ALL THE GOOD NEWS! - Grace Episcopal ...

Page created by Phillip Reyes
ALL THE GOOD NEWS! - Grace Episcopal ...
                                         The Newsletter of Grace Episcopal Church

                            “Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. Christ him-
                             self wrote it—not with ink, but with God’s living Spirit; not chisled into stone, but
                                                 carved into human lives-and we publish it.”
                                                                 2 Corinthians 3:2-3

                                               August 2020
                                              THE MINISTRY OF THE WORD
                 Hey all,
                 In August we will be doing something new. We will be going to one on-line Sunday liturgy at 9 AM.
                 This will probably be the new normal for the next several months. There are several reasons for this.
                 The Eucharist on the lawn in July has been great. We will be going back to on-line only liturgy be-
cause of the time demands for running the equipment, and for safety as the virus continues to keep surprising us. Thank-
you John Woodson for saving us during this time by making the on-line option viable and visually appealing!

As a break from Morning Prayer we will be using the Ministry of The Word, the first half of the Eucharistic liturgy, up
to and including the Peace. There will be music. The emailed bulletin will include the whole liturgy. This will make it
easier for us to be on the same page, while also making it easier for those who want to have their own private prayers
without video. The 9 AM Liturgy can also be viewed at a later time. It is recorded and remains on our Facebook page.

We need your help! By the end of August our new permanent audio-visual equipment should be in place. We will need
volunteers to run it every Sunday, this will give John Woodson a much-needed break, and help share the load. Please
come forward to be trained up!

Virtual Sunday School will move to 10 AM, and Virtual Coffee Hour to 11:00 AM.

The August book study of How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi, has been moved to October. (It is a book largely
about the history of racism and social policies.) Two other great books that relate to the topic are Generous Justice by
Timothy Keller, (a spiritual look at justice), and my favorite, Brother to a Dragonfly (a very personal narrative and jour-
ney) by Will Campbell (a hero to many members of our parish).

Stay cool. Eat lots of ice cream. Stay safe. Listen for the Spirit of God. Pray for peace. Be the peace. Pass the peace.
Lift up your hearts!
Fr. Jack

                                                                                9:00 am Morning Liturgy
                       11:00 AM Virtual Sunday Coffee Hour
                                                                                        Via Facebook
                       h ps://
ALL THE GOOD NEWS! - Grace Episcopal ...

                                   South Main Chapel and Mercy Center
                                     continues to need items for their
                                               snack packs.

If you would like to help-
Email Deacon Mary at by
Tuesday, August 25

And then place the items in a bag and put them outside of your home on Wednesday morning and Deacon Mary will
pick them up.
 *   Snack pack food items
 *   Chef Boyardee
 *   Vienna Sausage, potted meat
 *   Beanee Weenees
 *   Other Canned foods with pop-top, easy open lids (stew, chili, soup)
 *   Applesauce
 *   Crackers
 *   Cereal Bars or Granola Bars
 *   Fruit Cups/ Pudding Cups
 *   Individual bags of healthy snacks (such as Cheez-Its, Pretzels, Fruit Snacks, etc.)
 *   Ramen Noodles

Thank you
Deacon Mary Jeffers Email:

                      Thank you to everyone who helped with donating items for snack packs for
                                     South Main Chapel and Mercy Center and
                     Thank you everyone who helped with AIM’s Summer Food for Kids Program.
ALL THE GOOD NEWS! - Grace Episcopal ...

Accidentals from the Bench!!
Jerrad Fenske, Choirmaster & Organist
After the turn of the year’s clock of 2020, who knew what was in store for us? I was contacted by the publishers of
Town Bride Magazine, LLC. They asked if I would be willing to write an article for their upcoming publication, Spring/
Summer 2020. I gladly accepted the invitation and began writing an article about choosing music for that special day and
what you might want to consider for a musical success. This past week I came across the magazine on my desk and was
thinking about a phrase I used, “Where would we be without the soundtrack of our lives?” Of course, this does not apply
only to weddings but to our entire life. Music plays a large part in your life; in joy, grief, happiness, loss and challenges
and how we celebrate and cope. What do you listen to when you are happy and what do you listen to when you are going
through difficult times? While we are in this time of challenge and uncertainty, are you using music to help soothe and
calm yourself? We live in an age where an immense well of information and performances are a click away. YouTube
can momentarily bring up any request and I encourage you in these moments of “not normal” to take a moment and lis-
ten to something beautiful to soothe and ease your feelings.
The Messiah concert is being moved to 2021, we will keep our fingers crossed, our musical scores close at hand and
hope that it will be a time of rejoicing as only Handel can provide, which will usher us in to a new place.
Peace to you all,
Jerrad Fenske, Choirmaster & Organist.

Please join us (10:00-10:45): Java and Jesus
For the month of August, Java and Jesus will present various topics. August and September link:

Virtual Coffee Hour!
11:00 AM Coffee Hour. August and September link:

                   Open invitation
                   The Mental Wellness Group will meet on August 21, at 1:30 pm. The group will meet outside. To
                   keep everyone safe, we will maintain social distancing. Please bring your own chair and wear a mask.
                   For more information contact Deacon Mary Jeffers at Jeffers6sc@a .net. All are Welcome!

                                        Received June 16, 2020 through July 15, 2020
                               In Honor of Lily Hall’s Birthday to the Good Shepherd Fund by:
                                                         Bob & Lynne Prince
                    If donors prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate this with your Memorial or Honorarium.
ALL THE GOOD NEWS! - Grace Episcopal ...

News from Deacon Mary
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. John 15:12

                         One way that we can care for each other and show our love for each other during this time of
                         pandemic is by wearing a mask. Anderson City along with the Anderson Fire Department gave
                         out free masks at several events in the city. I received the one that I wore at our church service
                         on Sunday from Fire Chief Brathcher of Anderson Fire Department Station 1 at one of the re-
                         cent events. If you do not have a mask, please contact me by email at or call
                         the church office at 864-225-8011 and I will get you one. There are several sources for masks,
                         and there are several people who are making cloth masks. May we continue to show our love
                         and care for each other and for others in our community.

                                 Thank you to The City of Anderson and to
                                The Anderson Fire Department for giving out
                                                free masks.

                                                                        All Recovery Meetings
                                                                      Mon. – Fri. Noon -1:00 pm
                                                                      Saturday’s 6:30—7:30 pm

                                                                       Family Recovery Meetings
                                                                       Monday’s 6:30—8:00 pm
                                                                         401 West Whitner St.
                                                                         Anderson, SC 29624

                                                          Pray for healing and comfort                     Requested by
                                                          John Bostater                                     Kathy Bostater
                                                          Karlann Bostater -chronic leukemia,cancer         Kathy Bosta
Birthdays for August                                      Lauren –healing
                                                          Suzanne McMahan
                                                                                                      Sharon Homer-Drummond
                                                                                                            Gloria Byrd
                                                          Debi Frantz                                       Lisa Tucker
1st     Katie Homer-Drummond                              Michael Bays, Cancer
                                                          Matthew Sharkey
2nd     Gretchen Foster, Kathy Bostater,                  Gerald Hobby                                     Lisa Tucker
                                                          Lillian Bowers                                   Linda Hoffman
        Jodie Webb Johnson, Sean Tucker                   Becky Pazik                                      Donna LeBrun
3rd     Greg Souther                                      Judy & Mark Blakenship
                                                          Cameron Miles
4th     Eric Kent                                         Kathleen Liva-Barbara Davis’ daughter
5th     Andrew Massey                                     Robyn Bundy                                     Stuart & Gail Adamo
                                                          Rebecca Veeck                                   Ellie Cooper
8th     Pat Bradham, Bruce Buckless                       Joshua McMillan
                                                          Diane Obright
11th    Leah Durham                                       Henry Louttit (Susan Hardaway’s father)
12th    Skyler Guinn                                      Sandy Moore—Kathy Bostater’s sister
                                                          Kaylee Muthart
13th    Michael Cheek                                     Tommy Davis (grandson of Tom Davis)
                                                          John Talbert (Elise Talberts’s son)
15th    Mike Rippy, Andy Potter                           Mary Kate Hicks
16th    Kathy Morris                                      Mary Anna Scott—Pat Bradham’s sister
                                                          Mitchell & Verla Fullerton                    Susan & Steve Fullerton
17th    Amy Cox                                           Missy Parsons
                                                          JoAnn Watson
18th    Janie Fleming                                     Mac McClain
19th    Mike Digby                                        Katey Yeats—breast cancer
                                                          Katie Burriss-breast cancer                       Melissa Langford
20th    Emma Kate Potter                                  Karolina Stamey
                                                          Lake Morris                                        Lynne Prince
21st    Bunny Brown, Julian George                        Carroll Price                                      Heather Morhardt
                                                          Carol Phillips Marshall                            Mary Jeffers
26th    Jimmy Poupalos, Sandy Kress,                      Robbie Seawright                                   Lisa Tucker
        Caroline Ripley, Robert George                    Kervin Family
                                                          Connie Pearce                               Sharon Homer-Drummond
27th    Glenda Swinford                                   Melissa Blank                               Sharon Homer-Drummond
                                                          Carol Lee Webber
28th    Jane Kelley, Diann Simms                          Opie Reed
29th    Jackie Lenhart, Jimmy Pennell                     Rogers’ Family                                   Sara Clark
                                                          Stephen Heeney                                   John Heeney
31st    VV Massey                                         Annette Daniels                                  John Heeney
                                                          Kate Green                                       Cindy Baker
                                                          Ken Cheek
                                                          Dicky Anderson                                   Gill Powell
                                                          Ernie Ethridge —Hip Surgery
                                                          Joe Wilson
                                                          Ken Cauley
                                                          Jimmy Bladon—Cancer (Fr. Jack’s uncle)
                                                          Kemon Penn & Family                              John Heeney
                                                          Ziketa Watt                                      John Heeney
                                                          Ian Pickens

          Good Shepherd Campaign Update
                     As of 6/30/2020                                                Stewardship Report
Total Amount Pledged                           443,135
                                                            June 2020 Revenue                                   $ 23,300.00
Pledges +Overpaid Pledged Received             431,165
                                                            June 2020 Expenses                                  $ 30,020.00
Unpledged Gifts/Memorials/Honorariums Received 53,936
                                                            June 2020 Surplus or (Deficit)                     ($ 6,720.00)
Abney Foundation Gifts Received                120,000
Oxford Endowment Disbursements Received 6/30 594,809        YTD 2020 Revenue (Including Prepaids) $ 193,959.00
Total Good Shepherd Receipts thru 6/30        1,199,911     YTD 2020 Expenses                      $ 198,342.00
Outstanding Pledges due through 6/30             40,253     YTD Surplus or (Deficit)              ($ 4,383.00)
Balance Due on Loan as of 6/30                   98,853     2020 Projected Annual Revenue Budget $ 435,777.00
                                                            2020 Annual Expense Budget                          $ 407,495.00
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