AGM 2020 - New Brunswick Dental Society

Page created by Javier Richards
AGM 2020 - New Brunswick Dental Society
VOL. 45 • AUGUST 2020

2  COVID-19
6 REGISTRAR’S MESSAGE            AGM 2020
11 FEE GUIDE                        MORE INFORMATION ON
13	CDA BOARD MEMBER MESSAGE                 PAGES 9 & 10
AGM 2020 - New Brunswick Dental Society
Bulletin is published by the
New Brunswick Dental Society.

Articles will be considered for
publication in the language of
submission. We reserve the
                                    NEW MEMBERS
                                    Dr. ABBIGALE LOUISE BEAULIER,   Dr. HAO LIN
right to edit all submissions for
                                    Dr. VARUN SHARMA                Dr. ELLEN WOODWORTH
length and clarity. Final content   Dr. GAUTAM KAPIL MATTA          Dr. JULIEN-PIER CHIASSON
is subject to space limitations.    Dr. SIWEN YANG                  Dr. EIRYN RODRIGUEZ DE
                                    Dr. LAUREN FERRIS BOWER         CORMIER
All rights reserved.                Dr. MELANIE SUZANNE BURKE       Dr. CHRISTIAN DIONNE
                                    Dr. GABRIELE LOSIER             Dr. MELISSA ARGENTA-VON
Editor: Rene Comeau                 Dr. JARWINDER KAUR CHEEMA       SCHOBER
Photos: Steve MacGillivary


                                    MARCH 17, 2020: The NBDS issued a strong recommendation
                                    to its members and the public that dentistry was restricted to
570 Queen St., Suite 504            emergency care.
Fredericton, NB
E3B 6Z6                             MARCH 19, 2020: The Province of NB issued a mandatory
(506) 452-8575                      order restricting dentistry to emergency and essential
                                    services only.

Email:               MAY 13, 2020: Dental offices are able to re-open granted they
Web:                  comply with the new NBDS COVID-19 Operational Plan.

Follow Us!                          GOWNS
     NB Dental Society
                                    The NBDS has sourced roughly 5,000 single use gowns from
                                    the Government of New Brunswick warehouse at a cost of
     @NBDentalNB                    $6.50 each and can make these available to members for
                                    $6.50 plus shipping.

                                    Members who are interested can send an email to info@
                           with the quantity needed. We will arrange for
                                    shipping and preparation of an invoice which will follow in the

AGM 2020 - New Brunswick Dental Society
VOL. 45 • AUGUST 2020

                                                 A note
                                          from the new
New Beginnings                           the Executive Committee and Board.       least one new lesson. The past few
                                         I am inspired by their commitment        months brought to light the need
First, I would like to take this         and dedication.                          to improve our communication.
opportunity to introduce myself                                                   There is no room for darkness, as
to you. I am Carlie Lemoine, DDS         Our next few years will be consumed      this breeds contempt and chaos.
and I live in Hampton, NB with my        by the impact of Covid-19. This          Destructive behaviours and attitudes
husband, Graham, and our three           virus has challenged every country       are unwelcome as we have too
young daughters. I have been             to find a strategy to protect public     many avenues to tackle. How will
practicing dentistry for fifteen years   health and preserve its economy.         we handle a potential second-wave
in the city of Saint John, where I       Various measures have been               in the fall? How do we manage and
have been a co-owner of a family         taken to flatten the curve, from         procure precious PPE? How will
practice since 2008. Although I          containment with testing and             Covid-19 forever change the practice
have experienced many challenges         contact tracing, to mitigation by        of dentistry, even after a vaccine
and successes as both a health           sheltering in place. Although the        is established? The questions and
professional and business owner          amplitude of the pandemic wave           concerns are endless. So… As your
over my fifteen years, I have never      varies from one country to another,      new president, I have some really
encountered anything quite like          even province to province, it is         important questions to ask you.
what we have all been exposed            evident that no one is immune. We        What does support look like from
to over the past few months.             have learned so much about this          the NBDS? How can the NBDS help
The unknown of Covid-19 is our           virus over the last several months,      you? What do you need?
frightening new reality and makes        but unfortunately, many questions
us all vulnerable to the fear, the       remain. As our economy shifts in         Again, I thank you for the privilege
worry, the economic decline and the      response to Covid-19, so will our        to work along side all of you for
day-to-day deprivation of essentials     profession as we navigate through        the next coming months. This is a
we have become accustomed to.            these changes. Fortunately, we have      critical time, but I believe that if we
Since our AGM on July 11, I have         the tremendous opportunity to work       work together we can create a safer,
been teased by many colleagues,          with other stakeholders via the CDA      stronger and prosperous future.
mocking my stellar timing to come        and PDAs to help us learn and grow
onboard; however, do not doubt           using readily available resources that
for a moment how humbled,                are provided to us.
honoured and privileged I am to
                                                                                              — Dr. Carlie Lemoine
assume the role of President of the      As your new leader, it is my goal to                             President
NBDS. I am deeply grateful to our        guide you through these waves. My
past-president, Joy Carmichael,          responsibility is to keep you abreast      
for her leadership and outstanding       of pertinent and relevant information
contributions to the NBDS during         and findings. From every experience,
her presidency, and the members of       you should be able to take away at

AGM 2020 - New Brunswick Dental Society
Outgoing President’s
It is with mixed emotions I find     is sitting still; we are vigorously   community. We are all aware we
myself sitting to pen my final       meeting and communicating to          are going through a once in a
President’s message for what         the membership, to support you        lifetime paradigm shift, that will
has been an eventful year. My        all through an experience where       profoundly change the way we
year began last June, as I hit       answers to difficult questions,       interact with one another. Above
the ground running with staff        simply don’t always exist.            all else, I remind you all to be
turnover at NBDS, negotiating                                              well, to take care of yourselves
a complex MOU with CDA, and          These are unprecedented times,        physically and mentally and to
hiring a new executive director.     and I am proud of the leadership      remember you have access to
All of these major initiatives       we have taken as a profession;        the Member Assistance Program
consumed a great deal of energy      at great personal economic            that is available to us through
from the board, the executive        cost. We have come together           CDSPI. If there is one thing I
and myself as president. We          and supported one and other,          personally can take away from
found ourselves busy managing        continued to be available to          this experience, it is that the
the day to day operations of the     consult and care for our patients;    quiet in the chaos provides an
NBDS office for much of 2019.        all the while demonstrating           opportunity to reflect on where
Just as I began to fall into a new   to the public and ourselves           we are, and where we will go.
comfort zone under the guidance      that we are professional and
of our new, experienced              compassionate enough, to rise                     — Dr. Joy Carmichael
Executive Director, a global         above. I extend my deepest                         Outgoing President
pandemic hit the world and New       appreciation to the many board
Brunswick. Now COVID-19 has          and non-board members who         
put everyone and everything          have stepped up, stepped in and
on hold, as we heed the advice       offered their expertise in many
of our Public Health authorities     unrecognized ways. From the
and establish social and physical    emails and calls, to the zoom
distancing policies with the goal    meetings and video conferences,
of ‘flattening the curve’.           from the sharing of PPE to the
                                     acceptance of referrals. We
Our board of directors has been      have pulled together, at the very
very engaged in managing             moments when we have been
through these uncharted waters.      mandated to stay apart.
The NBDS has been in constant
consultation with our National       As I write this, I am certain
and Atlantic counterparts, to        that we will come through this
share resources and information.     pandemic as a stronger more
While most of the world it seems     engaged society and dental

AGM 2020 - New Brunswick Dental Society
VOL. 45 • AUGUST 2020

                                     Paul Blanchard
Summer has arrived and while         The NBDS will be asking members     will also be important for us as
people are still aware of the        of the Covid-19 Advisory Group      we continue our negotiations
pandemic, at this writing we         to return in the fall to review     with the Department of Social
are beginning to see signs that      the operational plan which was      Development on a renewed
they are relaxing and perhaps        developed in the spring of 2020.    agreement.
not always following the safest      We expect this group will look      Finally, I want to close by
protocols. From everything we        at latest developments from         congratulating our new President,
have read so far it seems these      researchers around the world.       Dr. Carlie Lemoine as she begins
two basic actions provide the        We are also preparing for a         her term, and thanking all board
best results: Wash your hands        possible second wave as the fall    and committee members for
and wear a mask if unable to         and winter seasons approach         their continued hard work and
maintain social distancing.          which typically bring seasonal      professionalism throughout these
Dental offices continue to           influenza with them. With this in   first six months. Please continue
provide excellent treatment with     mind, we encourage members to       to provide them with your
a priority on infection control.     have adequate supplies of PPE on    feedback and the support they
The NBDS is committed to work        hand, while continuing to work      need to do their job well.
with other provincial associations   with government to make sure
through the CDA to support           that adequate PPE is available.
research regarding the safety and    As we announced at our Annual                     — Paul Blanchard
availability of PPE as well as air   General Meeting, we have advised                 Executive Director
quality and aerosol generation in    our consulting firm “Impact
dental offices. This is an ongoing   Economic Consultants” that
process.                             we will not be renewing our
We are also pleased to have          agreement with them when it
been able to collaborate recently    expires December 31, 2020. But –
with the NB College of Dental        this group is continuing its work
Hygienists in modifying our          throughout the 2020 calendar
protocols to better align them       year, which includes gathering
for dental practitioners. We hope    important data from dentists
this level of collaboration will     through a range of surveys. This
continue in the coming year as       information will be very useful
this pandemic evolves.               to the economics committee
                                     in developing a fee guide for
                                     2021 in these uncertain times. It

AGM 2020 - New Brunswick Dental Society
                                     LESSONS LEARNED:
                                     “GOOD COMMUNICATION”
The New Brunswick Dental             Before this seems to be a finger      As you lead your practice in the
Society receives countless emails    pointing exercise, let’s just admit   days ahead we challenge you
and telephone calls from your        that great communication is           to remember that in addition to
patients on an array of subjects.    great challenge for all of us.        countless stresses that you are
It would surprise you. Questions                                           under that your patients and
range from the straight forward      Throughout the COVID-19 crisis,       staff look to hear information
to the complex and we do our         the Members of the NBDS had           directly from you. Remembering
best to help.                        their own questions ranging           to take a few extra moments
                                     from straight forward to the          here and there to facilitate that
Forgetting completely about          complex. Sometimes you asked          personal touch will likely reduce
patient complaints, it is            and sometimes you did not. But        your stress and promote success.
astounding what individuals are      one thing for sure is that there
willing to ask from complete         was great confusion, frustration,     And you should know that we are
strangers. You have to               and fears.                            thinking about the same thing
remember that often times they                                             and are committed to better
just left your office and decided    As we move forward with the           communication with you.
to pick-up the phone to call         challenges in the days, weeks,
people they do not know, in an       and months ahead, let’s seize on      Enjoy your summer and stay safe
office they have never been to.      the opportunity to think about        and healthy.
And they do all of this without      how we communicate with each
ever talking to you or your staff.   other and with the public and                             — Dan Leger
                                     let’s to do better.                                          Registrar
This week alone we had
individuals totally confused as      In sharing your experiences
to the purpose of community          with us throughout the closure
masks, screening questions           and reopening of your offices
pertaining to pre-existing           it is clear, not surprisingly, that
illness, and why on earth an         successful patient management
appointment would be deferred        started with thoughtful
if you were traveling outside        communication, teamwork
the restricted zones. We can         with your staff, and managing
answer these questions but we        patient’s expectations. It is also
are surprised they do not ask you    clear that the “personal touch”
first and it points to a problem.    resolved many tensions.

AGM 2020 - New Brunswick Dental Society
VOL. 45 • AUGUST 2020

    C D S P I M E M B E R S ’ A S S I S TA N C E P R O G R A M ( M A P )

    Mental health support during
   COVID-19 is a call or click away.
      Access counselling and resources for
     dentists, their staff and family members
              through MAP services.

                                     We are here for you.
                                          No cost.

Call 1.844.578.4040
Download the app My EAP

                                                                               20-918 07/20
AGM 2020 - New Brunswick Dental Society
The lockdown has been a challenging time for families. Children and their parents have had to work out how to bal-
ance school, work, and play while dealing with anxieties and worries about the pandemic.

Similarly, the thought of returning to school on a full or part time basis in the fall presents a new set of challenges
and adjustments for the entire family. However, by maintaining open communication, you can help your child make
adjustments to ease them into their school routine.

Here are some tips from our Members’ Assistance Program (MAP)* provider, Shepell to help make this transition as
smooth as possible.

Prepare your child mentally for the transition back to school

Returning to school and reuniting with friends after lockdown may be exciting to your child, but it may also make
them feel like they are suddenly being plunged back into an intense situation. Talk to them about how they are feel-
ing and what concerns they may have about being back at school.

Act as a sounding board. Try to listen without immediately offering opinions or advice. Sometimes just talking about
a problem or issue can help children come up with solutions of their own.

Take your child’s concerns seriously. Remember how demanding academic and social pressure can be even without
the additional stress of returning after a lockdown. Be careful not to belittle their concerns nor trivialise them.

Share some of the feelings and experiences you’re going through where appropriate. Speaking in an age-appro-
priate way about your own worries about the relaxation of lockdown rules and what you are doing to help you cope
may create an open environment to help your child share their own thoughts and concerns.

Keep talking to your child about anything and everything. Grab opportunities to discuss important issues, but also
ask simple questions like, “How was your day?” Do everything you can to maintain a strong bond and keep the lines
of communication open so they feel that they can discuss things with you honestly.

Make it a priority to motivate them to learn. Now that they have returned to the classroom, show that you are as
curious and interested in what your child is learning as you were about their home-schooling work. Encourage them
by giving specific, concrete praise such as “I really like your detail in this project,” rather than a general comment of
“You’re such a great student.” This indicates to your child that you have noticed their efforts.

Work with your child’s school. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Let the school know if you’re worried about anything
in particular, or if your child could benefit from extra help in making the transition back from home to school.

Rebuilding your child’s confidence and motivation after the time away will be a gradual process. Take it at their pace
and build on any small steps made. By talking things through together in an age appropriate manner, you can sup-
port and help them understand that working hard in school is a worthwhile investment for their future career and life.

We understand that the transition back to school can be difficult for you and your children. Remember that your CD-
SPI Members’ Assistance Program (MAP)* is here to support you. It’s available 24/7, 365 days a year. CDSPI is pleased
to offer this at no cost to dentists, dental staff, and their families and can help with a number of concerns, including
mental and physical health, family crisis and counselling, and more. You can contact MAP at 1.844.578.4040 or visit for help dealing with the effects of social isolation.

*The information in this article is provided by Shepell, the largest Canadian-based Employee and Family Assistance
provider in the country and the provider of CDSPI’s Members’ Assistance Program (MAP). Available services vary by
region. Use of MAP services is completely confidential within the limits of the law.

AGM 2020 - New Brunswick Dental Society
VOL. 45 • AUGUST 2020

AGM highlights
On Saturday morning, July 11th
the annual meeting took place
via zoom. The first AGM in 130
years to be held via Zoom.

The following received their
Life Membership at the 2020
Annual Meeting:
• Dr. Deborah C. Winslow
• Dr. Victor Ferguson
• Dr. Van W. Worthen
• Dr. Joseph E. Savoie
• Dr. Ronald A.M. Buckley
• Dr. Jean-Guy Violette
• Dr. Dusty Rabatich

• Dr. Andrew Smyth
• Dr. Andrew Halford

• Dr. Joy Carmichael

                        2021 AGM
                       Fredericton, NB
                                 June 5, 2021
AGM 2020 - New Brunswick Dental Society
                             The award for Volunteer of the Year       engaged with his local society
                             is recognition given by the New           having last year organized an
                             Brunswick Dental Society to members       outstanding Annual General
                             who have demonstrated exemplary           Meeting for the NBDS in his home
                             service in the line of internal           town of Edmundston.
                             volunteerism on NBDS committees.
                             This award is designed to recognize a
                             member’s sustained and outstanding        Dr. Violette devotes so much
                             contribution to the Society at the        personal time to organized
                             provincial and/or Regional level. The     dentistry it is hard to put into
                             nominated member has achieved             words his dedication and service.
                             prominence due to the credit              During the Fall of 2019, during
                             they bring to the Society and our         a time of great change and flux
                             profession. It is our pleasure to award   within the NBDS, Dr. Violette sat on
                             Dr. Daniel Violette for this distinct     the Executive Director Transition
                             honor for the year 2020.                  Committee assisting in the hiring
                                                                       of our new Executive Director.
                                                                       Beyond that, during the time lapse
                             Dr. Violette, chairman of our Board of    between Executive Directors he was
                             Directors, is a Past President of the     a constant support to the President,
                             NBDS. He dedicates immeasurable           the remaining staff of the NBDS and
                             hours to the Peer Review Committee,       our Registrar. His commitment and
      Dr. Daniel Violette    Personnel Committee, has just             dedication to service in organized
     Volunteer of the Year   completed six years as New                dentistry is unparalleled. Dr. Violette
                             Brunswick’s Representative on the         holds himself to a high professional
                             Canadian Dental Association, and is       standard and is an outstanding
                             Team Lead on the Healthy Public CDA       steward for the profession
                             Task force. Dr. Violette is actively      of dentistry. Congratulations
                                                                       Dr. Violette!

VOL. 45 • AUGUST 2020

2021 Suggested Fee Guide
Dear Colleagues:

The Economic Committee is hard at
work in developing the 2021 Suggested
Fee Guide. Our fee guide is an import-
ant tool in determining the fees that
we charge for our services. A fee guide
that reflects the practice of dentistry in
New Brunswick can only be created if
it is based on accurate data from New
Brunswick dentists. Therefore, NBDS
(as well as the dental associations of
PEI, NS, SK and BC) have partnered
with Impact Consultants, an indepen-
dent economic consulting firm that
specializes in the confidential collection
and analysis of anonymized data as it
relates to dental offices. In order to get
a meaningful result, it is vitally import-
ant that you participate in the surveys.
Earlier this year, many of us participat-
ed in the 2019 Procedure Frequency
Survey conducted by Impact Economic
Consultants. Since the COVID-19 related
office closures and additional office
expenses brought on by the pandem-
ic, we are being asked to participate
in a number of surveys to gauge the
extend of the economic impact. In re-
turn, you will receive a valuable report
that shows how your production and
expenses compare with other practices        Attract and Retain Top Talent
in New Brunswick—something that can          Better. It’s something all organizations strive for. Better outcomes from better
help you improve your practice. I hope       performance. But how do you get there? You start by building a better workplace.
you will take the few minutes required       Our team will help you craft an employee benefits program that’s tailored for
to respond favourably to this request        your employees’ unique needs.
for your practice information. Further       As a preferred benefits partner of the New Brunswick Dental Association for
details and instructions will be included    over 15 years, we have the knowledge, expertise and resources to help you
                                             attract, engage and retain key talent.
in the survey package by Impact Eco-
                                             Lorie Collins, Benefits
nomic Consultants, who will be pleased       Consultant
to answer any questions you may have.

                                             CJM Solutions+ is now part of Gallagher.

Dr. Thomas Priemer
Chair, Economics Committee

                                             © 2020 Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. 37755

On July 7, 2020 the Canadi-        Protecting the health of pa-       “Taking good care of your
an Dental Association (CDA)        tients and dental staff is a top   teeth and gums is a lifelong
issued a press release to launch   priority for Canadian dentists.    commitment - one that in-
the national “Take Care of         Oral health care provision         cludes a good oral hygiene
Your Oral Health: Your Dentist     during the COVID-19 pan-           routine at home between
is Ready to See You” cam-          demic is based on enhanced         regular dental visits,” says Dr.
paign. As dental clinics have      guidelines of provincial health    James Armstrong, CDA Pres-
re-opened, the campaign is de-     officers and provincial dental     ident. “As dental offices re-
signed to encourage people to      regulatory bodies. “Patients       open we want to remind the
get back into see their dentist.   can rest assured that dentists     public of these five important
                                   are infection control experts,     steps to good oral health:
“Oral health is part of your       and dental offices strictly fol-
overall health and well-being,     low provincial guidelines and      • Visit your dentist regularly;
and it’s important to stay on      regulations that protect the       • Eat a well-balanced diet;
                                                                      • Check your mouth often for signs of
top of it,” says Dr. Aaron Bur-    health of patients and dental        gum disease and oral cancer;
ry, CDA Associate Director of      staff,” adds Dr. Burry.            • Limit alcohol, and avoid smoking,
Professional Affairs.                                                   smokeless tobacco and vaping; and
                                                                      • Brush your teeth twice a day, and
                                                                        floss once a day.

VOL. 45 • AUGUST 2020

                       Guiding  the  Future
                         of Canadian Dentistry
It is with great pleasure and            • Establishment of the Return          • The CDA Board approved new
enthusiasm that I have assumed           to Practice Task Force, which          codes in the USC&LS for the
the role of New Brunswick                developed the Return-to-Practice       provision of additional personal
representative on the CDA Board of       Office Manual that was used by the     protective equipment required by
Directors. I would like to thank Dr.     New Brunswick Dental Society to        the COVID-19 pandemic. The NBDS
Dan Violette, our CDA representative     help establish the NBDS Covid-19       has adopted codes for both aerosol
for the past six years, for all of his   Operational Plan. The Return to        generating procedures and non-
help in the transition into my new       Practice Task Force continues to       aerosol generating procedures.
role. Since the outbreak of Covid-19     meet on a regular basis to help
the CDA has had weekly meetings                                                 • The CDA has been advocating
                                         address medium- and long-term          for dentists with the Federal
and I have gotten to know my other       issues related to Covid-19.
Board colleagues ‘virtually’ very                                               government for financial support
quickly. Being new to the CDA I          • Establishment of the Infection       programs such as the Canada
have had a lot to learn in a short       Control Enhancement Working            Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS),
time, but what has impressed me          Group. The CDA also continues to       Canada Emergency Commercial
the most is just how dedicated the       advocate with government for the       Rent Assistance (CERCA), Canada
CDA Board and Staff are to working       increased availability of PPE.         Emergency Response Benefit
on behalf of corporate members and       • Over 140 TripleGuard Insurance       (CERB), as well as the more recently
individual dentists.                     Pandemic claims in New Brunswick       announced Safe Restart program.
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected       have been settled. It is interesting   • The CDA has taken steps to
every dentist in New Brunswick and       to note that New Brunswick dentists    mitigate the financial risks to
the CDA took swift action in the         have one of the highest subscription   CDA resulting from the COVID-19
following areas:                         rates in Canada.                       pandemic. A leaner operating model
                                                                                has been employed for the purpose
                                                                                of ensuring the long-term viability of
                                                                                the CDA.
                                                                                For the foreseeable future all CDA
                                                                                meetings will continue to be held
                                                                                virtually. In addition to helping
                                                                                control costs during these uncertain
                                                                                times, this approach allows the
                                                                                board to meet more frequently than
                                                                                they have done in previous years.

                                                                  DR. KIRK PRESTON
                                                                  CDA Board Director

          Dr. Andrew Smyth
      Fredericton Representative

VOL. 45 • AUGUST 2020

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