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2 Mail & Guardian   Special Edition December 20 2017

ANC National Conference

    Cyril, he’s a man of the people
    I’ve been a driver for 15 years. I started in 2002 because I
    wanted to travel.
       I’ve travelled through the whole SADC region and even now I
    am still travelling.
       I have had a lot of memorable trips in this job and worked
    with many different people.
       During the 2010 Soccer World Cup I transported the Korean
    team as well. We didn’t speak much because English was a bit
    of a problem.
       Even Cyril Ramaphosa, I have worked with him. Every year
    he has a gathering with all the students on his scholarship at
    his game reserve in Bela Bela and this year I transported them
       He’s a very interesting guy and he cares about people.
    He’s the kind of person who won’t just pass you by without
    acknowledging you.
       We thought because we were just drivers he would just pass
    us. But I was surprised when he came to us directly and shook
    hands with us.
       He wanted to know who we were and where we came from.
    He asked about our journey of bringing his students there.
       It’s not often that people who are in his position of status do
    something like that.
       Actually, let me say they don’t do it at all.
      They will see you and think, “Argh he’s just a driver”, and it
    ends there.
      But he took it upon himself to come to us.
      To come to us.
      Not that we go to him.
      I’m not into politics so I can’t say much about him winning
    the presidential election.
      What I do understand is that he’s a good person in and of
    himself. I think he can take that goodness that he applies in
    his personal life and spread it to the country. That would be
    alright. — Thabo Mashile as told to Tebogo Tshwane
    Photo: Delwyn Verasamy

The best of Twitter from day three
Mail & Guardian Special Edition December 20 2017 3

ANC National Conference

Nasrec 68 turn election on its head
The contest is back on
as David Mabuza fights
for delegates left off
the voters’ roll, which
probably secured Ace
Magashule a place
among the top six

M&G Political Reporters

                      ith the “Nasrec 68”

W                     seemingly hold-
                      ing the fate of the
                      ANC secretary
                      general post in
their hands, newly elected ANC dep-
uty president David Mabuza sprung
a surprise when he reportedly came
out in support of former KwaZulu-
Natal premier Senzo Mchunu.
   The Mail & Guardian has learnt
that during the ANC national confer-
ence steering committee meeting to
find a solution for the “Nasrec 68”,
Mabuza supported those who had
called for their votes to be included
in the tally of all candidates who con-
tested the top six positions.
   The steering committee failed to
resolve the impasse, instead leaving
it up to the main plenary with ordi-
nary delegates to decide.
   The 68 were initially part of the
more than 500 delegates disquali-
fied during the vetting of credentials.
Soon after, the 68 were cleared as                                                                                                                                      Mixed signals: Nkosazana
legitimate delegates and categorised                                                                                                                                    Dlamini-Zuma supporters sing
as special voting delegates because                                                                                                                                     and dance (above), former
there was not enough time to put                                                                                                                                        KwaZulu-Natal premier Senzo
them on the voters’ roll before elec-                                                                                                                                   Mchunu (left) sits amid a group
tions took place.                                                                                                                                                       of CR17 supporters and a
   The lawyers for the Nasrec 68 are                                                                                                                                    delegate (below) indicates his
understood to have given the ANC                                                                                                                                        belief in the need for unity in the
until 6pm on Tuesday to include                                                                                                                                         ANC. Photo: Delwyn Verasamy
the votes or face legal action. It is
not clear whether the party met the                                                                                                                                        The error allegedly arose from the
deadline, but voting for the NEC                                                                                                                                        revision of credentials on Saturday.
additional members was delayed last                                                                                                                                     The 68 members were among the
night after only 400 delegates had                                                                                                                                      KwaZulu-Natal branches disquali-
cast their votes. At the time of writ-                                                                                                                                  fied during the dispute and verifica-
ing, provincial secretaries had been                                                                                                                                    tion period a week before the confer-
called into another steering commit-                                                                                                                                    ence. They were readmitted when
tee meeting by the top leadership. An                                                                                                                                   the credentials committee confirmed
SMS message circulating among del-                                                                                                                                      their legitimacy on Saturday.
egates claimed there had been mis-                                                                                                                                         The EleXions agency also recom-
takes on the ballot papers.                                                                                                                                             mended adding the 68 delegates’ bal-
   The committee consists of the                                                                                                                                        lots to the results, the leader said, but
party’s secretariat and chairpersons                                                                                                                                    it had left the final decision up to the
of provinces and leagues. The debate                                                                                                                                    committee.
about the 68 delegates was the first                                                                                                                                       Mabuza’s about-turn in Tuesday’s
sign of division in the newly elected                                                                                                                                   meeting was not the first time he has
leadership, which comprises three                                                                                                                                       broken ranks with what used to be
members from each faction’s slate.                                                                                                                                      known as the “premier league” — an
It delayed NEC voting for most of                                                                                                                                       alliance between the chairpersons
Tuesday.                                                                                                                                                                of KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, North
   Mabuza was supported by treas-           in even further, demanding that the                                                                                         West and Mpumalanga.
urer general Paul Mashatile, national       credential process be re-run along                                                                                             At the policy conference,
chairperson Gwede Mantashe                  with the election.                                                                                                          Mahumapelo and KwaZulu-Natal
and several other provinces. The              “We are in support of the entire                                                                                          chairperson Sihle Zikalala led the
Mpumalanga ANC chairperson was              top six of the ANC. If these were to be                                                                                     debate on land redistribution with-
thought to be closer to Nkosazana           included, credentials will have to be                                                                                       out compensation. Mabuza argued
Dlamini-Zuma, Free State Premier            done all over again as they are not on                                                                                      that land should only be redistrib-
Ace Magashule and North West                legitimate voters roll,” said KwaZulu-                                                                                      uted within the parameters of the
Premier Supra Mahumapelo in the             Natal ANC Youth League chairper-                                                                                            Constitution.
run-up to the conference.                   son Kwazi Mshengu.                                                                                                             He was also accused by Dlamini-
   Mchunu was on newly elected ANC            On Tuesday the ANC Women’s                                                                                                Zuma’s backers at the conference of
president Cyril Ramaphosa’s slate           League accused Mabuza of “using”                                                                                            instructing 353 delegates from 223
and was instrumental in splitting           Dlamini-Zuma’s campaign to secure                                                                                           branches in Mpumalanga, who nom-
KwaZulu-Natal’s vote.                       senior positions in the party.                                                                                              inated “unity” on their ballot papers,
   But in the steering committee              The majority of the 68 votes are                                                                                          to vote for Ramaphosa.
meeting Mabuza disagreed with               from KwaZulu-Natal and appear to                                                                                               With Mabuza’s intervention fail-
Mahumapelo, who was pushing for             favour Mchunu. If added they could                                                                                          ing in the steering committee,
a re-election if the 68 votes were to       swing the outcome for the secretary                                                                                         Ramaphosa’s supporters geared
be included. Mahumapelo, who was            general’s position, given that the dif-    the 68 delegates were legitimately       racy of the ANC.                        up to win the debate in the main
backed by Water Affairs Minister            ference between votes for Mchunu           mandated to attend conference and          “The NDZ guys were resisting          plenary.
Nomvula Mokonyane, has warned               and Magashule is 24.                       were left off the voters’ roll through   the proposal to count the [Nasrec]         “We have the numbers to push
the Ramaphosa supporters that if              Magashule’s supporters refused           a technical mistake by the elections     68’s votes and add them because         this in plenary,” said a Ramaphosa
they continue pushing for inclusion         the proposal, demanding a re-elec-         agency, EleXions.                        they know the result. Most of those     supporting delegate from KwaZulu-
of the 68 votes, his province will          tion of the top six if the 68 votes were     Denying them the right to vote, one    guys left out are from the Abaqulusi    Natal. “The branches want Senzo and
demand a re-run of the election. The        to be added to the final tallies.          of Mchunu’s supporters said, would       region, which is Senzo’s stronghold,”   we are ready to deal with this on the
KwaZulu-Natal leadership has dug              Mchunu’s supporters argued that          be subverting the internal democ-        a provincial leader told the M&G.       floor.”
4 Mail & Guardian Special Edition December 20 2017

ANC National Conference

Jong-un is
NDZ’s homie
Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma rubbed shoulders
with representatives of the US’s sworn enemy
Govan Whittles                            lons of the party when delegates met
                                          to discuss policy.
           hreatening your friends          The North Korean government’s

T          with “fire and fury” is not
           nice. Calling them “short
           and fat” is even worse.
           It’s the kind of thing that,
well, may leave your friends wanting
to unfriend you. Or maybe even sen-
tence you to death.
                                          foremost representative in Southern
                                          Africa, Yong Man-ho, has spent
                                          the last week in discussions with
                                          the ANC’s top leaders, including
                                          Dlamini-Zuma and senior interna-
                                          tional relations department officials.
                                            Seated at a table at the Nasrec
                                                                                    Going ballistic: North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong-un celebrates a recent missile launch. His envoy to
                                                                                    South Africa, Yong Man-ho, attended the ANC national conference. Photo: KCNA/via Reuters

                                                                                    its citizens of democracy — call-         other issues of common interest”.       that the ANC “continues to monitor
  Thus fares the relationship             expo centre with Dlamini-Zuma on          ing on the ANC to join its campaign         “As the ANC celebrates this week’s    developments in North Korea”.
between United States President           Friday afternoon, Yong was accom-         to isolate the government of the          exercise in democracy, we note that       Sangonii added that the December
Donald Trump and North Korea’s            panied by three other embassy staff       Democratic People’s Republic of           democracy has been systemati-           conference would be the perfect
Kim Jong-un.                              and laughed during his discussion         Korea.                                    cally denied to the people of North     place for decisions on North Korea to
  If only they could follow the           with the former African Union               “It is, of course, up to ANC leaders    Korea, as have their basic freedoms     be made.
example of former African Union           chairperson, an official in the ANC’s     to invite whomever they wish to an        and human rights,” the US embassy         Yong Man-ho flew to Mozambique
Commission chairperson Nkosazana          international relations sub-commit-       internal party event. That said, iso-     spokesperson noted.                     in October when a North Korean
Dlamini-Zuma, who was in a decid-         tee said.                                 lating the North Korean regime is           In response, the ANC’s former         embassy official was arrested there
edly chipper mood and shared a              South Africa established bilat-         a top priority for the United States,     international relations sub-commit-     after being found in possession of
chuckle with the Supreme Leader’s         eral relations with North Korea in        and a key element to maintain-            tee chairperson, Edna Molewa, said      rhino horn.
representative attending the ANC’s        1998 after hosting the Non-Aligned        ing peace and stability worldwide,”       it “regularly invites the diplomatic      Two years before that, in December
54th congress.                            Movement Summit and, in 2013,             acting US embassy spokesperson            corps to its programmes and events”     2015, a high-ranking North Korean
  The ANC extended an invitation to       international relations deputy minis-     Caroline Schneider told the Mail &        and “continues to monitor develop-      diplomat was expelled from South
the entire diplomatic corps in South      ter Ebrahim Ebrahim travelled to the      Guardian.                                 ments in North Korea”.                  Africa for allegedly using his diplo-
Africa, which also included the US,       country to strengthen the ties.             She added that the US government          ANC spokesperson Khusela              matic bag, supplied by the embassy,
but it was the North Korean officials       But the US believes that North          looks forward to “working with all the    Sangoni said “the US will not dictate   to smuggle rhino horn out of the
who gained access to the upper eche-      Korea is systematically depriving         new ANC party leadership on this and      to us who our friends will be” and      country.

Good times – and good business – outside Nasrec
Thulebona Mhlanga                                                                                                                                                     ence. But we did run out of ice twice
& Tebogo Tshwane                                                                                                                                                      and we had to order around six times
                                                                                                                                                                      our normal stock on Saturday. The
No accreditation? No problem.                                                                                                                                         one machine we use to produce ice
There’s another world outside the                                                                                                                                     was not enough” said Gwala.
Nasrec expo centre where a huge                                                                                                                                          The garage is not only a refuge
number of ANC branch members,                                                                                                                                         for hungry, thirsty comrades but
local business people and residents                                                                                                                                   also eager branch members who
have found their own way to be part                                                                                                                                   have come to watch from the
of the conference frenzy.                                                                                                                                             side-lines.
  The arrival of 4 776 delegates, for                                                                                                                                    “We are ready for Nkosazana” is
the 54th ANC national elective con-                                                                                                                                   the background chant for motorists
ference on Saturday, has changed                                                                                                                                      filling up their cars at the garage,
the face of Rand Show Road to black,                                                                                                                                  which has become the camping
green and gold.                                                                                                                                                       spot for Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma
  The young boys of Ormonde View,                                                                                                                                     supporters.
who would normally spend their                                                                                                                                           Gladys Nkosi, member of the Zone
days loitering on street corners, have                                                                                                                                4, Meadowlands, women’s league,
turned into car guards for the fleet of                                                                                                                               said she came to witness Dlamini-
cars, taxis and buses that have come                                                                                                                                  Zuma take her “God-given” position
from all around the country.                                                                                                                                          as the leader of the ANC.
  The high demand for parking has                                                                                                                                        “God chose her while she was still
turned front lawns into prime real                                                                                                                                    in her mother’s womb so that she can
estate where parking spots go for                                                                                                                                     deliver the people of South Africa out
R100 a pop, even if it is only for two                                                                                                                                of the poverty that they are in to the
minutes.                                                                                                                                                              Promised Land,” said Nkosi.
  “We make over R1 000 a day,” said                                                                                                                                      Seemingly God had other plans —
Sabelo Mzulwini.                                                                                                                                                      Cyril Ramaphosa snatched the posi-
  He said they aren’t the only ones                                                                                                                                   tion of ANC president.
benefiting. Traffic marshals ensure                                                                                                                                      Nkosi said they were determined
that the roads are not congested and      Trading places: Rand Show Road, outside the Nasrec centre where the ANC national conference is taking                       to stay at the garage until the results
residents are not inconvenienced.         place, has been transformed into a hub of business activities, including food stalls. Photo: Oupa Nkosi                     were announced — “even if they
  The mood is festive as ANC strug-                                                                                                                                   came out at 3am, we are used to it”.
gle songs in the background compete       much money he has spent on opera-         other ladies to be at the business        best of them all — and highly con-         The American fast-food chain
with the sounds of Anita Baker’s You      tions, but said he had “put a serious     expo.”                                    tested and highly businesslike and      Burger King also made a killing and
Bring Me Joy from a recently-opened       investment, you know high invest-           One can wear ANC branded gear           everyone is interested in the out-      its Nasrec supervisor, Josephine
chill-out spot called Nasrec Gate 5       ment and we’re hoping to get a            from head to toe for R1 100. Unisex       come,” said Nngake.                     Mogedile, said that sales figures dou-
Chillas at the corner of Albertos and     return on our investment”.                T-shirts are sold for R300, leather         Describing the mood he said:          bled since Saturday.
Rand Show Road.                             As it happens the ANC conference        jackets and tracksuits will set a ten-    “I think it’s quite phenomenal. We         “The Double Whopper with cheese,
  A leaflet put out by the owner,         coincides with his birthday and he        derpreneur back R600 and the caps         are seeing small businesses get-        costing R71.90, has been the most
Fezile Nondonga, reads: “Will be          has decided to share his special day      are a cheap R100 or R150.                 ting what is due to them and surely     popular meal followed by the Big
running for the duration of the ANC       with the comrades who will be visit-        “I may give those who buy more          they will leave here having benefited   King XXXL at a R20 less cost.”
conference.”                              ing his spot.                             than two items a discount but we will     greatly.”                                  She says the bottomless cold drink
  He says he’s not open the whole           Not far from Gate 5 Chillas,            see as the week goes,” said Nyandeni.       Local businesses such as the Sasol    at Burger King was a hit and so were
year but “I saw an opportunity to         Phindile Nyandeni mans her sister’s         Advocate Maile Nngake, an ANC           petrol station also got themselves      desserts, with delegates loving the
offer entertainment to cadres and         stall, which is piled with ANC regalia    delegate from Pretoria, has spent         a slice of the sales pie. Manager       Fusion Oreo.
from yesterday morning we have            and merchandise.                          more than R2 000 since Saturday on        Lungile Gwala said sales had dou-
been very busy, about 250-plus peo-         “I am selling from outside because      collectables for himself and other        bled since the conference started.      Thulebona Mhlanga and Tebogo
ple have been coming in. They start       my sister could only pay for two peo-     comrades who want to remember               Ice, cold drinks, water and energy    Tshwane are Adamela Trust trainee
coming after 6pm.”                        ple and she is the third one in Nasrec.   the historical conference.                drinks have topped sales.               financial reporters at the Mail &
  Nondonga would not disclose how         It cost R1 500 for my sister and two        “This is one of the best — if not the     “We were prepared for the confer-     Guardian
Mail & Guardian Special Edition December 20 2017 5

ANC National Conference

Assault sparks journalists’ boycott
The forceful eviction of                                                                                                                                                 the ANC provided broadcasters with
                                                                                                                                                                         a feed from its own cameras inside
a reporter from Nasrec                                                                                                                                                   its plenary hall, produced by its own
                                                                                                                                                                         staff. That feed was supposed to be
unleashed the pent-up                                                                                                                                                    a back-up to their own cameras. But
frustrations of those                                                                                                                                                    when satellite station eNCA arrived
                                                                                                                                                                         on Friday with the two cameras it
trying to report on the                                                                                                                                                  had been told it would be allowed
ANC’s conference                                                                                                                                                         to set up in the space, it was turned
Ra’eesa Pather, Phillip de Wet                                                                                                                                             “Pool feed arrangements are not a
& Bongekile Macupe                                                                                                                                                       new thing,” said eNCA editor-in-chief
                                                                                                                                                                         Mapi Mhlangu, “but in the past we

            yril Ramaphosa’s first                                                                                                                                       were allowed to bring a minimum
            media appearance as                                                                                                                                          of two of our own cameras in. It was
            ANC president was boy-                                                                                                                                       rather disturbing that, in this confer-
            cotted by journalists on                                                                                                                                     ence, at the last hour, they said we
            Tuesday in protest over                                                                                                                                      can no longer have that.”
Bloomberg journalist Sam Mkokeli                                                                                                                                           The lack of independent cameras
being thrown out of the ANC’s elec-                                                                                                                                      meant ANC production managers
tive conference.                                                                                                                                                         decided what would be shown live
  He was forcibly removed from                                                                                                                                           and could pull the plug if proceed-
inside the Nasrec security cordon                                                                                                                                        ings turned rowdy.
after he complained about the poor                                                                                                                                         Sanef leaders held an emergency
treatment of journalists.                                                                                                      Harassed: Bloomberg journalist            meeting with the ANC’s communica-
  His colleagues described it as an                                                                                            Sam Mkokeli (above centre) was            tion team after the Mkokeli incident.
assault and it unleashed an ava-                                                                                               forcibly removed from the Nasrec            “There was an apology that we
lanche of pent-up complaints by the                                                                                            security area by police (left)            received, which was quite important
many journalists covering the ANC’s                                                                                            after he complained about the             to us because they have said that
elective conference, where the media                                                                                           poor treatment of journalists at          they do not want to make our jobs
coverage has been more restricted                                                                                              the conference. Police (left) also        difficult; there are restrictions that
than at any ANC event since 1994.                                                                                              blocked photographers’ cameras            they have but they are trying to work
  One journalist said his pros-                                                                                                                                          around them as best as possible,”
thetic leg had come loose after he                                                                                             General Tankiso Moshoeshoe, man-          said Sanef chairperson Mahlatse
was pushed by security guards who                                                                                              handled Mkokeli while Mkokeli kept        Mahlase.
would not listen when he explained                                                                                             his hands in the air.                       “They have also raised, of course,
why he could not move as quickly as                                                                                               When told his actions amounted         that there has also been incidences
they wanted him to.                                                                                                            to assault, Moshoeshoe told other         where journalists have breached
  Several women reported inap-                                                                                                 journalists that Mkokeli should then      security and obviously we would con-
propriate touching when guards                                                                                                 “open a case”.                            demn that as Sanef.”
supposedly reached out to check            travel several kilometres around the       just know security. If you go out of        During the incident, a uniformed         In one case earlier in the week, the
the badges displayed on lanyards.          outside of the Nasrec venue so that        our way, you are just in our sights.”    officer briefly attempted to cover two    ANC complained that broadcasters
Two journalists said they had been         they wouldn’t come into contact with         After the walkabout, Ramaphosa         cameras with his hand simultane-          had continued to carry a live feed
warned that their accreditation            delegates.                                 was due to make a five-minute,           ously to prevent the incident being       after its plenary had gone into closed
would be removed for speaking to             After waiting for a shuttle to arrive,   no-questions stop for impromptu          filmed.                                   session. It learned about that when
ANC delegates.                             Mkokeli held a meeting with journal-       remarks to the media. But he had not        Mkokeli later said the approach to     the eNCA alerted it to the fact that it
  One journalist was threatened with       ists and proposed that the walkabout       arrived after an hour and the jour-      journalists had been determined by        was still supplying its live feed to the
eviction for walking around the ple-       be boycotted because of how long           nalists were kept corralled in the sun   the ANC before the conference had         broadcasters.
nary venue in search of a strong cell-     journalists had been made to wait for      and told they could not leave without    begun.                                      PowerFM host Iman Rappetti, who
phone signal and others had to beg         briefings at the conference. All the       an escort.                                  “It started with the fence, as if we   was there when Mkokeli was evicted,
marshals for escorts to be allowed to      journalists agreed with the proposal.        Mkokeli again raised a complaint       are barbarians to be kept outside         said the media had been managed by
go to the bathroom.                          Mkokeli is the chairperson of            about the way journalists had been       because, if we talk to delegates, we      the ANC every step of the way.
  On Tuesday, journalists were left        the South African National Editors         treated at the conference, which is      may interfere with their election or        “We’re coming into their space
waiting for 40 minutes to cross a          Forum’s (Sanef’s) subcommittee on          when the security members removed        with policy,” he said. “That is a new     and we’re playing by their rules,
security barrier built to separate         media freedom.                             his accreditation and forcefully         thing.”                                   whether we like it or not, but this is
them from delegates to reach the             In the face of the boycott, jour-        evicted him from Nasrec.                    The new approach also extended         a step beyond that, beyond what is
venue where they had been invited to       nalists were allowed through the             Shoeshoe Qhu, a journalist from        to the ANC calling the shots on what      acceptable.”
cover a walkabout by Ramaphosa.            security barrier — with an escort          Kaya FM, recorded the incident,          parts of its conference proceedings         The aggression and tight manage-
  Security guards initially insisted       — but not before a camera caught           during which a plainclothes police       independent broadcasters were             ment of the media reflected the lev-
that, instead of walking a few hun-        one security official explaining:          officer, later identified by News24      allowed to show.                          els of paranoia within the party, she
dred metres, journalists should            “We don’t know demo-crazy, we              as police commander Lieutenant              As has become standard practice,       said.

Lamola: DD’s ‘Damascus moment’
Given Sigauqwe                             as deputy president would be the           most ANC members across the coun-
                                           catalyst that ensures that there is a      try are young people and it is young
New ANC deputy president David             break from the old guard.                  people that are the biggest partici-
Mabuza’s ascension to power is               “He was the one comrade we all           pants and foot soldiers of the ANC.
comparable with the apostle Paul’s         witnessed calling for unity. He has        So, it is in that regard that we came
Damascus moment, says former ANC           foresight and ... understood that in       up with the policy of generational
Youth League leader Ronald Lamola.         the ANC we need unity. We need to          mix in 2011. Today we see it come
   On his way to Damascus from             do away with slate politics and we         into life,” said Lamola.
Jerusalem, Saul was renamed                need members to participate freely,”          “The incoming NEC will be ripe
Paul after a sudden conversion to          he said.                                   with young people. We want to par-
Christianity.                                “There is an itch for a decisive         ticipate in the ANC. This is in prepa-
   “I want to congratulate DD              break away from the shenanigans of         ration for the 2022 elective confer-
[Mabuza], he has reached his               the past. The ANC needs an urgent          ence. Then we will break completely
Damascus moment,” Lamola told the          break from the old guard to rejuve-        from the old guard.                      Man of faith: An overjoyed Ronald Lamola emerged as one of the
Mail & Guardian on Tuesday.                nate itself. If you look at the compo-        “There will be a new generation       favourites to be elected on to the ANC’s national executive committee,
   Following Cyril Ramaphosa’s tri-        sition of the new top six his message      altogether taking over the ANC.          second to Minister of Police Fikile Mbalula. Photo: Oupa Nkosi
umph over Nkosazana-Dlamini                clearly reverberated,” he said.            That then will represent a clear
Zuma in the race for party president,        An elated Lamola also told the           renewal.”                                son Zizi Kodwa accepted their             was an act of God. “I was ridiculed
and the landslide victory of Mabuza        M&G that the inclusion of younger             In other NEC results, ANC veteran     nominations.                              by analysts and journalists alike
as his deputy, Lamola emerged as           members in the NEC would hasten            Joel Netshitenzhe received 1 145           But Minister of Trade and Industry      when I said CR would emerge as
one of the favourites to be elected        the rejuvenation of the party.             nominations, Home Affairs Minister       Rob Davies, Minister of Public            president. But Jesus carried the
on to the ANC’s national executive           “I am not a minister, I am not an        Ayanda Dlodlo got 1 103 nominations      Enterprises Lynne Brown, Limpopo          different delegates to the voting
committee (NEC). He received the           MP ... I am just an ordinary member        and Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba       chairperson Stan Mathabatha,              booth and told them to vote for
second highest number of nomina-           of the ANC. But the branches see that      1 075.                                   Gauteng deputy chairperson                CR, and they did. Now he is presi-
tions — 1 171. Minister of Police Fikile   there is a need for younger people to         Nkosazana Dlamini–Zuma, her           David Makhura declined their              dent and we are ready to be led,” he
Mbalula received the most, with            lead in order to preserve the history      campaign manager Carl Niehaus,           nominations.                              said.
1 204 nominations.                         of the organisation,” he said.             former finance minister Pravin             Lamola, in another biblical ref-          Ramaphosa received 2 440 votes to
   Lamola said the election of Mabuza        “We have always maintained that          Gordhan and party spokesper-             erence, said Ramaphosa’s victory          Dlamini- Zuma’s 2 261.
6   Mail & Guardian Special Edition December 20 2017

ANC National Conference

                                                                                                                                                                          only have
                                                                                                                                                                          for Cyril
                                                                                                                                                                          Lisa Steyn

                                                                                                                                                                          Although the ANC is said to be
                                                                                                                                                                          deliberating over who the rightfully
                                                                                                                                                                          elected secretary general of the party
                                                                                                                                                                          is, the market seems to have eyes
                                                                                                                                                                          only for newly elected ANC president
                                                                                                                                                                          Cyril Ramaphosa, with little to no
                                                                                                                                                                          interest in the finer details.
                                                                                                                                                                            Geoff Blount, the managing direc-
                                                                                                                                                                          tor of Bayhill Capital, warned in a
                                                                                                                                                                          statement on Monday night that
                                                                                                                                                                          the markets have not priced in the
                                                                                                                                                                          mixed political leadership and will
                                                                                                                                                                          retrace some of its steps as the real-
                                                                                                                                                                          ity sinks in.
                                                                                                                                                                            But that has not happened yet.
                                                                                                                                                                            The rand did lose a few cents in
                                                                                                                                                                          gains but it remained low at a virtu-
                                                                                                                                                                          ally constant R12.75 to the dollar on
                                                                                                                                                                            On the bond market, the govern-
                                                                                                                                                                          ment’s benchmark cost of borrowing
                                                                                                                                                                          improved from 8.85% to 8.66% dur-
Beware: Cyril Ramaphosa enjoys his moment of victory as the newly elected president of the ANC. The markets have responded positively to his                              ing Tuesday’s trade and on the JSE,
election but analysts warn that the markets have not yet appreciated the fact that Jacob Zuma is still president of South Africa. Photo: Oupa Nkosi                       SA Inc — stocks exposed to the South
                                                                                                                                                                          African economy, such as retailers
                                                                                                                                                                          and banks — performed phenom-

Can Ramaphosa deliver
                                                                                                                                                                          enally, even after gaining in the days
                                                                                                                                                                          leading up to Ramaphosa’s win.
                                                                                                                                                                            Jordan Weir, a trader at Bayhill
                                                                                                                                                                          Capital, said SA Inc ran all over the
                                                                                                                                                                          show on Tuesday. Trades on the
                                                                                                                                                                          JSE on the day totalled R55-billion,
                                                                                                                                                                          more than double the R24-billion or

on his promises?                                                                                                                                                          so traded on an average day. “One
                                                                                                                                                                          trader likened it to a reverse market
                                                                                                                                                                          crash, some of the moves so crazy
                                                                                                                                                                            The likes of Foschini saw stocks
                                                                                                                                                                          grow 13.9% on the day, Barclays
                                                                                                                                                                          share was up 11.5% and Mr Price’s
                                                                                                                                                                          stock jumped just over 10%, Weir
Not only are the ANC’s top six officials                                              will have to negotiate hard with each
                                                                                      other. You are going to have to have
                                                                                                                                 recognise the need for reform to
                                                                                                                                 enhance human capital and reduce
                                                                                                                                                                          said. All dual-listed stocks, often
                                                                                                                                                                          earning most or all of their money
divided, Jacob Zuma remains the state                                                 trade-offs regarding policies.”            inequality, it remains to be seen how    outside of the country, were “majorly
                                                                                        This is likely to be felt in the ANC’s   that will be achieved without further    hammered”, he said.
president and dictates the role of his deputy                                         sectoral commission deliberations,         undermining already stretched pub-         Susan Booysen, a school of gov-
                                                                                      scheduled to be held during the            lic finances.”                           ernance professor at the University
Lynley Donnelly                           he holds as deputy president of             conference, on the policy propos-             Despite his position as the new       of the Witwatersrand and author of
                                          the country remains constrained             als put forward at the July policy         leader of ANC, Ramaphosa cannot          Dominance and Decline: The ANC in
            he hope for a Cyril Rama-     because Zuma still runs the country         conference.                                backtrack on this promise, Mathekga      the Time of Zuma, said the markets

T           phosa victory was pinned
            on his ability to put South
            Africa’s economy back on
            solid ground with finan-
cial prudence and stability, and a
commitment to reforming flounder-
ing and costly parastatals.
                                          and dictates his deputy’s reach.
                                            In the run-up to the conference,
                                          Ramaphosa announced a 10-point
                                          plan for South Africa, cast as a “new
                                          deal” for the economy. It included
                                          a focus on growth by introducing
                                          measures to “achieve policy cer-
                                                                                        The debates will include the addi-
                                                                                      tional proposals put by delegates
                                                                                      in July that were not incorporated
                                                                                      in the party’s policy documents,
                                                                                      such as land expropriation without
                                                                                        Other contentious issues will be
                                                                                                                                 said, and described the situation as
                                                                                                                                 “a grenade with the pin off”.
                                                                                                                                    Susan Booysen, a school of gov-
                                                                                                                                 ernance professor at the University
                                                                                                                                 of the Witwatersrand and author of
                                                                                                                                 Dominance and Decline: The ANC in
                                                                                                                                 the Time of Zuma, said Ramaphosa’s
                                                                                                                                                                          didn’t appear to fully understand the
                                                                                                                                                                          nuances of South African politics.
                                                                                                                                                                            “Because if they understood the
                                                                                                                                                                          nuances, the market should be drop-
                                                                                                                                                                          ping because [Jacob] Zuma is in
                                                                                                                                                                          power, there is a stalemate and there
                                                                                                                                                                          is an uncertain outcome of the NEC
  But it remains to be seen whether       tainty, improve institutional stabil-       the nationalisation of the Reserve         role for the next 18 months can only     [national executive committee].
he will be able to deliver on the cam-    ity, restore the credibility of the crim-   Bank and the mining charter.               go as far as ANC policy allows, or in    Those three combined for me do not
paign promises of his “new deal”.         inal justice system and demonstrate           “The relatively strong representa-       terms of what will be adopted at the     ring well,” she said.
  By Tuesday afternoon, specula-          the political will to turn around the       tion of the opposition faction in the      conference.                                Weir said foreign buyers were
tion was continuing that the ANC’s        economy”.                                   ANC leadership will likely compli-            “If they get to adoption of policy,   more optimistic. They were less au
top six could change after a disputed       He called for a macro-economic            cate policy negotiations and could         that is debatable,” she said, refer-     fait with the political nuances but
vote, which is most likely to affect      policy based on fiscal discipline and       delay agreement on key reforms,”           ring to the delays on Tuesday after      were also trying to take advantage of
the post of secretary general. Free       reducing debt to ensure future gen-         said Zuzana Brixiova, a senior             it emerged that there was a dispute      the currency strength.
State Premier Ace Magashule beat          erations do not pay for the current         analyst of credit ratings agency           about the vote count for the secretary     Tinyiko Ngwenya, an economist of
KwaZulu-Natal’s Senzo Mchunu for          mismanagement of the economy.               Moody’s.                                   general position.                        the Old Mutual Investment Group,
the post by a narrow 24 votes.              He also promised to provide free                                                        The make-up of the NEC will be        agreed that the market movements
  As it stands, the top six are           higher education for the poor but it                  amaphosa also has to face        critical. “There is so much, on even     reflected the positive sentiments of
split down the middle between
Ramaphosa and his allies, Paul
Mashatile (treasurer general) and
Gwede Mantashe (chairperson), and
Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma’s allies
                                          came with the caveat that “to sustain
                                          free post-school education for the
                                          poor will require a growing economy
                                          and a stronger fiscus”.
                                            He also committed to overhaul the
                                                                                      R         the practical realities of an
                                                                                                economy plagued by poor
                                                                                                growth, a fiscus with a R50-
                                                                                      billion shortfall, massive exposure to
                                                                                      floundering SOEs such as Eskom and
                                                                                                                                 those more radical sounding policies,
                                                                                                                                 that depends on application and that
                                                                                                                                 final interpretation of what is radi-
                                                                                                                                 cal,” Booysen said.
                                                                                                                                    As president of the ANC, but
                                                                                                                                                                          foreign investors, and local investors
                                                                                                                                                                          were being more sceptical about the
                                                                                                                                                                            “Once bitten, twice shy,” she said.
                                                                                                                                                                          “We are more likely to wait for
Magashule, Jesse Duarte (deputy           governance of state-owned enter-            Denel, and now an unfunded, free           deputy to Zuma in government,            February’s budget to see if fiscal con-
secretary general) and David Mabuza       prises (SOEs) and “immediate steps          higher education plan, revealed by         Ramaphosa has very limited power,        solidation is back as a plan, and how
(deputy president).                       to confront corruption and state            Zuma on Friday.                            she added. “As deputy president          government will address the ques-
  If the line up remains unchanged,       capture”.                                     He announced the plan against the        in and of the government, it really      tions around state-owned entities.”
Ramaphosa will face intense negotia-        If the top six remain unchanged,          advice of the treasury and without         depends on allocations of functions        Eskom’s financial sustainabil-
tions and trade-offs when it comes to     “there is a perfectly institutionalised     input from the national executive          by the president and it is a very        ity is a major issue for local inves-
policy, particularly economic policy,     conflict”, said political analyst and       committee (NEC).                           ambiguous, tentative power bal-          tors, she said. “We would have to
say analysts.                             author of When Zuma Goes, Ralph               Education will be a “clear area of       ance between the two. — Additional       see strong evidence of policy being
  They also warn that the power           Mathekga. “That in itself means they        tension”, Brixiova said. “While all        reporting by Lisa Steyn                  implemented.”
Mail & Guardian Special Edition December 20 2017 7

ANC National Conference

NDZ can’t play a patriarchy victim
The women’s league failed to promote gender                                       the state, patriarchy has captured          Africa on the African and global         opment, on whose watch there have
                                                                                  many in the ANC, including many of          stage, had the perfect opportunity       been many scandals relating to men-
equality and, as a minister, Bathabile Dlamini                                    its women cadres.                           to make a clean break from the fam-      tal health and social grants. She has
used Zuma’s patronage to survive her disasters                                       First to answer should be NDZ
                                                                                  herself. In one telling interview
                                                                                                                              ily dynasty politics that worry this
                                                                                                                              young democracy.
                                                                                                                                                                       survived in the past thanks to Zuma’s
                                                                                                                                                                       patronage, and despite several calls
COMMENT                                  challenges — the patriarchal ideol-      with Independent Newspapers, she               Yet she carefully side-stepped the    for her removal.
Colleen Lowe-Morna                       ogy that permeates every facet of        expressed her frustration with the          issues in former public protector           Not so long ago the women’s
                                         society and relegates even the most      constant association with her polyga-       Thuli Madonsela’s State of Capture       league announced that South Africa
     n a trailer for the ANC’s           prominent and successful women to        mous ex-husband. She noted that             report.                                  was not yet ready for a woman presi-

I    54th conference, the eNCA news
     channel interviewed a broad
     spectrum of South Africans on
     what they know about Nkoso-
zana Dlamini-Zuma (NDZ), who
this week lost narrowly to Cyril
Ramaphosa in the race for president
                                         an appendage of a man.
                                            On the face of it, the ANC elec-
                                         tions are a victory for democracy.
                                         Simmering internal discontent with
                                         Zuma and his association with the
                                         billionaire Gupta family that have
                                         “captured the state” expressed itself
                                                                                  they share children and have con-
                                                                                  versations beyond politics but she
                                                                                  had no special place in his sprawling
                                                                                  Nkandla home (another source of the
                                                                                  corruption charges hanging over him
                                                                                  when he vacates the presidency in
                                                                                                                                The burning issues of corruption
                                                                                                                              that featured ever more prominently
                                                                                                                              in the Ramaphosa campaign barely
                                                                                                                              featured in hers.
                                                                                                                                In response to criticisms that she
                                                                                                                              seemed to have no clear agenda, NDZ
                                                                                                                              came out blazing in the final days of
                                                                                                                                                                       dent. The women’s league changed
                                                                                                                                                                       tack after Zuma publicly endorsed
                                                                                                                                                                         One of the greatest ironies of the
                                                                                                                                                                       ANC’s claim to the high ground on
                                                                                                                                                                       gender equality is that its women’s
                                                                                                                                                                       league has been among the most
of the ruling party.                     in Ramaphosa’s win, though he               Yet in her campaign NDZ failed           the race on “radical economic trans-     enthusiastic backers of Zuma — who
  Almost all of them referred to her     inherits a crown of thorns with three    dismally to distance herself from           formation” that seemed more a call       was acquitted of a rape charge but
as President Jacob Zuma’s ex-wife.       out of the new top six officials (dep-   Zuma after he publicly endorsed her,        to populism than a well-thought-         found sorely wanting in his behav-
One or two said they thought she was     uty president David Mabuza, secre-       and happily drew on all his support         through agenda. Gender equality, it      iour towards women shortly before
connected to the United Nations (she     tary general Ace Magashule and dep-      bases, notably in their KwaZulu-            must be said, was not a prominent        he became president in 2009.
served as chair of the African Union     uty secretary general Jessie Duarte)     Natal home province that became a           feature in the campaign of the first       So vitriolic was the response to his
Commission). No one mentioned            in the Zuma camp.                        litmus test for the heart and soul of       would-be woman president of South        accuser (Fezekile Ntsukela Kuzwayo,
her having been South Africa’s min-        But with only one woman (Duarte)       the ANC.                                    Africa.                                  dubbed Khwezi, who died recently)
ister of health, foreign affairs and     in the line-up, serious questions must      Dlamini-Zuma, the seasoned min-             Also needing to introspect are        that she spent most of her remaining
then home affairs. Her claim to          be asked about what has gone wrong       ister who banned smoking in public          NDZ’s enthusiastic backers in the        years in exile, with no support from
fame remained in the public mind         with the ANC’s feminist agenda, if       places in South Africa, led the South       ANC Women’s League, found hud-           the struggle organisation that she
her association to Zuma, whom she        ever there was one beyond the policy     African delegation to the Fourth            dled in a meeting in the media cen-      grew up in, let alone its women.
divorced more than 20 years ago.         positions on gender parity in all its    World Conference on Women in                tre after the announcement of the          It must be concluded that the only
  The trailer is a telling reminder of   ranks and endeavours.                    Beijing, cleaned up the messy home          top six. They are led by Bathabile       reason the women’s league sup-
one of South Africa’s biggest, unmet       Just as the Guptas have captured       affairs ministry, and profiled South        Dlamini, the minister of social devel-   ported Dlamini-Zuma was the Zuma
                                                                                                                                                                       name, not the promise of a woman

Women’s                                                                                                                                                                president.
                                                                                                                                                                         Indeed, if that were the agenda,
                                                                                                                                                                       why did the women’s league not

League                                                                                                                                                                 equally support Lindiwe Sisulu for
                                                                                                                                                                       deputy president?
                                                                                                                                                                         Crying over spilt milk is not useful;

believes men                                                                                                                                                           to quote respected analyst Justice
                                                                                                                                                                       Malala, “it was never a principled

used NDZ                                                                                                                                                                         amaphosa, who in all likeli-

Dineo Bendile
                                                                                                                                                                       R         hood will become the fourth
                                                                                                                                                                                 president of a democratic
                                                                                                                                                                                 South Africa in 2019, also
                                                                                                                                                                       has some reflection to do.
                                                                                                                                                                         Nelson Mandela’s favourite to
Tuesday’s blistering rebuke from                                                                                                                                       succeed him (put aside as a result
ANC Women’s League president                                                                                                                                           of party pressures to make Thabo
Bathabile Dlamini for the party not                                                                                                                                    Mbeki his deputy), Ramaphosa is
electing Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma                                                                                                                                        a seasoned trade unionist, chief
as president has been met with scep-                                                                                                                                   architect of the Constitution and
ticism — largely because of Dlamini’s                                                                                                                                  a negotiator turned businessman.
own track record on gender.                                                                                                                                            But he comes with his own baggage
  After Monday’s announcement                                                                                                                                          — the Marikana massacre in which
that Cyril Ramaphosa had been                                                                                                                                          34 striking miners were gunned
elected the ANC’s president, the                                                                                                                                       down at Lonmin Mines where he
women’s league did not hide its dis-                                                                                                                                   was a nonexecutive member of the
appointment during a press brief-                                                                                                                                      board, and leaked emails of alleged
ing on Tuesday afternoon at Nasrec,                                                                                                                                    inappropriate relationships with
Johannesburg.                                                                                                                                                          women students he is said to be
  Dlamini-Zuma was used by the                                                                                                                                         sponsoring.
men in the ANC to fulfil their own       Patriarchy rules: Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma did protest that she’s more than an ex-wife but she accepted and                       Much as the latter were probably
leadership ambitions, said the           used President Jacob Zuma’s endorsement of her for the ANC presidency. Photo: Gulshan Khan/AFP                                politically motivated, Ramaphosa
league.                                                                                                                                                                failed to use the platform to put for-
  “Men did not lift the candidate        questioned about its failure to sup-       But Dlamini’s own stances on gen-         address. The protesters silently stood   ward a clear agenda on appropriate
up, they used her as a ladder — that     port other women candidates such as      der have seen her accused of not fully      up in front of Zuma holding post-        conduct of powerful men towards
one we are not shy to say. They used     Lindiwe Sisulu and Baleka Mbete.         grasping the extent of patriarchy in        ers stating “Remember Khwezi”            less powerful women, the heart of
her as ladder for themselves. It’s our     But Dlamini defended the deci-         the party.                                  and “10 years later”. The protest-       the #MeToo campaign that has taken
demonstration to you, to say this is     sion, saying women were “not               She drew criticism when she failed        ers were referring to the trial where    the world by storm.
how patriarchy has reared its ugly       homogenous”.                             to take a firm stance against former        Zuma was accused of raping Fezekile        There are examples globally of new
head in our society,” said women’s         “An unfair question is coming out      higher education deputy minister            Kuzwayo. He was acquitted; she fled      age men presidents who have put
league spokesperson Toko Xasa.           … why didn’t we support comrade          Mduduzi Manana after he assaulted           the country.                             forward feminist agendas — Justin
  Shortly after the announcement of      Lindiwe. We don’t want to talk about     a woman in August.                             The incidents have seen Dlamini       Trudeau in Canada, for example.
Ramaphosa’s victory, Dlamini looked      the fact that all this time in the ANC     “I don’t want to be part of those         accused of defending men in the ANC      Amid the minefield that Ramaphosa
distressed when she marched out of       we have had women freely standing        games of saying ... [should] he resign      even to the detriment of women.          must walk to restore South Africa’s
the plenary hall, flanked by Small       for the position of president, so that   or not. Even in other parties there            In her address on Tuesday, how-       democratic values, there is an oppor-
Business Minister Lindiwe Zulu, who      is a nonissue, the issue is to try to    is sexual harassment and it’s not           ever, she said the ANC’s failure         tunity for the new ANC leader to go
was attempting to calm her.              push us into a corner and crush us,”     treated the way it’s treated in the         to elect Dlamini-Zuma was an exam-       beyond numbers in the ANC’s gender
  Th oug h Dlamini-Zu ma wa s            Dlamini said.                            ANC. And I refuse that this issue be        ple of patriarchy “rearing its ugly      equality agenda. With the new dep-
snubbed, three of the candidates who       Despite claiming to accept that        made a political tool. It’s not a politi-   head”.                                   uty president of the ANC (Mabuza)
had appeared on her slate made it        women were not “homogenous”, the         cal tool,” she said in an interview            She also said the ANC had regres-     also being a man, we seem to be fur-
to the top six: Mpumalanga Premier       women’s league lashed out at its for-    with the Sunday Times at the time.          sion on issues of gender parity. “The    ther than ever before from a woman
David Mabuza as deputy president,        mer president, Angie Motshekga, for        The league later released a state-        ANC indeed has regressed on the          president.
Free State Premier Ace Magashule as      allegedly organising pro-Ramaphosa       ment saying it would always stand           issue of women. As we celebrate the        Is it too much to hope, in the short
secretary general and Jessie Duarte      rallies under the women’s league         with victims of abuse regardless of         life of OR Tambo, who championed         term, for a feminist president who
as deputy secretary general.             banner.                                  who their abusers were.                     the emancipation of women, we can’t      will begin to get gender discourse
  Dlamini and the women’s league           Motshekga is believed to have been       In August last year Dlamini was           be proud of this outcome.”               back on course?
national executive committee (NEC)       a refuge for league members who          among a group of women ANC                      The women’s league said it would
had been accused of imposing             did not agree with the endorsement       leaders who were outraged by the            reflect on what had gone wrong in        Colleen Lowe Morna is chief
Dlamini-Zuma on league members.          of Dlamini-Zuma. Dlamini and her         “Remember Khwezi” protest at the            its strategy to deliver the ANC its      executive of Gender Links, a
Despite championing the need for         administration, however, accused         Independent Electoral Commission            first woman president and convene        nongovernmental organisation that
more representation of women in the      her of attempting to rule the organi-    results centre where President Jacob        a general congress according to its      promotes gender equality
national NEC, the league was also        sation from the grave.                   Zuma was delivering an elections            planned calendar.                        and justice
8 Mail & Guardian Special Edition December 20 2017

ANC National Conference

Bathabile beleaguers women
The Mail & Guardian’s
series of satirical
first-hand accounts
of the ANC’s national
conference through
the eyes of insiders
continues with
another delegate
update, this time
from ANC Women’s
League member
Rejoice Magashule
(no relation)
             Baba appears to be get-

U            ting a taste of his own
             bitter medicine. When
             the ANC electoral team
             announced that Cyril
Ramaphosa was the new president
of the party on Monday, the “outgo-
ing” president looked like he had just
received a load of curdled cupcake
icing in his mouth. Or maybe a set
of artistic nude pictures of departing
ANC secretary general, one Samson
Gwede Mantashe.
  Jacob Zuma struggled to swal-
low the outpouring. His lips pursed
upwards as if he had just sniffed an
unwashed pimp taking a shit in the
communal toilet of an overcrowded           No cry: Women’s league leader Bathabile Dlamini wouldn’t say whether she voted for David Mabuza or Lindiwe Sisulu. Photo: Oupa Nkosi
awaiting-trial jail cell. Gagging on
defeat’s bile must have caused his          found that his election as Free State       It’s been a tough time for women        who are prepared to speak about                                                                                                                I didn’t get any answers from
life, replete with prison bars, to          ANC chairperson was illegal because       at this conference. From being chat-      [Ramaphosa’s] history” as an alleged                                                                                                         Comrade President Head Girl of the
flash before his eyes faster than an        branches were being manipulated           ted up by leery stick insects with the    abuser of women to speak up. Bua,                                                                                                            Women’s League Bathabile Dlamini
Emirates A-380 plane.                       like an elastic band.                     tenderpreneur strain of kwashiorkor       sathane! Surprisingly, there were no                                                                                                         and Lumka “Mr T” Oliphant when
  Having stuck sour notes in peoples’          The NDZ lobbyists were sweating        — all red meat, single-malt whisky        smallanyana skeletons popping out                                                                                                            we caucused or during their news
mouths for so long, it’s no surprise        it out just before the election results   and no-exercise diets — to comrade        of the closet to scare the bejeezus out                                                                                                      conference the morning after the
that uBaba was hanging, white-              were announced. I had wandered            Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma losing out         of Cupcake before he was elected.                                                                                                            night before.
knuckled, on to the table until Ace         over to the KwaZulu-Natal section of      to Ramaphosa. We are not winning.           But I have been confused by                                                                                                                  In between ranting how the elec-
Magashule and DD Mabuza were                the conference hall to pick up a bless-     Apparently there is this thing called   the women’s league’s approach to                                                                                                             tion result — five out of the top six are
announced, respectively, as ANC sec-        ing when the ghostly features of pro-     “patriarchy” that is holding us back.     this election. Why did we wait for                                                                                                           men — was a defeat for women, she
retary general and deputy president.        vincial chairperson Sihle Zikalala and      I googled what it means in between      uBaba and DD to tell us to support                                                                                                           refused to answer a question about
  Ace will probably try to marshal the      provincial secretary Super Zuma “left     plenary sessions today, expecting         Dlamini-Zuma before deciding that                                                                                                            whether she had voted for DD or
new national executive committee to         me cold”.                                 to see a photograph of Comrade            we should? Why did we support                                                                                                                Sisulu.
stop any recall of Mkhandakhanda               uBaba’s tokoloshe was scratching       President of the ANC Women’s              Dlamini-Zuma for the presidency,                                                                                                               “The issue”, it would appear, was
and stymie attempts to clean up the         his bald pate, on the verge of tears,     League and Queen Regent of the            but not Lindiwe Sisulu for the deputy                                                                                                        the “unfair question being asked”:
party’s branches. Voting banks and          staring incomprehensibly at a piece       Nyaope-induced News Conference            presidency?                                                                                                                                  “That is a nonissue,” said Dlamini.
membership manipulation made the            of paper where he may, or may not,        Bathabile Dlamini.                          Poor Sis Sisulu had looked all lone-                                                                                                       “The issue is to push us in a corner,
ANC messier than the hourly rooms           have been scratching off the names          Apparently it actually means that       some on the dais where the national                                                                                                          the issue is to crush us … No, we are
at a Midrand brothel.                       of former friends. Super looked like a    the men have been back-alley bugger-      executive committee sit. This was                                                                                                            not going to allow that. That is an
  Ace is supposed to be mopping this        mere mortal without any of the pow-       ing us from even before uBaba’s ten-      even before the results confirmed                                                                                                            unfair question.”
up, but is more likely to add to the lit-   ers that allowed him, for a moment,       ure as president, for free no less.       that she was, indeed, alone.                                                                                                                   It’s answers like these that leave
ter mound with used condoms and             to erase former ANC treasurer gen-          I was expecting Ramaphosa to bow          If the women’s league had sup-                                                                                                             me with questions about feminism,
unused copies of Through the Eye of         eral Zweli Mkhize’s party member-         out of the race for the ANC presi-        ported her, she would be in line                                                                                                             patriarchy and how the fuck did we
the Needle.                                 ship and grow the ANC membership          dency after Dlamini had reportedly        to become the party’s first woman                                                                                                            end up with an idiot like Dlamini to
  After all, the courts have twice          as magically as Jack’s beanstalk.         intimated she would “call people          president.                                                                                                                                   lead our movement?

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          PREMIUM ONLINE CONTENT.                                                                                                          JZ’s free education plan
                                                                                                                                                   Proposals include:
                                                                                                                                                           Cut back on
                                                                                                                                                           social grants
                                                                                                                                                           Freeze roll-out
          TO SUBSCRIBE CONTACT US ON                                                                                                                       of RDP houses
                                                                                                                                                           Halve the
          Tel:   011 447 0696                                                                                                                              army’s budget
                                                                                                                                                           Increase VAT

          Email:                                                                                                                                           Page 5

          Fax:    086 582 8865                                                                                                           TIME IS n t on YOUR SIDE
                                                                                                                                         Tax season2017 deadline: 24 November
                                                                                                                                         Millions of South Africans have already said “Let’s do this” and done it. But there are still some who have not yet
                                                                                                                                         filed their 2017 tax returns. If you’re one of them, don’t forget that the deadline for non-provisional taxpayers is
                                                                                                                                         24 November and missing it will lead to penalties. Don’t get left behind. Time is running out. Tick, tick, tick.
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