Page created by Irene Perkins
Thursday, May 21, 2020                     COMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AU

            S   T O C A  N C E L S K Y W O R KS,
                 M A S  A  N D  N E W  Y E A R’S
            L L E N G E D. R E P O R T P A G E3

                         RESCUE             OPEN FOR              CHANCE TO
                         HEROES             BUSINESS               VEG OUT
                          Page 3              Pages 4-5             Page 19

2            NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                   May 21, 2020

             NEWS ..................................................................... P1-10                                                                                                       Laugh online
             CRIMEWATCH .......................................................... P10
             YOUR STORY ............................................................. P11
             LIFESTYLE..................................................... P12, 18, 24
             ZEST FOR LIFE FEATURE........................................ P14                     A
                                                                                                                Leader in care
                                                                                                         DEPARTMENT          of                                       Dr Robina Redknap,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    THE Laugh Resort has
                                                                                                                                                                                                    launched       live-streaming
                                                                                                                                                                                                    shows from its normal 100-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    seat venue at The Shoe Bar
                                                                                                   Health worker has been                                           WA’s chief nursing and          in Yagan Square.
             BAPTISTCARE FEATURE ......................................... P15                     recognised for her leader-                                       midwifery officer, said Ms         The not-for-profit associa-
                                                                                                   ship.                                                            Vile was a deserving reci-      tion’s members, who are
             OPEN FOR BUSINESS .............................................. P17
                                                                                                      Lisa Vile, of Doubleview,                                     pient of the scholarship.       working comedians, have

             GARDENING ............................................................. P19                                                                                                            welcomed the move after the
                                                                                                   was awarded the leader-                                            “We are proud that Lisa
             REAL ESTATE ........................................................... P20           ship in nursing scholar-                                         was awarded this opportu-       majority of gigs were can-
                                                                                                   ship on International Day                                        nity over a strong pool of 80   celled due to the COVID-19.
             TRADES DIRECTORY ......................................... P21-22
                                                                                                   of the Nurse this month.                                         other applicants across            Local stars of the can-
             ART ........................................................................... P23                                                                                                    celled Perth Comedy Festiv-
                                                                                                      The scholarship will                                          Australia,” she said.
             SPORT ....................................................................... P25     help Ms Vile, who is a                                             “Lisa is a talented nurse     al and Melbourne-based
                                                                                                   senior nursing officer with                                      who is dedicated to her         special guest Sami Shah fea-
             DRIVEWAY ............................................................... P26
                                                                                                   the department in East                                           profession and this course      tured on the May 20 show.
                                                                                                   Perth, complete a Master           Lisa Vile.                    will extend her current            Shows are held via Zoom
                                                                                                   of Healthcare Leadership                                         knowledge in evidence-          on the first and third
             Editorial Director:                            Amanda Keenan                          at Southern Cross Univer-          in WA.                        based care, and build upon      Wednesday of each month.
             News Production:                                Michael Palmer                        sity.                                She has more than 20        her skills in policy develop-   Tickets cost $12, $10 conces-
             Design:                                             Carly Pilton                         She is involved in lead-        years of experience in Aus-   ment and leadership of          sion and $15 for families.
             Features Editor:                      Arylene Westlake-Jennings                       ing, planning and execut-          tralia and the UK, mostly     health professionals in a          Book at http://laughre-
             Digital Editor:                                Alison Middleton                       ing key strategies and             within the critical care      multi-disciplinary       and
                                                                                                   policies for the nursing           environment, which she        increasingly complex envi-         Visit the Zoom meeting at
             General inquiries:                               9237 1000                                                                                                                   
             Email:                                             and midwifery workforce            said was her first passion.   ronment.”
             Kristie Lim                                                       9237 1563
             (Bayswater, Bassendean, Vincent)
             Nadia Budihardjo                                                  9237 1564
             David Baylis, Andrew Ritchie
             Group Sales Director:

             Maddie Gray                                                  0419 954572
             Business Development Managers:                                                            
             Julie Gaze                                                  0420 211769
             Sharlene Galvin                                            0448 000801                    
             Contact Centre/Trades:
             Ricardo Jeremiah                                                 9237 1490
             Distribution:                                               08 9237 1630
             Published by: Community Newspaper Group
             50 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.                                                               /EasternReporter
             Printed by Colourpress
             54 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.

May 21, 2020                                                                                                                                                              NEWS                 3

Skyworks not canned yet
Peter de Kruijff                 council meeting which could    and New Year’s event, which      events that have been taking       Commissioners also want        and predictions from those
                                 have seen the major gather-    cost about $845,000 for the      place for many, many years       to know what alternatives        experts in the know to guide
PERTH’S Australia Day fire-      ings canned more than sev-     City to run, were also on the    and therefore require in my      are available and the eco-       our decision making proc-
works have been given a stay     en months out from taking      chopping block out of an $18     view a greater depth of anal-    nomic return from each           ess,” he said.
of execution after the City of   place.                         million COVID-19 rebound         ysis and consideration than      event.                             Everyone from Premier
Perth commissioners called         Staff had recommended        strategy which was to be vot-    would be afforded other mat-       Mr Hammond said it was         Mark McGowan to Federal
for extensive reports about      Skyworks be scrapped for       ed on next week.                 ters within the strategy,” he    important the additional         politicians and the former
why Skyworks, the Christ-        2021 — with the $1.9 million     Chair        commissioner      said.                            information was given to         lord mayor this week
mas nativity concert and         of funding for the event be    Andrew Hammond asked at            Mr Hammond said the            commissioners to make a          slammed the “premature”
New Year’s Eve celebrations      shifted towards homeless       a briefing session this week     reports should include the       considered decision.             moves at the City to cancel
should be cancelled.             support in the CBD —           for comprehensive feasibili-     impacts of COVID-19 at the         “The decision as to wheth-     the Skyworks show.
  Commissioners running          because of fears the event     ty reports at the June coun-     time of the events based on      er these events might or           The City said feedback
the City want to know how        may not be able to go ahead    cil meeting on whether the       the advice of the WA chief       might not go ahead is COVID      from a community survey
much time is needed to plan      due to social distancing re-   three events could be deli-      health officer and State         related and so therefore as      showed its attention should
each event after staff pre-      strictions.                    vered.                           Government recovery road-        difficult as that may be we do   be on “more urgent needs
pared a plan for next week’s       The Christmas concert          “The three items... are        map.                             need that advice estimation      and priorities’.

  Paws to                                                                                                                                                          to reopen
  honour                                                                                                                                                           THE City of Vincent will
                                                                                                                                                                   reopen Beatty Park today as
                                                                                                                                                                   part of its recovery from the
                                                                                                                                                                   COVID-19 pandemic.

  animal                                                                                                                                                              The move comes despite
                                                                                                                                                                   the State Government limit-
                                                                                                                                                                   ing the number of people
                                                                                                                                                                   inside such venues to 20.

  AWARDS that recognise
                                                                                                                                                                      The    City’s    COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                   Relief and Recovery Com-
                                                                                                                                                                   mittee endorsed the COVID-
                                                                                                                                                                   Safe Vincent road map at its
  outstanding efforts to save                                                                                                                                      May 12 meeting.
  pets are now open.                                                                                                                                                  At Beatty Park, there is a
    The Companion Animal                                                                                                                                           20-person limit for indoor
  Rescue Awards, now in its                                                                                                                                        and outdoor pools plus a sep-
  third year, aims to cele-                                                                                                                                        arate entrance for fitness
  brate and inspire rescue                                                                                                                                         classes with 20 people.
  groups and animal shelters                                                                                                                                          The centre will initially be
  to continue their efforts in                                                                                                                                     open to current members
  saving companion animals.                                                                                                                                        and will be open on week-
    Awards founder and pet                                                                                                                                         days from 8am to 4.30pm.
  adoption advocate Cathy                                                                                                                                          The cafe will remain closed.
  Beer said rescue groups                                                                                                                                             For the Loftus Communi-
  were enjoying some of the                                                                                                                                        ty Centre, City officers are
  highest ever adoption rates.                                                                                                                                     conducting a risk assess-
    Every year, about 190,000                                                                                                                                      ment for reintroducing the
  pets remain unclaimed in                                                                                                                                         centre’s senior programs.
  Australia’s pounds and                                                                                                                                              Meanwhile, the City of
  shelters, and thousands of                                                                                                                                       Perth reopened the Council
  volunteers support more                                                                                                                                          House front counter and
  than 1000 rescue groups                                                                                                                                          library on May 18.
  and animal shelters across                                                                                                                                          The Citiplace Rest Centre
  Australia.                                                                                                                                                       will reopen on May 23 from
    “The PetRescue website                                                                                                                                         7am, while the Citiplace
  has seen more than 12,000                                                                                                                                        Community Centre will
  pets adopted in just six                                                                                                                                         remain closed to facilitate
  weeks,” Ms Beer said.                                                                                                                                            maintenance works.
    “These organisations are                                                                                                                                          The Perth Town Hall and
  also struggling from the                                                                                                                                         iCity Kiosk remain closed.
  financial impacts of the        Mary O'Donovan and Tommy.                                                                                                           Meanwhile, all libraries in
  COVID-19 pandemic.’                                                                                                                                              City of Stirling reopened for
    There are 10 categories in    dog Tommy were an Advo-       years old and blind. He has      through the Story Dogs          finalist in the awards, but it    up to 20 patrons at any one
  the awards, including out-      cate People’s Rescue Story    retired from visiting aged       program.                        hasn’t gone to his head or        time starting on May 18.
  standing rescue group and       finalist in last year’s       care homes through Ani-            “Tommy has always been        anything,” Mary said.                Leisurepark Balga and
  volunteer of the year.          awards.                       mal Companion Volunteer-         a bit of an identity down at      The awards are open             Terry Tyzack Aquatic Cen-
    Mary O’Donovan, of Bas-         Border Collie and “loving   ing and going to schools to      the dog park, so no one was     until July 19 at www.res-         tre have reopened but will be
  sendean, and her rescue         companion” Tommy is 15        help kids with reading           surprised that he became a                 restricted to lap swimming
                                                                                                                                                                   or walking only.

4         NEWS                                                                                                                 May 21, 2020

Buzz back at the Mezz
Kristie Lim                           “When I thought about
                                   what makes Spritz, I thought
FROM eateries to jewellers,        it is the spirit that makes
re-opened businesses are           people spontaneously come
bringing life back to Hawai-       together and enjoy each
ian’s Mezz shopping centre         other’s company – and that
in Mt Hawthorn.                    is what I want it to be
  Café Mokaffe, Spritz Spiz-       always,” he said.
zicheria, Pogo Restaurant,            Hawaiian shopping cen-
Sammy’s and Roti Korner            tres general manager Scott
reopened earlier this month,       Greenwood said 80 per cent
following temporary closure        of retailers in the group’s
due to the State Govern-           suburban shopping centres                  Mt Lawley MLA Simon Millman and Oggi Bar and Eats'
ment’s COVID-19 pandemic           had re-opened.                             Michael Tamburri.
restrictions.                         Many others were plan-
  Florist Code Bloom, Fumi
Sushi, Clarity Jewellers,
Hairlarious Kidz, Salon
                                   ning to shortly.
                                      “We’ve        seen
                                   increasing at our shopping
                                                              traffic         Picture perfect food
Express and Pete’s Multi           centres and we’re very
Service also recently reo-         pleased retailer confidence                WITH local eateries reopen-        Oggi Bar and Eats in Men-
pened.                             is growing and as more                     ing, Mt Lawley MLA Simon         ora intends to reopen fo r
  Restaurant owner Eamon           shops re-open we’ve also                   Millman has restarted the        dine-in customers on May 21
Sullivan, who re-opened his        seen       more       customers            Millman Meals photo com-         after serving takeaway-only
two restaurants at Pogo and        returning,” he said.                       petition.                        for the past few months.
Sammy’s, said he was                  “We take our retailers’                    Residents in the Mt Law-        Proprietor Michael Tam-
thrilled to be welcoming cus-      and our customers’ safety                  ley area who buy a meal          burri said it was a strange
tomers back again and              very seriously and through-                from a local restaurant, din-    time to celebrate the bar’s
employing staff.                   out Hawaiian shopping cen-                 er or cafe can take a photo of   third    anniversary     this
  “When we first closed the        tres we have established                   the food and post it on Insta-   month.
doors we thought it would be       social distancing measures,                gram or Facebook using the         “We’re looking forward to
for four to six months, so         increased and upgraded                     tag #MillmanMeals.               seeing our regular custom-
we’re really excited to be         cleaning, installed hand san-                 Instead of a previous $50     ers again,” he said.
back and it’ll be great to start   itiser stations and trained                prize for meals, residents         “Oggi’s is well-placed to
seeing      our     customers      our retailers on good                      can now choose a charity to      welcome diners.
again,” he said.                   hygiene for themselves and                 receive a $100 donation.           “We’ve got an airy, spaced
  Spritz Spizzicheria co-          their customers.                              Mr Millman said this was      out setting that means we
owner Mario Tolardo said              “It is safe to visit our shop-          the perfect time to bring        can easily meet the require-
the pandemic forced them to        ping centres and the support               back the photo competition.      ments for distancing.
rethink their business and         helps local people in our                     “These are tough times,”        “This      training    has
how they could bring the res-      communities          who      are          he said.                         ensured our staff are well-
taurant’s character into           employed at our Hawaiian                      “With     #MillmanMeals       informed on the new ways of
homes.                             shopping centres.”                         you can support our fantas-      operating we will implement
                                                                              tic local eateries and at the    when we re-open on May 21.
Hospitality leader Eamon Sullivan is happy to have                            same time we’ll be helping         “We’re already getting
re-opened Pogo's and Sammy's. Picture: Jackson Flindell                       out people in need.”             calls.”

May 21, 2020                                                                                                                                                          NEWS                    5

Cheers to                                                                                                                                                         BACK ON
                                                                                                                                                                  THE MENU
                                                                                                                                                                  Cafes and restaurants

our open
                                                                                                                                                                  that have resumed
                                                                                                                                                                  dine-in include:
                                                                                                                                                                  City of Vincent
                                                                                                                                                                  - Modern Eatery
                                                                                                                                                                  - Solo Pasta
                                                                                                                                                                  - Six Senses Gourmet Thai
                                                                                                                                                                  - Pogo Restaruant

hotels                                                                                                                                                            - Two Mad Tsucans
                                                                                                                                                                  - Chinta
                                                                                                                                                                  - The Old Laundry
                                                                                                                                                                  - S&T Thai
                                                                                                                                                                  - Veggie Mama
                                                                                                                                                                  - Seoul BBQ
Kristie Lim                      seat for lunch and $35 per                                                                                                       - Blake St Merchant
                                 seat for dinner,” general                                                                                                        - Ischia
THE Inglewood and Bayswa-        manager Martin Lawley                                                                                                            - Must Wine Bar
ter hotels are among pubs        said.                                                                                                                            - Threecoins
back serving customers             “Our kitchen and bottle                                                                                                        - Tommasino’s
after the State Government       shop were already operating                                                                                                      - Trattoria Ilaria
lifted the takeaway-only re-     for takeaway so adding the                                                                                                       - The Garden
strictions on Monday.            dine-in option was a viable                                                                                                      - Flora & Fauna
   This comes after cafes,       option for our business.”                                                                                                        - Hobart Deli
pubs, restaurants and hotels       Mr Lawley said the down-                                                                                                       City of Stirling
were permitted to reopen         time had also given the chefs                                                                                                    - Chakra
and offer restricted dining      a chance to work on a new                                                                                                        - Il Pasto
services, with a 20-people       menu with tasty dishes, pub                                                                                                      - Kasama’s Thai
limit, as part of phase two of   classics and customer favou-                                                                                                     Restaurant
the State Government’s           rites.                                                                                                                           City of Perth
COVID-19 roadmap.                  “We have been over-                                                                                                            - Six Senses on the Quay
   Both hotels had been serv-    whelmed by all the support                                                                                                       - Nao Ramen
ing takeaway meals and           during this tough time and                                                                                                       - Whisk Creamery
alcohol from the bottle shops    are really looking forward to                                                                                                    - Dragon Palace
during the State Govern-         breathing life back into the                                                                                                     - Balthazar
ment’s takeaway restricted       venue,” he said.                                                                                                                 - Sauma
period where hotels and            “We are taking 90-minute                                                                                                       - Hiss & Smoke
pubs were forced to shut din-    bookings of up to eight peo-    Inglewood Hotel general manager Martin Lawley.                                                   - James Parker
ing areas.                       ple. Alcohol must be pur-                                                                                                        - Sura Korean
   The     Inglewood      has    chased ancillary to a main      not respond before deadline,    business has worked for us        Mr Henderson said the          - Andaluz Perth
returned with minimum            meal or equivalent.             but Bayswater Hotel general     with the support of the local   hotel had an a la carte menu     - The Flour Factory
spend quotas for dine-in cus-      “We are really looking for-   manager James Henderson         community,” he said.            and seniors menu with            - The Globe
tomers while the number of       ward to reconnecting with       said he had been happy with       “We have spaced our din-      house-made dishes includ-        - Goody Two’s
allowable diners is limited.     our loyal patrons over the      the government’s measures       ing room out by removing        ing a spicy buffalo cauliflow-   - Old Faithful
   “We respectfully request a    coming weeks.”                  so far.                         table and chairs to comply      er, fish tacos, desserts and     - Varnish on King
minimum spend of $25 per           The Rosemount Hotel did         “The takeaway part of our     with the distancing rules.”     wood-fired pizzas.

6         NEWS                                                                                                                                                                       May 21, 2020

It’s open barre at Xtend
Victoria Rifici

REBECCA Lay has bent over                                                                                                                                           Kaplan Business School.
backwards to continue oper-                                                                                                                                         Picture: Damien Ford
ating during the coronavi-
rus crisis and believes she
has emerged more agile than
                                                                                                                                                                    Business of
   The fitness studio owner,
who reopened her studios on                                                                                                                                         city study
Monday, said her entire                                                                                                                                             KAPLAN Business School
business model had changed                                                                                                                                          plans to open its fifth Aus-
for the better.                                                                                                                                                     tralian campus in West
   “As crappy as COVID-19 is                                                                                                                                        Perth in July.
globally as a health pandem-                                                                                                                                           It will become the first
ic, its been good for business-                                                                                                                                     non-university higher edu-
es to try different things, to                                                                                                                                      cation provider to offer post-
experiment a different way                                                                                                                                          graduate business courses
to attract and keep clients                                                                                                                                         in the city, with initial offer-
that maybe you wouldn’t                                                                                                                                             ings including post-gradu-
have had the courage to do if                                                                                                                                       ate Business Analytics and
you were keeping ‘same                                                                                                                                              Business Administration.
old’,” she said.                                                                                                                                                       These include project
   The UWA public health                                                                                                                                            management, health servic-
and sports medicine asso-                                                                                                                                           es management, tourism
ciate professor said it took                                                                                                                                        and hospitality leadership
her 30 hours to launch yoga,                                                                                                                                        and an MBA with a women
pilates, HIIT training and                                                                                                                                          in leadership specialisation.
Xtend Barre classes online                                                                                                                                             Kaplan Business School
after she closed her studio                                                                                                                                         executive director Steve
doors on March 23.                                                                                                                                                  Knussen said the school had
   Dr Lay initially set up 35                                                                                                                                       a long history of delivering
live classes online and only      Trainer Ashlee Avino (front) with instructors Jessica Sealeaf and Cindy Bradstreet at Xtend Barre, which has reopened             programs in Perth.
two weeks later increased         for classes. Picture: Andrew Ritchie                                                                                                 “At a time when universi-
that number to 65 per week.                                                                                                                                         ties are thinking about clos-
   “It happened pretty quick      bers have embraced online.”    bers as well because it’s been    Xtend Barre studio for the       class, we’re not using equip-   ing campuses, we’re proud
but it wasn’t unexpected...         All six Xtend Barre stu-     so well received,” she said.      time being, as business          ment, there will be hand san-   to be expanding, and at a
we were prepared, we had          dios opened on Monday,            “We will all run different     returns to normal.               itiser and we will ask people   time when universities are
investigated how to Zoom for      including the Perth studio,    timetables depending on our          Dr Lay said studio clean-     to bring in their own mats,”    letting lecturers go, we’re
our studio and as a net-          but online classes will con-   clientele and we will play it     ing and hygiene measures         she said.                       proud to be recruiting,” he
work,” she said. “We had          tinue.                         by ear and adjust as more         had “escalated” now they            “We will be keeping num-     said.
people who unfortunately            “We’re going to keep         people get used to coming         were again offering in-per-      bers down, we fit 20 people        Renovations on the Hay
have been stood down or           online moving forward; we      back.”                            son classes.                     quite comfortably but we        Street site will start soon
increased hours who have          won’t keep 65 classes in the      Classes will be staggered         “We want to make sure         will drop the numbers to 14     and the school’s student
had to suspend their mem-         long term but our plan is to   and only 10 to 15 in-person       people know we’re on top of      to keep our instructors safe    recruitment team will begin
bership but a lot of our mem-     keep online classes for mem-   classes will run at each          it, we’re cleaning after every   and healthy too.”               training and webinars.

May 21, 2020                                                                                                                                                              NEWS                   7

                                                                                                  Getting houses
                                                                                                  all in order
                                                                                                  Michael Palmer

                                                                                                  EMPTY houses and other
                                                                                                                                                      Right fit
                                                                                                  accommodation in the City          WOMEN at risk of home-           Most of the women are
                                                                                                  of Perth may soon be put to        lessness have received        aged between 40 and 55
                                                                                                  good use.                          help from BHP.                and had either been on
                                                                                                     Not-for-profit organisa-          BHP’s WA-based petro-       the street or couch surf-
                                                                                                  tion Home Hub wants to             leum team took part in a      ing before they came to St
                                                                                                  match these empty spaces           company fitness chal-         Bart’s.
                                                                                                  up with people who need            lenge during coronavirus         St Bart’s chief execu-
                                                                                                  shelter.                           isolation    and    raised    tive Samantha Drury said
                                                                                                     It runs a matching service      $44,000 for St Bart’s tem-    COVID-19 had left the or-
                                                                                                  that connects empty homes          porary accommodation in       ganisation — like the 20 or
                                                                                                  with providers working             East Perth. They complet-     so women — in a vulner-
                                                                                                  with people who need safe          ed 380 hours of exercise at   able position.
Stirling Hannay begins the removal of murals for safe storage during structural work on           and affordable homes.              $1 a minute, with BHP            “We were so surprised,
each bus stop. Picture: Peter Ramsay                                                                 “We’re aiming to make           matching the money            and grateful, to the BHP
                                                                                                  use of more than 500 empty         raised by the exercisers.     Petroleum team for this

New stop locations flagged                                                                        homes and accommodation
                                                                                                  available in the City of
                                                                                                  Perth,” Home Hub founding
                                                                                                                                       The funds will help the
                                                                                                                                     women at risk of home-
                                                                                                                                     lessness who use St Bart’s
                                                                                                                                                                   donation which has a real
                                                                                                                                                                   impact on our ability to
                                                                                                                                                                   keep this very important
BUS stops are on the move in      1992 to 2002.                     “When designing the bus       director Iain Shields said.        women’s service.              service open,,” she said.
Mt Hawthorn.                        They are being moved by       stops, we were keen to             “We’re using our match-
   Stops on Kalgoorlie Street     the Public Transport Au-        include three elements that     ing service to connect those
and Anzac Road were trans-        thority to ensure they are      were common to both of the      homes with social and com-       receive a grant from the City     “Providing much-needed
formed in 2018 with sandbag       easily accessible for people    conflicts,” he said. “These     munity services that are         of Perth’s quick response       support for our most vulner-
seats and murals depicting        with a disability.              elements were sandbags,         working with people in need      community grants program,       able people, the program is
Gallipoli and Nui Dat.              Works to move the stops       timber and corrugated iron.     of a safe and affordable place   which is intended to help       aimed at supporting the
   The Kalgoorlie Street stop     began this week and expect-       “The last two materials       to call home.                    combat issues resulting         delivery of community and
reflects the battle at Gallipo-   ed to be completed by next      were easily obtained but the       “These     are    typically   from the COVID-19 pandem-       social initiatives within the
li, which resulted in the con-    week.                           sandbags were a challenge       grandparents, parents, chil-     ic.                             City’s     neighbourhoods,”
struction of the Anzac              The two murals created by     until, in a trip to New Zea-    dren, brothers and sisters,         The grants program is        Chair          Commissioner
Cottage on that street.           artist Drew Straker will be     land, I saw a war memorial      friends, work colleagues —       aimed at supporting organi-     Andrew Hammond said.
   The Nui Dat bus stop pays      removed and put into stor-      that had exactly the type of    people we know and people        sations working with com-         Groups and organisations
tribute to the Vietnam Veter-     age provided by the Castello-   footing, representing the       we live amongst in our day-      munities       who        are   can apply for up to $15,000
ans Association of Australia      rizian Association of WA.       sandbags that we had envi-      to-day lives.                    disproportionately impact-      for projects until September.
(WA Branch) which, under            Mr Ramsay said moving         sioned. So we obtained fund-       “These are everyday peo-      ed by the coronavirus.            To apply for a grant, email
the leadership of presidents      the bus stops just a few        ing and brought the sandbag     ple like you and me that need    Under the program, the City     sponsorship@cityof-
Rob Cox and Peter Ramsay,         metres would be “quite          guru across from New Zea-       a hand up, not a hand out.”      will rapidly provide funding or call 9461
restored the Cottage from         involved”.                      land to assist us.”                The group was the first to    to community-led schemes.       3333.

8            NEWS                                                                          May 21, 2020

 Simply the nest
 A FAMILY of magpies have
 formed a “magnificent” nest
 with unnatural materials in
 North Perth.
    Our photographer David
 Baylis took snaps of the nest
 made of rope, string and
 wire, in a Norfolk Pine tree
 next to North Perth Primary
 School on May 8.
    While no birds were on the
 tree on May 8, a family of
 magpies was spotted on top
 of the tree by Bassendean
 bird rescuer Graeme King
 the day after.
    Mr King, who visited the
 site after being contacted by
 the Reporter, said the nest
 was not being used by that
 family which suggested it
 was an old magpie nest.
    “It also looks the right size       Innovative birds have built this nest in a Norfolk Pine next
 and style of construction,”            to North Perth Primary School. Picture: David Baylis
 he said.
    Unfortunately, Mr King              was used last breeding sea-        nator Tegan Douglas said a
 said using thread, plastic or          son.                               nest such as this one would
 fabric to make a nest could              “Normally, magpies just          have been in use for several
 lead to birds suffering hor-           use sticks in their nests but      years with new “architectu-
 rific injuries.                        sometimes, when they are           ral highlights” being added
    “Unfortunately        many          near human habitation such         each year.
 birds are attracted to dis-            as this one, then they pick up       “While most are happy to
 carded rubbish and use it to           other things as well,” he          make their nests solely out
 build nests or inadvertently           said.                              of natural materials like
 become entangled in it when              “This is not the time of         sticks, some magpie mobs
 foraging,” he said.                    year that they are actually        are also known to ‘acquire’
    “It underlines the benefit          nesting, so it would be a nest     additional material – coat
 of moving away from dispos-            from last breeding season.         hangers, fencing wire, elec-
 able packaging and high-                 “They start nesting in           trical cable, garden ties, bits
 lights another one of the              winter and into spring.            of rope and string and even
 impacts of litter.”                      “That is the time where          pull cords from lawnmow-
    Department of Biodiversi-           some people get swooped by         ers,” she said.
 ty, Conservation and Attrac-           magpies although not early           “They pull apart and re-
 tions principal research               in the season but later on.”       shape these materials to
 scientist Allan Burbidge                 BirdLife Australia WA            bend them into the right
 said the “magnificent” nest            urban birds project coordi-        shape for the nest.”

  READER’S PICTURE                                                         Funding relief
                                                                           THE first grants from the
                                                                           Lotterywest        COVID-19
                                                                           Relief Fund have been allo-
                                                                             More than 20 community
                                                                           groups received a share of
                                                                           $1.1 million for crisis and
                                                                           emergency relief support.
                                                                             The grants will help com-
                                                                           munity groups and councils
                                                                           care for West Australians ex-
                                                                           periencing hardship, includ-
                                                                           ing meeting an increased
                                                                           demand for food, clothing,
                                                                           and homelessness support.
                                                                             Groups that received
                                                                           grants included Pregnancy
                                                                           Assistance and the Patricia
      MT Lawley resident Andrew Sluchniak shared this photo of what        Giles Centre in the City of
      seems to be case of over-zealous packing. He had bought an           Vincent and Wise Realities
      80mL bottle of hand sanitiser that arrived wrapped in 17 rolls of    Institute for Healthcare
      bubble wrap in a box that was about 10 times its size. “Good thing   Emerging       Technologies
      it was free postage,” he said.                                       Research in the City of


10         NEWS                                                                                                                                 May 21, 2020

History preserved
THE East Perth Cemeteries        the beautiful, iconic facades
                                                                                                                                   EAST PERTH
                                                                                                                                   THE Perth Digital
and St Georges Terrace           of Newspaper House and its                                                                        Investigation Team is
Commercial Group, includ-        immediate neighbours ex-                                                                          seeking the public’s
ing Newspaper House, have        hibiting striking examples                                                                        help in identifying a
been placed on the State Reg-    of architectural styles of the                                                                    man linked to stealing
ister of Heritage Places.        day.”                                                                                             from a petrol station.
   The landmarks are within         The cemeteries were the                                                                          The incident hap-
a kilometre of each other at     first formal cemeteries for                                                                       pened on April 13.
opposite ends of Perth’s cen-    the Swan River Colony and                                                                         Quote reference num-
tral business district and       contain about 10,000 people.                                                                      ber 140420 0901 89375.
have been described as tan-         The Victorian Gothic style
gible reminders of the city’s    St Bartholomew’s church,                                                                          PERTH
social, cultural and commer-     built on the site in 1871, is                                                                     POLICE are searching
cial history.                    included in the Register                                                                          for a man who spat at a
   Heritage Minister David       along with headstones and                                                                         bus driver’s window
Templeman said the cemete-       mature trees that have stood                                                                      screen at the busport in
ries were a unique and poi-      in the tranquil setting for                                                                       Perth.
gnant insight into the early     over a century.                                                                                     At 6pm on April 30, a
years of European settle-           The St Georges Terrace                                                                         man tried to go on the
ment and the people instru-      Commercial Group was rec-        Newspaper House, once home to The West Australian.               bus without paying.
mental in shaping this           ognised for its cultural sig-                                                                       When the driver told
chapter of WA’s history.         nificance, heritage values                                                                        him to leave, the man
   “East Perth Cemeteries of-    and the aesthetic of the                                                                          intentionally spat at
fer a window into our state’s    buildings that characterise                                                                       the driver’s protective
colonial past and develop-       early to mid-twentieth cen-                                                                       window screen.
ment into the late 19th cen-     tury design.                                                                                        Email PerthDigita-
tury, with each headstone           The activities these build-                                                                    lInvestigationsTeam@
telling its own story and        ings were constructed for                                                                and
feeding into the collective      were important within the                                                                         quote reference num-
story,” he said.                 commercial life of Perth at                                                                       ber 300320 1800 15677.
   “Further west on St           the time, including the use of
Georges Terrace, the inter-      Newspaper House as the                                                                            EAST PERTH
war years are reflected in       home of the West Australian.     The East Perth cemetery. Picture: Sandie Bertrand                POLICE are seeking
                                                                                                                                   the public’s help in
                                                                                                                                   identifying a woman
             Make some noise over outdoor events                                                                                   linked to stealing from
                                                                                                                                   a petrol station.
  PERTH residents have a             The City’s chief execu-        Environmental         noise     have no objection.                The incident hap-
  chance to sound off about       tive has the power to           regulations say the CEO             Previous surveys were        pened on May 3.
  outdoor events.                 approve outdoor concerts        cannot approve more than          held in 2005, 2011, 2014 and      Email PerthDigita-
    The City of Perth is hold-    that exceed assigned noise      two events at one venue           2017.                          lInvestigationsTeam@
  ing a survey about what the     levels and the survey           within 12 months unless             The latest survey is open and
  community thinks about          results will help guide their   they are satisfied most peo-      until June 3 at Engage         quote reference num-
  noise levels from events.       decision.                       ple likely to be affected by it   Perth.                         ber 030520 1305 86689.

May 21, 2020                                                                        SENATOR DEAN SMITH ADVERTISING FEATURE                                                                11

Fighting COVID-19 and building safer communities
COVID-19 has affected           Payment is providing 81,454                                                                                                     steps: the COVIDSafe App
every community across          WA businesses with $1500                                                                                                        to notify when somebody
Perth’s northern suburbs in     per fortnight per each staff                                                                                                    has come into contact with
one way or another, but WA      member for up to 26 weeks,                                                                                                      COVID-19, increasing
is on the path back to          applying the cash flow                                                                                                          testing to locate people with
recovery.                       boost for employers to                                                                                                          COVID-19 in the
   To support communities       not-for-profits and                                                                                                             community, and more rapid
on this journey, the            charities, broadening the                                                                                                       health response teams to
Morrison government has         eligibility criteria of the                                                                                                     stop outbreaks.
launched a $320 billion plan    instant asset write-off and                                                                                                       “Though my Coronavirus
to fight COVID-19 and           increasing the threshold to                                                                                                     Care program, my team
protect the national            $150,000 and supporting                                                                                                         and I have been busy
economy.                        small businesses with wage                                                                                                      supporting vulnerable
   For households and           relief to keep apprentices                                                                                                      people in our community.
individuals, the                and trainees in jobs.                                                                                                             “With the assistance of
government has created a           For families coping with                                                                                                     charitable organisations
new COVID-19 supplement         the cost-of-living pressures                                                                                                    and service providers like
of $550 per fortnight that is   associated with COVID-19,                                                                                                       BAPS Shree Swaminarayan
paid to existing and new        the government is offering                                                                                                      and People Who Care, it has
income-support recipients.      a free childcare scheme,                                                                                                        been rewarding to lend a
   It has also provided two     delivering $1.6 billion in                                                                                                      helping hand to many in
instalments of $750 in          hip-pocket relief to parents     WA Senator Dean Smith with Tribotech director Max Otis. Picture: Supplied                      our local community.
household support               doing it tough during the                                                                                                         “On that note, I want to
payments to eligible            pandemic.                        Helpline and Lifeline which     emergency and food relief       work and schools and it’s      thank the many
recipients.                        It is also providing $453.2   are experiencing a surge in     to those who needed it          this return to normality       organisations and small
COVID-19-affected               million to support 350,000       demand.                         most.                           which is giving the nation     businesses across Perth’s
individuals and sole traders    children to attend                  An additional $10 million      People Who Care, The          hope.                          northern suburbs who dealt
can draw $10,000 tax-free       pre-school in 2021.              is being provided to the        Salvation Army and the            “There is light at the end   the first blow to COVID-19
from their superannuation          For Australians suffering     Community Visitors              Spiers Centre are among         of the tunnel, but             with their
in 2019-2020 and an             from fear, anxiety,              Scheme, helping to equip        the beneficiaries, to provide   complacency remains our        community-minded good
additional $10,000 in           loneliness, and other            volunteer staff and ensure      relief to those seeking         worst enemy.”                  deeds.
2020-2021.                      stresses associated with the     older Australians are not       emergency support with            Senator Smith said that        “They have inspired all
   In WA, the ATO has           pandemic, the Morrison           socially isolated.              accommodation, bills,           was why the COVIDSafe          West Australians with their
approved 174,800 early          government continues to             Under the Mental Health      clothing, food and              app was so critical.           dedication to supporting
superannuation                  prioritise mental health         and Wellbeing Pandemic          transport.                        “It will help shield us      people when they needed it
applications.                   and suicide prevention.          Response Plan, $48.1 million      “Despite the challenging      from COVID-19 as WA            most. It has been a privilege
   Superannuation                  It is providing $500          will support data and           times, we can take comfort      re-opens for business,         for me to draw attention to
minimum draw-down rates         million to improve mental        modelling, outreach and         in the determination,           school, sport and other        many of these
have also been decreased by     health and wellbeing,            connectivity.                   resourcefulness and             activities,” he said.          organisations and small
50 per cent in 2019-2020 and    including $10 million to            A $200 million               tenacity of West                  “The more people who         businesses through my
2020-2021 and social            create a COVID-19 support        Community Support               Australians to overcome         download the COVIDSafe         Coronavirus Care and
security deeming rates have     line delivered by Beyond         Package delivered by the        the pandemic and support        App, the fewer places the      Shopping Shout-Out
been reduced.                   Blue and $14 million to          Morrison government will        economic recovery,” WA          virus has to hide.             programs. With this
   For businesses, the          increase the capacity of         provide a welcome boost to      Senator Dean Smith said.          “Our path back to            positive attitude, we can all
Morrison government’s           mental health support            charities and community           “West Australians are         community and economic         work together to build a
$130 billion JobKeeper          providers such as Kids           organisations getting           now starting to go back to      health depends on three        COVIDSafe community.”

12        LIFESTYLE                                                                                             May 21, 2020

Big screen
budget                                                            Where
NEARLY a dozen film
projects have received
development funding from
   Screenwest will offer
$156,736 to the 11 projects
from its latest small screen
scripted development
   The funding is intended
to help new, emerging and
experienced WA
storytellers get their
                                                                  THE Art Collective will
scripted television or web                                        present two solo shows in
projects ready for market.                                        its Cathedral Square
   The long-term strategy is                                      gallery.
to generate more WA                                                  Land of Smoke by Paul
scripted series and                                               Uhlmann and Marking the
showcase West Australian                                          Vanishing by Susan Roux
stories and talent.                                               will be open from May 23 to
   Screenwest drama                                               June 20.
development manager                                                  There will not be a usual
Barbara Connell said there                                        opening for the shows, but     Marking the Vanishing.
was a diverse and                                                 people are welcome to visit
intriguing range of                                               the gallery.                   appear obscured and airy.
applications.                                                        The artists will be in        He is a senior lecturer at
   “The successful projects                                       attendance on May 23 and       ECU and has work in the
boast some incredible talent                                      the gallery hours will be      National Gallery of
and I look forward to seeing                                      extended to 11am to 5pm so     Australia and the Art
each of these unique stories                                      more people can come           Gallery of WA.
develop in their various                                          through the gallery while        Roux distresses paper for
formats,” she said.                                               allowing physical              her work, repeatedly
   Screenwest chief                                               distancing measures.           penetrating it with thread.
executive Willie Rowe said                                           Uhlmann draws                 This is her first major
it was more important than                                        inspiration from a painting    exhibition with the Art
ever to support the WA                                            concept and process used       Collective. She won the 2018
screen sector.                                                    by Leonardo da Vinci           City of Joondalup Art
   “We can foresee the                                            known as sfumato – derived     Award and was a finalist in
successful projects selected                                      from the Italian word fumo,    the 2020 Stringer Prize.
have significant                                                  meaning smoke. He                Gallery hours are
opportunity to develop and                                        conjures images through        Wednesdays to Friday,
be ready to come off the                                          thin glazed layers, which      11am–4pm, and Saturdays,
shelf once the COVID-19                                           have no borders or precise     noon-4pm. The works can
crisis subsides,” he said.     Paul Uhlmann, Air V, 2020.         definition, making them        also be seen online.


ZEST        FOR
      55+ LIFESTYLE

 Hooked on
 wetting a line

 Recfishwest operations team's Alanna Ellison fishes for salmon.

 Keren Bellos

 RELISHING the feel of
 sand between his toes and
 challenge of trying to catch
 good fighters like salmon,
 fishing is always an
 enjoyable experience for
 John Curtis – even if he
 goes home empty handed.
    “I’m quite happy to go
 and toss a line in the water
 and attempt to reel
 something in, then leave        Mr Curtis on the beach with his grandsons Joshua (left),
 with nothing because it’s a     Jarred and Hayden.
 chance to let any worries go
 and relax,” the Australian        As a mad keen fisherman         “For seniors in
 Anglers Association WA          who likes to angle             particular, research shows
 president said.                 anywhere at any time – and     the benefits may vary from
    “You feel really refreshed   get a healthy feed – Mr        reduced heart rate and
 by the end of it.”              Curtis said he had             anxiety, recovery from
    Mr Curtis has been           withdrawal symptoms            breast cancer surgery,
 hooked on the hobby ever        when the State Government      improved fitness and
 since he landed a garfish at    told enthusiasts to stay       stamina, improved vitamin
 the tender age of five under    home from April 2 until        D, benefits for those with
 the tutelage of his dairy       deeming it an acceptable       disabilities but also the
 farming father and              activity on April 27 amid      benefit of enjoying being
 granddad.                       the coronavirus crisis.        able to share knowledge
    Having fished                  He wouldn’t have been        across generations,” she
 recreationally in every         alone; Recfishwest             said.
 state, he describes WA as       estimates there are 740,000       “It’s a great way to teach
 heaven on earth.                recreational fishers in WA,    kids about sustainability,
    “Here in the west, we        with those in the metro        conservation and connect
 have bag and size limits        area alone contributing $1.1   them with the fish they
 that ensure good quality        billion to the local economy   catch all while enjoying a
 fishing and reasonable          in a normal year through       hands-on activity.”
 chances of catching fish,”      trip and boat expenditure.        Recfishwest’s website at
 he said.                          Recfishwest operation has
    “Anyone can get involved     team’s Alanna Ellison said     details on where and how to
 and it doesn’t require a lot    the organisation was           fish, WA species, kids’
 of skill. More often than       delighted when the             corner and safety
 not, you just need the right    government recognised its      information.
 gear for the job and to know    importance as one of the          There is also a free app to
 the quarry.”                    healthy pursuits that could    help identify and catch
    A big believer in            now be enjoyed.                species.
 releasing anything that
 won’t be eaten, Mr Curtis
 has taught his family plus        WHAT’S BITING                   Narrows Bridge and
 thousands of West Aussies                                         Fremantle Railway Bridge
 to fish through various           PERTH: Beach fishers            at night. Tailor can be
 programs over the years.          can target pink snapper         caught at many northern
    He said the “right gear”       that are moving in close        beaches at dusk and
 for catching species such as      to the shore for food,          dawn. Popular spots
 herring, tailor and salmon        creating the perfect            include Brighton Beach,
 at the beach was a 2.5-3 m        opportunity for                 Swanbourne, Trigg and
 rod with a small reel that        land-based fishers to use       Point Peron.
 can hold 250-300m of 6kg          baits that mimic its food       MANDURAH: The
 line.                             sources. Black bream can        beaches north and south
    Casting off the rocks          be caught in the lower          of Mandurah are
 wearing heavy clothing,           reaches of the Swan and         renowned for mulloway
 thongs and no life jacket         Canning River systems.          and tailor, along with
 were major no-nos and             Mulloway can be                 herring. The Serpentine
 anyone under the age of 18        targeted at locations           and Murray Rivers are
 should stick to the beach         such as under the               great for black bream.
 and river.
May 21, 2020                                                                                         BAPTISTCARE ADVERTISING FEATURE                                                     15

Care to suit changing times
HOME-CARE services are                                                                                                                                             call Baptistcare to
proving to be a lifeline for                                                                                                                                          request a review in
the many WA seniors who                                                                                                                                               case their needs have
are self-isolating at home                                                                                                            Baptistcare home care           changed.
during the COVID-19                                                                                                                   customer Ron Morrisson            “If, for example, you
pandemic.                                                                                                                             with support worker             usually rely to a
   At a time when elderly                                                                                                             Lorraine Cavanagh.              degree on family and
residents are at an even                                                                                                              Picture: Tony McDonough        friends for support,
greater risk of feeling                                                                                                                                              you might want to have
lonely or cut off from                                                                                                                                               your care plan
family and friends,                                                                                                                                                  reviewed if you are
home-care workers are                                                                                                                                               choosing to
offering a friendly face and                                                                                                                                        self-isolate,” Mr
much-needed social                                                                                                                                                  Bricknell said.
connection, says                                                                                                                                                       “A review will ensure
Baptistcare WA chief                                                                                                                                                you have the new level
executive Russell Bricknell.                                                                                                                                       of support you need to
   “It’s more important than                                                                                                                                       stay living safely and
ever for our seniors to be                                                                                                                                         independently in your
looking after their physical                                                                                                                                      own home.”
and mental wellbeing, so                                                                                                                                              Mr Bricknell said it
they really shouldn’t be                                                                                                                                          was reassuring for
deterred from accessing the                                                                                                                                       seniors to know they
home-care services that                                                                                                                                           could access what they
will support them during                                                                                                                                         needed from healthcare
these testing times,” he                                                                                                                                         professionals who were
said.                                                                                                                                                            experts in delivering
   “We don’t want anyone to                                                                                                                                      services that met the
miss out on the essential                                                                                                                                       most stringent public
support they need and                                                                                                                                           health guidelines.
would like to reassure                                                                                                                                              “Our hope is that all
seniors who are                                                                                                                                                 seniors feel confident they
self-isolating at home that     Baptistcare home care customer Jessie Chaloner with support worker Belinda Barrows.                                           can continue to receive the
they can still access their     Picture: Tony McDonough                                                                                                       support they need and that
home-care package safely                                                                                                                                      fear is not jeopardising
with Baptistcare.               when they might be feeling     ensure the not-for-profit        and friends,” he said.          touches base with its         their long-term health and
   “As well as practical help   lonely or isolated.”           group continued to deliver         For seniors yet to activate   home-care customers to        wellbeing,” he said.
with chores such as               Mr Bricknell said            its vital home-care services.    or apply for a home-care        make sure they are happy         To arrange an
housework, shopping and         Baptistcare’s support             “In many cases, our           package, Baptistcare’s          with the services they are    obligation-free consultation
cooking, our support            workers were taking            support services are             home-care experts are           receiving and to check        with a Baptistcare
workers offer seniors an        additional precautions,        becoming even more               standing by to conduct free     whether their needs have      home-care expert, call
important connection to         such as practising social      essential as seniors cannot      phone or video                  changed.                      Baptistcare’s Customer
their local community and       distancing and employing       rely as heavily on their         consultations.                    Seniors receiving a         Centre on 1300 660 640 or
a friendly face at a time       strict hygiene practices, to   usual network of family            Baptistcare regularly         home-care package can also visit


TEMPO International Food
& Wine is getting creative in
its response to COVID-19.
   Having sold food and
wine for the past five years
as a wholesaler, more than
70 per cent of the
company’s business
disappeared with its
customers, which were
mostly restaurants, food
shops and liquor stores.
   However, the company
started up Facebook and
Instagram pages and
same-day delivery to
private customers, offering
wholesale prices directly to
   The next exciting venture
is turning the wholesale
warehouse into a retail
   Tempo will focus on
selling only WA wines as a
way to create a hub for the
local wine community,
especially as many wineries
do not have a cellar door or
   Every winery
represented in the retail
warehouse will be featured
on the Tempo webpage with
a link to their website,
alongside Tempo’s own
brand Hartigan from Mt
   “There is no other
company who carries all
WA wines under one roof,
so we hope to have this up
and running as soon as
possible when we have
secured the funds,” sales
manager Ulf Klinteberg
   “We are only three
full-time employees
currently but with the
retail warehouse we are
looking at employing
   To place your order, visit

18          LIFESTYLE                                                                                                                                                               May 21, 2020

Get under                                                                                                                                                                       Kim Tran of
                                                                                                                                                                                La Belle Peau
                                                                                                                                                                                Clinic Picture:

your skin
Sara Fitzpatrick                  COMBATING AGEING?                 cream around the entire
                                    Yes. It is the most widely      orbital bone with a tapping
AT home and away from             researched ingredient that        motion until fully absorbed.
distraction, we have more         combats ageing and has            Step 5 - moisturiser: Apply
time and inclination to           many other functions such         using a gentle circular
evaluate our lives, including     as firming, diminishing           upward motion. Step 6 -
our skin concerns.                wrinkles, clearing acne and       sunscreen: a vital finish to
   With a plethora of burning     reducing pore size. However,      your daily routine.
beauty questions in-mind,         not all retinol products are
there was no time like the        made the same and higher          CAN COLLAGEN
present to pick the brain of      percentages aren’t always         SUPPLEMENTS HELP
Kim Tran from                     better. It’s important to         REPLENISH COLLAGEN IN
award-winning North Perth         match the correct product to      THE SKIN?
clinic, La Belle Peau.            your skin condition for the          This is debatable as it’s
                                  best results without the side     dependent on how much can
WHAT IS THE TOP FOOD              effects of redness and            be absorbed by the body.
TO CONSUME FOR                    peeling. This is one very         Studies showing the positive
YOUNGER LOOKING                   effective anti-ageing product     effects are small and funded
SKIN?                             best left to a skin expert to     by companies that make the
  The acerola cherry, a           prescribe.                        product. If it does work and
super anti-ageing and                                               you’re looking for long-
skin-brightening food. It         IN WHAT ORDER SHOULD              lasting effects, you will have
contains more than 150            WE APPLY OUR                      to take it for the rest of your
phytonutrients and the            SKINCARE?                         life. Why? Because our
highest vitamin C content of        Step 1 - cleanser: once in      bodies are constantly
all fruits. They are              the morning, twice at night.      producing an enzyme called
super-easy to grow in pots,       Step 2 - toner: use within one    collagenase which eats away
fruiting eight out of 12          minute of cleansing your          at our natural collagen.
months each year. We sell         face for best results. Step 3 -
trees that will fruit in a year   treatment serums: if you are      IS PIMPLE POPPING A
at the clinic. I eat cherries     using more than one, use          NO-NO?
straight from my tree and         your thinner serum first             Not at all, if you know how
freeze a large batch to get       under your thicker serum or       to do it correctly with the
me through non-fruiting           use your active serum first       right tools and technique
months.                           before a hydrating serum.         and the pimple is ready. This
                                  Step 4 - eye cream: use your      is something we are known
IS RETINOL VITAL IN               ring finger to gently dab         for at La Belle Peau.

                                                                                                      Happy independence
                                                                                                      Lucy Rutherford               return home from fighting       about mid-life crisis, this
                                                                                                                                    in Europe in World War II       film follows Ben
                                                                                                      BEFORE the likes of           and, through their shared       Mendelsohn as Anders,
                                                                                                      Marriage Story and The        experiences, strike up a        who is recently divorced
                                                                                                      Irishman, Netflix was         bond that defies the racism     and retired early from his
                                                                                                      mostly known for its genre    still rife in the Deep South.   job in finance.
                                                                                                      movies such as teen                                              His attempts to escape
                                                                                                      rom-coms and cheesy           OKJA                            unnameable feelings of
                                                   Ben Mendelsohn in The Land of Steady               Christmas flicks.               After winning countless       suffocation by befriending a
Ahn Seo Hyun as Mija with Okja.                    Habits.                                              However, the streaming      accolades last year for         neighbour’s son threaten to
                                                                                                      service has also been         Parasite, there is no better    ruin his already-fragile
                                                                                                      quietly making quality        time to delve into Bong         relationship with his own
                                                                                                      indie movies for years and    Joon Ho’s back catalogue.       adult son.
                                                                                                      here are five of the best.    Okja is a giant pig-like
                                                                                                                                    creature living happily with    SET IT UP
                                                                                                      MUDBOUND                      young girl Mija in South          This office based
                                                                                                        African-American            Korea until the corporation     rom-com takes inspiration
                                                                                                      director Dee Rees gives       that created Okja takes her     from classic screwball
                                                                                                      nuance and delicacy to this   away.                           comedies with its fast-paced
                                                                                                      story of two Mississippi                                      dialogue and two leads who
                                                                                                      farming families, one black   THE LAND OF STEADY              begin as frenemies, working
Jason Mitchell and Garrett Hedlund in                                                                 and one white. Two young      HABITS                          together to set up their
Mudbound.                                          Glen Powell and Zoey Deutch in Set It Up.          men, one from each family,      A quiet tragicomedy           respective bosses .

May 21, 2020                                                                                                                                         GARDENING                        19

                                                                                                                                                                       of Little Home
                                                                                                                                                                       Grown. Picture:
                                                                                                                                                                       Andrew Ritchie

    out at
       Sara Fitzpatrick             the basic rules.              broccoli, cauliflower and    crucial. Cauliflower and    need to buy the                 LEARN AS YOU
                                       “Understanding things      legumes, such as peas, as    cabbage grow short and      best-quality soil or          GROW
       AS COVID-19 continues        like what is in season,       well as root varieties,      wide and can take up        improver you can afford.        Keeping your garden
       to affect lives, a growing   soil quality and available    such as carrots, beetroot    more than half a metre      Spending a little more        healthy starts with the
       number of homeowners         sunlight on your plot are     and parsnips.                per plant. Asian            now will make things so       soil; after that, it is a
       are planting their own       all imperative to a             CHECK WHETHER              vegetables grow more        much easier when it           matter of learning as you
       vegie gardens to save        successful yield,” he said.   YOU HAVE THE                 upwards than outwards       comes to tending to your      grow. You’ll discover
       money and avoid                                            RIGHT SPACE TO               and have a smaller root     garden.                       things such as knowing
       shopping.                    PETE’S STEPS FOR              GROW THE                     system so need less           START PLANTING              what pest to look for in
         Pete Bellini-Williams,     CULTIVATING                   VEGETABLE                    space. Lettuce and rocket     A great tool for helping    what season and why
       from Little Home Grown       NUTRIENT-DENSE,                 Cramming loads of          can be sown close           with planting is breaking     some plants do well next
       — a Tuart Hill business      ORGANIC PRODUCE               seedlings in a small         together in rows .          your bed up into squares.     to each other.
       helping install and          AT HOME.                      space is counter-              GET THE SOIL              Lay sticks on top of your       Little Home Grown
       cultivate food gardens in    DECIDE WHAT YOU               productive. Vegetables       RIGHT                       bed 30cm apart, in a grid     provides assistance with
       our yards — revealed         WANT TO EAT                   need varying amounts of        Perth soil is some of     formation. When you           setting up your garde,
       many people were               Now is the perfect time     room to produce a good       the worst in the world      know how much space a         access to planting guides
       hurrying to buy and sow      for planting winter           yield so knowing how         and needs to be improved    plant needs, this will help   and pest management as
       seeds without knowing        vegies such as kale,          much they require is         to grow successfully. You   you get spacing right.        well as mentoring.


Plenty to think about
     3       2       1
8 Marmion Street, North
Agency: Rayner Real Estate
Contact: Mark Rayner on
0416 208 888 or Craig
Boyanich on 0433 926 283

PUT on your thinking caps;
this property, in walking
distance of the Angove
Street precinct and close to
the heart of Mt Lawley,
presents a few interesting
   On offer is a partly
renovated character
   It has three bedrooms in
the front part of the home.
   The two minor bedrooms
have fireplaces, while the     shed/workshop with power        home and landscape the
master has a walk-in robe      connected and is accessible     gardens.
and modern ensuite.            from a rear right-of-way.         You could also indulge in
   At the back of the home       Your first choice is to buy   some development: keep the
is a contemporary,             the whole package and           home and subdivide the
commercial-style kitchen       create your ideal home.         block and build, or
and meals/living area along      This could be by              demolish the home,
with the laundry, second       demolishing the current         subdivide and build two
bathroom with bath/            house and building              new homes for use or sale.
shower and separate toilet.    something new.                    Another option is to just
   The 506sq m block             Or you could further          buy the rear 267sq m block
includes a large               renovate and extend the         and build.



May 21, 2020                                         ART   23

magic in
Tanya MacNaughton

ARTIST Phoebe D’Souza does not always get to
see her abstract artwork displayed in its forever
home, but that was not the case with her recent
three creations, Heatwave, Summer Delight and
In Motion.
  The trio of brightly coloured works was
chosen by 2020 House Rules: High Stakes team
Kayne and Aimee to adorn the wall of Bedford
couple Tanya and Dave’s son’s Lego-inspired
bedroom during the WA team’s home
  “I’ve always loved printmaking and in the past
year or so I’ve discovered weaving,” D’Souza, of
Shenton Park, said.
  “I paint two paintings, cut them up and then
weave them together where a whole new pattern
emerges. The three works were happy and
colourful paintings with a textual element that
would suit anywhere but particularly a kid’s
bedroom with the blocks of colour.
  “I only had two days to get them framed (by
framer Charles Boudville) and get them
delivered. It gave me such a buzz to see my art on
their wall during the show.”
  Cottesloe-raised D’Souza studied fine art at the
Claremont School of Art then moved to interior
architecture at Curtin University.
  Bitten by the travel bug, she lived in the UK,
USA and Hong Kong before returning to Perth
eight years ago for the birth of her first
  The mother of three is now in the final stages
of her BA in Fine Art at Curtin University.
  “When my youngest was about 18 months, I
realised that if I went back to study the only
thing I’d want to do is art,” she said.
  “I couldn’t think of anything else and thought
I was too old to do something other than what I
  D’Souza said an immense amount of thought,
feeling and emotion went into each of her
  “I think about the shapes and colours that
complement and work with each other,” she
  “The weaving of each work adds texture,
depth and intricacy and takes the painting into
another level of layering and dimension.”
  D’Souza is represented by Accent Fine Art
Gallery and Framing in Wembley and online art
gallery Art Lovers Australia.
 Shenton Park artist Phoebe D'Souza's artwork
 was featured in the Perth House Rules
 renovation.Picture: Andrew Ritchie

24          LIFESTYLE                                                                                                                                                        May 21, 2020

Author’s history strikes gold
Tanya MacNaughton

AUTHOR Elaine Forrestal
is no stranger to small-town
country living, having
grown up in the WA
   “I have lived in some of
those dry Outback towns
when rainwater was all we
had,” Forrestal, of
Scarborough, said.
   “We had a dunny out
near the back fence, as far
from the house as possible.
There was no electricity so
we had a Coolgardie Safe to
keep butter from melting in
the heat and meat from
being fly-blown.
   “One memorable day,
when I was about five years
old, a kerosene refrigerator
was delivered to our house.
My mother immediately                                                                                                                                        Goldfields Girl book
made coloured ice blocks                                                                                                                                     cover.
from different flavoured
cordial. We thought they                                                                                                                                     perilous, human life was
were the most wonderful                                                                                                                                      cheap and few women
things we had ever eaten.”                                                                                                                                   ventured out so far.
   Forrestal’s grandparents                                                                                                                                    “It’s why Clara’s story is
had moved from Victoria to                                                                                                                                   so remarkable,” Forrestal
WA to join the new gold                                                                                                                                      said.
rush and spent the first                                                                                                                                       “I do think women like
year of married life living                                                                                                                                  Clara have been overlooked
in a tent in Kalgoorlie.                                                                                                                                     in Australian history books
   She has photographs of                                                                                                                                    in the past. She was a
them standing outside their     Author Elaine Forrestal.                                                                                                     strong, independent girl
tent, the only one in the                                                                                                                                    looking for adventure.
cluster with a white picket     about them,” Forrestal said.      angle for historical fiction     sisters.                     Fagan were the only women      “Of course, she found
fence and a rare patch of         “I felt that the topic had      novel Goldfields Girl,             Clara, who was 14 years    living and working among     other things out there as
grass outside it.               already been done to death        written for ages 10-14 years,    old, soon persuaded her      2000 prospectors.            well; things that would test
   “Perhaps it’s no wonder      and I needed a different          at Perth’s Battye Library in     mother to let her make the      Based on Clara’s story,   her courage and endurance
then that I was also            angle. I tried to ignore it but   the journals of Clara            three-day journey, on her    Goldfields Girl is set in    to the limit.”
fascinated by those heady       the goldfields idea just kept     Saunders, who in 1892            own, out to the new          Coolgardie during the 1892     Published by Fremantle
gold rush days, but I kept      nagging at me.”                   moved to Southern Cross          diggings where she and       gold rush where days for     Press, Goldfields Girl is
putting off the urge to write     Forrestal found her new         with her mother and              hotel housekeeper Mrs        men on the goldfields was    available now.

           Food for thought
           Cy Clayton                           address emotional eating could        know how much you’re eating
                                                have long-term benefits.              as you go through the day,”
           LIKE so many facets of life,            The key is recognising that        Professor Dickson said. She
           COVID-19 has changed the way         it’s not always a negative; only      recommends trying some
           we eat, shop for and prepare         if it’s your main coping              techniques to help you to
           our food.                            response to negative emotions         become more aware of your
              But while on the one hand         might it become an issue.             eating habits, such as a food
           it’s meant we now have the              “Emotional eating, if it           journal. “That can be helpful
           means to eat better than we          becomes a habitual response to        because you start to see your
           ever have before, self-isolation     stress and anxiety, can have          own patterns and it helps you
           has also given rise to               health consequences for a             to plan.”
           everything from panic-buying         person long-term, but there’s        • Be prepared. “If you do find
           to ‘stress baking’ to comfort        also the positive learnings that      you’re going through the
           eating.                              we associate with sharing             fridge all the time or
              “What we call emotional           meals and food,” she said.            snacking, maybe it’s then
           eating, or what’s commonly              “When we do reach for all          preparing healthy snacks so
           referred to as comfort eating, is    the sweets and fatty foods, they      that you’ve got the alternative
           often a response to stress and       do actually improve our mood,         if you’re tempted. There has
           anxiety,” Joanne Dickson,            but it’s temporarily.                 been research which has
           associate professor of                  “They in the short term            shown that mindfulness-
           psychology at ECU, explained.        probably do make us feel a bit        based practices actually do
              “That could even be               happier, or more energetic, or        help to manage emotional
           unconscious.                         satisfies our hunger for food,        eating. It’s coming back to
              “It’s interesting because in      but if we’re engaging in that in      the point you made (of) just
           our very early years as infants      a habitual way to respond to          being mindful and aware,”
           feeding, we learn to associate       the stress and anxiety that’s         she said.
           feeding and food with being          problematic.                         • Don’t be too hard on
           soothed and with social                 “So I suppose it’s keeping all     yourself. “The other thing
           interaction.                         that in balance and in the mix.”      that is important is for people
              “(So) if you’re under stress,                                           to just to be a little bit kind to
           it’s almost like a self-soothing     TIPS TO KEEP COMFORT                  themselves,” Professor
           way of dealing with stress.”         EATING IN CHECK                       Dickson said. “It’s not being
              And while for Australians         • Be mindful of what you’re           judgmental or self-critical,
           the path out of the                   consuming. “If, for example,         but being aware of where you
           coronavirus-induced shutdown          you’re working and you’re            slipped up or messed up and
           is becoming clearer, Professor        distracted by what you’re            then putting your best foot
           Dickson said learning to              doing, sometimes you don’t           forward the next day.”

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