Life Cycle Assessment of Beer in Support of an Environmental Product Declaration

Life Cycle Assessment of Beer in Support of an Environmental Product Declaration
Life Cycle Assessment of Beer in Support
of an Environmental Product Declaration
September 2013

By: Seth Lalonde, Anna Nicholson and Rita Schenck
Life Cycle Assessment of Beer in Support of an Environmental Product Declaration
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Goal and scope of the Study ......................................................................................................................... 1
   System Function and functional unit ........................................................................................................ 1
   System boundaries.................................................................................................................................... 1
   Impact Categories ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Life Cycle Inventory ....................................................................................................................................... 6
   Ingredients ................................................................................................................................................ 6
       Fertilizer and Pesticides ........................................................................................................................ 6
       Barley .................................................................................................................................................... 7
       Malt and Yeast ...................................................................................................................................... 8
       Hops and Hops Pellets .......................................................................................................................... 8
       Adjunct Farm Products ......................................................................................................................... 8
   Brewery Operations .................................................................................................................................. 8
   Packaging .................................................................................................................................................. 9
   Transportation .......................................................................................................................................... 9
   Distribution ............................................................................................................................................... 9
   Use .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
   Missing Data............................................................................................................................................ 10
   Calculations ............................................................................................................................................. 10
   Allocation ................................................................................................................................................ 10
   End of Life and Recycling ........................................................................................................................ 10
   Unit process description and data quality evaluation ............................................................................ 11
Life Cycle Impact Assessment ..................................................................................................................... 17
   Results ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
   Sensitivity Analyses ................................................................................................................................. 21
Interpretation ............................................................................................................................................. 27
Value Judgments and Assumptions ............................................................................................................ 27
Critical Review............................................................................................................................................. 27
Environmental Product Declarations (Website Version) ............................................................................ 28
Environmental Product Declarations (Print Version).................................................................................. 32
Appendix A Data Collection Spreadsheets.................................................................................................. 35
Life Cycle Assessment of Beer in Support of an Environmental Product Declaration
Appendix B Data Assumptions .................................................................................................................... 44
Appendix C Life Cycle Inventory ................................................................................................................. 47
Acknowledgements..................................................................................................................................... 48
References .................................................................................................................................................. 48
Life Cycle Assessment of Beer in Support of an Environmental Product Declaration

This study is funded by a group of Beer producers, including American Brewing Co., Fort George
Brewery, Harmon Brewing Company, Hop Works Brewery, The RAM, Vashon Brewery, and by the City of
Tacoma Sustainability Program. They have retained the Institute for Environmental Research and
Education (IERE) to develop a product category rule and an environmental product declaration (EPD) for
their beer products. This document is the life cycle assessment of their beer products evaluated as part
of a pilot program allowing the breweries to produce EPDs using web-based application software.

IERE is a not-for-profit with a mission to undertake and disseminate comprehensive, fact-based research
for use in the development of responsible environmental policy, programs and decisions.

This analysis conforms to the Earthsure Beer Product Category Rule, number 50202201:2012i. This study
was carried out in conformity with ISO 14040ii, 14044iii and 14025iv.

Goal and scope of the Study
The goal of the study is to provide an Environmental Product Declaration for beer and to be the basis of
software automating the production of EPDs. The intended audiences are the general public, brewers,
purchasing agents, and consumers of the product. No comparative assertions are intended.

System Function and functional unit
The system function is the provision of brewed beer to the customer. The Functional Unit is 12 ounces
of beer consumed by a customer.

In accordance with ISO 14025, this report and the application software will be reviewed by a single,
independent LCA Certified Professional.

This EPD is reviewed by Tom Gloria, LCACP an external reviewer.

System boundaries
The scope of this study is cradle to grave. The system boundary of the analysis includes all life cycle
stages and is illustrated in Figure 1. Human waste from beer consumption is included in the system

Per the Beer Product Category Rule, the system boundary excludes the production and disposal of
capital equipment, but includes the operation of the equipment. The personnel impacts (travel to/from
work; lunchroom operations and sanitary water treatment) are excluded. The office operations are
excluded. In accordance with the strict attributional approach, materials sent to recycling are excluded,
but any recycled materials used must be burdened by the impacts of the recycling. The system studied is
shown in Figure 1.
Life Cycle Assessment of Beer in Support of an Environmental Product Declaration

Figure 1 System boundary of the beer LCA study


          Extraction                                                                      Manufacture
          of Natural
          Resources                                                                       Capital Goods
                                                                   Storage                  Materials
           Chemical                                                                         Recycled
          Production                             Mash &

           Malting                                                  Waste
                                             Chill/Filter         Packaging
                                                 Ferment          Packaging
          Delivery to
           Brewery                               Package
                                                                  & Human
           Natural                                               Wastewater
            Gas                                  Storage
          Electricity                                            Spent Grains                  Data
            Water                                                                              Data


Data quality, sources and cutoff rules

The intent of the data collection was to gather primary data from all unit processes under the direct
control of the brewery, and to seek data from the first tier suppliers. Data on the ingredients used for
each beer was gathered using spreadsheets (see Appendix B). Since the production of malt and hops
occurs throughout the US, and because upstream vendors did not provide primary data, less than 17%
of the mass of the product was characterized using primary data. Agricultural production data was
provided from USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information, USDA National Agricultural
Library Digital Commonsv, and the Ecoinvent databasevi. First tier material content data for brewery
cleaning materials was provided by the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) provided by the first tier
suppliers. Life Cycle Inventory data was taken from the Ecoinvent database for the materials disclosed in
the MSDSs.
Life Cycle Assessment of Beer in Support of an Environmental Product Declaration

Primary data on hops production was gathered from an aggregator representing 24 producers and
approximately 25% of the total Hops production in the United States. However, it is not possible to trace
this data directly to any particular brewery, and thus represents secondary data in this study.

We preferred data from process LCI gathered within North America, and no more than ten years old. In
some cases, this quality criterion was not met, e.g. malt, steel, and container glass data from the US was
not available. We used data from OECD countries when US specific data was not available.

We used region specific process LCI data whenever possible. This included the creation of an electrical
grid mix to represent the current supply of the local electric utility of each brewery. When region
specific processes were not available, we employed process LCI data that represented US averages.

The cutoff rules used specified that at least 95% of all mass and energy and all known toxic materials are
included in the analysis. No product representing more than 1% of the total mass or energy of the
system was excluded.

Given the sale of spent grain in North America is a very rare occurrence and is typically given away as
animal feed, it is covered by a cutoff rule for recycled wastes. Packaging of farm inputs are expected to
be much less than one percent of the mass of the farm product outputs and are not included in this
analysis. All materials sent to recycling were outside the system boundary.

Impact Categories
The Life Cycle Impact Categories are those identified in the Product Category Rule. The majority of life
cycle impacts were calculated using the latest version of the US EPA Tool for the Reduction and
Assessment of Chemical and other Environmental Impacts (US EPA, 2012).

    Climate change is the result of the anthropogenic addition of greenhouse gases into the
    atmosphere. These gases trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to a wide diversity of effects,
    including sea level rise and acidification, extreme weather events such as hurricane and tornadoes
    and droughts and floods. Greenhouse gases are released primarily through combustion processes.
    Ruminant enteric fermentation and other biological processes also contribute to these emissions.
    Climate change ultimately yields effects such as crop failure and increased incidence of disease
    leading to human mortality and losses of species and ecosystems. The majority of greenhouse gases
    are derived from combustion, and all products include combustion in their value chains, even if only
    for the purpose of transportation.

    The midpoint indicator of climate change is the CO2 equivalents, a measure of infrared radiative
    forcing, using the most common and important (in terms of fraction of the greenhouse effect) gas,
    CO2. The lifetime of CO2 in the atmosphere is very variable, but a weighted average is near 100
    years, and thus the 100 year time horizon is selected. The characterization factors are derived from
        I    g v           l      l Cl       C    g ’               100-year horizon global warming
    potentials. In addition to CO2, N2O and CH4 are major drivers of climate change. Minor drivers of
    climate change include many refrigerants and some industrial chemicals. All of them must be
    accounted for in estimating the climate change impact.
Life Cycle Assessment of Beer in Support of an Environmental Product Declaration

Acidification causes the destruction of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems through the wet and dry
deposition of strong acids and ammonia. The acidification of soils mobilizes the aluminum in the
soils and this has direct toxic effects on fish and other species, as well as an indirect effect through
inhibition of uptake of potassium by plants, leading to loss of forest ecosystems. Acidification also
affects the built environment, causing the slow dissolution of buildings. We have chosen the
stoichiometric gram equivalents of hydrogen ion for emissions of oxides of sulfur and nitrogen,
ammonia, HCl, HF, H2SO4, and H3PO4.

Eutrophication is the overgrowth of biomass caused by the anthropogenic release of nutrients,
particularly fixed nitrogen and phosphorus. Eutrophied water bodies show early effects in terms of
species distribution and toxic algal blooms, and ultimately as algae decompose eutrophication
         x g        l     l     g f k ll . L g                 f       l ’      b            bj
to eutrophication seasonally. The most important causes of excess nutrient releases are agriculture,
human and animal wastes, and combustion processes. Beer and all food products contribute to

I     1930’ A.C. R f l        v                    f b              g                            k
marine ecosytems was constant (C:N:P = 106:16:1, on an atom basis) and subsequently this ratio
was confirmed to be the same in freshwater systems. The Redfield ratio is the basis of all life cycle
impact models. We measure the Eutrophication potential in mass of nitrogen equivalents using the
US EPA TRACI 2.0 model.

Ozone Depletion occurs when reactive and persistent substances interact with the beneficial ozone
in the upper atmosphere, or stratosphere. This high altitude ozone filters out ultra-violet radiation
         l b x         l       f l lf f           bl                l      ’    f . R f g
and cold storage of beer are sources of ozone depletion. This impact category is measured in mass
unit equivalents of CFC-11, a refrigerant and powerful ozone depleting substance.

Ecotoxicity represent direct effects of releases of toxic materials on organisms. It is anticipated that
toxic materials will be emitted during the production and application of pesticides and fertilizers and
during the transportation of ingredients, packaging and beer in packaging. These are evaluated
using the USEtox model, latest version.

Photochemical smog is produced when oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic substances are
present in the atmosphere in the presence of sunlight. Ozone is formed, and this form of oxygen
causes many direct effects, reducing crop yields, asthma and other respiratory effects in humans
and animals. The production of ozone has been shown to be more related to the existence of oxides
of nitrogen (NOx) than to the release of volatile organic substances. All combustion processes in the
beer life cycle chain are potential sources of photochemical smog. Measurements of smog were
evaluated using the most recent U.S. EPA TRACI method, expressed in mass of ozone equivalents.

Water is an important component of beer and water is used in agriculture and in cleaning processes.
There is currently no consensus on how to measure water resource depletion, so at this time,
consumptive freshwater use shall be the indicator. Consumptive water use includes all the use of
Life Cycle Assessment of Beer in Support of an Environmental Product Declaration

freshwater resources where the water is not replaced into the same watershed. Evaporation due to
irrigation is an example of consumptive water use

Land use is an important impact of all food products. Land that is not used for producing food or
fiber or wood can presumably be used for wildlife and native ecosystems. There are no good models
available for life cycle impacts of land use in North America, so as a default IERE simply reports the
impact in units of land occupation- m2-years.

Impact categories not considered
Human respiratory effects are caused by particulate matter, mostly derived from combustion
processes. We consider that combustion processes are addressed through the measurement of
photochemical smog and climate change impacts.

Human toxicity is not addressed because toxicity is covered by ecotoxicity and because the existing
models were considered to be too poor quality to provide reliable results.

Mineral resource depletion is not considered because there is relatively little mineral resource used
in the production of beer. This is especially the case here where the manufacture of equipment is
specifically excluded from analysis—this is where the majority of mineral resources might be used in
the life cycle.

Life cycle impact assessment results are relative expressions and do not predict impacts on category
endpoints, or the exceedance of thresholds, safety margins or risks.
Life Cycle Assessment of Beer in Support of an Environmental Product Declaration

Table 1 below summarizes these impact categories and the models used.

                                  Table 1 Life Cycle Impact Assessment Models

                Impact Category          Category Indicator           Model Source
                Climate Change           Mass of CO2                  Intergovernmental
                                         Equivalents                  Panel on Climate
                                                                      Changevii, most recent
                Acidification            Mass Hydrogen Ion            Stoichiometric
                                         Equivalents                  equivalents
                Eutrophication           Mass Nitrogen                Redfield Ratioviii,ix
                Ozone Depletion          Mass CFC-11                  UNEP-SETAC 2000
                Ecological toxicity      CTUe                         USEtoxx
                Photochemical Smog       Mass of Ozone                TRACI 2 (v4.00)xi
                Water Use                Volume of fresh water        Inventory
                Land Use                 Land occupied in m2yr        Inventory

Life Cycle Inventory
The following section explains the processes that contribute to the beer product life cycle. The processes
are organized into the following life cycle stages: Ingredients (agricultural food production), Brewery
Operations (beer production), Distribution (primary and secondary packaging, cold storage refrigeration,
and the transportation of product to beer retail), and Use (end consumer home refrigeration and human
waste). Specific assumptions for each process are explained in more detail in Appendix C.

Fertilizer and Pesticides
Multiple unit processes model the production of agricultural fertilizer and pesticide inputs including the
raw material extraction, beneficiation, and intermediate transportation to manufacturing locations.
Nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium fertilizer unit processes are based on 2010 primary facility data
from Potash Corporationxii and represents from 30 to 70% of the total fertilizer production in North
America. Boron, lime, and sulfur fertilizer production processes as well as pesticide manufacturing are
modeled using Ecoinvent processes. All fertilizer processes are modeled and characterized.

The following pesticides, herbicides and fungicides are currently not modeled in USEtox, hence the
analysis is limited in estimating full ecological toxicity. No proxies were used to model these impacts.
Life Cycle Assessment of Beer in Support of an Environmental Product Declaration

  Chemical                                         CAS No.             Function
  Barley at Farm
  Prothioconazol                                   178928-70-6         Fungicide
  Pyraclostrobin (prop)                            175013-18-0         Pesticide
  Dimethylamine dicamba                            2300-66-5           Pesticide
  Florasulam                                       145701-23-1         Pesticide
  Tralkoxydim                                      87820-88-0          Herbicide
  Thiamethoxam                                     153719-23-4         Insecticide
  Total mass uncharacterized: 6%

  Hops at Farm
  Abamectin                                        71751-41-2          Insecticide
  Isopropyl 2-(4-methoxy[1,1'-biphenyl]-3-
  yl)hydrazinecarboxylate (Bifenazate)             149877-41-8         Pesticide
  Copper oxychloride                               1332-65-6           Fungicide
  Pyraclostrobin (prop)                            175013-18-0         Pesticide
  Quinoxyfen                                       124495-18-7         Fungicide
  Trifloxystrobin                                  141517-21-7         Pesticide
  Total mass uncharacterized: 14%

  Corn at Farm
  Dicamba potassium salt                           10007-85-9          Pesticide
  Diflufenzopyr-sodium                             109293-98-3         Pesticide
  Dimethenamid-P                                   163515-14-8         Pesticide
  Foramsulfuron                                    173159-57-4         Herbicide
  Mesotrione                                       104206-82-8         Herbicide
  Dimethylamine dicamba                            2300-66-5           Pesticide
  Total mass uncharacterized: 1%

The unit process for growing barley includes transportation of chemicals and seed to the farm,
application of fertilizers and pesticides, machinery, any emissions on the farm, and terminates at the
farm gate. Irrigation equipment is also excluded from analysis as being part of the farm capital

Barley production data is from USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information including the
2011 national crop summary (yield)xiii, 2011 chemical use survey (fertilizer and pesticide), 2008 census of
agriculture (irrigation)xiv, and 2008 agricultural greenhouse gas inventory (energy)xv. Nutrient content of
barley dry matter is based on data from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.xvi

The production of seed is calculated by reducing the yield by the amount of seed planted. Application of
mass balance principles is used to estimate fertilizer nutrient emissions to air and water by subtracting
the estimated nutrient content in the crop material from the total nutrient in the fertilizer applied.
Pesticides are modeled as releases to the soil.

Malt and Yeast
Primary data for the production of malt and yeast was not available. Thus, malt production is based on
a 2008 data set provided by Danish Malting Group A/Sxvii. The inputs of malt production include barley
and its transport from farm to factory, tap water, electricity, and natural gas. The yeast unit process is
an Ecoinvent process. Transportation of the ingredient packaging for malt, yeast, and hops is included in
the analysis where data are provided.

Hops and Hops Pellets
The unit process for growing hops contains the same types of inputs, outputs and fertilizer application
emission rate estimates as the unit process for barley. Hops trellis materials are included as an input to
the on-farm processes and their impacts are allocated based on a straight-line annualized depreciation
method. The modeled inputs of hop pellets production include electricity, fuel, nitrogen, and packaging
materials. The modeled outputs of hop pellets production include the pellets, packaging materials, and
emissions related to cold storage refrigeration.

All elements of hops production including yield, water, fertilizer, pesticide, and fuel use are based on a
2011 average dataset for a group of 24 growers in Washington State. Nutrient content of barley dry
matter is based on data from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Hops pellet production is
based on a 2011 dataset for a specific hops pellet production facility in Washington State.

Adjunct Farm Products
Beers often have additional materials. These tend to be a small portion of the total dry weight of the
beer production. Where data on the particular crops are available, they must be used. Specific unit
processes for corn and wheat are implemented based on data from USDA National Agricultural Library
Digital Commons. Where crop data is not available, an average crop unit process is used for the
production of the ingredient. A sensitivity analysis is performed on the substitution. The average crop
unit process is based on data from USDA 2008 census of agriculture.

Brewery Operations
This unit process includes transport of all ingredients, packaging and ancillary materials to the brewery,
the production of the beer, the storage of beer and ingredients, cleaning of equipment, and the
packaging of the beer. All information about the brewing use of energy and materials is based on
primary information from the actual brewery location.

Several possible methods may be applied for quantifying energy resource consumption depending on
the resources available at each brewery. The first approach requires using metering equipment to
measure electricity and natural gas consumption for each step in the brewing process. A second
method is to record the electric nameplate of all equipment, measure the duration of each step in the
brewing process, and calculate electricity consumption by multiplying the duration by the voltage by
amperage. The final method is to utilize the monthly utility bill and divide the total electricity
consumption for the billing interval by the number of beer batches produced in the interval.

Electricity production is based on a specific utility electricity grid. Where natural gas is used, it is
modeled as combusted in an industrial boiler. Emissions due to cold storage refrigeration are based on
IPCC GHG reporting guidelinesxviii.

This unit process includes the raw material extraction and beneficiation, production of packaging
materials, forming of the packaging and intermediate transport, ending at the gate of the brewery.
Bottles, cans, barrels and kegs are all potential container packaging options for beer.

Steel production is based on 2006/2007 World Stainless Steel LCIxix. Aluminum primary and secondary
ingot production data is from the US LCI Database, and aluminum can production in the US is based on
2010 PE Americas LCIxx. Container glass production is based on 2007 European Container Glass
Foundation (FEVE) life cycle inventoryxxi scaled by a factor to match the equivalent carbon footprint of
North American container glass.

Processes representing the transport of goods by truck, rail, container vessel, and personal vehicle were
taken from the USLCI databasexxii. The transportation model will ideally be based on actual information
on fuel consumption and mode of transport. Default distances values for transporting goods to the
consumer are based on average mileage values reported in the 2007 Economic Census.xxiii

This unit process includes the transportation, refrigerants, and electricity for delivering the beer product
from the brewery to the point of sale. There are two possible types of initial delivery locations for the
beer product from the brewery: distribution facility or direct retail outlet (pub/restaurant, convenience
store, drug store, liquor store, grocery store). If the beer is shipped to a distributor, it is assumed the
beer will also subsequently be transported to a retail outlet.

The cold storage emissions at distribution and retail facilities are based on IPCC GHG reporting
guidelines, and is calculated by multiplying the following factors: the fraction of the volume of beer over
the average occupied refrigeration volume, the fraction of days in a year held in refrigeration, the
refrigerant charge, and the annual refrigerants emissions rate. Allocation of electricity consumption due
to refrigeration for beer is calculated by multiplying the following factors: the fraction of the volume of
beer over the average occupied refrigeration volume, the fraction of days in a year held in refrigeration,
and the annual electricity consumption of the equipment.

The average cold storage capacity and electricity consumption of a distribution center is based on
estimates of AmeriColdxxiv, the largest cold storage facility by market share in the United States. An
estimate of the electricity consumed per cubic feet of cold storage space is estimated by dividing the
total cold storage space by the total electricity consumed at all facilities.

The unit process includes the cold storage               ’ l     , human excretion from beer
consumption, toilet use, hand washing and drying, and human waste treatment. The inventory data for
human excretion is based on a model by Muñoz et al. (2007)xxv.

Missing Data
We were not able to obtain data on the typical refrigeration equipment used for cold storage of beer at
large supermarket retail locations. We assumed the refrigerant used is R-134a with similar charge and
annual emissions rate as smaller retail outlets.

We also were unable to locate data quantifying the amount of consumer transportation to retail outlets
that may be allocated to beer purchases versus other consumer purchases. Thus, transportation from
the retail outlet to the end consumer was not included.

The data were entered into the SimaPro software package to perform both life cycle inventory and life
cycle impact assessment analyses.

Allocation of electricity consumption and refrigeration for beer is performed by volume. All other
allocation decisions are based on the standards for the Ecoinvent center, e.g. for the production of cold-
rolled steel, and water.

End of Life and Recycling
All materials being recycled are modeled as a cutoff rule and leave the system boundary. All materials
are assumed to be virgin materials, with the exception of aluminum and steel, which represent North
American average production.

Unit process description and data quality evaluation
The unit processes covered in this analysis are shown below.

Table 1 Unit process descriptions

 Unit Processes                                        Data       Date    Geography        Source           Technosphere          UNSPSC
                                                       Level                                                   Output
 Beer, consumption                                     Primary    2012       USA          Breweries               Beer            50202201
                                                                                       Breweries, Munoz
 Beer, ingested by consumer                            Mixed      2012       USA                                  Beer            50202201
                                                                                            et al.
 Sulphite pulp, bleached, at plant/RER WITH US
                                                       Tertiary   2003       EU           Ecoinvent            Paper pulp         14101501
 Soap, at plant/RER WITH US ELECTRICITY U              Tertiary   2003       EU           Ecoinvent              Soaps            53131608
 Sodium perborate, monohydrate, powder, at
                                                       Tertiary   2003       EU           Ecoinvent        Sodium perborate       51102728
 plant/RER S
 Treatment, sewage, to wastewater treatment,                                                               Sewage treatment
                                                       Tertiary   2009       EU           Ecoinvent                               76121701
 class 1/CH WITH US ELECTRICITY U                                                                              services
                                                                                                           Sewage treatment
 Wastewater Treatment, TPU                             Primary    2010     Tacoma       City of Tacoma                            76121701
 Beer, distributed at sales location                   Primary    2012       USA          Breweries               Beer            50202201

 Beer, packed at plant                                 Primary    2012       USA          Breweries               Beer            50202201

 Beer, at plant                                        Primary    2012       USA          Breweries               Beer            50202201
 Malt, at plant                                      Secondary    2005       EU          Novozymes            Barley malt
 Hop pellets, at plant                                                                                       Beverage crops
                                                       Primary    2011    Washington   Hops Producers                             70141505
                                                                                                          production (superset)
 Winter wheat, at farm                                            1996-                   LCA Digital       Grain or legume
                                                       Tertiary            Kansas                                                 70141512
                                                                  2009                    Commons         production (superset)
                                                                  1996-                   LCA Digital
 Corn, at farm                                         Tertiary              Iowa                                 Corn            50403200
                                                                  2005                    Commons
 General agricultural crop, at farm                                                                         Crop production
                                                       Tertiary   2008       USA        USDA Census                               70141500

Unit Processes                                      Data       Date   Geography      Source          Technosphere          UNSPSC
                                                    Level                                               Output
Yeast paste, from whey, at fermentation/CH
                                                                                                  Ferments or enzymes
WITH US ELECTRICITY U                               Tertiary   2006   Switzerland   Ecoinvent                              73101614
                                                                                                   services (superset)
                                                                        North         Potash
Fertilizer - Nitrogen (N) at plant              Secondary      2010                               Nitrogenous fertilizer   10171601
                                                                       America      Corporation
                                                                        North         Potash
Fertilizer - Phosphorous (P) at plant           Secondary      2010                               Phosphatic fertilizer    10171603
                                                                       America      Corporation
                                                                        North         Potash
Fertilizer - Potassium (K) at plant             Secondary      2010                                 Potassic fertilizer    10171602
                                                                       America      Corporation
Ammonium sulphate, as N, at regional
                                                    Tertiary   1998       EU        Ecoinvent      Sulphuric fertilizer    10171604
Limestone, milled, packed, at plant/CH WITH
                                                    Tertiary   2003   Switzerland   Ecoinvent       Calcium fertilizer     10171611
                                                                                                  Chemical fertilizers
Sodium borates, at plant/US WITH US
                                                    Tertiary   2007      USA        Ecoivnent      and plant nutrients     10171600
                                                                                                  Liquified natural gas
Natural gas, processed, at plant/US                 Tertiary   2008      USA          USLCI                                15111511
Pesticide unspecified, at regional                                                                 Pesticides or pest
                                                    Tertiary   2010       EU        Ecoinvent                              10191500
storehouse/RER WITH US ELECTRICITY U                                                                    repellents
Diesel, combusted in industrial equipment/US        Tertiary   2008      USA          USLCI            Diesel fuel         15101505
Liquefied petroleum gas, combusted in
                                                    Tertiary   2008      USA          USLCI             Kerosene           15101502
industrial boiler/US
Tractor, production/CH/I WITH US
                                                    Tertiary   2003   Switzerland   Ecoinvent      Agricultural tractors   25101901
Agricultural machinery, tillage,
                                                    Tertiary   2003   Switzerland   Ecoinvent       machinery for soil     21101500
Agricultural machinery, general,
                                                    Tertiary   2003   Switzerland   Ecoinvent        machinery for         21101600
                                                                                                  planting and seeding
Harvester, production/CH/I WITH US
                                                    Tertiary   2003   Switzerland   Ecoinvent          Harvesters          21101703
Rough green lumber, softwood, at sawmill, US
                                                    Tertiary   2008      USA          USLCI            Pine wood           11121616
Wire drawing, steel/RER WITH US                                                                   Non electric iron and
                                                    Tertiary   2010       EU        Ecoinvent                              31152200
ELECTRICITY U                                                                                          steel wire
Galvanized steel sheet, at plant/RNA                Tertiary   2008      USA          USLCI         Nails (subset)         31162000

Unit Processes                                         Data      Date   Geography        Source          Technosphere           UNSPSC
                                                       Level                                                 Output
Yarn, jute, at plant/IN WITH US ELECTRICITY U         Tertiary   2007      India        Ecoinvent           Jute yarn           11151710
Textile, jute, at plant/IN WITH US ELECTRICITY                                                          Hessian or hemp or
                                                      Tertiary   2007      India        Ecoinvent                               11162003
U                                                                                                           jute cloth
Yarn, cotton, at plant/GLO WITH US
                                                      Tertiary   2007   China, USA      Ecoinvent           Cotton yarn         11151702
Tap water, at user/RER WITH US ELECTRICITY
                                                      Tertiary   2005      EU           Ecoinvent           Town water          83101508
Tap Water, TPU
                                                      Primary    2010    Tacoma       Tacoma Power          Town water          83101508
Natural gas, combusted in industrial
                                                                                                        Liquified natural gas
equipment/RNA                                         Tertiary   2008      USA            USLCI                                 15111511
Electricity, at grid, US/US                           Tertiary   2008      USA            USLCI           Electric utilities    83101800
Electricity, at grid, PP-OR 2010
                                                  Secondary      2010    Oregon       Pacific Power       Electric utilities    83101800
                                                                                     Washington Dept.
Electricity, at grid, PP-WA 2010                  Secondary      2010   Washington                        Electric utilities    83101800
                                                                                      of Commerce
                                                                                     Washington Dept.
Electricity, at grid, BentonREA 2010              Secondary      2010   Washington                        Electric utilities    83101800
                                                                                      of Commerce
Electricity, at grid, PSE 2010                                                       Washington Dept.
                                                  Secondary      2010   Washington                        Electric utilities    83101800
                                                                                      of Commerce
Electricity, at grid, SCL 2010                                                       Washington Dept.
                                                  Secondary      2010     Seattle                         Electric utilities    83101800
                                                                                      of Commerce
TPU mix, to consumer                                                                 Washington Dept.
                                                      Mixed      2011    Tacoma                           Electric utilities    83101800
                                                                                      of Commerce
Electricity, at grid, PGE 2010                                                       Portland General
                                                  Secondary      2008    Portland                         Electric utilities    83101800
Transport, combination truck, diesel
                                                                                                        Road cargo transport
powered/US                                            Tertiary   2008      USA            USLCI                                 78101800
Transport, combination truck, REEFER, diesel                                                            Road cargo transport
                                                      Tertiary   2008      USA            USLCI                                 78101800
powered/US                                                                                                  (superset)
Transport, train, diesel powered/US                                                                     Road cargo transport
                                                      Tertiary   2008      USA            USLCI                                 78101600
Transport, passenger car, gasoline powered                                                              Passenger transport
                                                      Tertiary   2011      USA            USLCI                                 78110000

Unit Processes                                        Data       Date   Geography      Source        Technosphere          UNSPSC
                                                      Level                                             Output
Transport, ocean freighter, average fuel
                                                                                                      Marine cargo
mix/US                                                Tertiary   2008      USA         USLCI                               78101700

Gasoline, combusted in equipment/US                   Tertiary   2008      USA         USLCI       Gasoline or Petrol      15101506
Soybean methyl ester, at esterification
                                                      Tertiary   2006      USA        Ecoinvent         Biodiesel          15101801
Refrigerant R134a, at plant/RER WITH US
ELECTRICITY U                                         Tertiary   2004       EU        Ecoinvent   Refrigerant (superset)   24131513

1,1-difluoroethane, HFC-152a, at plant/US
WITH US ELECTRICITY U                                 Tertiary   2007      USA        Ecoinvent   Refrigerant (superset)   24131513

Chlorodifluoromethane, at plant/NL WITH US
ELECTRICITY U                                         Tertiary   2003   Netherlands   Ecoinvent   Refrigerant (superset)   24131513

Ammonia, liquid, at regional storehouse/CH
                                                      Tertiary   2003   Switzerland   Ecoinvent   Refrigerant (superset)   24131513
                                                                                                        Acetic acid
Acetic acid, at plant/kg/RNA                          Tertiary   2008      USA         USLCI                               51102706
                                                                                                   antiseptics (subset)
Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether, at
plant/RER WITH US ELECTRICITY U                       Tertiary   2007       EU        Ecoinvent     Propylene glycol       12352135

Hydrogen peroxide, 50% in H2O, at plant/RER
                                                                                                   Hydrogen peroxide
WITH US ELECTRICITY U                                 Tertiary   2003       EU        Ecoinvent                            51102709
                                                                                                   antiseptics (subset)
Isopropanol, at plant/RER WITH US
ELECTRICITY U                                         Tertiary   2003       EU        Ecoinvent    Solvents (superset)     12190000

Phosphoric acid, industrial grade, 85% in H2O,
at plant/RER WITH US ELECTRICITY U                    Tertiary   2004       EU        Ecoinvent    Solvents (superset)     12190000

Monoethanolamine, at plant/RER WITH US
ELECTRICITY U                                         Tertiary   2003       EU        Ecoinvent    Solvents (superset)     12190000

Nitric acid, 50% in H2O, at plant/RER WITH US
                                                      Tertiary   2003       EU        Ecoinvent    Solvents (superset)     12190000

Unit Processes                                       Data       Date   Geography       Source           Technosphere          UNSPSC
                                                     Level                                                 Output

Potassium hydroxide, at regional storage/RER
                                                     Tertiary   2005      EU          Ecoinvent       Potassium hydroxide     12352320
Propylene oxide, liquid, at plant/RER WITH US
                                                     Tertiary   2003      EU          Ecoinvent       Polypropylene oxide     13111050
Sodium carbonate from ammonium chloride
production, at plant/GLO WITH US                     Tertiary   2009     World        Ecoinvent       Solvents (superset)     12190000
Sodium hydroxide, production mix, at
                                                     Tertiary   2008      US           USLCI           Sodium hydroxide       12352316
Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate, 58%,
powder, at plant/RER WITH US ELECTRICITY             Tertiary   2003      EU          Ecoinvent       Solvents (superset)     12190000
Sodium percarbonate, powder, at plant/RER S          Tertiary   2003      EU          Ecoinvent       Solvents (superset)     12190000
Sodium phosphate, at plant/RER WITH US
                                                     Tertiary   2003      EU          Ecoinvent       Sodium phosphate        51171622
Sodium tripolyphosphate, at plant/RER WITH
                                                     Tertiary   2003      EU          Ecoinvent       Solvents (superset)     12190000
Aluminum can
                                                 Secondary      2010     USA       PE International     Aluminum cans         24121806
Carbon dioxide liquid, at plant/RER WITH US
                                                 Secondary      2004      EU          Ecoinvent       Carbon dioxide gas      12142104
Aluminum ingot, production mix, at plant/US          Tertiary   2008     USA           USLCI            Aluminum ingot        30265202
Container glass, at plant
                                                 Secondary      2007      EU            FEVE             Glass bottles        24122003
Polyethylene terephthalate resin, at                                                                     Polyethylene
                                                     Tertiary   2008     USA           USLCI                                  13102020
plant/kg/RNA                                                                                          Terephthalate PET
                                                                                   World Stainless
Stainless steel mix                              Secondary      2007     World                         Stainless steel coil   30264700
Wood pallet                                      Secondary      2009     USA                              Wood pallet         24112701

 Unit Processes                                         Data        Date      Geography           Source            Technosphere           UNSPSC
                                                        Level                                                            Output
                                                                                                                 Corrugated and other
 Containerboard                                         Tertiary    2009         USA              USLCI                supplies for        24112500
                                                                                                                 distribution (superset)
 Corrugated cardboard                                   Tertiary    1998         USA                                   Cardboard           14121503
 Paper, woodcontaining, supercalendred (SC),                                                                      Canning or bottling
                                                        Tertiary    2003          EU             Ecoinvent                                 55121604
 at plant/RER WITH US ELECTRICITY U                                                                                      labels
                                                                                                 Franklin             Unbleached
 Paperboard Unbl. Semichem. FAL                         Tertiary    1998         USA                                                       14121502
                                                                                                Associates            paperboard
                                                                                                                     High Density
 High density polyethylene resin, at plant/RNA          Tertiary    2008         USA              USLCI                                    13102017
                                                                                                                  Polyethylene HDPE
                                                                                                                   Polyvinyl Chloride
 Polyvinyl chloride resin, at plant/RNA                 Tertiary    2008         USA              USLCI                                    13102030
                                                                                                                     Low Density
 Low density polyethylene resin, at plant/RNA           Tertiary    2008         USA              USLCI                                    13102018
                                                                                                                  Polyethylene LDPE
 Polypropylene resin, at plant/RNA                      Tertiary    2008         USA              USLCI            Polypropylene PP        13102022

 General purpose polystyrene, at plant/RNA              Tertiary    2008         USA              USLCI             Polystyrene PS         13102026
 Sulphite pulp, bleached, at plant/RER WITH US
                                                        Tertiary    2003          EU             Ecoinvent             Paper pulp          14101501

Three data sets are more than 10 years old. These inventories are related to paper-based packaging, and conversations with Franklin and
Associates confirmed that they had not changed significantly. Forty-five of the unit processes are based on either US or North American sources,
32 of the unit processes are from European sources, and five other global sources. We believe the production of these materials is quite similar
in OECD countries, so the use of this data is appropriate. Overall, this data set is considered to be good or very good. A full listing of the
inventory can be found in Appendix C.

Life Cycle Impact Assessment
                    Table 2 Life Cycle Impact Assessment Results, per 12 oz. beer consumed, Smoked Stout, Vashon Brewing Company.

Impact Category   Equivalent           Ingredients         Brewery         Packaging        Distribution         Use           TOTAL    LCIA Method
Climate Change    kg CO2                    0.13              0.58            0.056            0.036             0.38            1.17   IPCC, 100 yr
Ozone Depletion   ug CFC-11                  11               5.1              1.3               5.0              0.8            23.6   UNEP-SETAC
Acidification     g H+                      0.07              0.24            0.03              0.02            0.009            0.37   TRACI 2 v4.00
Eutrophication    gN                        0.67              0.07            0.07              0.12            0.32             1.26   TRACI 2 v4.00
Toxicity          CTUe                      2.0               0.24            0.13              0.06            0.04             2.4      USETOX
Smog              g O3                       16                32             7.3                8.7             1.6              65    TRACI 2 v4.00
Water Use         Liters                     38               0.3             0.60             0.033             11              49.7    Inventory
Land Use           m2-yr                    0.36            3.4E-03           0.79            5.0E-05           0.030            1.2     Inventory

                           Table 3 Life Cycle Impact Assessment Results, per 12 oz. beer consumed, Vortex IPA, Fort George Brewery.

Impact Category   Equivalent           Ingredients         Brewery        Packaging        Distribution           Use           TOTAL   LCIA Method
Climate Change    kg CO2                   0.18              0.13            0.064             0.019             0.39            0.78    IPCC, 100 yr
Ozone Depletion   ug CFC-11                24.0               0.0              1.5              4.9               1.0            31.4    UNEP-SETAC
Acidification     g H+                     0.10              0.05             0.02            7.3E-03            0.012           0.20   TRACI 2 v4.00
Eutrophication    gN                       1.09              0.02             1.37            4.3E-03            0.32            2.80   TRACI 2 v4.00
Toxicity          CTUe                      2.7              0.11             0.04              0.03             0.04             2.9     USETOX
Smog              g O3                      22                 5              3.9               2.2               2.1             35    TRACI 2 v4.00
Water Use         Liters                    56               0.7              0.15             0.022              11              68      Inventory
Land Use           m2-yr                   0.51            8.6E-05          1.2E-02           8.0E-08            0.030            0.5     Inventory

                  Table 4 Life Cycle Impact Assessment Results, per 12 oz. beer consumed, Pinnacle Peak Pale Ale, Harmon Brewing Company.

Impact Category    Equivalent         Ingredients         Brewery        Packaging       Distribution          Use            TOTAL         LCIA Method
Climate Change     kg CO2                 0.11              0.01            0.031            0.017             0.39            0.56         IPCC, 100 yr
Ozone Depletion    ug CFC-11                12            1.8E-02            1.6              5.0               1.0            19.4         UNEP-SETAC
Acidification      g H+                   0.06            4.1E-03          8.8E-03          6.4E-03           0.013           0.094         TRACI 2 v4.00
Eutrophication     gN                     0.63            1.8E-03          8.1E-03          3.5E-03           0.32            0.96          TRACI 2 v4.00
Toxicity           CTUe                    1.7            4.2E-03            0.02             0.02            0.04             1.8            USETOX
Smog               g O3                    13               0.71              1.5              1.8             2.2             20           TRACI 2 v4.00
Water Use          Liters                  33               0.79             0.05            0.000             11               45           Inventory
Land Use            m2-yr                 0.32            4.2E-03          1.2E-02          8.1E-08           0.030            0.36          Inventory

                        Table 5 Life Cycle Impact Assessment Results, per 12 oz. beer consumed, HUB Lager, Hopworks Urban Brewery.

Impact Category    Equivalent         Ingredients         Brewery        Packaging       Distribution          Use            TOTAL         LCIA Method
Climate Change     kg CO2                  0.07             0.14            0.003            0.017             0.39            0.62         IPCC, 100 yr
Ozone Depletion    ug CFC-11               9.0              0.08           4.6E-02            4.9               0.9            15.0         UNEP-SETAC
Acidification      g H+                    0.04             0.06           1.4E-03          6.4E-03           0.012            0.12         TRACI 2 v4.00
Eutrophication     gN                      0.42           5.1E-02          4.9E-03          7.7E-03           0.32             0.80         TRACI 2 v4.00
Toxicity           CTUe                     1.0             0.14             0.01             0.02            0.04              1.3           USETOX
Smog               g O3                     9.0              5.1             0.28              1.7             2.0              18          TRACI 2 v4.00
Water Use          Liters                   21              1.93            0.039           2.5E-03            11               34           Inventory
Land Use            m2-yr                  0.19           4.2E-04          3.2E-02          1.2E-03           0.030            0.26          Inventory

                         Table 6 Life Cycle Impact Assessment Results, per 12 oz. beer consumed, Big Horn Blonde Ale, RAM Brewery.

Impact Category   Equivalent          Ingredients        Brewery         Packaging       Distribution           Use           TOTAL    LCIA Method
Climate Change    kg CO2                  0.08              0.03           5.2E-04           0.010             0.39            0.50    IPCC, 100 yr
Ozone Depletion   ug CFC-11                6.9            2.7E-02          1.6E-02             4.9              0.8             13     UNEP-SETAC
Acidification     g H+                  4.0E-02           6.2E-03          1.8E-04          4.0E-03          8.8E-03         5.9E-02   TRACI 2 v4.00
Eutrophication    gN                    4.1E-01           3.7E-03          9.6E-04          1.1E-03            0.32            0.74    TRACI 2 v4.00
Toxicity          CTUe                    1.1               0.02           1.5E-03          3.4E-03            0.04             1.2      USETOX
Smog              g O3                    8.8               0.73             0.02             0.60             1.6              12     TRACI 2 v4.00
Water Use         Liters                   22               0.64           2.0E-03          2.6E-04             11              33      Inventory
Land Use           m2-yr                  0.21            7.7E-04          9.3E-05          8.0E-08            0.03            0.24     Inventory

The environmental impacts of beer consumption are primarily related to material inputs, brewery
operations, and beer consumption. The ingredient phase of the life cycle is the main contributor to
ecotoxicity, ozone depletion, and water use at all five breweries; it is also the prime factor in
eutrophication, land use, and smog at four breweries. The brewery phase is the primary contributor to
climate change and acidification at three breweries; this phase has the highest smog value at a single
brewery. The consumer use phase contributes heavily to climate change given the release of CO2 when
beer is consumed. The packaging phase is not a common prime source of impacts among the breweries;
nonetheless, it is the main contributor to eutrophication and land use at an individual brewery.

LCIA results are relative expressions and do not predict impacts on category endpoints, the exceeding of
thresholds, safety margins or risks.

Sensitivity Analyses
In accordance with the product category rule, the following sensitivity analyses were performed:

          Variability of barley production (plus or minus the measured standard deviation)
          Variability of wood pallet lifetime use (range is half and double estimated value)
          Variability of storage duration in refrigerated truck (range is half and double estimated value)
          Variability of storage duration at distribution center (range is half and double estimated value)
          Variability of storage duration at retail location (range is half and double estimated value)
          Variability of storage duration in home refrigerator (range is half and double estimated value)

The results can be seen below. In each case, the middle figure represents the baseline scenario with the lower and upper scenarios to the left
and right, respectively.

                                                          Table 7 Sensitivity for barley production variation

                                           Vashon                    Fort George               Harmon                       Hopworks                 RAM












Barley Production     kg/FU         1.05    1.22 1.39 1.05              1.22   1.39     1.05       1.22 1.39         1.05     1.22 1.39       1.05   1.22 1.39
Climate Change        kg CO2        1.16 1.17       1.19 0.76          0.78    0.80     0.54      0.56     0.57      0.61     0.62     0.63   0.49   0.50   0.51
Ozone Depletion       Ug CFC-11      22     24      25         30       31         33    18        19           20   14       15       16     12     13     13
Acidification         g H+          0.37 0.37       0.38 0.19          0.20    0.21     0.09      0.09     0.10      0.11     0.12     0.12   0.05   0.06   0.06
Eutrophication        gN            1.2 1.3          1.3 2.7           2.8     2.9      0.9       1.0      1.0       0.8      0.8      0.8    0.7    0.7    0.8
Toxicity              CTUe          2.2 2.4          2.7 2.6           2.9     3.3      1.6       1.8      2.0       1.1      1.3      1.4    1.0    1.2    1.3
Smog                  g O3           64   65         67   33            35      37       18        20       21        17       18       19     11     12     12
Water Use             Liters        45      50      54      61          68      74       41        45       49        32       34       37     30     33     36
Land Use               m -yr        1.1     1.2     1.2    0.48        0.55    0.62     0.32      0.36     0.40      0.23     0.26     0.28   0.21   0.24   0.27

Varying the input values of barley production causes all brewery impact category results to decrease and increase between 1-13% at a minimum.
The most significant variation occurs in land use and toxicity with changes up to 13%.

                                                            Table 8 Sensitivity for wood pallet lifetime

                                        Vashon                     Fort George                 Harmon                    Hopworks                 RAM













Wood Pallet         Times          8      4       2          8         4         2        8         4       2      8        4        2      8      4      2
Lifetime            Used
Climate Change      kg CO2        1.2     1.2    1.20       0.78     0.78    0.78       0.56      0.56     0.56   0.62     0.62     0.62   0.50   0.50   0.50
Ozone Depletion     ug CFC-11     23      24     25         31        31         31      19        19      19     15       15       15     13     13     13
Acidification       g H+         0.37    0.37 0.39          0.20     0.20    0.20       0.09      0.09     0.09   0.12     0.12     0.12   0.06   0.06   0.06
Eutrophication      gN            1.2    1.3 1.3             2.8      2.8     2.8        1.0       1.0      1.0    0.8      0.8      0.8    0.7    0.7    0.7
Toxicity            CTUe          2.4    2.4 2.5             2.9      2.9     2.9        1.8       1.8      1.8    1.3      1.3      1.3    1.2    1.2    1.2
Smog                g O3          63      65   69            35       35      35         20        20       20     18       18       18     12     12     12
Water Use           Liters        49      50     50          68       68      68         45        45       45     34       34       34     33     33     33
Land Use             m2-yr       0.80     1.2    2.0        0.54     0.55    0.56       0.36      0.36     0.37   0.24     0.26     0.29   0.24   0.24   0.24

For most breweries, altering the wood pallet lifetime does not significantly alter the impact category results. However, Vashon Brewery has
relatively more pallet use than the other breweries and its land use result increases the most by 67% given two pallet uses and decreases by 33%
when used eight times.

                                                      Table 9 Sensitivity for cold storage duration in truck

                                             Vashon                   Fort George                Harmon                      Hopworks                 RAM













Truck Refrigeration    Days           0.5      1        2       0.5        1         2     0.5       1          2     0.5       1        2     0.5     1      2
Climate Change         Kg CO2         1.2     1.2      1.2     0.78      0.78    0.78     0.56     0.56        0.56   0.62     0.62     0.62   0.50   0.50   0.50
Ozone Depletion        Ug CFC-11       23     24        24       31       31        32      19       19        20     15       15       16     12     13     13
Acidification          g H+           0.37    0.37    0.37     0.20      0.20    0.20     0.09     0.09        0.09   0.12     0.12     0.12   0.06   0.06   0.06
Eutrophication         gN              1.3     1.3     1.3      2.8       2.8     2.8      1.0      1.0         1.0    0.8      0.8      0.8    0.7    0.7    0.7
Toxicity               CTUe            2.4     2.4     2.4      2.9       2.9     2.9      1.8      1.8         1.8    1.3      1.3      1.3    1.2    1.2    1.2
Smog                   g O3            65      65      65       35        35      35       20       20          20     18       18       18     12     12     12
Water Use              Liters          50     50       50       68        68      68       45       45          45     34       34       34     33     33     33
Land Use                M2-yr         1.19    1.2      1.2     0.55      0.55    0.55     0.36     0.36        0.36   0.26     0.26     0.26   0.24   0.24   0.24

Ozone depletion is the only impact category significantly sensitive to changes in the length of storage duration in a refrigerated truck; climate
change impacts change by a maximum of 0.02%. Ozone depletion results for the Fort George, Harmon and Hopworks brewery are the most
sensitive, increasing by 4%, 5% and 6% respectively.

                                              Table 10 Sensitivity for cold storage duration at distribution center

                                            Vashon                  Fort George                  Harmon                      Hopworks                 RAM













Distribution Center    Days          2.5      5      10       2.5       5         10       2.5       5       10       2.5       5       10     2.5     5     10
Climate Change         kg CO2        1.2     1.2     1.2     0.78      0.78     0.78      0.56     0.56     0.56      0.62     0.62     0.62   0.50   0.50   0.50
Ozone Depletion        ug CFC-11      24     24      24       31        31        31       19       19       19       15       15       15     13     13     13
Acidification          g H+          0.37 0.37 0.37          0.20      0.20     0.20      0.09     0.09     0.09      0.12     0.12     0.12   0.06   0.06   0.06
Eutrophication         gN            1.3 1.3 1.3             2.8        2.8     2.8       1.0       1.0      1.0       0.8      0.8      0.8    0.7    0.7    0.7
Toxicity               CTUe          2.4 2.4 2.4             2.9        2.9     2.9       1.8       1.8      1.8       1.3      1.3      1.3    1.2    1.2    1.2
Smog                   g O3           65   65   65            35        35       35        20       20       20        18       18       18     12     12     12
Water Use              Liters        50      50      50       68        68       68        45       45       45        34       34       34     33     33     33
Land Use                m2-yr        1.2     1.2     1.2     0.55      0.55     0.55      0.36     0.36     0.36      0.26     0.26     0.26   0.24   0.24   0.24

No impact categories are significantly sensitive to changes in the value of storage duration at the distribution center. Global warming,
acidification, and smog results for the Fort George, Harmon and Hopworks breweries are impacted between -0.001% and 0.08%.

                                                 Table 11 Sensitivity for cold storage duration at retail location

                                        Vashon                     Fort George                Harmon                        Hopworks                 RAM













Retail             Days          3.5       7      14         3.5      7          14    3.5         7        14       3.5       7       14     3.5     7     14
Climate Change     kg CO2        1.2      1.2    1.2     0.78        0.78    0.79      0.55      0.56     0.57       0.62     0.62     0.63   0.50   0.50   0.50
Ozone Depletion ug CFC-11         24      24      24         29       31         36     17        19        24       13       15       19     13     13     13
Acidification      g H+          0.37    0.37 0.37 0.20              0.20    0.20      0.09      0.09     0.10       0.12     0.12     0.12   0.06   0.06   0.06
Eutrophication     gN             1.3     1.3 1.3 2.8                2.8     2.8       1.0       1.0      1.0        0.8      0.8      0.8    0.7    0.7    0.7
Toxicity           CTUe           2.4     2.4 2.4 2.9                2.9     2.9       1.8       1.8      1.8        1.3      1.3      1.3    1.2    1.2    1.2
Smog               g O3           65      65   65   35                35      36        19        20       20         18       18       19     12     12     12
Water Use          Liters        50       50     50       68          68      68        45        45       45         34       34       34     33     33     33
Land Use            m2-yr        1.2      1.2    1.2     0.55        0.55    0.55      0.36      0.36     0.36       0.26     0.26     0.26   0.24   0.24   0.24

Climate change and acidification are mildly sensitive to changes in the value of storage duration at retail locations increasing between 1-4%.
Ozone depletion is most sensitive for Ft. George, Harmon, and Hopworks breweries with differences ranging from a 13-28% increase given 14
    ’     g        7-14%            g v 3.5        ’      g .

                                                  Table 12 Sensitivity for storage duration in home refrigerator

                                         Vashon                    Fort George               Harmon                       Hopworks                 RAM













Home Refrigeration Days             7     14        28       7        14      28        7        14       28        7       14       28      7     14     28
Climate Change        kg CO2       1.2    1.2       1.2    0.78 0.78         0.79     0.55      0.56     0.57      0.62     0.62     0.63   0.50   0.50   0.50
Ozone Depletion       ug CFC-11     24    24        24      31        31      32       19        19       20       15       15       15     13     13     13
Acidification         g H+         0.37 0.37 0.37 0.20 0.20                  0.20     0.09      0.09     0.10      0.12     0.12     0.12   0.06   0.06   0.06
Eutrophication        gN            1.3 1.3 1.3 2.8 2.8                      2.8      1.0       1.0      1.0       0.8      0.8      0.8    0.7    0.7    0.7
Toxicity              CTUe          2.4 2.4 2.4 2.9 2.9                      2.9      1.8       1.8      1.8       1.3      1.3      1.3    1.2    1.2    1.2
Smog                  g O3          65   65   65   35   35                    36       19        20       20        18       18       18     12     12     12
Water Use             Liters       50     50        50      68   68           68       45        45       45        34       34       34     33     33     33
Land Use               m2-yr       1.2    1.2       1.2    0.55 0.55         0.55     0.36      0.36     0.36      0.26     0.26     0.26   0.24   0.24   0.24

Varying the value of storage duration at the consumer home has little effect on the environmental impact results. Global warming, ozone,
acidification and smog results for the Ft. George, Harmon and Hopworks brewery are impacted between 1-4%.

There were no changes to the system boundary as a result of the sensitivity analyses.

The LCIA results show the life cycle impacts of consumption of 12 fl. oz of beer for the purpose of
developing an environmental product declaration. Since no comparative assertions are intended, only
internal information and comparison can be made. The impact assessment results reflect that the
ingredients and brewery phases are the key contributors of impacts while the packaging phase may also
be significant at specific breweries. Sensitivity analyses show that variation in barley production has a
moderate impact on the overall environmental impact of the product, and that the duration of cold
storage in refrigerated trucks and retail locations has a moderate to high influence on ozone depletion

The data used in this study met the data quality requirements initially defined with the exception of the
requirement that data representing 80% of product mass be derived from primary data sources. Only
17% of the mass of the product is represented by primary data.

Value Judgments and Assumption
The value judgments in this analysis are very limited: any value judgments were made in the product
category rule. No weighting, grouping or normalization was performed in the study.

Allocation of electricity consumption and refrigeration for beer was performed by volume. Data sources
for the analysis were either from North American or from OECD countries. We have assumed that the
production of malt, steel, container glass, chemical products, and tap water are similar in the EU and in
the US.

Critical Review
In accordance with ISO 14025 and the Earthsure Program Guidance, this document was reviewed by a
certified LCA professional, Thomas Gloria of Industrial Ecology Consultants, LCACP 2008-3.

Environmental Product Declarations (Website Version)

Environmental Product Declarations (Print Version)

Appendix A Data Collection Spreadsheets

 Date Entry Completed By           John Doe
 Date of Data Entry                                         4/15/2012
 Brewery Name                      Example Brewing Company
                                   5013 North Pearl Street, Ruston,
 Location                          WA
 Zipcode                                                        98047

 Electric Utility                  Puget Sound Energy

 Natural Gas Utility               Puget Sound Energy
 Water Utility                     Tacoma Public Utilities

 Site Connected To Electric Grid   Yes
 Site Produces Renewable Energy    No
 Renewable Energy Type
 Annual Renewable Energy
 Produced (kWh)                                                 0.00

Beer Product Name                    Beer ABC
Beer Product Type                    Lager
Beer Product Style                   vienna-style lager
Preferred EPD Functional Unit        16 ounces
Date Batch Produced                                            4/15/2012

Specify volumes used for one batch of beer
                                Volume      Units
Beer Produced Per Batch               31.00 gallons
Water for Beer Per Batch              50.00 gallons
Water for Cleaning Per
Batch                                  20.00 gallons

Specify amounts of waste produced for one batch of beer
       Waste Type                                (Weight /        Units
Spent Grains                    animal feed            150.00 pounds
Trub / Hotbreak                 sewage                   8.00 gallons
Coldbreak                       compost                  4.00 gallons
Wastewater                      sewage                  28.00 gallons
Hazardous Waste                 facility                  0.00 gallons

Specify refrigerator and time one batch of beer stored in refrigeration
Refrigerator Brand and Model                 SPT WA-6011S
Average Time in Refrigerator                 Units
                                        7.00 Days

Specify weights of ingredients for one batch of beer

Ingredient                Product Name                               Weight        Units

malt         6-Row Brewers Malt                         No                75.00 pounds
             Aromatic Malt - European style 2-row
malt         malt                                       No                35.00   pounds
hops         Apollo Pellet Hops                         Yes                8.00   ounces
hops         Crystal Pellet Hops                        Yes                4.00   ounces
yeast        Direct Pitch Activator                     unknown           11.50   grams
apricot      California Apricot                         No                 1.00   pounds

Enter shipping transportation for each ingredient

                                 Location Shipped        Supplier                        Fuel Type
     Supplier Name                                                     Shipping Method                Consumed     Units
                                       From               Type                            (if self)
                                                                                                       (if self)

Briess Malt & Ingredients    Chilton, WI             manufacturer common carrier: rail
Briess Malt & Ingredients    Chilton, WI             manufacturer common carrier: rail
                                                                  common carrier:
Hops Direct                  Mabton, WA              manufacturer truck
                                                                  common carrier:
Hops Direct                  Mabton, WA              manufacturer truck
Wyeast Laboratories          Hood River, OR          Distributor  self: passenger car    gasoline          2.00 gallons
Safeway                      Tacoma, WA              Retailer     self: truck            diesel            2.00 gallons

Specify weights of ingredient packaging materials for one batch of beer
           Packaging Material                  Weight          Units     Waste
plastic #4 (LDPE - low density
polyethylene)                                        10.00 pounds      recycle
plastic #4 (LDPE - low density
polyethylene)                                        10.00   pounds    recycle
Aluminum                                             10.00   pounds    landfill
Aluminum                                             10.00   pounds    landfill
Cardboard                                            10.00   pounds    recycle
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