Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts

Page created by Pedro Nunez
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts

Age Concern                                                                           Horowhenua | Kapiti | Manawatu
                                                                                      He Manaakitanga Kaumātua

Horowhenua | Kapiti
Palmerston North and Districts
                                        Serving the needs of older people

                 For advertising phone Dave 027 652 5220 or email
   A Kiwi Publications Limited publication | | Please refer to website for disclaimer
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
2     AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                         SPRING 2021                3

                                                                                                                                                                    Personal and economical transport
    Contact Information                          Contact Information                                         Mid Central District Health                            with extra help
    Age Concern Horowhenua                       Age Concern Palmerston                                      Board COVID Vaccination                                - Total Mobility (TM) accepted
    Phone: (06) 367 2181
                                                 North & Districts                                           Programme                                              Call Freedom Drivers for medical, business and
    Email:            Phone: (06) 355 2832                                        If you live in the Mid Central District, which         personal appointments or assistance with shopping.
    Address: 14 Durham Street, Levin 5510        Email:                      includes Palmerston North, Manawatū,                   How about a drive with a stop for morning or
                                                 Address: 51 Waldegrave Street,                              Horowhenua, Ōtaki or Tararua, and you fit              afternoon tea for yourself and a couple of friends?
    OFFICE HOURS                                 Palmerston North 4410                                       into Group 1, 2, or 3, you may have already
    9.00am - 3.00pm Monday to Friday                                                                                                                                “We bring our friendly service to your door and we
                                                                                                             been contacted by either your health provider          will provide extra help at either end of the journey as
                                                 OFFICE HOURS
    STAFF                                                                                                    or the MidCentral DHB to book your vaccine             needed. For medical appointments we make sure
                                                 8.30am - 3.30pm Monday to Friday
    Manager: Catherine McAuliffe                                                                             appointment.                                           you get to the right place and will wait if necessary
    Elder Abuse Response Service: Robyn Baker    STAFF                                                       If you haven’t been contacted, please call the         or pick you up after the appointment. Travelling with
    Accredited Visiting Service:                 Manager: Marian Dean                                        COVID Vaccination Healthline on 0800 28 29 26          Freedom is like travelling with friends or family. You
    Robyn Baker & Charlene Lyttle                                                                            (8am to 8pm, 7 days) to book your vaccine.             build a relationship with a driver you get to know and
                                                 Elder Abuse Response Service Social
                                                 Workers: Amey Jenkins & Klara Salisbury                     Alternatively, you can call 0800 MDHB VAX              trust.”
    BOARD MEMBERS                                                                                            (0800 6342 829) and we can help you book your
    Chairperson: Stewart Thompson                                                                                                                                   Service is personalised and Freedom prices are
                                                 Social Connection Coordinator:                              appointment.                                           comparable to (and often less) than a standard taxi.
    Vice Chairperson: Anne Rogers                Fern Brooking
    Secretary: Mike Elliot                                                                                           To book via email, please email                We take Total Mobility cards (TM) and are
    Treasurer: Vicky Prouting                                                                                                ACC Registered Vendors.
                                                 BOARD MEMBERS                                                     Please note: all vaccinations are by
    Committee: Deborah Campbell, Peter Dyer,     Christina Brenton (Chair)                                                                                          Call Lindsey directly now on 04 298 3184 or
    Carol Dyer                                                                                                             appointment only.                        021 355 142 for more information or to get a quote.
                                                 Jeff Rayner (Finance)
                                                 Joan Chettleburgh, Tracy Lynn, Paul Reiger,
                                                 Ron Rowe, Audrey Jarvis.                                                                                                Fantas c Kapi Business
    Contact Information                                                                                                                                                  Opportunity (franchise re-sale)
                                                                                                                                                                     Love the idea of a
    Age Concern Kapiti                          Disclaimer: The views expressed in this newsletter are not                                                           community focussed
    Phone: (04) 298 8879                        necessarily those of Age Concern HKM. The inclusion or                                                               local business but don’t
                                                exclusion of any product does not mean that the publisher                                                            want to start from
    Email:         or Age Concern advocates or rejects its use.
    Address: Level 1, Coastlands Mall,                                                                                                                               scratch? This could be
    Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5032                                                                                                                                      for you.
                                                                                                                  Enliven creates elder-centred communities
    OFFICE HOURS                                                                                                 where individuals are recognised and valued         Freedom Drivers Kapi is offered for sale with
    9.00am - 3.00pm Monday to Thursday                                                                                – a place where everyone can enjoy             exis ng clients and income to get you off to a good
                                                                                                                 companionship, meaningful activity and fun.         start. There is plenty of scope for further growth.
    9.00am - 1.00pm Friday
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Freedom Drivers is a community
    EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                                                                                             • Coombrae Home and Village, Feilding                                         oriented, flexible lifestyle business.
    Chairperson - Roger Booth                                                                                          • Willard Home, Palmerston North                                           If you enjoy driving and are kind,
                                                Millvale Lodge Lindale offers a homely environment             • Brightwater Home and Village, Palmerston North
    Secretary - Bev Chappell                                                                                                                                                                      caring good communicator who
                                                   in a peaceful rural setting with lovely gardens.
    Treasurer - Graeme Joyes                                                                                          • Reevedon Home and Village, Levin                                          loves helping people this could be
                                                            Each person is supported to                              • Levin Home for War Veterans, Levin                                         the perfect business for you.
    Committee - Linda Benson, Fay Doyle,
                                                          experience each moment richly.                            • Kapiti Day Programme, Paraparaumu
    Rama Rewi, Sonya Sloan, Jill Stansfield,                                                                                                                               Call Lindsey Go for a friendly chat
    Jane Yoong                                   CARE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA                                  retirement villages rest home hospital dementia
                                                                                                                                                                              04 298-3184 or 021 355 142
    STAFF                                               & HOSPITAL CARE                                         short term respite health recovery day programmes                kapi
    Manager: Susan Church                         91 Main Road North, Lindale, Paraparaumu
    AVS and Health Promotion Coordinator:            Please contact us on (04) 297 0059                               Free phone 0508 ENLIVEN or visit
    Alison Miller
                                                                                                        companion driving

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Editorial supplied by Freedom Drivers
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
4    AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                           SPRING 2021          5

                                                                                                                     Sgt. Gary McKernon from Dannevirke police. Gary          that venue was no longer available due to COVID
News from Age Concern New Zealand                                                                                    is an ex traffic officer who shared his knowledge of
                                                                                                                     Tararua roads whilst presenting the section on the
                                                                                                                                                                              she found a new venue for the group and made all
                                                                                                                                                                              the arrangements for the group to move to it. We
Palmerston North & Districts Branch Inc                                                                              road code. Thank you to Lynne Ellingham-Boyd, the        couldn’t run these classes without the volunteer Peer
                                                                                                                     staff, and volunteers at the Elske Centre and to Gary    Leaders, so thanks to all of you.
We are so lucky in New Zealand to have good library         out of library services. She gave a very interesting     for making this workshop possible.                       We are always grateful to our funders. We thank
services. They have great selections of books, have         talk without mentioning books at all, talking about                                                               Chorus and Age Concern New Zealand for the two
mobile libraries in many areas and in some places           Library services that most participants were unaware                                                              Samsung Tablets we were grifted earlier this year.
even offer a service to select books and drop them          of, as well as giving us an insight into Palmerston
off for people who cannot travel to the library.            North’s history. Thank you, Virginia, for sharing your
Many libraries offer much more than a book loans.           knowledge with us.
I particularly like the new one in Foxton which is in
Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom, the Foxton Community
Hub. Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom came about through
partnership between the Horowhenua District Council                                                                        Staying Safe workshop at the Elske Centre
and two Trusts representing local iwi Māori and the                                                                                      in Dannevirke.
national Dutch community. It combines the library,                                                                                               We nominated Eleanor
and Council services with galleries dedicated to                                                                                                 Ranson to receive an
the three partners. I enjoyed looking through the                                                                                                award at the Volunteer
Piriharakeke Generation Inspiration Centre as well                                                                                               Central, Volunteer
as the Oranjehof Dutch Connection Centre when I                  Virginia Warbrick presenting “Ten Top Tips :                                    Recognition Awards in
visited.                                                          Palmerston North Library” at Tea and Talks                                     June. Eleanor is one
Libraries are great repositories of knowledge, both                                                                                              of the Peer Leaders
                                                            In June it was Age Concern Palmerston North and                                      of our Steady as You
through the resources they hold and the staff and
                                                            Districts turn to share information at the library.                                  Go exercise classes.           Fern Brooking and Amey Jenkins with the Samsung
volunteers who work there. Age Concern Palmerston
                                                            We had an information stand at the central library                                   Eleanor volunteered at a      Tablets , Age Concern Palmrerston North and Districts
North and Districts has been grateful to the support
                                                            on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, giving out                                       Steady as You Go group        received from Chorus and Age Concern New Zealand.
of Palmerston North City library staff recently.
                                                            pamphlets and talking with people who wanted to                                      at the library. When
Our 6-week Digital Inclusion programme is run by
                                                            know more. We were grateful to the support of Rose,                                                               Thank you to all who support Age Concern
Jocelyn and Daniel, the two Digital Inclusion Officers.                                                                   Eleanor Ranson at the Volunteer Recognition
                                                            Potaka and Leigh from Te Whanau O Ringatoi, an art                                                                Palmerston North and Districts. We couldn’t operate
The last session is on 5th September. We thank                                                                         awards with the Chair of Age Concern Palmerston
                                                            workshop, for assisting us with our stand.                                                                        without your support.
Daniel, Jocelyn, and Waka for running such a good                                                                       North and Districts, Christina Brenton (left) and
programme.                                                                                       Potaka and Rose      Social Connection Coordinator Fern Brooking (right).    Marian Dean
                                                                                                from Te Whanau
                                                                                                    O Ringatoi
                                                                                                    (front row)
                                                                                                supporting Amey,
                                                                                                  Klara and Fern
                                                                                                                      You’ll come out smiling                    • New Dentures - individually created
                                                                                                                                                                 • Same day denture repairs
                                                                                                 (standing) from                                                 • Relining of existing dentures
                                                                                                   Age Concern                                                   • Partial Dentures
                                                                                                Palmerston North
                                                                                                                                                                 • Custom made mouthguards for all sports
                                                                                                   and Districts
                                                                                                                                                                 • Professional Denture Cleaning Service
    Jocelyn and Daniel from Palmerston North City                                                 on World Elder
                                                                                                Abuse Awareness                                                  • All NEW work guaranteed, book your FREE consultation now
       Library presenting “Digital Inclusion” at
                                                                                                        Day                                                      • Free WINZ and Insurance Quotes. We accept Community
     Age Concern Palmerston North and Districts
                                                                                                                                                                   Services Card & Grey Power
Virginia Warbrick, another staff member at the              I was pleased to be invited by the Elske Centre,                                                                 151 Heretaunga Street
library, was the: first speaker at Tea and Talks in July.
She gave a talk entitled “Ten Top Tips Palmerston
                                                            Anglican Care Waipawa to deliver a Staying Safe
                                                            workshop there in July. Thirteen people attended and     Phone 06 355 0022                                         Palmerston North
North Library” about how people can get the best            we had great support from the Elske Centre and from
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
6    AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people
                                                                                                                                    156585 MainPark
                                                                                                                                        Central Street, Palmerston
                                                                                                                                                    Drive, Henderson,North
                                                                                                                                                             Private placement opportunity - only available to qualified investors

Latest Commercial Investment
                                                          We were delighted to host our Annual Investor
                                                          Meetings in August at the Takapuna Boating Club,
Opportunity from DABS                                     where we provided our investors with an update on
                                                          the performance of each property. The highlight of                 Projected return per
DABS Consulting Ltd is a boutique commercial
                                                          the evening event was our guest speaker, well known                  annum pre-tax*
property investment company that was established
                                                          Economist Tony Alexander, who shared his current
almost seven years ago. Back then, it was recognised
                                                          thinking on the underlying trends in the economy as
there was a need for a niche commercial property
                                                          restrictions ease and global economies start to fully
syndication business to support the needs of the
community. Property syndication provides investors
a solution for those who want to own commercial
property, but do not have the means or risk appetite
to purchase a commercial property on their own.
Each property syndicate is set up as a Limited
Partnership allowing investors to own a portion of
a commercial property together with other high net
worth investors and enjoy the benefits of a monthly
distribution of the rent received.
                                                          We are now well into the second half of 2021 and our
Depending on the commercial property, our monthly
                                                          company strategy when we started out to invest in
distributions range between 6% and 9% per annum
on the invested amount (before tax). This compares
                                                          core locations, quality buildings with well performing
                                                          tenants remains the same today as it was then. Lara
                                                                                                                                   585 Main Street, Palmerston North
favourably against what can be achieved through
                                                          Weaver, General Manager at DABS commented,
fixed term deposits or government bonds. With the                                                                            ▪     Two level office and showroom                                                       ▪     Tenant Enable New Zealand is a
                                                          “Capital values remain strong for good quality stock
recent changes in the treatment of interest on loan                                                                                building                                                                                division of the Mid Central D.H.B
                                                          and securing new properties will remain highly
deductions and the bright-line test for residential                                                                          ▪     Large Freehold land area                                                                providing disability services to Ministry
                                                          competitive. However, through our relationships and
properties, commercial property investment is                                                                                                                                                                              of Health, ACC and other D.H.B’s
                                                          off market introductions we will continue to source                      1,507sqm
proving to be a popular alternative. These new rules                                                                                                                                                                 ▪     Government funded
                                                          quality assets and as part of our purchasing process,              ▪     Net Rental income $419,736 per
do not apply to commercial property. An annual                                                                                                                                                                       ▪     New Zealand’s largest
                                                          undertake a thorough due diligence process.”                             annum + GST and Outgoings
distribution paid monthly, plus a potential capital                                                                                                                                                                        supplier of disability
return provides our investors with an attractive total    Our latest offering is 585 Main Street, Palmerston                 ▪     Located in Palmerston North’s Health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           equipment and modifications
return.                                                   North. If you are interested in this property syndicate                  Precinct
                                                          or future syndicates, please register your interest on             ▪     Established in 1974
The first DABS syndicated property was established
                                                          our web site or contact DABS directly.
at Omega Street, Albany in 2015 with ten partners
each providing an equity investment ranging               For further information please contact:                         To register your expression of interest and receive a copy of the Informa on Memorandum please contact:
between $140,000 and $1,500,000. Further                  Lara Weaver | General Manager
                                                                                                                                                                       Brian Caldwell                                       Lara Weaver
acquisitions have continued since 2015, on average        e.
                                                                                                                                                                       Director                                             General Manager
two commercial acquisitions each year. There are          m. 021 230 5989
currently 12 commercial syndicated properties                                                                                                                          M +64 27 481 5505                                    M +64 21 230 5989
spread across Auckland                                                                                                                                                 E brian@dabsconsul                             E lara@dabsconsul
and Palmerston North                                                                                                                                                   www.dabsconsul
with a total portfolio of
circa $180 million.                                                                                                       *The basis for the projected return is set out in the Informa  on Memorandum and is not a guaranteed rate of return.
                                                                                                                          This offer is only open to people that are exempt and meet certain other eligibility criteria under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 and related legisla on
                                                                                                                          ("FMCA"). Investors will need to demonstrate their eligibility by providing a suitable Investor Cer ficate or Investor Confi rma on form as required by DABS
                                                                                                                          Consul ng Limited and to comply with the FMCA. If you are inves ng more than $750,000 but do not meet any other eligibility or exemp on criteria, then you
                                                                                                                          should pay careful a�en on to the following warning:
                                                                                                                          Warning The law normally requires people who offer financial products to give informa on to investors before they invest. This requires those offering financial
                                                                                                                          products to have disclosed informa on that is important for investors to make an informed decision. The usual rules do not apply to this offer because there is an
                                                                                                                          exclusion for offers where the amount invested upfront by the investor (plus any other investments the investor has already m ade in the financial products) is
                                                                                                                          $750,000 or more. As a result of this exclusion, you may not receive a complete and balanced set of informa on. You will also have fewer other legal protec ons fo r
                            pictured above from left to right: Brian Caldwell (Director), Sean Parsons (Director),        this investment. Investments of this kind are not suitable for retail investors. Ask ques ons, read all documents carefully, and seek independent financial advice
                             Lara Weaver (General Manager), Tony Alexander (Economist), Alan Hall (Director)              before commi�ng yourself.

                                                                              editorial supplied by DABS Consulting Ltd
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
8      AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                SPRING 2021            9

                                                       Rates                                                     Accredited Visiting Service
    Afternoon Tea Dance                                Rebates                                                   Age Concern Palmerston North and Districts

      28th September                                   A rates rebate
                                                       is a partial
                                                                                                                 An important service Age Concern Palmerston
                                                                                                                 North and Districts provides is The Accredited

    for International Day                              refund for
                                                       people who
                                                                                                                 Visiting Service. We have noticed that as our
                                                                                                                 clients get a little older, they can become socially

      of Older Persons                                 pay rates to the
                                                       council. This
                                                                                                                 isolated. This can be for many reasons often
                                                                                                                 related to health conditions. The older person         When supporting the advertisers within this
                                                       rebate is claimed by making an application to your        no longer goes to their monthly social gathering,      magazine PLEASE DO LET THEM KNOW.
    International Day of Older Persons is recognised   local council who issue your rates bill.                  or maybe their dearest friends die and going           Their continuation enables our newsletter to
    on 1st October. It is a time to celebrate older
                                                       To claim a Rates Rebate you must be:                      out loses its appeal. Often, clients tell me they
    people and all that they contribute to our                                                                                                                          be provided free of charge - they need to know
                                                       • the person who pays the rates on the property           would just like someone who has time to have a
    communities.                                                                                                                                                        where you found them and that the advertising is
                                                         that’s your home                                        cuppa and a chat with them. Could this be you?         working for them too.
    Age Concern Palmerston North and Districts         • living in your home
                                                                                                                 You can help us by becoming a Volunteer
    will be celebrating by hosting an Afternoon Tea    • listed as the ratepayer in the council’s Rating
    Dance on 28/9/21 from 1.30 pm to 4 pm at the         Information Database (RID). This database has all       Visitor, one of a team, who will visit a lonely        Rates rebate increases from 1st July 2021
    Senior Citizens Hall, 309 Main St, Palmerston        the information about rates and ratepayers for          person each week for an hour. Volunteers are           Rates rebates increased from 1st July and the
    North.                                               every property in your council’s area.                  provided with on-going training and support and        maximum income threshold income for claiming
                                                       You cannot apply if:                                      the opportunity to come together quarterly for         the rebate has also risen too:
    Entry is by free ticket available from
                                                       • your property is mainly used for commercial             afternoon tea and to hear a speaker related to
     Age Concern phone 06 355 2832.                      activities, for example farming or business             their role. You will be introduced to the person
                                                                                                                                                                        • The maximum annual rebate increases
                                                       • your property is a rental property or holiday home.                                                              from $655 to $665.
     Once again music will be provided                                                                           selected for you. There is not much paperwork,         • The income threshold rose $26,150
              by Ian Farmer.                           If you live in a Retirement Village:                      just record each time you visit. If you would like       to $26,510.
                                                       Most retirement village residents, including people       to pursue this activity please contact the office,
                                                       who live under a licence to occupy agreement, can         on 06 355 2832 or email fern at                        To find out more about the Rates Rebate Scheme
                                                       apply for a rates rebate.                                                                                        contact your council
                                                       If your name is not on the rates bill
                                                       You may still be able to apply if your name is not on
                                                       the rates bill, for example if you live in an owner-
                                                                                                                 We are looking for volunteers in Palmerston
                                                                                                                 North and Feilding.                                    Tea and Talks
                                                       occupier flat, such as a company share flat or                                                                   These are an opportunity for older people to
                                                       apartment. There is an extra step in the application                                                             come together for afternoon tea, socialise
                                                       process.                                                                                                         together, and listen to a guest speaker on a topic
                                                                                                                                                                        of interest.
                                                       If you own more than 1 property
                                                       If you own more than 1 property, you cannot claim for                                                            Venue: Age Concern, 51, Waldegrave Street,
                                                       other properties even if they’re in a different council                                                                 Palmerston North
                                                       area.                                                                                                            Dates: Tuesday 31st August
                                                       If you live in a trust owned property                                                                                   Tuesday 21st September
                                                       You need to be a named trustee and also listed in                                                                       Tuesday 26th October
                                                       the council’s Rating Information Database (RID) to                                                                      Tuesday 30th November
                                                       be able to apply.
                                                                                                                                                                        We provide transport for those who would
                                                       For more information go to the NZ government                                                                     otherwise be unable to come. If you would like
                                                       website:                                                                                                         to participate please phone the Age Concern
                                                          Good, better, best. Never let it rest.              Palmerston North and Districts office on
                                                       getting-help-with-housing/getting-a-rates-rebate/                  ‘Til your good is better                      06 355 2832 and we will put your name down
                                                       what-is-a-rates-rebate/                                                                                          and take your contact details.
                                                                                                                         and your better is best.
                                                       Or phone your local council.
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
10    AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                     SPRING 2021           11

                                                        FREE Living Life without a Car                          FREE Refresher Driver Workshops for older drivers: Staying Safe
                                                                                                                                                                         Staying Safe is four-hours of classroom-based
                                                        sessions                                                                                                         learning and is interactive, answering any questions
                                                                                                                                                                         you might have.
           Age Concern Palmerston                                                                                                                                        Staying Safe is a driving course for seniors. Everyone
             North and Districts                                                                                                                                         who attends will have a workbook to take away.
                                                                                                                                                                         SuperGold card holders and Maori or Pasifika drivers
 STEADY AS YOU GO©                                                                                                                                                       over 60 are eligible.
 Falls prevention exercise for                                                                                                                                           Course Timetable:
 strength and balance.                                                                                                                                                   Workshops will be run on the following days:
 Steady as You Go is an exercise                                                                                                                                         Wednesday 6th October, Age Concern,
                                                                                                                Have you kept up with changes to the road code and
 programme recognised by the                                                                                                                                             51 Waldegrave St., Palmerston North 9.30 am
                                                                                                                road rules? How do you feel when road layouts are
 Ministry of Health and ACC as
                                                                                                                altered? Do you feel confident driving other people?
 great for improving muscle strength and balance
 particularly in legs and making people at less risk                                                            Age Concern Palmerston North and Districts together      To book your spot phone
 of falling. It is good for people who may have not                                                             with Waka Kotahi (New Zealand Transport Agency)
 done exercise for a while or who have had falls or                                                             and the NZ Police is holding free refresher driving      us on 06 355 2832
 who may be at risk of falling. The initial exercises                                                           courses for older drivers in Palmerston North and        Want to learn as a group? You can request larger
                                                                                                                Manawatu Districts.
 are seated, then moving to standing and walking
 exercises. Entry to all classes is by a $2 donation.
                                                        What are your plans for when                            The theory-based programme, called ‘Staying Safe’,
                                                                                                                                                                         bookings of around 15-20 people.

 There are places available in the following            you can no longer drive?                                is designed to enhance your knowledge, assess your
 Palmerston North Groups:                                                                                       current driving behaviour, and build confidence.
 •     Rangiora Community Centre,
                                                        How will you get out and about and
       102 Rangiora Ave, Roslyn.                        remain socially active?                                                                Application for Membership
       Wednesdays, 10.30am-11.30am                                                                                                Age Concern NZ Palmerston North & Districts Branch Inc.
                                                        To find out how you can get around and stay socially
 •     Palmerston North Central Library,                connected without driving a car join us at one of our    Mr / Mrs/ Miss / Ms
       1st Floor, Tuesdays, 11am-12pm                   free 2-hour workshops. You are welcome to bring          Name(s):
 •     Awapuni Community Centre,                        friends along with you and we provide a delicious
       22, Newbury St, Awapuni,                                                                                  Address:
                                                        morning or afternoon tea for you to enjoy.
       Thursdays 9.30am-10.30am                                                                                  Telephone:
 •     Ashhurst group,                                  Sessions are planned for the                             Email:
       131, Cambridge St., Ashhurst,
       Thursdays 11am-12pm
                                                        following dates:                                         Membership Fee from 1st March 2021 to 30th June 2022
 For more information phone the office on               Wednesday 25th August, Age Concern,                      Individual $20               Couple $30                 Corporate $100
 06 355 2832                                            51 Waldegrave St., Palmerston North                      Donation:
                                                        10am to 12 noon
                Age Concern Palmerston North and        Wednesday 20th October, Age Concern,                     How to pay:
		                  Districts is a charity CC57368      51 Waldegrave St., Palmerston North                      Internet Banking - You can pay the membership fee directly into our bank account
			                          Help us to make            1.30 pm to 3.30 pm                                       Account number 03 1522 0158520 000 (Age Concern New Zealand Palmerston North & Districts Branch Inc.)
			                           a difference                                                                       Please add your name as reference and post or email this completed form to us at the address below.
                                                        Age Concern Palmerston North and Districts is also
        Please donate to Age Concern                    happy to present Life Without A Car to groups. If
                                                                                                                 How would you like to receive the newsletter and other information?   Post   Email    (please circle one).
        Palmerston North & Districts.                   you would like someone to come along and give a
                                                        presentation at your meeting phone the Age Concern       Post form to: Age Concern NZ Palmerston North & Districts Branch Inc., P.O. Box 5063, Palmerston North 4441.
          Thank you for supporting                                                                               For more information please phone Age Concern on (06) 355 2832 or email
the work we do. You really do help to make a
  difference with your generous donation.               Phone 06 355 2832 to find out more or to book a          THANK YOU for supporting the work we do. Donations of $5.00 and over are eligible for a tax credit under
     Bank account number 03 1522 0158520 000            place.                                                   the terms of Section LD1 Of the Income Tax Act 2007.
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
12    AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                           SPRING 2021            13

News from Age Concern Horowhenua                                                                                       Community Computer Space!                               and basic programs, we have set-up a free printing
                                                                                                                                                                               and photocopying facility for users so they can keep
                                                                                                                                                                               any work they create or have the freedom to print
The long, grey winter is ending, which means Spring           new exercise class, catch up with friends for lunch or                                                           documents.
is right around the corner! Which means bursts with           simply enjoy a walk on the beach barefoot.
new life with lambs being born, the colourful flowers                                                                                                                          In July we ran bank sessions, where all major banks
                                                              The beauty of this season brings happiness and joy                                                               held a session each at Age Concern Horowhenua and
bloom and the fresh, happy atmosphere makes this
                                                              all around. It makes our minds creative and gives                                                                provided information on their banking and payment
an inspiring time of year.
                                                              energy to the body to start work on all those projects                                                           options now that cheques are gone, they also
Having taken the Winter to rest and imagine all the           with full of confidence, and nothing ever seems to                                                               answered any other questions that the participants
possibilities that Spring may bring, you are now ready        feel impossible in Spring.                                                                                       had… And there were some tough ones! We had
to leap forth – feeling full of drive and energy to                                                                    Over the past month we have been hard at work           a great response to these sessions, and we look
start all those new projects! Whether you’re clearing         Catherine McAuliffe | Manager                            creating our brand-new free Community Computer          forward to offering more sessions on the tech topics
the gutters, starting the garden, or going through                                                                     Space! This is just one element of our ‘Tech Savvy      that will help our community become ‘Tech Savvy
all those old clothes – Spring is about taking action           Hi everyone, My name’s                                 Seniors’ program that will be running throughout this   Seniors’.
after winter’s hibernation.                                     Charlene and I’m thrilled                              year and include a variety of mini workshops on basic
The nights get shorter, and the days get longer. The
                                                                to introduce myself as                                 computer, iPhone and Android skills. But we are also        TOTAL MOBILITY SCHEME
                                                                the new AVS Support                                    keen to teach what people want to learn – where          The Total Mobility Scheme is jointly funded by
temperatures become more pleasant, and we find
                                                                Worker with Age Concern                                there is a need, we will find someone to teach it!       Horizons Regional Council and NZ Transport
ourselves outside enjoying the fresh air and soaking
                                                                Horowhenua.                                                                                                     Agency and helps people with mobility constraints
up the Vitamin D the extra sunlight provides, instead                                                                  This space has been made safe and secure for all
of being bundled up inside with the heater cranking             To put it plainly, I really                            users with restricted access, privacy boards between     access subsidised door-to-door transport through
to keep warm!                                                   enjoy people! Having                                   the two computers, secure WIFI connections and           approved transport providers based in the
                                                                worked within various                                  special software that deletes everything after           Horowhenua.
If you’re feeling a little blue after the chills of Winter,
                                                                people focused roles                                   use—security and user safety was paramount when          Age Concern Horowhenua can provide FREE (in
then the sun is the best remedy! Studies have proven
                                                                throughout my career, I’m excited to bring my          developing this space.                                   office or home) assessments to determine your
that exposure to sunlight can increase the amount of
                                                                knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm to the team.                                                                  eligibility to receive a Total Mobility Card.
serotonin in the brain which can result in you feeling                                                                 Having this space available to our older community
                                                                Many of you will know me from Bay Audiology                                                                     If you still drive but may not always feel confident
happier and can even help you sleep better! Plus,                                                                      gives a fantastic opportunity to those who may want
                                                                Levin, as the friendly face behind the counter                                                                  (at night etc…), then you may still be eligible!
you’ll be able to enjoy the stunning array of colour in                                                                to practice after attending the workshops, or those
                                                                managing appointments (or out the back
many yards and parks as the flowers begin to bloom                                                                     who want to use a computer but don’t have one of         Please contact Age Concern Horowhenua on
                                                                repairing hearing aids)
and trees ‘wake up’ from their dormant state, to                                                                       their own at home. We have trained staff who can         (06) 367 2181 or
display vibrant blooms every colour of the rainbow!             I have a strong interest in making a difference in     offer assistance on how to do things, there are quick    if you have any questions about the Total Mobility
                                                                people’s lives and those of you at Bay Audiology       reference guides available about surfing the internet    Scheme or to arrange your assessment.
  “Despite the forecast. Live like its Spring”                  I’ve mentioned this role to seem as excited about
			         -       Lilly Pulitzer                              me taking up the position as I am!
Many of us suffer with allergies, which can make                I am delighted to have the opportunity to get to
Spring – a not so enjoyable season… But just                    know you all and further connect with the older
because the winter months are over doesn’t mean                 people in our fabulous community.
your immune system should get left to defend itself.
Did you know that garlic and vitamin C are excellent            Charlene | AVS Support Worker
for strengthening the immune system, but also help                                                                                                                               Looking after you, your family
slow down the release of histamine? This could help                                                                                                                                   and the small print.
                                                                                                                                             Call us to arrange your free
bring some relief from seasonal allergies and keep
                                                                                                                                            pre-planning meeting, or visit
your immune system in tip top condition at the same                                                                                           our webite for our online                        P 06 368 9239
time.                                                                                                                                                                                        E
                                                                   Kindness is Free;
                                                                                                                                                   pre-planning form
So, are you prepared to take advantage of spring’s
boundless energy? Sometimes “spring fever” fills you                                                                                                                                      28 Queen Street, Levin
with such vigour that you don’t know what to do with
yourself. It is a great time to begin attending that
                                                                    Lets pass it on.                                                                                                   
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
14       AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                                         SPRING 2021         15

MiLife Rosewood Park                                                 personal Facebook page, and she was astounded                   We have partnered with                                    We are Levin’s only
                                                                     with the response. Linda received over 200 amazing                                                                        locally owned and
- Knitters with a mission!                                           comments and likes with wonderful heart-warming                                                                           operated audiology
Our wonderful knitters                                               messages about our lovely MiLife knitter’s work.                to bring you…                                             clinic with a full time
at Rosewood Park                                                     Some even commented they have received little hats                                                                        MNZAS Audiologist,
have been knitting for                                               from previous donations from the maternity ward                 ‘SILVER SNEAKERS’                                         and we are delighted
various charities over                                               when having their babies. It was so nice for Linda to                                                                     to partner with Age
                                                                                                                                     There are countless studies that prove the health
recent years.                                                        be able to share these comments with the knitting                                                                         Concern Horowhenua
                                                                                                                                     benefits associated with exercise, and it becomes
                                                                     group and for them to see the positive impact they                                                                        to bring the best hearing solutions to you!
They started with                                                                                                                    more important as we age! Regular physical exercise
                                                                     were having of playing it forward.                                                                                        Kamea Lessoway, Audiologist MNZAS and director
knitting for the wildlife                                                                                                            helps improve mental and physical health, both of
affected by the Australian bush fires. This led onto                 We have had generous donations of wool from that                which will help you maintain your independence as         of Levin Audiology. Kamea lives locally and holds a
the group knitting for Middlemore Hospital and the                   post so the ladies can continue their project of                you age.                                                  Masters of Audiology with Distinction from University
Knit World project. This involved knitting for prem                  knitting for other charities and organizations in need.                                                                   of Canterbury and is a full member of the New
                                                                                                                                     We are excited to offer you low impact gym-based
babies and children.                                                 We have so many residents within our MiLife villages                                                                      Zealand Audiological Society. She has over 25 years’
                                                                                                                                     classes, with help from our pals at 24/7 Fitness
                                                                     doing great things for others and it’s so nice when                                                                       experience working with audio technology, including
Their latest creations were just that little more                                                                                    Levin! These classes are taken by a knowledgeable
                                                                     they are acknowledged.                                                                                                    nearly 10 years since starting audiology. Her love
special as the group decided this time that they                                                                                     qualified instructor and specially tailored for people
                                                                                                                                                                                               of good quality sound informs her passion for
would donate their lovely pieces to the Arohanui                     We would gratefully accept donations of wool and                over 60, and include a mix of functional strength,        programming hearing aids to sound as good as they
Hospice where Linda the Village Managers father                      buttons to enable the ladies to continue their great            fitness, balance, and mobility movements to help you      can. Her NZ-based audiological research is published
had been recently so well cared for. Linda was very                  work. Age Concern Horowhenua is happy to collect                maintain an active lifestyle!                             in the International Journal of Audiology. She aims
proud and touched by what the group had achieved                     and deliver any donations to Rosewood Park for the              LIVE STRONGER … LIVE LONGER                               for excellence in all she does for her patients/clients.
and posted a picture of the beautiful creations on her               ‘Knitters on Mission’ project.                                                                                            She also loves good quality food, coffee and wine –
                                                                                                                                     Our ‘Silver Sneakers’ exercise classes are fun group-
                                                                                                                                                                                               just throwing that out there! She also unreservedly
                                                                                                                                     based classes for all fitness levels, so bring a friend
                                                                                                                                                                                               loves your ears and cares about optimising your
                      STEADY AS                                                                                                      and have a laugh while achieving your fitness goals!
                                                                                                                                     Numbers are limited for these classes to ensure
                                                                                                                                                                                               Karyn Jamieson, lead administrative superstar and
                       YOU GO©                                                                                                       maximum benefit for participants, so registrations
                                                                                                                                     are essential. You do not have to have a membership
                                                                                                                                                                                               all-around fantastic person. Karyn has extensive
                                                                                                                                                                                               experience serving the Levin community in allied
                                                                                                                                     with 24/7 Fitness to attend these classes, and the
     •   Falls are the most                                                                                                                                                                    health and medical practices locally. She genuinely
                                                                                                                                     cost is just $2 per class! So, what are you waiting
         common cause of injury                                                                                                                                                                cares about the people in her community and lives
                                                                                                 SAYGo Improves:                     for? Give us a call today to sign up.                     locally with her family, who have connections with
         in older people.
     •   Falls can lead to a                                                                                                         When: 		        Wednesday’s at 11.30am from               Horowhenua spanning many decades. She volunteers
                                                                                                 •     Balance & Leg Strength
         significant loss of                                                                                                         Where:          24/7 Fitness Levin                        her spare time helping out with local education and
                                                                                                 •     Flexibility
         mobility and quality of                                                                 •     General Fitness &
                                                                                                                                     		              – 532 Queen Street, Levin                 community organisations. She loves good coffee…
         life.                                                                                         Wellbeing                     Cost: 		        $2 per class                              but doesn’t like being photographed or writing
     •   One third of people over                                                                                                    Age Concern Horowhenua are offering FREE first            paragraphs about herself.
         the age of 65 fall each                                                                     It’s also a great way to have
                                                                                                                                     classes to the first 20 people                            You can come to us (if eligible, of course!) for:
         year!                                                                                         fun & meet new people!
                                                                                                                                     to sign up!                                               ACC hearing services
     •   Falls in older people are   Levin Classes: Age Concern Horowhenua – 14 Durham
                                                                                                     Age Concern Horowhenua is                                                                 Hearing aids
         usually associated with     Street, Levin.
                                                                                                        currently running three                                                                Ministry of Health Hearing Aid Subsidy
         weakened leg muscles        When: Monday 11am, Tuesday 11am & Thursday 1.30pm
                                                                                                       established classes, with                                                               Adult Diagnostic Hearing Tests
         and poor balance.                                                                           beginner classes starting in
                                     Foxton Class: Te Awahou Masonic Village - 79 Main                                                                                                         Second opinions
     •   Falls do not have to be a   Street Foxton.                                                   Foxton in August 2021 and
         ‘natural part of ageing’
                                                                                                                                                                                               Ministry of Health Hearing Aid Funding
                                     When: Starting October 2021                                           Levin Early 2022.                                                                   Veterans Affairs New Zealand
         & are DEFINETLY
         preventable!                For more information or to register, please contact us on                                                                                                 Tinnitus counselling
                                                                                                 REGISTRATIONS ESESSENTAIL!
                                         (06) 367 2181 or pop into the office and see us!                                                                                                      Insurance hearing aid replacements
                                                                                                                                                                                               GP and ENT referrals where indicated
           JOIN A SAYGO CLASS TODAY TO IMPROVE YOUR STRENGTH AND BALANCE AND HELP PREVENT FALLS!                                                                                               Work and Income NZ quotes
                                                                                                                                                                                               Hearing aid batteries and repairs
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
16   AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                               SPRING 2021             17

EARS Update: Elder Abuse                                                                                                                                                        Annual Membership
                                                            AGE CONCERN HOROWHENUA INC.
Awareness Week Success                                             NOTICE OF ANNUAL
                                                                   GENERAL MEETING                                                                                              Age Concern Horowhenua is a non-profit organisation
                                                                                                                                                          We specialise in      that works for the rights and wellbeing of older
                                                                       To be held at 2.00pm                                                               all areas of law      people across the Horowhenua Region. What being
                                                                Wednesday 22nd September 2021                                                             affecting older
                                                                                                                                                          people.               a member of Age concern Horowhenua’s means:
                                                            Queen Street Chapel, 541 Queen Street, Levin
                                                                                                                                                                                ● You will receive a monthly newsletter, updating
                                                          AGENDA                                                                                          For a quote, or          you on what is happening with Age Concern
                                                           Welcome                     Apologies                                                        to make an               Horowhenua and around the community.
This was my first year as part of the Elder Abuse team                                                                                                    appointment with
                                                           Speaker – Bernie Wanden  Minutes 2020 AGM                                                                          ● Early Bird Access on all Age Concern
at Age Concern Horowhenua to raise awareness in            Minutes Special General Meeting 22 July
                                                                                                                                                          one of our legal
                                                                                                                                                          team, get in touch.      Horowhenua’s workshops, presentations, and
our community about Elder Abuse.                           Chairpersons Report         Treasurers Report                                                                         courses.
Our Elder Abuse team were grateful to have an              Election of Officers        General Business                                                                       ● FREE attendance to all workshops, presentations,
                                                                                                                                      Phone - 06 368 8886
awesome table set up for us at the local mall and all     Note: Office Holder Nomination forms are available                 Address - 27 Queen Street West, Levin                 and courses.
the local businesses that supported our awareness         at the Age Concern Office. All nominations are to be                Email -                 ● Discounted SAYGo Classes - Just $1 per session!
day by gifting donations towards raffle baskets           confirmed by 23rd August 2021, and any additions to                                                                   ● A unique membership card - renewed each year.
and The Sponge Kitchen, who donated delicious             agenda to be confirmed at Office by 17th September at
                                                          3pm.                                                                                                                  Membership type: (please circle)
cupcakes on the day to help raise funds for Elder
Abuse.                                                                                                                                                                          		    $20 Single           $30 Couple
                                                          Stewart Thompson |
What a positive day! I was joined by the whole Age        14 Durham Street, Levin                                                                                               Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms:
                                                                                                                               Go to
Concern Horowhenua team and Board, to help raise
awareness in our community, giving out over 250          Tea ‘n’ Talk Series                                           or just search Age Concern Horowhenua
                                                                                                                                                                                   First Name            		         Last Name
ribbons! It was great getting to meet so many locals                                                                                                                            Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms:
                                                         Pencil in the last Wednesday of each month, keep an                   to follow us on Facebook.
and having impactful conversations.                      eye out for upcoming flyers and bring a friend along to
The lovely mall shop owners supported our team           our informative social presentations!
with coffee, stopping by to say hi, and buying lots of                                                                Age Concern Horowhenua wishes to thank all our               First Name			                    Last Name
                                                         25th August: Scam Awareness: What to look out for to
raffle’s tickets. Many people gave generously on the     prevent internet and email scams, safety options on how      sponsors in 2021-2022 for making our work possible        Address:
day, and we were able to raise a lot of funds to go      to avoid them and options of what to do if you think you                                                               Home Phone:
towards Elder Abuse.                                     may have been scammed. As well as how to identify and
                                                         respond to potential phone or door knocking scams.                                                                     Mobile:
We would like to thank all our generous sponsors:
                                                         29th September: General Wellness: An opportunity to                                                                    Email Address:
Super Minx, Levin New World, The Sock Factory,
                                                         meet with health providers including Levin Audiology,
Photo & Framed, Woodley’s Coffee, Kapinua, Levin         Optometrist Bruce Little, the Health Hub and THINK                                                                     Would you like to receive your
Jewellery, Sports World Levin, Clarks Clothing,          Hauora on Holistic Wellness.                                                                                           newsletter via email:			                      YES / NO
Horowhenua District Council, The Health Hub, Levin       27th October: Budgeting and Nutrition: Meeting your                                                                    Would you like us to automatically
Mall Pharmacy, Leader & Watt Levin.                      Essential Needs’: Budgeting can be tough in these times                                                                renew your membership each year?              YES / NO
International Day of The Older Person is coming          of increased housing and food costs, so we’ve invited a                                                                                          Your generous donations help
                                                                                                                                                                                Donation:       $10
                                                         budget advisor and a nutritionist from THINK Hauora to                                                                                           us recognise our volunteers,
up on the 1st of October 2021 to celebrate the older                                                                                                                            (optional)      $20       support staff & volunteer training,
                                                         give you advice on maintaining your wellbeing on a budget.
adult. This is a United Nations initiative celebrated                                                                                                                           		              $50       refreshments for our presentations,
                                                         24th November: Home Safety Emergency Preparedness                                                                                                give koha to our facilitators.
around the world. It’s a time to acknowledge and say     with increasing server weather incidents, the ongoing risk                                                             		              Other:
thank you to our older adults for their contribution     of earthquakes and other emergency situations, this is                                                                 		              $
to our communities within New Zealand, and around        an opportunity to receive and have any queries answered
the world. Age Concern Horowhenua are planning a         on how to prepare for an emergency, and what services                                                                  Signed:				Date:
fun event for our older community, so keep your eye      are available during an emergency. Horowhenua District
                                                                                                                                                                                Please return this form to
out for more details to come!                            Council, Civil Defence, Neighbourhood Watch, and Police
                                                         learnt a lot during covid 19 and have developed a new                                                        
Robyn Baker | Registered Social Worker                   emergency plan that includes social response.                                                                          or 14 Durham Street, Levin to complete your enrolment.
Elder Abuse & Neglect Co-Ordinator                                                                                                                                              Your Membership and Support is greatly appreciated.
AVS Co-Ordinator                                         Victoria | Health Promotions
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
18    AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                            SPRING 2021         19

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Steady As You Go
News from Age Concern Kapiti                                                                                                                                                                         Exercise Classes
The two of us!                                             Tech Help Days                                            AgeConnect Kapiti is now well established and is a        Age Concern Kapiti offer Steady as You Go exercise
Our office in Paraparaumu is situated as part of a                                                                                                                             classes. The classes are designed to improve
                                                           One very successful ‘Tech Help’ session was held          key platform for Age Concern Kapiti to reach older
community hub on the first floor of Coastlands and                                                                                                                             strength and balance and help prevent a fall.
                                                           in July at the Paraparaumu Library. These were run        people who are lonely or socially isolated by providing
we have been here for more than a decade. We
                                                           using the expertise of the Kapiti Youth Council, young    information and activities that help them to stay         Steady as You Go classes improve:
share space with Kapiti Budgeting Services and
                                                           people who are working with Age Concern Kapiti on         connected and involved.                                   •      Balance and leg strength
Grey Power along with Citizen’s Advice Bureau just
                                                           intergenerational projects.                                                                                         •      Flexibility
down the hallway.                                                                                                    It is often a casual conversation in daily life that
                                                           The sessions offered to help older people navigate        leads to discovering something relevant and               •      General fitness and wellbeing
Since July, we are two staff – Susan Church is                                                                                                                                 •      And are a great way to meet new people!
                                                           their way with digital technology. The Youth Council      meaningful and with this in mind, we approached
Manager and Alison Miller is Health Promotion and
                                                           used their skills to assist the older person with their   businesses across Kapiti and invited them to be           Classes consist of a combination of sitting, standing
Accredited Visiting Service Coordinator.
                                                           smartphone, tablet or laptop. Requests varied from        involved as Community Connectors. There are               and walking exercises and run for about an hour.
                                                           how to turn on their smartphone, emailing, text           currently nearly 70 businesses in the network who
Accredited Visiting Service                                messaging and more.                                       are provided with flyers about AgeConnect Kapiti for
                                                                                                                                                                               They are ideal for beginners, are ongoing and you can
                                                                                                                                                                               see how much you have improved over your first 10
We recently held a Dementia workshop for our                                                                         their customers and clients. We plan to increase the      weeks.
Volunteer Visitors in Kapiti and the feedback was very                                                               number of businesses involved over the coming year.
positive. Sheena Farquhar from Dementia Wellington                                                                                                                             Classes are established by one of our staff members
                                                                                                                     Developing intergenerational links is another
was the guest speaker. She was very thorough and                                                                                                                               with the aim of becoming peer-led at the end of 10
                                                                                                                     AgeConnect Kapiti initiative which helps to break
clear with her presentation explaining what Dementia                                                                                                                           weeks. Classes run in school terms only.
                                                                                                                     down generational stereotypes and promotes
is, the different categories, the effects of the disease                                                             understanding between young and older people. The         When: Friday’s at 1.30pm
and ways to manage it.                                                                                               ‘Human Library’ is an exciting project which focusses            – for returning participants
There is a stigma attached to Dementia which is a                                                                    on conversations between the generations about            Where: Waikanae Baptist Church – Te Moana Road
shame as the more people that are informed about                                                                     a range of current and sometimes controversial
                                                                                                                                                                               When: Tuesday’s at 9.30am – for beginners
the symptoms and learn coping strategies then the                                                                    topics. These conversations were filmed and a
                                                                                                                                                                               Where: Salvation Army Hall – Bluegum Road
better it is for those effected. There are green or red                                                              community screening is planned which will include
conversations which you can have with a Dementia                                                                     interaction with the audience to encourage ongoing        If you would like to join a class, come by ten minutes
sufferer which can determine how the visits you                                                                      conversations about the topics.                           before the class begins. For more information please
make with them flow. Once you have an idea of
                                                               Upcoming Events in Kapiti                             Further intergenerational activities are planned          contact Age Concern Kapiti. Bookings essential:
how their brain is affected this gives you a better                                                                  which will focus on ‘Exchanging Skills’ such as a         (04) 298-8879
understanding of why they act the way they do.             Staying Safe:                                             group with older people demonstrating and younger
The visitors gained a very helpful insight into this       a refresher workshop for senior road users                people learning to knit or crochet and young people        Care 4 You Kapiti
                                                                                                                     assisting older people to use their smart phone and
condition and were given suggestions on ways to            Monthly courses – register your interest by calling       other devices.                                               Your Loyal Companion
manage when visiting a dementia client.                    Age Concern Kapiti (more information on page 20)                                                                     Are you enjoying life in your own
                                                                                                                       Annual General Meeting                                   home surrounded by memories?
                                                           Healthy Ageing Together 2021                                                                                         Do you sometimes find it difficult to
                                                                                                                                                                                keep things as you would like?
                                                           First Thursday of the month….                               Age Concern Kapiti’s Annual General Meeting is
                                                           Start:     10.30am – 12noon                                 being held on Friday, 10 September.                              Here at Care 4 You we have a team of
                                                                                                                                                                                        people who can offer assistance, provide
                                                           When:      Thursday, 2 September 2021                       Our guest speaker is Murray Edridge, Wellington                  efficient and respectful care enabling you
                                                                      Thursday, 7 October 2021                         City Missioner from The Wellington City Mission.                 to maintain life in your familiar environment.
                                                                      Thursday, 4 November 2021
                                                                      Thursday, 2 December 2021                        When:    Friday, 10 September at 10.00am                               Suzanne Congreve | 021 024 36944
                                                                                                                       Where: Rimu Room, Level 1, Coastlands Mall,                     
                                                           Where:     Rimu Room
                                                                      Level 1, Coastlands Mall
20   AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                                 SPRING 2021   21

                                                                                                                                                                           Harbour City Funeral Home,
Help Us Help Our Elderly                            Staying Safe                                                 Information about the                                     Proudly Locally Owned and Operated
Become a Friend of Age Concern Kapiti                                                                            Bonus Bonds scheme wind-up                                Harbour City Funeral Home personnel are available
                                                    Driving Refresher Course                                     The Bonus Bonds scheme is being wound up, with the        to serve families throughout Wellington and greater
Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms                                Age Concern Kapiti continue to run free monthly              proceeds to be returned to holders of Bonus Bonds         Wellington region with premises in Wellington, Lower
                                                    Staying Safe Driving Refresher courses in Kapiti. The        (Bondholders). Below is an overview of the process, to    Hutt, Upper Hutt, and now in Paraparaumu, Kāpiti
Name(s):                                            four hour course involves a power point presentation         help answer any questions or concerns you may have.       Coast.
                                                    and a lot of class interaction.                                                                                        Started in 1989 by Simon Manning, the business is
Address:                                                                                                         ANZ Investment Services (New Zealand) Limited
                                                                                                                                                                           still locally owned and overseen by Simon’s keen
                                                    It covers four key themes:                                   (ANZ) have launched a programme to contact all
                                                                                                                                                                           eye for innovation, passion and excellence in funeral
                                                    • Keeping safe: thinking about your driving safety           Bondholders. Over the coming months they will be
                                                                                                                                                                           service. Whilst many funeral companies are under the
                                                    • Being safe: driving skills.                                sending letters or emails to all remaining Bondholders
                                                                                                                                                                           ownership of multi-national funeral chains Harbour
Telephone:                                          • Safe journeys: managing road situations.                   with instructions about what you need to do (this may     City has proudly remained locally owned.
                                                    • Keep moving safely: safe alternatives to driving.          differ from Bondholder to Bondholder, depending
                                                                                                                 on their situation). Further national advertising will    Harbour City Funeral home looks after all aspects of
Email:                                              The course talks about keeping ourselves safe on the                                                                   funeral care including at-need, pre-planning and pre-
                                                    road and thinking about the routes we travel in our                                                                    payment, monumental work (headstones and plaques),
Date of Birth (optional):                           daily lives to get to our destinations safely, thinking of   What do Bondholders need to do?                           online memorials at, bereavement
                                                    all the scenarios we may encounter.                          ANZ will deposit your wind-up payment into a New          support services as well as being certified to carry out
Membership Fee                                                                                                   Zealand bank account of your choice. All you need         natural burials.
                                                    Making sure we do everything possible to prevent             to do is to let ANZ know what account you want the
Individual $15                                                                                                                                                             Please contact us for a copy of our free, no-obligation
                                                    accidents caused by distractions and giving us the           payment to go into. If you have received a letter or      funeral information booklet. Our location phone
Donation:      $5     $10    $20      $30     $50   feeling of being in control of our driving. It also covers   email from ANZ this will explain how to do this, but if   numbers are listed in the advertisement below.
Other:                                              knowing what is expected of us and feeling confident         you are unsure you can call the special Bonus Bonds
                                                    when we get behind the wheel.                                wind-up call centre on 0800 266 374 between 8am
How would you like to receive our newsletters and                                                                                                                          Editorial supplied by Harbour City Funeral Home
                                                    Since July we have started to run the Staying Safe           and 6pm, Monday to Friday.
other information?
                                                    Driving Refresher Courses in local Retirement Villages       Providing this information will ensure there are no
                                                    which is also proving very successful – so much so           delays in receiving your payments. It’s important to
Post         Email      (please circle one)
                                                    that the courses have had to be repeated to cope             note that you don’t need to come into an ANZ branch
                                                    with the interest from residents.                            – in most situations ANZ can do everything over the
How to pay:
Internet Banking – You can pay the membership       Upcoming courses:                                            phone.
fee directly into our bank account                  Paraparaumu:                                                 When will they receive their payments?
Account number: ANZ 06 0730 0405608 00              Thursday, 9 September                                        We expect to make a payment of $1.10 for each
(Age Concern Kapiti)                                Rimu Room, Level 1, Coastlands Mall, Paraparaumu             Bonus Bond held, in December this year. If there are
                                                    Thursday, 14 October                                         any remaining funds when the Bonus Bonds scheme
Please add your name as reference and then email                                                                 wind-up is finalised, you may receive another small
                                                    Rimu Room, Level 1, Coastlands Mall, Paraparaumu
us at the address below with the above details.                                                                  payment at a later date.
                                                    Thursday, 18 November
Age Concern Kapiti                                  Rimu Room, Level 1, Coastlands Mall, Paraparaumu             Check out frequently asked questions on website at
P O Box 217                                                                                                                                                                    Kāpiti Coast
                                                    Otaki:                                              or simply give us a call            Ph: (04) 298 4888
Paraparaumu 5032                                    Friday, 17 September                                         on the number above.
Level 1, Coastlands Mall, Paraparaumu               Supper Room, Otaki Library, Otaki                            ANZ Investment Services (New Zealand) Limited is the          Ph: (04) 387 8301
                                                    Friday, 22 October                                           manager of the Bonus Bonds scheme
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Locally owned funeral
Telephone: (04) 298 8879                                                                                                                                                       Upper Hutt
Email:                 Supper Room, Otaki Library, Otaki                                                                                          Ph: (04) 528 8924       directors, caring in your
                                                    Start Time:     10.00am – 2.00pm
Please accept our sincere thanks                                                                                                                                               Lower Hutt                community. Contact us
                                                    Bookings are essential – (04) 298-8879                                                                                     Ph: (04) 570 0111
for your support.                                   or use our 0800 number: 0800 65 2 105 | Press 5                                                                                                       today for your FREE
Donations of $5.00 and over are eligible for a      (Lower North Island) | Press 3 (Kapiti) and you come
                                                                                                                                    Go to                                                                about funerals booklet.
tax credit under the terms of Section LD1 of        directly to our office phone.
the Income Tax Act 2007.                            Lunch and refreshments provided by                                                                                   
                                                    Age Concern Kapiti.
                                                                                                                         to follow us on Facebook.
22     AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                                       SPRING 2021             23

HealthCare New Zealand
Being independent is key to our quality of life. For                      Fire Service                              Healthy Ageing Together Group
most people, that means staying in our own homes,
close to our family, friends, communities and favourite                – Home Checks –                              Kapiti’s monthly Healthy Ageing Together                           members and are
                                                                                                                                                                                       supported by St
activities.                                                               Be prepared                               Group (known affectionately as the H.A.T.
                                                                                                                    Group) have become recipients for the delivery                     Vincent de Paul. They
Sometimes we need a hand to maintain our
                                                                                                                                                                                       are using spare land
independence, and that’s where HealthCare New              Did you know?                                            of a range of vegetables, grown by Kai Ora
                                                                                                                    (who donate to different community groups).                        at L’Arche to grow
Zealand can offer high quality help, tailored to your
                                                           Your local Fire Service will at no cost – visit your                                                                                     vegetables.
lifestyle.                                                                                                          Local women Kay
                                                           home and:                                                                                                                                They make
HealthCare New Zealand supports people around the                                                                   Fechney and Ripeka                                                              their own
country with personal care, home management and            • Check existing smoke alarms to ensure they             Thomson work for                                                                compost
domestic support, nursing services and rehabilitation.       work and are in the right places.                      Kai Ora and L’Arche                                                             on site
Their specialist skills, knowledge and expertise lets      • Install smoke alarms, if you need them.                in Paraparaumu.                                                                 and their
them work with you to create a plan that suits your        • Help you make an escape plan.                          L’Arche is an                                                                   vegetables
needs, regardless of age, illness, injury or disability.   • Call 0800 NZ FIRE (0800 693 473) or                    international                                                                   are grown organically with a huge
                                                             Paraparaumu Fire Station on (04) 296 1162 to           community for
With a national network of experienced and trained                                                                                                                                                  emphasis on creating a vibrant soil in
                                                             schedule a visit and ask for the Officer in Charge.    differently abled
professionals, HealthCare New Zealand works                                                                                                                                                         order to grow nutrient dense, healthy
                                                                                                                    people. They have                                                               food.
alongside people and their families each step of
the way, with a personalised support plan that
                                                           Be prepared with a grab bag                              four core gardening
                                                           If you had to leave your home due to an emergency
incorporates your needs and goals.
            With a toll-free 0800 number and
                                                           right now where would you go? What would you
                                                           take?                                                   Pre Paid Funeral Trust
            website –                                                                       Some people have funeral insurance, but premiums
                                                           One thing that you can do today to make a possible                                                                          Don’t worry, if you arrange your plan through the
     it’s easy to get the support that works for you.                                                              seem to rise as you get older, yet the amount
                                                           emergency evacuation a little less stressful is pack                                                                        Kapiti Coast Funeral Home, your money is protected,
                                                           your grab bag.                                          claimable remains the same. If you have wondered                    because all the money you prepay is held in trust
                                                                                                                   about prepaid funerals, but worry funeral prices will               independently of the Funeral Home and not held by
                                                           Your grab bag doesn’t need to be fancy or new. The      rise with inflation, plus, aren’t there on-going fees?              any individual Funeral Home or their bank.
                                                           most important thing is that you have one. Fill your
                                                           bag with essential items that you might need for a      The Funeral Directors Association of NZ has created                 Also, the Funeral Trust is not an insurance policy.
                                                           couple of days if you need to evacuate your home        a pre-paid fund that has no fees and all interest goes              No health checks or personal questions are needed.
                                                           with little or no warning, for example medication,      to the client. And to simplify the process, you can join
                                                           important documents, water, food, walking shoes         online at or call                         So why not take the onus off your family and arrange
                                                           and a jacket.                                           the Kapiti Coast Funeral Home, who will help you.                   an interest earning no fees pre-paid funeral.

                                                           You can never be too prepared for an
                                                                                                                   PREPAY PREPLAN YOUR FUNERAL
                                                           emergency in Kapiti, get your grab bag
                                                                                                                   Peace of mind
                                                           sorted today!                                           A prearranged farewell through The Funeral Trust will give you
                                                                                                                   peace of mind knowing your wishes are understood.

                                                                           SUSIE MILLS LAW
                                                                                                                   Security of funds
                                                                                                                   The money you put aside for your prearranged funeral is held in
                                                                                                                   The Funeral Trust for you. The Funeral Trust has been established
                                                                           Waikanae and Otaki                      by the Funeral Directors Association of New Zealand.
                                                                                                                   You decide
                                                            Get the support of professional advice                 Your arrangements are personal to you, it’s your decision.
                                                                                                                   Protect your family
                                                                   with easy access locations                      Your family is relieved of the responsibility of making difficult      A prepaid funeral allows you to
                                                                                                                                                                                          set aside money now to pay for
                                                            WILLS • ESTATES • POWERS OF ATTORNEY                   decisions in very emotional circumstances.
                                                                                                                                                                                          your meaningful farewell.
 Freephone: 0800 00 2722                                                                                           Financial Benefit
                                                                                                                                                                                          Sign up online or contact us                                               Otaki - Ph: (06) 364 7190                    $10,000 deposited into The Funeral Trust plan is excluded from
                                                                                                                   asset testing when assessing eligibility for a subsidy for long term
                                                                     Waikanae - Ph: (04) 293 3735                  residential care. Interest is also paid to funds deposited, and the
                                                                     Email:                  prepaid plan is totally fees free.

Editorial supplied by Healthcare New Zealand                                                                                                                                                              editorial supplied by Kapiti Coast Funeral Home
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