AMIG S DE LOS ANIMALES - de Guanajuato, A.C.

Page created by Norman Santiago
AMIG S DE LOS ANIMALES - de Guanajuato, A.C.
                                                       de Guanajuato, A.C.
NEWSLETTER NO. 24 ● APRIL 2010                                   

IN THIS ISSUE:                     AMIGOS MEMBERS ELECT                            Reelected to the board were Eduardo
                                                                                   Rodríguez, Bernardo Calzada, Verónica
Amigos members elect a new board
                                   A NEW BOARD AND                                 Mares, Martha Roberts, and Max Sampson.
and approve plans for 2010 1       APPROVE PLANS FOR 2010                          Also elected as board members were Stephen
                                                                                   Carew, Virginie Pautrat, David Rogers, and
How we did in 2009 3
                                                                                   Gilberto Salazar. Eduardo Rodríguez will
The doctor told us to get rid      At the annual meeting of Amigos members         continue to serve as president and Bernardo
of our pet 5                       on March 21, President Eduardo Rodríguez        Calzada will remain as vice president and
Our February jazz concert          reported on the association’s achievements      treasurer during the current year. Virginie
was a hit! 7                       in 2009, and those present approved the         Pautrat has accepted the post of secretary.
Recent donations and support 8     organization’s plans for the current year. By   Amigos members thanked outgoing board
                                   acclamation they elected nine members to        members Jolene Gailey, James Pyle, Julia
                                   two-year terms on the board of directors and    Salido, and Sandra Ward for their service
                                   three officers to a one-year term.              to the organization during their terms on the
AMIG S DE LOS ANIMALES - de Guanajuato, A.C.
                                                                                                            de Guanajuato, A.C.

                                                               We also plan to create a blog and a short             In addition, we will attempt to obtain the
                                                               documentary about our work in the community.          recognition and support of INDESOL, the
                                                                                                                     Mexican umbrella organization for voluntary,
                                                               Our efforts in the area of sterilization will         nonprofit organizations; to obtain one or two
                                                               include increasing the participation of local         grants from foundations or businesses to
                                                               veterinarians in our clinic-based spay/neuter         enable us to expand our activities; and to
                                                               program and holding three intensive spay/             recruit more dues-paying members.
                                                               neuter campaigns—two at rural sites, and a
                                                               third in the city.                                    We will work cooperatively with the city’s
  Front row, left to right: Verónica Mares, Virginie Pautrat                                                         Animal Control Center and the voluntary
        (secretary), Eduardo Rodríguez (president).            We will continue to work with the city and            association organization CEPROA (Center for
         Back row: Stephen Carew, David Rogers,                                                                      the Protection of Animals) and encourage the
      Max Sampson, Berny Calzada (vice president
                                                               volunteers in placing rescues in foster care
            and treasurer), and Gilberto Salazar               and permanent homes, and we will follow up            municipal authorities to simplify the procedure
                                                               adoptions whenever possible to make sure the          for reclaiming and adopting animals from the
In 2010 Amigos will continue to focus on                       animals are in good homes.                            Animal Control Center.
education, sterilization, and rescue as our
main activities.

In the area of education we will promote the
humane treatment of animals and awareness
of the city’s animal-protection regulations,
working with students from the Official
Preparatory High School and other volunteers.

Our first two of 12 planned billboard-size
advertisements began appearing on city buses                                                                            This ad says “He has no choice. But you do. Report
                                                                   The message on this bus states “Animals have
early this year.                                                                                                         the mistreatment of animals to the Animal Control
                                                                     feelings too. Let’s treat them with respect.”                   Center (473) 733-4839.”

                                                                                                         de Guanajuato, A.C.
                                                                    HOW WE DID IN 2009
President Eduardo Rodríguez reported at the
annual meeting that we sterilized 611 animals
last year (378 dogs and 233 cats)—464 of
them through our clinic program and 147
during two one-day campaigns. A total of
5,009 animals were sterilized between 2001
and the end of 2009.

                                                                                                                                  The surgical unit (November campaign)
                                                            Volunteers preparing medicines for patients (April campaign)
                                                                                                                           parasites, in some cases treated for mange,
                                                            Amigos volunteers rescued 287 dogs and cats                    and neutered and then offered for adoption.
                                                            (mostly females and mostly puppies) during
                                                            the year. By sex, the rescues were 110 female                  The rescuers paid for the baths, treatment,
                                                            dogs, 76 male dogs, 56 female cats, and 45                     and boarding; Amigos paid most or all of the
                                                            male cats. The animals were taken to the                       cost of the surgeries. A few homeless animals
                                                            clinics of participating veterinarians, where                  were brought to our campaigns, neutered, and
                                                            they were bathed, treated for intestinal                       adopted afterward. A total of 2,026 animals
   Waiting for her dogs to be sterilized (April campaign)                                                                  were rescued by Amigos between 2001 and
The two campaigns were held in the village
of San José de Cervera in April (73 animals)
and in the city’s new Animal Control Center
in November (74 animals). A planned third
campaign in the village of San José de Llanos
in September had to be canceled at the last
moment because we could not gain access to
the school where it was scheduled to be held.
                                                             Verónica Mares shaving a dog for surgery (April campaign)            Three rescued puppies awaiting adoption

                                                                                                      de Guanajuato, A.C.
                                                         HOW WE DID IN 2009 continued
                                                         We expanded our education program by                       We established a cordial working relationship
                                                         increasing the number of articles published in             with the new Animal Control Center (CECA)
                                                         the population weekly newspaper Chopper to                 through its director, Dr. Jesús Cuello, and its
                                                         17 and holding five education events in city               veterinarian, Dr. Luis Alberto Fernández.
                                                                                                                    As a result of that cooperation, we were
                                                                                                                    invited to hold our November spay/neuter
                                                                                                                    campaign at the CECA facility. We received
                                                                                                                    excellent support from a group of veterinarians
                                                                                                                    from the city of León during our spay/neuter
   Marlene Davis found a home for this puppy in Canada
                                                                                                                    Despite the poor economy in Mexico and the
We continued our partnership with Mex-Can                                                                           US in 2009, we raised 146,996 pesos in cash
Pet Partners, founded by former Amigos board                                                                        and received in-kind donations worth 23,646
                                                             Students from the city’s Official Preparatory School   pesos.
member Marlene Davis. Mex-Can placed 37                       participating in our October education campaign
Guanajuato dogs in the homes of carefully
screened Canadian families. Of those, Amigos             A dozen students from the city’s official                  This does not include the 1,500 dollars
paid for the sterilizations of nine dogs. Marlene        Preparatory High School helped with these                  awarded to us by the Alice Morgan Wright–
accompanied most of the dogs to British                  events, and also our sterilization campaigns,              Edith J. Goode Trust as a result of our
Columbia and arranged for their foster care              thereby fulfilling their social service                    successful grant application last year; although
prior to adoption.                                       requirement for graduation.                                we received news of the award in December,
                                                                                                                    the grant was made this year. The grant is for
Several Amigos volunteers provided foster                We redesigned and updated our Website                      the announcements that have begun to appear
care to rescued animals awaiting adoption.               ( We are grateful               on city buses.
The adopters paid the travel expenses of all             to Ashley Fell for creating the attractive new
the dogs transported outside Mexico.                     design.

                                                                                          de Guanajuato, A.C.
                                      THE DOCTOR TOLD US TO GET RID OF OUR PET

By Julia Salido                                     Four years before his death the disease          During those last years of his life my father
                                                    affected his intestines, and he had to have a    remained at home and in bed. He often
How many times I’ve heard someone say, “I           colostomy. He had complications during his       required oxygen. He was unable to move more
have to get rid of my pet because the doctor        hospitalization and had to have a tracheotomy.   than his eyes and his fingers (very slightly),
told me to do so.”                                  A tube was also passed through his nose          but his mind was perfectly lucid and he had
                                                    to enable him to eat, and there were other       an amazing sense of humor, although he felt
I know there are some illnesses that can be         unpleasant details.                              justifiably upset on occasion.
aggravated by pets, but this is not the case
with every medical problem. Sadly, however,         He spent about three weeks in the hospital       I’m recounting all this to indicate the
this medical advice is very common, especially      and then was released because, as a result       gravity of his condition. During this period
from doctors who do not appreciate the value        of his condition, it was considered more         he was attended by his cardiologist,
of animal companionship, either because they        dangerous for him to remain there than to        gastroenterologist, neurologist,
are not aware of it and don’t have experience       leave.                                           otolaryngologist, and all the other “ologists”
with animal companions, or because they                                                              that were needed, plus various dentists and
simply do not like animals.                                                                          nurses.

I want to share an experience that left a strong                                                     Also during this time Gala and Tomas shared
impression on me. It has been three years                                                            my parents’ home with them, along with the
since the death of my father, an extraordinary                                                       rest of us who flowed through the house.
man. Five years before his death he was                                                              Gala was my sister’s female dog and Tomas
diagnosed with a disease known as Shy-                                                               was her adopted cat; both had the usual
Drager, which is so rare that only five cases                                                        characteristics of their species.
of it were then known to exist in Mexico. The
disease destroyed his autonomous nervous
system, including the control of his body
                                                                   Javier Salido Torres
temperature, blood pressure, and little by little
all his bodily functions, from walking to eating.

                                                                                      de Guanajuato, A.C.
                              THE DOCTOR TOLD US TO GET RID OF OUR PET continued

What I want to impress on you is that during      My sister had to return to her family in Mexico    I close by asking that everyone consider very
the four-year period that my father remained      City and took Gala and Tomás with her since        carefully before making the decision to give
in his delicate condition, which we painfully     they belonged to her. When they left, my father    away their dog or cat because, aside from the
watched deteriorate day by day as that terrible   asked me to find him another dog. And that’s       affection that we receive from our pets, for
illness devoured more of him, at no time did      how our dear Lola, a little black dog rescued in   them we are their family. The cruelest thing we
the presence of the those two pets worsen his     Guanajuato, arrived in his home.                   can do is to abandon them.
                                                  Often people say that they don’t want pets
None of the specialists or others who attended    anymore because they make more work, but           Julia Salido was a member of the Amigos board
him advised us to remove Gala and Tomás           in the case of my parents I can attest that        of directors from 2004 to 2010 and its president
from the house or to confine them to a patio.     those little animals, each during its time in      during 2005 and 2006.
All of us simply took reasonable and adequate     the house, helped to break the routines and
sanitary measures with them, keeping              distracted us with their dog and cat chores.
them always clean, treated for parasites,         Above all, they provided all of us with selfless
and vaccinated. Using just normal sanitary        and affectionate companionship.
precautions, we frequently washed our own
hands.                                            My father was able to escape from his
                                                  miserable prison three years ago. Fortunately,
      At no time did the presence                 my mother still has the unconditional affection
       of those two pets worsen                   and company of Lola, who follows her about
                                                  the house all the time, and reminds her with a
              his condition.                      slight “gruuuu” when it is time to go to bed at

                                                                                       de Guanajuato, A.C.
                                         OUR FEBRUARY JAZZ CONCERT WAS A HIT!

On February 20 we celebrated our ninth                                                             Proceeds from the fundraiser, totaling
anniversary with a benefit concert of classic,                                                     49,430 pesos (US $4,046), will help support
mellow jazz at Guanajuato’s popular Café                                                           our education, spay/neuter, and rescue
Zilch. The evening featured vocalist Marilyn                                                       activities during the remainder of this year.
Holderfield, pianist Gabriel Hernández,                                                            Our fundraising goal for 2010 is 168,000
bassist Tyler Mitchell, and Jason Pettit on                                                        pesos (US $13,000).
trumpet—all of them well known in the jazz
world. For Amigos this was a coup, as it was
the first time that Holderfield, Hernández, and
Mitchell performed in Guanajuato.

About 200 people attended the event, which
included a silent auction and a raffle of 66
attractive items and services generously
donated by individuals and businesses. We
are grateful to Luis Alberto Espinoza and         Musicians Tyler Mitchell, Marilyn Holderfield,
Michael Severens, owners of Café Zilch, for          and Gabriel Hernández at Café Zilch
hosting the event. And our sincere thanks
go to all those who supported our cause by
donating auction and raffle prizes, purchasing
tickets, helping to organize the event, and
attending.                                                                                                   Guests enjoying refreshments
                                                                                                                during the fundraiser

                                                                                                    de Guanajuato, A.C.
                                                         RECENT DONATIONS AND SUPPORT
We depend upon the donations we receive from our supporters to provide services to the
community. Our sincere thanks go to the following donors and volunteers for their recent support:

Best Friends: Linda Logan                                  Liliana Abigail Montes Rangel, Amanda Daniela Olvera
                                                           Gonzales, Erna Paris, Marie Park, Laura Andrea Pérez Ortiz,
Benefactors: Frances Causey, Lily Copenagle, Phyllis
                                                           Yunuen Pimentel Saucillo, Laura Rangel Villaseñor, Karen
Duffy, Renee Giroux, Mariana Grobet, Pat Heinke, Charles                                                         
                                                           Rodríguez, Raymond Roman, Betsy Pinover Schiff, Susi
Huckabee and Terri Rasmussen, Bill McLachlan, Eduardo
Rodríguez, Peter O’Callahan and Jocelyne Roy, Martha
                                                           Seidel, Austin Starr, Tierra de Verano, Pamela Towill, Ann
                                                           Troutner, Henry Vermillion, Sandra Ward, Lori Wilson, Britt     Apdo. Postal 6, Guanajuato 3,
Roberts, Gerhard and Ute Stebich, Sandra Ward, Chuck
and Ruth Windsor                                                                                                                 Gto. 36082, México
                                                           Other donors: Erin Ferris, Ron Mann                             Tel. 52-473-731-1955 (English)
Family members: Ruth Burchard, Marsha Coarsey, John
and Vicki Fuller, Ron Mann, Traer Scott, Pearish Smith     Volunteers: Paty Almanza, Sarahi Elizabeth Alvarez Morales,        (473) 734-2307 (español)
                                                           Sharon Anton, Berenice Ayala, Lupita Ayala Ledesma (DVM),
Individual members: Barry Evans, Barbara Nagle, Virginie   Rebecca Beeman, Jackie Bonado, Regina Bustamante,              Our affiliate In the United States:
Pautrat, Marcia Ramírez, Laura Weiss                       Berny Calzada, Octavio Centeno (DVM), Stephen Carew, Ri          AMIG♥S DE LOS ANIMALES
Governmental support: Animal Control Center of             Chan, Perla Esmeralda Cortez Badillo, Colleen Coté, Marlene
                                                           Davis, Ashley Fell, Jolene Gailey, Gigio Gallardo, Manuela            de Guanajuato, Inc.
Guanajuato, Cine Club of the University of Guanajuato,
International Airport of the Bajío, Municipal Health       García, Gustavo Gonzáles, Valeria González Pérez, Laura         256 West 10th Street, No. 4D,
Directorate, Symphony Orchestra of the University of       Hagler, Marsha Heinke (DVM), Patrica Estefanía Hernández             New York, NY 10014
                                                           Pacheco, Maru Herrera (DVM), Kelly Karger, Jonny Mares,
Guanajuato, Urban Health Center of Guanajuato                                                                                    Tel. (240) 252-1229
                                                           Verónica Mares, Jacquie Mackenzie, Norma Delia Morales
Business donors: Bike Station Guanajuato, Café Tal,        Moya, Miguel Ochoa (DVM), Juan Ortiz (DVM), Anne Marie
Casa de Espíritus Alegres B&B, Casa Museo Gene Byron,      Nopali, Lupita Padilla Zavala (DVM), Virginie Pautrat, Laura
                                                                                                                               Our affiliate in Canada:
Casona de Cantera, Armando Cypres, El Fusilado, El Midi    Andrea Pérez Ortiz, Jazmín Perryra Mubarqui (DVM), Abby          MEX-CAN PET PARTNERS
Restaurant, Las Mercedes Restaurant, Mesón de San          Possinger, James Pyle, Mariela del Carmen Ramírez Villegas,
Lorenzo, Quinta Las Acacias, Restaurant de los Santos,     Nayhelli Rangel, Berenice Rangel, Victoria Rangel, Andrea
Terapía Alternativa
                                                           Elizabeth Rangel Morales, Terri Rasmussen, Tom Reavley,
                                                           Moisés Rivera (DVM), Martha Roberts, Rubi Rocha, Eduardo            1362 Pembroke Street,
Donors-in-kind: Anna Adams, Hugo Anaya, Heie Boles and
Casa Simurgh, Stephen Carew, Susan Cofer Jones, Susan      Rodríguez, Jared Rodolfo Rodríguez, David and Heather           Victoria, BC, Canada V8R 1V5
Corcoran, Sam and Jean Edwards, Forever Friends Animal     Rogers, Gilberto Salazar, Julia Salido, Max Sampson,               Tel. 011-52-473-732-0815
Hospital, Gigio Gallardo, Dean Gazeley, Itzel Guzmán       Fernanda Serafin Escobar, Dan Sholl, Kathy Snelling, Cynthia
Torres, Laura Hagler, George Holt, Lucinda Johnson, Ron    Stadler, Elizabeth Stone, Latara Sydnor, Pamela Towill,
Mann, Jacqueline Mackenzie, Liz Mapelli, Jan McClellan,    Marina Aurora Vallajo, Sandra Ward, Alice Winborne

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