- Interstate and regional edition

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Interstate and
                  regional edition - Interstate and regional edition - Interstate and regional edition

 OF UNIVERSITIES      FOR GRADUATE          OF GROUP           5 NOBEL PRIZE          100 RHODES
   WORLDWIDE         EMPLOYABILITY*         OF EIGHT              WINNERS              SCHOLARS

With a degree from a university                   We have a long and proud tradition that instils
                                                  confidence in our students. We are Australia’s
consistently ranked in the top 1%                 third oldest university and have a history of
globally, our students get a                      excellence in education spanning more than 140
                                                  years. We are distinguished by an emphasis on
global career advantage.                          equality and by our ongoing focus on delivering
                                                  outstanding research for the benefit of society.
University of Adelaide graduates are highly
regarded and professionally recognised around     The University of Adelaide has played a role in
the globe. Students are well prepared to take     many of the world’s important discoveries and
advantage of the opportunities this recognition   advancements, with our alumni having contributed
can bring. Working closely with our world-        significantly to shaping the educational,
class teaching staff, they acquire the skills,    political and social arenas of their day. With
knowledge and experience to make a significant    us, students are motivated to achieve their best
contribution in their chosen field.               and are supported by an inspiring educational
                                                  community committed to helping them.

                                                                                           Why the University of Adelaide?   1 - Interstate and regional edition
                              THE PERFECT CITY
                               FOR STUDENTS
                                             Adelaide has a bustling, energetic city centre and is renowned for its
                                           festivals, cultural life and sporting events. With great shopping, beaches,
                                           a cafe culture, affordable student accommodation and friendly residents,
                                            Adelaide offers a relaxed lifestyle with all the convenience of city living.

                       EAST END                     THE UNIVERSITY                                                         PARLIAMENT
                                                                               RUNDLE                                        HOUSE
                    ENTERTAINMENT                    OF ADELAIDE                MALL

2   Adelaide - the perfect city for students - Interstate and regional edition
A truly                                Australia’s                                      Culturally
                  liveable city                           most affordable                                     diverse
                   Safe and relaxed,                       mainland city                                 South Australians hail
                  Adelaide is ranked as                                                                 from over 120 different
                                                            Adelaide is one of the                        countries, creating a
                 one of the world’s top
                                                          most affordable mainland                     wonderful mix of cultures
                 10 most liveable cities.
                                                         Australian cities, with a cost                  and influences. One in
                  Source: Economist Intelligence Unit
                    Global Liveability Index, 2019        of living up to 12% lower                      five South Australians
                                                        than Sydney and Melbourne.                         were born overseas!
                                                        Source: Study Adelaide

            CENTRE                                                ADELAIDE
                                                                HEALTH AND
                                                              MEDICAL SCIENCES                                         ROYAL
                                                                  BUILDING                             ADELAIDE
                                                                                                         OVAL         ADELAIDE

                                                                                                                  Adelaide - the perfect city for students   3 - Interstate and regional edition


                                   AHMS                                 OF ADELAIDE
                                  BUILDING                         3
                                                               1       2 9 4

                                         THE VILLAGE


4   Adelaide - the perfect city for students - Interstate and regional edition
1 Adelaide Railway Station
2 State Library of SA
3 Adelaide Festival Centre
4 Art Gallery of South Australia
5 Adelaide Zoo
6 Adelaide Botanic Gardens
7 China Town
8 Adelaide Oval
9 South Australian Museum

                                      Adelaide - the perfect city for students   5 - Interstate and regional edition
                         The University of Adelaide has three campuses in South Australia—
                   North Terrace, Roseworthy and Waite—and a new campus in Melbourne, Victoria.

6   Our campuses - Interstate and regional edition
The University’s main campus on North Terrace
          is renowned for its historic architecture and lively

  NORTH   atmosphere. Located in the heart of Adelaide’s
          central business and shopping district, the campus is
          adjacent to the State Library, Festival Theatre, South

TERRACE   Australian Museum, Art Gallery of South Australia,
          Adelaide Zoo, and Botanic Gardens.

          The University’s Adelaide Health and Medical
          Sciences building is also within walking distance,
          in the Adelaide BioMed City precinct.

          Explore our virtual video tours to discover
          your place among the iconic heritage-listed
          architecture and state-of-the-art facilities on our
          beautiful, historic main campus; experience our
          innovative Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences
          building in the heart of the Adelaide BioMed
          City precinct; or uncover the picturesque settings
          and advanced technology available at our satellite
          campuses, Waite and Roseworthy.

       - Interstate and regional edition
          The Waite campus is home to the internationally renowned
          Waite Research Institute—the largest agricultural research
          institute in the southern hemisphere and third largest in the
          world. A number of research partners are also co-located

          there. Staff and students work closely with these organisations,
          providing a unique opportunity for collaboration on national
          and international research projects. Research areas include
          wine, plant biotechnology, plant breeding, sustainable
          agriculture and land management.
          The campus is located eight kilometres south of the city centre
          and is easily accessible by public transport and a Waite-North
          Terrace campus shuttle bus service. Campus services include
          a childcare centre, library, cafe, gym and sporting facilities.
             Roseworthy campus is an internationally renowned
             centre for excellence in dryland agriculture, natural
             resource management and animal production. Set
             on over 1,600 hectares of land, it is home to South

    CAMPUS   Australia’s only veterinary school. It features an
             AUD$37 million veterinary clinic, where students
             can gain clinical experience while studying.
             The campus is located 55 kilometres north of
             Adelaide and 10 kilometres from the town of
             Gawler (population 26,000). Access is available by
             a North Terrace-Roseworthy campus shuttle bus.
             Campus services include student accommodation,
             a swimming pool, library, cafe and fitness centre.
10   A place to call home
   Accommodation plays an important
   part in building a solid foundation
   for academic success.

   Students benefit from the advantages that come from choosing
   to study in a city where accommodation of all types, including
   our University-managed accommodation, is not only accessible
   but affordable.
   The University recommends students adopt the RECAS
   approach to identifying an accommodation option to suit their
   individual needs and support a positive educational experience.
   •   Research all available accommodation options
   •   Establish a realistic budget
   •   Consider the value of managed student accommodation
   •   Avoid extended temporary accommodation
   •   Seek assistance from the University Accommodation Service
   Students unfamiliar with Adelaide are encouraged to consider
   living in managed student accommodation during their first
   year of university.
   Managed student accommodation provides new students with
   the opportunity to become better acquainted with the city, settle
   into their academic program and make new friends, without
   having to worry about the challenges of the private rental market.
   Students who might take the option to study at our Melbourne
   campus can find out accommodation options at: www.adelaide.
     IN THE TOP 1%

12   Study at Adelaide
            FOOD AND WINE
01	Study at the Waite campus, the largest
     agricultural research and teaching precinct
      in the Southern Hemisphere, and home to
      the largest teaching winery in Australia.

02	Top 40 in the World and #1 in South
    Australia for agricultural sciences (Shanghai
      Ranking's Global Ranking of Academic
      Subjects 2019—Agricultural Sciences).

03	Learn best-practice techniques and gain
    hands-on experience from more than
      150 university researchers and co-located
      industry partners.

Our agriculture, food and wine degrees develop
tech-savvy, skilled graduates who are engaged
with world issues including food security,
climate change and feeding a growing world.
Our graduates contribute to these challenges in
technical, high-skilled roles that are vital to the
developing agricultural, food and wine industries.

                                              ALLIED HEALTH
                                                      01	Study in our state’s most complete and globally
                                                          recognised health education environment.

                                                      02	Take courses taught by practising professionals
                                                          with an emphasis on real-world experience.

                                                      03	Enjoy high-level collaborative learning and
                                                          develop skills in a safe and supported environment.

                                                      A degree in physiotherapy, speech pathology or
                                                      occupational therapy is more than a career; it’s an
                                                      opportunity to have a profound impact on the lives
                                                      of others. With comprehensive hands-on practical
                                                      experience in both simulation and real health care
                                                      settings, you will be equipped to work in a broad range
                                                      of areas. These include mental health or community
                                                      health services, public or private hospitals, rehabilitation
                                                      centres, sporting organisations, schools or private
                                                      practice. You’ll graduate with the knowledge and skills
                                                      to empower individuals, freeing them from physical,
                                                      developmental and cultural limitations and enhancing
                                                      their capability to achieve successful and healthy lives.

                                                                                                          Study at Adelaide   13
                                                                            01	Discover the area of Architecture that drives
                                                                                 you, with the broadest range of professionally
                                                                                  accredited architecture and built environment
                                                                                  degrees—and the only double Master’s
                                                                                  degrees—in South Australia.

                                                                            02	Wprofessionals
                                                                                    ith classes taught by practicing industry
                                                                                                 from some of the world’s most
                                                                                  innovative architectural firms, you’ll graduate
                                                                                  with the skills and experience needed to
                                                                                  accelerate your design career.

                                                                            03	Hone  your skills on real-world architectural
                                                                                design projects through our on- and
                                                                                  offshore design studios and internships with
                                                                                  architecture firms—both here and overseas.

                                                                            Adelaide architecture graduates have helped
                                                                            transform, enhance and conserve the landscape of
                                                                            South Australia for over 60 years. Internationally,
                                                                            our alumni can be found contributing their design
                                                                            expertise on projects anywhere from Amsterdam
                                                                            to Tokyo. Our strong history—combined with our
                                                                            passion for excellent, sustainable, future-focused
                                                                            design—ensure you’ll graduate equipped with the
                                                                            expertise to shape the future of architecture,
                                                                            wherever your career takes you.

                01	The
                             highest number of Arts
                      study areas in South Australia.

                02	SforA’sArts
                             highest ranked university
                                 and Humanities*.

                03	Study      Arts in the centre of Adelaide’s
                      cultural precinct with the convenience
                         of a city location at the beautiful
                         North Terrace campus.

                From politicians and policy advisors to business
                leaders, environmental managers, and creative
                industry professionals – you might be surprised at
                the number of successful and influential people in
                the community who have a degree in the Arts.
                An Arts degree sets you up to build a rewarding
                career doing what you love. Get practical
                experience in one of our industry internships
                that counts towards your degree. Build subject
                matter expertise that could lead to all manner
                of career options such as: teaching, media and
                communications, defence, festival management,
                foreign affairs, humanitarian work, policy develop-
                ment, and social planning to mention just a few of
                the many options available to you as an Arts graduate.
                * 2020 QS Top Universities Rankings

14   Study at Adelaide
01	90%     of biotechnology jobs were created
      in the past 10 years*.

02	UatseSAGE,
           revolutionary gene editing technology
                 the first genome editing facility
        in Australia.

03	Gain  cutting-edge insight from industry
    lecturers and placements.

The thriving biomedical science and biotechnology
industries can open rewarding and well-paid
careers at the forefront of discovery in science
and technology. Graduates can seek a broad range
of careers in public, private and government
organisations where they will apply their skills
and passion for science to the health and medical
industry, as well as in food and pharmaceuticals.
*, 2017

                                                     Study at Adelaide   15
01	We are ranked No.1 for Economics in South
                                                                                Australia* and are the state’s only university
                                                                                   with a dedicated School of Economics and
                                                                                   Public Policy.

                                                                            02	Wfore entrepreneurship
                                                                                       are Australia's number one university
                                                                                                         education^ and offer
                                                                                   the country's longest running incubator
                                                                                   program, the Australian eChallenge.

                                                                            03	We are ranked top-100 in the world for
                                                                                Accounting and Finance degrees*.

                                                                            Our Business and Economics students are given
                                                                            a range of opportunities to develop their personal
                                                                            brand and prepare for future careers throughout
                                                                            their degree. From Career Readiness Workshops
                                                                            where they explore their options and begin career
                                                                            planning, to overseas study programs (subject to

                                                                            any travel restrictions) where they get a chance to
                                                                            grow and experience new cultures. With our close
                                                                            connections to industry, they also get to participate

                   AND ECONOMICS
                                                                            in valuable internships with local, national and
                                                                            international organisations.
                                                                            * QS World University Rankings by Subject, 2020
                                                                            ^ Education and Training Journal, 2019

                   01    	Join our highly sought-after
                           graduates who gain internships
                           and employment at top technology
                           companies including Google,
                           Microsoft and Atlassian.

                   02	HLearning—ranked
                          ome to the Australian Institute for Machine
                                          #4 in the world^ and the
                           largest machine learning research group in the
                           country—you’ll learn from world-leading AI
                           researchers and teachers at the cutting-edge
                           of their field.

                   03	Ranked  40 in the Academic Ranking of World
                       Universities for Engineering and Computer
                           Science*—the only South Australian
                           University in the top 150.

                   Program the future with a career in computer
                   science—a field central to progress in virtually all
                   aspects of life in the 21st century. From medicine to
                   wireless communication and battling climate change,
                   computer science and information technology provide
                   platforms for new discoveries. With the ability to
                   specialise in industry priority areas—like artificial
                   intelligence, cybersecurity and data science—a degree
                   in computer science at the University of Adelaide
                   prepares you for a role in shaping the modern world.
                   * Academic Ranking of World Universities, 2020
                   ^ CS Rankings, Global ranking of universities for
                      Computer Vision research, 2020

16   Study at Adelaide
01	Study
          in one of the top dental schools.
    Adelaide Dental school is ranked 1st in
       Australia* and number 28 in the world^.

                                                            AND ORAL
     	Practice using high-tech equipment
        in our most advanced dental
        imulation laboratories.

03	Improve
            the quality of life of
    disadvantaged people in Adelaide,
       with the Community Outreach
       Dental Program.

With a dental or oral health degree students can
build a career which will have a profound impact
on the lives of individuals and communities by
improving their oral health care. As part of an
oral health care team, graduates will have the
ability to empower individuals and communities
to maintain optimal oral health. With hands-on
practical experience gained in the state-of-the-
art simulation clinic and in the real world, our
graduates have highly sought-after knowledge and
the technical skills to deliver optimal patient care.
* Shanghai Ranking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects, 2020
^ QS World University Rankings, 2020

                                                                  EARTH AND
                                                                      01	Top 100 world ranking for earth sciences*.
                                                                      02	Franking
                                                                              ive-star Excellence in Research Australia
                                                                                     and #1 in South Australia for earth
                                                                             sciences and geology research**.

                                                                      03	#1 in South Australia for graduate
                                                                          careers in environmental studies^.

                                                                      The University of Adelaide prepares the next
                                                                      generation of science professionals to become
                                                                      environmental advocates, committed to building
                                                                      a sustainable future. We lead internationally
                                                                      significant environmental research that deepens
                                                                      our understanding of the planet, together with
                                                                      co-located research and industry partners. Our
                                                                      graduates go on to play a vital role in discovering
                                                                      new solutions to global environmental problems.
                                                                      * QS World University Rankings 2019 in Earth and Marine Sciences
                                                                      ** Excellence in Research Australia, 2018
                                                                      ^ Graduate Outcomes Survey 2016

                                                                                                                          Study at Adelaide   17
                 01	Gain specialist knowledge and practical skills
                      with our exciting suite of engineering degrees,
                         offering industry-relevant majors aligned with
                         current and future STEM careers.

                 02	CIngenuity
                         onnect with industry employers at our
                                 expo—the largest university
                         engineering, computer and mathematical
                         sciences showcase of its kind in South Australia.

                 03	Ranked 40 in the Academic Ranking of
                     World Universities for Computer Science
                         and Engineering— the only South Australian
                         University in the top 50*.

                 Engineer a career at the University of Adelaide—a
                 global leader in engineering and technology. With an
                 exciting suite of degrees and the flexibility to specialise
                 from over 20 industry-relevant majors and minors—
                 including interdisciplinary majors in areas like
                 renewable energy and medical technologies—you’ll
                 graduate equipped with the knowledge and skills that
                 industry and employers need, while enjoying strong
                 earning potential and a career built on reputation.
                 * Academic Ranking of World Universities, 2020

18   Study at Adelaide
01	Develop      relevant and transferable skills     AND MEDICAL
      suited to multiple careers in health.

02	Wanithexpert
             a choice of seven majors become
                  in one specialisation.

03	Gain     hands-on experience in world class
      facilities that is aligned to your specialisation.

Studying health and medical sciences at the
University of Adelaide can open doors to a variety
of exciting and rewarding careers in health. With
a range of majors available, students have the
opportunity to specialise in clinical trials, medical
sciences, neurosciences, nutritional health, public
health, and reproductive and childhood health.
Graduates will be well equipped to improve the
health of individuals and populations across a range
of roles in research, government, business and
community health settings; as well as being ready
for further study or research. If looking to take the
knowledge and experience one step further, the
advanced degree will prepare students for leadership
and entrepreneurial positions within these
sectors, and allow them to develop a career
which will make a global health impact.

                                                           01	Study     a language from beginner
                                                                 level to advanced.

                                                           02	Cofomplement    an existing University
                                                                    Adelaide degree with the Diploma
                                                                 in Languages.

                                                           03  	Build the communication skills
                                                                 for your global career.

                                                           Get the employability edge with the ability
                                                           to communicate in another language.
                                                           Choose from Chinese, French, German,
                                                           Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Modern Greek
                                                           and Spanish as a complete beginner or with
                                                           more advanced skills (year 12 equivalent).
                                                           We integrate language study into our cultural
                                                           courses so you develop a deep knowledge
                                                           of the culture(s) of the language you are
                                                           learning. Take your career global as a
                                                           diplomat, interpreter, publisher, teacher, tour
                                                           guide, or translator. Including languages in
                                                           your degree opens up a world of possibilities.

                                                                                                             Study at Adelaide   19
                                                                  01	Join a globally focused, internationally
                                                                      recognised law school that is ranked top
                                                                          law school in South Australia.*

                                                                  02     	Established in 1883, we are one of the pioneers
                                                                            of the teaching of law, our graduates following
                                                                            a wide variety of career paths, from practising
                                                                            in London’s famed ‘Magic Circle’ to leading
                                                                            humanitarian interventions.

                                                                  03	Continue   your legal journey with practical
                                                                      legal training offered as an optional extension
                                                                          to your degree, giving you a greater flexibility
                                                                          of choice.

                                                                  We offer a broad range of elective choices, allowing
                                                                  you to shape your degree and your future with
                                                                  knowledge relevant to different areas of law, as well
                                                                  as different industries. Be inspired by engaging,
                                                                  award-winning teachers and opportunities to work in
                                                                  the community through our free legal advice clinics,
                                                                  supervised by experienced practicing lawyers.
                                                                  * QS World University Rankings by Subject, 2020

            01	Mathematical  Sciences graduates are sought after
                by a wide range of employers in diverse fields
                   such as finance, cyber security, health and data
                   science, as well as fundamental research.

            02	Senvironment
                   tudy in a nurturing and empowering
                               that has supported students
                   to achieve outstanding results.

            03	Our  mathematics research is recognised as ‘above’
                or ‘well above’ world standard by the Australian
                   Research Council’s 2018-2019 Excellence in
                   Research for Australia (ERA) evaluation.

            Multiply your opportunities with a degree in
            mathematical sciences—an in-demand qualification
            with a vast array of career outcomes. Our graduates
            receive valuable training in rigour and logical thinking
            and are highly regarded by employers for their creativity,
            problem-solving abilities and research skills. You’ll have
            the opportunity to apply your mathematical expertise on
            research projects addressing some of the world’s greatest
            challenges. From developing modelling that helps us
            more accurately predict and prepare for the impact
            of extreme weather to uncovering the factors that
            drive popularity of the Marvel franchise—a degree in
            Mathematical Sciences from the University of Adelaide
            is the pathway to an exciting and rewarding future.

20 Study at Adelaide
MEDIA                01	SA's   widest range of media
                                                          industry internships.

                                                    02	SMedia
                                                            pecialise in Immersive Media, Social
                                                                  and Digital Promotion, Story
                                                           Production, Marketing, Journalism,
                                                           Educational Media, Visual Design,
                                                           Photographic Imaging, Sonic Arts,
                                                           Popular Music, or Film Studies.

                                                    03	Double  degree options with Arts,
                                                        Creative Arts, International Relations,
                                                           Law, Computer Sciences, Criminology,
                                                           and Sociology.

                                                    Digital media dominates how we receive and
                                                    share information, and is continually evolving
                                                    as new technologies and tools emerge. Mobile
                                                    video, streaming, social media, blogs, vlogs,
                                                    virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR)
                                                    and data analytics are part of our daily lives,
                                                    with Google analytics showing that YouTube
                                                    alone reaches more 18- to 49-year-olds than
                                                    any broadcast or cable channel.* If you want
                                                    to be a media professional, study Media at
                                                    SA’s leading university to be at the forefront
                                                    of innovation and development in this
                                                    dynamic and rapidly growing industry.

01	Gain practical and hands-on
    experience with a diverse
      range of clinical placements.
02	Study in the state-of-the-art
     Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences
      building alongside future medical
      and nursing colleagues.

03	Experience   world-class simulation
    facilities and develop skills in a safe
      and supported environment.

A degree in medicine is more than a career,
it is a passion to make a real difference to the
lives of individuals and communities. With a
high level of hands-on practical experience in
both simulation and in real health care settings,
students will be equipped to manage patient
education and health promotion; maintenance,
advocacy and care. Working in a range of
health care settings, including public and
private hospitals, to community health care, aid
organisations and regional health care, students
will gain the confidence, skills and knowledge to
care for patients anywhere in the world.

New for 2021 Graduate with an Australian
Qualifications Framework (AQF) level 7
qualification and a masters-level AQF 9 and
enjoy near-universal recognition wherever your
career interests and opportunities take you.

                                                                                                   Study at Adelaide   21
MUSIC   01	Study innovative music programs
                                                                      at Australia's first, and leading
                                                                        music school.

                                                                  02	1:1 performance lessons with
                                                                       staff of international distinction.

                                                                  03	Train in music, dance and theatre
                                                                      in South Australia's vibrant
                                                                        cultural heart.

                                                                  Set the stage for a career in the music
                                                                  industry. SA's most comprehensive
                                                                  music school offers performance
                                                                  options in jazz, classical and voice, as
                                                                  well as specialisations in composition,
                                                                  musicology and education. Our cutting-
                                                                  edge degrees in popular music and sonic
                                                                  arts combine the latest in digital music
                                                                  and sound production for a career in the
                                                                  thriving film, TV and gaming industries.
                                                                  Our graduates take their passion for
                                                                  music and turn it into jobs across a
                                                                  wide range of industries in roles such
                                                                  as: arts administrator, band musician,
                                                                  broadcaster, composer, DJ, recording
                                                                  artist, music journalist, music teacher,
                                                                  musical theatre performer, producer,
                                                                  songwriter, sound engineer.

          01	Gain
                   practical and hands-on
              experience with a diverse
                 range of clinical placements.

          02   	Study in the state-of-the-art
                  Adelaide Health and Medical
                  Sciences building alongside
                  future medical colleagues.

          03	Experience   world-class simulation
              facilities and develop skills in a safe
                 and supported environment.

          A degree in nursing is more than a career, it
          is a passion to make a real difference to the
          lives of individuals and communities. With a
          high level of hands-on practical experience
          in both simulation and in real health
          care settings, students will be equipped
          to manage patient education and health
          promotion; maintenance, advocacy and care.
          Working in a range of health care settings,
          including public and private hospitals,
          community health care, aid organisations
          and regional health care, students will gain
          the confidence, skills and knowledge to care
          for patients anywhere in the world.

22 Study at Adelaide
01	Gain
                                                           an insight into human behaviour
                                                          develop knowledge and skills
                                                        adaptable to any career.

                                                  02	Choose  between two undergraduate
                                                       degrees and tailor your studies to
                                                        your interests and career aspirations.

                                                  03	Gain  an understanding of psychological
                                                      tests and develop counselling skills from
                                                        early in first year.

                                                  A degree in psychology can lead to a diverse
                                                  and amazing career helping people live a more
                                                  meaningful life. With a passion for facts and
                                                  figures and a desire to understand why people
                                                  think and act the way they do, a psychology
                                                  degree from the University of Adelaide can take
                                                  graduates around the world. Our graduates
                                                  work in marketing, human resources, mental
                                                  health, family and social services, counselling
                                                  and as clinical psychologists following all the
                                                  relevant education and training.


01	Ranked  in the top 100 in the
    world and best in South Australia
        for Science*.

02	1rated
       00% of our STEM research is
            at or above world standard^.

03	STEM      jobs are growing faster
      than any other industry†.

University of Adelaide science degrees
are designed for maximum flexibility,
and with the increasingly business-aware
workplace in mind. Graduates develop
a range of transferable skills are highly
sought after in industries beyond just
traditional science, including business,
finance, education and communications.
* QS World University Rankings by Subject, 2020
^ Excellence in Research Australia, 2018
† Labour Force Survey, Australian Bureau
   of Statistics, 2019

                                                                                      Study at Adelaide   23
            	SA’s highest ranked university for
              Social Sciences and Management.

       02	Study  with academic staff who
            are leading experts in their field.

       03	Develop    career and leadership-ready skills
            in a social enterprise internship—solving
              real-world social and business issues.

       Make an impact on society by creating solutions
       and advising on policy that shapes the future.
       The great challenges of our time revolve around
       social issues such as environmental management,
       international development, criminology, gender,
       international relations, and sociology. Demand
       for graduates with data analysis and research
       skills is strong. Our graduates work in areas as
       diverse as social impact assessment and planning,
       natural resource management, corrections
       system, immigration and foreign affairs, fraud
       investigation, and non-government organisations.
       * QS World University Ranking by a Subject, 2020

         01	Study     teaching and influence the learning
               outcomes of the next generation.

         02	Pourrepare for the future of teaching with
                     unique Apple eLearning and
                Wellbeing programs.

         03   	Experience school placements
                in every year of your studies.

         Education and the way we teach in schools is
         always changing - even more so as we further
         embrace technology. Classrooms of the future
         will be set up for greater collaboration between
         learners and mobile digital devices to advance
         learning. Tomorrow’s teachers will become
         learning facilitators, with students having more
         control over their own learning journey. Our
         graduates are prepared to teach the middle and
         secondary years of schooling in South Australia
         and other countries. Some also branch into other
         areas of Education, such as: adult educator,
         curriculum writer, education coordinator,
         education officer, policy writer, professional
         development officer, tutor or researcher.

24 Study at Adelaide
01	Number     1 in SA for Engineering
      and Technology*.

02	Ga technology
        ain practical, hands-on experience with
                    focused specialisation degree.

03 to 760 hours of work-based training in
  	Graduate employment ready, with up

       industry built into your degree.

Technologists are expert problem solvers and
communicators—able to take an abstract
concept or design and translate it into a real-
world technological solution. Their strong
understanding of general and specialist
engineering knowledge enables them to
innovatively implement, test and maintain
engineered products, processes, systems and
services. Developed and delivered in collaboration
with industry, all of our technology qualifications
have a strong emphasis on real-world experience,
and a curriculum designed to ensure your rapid
transition to industry after graduation.
* QS Top Universities ranking, 2020

                        VETERINARY AND
                        ANIMAL SCIENCES
                                                     01 Top 50 in the world for veterinary sciences*.
                                                     02	Five-star Excellence in Research Australia
                                                         ranking for veterinary sciences research^.

                                                     03	Five-star ranking for learner engagement,
                                                         learning resources, overall experience and
                                                            student support†.

                                                     There is high employability in careers working with
                                                     animals including production animals, domestic
                                                     animals and wildlife. Graduates may pursue
                                                     opportunities in animal behaviour, livestock and
                                                     agricultural management, zoos and animal welfare
                                                     organisations, or choose to complete the six-year
                                                     (undergraduate and postgraduate) veterinary program
                                                     and become eligible for registration as a veterinarian.
                                                     * QS World University Ranking by a Subject, 2020
                                                     ^E xcellence in Research Australia, 2018
                                                     † Good Universities Guide, 2019-2020

                                                                                                        Study at Adelaide   25
IN MORE DETAIL                                                                  

   BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN                                                                   BACHELOR OF CRIMINOLOGY
                                                                                                      WITH BACHELOR OF LAWS
                                                     Where could it take you?                         SATAC CODE             DURATION
   314131                3 years full-time           Our graduates apply design skills in all sorts   354291                 5 years full-time
                         (or part-time equivalent)                                                                           (or part-time equivalent)
                                                     of rewarding careers, and take on specialised
                                                     roles through postgraduate study. You            CAMPUS North Terrace
   North Terrace         ATAR: 80 / IB:29            might restore beautiful old buildings or
                                                     be a micro-home master. You could create
                                                                                                               and preserve natural landscapes and life               Search criminology + laws
          Search architecture                        cycles. Perhaps you’ll design the next iconic
                                                     skyscraper or opera house.

                                                     Professional accreditation                       Why combine Criminology with Laws?
   The blueprint for your future                     Please note that to practise as an architect     Expertise in the sociology of crime and
   Design goes far beyond the visual. It             or landscape architect, you must complete        deviance will complement, contextualise
   responds to possibilities and limits, to          a professionally accredited combination of       and enrich your legal studies.
   hopes and needs. It’s equal parts creative        degrees in your chosen discipline.               On graduation you’ll be uniquely placed to
   and calculated. Architectural design is           We offer the following choices:                  pursue careers in criminal law, government,
   about understanding landscapes and the                                                             commerce, industry, academia, social
                                                     • Bachelor of Architectural Design followed
   way humans create places within them.                                                              welfare and community organisations.
                                                       by Master of Architecture, recognised by
   Architecture, landscape architecture and
                                                       the Australian Institute of Architects and     What will you do?
   urban design share the purpose of aiding
                                                       accredited by the Architectural Practice
   society while creating structural works of                                                         Our Bachelor of Criminology with Bachelor
                                                       Board of South Australia
   art.                                                                                               of Laws focuses on criminal justice policy
                                                     • Bachelor of Architectural Design followed      and practice. You will:
   What will you do?                                   by Master of Landscape Architecture,
                                                       recognised and accredited by the Australian    • explore legal and criminological concepts,
   Our Bachelor of Architectural Design                Institute of Landscape Architects                processes and methods
   hones concrete skills and encourages big
                                                     • Bachelor of Architectural Design followed      • take internship courses in legal practice
   picture thinking. You will:
                                                       by Master of Property, recognised and            and research
   • visit notable building sites, landscapes,         accredited by the Royal Institution of         • pursue specialised interests in both
     gardens and exhibitions                           Chartered Surveyors                              areas through electives
   • gain high-level practical design and            • Bachelor of Architectural Design followed      • get placement opportunities in
     model-making skills                               by Master of Construction Management,            community legal centres or free clinics
   • practise computer- and hand-based                 recognised and accredited by the Royal         • access extracurricular training and
     drawing techniques                                Institution of Chartered Surveyors               activities such as moot court competitions.
   • explore relevant theory, history, tradition     • Bachelor of Architectural Design followed
     and innovation                                    by Master of Architecture with Master of
   • consider issues of ecology and environment        Landscape Architecture, recognised by
                                                       the Australian Institute of Architects and
   • learn how to formulate effective proposals.       accredited by the Architectural Practice
                                                       Board of South Australia and the Australian
                                                       Institute of Landscape Architects.

26 Study at Adelaide

                                                          You will also gain a deep understanding               applicants with the most appropriate
                                                          of how our health care system works. This             mental abilities, attitudes and professional
354552 Standard (non-bonded)
354553 Bonded Medical Program (BMP)
                                                          includes from the ‘consumer’ perspective;             behaviours required for new doctors and
                                                          how patients interact with various health             dentists to be successful in their clinical
DURATION                        CAMPUS                    services and providers.                               careers. To register for the UCAT ANZ
3 years full-time per degree    North Terrace                                                                   and access the practice materials, visit:
(total 6 years full-time)                                 Where could it take you?                    
PREREQUISITES                                             The Bachelor of Medical Studies is the first      2. South Australian Tertiary Admissions
SACE Stage 2: Biology or Chemistry or                     part of our combined medicine program.               Centre (SATAC) application
Mathematical Methods.                                                                                          Once you’ve registered with UCAT ANZ,
                                                          Upon completion, you’ll gain direct entry
IB: Biology (SL grade 4/HL grade 3) or Chemistry (SL
grade 4/HL grade 3) or Mathematics: Applications          into our Doctor of Medicine to complete              you must lodge your SATAC application
and Interpretations (HL) or Mathematics: Analysis         your training as a practice-ready doctor.            online at by the
and Approaches (SL), or equivalent. Note: subject                                                              September 2021 closing date. You’ll
prerequisites are applicable to all Bachelor of Medical
                                                          Together, these degrees will qualify you to
Studies and Doctor of Medicine entry pathways.            practise medicine anywhere in Australia              be asked to enter your UCAT ANZ
                                                          and throughout most of the world.                    identification number when doing so.
                                                          Find out more about the Doctor of
To meet the minimum academic threshold for entry
                                                          Medicine on Degree Finder.
                                                                                                            Selection criteria
into the Bachelor of Medical Studies and Doctor
of Medicine degree at the University of Adelaide,                                                           Entry to the Bachelor of Medical
students must achieve a Selection Rank of 90 or
above, or an International Baccalaureate score of         Professional accreditation                        Studies and Doctor of Medicine is
33 or above (or the interstate/overseas equivalent).
                                                          The Bachelor of Medical Studies and Doctor        based on four components.
However, a significantly higher Selection Rank is
usually required due to high levels of competition        of Medicine have been conditionally               1.	Performance in the University Clinical
for places.                                               accredited under the existing accreditation           Aptitude Test (UCAT ANZ)
Note that strict quotas apply and late applications       of the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor
will not be considered                                                                                      2. Performance in an interview.
                                                          of Surgery by the Australian Medical
                                                                                                            3.	Achievement of a Selection Rank of 90
                                                          Council (AMC).                                                                            or above for appropriate Year 12 studies,
       Search medicine
                                                          Graduate registration                                 or a credit average for tertiary studies,
                                                                                                                or STAT rank in the top decile.
                                                          To be eligible to work in Australia, you’ll       4. Prerequisite subjects.
                                                          be required to register with the Australian
Put your passion for healing into action                  Health Practitioners Regulation Agency            Rural background entry pathway
Medicine is intellectually rewarding,                     (AHPRA) on completion of your degree.
                                                          For further details, visit:                       If you’ve lived at least five consecutive years
challenging and inspiring. It requires                                                                      from birth, or 10 years cumulatively, in
critical problem-solving, teamwork and          
                                                                                                            areas with an Australian Statistical Geography
integrity. Medical practitioners work                     New Zealand citizens applying to the
                                                                                                            Standard classification of ASGS-RA 2 to
to protect and promote the health of                      Bachelor of Medical Studies and Doctor of
                                                                                                            5, you’re eligible to apply for entry via our
individuals and communities. They are                     Medicine intending to practise in Australia
                                                                                                            rural background entry pathway.
dedicated to alleviating pain and suffering,              after graduation must be aware of criteria
and caring for vulnerable people.                         for obtaining a Medicare Provider Number.         To check your location’s classification,
                                                                                                            please refer to the Department of Health
                                                          International applicants should note that
What will you do?                                                                                           and Ageing’s `DoctorConnect’ website:
                                                          successful completion of this degree may not
The medical program at the University of                  qualify them to practise/register in their home
Adelaide has a six-year full-time duration                country. Students should contact the
which leads to the awards of Bachelor of                  relevant health registration bodies of their      Some conditions apply. To find out more,
Medical Studies and Doctor of Medicine.                   home country for further information.             visit and
                                                                                                            select ‘Entry Pathways’ from the menu.
Our Bachelor of Medical Studies provides the              Internships
foundation knowledge and skills needed to                                                                   Commonwealth-supported places
excel in health care. Learning in partnership             Internships are separate from the medical
with outstanding educators and clinicians                 degree, and the University of Adelaide does       There are two types of Commonwealth-
in our state-of-the-art Adelaide Health and               not facilitate internship placements.             supported places (CSP) in the Bachelor of
Medical Sciences building, you will:                                                                        Medical Studies and Doctor of Medicine
                                                          Further information regarding internship
                                                                                                            program: Standard CSP (non-bonded) and
• work in small groups to address scenario-               allocations can be found on the SA Health
                                                                                                            Bonded Medical Place (BMP). The BMP
  based problems relating to common                       Careers and SA Medical Education and
                                                                                                            requires you to enter into a contract with
  and important individual, community,                    Training websites:
                                                                                                            the Australian Government to provide
  Indigenous and global health issues                     •                      medical services in an area of workforce
• gain valuable exposure to real-world                    •                                shortage for some time following graduation.
  clinical practice and develop your own                                                                    For more detailed information visit:
  safe and effective clinical skills in                   Admissions
  cutting-edge simulation facilities                      There are two distinct parts to the
• investigate the social determinants of                  application process.
  health and health behaviours                            1. University Clinical Aptitude
• learn to evaluate the health status of                      Test (UCAT ANZ) application
  individuals and populations                                 All applicants, with the exception of
• acquire a solid foundation in research                      those entering via the Aboriginal and
  skills and evidence-based care                              Torres Strait Islander Pathway are
                                                              required to register and sit for the
• learn collaboratively in interprofessional                  UCAT ANZ. The UCAT ANZ is
  teams.                                                      used widely to help universities select

                                                                                                                                          Study at Adelaide    27
BACHELOR OF                                     BACHELOR OF                                            BACHELOR OF OCCUPATIONAL
   ENGINEERING (HONOURS)                           MUSIC THEATRE                                          THERAPY (HONOURS)

   Studying engineering at Adelaide you will
   be able to select from industry-focused         SATAC CODE 334781          CAMPUS North Terrace        SATAC CODE      DURATION            CAMPUS
                                                                                                          354271          4 years full-time   North Terrace
   interdisciplinary specialisations.
                                                   DURATION 3 years full-time (or part-time equivalent)
   These are designed in close collaboration                                                              PREREQUISITES
   with employers and enable students to           ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                     SACE Stage 2: Biology or Chemistry or Mathematical
                                                                                                          Methods or equivalent.
   develop knowledge and practical skills          Audition and SACE Stage 2 (or equivalent)
                                                                                                          IB: Biology (SL grade 4/HL grade 3) or Chemistry
   in specialist areas aligned to current and                                                             (SL grade 4/HL grade 3) or Mathematics: Applications
   future STEM opportunities.                                     and Interpretations (HL) or Mathematics: Analysis
                                                          Search music                                    and Approaches (SL), or equivalent.
   Two of our specialisations include:
                                                                                                          ADDITIONAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
   Defence Systems – Driving                                                                              Strict quotas apply and late applications will
                                                                                                          not be considered.
   improvements for the Defence Force              Steal the stage
                                                                                                          To meet the minimum academic threshold for entry,
                                                   Theatre artists are keen, creative and                 applicants must achieve a Selection Rank of 90 or
   The defence sector needs highly-skilled                                                                above, or an International Baccalaureate (IB) score of
   engineers, computer scientists and              collaborative professionals who perform                33 or above (or the interstate/overseas equivalent).
   mathematicians to deliver some of the           across a range of disciplines including
   largest and most complex Australian             acting, singing and dancing. They work             
   projects. There are a range of engineering      hard to bring stories to life and entertain                   Search occupational therapy
   careers in the defence industry from            audiences around the world.
   working with aircraft to electrical systems
   and communications technology.                  What will you do?

   Students specialising in Defence Systems        Our Bachelor of Music Theatre welcomes you             Transform lives by promoting health
   can undertake courses related to complex        into a vibrant community as enthusiastic               and well-being
   systems, human factors and systems              about music theatre as you are. You will:
                                                                                                          Occupational therapists help us build and
   engineering where they will gain experience     • study at the prestigious Elder                       protect the specific capabilities we need
   working with defence companies in South           Conservatorium in the centre of                      to effectively participate in the critical
   Australia –Australia’s defence state.             Adelaide’s cultural hub                              activities of our daily lives: learning,
                                                   • receive intensive, individualised training           socialising, playing, doing our jobs and
   Smart Technologies – Enhancing                    in singing and song coaching, as well as             simply looking after ourselves.
   our quality of life                               classes in dance, acting and music                   By guiding and supporting physical and
   In this exciting field where innovation is      • develop broad cultural and inter-                    psychological progress, they help individuals,
   key, infrastructure, technology and the           disciplinary awareness                               families and communities create or restore
   internet work together to improve quality       • build skills in communication,                       meaning, purpose and independence.
   of life, identify issues and enhancements,        collaboration, self-confidence, physical
   interpret data and provide options for            presence and analytical insight                      What will you do?
   better and faster solutions.
                                                   • benefit from the expertise of our highly             Our Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
   Students specialising in Smart Technologies       accomplished and industry-active staff.              (Honours) equips you to identify, prevent
   have the opportunity to complete courses                                                               and manage the full range of challenges to
   related to mobile and wireless systems,         You’ll also gain valuable experience                   everyday activity.
   computer networks and autonomous                through University partnerships with
                                                   Adelaide Festival, South Australian Film               With many courses taught by registered
   systems where they will gain first-hand
                                                   Corporation, Adelaide Cabaret Festival                 practising occupational therapists, the
   experience working with technology
                                                   and Adelaide Fringe.                                   degree places an emphasis on real-world
   companies in South Australia.
                                                                                                          experience. In over 1,000 hours of work-
   Our Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)           Where could it take you?                               based training, you’ll work with children
   degrees are available in the following areas:                                                          and adults of all ages in multiple settings:
                                                   Our artists are industry-ready and
   • Chemical                                      equipped to realise a career as a performer.           public and private health organisations;
                                                   This can also take you into the broader                schools; rehabilitation centres; aged care;
   • Civil
                                                   world of theatrical arts and theatre making.           mental health and more.
   • Electrical and Electronic
                                                                                                          You’ll gain high-level knowledge and
   • Environmental                                                                                        skills in:
   • Mechanical                                                                                           • human anatomy, physiology and
   • Mining                                                                                                 pathophysiology
   • Petroleum                                                                                            • rehabilitation from short- and long-term
   More details:                                                                       injury, musculoskeletal and neurological
   publications/pdfs/pil_eng.pdf                                                                            conditions, chronic illness, disability and
                                                                                                            mental health issues
                                                                                                          • specialised practice with children
                                                                                                            and families
                                                                                                          • broad public health issues and population
                                                                                                            approaches to health and wellbeing
                                                                                                          • cultural diversity, with a focus on
                                                                                                            Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                                                                            people and communities, and rural or
                                                                                                            international health perspectives
                                                                                                          • evidence-based, patient-centred care.

28 Study at Adelaide

You’ll regularly access our purpose-built                                                                  You’ll regularly access our purpose-built
                                                  SATAC CODE     DURATION            CAMPUS
training facilities and state-of-the-art                                                                   training facilities and state-of-the-art
                                                  354251         4 years full-time   North Terrace
simulation suites—among Australasia’s                                                                      simulation suites—among Australasia’s
most advanced. In addition, you’ll                PREREQUISITES                                            most advanced. In addition you’ll
benefit from collaborative learning with          SACE Stage 2: Biology or Chemistry or Mathematical       benefit from collaborative learning with
key complementary disciplines speech              Methods or equivalent.                                   key complementary disciplines speech
                                                  IB: Biology (SL grade 4/HL grade 3) or Chemistry         pathology and occupational therapy.
pathology and physiotherapy.                      (SL grade 4/HL grade 3) or Mathematics: Applications
From late in third year, you’ll choose one        and Interpretations (HL) or Mathematics: Analysis        From third year, you’ll choose one of two
                                                  and Approaches (SL), or equivalent.
of two streams—research* or industry—                                                                      streams—research* or industry—and
and undertake a major project. Research           ADDITIONAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                           undertake a major project. Research
will hone your skills in developing new           Strict quotas apply and late applications will           will hone your skills in developing new
knowledge; industry focuses on integrating        not be considered.                                       knowledge; industry focuses on integrating
                                                  To meet the minimum academic threshold for entry,        research into practice.
research into practice.                           applicants must achieve a Selection Rank of 90 or
                                                  above, or an International Baccalaureate (IB) score of
Where could it take you?                          33 or above (or the interstate/overseas equivalent).     Where could it take you?
You’ll graduate eligible to pursue a wide                                                                  You’ll graduate eligible to pursue a wide
range of career opportunities working with               Search occupational therapy
                                                                                                           range of career opportunities. You could help
communities and populations to achieve                                                                     cancer patients improve their condition—
and maintain health and well-being. You                                                                    and spirit—during treatment. You could
could help children with sensory issues                                                                    help a range of people better manage a
realise their full learning—and life—             Transform lives through freedom                          variety of health conditions. You might
potential. You might help elderly people                                                                   help a child take their first steps, or you
                                                  of movement                                              could help someone get back to work, sport
maintain the capacity to live in their
treasured family homes. Perhaps you’ll help       Physiotherapists help us recover, maintain               or other activities. Those in the research
those recovering from workplace trauma            and enhance our ability to move freely and               stream may change the way we assess and
return to their passion.                          without pain. They help us overcome injury,              manage a range of conditions, leading to
                                                  preserve physical condition during and after             better health outcomes for the population.
Professional accreditation                        illness, and improve athletic performance.
                                                  But the psychological impact of that is                  Professional accreditation
Accredited with conditions by the
Occupational Therapy Council and approved         far from purely technical; it’s a critical               The Bachelor of Physiotherapy program has
by the Occupational Therapy Board.                component of positive mental health and                  been conditionally accredited for a period
                                                  an enabler of a rewarding quality of life.               of 4 years, starting from the 31/12/2020.
Industry placement                                                                                         The University of Adelaide looks forward
                                                  What will you do?                                        to continuing to work with the Australian
Students will be introduced to clinical
placement in the second year of study,            Our Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)                  Physiotherapy Council during this period.
before completing 1000+ hours of clinical         equips you to assess and manage a range
placement in a range of metropolitan              of health conditions.                                    Industry placement
and rural settings throughout the final           With many courses taught by registered                   From first year, students will undertake
18 months of the program.                         practising physiotherapists, the degree                  an observational clinical placement,
* Entry into the research stream will be based   places an emphasis on real-world experience.             before completing 900+ hours of clinical
   on academic merit.                             In up to 900 hours of work-based training,               placement in a range of metropolitan
                                                  you’ll work with children and adults of all              and rural settings throughout the final
                                                  ages in multiple settings, which may include:            18 months of the program.
                                                  public and private health organisations;                 * Entry into the research stream will be based
                                                  schools; rehabilitation centres; sporting                   on academic merit.
                                                  organisations; aged care and more.
                                                  You’ll gain high-level knowledge and
                                                  skills in:
                                                  • human anatomy, biomechanics
                                                    and physiology
                                                  • clinical assessment and management
                                                    of patients with cardiothoracic,
                                                    musculoskeletal and neurological
                                                    dysfunction, and developmental disorders
                                                  • safe patient handling practices and
                                                    patient education
                                                  • broad public health issues
                                                  • evidence-based, patient-centred care.

                                                                                                                                              Study at Adelaide   29
                                                                                                               You’ll regularly access our purpose-built
   SATAC CODE             DURATION                    SATAC CODE     DURATION            CAMPUS
                                                                                                               training facilities and state-of-the-art
   324101                 3 years full-time           354261         4 years full-time   North Terrace
                          (or part-time equivalent)                                                            simulation suites—among Australasia’s
                                                      PREREQUISITES                                            most advanced. In addition you’ll benefit
   CAMPUS                 GUARANTEED ENTRY            SACE Stage 2: English PLUS one of Biology or Chemistry   from collaborative learning with key
   North Terrace          ATAR: 75 / IB: 26           or Mathematical Methods or equivalent.                   complementary disciplines physiotherapy
                                                      IB: Biology (SL grade 4/HL grade 3) or Chemistry         and occupational therapy.
   PREREQUISITES                                      (SL grade 4/HL grade 3) or Mathematics: Applications
   SACE Stage 2: Physics, Mathematical Methods        and Interpretations (HL) or Mathematics: Analysis        From late third year, you’ll choose one
   and Specialist Mathematics                         and Approaches (SL), English or equivalent.
                                                                                                               of two streams—research* or industry—
   IB: Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (HL)                                                               and undertake a major project. Research
    and Physics (SL grade 4/HL grade 3)               ADDITIONAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                      Strict quotas apply and late applications will           will hone your skills in developing new
                                                      not be considered.                                       knowledge; industry focuses on integrating               To meet the minimum academic threshold for entry,
          Search space + astrophysics                                                                          research into practice.
                                                      applicants must achieve a Selection Rank of 90 or
                                                      above, or an International Baccalaureate (IB) score of
                                                      33 or above (or the interstate/overseas equivalent).     Where could it take you?
                                                                                                               You’ll graduate eligible to pursue a wide
   The final frontier                             
                                                             Search speech pathology
                                                                                                               range of career opportunities. You could help
   Want to delve into the depths of our                                                                        children with disabilities or developmental
   solar system? Explore the universe’s                                                                        delays connect with their peers by overcoming
   most distant galaxies?                                                                                      social communication challenges. You
                                                      Transform lives through the power                        might help a person who has had a stroke
   This is the number one degree in South                                                                      regain their ability to eat and communicate,
   Australia for Astronomical and Space               of communication                                         or support a patient in end-of-life care.
   Sciences research and access to researchers,       Speech pathologists help us make use of                  Perhaps you’ll enable adults with acquired
   including Nobel Prize winners and the              arguably our most precious capability—                   or traumatic brain injuries communicate
   recipient of the 2020 Prime Minister’s             communication. As humans, we are innately                with others, or be part of a therapeutic
   Award for Science.                                 social, our lives revolve around connecting              team working towards achieving the
                                                      with others through eating, drinking, work               person’s goal of gaining employment.
   What will you do?                                  and play. Speech pathologists help people
   Our Bachelor of Science (Space Science             of all ages to participate in their life and             Professional accreditation
   and Astrophysics) places a strong emphasis         connect with others.                                     The Bachelor of Speech Pathology
   on maths and physics. You will:                    Talented speech pathologists are already highly          (Honours) is undertaking the Qualifying
   • work with, and learn from, international         sought-after, and demand is growing fast.                Accreditation process in accordance with
     researchers whose ground-breaking and                                                                     the accreditation procedures of the national
     award-winning discoveries are changing           What will you do?                                        professional body, Speech Pathology Australia.
     the way we understand our universe               Our Bachelor of Speech Pathology
   • develop problem-solving skills critical to       (Honours) equips you to assess, diagnose                 Industry placement
     modern careers in physics, high-tech and         and treat conditions across the full scope               Students will be introduced to clinical
     space industries, and big data science           of speech pathology practice; speech and                 placement in the third year of study and
   • have the opportunity to take part in             language, swallowing, fluency, voice and                 will be required to complete 800+
     project work with established scientists         multimodal communication. Our courses                    hours of clinical placement in a range
                                                      have an emphasis on inter-professional and               of metropolitan and rural settings
   • discover the fundamental processes which         culturally responsive practice. With many                throughout the program.
     define our universe and planet                   of the courses taught by certified practising            * Entry into the research stream will be based
   • unravel the mysteries of space through core      speech pathologists, the degree facilitates                 on academic merit.
     training in astronomy and space science          the development of transferrable skills
   • supplement learning with other science,          through real-world learning experiences.
     geoscience, and maths programs.                  In over 800 hours of clinical-based training,
                                                      you’ll have the opportunity to work with
   Will you engage with the Australian                children and adults of all ages in public
   Space Agency?                                      and private health, community, disability,
                                                      education and aged-care settings.
   With the new agency located right next
   door to our campus, there could be                 You’ll gain high-level knowledge and skills in:
   opportunities to interact with industry,           • head and neck anatomy and
   start-ups and space technology enterprises.          neurophysiology
                                                      • speech and language development,
   Where could it take you?                             linguistics and phonetics, motor speech,
   You might research star formation with a             aphasia, cognition and swallowing
   national space agency or be a planetarium          • current public health and justice
   director. You could forecast geomagnetic             system topics
   storms at the Bureau of Meteorology.
   Perhaps you’ll work in an observatory,             • working with culturally and linguistically
   publish a book or host the next award-               diverse populations, including Aboriginal
   winning space documentary.                           and Torres Strait Islander people
                                                        and communities
                                                      • evidence-based, person-centred care.

30 Study at Adelaide
You can also read