ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018 - welcome to the Oklahoma - Lost?

Page created by Stephen Gray
ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018 - welcome to the Oklahoma - Lost?
welcome to the Oklahoma

                                             DELEGATES INFORMATION
                                             This booklet contains the Annual Conference
                                             agenda information, special event
                                             announcements, and ministry resource
                                             information for your local church.

                                             WORSHIP SERVICES
                                             Service of Celebration and Holy Communion | pg. 32
                                             Service of Veneration and Vitality | pg. 40
                                               Bishop’s Priorities, Lay Leader
                                             Service of Word and Table, Wednesday | pg. 52
                                             Service of Commissioning and Ordination of Deacons,
                                             Elders, and Recognition of Associate Member | pg. 56
                                             Service of Word and Table, Thursday | pg. 67
                                             Service of Sending Forth | pg. 72

                            United Methodist Ministry Center
                                         1501 N.W. 24th St.
                                    Oklahoma City, OK 73106-3635
                                           405.530.2000 | On Facebook: Oklahoma United Methodist Communications | For all Social Media: #okumc18

                                  Produced by Communications Ministry
ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018 - welcome to the Oklahoma - Lost?
Annual Conference Procedures
                                                   at Oklahoma City University
     Fire Emergency:                                                    The lower level of the McDaniel Student Center is the shelter
     Proceed to the nearest exit in an orderly manner. The Freede       for both United Methodist Hall and the Student Center.
     Wellness Center has multiple exits both to the south and           OCU personnel will be monitoring the weather and will alert
     to the north. In addition to the exits directly from the arena,    the Bishop if evacuation is needed. OCU personnel (including
     there are multiple exits at both ends of the hallways on the       the OCU Police Department) will give the all-clear signal.
     east and west sides of the building.
                                                                        In case the electricity goes out in the Freede Wellness
     Tornado Emergency:                                                 Center, the back-up generators will take over operation of
     The primary shelters in the Freede Wellness Center:                the facility.

     •   Locker rooms and restrooms on the east side of the             For Other Emergencies or How to Contact a Delegate in
         building                                                       the event of an emergency:

     If the above is filled, use the following in this order:           Contact the information desk (lobby of the Freede Wellness
     •   Locker rooms and the restrooms on the west side of the         Center) at 405-208-5060.
     •   East hallway
     •   West hallway

                        Annual Conference Photography Policy
                        Please be aware that the Oklahoma Conference of The United Methodist Church has designated representatives to
                        photograph and video during the sessions of Annual Conference.

                        As a participant, your likeness and/or voice may be utilized by the Oklahoma Conference for information sharing
                        and ministry purposes.

    Unless we receive a written request from you to not use your voice or likeness, we will assume that your presence is consent. The
    OKUMC Communications Ministries and GNTV Media Ministries will serve as primary Annual Conference photographers and
    videographers. The Annual Conference sessions are streamed live on the Internet, and your voice or likeness may also appear there.
    Since this is a public event, media coverage also may occur.

    This consent will remain in effect until such time as you give written notice of your removal of your release of information to the
    Oklahoma Conference of The United Methodist Church.

     If you have any questions, contact Dr. Joseph Harris, director of Communications, 405-530-2077,

Annual Conference Delegates:
Lay Leader Chuck Stewart will lead an interactive response session Tuesday evening following the Episcopal Priority in
the Freede Center. Please have a device ready to connect to the internet and follow the steps below:
     1 | Type in your web browser
     2 | Enter the code: 63 20 54 (spaces needed)
     3 | Click submit
ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018 - welcome to the Oklahoma - Lost?
Table of Contents
                                 3 | District Seating Chart

                          4 | St. Luke’s Map

                     5 | OCU Campus Map

                 6 | Annual Conference Agenda

               7 | Wi-Fi Access, Where Do I Go?

             8 | Annual Conference Workshops

           11 | Special Events

          12 | Ministry Locations

          15 | 2018 Denman Award

          19 | New People New Places

          32 | Annual Conference Worship Bulletins

           32 | Service of Celebration and Holy Communion

             40 | Service of Veneration and Vitality

               52 | Service of Word and Table, Wednesday

                  56 | Service of Commissioning and Ordination of Deacons,
                        Elders, and Recognition of Associate Member

                       67 | Service of Word and Table, Thursday

                            72 | Service of Sending Forth

ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018 - welcome to the Oklahoma - Lost?
DISTRICT seating chart

ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018 - welcome to the Oklahoma - Lost?
floor plan of st. luke’s umc

ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018 - welcome to the Oklahoma - Lost?
                                                                              OCU Campus map


            10   9
                                                                 Wesley UMC

                         1) Freede Wellness
                         2) UM Ministry Center

    8                    3) East Kramer Building
                         4) McDaniel Student Center Great Hall
                         5) United Methodist Hall
                         6) Angie Smith and Harris Chapel
                         7) Meinders School of Business
                         8) Sarkeys
                         9) Wanda Bass
                         10) Walker Center
                         11) Wesley United Methodist
                         X Handicapped parking
ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018 - welcome to the Oklahoma - Lost?
Annual Conference Agenda
  Tuesday - Thursday, May 29-31, 2018

Oklahoma City University, Freede Center                           8:30 am: Business Session
                                                                            New People New Places
                                                                            OK, Let’s Finish This!
  7:00 - 8:30 am: Laity Registration | Freede Center Lobby
                                                                            One Matters
  7:00 - 8:30 am: Clergy Registration | Angie Smith Chapel
                                                                  9:00 am: Teaching Time | Freede Center
  7:00 am: Displays set up | Freede, Leichter Room, 2nd floor
                                                                            Rev. Junius Dotson
  8:30 am: Laity Orientation Session | Freede
                                                                  12:00 pm: Lunch – Food trucks available | South Side
  8:30 am: Clergy Executive Session | Angie Smith Chapel
                                                                            of Freede Center
  9:30 am: Gathering | Freede
                                                                  2:00 pm: Teaching Time | Breakout Group #1
  10:00 am: Opening Celebration with Communion | Freede
                                                                  3:30 pm: Breakout Group #2
  11:15 am: Business Session Begins
                                                                  5:00 pm: Evening Break
             Safety Announcements
             Enabling Motions
             Consent Calendar                                   St. Luke’s UMC
             Election of Conference Chancellor                    6:30 pm: Special Music - St. Luke’s UMC Choir
             OK, Let’s Finish This!                               7:00 pm: Worship Service of Commissioning and
             Strength for Service: To God and Community                    Ordination - Bishop Nunn preaching
  12:00 pm: Lunch                                                 8:30 pm: Reception | Christian Life Center
  2:00 pm: Business Session Resumes | Freede
             Introduction of Dignitaries
             Circle of Care - New Foster Homes
                                                                THURSDAY, MAY 31
                   Welcome Keith Howard                         Oklahoma City University, Freede Center
                   Farewell Don Batson
             OCU - Farewell Robert Henry                          7:30 am: Registration Open | Freede West Lobby
                   Welcome Martha Burger                          7:30 am: Service of Word and Table | Angie Smith Chapel
             New People New Places                                8:30 am: Business Session | Freede Center
             Introduction of Ordinands and Commissioned                     Archives and History
             Recognition of Retirees                                        New People New Places
             Break                                                          Council on Finance and Administration
             Pension and Health Benefits                                    Woodworth Estate Grant Committee
  5:00 pm: Evening Break                                                    New Faith Communities
  6:30 pm: Worship, Memorial, Episcopal Priorities,                         Oklahoma UM Foundation
            and Lay Leader | Freede                                         Resolutions
                                                                            Items Lifted From Consent Calendar
                                                                  12:00 pm: Lunch Break
WEDNESDAY, MAY 30                                                 1:30 pm: Business Session Resumes | Freede Center
Oklahoma City University, Freede Center                                     OK, Let’s Finish This!
                                                                            Worship Service of Sending Forth
  7:30 am: Registration Open | Freede West Lobby                  3:00 pm: Dismissal
  7:30 am: Service of Word and Table | OCU Chapel
ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018 - welcome to the Oklahoma - Lost?
where do i go?                                                                                                                              a
GENERAL INFORMATION                                                         Health Insurance
                                                                            Kramer School of Nursing East building 2nd floor                W
Registration                                                                                                                                w
Located in the Freede Center Lobby                                          Recording Secretary
(see the daily agenda for times and locations)                              United Methodist Ministry Center                                d
Information Desk with Message Board                                         Tellers                                                         w
Freede Wellness Center lobby, east end                                      RM #112, Athletic Trainers, Freede Wellness Center              J

Retiree Book Sale                                                           Cry Room
Walker Center, RM #166                                                      RM #130, Freede Wellness Center, west hall

Childcare: St. Luke’s UMC                                                   Communications                                                  w
                                                                            Upper level, Freede Wellness Center
    (Only children with reservations are guaranteed a place in childcare)
                                                                            Prayer Room
    St. Luke’s Main Line (405) 232-1371                                     RM #118, Men’s Locker Room, Freede Wellness Center
    Susan Easttom / St. Luke’s (405) 609-1036; (580) 243-8964
                                                                            SPECIAL COURTESIES & SERVICES
    Infants (1 year and younger)
                                                                            Freede Wellness Center                                          S
    A room for nursing mothers will be available at                             •   Concessions
    OCU’s Freede Center during daytime sessions and at                              Lobby, east and west ends
    St. Luke’s Wednesday evening.
                                                                                •   Cokesbury Display
    1 year olds - 5th graders                                                       Walker Center, RM #151
    ALL CHILDCARE will be at St. Luke’s UMC, 222 N.W.
    15th St. Enter on west side of building through the glass
                                                                            Kramer School of Nursing
                                                                                •   Health Screening
                                                                                    Kramer East – 2nd floor, RM #225 and #231
                                                                                •   Lifetouch Clergy Directory
                                                                                    Kramer East – 3rd floor, lobby (left off of elevator)

LOCATION OF CONFERENCE SERVICES                                             OTHER
Conference Treasurer                                                        •   Mail Service
RM #138, Men’s Locker, Freede Wellness Center                                   Mail Room, McDaniel Student Center, east end
Connectional Ministries                                                     •   UMCOR Kit Collection
RM #139, Official’s Dressing, Freede Wellness Center                            North OCU Parking Lot

wi-fi access
    OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY                                                A member of OCU’s IT department will be available
    The Wi-Fi access code for all areas of OCU during the                   at the information desk in the lobby of the Freede
    Conference:                                                             Wellness Center to assist with any concerns
                                                                            pertaining to accessing the Wi-Fi connection.
       network ID: UMC
       password: umc@okcu                                                   Charging stations will be available on both sides of
                                                                            the arena in the Freede Center.
    Friends back home can watch the sessions and worship services online at or
    on the Oklahoma UMC app.
ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018 - welcome to the Oklahoma - Lost?
annual conference
2018 workshops
Wednesday, May 30, 2 pm Teaching Time
                                                                                                 1. Courageous Conversations
We are so excited about two sessions of workshops that                                           McDaniel Student Center Great Hall
will be offered at this year’s Annual Conference. With the                                                               Scott Hughes,
theme QUEST: Journey, Pursuit, Mission and our teaching                                                          Discipleship Ministries
day on intentional discipleship systems, you will go away      Rev. Dr. Junius Dotson, General
with practical tools in your toolbox for making disciples of        Sercretary of Discipleship   Courageous Conversations (structured
Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.                                   Minsitries
                                                                                                 dialogues for learning) aim to encourage
                                                                                                 and equip local churches to hold
SESSION 1 - By Church Size (average worship attendance)                                          meaningful conversations regarding
                                                                                                 complex social and topical issues.
with a focus on discipleship
                                                                                                 A toolbox of resources (webinars,
    Under 75 AWA - Freede Center                                                                 downloadable resources, articles, etc.)
    76 - 129 AWA - Angie Smith Chapel Sanctuary                                                  is designed to empower churches in
    130 - 300 AWA - Sarkeys 100
                                                                                                 creating nurturing, supportive, yet
    Over 300 AWA - McDaniel Student Center Great Hall
                                                                                                 challenging spaces for adults to grow
                                                                                                 through engaging diverse perspectives
Session 2 - Delegate Choice                                                                      and self-reflection.
    1. Courageous Conversations - McDaniel Student Center, Great Hall
    2. Hilarious Giving - Sarkeys 100
                                                                                                 2. Hilarious Giving
                                                                                                 Sarkeys 100
    3. Dicipleship in the Workplace: Untapped Potential for Every Church -
    Harris Chapel in Angie Smith Chapel building                                                                    Mike Wiley, OKUMF
    4. Church and Community Development: School Partnerships - Meinders
    School of Business, Gardner Conference Room                                                  Based on 2 Corinthians 9:7, we will
    5. Sharing Your Story through Social Media - Angie Smith Chapel building,                    share stories and resources to assist
    Watson Lounge                                                                                with several areas of stewardship and
    6. How Spiritual Direction Helps Churches, Lay Leaders, Staff, and Clergy                    generosity in the local church.
    - United Methodist Ministry Center, Woodworth Room
                                                                                                 3. Discipleship in the Workplace:
                                                                                                 Untapped Potential for Every Church
    1. The Discipleship Journey - Sarkeys 103
                                                                                                 Harris Chapel in Angie Smith Chapel
    2. Safe Spaces: Security Ministries and Safe Sanctuaries - Walker Center
    168                                                                                                                      Terry Koehn
    3. Missional Evangelism via Live Streaming - Meinders School of Business,
    Kerr McGee Auditorium                                                                        We often think of “the work of the
    4. Fresh Expressions of Church - Wanda Bass School of Music Atrium                           church” as that which happens in church
    5. Small(er) Church Youth Ministry - Sarkeys 104                                             buildings or through church programs.
    6. STRIDE: Creating Discipleship Systems - Angie Smith Chapel Sanctuary                      But disciples of Jesus spend most of
    7. A Wesleyan Approach to Young People’s Ministry - Kramer East, Room 335                    their time doing all sorts of “work”: as
    8. God’s Call and What to Do About It - Sarkeys 108                                          employees and employers, work-at-
                                                                                                 home parents, as significant volunteers,
    MISSION                                                                                      or even as those who care for loved
    1. What’s Global Warming Got to do with Me and My Church? - Walker                           ones with various needs. None of that
    Center 144                                                                                   is outside of being a disciple of Jesus,
    2. Community Trauma: Ten Things to Know When a Congregation Faces                            so how can the church honor work and
    the Unimaginable - Sarkeys 102                                                               resource people to serve Christ well in
    3. First-Class Ministry to First Responders - Kramer East, Room 336
                                                                                                 all those places?
    4. Know Your Community: Demographic Information and Possibilities -
    Wesley UMC, Kingswood Room (4th level)
    5. Bridges Out of Proverty and Getting Ahead - Wesley UMC, Fellowship
    6. Connecting Church and Community in Mission - Wesley UMC, Sanctuary
ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018 - welcome to the Oklahoma - Lost?
4. Church and Community
Development: School Partnerships
Meinders School of Business, Gardner
                                                  PURSUIT                                and missional opportunities through
                                                                                         the creation of a virtual campus. In
                                                                                         2017, Southern Hills UMC streamed
Conference Room                                                                          into over 40 countries, and over 300
                  Tiffany Nagel Monroe      1. The Discipleship Journey                  major metropolitan areas around the
                                            Sarkeys 103                                  world. Through the use of simple, cost-
School partnerships are key to                                  Adam Shahan, LDMT        effective platforms, we will explore an
building stronger communities and                                                        efficient, step-by-step process that will
thriving churches. Discover innovative      The Discipleship Journey is an 18-month      produce immediate results.
ways to initiate school partnerships,       coaching process provided by the
develop church discipleship programs        Leadership Development Ministry              4. Fresh Expressions of Church
that reinforce the value of school          Team (LDMT). Churches who take the           Wanda Bass School of Music Atrium
partnerships, and outreach initiatives      Discipleship Journey will accomplish                                   Chris Tiger,
that support and nurture schools and        the following: An intentional pathway                       New Faith Communities
educators. School partnerships are not      to discipleship; transforming your
just valuable, but vital and possible for   first-time guests into Jesus followers; a    The Fresh Expressions movement began
churches of all sizes and locations.        meaningful partnership with your local       in the United Kingdom. This wave of new
                                            school; making you a better community        faith communities has emerged to reach
                                            partner; an understanding of your
5. Sharing Your Story through                                                            unchurched and dechurched people and
                                            neighbors and neighborhood; giving you       lead them on a journey to follow Jesus.
Social Media                                a clearer pathway to evangelizing; and
Angie Smith Chapel, Watson Lounge                                                        We will look at how this movement
                                            a method for raising up new leaders,         can be used by God to reach people in
                       Tabitha Beckman      bringing fresh perspective for your
Social media is a powerful tool that
churches can use to engage and connect                                                   5. Small(er) Church Youth Ministry
with the people inside or outside the       2. Safe Spaces: Security Ministries          Sarkeys 104
church. We will explore ways to start or    and Safe Sanctuaries                           Brad Fiscus, Tennessee Conference
                                            Walker Center 168
improve your social media presence.
                                                          Eva Marie Campbell and Think you can’t have a thriving and vital
                                                           Paula Gradney-Garner youth ministry in a small church? Think
6. How Spiritual Direction Helps
Churches, Lay Leaders, Staff, and                                                        again! Small(er) Church Youth Ministry
                                            We will look at and review ways of           will help you see the big impact small
Clergy                                      incorporating security and safety
United Methodist Ministry Center,                                                        churches can have on the faith journey
Woodworth Room
                                            measures into the life of your church        of their young people. Encouraging and
                                            in a way that supports the ministries of     practical, this one-of-a-kind resource is
                             Peter White
                                            the church. Time will be spent sharing       your guide to designing, launching, and
                                            about Safe Sanctuary measures that           leading effective disciple-making youth
We all deeply love God’s church. But to
                                            specifically address the needs of those in   ministry.
what degree are all of our activities—the
                                            the LGBTQ community.
committees we serve on, the seminary
classes we take, the worship services we                                                 6. STRIDE: Creating Discipleship
participate in, the ministries we lead—     3. Missional Evangelism via Live             Systems
drawing us deeper into the heart of God?    Streaming                                    Angie Smith Chapel Sanctuary
Spiritual direction is one practice where   Meinders School of Business Kerr McGee                  Ken Willard, Leadership for
we open up space to listen more intently                                                                       Transformation
to God’s presence with us amidst all of                                Matt Scraper
the church work we love so much.                                                         This workshop is informative, interactive,
                                            In this workshop, we will take a look
                                                                                         and inspirational. In Matthew 28, Jesus
                                            at effective and efficient methods of
                                            streaming your worship services, studies,

MISSION                               4. Know Your Community:
said, “Go and make disciples.” How
is that going in your ministry? While                                                  Demographic Information and
every church is different, there are                                                   Possibilities
common elements to effective disciple-                                                 Wesley UMC Kingswood Room (4th level)
making processes. Participants will be     1. What’s Global Warming Got to                             Carlos Ramirez, LDMT
equipped to return to their churches       do with Me and My Church?
and begin the process of creating their    Walker Center 144                           This workshop introduces three on-line
own discipleship pathways. Ken will                        Deaconess Pat Hoerth        demographic platforms available to
give an overview of all three stages                                                   Oklahoma Conference churches –
from his book, with an emphasis on         Workshop participants will engage           1) MissionInsite, 2) Zeemaps and
Stage One – Preparation: Getting           in a process that connects them with        3) American Fact Finder. These platforms
the Soil Ready. (Great Things Begin        their love of and concern for nature,       allow leaders to have a deep overview
with Prayer; Recommitting to Our           explores the justice and spirituality of    of the community around their local
Mission; Evaluating Our Current State;     creation care and helps them fulfill        churches.
Understanding Our Objective) This          (as individuals, families, churches)
session has been designed for all types    the commitment made in last year’s          5. Bridges Out of Poverty and
and sizes of churches.                     resolution at Annual Conference to help     Getting Ahead
                                           reduce global warming.                      Wesley UMC Fellowship Hall
7. A Wesleyan Approach to Young                                                                                      Don Jones
People’s Ministry                     2. Community Trauma: Ten Things
Kramer East, Room 335
                                      to Know When a Congregation                      Bridges Out of Poverty is a
                   Derrek Belase, DMT Faces the Unimaginable                           comprehensive plan for enabling
                                           Sarkeys 102                                 individuals to move out of poverty and
What advice does John Wesley offer                                 Mary Gaudreau       become self-sufficient by building eleven
for churches considering ministry with                                                 resources. Getting Ahead is a classroom
youth, children, and young adults? What    From high-profile to lower-attention        resource for helping up to fifteen people
advice do we get from his writings?        incidents, churches are uniquely            begin this journey to greater prosperity.
How does this sync with current reality    gifted to respond to crises within their
and research? Come and hear how it all     communities and beyond. This workshop
fits together … and even get some cool                                                 6. Connecting Church and
                                           explores basic information about the        Community in Mission
resources to take home!                    spiritual and emotional impact of           Wesley UMC Sanctuary
                                           traumatic incidents as well as strategies                           Jeremy Basset,
8. God’s Call and What to Do About It      for response.                                                     Office of Mission
Sarkeys 108
           Board of Ordained Ministry 3. First-Class Ministry to First                 Our context in ministry really matters!
                                      Responders                                       The community around us gives us
Provided by the Annual Conference          Kramer East Room 336                        our primary place of mission and
Board of Ordained Ministry, this                               Chaplain Sam Tucker     service – and applying what it means
workshop examines the many ways God                                                    to be a disciple of Jesus helping in
calls us to various ministries and our     Building upon the annual conference         the transformation of the world.
collective responses. We will define the   special offering related to Strength for    This workshop will explore ways of
role of the Local Church and the Pastor-   Service devotionial guides, a longtime      understanding the issues in your
Parish Relations Committee and explore     military chaplain and others in first       community and engaging them
credentialing opportunities of the Board   response work will help you understand      effectively.
of Ordained Ministry, including The        the uniqueness of those to whom we cry
Bi-Vocational Pastor’s Academy, Local      out for help is critical to journey with
Pastor Licensing School and further        them in faith. They are spiritual and our
educational requirements.                  churches can have a huge impact on their

Special events
                                                       at annual
FOOD TRUCK                                             conference 2018
                                                       Many Events Require Pre-Registration

Located outside the south doors of the Freede Center

                                                       TUESDAY, MAY 29

                                                       Asbury Theological Seminary Alumni Luncheon - 12 - 2 pm
WEDNESDAY, LUNCH, MAY 30                               OKC First UMC - 131 NW 4th St., OKC, OK, 73102
                                                       Harris Hall | $15 per person (pre-registered), $20 for walk-ins

Let’s Do Greek                                         Phillips Theological Seminary Luncheon - 12 - 2 pm
(they also have restaurants around the metro)          Wesley UMC, 1401 NW 25th St., Fellowship Hall               $30 for walk-ins

                                                       WEDNESDAY, MAY 30
OKCity Grill                                           Missions Breakfast - 6:45 am - 8:00 am
(burgers, fries, onion rings, chicken strips)          Wesley UMC, 1401 NW 25th St., OKC, OK, 73106 | $10 per person                               Guest Speaker: Bishop Jorge Merino, Methodist Church of Chile

                                                       United Methodist Women Luncheon - 12 - 2 pm
Pitchfork                                              Great Hall, McDaniel University Center, OCU | $18 per person
(MIO grown and produced foods)                         Luncheon tickets must be purchased in advance
                                                       Saint Paul School of Theology Alumni Luncheon - 12 - 2 pm
                                                       Purchase your lunch from Freede Center Food Trucks and gather
Smokey Joe’s BBQ                                       together in the Small Gardner Conference Room - Meinders School of
(ribs, pulled pork, etc.)                              Business

                                                       Perkins School of Theology Luncheon - 12 - 2 pm
Taco Truck: TBA                                        Atrium of the Wanda Bass School of Music, OCU

                                                       THURSDAY, MAY 31

                                                       Oklahoma United Methodist Historical Society Luncheon - 12 - 2 pm
                                                       Dulaney-Browne Library, Room 503, OCU | $15 per person
       ocu                                             Call 405-208-5067


                                                       OCU student cafeteria meal tickets you pre-purchased
             11                                        at registration are included with your name badge at the
                                                       registration table.

                                                       Meals may be purchased at the cafeteria entry, also.

                                                       Serving Times:
                                                       Lunch................... Noon to 1:30 p.m.
                                                       Dinner.................. 5 to 6:30 p.m.

ministry Locations

Freede Wellness Center, Leichter Room, 2nd floor

East Building 2nd Floor - Health Screening, Room #226 and #231

East Building 3rd Floor - Lifetouch Clergy Pictures, Southwest Lobby Area

Walker Center, Room #166

                                               CHRIST AT THE
                                              CHECKPOINT: USA
                                                  EXPLORING HOLY LAND REALITIES & OUR RESPONSE

                                          OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, USA
              OCT 2018                    THE TOWER HOTEL – (405) 842-6633
             15TH–18TH                    3233 NW EXPRESSWAY, OKC, OK 73112

  REGISTRATION                                           RESERVATIONS
  Event Cost: $300 per person                           Hotel arrangements can be made with the
  Includes meals and event materials. All event         Tower Hotel. A limited block of rooms is
  sessions will be held at the Tower Hotel.             reserved for the event.

Your Communications ministry
            Oklahoma Conference Communications Ministry | 405.530.2073 |

      A PDF version is available online at:
                                                                                          tools to
                                                                                          your ministry
      CONTACT DIGEST                                                                      soar to new
      An electronic version of the newspaper is
      distributed by e-mail. To receive it, sign up
      at:                            Are   heights!
       OKVIDEO                                            connected?
 We have videos to share at your
 local church that tell the stories
about our Conference connectional
                                         DVD LIBRARY
                                          Check-out DVD curriculum            resources for your Sunday school
                                      classes or other church groups. See
                                      a complete listing of the resources
                                          in the online Media Library.


                                           Oklahoma’s Annual Conference app
                                            You’ll find the app by searching for OKUMC    Tell your friends and congregation they can
                                            or Oklahoma UMC in the App Store or           download the app and the meeting’s live
                                            Google Play store.                            stream on their smartphones or tablets.

                                            This free app, launched by your               The conference APP is now available year-
                                            Communications Minisry, enables you to        round with new content and social media
                                            quickly access all the information you need   tools just a click away.
                                            for your annual conference experience.
                                                                                          You also can choose to receive
    Get your smartphone or                  Among the contents you’ll find:               announcements for specific groups:
   tablet and download the                    Annual Conference Agenda                    delegates, laity, clergy, and/or youth.
  Annual Conference app now!                  Pre-Conference Workbook
                                              Special Events                              NEED HELP?
                                              Social Media Links                          If you need help downloading or navigating
                                              Where To Eat (Local Restaurants)            the app, a volunteer will be available at the
                                                                                          registration tables Tuesday morning only.
                                                                                          Look for sign.
                                                      Watch our video first, for more information, on
Register Your Wellness Account Through Viverae
                                                     • Visit or the Viverae App
                                                     • Select Register
                                                     • Enter your last name and date of birth (DOB)
                                                     • Enter your identifier: DOB + Last 4 of SSN
                                                     • Enter the registration code: okumc (all lowercase)
                                                     • Follow prompts to complete registration

                                                     Once you have completed your account registration, there are
2018 HEALTH & WELLNESS                               two new options for completing your biometric screening.

 BIOMETRIC SCREENINGS                                Option 1:
         For Active Clergy and Spouses               Contact the Quest Service Center at 1-855-623-9355 to
                                                     schedule an appointment. You can also schedule through the
     Tuesday, May 29 - Thursday, May 31              online portal by selecting Profile, Resources, Screenings, the
                7 am - 3 pm                          Quest Screenings, and following the prompts to request an
East Kramer School of Nursing - OCU Campus           appointment.

OKUMC Clergy only: if you missed the deadline        Option 2:
to schedule your biometric screening at Annual       Visit your physician and have that doctor complete the Quest
Conference this year, you can still participate in   Physician Lab Form (found in the online portal), then submit it
the Wellness Program for 2019 and earn incentive     back to Quest.
                                                      For more information contact:
Retired Clergy and Spouses Screening                 Kate Scraper, director of Benefits & Personnel |
Tuesday, May 29 from 7 am - noon only; Rm 226        (405) 530-2063 |

                   Invest in Lasting Good

Though Delia had always been active in the ministries of
                                                                 Christ Church, she began to take on more leadership in the
                                                                 church in 1991. Chairing Marriage and Family Life ministry
denman award                                                     for several years, Delia, with Bob’s help, designed and taught
                                                                 marriage classes that soon became a requirement for anyone

for evangelism                                                   wishing to be married at Christ UMC.

                                                                 In 1994, Christ UMC was one of the first churches to institute
The Harry Denman Evangelism Award, sponsored by The
                                                                 contemporary worship services in groundbreaking ways. The
Foundation for Evangelism, provides a way for each annual
                                                                 response to these services became a springboard for major
conference to recognize one who is practicing evangelism in
                                                                 growth in CUMC’s attendance. Delia became the Worship
daily life and through the local church.
                                                                 Director for these contemporary services as well as the
                                                                 ongoing traditional worship services. Delia taught each team
The late Harry Denman, for whom the award is named,
                                                                 member how sharing their talents was crucial to sharing the
had a decades-long, life-transforming personal ministry of
                                                                 love of God.
evangelism as a lay person. He said, “The only way to see
Christ is to see Him wrapped in a person…” Denman Award
                                                                 In 2005, Abingdon Press published Bob’s
nominees are recognized as that kind of person.
                                                                 first book outlining his belief that ministering
                                                                 to people’s needs was truly the Christ-
This year, the Oklahoma Annual Conference is recognizing
                                                                 like way to lead. His book, Needs Based
Rev. Dr. Robert Pierson and Delia Pierson. On November
                                                                 Evangelism, shares his experiences and
30, 1973, Bob Pierson and Delia (Saied) Pierson married,
                                                                 teaches congregations how to adopt this form
beginning a life-long partnership in love, marriage, and
                                                                 of leadership. Delia was highly involved in
                                                                 editing and adding to the experiences shared in it.
In 1969, Dr. Pierson began serving as senior pastor of Christ
                                                                 When Bob retired from CUMC in 2006, he
United Methodist Church in Tulsa, where he would remain
                                                                 wrote his second book, Tell, that teaches
for 37 years. Though Bob was the “appointed pastor,” there
                                                                 others how to share your faith. Bob and Delia
was never a doubt in the hearts of those she served that Delia
                                                                 formed the Leadership Nexus Foundation in
was just as much a pastor as her husband. Together they
                                                                 2006, a nonprofit seeking to raise up leaders
grew a loving community of faith that would live out what
                                                                 for the transformation of the world through
they called the “Christyle,” sincerely asking “What would
                                                                 training events, congregational and personal
Jesus do?” in everything the members said or did long before
                                                                 coaching, and community development.
it was a slogan on a bracelet.

They grew the church from approximately 150 in weekly
attendance to over 1800 and created the Phoenix Sunday
School class and other supportive ministries for divorced
people beginning in the late 1970s. Their Divorce Adjustment
workshops ministered to thousands across the region and
continued for the next 30 years.

When the Iron Curtain fell and Russia opened in 1992, Bob
chaired the Oklahoma Annual Conference Russia Initiative,
becoming the first United Methodist pastor to bring the
gospel to Russia. With Delia by his side, they led several
teams from Oklahoma to plant Methodist churches in
Moscow, Voronezh, and several other small cities. One
life changed was Irina Mitina’s in 1993. Serving as their
interpreter, Irina heard the Gospel message for the first time
and committed her life to Christ one evening after translating
the sermon for the congregation. Today, Irina leads The
United Methodist Church in Russia as both a pastor and a
District Superintendent.

There are currently over 700
                                                                                 children in foster care who,
                                                                                 tragically, are separated from
                                                                                 their siblings. Siblings who
                                                                                 experience parental loss,
                                                                                 neglect and abuse depend upon
                                                                                 one another to survive.

                                                                                 In Oklahoma, a sibling set of
                                                                                 3 has only a 65% chance of
                                                                                 staying together while in foster
                                                                                 care. Circle of Care and its
                                                                                 partners are striving to keep
                                                                                 more brothers and sisters

The Legacy of Care Campaign is raising $5 million for construction and
endowment of 8 new homes for large sibling sets.

With the generous support
of the Oklahoma United
Methodist Conference,
the Oklahoma United
Methodist Foundation,
The Helmerich Trust, and
many individuals, churches
and foundations, over $4
million has been raised
thus far. Construction
has begun on one home
in Alva and one in Enid.
                                                   January 2018 - Rev. Carol Cook Moore of Alva 1st UMC, Bishop James Nunn, Bill
Future homes are planned                                      Junk of the OKUMF and supporters bless the Alva sibling home site.
for Woodward, Elk City,
Shawnee and Coweta.

                     For more information on how you can help finish this campaign,
               please contact Sarah Steffes at 405-215-1400 or visit
Oklahoma United
                Methodist Campus                                                          Want to know more?
                Ministry                                                                Visit our ministry booth
                Making Disciples | Forging Christian Leaders | Transforming the World    at Annual Conference.

     400 students in worship every week

     600 students involved in weekly discipleship groups

UMCOR Kit Collection
For the last 12 years the Oklahoma Annual Conference has collected kits for The United
Methodist Committee on Relief.

During Annual Conference a truck will be ready to receive the kits you have collected. UMCOR
has asked us to focus on SCHOOL KITS and HYGIENE KITS but all kits will be accepted.
Assembly instructions can be found at

The truck will be parked in the North OCU parking lot Tuesday through Thursday.

We will gladly accept cash donations to be used to purchase supplies and to cover our delivery
costs to UMCOR. Checks can be made out to “Office of Mission” and mailed to our office, 1501
NW 24th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73106. Please write “UMCOR Kit Supplies” in the memo line.

If you have questions, contact Kristin in the Office of Mission. | 405-530-2029.
17                                                                                       Photo by: Jaime Claire Media, 2015
During the two-year courses, each consisting of four weekends - two in the spring and two in the fall
- participants will receive a baseline of either youth or children ministry skills, both theoretical and
practical, that are needed to lead and work with youth and children.


      AUGUST 3-5, 2018                                            FEBRUARY 1-3, 2019
     Digging Deeper in the Bible:                                 Confirmation, Teaching, and Media
     Inter-faith studies
      NOVEMBER 2-4, 2018                                          APRIL 5-7, 2019
     Examining the Hard Side of Ministry:                         Curriculum:
     Warning Signs: family abuse, social media,                   Choosing, Adapting, and Writing
     bullying, drugs, mental health, and more

   CONTACT:                                                      REGISTER ONLINE:
   Dr. Leslie Long -                    
                                Oklahoma Conference                          Oklahoma City University, Wimberly
                                of The United Methodist Church               School of Religion
new people for new places
                                                           2018 Grant Awards |

Increasing Our Global Footprint                Project SHINE                                     Leadership Development & Mobile Day
OU Wesley Foundation, Norman | $40,600         WFLU Student Intern Program (Year 2)              Camps (Year 3)
                                               McFarlin Memorial UMC, Norman | $26,140           OKUMC Camps & Retreats | $91,521
International students at OU find welcome,
meet Christ, and are sent out in leadership,   Langston Wesley Foundation: Langston              Many young people who have never had a
both to the campus and, upon graduation, to    Children from four partner schools                chance to go to camp are introduced to a
many scattered places around the world.        populated by high-need families learn about       life of faith when camp comes to their town
                                               God in a VBS/Camp style setting during the        through Mobile Day Camps. In every district,
Single Parent Groups & Upgraded                school-year breaks when their parents still       a host church and up to eight nearby towns
Communications Village UMC, Oklahoma           have to work.                                     will be invited to send their young people to
City | $21,090                                                                                   a week-long day camp, where children from
                                               McFarlin in Motion                                a variety of racial-ethnic backgrounds can
The 1300 single parents and                    Mobile Food Pantry (Year 3) McFarlin              experience some first steps in knowing and
their children who live in and around          Memorial UMC, Norman | $25,000                    following Jesus.
The Village will have their unique needs
addressed through a program at Village         Children and their families in underserved        Methodist After School Tutoring (MAST)
UMC.                                           neighborhoods around high-needs                   First UMC, Laverne | $2,640
                                               elementary schools in Norman are
Worship on Hurd (Year 2)                       introduced to a church that wants to reach        Younger elementary children in the Laverne
First UMC, Edmond | $30,000                    toward them, building rapport and trust,          area receive tutoring in English along with
                                               and inviting them into the life of this vibrant   a foundational knowledge of God through
Younger people attending a new worship         church.                                           worship and song. The children and their
service in a new space are meeting Christ                                                        families then connected with the church
and committing their lives to him through      First Jenks                                       members through relationship-building and
excellent worship and an intentional plan      First UMC, Jenks | $26,700                        invitations.
of discipleship. In only a few months, this
ministry has brought 15 new professions of     Gen Xers and Millennials who recently             International Fellowship
faith.                                         moved to the Jenks area are finding a new         Asbury UMC, Tulsa | $40,000
                                               modern liturgical worship and focused
Oak Park Retreat Center (Year 2)               outreach of hands-on mission.                     People from around the world who live in
Lost Creek UMC, Stillwater | $41,000                                                             the Tulsa area are finding a new home for
                                               Modern Worship Improvements                       worship and experiencing an intentional
Using their clear and intentional path of      First UMC, Yukon | $18,600                        pathway toward discipleship.
discipleship, Lost Creek UMC is investing
deeply in the children in and around the       New young people moving into Yukon meet           WFLU Student Intern Program (Year 2)
community of Perkins, and is multiplying its   Jesus in a new modern worship service             Langston Wesley Foundation, Langston |
effectiveness by partnering with many other    with updated space and technology. They           $16,275
community agencies and groups to renovate      also participate in intentional discipleship
space that will become the Oak Park Retreat    pathways in order to grow deeper in faith.        Young adults attending Langston University
Center.                                                                                          experience ministry led by student interns,
                                               Outreach Ministry - Interns (Year 2)              who themselves are growing in faith and
Outstanding Wednesdays (Year 3)                UCO Wesley Foundation, Edmond | $15,000           leadership while leading others.
Southern Hills UMC, OKC | $11,256
                                               College students in Edmond experience a           The Foundry at Heritage (Year 2)
Children aged 3-15 from nearby schools find    burgeoning Wesley Foundation that offers          Heritage UMC, Broken Arrow | $51,734
a new church home through a Wednesday          a very specific pathway of discipleship and
after school program that engages them         helps them grow in the love of God and their      Young adults who have never been a part of
and their families in year-round activities    neighbor, and in areas of leadership.             Heritage UMC are now being formed in a
that center on art and community outreach                                                        powerful new ministry called The Foundry.
activities.                                                                                      With its outward focus and clearly-outlined

pathway of discipleship, even a person
unexperienced with the faith can grow
                                                    Blessing Bags & Foster Family Outreach
                                                    First UMC, Antlers | $5,000
deeply in relationship to Jesus.

Collegial Connection Ministry (Year 2)
                                                    The growing numbers of foster children in
                                                    the Antlers area receive a note, personal
Quayle UMC, OKC | $33,200                           visits, and a bag with personal items as

Youth and young adults in northeast
                                                    the beginning steps in a relationship with
                                                    the church family, who then invite them to
Oklahoma City and in nearby Langston who            specific church-sponsored activities.
have recently participated in an intentional
discipleship plan can now deepen their              Friday Friends Ministry
growth through an intentional plan of               First UMC, Okmulgee | $9,600
                                                    Children of working parents who are
Redemption Solutions                                affected by the new four-day school week in
Penn Ave.– Redemption UMC, OKC |                    Okmulgee are finding a Friday home in the
$30,709                                             church. Fed both nutritionally and spiritually,   Accepting Applications
Youth and children who have one or more
                                                    these children are nurtured by church
                                                    volunteers and by a variety of partner groups
                                                                                                      Early June 2018
parents who are incarcerated will now have          in the community.
a 3/4-time youth director who is trained in
their specific needs, including family bonding      Acts 2:4 - ESL Ministry
during and after the incarceration.                 Faithbridge UMC, Heavener | $20,000
                                                                                                      Applications Due
Project FLAME (Year 2)                              Spanish speaking newcomers to the                 August 31, 2018
First UMC, Hominy | $5,000                          Heavener area can learn English as a second
                                                    language in an accepting environment,             at 11:59 pm
Residents of Hominy beyond the reach of             while also being welcomed into a language-
The United Methodist Church will find               friendly bilingual worship service and small
a monthly breakfast including prayer,               group Bible studies led by some of our            September 2018
Scripture, and encouragement.                       emerging new Hispanic leaders.
                                                                                                      NPNP Committee
Thrift Store Evangelism                                                                               Initial Evaluations
Living Water UMC, Glenpool | $56,423
                                                       2018 Grant Total $747,938
Visitors to a thrift store in Glenpool
are finding a new place for Bible study,
                                                                          # of           # of         October 2018
                                                         District       Applicants      Awards
discipleship, and worship through this
church’s creative redemption of needed               Cimarron                 1            1
                                                                                                      NPNP Interviews
space that was otherwise underused.                  Council Oak              8            4

Inviting Piedmont                                    Crossroads              10            7
First UMC, Piedmont | $130,450                       Green Country            4            1
                                                     Heartland                7            5
New people around Piedmont who respond
to a creative new first contact by the church        Lake Country             3            2
will be invited to join a journey of discipleship    Northern Prairie         3            2
and growing in faith.                                Wichitas                 2            0
                                                     Other                    3            1
                                                                             41            23

Saint Yootz Day
                                            Concert is included in your park
                                            admission price.
                                            MEALS - DEALS
                                            Tickets for $10
                                            Includes 3 chicken strips, chips,
                                            cookie and drink served 4 - 6 p.m. at
                                            Flapjacks Cook House
                                            The pavillion is available for use from
                                            4 - 7 p.m.
                                            An annual fundraising event for family and friends
                  ...ain’t over yet         of all ages to support.

                                            YOUTH SERVICE
                                            MORE INFORMATION
Park hours: 10:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.           Call (800) 231-4166, Ext. 2199;
                                            (405) 530-2199;
Tickets   Sales
                                            EVENT SPONSORED BY
$25 per person
                                            THE CONFERENCE COUNCIL ON YOUTH MINISTRY
Children 2 and under admitted free
                                            Oklahoma United Methodist Ministry Center
Includes • Park admission • Concert         1501 NW 24th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73106-3635
Church Vans & Buses park FREE

Use your season pass, but please make
a donation to YSF at the ticket booth
                                                        SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 2018
Located at the old will-call building
front gate area from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
                                                                 ORDER YOUR TICKETS:

y                                                   Skyline Urban Ministry provides groceries, meals, clothing,
                                                       eye exams, and dignity to Oklahomans living in poverty.

                Skyline Urban Ministry nurtures disciples of                   patrons to see, receive, and give the tangible and
                Christ to deeper relationships with Christ and                 intangible love and grace of Christ.
                new levels of compassion and respect for those
                living on the margins by promoting a change                    How can Skyline be a partner with you in serving
                in heart through relationships built by serving                those who live on the margins in your community?
                shoulder-to-shoulder with one another.
                                                                               Contact us at:
                Skyline makes disciples of Christ through                      405-632-2644 |
                providing opportunities for volunteers, staff, and             Facebook @SkylineUrbanMinistry

    Commission on
    archives and history
    The ministry of memory recognizes the importance of promoting distinctive Wesleyan and United Methodist traditions and recognizing and
    celebrating historically significant people, events, and sites in the Oklahoma Conference.

    CURRENT PROGRAMS                              CONFERENCE ARCHIVES                             OKLAHOMA UNITED
                                                                                                  METHODIST HISTORICAL
    Historic Site Recognition: Is your            The Conference Archives are located on the      SOCIETY
    church associated with an historic event,     fifth floor of the Dulaney-Browne Library on
    development, or personality of strong         the campus of Oklahoma City University.         The OUMHS is the public face of Archives
    historic significance to the Oklahoma         Christina Wolf, Conference Archivist, stands    & History in Oklahoma. Membership in the
    Conference? Begin the process of              ready to assist you with your research needs,   Society helps to support the Conference
    nominating your church as an Oklahoma         whether you are researching your church’s       Archives and provides opportunities
    Conference Historic Site by visiting the      history or researching your Methodist           for sharing the history and heritage of
    Commission website.                           genealogical roots.                             Methodism in Oklahoma. The Annual
                                                                                                  Luncheon scheduled during Annual
    Local Church Archives: Your church should     Christina Wolf, Archivist                       Conference is just one opportunity to come
    maintain its own local church archives. Do    Archives & Special Collections, Dulaney-        learn about the history of the Conference.
    you need help in setting up an archive?       Browne Library, Oklahoma City University
    Visit our website for more information and | 405-208-5919             Membership is only $10 per conference year.
    resources.                                                                                    For more information and/or to become a
                                                  Reading Room:                                   member, visit our information booth during        Dulaney-Browne Library Room 508                 Annual Conference.
                                                  Reading Room Hours:
                                                  September – April: 9 am – 5 pm, Mondays –
                                                  Fridays; May-August: By appointment

                          Archives & Special Collections website:
1501 NW 24th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73106-3635

   CJAMM Criminal Justice and Mercy Ministries                                        405.530.2015 | 405.530.2014 | Fax: 405.530.2049

The vision of the Criminal Justice and Mercy Ministries flourishes under the leadership of Kristen
Harlin, executive director, developing ministries for Oklahoma United Methodists to serve in mission
for the care of prisoners and their families. CJAMM oversees three Redemption Churches located in
Tulsa, Oklahoma City and Lawton; two New Day Camps for children of incarcerated parents (ages
8-14); and two Exodus Houses in Tulsa and Oklahoma City for ex-offenders reentering society.

                                                   REDEMPTION UMC
                                                   The three Redemption Churches offer services twice weekly along with
                                                   classes such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Thinking for
                                                   a Change, Relapse Prevention, Parenting for Prevention, Cage Your Rage,
                                                   Disciple Bible Study, Confirmation, Computer Training, Budgeting and more.

                                                   HOW YOU CAN HELP: Become a DOC-badged volunteer and attend
                                                   services, teach a class, aid with transportation, provide food, monetary
                                                   donations and prayer. Contact Lawton Aldersgate at (580) 355-4230, Tulsa
                                                   St. Luke’s at (918) 585-9637, OKC Penn Avenue at (405) 528-0963 for more
                                                   information on each program.

Exodus House Tulsa and Oklahoma City follow a six-month
residential program for equipping released ex-offenders and their
families in becoming productive, self-supporting, cohesive family
units. Residents move into a fully-furnished apartment sponsored
by various churches, UMWs, UMMs, and Sunday school classes.
Residents find employment, establish savings accounts, and are
held accountable in a healthy, Christian, drug-free environment.

HOW YOU CAN HELP: Donate household items, sponsor
a resident (suggested at $400/month), mentoring, grounds
upkeep, refurbishing outside of apartments, help with office
expenses, vehicle maintenance and gas for donation pickups,
apartment sponsors, monetary donations and prayer.

                                                  NEW DAY CAMPS
                                                  New Day Camp is a week-long camp for children with at least one incarcerated
                                                  parent. Camp I, held in June, is for children ages 8-11 and Camp II, held in July, is
                                                  for youth ages 12-14. Both are at Camp Cross Point on Lake Texoma. There is no
                                                  cost for the campers and transportation is provided and arranged throughout
                                                  the state of Oklahoma. We pride ourselves on maintaining a volunteer ratio of
                                                  one adult per two campers. Each child receives unconditional love, a teddy bear,
                                                  a backpack, a Bible, any needed clothing items and a week of just being a “kid.”

                                                  HOW YOU CAN HELP: Volunteer at camp; supply health and beauty items for
                                                  the “store”; donate water shoes, insect repellent, and sunscreen (non-aerosol
                                                  varieties); sponsor a camper for $250; help with transportation through your
                                                  local United Methodist church; monetary donations; and prayer.

23    Visit our website at for more information on how to volunteer, donate and be a blessing.
M ission u ‘18
Learning Together for the Transformation of the World                                                   ADULT
Weekend School - July 20-22
One Day Plus - July 22-23                                                                             STUDIES
                                                                Spiritual Growth
Children and Youth Studies
                                                                What About Our
Sr. High - Michael Smith                                           Money                       Special Interest Study
        Is It Just Money?
Jr. High - Rev. Glenda Skinner-Noble                              Kathy Caldron
        Is It Just Money?                                                                   Embracing Wholeness:
Elementary Age Children - Faye Perry                                                         An Earth Perspective
        Money Matters                                                                        for Covenantal Living
For more information, contact:                                      Geographic Study              Rev. Greg Tener
Betty Prentice, dean:                    Missionary
Sue Helms, asst. dean:                    Conferences of the U.S.
Download registration forms at                                      Rev. Meri Whitaker

CEU 1 - Weekend School (8 hours in class)
                             Sponsored by Oklahoma Conference United Methodist Women and Mission and Service Ministry Team

                                                 Save The date!
                                                                          OSU Wesley Foundation
                                                                              Open House

                                                                            Saturday, September 1
                                                                                   823 West University
                                                                                   Stillwater, OK 74074

5-DAY ACADEMY                                    THE ACADEMY RHYTHM
                                                 The Academy is a five-day experience of community

FOR SPIRITUAL                                    living in the monastic tradition. The nature of the
                                                 Academy requires full-time participation. The rhythm of
                                                 the day is punctuated by:

FORMATION                                            Worship - morning, afternoon, and evening
                                                     Lecture - morning and afternoon
                                                     Periods of Silence - morning and afternoon
Heaven on Earth                                      The Great Silence - overnight
Finding the Center in Uncentered Times               Listening Circles - evening
                                                     Meals - in community
These are strange and disquieting times              Free Time - for rest, hiking, conversations, and
we live in, full of conflict, stress, and
rapid change. We often pray “Your
kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.”
                                                  Lodge Double................................................$555
How can we stay so centered in the loving
compassion of God that we can cooperate           Lodge Single ................................................ $655
with the Spirit in bearing its gifts into the
world?                                            Cabins...........................................................$500

                                                   After August 23, only double cabin lodging available.

                   Suzanne Seaton will be
                   presenting on the topic: A    Members of the Oklahoma Conference of The United
                   Sacred Dance: Contemplation   Methodist Church, OIMC, lay and clergy, will receive a
                   and Action                    grant of $175 automatically.

                                                 Others are encouraged to seek assistance from local
                                                 and denominational sources, such as women’s and
                   DR. FRANK ROGERS JR.          men’s groups or continuing education grants.
                   Frank Rogers will be
                   presenting on the topic:      ONLINE REGISTRATION
                   Finding Our Compassionate
                   Center in Turbulent Times     Register online:

                                                 Please make note:
                                                 Final Payment due by
                                                 SEPTEMBER 21, 2018.

     OCTOBER 21-26, 2018                         For more event information contact:
                                                 Kathy Leithner
      Canyon Camp | Hinton, OK                   918-533-8218

“Get On The Bus”
             To Little Rock & Memphis
              September 20-23, 2018
                                                   Join Bishop Nunn and other
                                                   United Methodists around
                                                   the state as we travel to
                                                   the National Civil Rights
                                                   Museum in Memphis, TN,
                                                   and Little Rock Central
                                                   High School in Little Rock,

                                                   While on a chartered bus,
                                                   we will have conversations
                                                   about race relations,
                                                   racism, white privilege,
                                                   social bias, and intercultural

                                                   The cost is $295 per person
                                                   (double hotel occupancy).
This trip is sponsored by the Oklahoma United
Methodist Commission on Strengthening the          For more information,
Black Church for the 21st Century (SBC-21) ,       contact Rev. Twila Gibbens
the Commission on Religion and Race (CORR),        at 918-508-9079 or
the Oklahoma Board of Church and Society, and
the “Get on the Bus” design team. This trip is a   or Rev. Trina Bose North at
follow up to the 2017 Retreat in Tulsa - “Get on   405-535-8288.
the Bus-Let’s Talk About Race” - also sponsored
by SBC-21, CORR, Church and Society, and the           Register online at
“Get on the Bus” design team.                 
                                                       by August 1, 2018.
2018 Conference Camps Schedule

                          CANYON                                                EGAN

                          JUNE                                                 JUNE
 GRADE     CAMP                    CODE   DATE         GRADE    CAMP                     CODE   DATE
 6-8       CLUE Jr.                1U1    June 4-8     6-8      Journey                  2Y1    June 6-10
 3-5       Growin' in Grace        1G1    June 11-13   7-Grad   Camp United              2A1    June 11-15
                                                                Council Oak
 6         6th Grade Camp          1X1    June 11-15
                                                       1-2      Sonshine                 2S1    June 16-17
 3-5       Joy–Creative Arts       1J1    June 15-17
                                                       7-Grad   Green Country            2R1    June 18-22
 1-2       Sonshine                1S1    June 16-17
                                                       3-5      Growin' in Grace         2G1    June 25-27
 7-8       Wilderness              1W1    June 16-22
                                                       6        6th Grade Camp           2X1    June 25-29
 7-Grad    Spark                   1P1    June 25-29
                                                       GRADE    CAMP                     CODE   DATE
 GRADE     CAMP                    CODE   DATE
                                                       9-Grad   Lead - High School       2C1    July 2-6
 3-5       Growin' in Grace        1G2    July 16-18            Formerly CYME
 6-8       Lead - Mid High         1E1    July 16-20   3-5      Joy - Creative Arts 2J1         July 6-8
           Formerly JEM
                                                       1-2      Sonshine                 2S2    July 7-8
 1-2       Sonshine                1S2    July 21-22
                                                       3-5      Growin' in Grace         2G2    July 16-18
 9-Grad    CLUE Sr.                1U2    July 23-27
                                                       6        6th Grade Camp           2X2    July 16-20

                      CROSSPOINT                                               OFFSITE

                          JUNE                                                OFFSITE
 GRADE    CAMP                     CODE   DATE         GRADE    CAMP                     CODE   DATE
 1-2      Sonshine                 3S1    June 23-24   9-Grad   Dayspring WOW            4D1    July 5-9
 7-Grad   CP Youth Camp            3H1    June 25-29   9-Grad   Trek 1 Sr. High          4K1    June 23-30

                          JULY                         6-8      Trek 2 Jr. High          4K2    July 14-22

 GRADE    CAMP                     CODE   DATE
 9-Grad   Dayspring South          3D1    July 9-13
 6        6th Grade Camp           3X1    July 13-15
 3-5      Growin' in Grace         3G1    July 13-15

Transforming Lives...Growing Leaders
Photo by: Levi T. McKay, NWTX Communications, 2016

    Service of Celebration and Holy Communion
                                Tuesday, May 29, 2018 | 10:00 a.m.
                            The Freede Center, Oklahoma City University
                     Oklahoma Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
                              and of the Holy Spirit.” — Matthew 28:19

GATHERING 9:30 a.m.
WORSHIP 10:00 a.m.

                        The asterisk † denotes that one is invited to stand as he or she is able.

Today the Oklahoma Conference gathers for the opening of our 2018 Annual Conference.

As we enter into worship please note:

•   Silence or turn off all electronic devices.

•   To respond to wheat-based bread allergies and extend the accessibility of Christ’s table, all communion stations are
    gluten-free. Communion will be received by district and served by the respective District Superintendent and Lay
    Leader of each district.

GATHERING MUSIC 							                 		                                                             Korean First UMC
“This Is Amazing Grace” This is amazing grace
                                                                   This is unfailing love
     Who breaks the power of sin and darkness                      That You would take my place
     Whose love is mighty and so much stronger                     That You would bear my cross
     The King of Glory, the King above all kings                   You lay down Your life
     Who shakes the whole earth with holy thunder                  That I would be set free
     And leaves us breathless in awe and wonder                    Oh, Jesus, I sing for
     The King of Glory, the King above all kings                   All that You’ve done for me

     This is amazing grace                                         Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
     This is unfailing love                                        Worthy is the King who conquered the grave
     That You would take my place                                  Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
     That You would bear my cross                                  Worthy is the King who conquered the grave
     You lay down Your life
     That I would be set free                                      Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
     Oh, Jesus, I sing for                                         Worthy is the King who conquered the grave
     All that You’ve done for me                                   Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
                                                                   Worthy, worthy, worthy
     Who brings our chaos back into order
     Who makes the orphan a son and daughter                       This is amazing grace
     The King of Glory, the King of Glory                          This is unfailing love
     Who rules the nations with truth and justice                  That You would take my place
     Shines like the sun in all of its brilliance                  That You would bear my cross
     The King of Glory, the King above all kings                   You lay down Your life
                                                                   That I would be set free
                                                                   Oh, Jesus, I sing for
                                                                   All that You’ve done for me

“Reckless Love”                                                    And I couldn’t earn it, and I don’t deserve it, still, You
                                                                   give Yourself away
     Before I spoke a word, You were singing over me               Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of
     You have been so, so good to me                               God, yeah
     Before I took a breath, You breathed Your life in me
     You have been so, so kind to me                               There’s no shadow You won’t light up
                                                                   Mountain You won’t climb up
     Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of          Coming after me
     Oh, it chases me down, fights ‘til I’m found, leaves the      There’s no wall You won’t kick down
     ninety-nine                                                   Lie You won’t tear down
                                                                   Coming after me
     I couldn’t earn it, and I don’t deserve it, still, You give
     Yourself away                                                 There’s no shadow You won’t light up
     Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of          Mountain You won’t climb up
     God, yeah                                                     Coming after me

     When I was Your foe, still Your love fought for me            There’s no wall You won’t kick down
     You have been so, so good to me                               Lie You won’t tear down, coming after me
     When I felt no worth, You paid it all for me
     You have been so, so kind to me                               Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of
     And oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of      Oh, it chases me down, fights ‘til I’m found, leaves the
     God                                                           ninety-nine
     Oh, it chases me down, fights ‘til I’m found, leaves the
     ninety-nine                                                   And I couldn’t earn it, I don’t deserve it, still, You give
                                                                   Yourself away
                                                                   Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of
                                                                   God, yeah
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