Page created by David Cohen

APRIL 12–23, 2021
Enroll through

                         QUICK GUIDE HIGHLIGHTS
                              ▨ Open enrollment runs April 12 through 23, 2021.

                              ▨ You must complete enrollment by 5 p.m. Friday, April 23, 2021.

                              ▨ You must enroll even if you don’t make changes to your current coverage.

                              ▨ Benefit elections are effective June 1, 2021, to May 31, 2022.

                              ▨ Elections will be reflected on your June 15, 2021, paycheck.

                              ▨ We've included instructions and an enrollment worksheet to make it easy
                                for you to compare your year-over-year benefit elections (see pages 12-13)

                                   Medical: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City (BCBSKC)

                                   Dental: Cigna Dental or Delta Dental

                                   Vision: EyeMed

                         NEW THIS YEAR
                              ▨ Mindful By Blue KC, is a new behavioral health benefit available to all
                                employees enrolled in a JCCC medical plan option.

                              ▨ There's a new employee advocacy benefit, Blue Connect, available to
                                all employees enrolled in a JCCC medical plan option.

                              ▨ The Delta Dental annual and orthodontic maximum benefits are increasing.

        NEED HELP?

        Contact your JCCC Benefits Specialist if you have questions.

        If your last name starts with:
        A-F     Connie Brickner     ext. 4757
        G-N Lisa Gates		            ext. 3619
        O-Z     Lisa Sullivan		     ext. 7624

        Benefits Manager Jerry Zimmerman, ext. 2776

            2 0 21- 2 0 2 2                   BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT GUIDE


Enrolling for Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2

Get Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3

What’s Changing?

 Medical Plan Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4

 Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

 Health Savings Account (HSA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

 Dental Plan Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

 Vision Plan Coverage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13

 Benefit Elections and Worksheet Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14

 Enrollment Worksheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15

Annual Reminders

 Beneficiary Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

 Dependent Eligibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

 Voluntary Additional Life Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

 Dependent Life Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

 Domestic Partners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18

 403(b) and 457(b) Plan Voluntary Contributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18

 Qualified Status Change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Know Your Other Benefits

 Short-Term Disability Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

 Employee Assistance Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

 Tuition Assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

 Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

                                               JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE                                                              2 0 21- 2 0 2 2           1

    1. Log in to MyJCCC at

    2. Make sure you are in the Employee tab.

    3. Click on Go to My Benefits (blue box).

    4. Follow the instructions.

    5. Y
        our electronic submission authorizes JCCC to enroll you in your online selections.


    Group 1: In general, full-time employees with a benefit eligibility date before June 1, 2014
    Group 2: Full-time employees with a benefit eligibility date on or after June 1, 2014

      GROUP 1                                                 GROUP 2

      Receive flex-credits frozen at $554.47 per pay period   No flex-credits

      Must purchase medical coverage and $50,000 of
                                                              Medical is voluntary and $50,000 of basic life is free
      basic life insurance

      JCCC contributes 7 percent to the 403(b) Plan           JCCC contributes 8 percent to the 403(b) Plan

                                                       If you are in Group 1, you must first elect to remain in Group 1
      hIMPORTANT                                       or change to Group 2 before you can make your selections.
       Once you change to Group 2, you will            If you choose to move to Group 2, you must contact your
       not be allowed to return to Group 1             benefits specialist (see page 3) before enrolling.
       during future open enrollments.
                                                       If you are in Group 2, you will proceed directly to enrollment.

2              2 0 21- 2 0 2 2             BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT GUIDE

 ?    GET HELP

 Contact your JCCC Benefits Specialist if you have questions.

If your last name starts with:

  A-F       Connie Brickner       ext. 4757

 G-N        Lisa Gates            ext. 3619

  O-Z       Lisa Sullivan         ext. 7624

Jerry Zimmerman, ext. 2776

 Informational Sessions
A narrated presentation of this year's open enrollment              You must complete enrollment
highlights is available at the following link:                      no later than Friday, April 23,
                                                                    at 5 p.m.

      All enrollment forms must be submitted electronically.
      Please print a copy for your records.

                                 JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE                 2 0 21- 2 0 2 2     3

           MEDICAL PLAN

     Coverage options are provided by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City (BCBSKC).
     Find complete information about your medical plan benefits at Search for
    “Employee Medical Benefits.”

    ▣   Group 1 full-time benefit eligible employees must participate in either a JCCC medical
        plan option or the “A Healthier You” wellness program option provided by BCBSKC. You
        must certify that you have other group medical coverage to enroll in “A Healthier You.”
    ▣   Group 2 employees are not required to participate in a medical plan option.

    The medical plan premiums per pay period are:

                                         GROUP 1         GROUP 2

      Preferred-Care Blue EPO

      Employee                           $320.09         $61.08

      Employee +1                        $550.24         $111.98

      Family                             $741.56         $154.57

      Preferred-Care Blue PPO

      Employee                           $308.30         $51.45

      Employee +1                        $540.92         $94.32                  hIMPORTANT
      Family                             $711.38         $129.36                  Remember PPO and HDHP
                                                                                  co-pays and deductibles will
      Preferred-Care Blue—BlueSaver HDHP
                                                                                  restart on January 1, 2022
      Employee                           $271.34         $0

      Employee +1                        $460.80         $0

      Family                             $618.47         $0

      BlueSelect Plus PPO

      Employee                           $284.49         $45.27

      Employee +1                        $497.23         $83.02

      Family                             $651.51         $113.85

      BlueSelect Plus—BlueSaver HDHP
      Employee                           $249.75         $0.00 + HSA$

      Employee +1                        $421.23         $0.00 + HSA$

      Family                             $564.20         $0.00 + HSA$

      A Healthier You™
      Employee                           $42.90          NA

4                2 0 21- 2 0 2 2             BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT GUIDE

BlueSelect Plus–BlueSaver HDHP and BlueSelect Plus–PPO are limited
network options that include more than 3,600 providers and nine hospitals.
In-network deductibles and co-pays are the same as traditional PPO and HDHP
medical options. The limited network results in lower premiums for participants.

Group 2 employees who enroll in the BlueSelect Plus HDHP will receive
an employer-paid contribution to a UMB HSA as follows:
Employee Only Coverage        $38.75 per pay period ($930 annually)
Employee +1 Coverage          $71 per pay period ($1,704 annually)
Family Coverage               $97.50 per pay period ($2,340 annually)

     Members receive a substantial financial reward for accessing
     in-network care from the BlueSelect Plus network. Carefully
     evaluate whether the limited network of hospitals and providers will
     work for you and your family before electing one of these options.

    1. Because all JCCC medical plan participants will now have access
        to the Blue Connect advocacy benefit, you will receive a new
        benefit ID card.

    2. Deductibles and coinsurance amounts are determined on a
        calendar-year basis and will restart on January 1. Any amounts
        you pay for deductibles, copays and so on from June through
        December 2021 will not count for 2022.

    3. If you switch from the EPO to either a PPO or HDHP option
        starting June 1, 2021, any amounts paid while participating in the
        EPO from January to May will not count toward your PPO/HDHP
        deductible or coinsurance for the rest of 2021.

                               JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE                        2 0 21- 2 0 2 2   5

                                          Align CareAlign
                                                                    Care Delivery
                                R EIH
                                       SS I VCEO S
                                                    R EIH
                                                           SS I V C
                                                                  E OSNEVRV
                                                                          E NI C
                                                                               I EENST B E
                                                                                                TNSIENT BE
                                                                                                                TNSIENT BENEFITS

    Routine                   Adult & Pediatric Routine
                             Routine                         CommonAdult & Pediatric
                                                 Adult & Pediatric               Common
                                                                               Specialist                                     Patient
                                                                                                                               Specialist       Patient
                                                                                                                                                 Specialist     Patien
Preventive Care          Preventive CareCarePreventive
                               Primary                    Prescriptions
                                                  Primary                     Referrals
                                                                       Primary Care     &
                                                                              Prescriptions                                   Referrals
                                                                                                                              Wellness   &
                                                                                                                               Prescriptions    Referrals &
                                                                                                                                                Wellness        Wellne
                                                          Filled On-Site      Scheduling
                                                                              Filled On-Site                                  Scheduling
                                                                                                                              Filled On-Site    Scheduling
                                                                                                                                               Follow-ups      Follow-u

Chronic Condition Chronic Condition
                     Behavioral      Chronic
                                 Health      Condition
                                        Behavioral                     Routine
                                                    Health Behavioral Health       Access  to A
                                                                                    Outside-of-Care  Access  to A
                                                                                                         Routine                                               Access
  Management           Consultations Management
                    Management            Consultations           Preventive
                                                 Center Support              Care Healthier
                                                                   Center Support           YouCare Healthier
                                                                                    Center Support            YouCare
                                                                                                     Preventive                                               Healthier
                                                                                    Platform          Platform                                                  Platfor

    Digital                     DigitalLab                    DigitalLab                Online Lab                     Online
                                                                                                                      Online          Online
                                                                                                                                       Online            Online
    X-rays*                         Draws
                                X-rays*                       X-rays*
                                                                  Draws               Scheduling
                                                                                              Draws                   Care Team
                                                                                                                    Scheduling      Scheduling
                                                                                                                                      Care Team         Care Team
                                                                                                                    Communication   Communication     Communication
      *X-rays are available at select
                                            are only,
                                                available at select
                                                                          are only,
                                                                              available at select locations only,

                  Spira Care                                                                            Find a Spira Care, Care Center near you:
                                                                                                        ▣   Olathe: 15710 W 135th Street, Suite 200
                  For the 2021-2022 benefit plan year, the BlueSelect
                  Plus HDHP will continue to provide participants with                                  ▣   Overland Park: 7431 W 133rd Street
                  access to Spira Care’s convenient Care Centers.                                       ▣   Shawnee: 10824 Shawnee Mission Parkway

                  Spira Care is a combined care and insurance offering                                  ▣   Lee’s Summit: 760 NW Blue Parkway
                  developed by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas                                     ▣   Liberty: 8350 N Church Road
                  City. Members can access comprehensive primary
                                                                                                        ▣   Crossroads: 1916 Grand Boulevard (KCMO)
                  care at Care Centers for a low allowable charge of just
                  $60 a visit as well as all the benefits of the BlueSelect                             ▣   Wyandotte: 9800 Troup Avenue (KCK)
                  Plus Network.                                                                         ▣   Tiffany Springs: 8765 N Ambassador Dr (KCMO)

                  Take a virtual tour at

           6                    2 0 21- 2 0 2 2                           BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT GUIDE

Mindful By Blue KC

In addition to the benefits you currently have available through the
College’s Employee Assistance Plan (EAP), all employees enrolled in
a JCCC medical plan option now have access to Mindful By Blue KC,
a new behavioral health initiative from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Kansas City (Blue KC).
                                                                               Log in to to learn
Mindful By Blue KC services include:                                           more about all the services
                                                                               available from Mindful By Blue KC.
▣   Well-Being Resources, including three (3) visits per issue for help
    with major life events, stress, financial issues, childcare and other
    everyday challenges.
▣   Online Therapy, text or scheduled live chat, phone or
    video therapy at no cost for three (3) sessions to help with
    conditions like depression, anxiety and stress.
▣   Online Self-Guided Tools, resources to manage stress,
    improve mood and more.
▣   Work-Life Services, telephone and online support services for help
    with things like childcare, parenting, adult care, emotional well-being,
    career development, daily living needs and college planning.
▣   Family Referral & Caregiving Services, provides help with
    such items as pet care, special needs assistance, adoption assistance
    and disability resources.
▣   Legal/Financial Services, provides access to one 30-minute
    call or visit per issue to a legal representative. Provides one
    30-minute telephone consultation per issue to a financial
    assistance representative.
▣   Daily Living and Convenience Services, such things as relocation
    services, home repairs, housing locators, volunteering, weather
    related services and much more.
▣   Serious Illness Resource Program & Funeral/Concierge Services

It all starts with reaching out to a Blue KC Mindful Advocate, who are
licensed behavioral health clinicians, to match you with providers and
guide care plans.

                                 JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE                         2 0 21- 2 0 2 2           7

    Optum Rx Mail-Order Pharmacy

    Optum Rx is our prescription benefit manager with Blue KC.
    Remember that mail-order delivery is the most cost-effective way to
    fill prescriptions for maintenance medications—those taken regularly to
    treat chronic conditions. Copays are reduced for up to a 90-day supply
    and you can receive your medication automatically every 90 days.

    t NOTE: You will pay a $20 higher copay at a retail pharmacy
    after the second fill unless you choose mail-order delivery for
    that maintenance medication.

    Examples of maintenance drugs: those used to treat high blood                  Log in to for access
    pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, asthma and diabetes.                to the Optum Rx mail-order portal.
    Contraceptive drugs are also considered maintenance medications.

    Blue KC Virtual Care

    Blue KC Virtual Care gives you access to board-certified doctors and
    therapists 24/7/365. With Virtual Care you can schedule and see a doctor
    for most minor medical issues anytime from any mobile device or computer.

    If you are in an EPO or PPO plan, you will have a $20 copay. If you are in a         Blue KC Virtual Care
    JCCC HDHP plans, you must pay the allowable charge amount of $59, per           Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City

    IRS requirements.
                                                                                   Download the Virtual Care
    To learn more, log in to your member account at,                  mobile app and have a video visit
    under "Plan Benefits" select "Medical Plan Benefits " and then click on        on your smartphone or tablet.
    the "Virtual Care" icon

8               2 0 21- 2 0 2 2             BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT GUIDE

Blue Connect Resources for Medical Plan Participants                            833-275-5112

Blue Connect, is a new advocacy benefit available to all employees    
enrolled in a JCCC medical plan option. Blue Connect, connects you
with an expert concierge team to provide a personalized experience for
all of your healthcare needs.

Here are just some of the ways Blue Connect can help you:

                                             Find a healthcare provider
                                            locally or out of area based
                                                   on care needs

                  Learn ways to                                            Learn ways to save money
                   save on your                                            like using telehealth or going
                   prescriptions                                           to a lower-cost facility for a

     Help for lost
  prescriptions or                                                                     In-depth help with
    prescriptions                                                                      claim issues, including
  while traveling                                                                      complex cases

         Speak to a                                                                     Resolve billing issues
   registered nurse                                                                     with three-way calling
 for care questions                                                                     with your doctor and
      or for chronic                                                                    daily follow-up calls
condition coaching

                      Assistance                                           with scheduling
                     with appeals                                          appointments based on
                                                                           care needs

                                              Prior authorization help
                                               for members both in
                                                  and out of area

                                    JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE                   2 0 21- 2 0 2 2           9


       Health Care Flexible Spending Account (HCFSA)

     You can elect to contribute to a HCFSA for the 2021-2022 benefit plan
     year to cover eligible medical, dental and vision expenses for yourself
                                                                               Check out the self-service mobile app.
     and your family that are not reimbursed by other health plans. The        You can use it to review your account and
     benefit plan year for the HCFSA option runs from June 1, 2021 through     file claims. Just go to the Google Play
     May 31, 2022.                                                             Store for Android devices or App Store
                                                                               for Apple devices and search for ASIFlex.
     The maximum annual contribution allowed to the HCFSA is $2,750 or
     $114.58 per pay period per employee.

     For this benefit plan year only, you have a grace period to incur            tNOTE
     eligible expenses up to May 31, 2023 but must submit them for
                                                                                   You cannot participate in
     reimbursement no later than July 31, 2023, or you will forfeit any
     unused HCFSA contributions.                                                   the HCFSA if you enroll in a
                                                                                   JCCC HDHP medical plan
                                                                                   option or are covered by an
       Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA)                            HDHP group health plan
       for Child and Elder Care
                                                                                   with another employer.
     You can elect to contribute to a DCFSA for the 2021-2022 benefit plan
     year. Set aside tax-free dollars for qualified dependent care expenses
     necessary for yourself (or if married, additionally for your spouse) to
     work or attend school full time. The benefit plan year for the DCFSA
     option runs from June 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022.                          tNOTE
                                                                                   DCFSA contributions cannot
     The Internal Revenue Service limits the maximum annual contribution
                                                                                   be used for dependent
     amount to the DCFSA to $5,000 per family, or $208.33 per pay period.
                                                                                   health care expenses.
     For this benefit plan year only, you have a grace period to incur
     eligible expenses up to May 31, 2023 but must submit them for
     reimbursement no later than July 31, 2023, or you will forfeit any
     unused dependent care FSA contributions.


     You can choose to contribute to a health savings account if you enroll
     in the Blue Saver HDHP or BlueSelect Plus HDHP medical plan options.
     You aren’t required to enroll in the HSA with an HDHP plan. If you have
     a current UMB HSA you do not have to open an account again.

     Group 2 employees who enroll in the BlueSelect Plus HDHP option will
     automatically have an HSA account opened for them to accept JCCC’s
     HSA employer contribution.

10              2 0 21- 2 0 2 2              BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT GUIDE

Benefits of an HSA:
▣   You get triple tax savings:
    ρ You set aside pre-tax dollars through convenient payroll deductions
    ρ HSA payments and reimbursements aren't taxable
    ρ Any related investment income or gains aren't taxable
                                                                                   Group 1 employees
▣   Funds can be used to cover out-of-pocket healthcare costs, such as
                                                                                   who have leftover
    deductible and co-insurance charges.
                                                                                   flex-credits may use
▣   Unlike with an FSA, you will not lose any remaining money in your HSA
                                                                                   them to fund their HSA.
    at the end of the plan year. The funds in your HSA are always yours, even if
    you change medical plan options, leave the College or retire, and you can
    add more money or spend the money on eligible expenses in future years.

UMB Bank is the HSA administrator for JCCC. You can use any bank or
financial institution that offers HSA rather than UMB, but you will not be able
to take advantage of the automated pre-tax payroll deduction capability if you     tNOTE
open an HSA elsewhere.
                                                                                    If you are a Group 2
Beginning June 1, 2021, the maximum amount you can contribute to the                employee who
HSA for the remainder of the 2021 Calendar Year (14-pay periods) is:                participates in the
Employee Only                       $2,100 ($150 per pay period)*                   BlueSelect Plus
Family (Employee +1 or more)        $4,200 ($300 per pay period)*                   HDHP, the employer
                                                                                    contributions to the
If you reach your 55th birthday and are not enrolled in Medicare despite
                                                                                    HSA will reduce the
being otherwise eligible, you can make an additional catch-up contribution of
$583.24 ($41.66 per pay period) to your HSA for 2021. You will have an              maximum amount
additional opportunity in November 2021 to make an HSA election for the             you can contribute.
2022 calendar year.

* If you enroll in the BlueSelect Plus HDHP, the JCCC per pay period
  contribution to your HSA will reduce, dollar for dollar, the maximum
  amount you may contribute.

     1. You cannot participate in the JCCC Health Care Flexible Spending
         Account if you enroll in either HDHP option.

     2. In general, you are not eligible to receive an employer HSA
         contribution or make a voluntary HSA contribution if you or your
         spouse participate in a health care flexible spending account or are
         covered under another group medical plan other than an HDHP.

     3. Once you are enrolled in any Medicare option (A, B, C or D),
         you are no longer eligible to make contributions to an HSA and
         must discontinue making contributions six (6) months prior to
         enrolling in Medicare.

                                  JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE                        2 0 21- 2 0 2 2    11

           DENTAL PLAN

     Dental plan coverage is voluntary. JCCC offers two options:
     Cigna Dental Care (CDC) or Delta Dental Premier/PPO.

     For 2021-2022, Cigna’s Participant Charge Schedule remains
     unchanged. You can find a copy of the Participant Charge Schedule
     at Benefits at Search for “Employee Dental Benefits.”

      Compare                                                                       Delta Dental of Kansas

        The CDC option is a managed care program that provides
          comprehensive dental care with:
     ✔ No claim forms to fill out
     ✔ No deductibles
                                                                                hKEEP IN MIND
     ✔ No dollar maximums                                                       If you change from Delta
                                                                                Dental to CDC during open
     ✔ No pre-existing conditions
                                                                                enrollment, you need to choose
     For this option, you must select a licensed dentist participating in       a CDC dentist based upon your
     CDC. If you do not select a CDC dentist, Cigna will assign one for         residence ZIP code for each of
     each of your enrolled dependents. If Cigna assigns you a dentist, you      your enrolled dependents.
     must wait a minimum of 30 days to change your assigned dentist.
     Copays for covered dental services are spelled out in Cigna’s
                                                                                to find a CDC dentist near you.
     Participant Charge Schedule applicable to the coverage. Review the
     covered dental services carefully before deciding to elect this option.

        With the Delta Dental Premier/PPO option, you can:
     ✔ Go to any dentist
     ✔ Enjoy significant savings when you use a participating PPO dentist

     The annual and orthodontic maximum benefit is increasing to $1,750
     with no increase in premiums. You can find a PPO participating
     dentist at

     CDC premiums are NOT changing.                          Delta Dental premiums are NOT changing.
     The premiums per pay period are:                        The premiums per pay period are:

       COVERAGE LEVEL              GROUP 1    GROUP 2          COVERAGE LEVEL      GROUP 1       GROUP 2

      CDC                                                     Delta Dental
      Employee                     $12.98    $1.38            Employee             $16.41        $1.82

      Employee +1                  $26.34    $2.81            Employee +1          $32.11        $3.58

      Family                       $40.58    $4.33            Family               $57.05        $6.37

12               2 0 21- 2 0 2 2              BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT GUIDE


During open enrollment, you may elect to enroll in vision plan coverage
with our service provider, EyeMed, and its Insight Network.

Benefits include:
▣   $10 copay for a vision examination
▣   $10 copay for lenses
▣   Coverage for contact lenses

 EyeMed is a national provider of vision care and has agreements with
 member vision providers, laboratories and retail networks that result in
 substantial savings. Visit for more information.
 You can also see full vision plan information at Search for
“Employee Vision Benefits.”

EyeMed premiums are NOT changing
The premiums per pay period are:

    COVERAGE LEVEL                PREMIUM

  Employee                        $5.24

  Employee +1                     $9.95

  Family                          $14.62

                                  JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE              2 0 21- 2 0 2 2   13


     Use this worksheet to assist you in enrolling for your 2021/2022 benefit elections.

     You can obtain the cost of your 2020/2021 benefit elections as follows:

     1. Log in to MyJCCC at

     2. Make sure you are in the Employee tab.

     3. Click on Go to My Benefits (blue box).

     4. Click on Confirmation Statement.

     Your 2020/2021 elections are only available until April 9.


     Medical Plan Premiums                           HSA Contribution
       ρ Preferred-Care Blue (PCB) EPO               Health Savings Account
       ρ PCB PPO                                     (must be enrolled in an HDHP medical plan option)

       ρ PCB – BlueSaver HDHP                        HCFSA Contribution
       ρ BlueSelect Plus PPO                         Health Care Flexible Spending Account
       ρ BlueSelect Plus – BlueSaver HDHP            (not available if enrolled in a HDHP medical plan option)

     Dental Plan Premiums                            DCFSA Contribution
       ρ Delta Dental Premier/PPO                    Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account

       ρ Cigna DHMO                                  Supplemental Life Premium
     Vision Plan Premium                             For a maximum of $500,000 of coverage
                                                     (does not include $50,000 of basic life coverage)
       ρ EyeMed
                                                     Dependent Life Premium
                                                     $5,000 for child, $25,000 for spouse

       You can no longer make changes to your voluntary contribution
       elections to the JCCC 403(b)/457(b) plans during open enrollment.
       See page 18 for additional information on how to make these changes.

14              2 0 21- 2 0 2 2              BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT GUIDE


		                  2020-2021    		                    		                  2021-2022

Plan Name                 Employee Cost                Plan Name                 Employee Cost

Medical                   ____________________         Medical                   ____________________

Dental                    ____________________         Dental                    ____________________

Vision                    ____________________         Vision                    ____________________

HSA (must be in HDHP)     ____________________         HSA (must be in HDHP)     ____________________

HCFSA                     ____________________         HCFSA                     ____________________

DCFSA                     ____________________         DCFSA                     ____________________

Supplemental Life         ____________________         Supplemental Life         ____________________

Dependent Life            ____________________         Dependent Life            ____________________

Total Cost                ____________________         Total Cost                ____________________

                                JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE                       2 0 21- 2 0 2 2   15


     Ensure your assets go to those you intend to receive them in the
     event of your death. Open enrollment is a good time to review your
     beneficiary information and make sure your designations are up-to-date.

     1. Log in to MyJCCC at

     2. Make sure you are in the Employee tab.

     3. Click on Go to My Benefits (blue box).

     4. Choose Manage Beneficiaries under the Quick Links heading.

     5. A pop-up box will appear noting you must select a primary
         beneficiary for your basic life and AD&D coverage. Click OK.

     6. Follow the instructions at the top of the page to record
         your beneficiary.

     7. You must click the SAVE icon to ensure your election isn’t lost.

       hKEEP IN MIND
       ▣   Your chosen beneficiary for any employee supplemental term life will
           be the same as your beneficiary for basic life.
       ▣   This MyJCCC link will not work during the two weeks of open
           enrollment unless you have completed your enrollment elections.
       ▣   Go to to review your current beneficiary or make a change.
           Can’t remember your login? Call KPERS toll free at 1-888-275-5737.
       ▣   To change your 403(b) and/or 457(b) beneficiaries, contact TIAA toll free
           at 877-518-9161 or visit

16               2 0 21- 2 0 2 2              BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT GUIDE


If you add a new dependent to any healthcare coverage (medical, dental,
vision), you must provide documentation of eligibility for coverage. See
an outline of eligible dependents and the necessary documentation
requirements at Search for “Dependent Eligibility.”


During open enrollment, you may elect to decrease or increase coverage
(maximum of $500,000).

If you elect to increase your voluntary additional life insurance coverage
you will be automatically directed to The Standard EOI form. You must
complete this form and submit it online (group number 151414).
                                                                              You cannot make changes
The premium for any increased amount of voluntary additional life
                                                                              to your basic life insurance
insurance you have elected will only be changed if The Standard
                                                                              coverage amount of $50,000.
approves your EOI application.

       DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE                                              tNOTE
During open enrollment, you may elect to add or drop dependent life           You must complete the EOI
insurance coverage on your spouse and eligible dependent children.            for your dependent spouse
                                                                              no later than July 31, 2021,
▣   The cost remains a flat $3.41 per pay period after taxes.
                                                                              to have it considered for the
▣   If you add dependent life insurance coverage for your spouse, you
                                                                              current benefit plan year.
    must complete and submit the online evidence of insurability (EOI)
    form, which will automatically appear upon selection, to The Standard
    Life Insurance Company (group number 151414).
▣   Coverage on eligible dependent children is automatically approved and
    will begin June 1, 2021.
▣   Coverage on a spouse will not go into effect until The Standard
    approves the EOI application.
▣   Children are covered through the end of the year in which they turn 26.

                                 JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE                         2 0 21- 2 0 2 2     17


     Your domestic partner and any domestic partner children are eligible
     for medical, dental and vision plans only.

     If you newly enroll a domestic partner, you must submit the required
     “Affidavit of Domestic Partnership” form and corresponding
     documentation to Human Resources, GEB 274, Box 46, no later
     than April 23, 2021. You can find the domestic partner form at Search for “Domestic Partner Benefits.”

     The value of domestic partnership coverage is treated as taxable
     wages to you. You will be subject to all applicable withholding taxes
     such as federal income tax, Social Security tax, and state/local
     income tax on the value of the coverage.

            403(b) PLAN AND 457(b) PLAN VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS                 tNOTE
     In addition to any employer contributions to your 403(b), you can elect     Social Security and KPERS
     to make monthly voluntary pre-tax or Roth after-tax contributions to the    may not provide all the
     JCCC 403(b) and/or 457(b).
                                                                                 resources you will need in

     You can no longer make changes to your voluntary contribution               retirement. Consider making
     elections to the JCCC 403(b)/457(b) plans during open enrollment.           a voluntary contribution to the
     Rather, you must log in to MyJCCC and click on the "Go to TIAA" link or     403(b) and/or 457(b) plans
     log in to the secure website, to change your contributions    to enhance your available
     or investment elections at any time. If you prefer you can speak to TIAA    retirement assets.
     by calling 800-482-2252 weekdays from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday
     and Sunday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CT).

     For the 2021 calendar year, contribution limits are unchanged:
     ▣   You can contribute up to $19,500 (combined pre-tax and Roth             You can meet with a TIAA or
         after-tax contributions) to each plan.                                  Two West advisor to learn more.
     ▣   If you turn 50 or are already 50 or older, you can make an additional   To schedule an appointment:
         $6,500 catch-up contribution for a total of $26,000 to each plan.
     ▣   You may initiate or change voluntary contributions at any time.         800-732-8353
     Find more information on Roth after-tax contributions versus pre-tax         Search Consultations & Seminars,
     contributions at Search for “Employee Benefits Roth.”               select Meet at Work

                                                                                 Two West

18                2 0 21- 2 0 2 2              BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT GUIDE


Changes to your benefit plan selections after open enrollment
are not generally allowed unless you experience an IRS-approved
qualified status change event during the plan year.

Qualified status change events include but aren’t limited to:
▣   Marriage
▣   Divorce
▣   Birth or adoption of a child
▣   Loss of a spouse’s insurance through another company

To be eligible, you must contact your benefits specialist within
30 days of the event and provide supporting documentation.
These changes go into effect the first day of the month following
the receipt of the appropriate documentation.

Changes due to marriage or the birth of a child may be made sooner.

Find more information on qualified status changes at
Search for “Qualified Status Change.”

     If you notify your benefits specialist later than 30 days after the
     event and the change results in a plan level modification (such
     as a change from family to employee plus one coverage), you
     cannot make additional changes to your benefit plan enrollment
     elections until the next open enrollment period.

                                   JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE            2 0 21- 2 0 2 2   19



     At no cost, the College provides short-term disability coverage once
     you complete three months of full-time continuous employment. The
     weekly benefit is equal to 65% of your basic weekly earnings.


     Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) coverage is provided at no cost to you.
     You and your eligible dependents can access the EAP even if you have
     no other coverage through JCCC. COVID-19 resources and confidential
     services are available from more than 200 professionally trained
     guidance counselors contracted with New Directions Behavioral Health
     in the KC area.

     Get free, confidential support for life’s challenges, including
     relationships, life-changing events, worry or stress, workplace changes,
     substance dependence, or legal and financial issues.


, passcode JCCC


     You and your eligible dependents can receive free tuition and fees for
     credit courses taken at JCCC.

20              2 0 21- 2 0 2 2              BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT GUIDE


As a JCCC employee, you automatically accrue retirement benefits
from KPERS. You also receive the following benefits:
▣   Basic life insurance provided at no cost to you
▣   Long-term disability coverage provided at no cost to you and
    equal to 60 percent of your KPERS gross earnings
▣   Additional life insurance (optional)
▣   Spouse life insurance (optional)
▣   Child life insurance (optional)

Go to to learn more.

    Have questions or need more detailed information?
    Contact your Benefits Specialist.

If your last name starts with:

    A-F       Connie Brickner         ext. 4757

    G-N       Lisa Gates              ext. 3619

    O-Z       Lisa Sullivan           ext. 7624

                                    You must complete enrollment
                                no later than Friday, April 23, at 5 p.m.

                                  JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE             2 0 21- 2 0 2 2   21

This enrollment package is presented as a matter of information. In the event of any inconsistency
between a statement in this enrollment package and the relevant plan document or plan summary,
the plan document or plan summary will control over the statement in this enrollment package.
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