An overview of developments in Asia - Marigold Norman - Illegal Logging ...

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An overview of developments in Asia - Marigold Norman - Illegal Logging ...
An overview of developments in Asia
Marigold Norman   Chatham House       June 19th 2017
Why are these developments happening now
and why are they important?
Why Now?
• Increased consumer concern for illegal logging and imported
• Import control measures are a key component of Voluntary
   Partnership Agreements (VPAs).

Why is this important?
• Asian markets are increasing in global importance.
Global imports of timber, pulp + paper and
furniture products 2009-2016 (netweight in kg)

          Source: Data from UN Comtrade, 2017. Compiled by Forest Trends, 2017

  Act on Promotion of the Distribution and Use of Legally Logged Wood
  (Clean Wood Act) 2016.

  Consultation on draft basic policy and two ordinances on Due
  Diligence and enforcement in March 2017. These three implementing
  regulations were adopted May 1st with no changes.

Date in force: May 20, 2017.
The Republic of Korea

  The 2012 Forest Act committed to exclude illegal wood from the
  Korean market.

  A revised act on the use of sustainable timber was published in March

Date in force:
  The law will come into effect on September 22, 2017 although the
  import provisions will largely come into effect on March 22, 2018.

  Director General (DG) Circular (LPKM 1/155/1/1Vol.4(45)) in 2015
  announced a New Import Regulation Under the Timber Legality
  Assurance System (TLAS).

  Amendments in May and July 2016 extended the grace periods for
  the implementation of timber import legality regulations.

  The legislation only applies to Peninsular Malaysia.

Date in force: June 15, 2017.

  Regulation No.97 from 2014 sets out the overarching legal framework
  and sets up the requirement on importers to seek import approval to
  meet the import control requirements of the VPA with the EU.

  Implementing regulations on Due Diligence were released in 2015.

Date in force:
  The import control system has been in effect since January 1, 2016.

  Vietnam has included provisions to regulate imports of timber as part
  of the VPA with the EU which was initialed in May 2017.

   Further implementing regulations are forthcoming including legislation
   requiring importers to conduct Due Diligence.

Date in force: Still to be decided.
Key comparative characteristics

1. Is the legislation voluntary or mandatory?

* Although in the case of Japan, “the responsible minister can demand a report on
the situation of the securing of the use of legally harvested timber, etc. from any
timber-related business operator, regardless of whether the business operator is
registered or not”
Key comparative characteristics
2. Which actors are covered within the scope of the regulation?

  *In the case of Korea, the exact actors covered remains unknown,
  although the provisions are likely to apply to all importing companies.
What are the main timber products imported
by the five Asian markets?

        Source: Data from UN Comtrade, 2017. Compiled by Forest Trends, 2017
Key comparative characteristics

3. Which timber products are covered by the regulation?
Japan                            Republic of Korea        Malaysia                Indonesia                     Vietnam

“Wood (excluding that which      Sawn wood,               The regulation          The import regulation         The import regulation
was collected or discarded       preserved wood,          applies to the import   applies to the list set out   applies to all timber
after having been used once      dricon, wood plastic     of logs and plywood     in annex 1 of the MOT         and rubber wood
or without use as well as that   composite wood,          (referring to the       import                        products entering
which uses these as              laminated timber,        custom HS codes         regulation NUMBER 97/         Vietnam.
materials)” and furniture,       plywood, particle        4403 and 4412) only.    M-DAG/PER/11/2015.
paper and other processed        board, fiberboard,
products.                        oriented strand board,
                                 wood flooring, wood
                                 pellet, wood chip,
                                 wood briquet, modeled
                                 charcoal, charcoal.
Key comparative characteristics
  4. What is the legislative requirement, what are regulated importers
     expected to do?
Japan                          Republic of Korea             Malaysia                     Indonesia                Vietnam

Registered businesses to       Importers to document         Importers to document        Registered importers     Importers to carry out Due
carry out Due Diligence with   the legality of timber        the legality of timber       (traders and             Diligence and document the
an appropriate confirmation    imports. The scope of         imports. “Legal” is not      processing operators)    legality of the timber in
of legality.                   the legality definition       defined in the legislation   to carry out Due         accordance with the relevant
                               appears to include legal      but compliance options       Diligence and to         legislation of the country of
                               right to harvest and          vary widely in scope as      document the legality    harvest covering Rights to
                               potentially the legal right   evidenced in the             of the timber imports.   harvest; Forestry activities;
                               to export.                    documents accepted as        Due Diligence is         Taxation and fees; Trade
                                                             proof of legality.           required at the          and customs including any
                                                                                          relationship level       legal requirements for timber
                                                                                          between the importer     export in the country of
                                                                                          and the exporter.        harvest such as export bans,
                                                                                                                   export licensing
                                                                                                                   requirements, etc.
Key comparative characteristics
 5. What are the stated penalties?
Japan                   Republic of Korea                  Malaysia                  Indonesia               Vietnam
Non-registered          The regulation states that        None listed. As the         No criminal           Depending on the severity of
companies declaring     when the director of the KFS      checks are pre-import,      sanctions.            the violation, administrative
that they are           identifies illegal wood on the    failure to document         Indonesia is          sanctions, suspension of
“registered operators   market, the sale will be          legality would be           taking a relatively   activities and/or prosecution will
in timber related       suspended and the timber will     expected to result in no    soft approach         apply. Penalties are expected to
business” will be       either be returned or             import license issued by    that promotes         be adequate, proportional and
subject to penalties.   discarded. Failure to comply      the Licensing Unit.         good behaviour,       dissuasive with harsher
                        with the order to suspend,                                    with failure to       penalties for repeated non-
                        return or discontinue the sale                                comply                compliance. Legislation still
                        could lead to up to three years                               preventing            needs to be developed on
                        imprisonment or a fine of no                                  access to the         penalties for non-compliance
                        more than 30 million Won                                      supply chain.         with the future legislation that
                        (approx. US$27,000).                                                                will require importers to conduct
                                                                                                            due diligence.
Thank you
    Marigold Norman
     Senior Advisor
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