Page created by Renee Herrera

sUMMER 2020

The Oak Creek Current is the official magazine of the City of Oak
Creek, and is mailed for free to all households and businesses in the City.
The Current is published four times per year by the City of Oak Creek
and the Oak Creek-Franklin Joint school District, with additional
financial support from the MATC-Oak Creek campus. The magazine
also receives funding from local advertisers.
This publication is guided by a professional advisory committee               TABlE OF CONTENTS
comprised of representatives from the City, the school District, and
residents and business owners. Please email all inquiries/suggestions to
                                                                               7 A Phased Reopening of City Facilities                                                     8 OC Businesses support Each Other During Pandemic
City of oak CREEk                                                             10 summer Reading and storytimes at OC Library
Daniel Bukiewicz, Mayor
8040 s. 6th st. • Oak Creek, WI 53154                                         11 In the Right Place, at the Right Time
(414) 766-7000 •                                               12 What You should Know About Being a Victim of Fraud
District 1: steven Kurkowski
                                                                              14 A Note About City Events This summer
District 2: Greg Loreck                                                       14 safety Guidelines for the Farmers Market
District 3: Rich Duchniak
District 4: Michael Toman                                                     15 Welcome New Oak Creek Businesses
District 5: Ken Gehl
District 6: Chris Guzikowski
                                                                              16 Business spotlight: Kelvin schroeder Jewelers
                                                                              20 MATC Moves 1,600 Classes Online
oak CREEk-fRaNkLiN JoiNt
SChooL DiStRiCt                                                               24 Keeping students Engaged and Learning
Daniel D. Unertl, Superintendent
7630 s. 10th st. • Oak Creek, WI 53154
                                                                              26 school District Partners with The salvation Army
(414) 768-5880 •                                                    27 4K and 5K Enrollment for 2020-2121 school Year
MatC oak CREEk CaMPUS                                                         28 school District Gets Jump start on Construction season
Dr. Mark felsheim, Campus Executive Director
6665 s. Howell Ave. • Oak Creek, WI 53154
                                                                              32 Congratulations Class of 2020
(414) 571-4616                                                                34 school District Highlights
Contributing Writers: Leslie Flynn (City of Oak Creek), Rachel Rose           36 Out and About Photos
(Oak Creek Library), Lisa Wytrykus Kleppek (Oak Creek Police
Department), Lindsey Ziarnik (Oak Creek-Franklin Joint school                 38 Community Calendar
District) and Barb Caprile (Caprile Marketing/Design).
Magazine Design/Production: Caprile Marketing/Design

The next issue of the Oak Creek Current will publish September 2020.          oN thE CoVER
For information about advertising in future issues of the magazine,           We encourage you to shop local and support our Oak Creek businesses.
please email, visit            They deeply appreciate your support and will thrive once again with your
                                                                              help. As our businesses return to somewhat “normal” hours, we look
or call (414) 215-7999.
                                                                              forward to our community’s recovery from the impact of COVID-19.
                                                                              Be safe, be well!
From Dan Bukiewicz, Mayor-City of Oak Creek

                                                            From Dan Unertl, Superintendent-Oak Creek-
                                                                     Franklin Joint School District
The last few months have certainly
presented each one of us with                                        Dear Oak Creek Residents,
challenges that we’ve never                                          On behalf of the entire school District
experienced before. I am so proud                                    team – our Board, our teachers,
of the measures that our community                                   everyone – thank you for your
took to protect each other from the
                                                                     overwhelming support in this uncertain
health crisis at hand. While staying “safer at H
                                               Home”” was not
                                                                     time. Your understanding has been a
always easy, our residents met the challenge, while finding
                                                                     powerful testament to the strength of
creative ways to support each other, our healthcare workers,
                                                                     our Oak Creek community.
and local businesses.
                                                                     From the moment of the announcement of school closures in
As we gradually begin to reopen and resume more of our
                                                                     Wisconsin, our school District, and our community took the
regular activities, you will notice that it won’t be “business
                                                                     “All-Hands-on-Deck” approach to this unique situation. Our
as usual.” From local government to the businesses in our
                                                                     dedicated teachers and school leaders have partnered tirelessly
community, measures will be put into place to keep customers
                                                                     with our families to work through this moment. Our food
and employees safe and healthy. Remember, we are still
                                                                     service team, along with our incredible community partner The
actively trying to keep the curve flattened, to limit COVID-19
                                                                     salvation Army, quickly developed a plan to feed our students
in our community. As you experience some of these measures,
                                                                     who depend on school for meals. Our Teaching and Learning
please be patient, and continue to do your part! stay home if
                                                                     team, in partnership with our IT department, worked together
you’re sick, cover coughs and sneezes, and keep practicing
                                                                     to create a plan for virtual learning and deploying thousands of
physical distancing. Consider wearing a face-covering if you go
                                                                     electronic devices, as well as establishing wireless hotspots for
out in public and think of it as an act of kindness towards others
                                                                     our families without internet access. Our student services
in the community.
                                                                     team continued to provide support for families and students
I want to personally thank everyone who has done their part to       during this extremely difficult time.
support our local small businesses during the past few months.
                                                                     Despite the significant challenges we faced, we were able to
Even as these businesses begin to reopen their doors, they’re
                                                                     evolve in spite of the pandemic. I couldn’t be any more proud
still going to need our help. This issue of the Current features
                                                                     of our teachers, administrators, support staff, families and,
advertisements for dozens of our great local establishments.
                                                                     most of all, our students, for working so incredibly hard to
Take a look, and try to patronize as many as you can. You might
                                                                     finish the 2019-2020 school year strong.
even discover businesses you hadn’t heard of before!
                                                                     We are truly living up to our school District’s vision of “Building
While the summer of 2020 may be quieter than what we’re
                                                                     successful Futures TOGETHER.” Be well!
accustomed to, Oak Creek still offers a great variety of places
and things to experience, even as we enjoy and celebrate them        Best, Dan Unertl-Superintendent, OCFJ School District
while physically distant from each other!

Have a great summer!
Mayor Dan Bukiewicz

                                                                                             sUMMER 2020 OAK CREEK CURRENT 3
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City of oak CREEk: a PLaN foR thE PhaSED REoPENiNg of City faCiLitiES

A Plan for the Phased Reopening of City Facilities

    A                        s businesses across
                             t area begin to
                                     the City,
                            to has created a
                         plan to restore public
                      access to
                              t some of our
                                                   dividers where guests meet with City staff.
                                                   All staff will be provided with a face covering,
                                                   and we welcome those visiting to wear one,
                                                   as well.
                                                      When we built our new Civic Center,
                                                   it was done with public gathering in mind.
                                                                                                      and social media for news of the Library and
                                                                                                      Recreation Department’s reopening.
                                                                                                         Right now, we are getting many questions
                                                                                                      about when we plan to resume our programming
                                                                                                      and City events, including facility and ballfield
                                                                                                      reservations, and the opening of our splash
facilities for transactional “counter” service.    Under the current situation, however, our          pad. Know that we are actively considering all
With the health and safety of our residents,       goal is to provide our usual high level of         options, with the safety of the public our first
staff and visitors in mind, we have implemented    customer service and get you back on your          and foremost consideration. We thank you
protocols that visitors to our public buildings    way. City Hall access will be limited to the       for remaining patient and understanding as
can anticipate. By the time this issue of the      north and south entrances. The Health              we all navigate this new normal.
Current reaches your mailbox, we will have         Department will not be accessible to the              We’re happy to announce that the Oak
expanded our offerings for limited, in-person      public for in-person business until a later        Creek Farmers Market launches on sat.,
interactions at certain facilities, beginning      date. Restrooms will also be closed to the         June 6. Even that will look a bit different as
on June 1.                                         public for the time being. At this time, we will   we begin the season. Please see page 14 for
    The first phase of our reopening will target    not be renting out our meeting rooms or the        more about ways you can stay healthy while
the reopening to the public for transactions       multi-purpose room, nor will we be hosting         enjoying the market and supporting our
only at City Hall, the Police Department,          routine business meetings at the Civic             local farmers.
Water Utility and Department of Public             Center or any of our other City facilities.           By now, you’ve heard this countless times,
Works. What does this mean for visitors               At our other “phase one” locations,             but we want to remind you that before you
to these buildings?                                including the Police Department, Public            head out into public, you should keep a few
    When you visit one of these locations,         Works building, and the Water and sewer            things in mind. COVID-19 is still present in
things may look a bit different than you’re        Utility offices, you can expect similar measures   our community. Now more than ever, if
accustomed to! At City Hall, measures will         to be in place. At this time, our three fire        you’re feeling sick, please stay at home.
be taken to route people to our customer           stations will remain closed to the public.         Remember to wash your hands and cover
service counters to take care of their business       We understand that many of our residents        your coughs and sneezes. And as much as it
needs, such as paying your taxes, applying for     are eager to begin using the Oak Creek Public      feels good to be around other people again,
a permit or registering to vote, etc., and then    Library again, and rest assured, our Library       please remember to keep at least six feet
routed back out of the building. Floors will       and Recreation Department staff are developing     between you and others who are not a part
be marked so that individuals waiting to be        a robust reopening plan for the coming             of your household. These best practices are
served can do so with appropriate physical         weeks. Because the Library contains many           your best strategy to keep yourself, your
distancing in place. Hand sanitation stations      high-touch surfaces and materials, and is a        family, and the community of Oak Creek
will be provided, and we ask all guests to use     place where people gather for long periods of      as healthy as possible.
it prior to conducting business with our staff.    time, a well-thought-out plan is a necessity          stay up-to-date on the latest City facility
Transaction areas will be cleaned frequently,      for the safety of patrons. Until they can          openings by following us on Facebook or
with particular attention given to high-touch      reopen, the popular curbside pickup service        visiting our website at
surfaces. You will also notice plexiglass          will continue. Please watch the City website

                                                                                                         sUMMER 2020 OAK CREEK CURRENT 7
City of oak CREEk: BUSiNESSES hELPiNg EaCh othER DURiNg PaNDEMiC

     Employees from Eder Flag in Oak Creek have been producing
     thousands of masks each day for medical staff, Wisconsin
     National Guard personnel, long-term care facilities and more.


                           u community, like
                           ur                           company, was quickly able to modify            headquartered manufacturer of cutting
                            many others in our
                            m                           its production capabilities to provide         systems, have been used worldwide to
                           sstate, nation and           components that are being used to              create face shields, isolation hoods and other
                          beyond, has been
                          be                            manufacture ventilators.                       personal protective equipment products
                        impacted by the
                        imp                                 Oak Creek’s own Eder flag partnered        being used by front line workers in response
                    worldw COVID-19                     with Monterey Mills, a Janesville-based        to COVID-19. Zünd cutters were even used
    d i We   W have
                 h allll felt
                         f l the effects of the         textile company, to produce barrier masks      to create temporary beds and partitions for
virus in nearly every aspect of our lives, and          for medical personnel and others in need of    alternate care facilities being set up to hold
have had to adjust how we live, shop, learn             face coverings during the pandemic. Doctors    an influx of COVID-19 patients.
and work.                                               and medical professionals reviewed the            arena americas, an industry leader in
   Many Oak Creek businesses have been                  design and materials for these three-ply,      temporary structures, has also used its
quick to respond to challenges posed by                 protective face masks, that are washable and   expertise to rapidly deploy structures for
this pandemic with agility, innovation and              reversible. With two shifts dedicated to       testing, patient overflow, screening areas,
compassion. As a community, we are proud                production and sewing, thousands of mask       food service and other operational needs.
of all of the companies, groups and individuals         are produced every day. Many of these          Arena was also involved in the creation of
that have stepped up to help those in need.             have been supplied to the Wisconsin            a temporary hospital set up in Long Island,
   several Oak Creek businesses have                    National Guard, numerous long-term care        New York.
shifted gears from their normal operations              facilities throughout Wisconsin, and even         Even the oak Creek Library found a way
to create supplies needed to help first                  Oak Creek’s election workers during the        to support the battle against COVID-19.
responders and healthcare workers wage the              spring Primary.                                While the building has been closed to the
battle against the Coronavirus. Superior Die                Products manufactured with equipment       public, Library staff has been using the 3D
Set, an Oak Creek-based, die-casting                    from Zünd america, an Oak Creek-               printer to print face shields for personal

protective equipment, and are supplying them to the Oak Creek               40.-%31"5/.52%45 3"%2
Police Department and Oak Creek Fire Department.
   Several other Oak Creek companies have come forward with
generous monetary and product donations to support healthcare
workers and others affected by COVID-19.
   PPG has always been a valued community partner through its
Colorful Communities program, and has recently announced a $1.5
million donation to support global COVID-19 relief efforts. PPG has
also contributed a variety of in-kind donations to non-profits and first
responders, including paint and masks.
   Oak Creek-based Stella & Chewy’s has partnered with the
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
to donate $530,000 in pet food totaling more than 800,000
meals to assist pet parents in need through the ASPCA COVID-19
Relief & Recovery Initiative.
   The Master Lock Company, headquartered in Oak Creek, is
donating 1,000 Bluetooth Lock Boxes, an investment of more than
$250,000, to help frontline workers and small business owners
safeguard their critical personal protective equipment and essential
supplies during the pandemic.
   Many other Oak Creek small businesses have generously offered
their time and talents to support others during these challenging
times. Local eateries that had to close their doors to customers
                                                                          )) 5)5  
found creative ways to stay afloat, offering curbside pickup or             2,5 3"%254.45315)0&5.44&
delivery options. Even faced with their own challenges, the spirit of
generosity remained strong. Jim Dandy’s Pub & Grill partnered             Manor Pointe Independent Living
with the “Meals Matter Movement” to provide meals for medical
                                                                           Located on 17 scenic acres in the heart
professionals and first responders who continue to work on the front
lines of the fight against the Coronavirus.                                 of beautiful Oak Creek, Manor Pointe
   Like many schools across the nation, the Academy of Performing            offers distinguished senior-friendly
Arts went virtual during the pandemic, bringing music and dance to              apartments designed for your
their students via the internet. But owner Stacy Tuschl, the U.S.
Business Administration’s 2019 Wisconsin Small Business Person                 comfort and care-free lifestyle.
of the Year, not only fought to keep her business moving, but also             (54025-412.0*503.501+54*4-2.3-531-*#+4+5
made it her mission to help others in the same situation. Through                      (5/12314120*5 .40&0,255
her The Foot Traffic Podcast, she has offered practical advice to other          (5)1!-0'#,5+3131"5/23/1,5+03*
small business owners to help them get through the pandemic.                       (5)1!,32450-233234,5-//.+3102/.55
   While these examples of innovation and generosity in Oak
Creek are undoubtedly impressive, we are confident that there are
countless others not mentioned here. To those unheralded Oak
                                                                                 0,5144+4+5(5 1+5,/5'#-%5'/.4$$$
Creek businesses and everyday heroes who have stepped up in these
unusual times, we say “Thank You.”                                        0**5!!52/5,-%4+#*45052/#.

                                                                             MEADOWMERE SENIOR
                                                                              LIVING COMMUNITY
                                                                              5$5#425 +$5(5)0&5.44&53,$5


                                                                                          SUMMER 2020 OAK CREEK CURRENT 9
City of oak CREEk: SUMMER REaDiNg aND StoRy tiME at thE oak CREEk PUBLiC LiBRaRy

                                                                              sUMMER READING
                                                                              AND sTORY TIME
                                                                              By Rachel Rose, Librarian

                                                                                       Story Times are one of many activities offered for
                                                                                       little ones that promote a lifelong love of reading.


                               ibraries are best known for one thing:        services Manager Maria Dietrich. Maria runs Baby story Time, a
                                b       Nowadays, they offer much more,      session which is usually held on Tuesday mornings. “For many families,
                                in        other media, interest-specific      Baby story Time will be the first opportunity for their little ones to
                               pr         access to technology, and a        meet new friends and explore the world outside the home,” she
                             gat        place for patrons. Providing         shares. “sessions run just 15-20 minutes and include interactive
                        visitors with more than ‘just books’ is vital when   experiences between baby and caregiver. After stories, we offer a
     ti the
          th community’s  it ’ ever-changing needs, but the materials        playtime. This gives families the chance to play together and allows
collection remains at every library’s core. striving to help everyone        the adults to get to know one another.”
achieve their personal reading goals, the staff at Oak Creek Public              staff are lucky enough to have a space dedicated to their craft at
Library (OCPL) understand the importance of year-round literacy –            the new library building: the eponymous story Time Room. Located
especially for those in early development. To this end, OCPL hosts           in the children’s department, the room is best suited for learning
weekly story Times in hopes of fostering a love of reading among             through play. sessions involve more than simply following along as
children as well as an annual summer Reading Program to spread               the librarian reads from themed picture books. Incorporating finger
enthusiasm across all generations.                                           plays, lap-sit rhymes, songs, and dances helps reinvigorate everyone’s
    story Time sessions are continuously adapted and perfected to            energy and feeds into the fun of learning. OCPL also integrates
meet public need. This year the program is broken down into three            slideshows so that caregivers can see featured books, sing along
groups: ‘Baby’ is intended for ages birth-24 months, ‘Toddler’ befits         with song lyrics, and understand more about the benefits of early
1-to-3-year olds, and ‘Preschool’ appeals to ages 3-5 as a gentle            education. sessions are popular – families who attend stand a good
transition into kindergarten. In much the same way that children             chance of meeting new friends. Toddler story Time was even
grow and change, though, it has been a process of narrowing down             expanded into two sessions to accommodate more attendees.
what works best to engage each audience. Children undergo distinct               Librarians also host special story Time events. Last year, Maria
periods of behavioral, cognitive, and social growth. Designing early         introduced sessions at the Drexel Town square Farmers Market and
literacy programs with these phases in mind is one of the most               inside the local IKEA. Oak Creek-Franklin schools, and daycare
effective ways to help kids focus from beginning to end. That being          centers have enjoyed occasional outreach visits, too, especially
said, families are welcome to choose which program fits them best.            during the summer months. OCPL’s summer Reading Program
    By integrating the practices of early literacy into story Time,          encourages participants to get excited about books while on vacation.
librarians can engage children on numerous levels, all while boosting        Every year, the Library puts on amazing live performances, enrichment
social interactivity. “It’s so important to incorporate books and            activities, and a reading challenge open to patrons young and old.
language into routines from the very beginning,” explains Youth              This time around, the program’s theme ‘Imagine Your story’ inspires

                                                                          9   9
                                                                              9   7B;>?CBAEE;BA!DACDA;D
                                                                                         AT DREXEL TOWN SQUARE
                                                                          9   9
everyone to further their sense of discovery by picking up a good         9
                                                                          9   9
book, sharing their unique story, and heightening their imagination.      9
                                                                          9   9
   Whether you take part in the summer Reading Program or plan            9
                                                                          9   9
to have your child attend story Time sessions, Oak Creek Public                                                   :=9 31=EE4"=2353=:
                                                                          9   9
                                                                                                                  • Fully equipped kitchen in
Library is there to strengthen lifelong literacy and learning. For
                                                                          9   9
                                                                              9                                     every suite
more information on upcoming children’s programs or to register                                                   • Free hot breakfast
                                                                          9   9
for the summer Reading Challenge beginning on June 15, call                                                       • In A Pinch Market
(414) 766-7900 or visit                              9
                                                                          9   9
                                                                                                                  • Indoor Pool
                                                                          9   9
                                                                              9                                   • Fitness Room
                                                                          9   9
                                                                              9                                   • Meeting Room
                                                                                                                  • Free Wireless Internet
                                                                          9   9
IN THE RIGHT PLACE,                                                       9
                                                                          9   9
                                                                              9                                   • Airport Shuttle

                                                                          9   9
AT THE RIGHT TIME                                                         9
                                                                          9   9
                                                                          9   9
                                                                              9    "
City of oak CREEk: What yoU ShoULD kNoW to aVoiD BEiNg a ViCtiM of fRaUD

     With current technology, scammers have an easier time
     reaching their victims. Protect yourself and don’t be a victim.

By Lisa Wytrykus Kleppek, Oak Creek Police Community Resource Coordinator

                       h people around the world were practicing
                       hile                                               fRaUD taCtiCS

     i election
                        ssocial distancing and following safer at home
                       oorders, scammers were keeping busy trying
                      to defraud people out of money and personal
                 the COVID-19
                                     Unfortunately, the uncertainty of
                                     pandemic combined with the
          l ti andd census has created the ideal environment for
                                                                          Understanding the tactics
                                                                          scammers use is an important
                                                                          factor in avoiding becoming a victim.
                                                                          According to Doug shadel, in
                                                                          the Money saver column in the
                                                                          April/May 2020 issue of the
scammers to find new ways to deceive unsuspecting victims.                 AARP magazine, many scammers
                                                                          will attempt to get their potential
                                                                          victims into a heightened emotional state, called “ether,” that causes
While a recent Federal Trade Commission report cited by the Wash-
                                                                          them to make rash decisions without thinking things through.
ington Post found that elderly Americans were actually 20% less likely
                                                                              To get them in this emotional state, they use a variety of tactics,
to fall victim to fraud than younger people, when it did occur, they
                                                                          including the following:
tended to lose more money than younger victims. According to the
                                                                          • Phantom Riches Promising a trip of a lifetime to someone struggling
April AARP Bulletin, older Americans lose approximately $3 billion to
                                                                            financially or the perfect partner to entice a lonely person.
fraud each year. And with the current state of technology, it’s become
                                                                          • fear Arrest by the IRs or other authorities, computers locked or
even easier for scammers to reach their victims.
                                                                            hard drives destroyed, family harmed.
fRaUD aND tEChNoLogy                                                      • intimidation Calling multiple times a day or threatening a potential
Technology has made it easy for scammers to exchange information.           victim.
Robo-call technology makes data transmission fast and cheap, while        • Scarcity Warnings that this offer will be gone quickly or only a few
online classes teach identity-stealing techniques, and elaborate multi-     items remaining.
layered call centers can be set up almost overnight. Often, legitimate    • Source Credibility Providing official-sounding names and badge
call center employees are trained in persuasive techniques to work          numbers.
with U.s. consumers, and some, seeing the lack of well-paying em-         • Commitment Requesting cooperation and later berating the victim
ployment opportunities, are enticed into using these skills to target       for going back on their word.
unsuspecting victims illegally.                                           • Reciprocity Offering something small (e.g.,
                                                                            fees waived) and later asking for something in exchange (i.e.,
                                                                            personal information).

looking for the
                                                                                                        right combination of
hoW CaN yoU PRotECt                                                                                  eye-catching web design,
yoURSELf?                                                                                            brilliant applications and
The most effective way to protect yourself
from falling victim is to avoid engaging with the
                                                                                                    online marketing to achieve
scammers in the first place. Do not answer calls                                                         your business goals?
from unfamiliar numbers, and do not click on links
in unsolicited emails! If you do answer the phone,                                                             CHOOSE
hang up once you realize that the call is a scam.
You are under no obligation to answer any questions
or even say goodbye.
• Avoid answering questions or saying ‘yes’ to anything or providing                                Experts in web design, web development,
  your name.                                                                                          and digital marketing with capabilities
• Don’t get provoked into agreeing to anything or offering any personal information.                 extending far beyond what most digital
                                                                                                              agencies have to offer.
• If you are concerned, verify the identity of the caller (i.e., check with other family members
  about a child or grandchild’s whereabouts)                                                             Call Bruce at 414.226.2710
                                                                                                      or email
fRaUD aLERtS iN 2020
                                                                                                           to discuss your needs!
In addition to continuing efforts by scammers to defraud victims through computer, IRs, and
other phone scams, the current climate has introduced novel scams that people should avoid:                        • Brilliant design
• Job-Related fraud scammers reach out through contact information on legitimate sites               • Digital strategy • Content management
  offering job leads for a fee. Real jobs would never require a deposit or a payment.                       • Search engine optimization
                                                                                                          • analytics insights & reporting
• Census Scams Imposters show up at your door or call asking for personal information,
  including social security numbers. The Census Bureau will never ask for this information.
• Election Scams scammers call or appear at your door soliciting donations for a candidate.
  Do not give any money to a candidate from an unsolicited request. Go directly to the
  candidate’s website or campaign office if you wish to support them.
• Delivery Scams With the increase of home deliveries, scammers send emails requiring that
  you click a link to confirm delivery or verify a credit card number. Only use the initial order
  confirmation email to track shipments, and if you have any doubt, log into the company
• Medicare Scams scammers offer free testing, but you have to provide a Medicare number
  to proceed. Do not give your Medicare number to anyone but a trusted medical professional
  who you contacted for treatment or advice.
• CoViD-19 Scams scammers offering a vaccine, a treatment, or even threatening to infect
  you if you don’t provide payment. Avoid all such offers and scams, and seek information
  directly from trusted government sources.
                                                                                                      ANCIENT WISDOM,
WhERE to fiND hELP                                                                                   MODERN HEALTHCARE
If you suspect that you were the potential victim of fraud, report it (see the resource below)       Serving Oak Creek and surrounding
for investigation. If you do fall victim to a scam, report it immediately and don’t beat yourself         communities since 2011.
up. Remember that they have become experts at winning you over and obtaining your                                      •
                                                                                                           Discover the benefits of
information. Provide the authorities with as much information as possible, and work to
                                                                                                        acupuncture, herbal medicine
safeguard yourself in the future.                                                                            and massage therapy.
                                                                                                     Reduce stress and anxiety, improve
• Oak Creek Police Department: Call (414) 762-8200                                                   sleep, relieve pain and much more!
• National Center for Disaster Fraud Hotline: Call (866) 720-5721                                                      •
                                                                                                         We accept United Healthcare
  or visit                                                                         and VA coverage.
• Wisconsin Consumer Protection Bureau: Call (800) 422-7128,
  email or visit                                                    /C!DE)ED>7?'
                                                                                                      ###8,867228+7,8 4*8577*
                                                                                                               (%( 8 %%

                                                                                                    sUMMER 2020 OAK CREEK CURRENT 13
City of oak CREEk: kEEPiNg SafE DURiNg SUMMER EVENtS


                            h we love hosting events for our
                            hile                                                For many years, the Oak Creek community has celebrated the
                            r         and visitors to Oak Creek,            Fourth of July together with a festive parade and a beautiful
                            r     now our top priority is keeping our       fireworks display at dusk. Unfortunately, the many obstacles to
                           co           safe and healthy.                   planning a 2020 event in the face of the pandemic has resulted in
                            W COVID-19 affecting nearly every               the Common Council canceling this year’s event. While disappointing
                     aspect of our lives this spring, we had to make        to many, this decision was made in the public health interest of the
 h decision
    d i i to close
                 l our buildings
                         b          and press pause on our events and       Fourth of July celebration participants, volunteers, partners and guests.
programs. Our Tourism and Celebrations Commissions had to look                  The Community Calendar on page 38 contains a snapshot of our
at the upcoming event season and make decisions without knowing             planned events. By the time the magazine reaches your mailbox,
how the next several months would play out.                                 things may have changed! We hope not, but it is a possibility as we
   That said, some of the summer’s earliest events, the summer              balance summer fun and keeping everyone healthy. We encourage
soulstice and the Oak Creek Beer Garden at Abendschein Park, are            you to follow the Visit Oak Creek website and Facebook page for
canceled for 2020. We promise to bring those fun events back next           all of the most current event information before making your plans.
year. We have also postponed the June dates for the Traveling Food              We hope to see you all this summer, even if it is from a
Truck Tour and the Outdoor Movie Night.                                     six-foot distance!

Guidelines To Keep Market safe and Open to shoppers
                                                The 2020 Oak Creek           – Fever (100.4°F or higher) – shortness of breath
                                                Farmers Market will be       – Cough, sore throat or chills – Muscle pain and/or headache
                                                going on as scheduled,       – New loss of taste or smell
                                                with some modifications       2. Identify if you are in a “high-risk” group and consider having
                                                to ensure everyone’s            someone else shop for you, or consider the online/curbside
                                                safety. so, make it your        pickup option. High-risk groups include:
                                                saturday morning routine     – People age 60 and over
                                                to pick up locally grown,    – Pregnant women
                                                farm-fresh foods at the      – People with underlying health conditions or weakened
                                                Farmers Market.                 immune systems
                                                   Farmers markets are       3. Wash hands frequently with warm soapy water. Cover coughs
                                                essential for bringing           and sneezes.
fresh, locally sourced food to our residents, as well as supporting the      4. Keep six feet distance from other at all time (except those in
livelihood of the farmers who have committed to bring their products            your family or immediate household).
to us. This is the core mission of the Oak Creek Farmers Market, and         5. Limit interactions with other customers and vendors. When
the one we will be focusing on for at least the first four weeks of the          possible, please only have one person per household at the
2020 season.                                                                    market to make social distancing easier for others.
    For the short-term, with the health and safety of our community          6. Make a shopping list and complete shopping as quickly as possible.
in mind, we will be focusing on the market as a grocery shopping             7. Leave pets at home.
experience, offering our marketgoers the freshest products in the            8. Please allow the vendor to bag your purchases. Customers are
area, in a fast and convenient format. We’re suspending the other             not allowed to handle produce/products before buying. We’re
activities for the time being, and we appreciate your understanding.          sorry, but reusable bags are not allowed during this time.
    While we do our part to keep our shoppers safe, here are some            9. Preorder from your favorite vendors, if possible, and utilize
things you can do to keep the market safe and open:                             the drive-up option being offered.
  1. stay home if you are sick or if you’ve had close contact with a        10. Be prepared with small bills to offer exact change to vendors
     confirmed COVID-19 patient in the past 14 days. COVID-19                    when possible.
     symptoms include:


Welcome to these New Oak Creek businesses
ShoP LoCaL, StoP iN, Say hELLo aND WELCoME thEM to oUR City

aLLURE MEDiCaL                          hiLLSiDE CoffEE hoUSE                               M
                                                                              tRoPiCaL SMoothiE          Café
8825 s. Howell Ave., #102               237 E. Ryan Rd. • (414) 304-5559      7940 s. 6th st. • (414) 304-5590
(414) 485-2880 •                                  
                                        igNitE MEDiCaL RESoRtS
aMERiCaN DREaM tax                      2700 W. Honadel Blvd.                 UECkER SChULtZ
6508 s. 27th st., suite 5               (414) 435-2005                        7280 s. 13th st., suite 203
(414) 281-5228 •                (414) 962-1400 •
aVaLa ExPRESS                           LiVE oak hEaLth                       VaLERi oRthoDoNtiCS
(tRUCkiNg Co.)                          9555 s. Howell Ave., suite 700        8880 s. Howell Ave., #1100
7236 s. 27th st., Unit 1                (414) 676-2112                        (414) 436-0835 •
(630) 635-7165                
                                                                              New Location:
BRoNSoN iNSURaNCE                       MiRaCLE SaLtWoRkS                     kELViN SChRoEDER
SERViCES                                7730 s. 6th st., suite A              JEWELERS
2345 W. Ryan Road, suite H              (414) 304-5221                        8645 s. Howell Ave., suite 3
(414) 885-5000                         (414) 762-7111 •
                                        PURE BEaUty                           LakEShoRE VEtERiNaRy
CaMP BoW WoW                            7236 s. 27th st., Unit 3              SPECiaLiStS
8411 s. Liberty Ln.                     (414) 659-2279                        9472 s. 27th st. • (414) 761-6333
(414) 808-2275 •  
ChiRo oNE                               SafER MiLE LogiStiCS                  VaNity haiR By NiChoLE
WELLNESS CENtER                         610 W. Rawson Ave., suite 100         7236 s. 27th st., suite 2
8880 s. Howell Ave., suite 840          (262) 797-9670                        (262) 770-9973
(414) 491-0096 •                                       
                                        Q SPa MaSSagE thERaPy
CiRCa NaiLS & LaShES                    6508 s. 27th st., suite 7
2400 W. Ryan Rd. • (414) 304-7233       (414) 422-5547 •
DoCtoRS of                              SoSa SEaSoNaL SERViCES
PhySiCaL thERaPy                        330 W. Drexel Ave. • (414) 630-6115
8619 s. Howell Ave. • (262) 671-2033
                                                                                sUMMER 2020 OAK CREEK CURRENT 15

                                                                   Business spotlight: Kelvin schroeder Jewelers
                                                                   GORGEOUs JEWELRY
                                                                   AND DECADEs OF
                                                                   UNPARALLELED sERVICE
                                 Fine jewelry is   suburban Milwaukee. He jumped at the                of precious gems and jewelry – from
                                 often given as    chance and bought a building located on             understanding mining operations, pearl
                                 a symbol of       Milwaukee Avenue in the growing suburb              culturing, metallurgy, artistic design, casting
                                 the love and      of south Milwaukee. He worked tirelessly            and fabrication processes. They are committed
sentiment people share – something to              10-15 hours a day, six days a week to build         to implementing environmentally sound
enjoy and treasure for years to come. And          his business, and succeeded, even after the         practices in all of their work.
for more than 82 years, people have turned         Great Depression in the early ’30s.                    In June 2019, the business moved to its
to Kelvin schroeder Jewelers in Oak Creek             His son, Kelvin D. schroeder and his wife        current location, just a few blocks south
for all of their jewelry needs.                    Lyla followed in his footsteps and continued        at 8645 s. Howell Ave. (at Puetz Rd.).
    This local business, located at 8645 s.        the jewelry tradition. Kelvin D. attended           Customers can now experience a larger,
Howell, has a stellar reputation for outstanding   the resident program of the Gemological             more comfortable and modern showroom
jewelry and quality service. Now in its third      Institute of America (G.I.A.) in santa Monica,      that enhances their shopping experience,
generation of family ownership/management          Calif., and earned his graduate gemology            and there is plenty of parking right out front.
(with a fourth generation coming up the            degree in 1972 after attending watchmaking          According to Kelvin M., “Operating a
ranks), Kelvin schroeder Jewelers offers an        school in Milwaukee. In 1989, he and his wife       jewelry store in Oak Creek is both interesting
amazing selection of designer jewelry,             opened their store at the corner of Howell          and fun. It’s so enjoyable to meet wonderful
spectacular Ideal-Cut GIA-certified loose           and Drexel Avenues in Oak Creek. Today,             people who love jewelry as much as we do.
diamonds in all shapes and sizes, top-quality      their children, Kelvin M. and Heather,              Our valued customers have ultimately
and rare gems in all colors, professional          represent the third generation of Kelvin            become friends over the years.”
appraisals, and exceptional repairs. since its     schroeder Jewelers.
founding, the schroeder family has applied            Kelvin M., like his grandfather and father       oak CREEk’S PREMiER
the values of honesty, integrity and hard          before him, had many jobs growing up that           JEWELRy StoRE
work – all of which are reflected in the            taught him the appreciation of high-quality         Always ready to serve, Kelvin schroeder
quality and care consistently offered to           jewelry and the value of hard work. Before          Jewelers offers a variety of designer lines
its customers.                                     working full time at the jewelry store, he          to keep things current and fresh for its
                                                   honed his skills in the industry. He attended       customers. Kelvin M. explains how they love
thE EaRLy yEaRS                                    the G.I.A. (like his father) to earn his graduate   to bring in new lines that reflect the desires
This very special jewelry store’s interesting      gemology degree, and earned additional
roots date back to 1937 when it was founded        certification in advanced diamond grading,
by grandfather Kelvin August schroeder.            detecting synthetic diamonds, pearl grading,
He was a self-made entrepreneur who                and precious metal assaying (determining
came from humble beginnings in northern            their purity via testing). Kelvin M.’s sister,
Wisconsin. He ultimately worked his way up         Heather, who is the office and accounts
to an apprenticeship at a fine jewelry store        manager, graduated with a bachelor of arts
in the heart of downtown Milwaukee and             degree from Marquette University.
earned his watchmaking license. Because               Growing up in the jewelry business was
he proved himself to be ambitious and hard         fascinating for the schroeder siblings.
working, he was told of an opportunity that        Because of the nature of the industry, they
would allow him to start his own business in       learned to appreciate the beauty and value

Below: Kelvin Schroeder, shown here grading
                                                                                               diamonds, represents the third generation of
                                                                                               Kelvin Schroeder Jewelers’ ownership.

                               The beautiful showroom inside Kelvin Schroeder
                                     Jewelers’ new location at 8645 S. Howell.

and attitudes of their fashionable clientele.     ceramic and tungsten – with custom finishes,      Wisconsin. Honesty, hard work, integrity,
But the business enjoys specializing in           patterns and inlays such as hardwoods and        educated product knowledge, value and
custom work the most. “We always seek to          even real dinosaur bone or meteorite!” As        a passion for serving its customers and
offer our customers the most current and          for engagement rings, designs have changed       community are the hallmarks for their
sought-after designs, but our true passion        over the years from simple and classic to        success over the past 82 years.
is in custom-creating unique styles. And          more wild and complex styles, and men’s              An unusual and interesting story they
crowning them with top-quality, vibrantly         wedding bands have definitely changed.            share is about a phone call the store received
colored exotic gemstones that ‘WOW!’                 “But our commitment to Oak Creek has          from a customer whose preschool son was
our customers is the icing on the cake,”          not changed,” says Kelvin M. That’s why          found playing at lunchtime with what looked
Kelvin M. shares.                                 giving back to the community is such an          like some sort of gem. The son’s teacher
    All of the staff at Kelvin schroeder Jewel-   important part of Kelvin schroeder Jewelers.     collected it and held it for safe keeping
ers are qualified to assist in the design of       They have donated thousands of dollars and       until the customer picked up her son and
one-of-a-kind pieces, fabricating a unique        hundreds of hours of volunteer service, as       brought the stone into the jewelry store
piece of jewelry that brings a customer’s         well as contributed to organizations such        for identification. Immediately recognizing
dream to fruition.                                as the MACC Fund, Lion’s Club and the            what it was, Kelvin M. asked with surprise,
    “In addition, we pride ourselves on selling   Rotary Club. Faith-based food pantries,          “WHERE did you say he found this again?”
‘heirloom quality’ jewelry – well-made            Little League and other youth sports             It seems the customer had lost her 1.00
(not mass-produced) pieces that, along with       programs, local church/school fundraisers,       carat diamond years ago and since then had
top-quality gems, can last a lifetime and be      the Police Department and the Oak Creek          Kelvin schroeder Jewelers replace it. After
passed down generation to generation,”            Community Center have all been beneficiaries      all that time, the mystery of the missing
he says.                                          of the store’s generosity. In addition, Kelvin   diamond was finally solved – her son had
    When asked how jewelry buying habits          schroeder Jewelers has held educational          found it in the bottom of his sock drawer!
have changed over the years, Kelvin M.            seminars to provide information to the public        Kelvin M. sums it up by saying, “We
points out that the classics never seem to go     regarding jewelry appraisals as they relate to   cherish the trust our customers place in us
out of style. “Jewelry trends may change,         wills and estate settlement.                     and will always do everything we can to take
but the classics remain. Even the styles             simply put, “We are proud to serve the        care of them and their jewelry needs. We
that seem to disappear for a time, make a         great Oak Creek community – the people           feel it is a privilege to serve Oak Creek and
resurgence later. Yellow gold jewelry is a        are terrific!” exclaims Kelvin M. “Everyone is    the entire southeastern Wisconsin area.”
perfect example.”                                 very community-minded and caring. We also            stop in soon and experience first-hand
    He recalls that “When our parents got         love being a part of the excitement as our       their beautiful new showroom and personalized
married, plain gold rings were the norm.          community continues to grow and become           service. Where Kelvin schroeder remains
Now, although we can create nearly anything,      a renowned city in Wisconsin.” Kelvin            true to not just meeting its customers
we offer wedding bands in a wide array of         schroeder Jewelers is grateful for the           expectation, but exceeding them.
precious metal combinations and/or cutting-       opportunity to continue its tradition as one     kelvin Schroeder Jewelers
edge materials such as Damascus steel,            of the oldest, independent family-owned/         8645 S. howell ave. • oak Creek
zirconium, carbon fiber, cobalt chrome,            operated, full-service jewelry stores in         414-762-7111 •

                                                                                                     sUMMER 2020 OAK CREEK CURRENT 17
~ F O O D   A N D   B E V E R A G E S     ~

          A URAL AND KOSHER-
          AT              KOSHE
   for a healthy and refreshing treat
    Featuring delicious frozen yogurt, froyo
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                                                                            The Cellar Pub & Grill
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                                                                                     in Oak Creek
                                                                              SERVING UP GREAT HOSPITALITY IN
                                                                             OUR HISTORIC LANDMARK BUILDING!

                                                                                      JOIN OUR VIP CLUB!
                                                                                     Text “Cellar” to 57711 and
                                                                                  receive $5 off your first order by
                                                                                       showing the message.

        THANK YOU, OAK CREEK,                                                Thanks for your support, Oak Creek!
     FOR YOUR SUPPORT DURING                                                    Go to our Facebook page to see
      THESE CHALLENGING TIMES!                                               our daily specials! Offering curbside
      Offering both pick-up and delivery
       (curbside and contactless service
                                                                             pickup and delivery. We’ll be open to
            available upon request).                                         dine in as soon as the Safer-at-Home
                                                                                         order is lifted.
       ½ Pan of Baked Mostaccioli $20
           – Ready-To-Bake Pizzas
   – Wed. Italian Deli (ready-to-bake meals
     order by 4 pm Tue. for Wed. pick up).
   – Ready-To-Go Beverages (pick up only).
     For more info, click “Chef’s Menu” online
           TRATTORIA DI CARLO                                                          812 W. Oakwood Rd.
                8469 S. Howell Ave.                                                   Just south of Ryan Rd.
         (414) 768-0001 •
    Hours: Mon. 2-8 pm, Tue.-Thur. 11 am-8 pm,
    Fri. 11 am-10 pm, Sat. 1-10 pm, Sun. 12-8 pm

~    S P E C I A L T Y              P R O D U C T S   A N D   S E R V I C E S                      ~

                                                                  2020 SUMMER SPECIAL
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                                                                  (Includes uniform – with this coupon only)

                                                                  Ascension Martial Arts is the premier
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                                                                 Rise to your potential and soar to new
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                                                                  200 E. Oak St. (next to Eva’s Bridal)
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                                                                DISCOVER BARRE DISTRICT
                                                                   A lifestyle concept that combines
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                                                                 yoga into a full body workout. You will
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                     Nov, 15, 2020
                                                                      District Lifestyle studios are
                                                                individually owned, community-based,
                                                                      and designed to support and
                                                                    promote other small businesses.
                                                                    Your first class is always FREE!
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                                                                  Barre District Oak Creek
                                                                        (in Drexel Town Square)
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                                                               SUMMER 2020 OAK CREEK CURRENT 19
MatC: MoViNg 1,600 CLaSSES oNLiNE aND CoNtiNUiNg high-QUaLity iNStRUCtioN

   Dr. Kelly J. Dries, MATC Healthcare Pathway dean,
   prepares supplies the college donated to hospitals.

                                                            MATC MOVEs 1,600 CLAssEs
                                                            ONLINE – AND CONTINUEs
                                                            HIGH-QUALITY INsTRUCTION

                         h the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-
                         hen                                               the Associate of Arts (A.A.) and Associate of science (A.s.) degrees
                         119) crisis required colleges to suspend          in the college’s General Education pathway can be completed in two
                           iin-person classes, Milwaukee Area Technical    years of full-time study. An online accelerated program offers five
                        College quickly pivoted so its students could
                        C                                                  accelerated sessions that can be finished in a year.
                      con         to pursue their dreams while safely at       Completing these associate degree programs provides the
                   home. The college increased the number of online        opportunity for transfer to a four-year school with junior standing.
courses tto 1,600
            1 600 andd provided new resources for the students             MATC also offers several pre-major programs. Through them,
entering campus through clicks on a keyboard. MATC was able to             students get a head start on an area of interest:
meet the community’s need for expanded at-home learning options            • Chemical Technology (A.s.) provides instruction in state-of-the-
because it has been offering quality online courses for 20 years.            art labs.
                                                                           • Economics (A.s.) prepares students to pursue finance, economics
MatC’s Credits transfer for Bachelor’s Degrees                               and business bachelor’s degrees.
Over the years, MATC’s online offerings of general education               • Community Engagement (A.A.) explores contemporary urban
courses, which are specifically designed to transfer to four-year             issues and social action.
colleges and universities, have been popular with bachelor’s degree-       • Global studies (A.A.) emphasizes foreign language study and
seeking students who take courses while at home during summer                exploring multicultural perspectives.
and winter breaks.                                                         • Teacher Education (A.A.) prepares students to pursue bachelor’s
   MATC is one of only five Wisconsin technical colleges offering             degrees in K-12 education.
liberal arts four-year transfer programs in addition to its technical
diploma and certificate programs.                                              Call 414-297-6584, email or visit
   “Now, as students remain in the Milwaukee area this summer     to learn more about
and fall due to COVID-19, it’s anticipated that more individuals will      MATC’s liberal arts programs. students also should consult with the
take MATC’s online four-year transfer courses, such as English,            four-year school regarding specific requirements for transferring
mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities,”            credits.
says Dr. Mark Felsheim, executive director of MATC’s Oak
Creek Campus.                                                              Supporting Student Success
   The college offers smaller class sizes and affordable tuition rates,    MATC strives to make sure students learning at home feel connected
providing a strong value. To learn more, contact a recruiter at            to the college community. Instructors reaching out to students during                                                      the pandemic has proved impactful.
                                                                              Horticulture instructor Delisa White received this email from
Pre-Majors for four-year Degrees                                           student Brian Morrison: “You people are amazing! I can’t express
For students interested in starting their bachelor’s degree at MATC,       enough kind words to tell you how much of a positive impact you

MATC graduates fill IT, protective services,
                                                                                                 healthcare, truck driving and other
                                                                                                 front-line roles.

        “Especially at this time, we see the power of an MATC education in
      our alumni on the front lines keeping our community healthy and safe.”
                                          – Dr. Mark Felsheim, Campus Executive Director

     make on so many lives. I, for one, am extremely thankful. Honestly,    MatC Reopens Promise application for Class of 2020
     you are some of today’s unrecognized heroes.”                          Class of 2020 high school graduates now have until July 17 to apply
        To assist students during the spring semester, the college:         for MATC’s Promise for New High school Graduates. The college
     • Provided Chromebook laptops to 1,000 students who did not have       is reopening the application window due to the economic impact of
       access to a home computer.                                           COVID-19 on our community.
     • set up live chats with MATC’s IT Helpdesk for technology                 For eligible graduates, the MATC Promise will pay the tuition
       assistance.                                                          and program course fees for up to 75 credits, after federal and state
     • Began Wellness Wednesdays with online yoga and mindfulness           financial grant aid has been applied. The cost of books, program
       exercises.                                                           fees and equipment are not covered by the Promise program.
     • Offered online advising, counseling and tutoring resources.              Also, the MATC Promise for Adults final deadline is July 17.
     • Met students’ increased need for emergency grants to help            Eligible Promise for Adults participants earn up to 75 credits of
       with food, housing and other expenses.                               free tuition, after other scholarships and grants are applied, to
     • Expanded its partnership with Froedtert Hospital to provide          complete an in-demand associate degree or technical diploma.
       students no-cost telehealth visits and mental health resources.          To learn more about these programs, visit,
                                                                            email or call (414) 297-6668.
                     Proud to Be MatC
                      MATC’s mission centers on its commitment to serve
                      the community. One example is MATC respiratory
                      therapist instructor Mike Christman, who cared for
                      COVID-19 patients in a New York City hospital and
                      shared experiences with his students online. When
                      New York Governor Andrew Cuomo desperately
                      asked healthcare providers to come help, “that kind
                      of hit home with me,” Christman says. The college
Christman             has donated personal protective equipment and
                      other healthcare supplies to several Milwaukee-area
     hospitals, and food from its culinary programs was given to the non-
     profit Hunger Task Force.
         “Especially at this time, we see the power of an MATC education                                MatC oak CREEk CaMPUS
     in our alumni on the front lines keeping our community healthy and
                                                                                                        6665 S. howell ave.
     safe,” Dr. Felsheim says. He notes that MATC graduates are working
                                                                                                        (414) 571-4500 •
     as healthcare providers, EMTs, police officers and firefighters;
     manufacturing in-demand goods; running IT networks; managing                                       Dr. Mark felsheim,
     supply chain logistics; driving trucks; and more.                                                  Campus Executive Director
        Enrollment is underway for MATC’s Fall semester, which starts
     August 24. To learn more about the college, see or
     email                                              Dr. Mark Felsheim          Visit
                                                                                                      sUMMER 2020 OAK CREEK CURRENT 21
~    S P E C i a L t y       P R o D U C t S   a N D   S E R V i C E S   ~

       NOW, MORE
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~         S P E C i a L t y                    P R o D U C t S                    a N D    S E R V i C E S        ~

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 We bring the beauty of
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  • Top-quality granite and quartz
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         laser templating                                And Proud To Be
                                                     Oak Creek’s Premier Jeweler
                                                    • Custom-designed & created jewelry
    SUMMER SPECIAL                                  • Ideal cut, GIA-certified diamonds
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          • 7 Colors To Choose From                 • Unique selection of designer jewelry
           • Free Standard Edging                   • Graduate GIA gemologist on staff
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                                                    • Professional appraisals & consultations
                                                    • Exceptional repair of watches & jewelry
1060 W. Northbranch Dr. • Oak Creek
          (414) 766-9500                               VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM                                  8645 S. Howell Ave.                              414-762-7111 •

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