ASEAN-Australia Special Summit Sydney, Australia

Page created by Carol Myers
ASEAN-Australia Special Summit Sydney, Australia
ASEAN-Australia Special Summit
Sydney, Australia
Case Study

Strengthening Ties in the Asia-Pacific
March 16-18, 2018 marked the first-ever ASEAN-             The CEO Forum Roundtable and Lunch, and The
Australia Special Summit. Leaders from ASEAN and           Leader’s Retreat.
Australia met to discuss vital issues affecting the Asia   The Congress Rental team overcame several complex
Pacific Region such as cybersecurity, counter-             challenges, such as planning for the 24-hour lockdown
terrorism and free trade.                                  that prevented all equipment from entering the ICC
Congress Rental Australia was chosen to support the        after the first meeting had commenced and running
large-scale event across multiple Sydney venues            cables across multiple floors at the ICC.
including ICC Sydney, Admiralty House and The              Congress Rental Australia utilised their own
Intercontinental Hotel Sydney. Several meetings and        equipment, as well as equipment imported from
events took place over the two days, including The         Congress Rental Singapore and Congress Rental
Leader’s Plenary, The Counter Terrorism Conference,        Germany, to produce a seamless, error-free event.
ASEAN-Australia Special Summit Sydney, Australia
The Leader’s Plenary
                                                                                                      The Leader’s Plenary

The Leader’s Plenary was the heart of the ASEAN-           In a large room parallel to the main meeting, Congress
Australia Summit. The meeting was attended by the          Rental installed 10 three-person Audipack interpreter
Leaders from over 10 different ASEAN countries, and        booths. Each interpreter spoke into a Bosch idesk that
Australian Prime Minister, Malcom Turnbull. This           was connected to a Bosch Integrus System for
meeting gave the leaders a chance to discuss               language distribution to the appropriate channels.
opportunities to work closer together on trade,            Languages interpreted were English, Bahasa
economic development and counter-terrorism.                Indonesian, Lao, Khmer, Thai and Vietnamese.
The Plenary was laid out in a circular shape, with the     Interpreters were also given a video feed of the
oval table in the middle hosting the main leaders of       current speaker on LCD screens placed in front of the
the Summit. Each leader at the oval table was given a      interpreter booths. The video feed was captured via
Bosch Multimedia Microphone, which enabled them            Bosch Dome Cameras that Congress Rental hung from
to listen to an interpretation audio feed based on         the ceiling above the plenary. Each time one of the
their language preference.                                 Leader’s activated their microphone to speak, one of
                                                           the four 360-degree Bosch Dome Cameras would
The other leaders were stationed at tables in rings
                                                           move to automatically focus on the speaker.
around the outside of the oval table, with Bosch
Integrus Receivers and headphones so they could            The Congress Rental team used Bosch hardware and
receive the interpretation for their language of choice.   software to provide audio and video feeds for ICC AV
                                                           to distribute to five viewing and listening rooms
To work around the construction timeline of the
                                                           across the ICC. The team set-up equipment to
plenary, the Congress Rental team had to install
                                                           transmit the audio across the rooms and provided
equipment on different days, running all the cabling
                                                           Bosch receivers for all delegates to listen to the
under the false floor that was built for the meeting.
                                                           meeting with interpretation. There were 500 headsets
                                                           in total across the ICC for the Leader’s Plenary.

                                                                               Interpreter Booths for the Leader’s Plenary
ASEAN-Australia Special Summit Sydney, Australia
Counter Terrorism Conference
                                                                                         The Counter Terrorism Conference

The Counter-Terrorism Conference was an interactive        their language of choice through the in-built feature.
meeting held the day before the Leader’s Plenary. The
conference gave members a chance to discuss tactics        Video and language feeds of the conference were also
to combat the evolving threat to regional peace and        distributed to ICC AV to provide a live feed of the
security in the Asia-Pacific Region.                       session to the delegates sitting in the viewing and
                                                           listening room next door. Delegates were given a
The speaker’s tables were constructed in a u-shaped        Bosch Integrus receiver to listen to the interpretation.
configuration, with a wired Bosch Dicentis
microphone installed for every speaker. Two 360-
degree Bosch Dome cameras were built into the
centrepiece to provide a visual display on the
projector as they activated their microphones.

Similar to the Leader’s Plenary, Congress Rental set up
a room parallel to the conference for the
simultaneous interpretation. Seven soundproof
Audipack interpreter booths were installed, facing a
projector screen that displayed the conference.
Languages interpreted were English, Bahasa
Indonesian, Lao, Khmer, Thai and Vietnamese.

The Bosch Dome cameras provided a HD video feed of
each speaker so that the interpreters could read the
                                                          HD Bosch Dome Camera
speaker’s body language for accurate interpretation.
Delegates were able to listen to the interpretation
through their Bosch Dicentis microphone, selecting

                                                                    Interpreter Booths for The Counter Terrorism Conference
ASEAN-Australia Special Summit Sydney, Australia
The CEO Forum Roundtable & Lunch
                                                                                                      The CEO Forum Lunch

The CEO Forum was a component of the ASEAN-                  of Indonesia’s speech. Each receiver was pre-
Australia Business Summit. Prominent business                programmed by the Congress Rental team to match
leaders were invited to join ASEAN members and               each delegates language preference.
Australian politicians to help strengthen the trade and
                                                             Congress Rental also supplied interpreter audio feeds,
investment links between ASEAN and Australia.
                                                             and vision feeds via a Bosch HD Dome Camera to the
Congress Rental assisted in both the roundtable and          media centre for media use.
lunch component of the Business Summit, supplying a
range of equipment for both events inside the ICC.

At the CEO Forum Roundtable, delegates sat around a
large hollow square table and utilised the Bosch
conference microphones supplied by Congress Rental
for their discussion.

The CEO Forum Lunch invited CEO’s and politicians to
sit together around cabaret-style tables for lunch. The
delegation received speeches from both the Prime
Minister of Australia, Malcom Turnbull and the
President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo.

Congress Rental set up one sound-proof Audipack
booth at the back of the room for two Indonesian
interpreters. Each delegate was given a Bosch headset      One of seven rooms using 110 Bosch microphones
to listen to the English interpretation of the President
ASEAN-Australia Special Summit Sydney, Australia
The Leader’s Retreat

      The Leader’s Retreat was the final meeting for the       Next door, seven interpreter booths were installed to
      Summit. It was a chance for the top Leader’s to          support the interpretation for the event. Again, the
      discuss further issues without the media present.        interpreters were supplied with a visual of the
                                                               meeting via a Bosch HD Dome camera to ensure
      The meeting took place at Admiralty House, a heritage    accurate interpretation, and the Congress Rental team
      building that was constructed over 150 years ago. The    transmitted the language feeds accordingly.
      Congress Rental team only had one day to install the
      necessary equipment, as it is the current residence of                                 Air-Conditioned Interpreter Booths
      the Governor-General.

      Three rooms were set up for the event; the meeting
      room for the leaders, the viewing room and the
      interpreter room. The Congress Rental team took the
      utmost care during bump-in and bump-out, ensuring
      the preservation of the historic furniture, paintings
      and structures.

The Leader’s Retreat

                                                               Due to the historic nature of the building, there is no
                                                               air conditioning at the venue. This would have made
                                                               interpreting very difficult for the interpreters, as it
                                                               was one of the hottest days in March. Fortunately,
                                                               Congress Rental installed their new air conditioners
                                                               into the booths to ensure the interpreters were
                                                               comfortable and cool. This was the first time in the
                                                               world that this had been done.
      The meeting room housed 24 of the top leaders from       This vision and audio feed was also transmitted to the
      ASEAN and Australia. Each leader had a Bosch Dicentis    viewing room, where 30 of the top ASEAN and
      wireless microphone with a Bosch headset to listen to    government officials watched the Leader’s meeting.
      their language preference. Wireless microphones          They too had Bosch receivers programmed to their
      were chosen to avoid taping cables, as no tape was       language of choice to understand the foreign leaders.
      allowed in the building for preservation reasons.

                                                                                                 The Viewing & Listening Room
ASEAN-Australia Special Summit Sydney, Australia
The InterContinental Hotel
(The Back-up Venue)                                          Total Equipment:

To ensure that the Summit would continue no matter           11x Bosch Multimedia Microphones
the circumstances, Congress Rental set up all
                                                             55x Bosch Dicentis Microphones
conference equipment at a back-up venue at the
Intercontinental Hotel in Sydney.                            110x CCS 1000 Conference Microphones

44 Bosch NG wired microphones were installed                 9x Bosch HD Dome Cameras
around a large hollow square table for the leaders to        31x Interpreter Booths
attend the meeting, if necessary. One 360-degree
Bosch HD Dome camera was placed in the middle of             700x Bosch Receivers
the square to provide a video feed of the speaker to         44x Samsung 23” Monitors
both the interpreters and the delegates in the viewing
room.                                                        22x Samsung 55” Monitors

                              The Back-Up Leader’s Plenary
                                                             End User:

                                                             Australian Government and Prime
                                                             Minister and Cabinet

The interpretation equipment and the equipment for
the listening and viewing room were installed in a
separate room, with a large drape partitioning the
interpreters and the viewers. Seven soundproof
interpreter booths were installed, and all equipment
necessary for running the event was operating for the
entirety of the Summit. Eight monitors were also set
up to provide a visual feed to the delegates if

A Congress Rental team member was on-site
                                                             “The efforts of Congress over the event weekend
throughout so that we would be prepared if the venue
                                                              have not gone unnoticed and I have continually
was needed. Although it was fully built and
                                                             received nothing less than complete admiration
provisioned, the back-up venue was never called upon
                                                                 and the highest appreciation for the way
to be used.
                                                                simultaneous interpretation services were
                      The Back-Up Viewing & Listening Room     managed and performance and quality of the
                                                             attending Congress staff. I would personally like
                                                             to congratulate Congress for another extremely
                                                              successful engagement with PM&C. Well done
                                                              and thank you all once again” – Chris Jackson,
                                                                    ASEAN- Australia Special Taskforce
ASEAN-Australia Special Summit Sydney, Australia ASEAN-Australia Special Summit Sydney, Australia ASEAN-Australia Special Summit Sydney, Australia ASEAN-Australia Special Summit Sydney, Australia
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