Annual 2015 2016 2017 - Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries

Page created by Francis Williamson
Annual 2015 2016 2017 - Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
Annual   2015
Report   2017
Annual 2015 2016 2017 - Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
Director’s message
Calling this an Annual Report is a misnomer. However, in common parlance, a Quadrennial Report just
does not ‘sing’ the way that Annual Report does. And so this is an Annual Report for the first four years of
the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries.

It does make sense. It has taken at least that many years for us to get our feet fully beneath us. When
we were created on July 1, 2015, the Institute, while it evolved from the storied Fisheries Centre, had a
new, broader mandate that spanned the natural and social sciences. We now include aquatic ecology,
economics, zoology, anthropology, sociology, oceanography, marine geochemistry, microbiology, resource
management, and international maritime law in our purview, and are charged with the mission of
leading the way to healthy and sustainable marine and freshwater systems through excellent research,
inspirational education, and innovative societal engagement. Lofty, and inspiring, goals.

Looking through the Report you will note that, while we are still finding our way, we are slowly but surely
building an Institute that is more than the sum of its parts. We are still organized in research units, but note
that in so many cases, those units work with each other to produce the excellent research we have always
been famous for. The Sea Around Us works with the Fisheries Economics Research Unit and Changing
Oceans Research Unit for numerous studies, while the Marine Zooplankton and Micronekton Laboratory
works with the Pelagaic Ecosystems Lab, which in turn liaises with Marine Mammal Research Unit and the
Statistical Ecology Research Group, and so on. We pride ourselves on our interdisciplinary nature at the
macro level, and can also celebrate our interconnectiveness at the micro.

We look forward to sharing our next milestones with you.

                                               Dr. Evgeny Pakhomov
                                               Professor and Director, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
                                               The University of British Columbia
Annual 2015 2016 2017 - Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
Sea Around Us
This initiative catalogues and presents fisheries and related data at
spatial scales that are relevant to ecology and policy. The Sea Around
Us website catalogues fisheries and ecosystem data according to
Exclusive Economic Zones, Large Marine Ecosystems, High Seas
areas, and other ecologically meaningful special areas.
                                            Principal Investigator: Dr. Daniel Pauly

Highlights                                   previously published four similar               marine fisheries catches are higher
Closing the high seas to fishing             compendia for islands, covering both            than reported and declining” in Nature
In 2015, with contributions from the         tropical and temperate islands in all           Communications and the book, Global
Fisheries Economics Research Unit,           ocean basins, and ranging from the              Atlas of Marine Fisheries.
the Sea Around Us entered this debate,       largest, such as Greenland, to the
which was already taking place in            smallest such as Pitcairn Island or             The Atlas presented the methods
international fora, with the paper,          Nauru, however a research group had             and results of the 273 catch
“Winners and losers in a world where         never presented the fisheries catches of        reconstructions that the Sea Around
the high seas is closed to fishing”          all island territories of the world. The Sea    Us team, assisted by over 300
(Scientific Reports). This paper had a       Around Us was the first to do it.               researchers from all continents,
major impact; demonstrating that the                                                         carried out to cover the Exclusive
high seas generate 5 to 8 percent of the     This may lead to advances in ‘nesology,’        Economic Zones of all maritime
world’s marine catch, and that only a        the multifaceted disciplines devoted            countries, or their overseas territories
handful of subsidized fleets can fish        to the study of island economies and            for the years 1950 to 2010. The Nature
there. This is effectively an oligopoly      culture, but which suffered from the            Communications article presented a
for accessing the different species of       inability to access reliable fishery catch      synthesis of these 273 reconstructions.
valuable tuna found in the area.             time series from countries’ overseas
                                             territories, such as the Galápagos, and         This synthesis demonstrated that
The Sea Around Us research showed            also from culturally or economically            global marine fisheries catches are
that more people could benefit from          important islands such as Crete,                50% higher than what the Food and
such resources if the high seas were         Sardinia, Sicily, or the Baleares in the        Agriculture Organization of the United
closed to fishing because a giant marine     Mediterranean.                                  Nations (FAO) reports on behalf of
reserve would be created and it would                                                        member countries, and that have been
enable overfished tuna stocks to rebuild.    Global catch reconstruction
Such a recovery would generate a             In 2016, the Sea Around Us had two
spillover effect that would allow for        major publications; the paper “Catch           Sea Around Us 2016 team at a retreat
more tuna and other highly migratory         reconstructions reveal that global                      on the Sunshine Coast, B.C.
fish presently caught in the high
seas to be caught in the EEZs of
various countries.

Thus closing the high seas
could be catch-neutral in terms
of global fish catches while
inequality in the distribution
of fisheries benefits among
the world’s maritime countries
could be reduced by 50%.

Sub-Antarctic Islands catch
In 2015, the Sea Around Us
published, in a Fisheries Centre
Research Reports, a compilation
of catch reconstructions for the
often-neglected sub-Antarctic
islands. Sea Around Us had
Annual 2015 2016 2017 - Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
Mission: To assess the impact
 of fisheries on the marine
 ecosystems of the world and offer
 mitigating solutions to a range of
 stakeholders such as researchers,
 students, NGOs, advocacy groups,
 fishers, fisheries managers,
 government bodies, and
 intergovernmental organizations.

 Vision: To be the provider of the
 most accurate, updated, complete
 and used global fisheries database,
 as a support system for research
 devoted to the sustainable man-
 agement of fisheries resources
 across the world.

declining at a rate of 1.2 million tonnes                   Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller receive Ocean Award in 2016
of catch per year since the mid-1990s.

The stark difference between reported
and reconstructed catches could be
explained by the fact that the data
reported by FAO are ‘landings’ and not
‘catches,’ because they explicitly omit
discarded catches and bycatch. Also,
they cover small-scale fisheries very
cursorily, often ignoring artisanal and
especially subsistence and recreational
fisheries. Additionally, they do not
attempt to include illegally caught fish,
thus masking issues associated with
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated
(IUU) fisheries. The Sea Around
Us database, on the other hand,
covered all those sectors, as the catch
reconstruction methodology that was
developed corrects for the omissions in
                                                               Daniel Pauly receives the 2016 Albert Ier Grand Medal
the FAO database.                                                                             in the Science category

The data behind these catch
reconstructions are available on
the Sea Around Us website (www. and are corrected
and updated regularly. Individual catch
reconstructions are also submitted to
scientific journals and over 100 of them
have already been published in the
peer-reviewed literature.

The results from both the Nature
Communications paper and the Atlas
drew a lot of attention from the media,
with over 100 stories published in
various outlets (i.e. The Washington Post,
The Guardian, The Huffington Post, BBC,
and CBC).                                    Daniel Pauly receives Radio-Canada’s Scientist of the Year Award in 2017
Annual 2015 2016 2017 - Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
Documenting the Sea Around Us’               freshwater bodies. The piece was among      world, stock assessments of major
work                                         UBC’s Top 5 Stories of 2017.                species occurring and exploited therein.
The international dimension of the Sea
Around Us’ catch reconstruction work         Assessing the world’s fish stocks           Sea Around Us Down Under
was captured in an award-winning             In 2018, with the support of Oceana,        In June 2017, Dr. Dirk Zeller, who had
documentary produced by Ms. Alison           and based on the Sea Around Us’             been Sea Around Us’ project manager
Barrat for the Khaled Bin Sultan Living      reconstructed catch time series, Dr. M.L.   since 1999, became a professor of
Oceans Foundation. The film is titled        ‘Deng’ Palomares led the Sea Around Us      Marine Conservation at the University of
An Ocean Mystery: The Missing Catch.         team on a project aimed at performing       Western Australia (UWA) and launched
This documentary premiered at the            over 2,000 stock assessments ,              the Sea Around Us – Indian Ocean, the
Smithsonian National Museum of               essentially covering the most important     project’s first external ‘branch.’
Natural History and on Smithsonian           exploited marine fish and invertebrate
Channel on Earth Day 2017. It is now         species in the world.                       Sea Around Us activities at UWA have
available online and has gathered a                                                      brought attention to the Indian Ocean,
dozen awards and thousands of views.         The group used the CMSY method              an area often neglected in global studies
                                             developed by long-time collaborator,        but crucial when dealing with food
GOLT paper creates some buzz                 Dr. Rainer Froese, and colleagues. This     security, as countries along the Indian
In August 2017, Dr. Daniel Pauly and         method requires only catch time series      Ocean Rim are home to one-third of the
Dr. William Cheung (a former Sea             as input, along with easy-to-obtain         world’s population.
Around Us postdoc, now professor             ancillary quantitative information,
in the Institute for the Oceans and          which makes it ideal for determining        Dr. Zeller’s appointment helped solidify
Fisheries), published the paper “Sound       trends in fish biomass in data-poor areas   the Sea Around Us’ partnership with
physiological knowledge and principles       and inform fisheries managers in charge     UWA and its Marine Futures Lab led by
in modeling shrinking fishes under           of establishing catch quotas.               Prof. Jessica Meeuwig, as well as with
climate change” in Global Change                                                         the Minderoo Foundation, one of the
Biology. It explained how higher             This work allowed the Sea Around            unit’s new partners.
temperatures, by elevating the oxygen        Us team to present, for every ‘Marine
requirements of fish, force them to          Ecoregion’ and thus every EEZ of the                    Sea Around Us team UWA
remain smaller, as is already occurring in
various species.

This obvious inference was based on the
fact that fish gills, as a two-dimensional
surface, cannot grow as fast as their
bodies, i.e., the 3-dimensional volumes
that gills supply with oxygen. Hence,
the larger fish get, the less oxygen they
obtain per unit weight. It is thus no
surprise that they must remain smaller
when exposed to higher temperatures.

The article, which was based on Dr.
Pauly’s Gill-Oxygen-Limitation Theory
(GOLT), also attracted a lot of attention
from researchers, NGOs and media
because of the growing worries about
the implication of ocean warming and
deoxygenation, and similar processes in

 Partners and Donors
 Bloomberg Philanthropies                    Marisla Foundation                          Paul M. Angell Family Foundation
 Changing Ocean Research Unit                Mava Foundation                             Pew Charitable Trusts
 Conservation International                  Minderoo Foundation                         Rockefeller Foundation
 David and Lucile Packard Foundation         Nereus Program                              United Nations
 FishBase and SeaLifeBase                    Oak Foundation                              University of Western Australia
 Fisheries Economics Research Unit           Oceana                                      Vulcan Inc.
 Global Greengrants Fund                     Paul G. Allen Family Foundation             Walk Free Foundation
Annual 2015 2016 2017 - Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
Collaborative papers on fisheries           whose fleets rely heavily on government      available on the Sea Around Us website,
expansion and slavery at sea                subsidies, fish far away from home           can be viewed at country level, as well
“Far from home: distance patterns of        ports, and fail to comprehensively report    as for Large Marine Ecosystems and
global fishing fleets,” was published in    their actual catch, tend to fish beyond      other geographies, and thus enables
Science Advances, and marked the first      sustainable limits and are at higher         comparative assessments of the
collaborative research article between      risk of labour abuses. In a vicious cycle,   ecosystem impact of fishing, particularly
the Sea Around Us at UBC, the Sea           such labour abuses become ‘hidden            by bottom trawlers.
Around Us – Indian Ocean, the Marine        subsidies’ that allow those distant-water
Futures Lab at UWA, and the Minderoo        fishing fleets to remain profitable and      This work is being complemented with
Foundation.                                 continue their unscrupulous operations.      the construction of a global database
                                                                                         on fishing effort, as expressed by the
The authors mapped the growth and           Fisheries catch by gear                      cumulative power of the engines in the
spread of industrial fisheries using Sea    An intense effort led by Tim Cashion,        fishing fleets of maritime countries,
Around Us data and found that heavily-      resulted in the world’s fisheries catch      ranging from small coastal to large
subsidized industrial fishing fleets have   disaggregated by major industrial fishing    offshore vessels. This database is
doubled the distance they travel to         gears. This disaggregation, published        expected to be made public in 2020.
fishing grounds since 1950 but catch        in the journal Fisheries Research and
only a third of what they did 65 years                                                                Sea Around Us team UBC
ago per kilometre travelled.

The article received coverage by
important media outlets which,
together, have a potential audience
reach of 30 million people.

The same groups, together with the
Walk Free Foundation/Minderoo
Foundation, published “Modern
slavery and the race to fish” in Nature
Communications. This garnered massive
media coverage and received a score
of 320 in Altmetric, meaning it was in
the 96th percentile of the nearly 3,000
articles in the journal. By combining
fisheries data from the Sea Around Us
with country-level data on modern
slavery from the Walk Free Foundation,
the researchers found that countries

  Staff and Researchers
  Faculty                                    Krista Greer                                Postdoctoral Fellow
  Daniel Pauly Principal Investigator        Lincoln Hood                                Gabriel Vianna, SAU-IO
  Dirk Zeller Associate Faculty, SAU - IO    Simon-Luc Noel
                                             Gordon Tsui                                 Visiting Scientist
  Staff                                      Rachel White                                Cui “Elsa” Liang
  Deng Palomares, Project Manager            Jessika Woroniak
  Dirk Zeller, Project Manager (1999-        Courtney Brown (2019)                       PhD Student
                                             Tim Cashion (2015-2018)                     Cui “Elsa” Liang (2015-2016)
                                             Angelina Coulter (2015-2018)                Myriam Khalfallah
  Maria Ho, Administrative and Financial
                                             Darcy Dunstan (2015-2019)                   Lu Zhai
  Clerk (2014-2017)
  Valentina Ruiz Leotaud,                    Sarah Popov (2015-2018)
                                             Amy Rose Coghlan (2015-2017)                MSc Students
  Communications Officer
                                             Eric Sy (2014-2018)                         Rebecca Schijns
  David Geselbracht, Communications
                                             Maeve Winchester (2015-2017)                Matthew Ansell SAU-IO
  Officer (2015-2016)
                                                                                         Amy McAlpine SAU - IO
  Miel Ortiz, Website designer
                                                                                         Madeline Cashion (2015-2018)
  Research Assistants                        Research Fellows
                                             Lucas Brotz
  Elaine Chu                                                                             Co-op Students
                                             Maria (Deng) Palomares (2001-2017)          Audrey Zhu (2018-2019)
  Brittany Derrick
  María Frias-Donaghey                                                                   RC Hernandez (2019)
Annual 2015 2016 2017 - Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
Project Seahorse
Project Seahorse is an interdisciplinary and international organisation committed to conservation and
sustainable use of the world’s coastal marine ecosystems. It engages in connected research and
management at scales ranging from community initiatives to international accords. Collaborating with
stakeholders and partners, Project Seahorse use seahorses to focus its efforts in finding marine
conservation solutions.
                                                                                    Principal Investigator: Dr. Amanda Vincent
Saving seahorses & securing the shallow seas
Threatened by non-selective gear and other bad fishing
practices, as well as habitat degradation, seahorses are flagship
species for a wide range of marine conservation issues.
Through biological and social research, management and
policy change, field conservation, and citizen science, Project
Seahorse is dedicated to ensuring that seahorse populations
and their habitats are healthy and well-managed.
• Researchers published a monograph on seahorse
    taxonomy that now serves as the global reference for
    policy and management (2016).
• Project Seahorse obtained the first film footage of
    seahorse birth in the wild, with 2.39 million views on
    YouTube (2016).
• Dr. Amanda Vincent was one of six finalists for world’s           Seahorses (and many other organisms) are incidentally
    pre-eminent Indianapolis Prize in animal conservation           caught in multiple artisanal as well as commercial
    (2016).                                                         fisheries throughout their range - and this is the major
• The project completed the first global conservation               threat facing them. Even though small numbers are
    assessments ( for all 323 species of        caught per unit of effort, the number of individuals taken
    syngnathid fishes (2017).
                                                                    is substantial. © Sarah Foster/Project Seahorse
• Project Seahorse co-hosted the 3rd global SyngBio
    meeting for researchers and managers engaged with
                                                                    Making trade & fisheries sustainable
    the Syngnathid family of fishes: seahorses, pipefishes,
                                                                    Project Seahorse team members track the global seahorse
    pipehorses, and seadragons (2017).
                                                                    trade through a combination of field work and data analysis.
• As Chair of the global expert group on syngnathid fishes,
                                                                    In the 1990’s they uncovered the vast geographical and
    Dr. Vincent established the group’s first strategic plan
                                                                    economic scope of this trade. About 15-20 million seahorses
    ( (2017).
                                                                    are traded, live and dead, around the world each year. They are
• Four toolkits on seahorse conservation in China, Portugal,
                                                                    used in traditional medicine, for display in aquariums, and as
    Florida (USA), and South Africa, respectively, were created
                                                                    curios. Working with the United Nations’ global agreement,
                                                                    the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
• iSeahorse, Project Seahorse’s citizen science programme
                                                                    (CITES), they continue to make notable contributions to trade
    for seahorses (, reached >400
                                                                    regulation. Throughout 2015-2018, Project Seahorse:
    sightings and 12 trends monitoring team globally (2018).
                                                                                          • Provided practical policy advice
                                                                                               on seahorses for 182 nations, as
                                                                                               key advisors to the United Nations
 Impacts                                                                                       Convention on International Trade
 •   Catalysed creation of Project Seahorse’s 35th no-take marine protected area               in Endangered Species;
     in the Philippines (2016).                                                           •    Hosted inter-governmental events
 •   Provided the technical and policy input that prompted the near global                     on (i) connections between illegal
     closure of legal exports of seahorses, with new suspensions of trade from                 wildlife trade and illegal fishing and
     Guinea, Senegal, and Thailand (2016).                                                     (ii) implementation of global export
 •   Created breakthroughs in seahorse and marine conservation in China, with                  controls on marine fishes (2016);
     gains in professional training, citizen science, spatial planning, advancement            Discovered that 95 % of seahorse
     of protected areas, and outreach (2017).                                                  imports to Hong Kong SAR – a major
 •   Supported development of one new marine protected area in each of                         global centre for wildlife trade -
     Argentina, Bahamas, and China (2017-2018).                                                reportedly came from countries that
                                                                                               had ended exports (2017);
Annual 2015 2016 2017 - Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
         and HONOURS
         Amanda Vincent was
      awarded the Le Cren Medal
    (Fisheries Society of the British
     Isles) for outstanding work in
      conservation, education and
            outreach (2018).

    Amanda Vincent was one of six
    finalists for world’s pre-eminent
       Indianapolis Prize in animal
           conservation (2016)

Amanda Vincent and Xiong Zhang
visiting the CITES Authority in Beijing,
December 2018. © Amanda Vincent/Project Seahorse
                                                                                       Partnerships and
•   Provided key input on seahorse conservation issues (and more) to technical
    committees of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species          Collaborators
    (2017-2018);                                                                       Guylian Belgium Chocolates
•   Mobilised information on trade bans/suspensions and continuing IUU trade           Langar Foundation
    into a formal CITES document with Decisions that was then submitted by
    Maldives, Monaco, Sri Lanka and USA (CoP18 Doc. 72) (2018); and,                   Zoological Society of London
•   Created a conservation toolkit on bottom trawling in India (2017).                 Center for Marine Sciences,
                                                                                       University of Algarve, Portugal
Training conservationists & building capacity
                                                                                       Chandrakasem Rajabhat University,
Under greater pressure than ever before, the world’s oceans need more champions
and more optimists. Project Seahorse is training the next generation of scientists,
conservationists, and advocates to stand up for the oceans. To date Project Seahorse   Fisheries NSW, Australia
has trained 175+ professional conservationists (and ~80 volunteers) around the         Hirosaki University, Japan
world, with backgrounds ranging from the biological sciences to law to the arts. It
also mentors and supports many other colleagues.                                       Knysna Basin Project, South Africa
• Dr. Vincent is co-investigator on new NSERC CREATE grant ($1.56 million) for         NatureServe, USA
     Training Our Future Ocean Leaders programme (2016)
• Dr. Vincent was appointed as Chair of the Marine Conservation Committee for
                                                                                       Oceanario de Lisboa, Portugal
     the global union of conservation agencies and organizations (IUCN) (2017)         Peau-Bleue, France
• Dr. Vincent spent a year travelling to support marine conservation projects          Research Centre in Biodiversity
                                                      around the world, providing
                                                                                       and Genetic Resources (CIBIO),
                                                      collegiate contributions in
                                                      Argentina, Bahamas, China,
                                                                                       University of Porto, Portugal
                                                      France, India, and South         Save Our Seahorses Malaysia
                                                      Africa (2017-2018).              South China Sea Institute of
                                                                                       Oceanology, Chinese Academy of
                                                                                       Sciences, China
                                                                                       State University of Paraíba (UEPB),
                                                                                       The National Scientific and
                                                    PhD candidate, Tanvi               Technical Research Council of
                                                    Vaidyanathan, standing             Argentina (CONICET)
                                                    by baskets of bycatch              University of Tampa, USA
                                                    destined for chicken feed
                                                    in Mandapam north, India.          Vivekananda College,
                                                    ©Amanda Vincent/Project            Manonmaniam Sundaranar
                                                    Seahorse                           University, India
Annual 2015 2016 2017 - Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
Staff and Researchers                                                                   A Great seahorse
                                                                                        (Hippocampus kelloggi) in
Prof. Amanda Vincent, Professor
                                                                                        black coral, Oman. It is
and Director, Project Seahorse
                                                                                        traded both live for the
Dr. Sarah Foster, Research Associate                                                    aquarium trade as well as
Dr. Lindsay Aylesworth, PhD                                                             dried, for use in traditional
student and Research Associate                                                          medicine. It is classified as
Dr. Sara Lourie, Research Associate                                                     Vulnerable on the IUCN
Dr. Lucy Woodall, Research                                                              Red List for Threatened
Associate                                                                               Species. © John van Lent/
Dr. Tse-Lyn Loh, Postdoctoral                                                           Guylian Seahorses of the
Fellow                                                                                  World
Dr. Xiong Zhang, PhD student, then
Postdoctoral Fellow
Lily Stanton, Syngnathid Research
Regina Bestbier, Research
Biologist and Communications
Riley Pollom, Syngnathid
Research Biologist
Scott Finestone, Operations
Tyler Stiem, Communications
Kyle Gillespie, PhD student
Ting-Chun Kuo, PhD student
Jennifer Selgrath, PhD student
Tanvi Vaidyanathan, PhD
Iwao Fujii, MSc student
Clayton Manning, MSc
Allison Stocks, MSc student          Measuring dried seahorses in Vietnam. Although CITES has suspended exports
Emilie Stump, MSc student            of seahorses from Vietnam, they still make up a significant portion of the
                                     seahorse stock in the markets of Hong Kong – the world’s largest importer of
                                     dried seahorses. Photo by Allison Stocks/Project Seahorse

  Partners and Donors
  Aquarium du Quebec, Canada                              Munich Zoo, Germany
  Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund                      NSERC CREATE program
  Greensboro Science Center, USA                          Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong
  Guylian Belgian Chocolates                              Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, USA
  Herbert W. Hoover Foundation, USA                       People’s Trust for Endangered Species, UK
  Indianapolis Zoo, USA                                   Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, USA
  International Conservation Fund of Canada (ICFC)        Save Our Species
  International Union for the Conservation of Nature      Synchronicity Earth, UK
  Laguntza Foundation                                     Taiwan Forestry Bureau, COA
  Langar Foundation, Canada                               Whitley Fund for Nature
  Mohamed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund
Annual 2015 2016 2017 - Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
Fisheries Stock Assessment
                                                                              Principal Investigator: Dr. Murdoch McAllister

Bayesian stock assessments                   evaluation.” The
Dr. McAllister undertook research on         UBC team led the
developing Bayesian stock assessment         development of
methodologies, and implementations           new assessment
of those, in collaborations with agency      and simulation
scientists in Europe, New Zealand, the       evaluation models
US, and Canada on numerous fisheries         in collaboration
stock assessments and have led the way       with DFO,
to the more common implementation            industry groups,
of Bayesian stock assessment                 Oceana, and
methodologies in fisheries stock             SFU academics.
assessments. Since 2015, he has led          They developed
the development of stock assessment          and applied new
methodologies for fisheries for several      modeling software
different stocks on the Pacific and          to evaluate a                              Redfish - © Saulius Peleda /Pixabay
Atlantic coasts of Canada. Dr. McAllister    large variety of different candidate
                                                                                      the UBC team had evaluated as desirable
was the lead analyst in developing and       management methodologies for the
                                                                                      for the future management of the
applying Bayesian stock assessment           fishery. This time industry partners
                                                                                      Canadian Atlantic redfish fishery. The
methods for DFO assessments of Fraser        agreed not to bring in its own stock
                                                                                      management procedures considered
River Eulachon, and outside waters           assessment consultants and strongly
                                                                                      had been found to perform acceptably
yelloweye rockfish on the Pacific coast,     supported the new management
                                                                                      in terms of specific conservation and
and for Acadian and deepwater Atlantic       process and fishery management
                                                                                      fishery economic objectives under a
redfish on the Atlantic coast.               models developed by McAllister’s UBC
                                                                                      large variety of plausible hypotheses
                                                                                      about redfish stock dynamics. DFO is
Atlantic redfish fishery
                                                                                      currently preparing to implement one
Dr. McAllister’s collaborative research      In May 2018, DFO and fishing industry
                                                                                      of these management procedures to set
with the federal Department of               groups selected a small subset of the
                                                                                      catch limits for the Canadian Atlantic
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO),           numerous management options that
                                                                                      redfish fishery. The potential economic
and Canadian fishing industry
organizations on the Canadian Atlantic
                                            Vision: The economic, social             Mission:
redfish fishery led to the mending
of a long-standing, and previously          welfare, quality of life, and other      • Develop innovative modeling
adversarial, relationship between DFO       overarching benefits derived by             tools to:
and fishing industry groups on the          human communities from fisheries            • Analyze numerous types of
stock assessment and management of          are fostered through the rigorous               fishery and ecological data;
the Canadian Atlantic redfish fishery.      application of scientific research          • Improve understanding of
Atlantic redfish stock assessments          that informs fisheries decision                 the dynamics of fish and
carried out between 2010 and 2016           makers and stakeholders about the               fisheries;
had been highly contested by industry       potential consequences, short-term          • Evaluate the potential
groups with those groups bringing in        and long-term of alternative fisheries          consequences of different
their own consultants to contest the
                                            management approaches. The                      management options; and
DFO assessments of Atlantic redfish.
Management recommendations to               development of empirically-based            • Identify new management
keep quotas low had been contested          fisheries dynamics models that can              options to solve “real world”
by industry, which successfully had         be applied to evaluate the potential            problems.
lobbied the Minister of Fisheries to        consequences of alternative              • Provide basic and advanced
keep the catch quota much higher. In        management actions is essential to          training in modeling and data
early 2017, Dr. McAllister undertook        developing a rational, objective basis      analysis.
a new collaborative assessment and          for marine resource management           • Engage with agencies and
management approach to the redfish          decisions.                                  stakeholders to improve upon
fishery called “management strategy                                                     practice.
              GRADUATE PROGRAM
                                                                         predation and    PhD student Rachel Neuenhoff was
        In addition to his work with ECODIGM, Dr.                hatchery releases on     first author of the paper “Continued
       McAllister successfully led the IOF’s proposal                 Chinook salmon      decline of a collapsed population of
     for two graduate programs, a Masters and PhD in               productivity in the    Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) due
   Oceans and Fisheries, with final approval given from            Pacific Northwest”,    to predation-driven Allee effects”
     the BC Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and                published in the    published in the Canadian Journal of
  Training in December 2018. The two programs opened                Canadian   Journal    Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, in 2019.
  for admission of new graduate students in September,                 of Fisheries and   The research documented in this paper
      2019. There was a total of 20 graduate students                 Aquatic  Sciences   showed a very strong predator driven
     registered in the program on its official start date          in 2018. The paper     Allee effect in the southern Gulf of St.
                                                                documented research       Lawrence cod population, i.e., over the
      in September 2019, most coming from transfers
                                                                 that found that there    past two decades that the average stock
        into the program from existing programs but              was a significant and    productivity was negative at low cod
             with eight new applicants accepted           strong negative correlation     stock abundances, i.e., below 200,000
                    directly into the program.            between local harbour seal      tons. This is despite there being a
                                                    abundance and Chinook salmon          moratorium on the fishery for this
                                                       productivity in 14 of 20 stocks    stock and bycatch being held at a very
value of landings from this fishery         investigated. In contrast no significant      low level over the past three decades
within the next decade is forecasted to     negative  correlations between Chinook        since the fishery closed. Applying field
run at about $20-40 million per year.       salmon  productivity   and  salmon            observations of gray seal predation on
                                            hatchery releases in all twenty stocks        overwintering mature cod from this
In addition, a 1.5 year management          was found. The analysis predicted             stock, the analyses showed that marked
strategy evaluation that Dr. McAllister     that, on average, that the maximum            increases in predation from gray seals
led from 2016-2018 to evaluate              sustainable yield for Chinook salmon          since the 1980s could explain the very
candidate management procedures for         stocks has declined by 74 percent in          large observed increases in cod natural
the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Laurentian     association with the observed 10-fold         mortality rates and the continued
Channel Atlantic redfish fishery            increase in harbour seal abundance in         decline in abundance of this cod stock
passed peer review in April 2018. DFO       the Salish Sea since 1970.                    since the 1990s.
considers the results as setting a new
fishery management policy for this
fishery. A journal article based on this
collaboration was published in the
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and
Aquatic Sciences in October 2019.

Pinniped abundance
PhD students supervised by Dr.
McAllister investigated the potential
impacts of the several-fold increase
in pinniped abundance on the
Atlantic and Pacific coasts of
Canada. This research resulted in
the publication of high quality
journal articles that provide some
of the most scientifically rigorous
evaluations yet of the hypothesis
that predation by pinnipeds
has markedly increased natural
mortality rates and reduced
productivity and sustainable
fishery yields of important
commercial fish stocks on
Canada’s Pacific and Atlantic coasts. PhD
student Ben Nelson was first author of
the paper “Effects of harbour seal                Harbour seal - © Skeeze/Pixabay
Onward and upward - training the             Dr. Nathan Taylor (postdoc, 2007-2010),
next generation of experts                   was hired as a biologist by DFO in 2010    Staff and Researchers
Many of the PhD students and post-           and in 2015 became Acting section
                                             head of the Marine Ecosystems and
                                                                                        Roberto Licandeo
doctoral researchers trained and                                                        (PhD Candidate. Oceans and
supervised by Dr. McAllister have been       Aquaculture Division. In 2018 he was
successful in applying for research          hired as bycatch coordinator at ICCAT in
and analyst positions within agencies        Madrid. Dr. Divya Varkey (postdoc, 2011-
responsible for natural resource             2017), was hired as a research scientist   Ben Nelson
management. These include Fisheries          at the DFO St. Johns Laboratory in 2017.   (PhD Candidate. Zoology)
and Oceans Canada, the Pacific               Drs. Catarina and Shannon Obradovich
Salmon Commission, the International         (supervisor for PhDs) were hired into      Sarah Hawkshaw
Commission for the Conservation of           stock assessment analyst positions with    (PhD Candidate. Oceans and
Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), the UK Game          DFO in 2018. Sarah Hawkshaw (current       Fisheries)
and Wildlife Conservation Trust, and the     PhD student), was hired as a stock
US Corps of Army Engineers. Dr. Robin        assessment analyst by the DFO Institute    Aaron Greenberg
Forrest (postdoc, 2008-9), was hired as      of Ocean Science in 2017. Dr. Tom          (PhD Candidate. Zoology)
a research scientist with DFO in 2010,       Carruthers (PhD supervisor at Imperial
and in 2016 became a section head of a       College London, and research associate     Rachel Neuenhoff
new Quantitative Assessment Methods          2010-2015), was hired as an Assistant      (PhD Candidate. Zoology)
Section at the Pacific Biological Station.   Professor at UBC in 2017.
                                                                                        Hanbyeol Jang
                                                                                        (PhD Candidate. Oceans and

                                                                                        Vania Henriquez
                                                                                        (PhD Candidate. Oceans and

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Redfish scientists,             Fisheries Modeling and stock Assessment Unit,
Mont Joli, Quebec                                                 Yokohama National Fisheries Research Institute,
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Pelagic Fisheries               Yokohama, Japan.
Scientists, Pacific                                               Fisheries Modeling and Stock Assessment Unit, Sekai
Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC                                   National Fisheries Research Institute, Nagasaki, Japan.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Stock Assessment                Fisheries Modeling and Stock assessment unit,
Research Scientists,                                              National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Sciences,
St. Johns, Newfoundland.                                          Wellington, New Zealand.
The Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific Region, Delta, BC.         US Army Corps of Engineers, Oregon.
BC Ministry of the Environment, Applied Freshwater                Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute, Finland.
Ecology Unit, UBC, Vancouver Campus.
Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, Fordingbridge,
Carruthers Lab
Dr. Tom Carruthers joined IOF as an Assistant Professor in 2017. In that time his lab has established a
research network and tools for eco-certification (MSC) and status determination (UN FAO) for the majority
of the world’s fisheries. Through their developments in Management Strategy Evaluation and state-of-the-
art population assessment, the small team is arguably one of the most advanced applied fishery modelling
units in the world.
                                                                                    Principal Investigator: Dr. Tom Carruthers
Online decision making tool
In partnership with the Marine
                                               Fishery system models
                                               The Lab published an online repository
                                                                                        Partners and Donors
Stewardship Council and the UN Food            of complete fishery system models that   The Marine Stewardship Council
and Agricultural Organization, the             have supported and will continue to      The UN Food and Agricultural
Carruthers Lab published the Method            support peer reviewed publications on
Evaluation and Risk Assessment                 fishery management solutions.
(MERA) online tool to support decision         More Information:                        NSERC Discovery grant
making in all fisheries. MERA is the        Department of Fisheries and Oceans
culmination of more than 15 person-            fishery_library/                         Collaborative Research Projects
years of software development
(DLMtool, MSEtool) and is the first                                                     Natural Resources Defense Fund
theoretically rigorous tool to inform
fishery managers on research gaps,
most cost-effective data collection             Mission: To bring strategic, transparent and accountable decision
protocols, the best resource assessment         making to fisheries management.
type. MERA also provides state-of-
the-art stock status determination
for fisheries in the full spectrum of
                                                                                              Trout catch - © Skeeze/Pixabay
data-poor to data-rich. MERA is in beta
testing but will go ‘live’ in early 2020 for
use in fishery improvement projects,
seafood certification (MSC) and status
determination (FAO).
Beta version:

BC recreational trout fishery
In a breakthrough in fishery systems
modelling, the Carruthers Lab
published the first relatively complete,
empirically derived, landscape-scale,
Social-Ecological Systems model for
the $1bn BC recreational trout fishery
(Carruthers, T.R., et al. 2018. Landscape-
scale social and ecological outcomes
of dynamic angler and fish behaviors:
processes, data and patterns. Canadian
Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
Sciences. 2019, 76(6): 970-988).

  Staff and Researchers
  Dr. Tom Carruthers                            Dr. Adrian Hordyk                       Dr. Quang Huynh
  (Principal Investigator, Assistant            (Postdoctoral fellow)                   (Postdoctoral fellow)
Policy for Restoration of Ecosystems and
Fisheries (PERF)                                                                      Principal Investigator: Dr. Tony Pitcher

Highlights                                    Mission: To foster analysis              seabirds) with different functions
Pacific Herring                               supporting in policy that                within marine ecosystems. The
There is a pressing need to understand        can lead to the restoration of           Roundtable’s goal was to develop
                                                                                       policy recommendations for herring
the pivotal role of low-trophic level         ecosystems and their fisheries.          management and governance and
or forage fish in social-ecological
systems. In British Columbia, Pacific                                                  compose a synthesis paper that
                                            in BC marine ecosystems, aboriginal        addresses the ethical dilemmas that
herring feed marine mammals,
                                            communities, and commercial fisheries.     ensue from herring’s provisioning role
seabirds and fish, and compete with
                                            The full series is on display at the       for both humans and ecosystems.
zooplanktivores, such that any changes
                                            Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries.
to herring biomass ripple through the
entire food web. Moreover, herring
                                            PERF also hosted an International
supply both commercial and First
                                            Research Roundtable in 2016 that           Partners and Donors
Nations fisheries. Improved ecological
science of herring requires ecosystem-
                                            focused on the ethical challenges of       NSERC
                                            herring food webs and value chains.        Peter Wall Institute
based analysis and integration of this
                                            Herring food webs connect diverse
fishery’s strong ecological and human                                                  MITACS
                                            ecological species (e.g., euphausiids,
impacts. PERF partnered with the
Council of Haida Nation and Heiltsuk
                                            copepods, finfish, whales, seals, and      Council of the Haida Nation
First Nation, for whom herring are                                                     Skipper Otto Seafood
embedded in traditional culture, to
undertake innovative ecosystem-               Staff and Researchers
based initiatives to advance forage fish
science, perform ecosystem modelling          Principal Investigator                   Graduate students
of herring management scenarios with          Dr. Tony Pitcher                         Sahir Advani, PhD student
participatory research, and explore the                                                Jamie Slogan, PhD student
integration of traditional values and
                                              Research Associate                       Szymon Surma, PhD student
ethics with scientific principles.
                                              Dr Mimi Elizabeth Lam                    Nicolas Talloni, PhD student
One activity that informed these values                                                Jeffrey Scott, MSc student
was a serigraph series, produced by           Postdoctoral fellows
Haida artist April White, called “Herring     Dr Rajeev Kumar
People”. These serigraphs highlight           Dr Wade Smith
the importance of Pacific herring’s role
                                                               Herring People - Humpback whale - © April White 2016
Global Ocean Modelling
Focusing on the development of a spatial model of the global ocean
to support informed policy and management decisions, Global Ocean
Modelling participates in the development of the Ecopath with
Ecosim approach and software.
                                      Principal Investigator: Dr. Villy Christensen
The unit serves as a central hub for the Ecopath Research and Development
Consortium for which Principal Investigator, Dr. Villy Christensen, serves as
Executive Board Chair.

The Consortium has the following members,
1. Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft
    Laboratory (UK);                                                                   Staff and researchers:
2. Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas Instituto Politécnico Nacional        Principal Investigator
    (Mexico);                                                                          Villy Christensen, PhD
3. Ecology Department, The Scottish Association for Marine Science (UK);
4. Ecopath International Initiative research association (Spain);                      Postdoctoral fellows
5. ESSA Technologies (Canada);                                                         Vijay Kumar, PhD
6. Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu (Estonia);
7. Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economy, The Arctic University of Norway      Graduate students
    (Norway);                                                                          Abdulrahman Ben-Hasan, PhD
8. FishBase Information and Research Group (Philippines);                              candidate
9. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Center, Agrocampus ouest, institute for life, food   Abdulrahman Ben-Hasan, MSc
    and horticultural sciences and landscaping (France);                               (2017)
10. Fisheries Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (USA);
11. Institute for Research and Development (France);
                                                                                       Danielle Edwards, PhD candidate
12. Instituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (Italy);
                                                                                       Patricia Woodruff, PhD candidate
13. Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University (Turkey);
14. Institute of Marine Science, Spanish National Research Council (Spain);
                                                                                       Santiago de la Puente, PhD student
15. Iranian national institute for oceanography and atmospheric science (Iran);        & Ocean Leaders Fellow
16. Joint Research Centre, Ispra (Italy);                                              Santiago de la Puente, MSc (2017)
17. Kinneret Limnological Laboratory, Migdal (Israel);
18. Centre de Recherches Insulaires et Observatoire de l’Environnement, University     Greig Oldford, PhD student & Ocean
    of Perpignan (France);                                                             Leaders Fellow
19. Louisiana State University (USA);
20. M-expertise marine (Canada);                                                       Carolina Lang, MSc student &
21. Marine Research Institute, Klaipėda University (Lithuania);                        Ocean Leaders Fellow
22. Texas A&M University Corpus Christi (USA);
23. The Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center, George Mason              Key collaborators
    University (USA);                                                                  Joe Buszowski, consultant
24. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain);                                    Marta Coll, PhD
25. Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil);                                                Jeroen Steenbeek, MSc
26. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil);                              Carl Walters, PhD
27. University of Cape Town (South Africa); and
28. University of South Florida (USA).

 Vision: Advancing ecosystem-based fisheries management in the global ocean.

 Mission: Develop research that supports policy making, including through the Ecopath with Ecosim approach
 and software (
Marine Zooplankton and Micronekton
Through active field data collection and modelling, the Marine Zooplankton and Micronekton Laboratory
focuses on understanding marine ecosystems’ structure and function, physical-biological interactions,
biogeochemical coupling, active carbon transport, and ecosystem responses to climate change. The
research spans species ecology from plankton to fish to food webs covering water column processes in the
world ocean from the North Pacific to the Southern Ocean.
                                                                                Principal Investigator: Dr. Evgeny Pakhomov

Antarctic Krill                             present) and spatial retrospective          Plankton and the biological pump
Dr. Pakhomov undertook trophic              analysis of length frequency data sets of This research covered poorly studied
ecophysiology, life cycles, and             Antarctic krill in the Southern Ocean.    groups of zooplankton and nekton in
demography research on Antarctic                                                      the pelagic and demersal food webs.
(Euphausia superba) and Antarctic           Eddy Pump and Under Sea Ice               Main achievements included:
neritic (Euphausia crystallorophias)                                                  • mapping macroplankton and
                                            habitat projects
krill. Fundamental advances were                                                          micronekton distribution;
                                            Research here focused on
made in the fields of the large–scale                                                 • studying community dynamics on
                                            understanding the contribution of
distribution, stock assessment, long-                                                     meso- and macro-scales as well as in
                                            metazoan zooplankton to the carbon
term variation, demography (growth,                                                       relation to major frontal systems;
                                            sequestration in the Southern Ocean.
mortality, longevity, reproduction,                                                   • producing daily ration estimates for
                                            The main emphasis given to pelagic
recruitment), daily rations, contribution                                                 major carnivorous zooplankton and
                                            tunicates. In particular, the ecology of
of autotrophic and heterotrophic food                                                     micronekton species and groups,
                                            the Antarctic pelagic tunicate was re-
sources to the diet, individual and                                                       including mesopelagic fish, arrow
                                            evaluated with regard to their horizontal
population grazing impacts of two key                                                     worms, jellyfish, euphausiids,
                                            distribution that identified their
stone euphausiid species (larval stages                                                   ctenophores;
                                            southward shift during the past century.
and adults) within the coastal and open                                               • understanding the importance
                                            This was one of the first elemental and
ocean high Antarctic ecosystems.                                                          of each group in the regional and
                                            ecophysiological studies, helping to re-
                                            evaluate tunicate functional
Dr. Pakhomov was part of the team           importance in the Antarctic
that created and published the unique       pelagic ecosystem.
data base (KRILLBASE) with the
unprecedented temporal (1926 till

At sea - © Evgeny Pakhomov                                                 Research on board - © Evgeny Pakhomov
seasonal carbon transfer from
    surface layers to the deep ocean;
•   completing a comprehensive
    analysis of demersal fish
    community structure and feeding
    ecology in the Indian sector of the
    Southern Ocean.

Marine-terrestrial interactions in
sub-Antarctic island systems
Dr. Pakhomov’s research contributed to
the development and understanding
of the ‘life-support system’ of the
sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Island
ecosystem, which is ultimately
dependant on allochthonous food
supply and culminated in creation of
the detailed PEIs ecosystem model.

Forage fish science
Pakhomov’s undertook research
to advance the understanding the
ecosystem role of Pacific herring in
coupled social-ecological systems.        Labwork - © Evgeny Pakhomov
This study, undertaken with the PERF                                         Staff and researchers
research unit, focused on collaborative
                                                                             MSc students
solutions for Haida herring fisheries.
                                             Partnerships                    Yago Doson Coll
The missing link                             NIWA (New Zealand)              Yulia Egorova
The Micronekton lab undertook a
                                             British Antarctic Survey (UK)   Lian Kwong
marine ecosystem assessment to                                               Natalie Mahara
evaluate how zooplankton rates               Alfred Wegener Institute        Samantha James
constrain fisheries and phytoplankton        (Germany)
                                                                             Vanessa Fladmark
                                             University of South Wales
                                             (Australia)                     PhD students
                                                                             Joanne Breckenridge
Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) - © Evgeny Pakhomov                      Yulia Egorova
                                                                             Lian Kwong
                                                                             Yulia Kuzmenko
                                                                             Florian Lüskow

                                                                             Vanessa Fladmark
                                                                             Marina Espinasse

                                                                             Postdoctoral Fellows
                                                                             Boris Espinasse
                                                                             Natasha Henscke

                                                                             Research Associates
                                                                             Brian Hunt
                                                                             Mimi Lam

                                                                             Visiting Scientist
                                                                             Dr. Yongqiang Shi
Pelagic Ecosystems Laboratory
                                                                                         Principal Investigator: Dr. Brian Hunt

Highlights                                                                                                Canada C3 expedition
Canada C3 expedition
Dr. Hunt was the chief scientist on two
legs of the Canada 150 anniversary C3
expedition (Sep-Oct 2017). While on
board, Dr. Hunt managed the integrated
data collection for ocean and terrestrial
systems in British Columbia. In addition,
he was the lead communicator of C3
science to BC coastal communities.

Krill life history
Dr. Hunt co-authored a new formulation
of krill life history in the pack ice zone
that revises understandings of how krill
will respond to warming oceans and
sea-ice decline .

Hakai Coastal Initiative Marine
Food Webs Working Group                      microbial phytoplankton, protozoa,          received extensive international media
The Hakai Coastal Initiative’s Marine        zooplankton, and fish. This research        coverage.
Food Webs Working Group is a                 initiative is poised to significantly
collaborative research unit that aims        advance our understanding of how            DEWEX program
to understand how marine food webs           marine food webs operate, and how           Dr. Hunt completed three pivotal
operate, with a particular focus on          they will respond to changing ocean         contributions to the DEWEX program
British Columbia’s coastal ocean.            conditions.                                 (DEep Water formation Experiment)
The group hired two dedicated                                                            resolving the response of plankton
postdoctoral fellows to assist with the      Jellyfish and drones                        communities to deep-water formation
research, which has a strong focus on        Dr. Hunt and his team worked on             in the west Mediterranean Sea.
understanding connections between            mapping marine resources using aerial
the planktonic organisms that form           drones to map jellyfish blooms along        Salish Sea’s Southern Resident
the base of the food web, including the      the Pacific coast. The story and video      Killer Whale population
connections between viruses, bacteria,       about this innovative use of aerial tools   With the Marine Mammal Research
                                                                                         Unit, the Pelagic Ecosystems Lab
                                                                                         successfully applied to the Department
                                                                                         of Fisheries and Oceans Canada for the
                                                                                         project “Impacts of marine ecosystem
                                                                                         variability on the Southern Resident
                                                                                         Killer Whale population in the Salish
                                                                                         Sea.” This $1.1million research grant will
                                                                                         be used to examine how changes in
                                                                                         the food web in areas of the Southern
                                                                                         Resident Killer Whale affect the
                                                                                         abundance and quality of Chinook

                                                                                         Coastal Rainforest Margin Network
                                                                                         The lab led Workshop 2 of the Coastal
                                                                                         Rainforest Margin Network: Marine-
                                                                                         terrestrial interactions in the Pacific
                                                                                         Temperate Coastal Rainforest domain.

                                                                                               Coastal research - © Brian Hunt
British Columbia                                                                    Pteropods and Interactions With Warming.
Hakai Institute: Dr. Hunt partnered with the Hakai Institute through three Hakai    In partnership with the Southern California
Coastal Initiative working groups:                                                  Coastal Water Research Project.
1. Food Webs;
2. Ocean productivity; and                                                          DEWEX (DEep Water formation
3. Riverine Coastal Domain.                                                         Experiment). Partnership with 62
                                                                                    international scientists primarily from
He is the Principal Investigator of the Hakai Institute Juvenile Salmon Program
                                                                                    French laboratories (LOMIC, CEFREM,
and collaborates in their Ocean Observing Program. Dr. Hunt also partnered with
                                                                                    LEGOS, MIO, LOV, LOG, LOCEAN, LA,
Hakai Institute on two Mitacs grants.
                                                                                    DTINSU, CNRM-GAME, IMAGE, LSCE-
                                                                                    IPSL, CEREGE) researching the biological
Pacific Salmon Foundation: Dr. Hunt is a member of the Salish Sea Marine
                                                                                    response of deep-water formation in the
Survival Project Synthesis Committee, and partners with PSF on a Mitacs grant.
                                                                                    west Mediterranean Sea.
Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO): Dr. Hunt works in partnership with
numerous DFO researchers on projects in BC:                                                 Jar of collected krill ©Brian Hunt
• Dr. Ian Perry (IOS/PBS) – Plankton Food Webs;
• Dr. Ian Forster (WVL) – Plankton food webs and salmon ecology;
• Dr. Chrys Neville (PBS) - Plankton food webs and salmon ecology; and
• Dr. Jennifer Boldt (PBS) - Forage fish ecology.

Wuikinuxv First Nation: The Lab monitored sockeye salmon health in Rivers

K’omoks Nation: The Lab has developed a partnership with the K’omoks Nation
on a field program measuring microplastics baselines in Baynes Sound.

Association of Denman Island Marine Stewards: Developed a partnership on a
field program measuring microplastics baselines in Baynes Sound.

Dr. Hunt was the chief scientist on two legs of the Canada 150 anniversary C3
expedition. This research voyage was undertaken in partnership with multiple
organizations in planning and implementation, including:                              Staff and researchers
• Students on Ice Foundation;
                                                                                      Postdoctoral Fellows
• Canadian Museum (Ottawa); and
• Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Halifax).                                       David Costalago
                                                                                      Hayley Dosser
International                                                                         Boris Espinasse
Coastal Rainforest Margins Network: Dr Hunt is a Steering committee member            Jessica Garzke
of the National Science Foundation Research Coordination Network, in                  Fernanda Giannini Colo
partnership with researchers from the Alaska Rainforest Center, University of         Caterina Rodriguez Giner
Alaska, and University of Washington.                                                 Jacqueline Maud
                                                                                      Wade Smith
International Year of the Salmon: In partnership with the North Pacific
Anadromous Fish Commission and researchers from its member countries (USA,            Graduate Students
Russia, Japan, Korea).
                                                                                      Vanessa Fladmark, MSc student
                                                                                      Caroline Graham, MSc student
Transient memories: Deep-sea coral record of upwelling around the Maldives, in
partnership with researchers from the University of Western Australia, University     Samantha James, MSc student
of Queensland, University of Rhode Island, and Nanyang Technological                  Yuliya Kuzmenko, PhD student
University.                                                                           Jessica Schaub, MSc student
                                                                                      Thomas Smith, MSc student
MOBYDICK (Marine Ecosystem Biodiversity and Dynamics of Carbon around
Kerguelen: an integrated View) In partnership with the French National Research       Technician
Agency and researchers at the University of Aix Marseille.                            Lauren Portner, Research
Synthesis Group: Thresholds of Ocean Acidification Impacts on Calcifying
Statistical Ecology Research Group
                                                                                 Principal Investigator: Dr. Marie Auger-Méthé

Highlights                                    Mission: The Statistical Ecology Research Group works to support
Arctic Research                               improved conservation and management of aquatic ecosystems by filling
Four research projects focused on arctic      gaps in knowledge of the behaviour, population dynamics, movement,
ecosystems were undertaken. As part of        and space-use of aquatic animals and developing tools that will help
a longer-term collaboration with Mark         predict how they will be affected by rising human pressures.
Mallory (Acadia University) on arctic
seabirds, the group started a study to
understand the migratory patterns of
Arctic terns and to identify key areas for
their conservation. The second project
focused on methods to understand the
foraging ecology of arctic mammals,
specifically it aimed to understand the
relationships between the foraging
behaviour of polar bears and narwhals,
how the behaviour of each species
responded to environmental factors,
and how this information could be
linked to individual fitness and the
risks associated with environmental
change. The third project focused on
the relationship between ringed seals                                                    Polar bear - © Annie Spratt/Unsplash
and polar bears, and how it is influenced    for ecologists on methods to fit and
by changing sea ice regimes. It also         assess them. This effort is also tied to
involved developing models and               the group’s work on stock assessment         (with Drs. Ruth Joy and Dominic
collaborating with local communities to      modelling with Dr. Andrew Edwards            Tollit, SMRU consulting) for DFO
incorporate local priorities into wildlife   (DFO) and as a member of the Canadian        (Dr. Sheila Thornton) who will use it
management, and to identify critical         Statistical Sciences Institute working       in management of the population.
habitat. The fourth project focused on       group.                                       It helped Dr. Andrew Trites and
understanding the habitat use of three
                                                                                          his team (Scott Hinch, Brian Hunt,
ice seal species (ringed seals, bearded
                                             Southern Resident Killer Whale               Nancy Heckman, and others) secured
seals, and spotted seal) in Alaska, with
                                             Research                                     funding (NSERC & DFO-Whale Science
its primary goal to integrate movement
                                             The group developed a new statistical        for tomorrow). Their work focused
data with traditional knowledge.
                                             method to integrate multiple data            on understanding the movement
                                             sources to infer the spatial distribution    behaviour of both species.
Integrating Traditional Knowledge            of southern resident killer whales
and Western Scientific Data
Through work, funded, amongst others,
by the North Pacific Research Board            Partnerships
Core Program and the Marine Mammal
                                              Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
Commission, the group worked to
integrate Bayesian statistical methods        Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
with local and aboriginal traditional         South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI)
knowledge into fully formed models.           SMRU Consulting
                                              Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute
Collaboration on State-Space                  Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Models                                        Canada Research Chair Program (CRC)
The group organized an international
                                              Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
workshop on new developments in
state-space models at Casa Matemática         North Pacific Research Board (NPRB)
Oaxaca, Mexico. Dr. Auger-Méthé led           Marine Mammal Commission (MMC)
the writing of extensive review on state      Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program
space models with practical advice            Kenneth M Molson Foundation
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