Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe - Efpia

Page created by Erin Harrison
Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe - Efpia
Economic and
footprint of the
industry in
June 2019
Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe - Efpia
Foreword from EFPIA

                                                   I firmly believe that building a strong                      the gap is continuing to grow, all
                                                   European economy, a cohesive                                 in the context of increasing
                                                   European society and a healthy                               competition from China and the
                                                   population are inextricably linked. It                       Far East.
                                                   is one of the things that makes our
                                                   sector unique. As an industry we                             What does this mean for Europe? As
                                                   invest a greater percentage of                               a recent report1 from the European
                                                   revenue in research and                                      Political Strategy Centre stated:
                                                   development than any other sector,                           “Particular attention needs to be
                                                   we are an integral part of Europe’s                          paid to areas:
Nathalie Moll                                      economic landscape and most
                                                                                                                a. where Europe possesses or is
                                                   importantly, our medicines transform
Director General, EFPIA                                                                                            developing a competitive
                                                   the lives of patients and the way we
                                                   manage our healthcare.
                                                                                                                b. chooses to prioritise and invest
                                                   To help inform policy and shape                                 public resources, given their
                                                   industrial strategy, EFPIA                                      importance in addressing societal
                                                   commissioned PwC to conduct an                                  challenges,
                                                   analysis of the economic and                                 c. sees as vital to its strategic
                                                   societal impact of the                                          autonomy.”
                                                   pharmaceutical industry in Europe.
                                                   PwC’s analysis shows the impact on                           Given its dual role as a driver of
                                                   patients’ lives across a selection of                        economic growth and significant
                                                   diseases. In addition, it indicates                          positive impact on public health, the
                                                   that, in 2016, 2.5 million jobs were                         research-based pharmaceutical
                                                   supported by the pharmaceutical                              industry is one of the industries of
                                                   sector, with the average Gross Value                         critical strategic importance that
                                                   Added per employee significantly                             Europe can benefit from by fostering
                                                   higher than that of other key R&D                            and supporting innovation, in
                                                   sectors at €156,000. The activities of                       particular by offering a predictable
                                                   pharmaceutical companies directly                            regulatory environment and
                                                   contributed nearly €100 billion to EU                        incentives model.
                                                   economies, with an additional €106
                                                   billion provided through the supply                          The report underlines the economic
                                                   chain and employee spending.                                 and societal contribution of the
                                                                                                                innovative pharmaceutical industry
                                                   The race to attract life-science                             to the European economy. From
                                                   research, development and                                    employment to investment, research
                                                   manufacturing and investment is a                            to new treatments, as an industry,
                                                   global endeavour. The number of                              we won’t rest in creating a healthier
                                                   new medicine approvals in the US is                          future for Europe.
                                                   outstripping approvals in the EU and

    	‘EU Industrial Policy After Siemens-Alstom’, European Political Strategy Centre, European Commission, 18 March 2019.
Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe - Efpia
Foreword from PwC

                  We are pleased to support EFPIA on      there has been continued scrutiny
                  this important piece of work and we     on the affordability of medicines,
                  thank the companies and industry        and in particular, the need for
                  bodies who have contributed and         intellectual property incentives to
                  helped make this work possible.         stimulate research and
                                                          commercialisation of new therapies.
                  The pharmaceutical industry has
                  delivered substantial value to the      This debate should consider the
                  health of European Union (EU)           benefits of innovative medicine as
                  citizens over decades and delivered     well as costs. We hope that our
Jo Pisani         significant economic value through      research is valuable in driving
Partner, PwC UK   the research, manufacturing and         productive dialogue and further
                  commercialisation activities that are   informs the debate by assessing the
                  conducted in Europe. Continued          overall contribution of the industry to
                  research and the application of new     economic prosperity and
                  technologies mean that treatments       employment, the health and societal
                  and cures for many more diseases        benefits of innovations in specific
                  are within grasp. However, with         areas of medicine, and by reviewing
                  many EU health economies having         the importance of incentive
                  to manage the increasing health         mechanisms in driving continued
                  costs of an ageing population and       R&D and commercialisation.
                  an increase in chronic diseases
Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe - Efpia
Executive summary..........................................................2
Economic impact..............................................................6
Health and societal impact............................................. 10
Role of IP incentives....................................................... 14
Conclusion..................................................................... 16
References..................................................................... 18
Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe - Efpia

ART     Antiretroviral therapy

EFPIA   European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations

EMA     European Medicines Agency

EU      European Union

GDP     Gross Domestic Product

GTAP    Global Trade Analysis Project

GVA     Gross Value Added

HAART   Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy

HER2+   Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2-positive

HLY     Healthy Life Year

HR+     Hormone Receptor-positive

IP      Intellectual Property

QALY    Quality Adjusted Life Year

R&D     Research & Development

SME     Small and Medium sized Enterprise

STEM    Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

STR     Single Tablet Regimen

TA      Therapeutic Area

WHO     World Health Organization
Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe - Efpia
Executive summary

We have shown that the whole of the pharmaceutical industry                      Medicines benefit millions of people on a daily basis. In just a
across the EU in 2016 contributed to...                                          subset of medicines within HIV (HAART) and breast cancer
                                                                                 (HER2+, HR+) we saw that...

€206 billion                                                                     Over 650,000
                                                                                 people in the EU were treated
in Gross Value Added and...
                                                                                 with these medicines between
                                                                                 2007–2017, who are estimated
                                                                                 to have gained around...

                                                                                                2 million
                   2.5 million                                                                  healthy life years, leading to around...

46%         of people employed directly
by the industry are women
                                                                                 €27 billion
                                                                                 In productivity gains for
                                                                                 EU economies, and

Share of female employees
                                                                                                    €13 billion
                                                                                                    healthcare cost savings due

                                                                                                    to avoided complications


Pharmaceuticals                Auto                    Aerospace &
                            manufacturing                defence

2   | Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe
Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe - Efpia
The value of the pharmaceutical industry                    The advent of targeted breast cancer                   community, which our analysis has not
to both patients and society is often lost                  treatments designed to treat specific                  quantified. We also have not accounted
in the public debate surrounding                            genotypes have resulted in an estimated                for the effect of improved health on
medicine prices. This analysis seeks to                     gain of over one million healthy life years            increases in informal employment, such
highlight the broader value that the                        in Europe for patients treated with                    as domestic work, childcare, and family
research-based industry delivers to the                     selected medicines between 2007 and                    caretaking, the imputed value of such is
wider European community.                                   2017, and have delivered a wider impact                estimated at 20 to 40% of EU GDP2.
                                                            on both patients’ family members and                   Moreover, the medicines have a ripple
The pharmaceutical industry is a major                      the broader breast cancer population.                  effect in that all of them have helped
contributor to the European economy.                                                                               pave the way for further innovations
We estimate that in total, it contributed                   Prior to the advent of highly active                   across different medical disciplines.
€206 billion in Gross Value Added (GVA)                     antiretroviral therapy (HAART), an HIV
and 2.5 million jobs in 2016, equivalent to                 diagnosis was almost a death sentence.                 The current EU incentives model, which
1.4% of the EU’s combined GDP and                           The development of HAART therapy has                   includes Supplementary Protection
0.9% of the region’s employment1. The                       turned HIV into a treatable disease, and               Certificates, Regulatory Data Protection,
largest contributions are made in                           this is evidenced in the increases in                  Orphan Market Exclusivity and Paediatric
Germany, the United Kingdom and                             healthy life years and increases in                    Rewards, is fundamental to ensuring a
France. As well as supporting a                             productivity it has brought to the                     strong pharmaceutical industry in Europe.
significant number of jobs, the industry                    European HIV population. For patients                  It has helped to generate investment in
has been making strides in areas of                         treated between 2007 and 2017, the                     areas with previously unmet needs and
representation and gender equality and                      HAART therapies we looked at are                       fostered a thriving industry that makes a
compares favourably with other key                          estimated to lead to a gain of 800,000                 significant contribution to the European
industries. In 2016, 46% of the                             healthy life years and €22 billion of                  economy and society. A survey of 18
pharmaceutical industry’s workforce                         productivity. Outside of the quantifiable              EFPIA corporate members reinforces the
were women.                                                 gains in healthy life years and                        importance of these incentives.
                                                            productivity, these innovations have the               Respondents indicated that, within the
However, the benefits brought by                            potential to reduce both health                        current incentives environment, they have
pharmaceutical innovation are not just                      inequalities and HIV transmission rates.               increased investment in the EU over the
economic. The industry improves the                                                                                past three years. Members indicated that
lives of millions of Europeans through its                  It is worth noting that the benefits                   intellectual property (IP) incentives and
contributions to public healthcare and                      quantified in our analysis represent only              faster market access are the leading
wider societal benefits. In order to                        a fraction of the overall health and                   factors influencing R&D investment
illustrate some of these benefits, we                       societal contribution of the                           decisions, and that dismantling the
investigated two therapeutic areas –                        pharmaceutical industry in Europe. Our                 current incentive model would have a
breast cancer and HIV – as case studies,                    analysis focused only on specific                      negative impact on their R&D and
measuring the impact of a selection of                      medicines within two therapeutic areas.                Commercial operations in Europe.
medicines in each case study.                               New, more effective drug therapies                     Drastically changing the incentives model
                                                            improve the psychosocial health of                     therefore risks damaging the
                                                            patients, family members and the                       pharmaceutical industry’s ability to deliver
                                                                                                                   value in Europe.

    	GVA captures the gross economic contribution that a sector makes to the economy, in terms of the value
      that its activities add to overall economic output. GVA is broadly equivalent to GDP but it excludes some
      indirect taxes. It is commonly used to measure the value of a company or sector of the economy for whom it
      is difficult to attribute certain taxes.
    	Giannelli et al. (2012). GDP and the value of family caretaking: how much does Europe care?
                                                                                       Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe   |   3
Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe - Efpia

The value of the pharmaceutical                             These innovations have allowed us to                     A better understanding of the
                                                            tackle complex diseases far more                         broader value that the industry
industry to both patients and                               effectively and with greater precision                   delivers can contribute to more
society is often lost in the                                than ever before. Yet these breakthroughs                holistic dialogue and
public debate surrounding                                   are expensive: accounting for the cost of                decision-making
                                                            failed drugs, the average cost of bringing
medicine prices                                             a new drug to market is now estimated                    To better understand the direct and
                                                            to be over $2bn.3                                        indirect contribution of the
In the past 20 years, the pharmaceutical                                                                             pharmaceutical industry in Europe,
industry has pioneered research into a                      Medicine prices are set through negotiation              EFPIA commissioned PwC to conduct a
vast range of life-saving medicines.                        with governments based on the value                      study focussed on three key areas:
Research into small molecule medicines                      they deliver to patients and health                      •   The economic impact of the industry;
and vaccines has paved the way for new                      systems. Unlike other parts of the
                                                                                                                     •   The health and societal impacts of
treatments in a number of key areas,                        healthcare system, they are subject to
                                                                                                                         the industry; and
affecting millions of lives, including                      rigorous value assessments before
                                                            being reimbursed. Yet these value                        •   The enabling environment for
precision medicines, biologics, cell and
                                                            assessments can overlook the direct and                      continued investment in innovation.
gene therapies, siRNA and
digital therapeutics.                                       indirect benefits of pharmaceutical
                                                            innovation, both in the field of medicine
                                                            and to the wider patient population, their
                                                            careers, the community, and the economy.

     iMasi et al. (2016). Innovation in the pharmaceutical industry: New estimates of R&D costs. Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development,
    Tufts University, United States.

4   | Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe
Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe - Efpia

For the economic analysis, we estimated
                                                                Direct economic impact                                      Consists of the economic value that
the economic contribution of the
                                                                                                                            the sector created directly and the
pharmaceutical industry, defined here as
                                                                                                                            number of people that organisations
the pharmaceutical and life science
                                                                                                                            within the sector employ.
companies developing and distributing
medicines and vaccines4, in the EU.

The analysis examines how the industry                          Indirect economic impact                                    Consists of the impact of the sector’s
contributes to the economy through                                                                                          expenditure on suppliers (for example,
Gross Value Added (GVA) and                                                                                                 by purchasing raw materials) and
employment. GVA captures the gross                                                                                          suppliers’ expenditure through
economic contribution that a sector                                                                                         subsequent tiers of the supply chain.
makes to the economy, in terms of the
value that its activities add to overall
economic output.5 Employment captures                           Induced economic impact                                     Consists of the impact of employees
the number of people who are directly                                                                                       of both the pharmaceuticals sector
employed in a given sector, who have a                                                                                      and its supply chain spending
contract of employment and receive                                                                                          their wages.
compensation in the form of salaries.

In addition to the direct economic                            For the health and societal impact case                     brought to society. The case study
contribution of the industry, we used                         studies, we investigated two therapeutic                    approach covers only a fraction of the
input-output analysis to estimate the                         areas: breast cancer and HIV. These                         impacts of medicines, and is intended to
industry’s broader economic contribution                      were chosen because they cover                              provide illustrative examples of health
through its supply chain and employee                         different disease profiles, including                       and societal benefits rather than be a
spending. The total contribution of the                       non-communicable and communicable,                          comprehensive analysis across the
industry is made up of direct, indirect                       acute and chronic diseases, and affect                      pharmaceutical industry.
and induced effects, which we define                          people of different ages and
as follows:                                                   socioeconomic backgrounds.                                  To understand the importance of the
                                                                                                                          current EU incentives model, which
                                                              For the two therapeutic areas, we                           includes Supplementary Protection
                                                              focused on a subset of medicines that                       Certificates, Regulatory Data Protection,
                                                              represent important innovations in their                    Orphan Market Exclusivity and
                                                              field and address previously unmet                          Paediatric Rewards, we surveyed EFPIA
                                                              patient needs. To assess their impact,                      corporate members. The survey sought
                                                              we followed a bottom-up process to                          to determine how the current incentives
                                                              estimate the aggregate health,                              model affects their Europe based R&D,
                                                              productivity and cost impact of these                       commercial and manufacturing
                                                              medicines for patients treated from 2007                    operations and what dismantling this
                                                              to 2017. By estimating the incremental                      incentives structure might mean for them.
                                                              gain in healthy life years6, working days
                                                              and the change in net health care costs                     For more detail on the methodology,
                                                              compared with standards of care prior to                    please refer to the Technical Report.
                                                              the introduction of the medicines, we
                                                              were able to come up with a picture of
                                                              the benefits these medicines have

     e have defined the pharmaceutical industry as using NACE code C21 (Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations). NACE codes
    are a Europe-wide standard classification for businesses, which allow us to conduct analysis across countries consistently.
     VA is a similar measure to GDP, but GDP includes some additional indirect taxes which are difficult to attribute to individual sectors. The formula to calculate GVA is:
    Direct GVA = Operating Profits + Depreciation + Amortisation + Direct employee costs.
    In this report, the term ‘healthy life year’ is used as the plain English equivalent of the technical term: Quality-Adjusted Life Year (QALYs). One healthy life year is
     therefore the same as one QALY and is equal to 1 year of life in perfect health. Or, for example, 2 years living with a severe illness which reduces quality of life by 0.5.
     The QALY is a widely used health outcome measure which reflects both the length and quality of life lived. QALYs are measured in terms of the person’s ability to carry
     out the activities of daily life, as well as freedom from pain and mental disturbance. (NICE).

                                                                                         Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe              |   5
Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe - Efpia
Economic impact

The pharmaceutical industry is                         Figure 1: GVA contribution of the pharmaceutical industry in the EU, 2016

a major contributor to the EU                                                    250,000
economy. We estimate that in
total, it contributed €206 billion
                                                     GVA impact (€, millions)
in GVA and 2.5 million jobs in
2016, equivalent to 1.4% of the                                                                       46,160
region’s combined GDP and                                                        100,000                                                         206,010

0.9% of employment.
                                                                                  50,000    99,935

                                                                                             Direct   Indirect              Induced                Total
                                                       Source: PwC analysis

                                                       Figure 2: Employment contribution of the pharmaceutical industry in the EU, 2016


                                                     Employment impact

                                                                                2,000,000                                  1,072,000

                                                                                1,000,000             780,000

                                                                                            Direct    Indirect               Induced               Total

                                                       Source: PwC analysis

                                                        The pharmaceutical industry directly                     The benefits of the pharmaceutical
                                                        employs a large number of highly-skilled                 industry’s productivity extend beyond
                                                        staff, who each make a significant                       the industry itself: it helps to raise living
                                                        contribution to the economy.                             standards, keep wages high and
                                                                                                                 increases tax revenues for government.
                                                        The pharmaceutical industry directly
                                                        contributes an average of €156,000 of
                                                        GVA for every employee. This figure is
                                                        significantly higher than the region’s
                                                        average of €59,000, and it is also higher
                                                        than other industries. For example, the
                                                        GVA per employee in the car
                                                        manufacturing industry is €85,000.

6   | Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe
Figure 3: Economic contribution of the pharmaceutical industry versus other key industries

         Pharmaceuticals                               Automotive                       Aerospace                                Computer
                                                      manufacturing                    manufacturing                           programming

      €100bn                                    €211bn                              €45bn                                 €261bn
      Direct Gross Value                        Direct Gross Value                  Direct Gross Value                    Direct Gross Value
      Added (2016)                              Added (2016)                        Added (2016)                          Added (2016)

      642,000                                   2,480,000                           410,000                               3,180,000
      Direct Employment                         Direct Employment                   Direct Employment                     Direct Employment
      (2016)                                    (2016)                              (2016)                                (2016)

      €156,000                                  €85,000                             €102,000                              €82,000
      Value added per                           Value added per                     Value added per                       Value added per
      employee                                  employee                            employee                              employee

Source: PwC analysis

Breaking down GVA by country shows                       The pharmaceutical industry’s workforce is more gender balanced than
that the pharmaceutical industry offers                  other key industries
the largest contribution to GVA in
                                                         The pharmaceutical industry has been making strides in areas of representation and
Germany and the United Kingdom, with
                                                         gender equality. In 2016, 46% of the pharmaceutical industry’s workforce across the
these countries accounting for 33% of
                                                         EU were women. This compares favourably against, for example, the gender
the total GVA created by the industry in
                                                         distribution of the 18 million scientists and engineers in the EU who are women (41%),
the entire region. The GVA contribution is
                                                         and the distribution of scientists and engineers in high and medium-technology
concentrated in these countries as they
                                                         manufacturing who are women (just 17%).7
are home to many large pharmaceutical
companies, who employ a large number
of staff in high productivity roles. Jobs                Figure 4: Percentage of female employees in the pharmaceutical industry
supported by the industry are also                       versus other key industries
concentrated in these countries along
with France. Germany, France and the                                                                         Share of female employees
United Kingdom account for nearly half                                                                              (EU average)
(49%) the total jobs supported by the
industry in the region. For more detail
on country-specific results, see                                  Pharmaceuticals                                          46%
Technical Report.

                                                                  Auto manufacturing                                       24%

                                                                  Aerospace & Defence                                      16%

                                                                  Computer programming
                                                         Source: PwC analysis
    Eurostat (2019). Women in science & technology
                                                                             Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe   |   7
The Orphan Regulation has helped                           total of not more than €43 million. Since
to address an unmet need in the                            its adoption, the number of orphan                         Ronny’s story
pharmaceutical industry, whilst                            medicines in the EU has risen
also encouraging the growth of                             significantly, from only 8 products prior                  When Ronny was diagnosed
small and medium sized                                     to 2000, to 164 today9. The medicines                      with neuroendocrine tumours,
enterprises (SMEs)                                         treat a wide variety of diseases, however,                 he did what people do in
                                                           there has been a clear focus on orphan
Orphan diseases affect circa 30 million                                                                               movies and asked how long
                                                           cancer medicines, which account for
people in the EU, with more than half of                   more than 40% of orphan medicines                          he had to live. When the
newly diagnosed cases occurring in                         with market access, and medicines                          oncologist said: ‘months,
children, a third of whom will die before                  targeting illnesses with a particularly low                years…’, Ronny switched off.
they are five years old. Despite this, fewer               prevalence (below 3 in 10,000).
than 15% of orphan diseases benefit from                                                                              But he did remember the
what the European Medicines Authority                      The number of medicines granted                            oncologist adding: ‘But with
describes as ‘even minimal amounts of                      orphan designation by the European                         the right treatment you could
scientific knowledge’, and 95% of the                      Commission has risen year on year,                         live a lot longer.’ Fortunately,
7,000 known rare diseases have no                          suggesting a greater number of higher
                                                                                                                      Ronny had access to the right
approved therapies.                                        quality applications. This goes hand in
                                                           hand with the rising number of scientific                  treatment at the right time. He
The EU Orphan Regulation, adopted in                       publications on rare diseases, which are                   is now living a reasonable
December 1999, provides 10 years of                        providing companies with the knowledge                     quality of life, participating in
market exclusivity to medicines for                        they need to develop effective orphan
orphan diseases8, alongside protocol                                                                                  activities such as bicycle rides
assistance, reduced fees for regulatory                                                                               with his wife. He thinks he’ll
activities, and additional incentives for                  SMEs contribute significantly to the                       even be able to live to see
SMEs, defined by the EMA as enterprises                    orphan medicines market, indeed, more                      some of his grandchildren
with fewer than 250 employees and either                   than half the medicines that have so far
                                                                                                                      graduate from school.
an annual turnover of not more than                        received orphan designation were
€50 million or an annual balance-sheet                     developed by SMEs.

    	According to the Orphan Regulation requirements, an orphan disease cannot have a prevalence higher than 5 in 10,000
     EMA (2018) Annual report on the use of the special contribution for orphan medicinal products. Available online here:

Figure 5: Types of organisations with orphan designations in development
from 2002 to 2012


                                                                 Academia and public bodies
                                             51%                 Large companies

                                                                 Intermediate-sized companies


Source: Charles River Associates (2017)

8    | Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe
The number of orphan-focused SMEs has risen since the adoption of the Regulation: of the 276 SMEs focusing on orphan
medicines that currently exist, 90% were incorporated after 2000.

Figure 6: Number of SMEs focusing on orphan medicines





























Source: European Medicines Agency SME Register

                                                                                                                 Alongside benefits provided by the
                                                                                                                 Regulation exclusively to SMEs, SMEs
                                                                                                                 developing orphan medicines can
                                                                                                                 benefit from attracting early investment.
                                                                                                                 Venture capitalists investing in orphan
                                                                                                                 medicine start-ups typically do so on
                                                                                                                 average one year before they would in a
                                                                                                                 non-orphan medicine equivalent.10
                                                                                                                 Benefits aside, the orphan medicines
                                                                                                                 market is suited to SMEs, as it offers a
                                                                                                                 wide breadth of niche areas that require
                                                                                                                 bespoke research, creating an
                                                                                                                 environment with less direct competition.

                                                                                                                      	Charles River Associates (2017). An evaluation of
                                                                                                                       the economic and societal impact of the orphan
                                                                                                                       medicine regulation

                                                                                   Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe                 |   9
Health and societal impact

The benefits brought by                                      Breast cancer                                            Pharmaceutical innovations since 2005
                                                                                                                      have led to an improved prognosis for
pharmaceutical innovation are                                Before 2005, many patients with
                                                                                                                      these patients. The subset of medicines16
                                                             aggressive or advanced breast cancer
not just economic. It improves                                                                                        we investigated for both the HER2+ and
                                                             had very low chances of survival11 and
                                                                                                                      HR+ forms of the disease represent a
the lives of millions of                                     were limited in their treatment options.
                                                                                                                      pipeline of treatment innovation, in that
Europeans through its                                        Drug resistance12 in these cancers meant
                                                                                                                      they capture both the first treatment
                                                             that patients were forced to undergo
contributions to healthcare and                              gruelling and in some cases ineffective
                                                                                                                      forms and their subsequent evolutions.

wider societal benefits. The                                 chemotherapy courses.13 For certain                      We estimate that between 2007 and
                                                             metastatic breast cancer patients, for
following case studies illustrate                                                                                     2017, over 500,000 breast cancer
                                                             example, average life expectancy after                   patients received these targeted
some of these benefits.                                      diagnosis was 20 months, with patients                   treatments, resulting in a gain of nearly
                                                             responding to chemotherapy for an                        1.2 million healthy life years.
                                                             average of just six months.14

                                                             Innovation in medicines has helped to
                                                             address this previously unmet need. In
                                                             our case study, we consider patients
                                                             with early and advanced HER2+15 and
                                                             advanced HR+ breast cancer.

                                                                            546,000 breast cancer
                                                                            patients treated between
                                                                                                                                         8% of the
                                                                            2007-2017 of which 406,000
                                                                                                                                         patient population*
                                                                            had early stage and
                                                                            140,000 had late stage

                                                                            1,160,000 healthy life                                       Average of 2.12 healthy
                                                                            years gained in Europe                                       life years per patient

                                                                                                                              2.45 healthy life        1.17 healthy life
                                                                                                                              years gained             years gained
                                                                                                                              per patient with         per patient with
                                                                                                                              early stage              advanced stage

                                                             *	With only 4% of patients with advanced breast cancer eligible for HER2+ treatment, and 10% of patients with
                                                                early stage cancer eligible for HER2+ treatment, this is a significant proportion of the eligible population.

     Slamon et al. (2001). Use of Chemotherapy plus a Monoclonal Antibody against HER2 for Metastatic Breast Cancer That Overexpresses HER2.
     Moiseenko et al. (2017). Resistance mechanisms to drug therapy in breast cancer and other solid tumors: An opinion.
     Sledge et al. (2014). Past, Present, and Future Challenges in Breast Cancer Treatment.
     Slamon et al. (2001). Use of Chemotherapy plus a Monoclonal Antibody against HER2 for Metastatic Breast Cancer That Overexpresses HER2.
     HER2+ breast cancer is a breast cancer that tests positive for a protein called human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), which promotes the growth of
     cancer cells. Approximately 20% of breast cancer cases are HER2+ breast cancer.
     See Technical Report for list of medicines considered in the study.

10 | Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe
Through more effective treatment these                         allowing increased access to a similar
medicines have also reduced days lost                          standard of care. For example, in
to illness thus creating additional                            Europe, four trastuzumab biosimilars
economic benefits. We estimate that the                        have recently come to market,20
new treatments create productivity gains                       indicating a drive from pharmaceutical
of €9,700 per patient, or €5.3bn in total,                     companies to continue innovating and
which is equivalent to about 3.5% of the                       delivering impact.
total economic cost for breast cancer
care in Europe.17                                              Finally, the medical benefits of these new
                                                               treatments are not limited to HER2+ and
Outside of the quantifiable gains in                           HR+ breast cancer treatment: they paved
healthy life years and productivity, these                     the way for antibody-targeted treatment
innovations deliver a wider impact on                          across many different cancer types.
both patients’ family members and the
broader breast cancer population. The
health and societal impact presented
here will likely be much greater than
that captured by our analysis. This is                           Suzanne’s story
owing to the disproportionate
contribution of women, more specifically
                                                                 When Suzanne Leempoels found
mothers, to the economy in terms of                              out at the end of her early breast
unpaid work. Globally, women spend up                            cancer treatment that she had
to ten times more time on unpaid work                            metastasis in her lungs, the first
than men,18 and as breast cancer largely
                                                                 thought that crossed her mind was
affects women, the impact of improved
breast cancer treatment on unpaid work                           that she wanted to live to one day
is significant.                                                  meet her grandchildren. Fortunately,
                                                                 her oncologist opted for curative
Improved treatments have also helped to
alleviate the burden placed on primary
                                                                 treatment, and five years later, her
caregivers and patients’ immediate                               cancer is inactive.
family members. It has been reported
that among breast cancer caregivers,                             Suzanne now campaigns for
30% suffered from depression and                                 awareness on behalf of other
almost 80% of employed caregivers                                metastatic cancer patients. In
missed work.19
                                                                 particular, she wants to highlight
Furthermore, the patent lifecycle of these                       that cancer is more than just a
medicines opens the way for new                                  medical problem; it affects all areas
entrants, such as biosimilars or improved                        of life, from work and financial
versions through life cycle management,
resulting in a healthy competitive
                                                                 security, to patients’ emotional
ecosystem. These new entrants are                                condition and sense of self-worth.
typically offered at a lower price, thereby

      uengo-Fernandez et al. (2013). Economic burden of cancer across the European Union: a population-based
     cost analysis.
     Promundo (2019). State of the World’s Fathers: unlocking the power of men’s care.
      runfeld, E. (2004). Family caregiver burden: results of a longitudinal study of breast cancer patients and their
     principal caregivers.
     Generics and Biosimilars Initiative (2018). Biosimilars of trastuzumab.

                                                                                        Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe   |   11
Prior to the advent of highly active                         vomiting, anaemia, neutropenia,                           The advent of HAART, which saw the
antiretroviral therapy (HAART), an HIV                       myopathy, pancreatitis, and peripheral                    introduction of protease inhibitors and
diagnosis was considered by many to be                       neuropathy,21 as well as a high chance of                 the development of backbone NRTIs, in
a death sentence. In the early 1990s, HIV                    developing AIDS. The low tolerability of                  the mid-1990s marked a breakthrough
patients were treated with dual NRTI                         these side effects contributed to                         for patients. These backbone therapies
therapy (AZT with zalcitabine or                             poor adherence.                                           became more efficacious with fewer side
didanosine) which had limited success in                                                                               effects over time. Our analysis looks at
lowering viral load and was accompanied                                                                                the health and societal benefits that
by severe side effects, including nausea,                                                                              HAART has brought.

 Timeline of HIV treatment development

        Early 1990s: Mainstream practice was                         2000s onwards: Backbone therapies made over this time period became
        dual therapy combining two NRTIs,                            more efficacious with fewer side effects. Major drug developments have
        AZT with zalcitabine (ddC) or                                been the ability to combine triple therapy into a single tablet (STR), as well
        didanosine (ddI).                                            as CCR5 and integrase inhibitors.

        Mid 1990s: Advent of triple therapy, later called HAART, thanks to the
        development of protease inhibitors, the first of which was saquinavir. Early
        forms of HAART later saw great improvement through the creation of PI-
        boosters and the development of the back-bone NRTIs.

The development of HAART has turned                          have better tolerability and thus improve                 treatment pre mid-1990s23, bringing life
HIV into a treatable, chronic disease.                       the quality of life for people living with                expectancy for people with HIV on
These new drugs tackle the potency of                        HIV. The development of STRs has also                     anti-retroviral treatment and responding
the virus with no further risk to the                        enabled greater medication adherence                      to treatment in line with the general
patient. In doing so, they have overcome                     within the HIV community, which has had                   population24, meaning patients can
the single biggest challenge facing HIV                      a significant positive impact on viral                    expect to live full lives. In total, for
drug development.                                            suppression in HIV patients.                              patients treated between 2007 and 2017,
                                                                                                                       we estimate a gain of 775,000 healthy life
There are now more than 30 HIV drugs                         Looking at a subset of STRs introduced                    years. This increase in health extends
available, of which there are 13 fixed                       in the last decade22, we can see the                      their ability to work and contribute to
dose combinations that are called single                     difference these treatments have made to                  society, resulting in an estimated
tablet regimens (STR). Continued                             patients’ lives and to society at large.                  €207,000 in productivity gains on average
investment in the research and                               We estimate that HAART gives the                          per patient over their lifetime.
development of new anti retrovirals,                         average HIV patient an extension of
including within STRs, has resulted in the                   9 years in life expectancy (approximately
development of new combinations that                         7.4 healthy life years) compared to

     Darbyshire et al. (2000). Zidovudine (AZT) versus AZT plus didanosine (ddI) versus AZT plus zalcitabine (ddC) in HIV infected adults.
     See Technical Report for medicines included in analysis.
     See Technical Report for details on methodology
     NHS UK. What is the life expectancy for someone with HIV?
12     | Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe
105,000 HIV patients were                                    8% of the                                Patrick’s story
                   treated between 2007-2017                                    patient population*
                                                                                                                         Patrick Reyntiens was
                                                                                                                         diagnosed as HIV-positive in
                                                                                                                         1985. At the time, the disease
                   775,000 HLYs gained                                          Average of 7.4
                   in Europe                                                    HLYs per patient                         was close to a death
                                                                                                                         sentence. The great
                                                                                                                         breakthrough came in 1996,
*	The medicines we have analysed are single tablet therapies. Many people are treated with multi tablet
   regimens with the same active ingredients.                                                                            with the introduction of ‘AIDS
                                                                                                                         Cocktails’ (early HAART).
By reducing patients’ risk of developing                        failures in treatment make the possibility               Initially, Patrick was on 20 –
AIDS and other HIV-related                                      of virologic rebound high among patients                 30 pills a day and he felt
complications, HAART has also                                   in these groups.27 Through better
alleviated pressure on healthcare                               adherence and improved viral
                                                                                                                         sicker on the medication than
systems. We estimate that, compared to                          suppression, access to STRs would                        from the virus itself. These
treatment in the early 1990s, treating                          disproportionately benefit less privileged               days, however, Patrick takes
someone with HIV using HAART could                              socioeconomic groups.                                    only five pills a day. Many
result in net savings to the healthcare
                                                                Moreover, HAART has had a major                          patients only need to take
system of €11,000 per patient over their
lifetime25. This suggests that despite the                      impact on HIV transmission rates. A                      one. Patrick’s quality of life
high cost of new HIV medicines, they                            recent study found that due to the                       has improved enormously and
deliver value for money in the long-term.                       reduction in virologic load, patients on                 he uses his time to raise
                                                                HAART treatment presented no
In addition to the quantifiable gains in                        transmission risk to their partners28.
                                                                                                                         awareness of HIV. He’s
healthy life years and productivity, these                      Reducing the transmission risk could                     hopeful treatment will continue
innovations have the potential to reduce                        further significantly lower the prevalence               to improve and that one day
both health inequalities and HIV                                of HIV across Europe and in turn, reduce                 there might even be a cure.
transmission rates. HIV is most prevalent                       the healthcare burden of HIV and HIV
among vulnerable groups and especially                          related illnesses. Furthermore, studies
among those of lower socioeconomic                              are now evaluating the use of such
status. Treatment outcomes for these                            medicines as pre-exposure prophylaxis
groups tend to be worse, due to a                               (i.e. taken to prevent HIV infection by
combination of factors including failure                        those who do not have HIV but are at
to diagnose HIV early enough, late                              substantial risk of getting it), which have
initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART)26                    proven successful in lowering HIV
and poor adherence to ART. These                                transmission in America.

     This could range from net savings of €40,000 to net cost of €31,000 depending on assumptions applied. See Technical Report for further information.
     Lodi, S. (2014). Delayed HIV diagnosis and initiation of antiretroviral therapy.
 	Burch et al. (2016). Socioeconomic status and treatment outcomes for individuals with HIV on antiretroviral treatment in the UK: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses.

     European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. (2018). The benefits of HIV treatment: undetectable means you do not pass on the virus.

                                                                                         Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe         |   13
Role of IP incentives

For the industry to continue to                          The IP incentives considered in the         Figure 7: Percentage of respondents
                                                         survey are the Supplementary Protection     reporting a change in European
deliver such value to the                                Certificates (SPCs), Regulatory Data        footprint in the last three years
European community, it is                                Protection, Orphan Market Exclusivity,
essential that the legal and                             and Paediatric Rewards, among others.       Change in European footprint
                                                         Research and development of new             % or respondents reporting a change in
regulatory environment                                   medicines can be a long, complex, risky     the last 3 years
encourages innovation and                                – and ultimately expensive – process.
                                                         These incentives are designed to
fosters growth. This kind of                             encourage continued innovation by                         14%
environment has been enabled                             offering additional protection for
in the EU through the                                    medicines that make it to market.                                         35%
introduction of several initiatives,                     Within the current environment, over
including IP incentives, which                           80% of respondents reported that they
                                                         have increased or maintained current
have encouraged the                                      levels of investment, which is consistent
development of innovative                                with reported figures29 from the
                                                         pharmaceutical industry. Research and
medicines. To help understand                            Development (R&D) and Commercial are
the importance of the current                            the segments of the value chain that           Increase       No change    Decrease
incentives model, and the                                have benefited most from this trend as a
                                                         result of maturing pipelines, incremental   Source: Results of PwC survey of EFPIA
potential effects of dismantling                         investments in existing facilities and      corporate members
it, we undertook a survey of                             capabilities, new product launches and
                                                         partnership-led R&D approaches.
18 EFPIA corporate members.

     Informa UK (2017) Pharma R&D Annual Review 2017.

                                                                                                      We made multi-million €
                                                                                                      investments focused on
                                                                                                      modernising existing
                                                                                                      R&D facilities, ramping
                                                                                                      up R&D activities, and
                                                                                                      enhancing R&D
                                                                                                       Respondent to PwC survey

14    | Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe
EFPIA members indicated that IP incentives and quicker market access are the                                      According to EFPIA members,
leading factors influencing R&D investment decisions. IP incentives were                                          dismantling the current incentives model
consistently ranked by the respondents in the top three factors influencing                                       would have a negative impact on
investment decisions.                                                                                             pharmaceutical companies’ EU
                                                                                                                  research-based investment activity.
                                                                                                                  Respondents indicated that phasing out
Figure 8: Market factors in order of importance in terms of deciding which
                                                                                                                  current incentives in Europe would have
countries to invest
                                                                                                                  a material negative effect on their
                                                                                                                  European operations, with over half
                                                                                                  Overall         indicating that this scenario would lead
                                                                                                   rank           to a reduction in their R&D and
                                                                                                                  Commercial footprints of more than
                   IP incentives
                                                                                                     1            25%. Organisations choosing to reduce
                                                                                                                  their footprint in Europe would seek
                                                                                                                  opportunities to increase investment in
                                                                                                                  regions where their IP is better protected
                   Accelerated approval/early access schemes                                         2            and innovation more actively rewarded.
                                                                                                                  This finding is consistent with previous
                                                                                                                  studies30, 31 which show that weaker
                                                                                                                  intellectual property regimes limit the
                   Skills and wage costs of labour                                                   3            willingness of companies to invest
                                                                                                                  in R&D.

                   Size of economy and potential for growth                                          4
                  Macro-economic/political issues
                  (e.g. inflation, political uncertainty)

                                                                                                                     Investments have been
                   Attractiveness to conduct clinical trials                                         6               increased by more than
                                                                                                                     10% per year over the
                                                                                                                     last 3 years to launch
                   Tax rates                                                                         7               new products, continue
                                                                                                                     increasing our
                                                                                                                     investments in our
                   Infrastructure and transport
                                                                                                     8               existing portfolio,
                                                                                                                     support the creation of
Source: Results of PwC survey of EFPIA corporate members                                                             new affiliates, and
                                                                                                                     reinforce our expertise
                                                                                                                     and global organisation,
                                                                                                                     particularly in terms
                                                                                                                     of R&D
                                                                                                                     Respondent to PwC survey

     NERA Economic Consulting (2007). Key Factors in Attracting Internationally Mobile Investments by the Research Based Pharmaceutical Industry.
     Porter, M. (2000). Location, Competition, and Economic Development: Local Clusters in a Global Economy.

                                                                                   Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe   |   15
Our research provides evidence of the                               The results of our survey of pharmaceutical
significant economic contribution that the                          companies indicate that the current
pharmaceutical industry makes to                                    incentives model is important to ensuring a
economic prosperity and employment in                               strong industry in Europe. It has helped to
the EU. We estimate that in 2016, it                                generate investment in areas with
generated over €206 billion in GVA                                  previously unmet needs and fostered a
(including indirect and induced effects) and                        thriving industry that makes a significant
employed over 2.5 million people across                             contribution to the European economy and
the EU.                                                             society. Drastically changing the incentives
                                                                    model risks damaging the pharmaceutical
This study also highlights the valuable                             industry’s ability to deliver value in Europe.
health and societal benefits of
pharmaceutical innovations in specific                              There is an ongoing debate about the
areas of medicine. We estimate that for                             affordability of medicines and the need for
over 650,000 HIV and breast cancer                                  the current level of IP incentives –
patients treated between 2007 and 2017,                             justifiably so given the numerous
the subset of medicines analysed resulted                           competing objectives of government.
in gains of nearly 2 million healthy life years                     However this debate should consider
and €27 billion in terms of productivity. It is                     benefits as well as costs, and the
worth noting this only quantifies a fraction                        pharmaceutical industry has contributed to
of the overall health and societal                                  many significant advances over recent
contribution of the pharmaceutical                                  decades. For example, cancer death rates
industry. Aside from addressing only two                            have fallen by 20% over the last 20 years33,
therapeutic areas, we have not touched on                           and close to 30 diseases are preventable
the ways in which new, more effective drug                          by vaccination, preventing between 2 to 3
therapies improve the psychosocial health                           million deaths globally per year34. By
of patients, family members and the                                 providing better understanding of the
community, and our productivity                                     direct and indirect contribution of the
calculations do not account for increases                           pharmaceutical industry in Europe, we
in informal employment, such as domestic                            hope that our research will prove valuable
work, childcare, and family caretaking. The                         by further informing the debate and
imputed value of such unpaid work has                               facilitating productive dialogue.
been estimated at 20 to 40% of the EU
GDP32. Even the impact of the medicines
analysed here are likely to be greater than
stated, given that all of them have helped
pave the way for further innovations across
different medical disciplines.

     Giannelli et al. (2012). GDP and the value of family caretaking: how much does Europe care?
     Jönsson et al. (2016). The cost and burden of cancer in the European Union 1995–2014.
     World Health Organization. (2018). 10 facts on immunization.

16    | Economic and societal footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe
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