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Merchants, Your Customers Shop Around for the Best Price—Why Don’t You?
A Mercator Advisory Group Research Brief Sponsored by PULSE

       M O D U L A R C A R D M A N AG E M E N T S O F T WA R E
       F O R P R E PA I D P RO G R A M M A N AG E R S :

        B U I L D I N G P R E PA I D P RO F I TA B I L I T Y

A Mercator Advisory Group Research Brief Sponsored by TAS Group

                                                                          September 2018
Modular Card Management Software for Prepaid Program Managers: Building Profit ability
 A Mercator Advisory Group Research Brief Sponsored by TAS Group


                      Introduction................................................................................................................................... 3

                      U.S. Open-Loop Prepaid Card Market Forecast, 2017–2021............................................................ 4

                      Understanding the Prepaid Value Chain ........................................................................................ 5

                      Where the Revenues and Income Come From ................................................................................ 7

                      Open-Loop High and Low Performers ............................................................................................. 8
                          Cash Access Category ............................................................................................................................. 8

                             Money / Financial Services Cards………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8

                          Payroll and Benefits Category ................................................................................................................. 8

                             Payroll Cards…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8

                             FSA/HSA Cards………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9.

                          Government Category ............................................................................................................................ 9

                             Open-Loop Temporary Assistance for Needy Families………………………………………………………………………………9

                             State Employment…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………9

                      Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................ 9

                      References ................................................................................................................................... 10

© 2018 Mercator Advisory Group, Inc.                                                                                                                                               2
Modular Card Management Software for Prepaid Program Managers: Building Profit ability
 A Mercator Advisory Group Research Brief Sponsored by TAS Group

                      The prepaid account/card value chain involves many players, and so margins are thin for any one player. For a
                      prepaid program manager, the goal is to gain as much revenue share as possible to support the program, increase
                      offerings, and keep shareholders happy. One way for program managers to control costs is by managing multiple
                      processes within the value chain, thereby retaining more of the revenue. Another is to structure the program using
                      as many variable-cost components as possible to counter the volatility of many prepaid segments, which can
                      change from year to year.

                      As shown in the taxonomy of prepaid card types in Figure 1, the prepaid market is split between closed-loop and
                      open-loop cards as well as a mixed market with both open-loop and closed-loop card types. Closed-loop cards are
                      usually issued by an entity other than a financial institution, do not carry a network brand, and are typically
                      accepted by only one merchant. For financial institutions, the real opportunities lie in open-loop cards—those that
                      carry one of the four major payment network brands—Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover. Open-loop
                      cards connect to one of these major payment network rails to complete transactions.

                      Figure 1: Mercator Advisory Group’s taxonomy of prepaid cards: 11 categories, 26 market segments

                                       • Cash Access                                        • Government
                                            – Travel                                             – Social Security
                                            – Money / Financial Services                         – Nutritional Assistance
                                            – Open Gift                                          – Temporary Assistance for Needy
                                                                                                    Families (TANF)
                                            – Remittance / P2P
                        •Open                                                                    – Court-Ordered Payment
                                       • Business Time and Expense
                                                                                                 – Transit
                        •Closed             – Events and Meetings
                                                                                                 – Tolls
                                            – Employee/Partner Incentives                        – State Unemployment
                                            – Consumer Incentives                           • Insurance Casualty Claims
                                       • Campus                                             • Payroll and Benefits
                                       • Digital Content                                         – Payroll
                                       • In-Store Gift Cards                                     – Benefits
                                            – In-Store Gift Cards                                – FSA / HSA
                                            – Store Credits/Returns                         • Petroleum
                                                                                            • Utilities
                                                                                            • Telecom
                                                                                                  – Prepaid Mobile Minutes and Data
                                                                                                  – Prepaid Long Distance

                      Source: Mercator Advisory Group

© 2018 Mercator Advisory Group, Inc.                                                                                                   3
Modular Card Management Software for Prepaid Program Managers: Building Profit ability
 A Mercator Advisory Group Research Brief Sponsored by TAS Group

                      U.S. Open-Loop Prepaid Card Market Forecast, 2017–2021
                      The U.S. open-loop prepaid card market is made up of funds loaded into accounts associated with prepaid
                      payment devices. For the sake of convenience, the term “card” is used to refer to all prepaid types, but the
                      payment device may be a plastic card or some other form factor or a code. An example would be a wrist band
                      worn at a theme park or a mobile wallet. Prepaid cards differ from debit cards in that a debit card draws on an
                      account owned by the cardholder. They differ from credit cards in that they do not draw on a line of credit
                      established in the name of the cardholder.

                      Mercator Advisory Group issues annual forecasts for the U.S. open-loop prepaid card market (see Figure 2) and
                      closed-loop market. These forecasts are based on market knowledge derived from research performed by
                      Mercator since 2004 that includes input from issuers, processors, and program managers. However, even this
                      archive of more than a decade of historical data provides little guidance for forecasting the future of markets that
                      are growing rapidly. Prepaid categories have been experiencing double-digit growth for the last decade while
                      facing disruptive technology and services and historic new regulatory constraints. (New prepaid regulations in U.S.
                      that will take effect April 1, 2019 will affect person-to-person, or P2P, payments and extend Regulation E coverage
                      for error resolution to most open-loop cards.) These factors, combined with a dependence on funding sources
                      tightly coupled to the economy and consumer sentiment, mean that the prepaid market is volatile and varies from
                      one segment to another. Given the current robust economy, a potentially rising interest rate environment, and the
                      new regulations staring April 1, 2019, prepaid segments are likely to undergo dramatic shifts in 2018 and beyond.

                      Figure 2: Total amount loaded on open-loop prepaid cards in the United States, 2012–2021(f)
                                       Amount Loaded onto Cards

                                       $450                                                                                         $427.8

                                       $350                                                           $344.3
                                       $300                                $287.1
                                       $250              $242.8




                                                2012      2013    2014     2015     2016     2017     2018(f)   2019(f)   2020(f)   2021(f)

                      Source: Mercator Advisory Group

© 2018 Mercator Advisory Group, Inc.                                                                                                          4
Modular Card Management Software for Prepaid Program Managers: Building Profit ability
 A Mercator Advisory Group Research Brief Sponsored by TAS Group

                      In Figure 2, the load values for 2012–2017 are derived from Mercator’s annual research, while the load values for
                      2018–2021 represent Mercator’s forecast for all market segments that use open-loop cards. Total open-loop loads
                      in the U.S. grew 10% in 2017, to $323 billion. Mercator forecasts that total open-loop loads will have a compound
                      annual growth rate of 10% through 2021, when they will total $428 billion.

                      Understanding the Prepaid Value Chain
                      In addition to the cardholders, seven major players are a part of operating an open-loop prepaid card program.
                      They are the issuing bank (the issuer/BIN sponsor), the issuing processor, the payment networks (Visa, Mastercard,
                      Discover, and American Express), the program managers, the service providers, the card distributors, and the
                      acquisition points. Figure 3 shows how these players interact in the prepaid value chain.

                      Figure 3: Market structure of the basic prepaid value chain model

                                                                                                                Meta Bank
                                                        Wal-Mart                  Help desk                     First American State
                                                        Simon Malls               Rewards                       Bank of Internet (BOFI)
                                                        ACE Cash Express          Remote deposit capture        The Bancorp Bank
                                                        Verizon Rebates           Bill pay                      Citi
                                                        Dollar Store              Reload                        JPMorganChase
                                                        etc.                      etc.                          Green Dot
                                                                                                                Metropolitan Bank

                                              Acquisition               Program       Service     Issuing      Issuing   Payment      Merchant
                               Cardholder                 Distributor
                                                Point                   Manager      Providers   Processor      Bank     Network      Processor

                                       Retail Outlets              Simon Malls                   First Data               Amex
                                       Simon Malls                 Green Dot                     Fidelity                 Discover
                                       Websites                    ADP                           eCommLink                MasterCard
                                       Mail                        JPMorgan (Gov.)               FSV                      NYCE
                                       etc.                        Netspend/TSYS                 Fifth Third              STAR
                                                                                                 PSCU                     Visa

                      Source: Mercator Advisory Group

                      Financial institutions provide the connections that allow transactions and money to flow between the various
                      participants in the value chain. The chain may be composed of fewer players if one company performs multiple
                      functions (issuer/program manager, program manager/issuing processor). Having the right partners is critical to
                      the success of any prepaid program. Having experienced partners can shorten the time it takes to get a program
                      up and running and typically reduces costs.

© 2018 Mercator Advisory Group, Inc.                                                                                                              5
Modular Card Management Software for Prepaid Program Managers: Building Profit ability
 A Mercator Advisory Group Research Brief Sponsored by TAS Group

                      Figure 3 is a simple diagram, but the prepaid value chain is extremely complex because it involves so many
                      partners. The issuing bank works with an issuing processor but also with other service providers to add ancillary
                      services to its product. Partnerships with other companies may be needed to provide services such as ATM access
                      and card-reloading. Banks or credit unions that are issuers need to vet and manage all partners and be aware of
                      the risks involved in each part of the business and aware that the actions of their partners may affect them.
                      Typically, the prepaid program manager sets the fees and controls the program, but the financial institution must
                      manage these connections.

                      Figure 4 represents the prepaid value chain reconfigured so that the program manager and the issuing processor
                      are one segment. Combining these segments can be accomplished by a program manager using modular, cloud-
                      based software as a service (SaaS). Such software is typically offered with flexible licensing terms that can
                      dramatically reduce per-transaction costs and set cost minimum volume requirements as well as ongoing costs.

                      Figure 4: Market structure of the basic prepaid value chain model with modular licensed SaaS

                                                   Wal-Mart                  Help desk                      Meta Bank
                                                   ACE Cash Express          Rewards                        First American State
                                                   Verizon Rebates           Remote deposit                 Bank of Internet (BOFI)
                                                   Dollar Store                capture                      The Bancorp Bank
                                                   etc.                      Bill pay                       JPMorganChase
                                                                             Reload                         Green Dot
                                                                             etc.                           Metropolitan Bank

                                                        Bank Supervisory Functions
                                                         Acquisition               Service   Manager               Merchant
                                          Cardholder                 Distributor               with      Payment
                                                           Point                   Providers             Network   Processor

                                       Retail Outlets                                         TAS        Amex
                                       Simon Malls                                                       Discover
                                       Websites                                                          MasterCard
                                       Mail                                                              NYCE
                                       etc.                                                              STAR

                      Source: Mercator Advisory Group

                      A modular card payment software processing platform (SaaS) connects the issuing bank and payment networks,
                      basically turning the program manager into a processor, “a program processor.” With this method of processing,
                      transaction costs with large guaranteed minimums are avoided and control remains with the program manager.
                      According to TAS Group, “TAS Group has a competitive edge due to its vast experience and expertise in modern
                      software architecture that is robust, modular, scalable, cloud-ready, easy to customize and integrate with other
                      functionality through the use of APIs. This approach decouples the volumes from the fees and effectively gives

© 2018 Mercator Advisory Group, Inc.                                                                                                     6
Modular Card Management Software for Prepaid Program Managers: Building Profit ability
 A Mercator Advisory Group Research Brief Sponsored by TAS Group

                      money back to the program manager.”i For large issuers/processors/program managers, this structure can result in
                      cost reductions estimated to be around 40%. Small and medium program managers will potentially see even
                      greater cost reductions. This means increased revenue generation for program managers of any size.

                      Where the Revenues and Income Come From
                      Prepaid is a volume-based business because there are so many players in the value chain, which equates to small
                      margins, as previously noted. Typically, all the revenue of a prepaid card program flows through the issuing bank,
                      but the actual net income earned by the issuer is not a simple matter of revenues minus expenses. It is customary
                      in the prepaid industry for the sponsoring/issuing bank to collect all cardholder fees and interchange amounts and
                      net the network and bank fees against these revenue items, providing the program manager with the net amount
                      on a monthly basis.

                      The revenue equation for an issuer/BIN sponsor (which is illustrated in Figure 5) is as follows:

                          Revenue (cardholder fees, interchange, float, etc.) – pass-through expenses – fees charged to the program manager =
                          net value returned (or amount charged) to the program manager on a monthly basis by the issuing bank.

                      Figure 5: Income equation for issuer/BIN sponsors

                                       Money Collected from All Sources
                                 Cardholder fees
                                 Float on balances
                                 Network fees from program manager/processor                                 Stage 1
                                 Transaction fee from program manager
                                 Implementation fee from program manager
                                 New program fee from program manager
                                 Monthly program fee from program manager
                                 02                                                                          Stage 2
                                       Fund Payouts to Partners
                                Cardholder fees to the program manager
                                Interchange to the program manager
                                Float often shared with the program manager                                  Stage 3
                                Network fees to the networks/processor

                                 03BIN Sponsor Income
                                Transaction fee from program manager
                                Implementation fee from program manager
                                New program fee from program manager
                                Monthly program fee from program manager

                      Source: Mercator Advisory Group

© 2018 Mercator Advisory Group, Inc.                                                                                                            7
Modular Card Management Software for Prepaid Program Managers: Building Profit ability
 A Mercator Advisory Group Research Brief Sponsored by TAS Group

                      Open-Loop Prepaid High and Low Performers
                      Based on the performance of the segment(s) a prepaid plan offers, it is important to set up the costs to be as
                      variable as possible, meaning costs scale up with growth and cost scale down with reductions. Presented below are
                      Mercator Advisory Group’s market forecasts for some important prepaid card segments.

                      Cash Access Category
                      The Cash Access category measures the loads placed by U.S. consumers onto open-loop prepaid products that they
                      purchase as a replacement for cash. This category has four segments: Travel, Money / Financial Services, Open-
                      Loop Gift, and Remittance/Person-to-Person Cards.

                      Money / Financial Services Cards
                      The Money / Financial Services segment of the Cash Access category includes general purpose reloadable (GPR)
                      cards, which are not marketed or otherwise dedicated for a specific use such as travel. Examples are the GPR cards
                      offered by PayPal, Walmart, American Express, and Green Dot Inc. Although the GPR segment is mature, it is also
                      now a mainstream alternative financial service product available through many outlets, including online and at
                      retail locations, check cashing services, and banks. This segment continues to advance as it seeks its place as an
                      ongoing product in the financial industry. The Money / Financial Services segment also includes tax refund cards
                      such as offered by H&R Block and other general spending cards like teen cards.

                      Mercator Advisory Group measures load value for this segment using reporting by processors, issuers, and
                      program managers combined with the filings of public program managers like Green Dot and Netspend, a division
                      of TSYS. Loads in this segment grew by 12% in 2017, to $107.9 billion with forecasted growth in loads in this
                      segment with a compound annual growth rate of 9% through 2021, when Mercator Advisory Group forecasts that
                      loads will total $141.5 billion.

                      Payroll and Benefits Category
                      This category includes the Payroll, Benefits, and Flexible Spending Accounts/Health Savings Account segments. It
                      measures pretax plans that allow employers to set aside tax-deferred funds for employees’ various child care
                      expenses. The category also includes 401(k) loans disbursed through prepaid cards.

                      Payroll Cards
                      The Payroll segment of the Payroll and Benefits category measures wages paid to employees and 1099 workers
                      using an employer-provided prepaid card. It does not include Money/Financial Services cards purchased directly by
                      consumers and used for direct deposit of paychecks. This segment is the second largest in the U.S. open-loop
                      prepaid market after the Money/Financial Services. Loads in this segment grew 8% to $40.3 billion. Mercator
                      Advisory Group forecasts that loads in this segment will have a compound annual growth rate of 8% through 2021,
                      when they will reach $50.9 billion.

© 2018 Mercator Advisory Group, Inc.                                                                                                       8
Modular Card Management Software for Prepaid Program Managers: Building Profit ability
 A Mercator Advisory Group Research Brief Sponsored by TAS Group

                      FSA/HSA Cards
                      Dollars loaded onto prepaid cards as part of flexible spending and health savings account programs are measured
                      in this segment. In 2017, loads in this segment grew at 65%, to $36.2 billion, indicating the continued adoption of
                      high-deductible healthcare programs by employers. Mercator Advisory Group does not attempt to estimate the
                      total dollars in health savings accounts or flexible spend plans nationwide because many Health Savings Accounts
                      are truly debit accounts, not owned by the program manager, thus creating noise in this data. Mercator Advisory
                      Group anticipates a CAGR of 35% through 2021 for this segment, with loads forecast to total $88.4 billion.

                      Government Category
                      The open-loop Government category measures loads primarily by government agencies (federal, state, and local)
                      in the United States onto prepaid cards in the Social Security, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF),
                      Court-Ordered Payments, and State Unemployment Cards. Although both open-loop and closed-loop cards are
                      used in many of these segments, only open-loop cards are the focus here.

                      Open-Loop Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
                      The TANF segment measures the loads by state governments onto cards for cash assistance programs that help the
                      poor. Rapid growth has occurred in this segment as states have adopted open-loop cards in place of closed-loop
                      cards tied into the government’s electronic benefits transfer (EBT) system, which also allowed for withdrawals
                      from automated teller machines. A report by the Federal Reserve states that 2017 loads in this segment were $6.4
                      billion, which is down 25% from 2016.iii Based on government projections of the number of recipients, Mercator
                      Advisory Group forecasts that loads will decline at a compound annual rate of -11% through 2021. Mercator also
                      believes that this segment will not be a priority in the federal budget and is likely to decline from reduced funding.

                      State Unemployment
                      The State Unemployment segment measures loads onto cards for distributing unemployment benefits. At least 42
                      states have adopted prepaid cards as a way to distribute benefits to those recipients who don’t have bank
                      accounts or do not want their benefits directly deposited into their bank accounts. Loads in this segment are from
                      the same Federal Reserve report cited above. Mercator Advisory Group expects loads on the unemployment
                      segment to continue to decline, with a CAGR of -9% through 2021, when loads will total $15.3 billion.

                      The open-loop prepaid card market has its ups and downs, as shown by the benchmark results presented in this
                      research brief. The disruption in segments is an ongoing concern for program managers as their revenue is directly
                      related to economic conditions causing segments to vary from year to year. A cloud-based platform has benefits
                      whether the market is hot or not. It allows continued scalability without additional cost when market segments are
                      hot. And it enables the program manager to cut production and processing back to whatever the current
                      environment demands when they are not. The key to profitability is the ability to increase revenue when the
                      economy is hot as well as cut costs and hence keep revenue on par with activity when the segment(s) slow(s). If
                      you are a program manager, it may be time to rethink who is in your prepaid value chain.

© 2018 Mercator Advisory Group, Inc.                                                                                                      9
Modular Card Management Software for Prepaid Program Managers: Building Profit ability
 A Mercator Advisory Group Research Brief Sponsored by TAS Group

                      Related Research
                      15th Annual U.S. Open-Loop Prepaid Cards Market Forecasts, 2017–2021 (September 2018)
                      14th Annual U.S. Closed-Loop Prepaid Cards Market Forecasts, 2016–2020 (November 2017)
                      BIN Sponsorship of Prepaid Card Programs: Benefits for Financial Institutions (April 2018)

                           TAS Group website,
                       Devenir Research, 2016 Year-end HSA Market Statistics and trends,
                       Report to the Congress on Government-Administered General-Use Prepaid Cards, July 2017,

                      Copyright Notice
                      External publication terms for Mercator Advisory Group information and data: Any Mercator Advisory Group information
                      that is to be used in advertising, press releases, or promotional materials requires prior written approval from the
                      appropriate Mercator Advisory Group research director. A draft of the proposed document should accompany any such
                      request. Mercator Advisory Group reserves the right to deny approval of external usage for any reason.

                      Copyright 2018, Mercator Advisory Group, Inc. Reproduction without written permission is completely forbidden.

© 2018 Mercator Advisory Group, Inc.                                                                                                   10
Modular Card Management Software for Prepaid Program Managers: Building Profit ability
 A Mercator Advisory Group Research Brief Sponsored by TAS Group

                      About Mercator Advisory Group
                      Mercator Advisory Group is the leading independent research and advisory services firm exclusively focused on the
                      payments and banking industries. We deliver pragmatic and timely research and advice designed to help our
                      clients uncover the most lucrative opportunities to maximize revenue growth and contain costs. Our clients range
                      from the world's largest payment issuers, acquirers, processors, merchants, and associations to leading technology
                      providers and investors. Advisory services include Credit, Debit and Alternative Products, Prepaid, Merchant
                      Services, Commercial and Enterprise Payments, Emerging Technologies, and Global Payments practices, which
                      provide research documents and advice. Primary data services include the CustomerMonitor Survey Series, which
                      report and analyze data collected in our biannual consumer surveys, as well as the Customer Merchant Experience
                      Survey and the Small Business Payments and Banking Survey. Consulting services enable clients to gain actionable
                      insights, implement more effective strategies, and accelerate go-to-market plans; offerings include tailored
                      project-based expertise, customized primary research, go-to-market collateral, market sizing, competitive
                      intelligence, and payments industry training. Mercator Advisory Group is also the publisher of the online payments
                      and banking news and information portal Visit

                      About TAS Group
                      TAS Group is a market leader in payments technology, delivering innovative software solutions for cards and
                      payment systems for over 35 years. With a global reach and offices in 7 countries spanning Europe, North and
                      Latin America, customers around the world rely on our advanced technology and secure, flexible and seamless
                      payment solutions. Our systems handle millions of financial messages each day for the European Central Bank and
                      over 100 million cards are managed on our platforms – also used by one of the largest issuers of prepaid cards in

                      cashless 3.0® is the innovative processing platform that empowers clients with a one-stop-solution for card
                      issuance, transaction processing, acquiring, and fraud management. The cloud-ready platform with its modular
                      design and open APIs, integrates seamlessly with legacy systems and is scalable and flexible to fit business needs as
                      payments evolve.

© 2018 Mercator Advisory Group, Inc.                                                                                                   11
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