Arts Sponsorship Guidelines 2021/2022 - City of Perth

Page created by Patricia Palmer
Arts Sponsorship Guidelines 2021/2022 - City of Perth
Arts Sponsorship
Arts Sponsorship Guidelines 2021/2022 - City of Perth
Strut Dance performance of Hofesh in the Yard. Credit: Anthony Tran

      Introduction                                                   3
      Strategic Community Plan                                       3
      The Local Context                                              4
      Eligibility Criteria                                           5
      How to Apply                                                   6
      Assessment Process                                             6
      Decisions and Notifications                                    6
      Funding Agreements                                             7
      Sponsorship Term                                               7
      Acquittal Process                                              7

      Arts Sponsorship                                               8
      Frequently Asked Questions                                     10
      Disability Access and Inclusion                                10
      Lobbying of Elected Members                                    10
      Contact Us                                                      10

                                                                           Cover image: AWESOME Festival 2020. Credit: Richard Watson

      CITY OF PERTH ARTS SPONSORSHIP GUIDELINES 2021/2022                                               PAGE 2
Arts Sponsorship Guidelines 2021/2022 - City of Perth
Through Arts Sponsorship,                   Arts Sponsorships typically drive         • contribute to the vibrancy and;
the City supports projects that             significant cultural, economic,           • enhance the reputation the City of
                                            and social outcomes. This                   Perth as a premier capital city and
represent a broad range of                  program supports projects seeking           arts industry leader.
high-quality arts activity and              sponsorship of $20,000 and over for
creative cultural practice. Arts            activities that;                          Sponsorship benefits provided in
sponsorship is accessible to a                                                        recognition of the City’s support
                                            • attract a broad audience;               can include commercial leverage,
wide range of organisations                 • encourage increased visitation;         promotion, activation or exposure.
that identify the arts as their             • deliver increased economic;
primary purpose and can
                                            • benefits to the City’s stakeholders;
demonstrate that their project
or program strongly aligns with
the assessment criteria.

Strategic Community Plan

 1   People                                2   Place                                  3    Planet

A safe, activated and welcoming city      A well-planned and functional built        A city that respects, protects and fosters
that celebrates its diversity and sense   form environment, promoting world          its natural environment, embraces
of community, providing unique            class architecture, appreciation of        the principles of sustainability and
educational, cultural, sporting and       heritage, diversity of land use and a      acknowledges the impacts of our
lifestyle offerings.                      sustainable, affordable and accessible     changing climate.
                                          integrated transport system.

 4   Prosperity                            5   Performance                            6   Partnership

A city with a diverse and resilient       A city led by a Council and supported      A City that has earned the respect and
economy capitalising upon its unique      by an administration that is committed     support of the local industry through
competitive advantages and creative       to sound strategy and governance,          strong partnerships with state bodies,
reputation, attracting sustainable        excellence in customer service and         industry and community groups and
investment in education, tourism,         effective and sincere engagement with      other key stakeholders.
entertainment, commerce, technology       all stakeholders.
and trade.

CITY OF PERTH ARTS SPONSORSHIP GUIDELINES 2021/2022                                                       PAGE 3
Arts Sponsorship Guidelines 2021/2022 - City of Perth
                          WEST PERTH

                                            CENTRAL PERTH

                                                                      EAST PERTH

            KINGS PARK &
             BOTANICAL                                SWAN RIVER


                 MATILDA BAY

  +3 Local+4                                 +5             +6           +7                      +8

The City of Perth is progressing
a city neighbourhood planning
and engagement approach,
in which six distinct city
neighbourhoods are defined.
The city’s neighbourhoods are
Central Perth, Northbridge, West
Perth, East Perth, Claisebrook
and Crawley-Nedlands. Each
of these neighbourhoods have
distinct identities, opportunities
and challenges, which this
neighbourhood approach will
work towards addressing.

                                                                       Black Swan State Theatre Company
                                                                       - Julia Hales performance in You
                                                                       Know We Belong Together at
                                                                       Heath Ledger Theatre.
                                                                       Credit: Toni Wilkinson

CITY OF PERTH ARTS SPONSORSHIP GUIDELINES 2021/2022                        PAGE 4
Arts Sponsorship Guidelines 2021/2022 - City of Perth
WASO Christmas Symphony 2020. Credit: Rebecca Mansell

Eligibility Criteria
All applications for Grants and              The City will not consider                    The City of Perth will not consider
                                             applications from:                            applications for the following projects
Sponsorships with the City of
                                                                                           or project expenses:
Perth must meet the following                • the Commonwealth or State
eligibility criteria. Additional               Government Departments;                     • projects where the primary purpose is
                                             • a political party;                            political;
criteria may apply for individual
                                             • an applicant that supports, promotes        • projects that denigrate or exclude
programs and these are listed
                                               or facilitates violence, intolerance or       parts of the community or have an
under the relevant section.                                                                  adverse effect on public health, safety,
                                                                                             the environment or heritage; and
                                             • an employee or elected members of
To be eligible to receive sponsorship          the City of Perth, or their immediate       • projects that request reimbursement
or grants funding from the City, the           family;                                       of funds already spent;
applicant must:                              • an applicant that has outstanding           • projects that are for debt reduction or
                                               debts to the City of Perth;                   operational deficits; and
• have submitted the application prior to
  the project commencement date with         • an applicant who is in legal conflict       • project legal expenses.
  sufficient time to enable consideration      with the City of Perth;
                                                                                           The City of Perth will not support
  by the City and Council;                   • an applicant that has failed to provide     recurrent operational funding, including,
• offer a project or initiative within the     satisfactory acquittal reporting for any    but not limited to wages, salaries, or
  City of Perth local government area;         previous City of Perth funding;             administrative overheads. Further details
  or if not within the City of Perth local   • an applicant that has already received      on eligibility and requirements can be
  government area, the project or              City of Perth funding (including in-        found in the City’s Sponsorship Policy
  initiative demonstrates a direct impact      kind) for the same project within the       at
  on the City of Perth meeting its goals       same financial year; or                     and-important-documents/policies
  under the Strategic Community Plan;
                                             • an applicant that has already applied
                                               for City of Perth funding (including in-
• demonstrate financial viability without      kind) for the same project within the
  the City’s funding (an individual or         same financial year and been refused;
  project may not be viable without            and
  the City’s support, however the
                                             • an applicant that conducts themselves
  organisation must be).
                                               in a way considered to be injurious or
                                               prejudicial to the character or interests
                                               of the City of Perth.

CITY OF PERTH ARTS SPONSORSHIP GUIDELINES 2021/2022                                                           PAGE 5
Arts Sponsorship Guidelines 2021/2022 - City of Perth
How to Apply
                                                                          All applications must be submitted through the City’s
                                                                          approved online management portal, SmartyGrants
                                                                          ( More information about
                                                                          grants and sponsorship opportunities offered by the
                                                                          City of Perth is available at
                                                                          You are required to discuss your application with a
                                                                          City Sponsorship Officer prior to submission to ensure
                                                                          you are applying in the most suitable program.

                                                                             HOW TO APPLY?
                                                                             First Step
                                                                             Contact a City of Perth Sponsorship
                                                                             Officer to discuss your application
                                                                             P: 08 9461 3333
                                                                             More information:

               Co3 Youth Artist Development. Credit: Stefan Gosatti

Assessment Process
Applications will be assessed against the     applications received in the relevant       the general public. An assessment of
assessment criteria outlined under the        program. The City of Perth regularly        your application will form part of the
relevant program.                             receives more funding applications          Council Report which is made publicly
                                              than the available budget can               available on the City of Perth website
Applications are assessed by a minimum        accommodate. Therefore, successful          and subject to potential Freedom of
two-person assessment panel, which            applications are those that best satisfy    Information (FOI) requests. Please make
may recommend full, part or no funding        the assessment criteria.                    it known to the Sponsorship Officer if
to the decision-making authority                                                          information provided in your application
(generally City of Perth Council). The        The City of Perth reserves the right
                                                                                          is commercially sensitive so as to protect
recommendation is carefully considered        to request further information in
                                                                                          trade secrets, information that has
with the view of maintaining the integrity    considering any application, as well as
                                                                                          commercial value, or information about
of the proposal.                              the right to reject any application that
                                                                                          the business, professional, commercial
                                              does not meet the eligibility criteria.
Where applicable applications will be                                                     or financial affairs of a person, so
                                              The City of Perth must comply with
assessed in a competitive environment                                                     this information can be treated as
                                              the Local Government Act in regard
(funding round) against other                                                             Commercial-in-Confidence.
                                              to making information available to

Decisions and Notifications
Applications may be accepted or               Allow for 8 weeks to be notified of a
rejected and the decision is final and        decision for Quick Response Grants
not subject to any further appeal within      and up to 4 months to be notified of
the City.                                     a decision under all other grants and
                                              sponsorship programs.
Applications requesting less than
$20,000 will be approved by the City,
with applications requesting more than
$20,000 approved by Council.

CITY OF PERTH ARTS SPONSORSHIP GUIDELINES 2021/2022                                                            PAGE 6
Arts Sponsorship Guidelines 2021/2022 - City of Perth
Opera in the Park 2021. Credit: Rebecca Mansell

Funding    Sponsorship Acquittal
Agreements Term        Process
Successful applicants for grants and     Grants and sponsorships will have a    Successful applicants will be
sponsorships must enter into a written   one-year term unless approved by       required to submit an acquittal
funding agreement with the City          Council where they can then have       report through SmartyGrants
before any funding is provided to the    a maximum two-year term, at the        within three months of project
successful applicant.                    discretion of the City and dependent   completion. All grants and
                                         on the quality of the application,     sponsorships must be acquitted
                                         satisfaction of assessment criteria    prior to a decision being made
                                         and the strategic outcomes likely to   on a subsequent application for
                                         be achieved.                           funding. Acquittal reports will
                                                                                be considered as part of future
                                                                                funding applications.

CITY OF PERTH ARTS SPONSORSHIP GUIDELINES 2021/2022                                              PAGE 7
Arts Sponsorship Guidelines 2021/2022 - City of Perth
WAMFest 2019. Credit: Annie Harvey

        Arts Sponsorship
         Eligibility                                   Types of Expenditure Not Supported:             Key Dates
         To be eligible to receive an Arts             Capital expenditure such as                     The City provides one opportunity
         Sponsorship, applicants must meet             • the purchase or lease of real estate,         to apply for Arts Sponsorship each
         all of the Eligibility Criteria outlined on   • building, renovation, repair or               Financial Year. Applications must
         page 5 of these guidelines.                     maintenance of private buildings or;          provide a public outcome within the
                                                       • purchase of major equipment                   specified timeframe.
         In addition to the eligibility criteria on
         page 5, the applicant must:                     or material goods such as office
                                                                                                       ANNUAL FUNDING ROUND
         • be a legally constituted entity               furniture, computers or infrastructure
                                                                                                       For activities between
           or individual with an Australian              that could be relocated; and
                                                                                                       21 October 2021 - 31 December 2022
           Business Number (ABN) or be under           • Interstate and overseas travel
           the auspice of an Australian legal            expenses.                                     Applications      23 March 2021
           entity; and                                                                                 open

         • formally identify arts as their
                                                       Funding Levels Available                        Application       27 April 2021,
           primary purpose;                            Sponsorship over $20,000 (excluding GST)        deadline          4pm AWST
         • have appropriate insurances and             is available in this program. Applicants
                                                                                                       Notification      1 September 2021
           licences where required, as outlined        requesting funding less than $20,000 are
                                                                                                       of decision
           under the City’s Activity Approvals         encouraged to apply in the Arts & Culture
           or other relevant policies and              Quick Response Grants program, due to
           procedures.                                 open in the coming months.
                                                       Funding requests may include cash or
         Types of Projects Not Supported:
                                                       in-kind support or a combination thereof.
         • Fundraising initiatives.                    In-kind support is for the use of the City’s
                                                       facilities and services. In-kind support will
                                                       be considered within the totality of funds

         CITY OF PERTH ARTS SPONSORSHIP GUIDELINES 2021/2022                                                              PAGE 8
WA Ballet performance of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie at the 2020 Awesome Festival. Credit: Bradbury Photography

Assessment Criteria
Essential Criteria                            • How does the project support              Project Delivery
• How does the project demonstrate              the development of the local              • Does the applicant have a
  artistic excellence?                          arts and cultural sector through            demonstrated capacity to manage
                                                the provision of professional               all aspects of the project?
• How does the project deliver arts             development opportunities such
  activity that represents Perth’s unique       as skills development, networking,        • Does the project demonstrate
  cultural identity?                            connection and/or collaborations?           financial viability through evidence
• How does the project encourage                                                            of support from other government
                                              • To what extent does the project             agencies, business or community
  the participation of the broader              celebrate the diversity of Perth and
  community and identify strategies to                                                      organisations?
                                                demonstrate an inclusive approach?
  widen audience engagement?                                                              • What is the level and value of
                                              • To what extent are environmental            sponsorship benefits
• How does the project help encourage           and sustainable practices integrated
  a sense of community, provide                                                             provided to the City?
                                                into the project?
  opportunities for the community to
  connect, participate in cultural life       • To what extent does the project
                                                celebrate Aboriginal culture?
  and increase vibrancy within the city                                                      MAXIMUM
  and its neighbourhoods?
                                              COVID-19 Risk Mitigation                       CONTRIBUTION
• How does the project stimulate
                                              • What measures are in place to                The maximum contribution of
  the local economy and provide
                                                ensure the health and safety of              sponsorship provided by the
  opportunities for engagement with
                                                attendees and staff at the project?          City of Perth cannot exceed
  local businesses?
                                              • What is your contingency plan                30% of the total project budget.
• To what extent does the project                                                            Funding requests may include
  enhance the city’s reputation, raise          should restrictions on large
                                                gatherings be enforced at the time           a combination of both cash
  the profile of Perth and position it as                                                    and in-kind support for City of
  a Capital City that is internationally        of your project?
                                                                                             Perth fees and charges, at the
  recognisable, unique, inviting and an                                                      discretion of the City of Perth.
  arts industry leader?

CITY OF PERTH ARTS SPONSORSHIP GUIDELINES 2021/2022                                                            PAGE 9
FAQ and other information
1. Can I assume my project will              4. I’d like to apply for in-kind            6. How will I know if my
be funded if it has been funded              support. Is this possible?                  application is successful?
in previous years?                           Applicants can request in-kind support      For Quick Response Grants a City
The City of Perth is committed to            for City of Perth fees and charges          Officer will contact you to advise you
ensuring the assessment process is fair      associated with their project. This is      of the outcome of your application
and equitable. Recurring annual funding      to be included in the overall grant/        within 8 weeks. For applications in all
is not guaranteed. The City of Perth         sponsorship requested amount for            other grants and sponsorship programs
recommends you also seek additional          consideration by and at the discretion      a City Officer will contact you in
funding from other sources. Additional       of the City of Perth. Please contact a      writing approximately 4 months after
funding sources will strengthen your         Sponsorship Officer to discuss available    the closing date to advise you on the
application.                                 in-kind support.                            outcome of your application.

2. How many times can I apply?               5. Are the details of my                    7. How long does it take to
Applicants may apply for sponsorship         application confidential?                   receive funding after my
for several projects however each            No. The City of Perth must comply with      project is approved?
project may only receive sponsorship         the Local Government Act in regard          The payment policy for the City of
once in each financial year.                 to making information available to the      Perth is 30 days from the end of the
                                             general public. An assessment of your       month in which the invoice is received.
3. I want to use a City owned                application will form part of the Council   Payment of funding will be made on
venue. Is this included in my                Report which is made publicly available     achievement of milestones linked
                                             on the City of Perth website and subject    to project deliverables. Payments
sponsorship?                                 to potential Freedom of Information         will not be made until the relevant
Organisers are reminded that use             (FOI) requests. Please make it known to     financial year.
of the City’s banners, streets, malls,       the Sponsorship Officer if information
buildings, laneways and reserves is          provided in your application is
subject to separate application and          commercially sensitive so as to protect
approval. Visit        trade secrets, information that has
and-work/hire-and-bookings for more          commercial value, or information about
information. Organisers are responsible      the business, professional, commercial
for securing all appropriate permits and     or financial affairs of a person, so
bookings. Fees and charges for these         this information can be treated as
services may be provided in-kind by          Commercial-in-Confidence.
the City, subject to the outcome of a
sponsorship application (see FAQ #4).

DISABILIT Y ACCESS AND INCLUSION                                                             CONTACT US
Access and inclusion is about ensuring that all public services are available to all
community members, including those who have a disability, so that they have
the opportunity and choice to participate in all aspects of community life. To               Sponsorship Officer
the extent that it is practicable, the applicant is required to provide universal  
access to sponsored project, as outlined in the City of Perth’s Disability Access
                                                                                             (08) 9461 3333
and Inclusion Plan. The applicant will need to be able to provide a copy of their
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan for the sponsored project if requested. You   
will be required to report on the accessibility of your project at the conclusion            grants-and-sponsorship
of your project as part of the acquittal report. A copy of the Disability Services
Commission’s Guide to Disability Access and Inclusion Plans for Local
Government Contractors is available for download here.

Applicants may not lobby, or seek to influence the decision-making of Elected
Members and administrative staff, in relation to their submitted funding
applications. If, during the period between submitting a funding application and
a determination by Council, an applicant seeks to lobby any Elected Member
of the City of Perth or administrative staff, or attempts to provide additional
information, either directly or indirectly, on any matter relating to the funding
application to an Elected Member, the person/organisation may be disqualified
and the sponsorship or grant excluded from being considered for approval.

CITY OF PERTH ARTS SPONSORSHIP GUIDELINES 2021/2022                                                         PAGE 10
Council House
27 St Georges Terrace   GPO Box C120
Perth WA 6000           Perth WA 6839   (08) 9461 3333
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