Page created by Judy Casey

Open for business                                                                4               Singapore smooths cargo transfer   10          Expanding focus                       15
Pipeline of opportunity                                                          5               Getting ready for Sangomar          11         Double awards triumph              16-17
Producing history                                                              6-7               Spreading the word                 12          A day in the life of … a general
Quick action removes risk                                                        8               Partners in progress               13          manager quality                    18-19
Dollars and sensors                                                              9               Future imperfect                   14          Past shows path ahead                20

                                                                                                                   Mark Irving

                                                    THE MAGAZINE FOR WOODSIDE PEOPLE | Q1 2021

                                                                                                                   Nichola Zed

                                                                                                                   Melissa Wright

                                                                                                                   James Campbell
    Woodside Energy Ltd.
    11 Mount Street Perth, Western Australia
    G.P.O. Box D188 Perth, Western Australia 6840
    t: +61 8 9348 4000 f: +61 8 9214 2777

                                                                                                                   287 Design

On the cover                                                                                                       Quality Press
Sense of purpose: Ben Wilkinson, Alison Barnes                                                                     Trunkline is published four times a year by
and Ryan Tripodi examine sensors that are part                                                                     Woodside Energy Ltd. Back issues of Trunkline are
of the Fuse project.                                                                                               available for viewing on the Woodside intranet.

New scholarships a hit                  21           Life on the ocean wave                26-27            Angel to fly again                       32
Growing community                                    Lighting the way                      28-29            Random Discoveries                    33-34
connections                        22-23             Winning trust                            30            Final Frame                              35
Embracing differences              24-25             Making his mark                          31

        Woodside’s innovative spirit is evident in 2021 as our teams                   We are making progress on our growth plans, with
        work to commercialise technology breakthroughs and                             construction underway on the Interconnector pipeline
        transform our operations to ensure our ongoing success.                        linking the Pluto LNG facility and the Karratha Gas Plant
                                                                                       (KGP) and deals struck to process third-party gas through
        Our focus is firmly on the future as we embrace new ways of                    KGP.
        doing things and progress our growth plans that can set our
        company up for the decades to come.                                            This Trunkline also details the practical application of
                                                                                       technology in our operations, including the offshore Angel
        Already, we have had some significant wins, including reaching                 platform, which was a not-normally-staffed facility ahead of
        a deal to commercialise technology that can support informed                   its time.
        and timely decision-making across operational assets through
        continuous monitoring of conditions on site.                                   Of course, behind our successes lie the people who make
                                                                                       these achievements happen. Woodside women were
        This technology, developed in-house by Woodside experts,                       acknowledged in Q1 by their peers, and a new in-company
        has potential application across our industry and beyond.                      advocacy group has sprung up to promote diversity among
                                                                                       Woodsiders, as we continue to develop talent.
        In the past year, our company was confronted by multiple
        external challenges from the global COVID-19 pandemic and                      Read on for more of our achievements – past, present and
        market turbulence. Despite this, Woodside succeeded in                         those we're striving for in the future.
        setting new records in production and safety.

        Some photographs in this edition were taken before physical distancing measures were introduced to manage the risk of exposure to COVID-19.

        Notes on Petroleum Resource Estimates: All petroleum resource estimates in this publication are to be read in conjunction with the Reserves Statement
        in Woodside’s most recent annual report, as updated by subsequent ASX announcements available at
        Announcements. This publication may contain forward-looking statements that are subject to risk factors associated with oil and gas businesses.

        Trunkline is printed on New Life Recycled coated paper, which is sourced from a sustainably managed forest and uses manufacturing processes of
        the highest environmental standards. Trunkline is printed by a Level 2 Environmental Accredited printer. The magazine is 100% recyclable.

Stand-out performance: Enabling the North West Shelf (NWS) Project to evolve from gas producer into processor has required close collaboration
between the NWS Extension team and its Woodside colleagues to deliver more than 50 agreements.

Open for business
Three key milestones have been                  conditions for processing of gas from            and wouldn’t have been possible
achieved as the North West Shelf                both the Pluto fields and the Waitsia            without the alignment, collaboration
(NWS) Project progresses on its                 Gas Project Stage 2 respectively,                and partnership between Woodside,
journey from producer to processor              securing them as our first two ORO               the NWS Project participants, the
– that is, from merely producing gas            tenants at NWS,” says Wojciech                   two ORO proponents and the WA
from its NWS assets to becoming a               Grzech, General Manager Commercial.              Government,” Sarah adds.
tolling facility and processing gas from
other resource owners (ORO).                    Correspondingly, the NWS Project                 “It’s an amazing collaborative effort
                                                took a final investment decision to              when you consider that approximately
This transformation is necessary to             implement infrastructure required                50 agreements in total were delivered
maximise value from the NWS assets              to receive gas from the Pluto-KGP                on time, between more than 10
as production tapers at the maturing            Interconnector and the Burrup                    counterparties, and amidst a global
NWS gas fields.                                 Extension Pipeline, which will be                pandemic.”
                                                utilised for Waitsia.
The latest three milestones were                                                                 Executive Vice President Development
achieved at the end of 2020 and                 “The third milestone was finalising              and Marketing Meg O’Neill notes: “This
beginning of 2021.                              agreements with the Western                      is the first step in realising our vision
                                                Australian (WA) Government to                    for a regional LNG hub on the Burrup
The first was achieved on 18 December,          enable the processing of both Pluto              Peninsula.
when the NWS Project participants               and Waitsia Project feed gas,” adds
executed governance agreements to               Dayna Burns, Senior Corporate Affairs            “Our focus is now on transitioning
enable the NWS Project to process               Adviser.                                         our operations from a producer to
third-party gas.                                                                                 processor and to ensure safe and
                                                The last of these government                     successful construction of the Pluto-
“These agreements effectively                   agreements was executed on 28                    KGP Interconnector, with start-up
established NWS as a tolling facility           January 2021.                                    targeted in 2022.”
and allowed NWS to put up the ‘open
for business’ sign,” explains Jay Wong,         Sarah Carter, Vice President of                  Sherry Duhe, Executive Vice President
Technical Commercial Integration Lead           Subsea and Pipelines and the former              and Chief Financial Officer, says these
for NWS Extension.                              General Manager NWS Extension,                   achievements are also significant for WA.
                                                says although the passing of the three
The second was passed five days later           milestones spanned just six weeks, it            “The project builds on Woodside’s
when the NWS Project participants               was the result of years of dedication,           long-standing commitment to the WA
executed two fully termed gas                   determination and teamwork across                gas market,” Sherry says.
processing agreements (GPAs);                   Woodside, including technical,
one with Woodside Burrup Pty Ltd                commercial, legal, project, environment          “For government, it’s another sign that
(Woodside Burrup) and the other with            and corporate affairs functions.                 confidence has returned to the State
Waitsia Joint Venture.                                                                           with the project providing the energy
                                                “These achievements are                          security required to underpin the
“These agreements set the terms and             unprecedented in Woodside’s history              development of new industry.”

4       T R U N K L I N E | Q1 2 02 1
Pipeline of opportunity
Construction has started on the                   Some gas will be accelerated from the             which won contracts include NEMMs JV
Pluto-KGP Interconnector – the first              offshore Pluto fields through the Pluto-          for the civil works and Civmec for the
step in realising Woodside’s vision               KGP Interconnector for processing at              fabrication of structural steel, piping,
for a regional LNG hub on Western                 the North West Shelf (NWS) Project’s              modules and skids.
Australia’s Burrup Peninsula.                     KGP.
                                                                                                    At its peak, the construction
The interconnector will link Pluto LNG            Woodside announced a final                        and operation of the Pluto-KGP
and Karratha Gas Plant (KGP) and                  investment decision on the pipeline               Interconnector will employ a workforce
increase flexibility for processing gas           component of the Pluto-KGP                        of about 370.
from various fields and third-party               Interconnector in November 2019.
resource owners.                                                                                    Start-up of the Pluto-KGP
                                                  The NWS Project participants made a               Interconnector is targeted in 2022.
Project Manager Michael Gibson                    final investment decision in December
explains: “The interconnector will link           2020 for the additional required                  The goal is to leverage existing
Pluto LNG and the Karratha Gas Plant              infrastructure to receive third-party             infrastructure to unlock value by
(KGP) with the construction of a 3.2              gas at KGP.                                       providing a long-term solution for
km-long 30-inch pipeline.                                                                           processing gas resources for both the
                                                  “The Pluto-KGP Interconnector will                domestic and export markets.
“The scope also includes new gas                  optimise production across both
conditioning facilities at Pluto LNG, and         facilities, underpin sustainable                  The Interconnector is only one of a
common piping infrastructure at KGP               and long-term operation at both                   number of projects, such as Pluto Train
that will allow gas to be received from           plants while supporting community                 2, Scarborough Project and the NWS
both the new Interconnector Pipeline              development activities in the Pilbara,”           Project Extension, which are proposed to
and existing Burrup Extension Pipeline.”          says Michael.                                     realise this vision.

Transporting gas through the Pluto-KGP            “While many projects were slowing                 Niall Myles, Senior Vice President
Interconnector provides opportunities             down in 2020, I’m proud of the                    Agility and previously SVP Power, New
to utilise future excess capacity at KGP.         determination and perseverance shown              Energy and Burrup Hub, says: “The
                                                  by the extended team to progress the              Interconnector has many strategic
It also provides potential to accelerate          project as the first step in realising            value elements.
future developments of other offshore             Woodside’s vision for a regional LNG
Pluto gas reserves and the gas of other           hub on the Burrup Peninsula.”                     “These include near-term revenue
resource owners (ORO).                                                                              creation, providing the driver for NWS
                                                  Michael adds: “It’s also rewarding to             Project participants to complete the
Senior Corporate Affairs Adviser                  see the number of WA-based jobs and               suite of agreements and infrastructure
Heritage Daniel Thomas says: “The                 contracts the opportunity supported in            to process third party gas and keep
chosen design and route positions the             2020 and will support going forward.”             KGP full.”
Pluto-KGP Interconnector so it will avoid
disturbance of protected heritage sites           Many key contracts have already been              Niall adds: “It also creates options for
and environmental values.”                        awarded and WA-based companies                    future development opportunities.”

Building blocks: Project Manager Michael Gibson, fourth from left, and team members discuss plans for the Pluto-Karratha Gas Plant Interconnector.

Producing history
A severe cyclone season followed by a           As if three cyclones weren’t enough,           Forecasting Technical Lead, accepts
global pandemic posed considerable              another quickly followed, hard on the          that 100 MMboe in a calendar year was
challenges to our operations in 2020,           heels of TC Damien.                            always an ambitious target.
making Woodside’s record-breaking
production outcome all the more                 Our Karratha team was equal to the             “It assumes top quartile performance
impressive.                                     task, demonstrating exceptional                in reliability, turnaround execution,
                                                community spirit and support in                recovery from weather-related
For the first time in our company’s             leading the town recovery.                     production losses and delivery of
history, production topped 100 million                                                         production improving opportunities,”
barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe),              Karratha also played a pivotal role            Vamsi notes.
reaching 100.3 MMboe.                           in keeping our operations going as
                                                COVID-19 enforced extensive changes to         He cites three key areas which helped
This was the result of an exceptional           our working arrangements to minimise           us meet the target, requiring a multi-
effort from across the business, as our         health risks at our assets and comply          disciplinary effort:
people worked together with Compass             with rapidly evolving regulations.
values to deliver safe, reliable and                                                           • Higher-than-planned reliability and
efficient operations.                           Multiple response teams were set up to           reservoir performance on the NWS
                                                manage the initial outbreak, the dynamic         assets, delivered through excellent
After Tropical Cyclones (TC) Blake and          nature of the changes to public health           operational performance and
Claudia, TC Damien arrived in February          protocols, the border restrictions (internal     reservoir optimisation
as the most powerful cyclone ever to            and external to WA) and the need to
impact the North West Shelf (NWS)               transition the majority of the workforce to    • Higher-than-planned domestic
onshore assets.                                 a working-from-home model.                       gas sales, thanks to Woodside’s
                                                                                                 Marketing and Trading division, and
“But our adherence to long-established          “A key to success was the requirement            strong reservoir performance from
and correctly followed procedures               to set up and manage ‘clean’ quarantine          NWS assets
ensured there were no personal                  camps in Perth, Karratha and Exmouth
injuries to our team, either through            catering for a peak of more than 600           • Ngujima Yin (pictured below), Okha,
the initial impact or the subsequent            personnel,” says Andrew.                         Pluto and Wheatstone performance
recovery,” notes Onshore Turnaround                                                              and reliability.
Superintendent Andrew Grosse.                   Vamsi Manikyanivas, Production
                                                                                               Linda McKay, Senior Operations
                                                                                               Reservoir Engineer, cites challenges that
                                                                                               faced the NY floating production storage
                                                                                               and offloading (FPSO) facility, servicing
                                                                                               the Greater Enfield Project.

                                                                                               “But throughout the year and the
                                                                                               different challenges, the common
                                                                                               response was the offshore and onshore
                                                                                               teams pulling together to achieve a
                                                                                               common goal: to maintain production
                                                                                               without compromising safety and
                                                                                               environmental targets,” Linda says.

                                                                                               “Remaining connected and determined
                                                                                               was key to achieving 100 MMboe.”

                                                                                               Senior Vice President Operations
                                                                                               Fiona Hick says hitting the target
                                                                                               demonstrates that Woodside can
                                                                                               deliver even in the toughest of years.

                                                                                               “To deliver this in a year when our
                                                                                               producing assets had to deal with
                                                                                               major disruptions from Tropical
                                                                                               Cyclone Damien and the COVID-19
                                                                                               global pandemic is an impressive
                                                                                               achievement,” says Fiona.

                                                                                               “Thank you to everybody who was
Helping hands: Top, the Karratha workforce demonstrated exceptional community spirit in the    part of delivering this and for the
city’s clean-ups during the 2020 cyclone season. Below, challenges at the Ngujima Yin were     dedication, focus and teamwork that
overcome as the FPSO helped contribute to the company’s record production.                     helped achieve this milestone.”

6       T R U N K L I N E | Q1 2 02 1
For the first time in our company’s history,
production topped 100 million barrels
of oil equivalent (MMboe),
reaching 100.3 MMboe.

Quick action: Project Engineer Soon Khoo reviews a damaged North Rankin A caisson (right)
and its removal – completed quickly, safely and successfully.

Quick action
removes risks
A cross-company effort has removed a            Civil/Structural Engineering Team Lead      Woodside teams worked tirelessly and
potential risk at North Rankin A (NRA)          in brownfields.                             innovatively to ensure the job was done
platform and highlighted Woodside’s                                                         safely and successfully.
ability to collaborate and accelerate.          “We decided to accelerate the
                                                caisson’s removal before the cyclone        “What we put in place to keep our
The coordinated action between                  season and scheduled well intervention      people and the facility safe was always
Brownfields and Subsea and Pipelines            work began.                                 in the forefront of decision-making,”
removed a caisson that was no longer                                                        Scott reports.
needed – a caisson is a pipe which              “So the various functions and teams
acts like a straw to “suck up” seawater         that were involved had to work together     “This brought in additional safety
to cool turbines and engines on the             efficiently, cooperatively and quickly.”    features to the lifting arrangement,
platform.                                                                                   and we managed to keep the facility
                                                How quickly?                                running during the removal.”
The caissons were installed at the
time the platform was commissioned              “A traditional approach would typically     He concludes: “This project was made
in 1984, but have not been used since           have taken 18 months; we squeezed it        a success through trust, long hours,
2013 because caissons on the adjacent           into three,” replies Soon.                  people working as one team and quick
North Rankin B (NRB) platform                                                               decision-making.
replaced them.                                  Because of the size of the caisson –
                                                approximately 70 metres long and            “We've learnt some great lessons from
However, Project Engineer Soon Khoo             weighing an estimated 35 tonnes – it        this project and there are synergies we
says a series of inspections identified         was decided to remove it in sections.       can take forward for continued success
one NRA caisson in poor condition.                                                          when it comes to managing our other
                                                Subsea and Pipelines (SS&PL) were           caissons.”
“It had some holes, cracks and                  tasked with removing the lower part
corroded sections due to its long-              of the caisson, brownfields the upper       Scott Cranston, Offshore Projects
time exposure to the sun, waves and             part.                                       Delivery Manager says: “The lasting
saltwater,” Soon says.                                                                      change in the level of collaboration
                                                Jim Eu, Vessel Superintendent and           between the asset and Projects
It was decided the caisson needed to            Diving Technical Authority, says            couldn’t have come at a better time
be removed to avoid risks to safety and         innovations included using magnets          given the cost pressure that the
production.                                     and rigging practice to laterally           business is facing.
                                                support the caisson to other caissons.
“This was the signal for company-wide                                                       “It paves a new way of working for
collaboration,” notes Jamie Smith,              Jamie says the contractor and               future projects.”

8       T R U N K L I N E | Q1 2 02 1
Dollars and sensors
Woodside has commercialised an                  A variant designed by the Intelligent           The team will work with an
innovation, designed and developed              Assets team, including Technologists            international oil and gas major on a 15-
at the robotics laboratory on the Mia           Tom Chaney and Ryan Tripodi, has a              week pilot of Fuse.
Yellagonga campus in Perth, with                much longer lifespan and can transmit
a contract that opens the doors to              for kilometres, not metres.                     “It’s a great opportunity for us to
potentially more sales.                                                                         learn and potentially collaborate
                                                The cost of making the new sensor is            with another oil and gas operator to
It starts with an orange sensor that            also dramatically lower.                        improve the way we operate and to
monitors temperatures and vibrations                                                            support new ways of working,” Alison
at our assets and which plays a key role        “The user-centric, full-stack solution          notes.
in Fuse.                                        includes custom hardware and
                                                software that fulfils the goal: ‘Make           She says Woodside has received solid
Fuse is what is known as a “digital             things work harder, so we can work              interest from other companies, both in
twin” – a digital or virtual replica of a       smarter’,” says Ben.                            the oil and gas industry and outside, to
physical process, using real world data                                                         make this commercially available.
to create greater awareness and enable          Since July 2020 an opportunity team
simulations to predict how a product or         has been investigating and pursuing             Ben says this year will see his team
process will perform.                           commercialisation opportunities.                continuing to innovate to create
                                                                                                value for Woodside while pursuing
It was created in-house by our                  Alison Barnes assumed the role of               commercialisation of this exciting
Intelligent Assets team for Pluto and           Commercialisation Manager in July last          product.
other assets.                                   year.

“Fuse is a sophisticated industrial digital     “We really believed we could take
twin solution that aims to provide              Fuse to other operators of industrial
improved asset awareness and digitise           assets, not just those in the oil and
repetitive and unsafe work,” explains           gas industry,” reports Alison, who
Intelligent Asset Manager Ben Wilkinson.        received a Women in Resources                   “Fuse is a sophisticated
                                                Technological Innovation Award in
“It solves problems that many heavy             March (see page 16).
                                                                                                industrial digital twin
industries face and we have a few                                                               solution that aims to
parties interested in using it.”                “In doing so, we aim to unlock
                                                opportunities to improve the product
                                                                                                provide improved asset
When wireless sensors were first used           for everyone using it, gain valuable            awareness and digitise
at Woodside, they were expensive,               skills in commercialising technology
lasted about two years on a battery             and create a new revenue stream for
                                                                                                repetitive and unsafe
and could only transmit about 50m.              Woodside.”                                      work.”

Lighting the Fuse: Woodside is commercialising its technology know-how to support new ways of working and to create new revenue streams.
Below, some of the team behind the Fuse innovation; right, Technology Adviser Ryan Tripodi with the sensor he helped develop.

Singapore smooths
cargo transfer
Woodside has broken new ground by                  cooperation between our strategic               buyer performed the transhipment
conducting its first-ever transhipment             partners, not least SLNG which                  to mitigate the impacts of a recent
of an LNG cargo.                                   provided the service,” Iain says.               cyclone event on the Pluto facilities
                                                                                                   which delayed the original loading of
In LNG terms, a transhipment refers                But it is unlikely to be our last.              the Woodside Rogers.
to the transfer of LNG from one LNG
vessel to another.                                 Iain believes more are likely because           Iain explains there are two main
                                                   transhipments will enhance Woodside’s           methods of making a transhipment:
In the Woodside first, the transhipment            flexibility and access to new markets,          ship-to-ship or jetty-to-jetty transfer.
was from the Woodside Rogers to the                and SLNG is ideally located.
Yari LNG, and it was conducted at the                                                              At the SLNG Terminal, jetty-to-jetty
Singapore LNG (SLNG) Terminal in                   “Transhipments are useful both                  transfer is deployed.
February.                                          operationally and commercially,” he
                                                   notes.                                          To affect the LNG transfer, the
Iain Scott, Singapore Country Manager                                                              unloading LNG vessel and receiving
and General Manager Trading, says the              “For instance, they might be used to            LNG vessel berth at separate jetties.
ability to conduct transhipments of                mitigate an operational constraint with
cargoes is becoming more important                 the primary LNG vessel or to breakbulk          The LNG is then pumped from one LNG
for the LNG industry.                              to smaller LNG cargoes to supply                vessel to the other via the terminal’s
                                                   regional markets.”                              pipelines, without it entering the
“This was our first transhipment and it                                                            terminal storage tanks.
was only possible because of the close             In this instance, Woodside and our LNG
                                                                                                   “SLNG is very pleased to have played
                                                                                                   a role in this important operation
                                                                                                   for Woodside and its customer,”
                                                                                                   says Sandeep Mahawar, Senior Vice
                                                                                                   President (Commercial and Business
                                                                                                   Development) SLNG.

                                                                                                   “We strive to be a partner and
                                                                                                   collaborator of choice to users of our
                                                                                                   terminal, constantly looking to explore
                                                                                                   new approaches and strengthen our
                                                                                                   existing offerings to support evolving
                                                                                                   needs of the market.

                                                                                                   “We very much look forward to more
                                                                                                   of such collaborations with Woodside.”

                                                                                                   SLNG is located to the south west
                                                                                                   of the main island of Singapore, on
                                                                                                   Jurong Island – an industrial centre and
                                                                                                   a home to many petrochemical and
                                                                                                   energy companies.

                                                                                                   SLNG Terminal is Singapore’s first
                                                                                                   LNG terminal and, as such, is a key
                                                                                                   national infrastructure that supports
                                                                                                   the country’s energy diversification
                                                                                                   strategy and development of its energy

                                                                                                   The primary role of the terminal is to
                                                                                                   provide receipt, storage, regasification
                                                                                                   and send-out of LNG to support
Singapore first: The transfer of a cargo from the Woodside Rogers, top, to another vessel marked   Singapore’s power generation sector
our first-ever LNG ‘transhipment’. Below, Woodsiders Michelle Neo, second left, and Iain Scott,    which currently relies on natural gas to
fifth from left, visit the SLNG Terminal. Images courtesy of Singapore LNG Corporation.            meet more than 95% of its power needs.

10      T R U N K L I N E | Q1 2 02 1
Conversion begins: The 323m-long Léopold Sédar Senghor in China for its transformation into a
floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) facility for the Sangomar field, Senegal. Right,
Woodsiders James Barton, Jack Donaldson and Paul Moscardini in the Dalian shipyard, China.

Getting ready
for Sangomar
Woodside’s 323m-long very large                    Before it departed Indonesia for China            “The tech provides a recordable live
crude carrier (VLCC) has arrived in                the vessel had to be cleaned of residual          feed of an activity to confirm what has
China to undergo a metamorphosis                   hydrocarbons, and its tank bulkhead               taken place. It’s also a fantastic tool
into the floating production storage               thickness inspected to confirm the hull’s         for training, building and capturing
and offloading (FPSO) facility for the             structural integrity and aid development          knowledge.”
Sangomar field offshore Senegal, West              of the refurbishment scope.
Africa.                                                                                              Other shipyards in China will be used
                                                   The clean-out was no easy task.                   to complete the work necessary for
The conversion will take around two                                                                  the vessel’s conversion to an FPSO and
years.                                             “The contractor had to overcome                   Woodsiders will be working in four
                                                   multiple COVID-19-related challenges              yards.
The VLCC arrived at the COSCO                      including new personnel mobilisation
shipyard in Dalian, a major port city              processes, using an accommodation                 In parallel, Woodside has mobilised
in Liaoning Province some 840 km                   barge for the cleaning crews and lots of          an engineering and project
east of Beijing, China’s capital, in mid-          COVID-19 virus testing,” Mike reports.            management team to MODEC’s office
February following a 4000 km-plus                                                                    in Singapore.
journey from Batam in Indonesia.                   The work was completed safely, as was
                                                   the transit of the vessel to China.               “After months of video conferencing,
“This is a major milestone for the project                                                           and different time zones, it’s great
and Woodside,” says Shipyard Manager               The coronavirus pandemic has also                 to finally meet face to face with our
Paul Moscardini, who has mobilised to              impacted Woodside’s ability to                    counterparts from MODEC – now
China to oversee the conversion.                   mobilise people into yards to witness             the real work can begin,” says Senior
                                                   and complete assurance on various                 Planner Natalie Kosmanopoulos, based
“Our Woodside team based at the                    activities. This required rethinking how          in the Singapore Office.
Dalian shipyard is looking forward to              best to meet assurance requirements
working with our contractor, MODEC,                and suitable standards.                           The Sangomar field, containing both
and getting to know the facility.”                                                                   oil and gas, is located 100 km south
                                                   A technology solution was devised                 of Dakar, Senegal’s capital, and will
By the time it berthed in Dalian, the              that saved time and money and can be              be the country’s first offshore oil
vessel had been named “FPSO Léopold                utilised in future projects.                      development.
Sédar Senghor” after Senegal’s first
president from 1960 to 1980.                       “We now have a wearable technology                First oil production from the FPSO
                                                   set-up so you can have a first-person             Léopold Sédar Senghor is targeted
“He was a poet, politician, fought in the          view of what’s going on during                    in 2023, with the Sangomar Field
French army and was a very popular                 construction on-site – from Mia                   Development Phase 1 targeting
person both at home in Senegal and                 Yellagonga or wherever you are in                 approximately 230 million barrels
in France,” explains FPSO Delivery                 the world,” says Jeremy Damonse,                  of crude oil, at an initial peak rate of
Manager Mike Campbell.                             Manager Quality.                                  100,000 Bbls /day.

Helping hand: Robotics Engineer Robert Reid, second from the left, organised a workshop where university students enjoyed hands-on
experience with the Robot Operating System (ROS).

Spreading the word
Woodside engaged with university                but not the only speaker/mentor from            Rob adds that many final-year
students at a successful workshop in            industry at the event.                          engineering students are required
Q1 to educate and inspire students                                                              to do a major project and over the
about robots and the Robot Operating            “We wanted to get as many industry              past few years the workshop has
System (ROS).                                   mentors and university students                 helped many students since ROS is
                                                together as possible, working                   not typically taught as a part of their
It’s the third year this educational            alongside each other to learn about             studies.
outreach program has been held.                 ROS and robots and how they can
                                                solve business problems,” he says.              “The workshop has given them a
Its organiser, Woodside’s Robotics                                                              crash course in ROS that has helped
Engineer Robert Reid, reports that              “There were representatives from                unlock impressive capabilities in their
attendance was double that of previous          robotics companies around Perth and             projects,” he explains.
years, suggesting more students are             we took several robots along for the
interested in robots and what they can          students to experiment with.”                   For Woodside, one benefit was making
offer – both to industry and in terms of                                                        connections with promising students
career choices.                                 The week-long workshop was held                 soon to be looking to start careers.
                                                in the middle of February at the
Rob says the workshops have allowed             University of Western Australia’s               “We have a few students that attended
students to get hands-on experience             Clough Engineering Centre.                      previous workshops who are now
with robots and ROS, while spreading                                                            working for Woodside in engineering
the word about how they can be used             “We advertised to students that                 roles,” he notes.
in industry.                                    were either nearing the end of their
                                                undergraduate studies, postgraduate             Innovation Manager Lauren Stafford
“We had about 50 students from                  researchers across multiple                     agrees that the workshops make
Curtin University, University of Western        engineering disciplines or other                valuable contributions to capacity
Australia, Edith Cowan University and           industry folk looking to upskill in ROS         building in robotics and automation.
Murdoch University together with                and robotics,” Rob notes.
mentors from several Perth-based                                                                “The deeper the talent pool, the faster
robotics companies that service                 ROS is a software framework that                we’ll be able to develop and deliver
multiple industry sectors,” he notes.           brings together many open-source                business value,” Lauren notes.
                                                robotics packages to build applications
Rob was the workshop’s organiser                that run on robots.

12      T R U N K L I N E | Q1 2 02 1
Partners in progress
Woodside’s partnership with Monash             “Blue hydrogen” can be generated               “a regenerative and circular approach”
University took two big strides                by using natural gas as its energy             to energy transition.
forward in 2020: the completion of             source and is seen as an entry point for
the Woodside Building for Technology           producing hydrogen. But the holy grail         “We’re creating pathways for emissions
and Design and the appointment of              is to create hydrogen by electrolysis          to be reused or recycled,” he continues.
Professor Paul Webley as Woodside              of water using renewable energy
Monash Energy Partnership Director.            sources such as solar or wind – “green         Technology is one component.
Paul brings to the role 15 years’                                                             “But policy and leadership are just as
industry and academic experience in            In 2020, the partnership commissioned          critical,” Paul adds.
the development and management of              a major program in seawater electrolysis
clean energy technologies, specifically        as an achievable pathway to large-scale        He points to the work of PhD student
carbon capture.                                green hydrogen production.                     Stephan Modest in Monash’s Faculty
                                                                                              of Business and Economics. Stephan is
New Energy Partnership Program                 “Large scale production of green               building insights for “carbon labelling”
Manager Andrea Galt says: “Paul has            hydrogen will require large amounts of         – an effective policy tool to improve
been a tremendous add to the new               clean water – a precious commodity in          sustainable energy transparency.
energy partnership, which kicked off           Australia,” Paul notes.
in 2019.                                                                                      “Stephan’s research into market
                                               “Using seawater avoids the need for            mechanisms and consumer behaviour
“He has already contributed great              costly desalination.                           in the Australian energy sector has the
work in research and development,                                                             potential to support sustainability-
progressing the partnership ambition           “To do this, however, an entirely              conscious businesses in choosing
to develop innovative responses to             different approach is needed, and this         effective carbon neutral product
real-world energy challenges.”                 is where the partnership is bringing           strategies,” Paul reports.
                                               together leading researchers from
The Woodside Monash Energy                     Monash into collaboration with                 “It will provide policymakers with
Partnership is progressing energy              Woodside expertise to fast track the           insights that will support meaningful
solutions to transition to a lower             development of these much-needed               low-carbon regulation.”
carbon future.                                 solutions.
                                                                                              Stephan says: “It’s through this
“We are focusing on leadership and             “We are exploring new materials,               partnership that I will gain important
novel technologies in new energy and           electrocatalysts and new cell designs          insights and the skillset to support our
carbon abatement,” Paul explains.              that are environmentally friendly, and         global energy transition.”
“We aim to accelerate the energy               economically viable.
transition.”                                                                                  The Woodside Monash Energy
                                               “If we are successful, this will be a          Partnership is also working together
One of the areas the partnership is            massive breakthrough.”                         with global leaders to accelerate the
examining is the electrolysis required                                                        development of new solutions to
to create “green hydrogen”.                    Paul says the partnership is also taking       shared global energy challenges.

One on one: Below left, Woodside Monash Energy Partnership Director Paul Webley with PhD student Stephan Modest; right, Woodside’s New
Energy Partnership Program Manager Andrea Galt catches up with Paul at Monash University.

Analyse this: Vice President Business Environment and Chief Economist Paul Tiernan, third from left, and his team of analysts have the task of
interpreting global developments and trends, energy prices and forecasts in a volatile world.

Future imperfect
It was playwright George Bernard                  deeper dives into competitors’                     of various events and the range of
Shaw who is credited with the saying:             financials, and the like,” he adds.                possible outcomes and incorporate
“If all the economists in the world were                                                             these into scenarios.”
laid end to end, they’d never reach a             Geopolitical issues and events relevant
conclusion.”                                      to energy markets are all examined and             The coronavirus has illustrated how
                                                  assessed.                                          quickly hitherto firm foundations can
But Paul Tiernan, Vice President                                                                     be undone.
Business Environment and Chief                    The Global Economic Outlook is his
Economist, and his small but                      team’s quarterly report for ExCom                  Paul says COVID-19 has been the
knowledgeable team of energy                      which analyses the economic situation              biggest shock to economic activity in
analysts have the task of doing just              and outlook and relevant issues such as            our lifetimes and remains the key short-
that.                                             industry trends, geopolitics and climate           term driver of global economic activity
                                                  policy.                                            and energy demand.
They analyse views and facts, opinions
and trends to deliver forecasts in price,         Information from service providers,                “This has meant that the team
supply and demand of our energy                   open sources (such as government                   has needed to develop a deep
products.                                         agencies, news media) and from other               understanding of the relevant issues
                                                  functions in the company (Marketing                to form the basis of projections around
Will prices rise; how will pressure               and Trading, Treasury, Climate, etc)               when global restrictions are likely to
to manage climate change affect                   and economic models to create price                be eased and people start driving and
investments in oil and gas; how soon              forecasts is also assessed.                        flying again,” he adds.
before electric (or hydrogen) powered
vehicles outnumber petrol and diesel              Clearly, knowledge is power.                       So close attention is paid to COVID-19
vehicles?                                                                                            vaccine rollouts and how well vaccines
                                                  So all this analysis means the forecasts           are controlling infection, illness and
“We routinely liaise with ExCom                   are spot on, right?                                transmission and when the world might
(Executive Committee) and other                                                                      return to “normal”.
decision-makers with information and              Well, it’s not that simple, replies Paul.
analysis that addresses these questions                                                              With so many variables to assess and
and many other issues,” Paul says.                “There are simply too many unknowns                consider, is it true that economists
                                                  to think that you can always come up               can’t reach a conclusion?
There’s a weekly update on strategic              with the ‘right’ answer, for oil price
activity in the oil and gas sector, and           forecasts or for anything else,” he                “It’s our job to bring order to a very
another that focuses on key events                notes.                                             complex and changing world, to help
relevant to energy markets and the                                                                   the company make the very best
global economy.                                   “As with many other aspects of our                 possible decisions,” Paul responds.
                                                  industry, we have to be comfortable
“We also compile other reports –                  with rapid change and a high degree of             “Sometimes a firm conclusion is
generally for ExCom – on other issues             underlying uncertainty.                            appropriate; at other times the best
in the external environment that are                                                                 approach is to spell out the range of
relevant for decision-making, such as             “It can sometimes be more appropriate              credible outcomes, so that we’re ready
the outlook for global energy demand,             to think about the relative likelihood             for whatever happens.”

14      T R U N K L I N E | Q1 2 02 1
Expanding focus
Woodside has broadened its approach to reporting its aims and performance in the area
of sustainability and how it aligns with the global agenda for sustainability through the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Each year, the company outlines its        tier comprises three primary goals, the           and SDG 11: sustainable cities and
approach to sustainability across a        second tier contains five secondary               communities to acknowledge our
range of key areas including climate       goals.                                            efforts to preserve cultural heritage.
change, health and safety and social
and cultural impacts in the Sustainable    “And they are all underpinned by                  “We also added SDG 15: Life on Land,
Development Report.                        SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals                which aligns with the efforts of our
                                           – the aspiration to work with our                 carbon team to improve degraded
“There was a great deal of work            key stakeholders to enhance our                   habitats through our tree-planting
conducted across the business last         contribution across the primary and               programs,” Laura notes.
year in sustainability and the 2020        secondary SDGs.”
Sustainable Development Report                                                               Ann Pickard, Woodside Board Director
highlights include achieving our best-     While Woodside’s focus on SDG7:                   and Sustainability Committee Chair,
ever personal safety performance and       Affordable and clean energy is the                says the broader suite of SDGs
meeting our energy efficiency targets,”    basis of our company strategy to                  more clearly demonstrates where
says Laura Lunt, Corporate Affairs         respond to the energy transition, our             Woodside’s contribution is the
Manager Sustainability.                    contribution to the global agenda                 greatest.
                                           extends more broadly.
The 2020 Sustainability Report, which                                                        “The key deliverables for each have
was released simultaneously with           The revised approach includes the                 been identified and progress against
our 2020 Annual Report in February         addition of SDG 8: decent work and                these will be published in this report
2021, also outlined Woodside’s revised     economic growth, reflecting our role              each year,” she states.
strategy to contribute to the SDGs.        as a responsible employer and the
                                           activities we are undertaking to build            Laura reports that Woodside was
The SDGs are set to tackle the             industry capability, SDG 4: quality               recently rated by The Global ESG
planet’s most pressing environmental,      education, which aligns with our efforts          Monitor as the second top ASX-
economic and social challenges.            to improve early childhood education              listed company for the quality of its
Each SDG is measured by targets for        through the Woodside Development                  Environmental, Social and Governance
governments and business.                  Fund and other education initiatives              (ESG) reporting.

There are 17 SDGs; for the past three
years, Woodside has measured its
progress against five SDGs.

No longer.

“Last year we finalised a review of
this strategy to see if it still best
represented our contribution and
aligned with the underlying SDG
targets,” Laura says.

That review concluded an expanded
focus to include more SDGs would
better reflect how Woodside
contributes to the global sustainability

Woodside broadened its focus to nine
of the 17 where we can make a positive

“Furthermore,” Laura adds, “we have
divided our SDGs into two tiers of
primary and secondary goals. The first
                                           Poster people: Corporate Affairs Manager Sustainability Laura Lunt, centre of the front row, and
                                           colleagues display Woodside’s broadened focus of nine Sustainable Development Goals.

Double awards

When two Woodsiders won their               Yvette Manolas, Asset Manager Pluto,        in capability and leadership.“I have been
categories in the Chamber of Minerals       was honoured as a finalist in the           given great opportunities since starting
and Energy of Western Australia Women       Outstanding Women in Resources              at Woodside – my trade has actually
in Resources Awards (WIRA) in March,        category.                                   turned into a career,” she says.
both had messages for their infant sons.
                                            Woodside has a strong history of            “I was the first female Responsible Person
Alison Barnes, who won the Woman            winners and finalists in the WIRA           Electrical (RPE) offshore in 2015 and I was
in Resources Technological Innovation       awards, which recognise the power of        responsible for the safe execution of all
Award, hopes that gender equality           gender diversity in the WA mining and       electrical work at any facility.”
will be so entrenched by the time her       resources sector, attracting more than
boys grow up that they’ll consider it a     80 competitive nominations this year.       In 2017, Laura became the first female
curiosity that she ever received such an                                                Production Maintenance Coordinator
award.                                      Laura’s award nomination praised            on a floating production storage and
                                            her infectious personality, passion for     offloading vessel.
And Laura Allen, who was named              her trade, describing her as a natural
Outstanding Operator/Technician/            leader. Laura, in Production Support,       “I call for all women in operations to be
Trade Woman in Resources, joked in          has often been the only woman on site       bold and step up,” she declares.
her acceptance speech that her son had      throughout her career, and usually the
better respect women . . . or he’d end up   youngest.                                   “Young women, we are counting on you
homeless.                                                                               to join us.”
                                            Early in her career she won Apprentice
Both speeches received rousing              of the Year at Electrical Group Training    Alison, Commercialisation Manager
applause from the 1,000-strong              and her nomination recognised that she      in Technology, started at Woodside
audience at the gala dinner.                continues to go from strength to strength   working on the offshore Goodwyn asset,

16     T R U N K L I N E | Q1 2 02 1
Stars align: Opposite page, Woodsiders Yvette Manolas, Alison Barnes and Laura Allen were finalists in the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of
Western Australia’s 2021 Women in Resources Awards, with Alison and Laura collecting awards. Above, Finalists eagerly await the announcements of
the winners of the six categories.

before moving to Karratha for the Pluto          “The NASA project challenged me,”
LNG Project.                                     says Alison. “It was a career-defining
In 2016 she completed an MBA.                                                                      “Alison hopes that
                                                 Alison notes the importance of mentoring
“It is important to be proactive and             and networking to help younger                    gender equality will
positive, give all opportunities a chance,       colleagues garner the confidence they
no matter how daunting they may seem             need to grow in their career.                     be so entrenched
at first, you never know where it will take
you,” Alison states.                             Yvette leads a team of 300 and was                by the time her
                                                 awarded the WA Young Business
She works with the intelligent                   Woman of the Year Award in 2009.
                                                                                                   boys grow up that
and autonomous systems team,
commercialising some of the technology           She believes anyone, regardless of
                                                                                                   they’ll consider it
she helped to create.                            gender, should be able to pursue their            a curiosity that she
                                                 dreams and achieve their potential.
She is proud that the robotics team she                                                            ever received such
built up and once led now has one of             Jacky Connolly, Vice President People
the highest in-house robotics capability         and Global Capability, says: “We are so           an award.”
of any oil and gas company in Australia          proud of the winners and finalist,
and is deploying world-class software
developed with NASA to our Woodside              “We feel privileged to have them work
assets.                                          at Woodside.”

A day in the life of ...
a general manager
What does Quality mean to you?               Paul joined Woodside almost three          preparation are important to me and
                                             years ago as the Browse floating           I also allocate time between meetings
For Paul Dragovic, General Manager           production storage and offloading          for any unplanned events or to stay on
Quality, it is to grow the line-led          (FPSO) Delivery Manager, when the          top of email communications.
quality culture, provide efficient           project was in concept select phase.
process and build quality capability at                                                 9am: A meeting with the Development
Woodside.                                    He says his new role speaks to the         and Marketing leadership team to
                                             importance he’s placed on quality over     discuss the new Woodside Inclusion
“Quality is about doing the right thing,     his career in the energy industry.         and Diversity strategy and how this will
in the right way, at the right time,” Paul                                              be cascaded through our teams.
explains.                                    “I quickly discovered the importance
                                             of quality through the supply chain,       10am: A team meeting. I have regular
“A wise man also once told me that,          starting from being the engineer           meetings with my team as a function
today’s quality is tomorrow’s safety.        during design, the package engineer        and also individually with its members.
When you relate quality to safety,           during procurement, through to             The feedback from the one-on-one
the importance of quality begins to          becoming the site engineer during          meetings has been very positive. We
crystallise.                                 construction and commissioning of the      discuss key achievements and work
                                             facility,” he states.                      through any key challenges.
“I am most excited about working
with our team of passionate Quality          And he loves working at Woodside.          I see my role as helping all members
Managers and Advisers to deliver our                                                    of the Quality team to develop our
quality strategy in 2021.”                   “I’m proud to be part of a respected       function’s strategic goals. It also
                                             Australian organisation that is            includes building a strong quality
Quality became separate from                 innovative and agile, has a clear growth   culture in Woodside and delivering
Health, Safety, Environment and              strategy, responsible environmental        quality outcomes through our
Quality (HSEQ) last July. As a stand-        management and a strong focus on           contractors and suppliers. I try
alone function, it transfered to the         inclusion and diversity,” he declares.     to ensure I’m structured, open
Development and Marketing division                                                      and accountable. And I foster an
to increase the focus on quality to          Outside work, Paul loves to exercise       environment for teamwork which I
support the successful delivery of our       and makes lunchtime exercise a daily       believe is key to the success of the
world-class developments.                    habit.                                     Quality function.

“Our aspiration is to enhance                “I also love to cycle on weekends,         11am: I meet with graduate Shashank
value through outstanding quality            playing social AFL footy and spending      Shetty to help him focus on SMART
performance and the vision for our           time with my family, ” he adds.            goals. SMART is the acronym for
future state is line-led quality culture                                                specific, measurable, achievable,
coached by our Quality team,” Paul           “I play footy with a local team and        relevant and time-based and I believe
says.                                        we had the great John Worsfold, the        it is important to set SMART goals and
                                             former Eagles’ captain and coach, in       interim milestones in the lead-up to
Paul’s background is as a mechanical         our team a few years back.”                achieving your goals. Milestones are
engineer and project manager.                                                           a good way to track your progress
                                             Below is a typical day for Paul.           helping all the members of the
He started his career in 1992 with an                                                   Woodside Quality team to develop our
engineering contractor in Perth.             7am: I start work early as I find this     function strategic goals.
                                             is when I get my best thinking done.
Over the next 20 years he managed            I grab a coffee and read the news          12 noon: I like to head off for a
to forge a career path through               so I can catch up on the key events        run through Kings Park or to the
engineering design, engineering              happening in our industry and around       Woodside gym if it’s raining outside.
management, project management               the globe.                                 It’s a great way to break up the day
and business development, seizing                                                       and re-energise for the afternoon.
opportunities to work in the US, UK, SE      7:30am: I check my calendar and set        It helps to support my physical and
Asia and the Middle East.                    myself tasks for the day. Planning and     mental health.

18     T R U N K L I N E | Q1 2 02 1
Team   Quality:
All’s well:     Clockwise
            (clockwise fromfrom  top, members
                             opposite          of the Quality
                                       page) Amanda   Kirkwoodfunction assemble
                                                                starts her       at Mia
                                                                           day with     Yellagonga;
                                                                                    an hour of yoga; Paul  Dragovic
                                                                                                       her work takeswith
                                                                                                                      her his social
                                                                                                                          across the‘footy’ teammate
                                                                                                                                      Mia Yellagonga
John  Worsfold;
campus;   meeting Paul
                   thejoined  the company
                       workplace           almost
                                   management      three
                                                staff;   years ago
                                                       checking    after more
                                                                progress       than a projects
                                                                          on various  quarter of a century
                                                                                               still        in engineering
                                                                                                     under way;            and project
                                                                                                                and discussions         management;
                                                                                                                                 with the Australian in
discussion   with Graduate Adviser Shashank Shetty.
property team.

1pm: A meeting with Executive Vice                  Manager Integrated Projects, to deliver              culture and management supports
President Development and Marketing                 the best-in-class operation digital                  their success as well as ours.
Meg O’Neill. I’m developing a quality               application for start-up excellence that
policy for the company, which I believe             Quality developed. This application                  5pm: A calendar check to ensure I’m
will provide a great opportunity to                 enables real-time data collection and                up to date with any preparations for
declare our commitment to quality in                analysis of information recorded by                  tomorrow.
Woodside to support our key business                inspectors in the field.
growth and new energy objectives.                                                                        6pm: Before I walk through the front
I discuss its progress with Meg, who                4pm: Contractor relationship meeting.                door at home, I like to take a couple of
believes quality is a vital focus all the           Woodside delivers a great portion                    minutes sitting in my car to transition
way from design, through fabrication,               of our work through our contractors.                 my focus from work and concentrate
to installation and into operations.                It’s important to ensure our quality                 on how to greet my family so when I
                                                    expectations are clearly communicated                enter the house my focus is on them
3pm: I meet Darren Ross, General                    and that our contractors’ quality                    and how their day has been.

Past shows path ahead
For more than a decade, Woodside has              Funding was obtained in 2008 and the               introduced – another great avenue
been working with communities and                 first intake to the program, in 2009, was          into a pre-pathways program or
contractors to improve employment                 more than 50% female.                              apprenticeship,” Michael notes.
outcomes for local Indigenous residents.
New skills in a variety of trades are             Accompanying Woodside (and playing                 Since then, “graduates” of the various
developed through trainee and                     an integral role) on this journey has              courses have gone on to take roles
apprenticeships.                                  been Programmed, a leading provider of             including Operator Technician,
                                                  operations and maintenance services in             Instrument Electrician (Inlec), Mechanical
More than 80 Indigenous Australians               Australia.                                         Technician, Logistics Operator,
currently work at Woodside assets                                                                    Laboratory Analyst and Management
and a further 49 are in various stages            Programmed employs trainees and                    and Administration Assistant.
of training. Of those beginning their             apprentices while they are hosted by
training in 2021, 69% are Indigenous and          Woodside, and many are later employed              Others have forged successful careers
52% female.                                       at the company.                                    elsewhere.

And Woodside has been able to offer               “We believe more than half Woodside’s              Erin Ronan was in the initial intake
fulfilling employment to local residents          current operations workforce and                   of Operations Support trainees in
of communities across the Pilbara and             94% of the Indigenous workforce have               2009 and is now an Issuing Authority
beyond.                                           participated in our training programs,”            Representative (IAR) for Campaign
                                                  says Dave Hilliard, Programmed’s                   Maintenance Operations Planner.
Indigenous Employment Training                    Operations Manager.
Manager Michael Roe recalls there was                                                                “I have encountered many challenges
very little training targeted specifically        “These programs have delivered                     along the way but the confidence,
at Indigenous workers before the                  significant outcomes for local                     resilience, knowledge and practical skills
Mirnuwarnigu Yirdiya Pathways Program             employment and skills development,                 I’ve gained, has made it all worthwhile,”
started in 2009.                                  with many former apprentices and                   Erin reports.
                                                  trainees still with Woodside and now
Mirnuwarnigu Yirdiya (“learning                   advancing their own careers.”                      Timaya Dann graduated from the Pre-
road” in the Ngarluma language)                                                                      Pathways Program last year and is
was Woodside’s first interaction with             In 2016, the program evolved into a                among the latest intake of Operations
Indigenous training programs.                     “pre-pathways” or pre-apprentice                   Support trainees.
                                                  program to attract a younger cohort
“This set the ball rolling to develop a           gain valuable onsite experience,                   “Since starting this new stage, I’ve
traineeship to allow Indigenous workers           together with TAFE studies, so                     reflected on what the program gave
to gain the valuable onsite experience            they could be better prepared for                  me – training in all sorts of technical
as well as TAFE credentials in two fields,        apprenticeships and traineeships.                  and personal skills, opening my eyes –
logistics and operations,” Michael                                                                   and I’m really excited about this next
recollects.                                       “School-based traineeships were also               challenge,” says Timaya.

Starting out: Left, this year’s intake of Operations Support Trainees - Shaniah Grassenis, Alexander Knight, Timaya Dann and Mitch O’Driscoll;
right, Lennis Connors, the then Indigenous Traineeship Coordinator, (back right) with the 2009 intake of Operations Trainees.

20      T R U N K L I N E | Q1 2 02 1
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