Summer Camp Survey... Planning for pandemic-era summer activities - LIFESTYLE - Consumers' Association of Ireland

Summer Camp Survey... Planning for pandemic-era summer activities - LIFESTYLE - Consumers' Association of Ireland
MAY 2021

                                    Summer Camp Survey...
                Planning for pandemic-era summer activities

                MONEY               LIFESTYLE            PRODUCT TESTS

Summer Camp Survey... Planning for pandemic-era summer activities - LIFESTYLE - Consumers' Association of Ireland

The                       May 2021
Association of                                                                 CAI Council Election Notice
Ireland                     The Council is the CAI’s policy-making body and is elected by the members. As members you will be aware of the tremendous
                            contribution made by Council over the years through its lobbying activities and representations on your behalf and on behalf of all Irish
The Council is the          consumers.
policy-making body
of CAI. Members are         We urge members who have been subscribing for at least a year and who believe that they could bring a high degree of expertise and
elected from within         experience to the work of the Council to put themselves forward for election.
the CAI's membership
at the Annual General       Please forward by post only, and in the strictest confidence, to arrive no later than 5.00pm on Friday, 25th June 2021:
                            • Name, address, telephone number and email address
Council                     • Subscription number
Members                     • A 150-word CV on your areas of interest and expertise
                            • Your occupation and all other representative details – necessary to ensure no conflict of interest
Chairperson                 • A recent passport-size photograph
Michael Kilcoyne
Vice-Chairperson            Please send these addressed to:
Raymond O'Rourke
Hon Secretary               Dermott Jewell,
Elaine Bolger
                            Policy & Council Advisor,
Hon Treasurer
                            Consumers’ Association of Ireland,
Richard Donohue
                            Denshaw House,
Council Members
Steen Bruun-Nielsen         120/121 Baggot Street Lower,
James Wims                  Dublin 2.

                            We look forward to hearing from you.
                            Michael Kilcoyne

        Our Reports                                           Consumer Choice                                       Published Material
        Reports in Consumer Choice are based on               Consumer Choice is published by                       No part of this publication may be reproduced,
        market research, laboratory tests or user             the Consumers' Association of Ireland                 stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
        surveys, all of which are independently and           (CAI) Limited, a wholly independent, non-             any form without obtaining prior permission
        scientifically conducted. Free goods are              government, non-profit making body. CAI               from the Council by contacting the Consumer
        never accepted for testing – all samples              was founded in 1966 to protect and promote            Choice office. It may not be used for any form of
        are purchased. Occasionally items may be              the interests of the consumers of goods and           advertising, sales promotion or publicity.
        borrowed for review purposes only.                    services, and to enhance the quality of life for
             The reports are produced in the main             consumers. CAI is registered with charitable          © Consumers’ Association of Ireland 2021
        by our own Editorial staff. Some material             status: CHY 8559.                                     ISSN 0790-486X
        is occasionally drawn from other foreign                   Advertising is not accepted for publication.
        independent consumer magazines.                       Consumer Choice is available on a subscription
             Because Consumer Choice carries no               basis only. To facilitate banking requirements        Staff
        commercial advertising it is not swayed by            all cancellations must be advised, by letter or       Policy and Council Advisor
        bias or influence and can point out advantages        email only, a full 30 days in advance. Where          Dermott Jewell
        and flaws in goods and services that other            a bank applies a €24 chargeback fee for a
                                                              Member/customer advised cancellation we               Design/Typeset
        magazines may not be able to do.
                                                              will deduct same from any refund requests. To
             Reports on any article relate only to the                                                              Denzil Lacey (Zava Media)
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        articles or goods mentioned, and not to any
                                                              Consumer Choice,
        other article of the same or similar description.
                                                              120/121 Baggot Street Lower,
                                                                                                                    Managing Editor
        We do not necessarily price or report on all                                                                Clodagh O'Donoghue
                                                              Dublin 2
        brands or models within the class, and the
        exclusion of any brand or model should not be                                                               Researchers
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        taken as a reflection on it.                                                                                Róisín Moloney Weekes
                                                                                             Atousa Motameni
                                                                                                                    Will Andronico Jr.
        Social Media:

        1                                                                                                                              May 2021
Summer Camp Survey... Planning for pandemic-era summer activities - LIFESTYLE - Consumers' Association of Ireland


17       Lending Support…Credit Union Loans
                                                                                20 Robot Lawnmowers
      MONEY                                LIFESTYLE                                  PRODUCT TESTS
6    Money News                       10   Adjusting to ‘The New                 20 Robot Lawnmowers
     The latest developments in            Normal’                                   For those who love their lawn but
     money matters, including              What lockdown habits will be ben-         hate the maintenance that comes
     the rise in online debit and          eficial moving forward and which          with it, a robot lawnmower could
     credit card fraud and upcom-          ones should we leave behind?              be the ideal solution.
     ing changes to the electric
     vehicles grant scheme.

                                      13   Summer Camp Survey                     24 Cooker Hoods
17   Lending Support…                                                                Four Choice Buy models will keep
     Credit Union Loans                    What will summer 2021 bring in            your kitchen free of smells, steam
     Consumer Choice considers             terms of camps and courses for            and airborne grease.
     what credit unions can offer          children and teenagers? Consumer
     in terms of personal loans for        Choice looks at the plans in place
     expected and unexpected               for running pandemic-era summer
     expenses.                             activities.

    10    Adjusting to 'The New
          Normal'                                                               24      Cooker Hoods

 2                                                                                             May 2021
Summer Camp Survey... Planning for pandemic-era summer activities - LIFESTYLE - Consumers' Association of Ireland
News Briefs by Dermott Jewell
                                                                                                                                       NEWS BRIEFS

    Balancing the Tip                                                                   Enrappertured
                                                                                        You may need to read this a couple of times for it to sink in. In recent
    The already popular and now expanding Camile Thai Kitchen (CTK),
                                                                                        weeks, a pair of Nike Air Yeezy 1’s, worn by US rapper Kanye West, sold
    having recently announced its strategy to invest €10 million in technol-
                                                                                        at auction at Sotheby’s for $1.8 million (€1.5 million). This represented
    ogy focussed future planning, has now entered a partnership with a
                                                                                        a sale price that was triple the previous record for runners, set in
    Dublin tech company, Strike, to facilitate contactless tipping. How will            August 2020 when a pair of Nike Air Jordan 1’s were sold for $615,000
    this work? Well, the plan is that the consumer can tap their phone,                 (€508,000) at a Christie's auction. This has become a niche market at-
    on a tag or scan a QR code on their receipt that will instantly add a               tracting interest, not just from specialist collectors but also the general
    tip for the delivery person. The system will operate through Apple                  public. This is accomplished through an established market trading
    Pay or Google Pay. Up until now, paying in any way other than cash,                 platform known as RARES and based in Las Vegas, Nevada. This is a
    tipping has not been a feature of the delivery process. This is a notable           site through which individuals can buy shares and invest in these rare
    consideration in light of the fact that so many restaurants moved                   prototype shoes. It is expected that shares in this particular pair will be
                                                                                        sold on the platform from June and cost between $15 (€12.50) and $20
    their business to online ordering and delivery or collection with little
                                                                                        (€16.50) per share. In each case, the shoes were made as what is de-
    personal engagement of any kind. Tipping has always been an issue
                                                                                        scribed as collaboration between Nike and the individuals involved in
    for discussion and varying opinions range from a scale of passionate
                                                                                        terms of specific design and other features. In this case, the shoes were
    support to vehement dislike of the idea. CTK was founded by Brody                   worn, and are verifiable as such through videos of his performances, by
    Sweeney, who is remembered by most Irish consumers for his previous                 West during the Grammy Awards in 2008. The prototype pair did not
    creation, O’Briens Irish Sandwich Bars. This system was trialled in Dublin          go on public sale until April 2009. Most Air Yeezy 1’s sell for between
    and will now be a part of the restaurant’s offering across all branches             $2,000 (€1,650) and $4,000 (€3,300), depending on the model and
    nationwide. It is reportedly proving popular with both customers and,               revenue generated by the company, in 2020, was recently reported by
    unsurprisingly, drivers.                                                            Bloomberg to be $1.7 billion (€1.4 billion).

                                              CERTAINLY ALMOST NEARLY ASSURED
                                                   With all eyes and minds focussed on a return to life as we knew it, the European Parliament has
                                                   agreed its position on how a Covid certificate should work in order to open up travel within the
                                                   EU. The intention is to have a certificate, available from June, showing detail of the holder’s
                                                   vaccination status, Covid test results and/or evidence of having survived infection. Of course,
                                                   details remain to be finalised and this even falls to the name under which the certificate will
                                                   be known! MEPs are unhappy with the Commission’s proposal for a ‘Digital Green Certificate’
                                                   and would prefer the ‘EU Covid-19 Certificate’ and which I would agree with, as it is specific and
                                                   defined for its single use. Notably, and in context, MEPs require that it should be valid only for
                                                   12 months and, importantly, should not become a precondition to exercise what is the right to
                                                   free movement. In addition, while Parliament wants to see Covid-19 tests to be provided free
                                                   of charge, the Commission considers that that element should be left to the Member State to
                                                   decide. However, it is notable that there are issues yet to be resolved, such as the Member State
                                                   requirement to retain the right and ability to override the certificate and impose quarantine,
                                                   testing and other requirements if they deem it essential and pointing out that public health
                                                   issues are their responsibility. It is understood that the EU intends to accept certificates issued
                                                   by non-EU countries for travel by their citizens, including, for example, the US. While there is
                                                   a trial planned for May on this, by no means is it a done deal and, realistically, travel planning
                                                   should remain on hold!

May 2021                                                                                                                                          3
                                                                                                                                   May 2021
Summer Camp Survey... Planning for pandemic-era summer activities - LIFESTYLE - Consumers' Association of Ireland
Feathering His Nest, Tra La
A search of a passenger arriving from Guyana into New York's            $3,000 (€2,486). A US Fish and Wildlife Service agent outlined
JFK Airport produced 35 live finches fitted into and around the         how finches from Guyana were in particularly high demand due
man's jacket and ankles. A closer inspection discovered a dozen         to their superior singing abilities. Each year, in the New York
small containers that were, in actual fact, hair curlers that had       boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn, singing competitions are held
been fashioned with a mesh covering to allow the finches to             with attending high stakes and betting. The agent pointed out
breathe.                                                                that a winning finch can be worth, at least, $10,000 (€8,000).
		          The reason behind this unusual action was in order to       An unusual alternative to our Eurovision but, certainly, just as
fulfil his agreement to bring the birds into the country for a fee of   emotional!

                             2 BLACK, 1 BLUE AND 98 CEMENT CARTRIDGES, PLEASE.
                                               While not the first in Europe, in recent weeks, in Amsterdam, a couple moved into the first, fully 3D
                                               printed, concrete house. Similar buildings have been produced in the US and also in France. The
                                               house is a two-bedroomed bungalow with a living area of 94 square metres. As you would expect,
                                               this is a unique process where, for example, the load bearing walls were made using an especially de-
                                               signed 3D robotic arm fitted with a printer nozzle to build what were layers upon layers of concrete
                                               to increase the strength of the walls. There are 24 concrete sections making up the building that
                                               were printed, transported and completed at the foundation site. The roof and window frames were
                                               then added with all internal electrics and plumbing as final fix. The house comes with a digital key
                                               operated through a specially designed app. This is seen as a significant way forward in many aspects
                                               and not least being the reality that it took a mere 120 hours to print the entire structure.
                                               		                    There are plans for five homes on the site and the final one, which will be
                                               a three-bedroomed home will be shortly completed. The couple responded to an advertisement
                                               seeking residents to try the new style homes. This couple are renting the house for six months at
                                               €800 per month, which is 50%, on average, of the going rental rate in the Netherlands. Notably,
                                               the builders behind this project are more than happy with the result and, especially, that of learning
                                               through the process of home number one. They have confirmed that they will be in profit on homes
                                               numbers two to five. Time to look more closely at this, Ireland.

    Bin Here Before
    In the UK, there is a distinct movement, beginning to be replicated here in
    Ireland, with thousands of food and drink products carrying labels encour-
    aging refill or return. The obvious goal is to promote and prompt consum-
    ers to take their bottles and containers back to supermarkets, instead of
    throwing them away. Now, this is interesting because Irish consumers
    will, generally, have a strong recycling habit already through their bin and
    bottle bank system. This is introducing something different and is placing
    a degree of responsibility back into the retail side. The new labels are be-
    ing promoted with the advice of whether the containers can be refilled at
    home or in the store, but also, there is advice of how they can be returned
    to brands or retailers to be cleaned, reused and redistributed through their
    		                    To qualify for these labels, packaging must be designed
    for a minimum reuse of ten times. Now, there are no details of at whose
    cost all of this is and, in light of the aforementioned actions already taken
    by consumers, it seems also to suggest that this is a little over the top in
    terms of efficiency and cleanliness as opposed to maintaining brand al-
    legiance and customer loyalty. Of course, I may be over thinking this……….

May 2021                                                                                                                        4
                                                                                                                  May 2021
Summer Camp Survey... Planning for pandemic-era summer activities - LIFESTYLE - Consumers' Association of Ireland
FOOD & HEALTH/News                                          by Clodagh O’Donoghue

Food & Health
Vegetarian Meat Substitutes – The need to check the label
One in four vegetarian meat-substitute             fish substitutes; meat-substitute ham,           safefood research include the following:
products are not a source of protein,              bacon and deli slices; and pastry-based
according to new research by all-island            meat substitutes, including sausage              • Meat alternatives products can fit into
organisation safefood, highlighting the need       rolls and pies. In addition, consumers’          a healthy diet but consumers should be
for consumers to check the nutrition labels        behaviours and motivations for buying            aware that these are still highly processed
on packaging.                                      vegetarian, plant-based meat substitutes         foods and so consumption needs to be
		          Dietary guidelines indicate            were determined via a survey of 802              limited. Processed meats and poultry
that an adult needs around 50 grams of             consumers between mid-November and               such as sausages, bacon, cured meats,
protein over the course of a day, and this is      mid-December 2020.                               chicken nuggets and chicken goujons
typically provided by foods such as meat,          		         The meat alternative products         should not be eaten every day, and this is
poultry, and fish, along with eggs, beans,         were analysed by examining their                 also true for processed vegetarian meat
peas, lentils and nuts. However, there has         nutritional labels and comparing their           alternatives.
been significant growth in the market for          nutritional composition with their meat
vegetarian, plant-based meat substitutes           version. The products were found to              • As meat alternatives vary significantly
in recent years, with estimates suggesting         contain proteins from a number of                in nutritional quality, consumers are
that the category will expand by almost 12%        ingredient sources such as soya protein,         advised to read labels carefully. In
between 2021 and 2028 to an annual total of        wheat protein, beans, peas, lentils, mixed       particular, consumers who are relying
$4.36 billion (€3.62 billion). This growth is in   nuts, cheese, mushrooms, quinoa and              on these products to contribute to their
line with an increasing trend in people moving     tofu. In general, these are highly processed     protein intake should check the protein
towards plant-based diets for a variety of         food products with multiple ingredients,         information. If the percentage of energy
motives, including health reasons, ethical         including those aimed at adding flavour          that comes from protein is between 12%
and environmental considerations, and              and texture. The study found that 49%            and 19.9%, the product can claim to be a
animal welfare concerns. However, if you buy       or almost half of the meat-substitute            source of protein, and if it is 20% or greater,
vegetarian meat substitutes you will need          products were high in protein, while 23%         the product can claim to be high in protein.
to make sure that they are a good source of        were deemed to be a source of protein.
protein and that they contain low levels of        However, this leaves 28% or one quarter          • In addition, when choosing a vegetarian
salt, fat and sugar.                               of the products that are not a source of         meat substitute, check the label and look
		          Often labelled as ‘meat free’,         protein and it is important that consumers       for products that are lower in fat, saturated
‘meat replacements’ or ‘meat alternatives’,        who are relying on these products to             fat, sugar and salt. Specifically, make sure
vegetarian meat substitutes are products           contribute to their overall protein intake are   that
that look or taste like meat, including plant-     aware of this. In addition, salt levels tend
based burgers, steaks, mince, sausages,            to be either similar or higher in plant-based      • Fat is 3g or less per 100g
chicken and fish alternatives as well as           meat substitutes than in meat equivalents.         • Saturates are 1.5g or less per 100g
vegetarian ready-meals like pastries and           On the plus side, most plant-based meat            • Sugars are 5g or less per 100g
pies. These are typically highly processed         substitutes are lower in energy, total fat         • Salt is 0.3g or less per 100g
foods and the recent safefood research             and saturated fat when compared to the
examined the nutritional content of a number       meat version.                                    • As plant-based meat alternatives
of products available on the Irish market and      		         The consumer survey revealed          generally contain more carbohydrates than
compared them with their meat equivalents.         that one third of participants reported          meat and less calories, adjustments may
                                                   eating meat substitutes such as vegan or         be needed when using these products to
Study findings                                     vegetarian versions of burgers, sausages,        directly replace meat due to their differing
The study considered a total of 354                chicken or fish, with 48% of them eating         nutritional profile.
plant-based meat alternative products              them once a week or more. Among
available online from supermarkets on the          consumers who eat these products, one            • Plant sources of protein include beans,
island of Ireland in April and May 2020.           third said that they chose them because          peas, lentils, tofu, nuts and seeds – and
The products included meat-style meat-             of their perceived health benefits, 21%          these also have the benefit of being cheap,
substitute burgers; bean/vegetable-style           because of taste and 15% because of              low in fat and a source of vitamins and
meat-substitute burgers; meat-substitute           environment/climate change concerns.             minerals.
steaks, mince, meatballs and Bolognese;
chicken substitutes including nuggets,             Consumer advice
southern fried and goujons; sausage and            The key take-home messages of the

   5                                                                                                                    May 2021
Summer Camp Survey... Planning for pandemic-era summer activities - LIFESTYLE - Consumers' Association of Ireland

Money News                                                                                         Money News by Clodagh O'Donoghue

Upcoming changes to                                                           From July 1st, a number of changes to the
                                                                              Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
the Electric Vehicles                                                         (SEAI) Electric Vehicle Purchase Scheme will
Grant Scheme                                                                  be implemented.

From July 1st, some changes will                 grant available for a fully electric BEV         • A low rate of annual motor tax, with BEVs
be made to the Sustainable Energy                will remain set at €5,000, the maximum           costing €120 a year and PHEVs typically
Authority of Ireland (SEAI) Electric             grant that will be given for a PHEV will be      costing €170 a year in motor tax
Vehicle Purchase Scheme, aimed                   reduced to €2,500. The Department of
at incentivising the uptake of more              Transport has said that this change is in line   • A Home Charger Grant Scheme that
environmentally friendly electric                with the broader policy approach being           offers a grant of up to €600 towards the
vehicles and reducing reliance on petrol         taken by other EU member states due to           installation of a home charger
and diesel cars. The ultimate goal is to         the fact that PHEV ‘real world’ emissions
support the government’s commitment              are often higher than those claimed by the       •Benefit-in-kind tax relief for BEVs, with a
to achieving a 51% reduction in transport        manufacturers of these vehicles.                 0% rate applied on the first €50,000 of the
emissions by 2030.                               		         In another change to the current      vehicle value
		        Currently, the SEAI offers             grant scheme, from July a price cap will be
grants of up to €5,000 on both fully             introduced so that only cars that cost less      • An Electric Vehicle Toll Incentive Scheme
electric BEVs (battery electric vehicles)        than €60,000 will be eligible to qualify         that reduces tolls charged by 50% for BEVs
and PHEVs (plug-in hybrid electric               for a grant. According to the Department,        and by 25% for PHEVs, up to a cap of €500
vehicles) that combine a petrol or diesel        this change is to ensure that the grant is       a year in refunds for private vehicles
engine with an electric motor. The table         “targeted most effectively at those who
below shows the SEAI grant amounts               might not otherwise buy an electric vehicle      		         According to the Department of
currently available. Grants only apply           and where the availability of government         Transport, sales of new electric vehicles
to electric vehicles costing more than           support is most likely to impact upon a          in January and February 2021 totalled
€14,000 and the grant amount is based            decision to purchase an EV.                      almost 2,900 vehicles – a rise of 63% on the
on the full, non-discounted list price of                                                         same two-month period in 2020 despite
the vehicle without taking into account                                                           pandemic restrictions shutting showrooms.
VRT relief or grant support.                                                                      However, with recent figures suggesting
                                                                                                  that there are currently nearly 30,000
Table: Current SEAI grant amounts available for both BEVs and PHEVs                               electric vehicles under taxation in Ireland,
until 1st July 2021.                                                                              this puts the country a considerable way
                                                                                                  off the government’s ambitious target
                     List price of approved EV                     Grant
                                                                                                  that there will be almost a million electric
                         €14,000 to €15,000                       €2,000                          vehicles on Irish roads by 2030.

                         €15,000 to €16,000                       €2,500

                         €16,000 to €17,000                       €3,000

                         €17,000 to €18,000

                         €18,000 to €19,000                       €4,000

                        €19,000 to €20,000                        €4,500

                        Greater than €20,000                      €5,000


		 From July 1st, a number of                    		 Other incentives aimed at
changes to the grant scheme will be              encouraging consumers to swap to an
implemented and whereas the maximum              electric vehicle include:

                                                                                                               May 2021
Summer Camp Survey... Planning for pandemic-era summer activities - LIFESTYLE - Consumers' Association of Ireland
Debit and credit card fraud figures
In April, the Banking and Payments                  advantage of altered consumer behaviour                • Always be wary of offers making
Federation Ireland (BPFI) published figures         along with the increase in remote working              outrageous claims – if it sounds too good to
showing that, while in-store card fraud             and people being more contactable by                   be true it probably is.
transactions fell 52% in the first half of 2020,    emails. In particular, impersonation scams
online card fraud was up 21% – reflecting           have increased, with fraudsters mimicking              		          In addition, given that the loss
the changes in shopping behaviour during            delivery firms or trusted organisations                or theft of physical cards still accounts for
the coronavirus pandemic. For the first six         such as utility companies or banks via                 around 21% of card fraud, consumers must
months of last year, debit and credit card          text, email or online websites. The BPFI               always be vigilant when using their card in
fraud losses totalled €12.2 million, with over      findings highlight the need for consumers              store and treat it as if it were cash, keeping it
143,000 fraudulent card transactions.               to be on high alert and to closely guard               safe at all times.
		          BPFI Chief Executive Brian Hayes        their card details. The following are some             		          Further advice and information on
noted that the Covid-19 restrictions at the         recommended strategies for shopping safely             how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud is
start of the pandemic that generated lifestyle      online:                                                provided at
changes and significantly affected consumer
behaviour are reflected in the 21% rise in          • Only use secure websites – ensuring that
‘card not present’ fraud transactions – in          ‘https’ is in the website address, indicating
which the fraud typically takes place online        a secure connection, before making the
and where the fraudster uses stolen card            purchase.
details but does not need to produce
the physical card during the transaction.           • Never use public wi-fi when making
According to the BPFI, 72% of all fraudulent        payments – switch to 3G/4G on your phone if
transactions involved the theft of debit and        necessary.
credit card details, with fraudsters mainly
using fake text messages, email scams or            • Independently visit the website of the
fake websites to obtain a consumer’s card           online sales company rather than clicking on
information, which they then use to make            social media or pop-up adverts.
fraudulent payments, generally online.
Moreover, with the massive rise in online           • Stick to well-known websites or websites
shopping over the last year, criminals have         that you are familiar with or websites
very swiftly tailored their strategies to take      associated with high street retail outlets.

                                        Towards a statutory home support scheme
                                        A well-resourced national home support scheme would            • Reducing by half the number of home support recipients
                                        give more people the choice of receiving care more             who enter long-term residential care by providing them
                                        appropriately in their homes and communities rather than       with adequate intensive home support packages would
                                        having to enter long-term residential care facilities. A new   require an additional 4.2 million hours.
                                        report from the Economic and Social Research Institute
                                        (ESRI) marks a first step towards the introduction of a        • Up to 8 million additional hours of home support may
                                        statutory home support scheme, which is a key element          be needed to meet the increased demand from
                                        in Sláintecare, the ten-year programme for building a          people with Activities of Daily Living (ADL) difficulties who
                                        “world-class health and social care service for the Irish      may have previously relied on unpaid and family care.  
                                        people”. The report, entitled Demand for the Statutory
                                        Home Support Scheme, is the first of three research            • A proportionate increase in the carer workforce
                                        projects funded by the Department of Health to inform          would be needed to meet the increased demand.
                                        the development of a home support scheme.
                                        		          Key findings include the following:                		          As expected, the report highlights the
                                                                                                       significant increase in the demand for home support
                                        • An estimated 24.7 million home support                       in the coming years, largely because of the country’s
                                        hours were provided in 2019 to more than 65,000                ageing population. According to one of the report’s
                                        people aged 65 years and over, with a quarter of all hours     authors, Brendan Walsh, older people with personal or
                                        purchased privately.                                           domestic care needs clearly want to remain at home for
                                                                                                       as long as they can and the introduction of a statutory
                                        • Compared to the level of home support provided in            scheme will greatly increase the demand for home
                                        2019, increasing home support to all older people waiting      support in Ireland. He notes that it is vital, therefore, that
                                        for a support package or added hours would require             “adequate resources and planning ensure that people
                                        an additional 3.5 million hours.                               can receive the care they need, tailored to their specific
                                                                                                       circumstances, in an affordable and timely manner".

Summer Camp Survey... Planning for pandemic-era summer activities - LIFESTYLE - Consumers' Association of Ireland
Product/Tech News
                                                                                                             Product News by Clodagh O'Donoghue

 Extension to Irish Water’s First Fix Scheme
  In April, the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) approved         include the following:
  a proposal by Irish Water to extend the First Fix Scheme and to
  broaden the eligibility criteria of water customers who can benefit         • Domestic customers whose usage exceeds the annual allowance of
  from the free leakage repair service. The scheme is aimed at helping        213,000 litres will be prioritised for leak investigation;
  to reduce the amount of water wasted through leaks on customers’
  properties and it provides qualifying domestic customers with a free        • Water users will no longer need to be registered with Irish Water;
  leak investigation and repair to their external supply pipe.
  		          The CRU considers that the scheme has delivered real            • Unmetered domestic Irish Water customers will now be eligible;
  value given the level of water savings achieved and compared with
  the significant costs of providing water services. Between 2015             • A customer no longer requires an internal stop valve to be eligible;
  and 2019, the scheme has led to a total of 155 million litres a day in
  water savings, equal to the average usage of 450,000 households             • Properties with a Shared Service Connection will now be eligible.
  every year. Most of these savings were made in the earlier years of
  the scheme as Irish Water targeted the biggest leaks first. At the          		        The First Fix Scheme forms part of conservation efforts
  time, the incentive for customers was to reduce their water usage           and objectives in the context of the growing demand for water
  by rectifying the leaks in advance of the implementation of direct          services and greater rainfall variability as a result of climate
  domestic water charges.                                                     change. According to Dr Paul McGowan, CRU Commissioner with
  		          To ensure the continued success of the scheme in the            responsibility for water, “expanding the scheme to other water
  absence of charges for domestic customers and with the postponed            customers should provide an increased level of engagement with
  introduction of excess usage charges, the CRU has approved the              customers, particularly with the planned introduction of charges
  scheme’s extension to make it available to the vast majority of water       for excess water usage. This should accelerate leak repair, and so
  users and Irish Water customers. The main changes to the scheme             reduce water service costs”.

 Eco-friendly upgrade to Google Maps
Google has announced a number of upgrades for its free                     		         As well as a revamped interface for choosing your
navigation service, Google Maps, including suggestions for the             preferred mode of transportation for directions, other changes for
most eco-friendly way of getting to your destination. Once the             the service include new map layers for weather and air quality that
improvements are rolled out, users will be shown the most fuel-            are set to be introduced in the coming months. While the weather
efficient driving route by default where the ETA (estimated time           layer will be launched globally, the air quality information will first
of arrival) is similar to the quickest route. Where the eco-friendly       be made available in Australia, India, and the US.
route will significantly increase the ETA, the user will be shown          		         Another Google Maps upgrade that may take a while
the CO2 impact of the different routes so that they can make their         to reach us here on this side of the water is an extension of the
decision. To make these calculations and help users minimise fuel          LiveView feature. LiveView lets you hold your smartphone camera
consumption, Google Maps has worked with the US Department                 up to the world around you and provides arrows and icons to guide
of Energy's National Renewable Energy Lab on the design of a               you to where you need to go. Previously, this feature only worked
routing system that takes into account traffic congestion and              outdoors but now there is an indoor version designed to work in
steepness of roads. Google plans to make these new fuel-efficient          shopping malls, airports, train stations and so on. Inside Live View
routes available on Android and iOS in the US later in 2021, with no       can point you to the nearest escalator or lift, toilets, check-in
timeframe currently given for the rollout to the rest of the world.        counters, baggage claim and more. As of yet, the feature is only
Users will also be provided with more comprehensive views of               available for shopping malls in a handful of cities across the US,
travel options that may be more environmentally-friendly than              but there are plans for a rollout in coming months for certain
driving.                                                                   airports, malls and transit stations in Tokyo and Zurich.

   The products featured on these pages have not been tested by the Consumers’ Association of Ireland and
   their inclusion here is not, in any way, an endorsement of them.

     8                                                                                                                   May 2021
Summer Camp Survey... Planning for pandemic-era summer activities - LIFESTYLE - Consumers' Association of Ireland
ComReg Connectivity Survey
As the focus on working from home continues, the latest Connectivity Survey by the Commission for
Communications Regulation (ComReg) confirms the importance of broadband services to a remote
workforce as well as highlighting customer satisfaction and switching experiences. Towards the end
of 2020, a nationally representative sample of 1,480 adults aged 18+ from across the country were
asked about their home broadband experience. Of these, 79% said that home broadband was very
important, with this figure rising to 95% among those working from home on a regular basis. Overall,
three-quarters or 74% of survey participants were satisfied with their home broadband service,
with the main criticisms relating to slow or variable broadband speeds and unreliable internet
		         When asked what factors they consider in choosing a broadband provider, survey
participants based in Dublin most frequently cited trust in a brand as the key reason why they were
with their current supplier. Those outside Dublin were more likely to consider speed and quality
of connection as a key reason. In all, 45% of participants believe that they would benefit from a
faster broadband connection, while 72% are likely to take up high-speed broadband if it becomes
available, with this figure highest in the country’s least populated areas.
		         The survey shows that 55% of the Irish population have a bundle of services in their home,
with this figure higher in Dublin and more urban regions. When it comes to switching providers, one
in five bundle owners who are out of contract or whose contract expires in the next 12 months say
they are likely to switch bundles over the next year. Of those who have switched bundles previously,
71% compared bundles before making the switch and 45% now have a lower bill with their current
bundle. In general, the vast majority of consumers who have switched broadband provider have
seen an improvement in overall experience, download speeds and reliability and most of those who
switched their broadband service are happier with their current service provider. ComReg notes
that it provides a comprehensive and easy-to-use comparison tool at
compare/#/services to help consumers check out the different offers and bundles available.

 Space-aged wine
    Looking for that special bottle of wine? How about one that          on complex biological systems to find solutions for the
    has been to space and back? A wine-tasting event took place          viticulture and agriculture of tomorrow”. Along with the
    recently in France to sample the delights of wine that had           bottled wine, 320 vine canes were also sent to the ISS to
    spent a year on board the International Space Station (ISS)          test the effects of a microgravity environment on their
    and it met with a very positive reception.                           development. Having spent ten months on the ISS, the
    		         In November 2019, a dozen bottles of 2000 vintage         vine canes were planted a few days after being returned to
    Petrus made the 300,000,000km trip to the ISS as part of a           Earth and were seen to produce visibly noticeable buds and
    scientific experiment called CommuBioS to examine how the            growth earlier than vines that had stayed on Earth in similar
    aging of complex liquids is influenced by zero gravity. The          conditions. Further experiments on the vines are ongoing.
    choice of Petrus was based on the fact that it is a mainly
    mono-varietal wine and it has a well-documented history
    to facilitate measurement of the effects of the wine’s time
    in space. Earlier this year, after a stay of 438 days, the 12
    bottles made it safely back to Earth and a panel of 12 experts
    met in Bordeaux for a first taste of the space wine and to
    compare it with a terrestrial sample in terms of appearance,
    taste and smell. The panelists were not aware in advance
    which wine they were tasting but key differences were
    noted in colour and the space wine was found to be “more
    evolved” with softer tannins and more floral aromatics when
    contrasted with the earthbound version, which was declared
    to be “a bit more closed, a bit more tannic, a bit younger”.
    		         The investigation formed part of Mission WISE, an
    applied space research programme that, in the context of
    global warming, seeks to “leverage the effects of microgravity

9                                                                                                             May 2021
Lifestyle / Healthy habits

Adjusting to ‘The New Normal’
                                     After over a year of static, hope is           		        On the bright side, extended
As the vaccine rollout               appearing on the horizon. Vaccines             screen time is not necessarily harmful for
                                     continue to be administered in phases          adults or children, according to Harvard
continues, we will be                throughout the country, with the               Pilgrim Health Care, a nonprofit group of
shifting toward a new                government hoping to have over 80% of          healthcare companies in the US. However,
                                     adults given their first vaccine dose by       it adds that issues arise when we use our
kind of normalcy. Some               July 1st. As the country reopens, it may       electronics in place of other activities like
                                     be useful to address the future of culture     get-togethers, sleep or physical activity.
of our lockdown habits               and lifestyle post-pandemic. Covid-19          This is especially true for children who
may be beneficial                    made major impacts on our habits and           may not have had the option during the
                                     ways of living. So, what lessons have we       pandemic to play sports or see friends
moving forward, but                  learned over the course of this pandemic,      in person. Even before the pandemic,
others should be left                and how can we use those lessons
                                     to emerge from our homes ready and
                                                                                    teenagers actively opened social media
                                                                                    nearly 100 times every day, according to
behind.                              prepared for this ‘new normal’?                the University of Wisconsin.
                                                                                    		        To avoid further reliance on
                                     Effects of constant screen time                electronics, Harvard Pilgrim recommends
      REPORT by Will Andronico Jr.   Once the country was sent home from            that parents have their children put
                                     work last spring to then work from             their phones away during meals and
                                     home, staring at screens became our            before bed. For adults, the same
At a glance                          major source of income, entertainment          recommendations apply. Additionally,
• Healthy habits                     and connection with others. A direct           adults should try limiting their online
• Lifestyle adjustments              correlation exists between using               entertainment during the working day (for
• Supporting local businesses        electronics and doing our jobs (i.e. getting   example, mindless scrolling on Twitter)
                                     paid). This makes it more difficult to         and placing email on mute outside work
                                     separate from our screens throughout the       hours to regain a healthier equilibrium
                                     day.                                           between work and play.

 10                                                                                                    May 2021
Coming out of the pandemic, it     issues and risks significantly increase.       result, many restaurants had to make
becomes essential to start moving away       According to the Mayo Foundation for           quick assessments and turn to takeaway
from reliance on our devices. Experts        Medical Education and Research in the          and delivery apps, such as Just Eat and
say that periodic breaks from screen         US, prolonged sitting can increase the         Deliveroo, to stay in business.
time can prove beneficial for our overall    chances of death “similar to the risks of      		         Under normal circumstances,
health, and moving away from our phones      dying posed by obesity and smoking”.           restaurants can generate revenue in
and computers can lessen the stress of       		         Additionally, without much          many different ways. On top of the food
a constant ‘ping’ from work emails. We       ability to leave home, we lose out on an       order itself, customers may make more
also improve our relationships with others   opportunity to gain vitamin D. The vitamin     spontaneous purchases whilst eating
without our phones, as studies show that     is key to having healthy bones, according      in person, such as ordering a cocktail or
we become less connected and attentive       to the Cleveland Clinic in the US. Sunlight    appetiser. They may also be more inclined
just with phones nearby, never mind when     exposure for 15 or 20 minutes for three        to tip servers for exceptional service.
they are in use.                             days each week is one way of getting           However, all that additional revenue was
		        Generally, it is beneficial to     your weekly dose of vitamin D, doctors         gone without in-person dining, and food
create boundaries between us and             say. Many people would traditionally           delivery and takeaway apps like Just Eat
our technology to generate better            get vitamin D naturally by commuting or        and other companies charge restaurants
relationships, stay active and stay          leaving the house each day but, without        fees for utilising their services. With
healthy. Speaking of activity…               that opportunity, people need to actively      every order, Just Eat and Deliveroo charge
                                             incorporate vitamin D through their meals      restaurants a service fee for using their
The ‘sedentary lifestyle’                    or vitamin supplements.                        platform.
The pandemic also brought on a major         		         When the country is no longer       		         As a result of lost streams of
lack of physical activity across the         house-bound, many options crop up              cash, Irish restaurants anticipated a 41%
country. One study from the Journal of       for healthily leaving this ‘sedentary          drop in revenue in the fourth quarter of
Medical Internet Research showed that,       lifestyle’. Experts say that between 60        2020 compared with the fourth quarter
especially among young people, physical      and 75 minutes of “moderately intense          of 2019, according to a Crowe Ireland
activity in the UK dropped significantly     physical activity” every day can offset        sentiment survey from last summer.
during the first half of 2020 when           the effects of sitting so much. Exercise       Restaurants at that time expected a 27%
lockdowns were in place.                     is also beneficial for improving mental        decrease in 2021 revenue compared to
                                             health, releasing endorphins or hormones       2019, but since the survey was conducted
                                             that reward your brain with feel-good          in August and September of last year, the
                                             emotions. Some research shows that             subsequent severe restrictions that were
                                             exercise may reduce the effects of             imposed may cause further decreases in
                                             depression and anxiety too.                    revenue.
                                             		         Warmer weather on the horizon       		         Therefore, as vaccine rollouts
                                             also gives more opportunities to get           continue and in-person dining becomes
                                             out of the house for exercise and get          more doable, we should make a concerted
                                             the sunlight that is so important for our      effort to create a dining experience
                                             vitamin D levels. However, it is important     when visiting restaurants and avoid
                                             to safely ease back into our consumption       delivery through these food-delivery
                                             of sunlight. Doctors say that your skin        apps. Eating out provides a fun night for
                                             needs to slowly get used to the sun again      customers and better revenue streams
                                             to recalibrate for the sun’s ultraviolet       for restaurants. If takeaway or delivery
                                             (UV) rays. Prolonged exposure to UV rays       is your only option, save yourself and the
                                             can lead to cell damage and risks of skin      restaurant money on third-party mobile
                                             cancer, especially after months of being       phone app fees by calling over the phone
                                             inside. Thus, it is key to start slow with     to use the restaurant’s in-house delivery
		        In 2019, the Irish government      sun exposure.                                  system or opting to collect it yourself from
noted that a major health goal was to        		         Post-pandemic, try leaving the      the restaurant
increase the portion of the population       house and enjoy the freedom of being able      		         Additionally, it’s much cheaper
adhering to physical activity guidelines     to exit the 5km radius. Research from the      per serving to cook at home (and
by 1% each year. However, between            Nature Neuroscience journal shows that         sometimes more fun) than ordering
2015 and 2019, that portion increased        changing scenery and incorporating more        takeaway each night. For example,
from 44% to just 46% overall. A new          variance in our daily activity is beneficial   McGowan’s of Phibsboro serves the
research project undertaken by Sport         for staying positive. In short, once the       “Classic” burger with chips for €12.95.
Ireland and the Waterford Institute of       country opens up more, try getting out of      The ingredients include the burger patty
Technology showcases what is called a        your seat, getting outside and changing        with a brioche bun, lettuce, tomato, pickle
“silent pandemic of physical inactivity”.    your environment once in a while. Your         and spicy mayonnaise. When purchasing
Working from home encouraged much            brain and your body will thank you later!      ingredients from the supermarket to
sitting throughout the day, and Ireland                                                     make a similar meal at home using the
implemented a limit for months that          Food economy and delivery                      burger recipe from all-island organisation
prevented anyone from travelling beyond      services                                       safefood, one serving of a burger with
5km from home without a “reasonable          To prevent the spread of coronavirus,          chips would cost €1.68, a 90% drop
excuse”. As a result of sitting for          businesses across the country shut down,       in price from McGowan’s. Naturally,
long periods of time every day, health       including food service businesses. As a        however, the business’ overheads,

  11                                                                                                           May 2021
staffing and convenience costs cause           according to a study from last year in
the price for a burger to increase. The        the Journal of Environmental Science &
safefood website provides ‘fakeaway’           Technology. As with online groceries,
options for people to cook at home,            takeaway and delivery, shipping costs and
bringing the taste of takeaway home            operational fees can mount up over time.
without all the calories.                      		        Furthermore, returning items via
		        On the note of groceries, pickup     postal or courier services can be costly.
and delivery services can also become          Many stores will pay for customers to
expensive fast. In the March 2021 edition      return products, but not all will do this.
of Consumer Choice, we reported that           Nearly 74% of consumers choose an
grocery delivery fees can range between        online store based on whether or not
€4 and €8, and click and collect options,      they need to pay for return shipping
although cheaper, may still add between        themselves, according to a 2020 review
€2 and €4 of additional costs. Those fees      from the Interactive Media in Retail
can add up over time, so save money and        Group. However, 33% of online stores say
make that trip to the store on your own.       increasing numbers of returns are driving
Again, changes of scenery are beneficial       the prices of their products up.
for mental health, and you will save those     		        Coming out of the pandemic,
delivery slots for those who may not have      small businesses will need consumer
the option to visit supermarkets in person.    support to keep open — corporations
		        Thus, order takeaway or delivery     can afford to keep going for a long while
groceries only if necessary! Save your         without help. Visit the farmer’s market
money by going to the store yourself and       or the local sustainable fashion store
cooking at home. However, when you do          instead of Tesco, Amazon or other giants,
decide to splurge a bit, make eating out       and take your returns straight back to
an experience — something many of us           the shop. Fewer postal returns to stores     while lowering physical activity levels, a
may have taken for granted before the          may signal to retailers to drop the price    study from Frontiers in Genetics showed.
pandemic.                                      of goods and save you money on future        Those living below the poverty line are
                                               purchases. You will also reduce the          likely to experience these effects more
Small businesses                               overall carbon footprint of your shopping    prominently due to an inability to obtain
The pandemic has severely challenged           experience and save money on fees and        the most basic necessities. However,
small businesses across the country            shipping along the way.                      the same study showed that isolated
while corporate powerhouses thrived.                                                        individuals can mitigate their loneliness
How can a small shop on the corner                                                          by adopting a pet and using electronics to
compete with the kinds of delivery                                                          connect with others.
services available at the countrywide                                                       		         As we enter a new kind of
supermarket chain?                                                                          normalcy, many of us will be socially
		        Although 74% of small and                                                         awkward since we have been absent from
medium businesses in Ireland expect to                                                      in-person social interactions for so long.
be fully operational in the first six months                                                Studies show that prolonged isolation can
of 2021, 13% say they will never return to                                                  reverse our abilities to speak fluently or
pre-pandemic operations, according to                                                       remember things clearly. Thus, experts
the Visa Back to Business Study, which                                                      have advised to readjust slowly and
gives an economic outlook for countries                                                     embrace the awkwardness. As weather
across the world for 2021. More than half                                                   continues to improve for outdoor social
of those businesses added that, should                                                      gatherings, this is the perfect time to
the economy worsen, they will have to                                                       start adding those beneficial social
shut down. This study was completed in                                                      stresses back into our lives, such as
November of last year, but since level 5                                                    hosting guests in gardens when allowed
restrictions have been in place for much                                                    or venturing out in public. Practice makes
longer than originally anticipated, it is                                                   perfect!
possible that the pandemic’s effect on
small businesses is worse than expected.                                                    Better times ahead
		        On the other hand, grocery giant     Return to in-person socialisation            Despite uncertainties with the vaccine
Tesco increased pre-tax profits by nearly      As humans, social interaction is baked       rollout, light is on the horizon. Restrictions
30% in the first half of the 2020/2021         into our being. Due to the pandemic,         are gradually easing up, and more will
fiscal year compared to 2019/2020. Online      isolation and separation from others         come as more vaccines are administered.
shopping also boomed, as Amazon nearly         have had major impacts on both our           Thus, it is important that we prepare to
doubled its net income in 2020 compared        ability to interact with others and our      re-enter our newly-designed, in-person
to 2019. While small businesses worried        mental health. Although Zoom certainly       lives. That way, when we do get the
for the future, corporations flourished.       helps, nothing compares to in-person         go-ahead, we return seamlessly to seeing
		        In addition, online-only stores      interaction.                                 our family, sticking to healthy habits and
generally have greater greenhouse gas          		         Lockdown practices caused         stepping away from our screens more
emissions than brick-and-mortar stores,        increases in anxiety and sleeplessness       often.

  12                                                                                                            May 2021
Lifestyle / Summer camp survey

Summer Camp Survey
What will summer                   In these uncertain times, it is hard to know
                                   exactly what the summer will look like but
                                                                                     mixed results. Some organisations have
                                                                                     been wary of taking bookings for courses
2021 bring in terms                there are high hopes that there will be a         until they see how far restrictions will

of camps and                       return to a form of normality and that some
                                   traditional aspects of the season will be
                                                                                     be lifted, whereas others are bravely
                                                                                     forging ahead. At time of writing, several
courses for children               possible. Well before the school holidays         organisations were stating that, although
                                   begin, many parents put together plans for        they were hopeful that they would be able
and teenagers?                     the summer that may include courses and           to offer their camps, they were waiting
Consumer Choice                    camps to cater to their children’s interests
                                   and fill their free time productively. Last
                                                                                     to see what the government will permit
                                                                                     before providing any details. Others have
considers the outlook              year, many summer courses were inevitably         taken the decision to cancel in-person
                                   cancelled due to pandemic restrictions,           activities and to only offer online courses
and what is currently              while some outdoor camps managed to               for this year. Nonetheless, there are
on offer.                          carry on under strict conditions and other
                                   organisations chose to migrate online as a
                                                                                     plenty of organisations that are optimistic
                                                                                     that the country will be sufficiently
                                   way of offering participants a virtual camp       reopened by July and August to allow
    REPORT by Clodagh O’Donoghue   experience. Children and their parents            summer camps to be held more or less
                                   will be hoping that summer 2021 will bring        as usual – albeit with stringent infection
At a glance                        more opportunities for attending in-venue,        prevention strategies in place – and they
• Survey findings                  in-person camps of various sorts. However,        are inviting bookings from parents. As
• Covid-19 arrangements            while camps continue to focus on providing        ever, there is a vast range of activities
                                   participants with a fun, enjoyable and fruitful   on offer – from sports of all kinds to get
                                   experience, an equal focus this year has to       children moving and physically active to
                                   be on reducing the risk of possible spread        STEM courses to stimulate their brains
                                   of Covid-19 among those involved. A quick         and arts and drama camps to tap into
                                   survey of what is currently on offer in terms     their creativity. A new category for this
                                   of camps and courses shows a mixture of           year includes a range of online virtual
                                   approaches and a range of plans in place for      camps and workshops – these typically
                                   running pandemic-era summer activities.           run for a couple of hours each day over
                                                                                     the course of a week or fortnight and
                                   What is on offer                                  materials may be delivered in advance
                                   At the end of April, a search online for          that will be needed for participation.
                                   summer camps in Ireland in 2021 brings            Our table below provides details of a

  13                                                                                                    May 2021
selection of courses and camps that           able to run in all of their usual venues       for 2021. In addition, many camps are
hope to be running and have commenced         and many camps will reduce the size of         naturally designed around physical
taking bookings. However, this list is        individual groups, with no mixing between      activity outdoors and, where there are few
far from exhaustive and, depending on         groups permitted, to lower the number          options for adjourning safely indoors, it
the plan and timeline for lifting Covid-19    of contacts for participants and staff.        may be a case of ensuring that your child
restrictions, many more may have been         Often courses have chosen to shorten           is dressed for the weather and equipped
added since the survey was conducted.         the length of the day slightly compared        with rain gear and a change of clothes
                                              with the camp timetables of previous           in the event that these should become
                                              years and access to some facilities and        necessary.
                                              activities that cannot be conducted
                                              safely in a pandemic environment may           Our survey
                                              need to be curtailed for the 2021 season.      On our table, we have indicated the entire
                                              Moreover, some residential courses             range of ages catered for in a particular
                                              have ditched three-week stays in favour        course, but camps typically break down
                                              of two-week durations only. Another            these age groups into much narrower
                                              common precaution that is in place are         bands – for example, 5-7 years, 8-11
                                              staggered drop-off and pick-up times that      years, 12-15 years – so that instruction
                                              enable organisers to better manage social      and tuition are more specifically geared
                                              distancing. Some camps have stipulated         towards the participants’ level of ability
                                              that drop-offs and collections will be         and understanding. Most camps run
                                              ‘contactless’ with payments made in full in    on a weekly, Monday-to-Friday basis
                                              advance and no parents allowed to enter        – although if the schedule coincides
                                              venues and facilities unless expressly         with the August bank holiday, camps
                                              agreed in advance with the camp head           will generally run for just the four days
                                              office.                                        Tuesday to Friday and a reduced fee will
                                              		         Safety procedures that we           apply. As in previous years, there are
                                              have become all too familiar with will         summer camps and courses that cater
Covid-19 arrangements                         typically be in place, such as strict social   for just about every taste and talent, from
Even in the best-case scenario where          distancing, visible signage, hand hygiene      archaeology to zip lining – so whether
summer courses and camps can go               and sanitisation stations and temperature      your child or teen is an aspiring athlete,
ahead, there are a number of common           checks. Enhanced cleaning protocols            a budding scientist, a promising artist, a
Covid-19 prevention measures that             and defined procedures for dealing with        mathematical wizard, a musical genius,
are being put in place as camps of all        someone who is displaying symptoms of          an adventure junkie or an up-and coming
kinds seek to adapt to the challenges         Covid-19 are also features of all camps        filmmaker, there should be something
of running organised activities during a      on offer. Many organisers specifically         available that will appeal. Our table
pandemic and safeguard both staff and         state that, although they will take every      illustrates just a sample of camps and
children. One key strategy being adopted      precaution, they cannot guarantee that a       courses – both in-venue and online –
is a reduction in the overall number of       child will not contract Covid-19 during the    currently taking bookings, with many more
participants in order to enable better        camp. As when attending school, children       organisers hoping to be able to go ahead
social distancing – this means that spaces    who are feeling unwell should be kept at       with their offerings following government
on popular courses could be even more         home.                                          announcements on the easing of
limited this year. Parents may need to        		         Just because we are in a            restrictions.
keep a careful eye on relevant websites       pandemic, this does not mean that the          		         The last time we conducted
to catch any opportunities for booking        other key considerations when it comes         this survey was in 2017 and, perhaps
as they become available and our survey       to choosing a summer camp for your             inevitably, the prices of many established
noted that some camp dates were already       child do not apply. Health and safety          courses have crept up a little in that
sold out in April.                            have never been more important and, as         time. Prices may also have risen slightly
		         While it is tempting to book       well as knowing that proper strategies         to help offset lower participant numbers
early to secure your place, it is important   and protocols to prevent the spread of         and extra precautions necessitated by
that parents and guardians first read         Covid-19 are in place, parents should be       the pandemic. As ever, it is typically more
through the refund policy in the event        satisfied in advance that there will be an     expensive to keep teenagers entertained
of camp cancellation for whatever             adequate level of supervision in terms         than their younger siblings, but the higher
reason, including the reimposition of         of child-to-staff ratio and that staff are     charges generally reflect longer hours of
Covid-19 restrictions. Many camps             properly trained and qualified. Since          activity, more advanced levels of training
state that refunds will be issued in such     2016, it is mandatory that all staff working   or more sophisticated equipment on offer.
circumstances, while some stipulate a         with children or vulnerable adults have        When enquiring about cost, be sure to ask
non-refundable administration charge          undergone garda vetting.                       if there are any early booking discounts
and others may return only a portion of       		         This summer more than ever, we      that may apply or if there is a reduction
the fee if equipment or materials have        will be keeping our fingers crossed for fine   for enrolling a number of siblings at the
already been issued and delivered and         weather given the repeated advice that         same time. Booking subsequent courses
organisational costs have been incurred.      outdoor gatherings are safer than indoor       can also yield a discount, if you think your
Do not part with a deposit or a fee before    ones. In a couple of instances, activities     child is going to enjoy themselves so much
checking the refund policy and ensuring       that would traditionally take place indoors    that they would like to return for another
that you are happy with it.                   – such as cooking demonstrations and           week. There may also be an option to pay
		         Some courses may not be            workshops – have been moved outside            in instalments.

  14                                                                                                           May 2021
You can also read