What's happening on social media - V arious news stories and inter-Various news stories and ...

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What's happening on social media - V arious news stories and inter-Various news stories and ...

What’s happening on social media
       arious news stories and inter-                 Evans didn’t want all
       esting anecdotes that celebrate             of the attention, but he
       letter carriers and the mail have           thanked his co-workers
been flying around social media. We                and supervisors.
plan to collect the best ones in this                 “You’re blessed to make
space. If you come across a story you’d            friends,” he told Spec-
like us to consider featuring, send it to          trum News 1. “I mean,
social@nalc.org.                                   you have concern for the
                                                   people, that they receive
Carrier earns rare honor after                     the things that they want
2 million miles of safe driving                    to receive, and you take
                                                   it seriously when they         Minnesota resident Mary Steinbicker carried out a pandemic
   In his 45-year postal career, Louis-                                           project to send postcards every day in 2020 to friends and
ville, KY Branch 14 member Rick Evans              don’t.”
                                                                                  strangers alike to spread kindess and cheer through the mail.
has achieved a rare feat: traversing 2                Fellow Branch 14
million miles safely delivering mail to            member Audrey Harrod                            to bring postcards in lieu of gifts—so
families and businesses without an                 has known Evans for all of her 16-year          she came up with a New Year’s resolu-
                                                   USPS career. “We’re just lucky to have          tion in January 2020: She’d send out
                                                   people like Rick here, and hopefully            one each day the entire year to spread
   In late May, work at his downtown
                                                   lots of us get to stick around that long,       kindness and cheer through the mail.
Louisville post office stopped one
                                                   you know, and not have accidents,”                 She had an abundance of postcards
                                                   she told the news station.                      already, as her affinity for them is
                                                      Though carriers in the area get to           well known. Being a librarian, she
                                                   choose their routes based on senior-            was organized in her approach and
                                                   ity, Evans picked a ZIP code with some          kept a list of every recipient to prevent
                                                   of the busiest streets and businesses           multiple cards from being sent to the
                                                   in downtown with near-constant                  same person.
                                                   construction. Despite this, Evans has              Steinbicker sent postcards to her
                                                   maintained an unblemished safety                large family, members of her church
                                                   record.                                         congregation and friends from the
                                                      He told the television station that          library, but also to people she’d never
Rick Evans of Louisville, KY Branch 14 (front l)   the same thing that’s kept him a model met, including musicians in the Min-
was recognized in May for his 2 million miles      employee can make us better people:             nesota Orchestra, a newspaper editor,
of safe driving.                                   “If we can be in the moment and share           and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as well
                                                   the eye contact, share the moment               as other elected officials.
morning to celebrate his achievement.              with the people, and make decisions                She’d start her missive with: “Dear
  “I’ve been in the post office 26 years.          in the moment, we’ll all be safe. We’ll         Recipient, You are No. 138 in my
This is the first one that I’ve been in-           all have better relationships. Those are Postcard Project.” Then she’d include
volved in,” Louisville’s acting postmaster         the things that count.”                         a message tailored to the person, along
Chris Carroll told Kentucky’s Spectrum                                                             with a disclaimer that she was not at
News 1 about the carrier’s award.                  Lifting spirits through postcards the postcard’s depicted location, due
  Along with the carrier’s proud co-                  After her retirement as a children’s         to the COVID-19 pandemic.
workers, many regional managers said               librarian, a Minnesota woman wanted                The woman especially wanted
they needed to make the trip to honor              a new project to concentrate on.                youngsters who grew up in the internet
Evans. They also had not seen a carrier               Mary Steinbicker has loved post-             age to experience mail as a source of
achieve such a long, spotless driving              cards since her childhood travels—              joy, and as something that’s much
record.                                            even asking her own wedding guests              more than bills and ads. “You should

                                                                                                          July 2021    The Postal Record          23
What's happening on social media - V arious news stories and inter-Various news stories and ...

   Social media (continued)
                                                                 bit in maintaining those        was even given a cake that read “Best       c
                                                                 connections, so that people     Mailman Ever.”                              m
                                                                 wouldn’t feel so isolated. It      “He was very moved, and it made us       t
                                                                 certainly made me not feel      happy,” customer Jim Krally told the
                                                                 so isolated.”                   Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.                    a
                                                                    Steinbicker’s project           “Oh man, they got me going,” Criss       p
                                                                 was so well received that it    told the newspaper, adding that he          w
                                                                 lives on in 2021 in a more      had recorded some of the signs on his       p
                                                                 occasional form, telling the    phone as “a little remembrance” and is
                                                                 USPS Link that she calls it     keeping the pile of postcards.              m
                                                                 her “Intermittent Postcard         The carrier had delivered on the         s
                                                                 Project.”                       route for about six or seven years of his   T
                                                                    “Thank all your let-         career, but he joked that people on his
                                                                 ter carriers,” she told the     former routes still want him back. “I       t
                                                                 publication. “Tell them I       have a tendency to say hi to everyone,”     i
                                                                 couldn’t have done it with-     he told the Post-Gazette.                   n
                                                                 out the Post Office.”              Criss told the paper that in retire-     a
                                                                                                 ment, he plans to take care of his          t
   Bob Criss of Pittsburgh, PA Branch 84 received a retirement   Pennsylvania carrier            father-in-law, who’s moving in with         m
   party from his customers on his route in April.               receives warm sendoff           him and his wife, Kim; to tackle his
   be excited when the mail comes,”                              from grateful customers         honey-do list; and to take Kim to a         h
   Steinbicker told Minneapolis’s Star                Patrons on the route of Pittsburgh,        winery on the weekends. They raised         A
   Tribune.                                         PA Branch 84 member Bob Criss de-            two now-adult children, Tyler and Em-
      On Jan. 1, 2020, the project officially       cided to surprise him on his final day       ily, who he said “were always support-
   was kicked off when she sent the first           of deliveries on April 29, even though it    ive of my career and understood that I
   postcard to a former co-worker’s 9-year-         was a rainy one.                             had to work on Saturdays, as well as a
   old son; she has helped him learn                  Unbeknownst to the carrier, a few          few Christmas days.”
   cursive through their communication.             days earlier, the Gorman family had             Criss doesn’t know why his patrons
      Longtime friend Kay Christianson              printed and distributed a flyer that         gave him such a sweet sendoff, but he
   was excited to receive Postcard No.              read, in part: “Bob is an amazing guy,       feels the same about them.
   174 from Steinbicker. “When you get a            who always has a smile, a friendly              “Felt like family,” he told the news-
   postcard in the mail, it’s the first thing       wave and a kind word. He’s gotten to         paper, adding to his patrons, “Thank
   I look at because there’s some adven-            know so many families and watched            you very much for all you’ve done for
   ture or story of some kind that’s greet-         their children grow up. If you’ve never      me.”
   ing you,” Christianson told the Star             had the pleasure of a conversation
   Tribune. “Usually it’s someone who’s             with him then take a moment to say
                                                                                                 The Traveling Diary helps
   traveling, but in this case it wasn’t, so        hello before it’s too late.”                 connect women by mail
   there was another story to be told.”               Included with the note was an                In April 2020, a New Jersey woman
      Steinbicker hopes that even though            orange balloon for each house to blow        thought that keeping a diary during
   a postcard is small, it can have a sig-          up and attach to the mailbox, as well        the COVID-19 pandemic might help her
   nificant impact. “How do we maintain             as a postcard to send Criss well wishes.     sort through her feelings. Kyra Peralte
   a relationship when we’re not togeth-              As “Mailman Bob,” as the neighbor-         wrote about the challenges of balanc-       T
   er? How do we maintain the sense of              hood kids call him, pulled up that           ing work, marriage and motherhood
   community when you’re afraid to walk             day, he gave pause as he saw all of his      during a global crisis.                     c
   up to somebody?” she told the news-              smiling—and some crying—customers,             Peralte was curious about how other       t
   paper. “I’d like to think I did a little         as well as banners and balloons. He          women in her situation were coping. She     p

24 The Postal Record July 2021
What's happening on social media - V arious news stories and inter-Various news stories and ...
craved connection, so soon after, she            of people—115 and counting—have             New York carrier retires with much
made the decision to drop her journal in         signed up for a turn with a notebook.       fanfare from her devoted patrons
the mail to share it with a stranger.               Peralte found the first willing
                                                                                                Dozens of customers on Oneonta,
  She had invited other women from               participant on a Zoom conference for
                                                                                             NY Branch 97 member Mary Brower’s
around the globe to fill the remaining           entrepreneurs, during which she men-
                                                                                             route celebrated her retirement on
pages of her composition notebook                tioned the traveling diary. Following
                                                                                             April 30 with posters, banners, bal-
with their own stories of life during the        that, a woman from North Carolina
                                                                                             loons, flowers and lots of well wishes.
pandemic.                                        contacted Peralte and said she would
                                                                                                “She’s going to be missed in this
  “I wanted an interaction that felt hu-         like to share her tale next.
                                                                                             neighborhood,” customer Fred Gerowe
man, and it feels very human to read                In May, Peralte posted an article she
                                                                                             told Oneonta’s The Daily Star. “Who-
someone else’s writing,” Peralte told            wrote on Medium, an online publish-         ever takes over this route is going to
The Washington Post.                             ing platform, titled “Why I’m col-          have some big shoes to fill.”
  She explained to the newspaper                 lecting stories from different women           Brower had delivered mail on the
that she had dreamed up “The Travel-             in a traveling diary” to recruit more       route for seven years, walking at
ing Diary,” which would be a simple              participants to contribute.                 least 10 miles a day. (Prior to going to
notebook that would travel by mail                  Word spread, and she created a           Oneonta full time, Brower worked for
and collect handwritten stories with             website, thetravelingdiarytour.com,         16 years as a carrier part time out of
the ultimate goal of creating a com-             so women could sign up.                     Deposit, NY.)
munity.                                             Each person has a three-day limit           She was touched by her patrons’
  A year later, seven notebooks                  and is allowed to fill the notebook         reaction to her retirement.
have traveled from North America to              with as many pages of writing or art           “They’re all just the nicest people,”
Australia to Africa. A growing group             as she wants, before mailing it to the      Brower told The Daily Star. “I told
                                                 next person in the queue.                   them I’ll come by every week and I’ll
                                                    “Everyone approaches the blank           actually have time to visit with them.”
                                                 pages in their own personal way,”              Customer Jodie Gerowe loves the
                                                 Peralte told The Washington Post.           fact that Brower remembered so much
                                                    Women from different cultures,           about the people she delivered to. “Mary
                                                 races and lifestyles shared their           knows the name of everyone on her
                                                 experiences during the ongoing              route, their kids, their grandkids and
                                                 pandemic, capturing the moment              their pets,” she told the newspaper. “If
                                                 they were written. Some stories were        she knows you’re waiting for a package,
                                                 about heartbreak or ongoing protests,       she’ll come running to give it to you.”
                                                 and other women wrote about joyous             Another resident, Erica LaBuz,
                                                 occasions or in ways that celebrated        praised his carrier’s affable personal-
                                                 their families.                             ity: “She’s just so kind and fun to chat
                                                    Perlate now has her original note-       with,” LaBuz told The Daily Star. “She
                                                 book back, while the other six are still    always makes time for everyone. She
                                                 circulating the globe.                      has a big route, so she could say ‘No,
                                                    “It was beautiful to have it again and   I’m busy,’ but she never does.”
                                                 to read it,” she told the paper.               Brower said that in retirement she’s
                                                    She loves that she feels a strong        looking forward to taking the time to
Through her website (top), New Jersey resi-      bond with women who have shared             learn Spanish and sign language, play
dent Kyra Peralte sends notebooks (above)
                                                 their experiences, women whom she           music and spend time doing ministry.
to women around the world for a project
called “The Traveling Diary” to help them sort   otherwise never would have met. “The           “I think I’m going to spend my first
through their feelings during the COVID-19       Traveling Diary is making sisters out of    month or two writing everyone thank-
pandemic.                                        strangers,” she added.                      you notes,” Brower told the paper. PR

                                                                                                    July 2021   The Postal Record       25
What's happening on social media - V arious news stories and inter-Various news stories and ... What's happening on social media - V arious news stories and inter-Various news stories and ...
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