Alternative/Niche Developments Of the Future (2030) - Senior Living and Medical Concepts - NAIOP

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Alternative/Niche Developments Of the Future (2030) - Senior Living and Medical Concepts - NAIOP
SPECIAL INSERT Development WINTER 2015/2016

Alternative/Niche Developments
Of the Future (2030)
Senior Living and Medical Concepts

KGD Architecture


 Ware Malcomb
Alternative/Niche Developments Of the Future (2030) - Senior Living and Medical Concepts - NAIOP
Winning Senior Living and Medical Office Concepts
     Respond to Demographic Trends
     and Technology
     To successfully develop senior living and medical facilities for the future,
     real estate professionals must embrace three megatrends and create
     communities that support populations in new ways.

     The Silver Tsunami                        the U.S. swells to an estimated 80      general populace are a few of the
     Just over the horizon, the so-called      million by 2030. Taken together,        trends affecting health care providers
     “silver tsunami” is gathering force.      by 2030 these two age groups will       now and well into our future.”
     By the year 2030, about one-fifth         make up approximately 40 percent
                                               of the U.S. population. “The archi-     Always-on smartphones and
     of the U.S. population will be 65 or
                                               tecture and building industries need    other connected devices like heart-
     older. This burgeoning senior popula-
                                               to realize this fact and work toward    monitoring implants, smart refrigera-
     tion of 72 million will require age-
                                               developing building types that will     tors and fitness monitors will collect
     adapted housing and medical facility
                                               be able to sustain these expanding      and transmit real-time data about an
     options that currently do not exist. In
                                               demographics,” asserts KGD.             individual’s health to medical profes-
     the blunt assessment of KGD Archi-
                                                                                       sionals via the Internet of Things.
     tecture, “the current state of senior
                                               Disruptive Technologies                 Telemedicine will deliver consultative
     housing in the United States is not
                                                                                       care to people at any location with
     prepared for the next 20 years of         With the working age population
                                                                                       Internet access, with an emphasis on
     population growth.” Meyer concurs,        making up a smaller portion of
                                                                                       preventative rather than prescriptive
     noting that “there will be a growing      the U.S. population by 2030, new
                                                                                       care. In medical offices, ubiquitous
     need for lower-to-middle-income           approaches will be necessary to
                                                                                       3-D printers will provide a wide
     living communities for the increasing     accommodate the needs of more
                                                                                       variety of customized tools, tissues
     number of seniors [who] will need an      dependent populations like seniors
                                                                                       and molds on demand, reducing the
     affordable place to live.”                and children. To meet at least some
                                                                                       need for storage space. Robots will
                                               of the needs of these two population
                                                                                       collect specimens and deliver them
     The Youth Boom                            groups, technology will assume an
                                                                                       to drones for transport to off-site
     In the same time frame, a “youth          even larger role in people’s everyday
                                                                                       labs. Medical office facilities of the
     tsunami” is coming, as the number         lives. As Ware Malcomb notes, “rapid
                                                                                       future must be designed to embrace
     of young people and children in           advances in medicine and technol-
                                                                                       these disruptive technologies. n
                                               ogy, global adoption of social media,
                                               and increased ‘consumerism’ by the

                                 During the summer of 2015, NAIOP conducted a design competition in which it
                                 sought concepts for the Niche Development of the Future. NAIOP invited architects
                                 to submit a vision/concept plan in a niche category like “senior living” and
                                 “medical office.” An independent panel of judges evaluated the submissions
                                 against an objective set of criteria and selected three winners. Each winning firm
                                 presented its concept on October 14, 2015, at NAIOP’s Commercial Real Estate
                                 Conference 2015 in Toronto, at a session moderated by Dale Dekker, AIA, AICP,
                                 founding principal and architect with Dekker/Perich/Sabatini in Albuquerque,
                                 New Mexico.

                                 The winning firms are KGD Architecture, Arlington, Virginia; Meyer, Ardmore,
                                 Pennsylvania; and Ware Malcomb, Irvine, California. Presentations made by the
                                 winners at NAIOP’s Commercial Real Estate Conference 2015 are available at

Alternative/Niche Developments Of the Future (2030) - Senior Living and Medical Concepts - NAIOP
KGD Architecture
 Aria: The Future of Affordable Senior Living
 A majority of seniors say
 they want to “retire in place,”
 but an opposite and isolated
 fate might await them. KGD
 Architecture’s submission
 contends that older people
 who become unable to live
 safely in their current homes
 are often “shipped off to a
 nursing home or elderly care
 facility. Many of these facili-
 ties today are located out in
                                              Three mixed-use residential buildings curve around the “Aria,” a central courtyard.
 the countryside or in sub-
 urban areas in a misguided
 attempt to give the aged a                  KGD’s concept for “an affordable           Family Building Program
 peaceful location to relax in.”             elderly housing community that             An existing multifamily building is
                                             seniors will actually want to live in”     redeveloped into a combination of
 Seniors living in these facilities are      comes alive in Aria, an infill project     market-rate and affordable housing,
 often displaced from their families         envisioned for Silver Spring, Mary-        above lower floors that serve as an
 and friends, in locations far from          land, a recently revitalized urban         arts and technology haven. Medical
 public transportation, shops, enter-        area in suburban Washington, D.C.,         offices, a medical lab, a digital me-
 tainment and health care facilities.        with a thriving business district and      dia lab and an arts-focused restau-
                                             an increasing, dense ring of multi-        rant and dance studio all are open
 The solution, according to KGD, lies        family housing. A pedestrian-friendly      to the public, providing areas where
 in the creation of deliberate inter-        neighborhood and access to public          seniors can interact with the broader
 generational communities on smaller         transportation meet the needs of           community.
 infill sites in urban and suburban          seniors with mobility limitations. The
 locations. “Design for an aging popu-       location enables seniors to remain
 lation does not mean specific and           in an area with an already diverse
                                                                                        Senior Building Program
 isolated facilities or initiatives tacked   population of race, economic status        A new multifamily building contains
 onto existing designs, but rather in-       and age. The concept includes three        apartments for seniors — Aria’s se-
 tegrating quality and inclusive design      mixed-use residential buildings set        nior living component — and public
 into daily life and the urban fabric        around a courtyard.                        wellness areas. The apartments range
 that will last over time.”                                                             in size from 730-square-foot one-
                                                                                        bedroom units to 980-square-foot
                                                                                        two-bedroom units. Each features
                                                                                        an efficient, open floor plan as well
                                                                                        as universal design elements like
                                                                                        wider doorways, nonslip flooring and
                                                                                        pull-out shelves. Wearable monitors
                                                                                        use technology to track residents’
                                                                                        health in an unobtrusive way that
                                                                                        integrates health care services into
                                                    Residential units in the senior     the home while maintaining seniors’
                                                    building are redesigned for         independence and dignity. The smart
                                                    openness and flexibility,           building also tracks energy and water
                                                    incorporating universal design      usage by residents, appliances and
                                                    principles to ensure residents’     building systems.
                                                    safety and comfort.

Alternative/Niche Developments Of the Future (2030) - Senior Living and Medical Concepts - NAIOP
KGD Architecture                                       continued

    On the lower levels, a lobby lounge
    offers social opportunities for
    residents. A public wellness center
    provides on-site access to health
    services, while a recreational/fitness                                                       IAL
    center includes a series of pools,
    weight rooms, walking loops and                                  SE
                                                                          N IO
    classrooms.                                                                  R

    Millennial Building Program
    A new building offers market-rate
    and affordable apartments for
    families of all ages. The ground floor
    is energized by a variety of uses. De-
    signed to foster intergenerational cu-
    riosity, a children’s museum anchors
    the space and serves as a learning
    center for young and old. Visitors and
                                               Aria is conceived as an infill project in downtown Silver Spring, Maryland, a vibrant
    residents can also enjoy a ground-
                                               urban center with a mix of multifamily housing, office and retail uses that is accessible
    floor cafe with outdoor seating.
                                               by public transportation.
    Aria: The Public-use
    Courtyard                                Building Sustainable
                                                                                            Aria Project Data
    At the heart of the project, KGD has     Systems
    positioned a one-acre courtyard (the                                                    This 1 million-square-foot mixed-use
                                             Aria is designed to create a healthy
    “Aria”) as a large public-use space.                                                    project is comprised of three buildings
                                             environment for residents while also
    The Aria includes active areas like a                                                   around a one-acre public courtyard.
                                             minimizing its impact on natural re-
    performance amphitheater and the         sources. In the senior living building,        Family Building
    cafe’s outdoor patio. Other uses are     a green roof functions as a garden
    more contemplative, like quiet gar-                                                     • 296,389 square feet
                                             terrace, where residents can cultivate
    dens with bird and butterfly habitats,                                                  • 15 stories
                                             herbs, vegetables and fruits. Exterior
    shaded seating and chess tables. The     and interior green wall systems help           • 300 affordable and market-rate
    concept of the intentional community     to maintain air purity throughout the            apartments
    is apparent in the courtyard, where      building, as well as regulate humid-           • Medical offices and other facilities
    isolation can be replaced by social      ity. The net result is less demand on            on lower floors
    interaction among people of all ages.    mechanical HVAC systems. Beyond                • $32 million renovation
                                             their pleasing natural aesthetic, the
                                             lush interior plantings absorb sound,          Senior Building
                                             reducing noise levels throughout the           • 348,174 square feet
                                             building. An on-site treatment plant           • 15 stories
                                             collects gray water and rainwater to           • 277 apartments for independent
                                             irrigate the green roof, green walls             seniors
                                             and exterior landscaping.
                                                                                            • Lobby lounge and public wellness
                                             Energy production systems are also
                                             located on the rooftop. Photovoltaic           • $66 million new construction
                                             panels and microturbines capture en-
                                                                                            Millennial Building
                                             ergy from the sun and wind. This off-
                                             sets the energy used to produce hot            • 379,900 square feet
                                             water for the community (typically 30          • 20 stories
      A multigenerational, mixed-income      percent of a multifamily complex’s             • 330 affordable and market-rate
      development, Aria will provide         total electrical use). The system also           apartments
      affordable senior housing, com-        has the capacity to return electricity         • Ground-floor children’s museum,
      munity spaces and both affordable      to the grid, in effect allowing Aria to          amphitheater, cafe
      and market-rate apartments for         function as a micro-utility, supplying         • $74 million new construction
                                             clean energy to others and contrib-
                                             uting to the welfare of the greater
                                             community. n

Alternative/Niche Developments Of the Future (2030) - Senior Living and Medical Concepts - NAIOP
   Continuing Care Urban Community
      The apartment market is
      experiencing strong demand
      and the most accessible
      funding it has seen since
      1980. However, four- to five-
      acre development parcels                      The addition of
      are getting harder to find.                   elevators, active
                                                    courtyards and
      This scarcity is driving up                   community spaces
      the price of land and mak-                    throughout each
      ing it unprofitable to develop                floor can trans-
                                                    form sturdy older
      projects like new senior                      garden apartment
      living facilities, according to               complexes into
      Meyer.                                        affordable housing
                                                    for seniors.
      As millennial renters move to newer,
      more upscale apartments or become
      homebuyers, Meyer contends that
      “garden apartments will be the
      losers, especially older, three-story      Meyer believes these older garden           Existing apartment complexes
      walk-up garden apartments.” The            apartment complexes can be trans-           typically do not require land devel-
      architecture firm perceives this           formed into senior living facilities. “In   opment, zoning or town approvals,
      challenge as an opportunity to de-         order to keep the aging population in       which increases their speed to market
      velop senior living facilities in these    their current neighborhoods, as well as     and helps these projects to pencil out.
      aging apartment complexes, citing          provide a safe, healthy and stimulat-       Utilities are already in place. Giving the
      a growing need for housing that            ing place to live, Meyer’s Big Idea is to   buildings a face-lift can achieve “a big
      lower-to-middle-income seniors can         repurpose these old, three-story garden     impact, for not a lot of cost,” contends
      afford. Many older garden apartment        apartment complexes into Continuing         Meyer. A rainscreen system reclads the
      complexes are comprised of dated           Care Urban Communities,” the firm           exteriors, improving curb appeal while
      but sturdy brick buildings located in      explains. The complexes could also          utilizing the existing core and shell.
      what Meyer calls “urban/suburban”          provide market-rate housing units for       In some cases, the brick facade can
      locations, near services and infra-        younger people and those who work           support a new fourth floor. The ability
      structure that seniors need.               as caregivers to the elderly.               to reuse 60 percent of the existing

Independent living apartments are located close to the Amenity Center, which houses
a fitness center, indoor pool, bistro, community room and more.

Alternative/Niche Developments Of the Future (2030) - Senior Living and Medical Concepts - NAIOP
Meyer               continued

    building and site work represents
    another large savings.

    Meyer recommends renovating the
    in-place structures in phases, to
    maintain income from the property.
    Once renovated, the units will bring
    in higher rents to cover the costs                   LIFE CENTER
    of care and services that will be                    AMENITY CENTER
    provided in other elements of the                    INDEPENDENT LIVING /
    project.                                             APARTMENTS


    The Continuing Care                                  FUN COURTYARD

    Urban Community
                                                         (GOLF, BOCCE, SHUFFLEBOARD)

                                                         REFLECTIVE COURTYARD
    Meyer demonstrates how the con-                      (GARDEN)

    cept would work by using an existing                 RELAX COURTYARD
                                                         (FIRE PIT, TIKI BAR)
    garden apartment complex in Up-
    per Darby, Pennsylvania, outside                     THE LAWN

    Philadelphia, as a case study. Built                 WINTER GARDEN / FITNESS / POOL

    in the 1960s, the complex contains
    300 units, with one parking space             An existing garden apartment complex serves as a case study for the Continu-
    per unit.                                     ing Care Urban Community (CCUC). Built in the 1960s, it contains 300 units.
                                                  Two-thirds of the apartments would be redeveloped as affordable senior housing
    Three of the existing buildings in
                                                  while the other one-third would be redeveloped as market-rate units. Medical
    the redeveloped Continuing Care
    Urban Community (CCUC) com-                   services, recreational facilities and other amenities would be added.
    plex contain apartments, including
    studio, one-bedroom, one-bedroom
                                               In the “Fun” courtyard, residents              services. Upper floors contain class-
    large, two-bedroom and two-bedroom
                                               can engage in activities like golf,            rooms, a bistro, lounge and dining
    large units. To meet residents’ needs
                                               bocce and shuffleboard. The “Re-               area. These amenities are open to
    and allow them to “age in place,”
                                               flective” courtyard offers a garden            the public, to promote social interac-
    a range of support services are
                                               experience and the “Relax” court-              tion among seniors and the surround-
    available, from independent living
                                               yard features a fire pit and tiki bar.         ing community. Connected to the
    to assisted living to “assisted living
                                                                                              Life Center is the Rehab Wing, with
    plus.” The design concept also
    sets aside one-third of the CCUC’s         The Life Center                                units for short-term rehabilitative
                                               A four-story building comprises the            care, nursing stations and lounges.
    units as market-rate apartments, to
    encourage caregivers to live in the        Life Center, where residents can ac-
    community they serve.                      cess a state-of-the-art clinic plus an         The Amenity Center
                                               on-site pharmacy and other medical             Recreation options abound in the
    Each apartment building is sited                                                          Amenity Center. The first floor
    around a different type of courtyard.                                                     comprises a fitness center, a game
                                             Fiber cement siding (non-combustible)
                                                                                              room and an indoor pool bordered by
                                             ¾” metal “hat channel” screwed through
                                             continuous insulation into 2x4 wood furring      a winter garden. On the second floor,
                                             2x4 wood furring “lapconned” into CMU            seniors can enjoy an art studio, com-
                                             Rockwool insulation (non-combustible)            puter lab, general activities room and
                                             Rigid insulation                                 dining area. The third floor houses
                                             Liquid-applied water control layer               a theater, spa, beauty salon, lounge
                                                                                              and pizza kitchen. n

                                                                                               CCUC Project Data
                                                                                               • 342,460 square feet, including Life
                                                                Concrete masonry unit (CMU)
                                                                a.k.a. block wall                Center and Amenity Center
                                                                                               • 300 affordable and market-rate apart-
      To improve curb appeal, existing brick facades are updated using a rainscreen              ments
      system. Panels of fiber cement siding and metal “hat-channel” attach to the
                                                                                               • Total estimated design and construction
      existing core and shell in an attractive, waterproof wall cladding treatment.              cost (does not include the cost of land
                                                                                                 and existing buildings): $35,292,000

Alternative/Niche Developments Of the Future (2030) - Senior Living and Medical Concepts - NAIOP
Ware Malcomb
 Mixed-use Medical Campus
 Rapid advances in medi-
 cine and technology are
 transforming how and where
 people maintain their health
 and, when necessary,
 receive medical care.
 Wearable devices provide real-time
 data both to wearers and health
 care providers. Everyday objects like
 refrigerators and chairs with network
 connectivity will create an Internet
 of Things that can track a person’s
 choices and preferences — and
 interpret them to create preventative
 and prescriptive care programs. Gene
 therapy can now identify trouble at a
 molecular level, early on, and devise
 individualized treatment options.

 When diagnosis is required, it might
 be delivered via telemedicine, with
 virtual consultations through apps, or
 at microclinics or kiosks, near where
 a patient lives or works. Health care
 services will be diffused throughout
                                              The site plan for Mixed-use Medical Campus includes (from left to right), the
 the community, not just available
                                              Mind Nexus, Heart Nexus, Spirit Nexus and Body Nexus. A solar smart roof
 at dedicated facilities. “Mobile
 technology will be built into move-          incorporates photovoltaic film technology to generate electricity, and also acts
 able equipment, not the structure,”          as a conductor and receiver of satellite communications.
 predicts Ware Malcomb.
                                                                                         The firm expects these technological
                                                                                         and medical advances to change how
                                                                                         traditional hospital services are deliv-
                                                                                         ered. “Acute care hospitals remain,
                                                                                         but shift to treating complex cases
                                                                                         of disease or trauma,” explains Ware
                                                                                         Malcomb. In place of the traditional
                                                                                         hospital, the design firm envisions a
                                                                                         new kind of health care facility. Its
                                                                                         Mixed-use Medical Campus “is a
                                                                                         place that promotes the nourishment
                                                                                         of the mind, body and spirit.”

                                                                                         This translates into a facility with
                                                                                         spaces for education, medical
                                                                                         consultation and treatment, fitness
                                                                                         activities and more.

                                                                                         Body Nexus
   Space needs will shift in the medical office of the future, with more areas           In the Healing Center, patients
   devoted to telemedicine and collaborative team space, delivering health care          receive consultation and treatment
   to patients both on-site and remotely.                                                in a collaborative environment. This
                                                                                         area includes medical offices, clini-

Alternative/Niche Developments Of the Future (2030) - Senior Living and Medical Concepts - NAIOP
Ware Malcomb                                      continued

           cal support services and a medical
           procedure unit.

           ”Remote data collection, along with
           increased reliance on virtual consul-
           tations will reduce the need for space
           dedicated to examination rooms,”
           explains Ware Malcomb. But “addi-
           tional space will be required for team
           collaboration and telemedicine.”

           In procedure areas, digital transpar-
           ent screen technology will allow
           medical information to be shown to
           the patient as well as shared among
           medical personnel during remote
           telepresence meetings.                         Full-height sliding smart glass doors open into the exam rooms. The unique glazing
                                                          system changes from transparent to opaque glass when the door slides closed. LED
           Technological advances will also
                                                          lighting around the perimeter of the hard-lid ceiling illuminates the room cost effect-
           affect radiology space needs, as
           hand-held microimaging devices will            ively. The walls can be used for image projection and double as writable surfaces.
           reduce the need for large radiol-
           ogy equipment. A wide variety of
           customized products — ranging from           Health Nexus                                 open-air observation prow. One level
           tissues and molds for joints, to sterile     With an emphasis on maintaining              down, a meditation deck provides
           case items like stents and tools, to         health, the Wellness Center contains         a quiet space overlooking a water
           disposable items — will be created           a fitness facility in spa-like surround-     garden and reflecting pool, as well as
           as needed using 3-D printers. As a           ings. Visitors can take advantage of         additional meditation areas.
           result, storage needs will be reduced.       a rock-climbing wall and access both
                                                                                                     The four elements of the Mixed-use
                                                        indoor workout areas and outdoor
                                                                                                     Medical Campus can be constructed
           Mind Nexus                                   space for activities like yoga and tai
                                                                                                     in a phased manner and are de-
           The Education Center houses the              chi. Health-related retail space is
                                                                                                     signed so that each component can
           education, behavioral health and             located on the ground floor.
                                                                                                     operate autonomously. Says Ware
           administration components of the                                                          Malcomb, “This allows for flexibility
           Mixed-use Medical Campus. It                 Spirit Nexus                                 to incorporate components as budget
           features individual and group therapy        Connected to the rest of the campus          and context permits.” n
           rooms as well as classrooms and a            by a skywalk, the Spirit Nexus com-
           larger community hall, which can be          prises the “sanctuary component.”
           used for meetings and special events         On the upper level, a juice and                          Mixed-use
           as well as educational activities like       herbal tea bar with a canopy deck                        Medical Campus
           demonstrations of nutritious cooking.        offers refreshments and anchors the
                                                                                                                 Project Data
                                                                                                                 • Mind Nexus: 42,325
                                                                                                                   square feet
                                                                                                                 • Heart Nexus: 16,825
                                                                                                                   square feet
                                                                                                                 • Body Nexus: 53,575
                                                                                                                   square feet
                                                                                                                 • Spirit Nexus: 1,175
                                                                                                                   square feet
                                                                                                                 • Total estimated cost:

                                                                                                                   By Sheila Kelly Vertino,
                                                                                                                   former editor-in-chief of
                                                                                                                   Development magazine and
    A skywalk connects the sanctuary area in the Spirit Nexus to the rest of the complex. In the Heart             a freelance writer based in
                                                                                                                   the Washington, D.C., area.
    Nexus, active fitness options include a rock climbing wall and open air workout deck.

Alternative/Niche Developments Of the Future (2030) - Senior Living and Medical Concepts - NAIOP Alternative/Niche Developments Of the Future (2030) - Senior Living and Medical Concepts - NAIOP
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