18 Aria Resort and Casino Las Vegas, Nevada - April 24-26, 2018 - IAED ...

Page created by Cindy Armstrong
18 Aria Resort and Casino Las Vegas, Nevada - April 24-26, 2018 - IAED ...

Aria Resort and Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada
April 24–26, 2018
18 Aria Resort and Casino Las Vegas, Nevada - April 24-26, 2018 - IAED ...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PRE-CON QUICK GUIDE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SATURDAY, APRIL 21
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      8:30 AM–5:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pre-Conference Workshops

                                                                                     WELCOME TO                                                                                                                                                                       SUNDAY, APRIL 22
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      8:30 AM–5:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pre-Conference Workshops

                                                                                     THE PREMIER CONFERENCE FOR POLICE, FIRE, AND MEDICAL DISPATCH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MONDAY, APRIL 23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      8:30 AM–5:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pre-Conference Workshops

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      6:30 PM–9:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Gala Reception in the Exhibit Hall

                                                                                     Being ALL IN is a choice we each make every day. It means betting on yourself
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CONFERENCE QUICK GUIDE
                                                                                     and your agency while relying on your training as you strive for excellence
                                                                                     when handling emergency calls and relaying scene information to field per-                                                                                                       TUESDAY, APRIL 24
                                                                                     sonnel. Amp up that drive by making the choice to throw all of your chips
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      8:30–10:30 AM
                                                                                     in and attend NAVIGATOR where you’ll gain enhanced skills and expertise,                                                                                                         Opening Session:
                                                                                     discover the latest tools and technology, and enjoy the opportunity to feel                                                                                                      Keynote Speaker
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Instructor of the Year Award
                                                                                     refreshed and inspired.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ACE Presentation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dispatcher of the Year Award
                                                                                     The staff at IAED is betting on the house when it comes to offering our mem-                                                                                                     10:30 AM–12:30 PM
                                                                                     bers six days of education, inspiration, and community building at NAVIGA-                                                                                                       Exclusive Exhibit Hall Hours
                                                                                     TOR. You have our promise that you will receive some of the most fulfilling and                                                                                                  10:30 AM–4:15 PM
                                                                                     rewarding experiences of your career as you mingle with like-minded emer-                                                                                                        Exhibit Hall Hours
                                                                                     gency responders while learning from seasoned professionals.                                                                                                                     11:30 AM–12:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      FREE Box Lunch in Exhibit Hall
                                                                                     We have carefully selected presenters and courses to address the challenges

Fast and Flexible POLICE Dispatching
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      12:30 PM–5:30 PM
                                                                                     you face each day. We encourage you to take full advantage of this opportuni-                                                                                                    Conference Sessions
                                                                                     ty and leave the conference with an even greater commitment of being ALL IN                                                                                                      6:30 PM–9:00 PM
                                                                                     as you strive to make every day the best it can be while protecting and serving                                                                                                  Attendee Party (21+)
                                                                                     your community.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25
  Give your emergency dispatch center the                                                                                                                                                                                                                             8:00–9:00 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Exclusive Exhibit Hall Hour and
  tools it needs to handle 911 calls efficiently                                                                                                                                                                                                                      FREE Breakfast in Exhibit Hall
  and accurately. ProQA® with the Police                                             CONTACTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      8:00 AM–3:30 PM
  Priority Dispatch System™—just updated                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Exhibit Hall Hours
  with major enhancements—is faster and                                              SPONSORING/EXHIBIT INFORMATION                                                                  REGISTRATION INFORMATION
  more flexible than ever, giving you the                                                Nikele Schwendiman                                                                              888.725.5853                                                                 8:30 AM–5:15 PM
                                                                                         801.359.6916 ext. 234                                                                                                                                                        Conference Sessions
  information you need, when you need it.
  ProQA helps you dispatch smarter, always                                                                                                                                                                                                                            12:30–1:30 PM
                                                                                     PROGRAM INFORMATION                                                                             GENERAL INFORMATION
  prioritizing officer safety.                              F O R      P O L I C E       Nikele Schwendiman                                                                              800.960.6236
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Exclusive Exhibit Hall Hour and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      FREE Box Lunch in Exhibit Hall
                                                                                         801.359.6916 ext. 234
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      7:00 PM–9:00 PM
  SEE IT IN ACTION. REQUEST A DEMO AT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ACE Reception (By Invitation Only)
                                                                                                                                                    SCAN IN!                                                                                                          THURSDAY, APRIL 26
                                                                                                                TO GET YOUR CDE CREDITS                                                                                                                               8:00 AM–12:45 PM
                                                                                                         (Scan your badge in your classroom)                                                                                                                          Conference Sessions

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1:00 PM–2:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Closing Lunch:
                                                                                     ©2017 IAED™ Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. All intellectual property rights reserved. Protections provided under U.S. and International Conventions on Intellectual Property         Keynote Speaker
                                                                                     Rights make it illegal to duplicate anything from this material, in whole or in part, and in any form, without the express, prior, written consent of the IAED. In addition to
                                                                                     any corporate logos and caduceus, the following trademarks or service marks of the IAED may apply: International Academies of Emergency Dispatch®, IAED™, Medical                Dr. Jeff J. Clawson Leadership Award
                                                                                     Priority Dispatch System™, Fire Priority Dispatch System™, Police Priority Dispatch System™, MPDS®, FPDS®, PPDS®, Priority Dispatch®, Priority Dispatch Corp.™, PDC™,
                                                                                     Priority Dispatch System™, PDS™, ProQA®, AQUA®, LowCode®, Emergency Communication Nurse System™, ECNS™, ED-Q™, EMD-Q®, EFD-Q™, EPD-Q™.                                           ECN of the Year Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Research Poster Winner Presentation

                           prioritydispatch.net/proqa | 801.363.9127                 navigatorconference.org                                                                                                                ALL•IN                                                                           3
18 Aria Resort and Casino Las Vegas, Nevada - April 24-26, 2018 - IAED ...
EVENTS & REGISTRATION                                                                                                                                                               HOTEL AND TRAVEL
Fun, inspiration, and networking are all an important part of the NAVIGATOR experience                                                                                                                  Making it easy and comfortable for you is important to us

6:30–9:00 PM
Exhibit Hall
Sponsored by: TriTech Systems

8:30–10:30 AM
Opening Session:
Keynote Speaker: Carey Lohrenz
Instructor of the Year Award
ACE Presentation
Dispatcher of the Year Award

6:30–9:00 PM
Jewel Nightclub (Must be 21+)

7:00–9:00 PM

Sponsored by: OnStar

CLOSING LUNCH                                                                                                                        CONFERENCE HOTEL
1:00–2:30 PM
                                                                                                                                     ARIA RESORT & CASINO
                                                                                                                                     3730 South Las Vegas Boulevard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        NAVIGATOR ONLINE:
TICKETS: $15                                                                                                                         Las Vegas, NV 89158
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Keep up to date by checking out our website
Keynote Speaker: Mack Dryden                                                                                                         General Inquiries: 702.590.7111
Dr. Jeff J. Clawson Leadership Award                                                                                                 Reservations: 866.359.7757                                                         navigatorconference.org
ECN of the Year Award                                                                                                                Online Reservations (Preferred)
Research Poster Winner Presentation                                                                                                  https://aws.passkey.com/go/NAEMD2018

                                                                                                                                     SPECIAL NAVIGATOR ROOM RATE:
                                                                                                                                     Stay at the Aria for an exceptional $189 per night (single or double).
                                                                                                                                     Rooms at this price are limited and will go fast. A discounted resort

                                                                                                                                     fee of $20 will be applied to each reservation.

                                                                                                                                     ONLINE ROOM RESERVATIONS:

FULL CONFERENCE PASSPORT: $570                                         3–DAY CONFERENCE PASSPORT: $540                            Online reservations are quick and easy by following the link below:
    Full conference passport includes:
                                                                       1–DAY CONFERENCE PASSPORT: $210
    ·           Opening and closing keynotes                                                                                         NAVIGATOR AIRFARE RATES
    ·           NAVIGATOR padfolio                                     ATTENDEE PARTY: $20
                Exhibit hall access
                Attendee party at Jewel Nightclub                      CLOSING LUNCH: $15
                                                                                                                                     Southwest Airlines—book your flight through SWABIZ and use
                                                                                                                                     Company ID 99797040 https://www.swabiz.com/flight/
    ·           Breakfast in the exhibit hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            BEFORE APRIL 1, 2018
    ·           Two box lunches and the Closing Lunch                  EXHIBIT HALL GUEST PASS: $85                                  GETTING TO THE HOTEL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             TO GET YOUR FREE
    ·           Opening Gala drink ticket                                                                                                                                                                                                   NAVIGATOR T-SHIRT!
                Attendee Party drink ticket
                Transportation for the communication center tours
                                                                       DISCOUNTS (ONE PER PERSON)                                    McCARRAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT
                                                                                                                                     Distance from airport: 2.9 miles (approximately 11 minutes)
    ·           Access to more than 125 CDE sessions                     ACE Center Discount: $100
                                                                                                                                     Estimated taxi/Uber fare: $12–30 USD (one way)
    ·           Earn up to 24 CDE hours                                  Group Discount (3+ from a single agency) $70                                                                                                                                     18
                                                                         IAED Member Discount $40                                    Estimated shuttle fare: $20 USD (one way); must reserve
                                                                         NENA Member Discount $30                                    https://www.supershuttle.com/locations/lasvegaslas

4                                                                   ALL•IN                                              NAV2018   navigatorconference.org                                             ALL•IN                                                          5
18 Aria Resort and Casino Las Vegas, Nevada - April 24-26, 2018 - IAED ...
                                                                          GALA RECEPTION
THANK YOU!                                                                FOR OUR ATTENDEES
TO OUR                                                                                                   Sponsored by:

                                                                          EXHIBIT HALL HOURS
PARTNER                                                                   MONDAY, APRIL 23
                                                                          FREE GALA RECEPTION IN THE EXHIBIT HALL
                                                                          6:30–9:00 PM

                                                                          TUESDAY, APRIL 24
                                                                          EXCLUSIVE EXHIBIT HALL HOURS
                                                                          10:30 AM–12:30 PM

                                                                          TUESDAY, APRIL 24
PLATINUM                                                                  EXHIBIT HALL HOURS
                                                                          10:30 AM–4:15 PM

                                                                          TUESDAY, APRIL 24
                                                                          FREE BOX LUNCH IN EXHIBIT HALL
                                                                          11:30 AM–12:30 PM

                                                                          WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25
GOLD                                                                      EXCLUSIVE EXHIBIT HALL HOUR AND
                                                                          FREE BREAKFAST
                                                                          8:00–9:00 AM

                                                                          WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25
                                                                          EXHIBIT HALL HOURS
                                                                          8:00 AM–3:30 PM

                                                                          WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25
    BRONZE                                                                EXCLUSIVE EXHIBIT HALL HOUR
                                                                          AND FREE BOX LUNCH
                                                                          12:30–1:30 PM

             For information on becoming a partner or sponsor
             please contact Nikele at 801.359.6916 EXT. 234.
6                 ALL•IN                                        NAV2018   navigatorconference.org                   ALL•IN   7
18 Aria Resort and Casino Las Vegas, Nevada - April 24-26, 2018 - IAED ...
CERTIFICATION | APRIL 21–23                                                                                                                                            WORKSHOPS | APRIL 21–23
NAVIGATOR offers an array of IAED certification courses in one location                                                                                               Amp up your learning with intensive sessions to increase your in-depth knowledge on key topics

EMD-Q CERTIFICATION COURSE                                                EFD-Q CERTIFICATION COURSE                                              CYBERSECURITY AWARENESS IN THE PSAP                                         WORKING ON A FULL HOUSE—HOW TO
8:30 AM–5:30 PM                                                           8:30 AM–5:30 PM                                                         8:30 AM–5:30 PM                                                             INCREASE WELL-PERFORMING TEAMS
2–DAY | APRIL 21–22                                                       2–DAY | APRIL 22–23                                                     1–DAY | APRIL 22 | $198                                                     FROM PRE-EMPLOYMENT TO
$500                                                                      $500                                                                    Michael Ball                                                                OFF PROBATION
Brian Dale                                                                Gary Galasso                                                            The program serves as an opportunity for anyone involved in                 8:30 AM–5:30 PM
This advanced course is for those involved with dispatch case             This advanced course is for those involved with dispatch case           public safety agency operations to gain basic working knowledge             1–DAY | APRIL 22 | $198
review, continuing education, or implementing and running a Quality       review, continuing education, or implementing and running a Quality     of cybersecurity and provides education on the activities that may          Kevin Willett
Improvement Unit (QIU) for Emergency Medical Dispatch at a                Improvement Unit (QIU) for Emergency Fire Dispatch at a currently       affect the 911 industry. This course’s focus is to assist 911 operational   Do you feel like your agency never gets a fair deal? You hire, you train,
currently licensed agency using an up-to-date version of the Medical      licensed agency using an up-to-date version of the Fire Priority        personnel in the understanding of the most common cyber threats             and just as they look like they might stay ... they leave. The revolving
Priority Dispatch System (MPDS).                                          Dispatch System (FPDS).                                                 associated with PSAPs and to provide general direction that may help        door of dispatch has created a worldwide shortage of qualified or
                                                                                                                                                  avoid certain pitfalls in managing the technology of a 911 center.          high-performing applicants. This full-day session is packed with ways
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              to improve your applicant pool, reach out to better candidates, and
ETC INSTRUCTOR                                                            EMD-Q CERTIFICATION COURSE                                                                                                                          fast track the hiring process so that you hire them before they give
CERTIFICATION COURSE                                                                                                                              ADVANCED FIRE/EMS DISPATCH
                                                                          8:30 AM–5:30 PM                                                                                                                                     up on you. Then, once you have them in your training program, what
8:30 AM–5:30 PM                                                           2–DAY | APRIL 22–23                                                     8:30 AM–5:30 PM                                                             are some proven ways to better educate, inform, and inspire them?
3–DAY | APRIL 21–23                                                                                                                               1–DAY | APRIL 23 | $198                                                     New employee engagement is essential, and our profession is not yet
                                                                          $500                                                                    Chris Lienhardt
$450                                                                                                                                                                                                                          great at the hiring, educating, and retention process. Okay, raise your
                                                                          Chris Bradford                                                          NENA Advanced Fire/EMS Dispatch is an eight-hour, in-person                 hand if your agency is two or more people short. Is your hand up? If
Nancy Lockhart                                                            This advanced course is for those involved with dispatch case           course designed to improve the skills, knowledge, and abilities             it is, you need to join us for this information-packed workshop. What
Become certified as a basic emergency telecommunications                  review, continuing education, or implementing and running a Quality     of fire and EMS dispatchers. In many cases, fire/EMS dispatchers            happens in Vegas may change your agency!
instructor through this introductory training program from the IAED       Improvement Unit (QIU) for Emergency Medical Dispatch at a              are provided little training beyond that required to utilize protocol
and the National Emergency Number Association (NENA). The                 currently licensed agency using an up-to-date version of the Medical    cards—this creates an environment in which dispatchers are not able
course fee includes the ETC instructor materials kit from Priority        Priority Dispatch System (MPDS).                                        to effectively anticipate operational conditions, use critical decision-    "ALL IN" SUPERVISION
Dispatch Corp. and ETC instructor certification.                                                                                                  making skills in regards to these incidents, or provide important and       8:30 AM–5:30 PM
                                                                          EPD-Q CERTIFICATION COURSE                                              timely information. This challenge is exacerbated by the fact that          1–DAY | APRIL 23 | $198
                                                                                                                                                  serious fire and EMS incidents are rare, especially for dispatchers and     John Korman, Kevin Willett
                                                                          8:30 AM–5:30 PM                                                         telecommunicators who operate in a joint-environment. Through this
                                                                          2–DAY | APRIL 22–23                                                                                                                                 How committed are you to being the best trainer, lead, supervisor,
                                                                                                                                                  course, dispatchers will not only be able to learn vital information        manager, or director? It’s time that you go “all in” and help ensure
                                                                          $500                                                                    about fire and EMS dispatching concepts, they will also learn valuable      that your agency gets the big payoff when you do. This skill- and
                                                                          Angela Huddle                                                           tools and tricks to make essential decisions more quickly and to            tool-filled class will show you how you can use no- or low-budget
                                                                          This advanced course is for those involved with dispatch case           improve their awareness and judgment when operating as fire and             supervision and leadership tools to build an improved, renewed,
                                                                          review, continuing education, or implementing and running a Quality     EMS dispatchers.                                                            and refreshed workforce. We will show you proven morale and
                                                                          Improvement Unit (QIU) for Emergency Police Dispatch at a currently                                                                                 performance boosters, along with things that you can do in the
                                                                          licensed agency using an up-to-date version of the Police Priority                                                                                  workplace to build a more committed and energized team. Every
                                                                          Dispatch System (PPDS).                                                                                                                             student will gain exciting ways to build up any staff to a level that you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              will be proud to be a part of. This one-day course is perfect for any
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              trainer, shift lead, supervisor, or communication center manager.

8                                                                     ALL•IN                                                           NAV2018   navigatorconference.org                                                 ALL•IN                                                                           9
18 Aria Resort and Casino Las Vegas, Nevada - April 24-26, 2018 - IAED ...
WORKSHOPS | APRIL 22–23                                                                                                                                                  WORKSHOPS | APRIL 22–23
 IAED RESEARCH WORKSHOP                                                     ProQA TRAINING COURSE                                                       CSI ProQA AND AQUA REPORTS                                               ACTIVE ASSAILANT (AFTERNOON)
 8:30 AM–5:30 PM                                                            1:30–5:30 PM                                                                8:30 AM–12:30 PM                                                         1:30–5:30 PM
 2–DAY | APRIL 22–23 | $120                                                1–DAY | APRIL 22 | $99                                                      1–DAY | APRIL 23 | $99                                                   1–DAY | APRIL 23 | $99
 Greg Scott, Chris Olola, Isabel Gardett                                    Meridith Jensen                                                             Ross Rutschman, Ken Hotaling                                             Chris Knight
 The IAED Research Workshop is for anyone who is interested in              Technical training for Medical ProQA dispatch software provides             This four hour workshop will focus on Universal and EMD-Q                This four-hour class offers a more comprehensive look at the
 taking a deep dive into their center’s performance and outcomes or         intensive hands-on experience for dispatchers, managers, and QI             Performance Standards. Lecture, group discussion, and call review will   telecommunicator’s role in active assailant incidents than traditional
 helping us learn more about the science of emergency dispatching.          officers.                                                                   be used to reinforce the standards. Questions regarding EFD and EPD      courses offer. We’ll focus on the psychology of the active assailant,
 If you have burning questions you’d like to answer about outcomes,                                                                                     are also welcome. Earn four hours of continuing education toward         lessons learned from past events, how lessons learned have affected
 effectiveness, protocol validity, personnel management, or any other                                                                                   ED-Q recertification.                                                    law enforcement response to these incidents, and how these changes
 topic related to emergency medical, fire, or police dispatching, this is   ACTIVE ASSAILANT (MORNING)                                                                                                                           in response affect the telecommunicator. We will cover in detail the
 the place to be. Co-hosted by David Page from the UCLA Prehospital         8:30 AM–12:30 PM                                                                                                                                     Active Assailant (Shooter) Protocol and provide the background
 Care Research Forum and the IAED Research Team, the workshop will          1–DAY | APRIL 23 | $99                                                      EXECUTIVE WORKSHOP                                                       behind the specialized questions and instructions it uses. This course
 give you two days of learning and fun with a cohort of other dynamic       Chris Knight                                                                8:30 AM–12:30 PM                                                         will also discuss the telecommunicator’s ability to support the Incident
 dispatch leaders. We’ll provide everything you need, from the basics       This four-hour class offers a more comprehensive look at the                1–DAY | APRIL 23 | $99                                                   Command role more effectively and how to plan for possible future
 of research methods to the finer points of writing up a report. Plus,      telecommunicator’s role in active assailant incidents than traditional      Brian Dale, Jerry Overton                                                incidents. (Warning: This class covers graphic and possibly disturbing
 this year we’ll be focusing on a SPECIAL TOPIC: public perceptions         courses offer. We’ll focus on the psychology of the active assailant,       This strategic orientation to the Priority Dispatch System is for        images and content.)
 of emergency services and 911. You’ll have the chance to get involved      lessons learned from past events, how lessons learned have affected         managers, directors, chiefs, medical directors, and others involved
 in an ongoing nationwide study that will provide insights you can use      law enforcement response to these incidents, and how these changes          in 911 center leadership (NOT for line dispatchers). Attendees will be
 in your own agency. Be part of the solution: Help improve emergency        in response affect the telecommunicator. We will cover in detail the        introduced to fundamental Priority Dispatch System concepts and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ADVANCED ProQA WITH HIGH PERFORMANCE EMD
 dispatching and experience the excitement of discovery!                    Active Assailant (Shooter) Protocol and provide the background              International Academies of Emergency Dispatch’s role in establishing     1:30–5:30 PM
                                                                            behind the specialized questions and instructions it uses. This course      standards, certifying dispatchers, and updating the protocols. Come      1–DAY | APRIL 23 | $99
 ACE WORKSHOP                                                               will also discuss the telecommunicator’s ability to support the             explore the scientific evidence on which the system is based, see        Luke Barritt, Ivan Whitaker
                                                                            Incident Command role more effectively and how to plan for possible         how it’s best used, and find out the difference a quality improvement    You know ProQA, but how well do you really know ProQA? Are
 8:30 AM–12:30 PM                                                           future incidents. (Warning: This class covers graphic and possibly          process will make. Participants will have a new appreciation for the     you using ProQA to just check the boxes and fill the fields from one
 1–DAY | APRIL 23 | $99                                                     disturbing images and content.)                                             critical relationship between the emergency communication center         case to the next and looking for something more? Come hungry
 Kim Rigden, Ing. Christof Constantin Chwojka                                                                                                           and the entire public safety system. We’ll begin with a discussion of    to learn how to use ProQA as the dynamic tool that it is, and leave
 “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act                                                                                           time-proven EMD concepts for conserving resources and improving          empowered to utilize advanced techniques and tricks for those cases
 but a habit.” –Aristotle. Why shoot for ACE status? This ACE               ADVANCED ProQA WITH HIGH PERFORMANCE EMD                                    patient care and then learn how these concepts work equally well for     where you need to enhance the service you are providing from the
 communication center manager put it best: “The difference in our           8:30 AM–12:30 PM                                                            fire and police dispatching.                                             hot seat rather than going through the motions. The course will
 center since becoming an ACE is like day and night. Morale is up.          1–DAY | APRIL 23 | $99                                                                                                                               take in-depth discussions from the High Performance EMD course
 Recognition in the community is up. Productivity is up. Compliance         Luke Barritt, Ivan Whitaker                                                                                                                          and combine them with carrying out the concepts using the ProQA
 is second nature. Turnover is down. It's one of the best investments       You know ProQA, but how well do you really know ProQA? Are you
                                                                                                                                                        ProQA AND AQUA REPORTING MODULE TRAINING                                 Medical software. Topics covered will include reinforcement of Chief
 of time we ever made.” ACE status ingrains pursuit of excellence           using ProQA to just check the boxes and fill the fields from one            8:30 AM–5:30 PM                                                          Complaint selection rules, multiple/unknown count patients with fast
 into your organization's culture and ensures that your center gets         case to the next and looking for something more? Come hungry                1–DAY | APRIL 23 | $198                                                  track codes, 1st party ineffective breathing, critical care instructions
 the most out of the Priority Dispatch System. ACE brings specific,         to learn how to use ProQA as the dynamic tool that it is, and leave         John Hancock                                                             and other diagnostic tool usage, and much more.
 tangible benefits to centers of all sizes. Come learn about these          empowered to utilize advanced techniques and tricks for those cases         Students will use a training database and learn through practical
 benefits and discover the steps (including initial self-assessments)       where you need to enhance the service you are providing from the            application by filtering and generating their own reports using AQUA
 necessary to apply for or renew ACE accreditation and effective            hot seat rather than going through the motions. The course will             and ProQA Paramount clients. We'll provide training laptops and a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 THE NINE ECHO PROJECT: IMPLEMENTING A
 ways to meet those requirements. Presenters Kim Rigden, Associate          take in-depth discussions from the High Performance EMD course              database to conduct practical guided exercises using a variety of        COMPREHENSIVE TELEPHONE CPR PROGRAM FOR
 Director of Accreditation and Ing. Christof Constantin Chwojka will        and combine them with carrying out the concepts using the ProQA             filtering techniques. We'll then interpret and evaluate reports data     DISPATCH
 review accreditation applications and offer advice on how to take          Medical software. Topics covered will include reinforcement of Chief        to aid in quality improvement and training decisions. This includes      1:30–5:30 PM
 your team to the ACE level.                                                Complaint selection rules, multiple/unknown count patients with fast        detailed discussion on AQUA ACE reports.                                 1–DAY | APRIL 23 | $99
                                                                            track codes, 1st party ineffective breathing, critical care instructions                                                                             Ross Rutschman, Megan Craig, Petar Hossick, Brett Patterson
                                                                            and other diagnostic tool usage, and much more.                                                                                                      Improving cardiac arrest survival is a team approach. This workshop
                                                                                                                                                        ADVANCED AQUA SOFTWARE TRAINING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 will assist dispatch agencies in forming a relationship with field
                                                                                                                                                        1:30–5:30 PM
                               SCAN IN!                                     AQUA SOFTWARE TRAINING                                                      1–DAY | APRIL 23 | $99
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 providers in an effort to increase sudden cardiac arrest survival in your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 community. Topics will include: initial and continuing education for
               TO GET YOUR CDE CREDITS                                      8:30 AM–5:30 PM                                                             Jose Rodriguez, Ken Hotaling                                             EMDs; establishing a partnership with EMS providers; implementing
        (Scan your badge in your classroom)                                 1–DAY | APRIL 23 | $198                                                     Are you looking to enhance your quality assurance and quality            a quality improvement cycle including data; and collection,
                                                                            Meridith Jensen                                                             improvement programs? Struggling to get the information that will        measurement, and feedback.
                                                                            AQUA helps ED-Qs to apply the performance standards using simple            help your agency advance the level of calltaker performance? Trying
                                                                            tools, making case review more consistent and succinct. This course         to develop meaningful continuing dispatch education programs that
                                                                            will introduce users to all of the features and functionality of the        address actual needs? Do you want to be the best you can be? Come
                                                                            AQUA software. Participants will get hands-on experience learning           join this course suitable for all skill levels as we show how data can                        COMM. CENTER TOUR
                                                                            the steps to set up their AQUA databases from START (building               be turned into meaningful action. This session will review many of                            MONDAY, APRIL 23
                                                                            employee lists and case folders) to FINISH (moving, organizing, and         the seldom used, high-value features of AQUA software. We will take                           REGISTER ONLINE
                                                                            reviewing cases). Practice importing cases from Paramount into              an in-depth look at the reports and filtering capabilities within the                         LIMITED SEATING
                                                                            AQUA, reviewing cases (with recordings) in AQUA, accessing the              program and discuss how to interpret and use that data to advance
                                                                            reports in AQUA, and so much more!                                          your agency's QA/QI program and CDE activities.

10                                                                      ALL•IN                                                              NAV2018    navigatorconference.org                                               ALL•IN                                                                          11
18 Aria Resort and Casino Las Vegas, Nevada - April 24-26, 2018 - IAED ...
                                                               2018                                KEYNOTE SPEAKER:
                       ATTENDEE PARTY                                                              CAREY LOHRENZ
                                                                                                   Carey Lohrenz knows what it takes to win in one of the highest pressure, extreme environ-
                                                                                                   ments imaginable: in the cockpit at Mach 2.

                                                                                                   As the first female F-14 Tomcat Fighter Pilot in the U.S. Navy, having flown missions
                                                                                                   worldwide as a combat-mission-ready United States Navy pilot, Lohrenz is used to
                                                                                                   working in fast moving, dynamic environments, where inconsistent execution can gen-
                                                                                                   erate catastrophic results.

                                                                                                   The same challenges are found in business: markets change, customer needs evolve
                                                                                                   and if you do not adapt quickly your company is at risk.

                                                                                                   In her motivating and engaging keynote presentations, Carey shares her fascinating
                                                                                                   experiences operating in one of the world's most challenging environments-an aircraft
                                                                                                   carrier. She is uniquely qualified in the fundamentals of winning under pressure, reduc-
                                                                                                   ing errors and overcoming obstacles. Her mastery of these fundamentals can help your
                                                                                                   team triumph in this high-risk, time crunched world.

                                                                                                   Carey Lohrenz's timely message about High Performing Teams and developing a Culture of
                                                                                                   Learning is based on the best-practices of high reliability organizations. The process Prepare,
                                                                                                   Perform, Prevail helps businesses manage risk while becoming a High Performing Organization.
                                                                                                   This message resonates with diverse audiences at every level of the company.

                                                                                                   Carey has been requested by name from some of the top Fortune 100 businesses. Her ability to connect with
                                                                                                   both an audience and on a one-on-one level, coupled with her knowledge and experience in leading high-ˇperforming,
                                                                                                   diverse teams, has made her highly sought after as a business consultant and speaker. Carey is a powerhouse in the field of
                                                                                                   delivering engaging Leadership, High Performing Organizations and Diversity Training that directly impacts a company’s
                                                                                                   ROI and bottom line. Her experience in the all-male environment of fighter aviation and her ability to pass on the Lessons
                                                                                                   Learned in her career allow her to deliver insight and guidance from a credible platform on Women’s Leadership Issues.
                                                                                                   Carey has delivered her leadership and strategy experience to such companies as Cisco, Dell, TEVA, Deloitte, Underwriters
                                                                                                   Laboratories, Verizon, AT&T, Kimberly Clark, State Farm Insurance and Sea Ray Boats, to name a few. Carey graduated from
                                                                                                   the University of Wisconsin where she was a varsity rower, also training at the pre-Olympic level. After graduation, she
                                                                                                   attended the Navy’s Aviation Officer Candidate School before starting flight training and her naval career. She is currently
                                                                                                   working on her Master’s in Business Administration in Strategic Leadership.

                                                                                                   • DISPATCHER OF THE YEAR
                                                                                                     AWARD PRESENTATION
                                                                                                   • INSTRUCTOR OF THE YEAR
                                                                                                     AWARD PRESENTATION
                                                                                                   • ACCREDITATION

6:30 PM–9:00 PM | TUESDAY, APRIL 24 | 21+ ONLY | TICKETS $20
                               *FREE admission with the purchase of a FULL CONFERENCE PASSPORT   navigatorconference.org                                                     ALL•IN                                               13
18 Aria Resort and Casino Las Vegas, Nevada - April 24-26, 2018 - IAED ...
TUESDAY | APRIL 24                                                                                                                                                                                            TUESDAY | APRIL 24
 8:30-10:30 AM                                 HUMAN RESOURCES                                      learn the best practices for selection, hiring,      STRESS MANAGEMENT                                  about these generations while learning about        simple and easy solutions she proposed.
                                               WHAT IS OUR PEOPLE'S PURPOSE?                        training, evaluating, and motivating your            DISPATCHER STRESS: COMBATING                       their strengths, what motivates them, and
                                                                                                    workers. Stamp out the "contagious" habits                                                              how to deal with each generation to help            SPECIAL INTEREST
 OPENING SESSION                               Eric Parry, Jaci Fox                                                                                      THE PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS
                                               So what is our people's purpose? Do we               of problem employees that can affect                                                                    make your workplace a more enjoyable                WORKPLACE RELATED HEALTH
                                                                                                                                                         Dan Sacomano, Erin Eaton
 Keynote Speaker                               expect our employees to show up on a daily           others, new approaches to performance                Are your current response assignments using        environment. Think you know what makes              PROJECTS—SCIENCE FICTION OR
 Instructor of the Year Award                  basis and "function"? This session delves            improvement plans, annual evaluations,               your resources efficiently and effectively?        millennials tick? You might be wrong. We will       ACHIEVABLE GOAL?
 ACE Presentation                              into how we as managers and supervisors              expanded use of EAP program and services.            Are you using the MPDS software to its full        also discuss what the iGen (or Gen Z) will          Susanne Ottendorfer, Siegfried Weinert
 Dispatcher of the Year Award                  can motivate and reward our staff in                 Receive a Healthy Center Checklist for a self-       capabilities? This session is going to give you    bring to the table as they enter the workforce      A questionnaire regarding eating habits,
                                               positive and meaningful ways. Strategies             evaluation. Prevent your center from being           ideas on ways to manage your resources and         starting next year.                                 weight gain/loss, physical workouts,
                                               that increase self-direction and engagement          declared "DOA" in a case of negligence in            how to use the software to achieve this.                                                               addictions like alcohol or nicotine,
                                                                                                    court proceedings!                                                                                      LEADERSHIP
                                               with the job at hand will be the focus of this                                                                                                                                                                   recreational behavior, sleep patterns, and
 FREE BOX LUNCH                                enlightening discussion.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            "ALL IN" LEADERSHIP                                 subjective stress has been created specially
 IN EXHIBIT HALL                                                                                    MEDICAL                                              12:30–2:30 PM                                      Kevin Willett                                       for our dispatchers. The results will help us
 11:30 AM–12:30 PM                             LEADERSHIP                                           CARDIAC ARRESTS AND THE EMD                                                                             If you have the best hand or at least think         develop specific, made-to-measure long-term
                                               ACTIVE SHOOTER—                                      Barbara Ireland                                      QUALITY ASSURANCE & ACE                            your hand can beat the rest of the table,           workplace health promotion projects with
                                               THE FIRST 15 MINUTES                                 Do you find yourself confident in handling           ED-Q FORUM LIVE                                    you go all in with your bet. Join Kevin for         both medical and social aspects, in addition
                                               Tom Somers                                           cardiac arrest calls as an EMD? In this              Kim Rigden, Brian Dale, Michael Spath,             this session filled with motivation and skill-      to the health benefits that we are legally
                                               Active shooter in progress—the 911 call all          session, we will review and do exercises of          Deanna Mateo-Mih                                   building. Be the change that your center            required to offer our employees.
                                               communication center personnel dread. This           the different situations that will arise. When       Are you a police, medical, and/or fire             needs to be the best. Walk away with a
 12:30–1:30 PM                                 presentation will refine the focus of an active      do you use the v13 Suspected Medical Arrest          ED-Q? Do you have questions about the              renewed sense of what a true leader is and          STRESS MANAGEMENT
                                               shooter event to just the 911 call. Primary and      pathway from Case Entry? What about a                performance standards or how to use AQUA           how you can cultivate the best from your            HOW TO COPE WHEN YOU ARE IN
 ALL IN!                                                                                            traumatic situation? When do you use (and            to measure performance? What about how             team. Kevin will show that everyone takes           THE HOT SEAT
                                               secondary Public Safety Answering Points
 HIGH PERFORMANCE TELEPHONE                    (PSAPs) each have their unique attributes            NOT use) the Agonal Breathing Counter in             to score calls with ProQA Paramount? Come          a role in leadership and how your energy,           Veronica Ross
 CPR FOR DISPATCH                              to handle the active shooter event. These            Case Entry? When do you go to Protocol 9:            prepared with questions and situations. This       passion, and knowledge can bring high               Stress management is a huge topic in our
 Ross Rutschman, Brett Patterson               attributes create silos of information and           Cardiac or Respiratory Arrest/Death? How             panel of experts brings extensive experience       morale and infuse pride in your team. Don't         911 community. We consistently provide
 Improving cardiac arrest survival is a team   instructions. But what happens when these            does Protocol 31: Unconscious/Fainting               in all three disciplines and will answer most of   miss this career-changing session.                  our personnel with stress management
 approach. This session will focus on high     silos of information collide with a caller on        (Near) figure into this? You should leave this       your burning questions about Q.                                                                        information for the aftermath, but how do
                                                                                                    session with a stronger understanding of this                                                           MANAGEMENT
 performance telephone CPR in an effort        the line? What does law enforcement PSAP                                                                                                                                                                         you handle the stress during the critical
                                                                                                    very important topic.                                                                                   THE AFTERMATH OF MERGING
 to increase sudden cardiac arrest survival
 in your community. Topics will include ele-
                                               tell the caller who is bleeding? What does the                                                            1:45–2:45 PM                                       Ronald Shiner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                incident? This training allows you to become
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                aware of your emotional and physical
                                               fire or EMS PSAP tell the caller who needs           RESEARCH
 ments of high performance telephone CPR                                                                                                                                                                    You have merged, now what? During this              well-being during those stressful times and
                                               to know how to defend themselves? The                RESEARCH POSTER FORUM                                VEGAS STRONG
 and implementing a quality improvement                                                                                                                                                                     dynamic presentation, we will be discussing         provides you with ways to manage the stress.
                                               active shooter event starts with the call. How                                                            FROM FESTIVAL GOERS TO
 cycle including data collection, measure-                                                          Greg Scott, Chris Olola, Isabel Gardett                                                                 the hurdles that management and training            Understanding the Wise Mind Theory allows
                                               you handle the call can make a difference                                                                 UNDER ATTACK: EMDs’ ROUTE 91
 ment, and feedback.                                                                                Research is conducted, in various forms,                                                                will encounter along with ideas and                 you to adapt to a better emotional and
                                               in some cases between life and death. This                                                                EXPERIENCES FROM INSIDE THE
                                                                                                    by dispatchers and dispatch agency                                                                      possible solutions to enable newly merged           physical well-being.
                                               interactive presentation will engage the
                                                                                                    personnel all around the world every year.           VENUE                                              and merging centers deal with what’s to
                                               audience on how to handle the call, the need
                                                                                                    This session highlights some of that work,           Charlotte Gentry, Melanie Straeter,                come. Some of the topics to be covered
                                               to expand their knowledge outside of their
                                                                                                    focusing on innovative uses of data analysis         Nina Neubert                                       are: combined policies and procedures,              3:15–4:15 PM
                                               discipline, and provide common sense tools
                                                                                                    to improve emergency communication                   Hear firsthand what it was like to go from         separate policies and procedures, multiple
                                               to implement during an active shooter.                                                                                                                                                                           VEGAS STRONG
                                                                                                    center performance. This session allows              being a festival attendee to helping strangers     communication centers in the same room,
                                               MANAGEMENT                                           each poster presenter to explain his or her          survive. EMDs that were on scene that night        separate disciplines per center, merging            ON DUTY DISPATCHERS AND THE
                                               FAILING CENTERS—                                     research, describe the methods and results,          will offer perspective on what happened from       training and CDEs or not, merging QIU or            CALM DURING THE ROUTE 91 STORM
                                               A REALITY CHECK                                      and discuss the ways in which the research           when the shooting started until after it ended.    not, and employee engagements. Attendees            Letha Lofton
                                                 Stephan Bunker                                     has improved practice at his or her agency.                                                             will leave feeling better equipped to manage        Find out the firsthand experiences of
                                                                                                    Find out what your peers are doing and be            ALL IN!                                            what is to come in their own centers.
                                                  Is your center suffering, ailing, or failing to                                                                                                                                                               supervisors and dispatchers who were on
                                                                                                    inspired to conduct research and drive data-         SCREENING CALLS FOR HELP WITH                                                                          duty during the tragedy. Hear about the calls
                                                    meet its mission? Is it time for a checkup                                                                                                              MEDICAL
                                                      from "Dr. Dispatch"? Allow the doctor         informed practice in your own center.                PSYCHOSOCIAL BACKGROUND                                                                                for help they answered that night.
                                                                                                                                                         AND GUIDANCE TO ADEQUATE                           WEIRD SCIENCE
                                                       to examine just how fit your center          SPECIAL INTEREST                                                                                        Jeff Clawson, M.D., Brett Patterson                 ALL IN!
                                                         is operationally. Learn about those        MAKING YOUR CITY HEARTSAFE                           RESOURCES
                                                                                                                                                                                                            If it could easily be described, it wouldn't        CUSTOMER SERVICE FOR THE
                                                          "chronic" and sometimes "fatal"                                                                Heinz Novosad
                                                                                                    Becky Kamoske, Mark Turner                                                                              bethat weird now, would it? In Dr. Jeff             TELECOMMUNICATOR
                                                            conditions that affect the success                                                           A two-year long research project investigated
                                                                                                    In this session, the story of the Loveland/                                                             Clawson's 38-plus years of experience in            Kevin Diluia, Ron TwoBulls, John Ferraro
                                                             or failure of your center. Let's                                                            emergency calls with psychosocial
                                                                                                    Berthoud Colorado Heartsafe community                                                                   this field, he has pretty much heard it all.        The presenters will explain why customer
                                                             examine the fitness of your                                                                 backgrounds addressed to emergency
                                                                                                    initiative will be presented as an example                                                              Some of his stories in this session will amaze      service is so important. News stories, actual
                                                              leadership, supervisors, and                                                               communication centers. It designs potential
                                                                                                    to participants. At the conclusion of the                                                               you—some will even shock you. Come one,             audio of calls, and real-life examples will
                                                               trainers and                                                                              solutions based on a referral to the profession
                                                                                                    presentation, participants will have a template                                                         come all!                                           be used to drive the point home. Tips and
                                                                                                                                                         of social work. Analyzing typical approaches
                                                                                                    to modify and take to their communities                                                                                                                     tricks will be provided to the attendees, and
                                                                                                                                                         and handling such calls for help discloses         RESEARCH
                                                                                                        with the hope of making them Heartsafe.                                                                                                                 the course will wrap up when the speakers
                                                                                                                                                         possible functions and roles in screening and      "911, STATE YOUR EMERGENCIA"—
                                                                                                           Strategies to engage public safety                                                                                                                   relate how good customer service leads to
                                                                                                                                                         guidance. The aim is to develop a concept          A DISPATCH PROJECT IN THE MAKING
                                                                                                             partners and locate funding sources                                                                                                                adherence to the protocols.
                                                                                                                                                         for interdisciplinary teamwork in emergency        Brianne Nelson
                                                                                                              will also be discussed. The benefits of
                                                                                                                                                         communication centers and helplines.               Do you ever wonder why calls from non-
                                                                                                               a Heartsafe community for citizens
                                                                                                                                                         These efforts promote the integral aspect of       English speakers seem so challenging?
                                                                                                                and the public relationship building
                                                                                                                 with them will also be addressed.
                                                                                                                                                         primary care close to the community, which         When accuracy is so critical, how do we                           COMM. CENTER TOUR
                                                                                                                                                         begins with the first call for help.               really know our words are being translated                                  TUESDAY, APRIL 24
                                                                                                                                                         HUMAN RESOURCES                                    and understood correctly? This research                                      REGISTER ONLINE
                                                                                                                                                         TALKIN' 'BOUT MY GENERATION                        project was conducted by a dispatcher who                                          LIMITED SEATING
                                                                                                                                                         Tony Hilley, Lexi Pinkerton                        asked those same questions. She not only
                                                                                                                                                         A brief history lesson tossed in with a little     discovered why it happens but revealed how
                                                                                                                                                         bit of comedy to learn the perspectives of         the callers, the interpreters, and the calltakers
                                                                                                                                                         each generation, from traditionalists through      themselves all did something to affect the
                                                                                                                                                         millennials. We will discard the useless myths     success and efficiency of the call, and the

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18 Aria Resort and Casino Las Vegas, Nevada - April 24-26, 2018 - IAED ...
TUESDAY | APRIL 24                                                                                                                                                                                              TUESDAY | APRIL 24
 HUMAN RESOURCES                                    MANAGEMENT                                         QUALITY ASSURANCE & ACE                             recognizing the signs and symptoms of an           MEDICAL                                             SPECIAL INTEREST
 A STAR DISPATCHER IS NOT ALWAYS                    YOU WANT TO CHANGE WHAT?!                          "IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU!"                               employee in distress; are you prepared to          THE DEVIL MADE YOU DO IT?                           CRISIS TEXT LINE:
 A STAR TRAINER: THE MAGIC                          Richard Frayne, Wendy Rung                         Carrie Flynn, Heather Hedgcock                      take on your local government to get your          PSYCHIATRIC EMERGENCIES FROM                        UPDATES AND OPPORTUNITIES
 JOHNSON THEORY                                     Introducing significant change is one of the       Protocols may provide an exact script for           employees the help they need before it's too       THE PATIENT PERSPECTIVE                             Michael Spath, Garrett Shotwell
 Angela Huddle, Dean Rohan                          hardest things to do in an organization, and       the emergency calltaker to follow, but it still     late?; and the necessity to improve climate        Tami Wiggins, Madeline Marks                        It took Crisis Text Line 3 1/2 years to handle
 For 12 years, Earvin "Magic" Johnson               it's one of the easiest things to fail at if you   requires a living, breathing human being            and culture in the dispatch environment.           What is mental illness? We all experience the       their first million text sessions. The second
 dominated courts as one of America's best          don't do it right. Taking a strategic approach,    to navigate through them successfully.                                                                 calls for a psychiatric emergency, but what         million took approximately 10 months. This
 basketball players. After being drafted to the     engaging stakeholders to identify bench-           Sometimes as Q's, we get all caught up in           4:30–5:30 PM                                       does that look like? Step into the mind and         texting resource has continued to experience
 LA Lakers, after only two years in college,        marks of success, and utilizing a change man-      what “we” think and forget that the calltaker                                                          life of a caller experiencing mental illness        exponential growth and has more need of
                                                                                                                                                           ALL IN!
 Magic Johnson won the NBA Finals MVP his           agement model provides your project with           was making split-second decisions. How can                                                             and psychiatric emergencies. If we know the         help from PSAPs than ever. Their database is
                                                    the best chance of succeeding. Join Richard        we avoid promoting our personal agenda and          Q'ING CALLS WITH PARAMOUNT                                                                             a wealth of information about crisis issues in
 first year as a professional. Johnson and his                                                                                                                                                                definition of mental illness and are able to
 team continued to be one of the NBA's top          as he discusses the change management              instead look out for the best interest of the       AND AQUA                                           understand mental illness, we may be able to        some of our most vulnerable communities.
 competitors throughout the rest of the '80s,       process that led to the successful implemen-       calltaker and callers? This session will provide    Kim Rigden, Deanna Mateo-Mih                       better assist the caller. Join us to learn about    Learn about what they are doing and how it
 being named one of the 50 greatest players         tation of a quality assurance/quality improve-     guidance designed to help your calltakers use       Back by popular demand! ProQA Paramount            mental illness and participate in a discussion      might benefit your own community—maybe
 in NBA history in 1996 and inducted into the       ment program in the Niagara Regional Police        protocols with intention and for reminding          is a game changer for ED-Qs. How can a             about the different presentations of callers.       even your own family.
 Basketball Hall of Fame in 2002. And then          Communications Centre. The journey starts          them “It’s all about you!”                          Q accurately assess calls with Paramount
                                                    when the project is identified as a strategic                                                          (MPDS v13, FPDS v6.1, PPDS v6)? Is it              QUALITY ASSURANCE & ACE                             STRESS MANAGEMENT
 he became a coach. From 1976 until 2004                                                               RESEARCH
 the Lakers missed the playoffs just once.          priority during the business plan cycle and                                                            possible to get an accurate review using the       THE STANDARDS ARE PERFECT—                          RUSSIAN ROULETTE OR STRESS
                                                    ends with an eight-step change management          DATA ANALYSIS FOR QUALITY                           QA Guide (QAG) as your only tool? Come             AGAIN! THE ALL-NEW v10                              MANAGEMENT?
 That was the same year Magic Johnson
 coached the Lakers. He lost five of his first      model that can be easily transferred to any        IMPROVEMENT                                         learn all the things you need to know to           UNIVERSAL PERFORMANCE                               Kevin Willett
 six games and announced he would resign            change management initiative. Along the            Greg Scott, Meghan Broadbent,                       evaluate calls with PDC software. Deanna           STANDARDS                                           Is your agency or personal stress
 after that season. Being a star player is          way you will learn how to develop a series of      Chris Olola, Isabel Gardett                         and Kim will show you when you can use the                                                             management plan more like Russian roulette
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Brian Dale
 only one of the many facets of being a star        the Critical Success Factors that will form the    Most agencies use data in one form or               QAG and, more importantly, how you need to                                                             (we hope nobody will stress out) or are you
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Now that the IAED is rolling out the new
 coach. Learn what traits and skills it takes to    basis for determining any project's guiding        another to improve system performance,              use ProQA to correctly assess AQUA reviews.                                                            recognizing, prioritizing, and truly managing
                                                                                                                                                                                                              10th Edition of the performance standards,
 be the best trainer.                               principles, when engaging stakeholders at          whether that means reviewing case review            See how to apply the ED-Q Performance                                                                  stress? Maybe it's time to have an ongoing,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              what does it mean to you? How has AQUA
                                                    all levels to ensure success. The skills learned   trends or tracking the outcomes of cases            Standards correctly, identify when Paramount                                                           robust, and custom Critical Incident Stress
 LEADERSHIP                                                                                                                                                                                                   changed to facilitate all the new software-
                                                    during this presentation are easily transfer-      handled by EMDs, EPDs, or EFDs. In this             must be used for AQUA reviews, and increase                                                            Management program that includes a
                                                                                                                                                                                                              related standards, and what is new from
 LEAVE YOUR EGO AT THE DOOR                         able to any change management initiative           session, we will provide an introduction to         your understanding of ProQA and AQUA.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              stem to stern in the new edition? How will          variety of proven strategies for stress, the
 Ryan Chambers, Nathan Lee                          you may wish to implement and will assist          the use of call processing data (especially         Bring your questions and scenarios!                                                                    introduction of positive psychology, and "talk
                                                                                                                                                                                                              this impact your ED-Q workflow? Well come
 Utilizing the events of the Denise Amber Lee       you in making any project a success.               ProQA data) and how to link databases (such                                                            join us: sit down, strap in, and hold on for this   therapy" to treat and cure stress. Don't lose
                                                                                                                                                           HUMAN RESOURCES
 story, this session will bring to light the im-    MEDICAL                                            as ProQA, CAD, and electronic patient care                                                             fast-and-furious overview of the new norm in        great team members to stress when you can
 portance of teamwork inside of a 911 commu-                                                           records) to better evaluate the effectiveness
                                                                                                                                                           WORKPLACE VIOLENCE?                                                                                    save them so they save others.
                                                    "I'M ALL SHOOK UP": SEIZURES AND                                                                       NOT IN MY BACKYARD                                 case review, feedback, and report structures.
 nication center. It will also highlight how egos   OTHER PESKY PROTOCOLS                              of your system. We will provide resources for
 can prevent the job from getting done, which                                                          further learning, as well as information about      Veronica Ross                                      RESEARCH
                                                    Erin Eaton, Dan Sacomano                                                                               This training allows attendees a better
 can, in turn, potentially cause devastating        In this session we will address common mis-        how to contact the research team at IAED                                                               IAED RESEARCH UPDATE
 circumstances. During the Denise Amber Lee                                                            for support. Anyone interested in system            understanding of workplace violence as             Greg Scott, Chris Olola, Isabel Gardett
                                                    takes made when dealing with the seizure,
 tragedy, the lack of teamwork was a defining       choking, and CPR protocols. We will utilize        evaluation, evidence-based practice, and            it contains statistics, past incidents, and        Every year, the IAED conducts dozens of                                   ATTENDEE PARTY
 factor in the failure in proper communication,                                                        improving (and demonstrating) outcomes              employment with an increased risk. Being
                                                    the ProQA test site to give tips and remind-                                                                                                              research studies and analyses to better                               JEWEL NIGHTCLUB (21+)
 which led to missed opportunities to capture                                                          for your community can benefit from this            able to identify warning signs and the             understand the MPDS, PPDS, and FPDS
                                                    ers in regard to these protocols. There will be                                                        FBI's Negative Vortex as well as educating                                                                                        TICKETS: $20*
 the suspect and prevent the murder of              an audio example of a high-compliance 911          session. No knowledge of databases or                                                                  protocols and to develop evidence-based
 Denise. Dispatchers from all ranks will leave                                                         statistics is required.                             our personnel about the correct steps in                                                                                           6:30–9:00 PM
                                                    call for each protocol. We will explain how                                                                                                               best practices in emergency dispatching.
 with a sense of pride for the integral job they                                                                                                           reporting situations allows us to prevent          This session provides an overview of the
                                                    our center implemented training classes and        SPECIAL INTEREST                                    workplace violence.
 perform every day.                                 one-on-one training scenarios to improve                                                                                                                  research and studies conducted this year,                    *FREE ADMISSION WITH FULL CONFERENCE PASSPORT
                                                                                                       COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN:                                                                               with special emphasis on research that has
                                                    overall compliance with EMD. The class will                                                            LEADERSHIP
                                                                                                       TESTED PROGRAM TO IMPROVE                                                                              informed protocol evolution or may inform
                                                    close with a game that will allow all attend-
                                                                                                       EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION AND                         “I'M AT THIS INTERSECTION!”
                                                    ees to log on with their electronic devices                                                            “WHICH ONE?!”                                      emergency dispatch practice in individual
                                                    and participate in the fun. We hope anyone         DISPATCHING PROCEDURES                                                                                 agencies. Some of the topics discussed may
                                                                                                                                                           Matthew Huddle, Darius Osborne
                                                        who attends this class will walk away with     Mike Vasil, Erica Carpenter                                                                            include the provision of telephone CPR and
                                                                                                                                                           Duplicate intersections? Different jurisdictions
                                                           tips and ideas on how their center can      WARNING: Real feelings and perceptions                                                                 the instructions for providing it, the predictive
                                                                                                                                                           in your area? Route names vs. route
                                                              reach higher compliance when it          will come out during this presentation. Using                                                          ability of the MPDS in correctly identifying
                                                                                                                                                           numbers? Do these things matter to the
                                                                comes to seizures, choking, and        before and after surveys and implementing                                                              patient symptoms and conditions, the role of
                                                                                                                                                           telecommunicator that sits in a building
                                                                  CPR calls.                           a formalized sit-in program, the barriers that                                                         the FPDS and PPDS in better understanding
                                                                                                                                                           and stays put? Would you like to be able to
                                                                                                       hindered performance were broken and                                                                   national trends in fire service and law
                                                                                                                                                           picture the hot spot that you send units to?
                                                                                                       emergency communication and lifesaving                                                                 enforcement response and data collection,
                                                                                                                                                           Let’s look at how to identify target issues, the
                                                                                                       services were enhanced. If you are a                                                                   and much more. This is the session to hear
                                                                                                                                                           importance of knowing your dispatch areas,
                                                                                                       responder or dispatching agency that wants                                                             what's happening on the leading
                                                                                                                                                           and how to develop a curriculum and CDE.
                                                                                                       to learn how to improve communication and                                                              edge of dispatch science!
                                                                                                          dispatching procedures, come explore this        MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                             unique program you can implement in           DISASTER COMMUNICATIONS
                                                                                                              your own department.                         Richard Schreiber, Tom Somers
                                                                                                                STRESS MANAGEMENT                          Disasters may require resources beyond what
                                                                                                                 PUSHING THE MOWER                         local and state authorities can manage. This
                                                                                                                                                           session will provide real-life insight and edu-
                                                                                                                  Robin Malatesta-Young,
                                                                                                                                                           cation to the public safety telecommunicator
                                                                                                                  Jeremy Hill                              on a wide range of man-made and natural
                                                                                                                  This session will discuss: What          disasters, their effects on the community and
                                                                                                                  happens when telecommunicator            its infrastructure and the response, and recov-
                                                                                                                  stress turns into PTSD;                  ery needs of each. In addition, this course
                                                                                                                                                           will provide guidance on continuity of
                                                                                                                                                           operations for the communication center
                                                                                                                                                           in the face of a multitude of disaster

18                                                                      ALL•IN                                                                NAV2018     navigatorconference.org                                                  ALL•IN                                                                            19
WEDNESDAY | APRIL 25                                                                                                                                                                         WEDNESDAY | APRIL 25
9:00–10:00 AM                                       MANAGEMENT                                        much. It's no surprise to any dispatcher that      MANAGEMENT                                        appreciation and "wow" to show Mister or             STRESS MANAGEMENT
                                                    BUILDING A RESILIENT WORKFORCE                    the job can be stressful. Join us as we discuss    RELOCATION OF OUR HEALTH                          Miss Grumpy Pants that all smiles matter and         OPTIMAL 24-HOUR LIGHT SPECTRUM
ALL IN!                                             Shelley Rozek, Tara Bowness-Geiger                ways to turn stress on its ear—how it can          COMMUNICATION CENTER:                             work can be something we all look forward            FOR PERFORMANCE AND HEALTH
PREPARING YOUR PSAP FOR                             Communication centers all over the world          make us stronger rather than disable us.           HUMAN APPROACH TO CHANGE                          to. We promise you will walk out of this             Garrie Wright, Andrew Moore-Ede
SEVERE WEATHER                                      struggle with stressful situations that take a                                                       MANAGEMENT                                        session with a smile and a bucket of new             This presentation will discuss the latest
                                                    toll mentally and physically on the staff. This   10:15–11:15 AM                                                                                       positive workplace tools.                            research and trends in using the optimal
Matthew Grogan                                                                                                                                           Jean-François Poulin, Almendra Galland
While some people have taken weather                presentation will offer some ideas on how to                                                         We undertook our Health Communication             QUALITY ASSURANCE & ACE                              spectrum of light to enhance productivity,
spotting classes and some have taken                build a more resilient workforce.                 ALL IN!                                            Center relocation with major hurdles!                                                                  performance, and alertness in 24/7
                                                                                                                                                                                                           BLACK, WHITE, AND 50 SHADES OF
meteorology courses, what do either of them         MEDICAL                                           FIRST DUE—YOU ARE THE                              This session will provide managers with           GRAY IN ED-Q: FINDING THE MIDDLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                operations. We will also discuss the medical
do for us inside the 911 center? This session                                                         INCIDENT COMMANDER                                 insight and tips for overcoming this major                                                             breakthroughs in utilizing light spectrum to
                                                    AWAKE AND BREATHING—                                                                                                                                   GROUND IN THE MADNESS                                reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart
will educate you on the information the                                                               Kevin Diluia, Ron TwoBulls                         challenge, how we prepared and mobilized
National Weather Service offers and, using
                                                    WHEN THE ANSWER IS EVERYTHING                                                                                                                          Chris Bradford, Brian Dale                           disease, and cancer associated with exposure
                                                                                                      Ron and Kevin will provide an engaging             our employees, and the lessons learned.
pictures, videos, and real-life stories, prepare    BUT "YES" OR "NO"                                 and informative session that will leave            Employees’ adjustment to new security
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Now that the IAED has altered the                    to the wrong light at night. The widespread
                                                    Joe Tassitano                                                                                                                                          performance standards and is trying to               adoption of conventional energy efficient
you and your dispatchers for the types of                                                             participants with a strong working                 standards and new technologies including
                                                    Finding a patient's status of breathing and                                                                                                            improve case reviews and feedback, what will         LED-based lights may be inadvertently
calls they will receive on that one fateful day.                                                      knowledge of fireground operations and their       an IP phone system are one example.
                                                    consciousness is critical to proper protocol                                                                                                           this mean to the average ED-Q and calltaker?         creating a health and productivity crisis.
                                                                                                      role as EFDs during incidents. This session        Seeking employee participation in change
ECNS                                                selection and dispatch level. Unfortunately,                                                                                                           With the known changes to INSIGNIFICANT,             We will review solutions that leaders of
                                                                                                      will move you from the communication               management was key to ensure smooth
WHO LIKES GOING TO THE ER?                          the callers’ responses are too often                                                                                                                   and the addition of multiple new standards,          emergency services can use to mitigate the
                                                                                                      center to the front seat of the first due          transition without losing sight of our mission.
USING ECNS TO TREAT PATIENTS                        everything but "yes" or "no." The session                                                                                                              what will happen to the arguments between            risks of light at night for their personnel.
                                                                                                      companies at fire incidents. Ron and Kevin
AT HOME                                             will explore ways the calltaker can effectively                                                      MEDICAL                                           the stereotypical black-and-white versus the
                                                                                                      will facilitate discussions regarding first in
                                                    and efficiently find the status of a patient's                                                       REPRIORITIZING EMD USING                          gray zone ED-Qs? Do the new standards help
Debra Tomassetti, Jeffery Pick,
                                                    breathing and consciousness. The program
                                                                                                      actions of fire companies and the EFD's
                                                                                                                                                         HISTORICAL CLINICAL DATA                          or hinder these “conversations,” and what            11:30 AM–12:30 PM
Karen Abrashkin                                                                                       role in fireground operations and as the first
                                                    will be complemented by video clips                                                                  Veer Vithalani, Neal Richmond                     do you need to know about the changes to
Raise your hand if you like going to the ER!                                                          Incident Commander.                                                                                                                                       VEGAS STRONG
                                                    from classic film comedy to reinforce                                                                The Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS)       workflow for both parties? Come see what is
No takers? Our patients would prefer to                                                                                                                                                                    in store for you so you can better prepare for       POST ROUTE 91: MASS CASUALTY
                                                    teaching points.                                  ECNS                                               categorizes 911 calls into Emergency Medical
stay home as well! Come learn about a new                                                                                                                                                                  the fights ... I mean discussions that will result   TRAINING FOR THE DISPATCH
and innovative approach to ECNS that is                                                               GETTING ECNS INTO YOUR                             Dispatch (EMD) codes based on problem
                                                    MOTIVATION                                                                                                                                             from these changes.                                  CENTER
helping to treat patients safely at home. Our                                                         COMMUNICATION CENTER                               and severity, with response priorities and
                                                    BEATING THE STRESS GAME                                                                                                                                                                                     Ashanti Gray
ECNS nurses are part of a multidisciplinary                                                           Gigi Knight, Conrad Fivaz                          resources determined at the local level           SPECIAL INTEREST
                                                    Jennifer Kirkland                                                                                                                                                                                           We’ll discuss what changes have been
care team, working with doctors, nurse                                                                An overview of the ECNS and its                    through a predetermined response matrix. In       "GUESS WHAT I LEARNED TODAY?"
                                                    We all know that stress is part of the 911                                                                                                                                                                  implemented at our communication center
practitioners, and others. In this model, ECNS                                                        implementation in 911 centers. A how-to            this session, we will demonstrate a proposed      EDUCATING THE PUBLIC
                                                    world. In order to beat the house and stay in                                                                                                                                                               during the six months after the shooting.
is used as a frontline triage system, and                                                             guide to successful second tier triage.            methodology for utilizing historical clinical
                                                    the game, we have to take care of ourselves,                                                                                                           Monica Dietz
providers can be conferenced in to update                                                                                                                data to increase the accuracy of 911 call
                                                    our peers, and our employees. This session                                                                                                             This session will discuss the importance
care plans in real time: medications and                                                                                                                 prioritization of patients with time-sensitive
                                                    will provide timely strategies for managing                                                                                                            of public education and how to get the
testing can be ordered, visits with providers                                                                                                            critical illness. The primary objective of this
                                                    stress, improving your health, and helping                                                                                                             information out there with a focus
can be scheduled, and advice can be given                                                                                                                is to increase the number of patients with
                                                    those you serve manage their stress as                               FREE BOX LUNCH                  time-sensitive critical illness who receive the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           on developing 911 junior
over the phone. ECNS can be used as a               well. By handling our stressful jobs and lives                                                                                                         dispatcher programs for
powerful tool to keep patients out of the                                                                                      IN EXHIBIT HALL           highest-priority ("Priority 1") response, while
                                                    successfully, we all win!                                                                                                                              your area.
hospital and safely at home, where they                                                                                            12:30–1:30 PM         simultaneously decreasing the number of
prefer to stay!                                     QUALITY ASSURANCE & ACE                                                                              Priority 1 responses to patients who do not
                                                    Q 101: FROM CASE ENTRY TO                                                                            have time-sensitive critical illness.
WHICH PROTOCOL TO CHOOSE FOR                        CASE EXIT                                                                                            MOTIVATION
                                                    Tami Wiggins, Melissa Blessing                    FIRE                                               SAY YES TO HAPPINESS
                                                    Do your calltakers fully understand the           RESPONSE TO VIOLENT INCIDENTS                      AND POSITIVITY
Jay Dornseif                                        performance standards and the expectations
Got a report of a motor vehicle accident?                                                             Matthew Huddle, Dennis Wood                        Kevin Willett
                                                    of your QIU? If not, join our session to help     The session will examine the National              Think of the most negative, miserable, low-
EMD has Protocol 29. EFD has Protocol               create a program to take back and teach
77. EPD has Protocol 131. We will compare                                                             Fallen Firefighters Foundation's Life Safety       performing individual in your workplace. Do
                                                    those in your center about the Q process and      Initiative 12: Violent Incident Response.          you enjoy working with them? Does anyone
Protocol 29 versus Protocol 77. Then we will        the performance standards. This is a great
add Protocol 131 in the mix for triple discipline                                                     Through updated case study we will describe        enjoy working with them? Do they sound
                                                    tool for Q's to help bridge the gap from when     historical incidents that have taken place. Our    just like Roz from "Monsters, Inc."? Have
user centers. Come hear the differences and         certification classes end to understanding
share your center's protocol use as part of                                                           discussion will be centered around the vital       they always been that miserable or have
                                                    incident performance reports. Help give your      role of dispatchers and calltakers.                they been allowed to be that way? Stop the
the presentation.                                   calltakers a firm foundation to build on.                                                            madness! Kevin has a train filled with
LEADERSHIP                                                                                            LEADERSHIP
                                                    SPECIAL INTEREST                                                                                     ideas on how to turn the negative
HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGONS!                                                                            INTRODUCTION TO COMPASSION                         attitude folks around. Pride,
                                                    BAD MOON RISING IN DISPATCH                       EDUCATION: MINDFUL TOOLS
Rahul Maharaj, Monica Alcantar Kirk                                                                                                                      passion, kindness, service, and
                                                    Michael Thompson, Gary Galasso                    TO ADDRESS BURNOUT AND
Dragons! Mythical beasts or people in your                                                                                                               staying "mission driven" will
                                                    This is an examination of the ever-evolving
communication center? In this animated and          role of the dispatch center and the
                                                                                                      COMPASSION FATIGUE                                 all be discussed in this fast-
fun session, we take the hit movie “How to                                                            Erica Snyder, Amanda Mahoney                       paced, information-filled
                                                    telecommunicator in what can be truly “time
Train Your Dragon” to the dispatch level and                                                          We will explore the basics of Compassion           session. Demonstrating and
                                                    critical” incidents. We will look at what can
relate it to your training programs. Do you                                                           Cultivation Training (CCT) and describe            expecting greatness is the
                                                    happen if protocol and process are not
have a Hiccup or Fishlegs? Have you tried                                                             how it is designed to develop the qualities        first step, and coaching
                                                    followed in critical situations and offer a new
to match them with a Toothless or a Terrible                                                          of compassion, empathy, and kindness for           and encouragement pave
                                                    view of what the “solution to the problem”
Terror? Whether or not you watched the hit                                                            oneself and for others. As cited by CCARE,         the road to success.
                                                    can be in those situations. We will answer the
movie (we won’t hold it against you if you                                                            CCT integrates traditional contemplative           Then we add
                                                    question: Is the response and arrival of units
haven’t), this session will help you expand                                                           practices with contemporary psychology             a dose of
                                                    always the benchmark solution?
your knowledge base of the essential roles                                                            and scientific research on compassion. The
of the CTO/trainee. And it will assist in           STRESS MANAGEMENT                                 program was developed at Stanford
identifying various methods to overcome             DEFUSING THE STRESS BOMB                          University by a team of contemplative
training obstacles. So grab your shields and        Michael Spath, Garrett Shotwell                   scholars, clinical psychologists,
join us in the Great Hall for an energetic          Compassion fatigue and burnout are                and researchers.
training session that will add new tips and         common terms in the PSAP these days but
tricks to your own Book of Dragons!                 compassion satisfaction and self-care? Not so

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