast Philadelphia from 1962 un-      neral.com                                              PLATT MEMORIAL CHAPELS, Inc.
Angeles in 1992, where she worked as a sub-       til retiring in 2011. He was also a consultant             JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS
stitute teacher and wedding planner while         to the School District of Glassboro, NJ for
raising their daughter, Kaycelyn. Amy was a                                                                                                                          GARDNER
                                                  more than 30 years and was associated with
talented artist who loved to paint, decorate,     the Professional Clinical Forum until he re-
                                                                                                                      COHEN                          Donald Gardner, on March 12, 2020. Hus-
garden, cook, & entertain- but more than                                                            Hilda (nee Nemeth) Cohen age 88 of War-          band of Joanne (nee Einhorn), father of Jam-
                                                  tired from private practice. In his private                                                        ie Gardner (Jonathan Stern) and Margie
anything she was a devoted mother. She de-                                                          rington, Pa died on February 28, 2020. Be-
                                                  practice Dr. Brecher continued to help pa-                                                         Gardner (Cliff Berman), brother of Howard
veloped breast cancer in 1995 and spent                                                             loved wife of the late Raymond Cohen. Lov-
                                                  tients navigate through their mental health is-                                                    Gardner (Naomi) and David Gardner (Pat
more than two decades bravely fighting. She                                                         ing mother of Nata (Marc) Schonfeld,
                                                  sues. Dr. Brecher earned a bachelor’s degree                                                       Bridgman), grandfather of Jacob and
is survived by her daughter /Kaycelyn Atkin-                                                        Fran(Louis) Sannutti and Stuart Cohen.
                                                  in 1954, a master’s degree in 1955, and a                                                          Madeline Berman and Benjamin and Rebecca
son, stepdaughter Charlotte Atkinson Shergu;                                                        Cherished grandmother of Karla (Jeff)
                                                  doctoral degree in 1962 – all in psychology                                                        Stern. Contributions may be made to the AS-
granddaughter Violet Shergur; sister KC                                                             Horwitz, Ryan, Joe and Aaron. Adored Great
                                                  from Temple University. Born on Valentine’s                                                        PCA in memory of Donald Gardner. L
Baldadian; and many nieces, nephews, cous-        Day, February 14, 1932 to William and Elsie
                                                                                                    grandmother of Ashley and Rayna. Contribu-                                                                         GOLDMAN
ins & friends.A memorial service will be held                                                       tions in her memory may be made to Con-                   JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS                   Carolyn S. Goldman, on March 8, 2020. Be-
                                                  Brecher, Ukrainian immigrants, he was pre-
privately. In lieu of flowers, donations can be                                                     gregation Tiferes B'Nai Israel 2478 Street                                                         loved and devoted daughter of the late Alan
                                                  deceased by his two older brothers, Jerrold
made in her name to City of Hope Cancer                                                             Road Warrington, PA 18976.                                                                         and Thelma Lax Goldman. Dear cousin of
                                                  and Sydney. As a young boy, Hal helped out                                                                        GLICKSTEIN
Center (866-683-4673).                            at his family business, Brecher’s Dress Shop                                                       Meyer “Mike” Glickstein, passed away on           Lewis (Janis) Lax, Susan (Bob) Frutkin, Jan
                                                  on Fabric Row on Fourth Street below South.                                                                                                          (Michael) Weiss, and Cindy (Merrill) Reese.
                                                                                                                     DURETZ                          Feb. 29, 2020. Mike was born on 1/14/38 to
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Also survived by numerous 2nd cousins and
                                                  He often spoke of “rich memories of street        Martin Duretz, on February 24, 2020. Be-         Matty (The Duke) and Irene (nee Brown)
                   BELL                           life, “including, “delis, push carts, street      loved husband of the late Nancy (nee Axil-       Glickstein. Mike was predeceased by his           longtime friends. Contributions in her
Herbert M Bell, one day after his 100th Birth-    vendors and corner crop dice games.” The                                                           brothers, Robert (The Colonel) and Merril         memory may be made to Penn Medicine,
                                                                                                    bund). Loving father of Randie (Michael) ,
day; devoted husband of the late Eleanor (nee     result of this background – “in the neighbor-                                                      Glickstein. He is survived by his wife of 60      Ovarian Cancer Research or a charity of the
                                                                                                    Scott (Robin) and Michael (Irene). Devoted
Cohen); loving father of the late Robert (Ar-     hood, in public school and in the store” – he                                                      years, Carole; his sons, Mark (Leslie) and        donor’s choice.
                                                                                                    Grandfather of Jaime (Adam), Justin, Mor-
den) and Dr.I Barry (Carol); devoted grand-       said, “made me accepting of differences and                                                        Mitchell (Rebecca). He is also survived by his           GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S
                                                                                                    gan and Max; adoring great grandfather of
father of Stacy (Howie) Rosen, Stephanie          people from all walks of life.” He was mar-                                                        sister, Deana Glickstein. Family meant                         RAPHAEL-SACKS
                                                                                                    Noa. Contributions in his memory may be
(Matt) Mayers and Alyssa Bell (Rachel             ried to Lorraine Davis, who also predeceased                                                       everything to Mike and he was overjoyed with
                                                                                                    made to American Stoke Association,
Dougherty); adoring great-grandfather of          him, until 1986. They raised a son and three                                                       happiness when he was with his grandchil-
                                                                                                    www.stroke.org or Autism Cares Foundation,
Sadie, Emily, Norah and Hannah. Herbert was       daughters in Northeast Philadelphia. For 20       www.autismcaresfoundation.org, www.gold-         dren, Hunter Perry Glickstein and Karissa                         GOLDMAN
a proud veteran of the U.S. Army during           years, Dr. Brecher attended classes at Chel-                                                       Micol. He was also blessed by his great           Fleurette Goldman, on February 23, 2020 of
World War ll. Herbert was a lover of classical    tenham Art Center. He created sculptures in                                                        grandchildren, Tatem and Bennet Micol. He         Mt. Laurel, NJ. Wife of the late Eli Goldman.
                                                                                                            GOLDSTEIN'S ROSENBERGS
music. Contributions in his memory may be         clay and welded metal and painted with ac-                                                         will also be missed by his cats, Harry and        Mother of Jerry (Paula) Goldman, Neal
                                                                                                                  RAPHAEL SACKS
made to an orchestra, ensemble or music           rylics, oils, and watercolor. His work was                                                         Sally. Mike was born and raised in South          (Ruth) Goldman and Michele (Sydney)
non-profit of the donor's choice. www.levine-     frequently included in exhibitions at the Chel-                                                    Philadelphia and took great pride in telling      Weinstein. Grandmother of Alex, Joseph
funeral.com                                       tenham Art Center. Dr. Brecher traveled ex-                         ELIAS                          stories of his youth which filled our days with   (Sarah), Max, Louis (Marlena), Eliza, Sara
         JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS                   tensively through Europe and once drove           Mildred B. Elias (nee Biser) on February 21,     laughter. He loved being a South Philadelphi-     (Harris)and Gabby. Contributions can be
                                                  cross-country visiting the U.S. National          2020. Mother of Wayne (Lynne) Elias, Todd        an and hanging out on many corners. He will       made to the Boyer College of Music and
                                                  Parks. He enjoyed winter vacations in Siesta      (Gail) Elias and Michele (Roy) Kramer.           be dearly missed by his friends and family. In    Dance at Temple University,
                 BERGER                           Key, Florida, and more recently, in Rancho        Grandmother of Matthew, Lauren and Joseph        lieu of flowers, donations may be made in         www.temple.edu/boyer
Barbara Ann Berger (nee Fish), 84, March 16,      Mirage, California. He loved dancing and          Elias. Contributions in her memory may be        Mike’s memory to St. Jude Children’s Re-               PLATT MEMORIAL CHAPELS, Inc.
2020. Wife of the late Allan J. Berger. Mother    classical music and was a longtime sub-           made to Jewish Federation of Greater Phil-       search Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memph-
of Andrea Berger, Lisa Berger (Jeff) Baskin       scriber to The Philadelphia Orchestra, and        adelphia, 2100 Arch Street, Philadelphia PA      is, TN 38105.
and Adam (Rachel) Berger. Nana of Adin and        supported WRTI, the Abington Library, and         19103.                                             ROTH-GOLDSTEINS’ MEMORIAL CHAPEL                                GOODMAN
Zack Berger and Sophie and the late Joey          the Performance Garage on Brandywine                      GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S                                                                    Stewart H. Goodman, March 6, 2020, of
Baskin. Daughter of the late Albert A. Fish       Street in Philadelphia. Hal is survived by his                  RAPHAEL-SACKS                                                                        Paoli, PA. Beloved husband of Carol (nee
and Sadie Fish Goldberg. Sister of the late       son, David (Emily); daughters Renee Brock                                                                                                            Rosner); loving father of Tracey Perzan and
Richard (Frances) Fish. Sister-in-law of Shir-
ley (the late Stanley) Tauber. Contributions in
                                                  (Mark), Linda Brecher Bekoff (Andy), and
                                                                                                                                                          A Community                                  Sharon (Richard) Stoer; adored grandfather
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of Rio, Sam, Jason, and Michelle and great-
                                                  Ellyn Kellerman (Jonathon); nine grandchil-
her memory may be made to the Alzheimer’s
Assoc. (Phila Walk Team: MissBarb), 399
                                                  dren; one great granddaughter; and his part-   Sheldon H. Finberg, died on February 26,                  Remembers                                   grandfather of Katrina and Brianna; devoted
                                                  ner, Millie Berg. Contributions in his memory  2020. Husband of Phyllis L. (nee Schwartz).                                                           brother of the late Evelyn Bedrof and the late
Market Street, Suite 102, Phila., PA 19106,       may be made to Cheltenham Center for the       Father of Andrew M. (Tracey) Finberg,                      Monthly archives of                        Razel Eplan. In lieu of flowers, the family re-
Main Line Reform Temple (Odell Library En-        Arts 439 Ashbourne Rd. Cheltenham, PA          Jonathan D. Finberg, Fred Glickstein, Mi-             Jewish Exponent Death Notices                   quests contributions be made to the Dis-
dowment Fund), 410 Montgomery Ave.,               19012. Please include Brecher memorial         chael Glickstein and Kevin Glickstein. Grand-                                                         abled Veterans National Foundation
Wynnewood, PA 19096 or Gratz College (Tut-
                                                                                                                                                            are available online.
                                                  donation in the memo line.                     father of Marshall, Morgan, Deniyele, Mikena,                                                         www.dvnf.org or to a charity of the donor's
tleman Library Fund), 7605 Old York Rd.,
Melrose Park, PA 19027.
                                                                                                 Harrison and Holland.                                www.JewishExponent.com                           choice.
                                                                                                          GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S                                                                               JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS
         GOLDSTEINS'isn’t   just what we
                                  believe, or the prayers we
                        ROSENBERG'S                                                           recite or theRAPHAEL
                                                                                                                 laws SACKS
    observe. It’s also about the way we live. How we interact with others. The                                                                         A Community Remembers
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    values we practice.                                                                                                                               Monthly archives of Jewish Exponent                   CALL 215.832.0749
      HONOR THE  MEMORYThe customs and traditions we embrace and pass down,
    from one LOVED
     OF YOUR generation
                     ONE...to the next.
                                       call 215.832.0749                                                                                               Death Notices are available online.
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2     MARCH, 2020                                                                                    JEWISH EXPONENT                                                                                           JEWISHEXPONENT.COM
A Community Remembers - March 2020 Jewish exponent Death notices - Jewish Exponent Special ...
GROSS                                                            MARCH, 2020 DEATH NOTICES                                                                                                                                            MASON
               DEATH NOTICES                                     DEATH NOTICES                                      DEATH NOTICES                                     DEATH NOTICES                                     DEATH NOTICES

                  GROSS                                                                                             KORMAN                                                                                                 LUBER
Herbert M. "Herbie" Gross, age 92, passed                                                            BERNARD J. Korman ESQ. of Miaimi, Florida,                                                          Bernice Luber (nee Schwartz), on February
away peacefully surrounded by his loved                                                              formerly of Philadelphia, PA, died on Sat-                                                          24, 2020, age 99. Beloved wife of the late
ones on Feb. 27, 2020. Husband of the late                                                           urday evening, February 22, 2020. He is sur-                                                        Sidney Luber. Loving mother of Sherry (Alan)
Estelle (nee Lemisch). Devoted father of                                                             vived by his wife, Evelyn Martin Korman. He                                                         Blumenthal. Dear sister of the late Sylvia
Janie (Matt) Peskin and Aileen Gross. Broth-                                                         was the father Dr. Charles H. Korman                                                                Backhaut and Paul Schwartz. Devoted grand-
er of the late Wilmer Gross. Loving grand-                                                           (Rachel), Paula Korman andMartin Korman                                                             mother of Scott (Kate Reuther) Blumenthal
father of Lindy (Doug) Smith and Michael Pe-                                                         (Elizabeth); grandfather of Jonathan Korman                                                         and great-grandmother of Miles and Julian
skin. Great grand-father of Zachary Smith.                                                           (Alexandra), Samuel A. Korman, Hayley Kor-                                                          Blumenthal. Contributions in her memory
Uncle of Barbara Gross and Laura Henrich.                                                            man, Samuel J. Korman, Naomi Elkins and                                                             may be made to HIAS www.hias.org; Jewish
Contributions in his memory may be made to                                                           Seth Elkins; great-grandfather of Miriam Kor-                                                       Federation of Greater Philadelphia www.jew-
the Parkinson Council, 111 Presidential Blvd.,                                                       man; step-father of Phyllis Krutsch (Ken),                       KRONICK                            ishphilly.org; Anti-Defamation League
Suite 141, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 or The                        JACOBS PRESS                          Robin Perlin (Kimm), Susan Kreshtool              Joan Kronick (nee Kamine) February 18,            www.adl.org; Planned Parenthood
Saunders House, 100 Lancaster Ave. Wyn-           It is with sadness we share the peaceful           (Danny) and Steven Martin; step-grandfather       2020 of Philadelphia, PA; beloved wife of the     www.plannedparenthood.org or the ACLU.
newood, PA 19096.                                 passing of Lillian Jacobs Press (nee Binder)       of Nancy, Brad, Rachel (Joshua), David,           late David Kronick, loving mother of her three            GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S
          JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS                  on February 24, 2020 in Boca Raton, Florida.       Sarah, Evan, Andrew and Michael; and step-        daughters Robin, Lee and Dara; adoring                          RAPHAEL-SACKS
                                                  Leah is fondly remembered as a loving moth-        great-grandfather of Max and Lucy. Contribu-      grandmother of five grandchildren. Joan was
                                                  er to Jeffrey (Donna) and adoring Bubie to         tions in his memory may be made to Perel-         born in New York City and moved to Phil-
           HAUPT SUSSMAN                          Elana, Rachel and Naomi and great Bubie to         man Jewish Day School, 49 Haverford Road,         adelphia after marrying David in 1955. She
Claire L. Haupt Sussman (nee Sloan), age 99,      Nolan, Lora and Ariella. Predeceased by            Wynnewood, PA 19096.                              graduated with a degree in education from La
of Wynnewood, PA. Born in Philadelphia on         Manny Jacobs and Jack Press Jr. She will be                 JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS                   Salle College. She taught in the Special Edu-
Sept. 15, 1920, passed away March 10, 2020        deeply missed by her sister, Judy and her                                                            cation department of Philadelphia school sys-
in Wynnewood, PA. Beloved wife of the late        nieces and nephew, Eileen, Larry, Jodie and                                                          tem for several years. After leaving that posi-
Abram Haupt and the late Milton C. Sussman,       Joan. She was born and raised in Phil-                                                               tion, Joan worked at a half-way house, teach-
beloved mother of Dr. Donald N. Haupt (El-        adelphia, Pennsylvania on July 11, 1925. Lil-                                                        ing literacy to women parolees. She often
len) and the late Barbara Lynn Haupt, sister      lian was a combination of both brains and                                                            said that the best work she had ever done
of Marjorie Silverberg, devoted grand-moth-       beauty. Ahead of her time, she worked in a                                                           was “helping these women realize their po-
er of Abram Seth Haupt (Rachel) and Jes-          law firm for many years in downtown Phil-                                                            tential.” During Joan’s retirement, she was
samyn Sara Garrett (Jeffrey), proud great         adelphia. She retired in Florida where she en-                                                       active in the pro-choice movement. She
grandmother of Eleanor Sophia Garrett and         joyed her passions for a healthy lifestyle of                                                        shared a love of the arts and gardening with
Spencer Lev Haupt. Claire and her husband                                                                                                              her husband and was a long-time volunteer
                                                  golfing, biking, walking along the beach and                                                                                                           Bernard Mason, March 18, 2020; Bernie Ma-
Abram were founding members of Main Line          lunching with the ladies to name a few. A cel-                                                       at the Morris Arboretum in Chestnut Hill. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                         son, 99, passed peacefully away at Cathedral
Reform Temple. She was an Administrative          ebration of her life will take place at a later                                                      spring, during her favorite time of the year,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Village with his family by his side. He was
Assistant in her father's real estate business    date.                                                                                                her daughters will host a celebration of her
                                                                                                                                                                                                         born in Philadelphia on May 7th, 1920, to the
and during WWII she wrote grants at the Na-                                                                                                            life in Philadelphia for friends and family.
                                                                                                                     KROMASH                                                                             late Bennett and Henrietta (Cohen) Mason.
tional Science Foundation for Margaret Mead.                                                                                                           Joan has requested that in lieu of flowers,
                                                                      KATZ                           Joseph Lewis Kromash, formerly of                                                                   Bernie was a true renaissance man. He was
She was dearly beloved by her entire family.                                                                                                           please give to Planned Parenthood, Emily’s
                                                  Morris N. Katz, passed away February 19,           Southampton in Bucks County, passed away                                                            an immensely talented artist who won a
Contributions in her memory may be made to                                                                                                             List, Woodmere Art Museum, or Keystone
                                                  2020. Beloved husband of the late Joyce (nee       suddenly on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, appro-                                                          drawing contest in his teens. The prize was
the Lankenau Hospital Foundation.                                                                                                                      Hospice. And don’t forget to vote!
                                                  Lieberman) Katz. Loving father of Laurence         priately in the wine aisle of BJ’s, despite ex-                                                     an interview with Walt Disney in California.
          JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS
                                                  (Kathy) Katz, and Mitchell (Linda) Katz. Ador-     tensive heroic efforts by concerned pass-                                                           Unfortunately, this was during the Great De-
                                                  ing grandfather of Maia, Jake, and Ethan.          ersby and first responders to revive him. He                      KUTCHER                           pression, and he needed to stay at home to
                                                  Dear brother of the late Meyer (Beatrice)          was 82 years old and had been in declining        Edith Kutcher (nee Kornberg) on March 4,          help with his family. He enlisted during World
                                                  Katz, and the late Ruth (Charles) Goldberg.        health. We, his family, are heartbroken and       2020. Age 103 years old. Beloved wife of the      War II and as a first Lieutenant was a prom-
                                                  He is also survived by his many loving nieces      will miss his presence, love, and kindness        late Edward; Loving mother of Dr. Mark (and       inent part of the top secret Ghost Army. This
                                                  and nephews. Contributions in his memory           every day. We are comforted that he did not       the late Brenda) Kutcher, Judye (Edward)          special company of artists, sound engineers
                                                  may be made to the Parkinson's Foundation,         suffer in those last minutes. Survivors in-       Gourley and Richard (Marcy) Kutcher; Dear         and set designers were given a unique mis-
                                                  200 SE 1st Street, Suite 800, Miami FL             clude his loving wife and soul mate, Ruth, to     sister of Flossie Friedrich ; Devoted grand-      sion within the Allied Army: to impersonate
                                                  33131.                                             whom he was married for 63 years, his chil-       mother of Justin, Brittany, Christine, Holly      other Allied Army units to deceive the enemy.
                                                          GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S                    dren Wendi and Kenneth, daughter-in-law           and Christopher; Adoring great-grandmother        He led Task Force Mason - which flew into
                                                                RAPHAEL-SACKS                        Joanne, beloved grandchildren Benjamin and        of Sarah and Jay. She was a volunteer librari-    Omaha Beach eight days after D-Day to con-
                                                                                                     Jacqueline, brothers Marvin (Laurie) and          an for over 40 years and she had a love for       duct the Ghost Army’s first deceptive mis-
                                                                                                     Stan Lee (Marsha), and many nieces and            books and learning that lasted her entire life.   sion on the continent. Bernie was featured in
                HOFFMAN                                               KAYE                           nephews. The family gratefully acknow-            She also had a book of poems published.           a book and a PBS special, and is currently a
Leonard L Hoffman, on March 15, 2020. Be-         Alan R. Kaye, March 2, 2020, of Gladwyne,                                                            Contributions in her memory may be made to        part of a new exhibit at the National World
                                                                                                     ledges the incredible support provided by Na-
loved husband of Gloria (nee Vaks). Loving        PA. Beloved husband of Lynne (nee Gold-                                                              Alzheimer's Association, 399 Market Street,       War II Museum in New Orleans. He always
                                                                                                     dia Elsalmy over the past three years. He and
father of Karen (Don) Kaufman, Beth, Louis        stein) Kaye and the late Suzanne (nee Har-                                                           Suite 102, Philadelphia, PA 19106.                considered his greatest wartime accomplish-
                                                                                                     Ruth also found joy as first-time dog owners,
(Jen Davies) and Sheri (Gregg Rosenfeld)          burger) Kaye; loving father of Robert                                                                        GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S                   ment to be that he brought all of his men
                                                                                                     and their dog Lolly always made Joe smile.
Gordon. Loving grandfather of Lauren (Tom         (Stephanie Loughlin) Kaye, Judi (Jonathan)                                                                       RAPHAEL and SACKS                     home safe and sound. Though he could only
                                                                                                     A celebration of Joe’s life will take place in
Kuhn), Alex, Sara, Jessica and Andrew. Also       Galst, Richard (Stephanie) Kaye and step-                                                                                                              complete one year of college at Drexel when
                                                                                                     Northbrook, IL on March 15. Joe cared
survived by his loving partner Ilene Stern. Fu-   daughter Debra Kauffman; cherished grand-                                                                                                              he was a young man, he graduated with hon-
                                                                                                     deeply about many issues and had already
neral will be a private family service at Sha-    father of Zach, Scott, Sam, Leah, Max, Noah        voted in Florida’s primary. If you wish to hon-                     LITMAN                          ors from Villanova University when he was
lom Memorial Park with a celebration of life      and Adam. Contributions in his memory may                                                            Harold Litman on March 11, 2020. Beloved          75. He was an avid Villanova basketball fan,
                                                                                                     or his memory with a gift, the family sug-
to be scheduled at a future date. Contribu-       be made to the Suzanne H. Kaye Advocacy                                                              husband of the late Shirley Litman. Loving        as well as enjoying the Phillies and Eagles.
                                                                                                     gests these organizations: Indian Spring Ha-
tions in his memory may be made to CST-           Fund c/o Linda Creed Breast Cancer Founda-                                                           father of Jodie (Michael) Davis. Adored           Bernie enjoyed mathematics and word
                                                                                                     dassah (11602 Briarwood Circle, #1, Boyn-
Consumer Fund 520 N. Delaware Ave. 7 th           tion, 614 S. 8th St., # 277, Phila., PA 19147 or                                                     grandfather of Aaron and Stephen. He was a        puzzles of all kinds. He never left home
                                                                                                     ton Beach, FL 33437), Planned Parenthood
Fl. Phila. PA 19123, Juvenile Diabetes Re-        to Beth David Reform Congregation                                                                    WWII Veteran. Contributions in his memory         without a camera in his pocket to take pho-
                                                                                                     (plannedparenthood.org) or SmileTrain (smi-
search Foundation 1415 Marlton Pike E.,           (www.bdavid.org).                                                                                    may be made to a charity of the donor's           tos of people he met. Those photos became
                                                                                                     letrain.org). May his memory be for a bless-
#311 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 and The Marine                   JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS                                                                     choice .                                          extraordinary portraits that he would give as
Corps Scholarship Foundation.                                                                                                                                 GOLDSTEINS’ ROSENBERG’S                    a gift to those he photographed. He loved do-
        GOLDSTEINS’ ROSENBERG’S                                                                                                                                     RAPHAEL-SACKS                        ing that. But his greatest love of all was his
              RAPHAEL-SACKS                                        KLEEMAN                                                                                                                               wife of 74 years, Dottie (nee Sacks). He liter-
                                                  Leonard Kleeman on March 15, 2020. Be-                                                                                                                 ally married the girl next door. In addition to
                                                  loved husband of the late Frances, loving
                                                                                                      Honor the memory                                                    LOWE                           his wife, he is survived by his son Carl
                 HOFMAN                           father of Audrey (Scott Korn) and Andrew                                                             Eileen Barbara "Honey" Lowe (nee Frankel)         (Bobbi) Mason and his daughter Bobbi
Hanna L. Hofman (nee Klein) February 23,
2020. Wife of the late Henrich. Mother of Max
                                                  (Holly Lentz); grandfather of Harrison Korn,
                                                  Hannah and Jakob Kleeman; dear brother of
                                                                                                      of your loved one...                             died on March 5, 2020. Partner to David
                                                                                                                                                       Paletz. Mother of Jennifer (Brian) Hackford
                                                                                                                                                                                                         (Mark) Helms; his grandchildren Scott Ma-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         son, Jaclyn Mason, Erin (Chris) Saulino,
Hofman and Ruth (Craig, Esq.) Sopin. Grand-       Florence Hannah and the late Irvin Kleeman.                                                          and Joshua (Caroline) Lowe. Sister of Larry
mother of Robert Sopin. Contributions in her      Contributions in his memory may be sent to           Call 215.832.0749 to                            Frankel and the late Jeffrey Frankel. Grand-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Emily (Matt) Staffaroni and five great grand-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         children – Lyla, Jack, Sydney, Tommy and
memory may be made to a charity of the            the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, at sheldrickwild-                                                      mother of Owen, Jude, Henry, Maddox, Lo-
donors choice.                                    lifetrust.org                                        place your memorial.                            tus and Lyra. Also survived by Mitchell
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Grace. He was preceded in death by his sis-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ter Mildred Nathan and his brother Louis Ma-
       GOLDSTEINS ROSENBERG’S                                                                                                                          Paletz, Danielle Klein, Shira Schulman and        son. Services will be private. A memorial cel-
              RAPHAEL-SACKS                                                                                                                            their families. Contributions in her memory       ebration is planned for sometime this sum-
                                                                                                                                                       may be made to Gift of Life, 401 N. 3rd St.,      mer.
                                                                                                       A Community Remembers                           Phila., PA 19103 or Susan G. Komen for the
                                                   To place a Memorial Ad                             Monthly archives of Jewish Exponent              Cure, 125 S. 9th St., Suite 202, Phila., PA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS

                                                      call 215.832.0749                                Death Notices are available online.             19107.
                                                                                                                                                                GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S                   TO PLACE A MEMORIAL AD
                                                                                                     www.JewishExponent.com                                          RAPHAEL-SACKS                            CALL 215.832.0749

    Judaism isn’t just what we believe, or the prayers
    we recite or the laws we observe. It’s also about
    the way we live. How we interact with others.
    The values we practice. The customs and traditions
                                                                                                                          JOSEPH                                                                           & SONS
    we embrace and pass down, from one generation
                                                                                                                                SERVICE • TRADITION • DIGNITY
    to the next.
   w w w. l e v i n e f u n e r a l . c o m • i n f o @ l e v i n e f u n e r a l . c o m
JEWISHEXPONENT.COM                                                                                    JEWISH EXPONENT                                                                                                       MARCH, 2020               3
A Community Remembers - March 2020 Jewish exponent Death notices - Jewish Exponent Special ...
MENNEN                                                           MARCH, 2020 DEATH NOTICES                                                                                                                                    WEISBERG
               DEATH NOTICES                                      DEATH NOTICES                                     DEATH NOTICES                                    DEATH NOTICES                                     DEATH NOTICES

                 MENNEN                                             POGACH                                            SELTZER                                                                                              STYLE
Joseph Mennen, suddenly, on February 20,          Barry Pogach on Feb. 26, 2020. Husband of           Jeanne Seltzer, (nee Mantz), (1945 - 2020)                                                        Dr. Jay Style, of Chandler, AZ and former res-
2020 of Plymouth Meeting, PA. Beloved hus-        Roberta (nee Perlin); Father of David Pogach,       on March 10, 2020, wife of David Seltzer,                                                         ident of Philadelphia, PA, and Cherry Hill, NJ,
band of Gwen (nee Levin) Mennen and the           Susan (Bruce) Levitus and the late Richard          mother of Michelle Seltzer, Sharon (David)                                                        passed away on Wednesday March 4, 2020
late Barbara Ann (nee Fetter) Mennen. De-         Jay Pogach; brother of Eleanor Lerner and           Weinberger, Michael Seltzer, and the late                                                         at age 91. He was the son of the late Abra-
voted father of Danielle (Matthew) Bohm,          Diane (Walter) Parrish. Grandfather of Ricki        Joshua Seltzer. Also survived by 5 grandchil-                                                     ham and Beatrice (nee Giltman) Style. Jay
step-father of Randi (Tom) Jordan and Bryan       & Josh Levitus and Jay, Shawn, & Mia                dren. Contributions in her memory may be                                                          was the father of Ilene Style (Milt McConnell)
Toder and devoted grandfather of Mason and        Pogach.                                             made to the American Cancer Society.                                                              and Mark Style (the late Carin Style), grand-
Chase Bohm, brother of Rochelle Mennen.                  GOLDSTEINS’ ROSENBERG’S                             GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERGS                                                                     father of Sophie and Eli Style, and brother of
Contributions in his memory may be made to                     RAPHAEL SACKS                                       RAPHAEL SACKS                                                                        the late Edward Style. Jay was an Osteopath-
Chase's Challenge www.chaseschallenge.org                                                                                                                                                               ic General Practitioner for over 40 years. He
or to the Concordia Lodge No. 67 F.&A.M.,                                                                                                                                                               loved practicing medicine, doing everything
433 Old York Rd., Jenkintown, PA 19046.                          PROMISLOFF                                            SINGER                                                                           from minor surgery to delivering babies to
         JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS                   Marion Promisloff (Goldsmith) 96 years of           Libby Singer (nee Pincus), age 94, died on                         STEIN                          making house calls. He also enjoyed tennis,
                                                                                                      February 4, 2020. Beloved wife of the late      After a courageous and determined battle
                                                  age, Galloway, NJ passed away on March 3,                                                                                                             cycling, scuba diving, bridge, crossword
                                                                                                      Seymour; Loving mother of Jeff (Erin), Har-     against cancer, Sandra Diane Stein (nee
                                                  2020. Wife of the late Joseph Promisloff; Be-                                                                                                         puzzles, building and flying planes, and trav-
                MITCHELL                                                                              vey (Donna) and Vicki (Gary) Wolf; Devoted      Segal), age 80, passed away peacefully at her
                                                  loved Mother of Sandra (Mitchell) Pinsly;                                                                                                             eling to exotic places. He relished trying new
A. Robert Mitchell, on March 2, 2020. Be-                                                             Daughter of the late Sam and Minnie Pincus;     home, surrounded by her loving family and
                                                  Grandmother of Jeremy Pinsly and Matthew                                                                                                              things and had a keen sense of adventure.
loved husband of Mirjam (nee Rohrbach);                                                               Dear sister of the late Ruth Auerbach, Mary     her devoted caregivers. Born in South Phil-
                                                  (Marcy) Pinsly; Great-grandmother of Max                                                                                                              Most of all, he loved being surrounded by his
Loving father of Jeffrey (Teresa), Steven (Si-                                                        Panzer, Herman Pincus and Isadore Pincus;       adelphia, she graduated with honors from
                                                  and Madeleine; Sister of Adele Goldfield; and                                                                                                         family and cherished family gatherings. Ser-
mone) and Donald (Holly); Devoted grand-                                                              Devoted grandmother of Sam (Melissa),           Philadelphia High School for Girls and was
                                                  also survived by Barbara Schlanger and fam-                                                                                                           vices were held March 15 at Tiferet Bet Israel,
father of Kevin, Stefanie, Brett, Jordan, Jenna                                                       Jeremy (Melissa), Sean (Lynsey), Steven         awarded a scholarship to attend the Uni-
                                                  ily. The family asks that contributions in her                                                                                                        1920 West Skippack Pike, Blue Bell. Family
and Marc. Contributions in his memory may                                                             (Stephenie), Michael, Ashley, Matt and          versity of Pennsylvania. After receiving her
                                                  memory may be made to Seashore Gardens                                                                                                                services are by Boyd-Horrox-Givnish 610-
be made to a charity of the donor's choice .                                                          Jameson; Adoring great grandmother of Han-      Bachelor of Arts degree, she received anoth-
                                                  Living Center, Greenwood Hospice, or to a                                                                                                             277-7000. Contributions can be made to The
        GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S                                                                       nah, Jamie, Sophie, Harper and Emerson.         er scholarship to attend Temple University
                                                  charity of the donor’s choice. www.rothgold-                                                                                                          American Cancer Society or The Leukemia &
              RAPHAEL-SACKS                                                                           Contributions in her memory may be made to      School of Law, making her one of the few
                                                  steins.com                                                                                                                                            Lymphoma Society.
                                                                                                      HIS Breast Cancer Awareness, www.his-           women admitted at the time. She completed
                                                     ROTH-GOLDSTEINS’ MEMORIAL CHAPEL                                                                                                                          BOYD-HORROX FUNERAL HOME
                                                                                                      breastcancer.org/donate.                        her law degree, raised her family, became a
                                                                                                             GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S                  civic leader, founded the first Women’s pro-
                                                                                                                    RAPHAEL-SACKS                     Israel National Political Action Committee                          SUTOW
                                                                    ROEHRS                                                                            (WIN. PAC), served on the Senate Judiciary
                                                  Helena Aronowitz Fleet, March 18, 2020,                                                                                                               Rita Sutow (nee Bear) on March 9, 2020.
                                                                                                                                                      Staff of U.S. Senator Arlen Specter of            Wife of the late Jerry. Mother of Cindy
                                                  born in Philadelphia, PA and longtime resid-                        SPECTOR                         Pennsylvania, and eventually practiced as one     (Samuel) Goldstein and James (Jane) Sutow.
                                                  ent of Arecibo, Puerto Rico; beloved wife of        Arthur Spector, an Attorney, on March 8,        of the leading asset recovery experts at Rob-     Grandmother of Sean and Corey Goldstein,
                                                  the late Sanford Glynn and the late Edward          2020 at the age of 80. Survived by his          bins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP represent-          Jesse, Joey and Julianna Sutow. Services are
                                                  Herman Roehrs; devoted sister of Charlotte          spouse, James Mokry. Contributions in his       ing hundreds of institutional investors around    private. Contributions in her memory may be
                                                  Edelberg, the late Yola Aronowitz Green and         memory may be made to Kehilat Hanahar,          the country. Working with the late Senator        made to the Alzheimer's Association ., 399
                                                  the late Irving Aronowitz. Interment is private.    “The Little Shul by the River”.                 Arlen Specter, she was a strong advocate of       Market St., Suite 102, Phila., PA 19106 or
                                                  A Memorial Service will be held at a future                GOLDSTEINS’ ROSENBERG’S                  investor and consumer protections, transpar-      Abramson Senior Care., 1425 Horsham Rd.,
                                                  date in Philadelphia. In lieu of flowers, contri-                RAPHAEL-SACKS                      ency in government, and criminal justice re-      North Wales, PA 19454.
                 OCKNER                           butions in her memory may be made to the
                                                                                                                                                      form. She was instrumental in helping pass
Paula Seltzer Ockner, April 26, 1935 in Phil-     Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia                                                                                                                     GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S
                                                                                                                                                      the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of                 RAPHAEL-SACKS
adelphia, PA. Beloved daughter of Mollie (nee     (jewishphilly.org).
                                                                                                                                                      1995, and then went on to help co-found the
Libshitz) and Dr. Samuel P. Seltzer; devoted                 JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS
                                                                                                                                                      Institute for Law and Economic Policy (ILEP).
mother of Dr. Lee (Rebecca) Ockner, Ben-
jamin (Hynda) Ockner and Dr. Daniel (Karen)
                                                                                                                                                      Mrs. Stein was an active member of the Jew-                     TRACHTMAN
                                                                                                                                                      ish community, and a supporter of numer-          Louis Trachtman, on February 26, 2020. Be-
Ockner; cherished grandmother of Max,                            RUBENSTEIN                                                                           ous charitable causes. Her leadership with        loved husband of Judith (nee Beitchman);
Noah, Jamie, Rachel, Claire, Jacob and            Marvin Rubenstein, age 90, died on March
                                                                                                                                                      the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Stand With        Loving father of Marc (Tracey) and Adam
Charlie. Paula was predeceased by her ador-       17, 2020. He was a retired Military manufac-
                                                                                                       facebook.com/jewishexponent                    Us fighting anti-semitism on college cam-         (Petra); Dear Brother of Sharon (Aaron) Kan-
ing husband of 57 years, Stephen A. Ockner,       turer's representative who resided in Elkins
                                                                                                                                                      puses stands out. She was also a strong and       ze and Judith (Dev) Prana; Adoring grand-
M.D., with whom she happily traveled the          Park, Pennsylvania. Husband of Sandra (nee
                                                                                                                                                      passionate supporter of the State of Israel,      father of Chava, Mikayla and Ayo. Contribu-
world supporting his tours of duty with the       Becker); father of Dr. David (Renee) Ruben-
                                                                                                                                                      having served on the National Board of            tions in his memory may be made to TACA,
U.S. Air Force and with the Cleveland Orches-     stein, Martin (Madelyn) Rubenstein, and Jill
                                                                                                                                                      AIPAC, and various other pro-Israel efforts to    The Autism Community in Action, 2222 Mar-
tra as its tour physician. She was an avid        Miller (Chris Buchanan). Contributions in his
                                                                                                                                                      ensure the safety and security of America’s       t i n St ., S te . 1 40 , Ir v i ne CA 9 26 12 ,
reader, a collector of glass, ceramics, alumin-   memory may be made to the Abramson Cen-
                                                                                                                                                      strongest ally in the Middle East. Her love for   www.tacanow.org or American Heart Assoc,
um and pottery (about which she authored          ter for Jewish Life, 1425 Horsham Road,
                                                                                                                                                      the State of Israel never wavered and her         1617 JFK Blvd., Ste. 700, Phila., PA 19103,
several books), a devotee of politics, a com-     North Wales, PA 19454.
                                                                                                                                                      Zionism was shown through countless               www.heart.org www.goldsteinsfuneral.com
munity volunteer, an educator and a faithful              GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S
                                                                                                                                                      events hosted at her home. The Chabad of                   GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S
friend and confidant. Paula's passion, mental                   RAPHAEL-SACKS
                                                                                                                                                      Bel Air Sukkah party hosted with her daugh-                       RAPHAEL SACKS
acuity, rapier wit and indomitable spirit
                                                                                                                                                      ters was also legendary. She is survived by
helped her endure the heartache of Stephen's
                                                                                                                                                      her daughters and sons-in-law, Laura Stein
Alzheimer's and challenge after challenge of                       SATINSKY                                                                           and Sam Goldfeder, Leigh Stein and Joe Mc-                       TROPPAUER
her physical health. Services will be held at     Barbara Satinsky (nee Carlin). March 2, 2020                                                                                                          William Troppauer on March 5, 2020. Loving
BERKOWITZ-KUMIN-BOOKATZ MEMORIAL                  of Wynnewood, Pa. Beloved wife of the late               A Community                                Namara, and by four beloved grandchildren,
                                                                                                                                                      Michael, Sabrina, Jacob, and Blythe. Also         father of Lauren (and the late George) Gavioli
CHAPEL (216-932-7900), Friday, March 6 at         Benjamin. Devoted mother of Jay Satinsky
11:00AM. Interment at Mt. Olive Cemetery          and Lois (Hal) Weinberg. Loving sister of                 Remembers                                 surviving are her brothers, Robert of Boals-
                                                                                                                                                      burg, Pennsylvania and Jack of Traverse City,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and Chelsea (Eric Mansky) Troppauer; Dear
                                                                                                                                                                                                        sister of Susan (Robert) Simon; Adoring
(JWV section). Family will receive friends at     Edward (Marilyn) Carlin and the late Bernice                                                                                                          grandfather of Alexandra and James. Contri-
                                                  (Marvin) Rose. Proud Bubby of Janice (An-
                                                                                                             Monthly archives of                      Michigan and their families. Her parents,
the home of Benjamin & Hynda Ockner,                                                                                                                                                                    butions in his memory may be made to For
                                                                                                        Jewish Exponent Death Notices                 Morris and Rose Segal of Philadelphia, pre-
24139 Duffield Rd., Shaker Hts., FOLLOW-          drew) Tennant and Lisa (Eliasaf) Addison.                                                                                                             Pete’s Sake, 620 W. Germantown Ave., Ste.
                                                                                                                                                      deceased her. The family wishes to acknow-
ING INTERMENT FRIDAY FROM 2PM UNTIL               Contributions in her memory may be made to                 are available online.                                                                      250, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462.
                                                                                                                                                      ledge the compassionate assistance given to
5PM, SATURDAY EVENING 6-8PM and                   the National Parkinson's Disease Foundation.                                                                                                                  GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S
SUNDAY 12-3PM. Contributions are sugges-                   JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS                     www.JewishExponent.com                          Mrs. Stein by her devoted caregivers, espe-
                                                                                                                                                      cially Erna Melikyan. A private funeral will                    RAPHAEL SACKS
ted to the Alzheimer's Association, the Amer-
                                                                                                                                                      take place at Montefiore Cemetery in Jenkin-
ican Cancer Society or the Judson Founda-
                                                                                                                                                      town, Pennsylvania. The family suggests
tion.                                                              SCHULTZ                                                                            contributions in her memory to the Simon
        BERKOWITZ-KUMIN-BOOKATZ                 Alan Schultz on February 29, 2020. Beloved                                                                                                              Ruth C. Weisberg (nee Glatstein), Beloved
             MEMORIAL CHAPEL                    husband of Helen (nee Stein); Loving father            Honor the memory                               Wiesenthal Center or Chabad of Bel Air CA as
                                                                                                                                                      their efforts were very important to her. A
                                                                                                                                                                                                        wife of the late Jay Weisberg. Cherished
                                                of Jeffrey Isaac Schultz and Valerie (Arik)                                                                                                             daughter of the late Harry and Bella Glatstein.
                                                Hertz; Adoring Pop-Pop and Zaide of Zoe,               of your loved one...                           memorial service in Los Angeles will be held
                                                                                                                                                      in March 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Sister of the late Grace Himmelstein Linker.
                    PETIT                       Zeke, Rivka, Sara, Zalman, Mendel, Yehuda
                                                                                                                                                               GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Ruth is survived by nephew, Sheldon Ber-
Paul Petit died on February 21, 2020 at the and Levy. He was a graduate of Univ. of PA
age of 100. He was born in Paris, France. He Towne School of Mechanical Engineering,
                                                                                                        Call 215.832.0749 to                                         RAPHAEL-SACKS
                                                                                                                                                                                                        nick (Penny) and great-nephews, Adam and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        David Bernick. Interment private.
was Judaism         isn’t just
      the beloved husband   of thewhat      we class
                                   late Char-   believe,
                                                      of 1959.or  the prayers
                                                                Contributions                           place your memorial.
                                                                                      we recite or the laws we
                                                                              in his memory                                                                                                                      JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS
lotte Petit (nee Zysman) for 74 years. Loving may be made to American Heart Assoc.,                                                                         www.JewishExponent.com
     observe.        It’
                       s  also    about      the  way    we    live.    How      we   interact
father of Roland (Audrey) and the late Mireille 1617 JFK Blvd., Ste 700, Phila., PA 19130 or   with others. The
(Alan).          we practice.
         Also survived                The
                       by grandchildren   Re-customs       andOftraditions
                                                to The Congs.      Shaare Shamayim,we 9768
                                                                                        embrace HONOR
                                                                                                 and passTHEdown,
                                                                                                             MEMORY                                         HONOR THE MEMORY
becca (Mikael) and Alexi.                       Verree Rd., Phila., PA 19115.
     from      one generation
         GOLDSTEINS'   ROSENBERG'S to the next.GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S                          OF YOUR LOVED ONE...                                        OF YOUR LOVED ONE...
               RAPHAEL-SACKS                                  RAPHAEL-SACKS                        CALL 215-832-0749                                          CALL 215-832-0749

                                                                                                             JOSEPH                                                                          & SONS
                                                                                                                   SERVICE • TRADITION • DIGNITY
    w w w. l e v i n e f u n e r a l . c o m • i n f o @ l e v i n e f u n e r a l . c o m
4     MARCH, 2020                                                                                      JEWISH EXPONENT                                                                                           JEWISHEXPONENT.COM
A Community Remembers - March 2020 Jewish exponent Death notices - Jewish Exponent Special ...
WINIT                                             MARCH, 2020 DEATH NOTICES                   ZARWIN
               DEATH NOTICES

Herb Winit (Herbert), 91, died peacefully on
March 11, 2020. He is survived by his wife of
64 years, Irene, children Carla (David, Esq.),
Susan (Fritz), and Mitchell (Philip) and his
grandchildren Dallin, Brynn (Alex), Garrett
and Kyle. Herb was the owner of Fabric Cen-
ter Draperies and designed, manufactured
and installed custom window treatments in
hundreds of homes and businesses in the
metro Philadelphia area. Herb loved tennis,
the Brith Sholom Ludwig Lodge and the Mar-
gate, NJ shore. Donations can be made to the
donor’s choice or the Abramson Center for
Jewish Life.

Sheila Young, (nee Kane) passed away Feb-
ruary 24, 2020. Beloved wife of Harvey. Lov-
ing mother of Seth (Christine) Young. Dear
sister of Phyllis (Dr. Sydney) Pulver. She will
also be missed by her nieces, nephews, and
many, many friends. Contributions in her
memory may be made to Last Chance Ranch,
9 Beck Rd. Quakertown, PA 18951.


                                                       Honor the
Norman Phillip Zarwin, March 6, 2020 of Bala
Cynwyd, PA. Beloved husband of the late
Marlene. Devoted father of Amy (Gary) Stein-
berg, Stephen (Dawn) Zarwin and Deborah
(James) Rose. Cherished grandfather of Jac-
ob (Jacqueline), Dylan, Jared, Sydney, Tyler,
Max, Ethan and Michael. Norman was a
Founding Partner of the Zarwin Baum Law

                                                     memory of your
Firm and a true civic leader in the Phil-
adelphia Community. Contributions in his
memory may be made to a charity of the
donor's choice.


                                                      loved one…
       In Loving Memory of
         Fannie Glassman
          March 29, 1983
            15 Nissan
     Even though 37 years have passed,
            this does not cloud our
          wonderful memory of you.
     We still feel your presence, whether
   it be in a picture, a food or your name.
  Over the years, you have watched over us

                                                       Call 215-832-0749
      and we still feel your strong love,
                 for your family.

    Always, stay with us and protect us.

  Loved and always missed on this day and

                                                    to place your memorial.
        every day by your Grandson.
       Larry D. Glassman and family

    Judaism isn’t just what we believe, or the prayers
    we recite or the laws we observe. It’s also about
    the way we live. How we interact with others.
    The values we practice. The customs and traditions
                                                               JOSEPH                & SONS
    we embrace and pass down, from one generation
                                                                 SERVICE • TRADITION • DIGNITY
    to the next.
   w w w. l e v i n e f u n e r a l . c o m • i n f o @ l e v i n e f u n e r a l . c o m
JEWISHEXPONENT.COM                                       JEWISH EXPONENT                  MARCH, 2020   5
A Community Remembers - March 2020 Jewish exponent Death notices - Jewish Exponent Special ... A Community Remembers - March 2020 Jewish exponent Death notices - Jewish Exponent Special ... A Community Remembers - March 2020 Jewish exponent Death notices - Jewish Exponent Special ...
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