Page created by Isaac Phillips

          A COMMUNITY

          Project Art Works
          Trinity Triangle Heritage Action Zone
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Project Art Works Untold Stories
          A collection of memories, stories,    Heritage Action Zone (TTHAZ) is the     The Trinity Triangle area of Hastings   What is now called the Trinity
          images and ephemera from our          continuation of our commitment to       is an area rich in history and built    Triangle first came into my
          local community about this unique     this neighbourhood.                     heritage – it is home to the story      consciousness as a sixteen year old.
          part of Hastings known as the                                                 of the America Ground rebels,           From within the bright, light spaces
          Trinity Triangle.                     The TTHAZ is a four-year                Victorian and Edwardian buildings,      of the Brassey Institute art school
                                                regeneration programme supported        the iconic Observer Building and        on the top two floors of what is now
          This area has a rich and unusual      by Historic England to breathe new      the beautifully renovated library.      the Hastings Library, the ‘triangle’
          history and is changing as it         life into a historic part of Hastings   The residents of the area are diverse   was visible (the library occupied the
          becomes redeveloped, regenerated      town centre: the Trinity Triangle and   and it is home to many small,           building then as now but not quite
          and reimagined.                       America Ground.                         independent businesses and a            so extensively). Those two years of
                                                                                        growing number of creative people       learning drawing, printmaking of all
          Heart of Hastings Community Land      It’s a programme that is all about      live and work in the area               kinds, painting, design and so on
          Trust firmly believes in community-   putting local people in the driving                                             via an art foundation course were a
          led regeneration and has been part    seat of looking after, restoring and    For us, heritage isn’t just about old   significant experiential portal into
          of the Trinity Triangle community     celebrating the wonderful heritage      buildings, it’s about everyone’s        art which is in fact a way of living.
          since 2016 when we moved into         of this unique, but neglected, part     stories – especially those who

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Jon Cole hello halo 1997 (121.5 x 122cm) Oil on Canvas
          Rock House. The Trinity Triangle      of Hastings’ town centre. We will       wouldn’t usually make it into the       Then, after some years and further
                                                celebrate people’s ideas, help them     guidebooks or formal histories.         study away and with two young
                                                to shape the places they live and       Just as celebrating heritage            children, I took a studio space
                                                work, and promote stories about this    isn’t just about preservation or        shared with the painter Jonathan
                                                special, historic neighbourhood.        restoration, it’s about creating        Cole on the top floor of 12 Claremont
                                                                                        spaces and a neighbourhood that         next door to the library. Another
                                                                                        people can enjoy and want to visit      eerie, a light and airy space with
                                                                                        again and again.                        a detailed view of the sandstone
                                                                                                                                fascia of Trinity Church across the
                                                                                        The Untold Stories project is an        road. The light in the studio was
                                                                                        important part of this ambition.        stunning, and when working to a
                                                                                                                                deadline I was on occasions there
                                                                                        James Leathers                          when the sun rose, streaming light
                                                                                        Heritage Action Zone, Heart of          through the east facing windows.
                                                                                        Hastings Community Land Trust           Beautiful light.
                                                                                                                                                                        Jon and I embarked on a short but        We’re building new partnerships
                                                                                                                                Jon met my son Paul, who charmed        ambitious series of artist residencies   and sharing common ideas that
                                                                                                                                and affected our conversations          in local SEND schools working with       ensure a sense of responsibility and

                                                WELCOME TO                                                                      about art, materials and the
                                                                                                                                importance of our senses and
                                                                                                                                                                        over 160 children in self-directed art
                                                                                                                                                                        making through etching, casting and
                                                                                                                                                                        large floor-based paintings. These
                                                                                                                                                                        were extraordinary experiences and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ownership of this central and special
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 site within Hastings town centre.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 This is a tiny fragment of the many

                                                     UNTOLD STORIES                                                                                                     formed the approaches to Project Art
                                                                                                                                                                        Works, its philosophy and subsequent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Untold Stories that make up our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 relationship with the spaces we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 live in and inhabit. To see and be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 part of the change that is unfolding
                                                                                                                                sensory engagement in art               So, to now be so close to re-entering    in this special area of the town is
                                                                                                                                making. Jon painted Hello/Halo          12 Claremont in another phase of         significant to Project Art Works and
                                                                                                                                (a beautiful painting that now          its life and that of Project Art Works   in 2021 we will open Untitled Gallery
                                                                                                                                hangs in our home) in response          is significant. The building is on       in the ground floor of 12 Claremont.
                                                                                                                                to Paul’s use of the word ‘hello’       a routeway to the sea, the area is       A new chapter in the unfolding story.
                                                                                                                                that he deploys in many different       being gradually restored through
                                                                                                                                intonations and circumstances as        community-based commitment,              Kate Adams
                                                                                                                                a way to connect. In 1996 together,     friendship, shared skills and love.      Project Art Works
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Project Art Works Untold Stories
          [1]         [2]                                                                [3]                                                        [6]                                                 [7]



                                                         [5]                                                                                                                 [9]

                                                                          Heart of Hastings Community Land             While the building awaits renovation,   Each exhibition install has brought            heard stories of Claremont’s past
          A LOOK THROUGH                                                  Trust plan to renovate 12 Claremont          myself, Sara Dare (Gallery and          its own challenges including broken            identities - when he used rave in
          UNTITLED GALLERY                                                into an explicitly inclusive, creative
                                                                          and affordable neighbourhood hub
                                                                                                                       Production Coordinator) and Tom
                                                                                                                       Lepora (Technician and Artist
                                                                                                                                                               windows and blown sockets! But
                                                                                                                                                               with each install we’ve felt closer to
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the basement and sleep in the roof,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              installing with Sara we imagine the
          WINDOW                                                          for living, working and community
                                                                          action. In partnership with Heart
                                                                                                                       Facilitator) have spent many
                                                                                                                       dusty days installing a series of
                                                                                                                                                               a time when we can open the gallery
                                                                                                                                                               and welcome our first visitors. We’ve
                                                                                                                                                                                                              exhibitions and events we hope to
                                                                                                                                                                                                              hold, a new home for Project Art
          INSTALLATIONS                                                   of Hastings, Project Art Works will          exhibitions using the window alone.     spent hours discussing what has                Works and the community we look
                                                                          transform the ground floor of this                                                   been and imagining what might                  forward to being a part of.
                                                                          building into Untitled Gallery.                                                      be as we work away within this old
                                                                                                                                                               building. Installing with Tom, I’ve            Sally Bourner
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Project Art Works

                            [1] Before works began                        [4] Oct 2019, In Focus by the members of     [6] Jan 2020, Birds and Nests           [8] June 2020, Into the Wilderness
                            [2] Aug 2019, Untitled by Sam Smith               Tuesday Accelerate group                     by Michelle Roberts                 [9] Nov 2020, Untitled by George Smith
                            [3] Sept 2019, Art People Care (in Makaton)   [5] Dec 2019, Untitled by Christopher Tite   [7] Feb 2020, The De La Warr Pavilion
                                by Kate Adams                                                                              by Charlie Thomas
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                                                                                                                                                      You had to work that afternoon but
                                                                                                                                                      to you told me The Damned were
                                                                   NEW ROSE                                                                           playing at the Pier later on and you
                                                                                                                                                      knew someone who could get us in
                                                                   SARAH LOCKE                                                                        if I wanted to go.

                                                                                                                                                      It’s hard to describe the best night
                                                                                                                                                      of my life apart from knowing I was
                                                                                                                                                      drunk and the smoky raw atmosphere
                                                                   First time I saw you, you were hanging   We sat on the pavement, our backs         and the freedom it gave me. I don’t
                                                                   against that doorway covered in          against the stone wall of the church      think you needed that freedom quite
                                                                   paint. Beautiful brown skin like you     facing this strange old building- it      as much as I did. You had it already.
                                                                   were always in the sun, muscles          hasn’t changed much in style, four
                                                                   artfully sculpted to your slender        floors of big arched windows reaching     Returning to your building, up the
                                                                   frame but a softness, a child-like       a pitched roof, like a very tall home-    darkened street still listening to the
                                                                   touch, smooth hairless arms. Leaning     YMCA still etched on the glass. But       sea, I sang out, “I gotta new rose,
                                                                   gracefully, a shock of dark hair and     it was more run down then, peeling        I got it good. Guess I knew that I
                           Lucy Walker is an artist maker at       earring, I told myself romantically      frames and old wooden shutters            always would. I can’t stop to mess
                           Project Art Works, she is a talented    you were some local boy, some            covering the top floor. You were          around. I gotta brand new rose in
                           costume designer among many             fisherman’s son. And me, some            painting a sign for the Photographer’s    town”. You just smiled.
                           things. Her work spans across a         city girl from far away, chasing the     Studio, all gone now of course. You
                           wide range of media and genres.         openness of the sea. Something in        said you helped out printing photos       We slept on the floor that night, on
                           Lucy takes inspiration from shows       the way you stood made me pause          upstairs and that you had the keys        top of the blanket, gazing up through
                           that she loves, she has an incredible   and watch you standing there and         and sometimes slept over. As we           a hatch in the ceiling at the stars. It
                           knowledge of Red Dwarf and has          wait until you saw me. I must’ve         smoked and talked you told me about       was nothing really, just brushing lips
          A TOUR OF        created a universe of characters,       been smiling because you caught          why you loved it here and that you’d      to say goodnight but I never could
                           costumes, short stories and             my gaze and said, ‘hello,’ and offered   like to take my picture.                  sleep after that.
          12 CLAREMONT     animations in response. Here we         me a cigarette.
                           meet two of her newer characters,                                                On the top floor, above the dark          I waited until morning, frozen, not
          LUCY WALKER      Lister Cat and Starlight.               That summer was as slow, and             rooms, a large space in the rafters       wanting to move and wake you with
          AND TOM LEPORA   Tom Lepora is an artist who
                                                                   hot, and heart sinking as I’ll ever
                                                                   remember, although I know I was
                                                                                                            looking over the street was where
                                                                                                            the prints were kept. I remember you
                                                                                                                                                      the creaking floorboards but at the
                                                                                                                                                      same time, aching for you to turn over
                           works at Project Art Works and          only here for a week and I know I only   had a black woollen blanket with a        and lay your arm across me. Just some
                           often in collaboration with Lucy        knew you that day and that night.        cushion on top and a transistor radio.    small contact.
                           Walker. Tom has a long-standing                                                  On a shelf in the window one small
                           history with 12 Claremont. In                                                    print of a woman with jet black hair      I stand here now and I look at
                           October 2020, Tom, Star Light                                                    cropped close to her scalp smiling, no    that building and I see your face
                           and Lister Cat gave Isolation                                                    make-up, with beautiful pearly teeth.     reflected in each pane, peering
                           Station a tour of the building soon                                              She was sitting side on with her legs     from the top floor now the shutters
                           to be Project Art Works Gallery:                                                 pulled into her chest, chin on her        have been peeled away and the
                           Untitled. To watch the film visit:      I wrote New Rose in 2008 as part         knees, a pair of drainpipes clinging to   windows replaced. You look newer
                           isolationstationhastings.co.uk          of an audio tour that could be           her boyish legs. And here was me too      now, a fresher face. I can tell you’re
                                                                   experienced around Hastings              big for drainpipes. She looked just       somewhere else, somewhere beyond
                                                                   and St Leonards during Shot by
                                                                   the Sea Film Festiaval. I was a          like you I thought, a female version of   here. The windows on your floor like
                                                                   studio holder at 12 Claremont            you. I knew she was yours but I didn’t    five fingers reach skywards, each
                                                                   at the time and the piece was a          say anything. You took my picture,        arching frame an eyelid, blinking a
                                                                   bit of a love song to the building       just of my face- you said you liked       kiss goodbye.
                                                                   and to its previous (imaginary)
                                                                   inhabitants.                             faces- almost in silhouette against a
                                                                                                            section of the window or that’s how       Sarah Locke
                                                                   Created for Audio Tour- ‘This is Real-   you described it anyway. I never did      sarahlockeyoga@gmail.com
                                                                   Dream On!’- Shot by the Sea Film         get to see it.
                                                                   Festival 2008
Project Art Works Untold Stories
                 Alexander Brattell
ALEXANDER        https://brattell.com/
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                                                                                                                                    Project Art Works Untold Stories
                             Hastings Library has always been
                             a focal point for events from             THE LIBRARY PROJECT
                             local authors, book launches,
                             children’s events, arts and culture.      BERNARD MCGUIGAN
                             We have held events for Hastings
                             Storytelling Festival, the Literary
                             Festival, Bloomsday and Hastings
                             Cultural Festival.

                             Many local authors, poets,
                             illustrators and performers have
                             held events at the library including
                             Brian Moses and Ed Boxall. In 2019,
                             local storyteller John Kirk to helped
                             us celebrate National Libraries Week
                             with a local primary school, and we
                             hosted an Astronomy Road Show
                             to celebrate the Summer Reading
                             Challenge. The library continues to
                             be an inspiration for local artists.

                             In previous years we have hosted
                             a course with the local Workers
                             Educational Association, making
                             available our resources to run a                                A couple of years ago when
                             course on the Brassey family, and                               the library building was being
                             held Making it REAL (Raising Early                              refurbished, I happened to cycle
                             Achievement in Literacy) sessions                               past when some of the original
                             with playgroups and nurseries,                                  stone facade was being thrown
                             using stores, rhymes, drawing and                               into a skip. Being a stone sculptor,
          HASTINGS LIBRARY   mark making.                                                    I immediately set about rescuing
                                                                                             some of it. I decided after much
          GILLIAN NEWMAN     The Library service also supports local
                             groups through outreach work and
                                                                                             thought to recharge some of those
                                                                                             pieces of discarded stone into
                             through bringing groups into the                                beautiful abstract sculptures.
                             library. Each year we work with groups                          A piece of history re- imagined
                             and schools to help chose the East                              into a small work of art.
                             Sussex Children’s Book award.
                                                                                             Bernard McGuingan
                             We also hold weekly rhyme times,                                bernard-mcguigan.format.com
                             story times and code clubs for children
                             and we have regular class visits from
                             local school and community groups,
                             beavers, cubs and brownies.

                             Gillian Newman
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                    Project Art Works Untold Stories
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                                                                                                                           Project Art Works Untold Stories
                                                                                   All islands are separated from
                                                                                   each other, but some stand alone,
                                                                                   while others are in pairs or groups.
                                                                                   The now evident architecture and
                                                                                   topology of the mostly bleached
                                                                                   islands may suggest abandonment
                                                                                   associated with a dystopian world.

          An installation of an ongoing   Responding to the times we are           Modelling an idea of the individual
          series of island like forms,    living through, a fuller acquaintance    within the collective, through
          derived from found objects      with the archipelago invites the         viewers’ curiosity and engagement,
                                          viewer to navigate a co-created          the installation elicits questions
          Plaster and pigment             Lilliputian world. As observation        and ideas around community and
          2019 – 2020                     gives way to imagination, it is          relationship as well as culture and
          Photos: Alex Brattell           possible to mentally inhabit the         environment. It has a particular
                                          fossilized and fragile cast sculptures   resonance in respect of the
                                          as a series of islands, surrounded       isolation Covid19 has inflicted
                                          by sea.                                  upon us all.

                                                                                   In September 2020, the Observer
          A FULLER                                                                 Building and Heart of Hastings
                                                                                   welcomed and supported the
          ACQUAINTANCE WITH                                                        development of the project. I tested
                                                                                   the impact of the installation
          THE ARCHIPELAGO                                                          in a large raw space within the
                                                                                   building and the archipelago was
          SINEID CODD                                                              documented by Alex Brattell. I am
                                                                                   currently developing the next phase
                                                                                   of the project to include a diversity
                                                                                   of responses to the work.

                                                                                   Sinéid Codd
Project Art Works Untold Stories
Until 1981 Westminster Press, the        About 140 staff were made
owners of the Hastings Observer,         redundant, and in September 1981
also ran a general printing and          all the printing machinery in No 53
publishing trade in the big Observer     was auctioned. I knew many people
building at 53 Cambridge Road. But       who had worked there and knew how
then in June that year they decided to   important the business had been.
abandon that work and instead focus      So on a viewing day just before the
on being just a newspaper publisher.     auction I went inside No 53 and took
                                         many photos, some of which are

                                         In 2007 I wrote and published a book
                                         “The Hastings Papers: A History
                                         of the Hastings and St Leonards
                                         Newspapers”, and I am currently
                                         putting together a history of the
                                         America Ground, where the Observer
                                         had its print works from 1870.

                                         Steve Peak
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                                                               Project Art Works Untold Stories
                           PROJECT ART WORKS
                           RESIDENCY AT THE
                           OBSERVER BUILDING
                           To mark the launch of new
                           creative programme Art.
                           Freedom.Care, Project Art Works
                           explored the unoccupied space
                           in the historic Observer Building
                           in Hastings for a two-week
                           residency. Artists and makers
                           experimented with new ways of
                           working to inform the creative
                           programme going forward.


              Project Art Works        Untold Stories is
              projectartworks.org      commissioned by Trinity
              @projectartworks         Triangle Heritage Action
                                       Zone and funded by
              Untitled Gallery         Historic England.

              Heart of Hastings
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