ACIP Woodland High School - Randolph County Board of Education - Randolph County School System

Page created by Pauline Wolfe
ACIP Woodland High School - Randolph County Board of Education - Randolph County School System

                              Woodland High School
                      Randolph County Board of Education

                                             Mr. Brett Waites
                                            24574 Highway 48
                                          Woodland, AL 36280-5250

Document Generated On November 28, 2018

Executive Summary

Introduction                                           2

Description of the School                              3

School's Purpose                                       4

Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvement          5

Additional Information                                 6

Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement

Introduction                                           8

Improvement Planning Process                           9

Student Performance Diagnostic

Introduction                                          11

Student Performance Data                              12

Evaluative Criteria and Rubrics                       13

Areas of Notable Achievement                          14

Areas in Need of Improvement                          15

Report Summary                                        16

ACIP Assurances
Introduction                                                                                                           18

ACIP Assurances                                                                                                        19

ACIP 2018-2019

Overview                                                                                                               21

Goals Summary                                                                                                          22
 Goal 1: The staff and students at Woodland High School recognize a need to ensure the safety of the school and all
 students. Safety as a priority is the first essential element of having a conducive learning environment.             23
 Goal 2: Students at Woodland High School will demonstrate an increase in Math proficiency based on Scantron
 Performance Series results and ACT testing outcomes by teaching CCRS through whole and small group instruction
 Goal 3: At Woodland High School parental involvement will be increased by providing additional activities and
 opportunities to engage families before, during, and after school to establish a positive relationship between the home
 and school connection.                                                                                                24
 Goal 4: Students at Woodland High School will demonstrate an increase in reading proficiency based on Scantron
 Performance Series results by teaching CCRS through whole and small group instruction                                 25

Activity Summary by Funding Source                                                                                     27

Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic

Introduction                                                                                                           29

Stakeholder Feedback Data                                                                                              30

Evaluative Criteria and Rubrics                                                                                        31

Areas of Notable Achievement                                                                                           32

Areas in Need of Improvement                                                                                           33

Report Summary                                                                                                         34

Title I Schoolwide Diagnostic
Introduction                                                                                36

Component 1: Comprehensive Needs Assessment (Sec.1114(b)(6))                                37

Component 2: Schoolwide Reform Strategies (Sec. 1114(7)(A)(i)(ii)(iii)(I)(II)(III))         39

Component 3: Instruction by Qualified Staff (Sec.1112(c)(6))                                48

Component 4: Strategies to Attract Qualified Teachers (Sec. 1114(7)(A)(iii)(IV))            49

Component 5: High Quality and Ongoing Professional Development (Sec. 1114(7)(A)(iii)(IV))   50

Component 6: Transition Strategies (Sec.1114(7)(A)(iii)(V))                                 51

Component 7: Teacher Participation in Making Assessment Decisions (Sec.1114(b)(2))          53

Component 8: Timely and Additional Assistance to Students Having Difficulty Mastering the
Standards (Sec.1114 (7)(A))                                                                 54

Component 9: Coordination and Integration of Federal, State and Local Programs and Resources
(Sec.1114(b)(V))                                                                             56

Component 10: Evaluation (Sec.1114(b)(3)):                                                  57

Coordination of Resources - Comprehensive Budget

Introduction                                                                                59

FTE Teacher Units                                                                           60

Administrator Units                                                                         61

Assistant Principal                                                                         62

Counselor                                                                                   63

Librarian                                                                                   64

Career and Technical Education Administrator                                                65

Career and Technical Education Counselor                                                    66
Technology                                  67

Professional Development                    68

EL Teachers                                 69

Instructional Supplies                      70

Library Enhancement                         71

Title I                                     72

Title II                                    73

Title III                                   74

Title IV                                    75

Title V                                     76

Career and Technical Education-Perkins IV   77

Career and Technical Education-Perkins IV   78

Other                                       79

Local Funds                                 80

Parent and Family Engagement

Introduction                                82

Parent and Family Engagement                83
Woodland High School

                                       Executive Summary

SY 2018-2019                                                                                        Page 1
© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Woodland High School


Every school has its own story to tell. The context in which teaching and learning takes place influences the processes and procedures by
which the school makes decisions around curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The context also impacts the way a school stays faithful
to its vision. Many factors contribute to the overall narrative such as an identification of stakeholders, a description of stakeholder
engagement, the trends and issues affecting the school, and the kinds of programs and services that a school implements to support student

The purpose of the Executive Summary (ES) is to provide a school with an opportunity to describe in narrative form the strengths and
challenges it encounters. By doing so, the public and members of the school community will have a more complete picture of how the school
perceives itself and the process of self-reflection for continuous improvement. This summary is structured for the school to reflect on how it
provides teaching and learning on a day to day basis.

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Woodland High School

                                                    Description of the School

Describe the school's size, community/communities, location, and changes it has experienced in the last three years. Include
demographic information about the students, staff, and community at large. What unique features and challenges are associated
with the community/communities the school serves?

Woodland High School is a 7-12 school located in rural Randolph County in East Alabama. We have 272 students that are in grades 7
through 12. The primary economic activity in the local community is agriculture. The school serves a community with a poverty rate of 53%.
45% of students who attend WHS receive free or reduced meals. The demographic composition of the student body at WHS is 90%
Caucasian, 6% African American, and 4% other.

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Woodland High School

                                                          School's Purpose

Provide the school's purpose statement and ancillary content such as mission, vision, values, and/or beliefs. Describe how the
school embodies its purpose through its program offerings and expectations for students.

The mission statement of Woodland High School is: "Working together to empower all students to be self-sufficient, lifelong learners and
achievers". The purpose of WHS is to provide an education to students that will allow them to be successful in college or a career that they
choose. We offer students opportunities to obtain credentials through career tech classes. Some students have obtained ASE, Servesafe,
and other credentials. Students also have dual enrollment opportunities and take college courses and earn college credits. Students have
also taken classes through the local community college and earned a certification.

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Woodland High School

                                  Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvement

Describe the school's notable achievements and areas of improvement in the last three years. Additionally, describe areas for
improvement that the school is striving to achieve in the next three years.

Our school system achieved system-wide accreditation. We also increased our technology capacity by upgrading our infrastructure. As a
result of this improvement, we were able to use federal funds to purchase Chromebooks for student use. Every student has access to an
internet capable device that may be used in any class. We now have a one-to-one student to Chromebook ratio. All of these efforts are to
increase student achievement in all subject areas. We are also working to close the achievement gap between regular and special education
students as well.

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                                                       Additional Information

Provide any additional information you would like to share with the public and community that were not prompted in the previous

Fundraising activities are an integral part of our school operations and are required to meet the needs of the daily functions of the school.

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Woodland High School

       Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement

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The responses should be brief, descriptive, and appropriate for the specific section. It is recommended that the responses are written offline
and then transferred into the sections below.

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Woodland High School

                                                Improvement Planning Process

Improvement Planning Process

Describe the process used to engage a variety of stakeholders in the development of the institution's improvement plan. Include
information on how stakeholders were selected and informed of their roles, and how meetings were scheduled to accommodate

Stakeholders are invited to open house at the beginning of the school year (as well as all other school activities). Parents who wished to
volunteer signed a list to volunteer. These parents were invited to serve on the Title 1 and CIP committees. Meetings were scheduled after
coordinating with parent schedules. At the initial CIP meeting for the 2018-2019 school year, data was reviewed and goals were set.

Describe the representations from stakeholder groups that participated in the development of the improvement plan and their
responsibilities in this process.

Stakeholders involved in the development of the improvement plan were parents, teachers, school-level administrators and system level
administrators. Parents expressed their concerns and all members of the committee worked to develop strategies to address all issues
arising from data and stakeholder input.

Explain how the final improvement plan was communicated to all stakeholders, and the method and frequency in which
stakeholders receive information on its progress.

The final CIP is communicated to stakeholders at a scheduled meeting after school hours. A link to the CIP is on the school website and
paper copies are kept in the media center and in the main office of the school.

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Woodland High School

                     Student Performance Diagnostic

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Woodland High School


The Student Performance Diagnostic provides an institution with a process to report summative student assessments. This diagnostic is
significant to the accreditation and continuous improvement process as it serves as a resource for schools to view content area assessment
results required by the state, district, or other entities, determine the quality and reliability of the given assessments, and show the alignment
of the assessments to the school's curriculum. The performance level computed at the completion of the diagnostic is used by the external
review team as a comprehensive report to understand fully the institution's assessment program; the diagnostic should be used in the same
manner by the institution as it engages in improvement planning.

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Woodland High School

                                                  Student Performance Data

Label                Assurance                                       Response     Comment           Attachment
1.                   Did you complete the Student Performance        Yes                            Student
                     Data document offline and upload below?                                        Performance

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Woodland High School

                                              Evaluative Criteria and Rubrics

Overall Rating: 3.0

                      Statement or Question                          Response                                         Rating
1.                    Assessment Quality                             The array of assessment devices used by the      Level 3
                                                                     institution to determine students' performances
                                                                     is sufficiently aligned so that valid inferences
                                                                     can be reached regarding students' status with
                                                                     respect to the majority of those curricular aims
                                                                     regarded as high-priority instructional targets.
                                                                     The documentation provided in support of this
                                                                     alignment is relatively persuasive. Most of the
                                                                     assessments used are accompanied by
                                                                     evidence demonstrating that they satisfy
                                                                     accepted technical requirements.

                      Statement or Question                          Response                                         Rating
2.                    Test Administration                            All the assessments used by the institution to   Level 4
                                                                     determine students' performances, whether
                                                                     externally acquired or internally developed,
                                                                     have been administered with complete fidelity
                                                                     to the administrative procedures appropriate for
                                                                     each assessment. In every instance, the
                                                                     students to whom these assessments were
                                                                     administered are accurately representative of
                                                                     the students served by the institution.
                                                                     Appropriate accommodations have been
                                                                     provided for all assessments so that valid
                                                                     inferences can be made about all students'
                                                                     status with respect to all of the institution's
                                                                     targeted curricular outcomes.

                      Statement or Question                          Response                                          Rating
3.                    Quality of Learning                            Evidence of student learning promoted by the      Level 3
                                                                     institution is acceptably analyzed and presented
                                                                     with reasonable clarity. In comparison to
                                                                     institutions functioning in a similar educational
                                                                     context, students' status, improvement, and/or
                                                                     growth evidence indicates that the level of
                                                                     student learning is at or above what would
                                                                     otherwise be expected.

                      Statement or Question                          Response                                    Rating
4.                    Equity of Learning                             Evidence of student learning indicates      Level 2
                                                                     achievement gaps exist among subpopulations
                                                                     of students, and these achievement gaps
                                                                     demonstrate a modest decline.

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Woodland High School

                                                 Areas of Notable Achievement

Which area(s) are above the expected levels of performance?

While all scores fall in the mid to low range, the scores in science have stayed in a consistent mid-range area that shows a good use of state
standards in teaching all science courses.

Describe the area(s) that show a positive trend in performance.

There has been a positive trend in the use of technology. All classrooms have a chrome book cart and an overhead projector with a smart
board. Teachers and students are integrating google classroom in many lessons as the primary form of instruction.

Which area(s) indicate the overall highest performance?

The 7th-grade math in the scantron had the highest score on the most recent testing data.

Which subgroup(s) show a trend toward increasing performance?

The African American subgroup showed 4 out of 5 met the reading target score.

Between which subgroups is the achievement gap closing?

Scantron reading testing of the African American subgroup and the white subgroup.

Which of the above reported findings are consistent with findings from other data sources?

No other data sources available at this time.

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Woodland High School

                                                 Areas in Need of Improvement

Which area(s) are below the expected levels of performance?

Math scores school-wide fall in the average to below average range.

Describe the area(s) that show a negative trend in performance.

General math scores are below average.

Which area(s) indicate the overall lowest performance?

Math scantron fro 7th and 8th grade show the lowest overall performance.

Which subgroup(s) show a trend toward decreasing performance?

4 out of 5 African Americans did not meet the math target goal.

Between which subgroups is the achievement gap becoming greater?

Scantron math testing between African American and White subgroups have become greater.

Which of the above reported findings are consistent with findings from other data sources?

No other data sources were available at this time.

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Woodland High School

                                                         Report Summary

                                                         Scores By Section
                                                                           Section Score
                                                     1                     2                        3   4

  Evaluative Criteria and Rubrics                                                                   3


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Woodland High School

                                           ACIP Assurances

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Woodland High School


By responding to the questions in ASSIST and attaching evidence when required, the institution has verified whether it meets or does not
meet each of the required ACIP Assurances.

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Woodland High School

                                                           ACIP Assurances

Label                Assurance                                           Response    Comment                            Attachment
1.                   The Instructional Leadership Team members           Yes                                            Leadership team
                     that should be present include the principal,                                                      Leadership Sign in
                     guidance counselor, district school                                                                Sheet
                     improvement specialist (or other designee),
                     appropriate content-area teachers, parent
                     representatives, and student representatives
                     (as appropriate). Depending on the data,
                     additional members may include special
                     population representatives (Technology
                     Coordinator, Special Education, EL, etc.),
                     district federal programs coordinator, district
                     chief school financial officer, community
                     stakeholders, or any other member as
                     appropriate. Documentation will be maintained
                     on site.

Label                Assurance                                            Response   Comment                            Attachment
2.                   The institution complies with all federal laws       Yes                                           Discrimination
                     and regulations prohibiting discrimination and                                                     Compliance
                     with all requirements and regulations of the
                     U.S. Department of Education. It is the policy of
                     this institution that no person on the basis of
                     race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry,
                     age, gender, height, weight, marital status or
                     disability shall be subjected to discrimination in
                     any program, service or activity for which the
                     institution is responsible, or for which it receives
                     financial assistance from the U.S. Department
                     of Education.

Label                Assurance                                           Response    Comment                            Attachment
3.                   The institution has designated an employee to       Yes         Scottie Patillo 195 Cynthia Cir.   Signature
                     coordinate efforts to comply with and carry out                 Roanoke, Al. 36274 (256) 452-
                     non-discrimination responsibilities. If yes, list               9220
                     the name, position, address and telephone
                     number of the employee in the comment field.

Label                Assurance                                          Response     Comment                            Attachment
4.                   The institution has a Parent and Family            Yes                                             Parent And Family
                     Engagement policy and plan as required in                                                          Engagement Policy
                     ESSA Section 1116, and ensures that all                                                            WHS Parent
                     requirements in Section 1116 and                                                                   Involvement
                     1112(e)(1)(A)(i)-(ii), Parents' Right-to-Know, are
                     implemented systematically.

Label                Assurance                                       Response        Comment                            Attachment
5.                   The institution has a School-Parent Compact. If Yes                                                Parent Compact
                     a Title I school, the School-Parent Compact
                     contains the required components (ESSA
                     Section 1116 (d) and was jointly developed with
                     parents of participating students.

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Woodland High School

                                             ACIP 2018-2019

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Woodland High School


Plan Name

ACIP 2018-2019

Plan Description

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Woodland High School

Goals Summary

The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section.

#      Goal Name                                                 Goal Details                       Goal Type               Total Funding
1      The staff and students at Woodland High School            Objectives:1                       Organizational          $0
       recognize a need to ensure the safety of the school       Strategies:2
       and all students. Safety as a priority is the first       Activities:2
       essential element of having a conducive learning
2      Students at Woodland High School will                     Objectives:1                       Organizational          $57217
       demonstrate an increase in Math proficiency based         Strategies:2
       on Scantron Performance Series results and ACT            Activities:2
       testing outcomes by teaching CCRS through whole
       and small group instruction
3       At Woodland High School parental involvement will        Objectives:1                       Organizational          $714
       be increased by providing additional activities and       Strategies:1
       opportunities to engage families before, during, and      Activities:1
       after school to establish a positive relationship
       between the home and school connection.
4      Students at Woodland High School will                     Objectives:1                       Organizational          $22720
       demonstrate an increase in reading proficiency            Strategies:1
       based on Scantron Performance Series results by           Activities:2
       teaching CCRS through whole and small group

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Woodland High School

Goal 1: The staff and students at Woodland High School recognize a need to ensure the safety of
the school and all students. Safety as a priority is the first essential element of having a
conducive learning environment.

Measurable Objective 1:
demonstrate a behavior The safety of the school will be increased by 05/31/2019 as measured by evidence of a safety survey.

Strategy 1:
School Nurse - A school nurse will help all students that have an emergency. The nurse will also help any students with any existing medical needs.

Category: Align Fiscal Resources
Research Cited: Observations, surveys, student medical data

Activity - training to faculty                                                    Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource     Source Of        Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned     Funding          Responsible
Provide training to faculty in the following medical areas: CPR, Epi pen,         Professional      08/07/2018   05/31/2019   $0           Title I Part A   School Nurse
Defibrillator, Lice, Seizures.                                                    Learning

Strategy 2:
security camera system - The school will be monitored by a security camera system that will allow School officials to view all areas of the campus.

Category: Align Fiscal Resources
Research Cited: Surveys, observations

Activity - Monitor the safety of the Campus                                       Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource     Source Of        Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned     Funding          Responsible
School Resource Officer and the administration will monitor cameras to            Other -           08/07/2018   05/31/2019   $0           Title I Part A   Principal.
ensure campus safety. Access to Cameras for other school personnel will           Security,                                                                 SRO,
also be provided on an as-needed basis.                                           Technology                                                                Assistant
                                                                                                                                                            Principal, All
                                                                                                                                                            staff as

Goal 2: Students at Woodland High School will demonstrate an increase in Math proficiency
based on Scantron Performance Series results and ACT testing outcomes by teaching CCRS
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Woodland High School

through whole and small group instruction

Measurable Objective 1:
demonstrate a proficiency by 60% of students in 7-8th grades and taking the Scantron making a minimum of one year worth of growth and/or meet end of year
Benchmarks by 05/31/2019 as measured by math assessments (SCANTRON and ACT)..

Strategy 1:
Math Intervention - The hiring of a math intervention teacher to help all students and especially those needing tier two and three instruction. A paraprofessional will be
hired to help the enrichment teacher and others with intervention and student achievement. Data will guide instructional decisions. Teachers will progress monitor for
intensive and strategic students that need additional help.
Category: Develop/Implement Learning Supports
Research Cited: SCANTRON, CCRS, pre- ACT, ACT

Activity - Assessments, Data Meetings                                             Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource       Source Of        Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned       Funding          Responsible
Monitor scantron and ACT scores to determine strengths and weaknesses Academic                      08/07/2018   05/31/2019   $0             No Funding       All content
with CCRS objectives.                                                 Support                                                                Required         area
                                                                      Program                                                                                 teachers.

Strategy 2:
Tiered Instruction - Instructional support will be provided from a math enrichment teacher, special education teachers, a paraprofessional, and principal to implement
and monitor tiered instruction.

Category: Develop/Implement Learning Supports
Research Cited: Instructional Support, scantron, ACT

Activity - Instructional Support                                                  Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource       Source Of        Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned       Funding          Responsible
Instructional Support, Create a title one class for math and reading support. Academic              08/07/2018   05/31/2019   $57217         Title I Part A   Title I
                                                                              Support                                                                         enrichment
                                                                              Program                                                                         teacher and a

Goal 3: At Woodland High School parental involvement will be increased by providing additional
activities and opportunities to engage families before, during, and after school to establish a
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Woodland High School

positive relationship between the home and school connection.

Measurable Objective 1:
increase student growth will be measured by recorded attendance and involvement increase by 05/31/2019 as measured by increased attendance at parental
involvement activities compared to previous years. .

Strategy 1:
Home to School Connections - Community Pep Rallies, Parent Information Night, Lunch and Learn, Science Technology Showcase, Parent Meetings, Communication
logs, Web Page, and App, Social Media

Category: Implement Community Based Support and Intervention System
Research Cited: Surveys

Activity - Parental Involvement                                                   Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource      Source Of        Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned      Funding          Responsible
Community Pep Rallies, Parent Information Night, Lunch and Learn,                 Parent            08/07/2018   05/31/2019   $714          Title I Part A   All Faculty
Science Technology Showcase, Parent Meetings, Communication logs,                 Involvement                                                                and staff
Web Page and App, Schoolcast, Social Media, Communication with

Goal 4: Students at Woodland High School will demonstrate an increase in reading proficiency
based on Scantron Performance Series results by teaching CCRS through whole and small group

Measurable Objective 1:
demonstrate a proficiency by 60% of students taking the Scantron in making a minimum of one year worth of growth by 05/31/2019 as measured by reading
assessment on the SCANTRON performance series test..

Strategy 1:
Tiered Instruction - - will be provided from special education teachers, a paraprofessional, and principal to implement and monitor tiered instruction.

Category: Develop/Implement Learning Supports
Research Cited: RTI, Scantron Testing

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Woodland High School

Activity - RTI                                                                    Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of        Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding          Responsible
RTI will be implemented and tier 2 and 3 instruction provided for areas of        Academic          08/07/2018   05/31/2019   $22720     Title I Part A   Lauren Ware
deficiency                                                                        Support                                                                 Paraprofessio
                                                                                  Program                                                                 nal

Activity - Reading Practice                                                       Activity Type     Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Source Of        Staff
                                                                                                                              Assigned   Funding          Responsible
Students will use Renaissance Learning/ Accelerated reader to extend              Academic          08/07/2018   05/31/2019   $0         Title I Part A   Lauren Ware
learning opportunities and grow student reading abilities.                        Support                                                                 paraprofessio
                                                                                  Program                                                                 nal

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Woodland High School

Activity Summary by Funding Source

Below is a breakdown of your activities by funding source

Title I Part A

Activity Name                    Activity Description                                               Activity Type   Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Staff
                                                                                                                                              Assigned   Responsible
Monitor the safety of the        School Resource Officer and the administration will monitor Other -                08/07/2018   05/31/2019   $0         Principal.
Campus                           cameras to ensure campus safety. Access to Cameras for Security,                                                        SRO,
                                 other school personnel will also be provided on an as-      Technology                                                  Assistant
                                 needed basis.                                                                                                           Principal, All
                                                                                                                                                         staff as
training to faculty               Provide training to faculty in the following medical areas:       Professional    08/07/2018   05/31/2019   $0         School Nurse
                                 CPR, Epi pen, Defibrillator, Lice, Seizures.                       Learning
Reading Practice                 Students will use Renaissance Learning/ Accelerated                Academic        08/07/2018   05/31/2019   $0         Lauren Ware
                                 reader to extend learning opportunities and grow student           Support                                              paraprofessio
                                 reading abilities.                                                 Program                                              nal
Instructional Support            Instructional Support, Create a title one class for math and       Academic        08/07/2018   05/31/2019   $57217     Title I
                                 reading support.                                                   Support                                              enrichment
                                                                                                    Program                                              teacher and a
Parental Involvement             Community Pep Rallies, Parent Information Night, Lunch             Parent          08/07/2018   05/31/2019   $714       All Faculty
                                 and Learn, Science Technology Showcase, Parent                     Involvement                                          and staff
                                 Meetings, Communication logs, Web Page and App,
                                 Schoolcast, Social Media, Communication with Parents
RTI                              RTI will be implemented and tier 2 and 3 instruction               Academic        08/07/2018   05/31/2019   $22720     Lauren Ware
                                 provided for areas of deficiency                                   Support                                              Paraprofessio
                                                                                                    Program                                              nal
                                                                                                                                 Total        $80651

No Funding Required

Activity Name                    Activity Description                                               Activity Type   Begin Date   End Date     Resource   Staff
                                                                                                                                              Assigned   Responsible
Assessments, Data Meetings Monitor scantron and ACT scores to determine strengths                   Academic        08/07/2018   05/31/2019   $0         All content
                           and weaknesses with CCRS objectives.                                     Support                                              area
                                                                                                    Program                                              teachers.
                                                                                                                                 Total        $0

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                                          Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic

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The Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic is designed to analyze the institution's survey results in terms of areas of achievement and areas that
need improvement. Further, the diagnostic is essential to the accreditation and continuous improvement processes in that it provides the
institution with a comprehensive view of the aggregate scores of the surveys administered, and the actual total of respondents for each
survey type to derive a single score for this diagnostic. The performance level score computed at the completion of the diagnostic is used to
broaden and enhance the external review team's understanding of the stakeholder's perceptions of the institution; the diagnostic should be
used in the same manner by the institution as it engages in improvement planning.

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                                                 Stakeholder Feedback Data

Label                Assurance                                       Response     Comment                          Attachment
1.                   Did you complete the Stakeholder Feedback       Yes          Stakeholder feedback data        Student Survey
                     Data document offline and upload below?                      document and all corresponding   Staff Survey
                                                                                  surveys are attached below.      Parent Survey
                                                                                                                   Stake Holder

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Woodland High School

                                               Evaluative Criteria and Rubrics

Overall Rating: 2.0

                      Statement or Question                          Response                                         Rating
1.                    Questionnaire Administration                   Some required AdvancED questionnaires were Level 2
                                                                     used by the institution to receive stakeholder
                                                                     feedback. The minimum response rate for each
                                                                     population was met (parent questionnaire:
                                                                     equal to or greater than 20%, student
                                                                     questionnaire(s): equal to or greater than 40%,
                                                                     staff questionnaire: equal to or greater than
                                                                     60%). Questionnaires were administered with
                                                                     modest fidelity to the administrative procedures
                                                                     appropriate for each assessment. In some
                                                                     instances, the stakeholders to whom these
                                                                     questionnaires were administered somewhat
                                                                     represented the populations served by the
                                                                     institution. Appropriate accommodations were
                                                                     provided for some participants.

                      Statement or Question                          Response                                        Rating
2.                    Stakeholder Feedback Results and Analysis      One or more of the stakeholder questionnaires Level 2
                                                                     had an average item value below 3.20 (on a 5.0
                                                                     scale). Results of stakeholder feedback
                                                                     collected by the institution were indifferently
                                                                     analyzed and presented with little clarity.

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Woodland High School

                                                 Areas of Notable Achievement

Which area(s) indicate the overall highest level of satisfaction or approval?

71% of student respondents indicate adults at the school were respectful and helpful.

Which area(s) show a trend toward increasing stakeholder satisfaction or approval?

Respectfulness of the staff and a feeling of community as referenced from last years surveys show a positive trend for the school.

Which of the above reported findings are consistent with findings from other stakeholder feedback sources?

Parents surveys reflected the student responses of teachers treating students with respect and being helpful.

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Woodland High School

                                                 Areas in Need of Improvement

Which area(s) indicate the overall lowest level of satisfaction or approval?

Student responses felt that worksheets were used too often.

Which area(s) show a trend toward decreasing stakeholder satisfaction or approval?

A trend from the previous year's survey shows a concern for the academics of the school, particularly the test scores.

What are the implications for these stakeholder perceptions?

Students feel like they are being given work to do and are not being taught what is needed.

Which of the above reported findings are consistent with findings from other stakeholder feedback sources?

Parent surveys reported that they were concerned with teaching and testing.

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Woodland High School

                                                         Report Summary

                                                         Scores By Section
                                                                           Section Score
                                                     1                     2                        3   4

  Evaluative Criteria and Rubrics                                           2


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                          Title I Schoolwide Diagnostic

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Woodland High School


This diagnostic tool is aligned to the requirements for Title I Schoolwide School as described in section 1114, Every Student Succeeds Act
(ESSA). The comprehensive needs assessment (CNA) requirement is met by completing a School Process Profile and Summary Report.
The comprehensive needs assessment must be completed prior to creating a new plan or annually updating an existing school improvement
plan. Use the results of the comprehensive needs assessment to develop Goals/Objectives/Strategies and Activities. Ensure that the Gap
Statements and Causes for Gaps included in the Goals information address all four measures of data: student achievement data, school
programs/process data, perceptions data (must include teachers and parents; student data is encouraged), and demographic data. The
Comprehensive Needs Assessment must also take into account the needs of migratory children as defined in Title I, Part C, Section 1309(2).

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Woodland High School

                        Component 1: Comprehensive Needs Assessment (Sec.1114(b)(6))

How was the comprehensive needs assessment conducted?

The school leadership team (including parent members) will convene to examine the data including subgroups information. Results will be
shared with appropriate stakeholders. Faculty, staff, and parents will be asked for their input. The school leadership team will meet to
suggest strategies, professional development, and budget requirements for the ACIP plan. When the draft is completed, faculty and staff will
review it and suggest modifications if needed. The ACIP for the 2018-19 year will then be published and made available to interested parties.
Requested modifications will be examined and decisions will be made by the school improvement team and faculty/staff. The finalized ACIP
Draft will be sent to the district school board for approval.

What were the results of the comprehensive needs assessment?

The need to address student achievement in math was a concern for all stakeholders. Results from standardized testing reveal an overall
low score trend in test scores. A need for a remediation specialist in math was identified to assist students with tier II and III instruction. A
remediation aid was also identified as a need to be able to provide students more one on one help.

What conclusions were drawn from the results?

Overall Scores were weakest in math and reading. Efforts will be made to help students by providing more intensive instruction in areas that
are identified as their areas of need.

What information was concluded as a result of analyzing perception, student achievement, school programs/process, and
demographic data?

The faculty at Woodland High School will continue to monitor for areas of need in reading and math. They will address students needs and
provide feedback for the intervention specialists as to what needs to be covered in more depth.

How are the school goals connected to priority needs and the needs assessment?

The leadership team worked to provide goals that will help student achievement in the selected areas of math and reading.

How do the goals portray a clear and detailed analysis of multiple types of data?

The CIP team used all available data from the scantron series testing and ACT and preACt for the older students to assess the areas that
were most needed to move student achievement forward.

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Woodland High School

How do the goals address the needs of the whole school population and special recognition to children who are disadvantaged?

The committee decided to focus on skills that would benefit all students in the areas of math and reading. This allows the students who are
disadvantaged to receive targeted instruction on skills along with the general population.

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Woodland High School

               Component 2: Schoolwide Reform Strategies (Sec. 1114(7)(A)(i)(ii)(iii)(I)(II)(III))

Identify the strategies in the schoolwide plan that provide opportunities for all children, including each of the subgroups of
students (economically disadvantaged; students from major racial and ethnic groups; children with disabilities; and English
Learners) as defined in section 1111(c)(2) to meet the challenging State academic standards.

Goal 1:
Students at Woodland High School will demonstrate an increase in Math proficiency based on Scantron Performance Series results and
ACT testing outcomes by teaching CCRS through whole and small group instruction

Measurable Objective 1:
demonstrate a proficiency by 80% of students in 7-8th grades making a minimum of one year worth of growth and/or meet end of year
Benchmarks by 05/31/2019 as measured by math assessments (SCANTRON and ACT)..

Math Intervention - The hiring of a math intervention teacher to help all students and especially those needing tier two and three instruction. A
paraprofessional will be hired to help the enrichment teacher and others with intervention and student achievement. Data will guide
instructional decisions. Teachers will progress monitor for intensive and strategic students that need additional help.
Category: Develop/Implement Learning Supports
Research Cited: SCANTRON, CCRS, pre- ACT, ACT

                                              Activity                                        Funding Amount
 Activity - Assessments, Data Meetings                           Begin Date End Date                                Staff Responsible
                                              Type                                            & Source
 Monitor scantron and ACT scores to determine Academic                                        $0 - No Funding
 strengths and weaknesses with CCRS           Support            08/07/2018     05/31/2019                          All content area teachers.
 objectives.                                  Program

Tiered Instruction - Instructional support will be provided from a math enrichment teacher, special education teachers, a paraprofessional,
and principal to implement and monitor tiered instruction.

Category: Develop/Implement Learning Supports
Research Cited: Instructional Support, scantron, ACT

                                                   Activity                                   Funding Amount
 Activity - Instructional Support                                Begin Date End Date                                Staff Responsible
                                                   Type                                       & Source
 Instructional Support, Create a title one class                                              $57217 - Title I Part Title I enrichment teacher
                                                   Support       08/07/2018     05/31/2019
 for math and reading support.                                                                A                     and a paraprofesional

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Woodland High School

Goal 2:
The staff and students at Woodland High School recognize a need to ensure the safety of the school and all students. Safety as a priority is
the first essential element of having a conducive learning environment.

Measurable Objective 1:
demonstrate a behavior The safety of the school will be increased by 05/31/2019 as measured by evidence of a safety survey.

School Nurse - A school nurse will help all students that have an emergency. The nurse will also help any students with any existing medical

Category: Align Fiscal Resources
Research Cited: Observations, surveys, student medical data

                                                   Activity                                  Funding Amount
 Activity - training to faculty                                  Begin Date End Date                               Staff Responsible
                                                   Type                                      & Source
 Provide training to faculty in the following
 medical areas: CPR, Epi pen, Defibrillator, Lice, Professional 08/07/2018     05/31/2019    $0 - Title I Part A   School Nurse

security camera system - The school will be monitored by a security camera system that will allow School officials to view all areas of the

Category: Align Fiscal Resources
Research Cited: Surveys, observations

                                                   Activity                                  Funding Amount
 Activity - Monitor the safety of the Campus                     Begin Date End Date                               Staff Responsible
                                                   Type                                      & Source
 School Resource Officer and the administration Other -                                                            Principal. SRO, Assistant
 will monitor cameras to ensure campus safety. Security          08/07/2018    05/31/2019    $0 - Title I Part A   Principal, All staff as
 Access to Cameras for other school personnel Technology                                                           needed
 will also be provided on an as-needed basis.

Goal 3:
At Woodland High School parental involvement will be increased by providing additional activities and opportunities to engage families
before, during, and after school to establish a positive relationship between the home and school connection.

Measurable Objective 1:
increase student growth will be measured by recorded attendance and involvement increase by 05/31/2019 as measured by increased
attendance at parental involvement activities compared to previous years. .

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Woodland High School

Home to School Connections - Community Pep Rallies, Parent Information Night, Lunch and Learn, Science Technology Showcase, Parent
Meetings, Communication logs, Web Page, and App, Social Media

Category: Implement Community Based Support and Intervention System
Research Cited: Surveys

                                                   Activity                                  Funding Amount
 Activity - Parental Involvement                                 Begin Date End Date                               Staff Responsible
                                                   Type                                      & Source
 Community Pep Rallies, Parent Information
 Night, Lunch and Learn, Science Technology        Parent
 Showcase, Parent Meetings, Communication          Involvement 08/07/2018      05/31/2019    $714 - Title I Part D All Faculty and staff
 logs, Web Page and App, Schoolcast, Social
 Media, Communication with Parents

Identify the instructional strategies and methods used that strengthen the academic program in the school, increase the amount
and quality of learning time, and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum, which may include programs, activities, and
courses necessary to provide a well-rounded education.

Goal 1:
The staff and students at Woodland High School recognize a need to ensure the safety of the school and all students. Safety as a priority is
the first essential element of having a conducive learning environment.

Measurable Objective 1:
demonstrate a behavior The safety of the school will be increased by 05/31/2019 as measured by evidence of a safety survey.

security camera system - The school will be monitored by a security camera system that will allow School officials to view all areas of the

Category: Align Fiscal Resources
Research Cited: Surveys, observations

                                                   Activity                                  Funding Amount
 Activity - Monitor the safety of the Campus                     Begin Date End Date                               Staff Responsible
                                                   Type                                      & Source
 School Resource Officer and the administration Other -                                                            Principal. SRO, Assistant
 will monitor cameras to ensure campus safety. Security          08/07/2018    05/31/2019    $0 - Title I Part A   Principal, All staff as
 Access to Cameras for other school personnel Technology                                                           needed
 will also be provided on an as-needed basis.

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Woodland High School

School Nurse - A school nurse will help all students that have an emergency. The nurse will also help any students with any existing medical

Category: Align Fiscal Resources
Research Cited: Observations, surveys, student medical data

                                                   Activity                                   Funding Amount
 Activity - training to faculty                                  Begin Date End Date                                Staff Responsible
                                                   Type                                       & Source
 Provide training to faculty in the following
 medical areas: CPR, Epi pen, Defibrillator, Lice, Professional 08/07/2018      05/31/2019    $0 - Title I Part A   School Nurse

Goal 2:
Students at Woodland High School will demonstrate an increase in Math proficiency based on Scantron Performance Series results and
ACT testing outcomes by teaching CCRS through whole and small group instruction

Measurable Objective 1:
demonstrate a proficiency by 80% of students in 7-8th grades making a minimum of one year worth of growth and/or meet end of year
Benchmarks by 05/31/2019 as measured by math assessments (SCANTRON and ACT)..

Tiered Instruction - Instructional support will be provided from a math enrichment teacher, special education teachers, a paraprofessional,
and principal to implement and monitor tiered instruction.

Category: Develop/Implement Learning Supports
Research Cited: Instructional Support, scantron, ACT

                                                   Activity                                   Funding Amount
 Activity - Instructional Support                                Begin Date End Date                                Staff Responsible
                                                   Type                                       & Source
 Instructional Support, Create a title one class                                              $57217 - Title I Part Title I enrichment teacher
                                                   Support       08/07/2018     05/31/2019
 for math and reading support.                                                                A                     and a paraprofesional

Math Intervention - The hiring of a math intervention teacher to help all students and especially those needing tier two and three instruction. A
paraprofessional will be hired to help the enrichment teacher and others with intervention and student achievement. Data will guide
instructional decisions. Teachers will progress monitor for intensive and strategic students that need additional help.
Category: Develop/Implement Learning Supports
Research Cited: SCANTRON, CCRS, pre- ACT, ACT

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Woodland High School

                                              Activity                                      Funding Amount
 Activity - Assessments, Data Meetings                          Begin Date End Date                               Staff Responsible
                                              Type                                          & Source
 Monitor scantron and ACT scores to determine Academic                                      $0 - No Funding
 strengths and weaknesses with CCRS           Support           08/07/2018    05/31/2019                          All content area teachers.
 objectives.                                  Program

Goal 3:
At Woodland High School parental involvement will be increased by providing additional activities and opportunities to engage families
before, during, and after school to establish a positive relationship between the home and school connection.

Measurable Objective 1:
increase student growth will be measured by recorded attendance and involvement increase by 05/31/2019 as measured by increased
attendance at parental involvement activities compared to previous years. .

Home to School Connections - Community Pep Rallies, Parent Information Night, Lunch and Learn, Science Technology Showcase, Parent
Meetings, Communication logs, Web Page, and App, Social Media

Category: Implement Community Based Support and Intervention System
Research Cited: Surveys

                                                  Activity                                  Funding Amount
 Activity - Parental Involvement                                Begin Date End Date                               Staff Responsible
                                                  Type                                      & Source
 Community Pep Rallies, Parent Information
 Night, Lunch and Learn, Science Technology       Parent
 Showcase, Parent Meetings, Communication         Involvement 08/07/2018      05/31/2019    $714 - Title I Part D All Faculty and staff
 logs, Web Page and App, Schoolcast, Social
 Media, Communication with Parents

Address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of those at risk of not meeting the challenging State
academic standards, through activities which may include-

•counseling, school-based mental health programs, specialized instructional support services, mentoring services, and other
strategies to improve students' skills outside the academic subject areas

•preparation for and awareness of opportunities for postsecondary education and the workforce, which may include career and
technical education programs and broadening secondary school students' access to coursework to earn postsecondary credit
while still in high school (such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, dual or concurrent enrollment, or early
college high schools

•implementation of a schoolwide tiered model to prevent and address problem behavior, and early intervening services,
coordinated with similar activities and services carried out under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et
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Woodland High School

Goal 1:
Students at Woodland High School will demonstrate an increase in Math proficiency based on Scantron Performance Series results and
ACT testing outcomes by teaching CCRS through whole and small group instruction

Measurable Objective 1:
demonstrate a proficiency by 80% of students in 7-8th grades making a minimum of one year worth of growth and/or meet end of year
Benchmarks by 05/31/2019 as measured by math assessments (SCANTRON and ACT)..

Tiered Instruction - Instructional support will be provided from a math enrichment teacher, special education teachers, a paraprofessional,
and principal to implement and monitor tiered instruction.

Category: Develop/Implement Learning Supports
Research Cited: Instructional Support, scantron, ACT

                                                   Activity                                   Funding Amount
 Activity - Instructional Support                                Begin Date End Date                                Staff Responsible
                                                   Type                                       & Source
 Instructional Support, Create a title one class                                              $57217 - Title I Part Title I enrichment teacher
                                                   Support       08/07/2018     05/31/2019
 for math and reading support.                                                                A                     and a paraprofesional

Math Intervention - The hiring of a math intervention teacher to help all students and especially those needing tier two and three instruction. A
paraprofessional will be hired to help the enrichment teacher and others with intervention and student achievement. Data will guide
instructional decisions. Teachers will progress monitor for intensive and strategic students that need additional help.
Category: Develop/Implement Learning Supports
Research Cited: SCANTRON, CCRS, pre- ACT, ACT

                                              Activity                                        Funding Amount
 Activity - Assessments, Data Meetings                           Begin Date End Date                                Staff Responsible
                                              Type                                            & Source
 Monitor scantron and ACT scores to determine Academic                                        $0 - No Funding
 strengths and weaknesses with CCRS           Support            08/07/2018     05/31/2019                          All content area teachers.
 objectives.                                  Program

Goal 2:
The staff and students at Woodland High School recognize a need to ensure the safety of the school and all students. Safety as a priority is
the first essential element of having a conducive learning environment.

Measurable Objective 1:
demonstrate a behavior The safety of the school will be increased by 05/31/2019 as measured by evidence of a safety survey.
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© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Woodland High School

School Nurse - A school nurse will help all students that have an emergency. The nurse will also help any students with any existing medical

Category: Align Fiscal Resources
Research Cited: Observations, surveys, student medical data

                                                   Activity                                  Funding Amount
 Activity - training to faculty                                  Begin Date End Date                               Staff Responsible
                                                   Type                                      & Source
 Provide training to faculty in the following
 medical areas: CPR, Epi pen, Defibrillator, Lice, Professional 08/07/2018     05/31/2019    $0 - Title I Part A   School Nurse

security camera system - The school will be monitored by a security camera system that will allow School officials to view all areas of the

Category: Align Fiscal Resources
Research Cited: Surveys, observations

                                                   Activity                                  Funding Amount
 Activity - Monitor the safety of the Campus                     Begin Date End Date                               Staff Responsible
                                                   Type                                      & Source
 School Resource Officer and the administration Other -                                                            Principal. SRO, Assistant
 will monitor cameras to ensure campus safety. Security          08/07/2018    05/31/2019    $0 - Title I Part A   Principal, All staff as
 Access to Cameras for other school personnel Technology                                                           needed
 will also be provided on an as-needed basis.

Goal 3:
At Woodland High School parental involvement will be increased by providing additional activities and opportunities to engage families
before, during, and after school to establish a positive relationship between the home and school connection.

Measurable Objective 1:
increase student growth will be measured by recorded attendance and involvement increase by 05/31/2019 as measured by increased
attendance at parental involvement activities compared to previous years. .

Home to School Connections - Community Pep Rallies, Parent Information Night, Lunch and Learn, Science Technology Showcase, Parent
Meetings, Communication logs, Web Page, and App, Social Media

Category: Implement Community Based Support and Intervention System
Research Cited: Surveys

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Woodland High School

                                                  Activity                                   Funding Amount
 Activity - Parental Involvement                                 Begin Date End Date                               Staff Responsible
                                                  Type                                       & Source
 Community Pep Rallies, Parent Information
 Night, Lunch and Learn, Science Technology       Parent
 Showcase, Parent Meetings, Communication         Involvement 08/07/2018       05/31/2019    $714 - Title I Part D All Faculty and staff
 logs, Web Page and App, Schoolcast, Social
 Media, Communication with Parents

English Language Proficiency Goal (Should address identified weaknesses and gaps):

Goal 1:
Students at Woodland High School will demonstrate an increase in reading proficiency based on Scantron Performance Series results by
teaching CCRS through whole and small group instruction

Measurable Objective 1:
demonstrate a proficiency by 80% of students in making a minimum of one year worth of growth by 05/31/2019 as measured by reading
assessment on the SCANTRON performance series test..

Tiered Instruction - - will be provided from special education teachers, a paraprofessional, and principal to implement and monitor tiered

Category: Develop/Implement Learning Supports
Research Cited: RTI, Scantron Testing

                                                   Activity                                  Funding Amount
 Activity - Reading Practice                                     Begin Date End Date                               Staff Responsible
                                                   Type                                      & Source
 Students will use Renaissance Learning/           Academic                                                        Lauren Ware
 Accelerated reader to extend learning             Support       08/07/2018    05/31/2019    $0 - Title I Part A   paraprofessional
 opportunities and grow student reading abilities. Program

                                                  Activity                                   Funding Amount
 Activity - RTI                                                  Begin Date End Date                               Staff Responsible
                                                  Type                                       & Source
 RTI will be implemented and tier 2 and 3                                                    $22720 - Title I Part Lauren Ware
                                                  Support        08/07/2018    05/31/2019
 instruction provided for areas of deficiency                                                A                     Paraprofessional

Describe how the school provides individual student academic achievement results and interpretation of the results to parents of
English Learners in a language they can understand.

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