APPROVED PRODUCTS - Hemophilia ...

Page created by Bernard Taylor
APPROVED PRODUCTS - Hemophilia ...
Volume 22 • Issue 1 • Speical Issue 2021

page 22
page 48
page 7
APPROVED PRODUCTS - Hemophilia ...
We’re counting down the days                                                           IN THIS ISSUE

 for HFA hugs to resume                    Assisting, educating, and advocating
                                                       for the bleeding disorders
                                                                                       COVID-19 Vaccines
                                                                                       & Emerging Therapies
                                                           community since 1994.

                                           Volume 22 • Issue 1 • Special Issue 2021    Informed Consent:
                                                      EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP
                                                                                       A Process, Not
                                                     Board Chair • Allie Ritchey       Just A Form
                                                   President & CEO • Dr. Sharon
                                                                 Meyers, CFRE
                                                                                               FDA's Gene
                                                         PRODUCTION TEAM
                                                       Editor • Kyle McKendall
                                                                                               and Cell Therapy
                                             Design & Layout • Ashley Williams                  Framework
                                                Proofreader • Melanie Padgett

                                                          Contributing Writers
                                                                                       Drug Recall
                                                      Michael Bishop, HFA Staff        Process & Recent
                                                                 Dr. David Clark       Product Recalls
                                                                Dr. Lisa Hensley
                                                       Angela N. Johnson, PH.D
                                                           Lori Long, HFA Staff        Drug Approval Process
                                                 Emily Roush-Bobolz, HFA Staff
                                                         Sonji Wilkes, HFA Staff

                                                          The information printed in   Clinical Studies:
                                                     Dateline Federation is provided
                                                 for general purpose use. HFA does
                                                                                       How Do They
                                                 not give medical advice or engage     Work?
                                                     in the practice of medicine and
                                            recommends that you consult with your
                                                 physician or local treatment center
                                            before beginning any form of treatment.

                                                Requests for permission to translate

                                                     or reprint contents of Dateline
                                                  Federation should be directed to

                                                999 N. Capitol Street NE • Suite 301    Current
                                                            Washington, DC 20002
                                                        for Treament
            Until then, we’re here for     ©2021 Hemophilia Federation of America.
             you and your family                               All rights reserved.

                                                   Connect with us on social media
                                                  for daily posts and updates about
                at                   what’s happening at HFA.                               Clinical Trails

                                                                                                                  SPECIAL ISSUE 2021   3
APPROVED PRODUCTS - Hemophilia ...

One of our guiding principles since our founding has been to provide the tools and education
patients and their families need to make informed decisions about their bleeding disorder. This
annual special edition of Dateline Federation is a product of our focus on that principle. We hope
you find this tool helpful in your journey navigating treatment options and emerging therapies
and a conversation starter for you and your medical providers.
                                                                                                                                      When the temperature rises above 86˚F
                                                                                                                                      Esperoct has you covered
It was 17 years ago when I was choosing a treatment option for my newborn son with severe
hemophilia A. The overwhelming feeling remains vivid. It was a confusing and scary process,
despite having wonderful support from the staff at our local Hemophilia Treatment Center. I
                                                                                                                                      The EHL product with the highest storage temperature for the longest time
was a mom, unsure of how to even spell hemophilia at that point, just wanting to make the right
call for my baby’s health. But, I didn’t know what questions to ask, what specifics to consider or
even what our options were. At that time, little did I know that the number of treatment options           Be prepared with
for bleeding disorders would nearly double before my son even graduated high school and that
novel treatment options beyond a recombinant clotting factor would become readily accessible.              Proven protection against bleeds                                             High factor levels from one dose to the next
                                                                                                           in adults and adolescents                                                    in adults and adolescentsc
As patients, we have the right to know our options. But it is our responsibility to educate and
                                                                                                           • 1.2 overall bleeds per yearb                                               • At or above 3% trough level for 100% of the timed
empower ourselves about our disorder. From our community’s history we know that patients and
                                                                                                             EHL=extended half-life.                                                       • At or above 5% trough level for 90% of the time                e
their families look to advocacy organizations such as HFA to provide the facts and information
                                                                                                             For up to 3 months.
needed. HFA remains committed to being a trusted source of information for you. Furthermore,               b
                                                                                                             175 previously treated patients with severe hemophilia A received Esperoct ® 50 IU/kg every 4 days for 76 weeks based on median annualized bleed rates shown.
we are steadfast in our commitment to ensure a safe blood supply and transparency around                   c
                                                                                                             Trough level goal is 1% for prophylaxis.
treatment options and their efficacy.
                                                                                                             Data shown are from a study where 175 previously treated adolescents and adults received routine prophylaxis with Esperoct ® 50 IU/kg every 4 days for
                                                                                                             76 weeks. Pre-dose factor activity (trough) levels were evaluated at follow-up visits. Mean trough levels for adolescents (12-
APPROVED PRODUCTS - Hemophilia ...
You may infuse ESPEROCT® at a hemophilia treatment           Cap Color Indicator       Nominal Strength
                                                            center, at your healthcare provider’s office or in your
                                                            home. You should be trained on how to do infusions           Red                       500 IU per vial
                                                            by your hemophilia treatment center or healthcare            Green                     1000 IU per vial
                                                            provider. Many people with hemophilia A learn to infuse
                                                            the medicine by themselves or with the help of a family      Gray                      1500 IU per vial
  Brief Summary information about
  ESPEROCT® [antihemophilic Factor                          member.                                                      Yellow                    2000 IU per vial
  (recombinant), glycopegylated-exei]                       Your healthcare provider will tell you how much              Black                     3000 IU per vial
  This information is not comprehensive.                    ESPEROCT® to use based on your weight, the severity

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     COVID-19 VACCINES
    • Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist        of your hemophilia A, and where you are bleeding. Your       Always check the actual dosage strength printed on
                                                            dose will be calculated in international units, IU.          the label to make sure you are using the strength
    • Visit to obtain                                                                       prescribed by your healthcare provider.
       FDA-approved product labeling                        Call your healthcare provider right away if your

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    DON’T STOP EMERGING
    • Call 1-800-727-6500                                   bleeding does not stop after taking ESPEROCT®.               How should I store ESPEROCT®?
                                                            If your bleeding is not adequately controlled, it could      Prior to Reconstitution (mixing the dry powder in the
Patient Information                                         be due to the development of Factor VIII inhibitors. This    vial with the diluent):
ESPEROCT®                                                   should be checked by your healthcare provider. You           Protect from light. Do not freeze ESPEROCT®.
[antihemophilic factor (recombinant),
                                                            might need a higher dose of ESPEROCT® or even a
                                                            different product to control bleeding. Do not increase
Read the Patient Information and the Instructions the total dose of ESPEROCT to control your bleeding
                                                                                                                         ESPEROCT® can be stored in refrigeration at 36°F
                                                                                                                         to 46°F (2°C to 8°C) for up to 30 months until the
                                                                                                                         expiration date stated on the label. During the 30 month
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 THERAPY OPTIONS FOR THOSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  WITH BLEEDING DISORDERS
For Use that come with ESPEROCT before you ®                without   consulting   your healthcare provider.             shelf life, ESPEROCT® may be kept at room temperature
start taking this medicine and each time you get Use in children                                                         (not to exceed 86°F/30°C) for up to 12 months, or up
a refill. There may be new information.                                                                                  to 104°F (40°C) for no longer than 3 months.
                                                            ESPEROCT® can be used in children. Your healthcare
This Patient Information does not take the place of                                                                      If you choose to store ESPEROCT® at room
                                                            provider will decide the dose of ESPEROCT® you will          temperature:
talking with your healthcare provider about your medical receive.
condition or treatment. If you have questions about                                                                        • Record the date when the product was removed                                                    BY HFA STAFF WITH SCIENTIFIC REVIEW
                                                            If you forget to use ESPEROCT®
ESPEROCT® after reading this information, ask your                                                                           from the refrigerator.                                                                        BY DR. DAVID CLARK AND DR. LISA HENSLEY
healthcare provider.                                        If you forget a dose, infuse the missed dose when you          • Do not return the product to the refrigerator.
What is the most important information I need to discover the mistake. Do not infuse a double dose to                      • Do not use after 12 months if stored up to 86°F
know about ESPEROCT®?                                       make up for a forgotten dose. Proceed with the next              (30°C) or after 3 months if stored up to 104°F                    Many people have questions about the COVID-19                 against them. The first dose of the vaccine starts this
                                                            infusions as scheduled and continue as advised by your           (40°C) or the expiration date listed on the vial,
Do not attempt to do an infusion yourself unless healthcare provider.                                                        whichever is earlier.                                             vaccines. This article will answer one primary question:      process and provides some protection. The second
you have been taught how by your healthcare                                                                              Do not use this medicine after the expiration date which
provider or hemophilia treatment center.                    If you stop using ESPEROCT®                                                                                                        Can getting vaccinated for COVID-19 cut off                   dose raises and refines that protection to about
                                                                                                                         is on the outer carton and the vial. The expiration date
You must carefully follow your healthcare provider’s        Do not stop using ESPEROCT® without consulting your          refers to the last day of that month.
instructions regarding the dose and schedule for            healthcare provider.                                                                                                               treatment options for emerging bleeding disorder              95% and helps the effects of the vaccine last longer.
                                                                                                                         After Reconstitution:
infusing ESPEROCT® so that your treatment will work         If you have any further questions on the use of this                                                                               treatments and therapies? Of the three vaccines               The refinement is like the second time you play an
                                                                                                                         The reconstituted (the final product once the powder is


best for you.                                               product, ask your healthcare provider.

                                                                                                                         mixed with the diluent) ESPEROCT® should appear clear
What is ESPEROCT®?                                          What if I take too much ESPEROCT®?                           and colorless without visible particles.                              currently available in the United States, the Pfizer and      opponent in a sport: Even if they change some of their
ESPEROCT® is an injectable medicine used to replace          Always take ESPEROCT® exactly as your healthcare            The reconstituted ESPEROCT® should be used                            Moderna vaccines use messenger ribonucleic acid               strategy, you are better able to handle them.
clotting Factor VIII that is missing in patients with       provider has told you. You should check with your            immediately.
hemophilia A. Hemophilia A is an inherited bleeding         healthcare provider if you are not sure. If you infuse       If you cannot use the reconstituted ESPEROCT®                         (mRNA) technology while the Johnson & Johnson
disorder in all age groups that prevents blood from         more ESPEROCT® than recommended, tell your                   immediately, it must be used within 4 hours when                                                                                    The Johnson & Johnson vaccine works differently,
clotting normally.                                                                                                       stored at or below 86ºF (30°C) or within 24 hours when
                                                                                                                                                                                               vaccine uses a viral vector.
                                                            healthcare provider as soon as possible.
ESPEROCT® is used to treat and prevent or reduce                                                                         stored in a refrigerator at 36°F to 46°F (2°C to 8°C).                                                                              using something called a “viral vector.” A viral vector
                                                            What are the possible side effects of
the number of bleeding episodes in people with
                                                                                                                         Store the reconstituted product in the vial.                          HOW THESE VACCINES WORK                                       is created when scientists take a nonpathogenic
hemophilia A.                                                                                                            Keep this medicine out of the sight and out of reach of
Your healthcare provider may give you ESPEROCT®             Common Side Effects Include:                                 children.                                                             The virus that causes COVID-19 is called SARS-CoV-2,          virus (that doesn’t make humans sick) and alter it
when you have surgery.                                        • rash or itching                                          What else should I know about ESPEROCT® and
                                                              • swelling, pain, rash or redness at the location of
                                                                                                                                                                                               which is a coronavirus. Coronaviruses have protein            to do something different. For the vaccine, Johnson
Who should not use ESPEROCT®?                                                                                            hemophilia A?
                                                                infusion                                                 Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other                 spikes sticking out of them that allow the virus to           & Johnson took an adenovirus and replaced part of
You should not use ESPEROCT® if you
                                                            Other Possible Side Effects:                                 than those listed here. Do not use ESPEROCT® for a
  • are allergic to Factor VIII or any of the other
                                                            You could have an allergic reaction to coagulation Factor    condition for which it is not prescribed. Do not share                attach to and enter cells. All three vaccines use that        its genetic instructions with the genes to create the
    ingredients of ESPEROCT®
                                                            VIII products. Call your healthcare provider right           ESPEROCT® with other people, even if they have the                    spike protein to help our bodies develop an immune            SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. When you get the shot, the
  • if you are allergic to hamster proteins                                                                              same symptoms that you have.
                                                            away or get emergency treatment right away if
If you are not sure, talk to your healthcare provider
before using this medicine.
                                                            you get any signs of an allergic reaction, such as:                                                                                response to prevent illness.                                  adenovirus enters your cells, giving them the genetic
                                                            hives, chest tightness, wheezing, dizziness, difficulty
Tell your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or                                                                     Revised: 10/2019                                                                                                                    instructions to make the spike protein. Once those
                                                            breathing, and/or swelling of the face.
nursing because ESPEROCT might not be right for you.
                                ®                                                                                        ESPEROCT® is a trademark of                                           In the case of the mRNA vaccines, when you get the
                                                            Your body can also make antibodies called “inhibitors”       Novo Nordisk Health Care AG.                                                                                                        spike proteins start appearing on the surfaces of your
What should I tell my healthcare provider before I against ESPEROCT®, which may stop ESPEROCT® from                                                                                            shot, mRNA goes into cells and sends “instructions” to
                                                                                                                         For Patent Information, refer to: http://novonordisk-us.
use ESPEROCT®?                                              working properly. Your healthcare provider may need to       com/patients/products/product-patents.html
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             cells, your immune system recognizes them as foreign
You should tell your healthcare provider if you:            test your blood for inhibitors from time to time.                                                                                  the cells to create the spike protein. By itself, the spike
                                                                                                                         More detailed information is available upon                                                                                         and builds an immune response against them. As with
  • Have or have had any medical conditions.                These are not all of the possible side effects from          request. Available by prescription only.                              protein will not cause COVID-19 — it’s just one piece
  • Take any medicines, including non-prescription          ESPEROCT®. Ask your healthcare provider for more             Manufactured by:                                                                                                                    the mRNA, the viral vector with the DNA in it only lasts
    medicines and dietary supplements.                      information. You are encouraged to report side effects       Novo Nordisk A/S                                                      of the virus. The mRNA lasts in your system for about
  • Are nursing.                                            to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.                                    Novo Allé                                                                                                                           a short time. This is because the viral vector does not
  • Are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.                                                                         DK-2880 Bagsværd, Denmark                                             24 hours and then starts to degrade, but your cells will
                                                            Tell your healthcare provider about any side effect that                                                                                                                                         replicate well, so it also degrades out of the body. The
  • Have been told that you have inhibitors to Factor VIII. bothers you or that does not go away.                        For information about ESPEROCT® contact:                              continue to express the spike proteins for a few days.
How should I use ESPEROCT®?                                 What are the ESPEROCT® dosage strengths?
                                                                                                                         Novo Nordisk Inc.                                                                                                                   Johnson & Johnson vaccine requires only one dose at
                                                                                                                         800 Scudders Mill Road                                                Your immune system recognizes those spike proteins
Treatment with ESPEROCT® should be started by a             ESPEROCT® comes in five different dosage strengths.          Plainsboro, NJ 08536, USA                                                                                                           this time.
healthcare provider who is experienced in the care of       The actual number of international units (IU) of Factor      1-800-727-6500                                                        as foreign and starts creating an immune response
patients with hemophilia A.                                 VIII in the vial will be imprinted on the label and on the   © 2019 Novo Nordisk
ESPEROCT® is given as an infusion into the vein.            box. The five different strengths are as follows:            US19ESP00168 December 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SPECIAL ISSUE 2021     7
APPROVED PRODUCTS - Hemophilia ...
    While the process is similar to what you have heard about gene
    therapy for hemophilia, it is significantly different in the sense that                                  Getting an mRNA vaccine
    it uses a completely different viral vector and therefore would not                                       will change your DNA.
    interfere with you having access to gene therapy in the future. Other                                   Getting an mRNA vaccine does
    parameters in your health profile might keep you from getting gene                                     not create any permanent genetic
    therapy for hemophilia, but it won’t be because you had the vaccine.                                 changes. mRNA is a piece of genetic
                                                                                                         code that goes in, gives instructions
    The Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses an adenovirus, which is                                            to your cells, and, in the case of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The vaccines can give
    altered to create the protein spike. Gene therapy being studied for                                    vaccine mRNA, starts leaving your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          you COVID-19.
    hemophilia treatment uses an adeno-associated virus (AAV). Even                                     system in about 24 hours. It’s generally
    though they sound the same, these two types of viruses are different                                 gone in about three days. In addition,                                                                       Because the vaccines
                                                                                                        the vaccine mRNA works on the outer                                                                         only use the SARS-CoV-2
    and are not related, and having a Johnson & Johnson adenovirus
                                                                                                        part of muscle cells without going into                                                                       spike protein, there is
    vaccine will not cause you to create antibodies to an AAV.
                                                                                                         the cells’ nuclei, which is where your                                                                      no way to get COVID-19
                                                                                                                genes/DNA are located.                                                                                   from a vaccine.
                                                                         SO, LET'S
                                                                        BUST SOME

       Getting an mRNA vaccine will
      prevent you from being able to
     receive future bleeding disorder
        treatments that use mRNA.
      There is no evidence that having
       an mRNA vaccine will close off                                                                       SHARE
     access to future bleeding disorder
      treatments that use mRNA. The
      mRNA from the vaccine goes in
     and gives instructions to make the
       SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and
    then is degraded in about 24 hours.
                                                                    Getting a viral vector vaccine
                                                                     will prevent you from being
                                                                   able to receive future bleeding
                                                                 disorder gene therapy treatments.
                                                                    There is no evidence that having
                                                                      a gene therapy vaccine made              Connect with our IXINITY Ambassadors and share your experiences.
                                                                    from an adenovirus will close off
                                                                      access to future gene therapy                                         Get started today at
                                                                      bleeding disorder treatments
                                                                              that use AAV.                                    Medexus Pharma, Inc., Chicago, IL 60606
                                                                                                                               IXINITY® [coagulation factor IX (recombinant)] and any and all Medexus Pharma, Inc.
                                                                                                                               brand, product, service and feature names, logos, and slogans are trademarks or
                                                                                                                               registered trademarks of Medexus Pharma, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
                                                                                                                               ©2021 Medexus Pharma, Inc.      All rights reserved.   MP-IX-0370

APPROVED PRODUCTS - Hemophilia ...
A Process, Not Just a Form

Patients      with   bleeding     disorders   are   no    regulations,             an        Institutional    Review
strangers       to   engaging      in   conversations     Board is an administrative body that
with medical, research and pharmaceutical                 has been formally designated to review
staff.   Emergency       rooms,    doctors’    offices,   and         monitor           biomedical        research
pharmaceutical company offices, conference                involving human subjects. The IRB
rooms and exhibit halls have all become places            has the authority to approve, require
to engage in medical discussions. Each of these           modifications             needed         to     secure
venues has different, but similar, codes of ethics        approval, or disapprove research.                                                       Tips for Understanding
to follow when engaging in conversations                  This        group         review       serves      an
about patients’ health, and all require obtaining         important role in the protection of
                                                                                                                                             Clinical Trials & Research Studies
informed consent before conducting health                 the rights and welfare of human
care intervention or research through a study             research subjects. (The local                                       We cannot emphasize enough that participants, sometimes referred to as human
or trial.                                                 IRB that approves the study                                       subjects in a clinical research setting, should ask questions about their participation in
                                                          can provide more information                                      a clinical trial or research study prior to signing up. Here are questions you should ask
Consent can only be obtained from a mentally                                                                               about a clinical trial or research study and the information you should glean from asking:
                                                          about consent as it relates to
competent        adult   or   a   legally   authorized
                                                          children.)                                                   WHAT SHOULD I ASK?                                          my consent?
representative of a mentally incompetent                                                                                                                                       •   (In case of pharmaceutical trials) Will I be given
                                                                                                                       •    Is a written copy of the research procedures
adult. This legal status refers to the capacity           RESEARCH AND CLINICAL                                             available?                                             the actual medication or a placebo?
of a person to act on their own behalf and                TRIALS                                                       •    What are the benefits and risks of this research   •   (If English is not your first language) Is the

their ability to understand the information               Consent works differently                                         project?                                               information available in my preferred language?
                                                          in     a     hospital         setting                        •    How will I be informed if there are changes to
presented, to appreciate the consequences of                                                                                                                                   WHAT HAVE I LEARNED?
                                                                                                                            this project?
acting or not acting on that information, and to          versus             a     research/                                                                                   •   The purpose of the research.
                                                                                                                       •    Am I waiving any of my rights by signing this
make a choice.                                            clinical         trial    setting.                                consent form?
                                                                                                                                                                               •   The name, address and phone number of the
                                                                                                                                                                                   Principal Investigator.
                                                          In         the         research/                             •    May I ask a person I trust to read this
                                                                                                                                                                               •   How long I am expected to participate.
PARTICIPATION BY MINORS                                   clinical trial setting,                                           document?
                                                                                                                                                                               •   If any of the medications or procedures are
A parent or legal guardian provides consent               the        first       step   to                             •    Will my name and address be kept confidential
                                                                                                                            or will it be shared with others?
for a minor. However, children 12 and older who           understanding                 is                                                                                     •   The possible risks or discomforts.
                                                                                                                       •    How will my information be stored to protect
are asked to participate in a research project            discovering that a                                                my privacy?
                                                                                                                                                                               •   If there are any alternative procedures or
                                                                                                                                                                                   courses of treatment.
must do so voluntarily and must verbally                  research study or                                            •    May I refuse to participate in this research
                                                                                                                                                                               •   If my information and medical records will be
assent to the research project. The explanation           clinical trial exists.                                            project?
                                                                                                                                                                                   kept confidential.
of the project and the language used must be                                                                           •    What if I change my mind after I agree to
                                                          Patients may learn                                                                                                   •   If I will be paid for my participation.
appropriate to the child. In some localities, even        about the existence                                                                                                  •   The medical treatments available if I get injured.
                                                                                                                       •    How do I withdraw my consent after I sign the
children as young as 7 years old are asked to                                                                                                                                  •   Who I can call if I have questions.
                                                          of a research project                                             form?
                                                                                                                                                                               •   If I am required to participate in this study.
assent to participate in research studies.                or clinical trial via mail,                                  •    If I withdraw my consent and stop participating,
                                                                                                                                                                               •   If there is a penalty if I refuse to participate.
                                                                                                                            what will happen with the information already
                                                          telephone, through a friend                                                                                          •   If there is a penalty if I stop participating at any
FDA REGULATIONS                                                                                                             collected from me?
                                                          or during an in-person visit                                 •    Are there negative consequences if I withdraw
Under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
                                                          with a doctor.
                                                                                                                                       More than a signature: Informed consent is about your understanding
10          DATELINE FEDERATION <                                                                                  and willingness to participate in a study, not about signing a form.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           SPECIAL ISSUE 2021             11
APPROVED PRODUCTS - Hemophilia ...
                                                                                                                                         released as a draft in 2013 and                         guidance in 2017 and updated in                      gene therapies. This framework
                                                                                                                                         finalized in 2015. It discussed                         2020 to help industry apply these                    contained several new guidance

                                                                                                                                         many         recommendations                   for      new regulations that together                        documents, including hemophilia
                                                                                                                                         manufacturing, testing and                                   are referred to as the FDA                      CGT.       This     brought       the    total
                                                                                                                                         patient safety and follow-                                      regenerative                medicine         number of guidance documents

                  and its Impact on New Hemophilia
                                                                                                                                         up.                                                             framework.          Both        human        in the framework to 27. In 2021,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              gene editing and transfer,              we can see how the evolution
                                                                                                                                         In 2016, Congress passed
                   Treatments in 2021 and Beyond                                                                                         the 21st Century Cures Act
                                                                                                                                                                                                                as well as genetically
                                                                                                                                                                                                                modified         cells      that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of    hemophilia         gene
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      therapy has been affected by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and       cell

                                                                                                                                         or Cures Act, which includes
                                                                                                                                                                                                               lead to a sustained factor             development of this framework.
                                      BY ANGELA N. JOHNSON, PH.D., RAC, CPGP                                                             provisions designed to expedite
                                                                                                                                                                                                 production          in   hemophilia,        are
          SENIOR DIRECTOR OF REGULATORY AFFAIRS AT SIGILON THERAPEUTICS IN CAMBRIDGE,                                                    and streamline development of                                                                                EARLY 2020: FDA LAUNCHES
     MASSACHUSETTS, AND REGULATORY STRATEGY LECTURER AT NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY IN BOSTON                                                                                                        considered to be regenerative                        CELL AND GENE THERAPY
                                                                                                                                         innovative new medicines. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                 medicine therapies by FDA.                           GUIDANCE FRAMEWORK
     More cell and gene therapy                    as genetically modified factor-         of guidance documents as a                    law    builds       on     FDA’s       existing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      On Jan. 28, 2020, FDA launched
     products are being developed                  producing cells do not involve          playbook of how to do it in most,             responsibilities and established                        Guidance             for         developing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      its landmark guidance framework
     and entering clinical trials each             changes      in    patient    genetic   but not all, cases.                           regenerative medicine therapies,                        CGT       products         specifically      for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for     CGT        products.        Updates
     year. The U.S. Food and Drug                  material and may allow better                                                         including        gene        therapy,         cell      hemophilia          was     published        by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      included improvements to the
                                                                                           Guidance frameworks are groups                therapy,      products          made        from        FDA in 2018. Then in 2020, it was
     Administration plays a key role               control of dosing as well as                                                                                                                                                                       guidance          for   hemophilia           and
                                                                                           of related guidance documents,                tissues      and       combinations             of      updated when FDA launched its
     in overseeing drug development,               redosing. But many challenges
                                                                                           such as those relating to CGT. New            these products. FDA published                           expanded framework for cell and                                 CONTINUED ON PAGE 17
     including         providing      guidance     and uncertainties face researchers
                                                                                           guidance creation is an important
     and receiving investigational new             and drug developers. To help set
                                                                                           part of FDA’s ongoing mission to
     drug applications or requests                 best practices across the industry,                                                   GUIDANCE, REGULATION AND LAWS THAT MAKE UP
                                                                                           expedite innovations that make
     to start a new clinical trial                 FDA guidance frameworks play                                                          THE U.S. FDA FRAMEWORK FOR DEVELOPING NEW CELL
                                                                                           medical products more effective,
     submitted by drug developers.                 an important role in safe and                                                         AND GENE THERAPY (CGT) PRODUCTS FOR HEMOPHILIA
                                                                                           safer      and       more      affordable.
                                                   efficient development of CGT
     In 2021, there are more than                                                          Guidance documents are written                 Federal Food, Drug, & Cosmetic Act (FD&C)
                                                   products.                                                                              The key law giving FDA responsibility to oversee safety of drugs,                                                                           A look at the
     1,000      cell    and    gene      therapy                                           and published according to a                   medical devices, and other products like food and cosmetics.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 U.S.               US FDA Framework
     clinical    trials,      including    more    WHAT ARE FDA              GUIDANCE      process called Good Guidance                                                                                                                          Laws                    for Developing New
     than a dozen in hemophilia. FDA               FRAMEWORKS?                             Practice, which describes how                  Public Health Service Act (PHS)
                                                                                                                                          Law that gives FDA more pathways and manufacturing information for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              made by Congress
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Cell & Gene Therapy
     announced it expects more than                To    help         the     companies    FDA staff will bring together                  biologic drugs, or drugs made from living organisms or their parts (e.g.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Products for
     200 new requests to start clinical            developing        new    drugs,   FDA   expert and public feedback in
                                                                                                                                          genetic materials like DNA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Regulations                          Hemophilia
     trials based on gene and cell                 publishes          recommendations      guidance recommendations.                                                                                                                       (CFR Title 21)
                                                                                                                                          21st Century Cures Act (CURES) of 2016
     technologies each year. By                         called guidance documents.                                                        Law that creates regenerative medicine advanced therapy (RMAT)
                                                                                           GROWING EXPECTATIONS FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      are made by FDA based on laws
                                                                                                                                          framework, to speed development of innovative cell, gene, and tissue
                                                          Unlike the laws passed
     2025, FDA expects 10 to                                                               CGT IN HEMOPHILIA

     20 new CGT treatments                                 by Congress or formal                                                                                                                                                           FDA Guidance
                                                                                           FDA’s       first     draft     guidance       Coronavirus Aid, Relief, & Economic
     will be approved annually.                            regulations,         guidance                                                  Security Act (CARES) of 2020                                                           are made by FDA with help from the public
                                                                                           document             dedicated          to
                                                           documents contain FDA                                                          In response to COVID-19 outbreak, gives FDA greater responsibility                to help industry and the public interpret regulations
                                                                                           early      development          of     CGT     for managing interruptions & disruptions in drug manufacturing.
     Gene therapy treatments                             expectations and current
                                                                                           clinical trials — Guidance for                       2015                                2017                                  2018                      2020 GCT Framework:
     for hemophilia have shown                       scientific thinking not required
                                                                                           Industry:        Considerations         for                              Regenerative Medicine Framework:                                             Updated CGT Therapy for
     potential to eliminate the need               by law. If we think of regulations                                                     Design of Early
                                                                                           the     Design        of      Early-Phase      Phase CGT Trials            Human Cell & Tissue Products
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CGT Therapy for               Hemophilia Guidance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CGT in Rare Disease Guidance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hemophilia Guidance
     for prophylactic factor infusions             as what the law requires drug                                                          Guidance                 Same Surgery Exception
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Long-term CGT Trial Follow-up              CGT
                                                                                           Clinical    Trials    of    Cellular   and                             RMAT Expedited Programs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CGT Manufacturing Guidance                Manufacture
     and     injections.        Unlike     gene    developers to do, we can think                                                                                Medical Device Use with Products                                                                                   During COVID
                                                                                           Gene Therapy Products — was                                                                                                                    CGT “Sameness” for Orphan Drugs
     therapy, newer technologies such
                                                                                                                                         Image Source: Adapted for Sigilon Therapeutics, Inc. with permission of the author. © 2021 Angela N. Johnson. All rights reserved.

12         DATELINE FEDERATION <                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SPECIAL ISSUE 2021                13
APPROVED PRODUCTS - Hemophilia ...
Summary of Selected Safety Information
                                                                                           What is the most important information I should know about SEVENFACT?
                                                                                           The most serious possible side effect of SEVENFACT is abnormal clotting involving blockage of blood
                                                                                           vessels, which include stroke, blockage of the main blood vessel to the lung, and deep vein blood clots.
                                                                                           You should know the signs of abnormal clotting and seek medical help immediately if they occur.
                                                                                           Signs of clotting in places other than your site of bleeding can include new onset of swelling and pain in
                                                                                           limbs, new onset of chest pain, shortness of breath, loss of sensation or motor power, or altered consciousness
                                                                                           or speech.
                                                                                           What is SEVENFACT?

                                                                                           SEVENFACT is an injectable medicine used for the treatment and control of bleeding episodes occurring in
                                                                                           adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older with Hemophilia A or B with inhibitors.
                                                                                           Injecting medicines requires special training; do not attempt to self-infuse unless you have been taught how
                                                                                           by your healthcare provider.
                                                                                           Who should not use SEVENFACT (coagulation factor VIIa)?
                                                                                           You should not use SEVENFACT if you are allergic to rabbits, or if you have known allergies to SEVENFACT or
                                                                                           any of its components. Seek immediate medical help if you experience hives, itching, rash, difficulty breathing
                                                                                           with cough or wheezing, swelling around the mouth and throat, tightness of the chest, dizziness or fainting, or
                                                                                           low blood pressure after taking SEVENFACT.
For the treatment of bleeding episodes in people* with hemophilia A or B with inhibitors
                                                                                           Tell your healthcare provider prior to using SEVENFACT if you have begun treatment of a bleeding episode
                                                                                           with another bypassing agent.

I’M READY TO MOVE ON                                                                       What should I tell my healthcare provider before I use SEVENFACT?
                                                                                           Tell your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, are nursing, or plan to become pregnant; if you have had
                                                                                           prior blood clots, heart disease or heart failure, abnormal heart rhythms, prior pulmonary clots, or heart
                                                                                           surgery; or if you have or have had any other medical conditions.
                                                                                           What are the possible side effects of SEVENFACT?
Get rapid, predictable, and reliable                                                       The most common adverse reactions for SEVENFACT are headache, dizziness, infusion-site discomfort,
                                                                                           infusion-site hematoma, and infusion-related reaction and fever.
bleed control with SEVENFACT 225
                                                                                           Seek immediate medical help if you have signs of a blood clot or an allergic reaction.
                                                                                           To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS or product complaints, contact HEMA Biologics
        Rapid effect: 3 hour                                                               at 1-855-718-4362. You may also report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS to the FDA at
                                                                                           1-800-FDA-1088 or
        At 3 hours, 84% of mild/moderate bleeding episodes were controlled
        with a single dose                                                                 Please see Patient Product Information on the next page.

        Predictable response: 84%     ‡

        At 9 hours, 84% of mild/moderate bleeding episodes treated achieved
        bleed control after a single dose

        Reliable control: 99.5%                                                                                                     NEW
        At 24 hours, 99.5% of mild/moderate bleeding episodes were resolved

        Convenient home use: 98%
        98% of bleeding episodes were treated at home                                                                             Coagulation Factor VIIa
            225 mcg/kg initial dosing regimen in the clinical trial.
            As seen in the clinical trial.
                                                                                                                                  Make the move
APPROVED PRODUCTS - Hemophilia ...
PATIENT PRODUCT INFORMATION                                                                       CONTACT YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER IF YOU:                                                           rare disorders first drafted in              many      of        the    issues         facing     digital health and telemedicine
SEVENFACT® (SEV-en-fact) coagulation factor VIIa (recombinant)-jncw                                • Miss a dose, or

For Intravenous Injection After Reconstitution Only
                                                                                                   • Administer more than your prescribed dose, or                                                   2018, including Guidance for                 developers of cell and gene                          in 2020, and from the additional
                                                                                                   • Think your bleed is not controlled within the expected time frame discussed with
                                                                                                     your healthcare provider.                                                                       Industry: Human Gene Therapy                 treatments for hemophilia and                        standardization              of       CGT
                                                                                                  WHAT SHOULD I AVOID WHILE USING SEVENFACT?
                                                                                                    • Avoid activity that can create more bleeding once you have completed your
                                                                                                                                                                                                     for Hemophilia and Guidance                  other rare bleeding disorders.                       manufacturing practices under
This Patient Product Information does not take the place of talking with your healthcare
                                                                                                      SEVENFACT infusion
                                                                                                                                                                                                     for    Industry:      Human         Gene                                                          the      updated     FDA          guidance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  THE NEW LANDSCAPE                             FOR
provider about your medical condition and treatment. If you have questions about
SEVENFACT after reading this information, ask your healthcare provider.                             • Avoid mixing SEVENFACT with other medications

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Therapy      for     Rare       Diseases.    HEMOPHILIA CGT                                       framework.
                                                                                                    • Avoid infusing SEVENFACT and other factor-containing therapies [such as activated
                                                                                                      prothrombin complex concentrate (aPCC) or other recombinant Factor VIIa products]
                                                                                                      at the same time. This increases your risk of having a disabling blood clot.
The most serious possible side effect of SEVENFACT is abnormal blood clotting involving
                                                                                                  WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF SEVENFACT?
                                                                                                                                                                                                     FDA      also       confirmed       draft    In 2021, more than a dozen
blockage of blood vessels, which include stroke, blockage of the main blood vessel to the                                                                                                                                                                                                              The CGT community has taken
lung, and deep vein blood clots.                                                                  The most common adverse reactions reported in clinical trials for SEVENFACT were
                                                                                                  headache, dizziness, infusionsite discomfort, infusion-site hematoma, infusion-related
                                                                                                                                                                                                     recommendations, Guidance for                gene transfer, gene editing and
You should know the signs of abnormal clotting (thrombosis) described below and seek
                                                                                                  reaction and fever.                                                                                                                                                                                  important early steps on the
medical help immediately if they occur.
                                                                                                  A serious allergic reaction to SEVENFACT may occur. If you experience the severe symptoms
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Industry: Long Term Follow- Up               genetically modified cell therapy
New onset of swelling and pain in the limbs or abdomen, new onset of chest pain, shortness
                                                                                                  of an allergic reaction after infusing SEVENFACT, seek immediate medical attention. Severe                                                                                                           path      to     harmonization          or
of breath, loss of sensation or motor power, and altered consciousness or speech can all be
                                                                                                  symptoms occur when your immune system reacts very strongly to foreign proteins or drugs.          After Administration of Human                      trials       for    hemophilia           are
signs of clot formation in places other than your site of bleeding. Seek immediate medical
                                                                                                    • Hives, itching, rash, difficulty breathing with cough or wheezing, swelling around the                                                                                                           development         of    international
attention if you experience one or more of these symptoms.
                                                                                                      mouth and throat, tightness of the chest, dizziness or fainting, and low blood pressure        Gene Therapy Products, to                           ongoing, with AAV gene
SEVENFACT should be used as prescribed and directed by your healthcare provider.
                                                                                                      are all symptoms of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). Call 911 should you                                                                                                                recommendations               applicable
WHAT IS SEVENFACT?                                                                                    experience one or more of these symptoms.                                                      follow patients for safety                          therapies           the           furthest
SEVENFACT is a recombinant human Factor VIIa protein for injection. SEVENFACT can allow           These are not all the possible side effects of SEVENFACT. For more information, ask                                                                                                                  across     the     world.         However,
adolescents and adults with Hemophilia A or B with inhibitors to create clotting at the site of   your healthcare provider or pharmacist.                                                            for five to 15 years after                           along         though        lentivirus
bleeding without needing Coagulation Factor VIII or IX replacement.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    several hemophilia gene therapy
SEVENFACT, coagulation factor VIIa (recombinant)-jncw, is indicated for the treatment and
                                                                                                  Call your healthcare provider for medical advice about side effects. You may report
                                                                                                  side effects to FDA at 1- 800-FDA-1088.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     participating in a CGT                               gene therapy and non-
control of bleeding episodes occurring in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older                                                                                                                                                                                                             trials    have     also      experienced
with Hemophilia A or B with inhibitors.                                                           HOW SHOULD I STORE SEVENFACT?                                                                      clinical trial.                                    viral        genetically       modified
Injecting medications requires special training. Do not attempt to self-infuse unless you have
been taught how by your health care provider or hemophilia treatment center. Once trained,
                                                                                                   • SEVENFACT should be stored in its product packaging to protect from light.                                                                                                                        setbacks related to making or
you will need additional infusion materials along with your SEVENFACT so that you can
                                                                                                   • Prior to reconstitution, the SEVENFACT kit should be stored at room temperature
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    cell therapies clinical trials.
successfully treat your bleeding episodes at home. Be sure to collect all necessary infusion
                                                                                                     but can be stored between 36°F to 86°F (2°C to 30°C).                                           The framework also updated                                                                        distributing CGT products during
materials before starting the reconstitution process.                                              • After reconstitution, SEVENFACT should be stored at room temperature but can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The outbreak of the respiratory
SEVENFACT comes in a sterile dry powdered dosage form that must be reconstituted with
                                                                                                     stored between 36°F to 86°F (2°C to 30°C), for up to 4 hours.                                   guidance for best practices for                                                                   the      COVID-19     outbreak        and
sterile Water for Injection.                                                                       • SEVENFACT should not be frozen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  disease COVID-19 caused by
It is not known if SEVENFACT is safe and effective in children under 12 years of age.             GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE USE OF SEVENFACT                                  manufacturers to make and test                                                                    delays to clinical trials while new
                                                                                                  This leaflet summarizes the most important information about SEVENFACT.                                                                         the novel coronavirus SARS-
                                                                                                  Do not use SEVENFACT for a condition for which it was not prescribed. Do not give
                                                                                                                                                                                                     new CGT products, Guidance                                                                        scientific and safety information
You should not use SEVENFACT if you:
                                                                                                  SEVENFACT to other people even if they have the same symptoms you have. It may harm                                                             CoV-2,         and       passage         of    the
  • Are allergic to rabbits.                                                                      them.                                                                                              for       Industry:         Chemistry,                                                            is being investigated and shared
  • Have known allergies to SEVENFACT or any of its components.                                   You can ask your pharmacist or healthcare provider for information about SEVENFACT that                                                         Coronavirus              Aid,      Relief,      &
Tell your doctor prior to infusing SEVENFACT if you have begun treatment of a bleeding            is written for health professionals.                                                               Manufacturing,         and       Control                                                          with FDA. Such communication
episode with another bypassing agent such as activated prothrombin complex concentrate            For more information, go to or call 855.718.HEMA (4362).                                                                      Economic Security Act of 2020
                                                                                                  WHAT ARE THE INGREDIENTS IN SEVENFACT?
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Information for Human Gene                                                                        between        product        developers
WHAT SHOULD I TELL MY HEALTHCARE PROVIDER BEFORE I USE SEVENFACT?                                                                                                                                                                                 by Congress has shifted the
Tell your healthcare provider if you:
                                                                                                  Active ingredient: coagulation factor VIIa (recombinant)-jncw
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Therapy,     Investigational        New                                                           and regulatory agencies, such
                                                                                                  INACTIVE INGREDIENTS: ARGININE HYDROCHOLORIDE, GLYCINE, ISOLEUCINE,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  focus of FDA. In January 2021,
  • Are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or nursing, as SEVENFACT has not been
    studied in patients with Hemophilia A or B with inhibitors who are pregnant or nursing.
                                                                                                  LYSINE HYDROCHLORIDE, POLYSORBATE 80, TRISODIUM CITRATE DIHYDRATE,
                                                                                                  HYDROCHLORIC ACID, NITROGEN AND WATER FOR INJECTION.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Drug Applications. Finally, a new                                                                 as FDA, is a very important part
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  FDA added recommendations
  • Had prior blood clots, heart disease, heart failure, abnormal heart rhythms, prior
    pulmonary clots or heart surgery.
                                                                                                  FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                                                                     draft guidance was published                                                                      of developing safe and effective
                                                                                                  HEMA Biologics, LLC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  for CGT manufacturers to its
  • Have or have had any other medical conditions.                                                4441 Springdale Road
                                                                                                  Louisville, Kentucky 40241-1086
                                                                                                                                                                                                     to help clarify that products                                                                     treatments.         The        COVID-19
You and your doctor can then decide whether SEVENFACT is the right treatment for you, as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  guidance framework, Guidance
well as the proper timing and doses you will need for SEVENFACT to control your bleeding
episodes at home.
                                                                                                  Manufactured by:
                                                                                                  Laboratoire Francais du Fractionnement et des Biotechnologies S.A. (LFB S.A.)
                                                                                                                                                                                                     treating rare disease must be                                                                     outbreak could also increase
                                                                                                  Les Ulis, 91940                                                                                                                                 for     Industry:          Manufacturing
                                                                                                  France                                                                                             unique     (i.e.,   not     “sameness”                                                            the time it takes for these
Treatment with SEVENFACT should be started by a healthcare provider who is experienced
                                                                                                  Distributed by:                                                                                                                                 Considerations             for       Licensed
in the care of patients with Hemophilia A or B with inhibitors.
                                                                                                  HEMA Biologics                                                                                     such as minor variations of the                                                                   treatments to become widely
SEVENFACT is given as an injection into your vein.                                                Louisville, KY 40241                                                                                                                            and      Investigational                 Cellular
You may infuse SEVENFACT at a hemophilia treatment center, at your healthcare provider’s          U.S. License No. 2061                                                                              same cell or genetic material)                                                                    available. While current guidance
office, or in your home. You should be trained on how to infuse by your healthcare provider
                                                                                                  All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.                                                                                     and     Gene         Therapy         Products
or hemophilia treatment center. Many people with inhibitors learn to infuse by themselves or
                                                                                                  “SEVENFACT” is a trademark of LFB S.A.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     to apply for orphan drug status,                                                                  framework has helped streamline
with the help of a family member.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  During COVID-19 Public Health
Treating at first sign of a bleed is important for bleed management. Your healthcare provider     PATENT Information:
                                                                                                                                                                                                     which gives certain incentives                                                                    development of CGT, we expect
will tell you how much                                                                            Approved 04/2020
SEVENFACT to use based on your weight and when to administer SEVENFACT.                                                                                                                              like tax credits, FDA fee waivers                                                                 that FDA will continue to work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CGT FOR HEMOPHILIA IN
To administer SEVENFACT:
  • Collect all materials needed for your prescribed dose                                                                                                                                            and rights to market a new                                                                              closely     with       researchers,
  • Follow the Instructions For Use guide to reconstitute the prescribed number
     of SEVENFACT vials                                                                                                              SEVENFACT is a registered trademark of LFB S.A.                 drug     exclusively      (or    without     2021 AND BEYOND                                               product developers and
  • Infuse following your healthcare provider’s instructions, using infusion materials
     from your pharmacy
                                                                                                                                     HEMA Biologics, LLC is the exclusive licensee and distributor
                                                                                                                                     of SEVENFACT in the United States and its territories.          competitors selling the same                 Despite many challenges                                       patient groups to further
                                                                                                                                     ©2020 HEMA Biologics, LLC HBSEV-00015. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     drug) for seven years after                  for ongoing clinical trials                                   evolve the CGT guidance
                                                                                                                                                                                                     approval, Guidance for Industry:             in 2020, CGT treatments                                       framework to help ensure
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Interpreting Sameness of Gene                for hemophilia are much                              that the next generation of
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Therapy Products Under the                   closer        to     reaching        patients.       hemophilia         treatments          are
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Orphan Drug Regulations. This                Many           clinical         trials        have   developed         rapidly,     efficiently
                                                                                                                                                                                                     guidance        framework        clarified   benefited from wide adoption of                      and safely.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SPECIAL ISSUE 2021          17
APPROVED PRODUCTS - Hemophilia ...
Class III: Includes a situation in which use of or       recall classification. FDA then places the notice of the
                                                                                                                              exposure to the product is not likely to cause           recall in the FDA Weekly Enforcement Report. Nearly
                                                                                                                              adverse health consequences.                             all recalls implemented in the U.S. are begun on a
                                                                                                                                                                                       voluntary basis by the anything we can go to get.
                                                                                                                              Market withdrawal: When a product has a minor
                                                                                                                              violation that would not be subject to FDA               If a manufacturer has voluntarily initiated a recall, it
                                                                                                                              legal action a “market withdrawal” occurs. The           is the manufacturer’s responsibility to promptly notify
                                                                                                                              product is removed by the firm from the market           each of its direct accounts. If the recall extends beyond
                                                                                                                              or the firm corrects the violation.                      direct accounts, then the direct accounts should be
                                                                                                                                                                                       instructed by the recalling manufacturer to contact
                                                                                                                              Medical    device      safety   alert:   Released   in

                            A Look at the
                                                                                                                                                                                       sub-accounts that may have received the product.
                                                                                                                              circumstances in which a medical device may
                                                                                                                                                                                       Once all the accounts have been informed about the
                                                                                                                              present an unreasonable risk of substantial harm.
                                                                                                                                                                                       recall, they must promptly follow the recall strategy

                           DRUG RECALL
                                                                                                                              These situations also are considered recalls in
                                                                                                                                                                                       that was previously put in place for that account.
                                                                                                                              certain cases.
                                                                                                                                                                                       FDA Requested Recall

                                                                                                                        Each FDA recall follows specific timelines and
                                                                                                                                                                                       In urgent situations, FDA may request a recall. The
                                                                                                                        procedures depending upon the circumstances. For
                                                                                                                                                                                       request is directed to the manufacturer that has
                                                                                                                        example, each recall is initiated with a written order
                                                                                                                                                                                       the primary responsibility for making or marketing
                                              BY HFA STAFF                                                              that states the violation, the product, lot and serial
                                                                                                                                                                                       the product. Class 1 category recalls are most often
                                                                                                                        numbers to be recalled, and the timeline for the
                                                                                                                                                                                       requested recalls. It is important to note FDA considers
                                                                                                                        recall. Each recall is unique and requires its own recall
                                                                                                                                                                                       an FDA requested recall to be manufacturer initiated.
                                                                                                                        strategy developed by the Center Recall Unit. The CRU
                                                                                                                        will consider how far the recall should extend, whether        The associate commissioner for regulatory affairs
                                                                                                                        the public needs to be warned and if so, in what               approves all recall requests from FDA. A letter outlining
It is important to pay                                                                  manufacturer to recall a
                                                                                                                        geographical area, and the appropriate assessment              the need for          a recall is sent to manufacturer.
attention when a product                                                              product or mandates recall
                                                                                                                        for recall effectiveness. A recall designated voluntary,                                After a recall has begun, the
is recalled, but with all the                                                    requirements. The FDA’s role is
                                                                                                                        requested and mandatory depends on                                                      recall is entered in the Recall
different sources of information and                                      to oversee the manufacturer’s recall
                                                                                                                        who initiates the process.                                                               Enterprise System. The RES
the different types of recalls, it can be confusing.     strategy, monitor the recall for effectiveness and
                                                                                                                        Based upon the gravity                                                                   is a database used by FDA
Recalls, designed to protect the public’s health, are    classify the recall.
                                                                                                                        of the situation, FDA will                                                                to submit, update, classify
used as a way to deliver information to consumers in
                                                                                                                        issue a public warning.                                                                    and terminate recalls.
an expeditious manner.                                   RECALL CLASSIFICATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    FDA Mandated Recalls
A recall is an action taken by a manufacturer to               Class I: Includes a health hazard situation in           RECALL METHODS                                                                              FDA’s authority to issue
remove a product (food, drugs, medical devices and             which there is reasonable probability that the
                                                                                                                        Voluntary Recall:                                                                          a mandatory recall is very
cosmetics) from the market, initiated either by the            use of the product will lead to serious, adverse
                                                                                                                        Initiation of a Recall                                                        limited. Subjects of mandatory recalls
manufacturer or by request from the U.S. Food and              health consequences or death.
                                                                                                                        by a Manufacturer                                              can include devices, biological products, human tissue
Drug Administration. In either case, the manufacturer
                                                                                                                        Consistent with its responsibility to protect the public       intended for transplantation, infant formula, tobacco
removes or corrects a product that is in the market            Class II: Includes a potential health hazard
                                                                                                                        health from products that are defective or potentially         products and food. FDA also has discretion to order
and in violation of FDA rules and regulations. In both         situation in which use of, or exposure to, a violative
                                                                                                                        harmful, a manufacturer may voluntarily initiate a recall.     a mandatory recall if it finds that a human cell, tissue
cases, the FDA considers the recall to be manufacturer         product may cause temporary or medically
                                                                                                                        If a recall is manufacturer-initiated, FDA reviews the         or cellular or tissue-based product is a source of
initiated.                                                     reversible adverse health consequences or
                                                                                                                        information provided by the manufacturer, conducts a           dangerous infection to humans or does not adequately
                                                               where the probability of serious adverse health
Alternatively, an FDA-mandated recall, also known                                                                       health hazard evaluation, classifies the recall and then       protect against communicable disease.
                                                               consequences is remote.
as a mandatory recall, occurs when FDA orders a                                                                         advises the manufacturer in writing of the assigned

18      DATELINE FEDERATION <                                                                                                                                                                  SPECIAL ISSUE 2021       19
Recent Recalls of Products Indicated for
 Treatment of Bleeding Disorders
     Product         Manufacturer                    Date                           Issue                                   Scope                                                    Action taken

                                                                                                                                                    Voluntary pharmacy-level recall. Manufacturer stated “patients can continue to
                                                                  Manufacturing deviation that occurred        1 lot in United States; other lots   use product they may have. Although the potential for safety risk to patients is
 Mononine          CSL Behring               January 21, 2021
                                                                  during the filling process.                  worldwide                            considered low, it cannot be fully excluded.” Note: Product was discounted in
                                                                                                                                                    Septemeber 2020; product was expected to be available through mid-2021.

                                                                  Some carton/package labels may have
 Tranexamic acid                                                                                                                                    Voluntary recall to the hospital/clinic level. Product is exclusively used in inpatient
                   Mylan                     September 1, 2020    been mislabeled as an unrelated product,     4 lots
 injection                                                                                                                                          setting.
                                                                  Amiodarone HCl Injection.

                   Ferring Pharmaceuticals                        Product testing revealed low volume and                                           Voluntary recall (initiated as pharmacy-level recall; subsequently extended to
 Stimate nasal
                   (Distributor: CSL         July 21, 2020        therefore above-specification                All product worldwide                consumer-level). Manufacturer does not anticipate product becoming available
                   Behring)                                       concentration of active ingredient                                                before second half of 2023.

                                                                  Internal manufacturer audit revealed “one
                                                                  step did not proceed as expected.”
                                                                  Manufacturer informed FDA during its
                                                                  regular on-site inspection and received
 VONVENDI          Takeda                    February 25, 2020    “feedback on how [they] could improve.”      2 lots, 3425 vials, U.S. only        Voluntary pharmacy level recall.
                                                                  Manufacturer subsequently recalled vials
                                                                  from lots manufactured during this period,
                                                                  despite finding no impact on product
                                                                  safety or efficacy.

                                                                  Printing misalignment on label could lead    Lots of all fill sizes (600, 1200,
 Humate-P          CSL Behring               October 15, 2019                                                                                       No recall. Drug information alert issued by manufacturer.
                                                                  to confusion on dosage/potency               2400 Ius)

                                                                  Particulate matter outside specifications                                         No recall (regulators agreed there was no change in product benefit/risk profile).
                                                                                                               Found in 1 batch during routine
 Hemlibra          Genentech                 October 5, 2019      found in vials (product deviation, not                                            Genentech notified U.S., European, Canadian and Japanese health authorities in
                                                                  contamination)                                                                    March 2019.

                                                                  Injection needles of incorrect length
                   Genentech (through                                                                          124 families and 92 health care
                                                                  included in shipment to patients who
 Hemlibra          contract specialty        September 21, 2019                                                providers; shipments involved        No recall; Genentech notified FDA via standard U.S. drug safety reporting.
                                                                  receive product through the Genentech
                   pharmacy Medvantx)                                                                          took place over ~2 months
                                                                  Patient Foundation

                                                                  Mislabeling resulted in distribution of
                                                                                                               2 lots, 900+ vials, distributed
 Kogenate FS       Bayer                     July 19, 2019        wrong product, wrong dosage,                                                      Class 2 voluntary recall to end user.
                                                                                                               over period of 6 months

20    DATELINE FEDERATION <                                                                                                                                                             SPECIAL ISSUE 2021         21
                                                                                                            BY THE NUMBERS:
                                                                                                                                                 PRODUCTS BY TYPE
                                                                                                    OF PRODUCTS BY                                                Recombinant

                                                                                                                                               56% 28%
                                                                                                    MANUFACTURER                                                  clotting factor

                                                                                                    CSL BEHRING
                                                                                                    NOVO NORDISK
        CURRENT PRODUCTS                                                                            PFIZER, INC.
                                                                                                                                                                      clotting factor

       AVAILABLE FOR TREATMENT                                                                      GRIFOLS, INC
                                                                                                    OCTAPHARMA USA, INC.
                                                                                                                                                product           2%
        OF BLEEDING DISORDERS                                                                       FERRING
           Whether you or your child has just been diagnosed, or you’ve lived with a bleeding       SANOFI GENZYME
             disorder for decades, knowledge of treatment options is a key component of             AKORN                                      NUMBER OF PRODUCTS
           being able to advocate for yourself and essential to having informed conversations       PHARMACEUTICALS                               BY INDICATION
           with health care professionals. To help patients and caregivers with the process of      BIO PRODUCTS
           navigating available treatment options, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of all
           therapies currently available and approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
                                                                                                    LABORATORY USA, INC.
                                                                                                    DR. REDDY’S
                                                                                                                                                   23                   9
                                                                                                    LABORATORIES                               FACTOR VIII         FACTOR IX
          Information in this issue should not be interpreted as medical advice. We encourage
          frequent dialogue with experienced health care professionals regarding your health
                        and the therapies used to treat your bleeding disorder.                     HEMA BIOLOGICS		                                4                   7
                                                                                                    KEDRION BIOPHARMA                           INHIBITOR              vWD
                                                                                                                                                     7                  2
                                                                                                                                                   RARE               OTHER

                                                                                                            MOST RECENTLY RELEASED PRODUCTS
                                                                                                 YEAR RELEASED          PRODUCT                 INDICATION        MANUFACTURER
                                                                                                     2020              SEVENFACT                  Inhibitor         HEMA Biologics
                                                                                                                      Desmopressin                                     Dr. Reddy’s
                                                                                                     2020          Acetate Injection USP       Factor VIII; vWD
                                                                                                                      (desmopressin acetate)
                                                                                                     2019              Novo Nordisk              Factor VIII           ESPEROCT
22   DATELINE FEDERATION <                                                     2018                 Bayer                  Factor VIII              Jivi
                                                                                                                      OUR PRODUCT CHARTS
     LIST OF APPROVED PRODUCTS                                                                                               The pages that follow contain a comprehensive and exhaustive list of products that are
                                                                                                                            approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treatment of a bleeding disorder. For
       Detailed product information can be found on the following pages, organized by indication.                          ease of navigation, the charts are published in sections by indication (Factor VIII, Factor IX,
                                                                                                                           Inhibitor, VWD, Rare or Other), with each containing the following categories of information:
                  Advate                               Eloctate                         NovoSeven RT
            Takeda • Factor VIII              Sanofi Genzyme • Factor VIII          Novo Nordisk • Factor VIII
               Adynovate                             ESPEROCT                                NUWIQ                                         Name used to market and sell the therapy.
            Takeda • Factor VIII               Novo Nordisk • Factor VIII       Octapharma USA, Inc. • Factor VIII

                  Afstyla                             FEIBA NF                               Obizur                                        Manufacturer
         CSL Behring • Factor VIII                  Takeda • Inhibitor                    Takeda • Rare                                    Company that produces and sells the therapy.
                Alphanate                              FIBRYGA                             Profilnine
       Grifols, Inc • Factor VIII;vWD         Octapharma USA, Inc. • Rare             Grifols, Inc • Factor IX                             Product Type
              Aphanine SD                            HEMLIBRA                              REBINYN                                         Indicated method used to create product.
           Grifols, Inc • Factor IX          Genetech • Factor VIII;Inhibitor       Novo Nordisk • Factor IX

                 Alprolix                             Hemofil M                          Recombinate
                                                                                                                                           Specific Product Type
       Sanofi Genzyme • Factor IX                  Takeda • Factor VIII                Takeda • Factor VIII                                Detailed classification of product type, if applicable.

                  Amicar                              Humate-P                              RiaSTAP
            (amniocaproic acid -             CSL Behring • Factor VIII;vWD             CSL Behring • Rare                                  Half Life
          oral solution and tablets)                                                                                                       Amount of time a product stays intact in the bloodstream
      Akorn Pharmaceuticals • Other                    Idelvion                              Rixibis                                       until its efficacy is halved.
                                                 CSL Behring • Factor IX                Takeda • Factor IX
           Pfizer, Inc. • Factor IX                     IXINITY                          SEVENFACT                                         FDA Approved
                                                  Medexus • Factor IX              HEMA Biologics • Inhibitor
                Coagadex                                                                                                                   Year the product was approved for treatment by FDA.
 Bio Products Laboratory USA, Inc. •                       Jivi                              Stimate
                Rare                               Bayer • Factor VIII              (Desmopressin Nasal Spray)
                                                                                  CSL Behring • Factor VIII;vWD
                 Corifact                                Koate                                                                             Bleeding disorder type/factor deficiency the therapy is intended to treat.
            CSL Behring • Rare               Kedrion Biopharma • Factor VIII                 Tretten
                                                                                       Novo Nordisk • Rare
                                                                                                                        We’ve made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this list by using information
              Cyklokapron                           Kogenate FS
         (tranexamic acid injection)               Bayer • Factor VIII                     Vonvendi                        directly from manufacturers and publicly available information from websites, such as FDA.
     Pfizer, Inc. • Factor VIII; Factor IX                                                Takeda • vWD                  We do not encourage community members to use one product over another, and we strongly urge
          DDAVP (Desmopressin)                                                               Wilate                                you to discuss your treatment options with qualified medical professionals.
                                                   Bayer • Factor VIII
     Ferring Pharmaceuticals • Factor                                             Octapharma USA, Inc • Factor
                 VIII;vWD                               Lysteda                            VIII;vWD                   Content in this issue is current as of March 2021. Given the fast-paced environment that manufacturers
                                                 (tranexamic acid tablets)                                             and governmental agencies work within, some information could have changed since going to print.
       Desmopressin Acetate                  Ferring Pharmaceuticals • Other                 Xyntha
                                                                                                                            Please refer to manufacturers’ or the FDA’s websites for the most up-to-date information.
          Injection USP                                                               Pfizer, Inc • Factor VIII
           (desmopressin acetate)                     Novoeight
     Dr. Reddy's Laboratories • Factor         Novo Nordisk • Factor VIII        Xyntha/Xyntha Solofuse
                 VIII;vWD                                                             Pfizer, Inc • Factor VIII                                      F I N D YO U R S E C TI O N
                                                                                                                     FACTOR VIII • 26     FACTOR IX • 30          INHIBITOR • 32            vWD • 32              RARE • 34
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