A dental practice BUYING & SELLING - YOUR GUIDE TO - Christie & Co

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A dental practice BUYING & SELLING - YOUR GUIDE TO - Christie & Co

 a dental practice
A dental practice BUYING & SELLING - YOUR GUIDE TO - Christie & Co

CONTENTS                                            PRACTICE
                                                  SALE PROCESS
               Julian English

          Simon Hughes explains
          the Christie & Co model
   Christie & Co plots the sales journey        Julian English, editor of Dentistry magazine, introduces a supplement
         for a practice transaction                           about buying and selling a dental practice

         ART OR SCIENCE?
 Christopher Vowles explains how best to
  set an asking price to maximise value

     Alexander Hall of Meade King
 explains the intricacies of the legal side

                FINANCE                                     ometimes one article does not afford enough occasion to describe and explain an
  David Ward asks why risk your dream                       intricate subject. From time to time we publish supplements like this one to do justice
  business when you can trust experts                       to an important and detailed topic. This supplement tackles the processes involved
                                                            in buying and selling a dental practice. When buying, leasing, selling or managing
                                                            a business, it makes sense to seek advice from a trusted professional, who can offer
                     8                          their expertise and independent advice. We will look in detail at the offering from
  PRICING AND COMPLETIONS                       Christie & Co, a RICS regulated firm in the dental sector. There are several specialist practice
 Vital statistics for those buying or selling   brokers operating in the dental sector, but only one is regulated by RICS. This supplement looks
                                                in detail at the current state of dentistry as well as an explanation of the Christie & Co model
                                                and why many high-profile practices are choosing them for the purchase or sale of
                     9                          their business.
 THINK YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS                        Within its 12 pages, this publication provides a valuable resource for anyone in the dental
      Raj Rattan of Dental Protection           profession looking to complete a transaction.
     quotes Aristotle and looks at the            We plot the sales journey by way of an infographic on page 4, before looking at transaction
          mind of the buyer/seller              pipelines, market trends and the history of dentistry focusing on current issues for buyers and
                                                sellers in the 21st century.
                                                  On page 6 we talk to Alexander Hall, partner at Meade King solicitors, about the intricacies of
                    10                          due diligence and getting a practice purchase over the line.
       NHS DENTAL POLITICS                        To add weight to that we have some interesting facts and figures about valuations of
       Julian English looks at NHS              practices and a breakdown of completion times.
    dental reform, the issues and likely          I hope you enjoy this supplement and if you are planning to buy or sell now or in the future,
       implementation timescale                 this guide is packed with information to help you achieve success faster and easier.

Dr Harvey Showman, who recently sold his
      practice through Christie & Co,
          shares his experience

                                                                       2                                              PRIVATE DENTISTRY FEBRUARY 2018
A dental practice BUYING & SELLING - YOUR GUIDE TO - Christie & Co

                           WHY CHOOSE
                           CHRISTIE & CO?
                                                                    Written by Simon Hughes

                Simon Hughes explains the difference Christie & Co, a RICS-regulated firm, can make

              hristie & Co                                                                                                        VALUATIONS
              is the largest                                                                                                      Christie & Co’s strength is in
              national firm                                                                                                       practice valuation.
              of specialist                                                                                                         The firm boasts a team of
              agents and                                                                                                          Chartered Surveyors across
valuers working in the                                                                                                            15 UK offices, offering a
dental sector.                                                                                                                    range of valuation and
  Offering a full range                                                                                                           property related services
of professional services                                                                                                          to the dental sector. These
across the UK for practice                                                                                                        include:
owners and investors                                                                                                              • Accredited ‘Red Book’
alike, including help to                                                                                                            valuations for loan
access finance, the firm                                                                                                            security purposes
has a heritage and strong                                                                                                         • Valuations for partnership
reputation.                                                                                                                         set up and incorporation
  The firm is well known to                                                                                                       • Dispute resolution/expert
dental professionals for the                                                                                                        witness assignments
hundreds of dental practices                                                                                                      • Rent reviews for landlord
it values every year for                                                                                                            or tenant
lenders/banks.                                                                                                                    • Freehold ‘bricks and
  Having valued dental                                                                                                            mortar’ valuations
practices for many years, it was a natural                        Additionally, dentists interested in selling
progression for Christie & Co to launch                         a practice or checking what’s for sale can       WHY USE CHRISTIE & CO?
a specialist dental practice brokerage                          register on the website or use the contact       Christie & Co is able to make the most of
service (2013).                                                 details below. This is a free service and        its experience, in-depth sector knowledge
  The aim was to take the best of the                           dentists will be emailed new practices for       and contacts to approach potential buyers
Christie & Co model in other business                           sale when they come to market.                   as part of a confidential sales process. The
sectors from its 80+ year history, and offer                      Christie & Co can advise on all aspects        final price achieved is the best possible for
it to the dental sector. This has been a                        of the purchasing process and help               the owners and the buyers are the best fit
great success, as the firm has completed                        dentists raise funding through their sister      for the business.
many dental practice sales across the UK.                       company, Christie Finance.                         The firm is RICS regulated, the valuations
                                                                                                                 regulatory body, and Christie & Co is
OFFERING                                                        SELLING A PRACTICE                               trusted by the larger lenders.
When you work with us, you are assigned                         It’s never too early in dentistry to start
a specialist from our dental team from day                      your exit planning. Christie & Co has local
one, local to you, who sees the project                         business agents who can visit the practice
through from start to finish, simplifying                       at a convenient time to talk through the
complex procedures and communicating                            sale process. Dentists can then make an
regularly, when it’s convenient to you.                         informed decision when the time is right.
                                                                  Selling a practice is a complex business
                   SIMON HUGHES                                 so taking advice is vital. We offer an honest             TO FIND OUT MORE
       Simon Hughes is Managing Director Medical at             view of the market with expert advice on                  about Christie & Co contact Simon Hughes
Christie & Co, an expert business agent dealing in the dental                                                             TELEPHONE: 020 7227 0749
  sector. He joined Christie & Co in 1987, working across all   how to achieve the best price for your
                                                                                                                          EMAIL: simon.hughes@christie.com
  trade sectors and various regions of the UK as an agency      business. Get in touch with one of our
                                                                                                                          WEBSITE: www.christie.com
 specialist. He also helped set up the Medical Team in 2013.    dental specialists for an initial discussion.

PRIVATE DENTISTRY FEBRUARY 2018                                                       3
A dental practice BUYING & SELLING - YOUR GUIDE TO - Christie & Co
Selling your dental practice?
Let us guide you through...

Market appraisal including
                                                          2                     3

                                                 Instruct us &             Produce marketing
                                                source solicitor               collateral

                                   Leasehold: lease
   Complete                     assigned to new buyer
                                                                                          Launch to market &
                                                                                           generate interest

                               Finalise CQC process and
                         14    transfer of NHS Contract
                                  (if mixed practice)


                                                                  9                               Qualify buyers &
                                       Due diligence
               Exchange contracts      commences                                                  arrange viewings
                & CQC approved          including
                                                     10                    8    Commence
                                                                                                           Analyse offers
                                                                                                           for goodwill &
                                                                                                      6      property if
               Finalise sale
               & purchase      12                                                                 6
                 contract                                Buyer’s                               Offer accepted
                                               11        funding
                                                        approved                                      Agree Heads of
                                                                                                   Terms and formally
                                                                                                    instruct solicitors
A dental practice BUYING & SELLING - YOUR GUIDE TO - Christie & Co

          ART OR SCIENCE?
                                                                  Written by Christopher Vowles

                                Setting your asking price to ensure you maximise your value

                   AVERAGE EBITDA Multiple by Practice Type                                AVERAGE EBITDA Multiple by Number of Chairs

                  6.8                        6.6                                                                                                         7.2
                                                        5.6                                                               6.0           5.7
                                                                                 3.8                4.1

                                                                                                  1 to 2                       3 to 5              6 or more
                    Mixed                         NHS                      Private

                              ¢ Associate   Led    ¢ Owner    Operated                                     ¢ Associate   Led      ¢ Owner     Operated

              ou may have already decided                      only act for you, the vendor – our fees are                 is achieved? Increasingly, we are setting a
              to sell your dental practice                     transparent and based on success.                           closing date where interested parties are
              - or you might be about to                                                                                   asked to submit their ‘best and final’ offer,
              take that first step on the                      BEWARE FALSE PROFITS!                                       supported by evidence of funding and
              road to retirement or another                    Goodwill is valued by multiplying                           other conditions, subject to contract. Some
business/academic venture? Either way,                         sustainable profit (EBITDA) or income – the                 agencies invite ‘open’ best and final offers so
one of the first questions you’ll ask is,                      latter method used mainly for smaller,                      that every applicant can see what another
‘What is the state of the current market                       Principal-led practices. The graphs above                   is offering – a bit like eBay! This might work
and how much is my practice worth?’                            show the range of multiples in the current                  well for the buyer, but for the seller, we like
  Firstly the market – once something of                       market – these are taken from recent sales to               to retain confidentiality just in case there is
a cottage industry, the dental sector is                       ensure that we are right up to date with the                a special buyer out there willing to offer a
amongst the most dynamic of all niche                          market.                                                     ‘knock out’ price, as is sometimes the case.
business sectors with an estimated                               When EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax,
450-500 separate transactions annually.                        depreciation and amortisation) is calculated,               CONCLUSIONS
Demand currently exceeds supply and                            it’s important that this is done accurately                 When the time comes, your Christie & Co
this can make pricing a practice quite                         so as not to significantly overstate and                    agent will talk you through comparable
challenging as, like in any free market,                       therefore overprice a business. Associate                   projects that we have worked on in your
a business is worth what somebody is                           pay scales should not be reduced nor should                 region and explain the process and how we
prepared to pay for it.                                        extra sessions be accounted for which do                    work in detail, so that you are fully informed
                                                               not currently exist. The business should be                 before you commit.
WHOLE OF MARKET OR                                             valued at its maximum, but it’s better to set
RESTRICTED APPROACH                                            the asking price at a level so that, through
A number of selling agencies operate                           competitive bidding, the price goes up and
‘preferred’ buyer schemes – whilst the lure                    not down, a bit like an auction.
of “selling your practice for free” might
seem an attractive one, how does a seller                      OPEN OR CLOSED BIDDING?                                                        TO FIND OUT MORE
know that the best price is going to come                      Many dental practices (particularly London                                     about Christie & Co contact Christopher Vowles
from this small group of buyers? And                           and other major conurbations) attract                                          TELEPHONE: 0121 452 3703
                                                                                                                                              EMAIL: christopher.vowles@christie.com
if the buyer pays the fee, where do the                        multiple offers. So how best to be fair to
                                                                                                                                              WEBSITE: www.christie.com
agent’s loyalties lie? At Christie & Co, we                    buyers but also ensure that the best price

                                                                                       5                                                                       PRIVATE DENTISTRY FEBRUARY 2018
A dental practice BUYING & SELLING - YOUR GUIDE TO - Christie & Co

                                                                    Interview with Alexander Hall

 We interviewed solicitor Alexander Hall to discover the intricacies of a practice sale and why it can take
            longer than expected, and what a buyer or seller can do to speed up the process
Let’s get right to it. The first question I’m often               He explained that every new buyer has to be           transaction does not get over the finish line. So
asked is, “How much is this going to cost?”                       registered with the CQC for the new business/         we are all motivated to make this happen.
  These days most solicitors quote a fixed fee.                   practice/property. There is a large application         Solicitors have rules and have to act in the
  In order to do this, the solicitor has to know                  form and the process of assessment from               best interests of their clients. Ethically we
roughly how much work will be involved in                         the CQC takes eight to 12 weeks. If the CQC           cannot cut corners to save time and this can
completing the sale. To this end, the solicitor                   process goes smoothly, it takes around four           cause tension and be frustrating for the vendor
should make a guestimation based on the                           months.                                               and buyer.
answers to the questions below:                                     However, if buying a limited company and
• Does it have an NHS contract?                                   the company is the registered provider and it is      LANDLORDS
• What type of NHS contract?                                      done cleanly, it can be quicker.                      Sometimes third-party landlords scupper the
• Is it a share purchase (buying a company)?                        Other factors that can slow the process are         deal. Sometimes a lease is not long enough,
• Is it an asset purchase?                                        a poor bureaucracy – like the NHS contract in         for example, less than the term of the loan.
• Buying the capital equipment?                                   the previous person’s name, or the lease from         The bank always wants a lease to match the
• Is the property involved?                                       the landlord in the wrong name.                       duration of the loan.
  ‘I pioneered fixed fees 10 years ago’, said                       Speaking of landlords, they can often delay
Alexander Hall, partner at Meade King                             the process spectacularly. They have little           NHS
specialist dental solicitors, adding: ‘If a solicitor             incentive to help. They are getting regular rent      Since 2006, when the ‘new’ GDS contract
calls himself a specialist, doing the same thing                  and want it to stay that way. They often delay        came out, which is non-transferrable and
day in day out, they should be able to quote a                    lease transfers and can demand references             non-assignable, dentists are allowed to vary
fixed fee based on experience.’ Dentists like this                before agreeing to transfer leases.                   the contract so it is held in one or more names
because they want to budget. Fixed                                                                                                 or a partnership. And this is the way
fees tend to be between £5,000                                                                                                     buyers and sellers have transferred
and £15,000 depending on the                           SELLING A PRACTICE IS NOT LIKE                                              NHS contracts. This has been subject
circumstances and complexity.’                           WINNING THE LOTTERY. YOU                                                  to much challenge and scrutiny.
                                                                                                                                   It does mean that NHS England
OTHER COSTS?                                            MIGHT BE PAID £1MILLION, BUT                                               does not get a chance to choose its
If you are selling and there is a third-
party lease, the landlord’s legal fees
                                                        THERE IS A LOAD MORE WORK                                                  contractors. They have no choice
                                                                                                                                   but to accept the buyer foisted upon
have to be met by the seller. Sellers                                                                                              them. So this process has to be done
must pay £500-£600 for property searches and                      GOODWILL AND DUE DILIGENCE                            properly. It should take no longer than 28 days.
they take several weeks to complete. If buying                    If someone is spending hundreds of thousands            Incorporated companies owning a practice
a company, the buyer has to pay 0.5% stamp                        of pounds on a practice, for which the                have had written into their contracts that they
duty on the purchase price of the shares. So a                    main asset is goodwill, which is intangible,          must get permission from NHS England to
£200,000 company attracts a tax of £1,000. In                     it can be no surprise that there has to be a          change the contract. And getting permission
a £1million transaction the tax is £5,000. Other                  comprehensive investigation into what is              can take many weeks.
costs include the bank’s arrangement fees,                        being bought and lent on. These can comprise
and there is, of course, the fee that the solicitor               pages and pages of questions about the                SUMMARY
charges for his/her work.                                         business, the staff, the relationship with the        There are plenty of hurdles and issues to
                                                                  NHS and so on.                                        overcome in order to reach completion, after
TIMINGS                                                              The bank also insists on this comprehensive        all dentistry is a highly regulated (by the GDC,
Why does it take so long to complete a                            investigation – also known as due diligence. So       CQC, NHS) business.
transaction?                                                      what has this got to do with timing?                    However, the market for buying and selling
  ‘You can only go as fast as the slowest                                                                               practices is vibrant and busy, and we are all
process. And the slowest process in recent                        END GAME                                              constantly seeking ways of safely reaching
years has been obtaining Care Quality                             Selling a practice is not like winning the lottery.   completion as quickly as possible.
Commission (CQC) registration’, said Alexander.                   You might be paid £1million if you get to the
                                                                  end, but there is a load more work to be done                TO CONTACT ALEXANDER HALL
                                                                  than just buying a ticket, but the certainty is                TELEPHONE: 0117 923 4050
                  ALEXANDER HALL                                                                                                 MOBILE: 07960 177337
is a partner at Meade King LLP solicitors in Bristol. Alexander   much higher.
                                                                                                                                 EMAIL: ajh@meadeking.co.uk
 has a team of 10 people permanently employed to work on            Obviously there is a huge amount of pressure                 WEBSITE: www.meadeking.co.uk
          the purchase and sale of dental practices.              on timings but frankly, nobody gets paid if the

PRIVATE DENTISTRY FEBRUARY 2018                                                           6

         BEST CHANCE
                                                                          Written by David Ward

 David Ward of Christie Finance asks readers to trust the experts when it comes to financing a purchase

                  e all know that banks are                        business, every lender has good, average            HERE IS A QUICK CHECKLIST:
                  ‘open for business’. They have                   and poor managers. If you happen to be              • Have they been around long enough to
                  been telling us for years. But                   put in front of a poor manager who hasn’t           know the lending market?
                  how true is it? If you have                      got a good track record with credit, there          • Are they specialists in financing dentists?
                  years of experience, plenty                      is a higher risk that the proposal will be          Or are they also arranging finance for
of cash to invest, are buying a good NHS                           declined. You only get one chance with each         printing presses and industrial units?
practice which is producing a solid                                lender. Even if you manage to get the finance       • Do they understand the process involved
bottomline profit, then yes, most lenders will                     agreed, how do you know that that is the            in buying a practice – to help iron out any
be very keen to lend...on their terms.                             best deal that is available – either with that      issues during the purchase?
  However, what if some of those key points                        lender or anywhere on the market?                   • Are they charging a reasonable fee? If
don’t quite match up? You don’t                                                                                                 not, then they will be relying on
have as much cash as their policy
dictates; it has a strong element
                                                     WE KNOW WHICH LENDERS SUIT                                                 the lender to pay them – and so
                                                                                                                                will avoid the lenders who don’t
of private trade; it’s not overly                         WHICH BUSINESSES                                                      pay commission, and target those
profitable due to overstaffing or                                                                                               who pay them the most. Paying the
underperformance.                                                    Unfortunately, with commercial mortgages,         broker a reasonable fee should make them
  This is when a lot of the traditional lenders                    there are no price comparison websites. Each        truly independent.
will hide behind their ‘policy’ and politely                       business is so unique that lenders cannot             Christie Finance has been around for 40
decline. So what do you do? Some people                            apply a ‘one-size-fits-all’ policy. So lenders      years, working alongside specialist dental
will go door-to-door along the high street,                        have their own internal guidelines which will       agents and valuers at Christie & Co.
hoping to find a lender who will not only                          vary depending on various elements, such as           We have a specialist finance team who
agree on the level of finance that you                             sector appetite, location, loan-to-value and        understand the dental market in the UK but
require, but also give you a good rate at                          how hard the manager is willing to push on          are also regionally based, so have a very
the same time. This ‘trial and error’ method                       your behalf.                                        good understanding of the local area.
of arranging your finance is not just time-                          Fortunately, however, there is another              Why risk your dream business? Trust the
consuming - it can also put at risk your whole                     option. Someone who already knows                   experts.
business purchase.                                                 the lending market; who the motivated
  This may sound dramatic but just like any                        managers are; who also knows what they are
                                                                   able to offer and gives you the best chance of
                      DAVID WARD                                   getting funding for your practice.
 is a qualified banker with many years’ experience arranging         So instead of running around hoping to                      TO FIND OUT MORE
commercial finance, David specialises in sourcing funding for      find the right bank manager in the right                      about Christie Finance contact David Ward
  dental practices and pharmacies. Advising and supporting         bank, a specialist broker will do all of that for             TELEPHONE: 0121 452 3717
    clients who wish to acquire a single asset, expand their                                                                     EMAIL: david.ward@christiefinance.com
portfolio or refinance, he specialises in delivering funding for   you.
                                                                                                                                 WEBSITE: www.christiefinance.com
     both NHS and private dental businesses across the UK.           ‘But how do I know which broker to use?’

PRIVATE DENTISTRY FEBRUARY 2018                                                            7

                                              PRICING AND

                            hat is the likely multiple for a    We have also separated smaller practices          HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO SELL MY
                            practice like mine?                 with a turnover of less than £600,000 (which      PRACTICE?
                             There is clear comparable          are likely to be owner /Principal run) from       The majority of dental practices complete
                            evidence that groups sell for a larger, Associate-led practices to reflect the        within six months. However, this is
                            premium multiple compared           difference in operating margins and multiples dependent on a number of factors as we
           to single assets.                                    paid.                                             have highlighted throughout this guide. The
             The heat maps below set out our analysis of          Smaller practices, particularly those with an   chart illustrates transaction times according
           dental practice sales over the last six months       NHS contract (England and Wales) still tend       to type expressed as a percentage of total
is the likely multiple for a
           and new deals agreed in the same period
           to give the most up to date reading on the
                                                                to be priced
                                                                            times accordingon
                                                                              by purchasers
                                                                           whereas buyers  of
                                                                                               toatype expressed
                                                                                                                 as  a
                                                             percentage of total transactions.
ce like mine?
           market. Practices have been grouped with
             is the likely multiple for a
           reference to geography, type and size.
                                                                are generally more sophisticated and adopt a
                                                                                  transaction times according to type expressed as a
                                                                multiple of EBITDA.
                                                                                        percentage of total transactions.
          practice      likeMultiples
              Average Associate Led
              Practice EBITDA

                                                    Average Associate Led                           Average Owner Operated
                                                    Practice EBITDA Multiples                       Practice EBITDA Multiples
                      UK Average
                                                                                                                                   Average Owner Operated
                                                                                                                                        Up to
                                                                                                                                   Practice   2
                                                                                                                                            EBITDA Multiples 6%
                                                    UK Average                                      UK Average
                                                                                                                                           2 to 4                                          19%
                                                                                4.1                                                UK Average
                                                                                                                                           4 to 6                                                32%
          6.8                                                                                                                              6 to 8                                    16%
                      6.7                                                                                                                 months

                                        6.8                                           6.0
                                                                                                                                          8 to 10                         7%
                                                    6.7                                           5.2                                     months

                            5.8                                                                                      6.0
                                                                                                                                 5.2     10 to 12                              12%
                8.3                                                                                                                      months
                                                          5.8                                           4.7
                                                                                                                                         12 to 14                    6%
                                              8.3                                           3.6                                           months
                                  7.5                                                                                5.4
                7.1                                                   6.8
                            6.1                                                                                                        4.7
                                                                                                                                          14 to 16          1%
                                                                                                                           3.6            months
                                                                7.5                                                                                  5.4
                                              7.1                                           6.1          6.1
                                                                                                                                         16 to 18           1%
                                                                                                                           6.1          6.1
                                                                                                                                         ¢ NHS             ¢ Mixed        ¢ Private

 lear comparable evidence that groups sell for a premium muiltiple compared to
     There is clear comparable evidence that groups sell for a premium muiltiple compared to
ps and charts set out our analysis of dental practice sales over the last six months and new deals agreed in the
to give        assets
        the most
                  DENTISTRY FEBRUARY 2018                                     8
                    up to date reading on the market. Practices have been grouped   with reference to geography,

          SUCCESS                                                                                                                Written by Raj Rattan

            Raj Rattan MBE looks at the emotions and psychology involved in owning a dental practice

            uying or starting a practice for the                    business for sampling because they do not           neuroplasticity show that the human brain
            first time is a significant career step                 exist anymore. The failures are excluded            has enormous growth potential. We don’t
            for many dentists. The opportunity                      from the sample. A lot of consultancy work          know the limits, but we do know that science
            to lead a team, develop the                             and self-help books are promoted on this            has proven that brains can and do change
            business, and create a climate in                       falsehood.                                          and grow, that there are numerous ways we
which excellence can flourish is challenging.                         Let’s go back to the pursuit of happiness.        can rewire our brains, and that adopting the
Practice owners today need to be resilient                          Of all the emotions, happiness is the one           habits that improve our mindset have proven,
to cope with all the stresses associated with                       scientists least understand but most believe is     long-lasting effects.’
running a business. If you choose this path,
then you must also learn to savour your                                   THE SCIENCE OF SUCCESS HAS GIVEN US A
successes. Above all, it must be an enjoyable
experience.                                                               BETTER UNDERSTANDING ABOUT HOW WE
  Conventional thinking suggests that hard                                   THINK, OUR MOTIVATION AND OUR
work leads to success and success leads
to happiness. Success means different                                            HARD-WIRED BRAIN BIASES
things to different people and can be
measured in many ways. Business writers                             a precursor to success. Research suggests that         There has been a mood swing in the
and consultants frequently review business                          we need to reverse this belief – people who         profession over the past decade and it hasn’t
practices to identify what successful                               have a positive mindset perform better when         been towards the positive end of the scale.
businesses have in common and offer their                           they are faced with challenges.                     The trend cannot continue as it impacts work
findings as a template for success. It is no                          Martin Seligman is a professor of                 performance. Studies suggest that 40% of
different in dentistry and the approach                             psychology and his PERMA model breaks it            our perception of happiness is genetically
is intuitive and appears logical. Some                              down into its component parts:                      determined and the remaining is the result of
have questioned its validity because the                            P – Positive emotion – the enjoyment that           the environment and our unique experiences.
                                                                          comes from intellectual stimulation           This proportion can be influenced and is a
       STUDIES SUGGEST                                              E – Engagement – total immersion in tasks           determinant and driver of success in the long

       THAT 40% OF OUR                                                    and activities
                                                                    R – Relationships – social and professional
                                                                                                                           It is time to rethink the formula and
          PERCEPTION                                                      networks                                      introduce some intellectual rigour as to what
                                                                    M – Meaning – having a sense of purpose             it really takes to succeed in the business of
         OF HAPPINESS                                                     and value                                     dentistry. It is so much more than financial
        IS GENETICALLY                                              A – Accomplishments – realistic goals that are
                                                                                                                           The science of success has given us a better
         DETERMINED                                                   It is all too easy to overlook these challenges   understanding about how we think, our
                                                                    when running a clinical business. The               motivation and our hard-wired brain biases.
sampling method focuses only on the                                 business imperative to make a profit, work          The research is a modern interpretation
successful enterprises. This limitation has                         within normalised expense ratios, repay             of ancient wisdom. Aristotle wrote that,
been described by Professor Jerker Denrell                          loans, deliver quality care in a challenging        ‘Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the
as the ‘undersampling of failure’ in a paper                        business climate, create an urgency and             work’ over two thousand years ago. Today, we
published in 2003. It reflects what is known                        primacy which may overshadow the more,              just need to rediscover the pleasure. It is the
as survivorship bias – one of many cognitive                        shall we say, philosophical aspects of our          first step to lasting success and profit is the
biases or thinking errors human beings make.                        business. We should not overlook this; it is        realisation of that attribute.
It refers to the exclusion of unsuccessful                          needed for sustainability and resilience and
                                                                    provides an ethical anchor.
               RAJ RATTAN                                             Aristotle was a pioneer of the study of
  MBE, BDS, MFGDP, FFGDP, DIP.MDE, FICD,                            human happiness and wrote that, ‘It is for the
has over 30 years’ experience in dental practice and has been       sake of happiness that we all do everything
 associated with Dental Protection for over 20 years, first as a    else we do’. Not everybody would agree                         TO FIND OUT MORE
dento-legal adviser and more recently as dental director. He is     with the ‘everything’ element, but the view is                 about Dental Protection contact Raj Rattan
also strategic associate dean at the London Deanery. In 2008,                                                                      TELEPHONE: 0800 561 9000
  Raj was appointed MBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours           widely accepted.
                                                                                                                                   EMAIL: enquiries@dentalprotection.org
List for services to dentistry and he is former policy adviser to     In his book, The Happiness Advantage,
                                                                                                                                   WEBSITE: www.dentalprotection.org
                    the Department of Health.                       Shawn Achor, writes: ‘Advances in the field of

                                                                                           9                                                PRIVATE DENTISTRY FEBRUARY 2018

                                                          Written by Julian English

Julian English looks at the history of dentistry up to the current NHS dental reform, how it’s shaping up
                               and the likely timeframes for implementation

Dentistry has come a long way in 150 years.
  In the 1870s, the first white filling material
was invented, the first act of parliament
was introduced, the first dental register was
completed and the British Dental Association
was founded. In 1900 GV Black established
the principles of cavity preparation, the first
university dental degree was awarded and
in 1956 the General Dental Council was
  National Health Service dentistry for the
general public started in 1948, but it wasn’t
until 1990 that the first dental contract was
introduced. And that’s when the fun started.
  Private dentistry quickly followed the
announcement of a cut in fees in 1992. Since
1992 there has been a steady increase in private
dentistry and a decrease in NHS provision. 2006
witnessed a new general dental services NHS
contract and the introduction of units of dental
activity (UDAs) as a measure of work completed.
Coupled with the relaxing of the cap on the
number of groups that could own practices, a
large number of dentists converted to private
practice.                                           80 prototype practices, who are testing two         is growing as it is seen to be a great area to
  In 2011 the spend on NHS dentistry matched        ‘blends’ of the treatment and patient payment       invest. Dentists see it that way too. But the cost
the spend on private treatment and corporate        systems and capitation fees per patient             of running a practice is increasing, as are the
dentistry has grown steadily to the present day.    registered. A quarter of the prototype practices    challenges. This has led to considerable demand
                                                    have dropped out saying they cannot make            for dental practices from buyers and sellers.
CURRENT ISSUES                                      the system work. The majority of those still
In the last few years the guaranteed income         operating are struggling, suggesting the system     REFERENCES
from having an NHS contract has drawn many          requires further development and evaluation.        www.bda.org/museum/the-story-of-dentistry/
first time buyers and owners to this safe option.   The Department of Health (NHS England) has          timeline
But the private sector is also increasingly         speculated 2018–2019 for the launch date of         Contract reform update. Dentistry magazine
attractive to the corporates, although there is     this new contract, but they are no closer to        January 2017.
more risk attached.                                 resolving issues. So, we do not expect a new
   The value of goodwill in dental practice         contract anytime soon.
businesses has rocketed in the last 10 years.         This uncertainty continues to drive the private
   In 2018, the private sector continues to be      sector, as entrepreneurial dentists look to start
attractive because of uncertainty over the          or expand their business.
promised new NHS dentistry contract. Indeed,                                                                      TO FIND OUT MORE
the new contract was expected in 2014, and          SUMMARY                                                       about Christie & Co contact Simon Hughes
                                                                                                                  TELEPHONE: 020 7227 0749
with it tougher working conditions for less         Dentistry has come a long way in 150 years.
                                                                                                                  EMAIL: simon.hughes@christie.com
money. But a new contract has not arrived. A        But in recent times major developments have                   WEBSITE: www.christie.com
new way of working is being trialled through        affected UK dentistry. Corporate dentistry

                                                                           10                                                PRIVATE DENTISTRY FEBRUARY 2018

Simon Hughes - London & Home Counties            Bethany Hall MRICS - South                          Steve Darbon - London & Home Counties
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E: Simon.Hughes@christie.com                     E: Bethany.Hall@christie.com                        E: Steve.Darbon@christie.com

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E: Paul.Graham@christie.com                      E: Hayley.Taylor@christie.com                       E: Rachel.Seward@christie.com

Carl Steer - Midlands & Anglia                   Chris Vowles FRICS - Midlands & Anglia              Joe Swiers MRICS - North
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E: Carl.Steer@christie.com                       E: Christopher.Vowles@christie.com                  E: Joe.Swiers@christie.com

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E: Oliver.Snowden@christie.com                   E: Jonathan.Watson@christie.com                    E: Kasia.Glaz@christie.com

Jonathan Barnett MRICS - South West              David Ward - Christie Finance
Director                                         Senior Director - Medical Finance
T: +44 117 946 8522                              T: +44 121 452 3717
M: +44 7764 241 282                              M: +44 7815 803 262
E: Jonathan.Barnett@christie.com                 E: David.Ward@christiefinance.com

                                                                                      We cannot praise Christie & Co enough in
      Thank you again for representing                                                the way they held our hand and guided
      us in the transaction, facilitating                                             us in the sale of our practice. They quickly
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      professional help and advice that                                               with different types of deals and offers to
      helped us achieve a good deal with                                              choose from, presenting amongst them
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                             Specialist practice owner                                                       Principals,
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