And they called it puppy love - Look inside our February 2019 Issue for THON information, Hot Couples, D1 Commits, North Hills School District

Page created by Benjamin Frank
FEBRUARY 2019 Issue

The Arrowhead

            And they called it puppy love...
             Look inside our February 2019 Issue for THON
                 information, Hot Couples, D1 Commits,
             and much more to spice up your Valentine’s Day!
                                                        page 1
The Arrowhead

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR:                                                                                 ARROWHEAD STAFF
SHOW SOME LOVE THIS VALENTINE’S DAY!                                                                       Gianna DiPaolo
BY GIANNA DIPAOLO                                                                                           COPY EDITOR
                                              As the most romantic day of the year
                                              approaches, remember to spread the love a                      Jess Kappeler
                                              little more this year. This Valentine’s Day,
                                              make sure that you show yourself or that                     PHOTO EDITOR
                                              special someone as much love as you can                        Charlie Knox
                                              because a little goes a long way. This goes for
                                                                                                        SPORTS EDITORS
                                              everyone: singles, complicated, or taken.
                                                                                                 Sean Nolan, Joe Ryan, Joey Veneziale
                                                 For the single people this Valentine’s Day,
                                              treat yourself today because you deserve it. Go        NEWS/WEBSITE EDITOR
                                              buy the cute heart-shaped chocolates and roses            Sophia Yacoviello
                                              for yourself and take a nice, relaxing bath
                                              because you don’t need to love anyone but                  OPINIONS EDITOR
                                              yourself.                                                      Jake Yencik
                                                 For the people in a “complicated”
                                              relationship right now, take a breather and put             LAYOUT EDITOR
                                              the complications aside. Show that trouble-                  Rebekah Froehlich
                                              some person a little bit of love, and see where
                                              it goes. Keep in mind it’s a new year, so a lot       ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR
                                              can blossom with the time remaining!                        Darby Vojtko
         And finally, for the lucky ones with a lover, show them as much love as you can
because it’s your day to prosper. Show your girlfriend or boyfriend how important they            SEASONAL ENTERTAINMENT
are to you. Take them out to dinner or buy them a special little present. If you and your                  EDITOR
significant other aren’t as cliche, a simple compliment can go very far. My best advice,               Sarah Hershberger
make sure to say the “L” word a little extra today.
                                                                                                        PUBLIC RELATIONS
         Whether you’re single, complicated, or taken, the point is to show a little love
                                                                                                            Nina Topich
today. As little or as big, everything counts. With that, I hope everyone has an
unforgettable Valentine’s Day!
		                  All the love,                                                                             Mrs. Long
		Gianna DiPaolo
                                                                                                          Special Thanks To:
                                                                                                    Dr. Williams & The Copy Center
 FOLLOW US ON                                     For the latest news,                               The opinions expressed in this
                                                    check out our                                issue do not necessarily reflect that of
 SOCIAL MEDIA!                                          website:
                                                                                                the entire North Hills School District or
                                                                                                         ARROWHEAD staff.

                                                                     Have an opinion to share? Send us an
  @NHARROWHEAD                                                                                     email:

page 2
FEBRUARY 2019 Issue

                                                    told CNN he was trying to “use the drum, use
                                                    our prayer, and bring a balance, bring a calm-
                                                                                                                This is a clear display of white
                                                                                                         supremacy and racism in its most obvious
      On January 18, 2019, students from            ing to the situation,” which is obviously exactly    form. When looking at the history of
Covington Catholic School attended a “March         what happens in the video. Rather than respect       Covington Catholic, its conservative
for Life” anti-abortion rally in front of the       his culture and let the situation diffuse as it      beliefs shift into straight up hate and
Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.  At the        should have, the Covington Catholic School           disrespect. Valedictorian Christian Bales, an
same time, the Indigenous Peoples March took        boys started directly taunting Nathan Phil-          openly gay student, told NBC News he was
place in a nearby location. Nathan Phillips, a                                                           refused permission to give his graduation
Native American, U.S. Veteran, and attendee at                                                           speech. There is no explanation for this other
the Indigenous Peoples March ended up at the
                                                                                                         than the school’s homophobia, especially
center of intense political controversy shortly
                                                                                                         considering Christian’s impressive academic
after. How the following events unfolded
                                                                                                         achievements at Covington Catholic
is still not 100% clear, but a combination of
eyewitness accounts and video evidence have                                                              School. The situation at the Indigenous
helped to piece together a story of what exactly                                                         Peoples March is yet another example of the
took place.                                                                                              growing divide between American citizens
      During the March for Life rally, the                                                               due to racism. The Indigenous Peoples
Covington boys found themselves in a dispute                                                             March is meant to honor Indigenous People
with a group known as the Black Hebrew                                                  because they were here before us. White
Israelites, which can be confirmed by video         lips. In the video now seen by millions through      Europeans arrived here, took their land,
evidence. Nathan Phillips got involved in this,     social media, the group of Catholic school kids      commited genocide, and saw no issue with
which he described as an “ugly situation,” as       can be seen sporting MAGA hats, mocking              it. Now hundreds of years later during a
he decided to try to keep peace between the         the Native American prayers, yelling “build          march meant to honor those people, this
two groups and prevent a larger fight unfold-       the wall!” and more. Do they understand that         disgusting display of hatred takes place.
ing. This is when the cameras start rolling and     NATIVE Americans aren’t immigrants?

where the viral videos fit into context. Phillips

                                                                                                         Users on Twitter and Instagram have been
                                                                                                         quick to make fun of Blueface and base memes
                                                                                                         off of him, as they do with many new rising
                                                                                                         artists. Some of these memes (which can be,
 BY JAKE YENCIK                                     songs, specifically the track “Respect My            admittedly, very funny) say things like “he
                                                    Crypn.” Many assume that the name ‘Blue-             sounds like Courage the Cowardly Dog” or
    A new face in rap music has been getting
                                                    face” is related to blue being the color of the      “he’s playing hide and seek with the beat.” As
tons of attention from listeners across the
                                                    Crips, but he stated himself in an interview         fun as it might be to poke fun of his unortho-
world, and this artist is Jonathan Porter, AKA
                                                    with Genius that this is not the reasoning for       dox rhyming style, it’s no secret that there is
Blueface. Since Blueface released his track
                                                    his name.                                            still very much praise for his music. His most
“Respect My Crypn” in October of 2018, he’s
                                                        After listening to his songs, it’s easy to see   popular track “Bleed it” has 30 million You-
become a viral internet meme and received
                                                    why Blueface receives so much criticism. His         Tube views and 505,000 likes. Whether you
very much attention. Although a lot of this
                                                    flow is very unorthodox and noticeably differ-       like him or not, Blueface is here to stay, and
attention comes in the form of being made
                                                    ent from his soundcloud rap counterparts. He         as far as we know, he could end up setting the
fun of across many social media platforms,
                                                    likes to add in syllables that seemingly             tone for the future of rap music.
much of this attention is also praise. Some
                                                    wouldn’t fit and this leads to him fluctuating
bigger names in hip hop music who have even
                                                    his words with the beat, as well as fitting in
expressed a genuine liking for Blueface’s
                                                    his common adlibs “yeah ight” and “blueface
music are Drake, Quavo, Kendrick Lamar, and
                                                    baby.” He has a signature high-pitched voice
Ice Cube. Blueface has also recently signed to
                                                    which changes pitch so dramatically that it
Birdman’s record label, Cash Money West.
                                                    sounds like his voice is almost cracking. Many
    Before the face tats and internet fame,
                                                    could mistake this unique flow and style for
Blueface was the star quarterback of his high
                                                    a lack of ability, but Blueface has stated in
school football team. His football highlights
                                                    interviews that he’s aware of how “weird” his
can still be found with a YouTube search, as
                                                    rapping might sound to a new listener. It’s
well as team photos showing a young Blueface
                                                    certainly a bit of an acquired taste. Hip hop
before he got any tattoos. He graduated in
                                                    icon Ice Cube from N.W.A. shared his thoughts
2015 from Golden Valley High School in Santa
                                                    in a reaction video to a Blueface song. Upon
Clarita, CA. At some point during these years
                                                    hearing the Blueface flow, Ice Cube stated, “It’s
of his life, Blueface became affiliated with the
                                                    not off-beat; he’s falling off and falling back
Crips gang in California.  His gang affiliation
                                                    on, you know. It’s one of those styles that’s an
has become a common topic of many of his
                                                    acquired taste.”                                     XXL Magazine                         page 3
The Arrowhead

  Valentine's Day: A Rant                                                               Valentine's Day:
                                                                                  An Alternative Rant
BY CHIARA OCASIO                                                         BY JESS KAPPELER
    Valentine’s Day is a day full                                           We live in the era where you can’t go the first 13 days of February without seeing
of love. You either love it or                                           “repost if you’re spending Valentine’s Day alone :,(” on the Snapchat story of every
hate it. Let’s be real, most girls                                       single 13-year-old you know (and those much older than 13, unfortunately). And
probably have unrealistic ex-                                            besides the fact that your need to project your singleness is probably a huge factor
pectations. If you use the phrase,                                       as to why you ARE single… there are a few other issues I have with this “lonely on
“Love is in the air,” you’re doing                                       Valentine’s Day” mentality.
too much. Girls are most likely                           expecting          For starters, Valentine’s Day is all about love, sure, but—and I can not stress
                                                                         this enough— THERE ARE OTHER FORMS OF LOVE BESIDES ROMANTIC
a massive bouquet of flowers, a                giant teddy bear (if
                                                                         LOVE. It’s not “boyfriend/girlfriend day,” and why people have decided that the
they don’t already have one), a box of chocolates, and for their
                                                                         holiday is only for people who fit this criteria is beyond me. Love your friends?
lover to pay for their overpriced dinner at The Cheesecake
                                                                         Take an extra second to remind them how much you appreciate them. Love your
Factory.                                                                 grandma? Get her a nice card to add to her refrigerator collection. And if you’re
    For those who have not one care for this day full of love, their     feeling especially generous, find a little gift to give to someone you care about. The
day will probably go something like this: They’ll probably want          opportunities are endless.
to spray Febreeze every time someone says, “Love is in the air”             If you’re one to sulk on your Snapchat story about the status of your non-existent
to get the love to go away. The only thing they’ll look forward to       love life, let’s all keep in mind that in the grand scheme of things, there are a lot more
are those heart-shaped lollipops people give out. They’ll probably       single people than there are taken- at least at our age. So while it might be fun for
give all those couples kissing in the hallways the dirtiest of looks.    you to annoy us all with your dramatic social media rants, we’re really all just lonely
The best thing that will happen to them is figuring out that they        together. And if seeing happy couples on Valentine’s Day (who, might I add, exist
passed a test they could’ve sworn they bombed. The night will            every other day of the year) upsets you that much and makes you feel THAT lonely,
end with them sitting in bed, probably with a facemask on, look-         you’ve got some separate issues.
ing through all the pictures of people and their significant others         All in all, let’s stop using Valentine’s
on Instagram.                                                            Day as a day to feel bad for ourselves
     For those hopeless romantics, this is the absolute worst day.       and
All they want is someone’s love and attention, but the most they’ll      extend the love in our hearts to those
                                                                         who don’t always get recognized. A
get is a lollipop. They probably have a secret crush they will never
                                                                         small gift or even just a word of encour-
admit to. Seeing their crush in the halls will make them melt even
                                                                         agement goes a long way. And please,
if they don’t speak a word to each other. Their night will probably
                                                                         for the love of God, stop posting about
end much like those who don’t care for the holiday although they         your singleness on every form of social
might have sad music blasting to drown out their loneliness.             media you have...we get it.

Give Me Junk Food or Give Me Death
                                                                         most holidays still have candy and baked goods. However, there are many
   When thinking back to elementary school, one of the most fun
                                                                         concerned parents who are looking to tighten the specifications even further,
activities had to be the holiday parties. Halloween, Christmas, and
                                                                         or even eradicate the food altogether.
even Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day were not complete with-
                                                                            There is no problem with children bringing in foods for holidays and birth-
out a whole (or at least half) day with no work and only celebration.
                                                                         days that are high in fat, sugar, or high fructose corn syrup. Why? Because
And what was the best thing about those parties? The food! And
                                                                         they’re kids. Parents are worried that their children are going to become
what was the best food? Candy, cupcakes, and occasionally brown-
                                                                         unhealthy from these rare occasions they can enjoy a snack at school. But
ies. Now school board mongrels are trying to take those delights
                                                                         how many of these kids go home and have chips, candy, or anything made
away from children. This is nothing less than an outrage. If there are
                                                                         by Little Debbie for an after-school snack? If parents are teaching their kids
no heart-shaped lollipops in elementary schools across the country
                                                                         how to lead a healthy life, then a few days of junk won’t hurt anybody. The
on Valentine’s Day, is it even Valentine’s Day?
                                                                         school has already made some school lunches practically unbearable with
    On the North Hills School District Website, in refer-      ence to
                                                                               healthy specifications. Don’t take away the happiness at parties, too. It’s
elementary student birthdays, a paragraph reads, “North
                                                                                                    tiring to hear about so many problems that aren’t even
Hills School District and our families can provide
                                                                                                   problems at all. What kid doesn’t deserve a cookie a
snacks to our elementary students that offer the nutri-
                                                                                                   couple times a month?
tional benefits of being lower in fat and calories than
                                                                                                       Some of the best memories I have from elementary
comparable products, while also meeting the criteria of
                                                                                                  school are when I was passing out cupcakes for my
our wellness program.” This wellness criteria carries
                                                                                                  birthday that I worked hard to make or getting a val-
over to holiday parties. These alternative snacks that
                                                                                                 entine from my crush with a piece of candy attached.
parents can choose to purchase from the schools in-
                                                                                                 Taking food out of the holidays takes the fun out of
clude: ice cream bars, ice cream cups, juice and water
                                                                                                them, in some ways. It definitely takes the fun out of
(??). After speaking with my brother, who is in 2nd
                                                                                                birthdays. Being line leader is in no way comparable to
grade at West View Elementary, it has come to my
                                                                                                passing out a snack that gets everyone out of work for at
attention that these parameters are loosely followed.
Yes, families choose these alternatives to buy for birthdays, but                              least 20 minutes. Let kids be kids. Let kids eat junk food.
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FEBRUARY 2019 Issue

Red Flags Through Rose-Colored
Lenses                                               BY: LILLITH BROTHERS

     Ok listen, I know you’re sick of this topic. You’ve heard
the arguments a hundred times. Valentine’s sucks! Valentines
                                                                         ment are the signs they list
                                                                         for good communication.
is great! Whatever. That’s not quite what this article is about               Now that you’ve been
(Sorry!), but it needed to at least sound relevant so I could write      lectured on all that, can
about it. I may be sick of Valentine’s debates, but the holiday          you recognize if your relationship (if you’re in one) is healthy? If it’s not,
sparks some needed conversations. Like unhealthy relationships,          what do you do? Talk to your partner about it! (Duh.) But if trying to fix
loneliness, depression, the idealization of romance in our culture,      it doesn’t help and your partner intimidates you, threatens you, or makes
and all that jazz, baby!                                                 you do things you don’t want to do, it may be abusive. And you’re not
    There’s a pressure on teens to be in a relationships, which          alone. The Office of Adolescent Health says one in three teens who date
pressures teens into, you know, bad relationships. A lot of the          experience emotional abuse and one in ten report being physically hurt by
time people who are in bad relationships don’t realize anything          their partner. If you think your relationship is abusive, please reach out to
is wrong. Planned Parenthood lists the most important qualities          someone, get a support system, and care for yourself.
of a relationship as respect, trust, honesty, equality, and good              The take away from all this: you don’t need an “other half.” You are
communication. So, the basic paraphrased rundown of what this            a whole person-- a changing and evolving one, maybe, but whole. Your
organization defines as healthy: Respect in a relationship shows         partner is supposed to make you feel good and help you grow as a person.
when you listen to each other and treat each other kindly. Good          Some people may think being in an unhealthy relationship is better than
trust in a relationship is when you feel secure in your relation-        being alone, but it’s not. If your partner has consistently hurt you, then you
ship, even while apart, and have faith in your partner. Honesty          might be better alone. You have all of the rest of your life to find someone
means that both parties are able to openly talk about their feel-        you love (if you even want to!), so getting stuck in something that leaves
ings, are comfortable telling the truth, and able to admit when          lasting psychological damage just isn’t worth it. You, though, are worth it!
they are wrong. Equality takes place when you and your partner           Treat yourself with love. If this Valentine’s or any ordinary day makes you
compromise, give and take equally, share making decisions, and           feel like you have to be in a relationship, just know that that is straight up
consider each other’s feelings when making decisions. Being              dumb, dude. Valentine’s Day doesn’t matter. If you have someone and love
able to talk about your feelings openly with each other, disagree        them, good for you! Don’t make anyone feel bad that they don’t. Take care
about things without being disrespectful, and listen without judg-       of yourself this season, and don’t feel like you need to be with someone to
                                                                         be someone.

Social Media: Time Well Spent?
   BY: MADINA SOBIRJONOVA                            the possibility of forming an addiction. This
                                                                                                           see a movie with friends, there’s a chance that
                                                                                                           the group is using their phones while waiting for
                                                                                                           the film to begin. The few minutes before are
        In this digitally-centered era, social me-   not only changes the way a person functions,          moments used to capture a photo with everyone
dia is used by majority of the population. You       but it also increases the screen time spent on        and share it on some platform. With the the pic-
can’t avoid it: whether it’s Instagram, Twitter,     one’s device. With their recent update, Apple’s       tures captured, it has to be that everyone looks
or Snapchat, it’s an everyday tool. A major com-     “screentime” function provides a user with the        perfect or it isn’t posted. It has become a place
pany can use it to promote their products, while     amount of time spent on their device and also         for people to obsess over self image. Some de-
a regular user simply shares a photo. It’s a big     breaks down the specific apps used in that time       cide to facetune their photos to the point where
part of today’s society and allows for people to     period. It was evident that adolescents spend a       it looks completely different from the original.
connect worldwide. However, some form an             daily average of seven hours on their devices.        At a certain point, this constant want to pres-
addiction, to the point where they can’t go by       Many of them, mostly teenagers, used that time        ent one’s best self on the Internet becomes
without checking it constantly. Even in the halls    on social media. According to Mediakix, 50%           unhealthy. It’s okay to present one’s best self,
of North Hills, you see students on their phones     of regular phone users did in fact check their        but there should be a limit of what it takes to
checking up their feeds and keeping their eyes       phone for social media reasons, as in checking        achieve it.
glued to the screen. Not only does this start the    their notifications or replying back to someone.          To conclude, social media shouldn’t be taken
addiction to form, but it also increases an in-           Even though social media connects people,        so seriously that it becomes an addiction. In-
dividual’s daily screen time. Social media has       it reduces the time people spend face-to-face.        stead, an individual should try to reduce their
become a global addiction during this revolu-        When people do meet, it’s documented on their         time spent on it. If you’re the type to check your
tionizing time of technology.                        social media platforms. During a party or a           phone every few minutes, try to distract your
      To begin, a social media addiction is when     simple get together, people always have their         mind from it. Try talking with the people around
an individual uses it excessively, to the point      phones out to record a Snap or take a picture to      you or get some work done. It’s okay to check it
that it affects his or her everyday life. Mediakix   post later on. They don’t meet up without hav-        a few times a day, but shorten the time spent on
has found that 3.1 billion people have registered    ing to check their phones several times during        social media platforms little by little. If your life
social media accounts as of 2018. This is about      it; it’s almost as if they need to share it instead   flashed before your eyes, how much of it would
one-third of the world’s population that have        of actually being there. For example, if you go       be spent staring at a screen?
                                                                                                                                                    page 5
The Arrowhead


         Name: Joe Veneziale
         Nicknames: Meatball, Spider,
         Shins, Veneziale Banger
         Grade: 12
         Elementary school: West


         Favorite movie: The Blind
         Food court go-to: Sarku Japan
         First song you play on the
         aux: “I Will Survive” by Gloria
         Pet peeves: Kids walking slow
         in the halls
         Expected GPA for this
         semester: 3.7
         Funniest high school
         memory: Food Fight in 10th

         Name: Sophia Yacoviello              Name: Charlie Knox
         Nicknames: Sophie, Phia              Nicknames: Chucky-Dub,
         Grade: 11                            Captain Denny
         Elementary school: Ross              Grade: 12
                                              Elementary school: Ross
         Favorite movie: White Chicks
                                              Favorite movie: The Lion King
         Food court go-to: Chick-fil-A
                                              Food court go-to: Five Guys
         First song you play on the
                                              First song you play on the aux:
         aux: “Startender” by A Boogie
                                              “Jump” by Van Halen
         Wit da Hoodie ft. Offset and
                                              Pet peeves: When you’re just
         Pet peeves: people who chew
         with their mouths open, slow
                                              Expected GPA for this
         walkers                              semester: I’m a second semester
         Expected GPA for this                senior. Who cares.
         semester: 3.8 (hopefully)            Funniest high school
         Funniest high school                 memory: Cooking mac ‘n cheese
         memory: my grades                    in my Disney hotel room
         sophomore year

         Name: Joseph Ryan                      Name: Nina Topich
         Nicknames: Joe, Crippled, Limp         Nicknames: Nin, Ninerz
         Grade: 12                              Grade: 11
         Elementary school: THE Saint           Elementary school: the GOAT
         Sebastian School                       McIntyre Elementary
         Favorite movie: Stepbrothers           Favorite movie: Movies are
         Food court go-to: 5 Guys Burger        overrated- I only watch Friends
         & Fries                                Food court go-to: Chick-fil-A
         First song you play on the aux:        First song you play on the aux:
         “100 Shots” or “Baller Alert” by       “Back Up” by DeJ Loaf
         Young Dolph                            Pet peeves: people who don’t
         Pet peeves: Loud chewers, weak         have white Yetis, being left on
                                                read, when people don’t kiss the
         people, prima donnas, people
                                                ground I walk on
         who don’t lift, short people,
                                                Expected GPA for this semes-
         people who fake injuries, obnox-       ter: 3.5 - set your expectations
         iousness, Nancy Pelosi                 low so you can exceed them
         Expected GPA for this                  Funniest high school memory:
         semester: .5                           anything that involves Sydney,
         Funniest high school memory:           Lexie, Kayla, and I being
         Food fights sophomore year             together
page 6
FEBRUARY 2019 Issue

                                                           Name: Alyssa Aguglia
The spring semester                                        Nickname: Lyss
                                                           Grade: 12

Arrowhead Staff has already                                Elementary school: West
                                                           View and Ross
                                                           Favorite movie: The Perks of
been hustling to bring you the                             Being a Wallflower
                                                           Food court go-to: Chick-fil-A
                                                           First song you play on the
most relevant news at North                                aux: “Countdown” by

Hills. Read on to learn more                               Pet peeves: when people stop
                                                           walking in the middle of the
about the brains behind our                                Expected GPA for this
                                                           semester: 4.0

operation!                                                 Funniest high school
                                                           memory: driving a cop car
               Name: Lillith Brothers
               Nicknames: I respond to pretty
               much anything?
                                                         Name: Danny Ritchey
               Grade: 10
               Elementary school: Carnegie and
                                                         Nicknames: Dritch, Ritchey,
               Ross!                                     Curly, Curls
               Favorite movie: Oh geez don’t make        Grade: 12
               me choose :(                              Elementary school: McIntyre
               Food court go-to: China Max is            Elementary
               my home base, baby!!! Love those          Favorite movie: Forrest Gump
               noodles.                                  Food court go-to: Five Guys
               First song you play on the aux: I
                                                         First song you play on the aux:
               just spend the whole car ride trying
               to choose a song. I’m not allowed to
                                                         “In the Air Tonight” -Phil Collins
               have the aux anymore.                     Pet peeves: People who try to
               Pet peeves: People saying Lilly           talk over people
               because I always think they mean          Expected GPA for this semester:
               me, but it’s normally Lilly Roll. I’ve    3.5
               only been in one class with her and       Funniest high school memory:
               it’s only been like a day but I’m going   When Jordan Albright threw
               crazy. Sorry, Lilly.
                                                         Garret Barto through a table
               Expected GPA for this semester:
               Like. 0. Can you get a 0 GPA? I can       before basketball practice
               be the first and fail for research.

               Name: Jacob Stuckert                       Name: Angelina Asturi
               Nicknames: Stuck/Young Tiger               Nickname: Ang
               Woods                                      Grade: 11
               Grade: 12                                  Elementary school: Ross
                                                          Favorite movie: A Cinderella Story
               Elementary school: McIntyre
                                                          or To All The Boys I’ve Ever Loved
               Favorite movie: Happy Gilmore              Food court go-to: Panera or Sarku
               Food court go-to: Five Guys                Japan
               First song you play on the                 First song you play on the aux:
               aux: Any 21 savage or Trippie              “Wake Up in The Sky” by Gucci
               redd                                       Mane, Bruno Mars, and Kodak
               Pet peeves: People who don’t               Black
               like golfers or Vineyard Vines             Pet peeves: Talking over someone
               Expected GPA for this semes-               else, people taking advantage of
               ter: 5.0                                   others, ridged nails, filthy glasses,
               Funniest high school memo-
                                                          Expected GPA for this semester:
               ry: Officer Lawrence yelling at            3.6-3.8
               the basketball team for having             Funniest high school memory:
               a snowball fight in the park-              Tripping in the middle of the street
               ing lot before a after school              while I was walking to the bus stop
               practice                                   my sophomore year.
                                                                                      page 7
The Arrowhead

                                                Name: Josh Selzer
                                                Nickname: Selzy
                                                Grade: 12
                                                Elementary school: Highcliff
                                                Favorite movie: Mission
                                                Impossible: Fallout
                                                Food court go-to: China Max
                                                First song you play on the
                                                aux: “Feel Invincible”
                                                Pet peeves: People who can’t
                                                take a hint
                                                Expected GPA for this
                                                semester: 3.7
                                                Funniest high school
                                                memory: Being in small
                                                films for my friend’s film
                                                class sophomore year

         Name: Joshua Begler
         Nicknames: Josh, Joshy, Jontch,        Name: Madina Sobirjonova
         Bosh, J-man                            Grade: 11
         Grade: 11
         Elementary school: West View
                                                Elementary school: McIntyre
         Favorite movie: Scott Pilgrim Vs.      Elementary
         The World                              Favorite movie: Ocean’s 8
         Food court go-to: Panera or Villa      Food court go-to: Chick-fil-A
         Fresh Italian Kitchen                  First song you play on the
         First song you play on the aux:        aux: “Goodnight and Go” by
         “Super Rich Kids” by Frank Ocean
         and Earl Sweatshirt
                                                Ariana Grande
         Pet peeves: People who respond         Pet peeves: People who chew
         to my sarcastic joke by pretending     with their mouth open and
         they don’t realize it’s a joke and     people who bite their nails
         responding to it bitterly, and then    Expected GPA for this se-
         when I clarify that I’m joking, sud-
                                                mester: 3.8
         denly THEY’RE also joking. Just
         laugh at my joke                       Funniest high school memo-
         Expected GPA for this semester:        ry: When Nick Colletti tweet-
         3.8                                    ed at me

                                                 Name: Lilly Roll
                                                 Nickname: L-Rolio
                                                 Grade: 12
         Name: Rachel Lewandowski                Elementary school: Ross
         Nicknames: Rach, Wrinkle                Elementary
         Grade: 11                               Favorite movie: Thor:
         Elementary school: West                 Ragnarok
         View                                    Food court go-to: Panera
         Favorite movie: Mr. Popper’s            First song you play on the
         Penguins                                aux: Anything by Ariana
         Food court go-to: Charley’s             Grande
         First song you play on the              Pet peeves: People who chew
         aux: Any Childish Gambino or            with their mouth open
         Amine                                   Expected GPA for this semes-
         Pet peeves: People chewing              ter: 3.2
         with their mouths open &                Funniest high school memo-
         chewing noises in general               ry: Honestly, I have so many
         Expected GPA for this                   good memories, I can’t commit
                                                 to just one.
         semester: 3.3

page 8
FEBRUARY 2019 Issue

 ARTIST SPOTLIGHT: New Season, New Faces
                                        BY CHIARA OCASIO
                                           New seasons call for many new beginnings: new members, styles, and even
                                        coaches. This season, North Hills Cheerleading is very excited to introduce
Grade: 11                               their new Head Coach, Tracy Indof.
                                             This isn’t Mrs. Indof’s first rodeo with cheerleading. She started coach-
Art Classes Taken Here                  ing at the age of fourteen. She coached elementary, middle school, and high
at NH: Studio Art 1 and                 school cheer before opening her own all-star cheer gym, Pittsburgh Poison, in
2, Pottery 1, AP Art                    2003. This year, however, she has taken on two more coaching roles as North
                                        Hills Head Coach and at the University Of Pittsburgh as Assistant Cheer
Other Extracurricular Activities/       and Dance Coach. She previously worked for many years with Elite Cheer
Clubs: French National Honors           Camps. She was a three year UCA instructor and judged for a variety of cheer
Society, French Club, Marching Band     and dance competitions.
                                             Indof is very happy to be back at North Hills because these are her old
                                        stomping grounds. She cheered at North Hills from 10th-12th grade and at
Favorite Art-Related Opportunity
                                        the University of Pittsburgh for four years. She held a two-year captain title
You Have at North Hills: ARts Alive
                                        in both programs. At North Hills, she has created goals of making a great
(it’s lit)
                                        game day atmosphere, building a top-of-the-line program for both sideline
                                        and competitive cheer, creating respect for cheerleading in the North Hills
What art classes would you
                                        community, and having the girls develop skills for success in and out of cheer.
recommend to someone who would
                                           Indof’’s inspiration for coaching comes from her mother, who was the coach
           like to venture into the
                                        at her elementary school. Her mother asked Tracy to help her coach to keep
           art world for the first      up on her skills and fill a void, since she was unable to cheer her freshman year
           time? Studio Art 1 and       due to not yet living in the district during the time of tryouts. This time in her
           Photo 1                      life is when she found her true passion for coaching. Through coaching, Ind-
                                        of has won many national titles along with two-time American Cheer Pow-
              Are you looking to        er Coaching Staff of the year, 15 Worlds Medals, 2015, 2017, and 2018 World
              pursue art after High     Champion, and many others. From all these titles, it is quite clear that she is
School? If so, in what field?           pretty great!
Yes. Probably graphic design or if           Through her 24 years of coaching, Tracy has had many amazing experi-
I’m feeling it, maybe embroidery and    ences. Her favorite thing is seeing all her work come alive on the competition
textiles.                               floor. Her weirdest moment is when one time her team was waiting to take
                                        the floor and a competitor just started peeing her pants. Tracy’s whole life isn’t
If yes, did NH help you solidify that   just coaching, however. Outside of the cheer and dance world, she is married
decision? Yes, definitely.              to Ross Indof and has two
                                        kids: Reese (9) and Tyler
Do you feel like North Hills            (7). She enjoys eating out
prepares you for your art endeav-       and attending Broadway
ors after high school? Yeah, Mr.        shows with her husband.
Simon is cool and helps me a lot.       Tracy also likes going to Ve-
                                        gas, but not for gambling;
Most Influential Teacher:               she simply just likes the
Mr. Hillegas is a god.                  scenery and atmosphere.
                                        Lastly, she enjoys attend-
What’s the thing you love most          ing her kids’ events and just
about your art?                         hanging out with family and
I like making art                       friends.
because it’s                                Advice she has to all her
something that is                       cheerleaders and dancers
independent and                         is, “Be prepared, listen well,
gets to be                              and always give your all. If
personal to me.                         you follow these three sim-
                                        ples steps, you will be able
                                        to find success in everything
                                        you do!”
                                                                      photo courtesy of Tracy Indof             page 9
The Arrowhead

       The time has come when THON is right around the corner, and
everyone’s invited. This year, Student Council and Hands for Service
                                                                                                                      BY GIANNA DiPAOLO
                                                                                 Not only is THON a memorable and fun time for everyone, it also sup-
                                                                           ports charities around Pittsburgh, such as Make-A-Wish and Children’s Hospital
students are taking THON to the next level and incorporating middle        Foundation. These two foundations do a considerable amount for sick children
school and community members into the fun.                                 around Pittsburgh, and the donations for THON only help them further.
       On March 1st, we are proud to announce that a THON Jr. will              THON’s objective is to raise money for these charities and provide for the
be held for the middle school students from 7-10p.m. Middle school         children who haven’t had the luxuries we’ve had. Every year the amount of
students will be able to dance the night away for a good cause and         money raised grants children who are longing for a memorable experience that
get themselves ready to move up to the high school THON! Follow-           opportunity, and we want to continue to help even more this year.
ing THON Jr., Student Council and Hands for Service are hosting a             That being said, we encourage everyone to spread the word and bring a friend
community THON on March 2nd from 12-3 so people throughout the             to THON this year because you’d be helping a tremendous amount! If you have
North Hills community can come and support a great cause. Later that       any further questions about the dance marathon, contact Mrs. DiPasquale or
night, the high school dance marathon will be held from 5-11 in the        Mrs. Patsilevas accordingly. We hope to see you there!

middle school gymnasiums!

BY SEAN NOLAN                                        surgeries and spinal taps, where they would in-
      Why is THON important? Why are those           ject chemo into my spine. As horrible as I felt
six hours on a Saturday in March so meaningful?      physically in that place, it is the reason I am
Because for those 360 minutes, we can all forget     here today. There is not a single bad thing I
about our troubles. We can overlook our next         could say about Children’s. The staff is amaz-
English essay or the petty fights with our friends   ing. Nurses, doctors, and child life are there
and focus on those who aren’t as fortunate as us.    to make you feel better. They are so under-
The purpose of THON is “For the Kids.” We            standing and want to help you. I have become
dance and raise money for those kids who don’t       so extremely close with a lot of the employees
get to go to school every day. Instead of worry-     at the hospital.   Many of my nurses came to
ing about their math homework and just getting       see our school’s musical last spring, and I am
through high school, they’re focusing on waking      even singing at one of my nurse’s weddings in
up each day and undergoing cancer treatments         July. Even Arlyn, the housekeeper, made a dif-
or preparing for their open-heart surgery. That’s    ference in my life. He would draw me pictures
why it’s important. We’re raising money for the      of Kermit and just come into my room to chill
kids lying in hospital beds at Children’s Hospital   with me, talking about basketball or shoes.
of Pittsburgh or getting ready to meet Justin Bie-   They are so caring at Children’s. Through your
ber on their Make a Wish.  I have been blessed to    donations and funds raised at THON, you will
                                                     be making these kids’ serious health journeys a      into right now. He also took pictures with us and
be closely affiliated with both of these amazing                                                          signed our merchandise, including a custom “The
foundations. That’s why THON is important to         lot more bearable. Their child life program works
                                                     to bring fun to those four-walled hospital rooms,    Cutch” 22 Giants jersey that he gifted me. It was
me.                                                                                                       an experience unlike any other. I am so thankful
     During my sophomore year, I was diagnosed       brightening up your day by playing games. Art
                                                     and music therapy are also crucial at the hospi-     to have had this opportunity to fly out and meet
with Burkitt’s Lymphoma. Cancer. I stayed in                                                              my favorite athlete.  Make-a-Wish gives kids with
Children’s Hospital many nights, sometimes for       tal. I spent a lot of time at the hospital singing
                                                     with the music therapists and playing the piano      tough battles the chance to just enjoy themselves.
as long as two weeks at a time. I would lie in                                                            They can forget about their own respective fights
my bed, receiving chemotherapy and undergoing        and ukulele. The employees are so understand-
                                                     ing and want to make this battle more bearable.      and have fun with their families.   Make-a-Wish
                                                     Nobody wants to end up at Children’s Hospital,       works to make all wishes come true.  My friend
                                                     but if you’re like me and end up there, you are so   Emma met Justin Bieber on his “Purpose” tour.
                                                     grateful to have such an amazing hospital in our     My buddy Austin is going to Hawaii with his fam-
                                                     own backyard.                                        ily.  Make-a-Wish gives kids, despite what they’re
                                                         The other half of the money we collect goes to   going through, the chance to be kids.
                                                     the Make-a-Wish Foundation.  This non-profit or-             So THON is more than just dancing and
                                                     ganization arranges experiences called “wishes”      hanging out. It’s more than just another dance.
                                                     to kids battling critical illnesses. I was blessed   THON has a purpose and we have a purpose. We
                                                     to have received a Wish. In August, my family        are so fortunate to wake up in our own beds and
                                                     and I traveled to San Francisco to meet former       get ready for school. As much as we hate to hear
                                                     Pirates outfielder Andrew McCutchen.  We spent       that alarm blaring at 6 a.m., we need to seize the
                                                     four days out in California, sightseeing, visiting   opportunity at hand.  We need to fight for those
                                                     the aquarium, walking around downtown, and           who can’t. We need to use our abilities and bless-
                                                     talking with #22. He was such a genuine person.      ings to raise money for those who can’t dance
                                                     We stood on the field for an hour and hung out       for themselves. “We dance for hope, for a cure,
                                                     with Cutch. He told us about his son, his favor-     for courage, wisdom, honesty, and strength. We
                                                     ite baseball moments, and which video game he’s      dance for those who cannot.” That is why THON
                                                                                                          is important.
page 10
FEBRUARY 2019 Issue

A Star is Born
           With the Oscars around the corner,
it seems everyone is abuzz with talk of
                                                   own music and led the creative process rather
                                                                                                                    BY MARIA KRESEN

                                                                                                        quarter-century have succumbed to drugs
                                                   than following that of an overpaid producer.         and depression- Soundgarden frontman Chris
frontrunner A Star is Born. The film dissects      Jackson’s fictional timeline suggests he rose        Cornell committed suicide in 2017, 23 years
timeless yet modern themes set against the         to fame in the 1990s, which ushered in a re-         after Kurt Cobain did the same. Anthony
backdrop of a love story.                          surgence of rock music into the mainstream.          Kiedis wrote “Under the Bridge” about his
           Bradley Cooper’s first venture into     Soundgarden, Nirvana, and the Red Hot                struggle with narcotics. Talented musicians
directing is bold, beautiful, and honest. The      Chili Peppers were playing on main radio             are often most susceptible to the world of
fourth cinematic rendition of the classic story    stations across America, not just alternative        drug abuse. Even after going through reha-
originating in 1937 follows aspiring starlet       radio. It was what teenagers listened to and         bilitation to save his marriage to the clean
Ally and seasoned Jackson Maine. The story         adults hated. It wasn’t about hitting your ear       Ally, Jackson struggles with the trials of a
reminds each and every viewer of the feeling       in a pleasing manner; its goal was to reach          damaged person who found solace in self-
when you’re first appreciated, both for your       every part of yourself in a way “Thank U,            harm.
talents and raw self. The love story that en-      Next” simply can’t.                                             Bradley Cooper’s A Star is Born is
sues after Jackson comes across Ally singing                  It’s true that Ally’s (Gaga’s) talent     brutally honest, beautifully done, and utterly
in a real-life drag bar is wrapped in a myriad     transcends through her pop songs later on the        romantic in all the right ways. Behind talent
of issues concerning fame, drugs, alcohol,         album after her creative process is hijacked         there is struggle, and even in struggle we can
and selfish outsiders. The core of the story is,   by producer Rez, but it’s her earlier songs          find love.
however, that love can transcend all social        with Jackson (“Shallow,” “Look What I’ve
classes, addictions, and mental illnesses. It      Found”) that are the most memorable.
may not be a universal cure, but love makes                   However, Jackson’s side of the
a star out of any ambitious human being.           story is far more tragic than his young coun-
           A Star is Born teaches us the           terpart’s. As he falls, she rises. The music
mainstream of music is a waste of talent and       industry is plagued with drugs and alcohol.
leaves little to no room for the creative pro-     The nature of the industry steeped in party-
cess. Real musicians have been replaced with       ing and celebrities having unlimited access
conformist pop stars more noticed for their        to cocaine, pills, acid, and alcohol only sets
bedazzled performance-wear and reliance on         up those entering it young (men like Jackson
a synthesized beat than old-school Clapton         with childhood traumas) for tragedy. Some
and Corgan-esque musicians who wrote their         of the most talented musicians of the last                                           Warner Bros. Pictures

On a casual day
                                                                                                                     BY GIANNA DIPAOLO

                                                                                                          ecutive producer, Sera Gamble, explains
at a bookstore
                                                                                                          that “one thing we were very, very clear on
in New York, a
                                                                                                          is that Joe Goldberg is... the opposite of that
young woman’s
                                                                                                          cold-blooded, psychopathic killer. He’s a
life will change
                                                                                                          romantic, he’s thoughtful, he’s even a little
forever. Netflix
                                                                                                          bit shy, and he’s genuinely really sensitive
recently released
                                                                                                          and emotional.” The show’s basis as a whole
a chilling and
                                                                                                          is how society uses social media to develop
                                                                                                          habits in pursuing someone, as we often do.
thriller called
                                                                                                          Because of this, society loses the premise of
YOU, and it
                                                                                                          getting to actually know someone’s charac-
has shaken the
                                                                                                          ter, as we already “know” them due to their
Internet with its
                                                                                                          online profile.
                                                                                                                    The show as a whole has been doing
                                                                                                          fantastic on Netflix, and bingers want to
show starts out                                    love for her quickly spirals out of control as the     see more. The character development and
slowly with the main protagonist, Joe Gold-        dark side of love emerges.                           storyline fascinates watchers, and everyone is
berg, working as the manager of a bookstore.                  Although he appears as a creeper/         curious as to what Joe Goldberg will do next. If
He is an innocent, awkward man with a big          stalker who can’t handle the thought of rejec-       you need a new twisted and addictive show, I
crush on one of his recent customers, Beck.        tion, the deeper meaning of YOU transpires as        highly recommend adding YOU to your watch
Joe develops an obsession with Beck, and his       the audience watches on. Writer and co-ex-           list.
                                                                                                                                               page 11
The Arrowhead

weird dates in February Steamy Songs
BY SARAH HERSHBERGER                                                                    BY GIANNA DIPAOLO
Canned Food Month, National Bake for Family Fun Month,
National Grapefruit Month, National Hot Breakfast Month, National
                                                                                     “Somewhere Only We
Bird Feeding Month, and National Children’s Dental Month. These                      Know” by Keane
are only a few of the crazy names for February, but let’s dig deeper.                “ILYSB” by LANY
Here are some of the National Days in February to celebrate!                         “She Will Be Loved”
1- National Texas Day: Rock your fav cowboy hat and hit up Texas                     by Maroon 5
Roadhouse.                                                                           “Can’t Help Falling in
2- National Tater Tot Day: Stuff your cargo pockets full of tots (if you
know, you know). GOSH!                                                               Love with You” by Elvis
4- National Create A Vacuum Day: Yeah, sorry, I don’t get this one,                  Presley
either...                                                                            “Fall in Love” by
10- National Cream Cheese Brownie Day: Bake something??
12- National Plum Pudding Day: I mean I guess if you like this stuff,                Barcelona
eat it?                                                                              “Wanted” by Hunter
14- National Organ Donor Day (forget V-Day): If you don’t donate an                  Hayes
organ, what are you doing?
15- Singles Awareness Day: Go get yourself some chocolate and hang                   “It’s Gotta Be You” by
out with your BFFs!                                                                  Isaiah
23- National Tile Day: You know you’ve always wanted to re-do your
bathroom, and today is the day.
24- National Tortilla Chip Day: Grab a bowl, your fav salsa, and your
couch. Munch.                                                                        Valentine's
28- National Floral Design Day: Remember your bathroom makeover?
Well, add some floral designs, and you’ve got the dream bath!                         DATE IDEAS
                                                                                      BY SARAH HERSHBERGER

Valentine's Day
                                                                                     Go out to eat- I know this
                                                                                     is basic, but sometimes treating
                                                                                     yourselves isn’t bad! Go to a place
                                                                                     that has special meaning to you or

   for the Average Joe
                                                                                     somewhere you both like. It doesn’t
                                                                                     matter as long as you’re both enjoy-
                                                                                     ing yourselves!
                                                                                     Make a date night box-
Valentine’s Day is the day of love, relationships, and spending time with your       Add some of your fav snacks, pick
significant other. But not everyone gets to spend this holiday wifed up... like      your favorite movies, and grab a
me, your average Joe. I’ve been single for a significant amount of time now,
                                                                                     seat on the couch! Sometimes the
and I’m okay with that. It’s fun. You get plenty of alone time, never have to
                                                                                     nights spent in are the best nights.
worry about where your girlfriend is, and you’re on your own schedule. In my
opinion, Valentine’s Day for the single guy should look a lot like this. First, go   Game night- Gather some of
to the gym- you’re not forced to eat chocolates that your nonexistent girlfriend     your favorite two-person games
got for you, so why not go a healthier route? Hit the gym and get your body          and go head-to-head with your sig-
in shape…or pretend to work out while you try to scout out a girl who is also        nificant other. A little competition
spending her day alone. Next, play some video games. Girls don’t like vid-           never hurt anybody!
eo games, so use this opportunity to reconnect with the guys. And of course,         Bake your own dessert-
spend some time with your friends. They’re the ones who really matter- might         They say food brings everyone
as well treasure the ones who have always stuck around. No relationship will         together, so why not bake a sweet
ever top that. Let’s bring singleness back in style Valentine’s Day 2k19.            treat with your sweet boo?
page 12
FEBRUARY 2019 Issue

 Hot Couples:    V-day     Edition
          seamus connolly and liz osche
                                          How long have you been dating?                               What’s the worst part about your significant
                                          Liz: a little over 1 year and 2 months                       other?
                                          Seamus: a year and 2 months                                  Liz: His truck.
                                          When did the flirting begin?                                 Seamus: Her dog allergies and criticisms of my
                                          Liz: Summer of ‘17                                           singing.
                                          Seamus: Summer 2017                                          What’s the best part about your significant
                                          Describe your first date:                                    other?
                                          Liz: We went to watch Jigsaw at the movies (how              Liz: His truck… and his unconditional love, sup-
                                          romantic) and afterwards we ran into Vanessa, Joe,           port, and of course his playful humor.
                                          and Luke and went to Luke’s for a bonfire.                   Seamus: The fact that she puts up with all the
                                          Seamus: We saw Jigsaw in the movies and Vanessa,             dumb things I do.
                                          Joe, and Luke decided to crash our date.                     Typical hangout spot?
                                          How do you make the relationship work?                       Liz: His basement watching our favorite episodes
                                          Liz: A good balance of trust, respect, understanding,        of That 70’s Show.
                                          and lots of goofing off.                                     Seamus:Watching That 70’s Show in my basement.
                                          Seamus: We can be ourselves around each other and            Who wears the pants in the relationship?
                                          respect each other.                                          Liz: Me- but if you ask him, he’ll say otherwise.

taylor chrisenberry and derek muha
                                                                                                       Seamus: Depends which one you ask (it’s me).

How long have you been dating?                              ship. We live and learn from them, and I think that’s
Taylor: Almost a year and a half, but we’ve talked since    what keeps us going strong.
8th grade.                                                  Derek: It’s a mix of trust, sacrifice, understanding, lots
Derek: Let’s do the math… about a year and 5 months.        of love, and everything in between.
When did the flirting begin?                                What’s the worst part about your significant other?
Taylor: It definitely started when we were “best friends”   Taylor: He always has to be right. I can never win any
in 8th grade- everyone knew we’d be more than friends.      argument.
Derek: Around the middle of 8th grade when we were          Derek: She’s extremely indecisive.
“best friends.”                                             What’s the best part about your significant other?
Describe your first date:                                   Taylor: I truly love everything about him. There’s not
Taylor: We went to see the Spiderman movie (he’ll           one thing I favor most about him. (But) I love his eyes
argue it was something else). After, we walked to iHop      and smile!
and stayed there until about 2 a.m. talking.                Derek: I love every little thing about her, from her em-
Derek: We met at the movie theater and we saw some          erald eyes to her beautiful smile to her cute little nose.
movie (I still don’t know what movie it was). As soon       I mean, what is there not to like about her?
as the movie was over neither of us wanted to go home.      Typical hangout spot?
We walked across McKnight Road to iHop and stayed           Taylor: Usually at one of our houses.
there until almost 2 a.m. It was a little awkward, but it   Derek: One of our houses.
was a great first date.                                     Who wears the pants in the relationship?
How do you make the relationship work?                      Taylor: He doesn’t think so, but it’s most definitely
Taylor: We have both learned that we each make mis-         me.
takes, but it doesn’t define who we are or our relation-    Derek: It’s obviously me.

                                                                    kayla haile and
                                                   How long have you been dating?
                                                                                         joe ryan
                                                                                 What’s the worst part about your significant
                                                   Kayla: 3 months                                        other?
                                                   Joe: A year and a month                                Kayla: I’m best friends with his sister.
                                                   When did the flirting begin?                           Joe: She’s best friends with my sister.
                                                   Kayla: Sophomore year math class                       What’s the best part about your significant
                                                   Joe: Mrs. Wroblewski’s honors trig and pre-            other?
                                                   calc class                                             Kayla: He’s always grounded, so we never
                                                   Describe your first date:                              have to hang out.
                                                   Kayla: I don’t remember; we either went to             Joe: She has a hot tub.
                                                   Mad Mex or the movies                                  Typical hangout spot?
                                                   Joe: The classic movie date to see Daddy’s             Kayla: Sydney’s basement
                                                   Home 2                                                 Joe: My house, her hot tub, somewhere with
                                                   How do you make the relationship work?                 my sister
                                                   Kayla: I don’t tell Sydney anything.                   Who wears the pants in the relationship?
                                                   Joe: We have a lot in common and enjoy being           Kayla: Me. Why is this even a question.
                                                   with each other.                                       Joe: I tore my ACL. Me.
                                                                                                                                              page 13
The Arrowhead

 Sweet Ride
                                        Teacher Starter Packs
                                          BY: SOPHIA YACOVIELLO
                                        Take a look at these starter packs and try to guess which North Hills
Owner: Ian Keller
Ride: 2016 Honda Civic
                                        teacher we’re describing!
Color: night burgundy pearl                     Teacher #1                                        Teacher #2
Nickname: Pegasus
Max Speed: 125
Place of purchase: Smail
Special abilities: Has sport mode
Favorite passengers: Liam O’Neill
Date night: Go to a drive-in movie
theater with Roxie (his dog) and find
a nice spot to watch the movie.
If your car were a person, what
would he or she be?: It would be a
male cheetah.

                                                Teacher #3                                        Teacher #4

                                                             Answers: 1. Mr. Woffington, 2. Mr. DeWeese, 3. Mrs. Washington, 4. Mr. Lavelle


Emma Margo & Michelle Trachtenberg                                          Eric Feth & Bolby

                                                             Tyler Wissner & Robin Williams
page 14
FEBRUARY 2019 Issue

SIZZLING SINGLES                                                                                   Olav s
                                                                                            BY: CHARLIE KNOX
                                                                                     How long have you been BFFs?
                                                                                     A: We met in 7th grade.
                                                                                     O: Since 7th grade, so five years now.
                                                                                     How did you first meet?
                                                                                     A: Well, in 7th grade in Ms. Hamlet’s homeroom,
                                                                                     Olav threatened to beat me up. I thought it was hilar-
                                                                                     O: I threatened to beat Andrew up for allegedly
                                                                                     talking crap on me. He laughed.
                                                                                     Was he actually talking crap?
                                                                                     A: I can honestly say I never did.
                                                                                     O: I’m not sure to this day. 7th grade Andrew was a
                                                                                     sketchy character.
                                                                                     Did you click instantly, or did your connection
                                                                                     grow over time?
Name: Savannah Argenas                     Name: Zach Miller                         A: After the threatening incident, we got along just
Grade: 11                                  Grade: 11                                 fine. We started playing cards all the time in home-
Nickname: Sav, Savinni, Savinni Panin-     Nickname: Spike, Chef Ramsey, smelly
                                                                                     O: One minute I was ready to throw hands, the next I
ni, Santana, Carlos, Bighead, Babygirl     Interests: hugging trees, cooking, pet-
                                                                                     was playing Blackjack with the kid. You tell me.
Interests: Arizona Green Tea, duck-        ting dogs, smelling pickle jars           What do you like most about each other?
duck-goose, attracting sophomore boys      Favorite Restaurant: Ruby Tuesday’s       A: Olav is a kind person and only thinks about others,
Favorite Restaurant: Olive Garden          Celebrity Crush: Blueface                 never himself.
Celebrity Crush: Wide Neck                 Describe the Perfect Date: Chuck-e-       O: Andrew has the best ideas, and even when they’re
Describe the Perfect Date: A long 37¾      Cheese pizza and a scary movie            difficult to do, he finds a way, which is really inspiring
mile walk on the beach, except my date     Turn-ons: tutor me in math, lip sync on   and uplifting to me personally.
is carrying me cause my legs are broken    snapchat, mouth breather, smells like     What is your biggest pet peeve about one another?
                                                                                     A: I try to help him, but he never listens.
Turn-ons: Griz, boys who wear cross        mayo
                                                                                     O: He’s really, really bad at sarcasm.
chains, Griz wearing a cross chain         Turn-offs: Algebra 2, non airpod users,
                                                                                     What do you think the other’s pet peeve about you
Turn-offs: milk, same-side sitters, long   over 2.0 GPA                              is?
hair                                                                                 A: I don’t know, maybe I’m not as social as he is?
                                                                                     O: I laugh at almost anything, making it nearly impos-

What’s Hot /What’s Not                                                               sible to get anything done.
                                                                                     Typical hangout?

• Sweet Victory • Sicko Mode                                                         A: Either my house or Sheetz
                                                                                     O: Sheetz on Babcock

• Dove Chocolate• Hershey’s
                                                                                     Things you share?
                                                                                     A: An enjoyment of creating videos
                                                                                     O: A fear of leaving NHTV and high school in general
• Olav and        • Drake and                                                        behind
                                                                                     Weird habits?

  Andrew            Josh                                                             A: He finds dumb things funny. Especially farting.
                                                                                     O: He doesn’t stop singing “The Gambler” by Kenny

• Ted Bundy Tapes • Birdbox
                                                                                     Rogers, whether it be in the car, in person, or over
                                                                                     voice call.

• High-rise jeans • Low-rise jeans
• Going to THON • Not going to
                                                                                                                                    page 15
The Arrowhead

Sitting Down with Virginia Tech Commit
Sam Hillegas
Recently, North Hills’ very own Sam Hillegas announced his commitment
to the Virginia Tech D1 Wrestling Program. The 2x state champion is only
a junior, but the decision seemed very clear to him. Sam said he was look-
ing for “a place that felt like home, somewhere I could succeed in wrestling
and academically, and a team with with good people that I’ll be spending
my time with.” Virginia Tech fit these specifications for Sam. Sam looks
forward to winning a NCAA Championship for his team and individually
in college along with graduating with a major in engineering/construction
management. The choice was clear to him, and even as a junior he believes
nothing could have changed his mind.

Currently, Sam sits at a “mediocre” 108-1 high school record and is a top
10 ranked wrestler in the country for his weight class. Sam doesn’t allow
his one loss to get him down, however. Sam says, “I learned from the out-
come of that match. Not just wrestling-wise, but I need to have more faith
and pride in myself. I know I can wrestle with the top guys in the coun-
try.” This has also taught him “discipline, hard work, and to fight through
tough times physically and mentally.” Sam knows that there is always room
for improvement in wrestling. He recognizes some of his strengths and
weaknesses. Sam believes he can improve on his pace, which is wearing his
opponent down throughout the match until they give up or gas up. Sam
says his strengths are “scrambling and top.” This year he will wrestle in the
132 lb weight class and has future goals to make a world team and win a                                                 photo courtesy of Virginia Tech Wrestling
D1 Championship.

Sam finds his sources of inspiration from several sports heroes and mo-                       Sam’s Sports Profile
tivational speakers, including Jordan Burroughs, Muhammad Ali, Dave
Schultz, and Inky Johnson. Despite wrestling since he was in kindergarten,
                                                                                              Grade: 11
Sam has only RKO’d one person- his brother- into a swimming pool. If                          Nickname: “Slammin’ Sammy”
a career in engineering or coaching do not work out for Sam, he says he                       Sport: Wrestling
would consider the UFC. He admits, “I don’t like getting punched in the                       Years Playing: 12
face, but if it pays a lot, I’ll do it.” Sam looks forward to his college career at
Virginia Tech and finishing off his high school career with hopefully a few                   Favorites Sports Movie: Kicking &
more championships.                                                                           Screaming or Remember the Titans
                                                                                              Favorite Childhood Sports Memory: Either
                                                                                              any state title or driving to Utah and stopping
                                                                                              to train at Iowa
                                                                                              Favorite Sports Drink: Vitamin Water Ac-
                                                                                              tive/Chocolate milk
                                                                                              Go-to Song Before Matches: “God’s
                                                                                              Gonna Cut You Down” by Johnny Cash
                                                                                              Pre-game Ritual: Refuel with some food,
                                                                                              good workout until I sweat and then listen to
                                                                                              some music or an inspirational video while
page 16                                                          photo courtesy of TribLive
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