April 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

April 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton
        WITH COVE

        April 2022
April 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

                    Magazine Subscriptions
Dear Parish Magazine Reader,

Since the first lockdown in 2020 and throughout 2021 the Parish Magazine
has been available, free of charge, online and, for the last few months, in hard
copy (both delivered to your door and in church).

From 1st January 2022 the annual subscription of £6 per annum (50p per
magazine) will be reinstated.
Please pay your subscription in January.
Thank you.

               Please note cheques for the magazine should be
              made payable to Saint Peter’s P.C.C. Thank you
April 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

I am the Resurrection and the Life

Jesus said, ‘I am the Resurrection.’ He had repeatedly promised, to those
who believe in him, that he would ‘raise them to life on the last day’ (John
6.39, 40, 44, 54). Jesus said ‘I am the Life.’ Life, especially eternal life, is a
characteristic word in John’s gospel. John tells us that he wrote his gospel so
that people might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that
through their faith they might have life (20.31). One of the best loved verses
in the Bible tells us that ‘God loved the world so much that he gave his only
Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal
life’ (John 3.16). Jesus said, ‘I have come in order that you might have life –
life in all its fullness’ (John 10.10).

How are we to obtain eternal life? It is found by venturing (John 12.25). Self
preservation may be the first law of natural life, but it is certainly not the
first law of spiritual life. Life is found not in self-protection, but in self-

It is found by listening and obeying. The words of Jesus are spirit and life
(John 6.63). The commands of God bring eternal life (John 12.50). But it is
no use hearing if we do not obey. Through obedience comes knowledge, and
fellowship with God, and in that fellowship is eternal life.

It is found by worshipping. One of the com-mands of Jesus was to remember
him in the sacrament of bread and wine (Luke 22.17-20). Jesus said, ‘Who-
ever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life’ (John 6.54) because
‘whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me, and I live in
him’ (John 6.56). To be united with Jesus is to share his life, and his life is

Above all, eternal life is to be found by believing. ‘To believe in Jesus Christ
means to be quite certain of his unique relationship to God, and then to
accept as binding every one of his commands and to accept as certain
                                                                  (Continued on page 4)
April 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

(Continued from page 3)
beyond all doubt his promises. A life lived in that total committal to Jesus
Christ is eternal life’ (William Barclay).

To have eternal life is to be quite certain that nothing can separate us from
Jesus Christ and his love. It does not mean ease and comfort. It does not mean
escape from the trials which witness to Christ may bring. It does not mean that
we shall be free from the troubles and sorrows of this present world. But it
does mean that we can be sure that, in all our trials and tribulations, we are not
alone, because Jesus is present with us through them all, and in him we can
overcome them.

Only in Jesus can we share eternal life. He did not say ‘I show you the
Resurrection and the Life.’ Nor did he say, ‘I give you the Resurrection and
the Life.’ He said, ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life.’ It is only through a
personal relationship with Jesus that we can share his life.

The life that Jesus offers is not, of course, physical life. Those who believe in
Jesus must die as all human beings must die. The life that Jesus offers is the
life of God himself, and that life cannot be ended by death. When our mortal
bodies die we shall be given a resurrection body. When we pass through the
gate of death we shall share the life of God in heaven. For Jesus is the
Resurrection as well as the Life. Our relationship with him cannot be broken.
He, who is the source of all life, has conquered death, and if we are united
with him, then our life with him cannot be ended by death.
The death of those whom we love will still bring grief and heartache and
loneliness, but for those who believe, death is no longer a final event. Death
becomes the gateway to a fuller life. We believe that beyond death we shall
meet again those ‘whom we have loved long since and lost awhile.’ (John
Henry Newman).

Jesus said, ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life.’ This claim is the guarantee
that, through him, we can enter into the life of God which nothing can destroy.
                                                          Margaret Wallwork
April 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

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April 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

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April 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

The Akond of Swat

My Labrador, Alice, and I love to walk along the Grand Western Canal in
various locations. One of these is beside the Longboats at East Manley where I
can indulge in a little fantasy and memories of messing about in boats. Why do
people name their boats with such originality? When we named our sailing
boats, they were personal to the family, Felicity (after me!), Emily Ann (after
Derek’s Grandma) and Thomasina (because we had both worked at St
Thomas’s hospital).

But The Akond of Swat! There it is at East Manley. I looked it up on
Wikipedia because it fascinated me.

‘The Yousafzai State of Swat was a kingdom established in 1849 ruled by
chiefs known as Akhunds. It was a princely state in alliance with the British
Indian Empire between 1926 and 1947 when the state became part of the
newly independent Pakistan. The area it covered is between the present day
districts of Swat, Dir, Buner and Shangla.’

Why would you name a boat after it? There is another branch to my
investigation. Edward Lear, the poet and author of The Owl and the Pussycat,
wrote other nonsense and irreverent verse including The Akond of Swat, in
which he takes delight in finding words that rhyme with swat. Here it is!

     Who or why, or which, or what
     Is the Akond of SWAT?
     Is he tall or short or dark or fair?
     Does he sit on a stool or a sofa or a chair
     Or SQUAT, The Akond of Swat?
     Is he wise or foolish, young or old?
     Does he drink his soup and coffee cold
     Or HOT, The Akond of Swat?
     Does he sing or whistle, jabber or talk?
     And when riding abroad does he gallop or walk?
     Or TROT, The Akond of Swat?
     Does he wear a turban, a fez or a hat?
     Does he sleep on a mattress or bed or a mat?
April 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

     Or COT? The Akond of Swat?
     When he writes a copy in round-hand size
     Does he cross his T’s and finish his I’s
     With a DOT? The Akond of Swat?
     Can he write a letter concisely clear,
     without a speck or a smudge or a smear?
     Or BLOT? The Akond of Swat?
     Do his people like him extremely well?
     Or do they when they can, rebel
     Or PLOT? At the Akond of Swat?
And so on for another six verses before we come to:
     Does he teach his subjects to roast and bake?
     Does he sail about on an inland lake?
     In a YACHT? The Akond of Swat?
     Someone, or nobody, knows I wot,
     Who or which or why or what
     Is the Akond of Swat!

It’s a good name for a boat because such fun can be had messing about in
And here she is:
                                                           Mary Seaton
April 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

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     NB Copy for the
    May 2022 Magazine
    should only be sent to
        or by post to
  Cotswolds, 49 Park Hill,
   Tiverton EX16 6RW
         by April 10

Update on the Reordering                  is complete. This was quite a tricky
                                          operation as the opening removes
I’m sorry to say that this month’s        even more stonework in that corner
report for the magazine is going to be    and next to the window opening. All
quite short as circumstances have         is well however, and the north-west
prevented as much progress being          corner of the church still stands!
made as we had hoped for.
                                          The external toilet block makes good
The changes of design that have been      progress and although they cannot be
forced on us by having to overcome        easily seen, the internal partition
the problems with the vaults below        walls have been completed. These are
floor level have required us to order     supporting walls, so now all the
different materials and these, at         structure is in place for a start to be
present, all seem to be on long           made on the roof and its finishes.
                                          Let’s hope that by next month I’ll be
Last month we were waiting for the        able to report much better progress
special steel beams for the new           and the results will be obvious for us
baptistery area. These have arrived       all to see.
and the structural works to the floor
are now complete. We are now
                                               David Ricks 13th March 2022
waiting for the special kerb stones to
edge the step up to the font platform.
This will be of a lighter colour than
the general flooring, the
differentiation being for the sake of
                                          A woman rolled an elderly man in a
So the font has not yet moved and the     wheelchair into the reception area of
finished west end awaits handover to      the doctor’s surgery. As she went to
us. Completion of the baptistery is       the receptionist’s desk, the man sat
now some five weeks behind my             there, alone and silent. After a few
programme which was hoping for a          moments a little boy slipped off his
completion of the major works by          mother’s lap and walked over to the
Easter. I’m sorry that this is now        wheelchair. Placing his hand on the
looking impossible.                       man’s, he said companionably, ‘I
On a positive note however, the new       know just how stupid you feel. My
enlarged structural opening in the        mum makes me ride in the pushchair,
west wall, for the door to the toilets,   too.’
                                                                  Parish Pump

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The Revd Gordon Millier                   please him that we do at this present,
                                          … so that at the last we may come to
On 21 February the community of St        his eternal joy’.
Thomas’s Chevithorne suffered a
severe and painful loss with the death    We were all very fortunate indeed
of Gordon Millier. It was just over a     that our lives were touched by
year after his wife Beth, so well-        Gordon and Beth. She was a talented
known to us all in St Peter’s as well     painter and a long-time servant of the
as Chevithorne, herself died.             Mothers’ Union. Gordon was a firm
                                          and encouraging friend, trusted and
Gordon and Beth retired to Tiverton       trusting, sensitive and shrewd, and a
in 1993 after his ordination in Wells     person whose teaching of the faith
Cathedral and many years of ministry      was made compelling by the fact that
in Somerset. The country parishes in      he lived that faith.
which he was the incumbent were in
Congresbury, then Weare with              We     thank      God    for    every
Badgworth and Biddisham, and              remembrance of this fine Christian
finally a cluster of parishes very near   couple, and now, as they are once
to Wells itself – Pilton with             again united, our special thanks for
Croscombe, North Wotton and               Gordon as we feel the immediacy of
Dinder. With his retirement he was        our loss. We know, as we pray for
asked by Tony Gibson to take care of      them both that they may ‘rest in
Chevithorne, and this he did with         peace and rise in glory’, that indeed
personal warmth and generosity of         they do. They have come ‘at the last
spirit     and      a     wholehearted    … to his eternal joy’.
commitment to the Christian gospel.                            David Catchpole

In 2003 Gordon was full of vim and
vigour; in 2022 physical frailty had              Gordon and Beth Millier
come with age, but he was still to be
found regularly in his place on
Sunday mornings in St Thomas’s
Church. There he was able as a priest
to pronounce the absolution at
Morning Prayer. His last words,
spoken with firmness of voice and
faith, were therefore the deeply
moving prayer ‘that those things may

An Easter reflection                            with a heavy stone rolled across the
                                                doorway. Yet the following Sunday, the
‘When you die, that’s it. Nothing. Out          third day after His death, His followers
like a light.’ That’s what the man in the       claimed that they had met Him, seen
pub said, and his mates all nodded. It          Him, talked with Him.
seemed to make sense. After all, we             So certain was their belief that nothing
know what ‘dead’ means: dead leaves,            could make them recant it. Not ridicule,
dead batteries, dead fish, dead pets . . .      not torture, not even death itself. They
and dead people, to be honest. While we         couldn’t deny His resurrection, because
recognise that it’s all too easy to go from     they were absolutely convinced that it
alive to dead, we’ve got serious doubts         had happened. Plenty of clever and
about the possibility of any return             powerful people at the time had a vested
journeys.                                       interest in proving them wrong. It
Which is why Christians have an uphill          shouldn’t have been difficult to prove
task at Easter. Jesus was a great man, and      that a dead man had stayed dead,
people want to remember how He died.            especially when you have at your
Fair enough. But it starts getting              disposal the resources of the greatest
complicated when Christians insist that         empire in history. Yet they didn’t do it,
Jesus died - but didn’t stay dead - in fact,    because it couldn’t be done.
that He’s alive now. That ‘return               Still today millions of people all over the
journey’ has happened, they say.                world believe that Jesus did in fact rise
That’s the problem about Easter,                from the dead. They include brilliant
Christians persisting in what sounds like       scientists and philosophers as well as
a ridiculous belief. If they just dropped       plenty of ‘ordinary’ men and women of
the resurrection bit and concentrated on        all ages. They believe it because they
the wonderful teaching of Jesus and His         respect the witness of those first
example of generosity, compassion and           Christians, and because in many cases
love then everybody would find                  their own lives have been transformed by
Christianity much more believable.              a relationship with Jesus - a relationship
Wouldn’t that make sense? And                   that wouldn’t make sense if He were
wouldn’t that fill the churches again?          dead!
Well it might (or, more likely, it might        Christians don’t put their faith in a dead
not). But in any case, the trouble is that it   hero from the past, but in someone who
wouldn’t be Christianity at all. The faith      is alive and active in their own lives and
of Christians actually depends on the           in the world. That, in a nutshell, is the
resurrection of Jesus, and always has           real message of Easter.
done, right from the earliest days.                Canon David Winter (Parish Pump)
After the crucifixion the body of Jesus
was taken down from the cross by some
of His friends and put in a rock tomb

April 2022 Diary

Sat 2nd         10:00 am   Bell ringing peal St Peter’s

Sun 3rd          8:00 am   Holy Communion (BCP) St Peter’s
Mothering        9:30 am   Morning Prayer Online St Peter’s
Sunday          10.00 am   Morning Prayer Chevithorne
                10:15 am   Holy Communion St Peter’s
Tue 5th         11.00 am   Eucharist St Andrew’s
Wed 6th         10:30 am   Coffee Morning online
Thu 7th         10.00 am   Holy Communion St Paul’s

Sun 10th         9:30 am   Morning Prayer Online St Peter’s
Palm Sunday     10:15 am   Holy Communion St Peter’s
Tue 12th        11.00 am   Eucharist St Andrew’s
Wed 13th        10:30 am   Coffee Morning online
                 2:00 pm   Mothers' Union Meeting
Thu 14th        10.00 am   Holy Communion St Paul’s

Sun 17th         9.15 am   Morning Prayer Online
Easter Day      10.00 am   Morning Prayer Chevithorne
                10:15 am   Holy Communion St Peter’s

Tue 19th        11.00 am   Eucharist St Andrew’s
Wed 20th        10:30 am   Coffee morning online
Thursday 21st   10.00 am   Holy Communion St Paul’s

Sun 24th         9:15 am   Morning Prayer Online
2nd of Easter   10:15 am   Holy Communion St Peter’s
Tue 26th        11.00 am   Eucharist St Andrew’s
Wed 27th        10:30 am   Coffee Morning online
Thu 28th        10.00 am   Holy Communion St Paul’s

              Passiontide and Holy Week at St Andrew’s

           Tuesday 5th April - 11.00am Stations of the Cross
 Readings, prayers & Passiontide hymns as we follow the Way of the Cross

              Tuesday 12th April – 11.00am Said Eucharist
        Maundy Thursday 14th April – 11.00am Sung Eucharist
       with reception of Holy Oils, Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament,
                          Stripping of the Sanctuary

                Good Friday 15th April – 2.00pm Liturgy
                with dramatic reading of the St John Passion,
                 the Solemn Prayers and Holy Communion

From the Registers

9 January        Henry Thomas Mitchell       St Peter's
6 February       Bowen Parkinson             St Peter's

14 January       Anne Brooke                 Chevithorne
21 January       Ivor Denyer                 Chevithorne
21 January       Joan Gibson                 St Peter's
28 January       Jill Taylor                 Chevithorne
28 February      Michael Burden              Chevithorne
11 March         Brian Barnett               Chevithorne
25 March         Gordon Millier              Chevithorne

                          Amoretti LXVIII
              Most glorious Lord of life, that on this day
                Didst make thy triumph over death and sin;
                And having harrowed hell didst bring away
                Captivity thence captive, us to win:
              This joyous day, dear Lord, with joy begin,
                And grant that we for whom thou diddest die
                Being with thy dear blood clean washed from sin,
                May live for ever in felicity.
              And that thy love we weighing worthily,
                May likewise love thee for the same again;
                And for thy sake that all like dear didst buy,
                With love may one another entertain.
              So let us love, dear love, like as we ought.
              Love is the lesson which the Lord us taught.

                                             Edmund Spenser (1552/3–1599)

The Parish Magazine is looking for your contributions!
We all enjoy hearing about the reordering, the Mothers Union, a new recipe
etc. but we would like to hear more about you.

Ideas include writing an anecdote, it might be about lock down, holidays, your
work/first job, school days, other churches or anything else that springs to

You could choose your favourite poem, hymn or even a book/film and write
about why it is special to you and what might recommend it to other readers.
Photos are always welcome too.

Please don’t expect all submissions to immediately appear in the next
magazine. We would hope to use them all over the course of time so keep
them coming in - it’s never too late.

Please email parishmag@stpeterstiverton.org.uk

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Make a note of it, please: Thursday 28 April! It’s APCM time soon, Thursday
28 April at 7.00 pm in St Peter’s, to be precise. The Annual Parochial Church
Meeting is when we review what has already happened and turn our thoughts
to what we hope may happen. This year we shall hope to hold it in the church,
a gesture in the direction of the normality that we will surely see when reor-
dering is done and dusted. It would be good if you could join in the planning

What we have to do in personal terms is elect three PCC members in place of
those whose term has expired (Deborah Lal and Vicky Stuckey, to whom we
offer thanks, after their first three year term) or who are moving away
(Catherine Makepeace, who has contributed to our life as a community in so
many ways, not least as safeguarding officer as well as electoral roll officer,
and whom we will greatly miss as she leaves us for Kent).

Additionally, church wardens need to be elected or re-elected – take your pick!
But the election of our representatives on the Deanery Synod does not arise
this year. That will be for 2023.

Please get in touch with me if you have a nomination in mind and I will let
you have the required form to fill in. Or keep an eye open for it in church.
Forms should be returned to either Gill Heard, Bill Zarrett or myself. Many
                                                           David Catchpole

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Prayer Diary for April

 1    For all with a birthday this month.
 2    For anyone afflicted by unhappy memories.
 3    Thank you for the on line church services.
 4    For all who have gone to live in a care home.
 5    Pray for our families.
 6    For young people who have ceased to like school.
 7    For those who are still suffering from Covid 19.
 8    For all to be married soon.
 9    For young people who are caring for their parents.
10    PALM SUNDAY. May we give Christ triumphal entry in our hearts.
11    Pray for the bereaved.
12    For families under stress.
13    For our teachers.
14    For neglected pets.
15    GOOD FRIDAY. Our prayers of gratitude to Jesus!
16    Pray for those who have lost a good friend.
17    EASTER SUNDAY. May the world`s most famous victory inspire us.
18    Dear God, may yesterday`s ceremony stay in our hearts.
19    A private prayer for a personal concern.
20    For our scientists and their research.
21    QUEEN`S BIRTHDAY. We pray for a special blessing on her.
22    Dear Lord, bless all efforts for peace in the world.
23    ST GEORGE. We ask for your blessing and guidance for England.
24    Thank you, Lord for the memories of last Sunday.
25    We thank you for our helpful neighbours.
26    For the terminally ill.
27    Pray for Ukraine.
28    For all associations who work against cruelty.
29    For our farmers.
30    Thank you for Spring, dear Lord.

                                        goodbye to Jean in the meaningful
                                        service taken by the Revd. Keith

                                        Caroline told us some interesting
On Wednesday April 13th at 2pm in
                                        stories about the keeping of Lent
the Baptist Church rooms Helen
                                        going back to early Christian and
Fensome will be leading us in
                                        Medieval times and up to the present
                                        day. Fasting in the early church was
HOLY WEEK’ Together we will be
                                        taken very seriously. Shrove Tuesday
sharing our favourite bible passages,
                                        was a day for Confession. One
poems, reading, art and music to help
                                        tradition was ‘Jack O’Lent’ when a
us focus on the events of Holy Week.
                                        straw figure like a guy, representing
Please send your contributions to
                                        Judas Iscariot., was pelted with
Helen Fensome at 42, Francis
                                        stones, dragged around the Parish and
Cres cent.           or     em ail
                                        burnt on Palm Sunday.

                                        We know Lent as a time to give up or
All are welcome to join us and
                                        take on new tasks or perhaps work on
afterwards get to know each other
                                        certain parts of our character that we
and catch up on each other’s news
                                        would like to control. Lent of course
over tea and biscuits and perhaps
                                        remembers Jesus’s 40 days in the
                                        wilderness and Jesus’s words: ‘Get
                                        behind me Satan,’ although in the
On March 9th we welcomed the Revd       Bible we are not told to observe this.
Caroline Luff and her husband Phillip   Caroline finished her talk by saying
to our meeting which was led by Gill    that only by observing Lent in some
Heard. We started with prayer for       meaningful way can we know the joy
Ukraine and its people and then         of Easter Day. Gill thanked Caroline
remembered any of our members who       very much for such a thought
were ill and also Jean Webb, who had    provoking talk, as we all showed our
been an MU member for many years        appreciation in the usual way.
and will be sadly missed by us all.
She passed away last month. 8 of us
attended the service at Exeter and      FAITH IN ACTION in South Sudan
joined her small family and a few       In the Diocese of Juba of Juba and
friends and neighbours in saying        Rejaf Mothers Union is working to
                                        implement a Literacy and Gender

Training Programme. MU plans to         participants would become key
identify and recruit experienced        instigators of community
trainers to train Volunteer Literacy    development while South Sudan
and Gender Champions (VLGCs) in         transitions to democracy.
communities across the 2 dioceses.
Working in their localities each
                                          Wishing you all a Joyful Easter,
VLGC would deliver a series of adult
literacy and gender training sessions                           Betty Thrall
through community based peer
groups. It is assumed that at least
70% of these participants would be
survivors of Gender-Based Violence
(GBV) Empowering them with
literacy skills MU would facilitate
safe spaces where they can talk
openly about their experiences and
begin a much needed healing process.
Through their education the

                           Newly refurbished practice
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                           Enormous frame selection
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                           Contact lens specialist
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            We place even greater emphasis on your eye health
                     Call us now for our latest offers
             We are open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm
                  Saturday                  9.00am to 1.00pm
         Telephone 01884 252034          www.pilgrimoptical.co.uk

Jam & Jerusalem                           You could add some currants, and the
                                          grated rind of a lemon, to turn this
This month’s recipe comes from            into Easter biscuits…..yum.
Judith Kerr, who, in case you didn’t
know, made all that beautiful Scottish
                                          Enjoy, and indeed all the other
Shortbread that was on our Virtual
                                          goodies that the Easter celebrations
Christmas Fair. Yes – absolutely melt
                                          bring. I look forward to having your
in the mouth shortbread.
                                          favourite recipe for next month’s

                                            With many Easter Blessings to you
So :-   7 ozs plain flour
                                                                 01884 254378
        1 oz rice flour or semolina
        4 ozs butter
        2 ozs castor sugar                Did the name ‘Yousafzai’ ring any
                                          bells? (see p7) Malala Yousafzai is a
Judith says to blend all together in a    Pakistani education advocate who, at
food processor, or rub the butter into    the age of 17 in 2014, became the
the dry ingredients and knead. When       youngest person to win the Nobel
smooth press into 8” loose bottom         Peace Prize after surviving an
sandwich tin, or Swiss roll tin, prick    assassination attempt by the Taliban.
with a fork and make a pattern around     She was born in the Swat District of a
the edge with the prongs. Bake for 45     province of north-western Pakistan.
mins at 150°C or 140°C fan until          Yousafzai became an advocate for
                                          girls' education when she herself was
                                          still a child, which resulted in the
                                          Taliban issuing a death threat against
Take out of oven, sprinkle with extra     her. I recently read her
castor sugar and cut into portions, run   autobiography, co-written with
a knife around outside edge then          Christina Lamb, which was very
leave in tin to cool.                     interesting.
                                                           Margaret Wallwork

              Farmer John’s Exe Valley Bluebell Walk

                   Sunday 10th April 2.30 - 4-30 pm

Come and explore ‘Farmer’ John’s Exe Valley Bluebell Walk at Byway Farm,
Thorverton, EX5 5LN so lovingly created by the late ‘Farmer’ John Greeslade
MBE of Radio Devon fame.

Approaching from Bickleigh, Byway farm is about half a mile past Bickleigh

Walk at your own pace. Breathe in the fresh country air. Enjoy stunning
views across the Exe Valley. Listen to the birds and sounds of the
countryside, and watch out by the pond; if you are lucky you just may spot an
otter. There are a variety of walks.

Afterwards rest awhile and enjoy delicious homemade cakes, tea, coffee and
lemonade provided by Children’s Hospice Tiverton Friends Group.
Donations please.

Dogs on leads and well-behaved children are welcome. Bring your camera &
binoculars. Stout footwear advisable. Ample parking.

     For more information call Julia 01363 866409 – Sally 01884 254378
                     VILLAGE HALL
 Recently refurbished with new kitchen facilities available to hire
 for private parties, children’s parties, clubs, functions, meetings,
     Large hall space and separate smaller room, garden area and
                       ample car parking facilities
                       Very reasonable hire rates
           For bookings and further details please contact
           Imogen Jeffs - 01884 254578 or 07568 541707

                      Nursery School for 2-5 year olds
                        Open 8am-6pm all year round
                     Free Government funding provider
                    Highly qualified and experienced staff
                    Large garden & covered outdoor play area
           Access to the surrounding countryside and Knightshayes
                              Tel: 01884 252161
                   Please visit our website for more details
                  Website: www.woodenhousenursery.co.uk
                      Email: woodenhouse@live.co.uk

Chevithorne News
We send sympathy to the families of Michael Burden and Brian Barnett whose
services have recently taken place in St Thomas’s.

To the family of The Revd Gordon Millier we offer our sympathy; his funeral
will have been held on Friday March 25th.
                                                         Margaret Stacey

Peter Tremlett
The family of the late Peter Tremlett would like to invite you to St Peter's
Church, Uplowman to celebrate his life on May 22nd 2022 at 3 pm and
afterwards at Uplowman Village Hall for refreshments. If you have a
particular memory of Peter you would like to share, please let us know, and
either you can write something to be read out or share something yourself as
part of the service.

For further details or to send memories please email:

                                                        ‘A lucky escape in the
                                                             high winds’
                                                           Margaret Stacey


     Morning Prayer         10.00am 1st Sunday of the month
     Holy Communion         10.00am 3rd Sunday of the month
            For other services please refer to the Diary


                     CHURCH OFFICIALS


       Lady Louise Heathcoat Amory
       Hayne House EX16 7RE                            254492
       Mrs Margaret Stacey
       Home Farm, Knightshayes EX16 7RF                252569

       Lady Louise Heathcoat Amory
       Hayne House EX16 7RE                            254492

       Mr John Ewins
       Hayne Cottage, Bolham EX16 7RE                  232922




YOUNG CHURCH                              PRAYER CHAIN
We welcome all children and young         For those in need of some supportive
people of whatever age, and like to       prayer. Offered in total confidence.
have them in the congregation with        (Contact Jean Jenner 256597)
us. Our policy is to enjoy our
children – to see and hear them.          FLOWER ARRANGING TEAM.
Supervised activities tailored to the     A team who decorate the church at
needs of individual children are          festivals and throughout the year.
provided during the 10.15 service.        New members always welcome.
                                          Beginners offered tuition.
ALTAR TEAMS                               Contact Mary Seaton (252018)
Sacristans care for the altar, and with
Servers assist at Holy Communion          SUNDAY INTERCESSIONS
on Sundays. (Contact Susan                If you are unwell and would like to
Beale252619)                              be included by name in the prayers
                                          at Parish Communion, or if you
CHOIR                                     would like the name of a friend to be
New members always welcome.               included (having first got their
(Contact: Gill Heard                      permission) please contact Jean
music@stpeterstiverton.org.uk)            Jenner 256597.
BELL RINGERS                              TAPISSERS GROUP
Bells are rung on Sundays and for         The tapissers make kneelers for the
Weddings. Practice on Tuesday             church. To order a kneeler for a
7.30.                                     loved one, or to commemorate an
(Contact Sheila Scofield, email–          event, or for a group connected with
ringers@stpeterstiverton.org.uk)          church activities, also if you are
                                          interested in making kneelers, please
MOTHERS’ UNION                            contact Jane Bonnick 243705.
A Christian fellowship for all
women, married or single. Meets on
the 2nd Wednesday of each month
2.00 – 4.00 at Baptist Church Room.
(Contact Kate Henshall
at tivertonmu@gmail.com)
            SUNDAY             8.00Holy Communion (BCP) (1st Sunday only)
                               9.30Morning Prayer online - joint with
                                   The Exe Valley Mission Community
                         10.15 Holy Communion (CW)
            TUESDAY      11.00 Eucharist at Saint Andrew’s
            THURSDAY     10.00 Holy Communion at St Paul’s
                    (Other Services as on Notice Board in Porch)

RECTOR:                      VACANT
CHURCH OFFICE        Tim Bayton, St. Peter’s Church Office EX16 6RP
                     office@stpeterstiverton.org.uk                                   242991
READER:              David Catchpole, 15 Uplowman Rd. EX16 4LU                        252100
CHURCH-WARDENS:      Gill Heard, 6, Norwood Road, EX16 6BD                            258600
                     Bill Zarrett, 6 Kestrel Close EX16 6WY                           256803
P.C.C.VICE-CHAIRMAN: Mary Seaton, Long Meadow Blundell’s Road,
                     Tiverton EX16 4NB                                                252018
ADMINISTRATOR        Gill Heard
P.C.C. SECRETARY:    David Catchpole, 15 Uplowman Rd.,EX16 4LU                        252100
TREASURER:           Chris Shields, 20 Westcott Road, Tiverton EX16 4EY               253945

PARISH GIVING                Helen & David Wakely, The Firs,
RECORDER:                    Elm Grove Road, Topsham EX3 0EJ                 01392 879179

SAFEGUARDING                 Catherine Makepeace, 5 St Aubyn’s Villas, EX16 4JB 257689
REPRESENTATIVE:              safeguarding@stpeterstiverton.org.uk
WEBSITE CONTACT:             Tim Bayton St. Peter’s Church Office EX16 6RP
                             office@stpeterstiverton.org.uk                           242991

MAGAZINE PRINTING: Garfield Barnett, Cotswold Computing                               253148
CHURCH WEBSITE     www.stpeterstiverton.org.uk

          To arrange a Consultation regarding Baptisms, Weddings and other matters
           please ring the Office on 242991 or email office@stpeterstiverton.org.uk
     Baptized and communicant members of other Churches are always welcome to receive
                           the Sacrament at Holy Communion
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