National Council Meeting News ILDEP Proves Beneficial Lottery Launched

National Council Meeting News ILDEP Proves Beneficial Lottery Launched
Vol 59 No.3 2014

The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK

See Page 4

ILDEP Proves
See Page 10

                                                                           See Page 20
National Council Meeting News ILDEP Proves Beneficial Lottery Launched
International Police Association
                                      Section UK

                                                  *   MEMBERSHIP
                                                     IN 2014

    To celebrate the Centenary of the birth of Arthur Troop, founder of the
    International Police Association, IPA Section UK is giving away FREE*
    membership -open to serving and retired Police Oficers, Special
    Constables and members of Police Staff.

    To find out more visit:

2                            POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014
National Council Meeting News ILDEP Proves Beneficial Lottery Launched
Police World
The magazine of the International
Police Association, Section UK

                                                  Vol 59 No.3 2014
Lee Hemmings
Deadline                                          Features
Edition 4, 2014 is 18 August, 2014.
Dispatched September, 2014.
                                                        4-8 Working on Your Behalf
                                                          News from the National Council Meeting
                                                          including photo gallery
Michele Rai                                       9       Arthur Troop Centenary
tel: (+44) 0115 981 3638
                                                          Celebration Weekend
                                                          Details of the planned celebrations to

e-mail:                            take place in Nottingham and Lincoln

General enquiries                                 10 ILDEP Proves Beneficial
IPA, BSAC, Arthur Troop House,
                                                       to German Officers
                                                          An insight into the ILDEP journey
1 Fox Road,                                               of three officers from Germany.
West Bridgford,
                                                  11 The Stanley Hanna
Nottingham. NG2 6AJ                                    Tournament Results Yvonne
tel: (+44) 0115 981 3638                                  Mcgregor brings news of this year’s
e-mail:                                   competition that took place in

                                                  12 The Danish Experience
Printed by                                                Members from Section Denmark took

Bishops Printers, Walton Road, Portsmouth,                part in a four day visit to Liverpool.
Hampshire PO6 1TR                                         Frank Hurst reports.

                                                  13      One Year On
                                                          Zoe Howard speaks of her experience
In Section UK, the membership comprises                   during her first year of membership
serving and retired Police Officers, Special
Constables and members of Police Staff            14      Sightseeing on the West Coast
employed by a Chief Constable or other                    Deirdre Mahony makes the most of
appropriately designated Chief Officer of                 IPA’s network of Houses and explores
the Police Service.                                       the wonders of Ireland.
The Section has a unique mixture of police
                                                         15 We are Whangawhere?
personnel who are still serving, retired, or in
                                                          Graham Fulton and Dougie Wright take

some instances, who have voluntarily resigned
                                                          part in a Motorcycle tour of New Zealand.
from the police service.
For details of who can join Section               16 - 17 Policing USA Style Seven
UK, go to                          officers from 9 Region went stateside
Joining the IPA is FREE* and annual renewal               to experience all things American.
is £28. Visit the website to learn about our              Gary Warren, tells the story.
promotional offers.
To apply either visit or request
an application form from the general enquiries
                                                  News                                                                      20 Lottery Launch
                                                                                                                            The latest news on
team *terms and conditions apply.                 18 – 26 National News                                                     Section UK’s new lottery
                                                                                                                            and how to apply
                                                          A round up of the news from Section UK
 A guide to                                       28 International News
    Region numbers                                       International diary dates and more
                                                                                                      Police World is a members’ publication. Every
 1 - Scotland                                     Regulars                                            effort is made to ensure accuracy. Furthermore,
                                                                                                      the views expressed in articles are those of the
 2 - Northern Ireland
                                                                                                      authors and do not necessarily reflect the
 3 - Northern England                             27 Competitions                                     position of the Communications Team. If you
 4 - Wales                                                WIN copies of books                         have any Comments, please contact the Editor:
                                                          published by Troubador Publishing Ltd
 5 - Midlands
 6 - Central London                                       and Oxford University Press
                                                                                                      How do you rate this edition of Police
 7 - South West England                                                                               World? What would you improve?
                                                  29 - 30 Classifieds
 8 - East Anglia                                                                                      What did we get right?
                                                       Adverts, special offers and notices            What would you have done differently?
 9 - North West London, Beds & Herts
 10 - North East London & Essex                   31      Diary dates                                 Send your review to:
                                                          Branch and Regional events and dates
 11 - South London & South East England

ISSN No: 0032-261X                                                                                                                                       3
                                                  POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014
National Council Meeting News ILDEP Proves Beneficial Lottery Launched
An Update from the NEC

Working on                                                                                                            A – All inclusive
                                                                                                                      V – Visible

     your behalf                                                                                                      I – International
                                                                                                                      B - Benefits R key
                                                                                                                      R– Retain members respecting all views
                                                                                                                      A – Activities
A Vibrant IPA was the theme emerging from this year's 2014                                                            N – Networking in Friendship
National Council Meeting. With delegates demonstrating their
                                                                                                                      T -Trust and Charity
support, in friendship, to changes to the National Executive
Committee (NEC), the future is looking positive for Section                                                           IPA
UK. Police World invites those affected by this year's
elections to say a few words before the Secretary General
covers the business side of the meeting.

M     ick Luke, formerly Vice President, was elected
      unopposed to the office of President.
It is with great honour that I write to you for the first time
as President of Section UK. I will keep it short in the
knowledge that the Secretary General will cover fully the
business matters at the NCM and Tom Crozier will reflect
on his service to the IPA during his time as President.          5 Identify a new KEY benefit for members each year.
                My acceptance speech (www.ipa-uk.                6 Income generation – maximise the
                    org/News/ipa-president-mick-luke-               opportunities available.
                    outlines-future-plans) covers the            7 Support our staff at BSAC on all matters to deliver
                   personal gratitude I have for Tom,              what our members request of them.
                   our Immediate Past President, and             8 Internationally, to maintain our strong links,
                   his wife Pauline for their service to           sharing best practice and to be visible.
                 the IPA. They hope to spend more
                                                                 For the next three years I look forward to engaging with
      time travelling and I know you will join me in
                                                                 as many of you as I can to ensure that we have
      wishing them both well on their travels.
                                                                 A VIBRANT IPA.
To utilise the Heraclitus principle –
“The only thing that is constant is change. To do nothing
is to do something too”.                                         Fred Boyd, Treasurer, was re-elected
                                                                                                                                The new Section UK NEC
                                                                 for a 5th term
Forme, embracing change is right and difficult to
ignore. As a new NEC we have to adapt. We have a                                 The only thing I wish to say is it’s a great   Tom Crozier, stood down as National President
new Vice President in Sean Hannigan and I welcome                                   honour and privilege to have been re-
                                                                                                                                                It is with genuinely mixed emotions that I
him on board and pass on my congratulations to Fred                                 elected as National Treasurer of                                  address you. To have been the
Boyd on his re-election as Treasurer. For Iain Sirrell and                          Section UK. Thank you to all delegates                            President of Section UK was both a
Bill Lloyd, who stood for posts, I sincerely hope to see                            who once again put their confidence
                                                                                                                                                      privilege and an honour. As you may
them seeking election in the future as both have                                    in me for another 3 years.                                        imagine the decision to step down
plenty to offer the Association.                                                 My thanks also, and commiserations,                                  was not an easy one.
                                                                 go to Bill Lloyd. The manner in which he conducted
At the NCM, delegates were asked to consider the next                                                                                           Firstly I want to offer warm
                                                                 himself throughout the weekend was both
steps for our recruitment and retention strategy and this                                                                       congratulations to Mick Luke on his election as
                                                                 professional and friendly and I wish him the best in
topic will be high on the NEC’s agenda when we meet for                                                                         National President, and wish him and the other
                                                                 future campaigns.
our first meeting in June, prior to the annual charity ball in                                                                  members of the NEC every success in their endeavours.
York.                                                                                                                           Congratulations also to Sean Hannigan and to Fred
As President, our strategy means to me in simple terms:                      Sean Hannigan, Vice President, was elected         Boyd following their election.
                                                                                 into the post vacated by Mick Luke
1 A balanced budget utilising finances for                                                                                      I also want to record my sincere gratitude to all of those
  member activity.                                                                 I was delighted to be elected as your        that have served with me on the NEC over the last six
                                                                                   Vice President. I want to continue           years: Bryn Jones, Stephen Crockard, Steve Connor,
2 Merge branches where needed in order to
                                                                                   helping the IPA develop and grow by          Edwin Sutton, Mark Kernohan, Ronnie Dukes, Dave
  maintain identity and aim to have a foothold
                                                                                   building on the great friendships and        Taylor, Fred Boyd and Mick Luke. May I also record my
  in each police area.
                                                                                   relationships that have helped me on         gratitude to Lib, Lee, Michele and Jo, our staff at
3 Recruit more members from the wider police                       my own IPA journey. I know we are an Association             Nottingham. No-one will be offended if I make special
  family, increasing the overall member numbers                    offering a professional environment within a friendly        mention of Liz Howgill. It is with great affection that I
  ensuring we maximise retention.                                  setting. I believe in service with friendship and            remember Liz who sadly died two years ago. She had the
4 Increase events and establish iconic events under                service through friendship.                                  sweetest and cheeriest ‘phone voice ever!
   the social, cultural and professional portfolios
                                                                                                                                When reflecting on my six years on the NEC, first to mind
   each year.

4                                                                POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014
National Council Meeting News ILDEP Proves Beneficial Lottery Launched

is the good and kind people I have come to properly know          have described that I did not have all the necessary           that the benefits of it being a national appointment were
and of the friendships that have been cemented.                   attributes to fulfil the wider role of President, you can be   that NEC could, with support of the 'London' Regions,
However, seeking election to the NEC is about far more.           confident that Mick has.                                       establish and oversee administrative processes and
My motivation was borne out of a belief that I could make         As you might expect my closing comment and greatest            make better use of the data.
a positive contribution. (While I can promise that I was not      thanks are for Pauline for everything that she has             A footnote to this debate is that the London Regions were not
motivated by self- interest, it seems selfish to now admit that   done to support me in my time in office.                       seeking subsidies from National funds to support
a happy if unforeseen consequence of joining the NEC                                                                             receiving visitors to London. What they were seeking was
was that it made my transition into retirement from the           Business and Pleasure in Colchester,                           very a modest out of pocket expenses for the LRO
Police so much easier than I had anticipated).                    Essex, 2014                                                    amounting to no more than £80 - £100 per annum.
I trust that my time serving on the NEC has been of                                                                              Questions of finance will however be discussed only once the
                                                                                It is my pleasure to provide members this        processes are established to the satisfaction of the
some benefit to the Association. I am not one who believes
                                                                                       update on the principle business          London Regions and NEC.
in legacies, and for me there will only ever be one
                                                                                     meeting in the Section's calendar.
legacy that should be celebrated in IPA and that is Arthur                                                                       Various members of the NEC and the past President
Troop's. That said, in my reflections over the past six years,                         The NCM this year was hosted by 10        Steve Connor contributed to presentations and
I think this NEC have embedded a number of                                             Region at the Crowne Plaza Five           debates on significant IPA events or significant issues
innovations that we are justly proud of (for more details                              Lakes Hotel near Colchester. My           impacting upon IPA, namely:
                                                                                    first duty on behalf of the NEC and
see:                                                                                Highway 50 -Charity drive across USA in 2015 (www.
                                                                      delegates is to thank Steve Jennings, Mike
                                                                                                                        Consortium for Street Children charity
                                                                      Stanbury, Steve Hunt and the entire organising
                                                                                                                                 supported by IPA internationally (
                                                                      committee for their hard work organising the event.
                                                                                                                                 Recruitment and Retention Strategy, Independent
                                                                  It was pleasing to play host to more international
                                                                                                                                 Development and Learning Exchange Programme, and
                                                                  guests than normal. Dr Aldo Carriola, Vice President of
                                                                                                                                 the World Police and Fire Games at Belfast 2013.
                                                                  Section Italy was the principal guest of Section UK,
                                                                  and we were delighted by the presence of Declan                The latter was accompanied by the excellent video produced
                                                                  O'Byrne (NEC, Section Ireland) and his wife Janice who         by Brian Kennedy from 2 Region. The video can be viewed
                                                                  attended as guests of 2 Region, and Kees Sal and               on our website:
                                                                  Johanna Schotanus (Section Netherlands). Notable               The Millennium Shield is awarded by the NEC for
                                                                  by their absence this year were Stephen and Diane              outstanding contribution to the Section. It is not
                                                                  Crockard who have not missed an NCM in 22 years!               awarded every year, but the outstanding nominee this
                                                                  Unfortunately Stephen's commitments to his role as             year was the IPA WPFG Organising Committee from
                                                                  Assistant International Secretary General meant he had         Region 2, Northern Ireland. To rapturous applause, Carole
                                                                  to be elsewhere.                                               Spence and those of her colleagues on the organising
                                                                  The NCM itself may be a one day business meeting, but
                                                                                                                                 committee present, were invited to the floor to accept the
                                                                  in truth the business is conducted over two days, with         award from Tom.
                                                                  less formal meetings of the Region Treasurers,                 This was in turn followed by Kees Sal presenting a
                                                                  Secretaries and Chairs and the corresponding NEC               certificate to Tom on behalf the International President,
                                                                  representatives taking place on Friday. It is also true        Pierre Martin-Moulin.
                                                                  that these meetings allow for many things to be                With the meeting nearing completion, Tom Crozier
                                                                  agreed in advance of the formal meeting. It was very           addressed Council for the last time before standing
                                                                  heartening to have one of our international guests             down. Tom's address to Council was very much in
                                                                  complement the friendly manner in which these                  keeping with his 'reflections' as reported on page 4.
                                                                  meetings were conducted.
                                                                                                                                 Then followed the elections -the results of which are
                                                                  As for the NCM itself, the National Treasurer Fred Boyd        evident on page 7. Phillip Powell was unanimously re-
                                                                  was first on the floor for the NEC. In explaining our          appointed to the role of National Archivist, and Bob
So why am I leaving office now?                                   expenditure plans for next year Fred deliberated with          McCormack was appointed as London Reception Officer.
I can say I made an honourable decision when I stood              delegates on the difficulties with managing a limited
                                                                                                                                 Tom duly handed over to Mick to conclude proceedings.
for President in 2011. That is not the same as saying it was      budget against the many competing demands.
                                                                  Council unanimously approved the financial reports.            The NCM weekend is not all about business. The
the right thing for me; I have never coveted the role. I
                                                                                                                                 attendance of so many partners and friends makes
did however believe that I had something to offer and             On behalf of the NEC, VP Ronnie
                                                                                                                                        for a special few days of social interaction. This
the office of President maximises the opportunities for           Dukes proposed establishing
                                                                                                                                        weekend was no different.
influencing strategy.                                             a Section wide lottery. This too
                                                                  received unanimous support.                                           It also provides the opportunity to formally
The role demands a higher profile and visibility and my age
                                                                  (See page 20).                                                        recognise and reward service to the Association.
is a personal consideration for me. Had I chosen to stand
again, I would be 62 in three years' time. Pauline and I still    VP Mark Kernohan then debated                                         e were delighted that DCC Derek Benson from
have other as yet unrealised ambitions, and want to               with Council the recent significant                                   ssex Police joined us as guest of the organising
achieve them while we are relatively fit and able. Lengthy        increases in costs associated with                                    ommittee at our informal meal on Friday night.
travels and serving on the NEC are incompatible. I am             the distribution of Police World.                                     e final event of the weekend was the Gala Dinner.
not disappearing. Pauline and I will continue to run the          After considering a number of                                    In heir concluding comments both Mick and
IPA House in Scotland, and I intend to become more                options, delegates mandated                                    Tom thanked delegates for the professionalism
involved again at Branch.                                         Mark and the NEC to adopt a progressive                        demonstrated over the weekend, and for the real sense
I will be forever grateful for having the opportunity to          approach to cost reduction while maintaining the               of friendship and respect that characterised the business
serve as Chair of 1 Region, Secretary General and then            current quarterly cycle of Police World.                       meetings. This was later endorsed in a letter from Kees Sal -
President of Section UK. I am grateful to you, the                Only one proposal from Regions was put to a vote,              to read it visit:
members for your forbearance and your continuing                  namely the proposal from 6 Region that the London              reglon-congratulated-on-ncm
commitment to volunteering.                                       Reception Officer (LRO) role should be a national              I gladly echo those comments.
I believe that in Mick Luke you have a President you              appointment. This was agreed only after the removal of
                                                                                                                                 Dave Taylor
can trust to listen to you and support you. Whereas I             references to an agreed budget. It was accepted

                                                                      POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014                                                                                         5
National Council Meeting News ILDEP Proves Beneficial Lottery Launched

 A selection of photographs taken during the National Council Meeting
                                                                          C                            M
 weekend - 16-18 May, 2014.

                                                                        Tom Crozier and Dr Aldo Carriola
     Applause for elections    Mark Kernohan and Pauline Crozier        (National Vice President, Section Italy)

                                                            2 Region

                                                                                   Janice O’Byrne and Hilary Boyd

                                       Tom Crozier and Declan O’Byrne

                         Max Fordyce, Colin Gameson and Andy Wright
                                                                                       Kees Sal and Brian Kennedy   Kees Sal, Steve Connor
                                                                                                                    and Dr Aldo Carriola

National Council Meeting News ILDEP Proves Beneficial Lottery Launched
Members from 1 Region
                          with Ronnie Dukes             A magical moment with Paul Clancy

 Kerry Brown, Jenny Alexander, Sara and Mick Luke      Alan Carter, Dr Aldo Carriola, Kees Sal, Sara and Mick Luke

                                           NEG ECe~I-i.o-h. Results

Newly elected Vice                                  New President Mick Luke with Immediate                     Fred Boyd retains the post of Treasurer
President Sean Hannigan                             Past President Tom Crozier

                                                    POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014                                                                      7
National Council Meeting News ILDEP Proves Beneficial Lottery Launched
Vivienne Catherall-Powell, 11 region,
                                                                                             receives her Presidential award

Steve Bretherton, 8 Region,              John Hutchins, 9 Region,                            Mike Stanbury, 10 Region,
receives his Honorary Life Award         receives his Honorary Life Award                    receives his Presidential award

Bob McCormack, 6 Region,                 Ken Davies, 4 Region, receives                      Tessa Adams, 7 Region,
receives his Presidential Award          his Presidential Award                              receives her Presidential Award

                                                                                                        2 Region with the Millennium Shield

Johanna Schotanus and Kees Sal
present Tom Crozier with a certificate
and gifts on behalf of International
President Pierre Martin-Moulin
                                                              Carole Spence receives the
                                                              Shield on behalf of 2 Region

8                                        POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014
National Council Meeting News ILDEP Proves Beneficial Lottery Launched

 Celebration Weekend
Section UK have organised a weekend of celebration to mark the birth of Arthur Troop, founder of the
IPA, taking place 12 – 14 December 2014. Event organiser, Ronnie Dukes, describes what is planned.

  The weekend will centre in Nottingham with
excursions to Stamford and Lincoln. On Friday
                                                      throughout the weekend will be centred on
                                                      Jury’s Inn Hotel. There is a Premier Inn Hotel
                                                                                                       Who was
afternoon there will be an opportunity to visit the   opposite the Jury’s Inn Hotel and this will be
Section UK Administration Centre in Nottingham.
National Archivist, Phillip Powell, is currently
                                                      a suitable venue as well. If you are booking
                                                      the Premier Inn Hotel, please make sure          ARTHUR
working on arranging and sourcing some unique         that you book Nottingham Arena (London
memorabilia for a special exhibition. He is being
assisted by Mike Vince, IPA member and
member of the Police History Society. One of the
                                                      Road) - as there are several in Nottingham.
                                                      The weekend package, not including
                                                      accommodation and transfers to / from
exhibits will highlight the key features /            Nottingham is £60 per person.                    Arthur was born in 1914, in Lincoln. His dream of
landmarks in policing over the last century. There                                                     founding a world friendship organisation was
                                                      Many have already registered to take part
will also be a chance to meet Kevin Troop,                                                             initially thought eccentric by his Chief Constable
                                                      in the celebrations including guests from
Arthur’s son who is fully supportive of what is                                                        and the Home Office. However, their opinion
                                                      abroad. Deadline for registration:
being arranged.                                                                                        changed when Arthur was awarded the British
                                                      30 July, 2014.
On Friday evening, guests will dine at a local                                                         Empire Medal in 1965. Read more at: www.
                                                      If you would like to take part, please ensure
restaurant. This will be another opportunity to
                                                      that you beat the deadline, as catering and
get to meet everyone who is taking part over
                                                      transport will be reserved only for those that
the weekend, with representation from
                                                      have registered.
several overseas Sections already confirmed.
                                                      This is great opportunity to meet with other
On Saturday, guests will travel to Lincoln to take
                                                      members from home and abroad and to
part in the unveiling and dedication ceremony of
                                                      share in what will be a great occasion.
a commemorative plaque. In Lincoln there will
be the opportunity for sightseeing, festive           Visit:
shopping and an optional tour of the magnificent      Documents/810_Arthur_Troop_
Lincoln Cathedral. In the evening, a dinner dance     Centenary_Weekend_registration_
will take place in Nottingham.                        form.docx to download the booking
                                                      form. Please send completed form to:
On Sunday morning, guests will depart.
Although accommodation is not included in the
package preferential rates have been secured
(subject to availability) at Jury’s Inn Hotel in
Nottingham. Transport to and from the locations

IPA Arthur Troop Centenary Badge

Stock Now Available
The Section UK Communications Team have designed
and produced an Arthur Troop Centenary pin badge to
mark the centenary year of Arthur Troop's birth.
The new special edition pin badge is available
NOW at £2 inc P&P.
Place your order today via email: and th
send payment via PAYPAL payable to the            .

                                                         POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014                                                                    9
National Council Meeting News ILDEP Proves Beneficial Lottery Launched

   Paula Bertsch and Frauke Neeb with officers from the Marine Support Unit

 ILDEP Proves Beneficial
 to German Officers
An International Learning & Development Exchange Programme (ILDEP) developed by IPA to professionalise
the exchange process, is now up and running. ILDEP has already, in the short time since its launch, helped
many police officers with professional exchanges. This article gives insight into the ILDEP journey of three
officers from Germany.
                                                       and two sergeants who explained their duties
            aula Bertsch, Frauke Neeb and              and the organisation of the Metropolitan Police
       Andreas Wallich from Hessen, Germany            Service. Over the next few days he accompanied
                                                                                                                               Read about
                                                                                                                            Martin Pemble’s

     completed internships in London. Sav              Constable Ben and Constable Farhan on patrol
     Kyriakou, from Middlesex branch, dealt                                                                              experience in the US at:
     with the requests from the three officers         and went on several 'blue light runs' through
     and arranged for them to be                       Notting Hill, Kensington and Hyde Park.              
 accommodated in a ‘section house’ in London.          Andreas added, “During this week I learned a lot                 step-in-to-assist-with
 Paula Bertsch, Frauke Neeb had chosen to spend        about police work in England and also got a more                      -us-course
 their time with the Metropolitan Police Service as    critical look at the practices in my own country.”
 part of their Bachelor's Degree programme.            Andreas was also given the opportunity to work
 Most of their internship was spent with the           with the CID, the Child Abusive Investigation
                                                                                                              arrange a visit to Scotland Yard Crime Museum,
 Criminal Investigation Department at the Royal        Team and was assigned to the 'Traffic Police'.
                                                                                                              the Tower of London, 10 Downing Street and
 Borough of Kensington and Chelsea as they both        In summary he said, “My two weeks internship           the Palace of Westminster.
 wish to specialise in detective work. They also had   was over too quickly and I am very glad that I
 the opportunity to work alongside other specialist                                                           Paula and Frauke ended in saying, "Everyone
                                                       was able to experience the Metropolitan Police
 units including the Traffic Police and the Child                                                             involved in our stay worked very hard to make it
                                                       Service. It has expanded both my private and
 Abuse Investigation Team.                                                                                    as exciting and varied as possible. We are both
                                                       professional horizons immensely. I am also
                                                                                                              pleased and very positive with the very friendly
 Speaking to Police World they explained, “A           very grateful for the warm welcome I received
                                                                                                              reception we received. If such an opportunity
 particularly exciting day was spent with the          from my English counterparts and to the IPA
                                                                                                              arose again we would love to come back to
 Marine Support Unit, which provided us with a         for this opportunity."
 unique opportunity of seeing London policed           The visiting officers also had time to visit many of
 from an entirely different perspective - not to                                                              To find out more about ILDEP visit:
                                                       the tourist spots London offers. Sav was able to
 mention aboard an exceptionally fast boat!”                                                        

 Sav arranged for Andreas to spend time at
 Kensington Police Station and introduced him to
 the "Response Team" that he would be working
 with. Andreas said, s I am a patrol oficer in
 Stuttgart I was particularly looking forward to
 seeing how my London colleagues performed
 their duties.”
 He was initially shown around by the inspector           Officers from the Metropolitan Police Service

 10                                                        POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014

One Year On
One year after Section UK opened up its membership to Police
Staff, Police World speaks to Zoe Howard, from Hertfordshire
branch, who enrolled within minutes of the rule change.

So Zoe, since becoming the first police                  How easy have you found it to
staff person to be enrolled into IPA Section             get involved in IPA activities?
UK, what have you been up to in your first               "Very easy. In January this year, members
year of membership?                                                                                       Outside the McMullen’s visitors centre
                                                         from the National Executive Committee
“I was attested into the Hertfordshire Special           visited Hertfordshire to visit potential
Constabulary in August. On starting the training         venues for the 2015 NCM
course, I found myself in a room full of complete        which Region 9 will be
strangers, the majority of whom were vastly              hosting and I was involved in
younger – and indeed taller - than myself. I broke       that meeting, followed by a
the ice during a refreshment break by talking            Burns Night themed supper.
about the IPA with a view to signing as many of          I’ll be attending this year's
them up as possible! Despite having only eight           NCM at Five Lakes in
months under my belt, I’ve completed my Police           Chelmsford, which I am very
Action Checklist (PACS) and am looking forward           much looking forward to, as
to new policing challenges. Being able to join my        it will give me further insight
regular colleagues, many of whom are already             into preparations for when
IPA members, and go out on duty with them has            it’s my Region’s turn next
added to my knowledge of the policing world and          year. I also attended my first      Lunch at Baroosh in Hertford
has helped me understand what challenges they            Region 9 AGM at
face on a daily basis.”                                  Bedfordshire Police HQ,
                                                                                                                 encouraging other members of police staff to join
We believe your rendition of ‘I shot the Sheriff’        which was a good opportunity to meet other
                                                                                                                 - along with the added bonus of free membership
shot the top of the charts – tell us more.               Region and Branch members.”
                                                                                                                 during this special year.
“Ha, ha – very funny. In September, I had a great        Finally, what are you looking forward to in
                                                                                                                 One of the many good ideas that came from the
time helping to organise the visit to UK Region 9        the next 12 months?
                                                                                                                 9 Region AGM was for each Branch of Region 9
by the two USA officers, John Flannery and Tom           I’ve very recently moved on from Hertfordshire
                                                                                                                 to host an activity of their choice to raise funds
Sanchez. A highlight for me was the McMullen’s           Constabulary and am now working for a private
                                                                                                                 towards the NCM in 2015. So, what with those
Brewery trip where Region 9 members and John             hospital in Hertfordshire, but I’ll continue with my
                                                                                                                 events and the Arthur Troop Centenary
Flannery spent a good few hours in the Hertford          Special Constabulary role. I feel very fortunate
Brewhouse with Fergus McMullen (Production &             to have made some g
Sales Director). After the fantastic tour, Fergus        the IPA and, although
presented John Flannery with a beer pump clip            police staff, those frie
with McMullen’s IPA logo on it as a memento of           continue through the ;
the visit and we all received a case of premium          Constabulary. So it ju to
bottled ales to en joy at our leisure. Finally, Fergus   show that whether ~
treated us to a fabulous lunch in one of                 police staff, a regular
McMullen's Hertford pubs, Baroosh. The leaving           a Special Constable, t
party, which we held on John and Tom's last night,       differentiation betwee
was attended by many Region 9 members, local             membership of staff v
Hertford Town Councillors and longservice IPA            officers, everyone is p
members. It was a great success and my karaoke           of the big IPA family a
performance of ‘I shot the Sheriff’ with John and        team. I hope my articl
Tom has been the butt of jokes since."                   may go somewhere to

                                                                                                     Zoe Howard with Hertford Town
                                                                                                     Council Mayor - Patricia Moore -
  9 Region party time                                                                                after the remembrance parade.

                                                             POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014                                                                    11

 The                                                                                          The Danish officers meet Assistant Chief Constable Andy Ward

In April, members from Section Denmark took part in a four day
visit to Liverpool. Frank Hurst, Chair of Cheshire branch, reports
on what took place.

   Iarranged for our four Danish guests,     and were shown the pitch and facilities
 Thomas Trudslev, Anders Soltoft, Lars       inside the stadium
 Brondberg, and Stefan Kaptain, to visit                                                      Caroline Coles explains fingerprint scanning procedure
                                             Now being the fair and even handed chap
 Merseyside Police Headquarters - where
                                             that I am I thought it only fitting that this
 they were welcomed by Assistant Chief
                                             visit to Anfield be followed by a visit to
 Constable, Mr Andy Ward, QPM.
                                             Everton’s Goodison Park. We were
 The main purpose of the visit was to        greeted by the staff at Goodison and were
 discover and discuss the relative           again given a full tour - which we enjoyed
 differences between British and Danish      immensely. (I will not say which ground
 evidence gathering techniques. The tour     the Danes liked the best - that will have to
 began at the Fingerprint and Forensic       remain a secret.)
 Services Department, where the functions    The visit to Goodison concluded the tours
 and procedures of the department were       and I dropped Thomas and Anders off at
 explained by Supervisor Mark Wilson.        the city centre, for some rest and relaxtion -
 The officers also saw a demonstration       where they expressed their thanks for a
 of fingerprint scanning and recording by    very enjoyable visit.
 Caroline Coles, and a tour of the Force     I would like to thank Merseyside Police
 Laboratory with Chris Roberts.              for all their efforts to accommodate
 The visitors where then introduced to       our Danish members. I would also like
 Andy Reid and Richie Beesley, the crew      to thank both Liverpool and Everton for          The group learn more about the Forensic Services in Merseyside
 of one of the Merseyside Police Armed       allowing us to visit at short notice.
 Response Units. They were more than         Frank Hurst, Chair Cheshire branch
 happy to give the Danish Officers a short
 talk on the vehicle and the equipment
 used during their duties. The group
 exchanged information on policing
 methods - discussing both the
 similarities and differences between the
 two countries policing styles.
 After lunch we headed off to Liverpool
 football club, at Anfield, where the
 Danish officers visited the Hillsborough
 Memorial to pay their respects.
                                             At the memorial in Liverpool
 They were then allowed into the ground

                                                                                              With one of the Merseyside Police Armed Response Units

12                     POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014

This year the Stanley Hanna Golf Tournament was held at Crieff Golf Club,
Perthshire over the Ferntower Course. Yvonne McGregor, 1 Region Secretary, reports.

  Over the many years of the Stanley Hanna
Golf competition strong friendship bonds have
been made between the team players. This
year was no different, after catching up with
news and gossip over a cup of tea and bacon
rolls the teams headed out to the first tee.

The players were not only competing for the
Stanley Hanna Memorial Trophy but also the
Ulster Cup (played with the stableford scoring
system) and Scottish Cup (played with the
stroke play scoring system).
Stuart Blaikie, a member from Lothian and
Borders branch travelled to the event on his
motorbike and went out onto the course to
capture some of the action on his camera. Our
thanks go to Stuart.
After the final group came into the clubhouse      Yvonne presents the Stanley
                                                   Hanna Memorial Trophy
the players had time to chat, over a meal, about
those missed putts and what might have been.

The results                                        How it all began
The presentation of prizes was made by the         On 3 June, 1979, 47 year old Superintendent
Northern Ireland Team Captain Gary Vance.          Stanley Hanna of the RUC was killed by
                                                   terrorist action near Crossmaglen. At the time
Retaining the Stanley Hanna Memorial Trophy was
                                                   he was the Secretary of the 2 Region Northern
1 Region, with 214 points to 203. The Trophy was
                                                   Ireland IPA Golf Society and had instigated an
accepted by their Team Captain, Yvonne
                                                   annual trip for the Society to play 1 Region
McGregor. Top 6 players for 1 Region were Alex
                                                   Scotland at golf. After his death the annual      Yvonne McGregor with
Brown, Jim Westwood, Andy Mather, Mick Bone,
                                                   visit was continued and in 1983 his               team captains Sean
Jim Purdon and Allan Harley.                                                                         Ferrier, and Gary Vance
                                                         fellow members donated a Trophy in his
The Ulster Cup was won by Jim                                 memory. The Stanley Hanna Memorial
Westwood, 39 points, 2nd Andy Mather,                         Golf competition has been played for
37 points and 3rd Dickie Simpson (2                           annually for the last 32 years
Region), 35 points.                                             and one member of the Northern
The Scottish Cup was retained by                                Ireland Team, Dickie Simpson, has
Alex Brown, 67, 2nd Tommy Hutton (2                             been
Region), 68 and 3rd Dickie Simpson, 73.                         playing for the last 28 years.
                                                                Well done Dickie.
Nearest the Pin was won by
David McGregor (1 Region).                                         Yvonne McGregor
Longest Drive was won by
Gary Vance (2 Region).
Ladies winner was Sharon
Boath (1 Region).
Next year’s venue has                                                         Gary Vance presents
still to be decided but the                                                   Jim Westwood with
                                                                              the Ulster Cup
parting words from the 2
Region players were “we’ll
get it back next year”.


  on the west Coast

                     For more reviews
                of IPA Houses in Ireland

 Deirdre Mahony, Chair of Greater Belfast branch, ventured across the border to explore the wonders of Ireland.
 She made the most of the IPA’S network of Houses - several of which are ideally located for touring this area.

 M           y daughter Tara and I had a most            of Shop Street which leads down to the famous
           marvellous tour of the west coast of          Spanish Arches and the Claddagh Area of
           Ireland -first travelling west towards        Galway. It is here the Claddagh ring is named
   Enniskillen and over the Border to Sligo.             after. Shop Street is wonderful as are the many
 I really knew very little about Sligo, choosing to go   smaller streets and lanes off it. This city is
 there just because there was an IPA House and it        bursting with theatres, art galleries, street
 suited our plans. The House is an extremely well        theatre, magnificent craft shops selling wares of
 situated apartment along the bank of the River          creators from all over Ireland and music
 Garavogue and only a few minutes away on foot           streaming out of every bar and restaurant.
 from the heart of Sligo.                                On day four of our trip we headed out to the wilds
 This town is delightful. In particular, we loved the    of Connemara, visiting the villages of Barna,
 small shop owned by M Quirkes - a wood carver,          Spiddal and the set of Ros na Run, an Irish soap
 the Olde World sweet shop across the road, St           drama. The weather was beautiful, the sea Azure
 John’s Cathedral and the local court house -            blue. We eventually made our way back through
 which is quite a living museum with so many             the charming village of Moycullen and back to the
 original features. The building is extremely well       city. After dinner we walked back through the city       Deirdre Mahoney
 maintained and we got an impromptu tour by              streets, still teaming with life, to the IPA House.
 the young caretaker who clearly loves the               We really needed another day at least in Galway,
 building and its history.                               however we left this base and visited County
                                                         Clare, the protected Burren area, the famous
 At night the town is alive with traditional music -
                                                         Aillwee caves and the Cliffs of Moher.
 the atmosphere is electric and so friendly. On day
 two we explored the Sligo countryside, visiting the     We then headed to Cork. We didn't stay in the IPA
 Glencar Waterfalls and the Drumcliffe Graveyard         House, as my sister lives there, but it is worth
 where William Butler Yeats is buried. It was            noting for other travellers there is a House and
 wonderful to see the area he so beautifully wrote       Cork is a great place to visit. My favourite thing to
 about.                                                  do in Cork is visit the Shandon Bells at St. Anne's      West coast scenery
                                                         church as it has the best view over the city. You
 We then headed to the IPA House in Galway City.
                                                         are allowed to play the bells and there are music       inexpensive way to explore the West Coast. It's
 Enroute we explored County Mayo, visiting the
                                                         sheets with the bell numbers and pauses outlined.       on our doorstep and it is amazing. IPA
 coastal town of Westport, Clew Bay which in the
                                                         I think I get better every time I visit.                members everywhere should come on over, the
 Easter sunshine looked out of this World. On
 arrival in Galway early evening, we found our way       Section Ireland has picked great locations to           Craic is great!
 to the House with relative ease. It is situated in      have their Houses. I would strongly recommend           Deirdre Mahony, Chair Greater Belfast branch
 Eyre Street only a few minutes away from Eyre           my colleagues in Region Northern Ireland and
 Square and the main pedestrian thoroughfare             the wider IPA to avail themselves of a very
14   POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014

During February, two members of the Scottish
Motorcycle Touring Group, Graham Fulton and
Dougie Wright, fled the icy wastes of a Scottish
winter and took refuge in sunnier climes. Dougie
tells the story.

          his motorcycle trip was organised by            stopped half way to
       members of the New Zealand IPA (or IPANZ           Taumaranui, at a hotel
       as they like to be called). Travelling the         where they take great
length and breadth of New Zealand, the trip was           delight in stamping
hosted by New Zealander Bruce Revell. Bruce               pommie passports
organised everything himself, accommodation,              on entering the
bike hire and booked all necessary inter island           mythical Republic of
transfers. Bruce is a real good guy with a superb         Whangamomona! Yes,
personality that transformed a potentially good           I know – the names of
trip into an absolute corker!                             places! Let’s be fair -
Apart from the expected members on the trip from          we just made sure we
New Zealand, we were joined by members from               never got lost or had to
Canada, South Africa, Germany. This really friendly       ask directions or I think                          influenced coastal hamlet of Akaroa we never
group, that mixed easily with the locals’ warm and        we would still be in New Zealand!                  tired of the paradise that is New Zealand.
easy going nature, even included a Met Cop, Brian         After a smooth crossing of the notorious Queen     All too soon of course it had to come to an end and
Field (a non biker), who followed us by car. This trip    Charlotte Sound, the scenery got even more         it was time to leave the land of Bilbo Baggins and
that in one go justified the International title of the   spectacular, and so did the names. But at least    the Lord of the Rings. One thing is for sure –
IPA!                                                      now we knew what motorbikes were made for!         having had a taste of New Zealand, I have to go
For those who have never been, New Zealand is             Mile after mile of dream motorcycle roads,         back! This trip has become something of an
an exotic mixture of a country with stunning              twisting through spectacular mountain scenery,     annual event but if you have a notion to go, book
scenery, varying from sub-antarctic glaciers and          (passing through places with ominous names         early! The trip is usually booked out within weeks
penguins in the south, to deserts, geysers and sub        such as Death’s Corner in Arthur’s Pass.)          of the previous year’s trip being completed!
tropical temperatures in the very north.                  With such a variety of idyllic locations such as   Thank you IPA and well done Bruce Revell.
The exotic doesn’t stop there – whilst travelling a       the spa town of Hanmer Springs, the ‘Cardboard     Dougie Wright, Glasgow, Lomond and Clyde
road called the ‘Forgotten World Highway’ we              Cathedral’ of Christchurch and the French

 Dougie Wright and Graham Fulton with other bikers

                                                             POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014                                                                  15

 After the success of a previous visit in September 2012, USA Region 56 in Wisconsin invited seven ofcers
 from UK Region 9 to go stateside and experience all things American. BTP branch Secretary Gary Warren,
 one of those lucky seven, takes up the story.

   An email hit my inbox in January about the              Lunch with the Chief of De Pere Police Department         the facility. The Oneida
 possibility of going across to Green Bay,                 then beckoned. We then toured the facility and            tribe is one of the oldest
 Wisconsin for a week. I had read, in previous             spoke with a few officers. Before leaving, to go to the   native American tribes in
 editions of Police World, about Hertfordshire             Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC), we          Wisconsin and only native
 members going in 2012, and the return visit               thanked Chief Biederwieden for his hospitality.           Americans can serve in the
 by John Flannery last year, so immediately I              The NWTC college is where students enrol on               Department. It was
 knew I had to go.                                         the Law Enforcement programme. Anyone                     fascinating to learn about
 Emails immediately started being sent back and            wishing to become a police officer needs to pass          the way the tribe operates.
 forth about the trip and when John Flannery sent          this course with sufficient credits before they can       After lunch, and a tour of
 the planned itinerary I just could not wait to get out    apply to a police department.                             Lambeau Field, we then
 there – this would indeed be the trip of a lifetime.      We all got very excited as we were shown the ‘MILO        paid a visit to the ‘Uniform
 Joining me would be Gerry McDonald, Andy Piper            Range’ training system, located at the college, –         Shoppe’ to look at some
 and Phil Rosier from Hertfordshire, Chris Leah from       and given the opportunity to take part in some            US police uniforms and
 Bedfordshire, Ross Landers from the Metropolitan          scenarios. They even had one that took place on a         equipment. Police officers in
 Police Service and Mark Bishop from BTP.                  train for Mark Bishop and me, so we felt at home.         the US are given an
                                                                                                                     allowance to purchase kit          On the range
 The time finally arrived and in early May we              Then the live action version began as we were
                                                                                                                     and the Uniform Shoppe is
 made our way across the pond.                             taken onto the range to shoot some pistols and rifles.
                                                           Having never shot before I was apprehensive, but          the place to go. It was an amazing place with lots of
 We met our US hosts in the shadow of Lambeau
                                                           found myself to be quite a good shot. We were all         cool gadgets.
 Field, a football stadium which is home of the
 Green Bay Packers, and enjoyed US hospitality. Joe        taken through basic firearm drills before we shot from    That evening we were invited to dinner at Donna
 Johnson, Region 56 President, and John Flannery           kneeling and standing positions. We were also             Gilson’s house. Donna has an amazing collection of
 certainly know how to make a good first impression.       taught how to ‘double-tap’ accurately - which is a        police memorabilia. She made the most amazing
                                                           shooting technique where two well-aimed shots are         food and there was plenty of it. I thought Mark
 Our first day started nice and early with a tour of
                                                           fired at the same target with very little time in         Bishop was going to explode when the Chocolate
 Ashwaubenon Public Safety Department. They are
                                                           between shots.                                            Éclair cake came out.
 unique in that they provide the functions of policing,
 medical response and fire fighting from one location.     After such an action packed first day, Gerry              We were back at NWTC college on the Wednesday
 All the Public Safety Officers are trained in all three   McDonald and I went to NWTC early the next                morning to have a go on their driving simulators.
 disciplines. The concept was hard to imagine but          morning to take part in a Q&A session with some           They were extremely interactive and gave us the
 made so much sense and all the officers we spoke to       of Joe’s students. The questions were well                opportunity to practice driving on the right side of the
 were so proud to be part of the Department. We            thought out and the students seemed genuine in            road. Then it was off to the local airport to run
 took the opportunity to take some photos in the           their enthusiasm to get an understanding of how           through some vehicle drills including high risk
 police vehicles and on a fire truck before presenting     things are done in the UK.                                contacts, slalom drills and vehicle pursuits. Andy and
 the Chief with a token of our appreciation for            We then headed out to Oneida police department,           Chris certainly enjoyed putting the Dodge Charger
 opening his Department up to us.                          where we met up with the other UK officers, to tour       through its paces - and Ross showed some rather
                                                                                                                     silky driving skills. We were then taken to the

 16                                                          POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014

various departments we had first visited to take part      handlers and dispatchers.                                  of the local officers took the opportunity to speak
in a ride along. I was paired with Jamie Zynda from        The Communications Centre is positioned above              to us, exchange contact details and take some
Ashwaubenon Public Safety and we were busy from            the County Jail and has the ability to manage a            photographs.
the start with a trip to Brown County Jail to drop off a   crisis should it happen. It was amazing to see the         After some socialising and taking in a baseball
juvenile offender. We then had to dash along the           differences in working practices and compare               game, we had a walking tour of Milwaukee, before
highway to back up colleagues that were dealing with       similarities.                                              our final trip on Sunday.
a female that had allegedly taken a high number of
                                                           We then headed back to NWTC to meet up with                The final day started early with a visit to the US
antihistamine tablets with alcohol. After a few vehicle
                                                           some students who were going to help us put some           Coast Guard base, Sturgeon Bay Fire and Police
stops for minor violations and responding to an
                                                           of our driving and firearm training into practice acting   Departments and their control centre. The area was
intruder alarm the experience was over. It was a
                                                           out various scenarios. The highlight was definitely        beautiful, right on Lake Michigan and the people
great insight into what our colleagues across the
                                                           seeing Gerry McDonald giving chase to students that        were very welcoming. The swap of the trip definitely
pond have to deal with and it surprised me how
                                                           had bailed out of a car and systematically nabbing         happened here when the Fire Chief from Sturgeon
similar our jobs are.
                                                           them one by one.                                           Bay swapped his headwear for Phil's beat helmet.

    “ $25 buys you the world
                                                                                                                      They were both like small children at Christmas
                                                                                                                      proudly showing off their new acquisition. The US

                                                                                                                      Coast Guards were also happy to show us around
                                                                                                                      their boats and base. We even took the opportunity
                                                                                                                      to claim the lighthouse for Queen and Country by
                                                                                                                      flying the Union Flag from the top - although a .50
I thank Jamie Zynder, Neil Brown and everyone                                                                         Cal gun was nearby so we promptly gave it back!
from Ashwaubenon for the hospitality they showed           After shooting (and being shot) by the students we
                                                           were then visited by the Green Bay K-9 section who         Our final evening was spent with Judge Kevin
both Phil Rossier and myself that evening - and the
                                                           put on a display. Phil, who has aspirations to join        Rathburn and his family at his magnificent home. We
Lieutenant did make the world's best potato salad!
                                                           the Dog Section, keenly volunteered to be live bait.       were welcomed like family. We were treated to some
John had arranged for Andy Piper and Chris Leah to                                                                    Irish dancing by John's daughter and then we let our
                                                           We all watched as the well trained dogs were put
give a presentation to interested parties in ANPR          through their paces and took a chunk out of bad            hair down. We presented our hosts with some gifts
technology and its use in the UK on Thursday morning.      guy Phil's' arm. We were all happy when the bite           and also presented flowers to the wives of Kevin, Joe
John had been impressed by the technology when he          sleeve held firm and he came to no harm -honest!           and John as a thank you to them and also as it was
visited the UK and was interested to see what others                                                                  Mothers Day in the US.
thought. A number of people attended, including a          That evening we headed to a local bowling alley for a
                                                           meet and greet. There was a nice turn out by NWTC          The day to fly home had arrived all too soon and we
local judge, state troopers and military personnel. The
                                                           students, staff and also officers from the various         were all disappointed to be leaving. We had been
presentation was well received and brought about a
                                                           departments we had met. It was a great opportunity         treated like kings since we had arrived and had all
lot of discussion. Whilst Andy and Chris were talking
                                                           to thank all those who had already given us so much        had the most amazing experience. The people we
traffic' the rest of the group headed to Brown County
                                                           and I presented Joe Johnson with an engraved               met were incredibly hospitable. I'd especially like to
Communications Centre where we were given a tour
                                                           plaque. Joe was also pleased with the evening as he        thanks Donna Gilson, Michael Albertson and Judge
and spoke to the call
                                                           managed to sign up seven new Region 56 members -           Kevin Rathburn - as well as NWTC staff and students
                                                           “$25 buys you the world” is the line he uses and the       and all the other Police Chiefs, Fire Chiefs and
                                                           new members certainly agreed.                              officers. You all opened yourselves up to seven
                                                           The next morning saw us head to Madison County to          people from England, whose only link to you was
                                                           take part in the Wisconsin Law Enforcement                 being part of the policing family - and the
                                                           Memorial Service. It was amazing to see local              importance of family is exactly what this trip has
                                                           people's reaction to seven British Bobbies' walking        reinforced. I thank my family for making sacrifices
                                                           along the street. The service was moving and               so I could take part in this amazing trip - and I thank
                                                           reminded us all of the sacrifice officers have made        the Flannery and Johnson families for allowing John
                                                           whilst doing the Job.' We were reminded that those         and Joe the time to be the great hosts they were.
                                                           who choose to be police officers do so in order to         Lastly, this trip could never have taken place if it
                    John Flannery and Gary Warren          protect the public, uphold the law and serve the           wasn't for the IPA and all that it stands for.
                                                           community and that sometimes they don't make it
                                                                                                                      Gary Warren, BTP branch Secretary
                                                           home to their loved ones. After the service, many
                                     Hoisting the flag

                                                           Ashwaubenon Public Safety Department

                                                             POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014                                                                                 17
IPA News

     IPA Defence
     Tactics Group
     Branches Out
     Rob Stenhouse and Keith Sinclair, from the
     Defence Tactics Group, travelled to Klaipeda,
     Lithuania to teach self-defence and shooting
     techniques at the Lietuvos Policijos Mokykla
     (Lithuanian police school).
     The aim of the visit was to make contacts within
     the Lithuanian police self-defence training
     community and encourage the formation of
     another branch of the Defence Tactics Group. The
     visit was organised by Vilius Motiejaitis, from the
     police school in Kaunas, and Romualdas
                                                             Rob Stenhouse and Keith Sinclair with the trainees
     Rulevicius, from the police school in Klaipeda.
     On the first day Rob and Keith met Dainius
     Smatavicius, the head of the police school, and       using grappling drills to accustom trainees to          based on a common theme of realism.
     explained the aims of the Group and the course.       aggression and close-quarter attacks. Training          Keith said, “Some of the training methods and
     Self-defence appears to be given a higher             involved a lot of rough and tumble which the            exercise presented by us had not been seen by
     priority in Lithuania in comparison to the UK         trainees took to very quickly. He also focused on       the Lithuanian trainees and were the subject of
     and the school is equipped with two excellent         knife-awareness and defence using scenario work         much discussion.”
     self-defence training rooms.                          to show the reality of knife attacks. Again, training
                                                                                                                   Rob and Keith met Mr Smatavicius to thank
                                                           was realistic and challenging at times.
     Bob spent a morning teaching the Explosive Self-                                                              him for the chance to train at the school and
     Defence System (ESDS), which was developed for        The final training sessions targeted point-             later said that they consider the visit to have
     police officers by Slawo Gozdzik, an IPA member       shooting. The Lithuanian police currently use a         been a resounding success.
     from Sweden - a system that relies on open-           two-handed competition based shooting
                                                                                                                   Keith added, “The hospitality shown by the
     handed strikes to subdue an attacker.                 technique. Rob taught a more practical one-
                                                                                                                   Lithuanians was impeccable. The police school
                                                           handed close range survival method of shooting.         not only provided top-class accommodation but
     Keith also taught part of the Sportiko programme
                                                           All the training programmes presented were              also covered the cost of all meals.”

                                                                 Get Hooked

                                                             hames Valley
                                                             irty head”, “Rousing”, Skimming” and “Cooling”
                                                             hese words conjure up visions of an underworld!
                                                             t Thames Valley branch members were soon to rn
                                                             the inner secrets of beer fermentation at the ok
                                                             Norton Brewery in Oxfordshire.
                                                             teen members, including two guests from
                                                             stralia, embarked on the tour. After witnessing e
                                                             fermentation process and where the liquor is
                                                             rrelled we ended up meeting ‘Nelson’ and ‘Major’
                                                             - o Shire horses. They were about to pull away
                                                             with a livery of beer on a dray.
                                                             then had the opportunity to sample the many
                                                             ers that were produced on site - with lovely old
                                                             mes like ‘Lion’, ‘Hooky’ and ‘Double Stout’.
                                                             ving completed the tour we had an excellent lunch
                                                             the nearby Sun public house in the high street.
                                                             hanks to Pauline and John Osborne for organising
                                                             he visit.
                                                               Mike Vince, Thames Valley Secretary

18                                                                       POLICE WORLD Vol 59 No. 3, 2014
IPA News

Representatives Announced
Two IPA members have been selected to                            of Polish speakers in the UK and as             force and region as the knowledge gained will
represent Section UK at an event in Poland.                      such Polish is now officially recognised        be of practical use in my daily policing.”
Kevin Silver, from Devon police, and Loreen                      as the second most spoken language              Kevin will be accompanied at the event
Glenn, from the Terrorism Investigation Unit in                  in the UK today.                                by Loreen Glenn.
Northern Ireland, will attend the Polish Police                  Also, each year between 2500 and
                                                                                                                 In her application to attend, Loreen noted the
Foundation 95th Jubilee Commemoration,                           3000 migrants of various
                                                                                                                 expansion of the EU has resulted in a wave of
which takes place at the end of July 2014.                       nationalities are in the county of
                                                                                                                 migration of foreign nationals to Northern
                                                                 Cornwall to pick daffodils until Easter
In his application to attend, Kevin described                                                                    Ireland. She stated the most recent census
                                                                 and as the year progresses the type of
how his interest in the migrant community of                                                                     shows there are almost 30,000 Polish nationals
                                                                 produce that is picked changes but
Cornwall has grown since a holiday in February                                                                   residing in Northern Ireland – four of whom are
                                                                 migrant workers remain a constant.
2013, where he became fascinated by the                                                                          serving police officers. The influx has changed
language, culture and history of Poland.                        On the basis of this, in June                    the demographic and challenged the PSNI to
After his holiday, he undertook some research                     2013, Kevin made a successful                  meet the needs of new emerging communities
and found that since Poland joined the EU in                      application to the Sponsored                   which have added richness and strength to
2004 there has been a real surge in the number                    Learning Panel (SLP) of the Devon              society.
                                                             and Cornwall Police for funding in order            Speaking about her selection Loreen says, “I
                                                     to study the Polish language. Speaking Polish at            joined the IPA as I was interested in engaging with
                                                     a basic level has already proven advantageous               colleagues within the police community on an
                                                     in gaining a level of trust and respect amongst             international level. When I saw that the Polish
                                                     the Polish people in his Policing area.                     Foundation were inviting applications from
                                                     In response to his selection, Kevin said,                   Section UK to attend the Jubilee Commemoration,
                                                     “Initially I joined the IPA with the hope of                I thought that this would be an excellent
                                                     locating members who could offer me advice                  opportunity for me to explore the Polish culture,
                                                     on progressing with my Polish language skills.              broaden my perspectives and enhance my
                                                     So whilst looking for Polish speakers via the IPA           professionalism. I am delighted to have been
                                                     membership pages, I saw the Polish Foundation               chosen to attend this event and represent not only
                                                     were inviting applicants from the UK IPA to                 Section UK of the IPA but also the Police Service
                                                     attend the event. It seemed to me a great                   of Northern Ireland and the Terrorism
                                                     opportunity, so I applied straight away and am              Investigation Unit. I look forward to sharing my
                                                     absolutely delighted to have been selected to               experiences with my colleagues on my return.”
                                                     attend. I believe my attendance will benefit my

German Officer                                                                                                      Another
to Experience                                                                                                       Link in
Notts Policing                                                                                                      the IPA
Members from the IPA and
staff from Nottinghamshire
                                   Police, for example                                                              Chain
Police are looking forward to a    the dog unit,
visit by a German police officer   underwater unit                                                                  Section UK, is considering the idea of
later this year.                   and Helicopter                                                                   producing an IPA cycling jersey. Ronnie
Vera Volmery, who has served       squad. She will also spend            improving my English. Having a             Dukes, Section UK Vice President, has
in the German police for 14        time at Nottinghamshire               better grasp of English will               asked if members could indicate their level
years, will be spending July in    Police HQ, the Prison Service,        enable me to register on study             of interest in this idea by emailing him.
Nottinghamshire on the IPA’s       and Nottingham Fire and               programmes in Germany which                IPA member John Hutchinson has drafted
International Learning and         Rescue Service as well as             are conducted in English.”                 this design (above) of the jersey. Why not
Development Exchange               with individuals in the field of      A full report of Vera’s visit will be      put your design skills in to action and come
Programme (ILDEP).                 searching techniques.                 published at a later date.                 up with your own. Submit your design to the
Accommodating her wish to          Speaking about her forthcoming        Anybody interested in learning             email address below. Deadline 31 July.
improve her knowledge of           visit, Vera said, “I am looking       more about ILDEP – which is                If you are a cyclist and would be interested
operational searching              forward to working alongside          also open to UK officers wanting           in purchasing an IPA jersey, once
methods, Nottinghamshire IPA       emergency service staff in the        to study abroad – should visit:            produced, please contact Ronnie at:
have arranged a programme          UK. It will further my                   
which includes a tour of duty      professional understanding and
                                                                                                                    Please specify whether you prefer a long or
with different units within        has the added advantage of
                                                                                                                    a short sleeve jersey.
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