African black beetle (Heteronychus arator) - Dairy Australia

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African black beetle (Heteronychus arator) - Dairy Australia
Feed Planning

African black beetle
(Heteronychus arator)

African black beetle (ABB), an introduced scarab pest, is found
in Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales,
and Queensland. ABB has not been recorded in Tasmania.
ABB is a major agricultural pest, damaging several pasture species,
cereal crops, horticultural crops, and some forestry species.

ABB is emerging as a major pest in       While there are limited chemical
pasture based agriculture, including     options available for controlling ABB,
in the dairy industry due to the use     several agronomic practices can be
of pasture and crop species that the     implemented to renew damaged
beetle feeds on. Pasture grass species   paddocks. As ABB is often mistaken for     African black beetle larva. Image © Western
favoured by ABB include ryegrasses,      other scarabs in pastures and cereals,     Australian Agriculture Authority (Department of
paspalum, kikuyu and phalaris.           best practice management begins with       Primary Industries and Regional Development, WA)
Cereal crops (including wheat, barley,   correct species identification.
triticale, maize and sorghum) are also
vulnerable to ABB attack.                Identification and behaviour
In addition to crop and pasture          ABB larvae have six legs, a brown
species, climate can influence           head capsule, and a ‘C-shaped’ body.
ABB activity. ABB outbreaks are          The larval body is grey in appearance
associated with warm springs.            when young but transitions to creamy-
Larvae (the immature form) growth        white when mature. They are ~5 mm
during spring is optimal at soil         when they hatch, growing to ~25 mm
temperatures between 20–25°C,            in length. The larvae damage pastures
while temperatures below 15°C are        by pruning or completely severing
detrimental to development (King         grass roots close to the crown of the
et al. 1981a). High soil moisture        plant. In severe cases where infestation   Blackheaded pasture cockchafer larva.
during early larval development is       occurs, pastures become patchy and         Image: Andrew Weeks, Cesar
also considered unfavourable (King       can be rolled back like a carpet.
et al. 1981c). In New Zealand, ABB                                                  Main image: African black beetle adult.
                                                                                    Trevor James, AgResearch, NZ)
distribution is limited to areas with
a mean annual surface temperature
above 12.8°C (Watson 1979).

For more information, go to
African black beetle (Heteronychus arator) - Dairy Australia
The adult beetle form of ABB is 12–14
mm long, has a brown to black body
with indented longitudinal striations on
the wing covers, and flares and spurs
on its legs. Adult beetles have strong
nocturnal flight activity, and disperse
during their ‘roaming’ stage primarily
in autumn, leading to paddocks
becoming infested. The adults feed on
the stems of a variety of young plants
either underground or above the soil
surface, often killing growing points so
that the central shoots wither and the
plant dies.
ABB can be easily mistaken for other
scarab pests, including the redheaded
pasture cockchafer (Adoryphous                        African black beetle pasture damage. Image: Cesar
coulonii), the blackheaded pasture
cockchafer (Acrossidius tasmaniae),
and yellowheaded cockchafers
(Sericesthis spp.). These common
cockchafer pests share features
with ABB that are only discernible
to a trained eye or when comparing
species side-by-side. Nevertheless,
ABB can be distinguished from these                   Life cycle of African black beetle (Image: Karpyn Esqueda et al. 2017)
cockchafers by considering behaviour
and biology in addition to physical
attributes.                                           Blackheaded pasture cockchafer                       Hosts
                                                      Blackheaded pasture cockchafers                      ABB larvae have a strong preference
The following parameters should be
                                                      also have a one year life cycle, but                 for forage pasture species such as
considered and used in a process
                                                      unlike ABB, adults lay their eggs                    ryegrass, tall fescue, kikuyu, and
of elimination:
                                                      between January and February.                        paspalum. Legume species are
Species life stage                                    Blackheaded pasture cockchafer                       considered unfavourable, although they
A key difference between ABB                          larvae emerge in 3–4 weeks and                       may feed on white clover in absence
and other common scarabs is that                      reach the most damaging third instar                 of their preferred host species (King
ABB attack plants as both larvae                      larval stage in late autumn and winter.              et al. 1981b). In contrast, the larvae
and as adults. Only the larvae of                     The larvae pupate in spring and adults               of redheaded pasture cockchafer
blackheaded pasture cockchafer,                       emerge in mid-late summer.                           are common in pastures with a high
redheaded pasture cockchafer,                                                                              subterranean clover content. The larvae
                                                      Redheaded pasture cockchafer
and yellowheaded cockchafers are                                                                           of blackheaded pasture cockchafer will
                                                      Redheaded pasture cockchafer has                     also feed on legumes.
regarded as pests. Therefore, if adult                a two-year life cycle. In year one,
beetles are found with accompanying                   redheaded cockchafer adults emerge                   Larval feeding behaviour
stem damage below or just above the                   from pupae from late summer to                       Larvae of ABB and other scarabs
soil surface, ABB is a likely a suspect.              mid-autumn, but they do not surface                  are generally subterranean feeders,
Pest biology                                          from the soil until August to October                consuming and pruning plant roots.
                                                      when they take flight and lay eggs.                  The blackheaded pasture cockchafer
Understanding the biology and life
                                                      The eggs hatch in late spring and the                larvae, however, is the exception to
cycle of common scarabs can assist
                                                      larvae reach the most damaging third                 this rule. After rainfall and heavy dews,
with distinguishing ABB at different
                                                      instar stage by early autumn in the                  blackheaded pasture cockchafer larvae
times of the year:
                                                      second year. Most damage is caused                   move onto the surface to feed on
ABB                                                   from March to June until winter                      foliage, resulting in small mounds of dirt
ABB has a one year life cycle. Adults                 temperatures hinder larval activity.                 surrounding tunnels on the soil surface.
lay their eggs in the soil in spring,                 Further feeding damage can occur
                                                      from late August to December until                   Anal opening
and larvae emerge in 2–5 weeks
depending on temperature, and reach                   pupation occurs.                                     Scarab larvae have an anal opening
the most damaging third instar larval                                                                      at their rear end which is visible
                                                      Yellowheaded cockchafers
stage from mid-January to March.1                                                                          with a hand lens. This opening is a
                                                      There are multiple yellowheaded                      horizontal split in ABB and redheaded
Larvae then pupate in the soil and
                                                      cockchafer species and while their life              cockchafers. In the yellowheaded
emerge as adults, which go on to feed
                                                      cycles are largely unknown, they are                 cockchafer and blackheaded pasture
on pastures and crops throughout
                                                      thought to reach the most damaging                   cockchafer larvae, a Y-shaped anal
autumn, winter and spring.
                                                      third instar larval stage during winter.             opening is evident.

1   These observations were made in New Zealand and may vary with local climate
African black beetle (Heteronychus arator) - Dairy Australia
ABB, redheaded pasture cockchafer and blackheaded pasture cockchafer anal openings, respectively. Images: Agriculture Victoria

ABB, redheaded pasture cockchafer and blackheaded pasture cockchafer head capsules, respectively. Images: Agriculture Victoria

Head capsule                                          summer (Watson & Wrenn 1979). The               only provide a low level of protection
The head capsule of ABB larvae is                     same method can be used in early                against ABB and is unlikely to provide
mostly described as brown, whereas                    February, in which case larvae and              adequate control in situations with
redheaded pasture cockchafers,                        adult numbers exceeding 15–20/m2                medium or high levels of ABB pressure.
yellowheaded cockchafers and                          is considered a damaging level (Dairy           Other endophytes which provide good
blackheaded pasture cockchafers                       NZ, 2012).                                      control of ABB include MaxP in tall
have head capsules that correspond                                                                    fescue and U2 in festulolium.
                                                      With few effective ABB control
to their common names. Note that                      options available, the focus needs to           ABB larvae
head capsule colour alone should not                  be on reducing the risk of damaging             Commercially available endophyte
be used to distinguish ABB from other                 levels being reached by adopting the            strains do not appear to provide
scarabs due to subjectivity in colour                 following combination of strategies             control of ABB larvae (Bell et al., 2011).
perception from person to person, and                 when renewing paddocks damaged
variation in colour between individuals               by ABB:                                         Always seek professional advice when
of the same species. In addition to                                                                   using endophyte infected pasture
differences in colour, redheaded                      Endophyte deterrents                            varieties to ensure the correct choice
pasture cockchafers have small pit                    Sow ryegrass varieties with                     is made for your farm and prevent the
marks on their head whereas ABB has                   endophytes that deter ABB.                      development of ryegrass staggers
a smooth head capsule.                                An endophyte is a fungus that                   in livestock.
                                                      lives harmoniously in a host
Monitoring and control                                                                                Insecticides
                                                      plant, producing alkaloids which
There are monitoring guidelines that                  deter insects.                                  Consider the use of insecticide
can be used to assess ABB pest                                                                        treated seed when renewing pastures.
pressure.2 To estimate the risk of                    ABB adults                                      Poncho® Plus seed treatment is
damaging larval populations over                      Egg laying by adults is reduced in              the only chemical option registered
summer, take 10 random square-                        pastures dominated by grasses                   for ABB control in grass and
shaped soil samples per paddock                       infected with endophytes and                    broadleaf pastures. Control should
in September (Watson et al. 1980).                    hence larval damage may also be                 be expected for 3–4 weeks after
Each sample should be the width                       reduced. NEA2, AR37 and Endo5                   sowing, although seed treatments
of a 20cm spade and ~10cm                             are commercially available ryegrass             will not control heavy populations.
deep. Approximate pest pressure/                      endophytes which provide resistance             Chlorpyrifos is registered for ABB in
m2 can be determined by summing                       to damage from ABB adults. Standard             maize in NSW. Off-label application
the number of ABB adults found in                     endophyte (SE) also provides good               of organophosphates and synthetic
10 samples and multiplying it by 2.5.                 ABB control, however its use is not             pyrethroids are not recommended for
If the average number of beetles is                   recommended as SE can cause severe              control of ABB in pastures. Field trials
above 10/m2, the paddock could                        ryegrass staggers and other animal              show that while foliar applications
be at risk from larval damage over                    health problems. AR1 endophyte will             of alpha-cypermethrin (pyrethroid)

2   These observations were made in New Zealand and may vary with local climate
African black beetle (Heteronychus arator) - Dairy Australia
and chlorpyrifos (organophosphate)                     References and                                    Pavri and Young (2007) Pastures
may kill adult beetles, they do not                    useful resources                                  (including lucerne) – winter rainfall.
necessarily reduce ensuing larval                      Bell et al. (2011) Black beetle:                  In ‘Pest of field crops and pastures:
populations (Eden et al. 2011).                        lessons from the past and options                 identification and control’ (Ed. P. Bailey),
                                                       for the future. Pasture Persistence               CSIRO Publishing, pp. 393–411.
Crop rotation
                                                       – Grassland Research and Practice                 Watson (1979) Dispersal and
Rotate ABB-affected paddocks with                                                                        distribution of Heteronychus arator
                                                       Series 15, 119–124.
an unfavourable crop or pasture.                                                                         in New Zealand (Coleoptera:
Planting a legume, chicory or                          Dairy NZ (2012) Black beetle.
                                                       Farmfact 1–29.                                    Scarabaeidae) Proceedings of the
brassica species in spring is likely                                                                     2nd Australasian Conference on
to disrupt ABB at the larval stage of                  Eden et al. (2011) Evaluation of spring
                                                                                                         Grassland Invertebrate Ecology,
development (Bell et al. 2011). Adult                  and autumn applied insecticides
ABB is migratory and can reinvade                      for the control of black beetle. New
crops and pastures sown in autumn                      Zealand Plant Protection 64, 63–67.               Watson et al. (1980) Farm surveying
after a break crop, however the risk                                                                     of black beetle populations in spring
                                                       Gerard et al. (2013) Influence of
can be managed using endophyte                                                                           as an indicator of larval populations in
                                                       pasture renewal, soil factors and
varieties and seed treatments.                                                                           summer. Proceedings of the thirty-
                                                       climate on black beetle abundance
Delaying sowing until May (if practical)                                                                 third New Zealand Weed and Pest
                                                       in Waikato and Bay of Plenty.
will reduce the level of feeding                                                                         Control Conference, 144–147.
                                                       Proceedings of the New Zealand
damage by ABB adults, which                            Grassland Association 75, 235–240.                Watson and Wrenn (1979) An
decrease their feeding activity during                                                                   association between Paspalum
                                                       Karpyn Esqueda et al. (2017) A review
the colder months.                                                                                       dilatatum and black beetle in pasture.
                                                       of perennial ryegrass endophytes and
                                                                                                         Proceedings of the New Zealand
Remove feed source                                     their potential use in management
                                                                                                         Grassland Association 41, 96–104.
                                                       of African black beetle in perennial
Before establishing a new pasture,
                                                       grazing systems in Australia. Frontiers           Acknowledgements
remove alternative food sources from
                                                       in Plant Science 8, 1–21.
in and around the paddock. This                                                                          This article was compiled by Julia
includes winter grass (Poa annua),                     King et al. (1981a) Ecology of                    Severi and Dr. Paul Umina (Cesar).
paspalum, annual ryegrass, phalaris,                   black beetle, Heteronychus arator                 Thanks to Dr. Alison Popay and
and kikuyu. Varieties of perennial                     (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) - influence            Dr. David Hume (AgResearch) and
ryegrass, tall fescue, and Italian                     of temperature on feeding, growth,                Stuart Kemp (PastureWise) for their
ryegrass that do not contain the                       and survival of the larvae. New Zealand           assistance in developing this article.
appropriate endophyte deterrents                       Journal of Zoology 8, 113–117.                    Thanks also to Dr. Kathryn Guthridge
should also be removed. The level                      King et al. (1981b) Ecology of                    and Cath Lescun for comments.
of control from sowing endophyte                       black beetle, Heteronychus arator
grass varieties and break crops will be                (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) - relative
hampered if ABB has an alternative                     consumption of pasture plant roots
food source in the pasture or in                       by larvae. New Zealand Journal of
neighbouring areas.                                    Zoology 8, 123–125.
Manage soil pH                                         King et al. (1981c) Ecology of
                                                       black beetle, Heteronychus arator
Keeping soil pH high at around
                                                       (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) - relative
6 helps reduce numbers of black
                                                       consumption of pasture plant roots
beetle larvae (mechanism is currently
                                                       by larvae. New Zealand Journal of
unknown) but will not prevent
                                                       Agricultural Research 24, 87–97.
damaging populations from occurring.

Published by Dairy Australia Limited.

Whilst all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
of the African black beetle fact sheet, use of the information contained
herein is at one’s own risk. To the fullest extent permitted by Australian
law, Dairy Australia disclaims all liability for any losses, costs, damages
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African black beetle (Heteronychus arator) - Dairy Australia African black beetle (Heteronychus arator) - Dairy Australia African black beetle (Heteronychus arator) - Dairy Australia African black beetle (Heteronychus arator) - Dairy Australia African black beetle (Heteronychus arator) - Dairy Australia African black beetle (Heteronychus arator) - Dairy Australia
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