Researching at the A practical guide to the premises and facilities - A.Y. 2018/2019

Page created by Arthur Clark
Researching at the A practical guide to the premises and facilities - A.Y. 2018/2019
A.Y. 2018/2019

          Researching at the
Department of Political and Social Sciences
   A practical guide to the premises and facilities

                                     Servizio attività didattiche
                                     e supporto alla ricerca
                                     Polo fiorentino

                                     Last update: September 2018
1. PREMISES AND STAFF                       Research Centres and Groups:

      The Department of Political           Centre on Social Movement
and Social Sciences is one of the           Studies (COSMOS)
three academic branches of the              Director
Scuola Normale Superiore and is             Prof. Donatella Della Porta
located in Palazzo Strozzi, Florence.
On the 5th floor, which is
entirely occupied by the Depart-
ment, there are the conference hall
                                            Administrative offices:
“l’Altana”, the classrooms, the li-
brary, the pc room and also the pro-        Area Polo Fiorentino (APF):
fessors and researchers’ offices. The
research fellows and staff’s rooms          APF Manager:
are located both on the 5th floor           Luca Tinucci
and 1st mezzanine floor.
                                            Servizio attività didattiche e
    The Department’s          opening       supporto alla ricerca del Polo
hours are the following:                    Palazzo Strozzi – 5th floor

     Monday-Friday, 8 am-8 pm               This Service is in charge of coordi-
                                            nating the teaching activities and
Contacts                                    provides support to the research
                                            activities carried out at the Institute.
Department of Political and Social          Besides, it provides assistance to
Sciences                                    the Dean with regard to the institu-
Palazzo Strozzi, piazza degli Strozzi       tional activities, the functioning and
50123 – Florence, Italy                     the management of the Depart-
+ 39 055 26 73 301                          ment’s Faculty Board.
+ 39 055 26 73 350 (fax)
Dean                                        Rossella Mondani (Manager)
Prof. Donatella Della Porta                 Serenella Bertocci                 Michela Cappellini
Vice-Dean                                   Gianluca Cini
Prof. Lorenzo Mosca                         Giulia Gambacciani

E-mail:                                       chart                      (
Servizio eventi e gestione del Polo           2018/org_ammne_centrale_14.09.1
Palazzo Strozzi – 5th floor                   8.pdff) and to the “Contact Search”
                                              tool available on the website of the
This Service carries out secretarial
tasks for the Dean of the Depart-
ment and the Faculty members
and, in collaboration with the
Servizio comunicazione e relazioni            2. SERVICES AND OPPORTU-
esterne, is in charge of the organisa-           NITIES
tion of the institutional activities
and of some seminars held at the              SNS card
Department. It is also responsible
for the management and coordina-                    The SNS card is necessary in
tion of the reception and accom-              order to benefit from certain ser-
modation services for the teaching            vices offered by the Scuola, e.g. ac-
staff and the students of the De-             cess to the Library and the canteen
partment in close cooperation with            in Pisa as well as to the book loan
the “Servizio ristorazione, collegi e         (see the section “Libraries and book
ospitalità”. Lastly, it is in charge of       loan”). Besides, it can be used to
the logistic activities and of the in-        access the Department during its
ternal mail system of the Depart-             opening hours (8 am-8 pm).
                                                    With regard to the card issue,
Staff:                                        please contact the Servizio attività
                                              didattiche e supporto alla ricerca.
Federica Codegone (Manager)
                                              The card is released upon provid-
Alberta Bacchelli
                                              ing a passport size colour photo.
Valentina Morozzi

E-mail:                                       Research Fellows’s access to the                students’ canteens in Florence

     For further information about                 The Research fellows of the
the    offices   based    in   Pisa           Department can access the Floren-
please refer to the organisation              tine students’ canteens run by
                                              the Azienda della Regione Toscana

per il Diritto allo Studio Universitar-       community. Also notices, calls and
io (DSU Toscana).                             further information are available on
                                              this page. Besides, it is possible to
     To this purpose, it is required a        find several links to other internal or
card released by the following offic-         external webpages. See, in particu-
es of DSU Toscana upon submission             lar, the section concerning regula-
of your SNS card and a valid ID:              tions (“Comunicazione interna”) and
                                              the list of the internal links leading
   Servizio Sportello Unico - Viale
                                              to the main on-line services offered
    Morgagni, n.51 at the Residen-
                                              by the Scuola (pay slip, UGOV, Help
    za universitaria "Calamandrei"
                                              Desk service, Sportello Servizi di
   -Servizio Sportello Unico - Via
                                              Segreteria della Scuola Normale Su-
    Miele, n. 3 at the Residenza
                                              periore –
    universitaria "Caponnetto"
                                                   It is possible to contribute to
      To know the opening hours of
                                              the contents of the webpage “SNS
the above offices and for further
                                              Informa”, in case these concern is-
information about the service
                                              sues of general interest or related
(costs, canteens’ addresses etc.)
                                              to the Scuola’s Services. To this
please check the relevant section
                                              end, please send an e-mail to in-
   of the DSU Toscana website
                                    , mentioning in the
                                              subject field “Segnalazione ad In-
                                              forma”, together with a summary
                                              of the content and the source of the
     For administrative support
                                              information (in case there is one).
from the Scuola, please contact the
                                              The proposals will be evaluated be-
Servizio eventi e gestione del Polo
                                              fore an eventual publication; they
                                              can concern information, updating,
                                              events, documents, newsletters,
SNS informa – Sistema informati-
                                              deeds, etc., anything useful to share
vo di Ateneo
                                              that could improve SNS services and
     The main purpose of the                  work.
web       page    “SNS      Informa”
( is
to provide information on several
topics of interest for the Scuola’s

SNS account and technical                       pay slip, Ser.Se portal and Virtual
support for the services supplied                    Private Network (VPN) – using the
                                1                    same log-in credentials.
by the Digital strategies Staff

     The use of digital services at                       The e-mail service of the Scuo-
Scuola Normale needs authentica-                     la is supplied through the Google
tion through the institutional ac-                   Apps for Education platform. The
count, which is free for all                 Scuola supplies all its users with the
those who are formally engaged                       set of applications and services in-
with the Scuola. With the exception                  cluded in this platform: Calendar,
of homonymy cases, the account is                    Groups, Drive, etc. The e-mail ac- and, thanks                      count is usually disabled one year
to the use of integrated systems, it                 after the end of the last formal re-
allows enabled users to access the                   lationship with the Scuola. Once
various services of the Scuola - such                the account is disabled, all the mes-
as e-mail, wifi (including Eduroam 2),               sages are deleted. It is recommend-
                                                     ed to make a copy of the e-mail box,
  The Area Strategie Digitali (Digital strate-       forwarding the messages to another
gies Staff) of the Scuola Normale Superiore          account 3.
manages the IT resources and supplies
services and technical support to IT activi-               A    Help      Desk      service
ties of the Scuola in the field of research,
teaching and administration. It is the result        ( is available
of the synergy between the Servizio infra-           for assistance on the hardware,
strutture informatiche (SII) and the Servizio
                                                     software and on the other services
sistemi informativi (SSI).
2                                                    supplied by the Digital strategies
  Eduroam (Education Roaming) provides a
safe wifi access to mobile University and            staff (Area Strategie Digitali) of the
Research staff all over the world. Guest             Scuola. 4
users visiting an organization participating
in the Eduroam initiative (as the Scuola
Normale) can access the local wirless
                                                     service (Servizi informatici di Ateneo - Area
network (WLAN) through the same wifi
                                                     Strategie Digitali (
profile and set of credentials provided              3
                                                       It is recommended to refer to Gmail
 by their home institution without the               online support service before starting the
need for guest account management. For               procedure.
example, SNS users visiting another partic-             The access by ticket is possible through
ipating institution can use their SNS cre-           any web browser (for example Internet
dentials to access the Host institution’s            Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari),
Eduroam network. For further information             in different ways if you have or not log-in
please refer to the website of the SNS IT            SNS credentials.

To ease internal communica-                  Any information related to
tion, the Scuola has created a num-           CVs, research interests and other
ber of mailing lists, one for each            activities carried out at the Depart-
personnel                        group        ment        can      be       notified
(       to using the appro-
titutionallist). In case you have not         priate forms. Please refer to the
been included into your mailing               same address to advise any correc-
list/s, please contact the “Servizio          tion or integration.
attività didattiche e supporto alla
ricerca” (Didactic services office)           SNS business cards
based in Florence or the Help Desk,
                                                   Professors, short and long
following the previous instructions.
                                              term researchers, scholars of the
      For further information about           Department can ask for SNS busi-
the services of the Area Strategie            ness cards.
Digitali,     please     see    the
                                                   To this end, it is necessary to
                                              provide the following data to
                                              the Servizio attività didattiche e
Personal data in the web page of
                                              supporto alla ricerca del Polo:
the Department of Political and
Social Sciences                                 name and surname
                                                academic role
                    At            the
                                                contact numbers (landline
                                                 and/or mobile)
                                                fax machine
                                                e-mail @sns
1 it is possible to view the Depart-
                                                quantity
ment’s researchers and the post-
docs’ profiles, including information         Libraries and book loan
concerning their CVs, contact details
, research interests and eventual                  You need the SNS badge to en-
publications.                                 ter the library in Pisa. All the infor-
                                              mation about the library service is
                                              available            at            the
                                              webpage There
For further information, please check
                                              is a library also in the Florentine
the Area Strategie Digitali website
(                        premises of the Scuola, accessible

also without the badge. It is possi-          Inter-library book loan
ble to book books following the in-
structions below.                               Inter-library book loan is man-
                                            aged only by the Library in Pisa. Re-
General instructions                        quests must be sent to:

  Book loan                                Book loan procedure at the De-
                                            partment of Political and Social
     If you have an SNS badge you           Sciences
can loan books in our library.
                                            Staff in charge: Serenella Bertocci,
     You can borrow up to 10 books          Michela Cappellini, Giulia Gambac-
for 2 months: the loan can be ex-           ciani.
tended for one month longer.
                                            Contact email address:
      In case of books excluded from
the loan (excepting those men-
tioned at art. 5 of the Library Regu-       Opening hours: Monday to Friday,
lations), it is possible to resort to       9.30-15.30
the evening/Sunday loan: books
must be returned the day after, by
11 a.m.. Also in this case you can
borrow a maximum of 10 books.
                                              How to search a book
  Books return
                                                  From the Homepage of the Li-
     Everyone is kindly requested to
                                             brary website
respect the deadline of the book
                                             click on “Search” in order to
loan, not to be excluded from the
                                             search a book and to check
book loan service. Unless the bor-
                                             its availability and feasibility to the
rowed book has been reserved
by someone else, it is possible to
extend the loan for one more                  Book loan
                                                 Requests must be sent to
  Newly arrived books              In the
                                             message users are supposed to
     Newly arrived books are dis-
                                             indicate clearly the title, the
played for 15 days.

author and the book allocation.                    The     Scuola’s    regulation
 Requests sent within 12pm                    on       the     off-site  activities
  will be met by 3.30 of the                  (
  same day. Requests sent after               es/normativa/31-10-
  12pm will be met by the end                 2017/regmissionida01112017web.p
  of the following day. The staff in          df) allows the Scuola’s Faculty, re-
 charge will inform when to                   searchers, and other subjects affili-
 collect the item/s.                          ated with the Scuola (including
                                              post-doc fellows) to carry out their
  How to return books                        activities also outside the usual
                                              work premises. In this case, it is
    Books must be returned by the
                                              necessary the authorization of the
 due date only to the staff in
                                              manager of those funds that will
                                              cover the costs.
  How to reserve books
                                                    Expenses are refunded on an
    Users can reserve books by                analytical basis. These include all
 accessing their profile from the             travel, accommodation, meals and
 Search page of the Library                   any costs met during the off-site
 website. The staff is available for          activity, provided that all expendi-
 any questions.                               tures are duly documented.

     For any further information,                  The procedure to obtain the
 users are invited to check the               authorization,         and      then
 link:       to claim the refund can be
 zi/                                          entirely managed by the users
                                              through the service “Sportello
                                              Servizi di Segreteria” of the Scuola
Books purchasing                              Normale Superiore –
     The Scuola encourages to ad-
vance proposals to purchase new                     Refund claims shall be submit-
books. This is possible through the           ted, together with all the necessary
on-line form available at the page:           documents, within 45 days from the           end of the off-site activity. In case of
ta_acquisti.                                  paper documents, these shall be
                                              sent to the “Ufficio Missioni” to-
Off-site activities

gether with the authorization and                   For any information and
the refund claim form (both can be              support,           please   contact
downloaded from                        the Servizio attività didattiche e
                                                supporto alla ricerca.
     The Service in charge of paying
off the refunds is the “Servizio                Direct purchase of      goods
bilancio e contabilità”. For any in-            and    services carried   out
formation, you are invited to send              notwithstanding the ordinary
an email to:              procedure

Purchases with research funds                         As communicated in a note by
                                                the Manager of the Area Didattica,
     Full professors, permanent and
                                                Ricerca and Approvvigionamenti,
temporary research fellows, post
                                                the Faculty, research and post-doc
doc fellows and other subjects affil-
                                                fellows, and other subjects affiliated
iated to the Scuola can request to
                                                to the Scuola, can directly purchase
purchase goods and services using
                                                goods and services when the ordi-
the funds related to a specific re-
                                                nary procedure does not guarantee
search project.
                                                the completion of the activity in due
     The authorisation of the pur-              time. The subjects will then be re-
chase must come from the manager                funded by the Scuola. This proce-
of the funds and the Servizio ricerca           dure is possible to purchase just the
e trasferimento (SRT) shall validate            following services:
                                                  Editing/reviewing and publish-
     The purchase request consists                   ing on specializing journals, in-
in filling the appropriate form,                     cluding any related activities;
available on the platform                  Bibliographic material bought
( It is possible            at a reasonable cost during the
to log in the portal through the ID                  off site activity, if it is strictly
and password used to enter the SNS                   necessary; reproduction and
email.               At               the            binding, as long as the service
link             is meant for the Scuola.
les/materiali/Manuale            acquisti
SerSE.pdf it is possible to view the                 In order to get the refund,
guidelines for filling the above men-            please note that:
tioned form.

 Goods and services must be re-              the applicant) and by the Man-
   lated to the relevant study and            ager of the Area Didattica, Ri-
   research activities and their              cerca and Approvvigionamenti;
   cost     shall be inferior to             The expenditure shall be duly
   €1.000,00;                                 documented.
 It is necessary to explain the
                                                For any information, please
   reasons for purchasing not-
                                           contact the Servizio attività didatti-
   withstanding the ordinary pro-
                                           che e supporto alla ricerca.
   cedure. To this regard, the
   Manager has clarified that this
                                           Financing opportunities for re-
   kind of purchase may be al-
                                           search activities
   lowed in the following cases:
   -    When publications are                     On the Scuola’s website there
        highly useful during the off       is a section looked after by the
        site activity period and in        Servizio ricerca e trasferimento
        the place where it is being        tecnologico, called “Opportunità e
        carried out, due to the sci-       Finanziamenti” (https://www.sns.
        entific context or because,        it/ricerca/opportunità-e-finanziame
        in that moment, it is easier       nti), which aims to inform about the
        and cheaper to find them;          opportunities to finance the re-
   -    when the choice of the             search projects of the Scuola Nor-
        service to purchase, of the        male.
        provider and of the price
                                                 In the section “Bandi e scaden-
        does not require the au-
                                           ze per la Ricerca” it is possible to
        thorization of the office
                                           find calls of the Scuola and calls is-
        neither does it need to be
                                           sued by other institutions. For the
        done through a public se-
                                           first ones it is available a summary
                                           description containing all the refer-
   -   when direct purchases are
                                           ences to the official source; for the
       quicker and guarantee the
                                           second ones, it is possible to find:
       full execution of the activi-
                                           the pdf text of the call, the attach-
                                           ments and the application form.
 Cost covering must be verified;
 The purchase shall be author-                 Besides, it is possible to spot a
  ized by the fund manager (in             specific call by visiting the pages
  case he or she is other than

dedicated to the single funding               (for extra-European program-
programmes through the following              mes)

  “Programmi nazionali” (“Na-
   tional Programmes”)
  “Programmi europei” (“Euro-
   pean Programmes”)
  “Programmi extraeuropei”
   (extra-European Programmes”)
  ”Finaziamenti interni” (funding
   opportunities provided by SNS)

      Among the highlighted in-
depth contents of the section “Op-
portunità e Finanziamenti”, are the
links of the Scuola’s regulations, in-
cluding those related to the financ-
ing of the research activities
(“Regolamenti per la ricerca”) and a
page dedicated to the procedure for
submitting financing requests to
external subjects.

     For any information about the
content of the section “Opportunità
e Finanziamenti”, you are invited to
contact the Servizio ricerca and
trasferimento tecnologico, at the
following email addresses:

   (for the Scuola’s, national and
   extra-European research pro-

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