Politics to dominate in 2017 - News & Views December 2016 - Craigs Investment Partners

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Politics to dominate in 2017 - News & Views December 2016 - Craigs Investment Partners
News & Views
                                                         December 2016

               Politics to
               dominate in 2017

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Politics to dominate in 2017 - News & Views December 2016 - Craigs Investment Partners
Craigs Investment Partners
             Private Wealth Research

             Mark Lister
             Head of Research

             Deidre Copley
             Head of Fixed Income

             Michelle Perkins
             Senior Research Analyst

             Frances Sweetman
             Senior Research Analyst

             Robert Blews, CFA
             Senior Research Analyst

             Peter Ball
             Research Analyst

             Roy Davidson
             Research Analyst

             Nachi Moghe, CFA
             Research Analyst

             Cam Watson
             Quality of Advice Manager

             Prices as at Wednesday 16 November 2016
             unless otherwise stated.

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Politics to dominate in 2017 - News & Views December 2016 - Craigs Investment Partners

                                                      Portfolio strategy

                                                      My 2017 investment to do list                           3

                                                      Politics look set to dominate: Key investment themes
                                                      for 2017                                                6

                                                      Investor implications of a Trump Presidency            14

                                                      Should investors be worried about the outlook for
                                                      local shares?                                          16

                                                      Fixed income: Trump election will see higher global
                                                      interest rates                                         20

                                                      Are equity markets pricing risk correctly?             24

                                                      Introducing three new Australian growth ideas          30

                                                      India for the long-run                                 32

                                                      Equities in focus

                                                      New Zealand equities                                   34

                                                      Australian equities                                    36

                                                      Listed property                                        38

                                                      Investment trusts and ETFs                             40

                                                      Global equities                                        42

                                                      Regular information and data

                                                      Strategic asset allocation                             44

                                                      Sector preferences                                     46

                                                      Building balanced portfolios for income, growth
                                                      and safety                                             48

                                                      Understanding our recommendations                      49

                                                      Our services: A short overview                         50

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Politics to dominate in 2017 - News & Views December 2016 - Craigs Investment Partners
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Politics to dominate in 2017 - News & Views December 2016 - Craigs Investment Partners
My 2017 investment to do list
                What a year it has been. 2016 will go down as a year when the
                impossible happened (twice), with the UK electing to leave the
                European Union and reality TV star, Donald J Trump, being elected
                President of the United States. Given the anticipated lift in volatility
                for markets as the implications of these surprise outcomes unfold,
                it is timely for clients to review portfolios and, if they haven’t already,
                adopt some investment resolutions for the new year.

                I will ... invest in installments        Value of $1,000 invested in the                       Often, better returns can come from
                       and not try to time the           New Zealand market over the past                      looking at areas that are out-of-
                       markets                           25 years                                              favour with the market.
                Consistently trying to pick the
                best time to buy and sell a share
                                                                                                               I will ... focus on quality in
                is inherently difficult and investors
                                                         $12,000                                                      both my equity and fixed
                run the risk of missing some of the
                                                         $10,000                                                      income portfolio
                best days if they constantly move                                                   $5,974
                                                                                                               There is no need to consider sub-
                in and out of the market. This can                                                             standard investments simply
                have a significantly adverse impact      $4,000                                                because they enhance diversity.
                on portfolio returns, as can be seen      $2,000                                               Stick to quality for core holdings and
                in the adjacent chart. Missing just 10         $-
                                                                     Invested      Missed 10      Missed 20
                                                                                                               only buy investments that meet your
                of the best days in the New Zealand                 throughout     best days      best days    quality and income requirements –
                market over the past 25 years would                                                            just aim to own as many of those as
                                                         Source: Bloomberg, Craigs Investment Partners. NZSE
                have turned $1,000 into $7,888           Gross Index used in calculations.                     you can. Bond portfolios should be
                versus $12,100 if you had remained                                                             anchored in a core holding of ‘vanilla’
                invested throughout. If you had                                                                senior bonds. By ‘vanilla’ we mean
                missed 20 of the best days, you          I will ... look forward and not
                                                         	                                                    bonds that have a very clear, simple
                would have forgone 50% of your                  chase last year’s winners                      and transparent structure, in that
                potential return, leaving you with       Markets are forward looking and                       they are senior securities, with known
                an end value of just $5,974. When it     there is no guarantee that last                       interest payments and a definite
                comes to investing for the long-term,    year’s winners will repeat their                      maturity date. We would also expect
                it makes sense to enter the market       achievements. Changing economic                       most to have an investment grade
                gradually. Avoid the risk of investing   conditions, a change in a company’s                   credit rating. The resilience of quality
                at a market peak by dividing your        strategy or leadership, or a change                   companies in times of trouble should
                capital into equal amounts and           in the regulatory environment can                     not be underestimated. High quality
                investing in installments over a         have a profound impact. Investors                     companies tend to have more stable
                period of time.                          need to understand the key drivers                    earnings growth over time and are
                                                         of a company’s performance and                        less susceptible to fluctuations in the
                                                         how these can be affected by a                        economic cycle.
                                                         change in the broader environment.

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Politics to dominate in 2017 - News & Views December 2016 - Craigs Investment Partners
I will 	... invest for the long-term      	
                                                         I will ... not ignore quality fixed       paid an appropriate return for the
                                                                income because interest            higher level of risk assumed, then the
             Although markets can be highly                     rates are low                      potentially lower return (but lower
             volatile over the short-term, over          Fixed income forms the bedrock of         risk) investment is the better option
             the long-term they have produced            a portfolio. In times of volatility, as   on a risk-adjusted basis. Minimising
             strong results. With the benefit of         we have seen in recent weeks, it is       losses is far more important than
             hindsight, there will always be some        the high quality fixed income part of     maximising gains. Not only is it
             stocks you could have bought at a           the portfolio that helps to provide       important for your psychological
             cheaper price and some you should           stability in a portfolio, offsetting      wellbeing, it will also improve
             have bought more of. But if you are         the volatility that can beset equities    returns as any strategy that can
             buying quality companies with good          at times. While the yield currently       dampen short-term losses will boost
             long-term earnings prospects, then          provided by high quality fixed            long-term returns. Your portfolio
             you will likely be better off in 10 years   income securities is low relative to      should be positioned to suit your
             time than if you had persistently tried     ‘the good old days’, investors should     circumstances and tolerance for risk
             to time your entry and exit into the        be prepared to give up some return        and it should never keep you awake
             market.                                     for a higher level of security. Even if   at night.
                                                         the prospect of higher rates is just
                        ... invest for income growth                                               	
                                                                                                   I will ... review my investment
              I will                                     around the corner, this is likely to be
                                                                                                          objectives and re-position
                                                         a drawn out process and maintaining
                                                                                                          my portfolio if necessary
             Income growth is a key element of           a laddered portfolio of fixed income
             share investing and portfolios should       maturities to protect your income         People have very different reasons
             always generate an income stream.           from changes in interest rates            for investing. Some may be building
             Build a portfolio of companies that         remains paramount.                        up retirement savings or saving for
             have sustainable dividends and                                                        a specific goal. Others may already
                                                          I will   ... consider risk               be in retirement and investing to
             the potential to deliver a growing
             income stream. If you do not require                                                  generate an income. For most
             any additional income, then these           Investors must take into                  people, the key objective of investing
             dividends can be reinvested back            consideration the level of risk           is to generate an income stream,
             into the portfolio for future growth.       associated with any investment.           either for today or for some time
                                                         Remember, if you are not getting          in the future, while protecting the
                                                                                                   future purchasing power of capital.

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Politics to dominate in 2017 - News & Views December 2016 - Craigs Investment Partners
Whatever the reason for investing,        from your portfolio’s asset allocation.   that you are willing to sell problem
                we all need to set some objectives        Any changes to your circumstances         holdings and replace them with
                and put in place a plan to achieve        that have the potential to influence      higher quality alternatives, and to
                those goals. However, changing            your asset allocation (for example        take profits on stocks that have
                individual circumstances, the             a change to your investment               rallied hard and now dominate
                differing performance of various          objectives or tolerance for risk etc),    the portfolio. Also ensure your
                markets, sectors within markets, or       should be communicated to your            portfolio is sufficiently diversified
                holdings can tilt portfolios away from    adviser.                                  via issuer/company name, sector,
                their intended purpose. Therefore,                                                  and geography. Most investment
                                                          We are now essentially in the eighth
                periodic portfolio readjustments or                                                 disasters are caused by a lack of
                                                          year of an equity bull market and
                the rebalancing of a portfolio should                                               diversification.
                                                          many investors may not have
                be undertaken to help ensure long-
                                                          experienced a broad based market
                term investment goals remain on                                                     	
                                                                                                    I will ... maintain an exposure
                                                          correction and the impact this
                track.                                                                                     to equity markets outside
                                                          can have on a portfolio’s value.
                                                                                                           New Zealand
                                                          Contact your adviser to undertake
                I will ... review my asset
                                                          an analysis of your current portfolio     Global equities are a vital component
                                                          to determine if you are comfortable       of any portfolio. They provide
                Determining your asset allocation         with your current asset allocation.       diversification away from New
                (exposure to the different asset                                                    Zealand, access to global economic
                classes) is a very important step         I will ... review the holdings in
                                                          	                                        growth, industries and companies
                in portfolio management as it                    my portfolio                       not available here, and also the
                determines, more than any other                                                     potential for higher levels of income
                                                          Establishing a portfolio by buying
                factor, a portfolio’s risk and return                                               growth than generally found on
                                                          a selection of investments to meet
                profile. A significant amount of time                                               our market. Don’t forget the New
                                                          your investment objectives and
                is taken to determine the correct                                                   Zealand market comprises just 0.2%
                                                          asset allocation requirements is
                allocation for you, therefore your                                                  of the total market capitalisation
                                                          not a set and forget process. A
                portfolio’s asset allocation needs to                                               of global equity markets and it is
                                                          holding’s fundamentals, its place
                be continually monitored, rebalanced                                                therefore prudent that clients have a
                                                          in the portfolio and the reason the
                and reviewed to ensure you remain                                                   proportion of their portfolio invested
                                                          investment was purchased need to
                comfortable with the level of                                                       outside our country.
                                                          be monitored and reviewed, at the
                volatility that could potentially arise
                                                          very least annually. It is important

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Politics to dominate in 2017 - News & Views December 2016 - Craigs Investment Partners
Politics look set to dominate:
             Key investment themes for 2017
             Over recent years, central bankers have had markets hanging on
             their every word, reacting to even the slightest change of tone.
             We believe the effectiveness of central banks will be much more
             limited from here, and that politics could displace central banks as
             the key focus for many investors. With this is mind, we outline our
             investment themes for 2017 below.

               1    Politics likely to be an            truly stunned when Donald Trump          China Sea, the Middle East and
                    important driver for markets         emphatically beat Hillary Clinton in     Russia to keep investors anxious.
                                                         the US election, with the Republicans
             Over the next few years, it might well                                               We could see more regular bouts of
                                                         serving up a crushing victory over
             be politics, as well as geopolitical risk                                            volatility as markets fret over what
                                                         the Democrats.
             generally, that takes centre stage                                                   could go wrong, and even if the
             as a key macro driver for financial         There is no shortage of important        general trend is up, it is likely to be a
             markets.                                    political events on the 2017 calendar    bumpier ride.
                                                         and we expect this trend of volatility
             The last 12 months have been                                                         Action point: Make sure you are
                                                         to continue as they unfold. Markets
             relatively volatile for markets. There                                               well-diversified across asset classes,
                                                         have become well aware of the anti-
             have been a couple of specific events                                                geographies and sectors. Stick to
                                                         establishment, anti-globalisation
             that have driven this – most notably                                                 high quality fixed interest and blue
                                                         undercurrent that seems to be
             the Brexit decision in June and, more                                                chip shares. Add some ‘portfolio
                                                         growing in many parts of the world.
             recently, the US election. Brexit                                                    insurance’, such as gold (and then
                                                         In Europe alone, 2017 will see France,
             caught markets by surprise and the                                                   hope it never performs).
                                                         Germany and the Netherlands go
             high volatility immediately afterward
                                                         to the polls. There is also tension
             reflected this. But if markets thought
                                                         involving hotspots like the South
             that was a shock, they were well and

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Politics to dominate in 2017 - News & Views December 2016 - Craigs Investment Partners
In China, manufacturing prices         Action point for
                                                        recently rose for the first time in
                                                        almost five years. The producer        investors
                                                        price index rose 0.1% in September     Ensure portfolios have an exposure
                                                        (from a year earlier), the first       to assets that can keep pace with
                                                        increase since January 2012.           inflation. Stocks that should benefit
                                                        It has been a similar story in this    in a higher inflation environment
                                                        part of the world, with September      include:
                                                        inflation for both New Zealand         Republic Services (US$54.91,
                                                        and Australia coming in slightly       2.3% gross yield) – Leading waste
                                                        ahead of market expectations.          collection operator. Contractual
                                                        While it remains very low,             pricing is tied to US inflationary
                                                        it certainly appears to have           measures (such as CPI) that will
                                                        bottomed and could quietly rise        protect the company’s cash flows
                                                        from here.                             from a return of inflation.
                  2    Inflation shows signs of life   A catalyst for sharper than            SPDR Gold ETF (US$116.77, 0.0%
                Inflation, a traditional enemy of       expected increases in prices           gross yield) – Gold has a long and
                investment and returns, has been        would be tight labour markets in       admirable track record of protecting
                noticeably absent during recent         places like New Zealand and the        purchasing power in inflation
                years. While we don’t envisage a        US. Low unemployment tends             adjusted terms, and performing
                quick return to the high-inflation      to add to wage pressures as            well in environments where inflation
                period of years past, 2017 could be     employers must compete more            exceeds market expectations.
                the year we see it begin to make a      fiercely for staff, and this usually
                                                        results in broader price rises.        Amcor (A$13.83, 4.4% gross yield)
                comeback. We have seen a few early
                                                                                               – Packaging giant Amcor services
                signs of this just recently.
                                                                                               customers in the fast moving
                The most notable element of the                                                consumer goods sector who benefit
                October jobs report in the US was                                              from increased consumer spending
                the better than expected increase                                              as a result of higher inflation.
                in wages. Average hourly earnings
                                                                                               Lend Lease (A$13.27, 5.0% gross
                increased 0.4% for the month, lifting
                                                                                               yield) – A global developer,
                the annual growth rate to 2.8%, the
                                                                                               construction firm and fund manager
                strongest since 2009.
                                                                                               that will benefit from a pick-up in
                                                                                               global growth.

                                                                                               Fonterra (NZ$5.93, 6.8% gross
                                                                                               yield) – A higher milk price
                                                                                               challenges margins but improved
                                                                                               demand and higher prices will deliver
                                                                                               valuable operating leverage.

                                                                                               Trade Me (NZ$4.84, 5.3% gross
                                                                                               yield) – Online retail business with
                                                                                               substantial barriers to entry. Higher
                                                                                               inflation should drive higher fee
                                                                                               revenue in its auction business.

                                                                                               The above recommendations are class
                                                                                               advice only. We recommend you seek
                                                                                               advice from a qualified professional
                                                                                               before making an investment decision.

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Politics to dominate in 2017 - News & Views December 2016 - Craigs Investment Partners
3    Interest rates appear to have    Having declined to a record low         Action point for
                    passed their lows                 of 1.36% in August, the US 10-year
                                                      Treasury yield has increased to         investors
             Interest rates around the world spent
                                                      2.22%. Similarly, the New Zealand       Own growth equities, maintain a
             most of 2016 testing new record
                                                      five-year bond fell to 1.74% a few      laddered portfolio to protect income,
             lows. In New Zealand, mortgage
                                                      months ago and has since rallied        and hold more cash and term deposits
             rates have been the lowest in
                                                      more than 75 basis points to            than usual to take advantage of any
             decades, while the six-month term
                                                      2.50%. As markets have become           opportunities. Stocks that should
             deposit rate declined to 3.1% (the
                                                      slightly more optimistic about          benefit from rising interest rates
             lowest since 1965).
                                                      future inflation, rates have lifted     include:
             This has been a positive for             from their lows, and some of the
             borrowers, while fixed interest                                                  Berkshire Hathway (US$157.08,
                                                      strength in high yielding assets has
             investors and prudent savers have                                                0.0% gross yield) – Berkshire’s giant
             been the losers. It has also meant                                               insurance float will meaningfully
                                                      The world is still highly indebted,     benefit from rising interest rates. In
             that investors have flocked to
                                                      growth is fragile and there is a        addition, Berkshire holds a wide range
             anything with a yield as they look
                                                      plethora of risks that could derail     of financial services companies, the
             for alternative sources of income.
                                                      the current global economic             biggest two being Wells Fargo and
             This has had the effect of fuelling
                                                      trajectory. While our base case is      American Express, which will also
             house price rises, as well as boosting
                                                      for interest rate rises to be modest,   benefit from rising interest rates.
             share prices for high-dividend paying
                                                      it is quite plausible given major
             companies.                                                                       SPDR Regional Banking ETF
                                                      event risks that rates could revisit
             However, we have seen the tide                                                   (US$50.42, 1.8% gross yield) –
                                                      lows or even go higher.
             begin to turn with longer dated bond                                             Passive, equal weight fund, which
                                                      We believe investors would be wise      holds over 90 regional banks in the
             yields moving higher over recent
                                                      to hedge their bets and position        US. These companies will benefit from
             weeks. While rates are highly unlikely
                                                      their portfolios to protect income.     rising interest rates through an uplift
             to return to historic levels anytime
             soon, they appear to have passed                                                 to asset yields and margin expansion,
             their lows and could drift higher over                                           along with generally improving macro
             the course of 2017.                                                              conditions.

                                                                                              iShares Global Technology ETF
                                                                                              (US$107.95, 1.1% gross yield) –
                                                                                              Holds over 100 of the largest tech
                                                                                              companies in the world but with
                                                                                              a clear bias to the US (c75% of its
                                                                                              holdings). The tech sector is one of the
                                                                                              few sectors with an attractive outlook
                                                                                              that also trades below its long-term
                                                                                              historical valuation metrics.

                                                                                              ANZ Bank (A$27.98, 5.2% gross
                                                                                              yield) – Major bank with an improving
                                                                                              return on equity profile as it redeploys
                                                                                              capital into its high margin Australian

                                                                                              Computershare (A$11.52, 2.6% gross
                                                                                              yield) – Multi-national share registrar
                                                                                              with leverage to higher interest
                                                                                              rates via the returns earned on client
                                                                                              balances held in custody.

                                                                                              The above recommendations are class
                                                                                              advice only. We recommend you seek
                                                                                              advice from a qualified professional
                                                                                              before making an investment decision.

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The IMF has noted the potential        Action point for
                                                         for setbacks to their outlook is
                                                         high, something that is reflected
                                                         in repeated markdowns in growth        Own growth equities, both in New
                                                         during recent years. It is also        Zealand and abroad. Selected
                                                         unclear how the US outlook will        growth companies include:
                                                         change under Donald Trump. For
                                                                                                F&P Healthcare (NZ$9.19, 3.1%
                                                         now, markets are expecting many
                                                                                                gross yield) – Compelling long-
                                                         of his policies to be positive for
                                                                                                term growth opportunity in non-
                                                         economic growth, but it remains
                                                                                                invasive ventilation with technology
                                                         to be seen how these will be
                                                         implemented and whether they will
                                                         deliver as expected.                   Mainfreight (NZ$19.00, 3.0% gross
                                                                                                yield) – Leveraged to the strong
                                                         The impact on other parts of
                                                                                                domestic economy, significant scope
                                                         the world is equally uncertain. A
                                                                                                to expand Australian margins, and
                                                         more protectionist stance could
                  4     017 could be a better year
                       2                                                                        gaining scale globally.
                                                         see improved US growth come
                       for growth shares                 at the expense of other parts of       Brambles (A$11.66, 2.5% gross
                The International Monetary Fund          the world, most notably emerging       yield) – 45% of this logistics
                (IMF) is forecasting global economic     markets. Ironically, this could drag   company’s revenues are derived
                growth to slow to 3.1% in 2016, before   global growth down and, to a           from North America, providing a
                recovering to 3.4% next year. The        degree, impact the US as well.         defensive exposure to increased US
                recovery is projected to pick-up as                                             consumer spending.
                                                         On balance, and despite these
                the outlook improves for emerging        risks, it could well be a reasonable   James Hardie (A$19.51, 3.2%
                markets, and the US economy              year for growth companies. The         gross yield) – Building products
                regains some momentum. In the US,        yield on longer-dated bonds            manufacturer that derives 80% of its
                a recovery in investment is projected,   are well off their lows, and this      revenues from the US. Will benefit
                as is a fading drag from inventories.    could make for a challenging           from an improving US housing cycle.
                IMF forecasts suggest US growth will     environment for high-yield
                pick-up from 1.6% this year to 2.2% in                                          Amazon (US$746.49, 0.0% gross
                                                         companies. While they offer
                2017, while emerging market growth                                              yield) – Amazon is one of the highest
                                                         attractive dividends, investors will
                will rise from 4.2% to 4.6%.                                                    quality companies within the internet
                                                         be less willing to pay high prices
                                                                                                sector given its consistent innovation
                On the other side of the coin, Europe,   for these as alternatives (such as
                                                                                                and execution, and the size of the
                Japan and the UK are expected            fixed interest and bank deposits)
                                                                                                opportunities it is targeting. Amazon
                to see growth slip. None of these        are now offering more reasonable
                                                                                                controls dominant positions in two
                regions are expected to see negative     returns.
                                                                                                very important and fast growing
                growth, but momentum is forecast         If growth, inflation and interest      markets; e-commerce and cloud
                to slow.                                 rates are going to be higher than      infrastructure.
                Here in New Zealand, the RBNZ is         we have seen in recent years,
                                                                                                Kirby Corp (US$64.80, 0.0% gross
                forecasting GDP growth of 3.7%           companies with lower yields but
                                                                                                yield) – Kirby transports bulk liquid
                in the year to March 2017, and           more attractive growth prospects
                                                                                                commodities in tank barges using
                3.6% in the 12 months after that.        will be the beneficiaries. We
                                                                                                the Mississippi river and the coastal
                Even if these growth forecasts are       recommend investors ensure they
                                                                                                waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Kirby
                negatively impacted by the recent        have a healthy allocation to high
                                                                                                will be a key beneficiary of the
                earthquakes, we still expect the New     quality companies with strong
                                                                                                increased role the US is expected
                Zealand economy to deliver robust        growth options.
                                                                                                to play in global energy, refined
                growth.                                                                         products and petrochemicals.

                                                                                                The above recommendations are class
                                                                                                advice only. We recommend you seek
                                                                                                advice from a qualified professional
                                                                                                before making an investment decision.

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M105816-CIP-Koru Club-N&Vs Abridged-Dec16-FA.indd 9                                                                                     29/11/16 2:43 PM
5    New Zealand is in great            New Zealand GDP growth (seasonally adjusted)
                    economic shape, but don’t
                                                        KEY:           GDP       GDP per capita
                    get complacent
             The domestic economy has been              5.0%

             firing on all cylinders in 2016.
             Economic growth was 3.6% in the
             year to June, the strongest since
             2014 and the envy of the developed         3.0%

             world. Migration is still hitting record
             highs, unemployment has fallen             2.0%

             below 5% for the first time since
             2008, and business confidence                1.0%

             remains robust.
             Dairy prices have risen more than             Mar-10                 Mar-11               Mar-12   Mar-13   Mar-14   Mar-15   Mar-16
             50% since July and are at their
             highest levels since June 2014.
             Fonterra last month lifted the payout      Source: Statistics New Zealand, Craigs Investment Partners.

             to $6.00 (before dividends), which
             is significantly higher than last year’s
             $3.90. This means the average
             farmer will be above breakeven for
                                                        Fonterra payout (including dividends) and breakeven point
             the first time in three years.
                                                        KEY:           Breakeven
             It is encouraging that the economy
             has grown at its fastest pace in more      $9
             than two years while a key export          $8
             sector like dairy has been in an
             unprofitable position. This bodes well
             for 2017.
             However, we shouldn’t get
             complacent. It is possible that things
             are close to ‘as good as they get’
             for the local economy. The very            $2

             strong house price gains over the          $1
             last few years will have certainly had     $0
             a positive impact on many sectors,












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             as well as consumer spending and









             activity levels. Further, house price
                                                        Source: Dairy NZ, Fonterra, RBNZ, Craigs Investment Partners.
             gains in the region of 10%+ pa are
             unsustainable, so from here we might
             need to see genuine productivity
             growth, which is much harder to
             come by.

             We also need to remain cognisant
             that we are a small, vulnerable
             economy that is still highly
             dependent on our primary sector.
             As such, investors must ensure they

    10 /     News & Views December 2016

M105816-CIP-Koru Club-N&Vs Abridged-Dec16-FA.indd 10                                                                                                29/11/16 2:43 PM
Action point for
                                                                                                  Ensure you are diversified outside
                                                                                                  New Zealand and Australia. Use the
                                                                                                  strong currency to add to global
                                                                                                  equities. Some of our favourite global
                                                                                                  names at present include:

                                                                                                  Alphabet (US$779.98, 0.0% gross
                                                                                                  yield) – Holds leading positions in
                                                                                                  most of the internet’s key segments,
                                                                                                  positioning it favourably to benefit
                                                                                                  as marketing spending follows
                are well-diversified across other          therefore remain above long-term
                                                                                                  consumers from traditional mediums
                markets, if only as an insurance          averages over the coming year,
                                                                                                  into digital.
                policy against ‘New Zealand risk’.        particularly against those with a
                                                          more challenging outlook such as        Bunzl (£20.01, 2.2% gross yield) –
                The recent earthquakes are a stark
                                                          the UK, Japan, Europe, and even         This leading distributor of a range of
                reminder of this. The impact on
                                                          Australia.                              products, including outsourced food
                growth from these events is difficult
                                                                                                  packaging and disposable supplies
                to predict, but activity will certainly   We are more optimistic regarding
                                                                                                  to supermarkets, offers investors a
                be dented, with transport links           the US dollar and are happy to
                                                                                                  rare combination of stable cash flow
                suffering disruption and the tourism      recommend increased weightings
                                                                                                  generation and a high return growth
                industry taking a minor hit.              to the greenback. The US is the
                                                          only country in the world talking
                While the construction sector will
                                                          about rate hikes, which illustrates     Johnson & Johnson (US$116.36,
                get a boost from the rebuild work
                                                          the stronger position they are in       2.8% gross yield) – Attractive
                and further strengthening work,
                                                          relative to many others.                valuation, strong cash flow
                this could be limited by capacity
                                                                                                  generation and broad exposure to
                constraints in an already busy sector.    We expect the US economy to
                                                                                                  the healthcare sector makes Johnson
                Government finances are more than         continue steadily improving, which
                                                                                                  & Johnson one of our preferred
                capable of taking care of the rebuild     should see the New Zealand dollar
                                                                                                  direct equities within our coverage
                costs, although slightly higher           decline further against the US
                debt levels are likely, and expected      dollar over time. In addition, we
                surpluses are now at risk.                are attracted to the US dollar as a     SPDR S&P 500 ETF (US$217.87,
                                                          hedge against volatility, given it is   2.0% gross yield) – SPY provides
                On balance, the economic impacts
                                                          one of the first places investors go     exposure to the largest 500 listed
                of the earthquake will be modest
                                                          during times of stress.                 companies in the US, with heavy
                and short-term on an aggregate
                                                                                                  weightings in sectors where
                basis. This is unlikely to have a         There are many excellent
                                                                                                  American industry is pre-eminent
                material impact on the country’s          companies and industries that we
                                                                                                  worldwide such as software, medical
                positive economic story.                  cannot adequately access on the
                                                                                                  and aerospace products.
                                                          New Zealand market. These include
                In terms of the currency, it is
                                                          technology, financials, energy           Visa (US$80.08, 0.8% gross yield)
                difficult to see the New Zealand
                                                          and other high growth sectors.          – As the world’s largest electronics
                dollar falling too far while we are in
                                                          Investors unwilling to consider         payments provider, Visa is a key
                generally better shape than many
                                                          companies listed overseas risk          beneficiary of the shift from cash to
                peers – currencies reflect a number
                                                          missing out on some exceptionally       paperless transactions and mobile
                of factors, and economic growth
                                                          high quality long-term investments.     payment innovations.
                is one of them. The currency could
                                                                                                  The above recommendations are class
                                                                                                  advice only. We recommend you seek
                                                                                                  advice from a qualified professional
                                                                                                  before making an investment decision.

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M105816-CIP-Koru Club-N&Vs Abridged-Dec16-FA.indd 11                                                                                       29/11/16 2:43 PM
is the heavy dominance of mining       Action point for
                                                       companies (as well as banks, which
                                                       have been under pressure for           investors
                                                       different reasons).                    Selectively add quality holdings in
                                                       Since February, commodities have       the oil and commodities sectors.
                                                       made somewhat of a comeback.           Two commodity plays we like at the
                                                       Similar to what we have seen           present include:
                                                       with dairy prices, the oil price has   Suncor (US$30.51, 3.8% gross yield)
                                                       rebounded into a trading range of      – Low operating costs, minimal
                                                       approximately US$40-50, while          future investment requirements,
                                                       other commodities have also            and a sustainable capital structure/
                                                       been strong in recent months.          dividend make Suncor a more
                                                       Iron ore, Australia’s biggest export   defensive energy exposure than the
                                                       commodity, is currently back at        company’s over-indebted and higher
                                                       levels not seen since April.           cost traditional exploration and
                                                       We believe the worst is likely over    production peers. Suncor’s growing
               6     he worst is over for
                    T                                  for oil and commodity prices.          production profile, the company’s
                    commodities, but don’t rush        However, we also expect any            well timed acquisition of Canadian
                    in just yet                        recovery to be volatile, punctuated    Oil Sands and substantial reserves,
                                                       by sharp rallies that eventually       which become economical at higher
             Oil and commodities have been
                                                       fade, before the cycle repeats.        prices, also means Suncor retains
             a minefield for investors over the
                                                                                              significant upside should oil prices
             last few years. The oil price sat
                                                       Investors could potentially do         rise.
             comfortably around US$100 from
                                                       well in commodities on a three
             2011 through to early 2014, before                                               FMC Corp (US$53.50, 1.3% gross
                                                       to five year view, although over
             collapsing and ultimately going as                                               yield) – FMC operates three very
                                                       short-term timeframes (such as
             low as US$27 in February of this                                                 attractive businesses; agricultural
                                                       the next 12-18 months) it is likely
             year. There were numerous reasons                                                chemicals, heath and nutritional
                                                       to be a volatile ride. Despite this,
             for this including oversupply, weaker                                            ingredients, and lithium. Each
                                                       we still see opportunities in the
             demand from some regions, as well                                                business has impressive returns on
                                                       energy sector, although we believe
             as other factors unique to specific                                              invested capital and a compelling
                                                       investors need to be very selective.
             commodities.                                                                     long-run growth thematic. A
                                                                                              recovery in the company’s core
             This volatility has flowed through to
                                                                                              agricultural chemicals end market
             mining and resources companies,
                                                                                              is still in its early days and FMC’s
             as well as those servicing the
                                                                                              valuation remains undemanding.
             industry. A key reason for the
             underperformance of the UK and
             Australian markets in recent years

                                                                                              The above recommendations are class
                                                                                              advice only. We recommend you seek
                                                                                              advice from a qualified professional
                                                                                              before making an investment decision.

    12 /     News & Views December 2016

M105816-CIP-Koru Club-N&Vs Abridged-Dec16-FA.indd 12                                                                                  29/11/16 2:43 PM
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M105816-CIP-Koru Club-N&Vs Abridged-Dec16-FA.indd 13                    29/11/16 2:43 PM
Investor implications of a
             Trump Presidency
             Against most predictions, Donald Trump managed to win the US
             election in November, despite the majority of popular votes going
             to Hillary Clinton. Below we discuss the possible implications for
             markets following this historic win.

             There are numerous views on               anti-establishment, anti-globalisation    It is also an important tourist
             how and why he won, but general           undercurrent that is growing in many      market for us, with 8.3% of total
             consensus is that winning the ‘rust       parts of the world. The Brexit vote       visitor spending coming from US
             belt’ states of Wisconsin, Michigan,      and the Trump win both reflect this.      visitors. Approximately 3.5% of our
             Ohio and Pennsylvania got him over                                                  permanent migrants also come from
             the line. Obama won these states in       What does this mean for the               the US, a number that might rise a
             2012, but this time they responded to     New Zealand economy?                      little now.
             Trump’s pledge of bringing the jobs
                                                       This result is potentially a negative     The Trans Pacific Partnership
             back to the US.
                                                       one for the New Zealand economy.          Agreement, which would improve
             These regions all include former          As a small country dependent on           export opportunities for many into
             manufacturing hubs, where                 trade, the anti-globalisation rhetoric    the US, now looks to be a long-shot
             factories have closed and jobs have       from the Trump campaign does              under Trump. There was little in that
             disappeared as operations have            not bode well for our long-term           for the dairy sector anyway, but
             moved offshore. Trump promised            prospects.                                other industries will be disappointed.
             to return jobs to these states, while
                                                       While we are not in the immediate         It is still unclear how much of the
             the Clinton campaign arguably took
                                                       firing line for any new tariffs (that     strong Trump rhetoric we heard on
             them for granted and didn’t work
                                                       prize goes to China and Mexico),          the campaign trail will ultimately
             hard enough to keep hold of them.
                                                       the US is still an important trading      translate into policy. We have already
             A vote for Trump can be better            partner. It is our third largest export   witnessed a much softer stance from
             described as a vote against the           market (behind China and Australia),      Trump, which is a key reason markets
             status quo. It now seems that             taking 11.7% of our total goods and       rallied to record highs in the days
             many forecasters, economists              services. Our key exports to the US       following the election.
             and politicians have been                 are meat, dairy products and wine.
             underestimating the strength of the

    14 /     News & Views December 2016

M105816-CIP-Koru Club-N&Vs Abridged-Dec16-FA.indd 14                                                                                      29/11/16 2:43 PM
Does anyone win under                  Five key implications of                 Higher US interest rates. Donald
                Trump?                                                                          Trump is not a big fan of the Federal
                                                       a Trump presidency                       Reserve Chair, Janet Yellen, or her
                Yes. Many of his policies are
                                                       US companies will benefit at the         deputy, Stanley Fischer. He thinks the
                strongly positive for US economic
                                                       expense of multinationals. A key         Fed is acting somewhat irresponsibly
                growth, even if some of them
                                                       aspect of the Trump agenda is            (and politically) by keeping interest
                could come at the expense of
                                                       protectionism, which is the opposite     rates as low as they are. Yellen and
                some other parts of the world.
                                                       of globalisation and free trade. He      Fischer might not be reappointed
                Domestically focussed US
                                                       wants to bring manufacturing back        under Donald Trump, and any new
                companies could do very well
                                                       to the US, impose hefty tariffs on       officials could be inclined to increase
                under Trump, most notably the
                                                       Chinese and Mexican imports, and         rates at a faster pace. Buy SPDR S&P
                financials, energy and healthcare
                                                       become much more insulated from          Regional Banks ETF, Wells Fargo,
                sectors. These sectors were all up
                                                       the rest of the world. US companies      Berkshire Hathaway.
                strongly in the period immediately
                                                       with mainly domestic customers will
                following the election.                                                         Growth in America could actually
                                                       benefit from that, but multinationals
                                                                                                improve. Trump wants to cut taxes
                Pro-growth policies, tax reform,       doing business across borders
                                                                                                and increase spending on defence
                increased infrastructure spending,     won’t. Buy SPDR S&P MidCap ETF,
                                                                                                and infrastructure. This fiscal stimulus
                higher interest rates and a            Berkshire Hathaway, Wells Fargo.
                                                                                                would likely increase US economic
                strong US dollar also offer clear
                                                       We could see inflation start to          growth, in the short-term at least.
                opportunities for investors.
                                                       increase. Globalisation has been a       The growth could come at the expense
                                                       key driver of deflationary pressure      of other parts of the world, such as
                What should investors do?
                                                       in recent decades, as low cost           the emerging markets. Buy Berkshire
                There is no need to panic. The US      producers and extra capacity in          Hathaway, Suncor, Kirby, CVS Health,
                political system is much more than     places like China have pushed prices     SPDR S&P MidCap ETF, Visa.
                one person. We are generally very      lower. If Trump gets the ball rolling
                                                                                                A stronger US dollar. The combination
                comfortable with our positioning       for the rest of the anti-globalisation
                                                                                                of higher interest rates, as well as
                and our strategy. Our economy is       movement, we could see some of
                                                                                                stronger economic growth, would
                in exceptionally good shape, which     those trends reverse. A surprise
                                                                                                likely see the US dollar rally against
                bodes well if we are going into a      inflationary spike would swing the
                                                                                                most other currencies, including
                more volatile period.                  balance further away from high-yield
                                                                                                ours. As a result, we should see some
                                                       investments toward those with a
                                                                                                benefits from a stronger US economy
                                                       growth tilt, as well as putting upward
                                                                                                and a rising US dollar. We’re not likely
                                                       pressure on interest rates. Buy SPDR
                                                                                                to be in the firing line for Trump’s anti-
                                                       Gold ETF, VanEck Vectors Gold
                                                                                                trade policies as much as others, but
                                                       Miners ETF, Republic Services,
                                                                                                we might need to give up on the Trans
                                                       Suncor, Kirby.
                                                                                                Pacific Partnership trade deal getting
                                                                                                approved. Buy Bunzl, Shire, Roche.

                                                       The above recommendations are class advice only. We recommend you seek advice
                                                       from a qualified professional before making an investment decision.

                                                                                                                       Portfolio strategy    / 15

M105816-CIP-Koru Club-N&Vs Abridged-Dec16-FA.indd 15                                                                                    29/11/16 2:43 PM
Should investors be worried about
             the outlook for local shares?
             The local market has suffered a short and severe sell-off during the
             past few months. Since the NZX 50 peaked in early September it
             has fallen 9.9%, a larger decline than we have seen from other key
             global markets.

             Why have New Zealand shares               Performance of key markets from                        Secondly, markets globally have
             seen sharper falls?                       third quarter peak (local currency                     got a sense that interest rates may
                                                       terms)                                                 be close to a bottom, and that we
             In our view, there are three key
                                                                                                              might even be seeing some early
             reasons for the weakness in                 6%                                                   signs of inflation. While it is likely that
             local shares. One is clearly the
                                                         3%                                                   inflation and interest rates will remain
             exceptionally strong performance in
                                                         0%                                                   well below long-term averages for
             recent years. The NZX50 rallied 36%
                                                                                                              some time, financial markets may
             in the 12 months leading up to the         -3%
                                                                                                              have moved too far in favour of them
             peak in early September. This is well      -6%
                                                                                                              remaining at rock bottom forever.
             above the return of the US (+13.5%)
             or Australian (+12.8%) markets over                                                              As this theme gathers steam,
             the same period. After such a strong                                                             investors around the world have








             increase, a correction seems quite                                                               been reducing their exposure





                                                                                                              to interest-rate sensitive shares

             understandable, and is probably

             healthy. The NZX50 is only back at                                                               (property, utilities, telecoms and
                                                       Source: Bloomberg, Craigs Investment Partners.
             levels last seen in June.                                                                        infrastructure) and adding to
                                                                                                              companies that provide more
                                                                                                              growth (technology, financials and

    16 /     News & Views December 2016

M105816-CIP-Koru Club-N&Vs Abridged-Dec16-FA.indd 16                                                                                                        29/11/16 2:43 PM
Longer-term interest rates                              S&P 500 sector moves since 30 June 2016

                KEY:	 NZ 5-year swap rate   NZ 2-year swap
                     rate  US 10-year bond yield                         25%



                3.0%                                                      0%


                2.0%                                                    -10%


                 1.0%                                                   -20%


                    2011    2012      2013     2014     2015     2016






























                Source: Bloomberg, Craigs Investment Partners.





                                                                        Source: Capital IQ, Craigs Investment Partners.

                Five year forward US inflation rate                     some industrials). This can be seen                          more defensive sectors that have
                expectations                                            in the above chart which illustrates                         been sold off globally, with a
                                                                        the performance of the different                             much more limited exposure to
                                                                        sectors of the US market since the                           growth sectors. The five weakest
                                                                        middle of the year. Although the                             sectors since the middle of the
                                                                        S&P 500 has been relatively flat                             year (telecoms, utilities, consumer
                2.5%                                                    overall, there have been some strong                         staples, real estate and healthcare)
                                                                        divergences between sectors. The                             represent 55% of the NZX 50 index,
                                                                        sectors on the right of the chart have                       a very heavy weighting compared
                                                                        been great performers as interest                            to overseas markets. Conversely, we
                                                                        rates have declined, but have been                           only have a 6.7% weighting to the
                 1.0%                                                   much weaker lately as rates have                             two best-performing sectors in the
                   Oct-11       Apr-13       Oct-14       Apr-16
                                                                        rebounded. Conversely, sectors with                          US. In short, the sectors that have
                Source: St Louis Federal Reserve, Craigs Investment     better growth prospects and less                             caused our market to perform better
                Partners.                                               interest rate sensitivity have been                          than just about every other global
                                                                        stronger performers.                                         market over the last few years have
                                                                                                                                     recently become a weakness, as
                                                                        The New Zealand market is heavily
                                                                                                                                     the declining interest rate trend has
                                                                        skewed toward the higher-yield,

                                                                                                                                                                      Portfolio strategy       / 17

M105816-CIP-Koru Club-N&Vs Abridged-Dec16-FA.indd 17                                                                                                                                      29/11/16 2:43 PM
Finally, it also appears that             The vast majority of our NZX-listed      Stocks we view as
             international investors have been         companies are in a strong financial
             much less active in the local             position, and are growing their          attractively valued
             market during recent months. Our          profits and dividends solidly (the       Trade Me (NZ$4.84, 5.3% gross
             excellent yields have attracted a         median earnings growth forecast          yield) – Online retail business with
             lot of offshore money over the            for the coming year is a healthy         substantial barriers to entry. Trade
             last few years, particularly into the     8.9% at present).                        Me’s strong operating cash flows
             larger companies that have high                                                    underpin a high return on equity and
                                                       Despite some concerns over house
             liquidity. Just as this additional                                                 fund a reliable, growing dividend.
                                                       prices and household debt, the
             buying interest boosted share
                                                       short-term economic outlook for          Contact Energy (NZ$4.47, 8.0%
             prices to higher levels early in the
                                                       New Zealand is very strong, with         gross yield) – Contact offers the
             year, its reversal has accentuated
                                                       the biggest challenges for this year     most value in the New Zealand
             the weakness over the latter part of
                                                       being high valuations and a lack         electricity sector and is making
             the year.
                                                       of opportunities. In this regard, a      progress operationally after several
                                                       correction of 10-15% is healthy, as      years of poor performance.
             Should investors be worried
                                                       it brings the market back toward a
             about the outlook for local               reasonable buying zone again.
                                                                                                Ryman Healthcare (NZ$8.57, 2.2%
             shares?                                                                            gross yield), Summerset (NZ$4.88,
                                                       Despite our relatively upbeat            2.1% gross yield) – Both continue to
             Over the short-term, our market
                                                       view on the economy, recent              experience strong customer demand
             could remain volatile and could
                                                       events are a timely reminder that        for services, while house prices
             weaken a little further. It has had
                                                       international diversification is vital   remain supportive.
             an outstanding few years that have
                                                       for all investors. The impact of the
             pushed it into relatively expensive                                                Meridian Energy (NZ$2.49, 9.1%
                                                       US election on different sectors of
             territory, and it could take a little                                              gross yield) – We like Meridian for its
                                                       the market, as well as the recent
             time for this to unwind, or for the                                                high quality assets, strong earnings
                                                       earthquakes, have highlighted the
             impact of changing international                                                   growth profile, and a steady dividend
                                                       vulnerability of a small country like
             investor preferences to conclude.                                                  that will likely be supplemented by
                                                       New Zealand to factors outside of
                                                                                                capital management in the coming
             On a longer-term basis, there is less     our control.
             cause for concern. Shares reflect
                                                       Well-diversified investors with
             the future outlook for an economy,
                                                       healthy exposures to high quality
             although they can certainly over
                                                       global assets will have come
             and undershoot for periods of
                                                       through the last few months
             time. Ultimately, the fortunes of
                                                       relatively unscathed. Holding these
             companies listed on the NZX will
                                                       assets in other currencies (like the
             largely be driven by the economic
                                                       US dollar) provides an important
             prosperity of New Zealand as a
                                                       insurance policy against ‘New
                                                       Zealand risk’.                           The above recommendations are class
                                                                                                advice only. We recommend you seek
                                                                                                advice from a qualified professional
                                                                                                before making an investment decision.

    18 /     News & Views December 2016

M105816-CIP-Koru Club-N&Vs Abridged-Dec16-FA.indd 18                                                                                      29/11/16 2:43 PM
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M105816-CIP-Koru Club-N&Vs Abridged-Dec16-FA.indd 19                    29/11/16 2:43 PM
Fixed income: Trump election will
             see higher global interest rates
             The shock election of Donald Trump as the next president of the US
             had immediate implications for bond markets across the globe. As we
             go to press, the yield on longer-dated New Zealand bonds has spiked
             0.34%, on the back of a 0.43% lift in 10 year US Treasuries. Looking
             ahead, we expect the direction of longer-dated rates to be driven by
             movements in the US.

             There has never been a US                 The yield on 10-year US Treasuries                 We have discussed in prior
             president with so little experience       has spiked since the elections                     publications how central banks
             in government and it would be                                                                imposing monetary policy have ruled
             fair to say that Trump, during his        2.4%                                               the world over the last few years, and
             electioneering process, has come          2.2%
                                                                                                          that it was time this responsibility
             up with some extremely contentious                                                           was shared by governments using
             and controversial policy proposals.                                                          fiscal policy. This day has likely
             His inauguration is not until January,    1.8%                                               come in the US, with Trump’s
             and it will take months before his                                                           election promises including large
             new team is appointed and we have                                                            fiscal stimulus, ambitious tax cuts,
             more insight into what polices will be    1.4%                                               reduced regulation and increased
             enacted. In the meantime, markets         1.2%                                               protectionism. Each one of these is
             will be trading on every small piece        Jan-16       Apr-16        Jul-16       Oct-16   bearish for rates and the outcome
             of news and we expect there will be       Source: Bloomberg, Craigs Investment Partners.
                                                                                                          is likely to be much higher levels of
             continued volatility across financial                                                        public debt.
                                                                                                          There is the possibility that his more
             Focussing on the impact on the            above shows the 10-year US Treasury                radical policies will be constrained
             bond market, the immediate effect         bond is now up over 0.40% since the                by Congress, especially if they lead
             has been an abrupt shift upwards          election outcome was announced,                    to a larger deficit than approved. He
             in US Treasury yields, followed by        taking it almost back to January 2016              cannot unilaterally introduce major
             sovereign bonds globally. The chart       levels.                                            changes without Congressional

    20 /     News & Views December 2016

M105816-CIP-Koru Club-N&Vs Abridged-Dec16-FA.indd 20                                                                                               29/11/16 2:43 PM
Trump’s proposals would result in                     this magnitude and will want interest
                a material increase in public debt                    rates to stay low. As well, there are
                unless growth increases                               headwinds from an increasing oil
                KEY:	 Public debt as % of GDP (Trump proposals)      price and political uncertainty with
                       Public debt as % of GDP (current law)          upcoming European elections to                         It is likely we have seen the lows in
                                                                      contend with. While yields in these                    this interest rate cycle
                                                                      countries will reflect the upwards                     KEY:      New Zealand 7yr swap      Trend line
                100%                                                  trend, the moves are likely to be
                                                                      smaller.                                               5.5%
                 90%                                                                                                         5.0%

                                                                      Where to from here for interest                        4.5%

                                                                      rates?                                                 4.0%

                 70%                                                                                                         3.5%
                                                                      The US election outcome has
                                                                      perhaps been the catalyst for rates
                   2010     2013    2016    2019     2022    2025     to bounce higher and we see scope
                                                                      for US rates to rise even further into
                Source: Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget,                                                           1.5%
                CBO, Haver Analytics, Craigs Investment Partners.     the end of the year and next. This                        Nov-10 Mar-12      Jul-13   Nov-14 Mar-16
                                                                      will result in a steeper yield curve in
                                                                                                                             Source: Bloomberg, Craigs Investment Partners.
                                                                      anticipation of the fiscal stimulus,
                support. In addition, when a country                  which realistically will be mid-2017
                already has a lot of debt, as the                     onwards, lifting growth and inflation
                                                                                                                             We believe we have seen the lows
                US does, then it is important that                    prospects. New Zealand interest
                                                                                                                             in this interest rate cycle. However,
                the central bank is also onside and                   rates trade at a spread above US
                                                                                                                             we are mindful of many areas of
                continues to buy bonds so interest                    Treasuries, reflecting the higher
                                                                                                                             concern and despite the initial sharp
                costs can be contained. Trump has                     risk of our small open economy.
                                                                                                                             move upwards, globally there is more
                been highly critical of the Federal                   The interest rate moves are well
                                                                                                                             uncertainty and potentially lower
                Reserve and its Chair, Janet Yellen,                  correlated (as can be seen in the
                                                                                                                             growth, which will suppress interest
                which suggests this could be                          chart below), although the New
                                                                                                                             rates. Our base case is for rates to
                challenging. However, for what it is                  Zealand rates tend to over-extend
                                                                                                                             range trade gradually higher, bearing
                worth, he is also on record as saying                 both ways in times of stress.
                                                                                                                             in mind that we have yet to get back
                “I’ve always been a low interest rates
                                                                                                                             to where interest rates were even
                person. Now if inflation starts coming
                                                                                                                             at the start of this year. The short-
                in… that’s a different story… but right               Longer-term interest rates in                          end is likely to be anchored at 1.75%
                now I am for low interest rates and I                 New Zealand are driven by 10 year
                                                                                                                             for 2017, albeit with a higher risk of
                think we keep them low”. The market                   US Treasuries
                                                                                                                             downside now post the earthquake
                will be looking for policy continuity
                                                                      KEY:      New Zealand 7yr swap      US 10yr Treasury   of 14 November. Given the big rise
                and confirmation Chair Yellen will
                                                                                                                             we have already seen since the end
                not resign. At this stage her term                    10.0%
                                                                                                                             of the third quarter, we see limited
                extends to 2018. Keeping rates low
                                                                       8.0%                                                  capacity for yields to move up much
                in the US will help prevent the dollar
                                                                                                                             more before retracting. Over the
                from strengthening too much as                         6.0%                                                  next few months, we see 3.5% as the
                fiscal spending increases and this
                                                                                                                             next ceiling, which is where we were
                might see rate hike expectations                       4.0%
                                                                                                                             at the beginning of 2016. While we
                                                                       2.0%                                                  do not claim to be technical traders,
                The election of Trump also needs                                                                             we will be watching to see if interest
                to be seen in the context of the rest                 0.0%                                                   rates stay within the two trend lines
                                                                        Nov-00         Nov-05        Nov-10        Nov-15
                of the world. Europe and Japan are                                                                           as shown on the chart above.
                unlikely to move to fiscal stimulus of                Source: Bloomberg, Craigs Investment Partners.

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New Zealand investors have                in bonds, one strategy for investors           and see rates back at their lows.
             seen capital prices increase              in this environment is to reduce               By continuing to invest in laddered
             but yields fall – now a partial           the amount they invest in the                  maturities, income is protected.
             reversal                                  longer dated bonds to position the
                                                       portfolio more for rising yields (i.e.         Duration – what is its relevance
             Investors in income assets have           targeting a lower duration). In our            to the investor?
             seen interest rates fall to historical    Investment Policy Guidelines for
             lows this year, with six month term                                                      The duration of a bond portfolio is
                                                       building Fixed Income Portfolios we
             deposits returning as little as 3.1%                                                     a measure of exposure to changes
                                                       have included the table below. This
             (last seen in 1965), and long dated                                                      in interest rates. It is the weighted
                                                       shows weightings in various maturity
             corporate bonds have traded with                                                         average of the time until the fixed
                                                       buckets can change according to
             yields in the ‘3’s. In essence, savers                                                   cash flows are received and is
                                                       interest rate views. For instance, if
             have been the losers in recent years                                                     usually measured in years. Due to
                                                       rates are expected to rise then an
             compared to borrowers.                                                                   the forecast receipt of the fixed
                                                       investor might choose to have more
                                                                                                      coupons over the life of a bond, the
             Most clients have exposure to             short-term investments and have
                                                                                                      duration measure is shorter than
             domestic bank term deposits and           bonds with maturities of over five
                                                                                                      the maturity date. The duration of
             corporate bonds within their fixed        years totalling closer to 10% rather
                                                                                                      many portfolios has shortened over
             interest portfolios. These tend to be     than 40%.
                                                                                                      the last two years as investors in
             laddered with maturities extending
                                                                                                      general have opted not to reinvest
             out to around seven years. One            Reinvestment risk mitigated
                                                                                                      all of the funds from maturities back
             of the three key risks of bonds           via investing in securities with
                                                                                                      into bonds (the average duration
             is ‘reinvestment risk’. This is the       laddered maturities                            across client portfolios now 2.5
             risk that coupon payments and
                                                       While we have already said our                 to 3 years). We would call this a
             principal repaid have to be invested
                                                       expectation is for interest rates to           short duration portfolio, which in
             at a lower interest rate than the
                                                       move higher, we do not see it as a             effect means portfolios are already
             current investment. At this point in
                                                       one way street to pre global financial         positioned for a rise in yields. In
             the cycle with headlines signalling
                                                       crisis levels. It is more likely we see        offshore markets, investors tend to
             higher interest rates, investors may
                                                       range trading with yields up 0.5%              have more exposure to longer dated
             be concerned they should not be
                                                       to 1.0% during the next two years.             bonds, including ultra-long (out
             reinvesting in longer-term bonds
                                                       The short end we continue to see               to 50 to 70 years), in the clamour
             at all and should put spare funds
                                                       anchored at 1.75% until at least               for yield. While our rates reached
             into short-term deposits. While we
                                                       2018. There is also a ‘foreseeable’            record lows, domestic investors
             continue to like term deposits up
                                                       possibility that one of the plethora           have been fortunate in that they did
             to one year at yields of c3.6%, we
                                                       of risks eventuates, which could               still manage to achieve positive real
             caution against having too much in
                                                       derail the interest rate trajectory            after-tax returns.
             short dated assets. This is also a risk
             to income.

             Over the last few years we have been
             buyers of bonds (despite interest          Recommended maturity profile of a bond portfolio
             rates falling from 8% to 4%) on the        Maturity date (or interest rate reset date)         Minimum           Maximum
             basis that it provided certainty of        Up to including 1 year                               10%                 40%
             income and expectations were
                                                        Above 1 year and up to 3 years                       20%                 40%
             for lower interest rates for longer.
                                                        Above 3 years and up to 5 years                      20%                 40%
             However, post the recent spate of
             new issues all at or around 4.0%,          Above 5 years and up to 7 years                       10%                30%

             investors began to signal a reduced        Above 7 years                                         0%                 10%

             appetite for the longer dated bonds.
                                                       Source: Craigs Investment Partners.
             At the same time, rates began to
             increase. Rather than stop investing

    22 /     News & Views December 2016

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Interest rate movements have more significant implications for longer-dated bonds
                                                                       Price of      Price of bond   Percent change       Price of bond      Percent change
                  Issue                                             bond at par if yield rose 0.5%    relative to par if yield rose 1.0%      relative to par
                  2 year bond, 4% coupon, 2.0 year duration           $100.00             $99.05               -1.0%             $98.12                -1.9%
                  7 year bond, 4% coupon, 6.1 year duration           $100.00              $97.10              -2.9%            $94.28                 -5.7%
                  US Treasury, 2% coupon, 9.1 year duration           $100.00             $95.50              -4.5%             $91.30                -8.7%

                Source: Craigs Investment Partners.

                Implications of a short duration              longer and the coupon lower. One               term deposits at c3.6% (low risk,
                portfolio                                     can only imagine the pain of holders           positive real return significantly
                                                              with low coupon 30-year and ultra-             above the cash rate), and would not
                The impact on the price of a bond
                                                              long bonds when yields rise.                   be afraid to invest in some corporate
                from rising interest rates is much less
                                                                                                             bonds. Portfolio duration is already
                significant for shorter dated bonds,           Many investors will also have term
                                                                                                             short and the road for interest rates
                or a portfolio of bonds with a shorter        deposits in their fixed income
                                                                                                             is far from a one-way street at this
                duration. This can be seen in the             portfolios. These cushion further
                                                                                                             time. Depending on your portfolio,
                above table where we look at the              the impact of any change in yields
                                                                                                             take advantage of the shift in higher
                impact on the price of some short             as they are valued at par. We would
                                                                                                             yields and lock in income. Securities
                and longer-dated bonds when the               also add that for investors who
                                                                                                             we like include investment grade
                yield moves up by 0.50% and 1.0%.             hold bonds to maturity this change
                                                                                                             corporate bonds at well over 4%.
                                                              in valuation of a bond due to a
                It is clear to see that the impact                                                           For example Chorus 2021 bonds at
                                                              general shift in interest rates is of
                on the price of the shorter dated                                                            4.20% (Core), Contact Energy 2021
                                                              lesser concern. While they will see
                bond is substantially below that of                                                          bonds at 4.15% (Core) and non-
                                                              the movement in their portfolio
                a longer-dated bond. This logic can                                                          rated bonds such as those issued by
                                                              valuations, the reality is that on
                be applied to a portfolio of bonds.                                                          Kiwi Property maturing in 2023 at
                                                              maturity they will receive the full
                For example, a laddered portfolio                                                            4.60% (Supplementary) and The
                                                              capital value back.
                of bonds with a three year duration                                                          Warehouse maturing in 2020 at
                would see its value decline 2.8% if                                                          4.25% (Supplementary). Although
                                                              What should investors be
                interest rates moved up 1%. Compare                                                          less liquid, to enhance yield consider
                this to a US portfolio where a typical                                                       Genesis Energy subordinated bonds
                duration might be nine years (so              Towards the end of the quarter we              with a call in 2018 at an estimated
                three to four times longer than our           will see some funds returned to the            yield of 5.60% (Niche).
                client portfolios). The fall in valuation     market from maturities of several
                is much more pronounced (-8.7%)               corporate bonds. We would be
                because the duration is so much               taking advantage of the AA- bank               The above recommendations are class
                                                                                                             advice only. We recommend you seek
                                                                                                             advice from a qualified professional
                                                                                                             before making an investment decision.

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