Page created by Bonnie Chan

Is Britain a sports-mad nation? It’s pretty     sport is plenty and constantly evolving. In     where residents make up teams that have
clear, after spending about a day here, that    addition to the well-established British        been playing each other since the 1800s.
it is. ere are so many events, from the al-    sports, the UK happily embraces other           Horseracing isn’t merely held in certain
most-mythic football World Cup win in           sports. In fact there are more people be-       towns, it’s the very essence of them.
1966 to the success of British cyclists al-     tween the ages of 14-25 playing basketball      Newmarket may have a race track but the
most annually to just about every appear-       every week than golf and cricket combined       business and culture of horse training and
ance by Andy Murray on a tennis court,          and every year Wembley Stadium hosts            racing dominates the town.
that unite the nation, or at least have it      several sell-out American NFL games.              For every season there is a sport. At all
watching, talking and even arguing. It’s           It’s not all about the millions of specta-   times of the year, throughout the length
not really a surprise that Brits are obsessed   tors filling stadiums and arenas either, al-     and breadth of the country, teams or indi-
considering so many sports were either in-      though those numbers are considerable.          viduals can be immersed in competitions.
vented in this country or had their rule-       According to Deloitte, 74.5 million tickets     Some of these, like Premier League football
book set here. From boxing to cricket,          for professional sporting events were sold      dominate for months while others, such as
tennis to golf, this small island nation has    in Britain in 2017. A huge number of Brits      tennis, rule the headlines for a few weeks
developed or shaped some of the world’s         take part in sport every day, week or           only at the start of the summer.
favourite sports and even some of the           month. On most afternoons, just walking           A high point in British recent sporting
world’s more obscure ones – lawn bowls          past any park, sports ground, track or club,    history was definitely the 2012 Olympics
anyone?                                         you’ll see individuals or teams playing.        and Paralympics and their legacies. e
   Some countries, even certain continents      From school days playing on a team and          success of Team GB and the entire four-
have a defining sport. When you think of         well into adulthood, Brits have a lifelong      week event electrified the nation, and en-
South America you think football, with          relationship with their sport of choice.        sured one of the few successful
New Zealand and Australia it’s rugby, and          Sport is deeply rooted to place in           redevelopments of an Olympic village.
India and Pakistan have cricket. In Britain     Britain. Cricket has its roots in villages,     ese days anyone can cycle the Olympic
                                                                                                velodrome where Sir Chris Hoy and Dame
                                                                                                Sarah Storey won gold, or swim in the
                                                                                                aquatics centre where Rebecca Adlington
                                                                                                and Tom Daley won their medals. We
                                                                                                thought we’d have a look at some of the
                                                                                                nation’s favourite sports and let FOCUS
                                                                                                members know how to join in.

                                                                                                RU BG Y
                                                                                                If you know anything about the history of
                                                                                                rugby in Britain, you probably know the
                                                                                                story of how a boy at Rugby School de-
                                                                                                cided to pick up the ball and run with in-
                                                                                                stead of kicking it. e story may or may
                                                                                                not be true but it didn’t stop the Rugby
                                                                                                Union naming the World Cup trophy the
                                                                                                Webb Ellis Cup after that boy – William
                                                                                                Webb Ellis.
                                                                                                   Like most sports that developed in the
                                                                                                Victorian era, the game that we know
                                                                                                today arose from a need to set the rules of

4 FOCUS The Magazine July/August 2019                                                                                    www.focus-info.org
“The heart and soul of the tennis world, not to mention one of the oldest surviving courts, is located in London.”

the game. Up until that time it was a
pretty lawless affair with no limit to the
number of players on each side. Many of
the most prominent public schools in
England played a version of rugby and

                                                                                                                                              Will to Win
football and each had a different set of
rules. It wasn’t until the late 1800s that the
sport started being played by adults out-
side of schools and a compromise on what
was allowed in play was finally agreed. e
sport that didn’t allow any handling of the
ball became Association Football (soccer)

                                                                                                                                              Queen’s Club
and the sport that did became Rugby
Football (rugby.)

You don’t have to look far to find a rugby
club. Check out www.findrubgynow.com or           TENNIS                                         Islington Tennis Centre
www.rubgyclubs.info.                                                                            www.better.org.uk/leisure/islingtontc
                                                 Some form of tennis seems to have been
                                                                                                Dukes Meadows
  For those with experience, Old
                                                 played for centuries, possibly even dating
Emmanuel plays at Blagdons sports
                                                 back to the Ancient Greeks and it may          www.dukesmeadows.com/tennis
ground, New Malden, South London. e
                                                                                                The Harbour Club is a private gym with
                                                 have been in France where the sport was
club is open to children and adults.
                                                 refined. But the heart and soul of the ten-
Anyone from age 5 and up can turn up,                                                           indoor tennis courts
                                                 nis world, not to mention one of the oldest
try out and train.                                                                              www.harbourclub.com/racquets
                                                 surviving courts, is located in south-west
                                                 London. If you know only one thing about       Private tennis clubs in London require
                                                 tennis it’s that Wimbledon is the pinnacle     an annual fee and sometimes a joining
                                                 of tournaments. A day out at Wimbledon         fee or a debenture. ey are high-end

             RU G BY FAC T S
                                                 is a sporting and social necessity for any     pricewise and range in waiting times.
                                                 tennis fan. Last year, nearly a half million   ree popular tennis clubs in central
       e home of English rugby is               people attended e Championship, as it’s       London with indoor courts are:
                 Twickenham.                     officially known. Tennis is intrinsically
                                                                                                Ealing Lawn Tennis Club
       Scotland’s home is Murrayfield.
                                                 linked to a British summer with its straw-
                                                 berries and cream and jugs of Pimm’s.
   Wales’ is the Principality stadium previ-     Royal patronage underlies Wimbledon’s          Campden Hill Lawn Tennis Club
   ously known as the Millenium Stadium          standing as a major event; everyone from       www.chltc.co.uk
                                                                                                Queen’s Club
                                                 the Queen down in the Royal Family has
   Rugby union is played in more than            paid a visit.

                                                 Want to play?
     70 countries around the world.                                                             www.queensclub.co.uk
  e same whistle is used to kick off the                                                        Most public tennis clubs offer group les-
   opening game of every Rugby World             Outdoor tennis courts are available in         sons, with a combination of women’s
  Cup tournament. e whistle is named            nearly any park. Look them up on your          only, men’s only, and mixed drills ses-
  after Gil Evans, the Welsh referee over-       local council park’s website or on the Lawn    sions at various levels. Cardio tennis with
   seeing a match between England and            Tennis Association’s (LTA) website             its fast-paced tennis drills and music is
           New Zealand in 1905.                  www.lta.org.uk under ‘Find a court’. For       also a popular option
     London Irish, Welsh and Scottish            some popular park courts in central            In the Play section on the LTA website
  rugby clubs are all London teams made          London try www.willtowin.co.uk and
                                                 Battersea Park
                                                                                                www.lta.org.uk/play you can book into
    up originally of Scottish, Welsh and                                                        play in local tennis leagues, training ses-
        Irish men living in London.              www.batterseapark.org/info/what-to-            sions, and social Tuesdays with players of
                                                 do/sports/tennis                               your standard
   Every year from 1872 there has been
                                                                                                Local Tennis Leagues services provide op-
  an Oxford v Cambridge rugby match.             ere are a few indoor pay and play courts
     Since 1921 it has been played at            in London including:
                                                                                                portunities for groups.
                                                 Westway Sports & Fitness Centre                www.localtennisleagues.com. Tennis Jeanie
                                                 www.everyoneactive.com/activity/tennis         www.tennisjeannie.com are two others

www.focus-info.org                                                                                                  FOCUS The Magazine 5
BOX ING                                         F O OTB AL L
Boxing has been popular in Britain for                                                                   G O L F L ANG UAG E
                                                                                                             DEC O DED
                                                e English Premier League is the best in
centuries and it provides the perfect exam-     the world, the teams that dominate it and
ple of a global sport with British roots.
                                                                                                       Birdie – one shot below par
                                                their high-profile players are the rock stars
Any boxing fan knows it’s governed by the       of sport. You can go pretty much anywhere
Marquess of Queensbury Rules, the code          in the world and see someone with a                    Eagle – two shots below par
                                                                                                    Albatross – or double eagle, three
used in boxing in everywhere. ese regu-        Manchester United, Arsenal or Chelsea
lations, codified in 1867 in London, in-         football club shirt on. Premier League
cludes things like the use of ‘fair-size                                                                     shots below par
                                                matches are beamed around the world and
gloves’, waiting in the corner for a count of   most stadiums are sold out each week from          Par – the standard score for either a
ten if your opponent is knocked down and        August to May. But it’s not all top level.              hole or the whole course
                                                                                                    Putt – a shot played on the green.
a ban on shoes or boots with springs in the     ere are three other leagues in England,
ring. Boxing has never been bigger than it
                                                                                                           Drive – a long shot
                                                four in Scotland and a Premier League in
is now. Arenas around the country sell out      Wales. Naturally, in a football-mad coun-
regularly and British world title holders are   try, there is no shortage of ways to get in-        Green – specially prepared grass
the norm these days, not the exception.         volved and play.                                             around the hole

                                                Want to play?
Most of the revenue for boxing promoters,
about 70%, comes from ticket sales not
                                                South London Football Network
broadcast fees, making it a very popular
live spectator sport.                           www.slfn.co.uk has teams playing week-         GOLF
   Some of boxing’s most famous names in-       nights and weekends. You can join and
clude Brits Nicola Adams, the first woman                                                       ere’s a saying that “golf is a good walk
                                                play an informal but well-organised match      spoilt” but don’t tell that to the tens of
to win an Olympic boxing title in 2012;
                                                or join an 11 a side league team and play      thousands of people who play the game
Chris Eubank, almost as famous for his ec-
                                                on weekends. Just book and play when you       every year in this country. Britain has the
centric taste in attire and cars and Henry
                                                want; sessions can be anything from seven      oldest golf course in the world and while
Cooper who faced off against Muhammed
                                                a side to full 11 a side depending on how      the game may have been invented else-
Ali at Highbury Stadium in 1963 and
                                                many people book.                              where, it was perfected in Scotland. St
again in 1966.
                                                Footy Addicts is a social platform that al-
                                                                                               Andrews is without a doubt the home of
Want to play?                                   lows users to find or organise matches
                                                                                               golf and has been for the past 600 years.
                                                                                               e 18 rounds played today were devised
York Hall in Bethnal Green is known as the      based on postcode. www.footyaddicts.com        on this historic course in the late 1700s.
home of British boxing. You can catch           London FA has more than 1,000 adult               e Open, one of the four major golf
boxing matches at this early 20th               teams including women’s. Find out how to       championships and also the oldest, is
century multipurpose indoor area and            join here: www.londonfa.com                    played every year. It’s the only one of those
leisure centre.
                                                Power Play organises five, seven and 11 a
                                                                                               four major tournaments to be played out-
www.bettervenues.org.uk/venues/york-hall                                                       side of the US and it’s always played in
Balham Boxing Club is open to all ages and
                                                side matches after work at locations           Britain. Opens traditionally are played on
                                                around the country. Find them here:            courses that are no more than one mile
abilities.                                      www.powerplay.co.uk/football.                  from the sea. ey’re known as links
www.smokincherry.wixsite.com/bbc1                                                              courses – the original type of golf course,
All Stars Boxing Gym is located in a Grade                                                     unmanicured and built on grass covered
II listed church on Harrow Road, west                                                          sand dunes. ey tend to be rougher, more
London. www.allstars-gym.co.uk                                                                 wild type of courses and much preferred by

London Fight Factory has classes all week
                                                                                               golf purists.

and on weekends too at their Old Street
gym www.londonfightfactory.com

6 FOCUS The Magazine July/August 2019                                                                                    www.focus-info.org
“According to Deloitte, 74.5 million tickets for professional sporting events were sold in Britain in 2017.”

Want to play?
Richmond Park has two courses, one shorter
and slightly easier than the other.
Dukes Meadow has a nine-hole course as
well as a teaching academy.
St Andrew’s – the home of golf. www.stan-                                                                  Commonwealth countries from Pakistan
drews.com.                                                                                                 and India to Australia and the West Indies.
Holland Park Golf School – learn to play
                                                                                                           e language around the game can be as
golf in the middle of London.                                                                              baffling as the multitude of matches and
www.hollandparkgolf.co.uk                                                                                  tournaments. ere are test matches,
                                                                                                           county cricket, international one days, lim-
                                                                                                           ited overs and Twenty20 cricket. And that’s
                                                                                                           before you get to the terminology.
Netball is without a doubt a sport unique                                                                     e spiritual home of cricket is the
to Britain and countries with strong his-                                                                  MCC, or Marylebone Cricket Club. It’s
toric British ties such as Australia and New    only downside to playing netball for years                 the world’s most active club and the
Zealand. It’s hugely popular in schools         is “you can never have nice nails. ey                     guardian of the games rules. e MCC’s
here so if you have a child in a British        have to be short and are checked by um-                    famous grounds are Lord’s in St John’s
school, chances are she’ll be playing netball   pires every match.”                                        Wood and on important match days you

                                                Want to play?
at some point.                                                                                             see throngs of men in distinctive red and
   But it’s not just for kids and it’s more                                                                yellow club ties marching along to the
                                                Check out the North London Netball
than just a school sport. It’s one of the                                                                  ground. London’s other major cricket
                                                League for 27 clubs with teams of all levels
fastest growing sports among women who                                                                     ground is the Oval, home of Surrey
loved the game growing up and have been                                                                    County Cricket Club.
                                                playing Broomfield Park London N13
spurred on by the success of the English                                                                      e Ashes is cricket’s biggest competi-
                                                from September to May. www.nlnl.co.uk
national team. ey won Commonwealth                                                                        tion in this country and it’s played every
gold last year and there’s great excitement     Netbusters runs leagues and teams all over                 two years. e term originated in a satirical
for them at this year’s World Cup held in       London. You can join as a team or as an                    British newspaper immediately after
Liverpool.                                      individual. www.netbusters.org                             Australia beat England at the Oval in
   Despite its image of being a “wimpier                                                                   1882. e paper ran spoof obituary stating
version of basketball” because of the whole     C R IC KET                                                 “English cricket had died and the ashes
not being allowed to move with the ball                                                                    taken to Australia.” e Ashes became as-
thing, netball is not for the faint hearted.    Cricket is the only sport in the world that                sociated with the match between England
It’s actually a fast and vicious game now.      breaks for tea in the middle of a match.                   and Australia and is one of sports oldest ri-
According to one committed player, the          at alone surely qualifies it as quintessen-                valries between two nations.
                                                tially British. e sport originated in

    NETB AL L IN A NUT SH EL L                                                                                 BIG EVENTS THIS S U MMER
                                                Britain in a 13th century ballgame and
                                                spread around the world thanks to Britain’s
                                                imperial past. It’s now a dominant sport in
    A match is split into four quarters                                                                             July 2–31 Women’s Ashes
             of 15 minutes
                                                                                                             July 14 Men’s Cricket World Cup final
  ere are seven players who each have
                                                                                                                          July 12–21
  their own position and can only move
                                                                                                                 Netball World Cup, Liverpool
        in certain areas of the court
                                                                                                                        July 18–21
 Only two players – the goal shooter and
                                                                                                                  e Open golf championship
  the goal attack – can score and they
                                                                                               The Ashes

   must be inside the goal semi-circle                                                                         August 1–September 16 e Ashes
   Players are not allowed to run when                                                                                      August 6
     they are in possession of the ball                                                                         Kia Super League women’s cricket

 With contributions from Gary Griffiths, Stella Williamson and others

www.focus-info.org                                                                                                               FOCUS The Magazine 7
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