A Natural Icon - China Pictorial

Page created by Kurt Newman
A Natural Icon - China Pictorial
Vol. 851 May 2019

                                                A Natural Icon
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                              Canada $7.80 Turkey TL.10.00   Next Chapter for the Belt   Targeted Poverty            1970-1979: A
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                                                             Cooperation                 the Children Left Behind    in History
A Natural Icon - China Pictorial
A Natural Icon - China Pictorial
牢记使命 艰苦创业 绿色发展
                                                        已达 80%
                                                        可绕地球赤道 12
                                                        栽种树木按 米1株距排开,


Saihanba is a cold alpine area in northern Hebei Province
bordering the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
It was once a barren land but is now home to 75,000
hectares of forest, thanks to the labor of generations of
forestry workers in the past 55 years.
Every year the forest purifies 137 million cubic meters of
water and absorbs 747,000 tons of carbon dioxide.
The forest produces 12 billion yuan (around US$1.8 bil-
lion) of ecological value annually, according to the Chinese
Academy of Forestry.
A Natural Icon - China Pictorial
May 2O19

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                           China Book Trading (Canada) Inc.
                              Telephone: 1-416-497-8096                               12   A Natural Icon
                                出版日期 每月1日
                                                                                           Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Scientific Discovery of
                              国内刊号: CN11-1429/Z                                            the Giant Panda
                              国际刊号: ISSN0009-4420
                               京海工商广字第0121号                                           18 Hu Jinchu: We Are All Giant Pandas
                 In China, subscriptions are available at any post office.            21 George Schaller: Wild About Pandas
        Subscription and distribution agency in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan:         24 Wei Fuwen: Learn from the Panda
                        Hong Kong Peace Book Company, Ltd.
          17/F., Paramount Building, 12 Ka Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
                                                                                      28 Giant Pandas by the Numbers
                                                                                      30 Giant Panda FAQ
                         Visit China Pictorial on the Internet:
                           www.china-pictorial.com.cn                                 34 Longxi-Hongkou National Nature Reserve: Protecting a
                                                                                         Perfect Species
                                                                                      38 Low-hanging Fruit
                                 Follow us on:
                                                                                      42 Getting to the Bottom of Global Panda Fever
A Natural Icon - China Pictorial
15                                                16

                 21                                                 42


   Express                                                           70 Years in Pictures
06 Straightforward Development and Boosts in                      54 1970 - 1979: A Turning Point in History
    African Investment
    Special Report                                                62   Timeless Chinese Houses
08 Next Chapter for the Belt and Road: High-Quality Cooperation   66   Zhou Hongru: Painting a Way Home
                                                                  70   Shared Road, Shared Future
   People                                                         76   Reflections on Chinese Hospitality
46 New Hope for Star Children
                                                                       Cover caption
    Society                                                            Two giant panda cubs, one a month and a half
                                                                       old and the other 35 days old, at Chengdu
50 Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Bijie: For the Children Left        Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in
    Behind                                                             Sichuan Province. by Zhou Mengqi
A Natural Icon - China Pictorial
EXPRESS                     |    N E W S

                                                                                                    by Xie Huanchi/Xinhua

Xi Stresses Quality Poverty Alleviation
    April 15, Chongqing: Chinese President Xi Jinping talks with villagers to learn about the progress of poverty
alleviation in solving problems such as meeting the basic need of food and clothing and guaranteeing compulsory
education, basic medical care and safe housing in Huaxi Village of Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County.
    President Xi emphasized the significance of quality in the fight against poverty at a symposium on April 16
during his inspection tour. He called for the establishment of a long-term mechanism for poverty relief, reinforce-
ment of developing local industries as a means to alleviate poverty, improvement of training for the poor and
facilitation of employment.

                                                        PLA Navy 70th Anniversary
                                                            April 23, Qingdao, Shandong Province: A new nuclear
                                                        submarine of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
                                                        Navy debuts during a grand naval parade.
                                                            The parade is part of the multinational naval events
                                                        marking the 70th anniversary of the PLA Navy, which was
                                                        founded on April 23, 1949.
                                                            China’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, and latest
                                                        nuclear submarines, destroyers and fighter jets were among the
                                                        32 Chinese vessels and 39 warplanes displayed in the parade.
                                                            Also joining the parade were nearly 20 foreign vessels
                                                        from over 10 countries including Russia, Thailand, Vietnam
                                                        and India, demonstrating to the world firm determination to
                                       by Wan Quan      safeguard peace and seek development with joint efforts.

04   VOLUME 851
A Natural Icon - China Pictorial
MAY · 2O19

                                                                    First Black Hole Image
                                                                       April 10, Shanghai: The first-ever image of a
                                                                    supermassive black hole at the heart of the distant
                                                                    galaxy M87 is released during a press conference held
                                                                    by Shanghai Astronomical Observatory.
                                                                       The image of the black hole, based on observa-
                                                                    tions made through the Event Horizon Telescope
                                                                    (EHT), a planet-scale array of eight ground-based
                                                                    radio telescopes aligned through international
                                                                    collaboration, was unveiled in coordinated press
                                                                    conferences across the globe at 9 p.m. (Beijing time)
                                                                    that day. The landmark result offered scientists a new
                                                                    way to study the most extreme events in the universe
                                                       IC           predicted by Albert Einstein’s general relativity.

Notre Dame Fire Scorches
Chinese Hearts
   April 15, Paris, France: The spire of Notre Dame
Cathedral collapses after the building was engulfed in flames.
The world shared grief after the 850-year-old cathedral was
devastated by a ferocious blaze. The accident caused great
concern across China and called for more attention on the
protection of classical structures.
   Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a condolence message to
his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, after the fire. Xi
called Notre Dame a significant symbol of French civilization
and a great treasure of human civilization. Like the French
people, the Chinese people were also deeply saddened by the
devastating fire, he said. China firmly believes that restoration
will be carried out smoothly and that Notre Dame will regain
her splendor thanks to the efforts of the French people and
with support from the international community, Xi added.                                                                    IC

                                                   700 Chinese Sturgeons Released
                                                      April 13, Yichang, Hubei Province: Chinese sturgeons are
                                                   about to be released into the Yangtze River. A total of 700 Chinese
                                                   sturgeons, nicknamed “aquatic pandas,” were released by the
                                                   Chinese Sturgeon Research Institute (CSRI) of the China Three
                                                   Gorges Corporation that day to save the species from extinction.
                                                      The sturgeons released into the river will help boost the endan-
                                                   gered species’ survival rate in the wild and enhance their genetic
                                                   diversity, said Li Zhiyuan, deputy director of the CSRI.
                                                      Since 1984, Chinese experts have carried out reintroduction
                                                   programs to increase the population of sturgeons, a rare fish that
                           by Xiao Yijiu/Xinhua    dates back to the time of dinosaurs.

                                                                                                CHINA    P I C TO R I A L   05
A Natural Icon - China Pictorial
EXPRESS                    |     C O M M E N T

Straightforward Development and Boosts
in African Investment
Text by Albert Rugaba

Infrastructure projects under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative streamline necessary arrangements
to build infrastructure in Africa and enable local businesses to invest more in their own operations.

         lentiful international media     transporting goods, business opera-     believe in the value of its first-hand
         coverage of the Belt and         tors can immediately reinvest the       experience and better understanding
         Road Initiative (BRI) focuses    saved funds and receive more            of the important role of infrastruc-
         on criticism of the BRI infra-   value for money.                        ture in developing countries. After
structure funding model and the               These are issues that need to be    all, four decades ago, China had
so-called “debt” it creates in recip-     considered when discussing and          similar developmental problems that
ient countries, but the key point         commenting on the BRI and its           Africa is confronting now.
missed by these commenters is             flagship infrastructure projects.           Going forward, we need to see
the supreme importance of these               Moreover, there are not many        more inclusion of local companies
projects for the economic develop-        alternatives to the single-window       and better technical training on the
ment of African countries (with East      financing option that China is          part of Chinese contractors, which is
Africa being a good example).             advocating, in which Chinese compa-     in both parties’ long-term interests.
    As far as Africa is concerned,        nies offer a complete development           On the African side, we need
this is one of the few times that         process through one entity (financ-     to take pages from Chinese devel-
a credible infrastructure funding         ing, construction of the project and    opment experience and strive to
alternative has been presented,           training of the required techni-        develop as fast as China. Whether
considering that multilateral insti-      cians), contrasting usual financing     or not we call it the “China model”
tutions have almost deserted this         models involving multiple separate      doesn’t really matter as long as it
field. From Africa’s point of view,       entities. Should participating          works for the intended purposes.
the concern is not about taking on        countries decide on the usual model,        Finally, African countries partici-
debt to finance the infrastructure        they would need to negotiate with       pating in the BRI should focus more
projects, but on the speed that these     a financing party, then with differ-    on the long-term economic value
crucial levers of economic devel-         ent Engineering, Procurement and        of infrastructure projects and their
opment are put in place, especially       Construction (EPC) contractors          repayment capabilities.
projects such as power plants, roads      and finally with a technical training       “Who cares if the cat is black or
and railway tracks.                       entity. For massive infrastruc-         white as long as it catches mice,” goes
    For example, it costs around          ture projects, the traditional model    a proverb. It is about time we move
US$1,200 to move a container              comes with a high chance of failure,    past rhetoric and judge infrastructure
from the Mombasa port to Nairobi,         so the fact Chinese companies can       projects by their results on the ground.
Kenya by road, a distance of around       act as a single entity to handle all        I believe that China will do
500 kilometers (expensive by any          the above-mentioned functions           everything it can to maintain its
standards), while moving the same         has been a blessing for African         commitments and promised funding
container on the new Mombasa-             countries—especially those with         levels of the BRI infrastructure
Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway            limited human resources and techni-     program.
constructed with the help of China        cal capacities.
would only cost around US$550,                Given the fact China has devel-
a 54-percent cost saving. The             oped from a poor country to an          The author is a China-Africa investment
gains are tangible and immediately        economic power over the past 40         advisor and commodity trader based in
                                                                                  Shenzhen, China. He studied at the University
felt from a business perspec-             years since the beginning of its        of International Business and Economics in
tive. Instead of paying extra for         reform and opening up, I firmly         Beijing. He is originally from Rwanda.

06    VOLUME 851
A Natural Icon - China Pictorial
B U Z Z W O R D S                                                                                                            MAY · 2O19

Metropolitan Areas
Edited by Li Zhuoxi

   City clusters are the main forms of urban-
ization and important platforms to sup-
port national economic growth, promote
regional coordinated development and
participate in international competition and
   Metropolitan areas are regions in city
clusters, encircling a big city and usually
affording an hour commute or less. China
aims to build several metropolitan areas
with global influence by 2035, according
to the guidelines released by the National
Development and Reform Commission.
   The concept of actively building metro-
politan areas is not new for many devel-
oped countries, which have been able to
improve the influence of big cities in the       Developing metropolitan areas helps optimize demographic and economic structures
                                                 and stimulate effective investment and potential consumption demands, thus fostering
city clusters and strengthen coordination        economic expansion. This photo shows the Prince Bay Cruise Homeport in Shenzhen,
between cities and surrounding suburbs in        which offers direct ferry connections to Zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macao, forming a “one-
many ways.                                       hour circle” within the Greater Bay Area. Xinhua

Multi-level Juvenile
Delinquency Correction
Edited by Li Zhuoxi

   Dealing with juvenile delinquency is a
global concern.
   To improve the correctional education of
minors involved in crimes, a multi-level sys-
tem will be established to prevent juvenile
delinquency, improve family education and
diversify correction measures according to
a recent work plan released by the Supreme
People’s Procuratorate of China for the peri-
od from 2018 to 2022. Chinese prosecutors
will clarify offense levels in crimes commit-
ted by juveniles to properly align punish-
ments with the severity of the criminal acts.
   For judicial protection of juveniles, China
insists on education first, with punishment
reserved only as a supportive approach.
China believes in forgiveness but also in        July 19, 2013: A juvenile defendant (second left) weeps over the birthday cake at the
strict discipline through deep love.             People’s Court of Shizhong District in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province. IC

                                                                                                            CHINA      P I C TO R I A L   07
A Natural Icon - China Pictorial

April 26, 2019: Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the second Belt and Road Forum for
International Cooperation in Beijing. by Xu Xun/China Pictorial

Next Chapter for the Belt and Road
High-Quality Cooperation
Text by Hu Zhoumeng

The second BRF has witnessed the joint efforts of participants to refine the blueprint for the BRI
with a consensus on promoting “high-quality cooperation.”

08    VOLUME 851
MAY · 2O19

          mid rising protectionism                  From April 25 to 27, 2019, about            roundtable, a high-level meeting,
          and unilateralism adding              5,000 participants from more than               a CEO conference and other side
          uncertainty to today’s                150 countries and 90 international              events.
          world, the Belt and Road              organizations attended the second                   In total, 283 items of practi-
Initiative (BRI), a commitment to               BRF, including nearly 40 heads of               cal achievement were made in the
multilateralism and an open global              state and government. This year’s               preparatory process and during the
economy, embraced the vision for a              forum, themed “Belt and Road                    forum. Cooperation agreements
brighter future shared by humanity              Cooperation: Shaping a Brighter                 worth more than US$64 billion were
as the second Belt and Road Forum               Shared Future,” had 12 themed                   signed at the CEO conference that
for International Cooperation                   sub-forums, twice that of the first             was held for the first time.
(BRF) closed in Beijing.                        BRF in 2017. It also hosted a leaders’              Since it was proposed by Chinese

April 27, 2019: The leaders’ roundtable meeting of the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation is held at the Yanqi Lake
International Convention Center in Beijing. by Wan Quan/China Pictorial

                                                                                                              CHINA      P I C TO R I A L   09

April 26, 2019: Chinese President Xi Jinping, his wife Peng Liyuan and guests of the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation
(BRF) pose for a group photo before a banquet at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. From April 25 to 27, about 5,000 participants from
more than 150 countries and 90 international organizations attended the second BRF in Beijing, including nearly 40 heads of state and
government. by Xu Xun/China Pictorial

President Xi Jinping in 2013, the BRI              Under the Belt and Road frame-               capital to its BRI partners and the
has reaped tangible results from Asia          work, China has advocated and                    broader world as well.
and Europe to Africa, the Americas             practiced the principle of “exten-                  From 2013 to 2018, the trade
and Oceania. In less than six years,           sive consultation, joint contribution            volume between China and the
126 countries and 29 international             and shared benefits,” seeking                    countries participating in the BRI
organizations have signed BRI                  self-development while bring-                    exceeded US$6 trillion, with more
cooperation documents with China.              ing opportunities, experience and                than 244,000 jobs created for the

10   VOLUME 851
MAY · 2O19

                                          April 25, 2019: Guests at a themed sub-forum of the second Belt and Road Forum for
                                          International Cooperation discuss how to green the Belt and Road and realize the United
                                          Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. by Hu Zhoumeng

                                          percent of global growth in 2019.              inclusiveness as well as high-qual-
                                              Mirroring the BRI’s relevance              ity development of the BRI. He
                                          and significance for the world,                announced a package of propos-
                                          its vision has been included in                als to advance high-quality Belt and
                                          documents of major interna-                    Road development, calling on the
                                          tional institutions and cooperation            international community to join
                                          platforms, including the United                hands to work out a “meticulous
                                          Nations, the Group of 20, the                  painting” of the BRI.
                                          Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation                  The principle of extensive
                                          and the Shanghai Cooperation                   consultation, joint contribution and
                                          Organization.                                  shared benefits should be upheld,
                                              The BRI’s five pillars—policy              said Xi, stressing open, green and
                                          coordination, facilities connec-               clean approaches, as well as goals of
                                          tivity, unimpeded trade, financial             high-standard, livelihood-improving
                                          integration, and people-to-people              and sustainable development.
                                          exchanges—serve as “conceptual                     Since its birth nearly six years
                                          pillars that can be translated into            ago, the BRI has become one of
locals. China’s investment in these       real-life progress for all people,”            the most promising platforms for
countries exceeded US$90 billion.         said UN Secretary-General Antonio              international cooperation. With
   The latest studies by the World        Guterres.                                      consensus built and cooperation
Bank and other international institu-         Delivering a keynote speech                plans adopted at the second BRF by
tions show that BRI cooperation will      at the forum’s opening ceremony,               all parties concerned, new horizons
cut the costs of global trade by 1.1 to   President Xi called for greater                are now opened for high-quality Belt
2.2 percent and contribute at least 0.1   connectivity, openness and                     and Road cooperation.

                                                                                                        CHINA      P I C TO R I A L   11

Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the
Scientific Discovery of the Giant Panda
Text by Yi Mei

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the first scientific documentation of the giant panda. On April 1,
1869, French missionary Armand David discovered and recorded the animal.

12    VOLUME 851
MAY · 2O19

A panda bends down to drink water. A healthy
panda usually spends less than three minutes to
drink water before going back into a bamboo
forest. by Zhou Mengqi

                 CHINA      P I C TO R I A L   13

        wenty-seven-year-old female                                             animal and plant samples unique to
        giant panda Bai Yun and                                                 China for the Paris-based National
        her six-year-old son Xiao                                               Museum of Natural History.
        Liwu, residents of the San                                                  On March 11, 1869, on his way
Diego Zoo, left for China at the        After millions of                       back from a field survey, David
end of April when a long-term
conservation agreement with
                                        years of evolution,                     found a piece of white-and-black
                                                                                fur in a farmer’s house. He was
China ended. American netizens          the giant panda has                     surprised. The farmer told him it
had expressed sadness about the                                                 was from an animal hidden deep
animals’ departure. Some called it      survived, but it is not                 in the forest. On April 1, David
the end of an era: “The last pandas     here on this planet to                  finally saw a living giant panda with
at the San Diego Zoo are heading                                                his own eyes. The same evening,
back to China.”                         entertain humans at                     he immediately wrote a report on

Discovery of the Giant Panda            the zoo.                                the creature and sent it to Miller
                                                                                Edwards, director of the National
    Despite now serving as an icon of                                           Museum of Natural History in Paris.
China, the giant panda was initially                                            After studying the sample David
“discovered” by a foreigner.                                                    sent back and his report, Edwards
    On February 22, 1869, when          enchant the world 150 years later.      concluded that it was a rare new
French missionary Armand David              Born into a doctor’s family in      species. In order to differentiate it
left Chengdu in southwestern China      western France in 1826, David           from the also bamboo-eating lesser
for the Qionglai Mountains, he          developed a strong interest in nature   panda discovered in 1821, scien-
could have never imagined that he       at a young age. In 1862, he arrived     tists named the new species the
would become the first person to        in China as a missionary and also       “giant panda.” April 1, 1869 has
discover a species that continues to    worked as a naturalist, collecting      since been considered the formal

A new-born. by Zhou Mengqi

14   VOLUME 851
MAY · 2O19

A baby panda. by Chen Jian

day of the scientific discovery of the   animal in the world has enjoyed the      Responding to the calls, the Chinese
giant panda.                             privileges giant pandas have: private    government stopped giving giant
                                         planes, fighter escorts, magnificent     pandas to other countries in favor
Ancient Favorite                         pavilions, fresh bamboo flown in         of lending or renting giant pandas
    Scientific studies show that 500     from around the world and grand          to foreign zoos to carry out joint
million species have lived succes-       birthday parties.                        research of the species.
sively on Earth, with most going            The Chinese government gave
extinct and only 10 million surviv-      24 pandas as national gifts to nine      Protection and Studies
ing to this day. The giant panda has     countries including the Soviet              Even the cutest animals in the
lived on the planet for eight million    Union, the Democratic People’s           world cannot escape threats of
years, keeping most of its original      Republic of Korea, the United            human activity and climate change.
appearance but adopting drasti-          States, Japan, Spain, Britain, France,   Over the past century, as their
cally different habits. Thanks to its    Mexico and West Germany between          hidden places and food sources
antediluvian history, the giant panda    1955 and 1980, making the giant          have decreased due to disappearing
is considered a living fossil and a      panda a “friendly ambassador.”           woods and bamboo forests, giant
“legacy” of primitive life.              Starting in the 1980s, the popula-       pandas have constantly lost their
    Characterized by white-and-          tion of giant pandas witnessed a         habitats, with less than a third of
black colors, round face and plump       sharp decrease due to environmental      their living territory left from their
body, the ancient animal has become      deterioration of its habitats. In the    historical range.
a national treasure of China and a       global context, appeals to protect          In 1963, China set up its first
global favorite. Almost no other         endangered animals were rising.          giant panda reserve at Wolong

                                                                                              CHINA     P I C TO R I A L   15

Kids look at giant panda Huanhuan at ZooParc de Beauval in Saint-Aignan, central France. Huanhuan and another giant panda, Yuanzai,
arrived at the zoo on January 15, 2012, under a 10-year agreement on giant panda breeding cooperation between China and France.

Unlike those in captivity, wild giant pandas still keep ferocity and wildness like other bears. by Xiang Dingqian

16   VOLUME 851
MAY · 2O19

                                                                     in the southwestern province of
                                                                     Sichuan. Later, a dozen other
                                                                     nature reserves for the giant
                                                                     panda were established in the
                                                                     country. The fourth census of
                                                                     giant pandas showed that by
                                                                     the end of 2013, there were 538
                                                                     captive giant pandas around the
                                                                     world and 1,864 wild pandas
                                                                     in China, with the latter group
                                                                     growing by 268 compared to the
                                                                     count of the third survey. Given
                                                                     the increasing number of giant
                                                                     pandas and more effective protec-
                                                                     tion measures, the International
                                                                     Union for Conservation of Nature
                                                                     re-classified the species from
                                                                     “endangered” to “vulnerable”
                                                                     in 2016. Still, the giant panda is
                                                                     facing persistent challenges caused
                                                                     by shrinking and fragmented
                                                                     habitats. To ensure better protec-
                                                                     tion, in January 2017, the Chinese
                                                                     government released a plan to
                                                                     build a giant panda national park.
                                                                     And the Sichuan bureau of the
                                                                     national park was formally set
                                                                     up last year.
                                                                          “After millions of years of evolu-
                                                                     tion, the giant panda has survived,”
                                                                     beams Pan Wenshi, former direc-
                                                                     tor of the Giant Panda and Wild
                                                                     Animal Protection Center at Peking
                                                                     University. “But it is not here on
                                                                     this planet to entertain humans
                                                                     at the zoo. The protection of the
                                                                     giant panda should not be limited
                                                                     to increasing its population but
                                                                     should extend to protecting the
                                                                     entire ecological system in which
                                                                     it is an iconic species. A healthy
                                                                     environment can provide a safe
                                                                     home for diverse species as well
                                                                     as soil and water resources. The
                                                                     giant panda is a bellwether of the
                                                                     environment. Protecting the giant
                                                                     panda is protecting the future for

                                                                     The Office of Sichuan Province Local Records
                                                                     contributed resources for the completion of
A mother panda helps her baby learn to climb trees. by Zhou Mengqi   this article.

                                                                                   CHINA      P I C TO R I A L   17

Hu Jinchu
We Are All Giant Pandas
Text by Yin Xing Photographs courtesy of Hu Jinchu

When a male panda leaped to within feet of our faces, we locked eyes in a tense stare-down.

           u Jinchu, born in 1929, is                of that year, pandas Ling Ling and              head the research there. In the first
           a professor at China West                 Xing Xing arrived at the National               half of 1974, we organized a team
           Normal University. He is                  Zoological Park in Washington, D.C.,            of about 30 members and began
           regarded globally as the                  causing a sensation in the United               the first national field research of
pioneer of ecological and biological                 States. Subsequently, countless senior          pandas. After four and a half years,
research of pandas and is hailed as                  foreign politicians expressed hope              we finished a 200,000-word report
the “godfather” of the field. George                 to get pandas during their visits to            to make the government aware of
Schaller, a renowned German-born                     China. Zhou Enlai, then premier of              the conditions of pandas in Sichuan.
American mammalogist, once called                    China, realized the significance of
him the top panda researcher ever.                   “panda diplomacy.” But how many                 CP: According to the survey
    Hu started his research of                       pandas could China share? No one                conducted back then, you
pandas in 1974. He headed the                        knew for sure in those days. In 1973,           counted about 2,400 wild
first field study of pandas in                       to determine the population of                  pandas. Because pandas have
Sichuan Province and organized                       giant pandas, China’s State Council             sharp sense of smell, it is
the construction of the world’s first                organized a meeting of forestry                 difficult for humans to get near
observation station for wild pandas.                 departments of such provinces as                them. It is more difficult to do
He has cultivated many experts in                    Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu to order             the survey because they tend to
researching and protecting pandas.                   a precise count of wild pandas.                 live alone. How could you be
Hu has made immense contri-                              The forestry department of                  sure of the population?
butions to China’s endeavors to                      Sichuan Province invited me to                  Hu: Many people assumed that we
protect pandas.
    Recently, China Pictorial (CP)
sat down for an exclusive inter-
view with Hu, who believes that
“protecting giant pandas is protect-
ing mankind.”

CP: How did you get into
doing research on pandas?
Hu Jinchu: After I received a
master’s degree in biology from
Beijing Normal University, I
started teaching classes on birds
and mammals at Sichuan Normal
University. In 1972, then-U.S.
President Richard Nixon visited
                                                     The 90-year-old Hu Jinchu remains hale and hearty. He still goes to the office every day. He
China, and he expressed hope of                      scans the previously handwritten materials and some photos into an electronic version, in
getting some pandas. On April 26                     preparation for a new book.

18   VOLUME 851
MAY · 2O19

Hu Jinchu has taught graduate students since 1979. Over decades, Hu has trained a large number of giant panda research and protection
experts, and they have remained active in this field.

encountered many pandas during                 the size of the droppings and the              ecological research concerning
the survey. The truth is we hardly             condition of chewed bamboo in                  pandas. In 1978, we built an obser-
saw any. Even when we encountered              the feces gives a rough indication             vation station in the Wolong nature
one, it usually disappeared before             of a panda’s age, size and sphere of           reserve which was known as the
we could grab the camera to take a             activity. This is a rather basic way           Wuyipeng—a tent pitched on a hill.
photo.                                         to estimate the number of pandas.              It was the world’s first observation
   So I started brainstorming                  Now, we use molecular biology                  station for wild pandas. Because
how to gather data about pandas                to identify them. This method                  the tent of the observation station
when it is impossible to see them              is more accurate. However, no                  was 51 steps from the nearest water
without disturbing them. Their                 matter which method is applied,                source, we called it Wuyipeng (liter-
feces turned out to be good                    the number counted is a relative               ally, “Fifty-one Tent”).
sources. Panda droppings differ                number, not an absolute number.                    I began to take students out for
considerably across age groups.                                                               field studies in 1979. My students
Different ages cause drastically               CP: Why is the Wuyipeng                        would have to man the observation
different conditions of the teeth,             observation a symbol in the                    station and sleep in the tent. They
so they chew bamboo at differ-                 eyes of panda researchers                      collected samples in the mountains
ent lengths and angles. Moreover,              worldwide?                                     during the day and attended theory
because pandas live alone, feces               Hu: After the first field survey,              classes in the tent in the evening,
rarely overlap. Comparing just                 China decided to strengthen                    recording their findings around

                                                                                                            CHINA      P I C TO R I A L   19

In 1980, China began cooperating with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to set up   May 1992: Hu Jinchu checks a giant panda
the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda. Hu cooperated with     cub at the Foping National Nature Reserve in
renowned zoologist George Schaller on the research.                                    Shaanxi Province.

a bonfire. In 1980, China began               from 1974 to 1978, when the major        CP: Can you describe some
cooperating with the World Wide               work was conducting surveys of           of your experiences meeting
Fund for Nature (WWF) to set                  the population and distribution          pandas in the wild?
up the China Conservation and                 of wild giant pandas. The second         Hu: Once we heard a female panda
Research Center for the Giant                 phase was from 1978 to 1980,             make the courting call as we were
Panda. Renowned zoologist George              when the Wuyipeng observation            doing a survey in a valley. A male
Schaller and many foreign experts             station was set up in Wolong and         panda on a hill in front of us about
often did research at the Wuyipeng            field studies of pandas began in         50 meters up heard her. He galloped
observation station. Observation              earnest. The third phase was from        down quickly along the ridge like
there enriched our knowledge of               1981 to 1985, when international         a rolling rock. He happened to fall
the habits and reproduction behav-            cooperation reached the Wuyipeng         unharmed only a few meters away
iors of pandas. We published the              observation station, and advanced        from us. He stared at us in surprise,
book The Giant Pandas of Wolong ,             foreign technology and methods           and of course we were also startled.
describing the animal from the                were introduced as quantitative          We just stared each other down—it
perspective of ecology, the first such        analysis was made. The fourth            was so dramatic.
book in China, but of course books            phase started in 1984 and contin-            One winter as we were track-
on pandas were rare internationally.          ues to this day. That year, I            ing pandas through the snow, the
                                              organized postgraduate students          pawprints we found became strange.
CP: How many phases has                       to build observation stations in         Many tracks in the snow overlapped
China’s research of pandas                    different mountain ranges to             again and again, and there were
passed through? How would                     conduct macro ecological research        other weird marks in the snow as
you describe those phases?                    on pandas in China. Nowadays,            well. Ultimately, we realized that
Hu: From my point of view, China’s            researchers have integrated molec-       the pandas had climbed up the hill
panda studies have gone through               ular ecology into the studies            and sledded down over and over like
four phases. The first phase lasted           of pandas.                               children.

20   VOLUME 851
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George Schaller
Wild About Pandas
Text by Zoe Zhao

“On the panda, China has made great progress since the late 1980s. Captive breeding has been highly
successful. Intensive field research has continued, and the results now provide wonderful insights into what
the panda does and needs.”

          t 86, German-born                    Democratic Republic of the Congo,               for various field research missions
          American George Schaller             jaguars in Brazil, tigers in India and          almost every year. However, every-
          is a man of the world. For           lions in Tanzania to, of course, giant          thing started with giant pandas.
          the past six decades, he has         pandas in China.                                   In 1979, soon after the imple-
traveled the world for conservation                One of the most preeminent                  mentation of China’s historic
efforts, studying and helping protect          field biologists and conservation-              reform and opening up, the
some of the world’s most endan-                ists in the world, Schaller is no               country signed a cooperation
gered and iconic species ranging               stranger to China. For nearly four              agreement on nature conserva-
from mountain gorillas in the                  decades, he has visited the country             tion with the World Wide Fund

Dr. Schaller (center) and his Chinese coworkers measure giant panda Xue Xue in the Tangjiahe reserve in Qingchuan County, Sichuan Province,
1984. In 1980, invited by WWF, Schaller came to Sichuan Province to study wild giant pandas. courtesy of WWF

                                                                                                             CHINA      P I C TO R I A L   21

Dr. Schaller (right) and Professor Hu Jinchu examine a den                  July 7, 2014: Dr. Schaller (right) carries out a field mission
in a hollow tree in which a giant panda had given birth.                    to track snow leopards in Yushu Tibetan Autonomous
courtesy of WWF                                                             Prefecture, Qinghai Province. by Shen Bohan/Xinhua

for Nature (WWF). In 1980, upon                 Normal University) and Professor          and habits of giant pandas, The
an invitation from WWF, Schaller                Pan Wenshi from Peking                    Giant Pandas of Wolong , in both
was thrilled to visit China as the              University, Schaller conducted            Chinese and English. Schaller
first Western scientist to set foot             in-depth studies of the natural           was satisfied with his work in
in Sichuan Province, home of the                history of wild giant pandas,             Sichuan and used the momentum
giant panda, in decades.                        using radio tracking to obtain            from the panda program to carry
    Schaller worked with a group of             first-hand information about              out research in China’s remote
Chinese scientists on field studies             movement, food, courtship and             Qiangtang region on the Qinghai-
of the behaviors and ecology of                 fertility, among many other behav-        Tibet Plateau to study the Tibetan
the giant panda. He stayed at                   iors and habits. These efforts laid       antelope. He has continued return-
Wuyipeng, the world’s first obser-              the foundation for the assessment         ing to the country ever since.
vation station for the cuddly                   of the overall giant panda situa-            Today, more than 30 years after
animal established on a small hill              tion and their habitats in Sichuan,       his panda project started in China,
in today’s Wolong National Nature               paving the way for solid conserva-        how does Schaller evaluate the
Reserve shortly before his arrival.             tion and management plans.                country’s efforts in giant panda
As the first Westerner since                        “I believe each side has learned      protection? How does he see the
1939 to study wild giant pandas                 much from the other all to the            animal’s future? China Pictorial
in China, Schaller faced exten-                 panda’s benefit,” he stated years         (CP) talked with George Schaller
sive problems carrying out field                later. Alongside his Chinese              about China’s national treasure.
research in the rugged, inacces-                colleagues, Schaller sought to refute
sible mountain habitat, not to                  the notion that the giant panda           CP: In your 1993 book The Last
mention cultural and political                  population was declining due to           Panda , you described many
challenges stemming from engag-                 natural bamboo die-offs. He also          problems plaguing China’s
ing in international cooperation in             found evidence that pandas were           giant panda conservation
the early days of China’s opening               originally carnivores, but under-         efforts in the 1980s. Now, do
to the outside world. Nevertheless,             went an evolutionary change to            you still worry about the future
a shared commitment to nature                   accommodate a diet of bamboo,             of the species?
made it possible for him and                    which is so difficult to digest that       Schaller: I had the honor to
Chinese researchers to continue                 there is hardly competition with           partner with a Chinese team
their legwork for giant panda                   other animals for the food.                during my panda research in the
conservation.                                       In 1985 after five years of hard       early 1980s. I met several excel-
    Working with Professor Hu                   work, Schaller and Professor Hu            lent colleagues in the field such as
Jinchu from China West Normal                   Jinchu published the world’s first         Hu Jinchu and Pan Wenshi. The
University (then Nanchong                       book fully documenting habitats            key problem was that some local

22   VOLUME 851
MAY · 2O19

leaders were careless and uninter-          our Wuyipeng camp set up within           challenges and difficulties face
ested at that time, as I described          her home range. One day when              wild giant panda conservation?
in my book The Last Panda . But             Kay (editor’s note: Schaller’s            Schaller: On the panda, China
when higher-up leaders in Sichuan           wife) and I returned to our tent,         has made great progress since the
and Beijing became aware of                 cold and wet from tracking a              late 1980s. Captive breeding has
the problems in Wolong, things              panda through a dense and snowy           been highly successful. Intensive
started improving drastically.              bamboo forest, Zhen Zhen was              field research has continued, and
    I have continued collaborating          there looking out at us through           the results now provide wonder-
with China because of the good              the window. While we were gone,           ful insights into what the panda
cooperation and steady progress in          Zhen Zhen entered the tent and            does and needs. Many nature
conservation. China’s leadership            took a nap on our bed. As a reward        reserves have been set up and
is aware that they need to protect          for offering her such a comfort-          the forest protected. But realiz-
the environment not only for the            able rest site, she left several of her   ing that very small populations of
wildlife but to ensure the people           droppings on our blanket.                 a species are unlikely to survive
enjoy a healthy future. Destroy                                                       because of inbreeding, China is
nature and you destroy yourself. I          CP: With so many cutting-                 now connecting these reserves by
have been greatly impressed with            edge technological instruments            creating forest corridors and build-
all the protected areas China has           now at hand to help research              ing the Giant Panda National Park.
established in recent years and all         and observation, what changes             Censuses have shown that there
the positive steps taken to protect         have taken place in field                 may be up to 2,000 giant pandas
the panda.                                  studies related to wild panda             in the wild, which is still a very
                                            conservation?                             low number. However, the popula-
CP: What’s your most                        Schaller: Yes, radio-collars,             tion of pandas will surely increase
memorable experience in the                 camera-traps and related technol-         if their forests and the pandas
wild with giant pandas?                     ogy have helped capture data on           themselves are protected. Even a
Schaller: I shared my various               individual pandas. But these can          hundred years ago, pandas were
memorable experiences with                  never take the place of a researcher      distributed more widely through-
pandas in the book The Last                 being in the field and actually           out China.
Panda . But my mind always come             observing what is happening to the
back to the female panda Zhen               animals and their habitats. As the        CP: In recent years, China
Zhen who became familiar with               wonderful research in the Qinling         has been gradually releasing
                                            Mountains has shown, pandas               captive giant pandas into the
                                            readily become used to an observer        wild. What do you think of this
                                            and you can obtain detailed obser-        effort?
                                            vations directly from them. You           Schaller: There are now several
                                            can learn what the panda needs to         hundred pandas in captivity. China
                                            survive just by being there: a supply     has a good program of renting
                                            of bamboo to eat, a hollow tree as a      these to zoos in other countries
                                            den in which to give birth, a peace-      and using the funds for panda
                                            ful forest and protection. Newborn        conservation. Reintroducing
                                            pandas are tiny and fragile and           captives into the wild in areas
                                            grow slowly, and a female produces        where pandas used to live and
                                            so few in her lifetime that the loss      are now gone is an excellent idea.
                                            of any panda in a population is of        But it’s never an easy task because
                                            grave concern. Given the large and        released pandas have to learn to
                                            increasing human population in            adapt to the wild and humans have
                                            China, those issues need constant         to learn how best to reintroduce
                                            attention.                                them. As with any reintroduction
                                                                                      program, you must be prepared to
                                            CP: Compared to other                     lose a few animals from various
                                            threatened or endangered                  causes such as predators, accidents
Dr. George Schaller. by He Bing/WWF China   species, what unique                      and wandering too far away.

                                                                                                 CHINA    P I C TO R I A L   23

Wei Fuwen
Learn from the Panda
Text by Hu Zhoumeng Photographs courtesy of Wei Fuwen unless otherwise credited

Academician Wei Fuwen has spent most of his life seeking answers to the mysteries of the giant panda. He
believes that the panda is a species with a bright future.

          cross more than eight
          million years of evolu-
          tion, how did the seemingly
          clumsy giant panda
survive the jaws of extinction while
other powerful animals of the
period, such as the saber-toothed
tiger and the mammoth, died
out? From Ailurarctos lufengen-
sis to Ailuropoda microta , then to
Ailuropoda melanoleuca baconi and
finally to the modern giant panda,
its evolution process has drawn
great interest from countless biolo-
gists. Wei Fuwen, an academician
at the Institute of Zoology of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS),
is one of them.
    Over the past three decades,
Wei trekked dense forests and
steep mountains in the habitats
of giant pandas to research their
habits and traits. Using advanced
research methods and theories
such as population genomics and
metagenomics, he gradually solved
mysteries about the animal’s evolu-
tion. In his eyes, the panda is clumsy
but adorable, and has many things
worth learning for humans.
    “We humans should constantly
change like giant pandas have
done to adapt to the changing
                                                      Wei Fuwen during a field survey of the southern slope of the Qinling Mountains in Foping County,
natural environment and society                       Shaanxi Province. His research showed that the giant panda subpopulation in the Qinling Mountains is
and survive.”                                         different from those in Sichuan Province.

24    VOLUME 851
MAY · 2O19

Foundational Work                                                                      at the CAS Institute of Zoology. He
    Since French missionary Armand                                                     gradually dove deeper into research
David first discovered the giant                                                       of the giant panda.
panda in China’s Sichuan Province                                                          “In the past, we had already
in 1869, the cuddly animal has won                                                     found some important hints about
adoration and curiosity from people                                                    the panda’s adaptive evolution, but
around the world. At first, biolo-                                                     hadn’t tried to explain them system-
gists studied the giant panda from                                                     atically,” Wei recalled. How did the
the perspectives of morphology and                                                     giant panda evolve from a carniv-
morphological anatomy, and gained                                                      orous or omnivorous animal to
knowledge about its physical struc-                                                    a vegetarian feeding exclusively
ture as well as the functions and                                                      on bamboo? Given that the giant
structures of its organs and tissues.                                                  panda doesn’t produce digestive
However, debates on the speciation                                                     enzymes for cellulose, how does
                                                                                       it digest bamboo fiber? Why did
                                                                                       the giant panda develop a pseudo-
                                                                                       thumb? Such questions inspired Wei
                                        Wu Fuwen at the Wuyipeng observation           to find answers through innova-
                                        station in the Wolong National Nature
                                        Reserve in the winter of 1989. In the decade
                                                                                       tive research.
                                        after 1984, he worked at many observation          In recent years, Wei led a team to
                                        stations throughout Sichuan Province.
                                                                                       determine the basal metabolic rate
                                                                                       of the giant panda with the doubly
                                                                                       labeled water method. They found
                                        of the giant panda persisted for more          that the panda’s basal metabolic rate
                                        than 100 years.                                is only 37.7 percent of that of other
                                            “Not until the mid-1980s did               mammals with the same weight.
                                        scientists confirm that the giant              “Its basal metabolic rate is even
                                        panda belongs to the Ursidae                   lower than that of the koala and
                                        family and has a close connec-                 close to that of the sloth,” said Wei.
                                        tion to the Andean bear of South               According to him, the giant panda’s
                                        America,” Wei said.                            low basal metabolic rate can be
                                            Wei himself joined research                attributed to its relatively shrunken
                                        of giant pandas in the mid-1980s.              organs, less activity and low thyroid
                                        In 1984 before he graduated from               hormone level. “Its DUOX2 gene,
                                        the Department of Biology of                   which is crucial for thyroid hormone
                                        Nanchong Normal University                     synthesis, mutated. This is proba-
                                        (today’s China West Normal                     bly why the giant panda maintains
                                        University), Wei became one of the             a relatively low thyroid hormone
                                        first master’s degree students of              level.” Moreover, the giant panda’s
                                        Professor Hu Jinchu, who is consid-            thick fur keeps the animal dry and
                                        ered the “first Chinese person to              warm, cutting energy loss.
                                        study the giant panda.”                            In the future, Wei and his team
                                            Over the following decade as               will determine the reason behind
                                        he worked on his master’s degree               the embryonic diapause of the giant
                                        and then stayed at the univer-                 panda. Wild pandas mate in spring,
                                        sity as a researcher, Wei trekked              but instead of immediately implant-
                                        almost every mountain in Sichuan               ing in the uterus, the embryonic
                                        to research giant pandas. He worked            blastocyst remains suspended until
                                        at numerous observation stations               June or July. So far, the cause of the
                                        including those at Wuyipeng and                phenomenon remains unknown.
                                        Baixiongping. In 1994, Wei was                 “Only challenging problems inspire
                                        admitted to the doctoral program               my passion and interest,” Wei said.

                                                                                                   CHINA    P I C TO R I A L   25

“Some research projects are difficult
and produce few results even after
years of effort. Nevertheless, they
are still worth doing.”

No Dead Ends
    Many were once pessimistic
about the future of the giant panda.
News reports such as “Parasitic
worm presents panda threat” and
“Blossoming bamboo results in
starvation of giant pandas” often
appeared in headlines. In Wei’s
opinion, however, such worries
were unfounded.
    “By studying the excrement of
wild giant pandas, we found that up
to 70 percent of them were infected
by ascariasis, but the disease’s
fatality rate wasn’t as high as we
thought,” Wei explained. “Some
believe that pandas will starve to      Wei Fuwen, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has spent most of his
death when bamboo blooms into           life on biological research of endangered animals such as the giant panda and the red panda.
                                        He was the first to introduce advanced research methods and theories such as population
flowers. In fact, bamboo blossoms       genomics and metagenomics into the research of the giant panda, which pinpointed many
once every 30 to 80 years. Bamboo       answers for persisting mysteries about the species. by Xu Xun
has blossomed many times through-
out history, but the giant panda        planning to set up a giant panda                Wei concluded that the fragmenta-
hasn’t gone extinct yet.”               national park to expand the conser-             tion of their habitats has impeded
    Wei believes that the giant panda   vation scope for wild pandas. The               migration of wild pandas and gene
has a bright future ahead. His          Fourth National Giant Panda                     flow between different panda
research proves that evolution of the   Survey in 2014 showed that China                communities, resulting in genetic
animal has never actually ceased.       had 1,864 wild pandas, a sharp                  divergence. Some small subpop-
Through using molecular scatolog-       increase from the figure of the third           ulations are even on the verge of
ical and genomic research methods       survey conducted 10 years earlier. In           extinction. In this context, he actively
to analyze wild pandas’ droppings,      September 2016, the International               calls for building ecological corri-
hair, tissue, blood and fur discov-     Union for Conservation of Nature                dors and freeing captive pandas into
ered in six mountain ranges, his        announced that the giant panda’s                the wild. Currently, several ecologi-
team found that the gene heterozy-      status had been downgraded from                 cal corridors are in planning or under
gosity of the giant panda is 10 times   “endangered” to “vulnerable.”                   construction in giant panda habitats
that of the snub-nosed monkey.          According to Wei, this marked the               in the Daxiangling and Minshan
Compared to other bears, the giant      international community recogniz-               mountain ranges. A giant panda
panda has relatively high genetic       ing the Chinese government’s effort             named Luxin successfully gave birth
diversity and a greater potential for   to protect the species.                         to a cub after returning to the wild,
sustainable evolution. Even giant           “The giant panda’s population               leaving researchers with great hope.
pandas in captivity have similar        and habitat area are both increas-                  “Research and conservation are
genetic diversity to those living       ing, and China has raised a banner              not independent—they work hand
in the wild.                            for international efforts in biodi-             in hand,” declared Wei. “The giant
    Today, China has established 67     versity protection,” remarked Wei.              panda species has a bright future,
giant panda nature reserves, cover-     “However, that doesn’t mean we                  and through careful protection by
ing 55 percent of panda habitats and    can ease up on our conservation                 mankind, the animal will definitely
more than 65 percent of the wild        efforts for the animal.” Based on his           coexist in harmony with us for a
panda population. The country is        genomic analysis of the giant panda,            long time.”

26   VOLUME 851

Giant Pandas by the Numbers
Edited by Zhao Yue

Overview of Giant Pandas                                                                                                         a n ins
                                                                                                                               sh ta
                                                                                                                           i n    n
                     As of the end of 2013, 1,864 giant pandas were living in the                                         M ou
                     wild in China. The southwestern province of Sichuan,                                                   M

                     home to most of the country’s wild pandas,
                     counted a total of 1,387, 74.4 percent of the
                     total in China. Neighboring Shaanxi and                             i
                                                                                      la s
                     Gansu provinces tallied 345 and 132,                           ng in
                                                                                  io ut a
                                                                                Q o
                     respectively.                                                 M

                     As of November 2018, the count of
                     captive pandas had reached 548
                     worldwide, of which 482 were in
                     Sichuan Province.

                     Giant pandas live in a few mountain                                         Daxiangling
                     ranges including the Qinling,
                     Minshan, Qionglai, Daxiangling,
                     Xiaoxiangling, Daliang and Xiaoliang
                     mountains, covering 17 cities                                                       Liangshan
                     (prefectures), 49 counties (county-                                                 Mountains

level cities and districts) and 196 townships in Sichuan,             Xiaoxiangling
Shaanxi and Gansu provinces.

By the end of 2013, the total area of wild giant panda habitats
had reached 2.58 million hectares, with potential habitats totaling
910,000 hectares.

                                                                          Nationwide Giant Panda Census
                                                                          To ensure accurate data on wild giant pandas, the Chinese government
                                                                          carried out national surveys from 1974 to 1977, 1985 to 1988, 2000 to
                                                                          2004 and 2011 to 2014. The surveys indicated a panda population of
                                                                          2,459, 1,114, 1,596 and 1,864, respectively, showing the number of
                                                                          wild giant pandas in China declining first and then increasing slowly. In
                                                                          the fourth survey, DNA analysis was first utilized to identify the gender
                                                                          of pandas and evaluate the genetic diversity of wild pandas.

                               Living Habits
                               The primary daily activities of a wild giant panda are eating and resting. The animal
                               spends almost half of the day resting, with a single rest of about two to three hours.

                               Giant pandas are known to eat more than 50 kinds of bamboo, of which around 20
                               kinds are preferred. A panda needs to eat 10 to 20 kilograms of bamboo per day.

                               Wild female giant pandas normally have a cub once every two years and ovulation
                               lasts from several days to more than 10 days. When a female is in heat, at least two
                               to three males, sometimes up to six or seven, fight fiercely for mating rights.

 Scan to watch the             Panda cubs usually live with their mothers until they are one and a half years old
  cuddly animal!               (some up to two and a half years old) and then start living alone.

28    VOLUME 851
MAY · 2O19
Qinling Mountains

                                                                                        Panda Conservation in China
                                                                                        By the end of 2013, China had established 67 nature reserves
                                                                                        with giant panda habitats and potential habitats, 58 of which
                                                                                        had detected giant pandas.

                                                                                        A total of 1,246 wild giant pandas live in these nature reserves,
                                                                                        accounting for 66.8 percent of the total population in China. The
                                                                                        habitat area of giant pandas in nature reserves is about 1.39
                                                                                        million hectares, accounting for 53.8 percent of the total area
                                                                                        in China.

                                                                                        National nature reserves of China play a key role in panda conser-
                                                                                        vation by maintaining relatively high population and density
                                                                                        compared to other areas.

       Into the Wild
       On August 8, 2005, a wild giant panda named Shenglin I was freed into the Longxi-Hongkou National Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province, a
       habitat for wild pandas, and researchers began to track and monitor her activity in the wild.

       On April 28, 2006, a giant panda named Xiangxiang was released into the wild in the Wolong National Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province,
       the first captive-born giant panda to be released in China.

       From 2009 to 2013, a wild giant panda named Luxin and three captive giant pandas—Tao Tao, Zhang Xiang
       and Xue Xue—were released one by one in the Liziping National Nature Reserve of Sichuan Province.

       On October 21, 2016, two captive giant pandas, Hua Yan and Zhang
       Meng, were released into the wild, the first time a pair of pandas were sent
       into the wild together.

       On November 23, 2017, two captive giant pandas, Baxi and Yingxue,
       were released into the Liziping National Nature Reserve, the first time two
       pandas of different genders were sent into the wild together.

       On December 27, 2018, two captive giant pandas, Qinxin and Xiaohetao,
       were released into the Longxi-Hongkou National Nature Reserve in
       Sichuan Province.

       Challenges in Protection                                                                    International Cooperation
       Wild giant pandas in some regions still face substantial risk. According to the results     As of November 2018, China had carried
       of the fourth national giant panda survey, the wild giant panda population is divided       out panda conservation and research
       into 33 subpopulations, some of which number fewer than 30.                                 cooperation projects with 22 zoos in
                                                                                                   17 countries, involving a total of
       Among them, 24 subpopulations faced “high risk of collapse,” affecting 223 giant
                                                                                                   58 giant pandas.
       pandas, 12 percent of the total population in the wild, especially the 18 subpopula-
       tions with fewer than 10 pandas each.

       Severely fragmented natural habitats also threaten giant pandas. By the end of 2013,
       319 hydroelectric dams, 1,339 kilometers of roads and 268.7 kilometers of
       high-voltage transmission lines had been built in giant panda habitats around
       China. Human activities have further aggravated habitat fragmentation.

                                                          Sources: Results of China’s Fourth National Giant Panda Survey, reports of the International
                                                       Conference for the Giant Panda Conservation and Breeding, and the book Panda by Wei Fuwen

                                                                                                                          CHINA       P I C TO R I A L   29

 FAQ E di t e d
                  b y Zha
                            o Yue

The giant panda, one of the most adorable
creatures in nature, is loved by people around
the world. However, as a “living fossil” with an
evolutionary history of eight million years, the
biological characteristics of giant pandas are even
more fascinating. China Pictorial has compiled a
few facts to sketch a clearer picture of the animal.

30   VOLUME 851
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