A message from the mayor - Upper Hutt City Council

A message from the mayor - Upper Hutt City Council

Valley News
June 2019 | Upper Hutt City Council news

A message from the mayor                                                                                      Inside...
Montana and Drew, visitors
from our sister city Mesa,
                                    year’s Civic Awards. This may
                                    seem like a lot, but it’s a ‘drop
                                                                        Civic Awards                     2 | New look website

Arizona were welcomed with a        in the bucket’ compared to the      Do you know someone who
powhiri onto Ōrongomai Marae        value that volunteers provide       has done some outstanding
last week. We’re very pleased       to our community. Aside from        and innovative voluntary
to have Montana and Drew            the tremendous amount of            work for our city and
here with us and are continuing     work that they do, and all that     community?
to fill their calendar with local   they achieve, the mere act of
                                                                        Any resident of Upper Hutt
treats and activities. They are     volunteering (however small) is
                                                                        who has done meritorious
now in their final week with        a noble venture that ultimately
                                                                        voluntary community
us and are looking forward to       builds toward a strong                                               2 | Councillor Steve Taylor
                                                                        service for the city is
hosting Ruby France and Jordan      community.
                                                                        eligible to be nominated
Knapp in Mesa, later this month.
                                    The upgrade to the sports           for a Civic Award.
                                    fields at the back of Maidstone     A Civic Award recipient will
                                    Park has seen some delays           not have received other
                                    due to weather. Because of          public recognition for their
                                    the grow-in period following        community service in
                                    construction, we’re not             the form of other awards
                                    expecting to make use of the        (unless in exceptional
                                    new grounds before the middle       circumstances).
                                                                                                         3 | RemarkIT
                                    of next year once the grass
                                                                        A nomination must be
                                    has had time to reestablish in
                                                                        signed by at least two
Over the next month we do a         the ground. In the absence of
                                                                        residents of Upper Hutt. A
lot of celebrating of volunteers.   their availability, we’re making
                                                                        nomination from an Upper
The 2019 Young Achiever             use of other grounds around
                                                                        Hutt organisation must
Youth Civic Awards were held        the city. This upgrade is Stage
                                                                        be signed by at least two
at Expressions Whirinaki on 5       1 of our Maidstone Sports
                                                                        executive members of that
June and Upper Hutt’s section       Hub project as detailed in the
of the Wellington Airport           Long Term Plan 2018 – 2028.
Community Awards will be held       These are new sand-based            Nominations received
                                                                                                         3 | Elections on the way
at the same venue on 3 July.        turfs. They are not artificial      by Friday, 5 July will be
We have National Volunteer          but have been carefully             considered for this
Week this month (17 – 23)           engineered to international         year’s awards.
where we say “Cheers” to            standards to provide a robust
                                                                        If a nomination is successful,
our volunteers, and we’re also      playing surface with adequate
                                                                        we will contact the
asking for nominations for this     drainage for years to come. The
                                                                        nominee to find out if they
                                    second stage of this project is
                                                                        wish to accept the award.
                                    scheduled for the 2022 – 2023
                                    year with the redevelopment of
                                    the clubrooms.                                                       4 | Funding for groups and events

                                                                           More information and
                                    Wayne Guppy | mayor                     nomination forms
                                        /mayor.wayneguppy                   available online at:
A message from the mayor - Upper Hutt City Council
New look
Council has a new online presence.

Chief Executive, Peter Kelly says Council
has been looking at how it can transform
the way it delivers services to be more
                                                    Upper Hutt has the benefits of a close-knit       The new branding is now online for
customer-centric and accessible.
                                                    suburban community and balanced lifestyle         Council, H2O Xtream, and Upper Hutt
“It’s important for any organisation to have        supported by open spaces, nature, and             Libraries. Our existing corporate brand
its customers at the centre of its thinking,        parks. The new online brand and logo centre       remains unchanged, so there will be no
and for us that’s our residents, business           around a ‘U’ device that shows the balance        immediate impact to signs, brochures, and
people, and visitors. Along with a new              of community and lifestyle, connected as          publications, vehicles, or business cards. For
online brand, we‘ve completely redeveloped          one city. The new online brand includes           H2O Xtream, and Upper Hutt Libraries, the
our web environment to be accessible and            variations for core council services H2O          new brand will be rolled out over time as
mobile responsive, offering enhanced content        Xtream, and Upper Hutt Libraries, creating a      items are produced. All costs are being met
to improve the experience for people visiting       strong visual alignment between these long-       within existing budgets.
our site and accessing our services.”               standing services and Council.

     A word from Councillor Steve Taylor
     There has been a lot of work               redeveloping Maidstone Max.              will reopen soon, and the safety
     happening behind the scenes in             Preliminary design work is well          matting at Trentham Memorial Park
     Council, as the major projects of our      underway to re-establish this facility   playground is almost complete. This
     ambitious 2018 – 2028 Long Term            as a destination playground.             will ensure both these parks will be
     Plan progress. One project that I am                                                available while the Maidstone Max
                                                The new skate park, designed by
     particularly excited about is the long-                                             upgrade is underway.
                                                top NZ designers Rich Landscapes,
     overdue Maidstone Max upgrade.
                                                will offer a range of new and            In Upper Hutt, we are proud of our
     First open 18 years ago, Maidstone         improved facilities for all levels       parks, our reserves, and our open
     Max fast became a regional                 of riders—catering for scooters,         spaces. With these significant
     attraction for families. With the best     bikes, and skateboards. The new          investments into the
     skate park in the region, riders of all    playground areas are being designed      play areas of three of
     ages honed their skills, pushing their     to provide for youth of all ages, with   our finest parks, we
     limits as they made great friendships      designers working alongside Rich         will be encouraging
     and lasting memories.                      Landscapes to ensure a cohesive          the next generation
                                                space that flows together as one,        to further treasure
     However, the park has since
                                                mitigating safety concerns.              our great outdoors.
     lost its shine, and is now rarely
     a regional destination of choice.          Meanwhile, the newly upgraded
     We’ve earmarked $3.8 million for           playgrounds at Harcourt Park

Annual Plan update                                                                                                   UPPE R HUTT

                                                                                                                     Annual Plan
                                                                                                                     1 JULY 2019

                                                                                                                                 – 30 JUNE
                                                                                                                                          2019 – 2020

Thanks to everyone who submitted feedback during our Annual Plan 2019 – 2020 consultation. We received
204 submissions and had 11 presentations from members of our community during the hearings process.
Council are now considering the feedback and will decide on any changes to make, with the final document
going for adoption at the Additional Council meeting on 26 June.

                                                                                                                                                        UPPER HUTTC
                                                                                                                                                                      ITY.CO M
A message from the mayor - Upper Hutt City Council
A warm welcome to                                          RemarkIT
                                               Waitomo                                                    RemarkIT officially opened on Maidstone
                                                                                                          Terrace on 13 May, with Conservation
                                               We are very pleased to welcome                             Minister and Green Party MP Eugenie
                                               cheaper petrol prices to the region in                     Sage cutting the ribbon alongside General
                                               the form of Waitomo Fuels.                                 Manager, Tim Findlay.
                                               Waitomo officially opened to the public
                                               on 14 May with some fanfare, that saw
                                               the Fergusson Drive location inundated
                                               with customers looking for the
                                               opening special.

                                               Waitomo is located on the former
                                               Oderings site, just north of the
Business                                       Montgomery Crescent roundabout.

New                                                                                                       RemarkIT have moved to Upper Hutt from
   Tank (The Mall)                                                                                        Porirua and Tawa to bring their growing team
                                                                                                          of over 30 staff under one roof. RemarkIT’s
   Waitomo (Fergusson Dr)                                                                                 primary business is to refurbish and re-
   RemarkIT (Maidstone Tce)                                                                               home computers (and other electronics
                                                                                                          equipment), partnering with the Digital
Moved                                                                                                     Wings Trust to see computers re-homed
   Driving Miss Daisy                                                                                     where they are most needed.
   (Princes St)                                                                                           They are supporting the circular economy
   Suburban Fitness (Main St)                                                                             approach to business extending the life of
                                                                                                          technology and reducing waste. Upper Hutt
   Perfect Denture (Main St)
                                                                                                          City Council is pleased to support green IT
   Duo Photography (Main St)                                                                              at its best! Check out their website to see
   Wheeler’s Footwear                                                                                     what else RemarkIT offer and you may also
                                                                                                          like to view their online store at
   (Main St)
   Kristin’s Flower Shop
                                                                                                          For more information on Digital Wings,
                                                                                                          go to digitalwings.nz
   Zil Barbers (Main St)
   Tigerlily (Main St)
   Upper Hutt Therapeutic
   Massage (Main St)
                                              Local body elections
                                              on the way...

Local body Election Day is on        and the quality of life in Upper         CONSIDER STANDING                     VOTE
Saturday 12 October this year        Hutt. Are you satisfied? Do you          You don’t have to be unsatisfied      Make yourself heard. Vote
(closing at 12.00 pm). This is       want to see change?                      to stand for your local council.      for the people you want
the time we elect local people                                                Sometimes incumbent                   to represent you and your
                                     Whether or not you’re happy
to represent, guide, and govern                                               councillors move on, which            community for the next three
                                     with the way things are, this
the affairs of the city over the                                              leaves an opening. You may feel       years. Vote for status quo, vote
                                     is the time to participate in
coming three years.                                                           that there is a group of people       for change, or vote for a mixture
                                     the governing affairs of the
                                                                              you could specifically stand for,     of both.
Consider the decisions Council       city. Both action and inaction
                                                                              or you may just want to invest
makes on your behalf, decisions      produce results. The question                                                  Voting period: 20 September –
                                                                              back into your community.
that affect you and your family      is—which result do you want?                                                   12.00 pm, 12 October
                                                                              Nominations open: 19 July –
                                                                              12.00 pm, 16 August

      Nomination documents     Nominations                   Nominations                            Voting period          Voting closes   Results
            available             open                    close at 12.00 pm                             opens                12.00 pm    announced
             1 July              19 July                      16 August                            20 September             12 October 17 – 27 October

                    JULY                         AUGUST                              SEPTEMBER                       OCTOBER
A message from the mayor - Upper Hutt City Council
Cheers!                                                      Remember your
                                     Volunteer week is coming up this month                       1s and 2s
                                     (16 – 22 June). We’ll be thanking our local
                                     community groups by saying “Cheers to our                    Please remember that we are no longer
                                     volunteers” on our community noticeboards                    accepting recyclable plastics numbered
                                     around the city. Keep an eye out for the signs               3 – 7 at the Recycling Station in Park
                                     in, Riverstone, Whakatiki Street, Ebdentown                  Street. There are currently no domestic
                                     (Fergusson Drive), and Totara Park.                          nor international markets for recycling
Gibbons                                                                                           these plastics.

Street sewer                                                                                      We are only accepting plastics with

replacement                                                                                       symbols         or       on them.

making good                                                                                       Please sort your recycling before you

progress                                                                                          arrive at the station and remove items

                                     CHEERS to our
                                                                                                  from any bag. Plastic bags filled with
Contractors for Wellington                                                                        recyclable material get sent straight to

                                     VO L U N T E E R S
Water are continuing with                                                                         the landfill.
replacing and upgrading the
sewer along Gibbons Street.                                                                       It is important that we all do our best to

As works progress the road                 CHEERS to our                                          prevent non-recyclable items from going
                                                                                                  into the station as it is costly to have
closures and traffic diversions
are gradually moving south
                                           VO L U N T E E R S                                     them sorted further down the line.

down Gibbons Street toward
the Main Street intersection.
We’re currently around half
way through the duration of
the project.
                                        3 funds up for applications
Thanks to everyone who uses             Both Council and Central Government have funds available for specific purposes to help groups and
this street—especially affected         individuals achieve their vision for the benefit of the community.
residents—for their patience.
Please continue to take                   EVENTS FUND                          CREATIVE                            COMMUNITY GRANT
extreme care around the works                                                  COMMUNITIES
area to maintain safety for the
                                          Council has a contestable            The Creative                        The Community Grants
workers and the public.
                                          pool of event funding                Communities (CCS)                   Funding Scheme is open
The sewer replacement is                  available for supporting a           funding scheme offers               to any not-for-profit group
part of our asset management              limited number of events             support to any not-for-             that services Upper Hutt
programme. This project is                in Upper Hutt City each              profit group or individual          residents and contributes
being managed by Wellington               year. Events will support            to put together a                   to community wellbeing.
Water. For more information,              Council’s long term vision           community-led art project.
                                                                                                                   For more information
please go to:                             with preference given to
                                                                               Creative communities is             and to apply, go to
www.wellingtonwater.co.nz/                new and/or significant
                                                                               a Government scheme                 upperhuttcity.com/
work-in-your-area/gibbons-                events.
                                                                               administered by Council.            community-grants
                                          For more information                 For more information
                                          and to apply, go to                  and to apply, go to
                                          upperhuttcity.com/                   upperhuttcity.com/
                                          events-fund                          creative-communities

                                          Open: 1 – 30 June                     Open: 1 June – 15 July             Open: 1 June – 31 July

                                                                                                          CHEERS to our
                                  Upper Hutt City Council
                                  838 – 842 Fergusson Drive                                               VOLUNTEERS
                                  Private Bag 907                       T   (04) 527 2169                     W   upperhuttcity.com
                                  Upper Hutt 5140                       E   askus@uhcc.govt.nz                F   /upperhuttcitycouncil
A message from the mayor - Upper Hutt City Council A message from the mayor - Upper Hutt City Council A message from the mayor - Upper Hutt City Council A message from the mayor - Upper Hutt City Council A message from the mayor - Upper Hutt City Council
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