Helen Gamon's Legacy Remembering Helen in Chartreux History - CFA Chartreux Breed Council

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Helen Gamon's Legacy Remembering Helen in Chartreux History - CFA Chartreux Breed Council
Helen Gamon's Legacy
                                           Remembering Helen in
                                             Chartreux History
                                                                          By Orca Starbuck

    In the summer of 1970, Helen and                                                                               enormous gold eyes that looked into our
John Gamon made a trip to Europe to                                                                                hearts and said, ‘Love me. I love you.’”
visit old friends. While in France, Helen                                                                              John then asked if there was a male
mentioned to John her interest in the                                                                              available. Louis Bastide went inside the
Chartreux breed. She had read about                                                                                cattery, and came out with a ten day old
the Chartreux in Fernand Mery’s book,                                                                              male with eyes just about to open. The
The Life, History and Magic of the Cat,
                                                                                                                   Gamons arranged a price, and since the
which she had given to John as a Christ-
                                                                                                                   male was too young to leave his mother,
mas present in December 1969.
                                                                                                                   arranged for both kittens to be shipped
    At that time, there were only a hand-
ful of breeders of Chartreux in all of                                                                             to California when the male was old
France, and Helen and John began their                                                                             enough. Although Tornade has no de-
search unaware of just how rare the                                                                                scendants today, the little male, Taquin
Chartreux breed was at the time. They                                                                              de St Pierre, was to become the father of
searched for three weeks without suc-                                                                              the breed in North America and would
cess. When they had almost given up                                                                                exert a tremendous influence on our
their search, John was browsing at a                                                                               breed and bloodlines.
newsstand and happened to find a small                                                                                 After returning to the US, Helen was
                                                                      Helen Gamon with Taquin.
advertisement for Chartreux kittens in                                                                             very surprised to learn that there were
the back of a magazine. They immedi-                       The following afternoon, they drove
                                                                                                                   no Chartreux registered at that time in
ately called the breeder to find out if she            to the Bastides’ farm in Ambert, a village
                                                                                                                   the US or Canada. Breeding and show-
had a kitten available, and were thrilled              in central France. Helen wrote later,
                                                                                                                   ing Chartreux was going to be a bigger
at her reply: “Yes, one female, aged four              “Tornade de St Pierre, at four months of
                                                                                                                   project than she had expected! Helen
months”! Through great luck, the Ga-                   age, was the most beautiful kitten we
mons had found Suzanne and Louis Bas-                                                                              wrote to the Bastides and to her friend
                                                       had ever seen, and at first sight we fell
tide, owners of the best Chartreux in                  in love with the Chartreux. She was a                       Robert Faivret for help finding other
France of 1967, Michou de Fernine.                     handful of silver bluegray lush fur with                    kittens in France and Belgium.

             Gamonal Oliver, born 1978. Bred by Helen & John Gamon.                              Tornade de St Pierre (left), Taquin de St Pierre (right)
                                                                                                 First Chartreux cats imported to North America, 1970.

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Helen Gamon's Legacy Remembering Helen in Chartreux History - CFA Chartreux Breed Council
Helen arranged to buy a second                        Helen began to look for a suitable male
                                                                   male, Tristan de Chantelauze, from a                      for Gen’s breeding program.
                                                                   highly regarded breeder in France, and                        When Madame Ravel finally wrote
                                                                   a second female, Thilda de St Marcoult,                   back with information about the stan-
                                                                   sired by the best Chartreux in Belgium                    dard in 1971, Helen was shocked by
                                                                   that year.                                                her reply. FIFE no longer had a sep-
                                                                       Helen also set to work on getting                     arate breed standard for the Chartreux,
                                                                   the breed officially recognized in the                    Madame Ravel informed Helen, be-
                                                                   US and Canada, and began to exhibit                       cause judges and officials from FIFE
                                                                   her Chartreux at shows beginning in                       and GCCF had met three years before
                                                                   October 1970. She needed an official                      and agreed to combine the Chartreux
                                                                   Chartreux standard for the judges to                      and British Blue. Both were now to be
                                                                   use in the new breed classes, so she                      registered with the same code and
                                                                   wrote to Madame Marguerite Ravel,                         judged under the standard of the Brit-
 Thilda de St Marcoult as a kitten, with Helen and John’s
                                                                   Secretary General of the Paris Cat Club                   ish Shorthair.
 daughter, Jon-Marie Gamon.                                        and President of FIFE. It took several                        Now it became clear to Helen why
                                                                   months to receive a reply.                                she was having so much difficulty find-
                                                                       In the meantime, Helen used a                         ing breeders who had authentic Char-
                                                                   breed description that had been pub-                      treux bloodlines. Many of the breeders
                                                                   lished in a 1967 French article. The                      that she contacted had lines that were
                                                                   judges were favorably impressed with                      close to 50% or greater British Short-
                                                                   Helen’s cats, noting how they were                        hair by pedigree, even though the cats
                                                                   both attractive and quite distinct from                   were registered as Chartreux. Some of
                                                                   the British Shorthair.                                    the breeders were also using Persian
                                                                       The first litter of Chartreux was                     or Russian Blue as outcrosses. Helen
                                                                   born in 1971 to Taquin and Thilda.                        had been extremely fortunate in stum-
                                                                   Helen actively encouraged interest                        bling on the Bastides in the summer of
      Vandale de St Pierre as a young adult, “praying.”
                                                                   from potential new breeders and ex-                       1970, as these were some of the most
                                                                   hibitors in the United States and Ca-                     authentic and pure Chartreux to be
                                                                   nada. The first breeder to buy one of                     found in France.
                                                                   Helen’s kittens was Gen Scudder                               There were still some breeders in
                                                                   (Arista cattery), who took a female                       France and Belgium who felt that the
                                                                   kitten from Helen’s first litter, and                     Chartreux should be maintained as a

               Gamonal kittens born in 1975.

 Thilda de St Marcoult with litter of 6 kittens sired by Taquin, 1971.     Taquin de St Pierre, pictured at 2 ½ years old.           Vandale de St Pierre, born 1972
 First Chartreux litter born in the US.

314       The Cat Fanciers’ Association 2021 Yearbook
Helen Gamon's Legacy Remembering Helen in Chartreux History - CFA Chartreux Breed Council
distinct breed without indiscriminate                            thrived in the harsh climate on the island,
crossbreeding, and did not want to accept                        the sisters began to breed these cats. The
FIFE’s ruling. In fact, at the very same time                    first results of their breeding program did
that Helen was introducing the Chartreux                         well at some of the early French shows in
to North America, Jean Simonnet (Vaumi-                          the late 1920s and early 1930s. In 1935,
chon cattery) and a few other breeders                           Suzanne Léger published an article in the
were forming a group to save the breed in                        French magazine La Vie à la Campagne,
France. Helen learned about their efforts                        describing how she and her sister had re-
because she was a member of the Paris Cat                        stored this historic, native French breed.
Club, and received their newsletter, La Vie                      Her article included many photographs, as
Feline.                                                          well as a detailed breed standard, describ-
    Simonnet had published a passionate                          ing the Chartreux as both powerful and
letter to Madame Ravel in a 1971 issue of                        elegant in type.
                                                                                                                                                      IC Jimmbo, born 1960.
La Vie Feline, arguing that the Chartreux                            Another group of breeders, members                                             Sire of Michou de Fernine.

had been a distinct breed for centuries,                         of Madame Ravel’s own Paris Cat Club,
and giving detailed references back to the                       started breeding Chartreux in the mid
eighteenth century. In this letter, Simon-                       1930s. Although they may have been in-
net also summarized the known history of                         spired by the success of the Léger sisters,
selective breeding, mentioning the Léger                         these breeders had a different vision for
sisters of Belle Île.                                            the breed. For the first generation, they
    The modern history of the Chartreux                          used a Persian crossed to a native blue cat,
began in the mid 1920s, when two sisters,                        in order to give their line of Chartreux
Suzanne and Christine Léger (Guerveur                            more impressive eye color, body mass, and
cattery) moved to Belle Île, an island off                       heavy coat. They wrote their own breed
the coast of France. They had just gradu-                        standard, emphasizing the more massive
ated first and second in their class from                        body type of the cats from these hybrid
the National School of Horticulture at Ver-                      lines, and this was the standard that pre-
                                                                                                                                               IC Michou de Fernine, born 1963.
sailles, and planned to make their living in                     vailed when FIFE was formed in 1949.                                         Sire of Taquin, Thilda, and Vandale.
farming and raising animals. Upon their                              Over the years, the Paris Cat Club
arrival, the sisters were fascinated to find                     breeders gradually bred out much of the
a large colony of blue cats living near the                      Persian influence. In later generations,
hospital of Le Palais, the main town on the                      they used additional foundation Chartreux
island. Having studied the history of the                        from the countryside, while still making
natural sciences, they immediately recog-                        occasional outcrosses to other breeds, in-
nized these blue cats as the Chartreux                           cluding the Persian. In 1960, a very im-
mentioned in the 18th century works of                           portant cat, Jimmbo, was born from a
Buffon.                                                          female from the Cat Club lines bred to a
    Impressed by the beauty, fine tempera-                       male out of two foundation Chartreux;
ment, and robust health of these cats that                       Jimmbo was to become an International                                       Taquin de St Pierre as a young adult,
                                                                                                                                                      about 1 year old.

  Chartreux bred by the Léger sisters on Belle Île in the early 1930s. These cats show the breed type of the original Chartreux native to France, before a Persian outcross was used in
  1936. From La Vie a la Campagne (French magazine), 1935.

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Helen Gamon's Legacy Remembering Helen in Chartreux History - CFA Chartreux Breed Council
Champion, and was regarded as the                               In 1973, Simonnet helped Gen Scud-
                                                    ideal Chartreux of his era. His son, Mi-                   der to import a kitten directly from Belle
                                                    chou de Fernine, was owned by the Bas-                     Île, Ixion de Guerveur, to be a stud male
                                                    tides, and was the sire of Helen’s first                   for Gen’s breeding program. The follow-
                                                    two Chartreux.                                             ing year, Simonnet helped Helen to im-
                                                        Meanwhile, the Léger sisters had                       port a female, Jasmine de Guerveur, as
                                                    continued to breed Chartreux for over                      Sidonie had to be spayed. Together with
                                                    40 years on their island. Although they                    the cats Helen had already imported,
                                                    had exchanged stud males with other                        these cats formed the initial foundation
                                                    French breeders a few times in the                         for the Chartreux breed in the US. As
                                                    1950s and 1960s, the Léger sisters’                        more breeders became involved, several
                                                    bloodlines still largely represented the                   cats of Simonnet’s breeding were im-
                                                    native French Chartreux. This made                         ported (Menine and Nina du Vaumichon,
                                                    their lines very precious to Jean Simon-                   and later on, Titania and Colette du Vau-
                                                    net and others who believed in the Char-                   michon), as well as another male from
         Arista Nadia of Gamonal, born 1977         treux as a native French breed.                            Belle Île (Pif-Paf de Guerveur), and fol-
       Sired by 1973 import, Ixion de Guerveur.         Like Helen, Simonnet had bought his                    lowing that, additional cats from the
                 Breeder: Gen Scudder
                                                    first female cat, Pivoine de St Pierre,                    breeders in Simonnet’s circle.
                                                    from the Bastides, but as she was unsuc-                        During the 1970s, breed devel-
                                                    cessful in motherhood, he then bought a                    opment in North America and in France
                                                    female from the Léger sisters, Sidonie de                  proceeded in parallel in many ways.
                                                    Guerveur. He felt that the most authen-                    Both the North American breeders and
                                                    tic Chartreux were to be found by com-                     Simonnet’s group believed strongly in
                                                    bining the Paris Cat Club lines with the                   the Chartreux as a native French breed
                                                    cats of Belle Île.                                         with its own history. While Helen and
                                                        Helen was inspired by Simonnet’s                       the other North American breeders
                                                    obvious knowledge and passion for the                      were importing cats, trying to establish
                                                    breed. She began corresponding with                        the breed, and putting together a breed
                                                    Simonnet in 1972, hoping to get a kitten                   standard, the French breeders in Simon-
          Moumoune’s Ombrage, born 1978             from Sidonie or another cat from the                       net's group were selecting the few cats
            Sire: Gamonal Noctambule
           Dam: Arista Nadia of Gamonal
                                                    Léger sisters’ lines. She also requested                   from authentic lines, trying to re-estab-
             Breeder: Andrea Hawkins                help from Simonnet in developing the                       lish the breed, and rebuilding the breed
                                                    Chartreux breed standard in the United                     standard. Each group had to put to-
                                                    States. In the meantime, she also ar-                      gether a strong argument in favor of the
                                                    ranged to purchase two more kittens                        Chartreux as a distinct historic breed
                                                    from the Bastides, a male (Vandale de St                   with its own characteristics, while si-
                                                    Pierre), and a female (Valse de St                         multaneously doing the practical work
                                                    Pierre).                                                   of pulling together the strains of

      Moumoune Trouvaille of Belleisle, born 1982
            Sire: Moumoune’s Ouragan
       Dam: Bo-Wood’s Orchidee of Moumoune
             Breeder: Andrea Hawkins.

                                                                                                                                   Chartreux Association ribbon
  GC Sheenahs Beauregard of Minoux, born            Moumoune’s Toujours Amoureuse (left), born 1982, breeder Andrea Hawkins.
                                                                                                                                   from the CFA Foundation
  1986. Breeder: Shirley Rosenberg.                  Bo-Wood’s Orchidee of Moumoune (right), born 1978, breeder Ottie Wood.

316        The Cat Fanciers’ Association 2021 Yearbook
Helen Gamon's Legacy Remembering Helen in Chartreux History - CFA Chartreux Breed Council
Chartreux that were the least mixed with       able job in founding the breed here. Look-
British Shorthair, and least influenced by     ing back, it is hard to imagine anything
Persian and other breeds. Each group did       they could have done better. They im-
this by combining the best lines of the        ported a relatively large number of Euro-
Paris Cat Club with the cats of Belle Île.
                                               pean cats from the very best bloodlines
     In 1977, Simonnet and Madame Ravel
                                               available, recruited many breeders across
even asked for Helen's help in writing to
                                               the United States and Canada, developed
FIFE in support of separating the Char-
treux from the British Shorthair once and      breed standards based on the old French
for all. At this point, the Chartreux breed    standards and comments from Jean Si-
was already on a firm footing in North         monnet, and rapidly expanded the
America, with established breed stan-          number of Chartreux being bred and ex-
dards and registration rules forbidding        hibited. They formed a Chartreux Associ-
crossbreeding. Perhaps in some part due        ation, fostering cooperation and unity
                                                                                                                        Gamonal Oliver, born 1978
to Helen’s help, Simonnet’s group was ul-      among the breeders.          They rapidly                                   Sire: Gamonal Iredell
                                                                                                                           Dam: Gamonal Istra
timately successful, and the status of the     achieved acceptance in all registries, en-                              Breeder: Helen & John Gamon
Chartreux in France was finally assured.       suring that the breed standards were
     It is now fifty years since Helen first   nearly the same in all.
brought the Chartreux to the US, and the           In 1978, Helen retired from breeding
breed is in a much stronger position in        at her doctor’s orders, due to a heart
both North America and France. In Eu-          problem. She kept a whole male from her
rope, there are now hundreds of breeders,
                                               last litter, Gamonal Oliver, allowing other
with thousands of kittens registered each
                                               breeders to use him with their females for
year, and Chartreux regularly achieve the
                                               many years. Oliver is behind many of our
highest wins in competition. In North
                                               Chartreux today. Helen passed away on
America, Chartreux have achieved many
                                               December 15, 1993 at the age of 80.
national and international wins in all as-
sociations. In CFA, the breed has now              Helen was committed to preserving
been accepted for Championship compe-          this historic breed and establishing it on
tition for over 30 years, and has had many     our continent. Her passion for the Char-
winning cats, including 18 National            treux shines through all her correspon-
Winners.                                       dence and writing. Our North American
                                                                                                                    Belleisle Velours Bleu, born 1984
     The early North American breeders,        bloodlines owe everything to Helen and                                     Sire: Gamonal Oliver
                                                                                                                  Dam: Moumoune Trouvaille of Belleisle
including the Gamons, did a truly remark-      her work. Thank you, Helen!s                                                Breeder: Penny Rice

           Sheenah’s St Tiffany, born 1982                                   Litter of kittens bred by Suzie Tell. Born 1984
             Breeder: Shirley Rosenberg                                     Sire: Gamonal Oliver, Dam: Sheenahs St Tiffany
                                                   Two of these kittens became CFA grands, GC Tellacats Volvo of Ashmanor and GC Tellacats Vulcan.

                                                                                                                                    The Chartreux         285
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