An insight into electric karting

Page created by Tony Hale
An insight into electric karting

            An insight into
            electric karting
       Although they are not very different from other karts, those with electric power
       are bringing a new dimension to racing, hitting the tracks packed with the latest
          on-board features – which means learning more about how we manage the
         technology and understand the safety aspects to fully appreciate the unique
       performance on offer. Let’s see what is best to know the first time you climb into
                                   a kart like the Rotax E20
                                 Text M. Voltini and Rotax Press Office

62       MARCH 2021
An insight into electric karting
       ver the past three race          the noise and the exhaust emissions         FOR ROTAX IT IS ALMOST
       seasons, we have witnessed       caused by traditional engines, it           A MISSION
       the obvious improvements in      becomes more and more difficult to          Jean-François Lambert, GM BRP-
       competitiveness, drivability     open new tracks or even run existing        Rotax, Member of the Management
and autonomy of the Rotax eKart,        tracks. The electric drive categories       Board and VP R&D Powertrain and
highlighted in 2020 with the            (like Formula E) are already a fixed        EV about the eTechnology developed
introduction of their in-house          part in motorsport now gaining more         for the karting business: «BRP-Rotax
production Generation 2 Project E20     and more space and success. Although        is a leader in the development and
edition.                                the vehicles are not very different from    production of innovative 4- and
In terms of sustainability, nowadays    the others, there are several things to     2- stroke high performance Rotax
eTechnology is gaining more and more    learn at the first approach to driving      engines. We are well aware of the
importance in every area of mobility.   them. E-karting is offering the first       current global trends and movement
And this includes racing as well. Due   step for racers to get in touch with this   towards a cleaner, more efficient
to numerous ecological problems like    new technology.                             future as a reputable combustion

  “Developing eTechnology not only
  enhances the kart segment of our
  business , it also increases our
  knowledge extending to all other BRP
  recreational products.”

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An insight into electric karting

                                                                                              engine manufacturer, with an ongoing
                                                                                              commitment to this. By understanding
                                                                                              and developing eTechnology, among
                                                                                              others, not only enhances the kart
                                                                                              segment of our business for potential
                                                                                              customers worldwide, it also increases
                                                                                              our knowledge extending to all other
                                                                                              BRP recreational products.»
                                                                                              «In effect, the Rotax initiative to
                                                                                              introduce the eKart as a full racing
                                                                                              model, already competing over the
                                                                                              past three seasons, is another example
The instrument specially developed for the Rotax Project E20 can signal isolation problems    of our ability to take the next step in
 of the electrical apparatus even with red lights. It also shows the charge and temperature   being prepared to meet the demands
  status of the battery pack, as well as the gear between N, R and D (respectively neutral,   and expectations of the market. In
         reverse and drive) which is activated via the buttons on the steering wheel          many countries, noise and pollution
                                                                                              emissions have threatened the longevity
                                                                                              of our sport, the existence of circuits
                                                                                              and the karting industry, and still
                                                                                              continue to do so. For Rotax, eKarting
                                                                                              should be a sustainable option available
                                                                                              for everyone.»

                                                                                              THE PROJECT E20 RIVALS
                                                                                              THE ROTAX DD2
                                                                                              At this point we want to focus our
                                                                                              attention on the eKart itself, the one
                                                                                              selected to support the DEKM (German
                                                                                              Electric Kart Championship) by the
     ALL RELEVANT SAFETY AND                                                                  breakthrough series partners for the
     OPERATING INFORMATION IS                                                                 third year of the championship in 2020
     CLEARLY INDICATED ON THE                                                                 and again this season.
     STEERING WHEEL DASH DISPLAY:                                                             The Rotax Project E20 is the latest
                                                                                              variation of this electric-powered kart,
     If the vehicle is turned ON in NEUTRAL,                                                  and takes advantage of the experience
                                                                                              gained previously with the Rotax
     Isolation fault (red lights displayed)                                                   THUNDeR model, compared to which
     Battery charge level and battery                                                         it has 25% improved performance and
     temperature                                                                              is 7% lighter, also taking advantage
                                                                                              of a better weight distribution and
     Boost function (lights indicating
     countdown)                                                                               greater autonomy. The combined air/
                                                                                              liquid-cooled permanent magnet
     Amount of laps completed                                                                 synchronous drive unit delivers 24
     Lap times & split times                                                                  kW (about 33hp) with a torque of 190
                                                                                              Nm, allowing you to reach 135 km/h
                    Here you can see the “start                                               with the fixed gear ratio used. The
                      / stop” switch to turn the                                              Rotax powertrain is assembled on the
                        kart on and off, the red                                              chassis (a Sigma model by Sodikart)
                      general safety switch and                                               exactly as it is for the DD2 class, that is,
                       a “pin” also designed to                                               mounted to replace the right supports
                    isolate the entire electrical                                             of the rear axle. It’s a very “clean”
                                         system                                               solution from all points of view. There

64          MARCH 2021
An insight into electric karting
are many similarities with the DD2,
starting from the wheelbase and the          WHAT THE ROTAX DRIVERS SAY
braking system with discs also at the        Xen de Ruwe, race driver & coach, a multiple
front, to conclude with performances         champion at international and national level
that in acceleration have proved to be       having raced in many categories, and on the
almost equivalent. But we will talk          world podium at the RMC Grand Finals or
more about their behaviour on the            Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals «My first
track in a future article, as soon as the    impression after testing the Rotax Project E20
weather conditions and the restrictions      eKart is that it was an amazing experience!
connected to Covid-19 allow a direct         It’s been something completely new, very
and in-depth approach with this kart.        fast instant acceleration, exceptional top
In the meantime, however, all those          speed, stable and quite easy in the handling.
who have tried it were extremely             It was a very pleasant surprise for me and
satisfied, especially for its great torque   has been a slightly different experience to
that “slams you back into the seat”          other categories that I have raced over the
in acceleration from the very first          years. As there is no sound, you focus a lot on
moment.                                      other things, for example: the wind that blows through the visor, the sound
                                             it makes when you run over the curbs and the squealing of the tyres. It’s
HOW DOES THE ROTAX PROJECT                   amazing because with other go-karts you don’t hear these things due to the
E20 COMPARE?                                 noise. On day two, we played around a little with various set-ups, analysed
Karting that is widely “more                 the data and tried to get the most out of the go-kart, just as we do normally
traditional” and not powered by              when testing. With the E20, it’s a different feeling and you can drive in a
eTechnology includes endless                 different way. It was It was a great emotion and experience great emotion!»
variations: different engine capacity,
single or gearbox configuration, chassis     Mathilda Olsson (SWE), Rotax MAX
type and protection systems, weight,         European Champion 2019 & 2020, Team
tyre compounds, rules and regulations,       Sweden member 2021 – «I’ve been karting
etc. In the case of the newly introduced     for six years now and recently had a go in
Project E20, there are also variables        the electric kart (Project E20) for the first
that set it apart from the others,           time, which was quite exciting! I wanted
which will change with the constant          to try it and see what the difference was
development as eTechnology evolves.          compared to the engine I usually drive with,
The linear torque characteristics are        the Rotax MAX. I really enjoyed driving the
very impressive; instant acceleration        Rotax Project E20, it was good fun and it was
without delay! This is definitely an         definitely different. With the eKart you can
eKart buzz that every race driver            actually hear everything. The power off the
is impressed about. It‘s an entirely         corners was also good compared to what I
different feeling to what they are           normally drive and yeah, the speed was great!
accustomed to with any combustion            I didn’t think it would be that fast with the eKart, but as soon as I jumped in
engine acceleration. There’s also the        the kart and touched the gas, it was like ‘okay this is going to be fast!’ Also,
coolest feature that everyone loves – the    there’s a boost button on the steering wheel and if you push that, it really is
“boost” function – that provides an          even quicker again on track. Electric is something different and of course,
extra 4kw of power you can activate          there is a place for it because there are people who want to drive with this
each lap for five seconds of up to 10km                           type of power, just as there are those who want to drive
extra speed by pressing the blue button                           fuel-powered karts too. You miss a little bit the sound and
on the steering wheel. It regenerates                             smell of the engine… but at the same time it’s going really
every 30 seconds, so you’re good to go                            fast, so I think you just have to learn how the kart works
when you need that added power push.                              and then it would be very good. For me, was fun to drive
Depending on the circuit layout,                                  electric! And naturally I would love to have try it in a race
the average lap times of the eKart                                as well.»
are generally somewhere between
a Senior Rotax MAX and the Rotax

                                                                                                          MARCH 2021              65
An insight into electric karting

     DD2 classes. The E20 weighs in at            checking a multitude of parameters          The Rotax eKart technical team is
     140kg (mainly due to the batteries),         to ensure the safety of the eKart. In       trained and certified in the use of the
     compared to about 90kg for an average        the event of a failure, the system shuts    new electric kart technology, including
     combustion engine race kart. With            down and isolates the batteries so there    the powertrains and Lithium batteries.
     the extra weight, the driving feeling is     won’t be energy present in the chassis      At any race meetings with the Rotax-
     different as the load transfer of the kart   or any of its components. If the system     produced Project E20 eKart, the team
     (cornering and braking) is noticeably        does shut down, the driver needs to         is always there to oversee and support
     more, however, it’s interesting to           remove the magnetic ignition key (a         the participants and mechanics. The
     see that most drivers immediately            green plastic toggle-switch connected       race director and team of flag marshals
     comment on how exhilarating the              by a curly cable to the control panel)      undergo a safety briefing prior to every
     driving experience is in all conditions.     then replace it to let it reset, before     event with regular training provided
     There are two Lithium batteries              restarting with the “ON” button. The        to ultimately ensure a quick reaction
     mounted on each side with a capacity         display will show the ignition is on, so    time, if it was necessary to support
     of approximately 15 minutes or 18 laps       the start procedure should be followed,     competitors on track due to racing
     on a 1000 meters circuit with around         by pressing both the red and blue           incidents.
     45 minutes total recharging time.            buttons together on the steering wheel,     Everyone who attends a track day with
     Following each session, the                                                                           the Project E20 is given a
     mechanic can easily manage                                                                            safety briefing before they
     this by fitting the specially                                                                         begin to prepare or drive
     designed streamlined                                                                                  the eKart. This includes a
     cooling fans to the top                                                                               basic introduction to the
     of each battery before                                                                                E20 explaining how the
     connecting the cable from                                                                             vehicle operates, how to
     the charging unit. Once                                                                               start and stop, how the
     the charger is turned on,                                                                             boost works to assists the
     the dash display indicates                                                                            performance and also
     the amount of charge and                                                                              understanding the dash
     battery temperature.                                                                                  display. By explaining
     It should be noted that the                                                                           the safety systems built
     battery autonomy or length                                                                            into the vehicle and how
     of time the battery will last                                                                         this works to protect the
     at a specified load level could                                                                       driver in the event of any
     change when the kart is                                                                               failure, in addition to the
     driven at a slower speed (e.g.                                                                        recovery procedure out on
     a new driver) resulting in                                                                            the circuit, the necessary
     more time on track before they need to       until the system goes from NEUTRAL          features and what can be expected is
     be charged again.                            into DRIVE.                                 all made clear from the beginning.
     While driving, when the battery                                                          This means the participants have more
     reaches a level low enough that it will      CERTIFICATION & TRAINING                    insight, confidence and knowledge
     soon need to be recharged, the dash          The technology used for the Project         about the Project E20 to ensure they
     displays a message saying “RETURN            E20 is similar to what is found today       can really enjoy this exciting new
     TO PIT” which can also be indicated          in electric motorcycles, cars, rallycross   karting experience. BRP-Rotax is now
     if the system detects an error. There        and Formula E. Therefore, the Rotax         offering test days in the Project E20
     is a specific start-up sequence, as          eKart has undergone numerous                from the middle of March at Prokart
     well as for shutting the system down.        different tests at the independent          Raceland in Wackersdorf, Germany.
     All participants are given very clear        DEKRA institute, an FIA approved            This is an ideal opportunity for drivers
     instructions about this procedure,           testing centre, based on the required       who are interested in competing in the
     as the kart will not go into drive or        technical and safety standards.             DEKM series in 2021 to experience
     accelerate away without following this       DEKRA has confirmed and certified           the special feeling of eKart racing for
     simple process.                              that the Rotax Project E20 has met the      the first time. Stay tuned for more
     The integrity of the system is monitored     regulations as defined by the DMSB          information on or
     by the isolation fault monitoring system     (German Motorsport Federation)              check out for details on
     (ISO watcher) which is constantly            working together with FIA Karting.          how to register today.

66          MARCH 2021
An insight into electric karting
The orange electric
                      ROTAX PROJECT E20 TECHNICAL
cables are the
ones where the        DATA SHEET
high voltage          Motor               Rotax
current passes:                           Permanent
it is therefore                           Magnet
better to respect                         Synchronous
them, when you                            Motor (PMSM)
get in and out of     Cooling             Combined
the kart or you are                       air-liquid system
working on it…
                      Transmission        integrated into
The electric motor                        the engine
developed by
Rotax integrates      Batteries           Lithium-ion
the transmission      Nominal voltage     350 Volts
as already
                      E-braking/          available
happens for the
DD2 engines, so
much so that it       Boost and reverse   driver activated
requires the use of   functions           extra 4 kW
the same type of      Max performance     24 kW / 135 km/h
frame, produced by
Sodikart              Chassis             Sodi Sigma DD2
                      Tubes               diameter 30 mm
                      Wheelbase           1040 mm
                      Brakes              Hydraulic
                                          brakes, 2 front
                                          discs and 1 rear

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An insight into electric karting An insight into electric karting An insight into electric karting An insight into electric karting
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