SPRING & SUMMER 2023

    for Summer & Fall
Part-Time Recreation Jobs!

  900 Anderson Drive,
Ashwaubenon, WI 54304
                                  55+ / SENIOR CITIZEN                                Deep Water Exercise.................34            Fun Run Group.........................22
                                  OPPORTUNITIES                                       Jr. Lifeguards.............................35     Intro to Sailing......................... 27
                                   55+/Senior Citizen Day............. 17             Lake Rental............................... 37     Intro to Volleyball.................... 27
                                   Beach Day................................ 17       Lake Season Pass Info...............36            Summer Day Camp.................. 26
                                   Brain Health............................ 16        Lap Swim.................................34       Summer Lunch Program........... 25
                                   Breakfast w/ the Experts.......... 17              Levels of Swim Description....... 31              Summer Park Playgrounds........ 24
                                   Book Club................................ 19       Open Swim..............................34
                                                                                                                                        Tae Kwon Do............................23
                                   Card Making with Janice...........22               Open Swim Fit Training.............34
                                                                                      Pool Rentals.............................33       Tennis..................................... 26
                                   Chiropractor 101....................... 16
                                   Dementia Care Services............. 15             Private Lessons.........................32       SPECIAL EVENTS
                                   Donuts & Documentaries......... 19                 Swim Lessons.................... 32, 35           3,2,1 Action..............................24
                                   Embroidery Club....................... 19          Therapeutic Core & More..........34               Artstreet.....................................9
ASHWAUBENON                        Fitness Classes.......................... 21
                                   Flower Arranging...................... 16
                                                                                      Water Exercise Classes..............34
                                                                                     FALL PROGRAMS
                                                                                                                                        Ashwaubenon Blast....................8
                                                                                                                                        Ashwaubomay Park
    PARKS, RECREATION &            Hand, Foot, & Knee..................20             Punt, Pass & Kick Contest........30               Clean-Up Project..................... 14
    FORESTRY DEPARTMENT            Ice Cream Social...................... 17          Rookie Football Camp...............30             Bike to School Day................... 45
                                   Jin Shin Jyutsu......................... 15        Tots Football Camp...................30
      900 Anderson Drive           Knitting Club............................ 19                                                         Corcl Time............................... 37
    Ashwaubenon, WI 54304                                                             Youth Flag Football Leagues........ 30            Doggie Dip.............................. 37
                                   Line Dancing Club.................... 19             Lunch & Learn.......................... 18        MISCELLANEOUS                                      Easter Egg Hunt....................... 25
           492-2331                Mah Jong..................................20       Auxiliary Aids.............................3      Escape Park..............................24
                                   Meals on Wheels...................... 18           Ashwaubenon Performing                            Food Truck Rally..................10, 11
                                   Movie Club...............................20        Arts Center................................ 9     Family Night Swims.................. 37
            STAFF                  Movie Matinee.......................... 19         Community Garden..................22              Father’s Day Swim.................... 36
          Rex Mehlberg             Pickleball................................. 20     Co-Sponsored Organizations........ 51             History in the Park......................7
            Director               Rockers Game...........................20          Director’s Desk...........................3       Movie in the Park..................... 28      Senior Safety Update................. 17           Facility Reservations......3, 4, 5, 33, 37        Neighborhood Special Events....29
        David Roehrig              Senior Stretch & Balance.......... 20              Map of Parks.............................39       Luau Beach Party......................36
                                   Seniors 4 Seniors..................... 15          Park Info...................................38
Recreation Program Supervisor      Sewing Club............................. 19        Recreation Scholarship
                                                                                                                                        Pirate Day.................................36                                                                                                            Rummage Sale..........................14
                                   Stamp Camp............................. 16         Program......................................3
         Melody Escoto             Studio For Artists...................... 19        Registration Information.....3, 35, 50            Sand Castle Contest................. 37
       Aquatic Coordinator         Ukulele..................................... 15    Sponsorships/Partnerships/                        Splish Splash        Walking Club.......................... 20          Donations.................................38      End of Summer Bash.................36
                                                                                      TDS Fiber..................................42     Summer Concerts................12, 13
          Tim Bauknecht           ADULT PROGRAMS                                      Volunteering in Schools............14             Water Olympics.......................24
             Forester              Barre/Yoga Strong Fusion.......... 21              WPRA Tickets............................6         Basic Self Defense.....................26                                                           TOT PROGRAMS
         Kelly Baenen              Bean Bag Leagues.....................22           PARKS & FORESTRY                                   Easter Egg Hunt........................25
                                   Card Making.............................22         Adopt A Garden/Park Programs....43                Little Ninjas..............................23
     Administrative Assistant                                                         Arbor Day................................ 42
                                   Cedarburg Strawberry Festival.......22                                                               Rookie Basketball......................26                                                           EAB................................... 40, 41
                                   Fit & Fabulous........................... 21                                                         Rookie Soccer Camp.................23
          Dan DeBauche             Fox River Kayaking Tour............22              Oak Wilt..................................43
                                                                                                                                        Rookie T-Ball............................23
          Parks Foreman            Fun Run Group.........................22           Street Tree Planting.................. 42
                                                                                                                                        Sports 101................................27
                                   Pickleball................................. 20     Street Tree Pruning....................43
          Steve Eichinger                                                             Tree Donation Program............ 38              Tot Dance.................................27
                                   Za’ Jammin Mashup.................. 21
        Parks Maintenance
                                  AQUATICS                                           YOUTH & TEEN                                      VILLAGE SERVICES
            Matt Poirier           Aquatic Registration                              PROGRAMS                                           Clerks Office.............................45
        Parks Maintenance          Information..............................35        Basic Self Defense.....................26         Pubic Safety........................ 48, 49
    Senior Citizens Coordinator    Ashwaubomay Lake........... 36, 37                 Easter Egg Hunt........................25         Street Department......44, 45, 46, 47

         Monday - Friday               Mark Castonia
       8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.         Deborah Lundberg                                 GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE
 High School Pool: 492-2993             Chris Zirbel                                 The Ashwaubenon Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department
                                       Heidi Murphy                                  has gift certificates available. The gift certificate can be used
Ashwaubomay Lake: 336-3430
                                       Donovan Miller                                as payment towards any of our instructional programs and
 Parks, Recreation & Forestry
    Department: 492-2331                                                             can be purchased for any dollar amount. To purchase a gift
                                        Tracy Flucke
                                                                                     certificate, stop by the department office.
                                       A. Dean Hess
2    Village of Ashwaubenon

            SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM                                             FROM THE DIRECTOR’S DESK...
The Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department, with the assistance               “If we had not winter, spring would not be
of the Ashwaubenon Lions have a limited amount of resources set                so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of
aside to grant scholarships for children to participate in recreational        adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome”
activities. Scholarships are granted according to the free or reduced                                            - Anne Bradstreet
price school lunch program. For further information please contact the
Parks & Recreation Department.
                                                                            So… what is “normal” these days??? Seems like everything is different
              ARE YOU A RESIDENT?                                           than what we are used to. BUT…..we know what has been successful
A resident for registration purposes is anyone who lives within the         in our Department, so more of that is one the way!
Village of Ashwaubenon. Any person residing outside of the Village          • Our Food Truck Rally series (A Food A-Fare) continues on in 2023!
boundaries will be considered a non-resident and will pay their fair          These kept growing in numbers last year, and we can’t wait for them
share through an additional surcharge established by the Park Board.          to start up in May. See page 10-11 for the yummy details on trucks
                                                                              and bands!
                    AUXILIARY AIDS                                          • Our Wednesday summer concert series (seven dates) will start up
Auxiliary aids for disabled persons wishing to attend or participate          again on June 14th. Three new bands are in the lineup, in addition to
in the Village of Ashwaubenon’s Recreation Programs are available             some of your past favorites. See page 12-13 for details!
upon request at least 96 hours in advance of the events. If a notice of     • Work has started on the Ashwaubomay River Trail bridge, going
less than 96 hours is received, the Village will make every attempt to        across Ashwaubenon Creek into Ashwaubomay Park! This 15’
provide the aids, however, this may not be possible with such short           wide bridge will connect with the recreational trail that starts at the
notice.                                                                       Ashwaubenon Marina. At 375+’ in length with a fishing bumpout….
                                                                              it will be a grand addition to our Village amenities. Expanded
            RENTING OUR FACILITIES                                            walking/biking/running for area residents and park visitors! The
The Ashwaubenon Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department has                   bridge has received DNR Stewardship grants, and a plaza area will
facilities that may be rented throughout the year for various events.         be built thanks to the David L. & Rita E. Nelson Family Fund grant.
Some facilities are for Ashwaubenon based businesses and property             The plaza area will overlook the Fox at the north end of the park!
owners ONLY and some are available to both residents and non-               • Artstreet is back! See page 9 for details.
residents.                                                                  • Thanks to all who came to the community center in February to
What events our facilities are available for:                                 register for our summer daycamp program. It sold out for all 10
                                                                              weeks in 1 ½ hours.
 • Baby/Bridal Shower
 • Family Reunions                                                          • A new playground structure will be open at Smith Park this summer!
                                                                              Originally planned for last fall, the project was pushed back due
 • Picnics                                                                    to manufacturing delays. The structure is about 80% erected
 • Retirement Party                                                           now, with the final components to be installed this spring, and a
 • Birthday Party                                                             rubberized surfacing section to be installed this summer.
 • Wedding Reception                                                        • If you have never attended “History in the Park” put on by the
What events our facilities cannot be rented for:                              Ashwaubenon Historical Society, you need to check it out. Long-
 • Fundraising Events (Park Board approval required)                          time Ashwaubenon leaders, figures, business people and prominent
 • Non-Ashwaubenon based organizations not directly                          “names” tell their stories about some facet of Ashwaubenon
                                                                              History. These stories are fascinating, humorous, and well worth
   serving Village residents                                                  your time! This year’s event will be on Thursday, June 15th. See
 • For-profit sales events                                                   page 7 for the fun details!
The individual renting the facility and receiving the contract for the      WE are ALWAYS looking for people who are willing to share their
rented facility MUST be in attendance the day of the rental as they         talents and or stories with our community. If you are willing to take a
are the individual who will be held responsible for the facility.           step into teaching or presenting a topic that you love, please ontact
                                                                            our office! Ask for Rex, David or Rachel. We are happy to discuss
Ashwaubenon businesses renting our facilities for meetings or events        your ideas!
will be required to submit a certificate of insurance with the Village of   From our PR & F family to yours, have a great spring and summer!
Ashwaubenon listed as an additional insured.

             Registration for programs begins:
                       Unless notified by our Department, you will automatically receive your first choice.
                       If you would like confirmation of your registration, please provide an email address.

                                                             Join our fan page on                  Spring & Summer 2023                3

Residents may book the Community Center up to 3 years in
advance while non-residents may book up to 3 months in
advance. All other reservations, including picnic shelters, will
begin the first Monday in November for the following year.
Reservations are made on a first come, first served basis.
A 5.5% sales tax will be added to all rentals.
    Basketball rentals	$25 per hour resident
                        (2 hour minimum)                           SHELTER #4 - ASHWAUBOMAY PARK

 Park rentals are available from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.
    • Shelter #1 & #2 (open) 	$40 resident
                                         $55 non-resident
      Portable toilets located adjacent to shelters
      New in 2022: Shelter 2 will have 8 tables, a group grill,
      and a serving table.
    • Shelter #4 (open) 	$75 resident
                               $90 non-resident                    SHELTER #4 - ASHWAUBOMAY PARK
      12 tables, electricity, lights, drinking fountain &
    Open Shelter		$75 resident
                               $90 non-resident
    Electricity, drinking fountain, & restrooms
NOTE: jumpers, inflatables, dunk tanks, amusement rides,
etc. are NOT allowed in the park areas without written
permission from the Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department.

                                                                   ASHWAUBOMAY #1


              BECOME A FAN
      of Ashwaubenon Parks, Recreation and Forestry
           Department on Facebook. Stay informed of
            special events, cancellations and more!
                                                                   ASHWAUBOMAY #2

4    Village of Ashwaubenon

                                                900 Anderson Dr.
The Ashwaubenon Community Center            Rental includes a galley kitchen, tables,      The full Green Bay Packers Grand Park
is available 7 days a week from 6:00        chairs, large TV and DVD player. Deposit       Room seats up to 248. Rentals are a
a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sunday - Thursday and     is required.                                   minimum of 4 hours or 2 hours for
6:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. Friday & Saturday.                                                   business meetings. Rental includes a full
Residents may book up to 3 years in         The Green Bay Packers Grand Park Room
                                            with the divider in place seats up to 170.     commercial grade kitchen, bar, tables,
advance while Non-Residents may book
up to 3 months in advance.                  Rentals are a minimum of 4 hours or            chairs, fire pit and patio. Deposit is
                                            2 hours for business meetings. Rental          required.
The Ken & Marge Bukowski Activity
Room seats 50-70 depending on the           includes a full commercial grade kitchen,      *Visit for room
type of event. Rentals are a minimum of     bar, tables, chairs, fire pit and patio.       sizes and layouts and a 360 degree
4 hours or 2 hours for business meetings.   Deposit is required                            video tour.

                                                                       REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS                BUSINESS MEETINGS

                   RESIDENT          NON-
                                   RESIDENT       ADDITIONAL                               NON-                          NON-
    ROOMS        RENTAL RATE                                          RESIDENT                         RESIDENT
                                 RENTAL RATE      HOURLY RATE                            RESIDENT                      RESIDENT
                 1ST 4 HOURS
                                  1ST 4 HOURS
  BUKOWSKI                                                                                               $40.00         $75.00
  (ACTIVITY)        $160.00         $310.00           $40.00           $200.00           $500.00
    ROOM                                                                                                per hour       per hour
   PACKERS                                                           $300/$500                           $52.50        $100.00
                    $210.00         $460.00           $52.50                             $500.00
 GRAND PARK                                                          After 10 PM                        per hour       per hour
   PACKERS                                                           $300/$500                           $60.00        $115.00
                    $240.00         $490.00           $60.00                             $500.00
 GRAND PARK                                                          After 10 PM                        per hour       per hour

                                                     Join our fan page on             Spring & Summer 2023       5

                                W.P.R.A. TICKET PROGRAM
    The Ashwaubenon Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department, in cooperation with the Wisconsin Park & Recreation Association,
    is offering discounted tickets for various attractions throughout the state. Tickets may be purchased Monday thru Friday,
    8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at the Parks & Recreation Department, 900 Anderson Drive. A 3% fee will be added to all tickets
    purchased with a debit or credit card.
                SELLING DATES: MAY 1, 2023 THRU SEPTEMBER 1, 2023
                          NO REFUNDS ON TICKET SALES

          MILWAUKEE                           MT. OLYMPUS WATER                               ORIGINAL
          COUNTY ZOO                             & THEME PARK                             WISCONSIN DUCKS
             Open Year Round                             All Day Pass                  Gate Price: Adult – $36.30
Gate Price: Adult – $17.75                  Gate Price: $34.99                                     Children (4-11) – $18.15
            Children (3-12) – $14.75        Our Price: $10.00                          Our Price:   Adult – $29.00
Our Price:     Adult – $13.50               Hours:      9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.                      Children (4-11) – $15.25
               Children (3-12) – $10.50                                                             Children 3 & Under FREE!
               Children 2 & Under FREE!                                                Hours:       9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Hours:         Mon. - Sat.                                                                          (May - Mid-June)
               9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.                                                                8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
               Sun. & Holidays                                                                      (Mid-June - Labor Day)
               9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

                                                 PIRATES COVE
                                                ADVENTURE GOLF
                                                           18 Holes
                                            Gate Price: $11.00
                                            Our Price: $8.00
                                                        Children 4 & Under FREE!
                                            Hours:       8:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
                                                                                         The Ashwaubenon Parks,

                                                                                         Recreation, & Forestry
                                                                                         Department takes the following
                                                                                                    forms of payment:

                                                     NOAH’S ARK                                                  CHECK
                                                 All Day Unlimited Use Pass
                                            Gate Price: Adult – $54.99                                             VISA
                                                        Children – $44.99
                                            Our Price: $35.00 Children and Adult
                                                         Under 36” FREE!
                                            Hours:       9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
6    Village of Ashwaubenon

      Deceased Individuals are: Allen Steavpack (Guido’s Restaurant),
           John Monfort (Town Chairman - 1st. Village President)

  Living Individuals are: Gary Wickert – Village Judge; Greg Sauve – retired
    Ashwaubenon Band Director; Kris Hucek – Principal Parkview School

ONE NIGHT ONLY - Thursday, June 15, 2023 - 6:00 PM.

      Ashwaubenon Community Center Grand Park Room
                    930 Anderson Dr.

                   Admission: $10.00 Per Person
        Registration is appreciated, pay at the door
     Call Janet at (920-336-9519) or Judy at (920-680-4404)

                     Refreshments Available
                         CO-SPONSORED BY:
                       RYAN FUNERAL HOME
                  Ashwaubenon Parks & Recreation

              Video: Compliments of Den & Lin Persick

  All proceeds go to benefit the Ashwaubenon Historical Society

                              Join our fan page on   Spring & Summer 2023   7

                       Ashwaubenon Blast and
      ust 12, 202
                        Family Fun-ath-alon

» Concessions ON-SITE ALL DAY!
» Food, soft drinks, beer and water available
                                                  SATURDAY, AUGUST 12TH
                                                  Time:     8 a.m.-10 p.m.
» Plenty of picnic tables!                        Location: Ashwaubomay
» Free Car Show 8am-3pm!                                                       SCHEDULE
                                                  Ages:     All ages
» $5 wristbands for unlimited games, bounce                                   OF EVENTS
  houses, balloon animals and face painting                                   8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
                                                                                      Car Show
» Balloon Animals from 2-5 p.m.
                                                                              11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m
» Face painting from 4-7 p.m.
                                                                             N.E.W. DUELING PIANOS
» Kiddie Carnival games w/ prizes from 2-7 p.m.
                                                                              11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
» … And more!!! WOW!                                                              Free Swimming at
                                                                                Ashwaubomay Lake
                                                                               2:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
                                                                                 Kiddie Carnival and
                                                                                  Bounce Houses*
                                                                              2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
                                                                                  Balloon Animals*
                                                                              3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
                                                                             DOO WOP JUKEBOX (band)
                                                                               4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
                                                                                    Face Painting*
                                                                              6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.
                                                                                    THE BANDITS
                                                                                 *wristband required

Back by popular demand and bigger
and better than ever. The 8th Annual
Ashwaubenon Blast is back again to wrap up
a summer of fun. The Village, Ashwaubenon
School District and area sponsors are
teaming up again to bring you the BIGGEST
YEAR! Come celebrate at Ashwaubomay
Park with neighbors friends, family
and past Ashwaubenon Graduates.
Everyone is welcome! This is the
summer event you won’t want to miss!
8   Village of Ashwaubenon

                                                                                                                                               The Ashwaubenon Performing Arts Center (PAC)
                                                                                                                                               is a beautiful 730-seat venue located one mile
                                                                                                                                               south of Lambeau Field, at 2391 South Ridge Road.

                                                                           This state-of-the-art performance space was built
                                                                           for the artistic and theatrical enrichment of the
                                                                           students and community members of the Village
                                                                           of Ashwaubenon and surrounding areas. The
                                                                           PAC serves as home to school and community
                                                                           musicals, plays, concerts, and theatre programs
                                                                           and also actively presents regional, national, and
                   2391 South Ridge Road                                   international touring entertainment.
 Visit for more details and to see our schedule of upcoming shows!


                                                             42 al

                                                                                                                       FAMILY ACTIVITIES | MOSAIC ARTS PUB AND GRILL | AND MORE!
                                                             An                                                                                                                    For over 40 years, Art
                                                                                                                                                                                   Street has been bringing
                                                                                                                                                                                   art out of studios, galleries
                                                                                                 benon, WI                                                                         and museums, throughout
                                                                                        A shwau
                                                                 Ashw             ark
                                                                                             and 27th, 2023                                                                        Wisconsin and the country.
                                                                     au b o m ay P h, 26th
                                                                                25t          Green Bay Area.
                                                                                                                                                                                   In one weekend, stroll the
                                                                       A u gust         ater
                                                                   ng th                th eG
                                                                                             re                                                                                    festival at our exciting new
                                                                         e   art   s in                                                                                            location, Ashwaubomay
                                                                                                                                                                                   Park, and encounter the
                                                                                                                                                                                   original works of hundred’s of
                                                                                                                                                                                   artists, numerous acts on our
                                                                                                                                                                                   community and main stages
                                                                                                                                                                                   and savor an array of specialty
                                                                                                     d by:                                                                         foods. Enjoy cultural displays.
                                                                                             Pre                                                                                   Engage in hands-on family
                                                                                                                                                                                   activities. Listen to the sounds
                                                                                                                                                                                   of laughter, nature, and song.
                                                                                    Apply at

                                                                                                     Join our fan page on                                                     Spring & Summer 2023   9

            FOOD A-FARE
          A                                           A series of 5 Food Truck Rallies will be hosted by
                                                      the Village of Ashwaubenon Parks & Recreation
                                                      Department this summer. Each rally will be
                                                      incorporated with a special event.
                                                      - Multiple Food Vendors On-site selling food from 4:30-8:30 pm
                                                      - Beverage area selling soda, water, domestic and craft beer.
                                                        Volunteers provided By Fortifi Bank.
                                                      - Ashwaubomay Lake will have extended hours for June, July
                                                        & August, staying open until 8pm.
                                                      - Dozens of picnic tables for patrons to sit and enjoy their
                                                      - Watch our Facebook pages for a food truck “lineup” as the
                                                        dates get closer!
            MAY          E 22
          JULY 2 18 • JUN ST 17
                0 • AUGU
             SEPTEMBER 14                                                  Sponsored By:

               TRUCK R ALLY
          4 : 3 0 - 8 : 3 0 PM

Anticipated food vendors for 2023.
                Vendors will vary by date.
     Minzo’s Kitchen           The Dough Shoppe          The June, July and August dates
                                                                      will be held in conjunction with
      4 Schmitt’s &             Caribbean Cruiser                    Ashwaubomay Lake special events!
      Giggles BBQ             Carjacks Patty Wagon      JUNE: CARNIVAL IN THE SAND
     Gourmet Corn                    Kona Ice           JULY: FIESTA ON THE BEACH
     The Dog House            Travelin’ Toms Coffee
                                                        AUGUST: SPLISH SPLASH            See page 36
       Ice Clouds              Scrapyard Smoker         END OF SUMMER BASH                for further
      Maldonados              Osorio’s Latin Fusion     Ashwaubomay Lake               information   on
                                                        will be open until 8 p.m.       Lake   events.
      Rusty’s BBQ               Legendary Gyro’s        on food truck rally nights!
 Blue Suede Foods                 Little Jamaica        Reduced admission after 5 p.m.
10   Village of Ashwaubenon

           FOOD A-FARE
         A                        PLENTY OF SEATING AVAILABLE

May 18 - Carbon Road
June 22 - Model Citizens
July 20 - Unity
August 17 - The Del Reys
                                   (50’s R & R!!)
September 14 - Copper Box
                             (Oktoberfest Rally!)

 All of our food truck rallies
 are now dog friendly. Bring
 your fury family members
 to enjoy all the fun!

                                         Join our fan page on   Spring & Summer 2023   11


                 at Klipstine Park 900 Anderson Drive

                                          A FREE lunchtime concert series!!!
                                          • Enjoy music, lunch, and visit with friends and family.
                                          • 11:30 - 2 p.m. Wednesdays, June 14 - August 2
                                          • Concessions available on site, provided by area community organizations.
                                          • Picnic tables available or bring a lawn chair and blanket.
                                          • Rain site for all concerts will be located in the Ashwaubenon Community Center.
                                          • For more information, call Parks & Recreation at (920) 492-2331.

     Events Held In Conjunction with Concerts In The Park:
 June 28*           Food Drive Bring a non-perishable food item for “Stocked Shelves” pantry @ St. John Lutheran Church.
 July 12**          Senior Citizen Day Ashwaubenon Seniors eat for $2. Thanks to an anonymous donor!
 July 19***         Ice Cream Social Day Sundaes for only $1…served by the Senior Citizen Advisory Committee!
 July 26****        Restaurant Rally! Enjoy food offered from various area restaurants!!!

12   Village of Ashwaubenon

               2023 SUMMER LINE-UP
                             ROCKER (Classic Rock)
                 June 14
                             Sponsor: AnSer Services

                             Paul Evansen (Neil Diamond-”Truly Diamond” Show Tribute)
                 June 21
                             Sponsor: Green Bay Moose Lodge 801

                             Bay Area Big Band (40’s swing-awesome!)
                 June 28
                             Sponsor: Ashwaubenon Lions

                             Let Me Be Frank
                 July 12
                             Sponsor: Woodside Senior Communities

                             Open Tab (Pop/Rock/Funk original covers)
                 July 19
                             Sponsor: US Bank

                             Daddy D Productions
                 July 26
                             Sponsor: Ashwaubenon Business Association

                             7000apart (pop duo-2021 WAMI Best New Artist of the Year)
                 August 2
                             Sponsor: Pepsi-Cola of Green Bay

 If you do business with our sponsors,
please let them know your appreciation
     in making this series possible!                    Contributing Sponsor
                                Join our fan page on   Spring & Summer 2023   13

           Interested in reducing some clutter around the house and make money at the same time?!
     Rummage sales will be held rain or shine on                                      Pick up a form at the Ashwaubenon Parks,
     Friday, April 28th & Saturday, April 29th,                                       Recreation & Forestry Department located
     from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.                                                             on 900 Anderson Drive and send along
     For the low cost of $6.00, your rummage sale will be included                    with a check to the address on the form.
     on a map with location indicated and a short description of                      OR Visit Ashwaubenon Village web site
     items at your sale. You will also receive a number, which                        and download PDF form which you can
     corresponds with our map and a “rummage sale” yard                               either print and mail or attach PDF to email
     sign which you can place to advertise your sale.                                 and send to
     Don’t delay, start thinking about it today!             RUMMAGE                  OR If you have questions, email them to:
     Sign-up for this event has a deadline of
     Friday, March 31, 2023 to ensure you
                                                                                      or you may call the Ashwaubenon Parks,
     are included on the map!!                                                        Recreation & Forestry office at 492-2331.

         THE GREAT ASHWAUBOMAY                                               VOLUNTEERING IN THE SCHOOLS
           PARK CLEAN-UP PROJECT                                     The Ashwaubenon School District invites all citizens to
The eight annual community work day at Ashwaubomay Park              consider volunteering in the schools. There are a variety of
is scheduled for Saturday, June 17, 2023. We are seeking             volunteer opportunities at Cormier, Valley View, Pioneer,
community members, park users, service organizations                 Parkview and the High School.
and scouting groups to help improve Ashwaubomay Park
for all visitors. Last year volunteers cleared buckthorn and         Volunteers can serve as classroom helpers, assisting teachers
honeysuckle along Ashwaubomay Creek at our park entrance.            with reading activities, math facts, spelling review and serve
                                                                     as test and computer supervisors. In addition, the district is
Please bring your hand pruners, pole saws, and loppers (no           looking for citizens willing to periodically read to classes and
power tools please) to help remove these invasive species and        to help with special projects. Serving as a mentor or guest
other brush that have taken over the Fox River riverfront. Our       speaker and sharing information about careers, travel, hobbies
work day will begin at 9:00 a.m. and run until 11:30 a.m. when       and life experiences are still another way in which citizens can
we will have a BBQ hot dog lunch awaiting beneath a picnic           be utilized.
shelter, followed by free lake admission! We’ll be meeting by
the Ashwaubomay Lake shelter area.                                   Volunteer opportunities are available for once a week, monthly,
                                                                     or on an “as needed” basis. Commitments are generally for an
  Interested in helping … GREAT!!! It is recommended that            hour or two in a variety of time slots. Volunteer activities are
  work gloves, long sleeve T-shirts and long pants be worn           flexible to accommodate citizens who travel or go south for
  for safety purposes.                                               the winter.
  Give us a call at 492-2331 to get on the volunteer list.           Assignments will begin in September. A complete list of
                                                                     volunteer opportunities will be listed and continually updated
                                                                     on the school district website at www.ashwaubenonk12.
                                                            Anyone interested should contact,
                                                                     Coordinator of Volunteers, Kathy O’Brien at (920) 360-4033
                                                                     or or call the school district
                                                                     office at 492-2900.

14    Village of Ashwaubenon

                 SENIORS 4 SENIORS                                                       JIN SHIN JYUTSU
Come check out our new social group Seniors 4 Seniors. This         Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient healing technique suitable for all
is a group that connects Seniors with resources while tracking      ages and health projects. Using just a gentle touch, Jin Shin
their concerns and planning for changes in their lives. A           Jyutsu helps to restore the flow of energy which may become
gathering of Seniors from all over the community to discuss         blocked with illness, pain, or stress and allows you to heal
issues or concerns in their lives.                                  yourself with effortless ease. We will have a different focus
Date: 4TH WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH                                  each month including heart health, eyes, chronic pain, brain
                                                                    health, arthritis and joint pains, immune system, and fatigue.
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
                                                                    Class meets 3rd Wednesday of each month
Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center
                                                                    Pre-register by 2nd Wednesday of each month
Fee: Free
                                                                    Time: 1:00 p.m.
                                                                    Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center
                                                                    Cost: $13 per class
Free weekly series by Dementia Care Solutions and Care Patrol.
Normal vs Not Normal Aging                                                         UKULELE INTRODUCTION
Wednesday, May 3rd                                                  Thursday, May 4th will be a free introduction to the Ukulele at
What is normal and when should we be concerned? If thinking         1pm. Please bring your own Ukulele if you have one. There will
and memory problems arise, can it be something reversible?          be one or 2 extra ones if you would like to try before you buy.
YES!                                                                In this class you will learn 3 chords, simple strumming patterns,
Find out more about the causes of these symptoms, what              and an actual song or two!
you can do to improve them, and know if it’s something more         Pre-register by Monday, May 1
serious.                                                            Date: Thursday May, 4
The Changing Relationship When Dementia is in the Picture           Time: 1:00 p.m
Wednesday, May 10                                                   Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center
Relationships inevitably change as dementia progresses. This        Cost: Free
can be devastating and challenging as you roll through the
stages of grief. Let’s talk about the changing relationship, what               CONVERSATIONAL UKULELE
is normal, and what can be better.                                  The Ukulele is one of the simplest stringed instruments one
The Language of Dementia & Finding Success                          can learn to play! It is a joyful happy instrument that can be as
                                                                    simple or as complex as you wish. Join our expert teacher Betsy
Wednesday, May 17                                                   every week as we build skills and learn new songs. The goal is
As care partners, we can find ourselves in communication snags      fun, fun, fun!
with our loved one with dementia. Together we will untangle         Every Thursday
these challenging situations and explore new tools to help in
your caregiving journey.                                            Time: 1:00 p.m.
Presenter: Sheri Fairman, Certified PAC Mentor                      Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center
Time: 11:00 a.m.-noon                                               Cost: $5 per month
Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center
Cost: Free
Pre-register by Friday before each class

                                                     Join our fan page on            Spring & Summer 2023        15

            QUARTERLY STAMP CAMP                                                        CHIROPRACTOR 101
If you enjoy card making with rubber stamps, than this class        Do you suffer from neck or back pain, sciatica, herniated or
is for you. Michelle and Connie will be leading this class to       bulging discs?
help you perfect your cards. You will rotate stations to make       Do you have chronic migraine headaches or deal with digestive
4 awesome cards (3 general and 1 holiday. Please bring your         issues, sinus issues, or allergies?
own scissors. All other supplies provided. Space is limited to 16
people per session.                                                 Chiropractic care can help with all of these and so much more. Let
                                                                    us help you maintain your mobility so you can enjoy and live your
SPRING CLASS - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 9AM OR 1PM CLASS                  best life! Learn how we give back to this amazing community.
Cost:       $5 per class                                            DATE: 	MONDAY, APRIL 17 @ 1PM &
Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center                                             WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 @ 10AM
                                                                    Presenter: Krisy Salentine Practice Rep from Massart Chiropractic
                     BRAIN HEALTH                                   Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center
Pillars of Brain Health-General Brain Health                        Fee:           Free
Learn about the key habits and protective measures under your
control to promote healthy aging and maintain good cognitive                         FLOWER ARRANGING
health throughout life.                                             Join Josh, head designer and owner of Nature’s Best Floral
                                                                    and Boutique, in this hands on class as we work to create a
Food is Medicine-Optimize Your Brain Health                         unique floral arrangement. Each participant will have a beautiful
                                                                    arrangement to bring home.
                                                                    PRE-REGISTER BY MARCH 23, 2023
Our brain’s constant supply of fuel comes from the food we eat.
Emerging research from the fields of neuroscience and nutrition     DATE:        THURSDAY, MARCH 30TH
shows that by changing what you eat, you can improve your           Time:        1:00 p.m.
mental and emotional well-being.
                                                                    Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center
Sleeping Through the Ages                                           Cost:        $40
The importance of sleep on brain health-sleep is an important
part of your daily routine-in fact you spend about 1/3 of your
life doing it! Quality sleep and more of it at the right times is
essential to survival as food and water.
Presenter: Brain Center of Green Bay
Time:           10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Location:       Ashwaubenon Community Center
Cost:           Free
Pre-register by Friday before each class

16   Village of Ashwaubenon

                                       BREAKFAST WITH THE EXPERTS
                           Learn from the presentations of our experts and have the opportunity over breakfast to chat and ask
                           questions of them. Our Breakfast with the Experts Series is sponsored by Oak Park Place Assisted
                           Living and Memory Care-Green Bay.
      PRN HOME HEALTH & THERAPY                                       COMPASSUS HOSPICE MYTH & FACTS
PRN Home Health & therapy offers a full spectrum of Physical,         Hospice remains one of Healthcare’s best Kept Secrets.
Occupational and Speech Therapy services.                             Please join Mary Beth Fumelle, Hospice Care Consultant with
You can expect Better patient Outcomes and Seamless Integration       Compassus Hospice, as she shares how Hospice remains one of
& support where dedicated clinicians will provide compassionate,      healthcare’s best kept secrets.
Individualized care around your goals and needs.                      PRE-REGISTER BY FRIDAY, JUNE 16
PRE-REGISTER BY FRIDAY, APRIL 14                                      DATE:        TUESDAY, JUNE 20
DATE:        TUESDAY, APRIL 18                                        Presenter: Mary Beth Fumelle
Presenter: Mary Boyce                                                 Time:        9:30-10:30 a.m.
Time:        9:30-10:30 a.m.                                          Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center
Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center                                Fee:         Free
Fee:         Free

   SENIOR SAFETY UPDATE IN BROWN                                                     ICE CREAM SOCIAL
                          COUNTY                                      Cool off with a delicious ice cream sundae or cone while en-
A presentation by Brown County Deputy Bryanne Gawlik, on              joying the sounds of “Open Tab” during the weekly Concert
the start to finish approach of calling for assistance from Police,   in the Park. There will different toppings that will allow you to
Fire, or Medical Professionals. What you need to know on local        personalize your sundae. This concert sponsored by US Bank.
updates on public safety, scams, as well as simple self-defense       DATE:       WEDNESDAY, JULY 19
tips and tricks.
                                                                      Time:       11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
PRE-REGISTER BY FRIDAY, JUNE 23                                       Location: 	Klipstine Park
DATE:            TUESDAY, JUNE 27                                     Fee:	$1.00
Time:            10 a.m.
Location:        Ashwaubenon Community Center
Fee:             Free
                                                                                BEACH DAY FOR SENIORS!
 ASHWAUBENON SENIOR CITIZEN DAY                                       Join the Village of Ashwaubenon’s Park and Recreation Depart-
                                                                      ment Thursday, July 14th 10am for our Beach Day for Seniors!
          AT CONCERT IN THE PARK                                      Ashwaubomay Lake will open 1hr earlier for
All Ashwaubenon residents 55 and over, today is your day!
Come and enjoy “Let Me Be Frank” during the weekly Concert            Ashwaubenon’s Seniors. After spending the morning enjoying
in the Park located at Klipstine Park. Thanks to an extremely         the sun and the beach, stay for lunch. The Park and Recreation
generous donation from a long time Ashwaubenon resident all           Department will be offering a lunch special for our seniors! This
Ashwaubenon seniors will be offered lunch for $2 (ID or proof         $5 lunch will include: hamburger/brat/hot dog, chips, soda or
of residency is required). Lunch includes hamburger, brat or          water and a frosty treat from our concessions.
hot dog, chips, cookie and drink!!! This concert sponsored by
Woodside Senior Communities.                                          PRE-REGISTER REQUIRED BY JULY 24TH.
DATE:       WEDNESDAY, JULY 12                                        DATE:      THURSDAY, JULY 27
Time:       11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.                                    Time:      10:00 a.m.
Location: 	Klipstine Park                                            Location:  Ashwaubomay Lake
Fee:	$2 for Ashwaubenon residents 55 and older                       Fee:       $5
            (ID or proof of residency required)
                                                       Join our fan page on             Spring & Summer 2023        17

                                                   LUNCH & LEARN
Learn from the presentations of our experts and have the opportunity over lunch to chat and
ask questions of them. Lunch and Learn will provide a sandwich and soup to all participants.
Sponsored by Woodside Senior Communities. Call us at 492-2331 to register.

     RESIDENT RIGHTS AND                                      MEDICARE, MEDICAID, AND FAMILY CARE
   TRAUMA INFORMED CARE                            Oftentimes in the community you hear the terms Medicare, Medicaid and Family
Hear from one of Woodside’s Social Work-           Care used interchangeably when they are in fact all very different. We will explain
ers how long-term care providers protects          each of these coverage programs to help you navigate the confusion.
the rights of its’ residents and the process       Pre-register by Friday, June 9
taken to provide individualized care for all.
Pre-register by Friday, May 5                      DATE:           TUESDAY, JUNE 13
                                                   Presenter:      Woodside Staff
DATE:             TUESDAY, MAY 9
                                                   Time:           Noon-1:00 p.m.
Presenter:        Woodside Staff
                                                   Location:       Ashwaubenon Community Center
Time:             Noon-1:00 p.m.
                                                   Fee:            Free
Location:	Ashwaubenon
                  Community Center                 ACTIVE ADULT LIVING AND THE FUTURE OF SENIOR HOUSING
Fee:              Free                             As baby boomers are entering the 65 years and older demographic in record high
                                                   numbers, the senior living industry is shifting towards meeting the needs of that
         SPEECH THERAPY:                           younger senior with a focus on active, healthy lifestyle. In this session we will dis-
   MORE THAN JUST TALKING                          cuss the new trends you may be seeing in our community surrounding senior care.
Most people when they think of speech ther-        Pre-register by Friday, August 4
apy assume it is only for speech related issues.   DATE:           TUESDAY, AUGUST 8
Hear from Woodside’s Speech Language Pa-
thologist on all the benefits of speech therapy,   Presenter:      Woodside Staff
from swallowing to cognition.                      Time:           Noon-1:00 p.m.
Pre-register by Friday, July 7                     Location:       Woodside Senior Communities
DATE:              TUESDAY, JULY 11                Fee:            Free
Presenter:         Woodside Staff
Time:              Noon-1:00 p.m.
Location:	Ashwaubenon
                   Community Center
Fee:               Free

                                      MEALS ON WHEELS PROGRAM
The Ashwaubenon Parks, Recreation & provided through the Aging & Disability • are not able to prepare meals for
Forestry Department is partnering with Resource Center of Brown County.             themselves,
the Aging & Disability Resource Center Delivery volunteers & subs
                                                                                  Please call the Aging & Disability
of Brown County (ADRC) to recruit and are needed. Please call 492-2331.
train additional volunteers to deliver                                            Resource Center to discuss eligibility and
home bound meals through their Meals Ashwaubenon residents can register for your specific situation.
on Wheels Program.                      the Meals on Wheels Program by calling The Home Bound Meal Program is
                                        the Aging & Disability Resource Center of
Individuals or organizations interested Brown County at (920) 448-4312. Meals designed to meet at least one third of
in receiving more information on will be available to individuals who:            the Recommended Daily Allowance
how to become a volunteer for this                                                for adults age 60 or older. Meals are
Ashwaubenon home bound meal route       • a
                                           re 60+ years of age                   delivered between 11:00 a.m. and 12:30
should call the Ashwaubenon Recreation    (adults  who are  under age 60 may      p.m. - Monday thru Friday - and are
Department at (920)492-2331. Both         qualify)                                available on a suggested donation basis
training and mileage reimbursement are • are home-bound and not driving           of $4.00 per meal.
18   Village of Ashwaubenon  

                   SEWING CLUB                                                 DONUTS & DOCUMENTARIES
Love to sew, knit, crochet or quilt? Bring your latest project        Interested in learning something new in an entertaining fashion?
and join this fun group of ladies! Inspiration included. We           Join us here, at the Ashwaubenon Community Center, the third
will be meeting every Monday morning at 10am in the new               Friday of the month for Doughnuts and Documentaries. Every
Ashwaubenon Community Center Activity Room!!!                         month we will show a critically acclaimed documentary on
DATE:       EVERY MONDAY                                              various subject matters while you enjoy coffee and doughnuts!
                                                                      This is sure to satisfy both your curiosity and your stomach!
Time:       10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
                                                                      DATE:        3RD FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH
Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center
                                                                      Time:        9:30 a.m.
Fee:        Free
                                                                      Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center
                                                                      Fee:         Free
                      BOOK CLUB
Are you an avid reader that can’t wait to discuss the latest
novel you just finished? The Book Club at the Ashwaubenon
Community Center invites you to join them the second                                      KNITTING CLUB
Wednesday of the month in the Community Center Lobby at               Join us every Tuesday to work on your knitting project. This
1pm. This Club is done in partnership with the Brown County           free and fun club offers space to work on projects and also
Library, Ashwaubenon Branch.                                          brings a social aspect.
DATE:       2ND WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH                              DATE:        EVERY TUESDAY
Time:       1:00 p.m.                                                 Time:        10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center                                Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center
Fee:        Free                                                      Fee:         Free

                   MOVIE MATINEE
Come join us the first Tuesday of the month for a movie and
snacks! We will be watching movies on our giant projector                             EMBROIDERY CLUB
screen to make you feel like you are at the theater. Every month      Bring your current embroidery project and enjoy some much
will feature a different film and genre. This event is FREE!          needed stitching time. We meet the first Wednesday of the
Interested? Call our office for the featured movie of the month!      month from 9 am - Noon in the Ashwaubenon Community
                                                                      Center Activity Room. It’s free and fun.
                                                                      DATE:       1ST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH
Time:        1:00 p.m.
                                                                      Time:       9:00 am - Noon
Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center
                                                                      Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center
Fee:         Free
                                                                      Fee:        Free

               STUDIO FOR ARTISTS
Join artists in an open studio forum every Thursday from
9am to 12 pm. Work on your own projects / paper / canvas /                           LINE DANCING CLUB
artworks with like minded artists. Tables, chairs, and water          Join us Tuesday and/or Friday mornings for our Line Dancing
available for use. No instructors. Just a great setting for artists   Club. Everyone is welcome to join this free club. We will work
to interact and work on their own.                                    together to learn new moves.
DATE:        EVERY THURSDAY                                           DATE:       EVERY TUESDAY & FRIDAY
Time:        9:00 a.m.-Noon                                           Time:       9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center                                Location:   Ashwaubenon Community Center
Fee:         Free                                                     Fee:        Free
                                                       Join our fan page on            Spring & Summer 2023         19

                   PICKLEBALL 101                                              GREEN BAY ROCKERS
Come and experience the                                           Come join us for a day at the ball field. Help us cheer on the
“fastest growing sport                                            hometown Green Bay Rockers baseball team. The cost will
in America!” Learn from                                           include a game ticket and meal (hot dog, chips, water).
experienced players from
the Packerland Pickleball                                         PRE-REGISTER REQUIRED BY JUNE 5
Players. Players learn the
basic skills needed to become familiar with the game, including   DATE:      WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21
different types of shots, posture, court positioning, and scor-   Time:      12:05 p.m. (game start)
ing. Equipment will be provided by the coaches. You bring your    Location:  Capital Credit Union Park
enthusiasm to learn!!!
                                                                  Fee:       $14
Location:       Fort Howard Park
                                                                                        MAH JONGG
Fee:            $10                                               Come learn to play Mah Jongg. American Mah Jongg is a fun
Time:           5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.                               game that uses small rectangular tiles, stamped with characters
                                                                  and symbols. Players will need to purchase their Mah Jongg
                                                                  card to participate.
Our club walks every Wednesday, except during inclement           DATE:            EVERY WEDNESDAY
weather, at 9am. Typically we walk Titletown in winter and        Time:            1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
rotate Ashwaubenon locations monthly beginning in April. A        Location:        Ashwaubenon Community Center
weekly reminder will go out on Tuesdays.
                                                                  Fee:             Free
All the walkers walk at a different pace, so you do not have to
worry about keeping up with anyone! We usually walk for an
hour or 3 miles whichever comes first, but everyone is free to                          MOVIE CLUB
drop off at anytime!                                              We have partnered with Marcus
EVERY WEDNESDAY                                                   Theatres to offer our brand
Time:            9:00 a.m.                                        new movie club. The 2nd Friday
Location:        Check for monthly location                       of each month we will be able to
                                                                  view a movie for a discounted rate. The movie for each month
Fee:             Free
                                                                  will be decided on the Wednesday the week before. You will
                                                                  want to call us each month at 920-492-2331 for the movie of the
       SENIOR STRETCH & BALANCE                                   month! An email will also be sent with details for our regulars.
Senior Stretch & Balance-move your body through seated and        DATE: 2ND FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH
standing yoga poses with chair support offered designed to
increase flexibility, balance and range of motion. There is no    Time:       Times Vary
floorwork with this class. Senior Stretch & Balance will be led   Location: Bay Park Cinema
by certified instructor Faye Nedobeck.                            Fee:        $6 for movie ticket/$2.75 each for popcorn and soda
SESSION 1: APRIL 6-APRIL 27                                                     HAND, FOOT, & KNEE
SESSION 2: MAY 4-MAY 25                                           Come join in the fun with our Hand, Knee, and Foot Club. We
SESSION 3: JUNE 1-JUNE 22                                         have a group that meets every other week at the Ashwaubenon
SESSION 4: JUNE 29-JULY 20                                        Community Center to get together and enjoy this fun game.
                                                                  This group is free to join!!! Call us at 920-492-2331 for more
SESSION 5: JULY 27-AUGUST 17                                      details.
Time:             9:35 a.m.-10:20 a.m.                            DATE:           EVERY OTHER MONDAY
Location: 	Ashwaubenon
                                                                  Time:           1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
                  Community Center
Fee:	$16 resident;                                               Location:       Ashwaubenon Community Center
                  $31 non-resident                                Fee:            Free
20   Village of Ashwaubenon

              ZA’ JAMMIN MASHUP!                                           BARRE/YOGA STRONG FUSION™
Cardio dance at its best! Zumba® inspired class combines cur-        Barre meets Yoga Strong to develop core
rent and oldie pop songs with Latin                                  and total body strength, reduce stress,
dance moves into one, time-flying                                    increase lean muscle mass and bone
experience! Fun to do and easy-to-                                   density, and improve balance and
follow! Tone your muscles and con-                                   flexibility! Combines Ballet-inspired
dition your cardio-vascular system.                                  movements, isometric exercises, and
Follow the choreography or dance                                     yoga flow with optional hand weights,
free style – your choice! Come and                                   straps, yoga bricks, and balls. Bring your
shake what your mama gave you!                                       own yoga mat and props, hand weights,
No experience required. Wear ath-                                    water bottle, and sweat towel. Classes led by NETA® Barre
letic or dance shoes. Ages 14 & up.                                  Connect™ and Yoga RYT200HR certified group fitness
Classes led by NETA® certified                                       instructor, Lissa Marth
group fitness instructor (10-year veteran Zumba® instruc-            TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS
tor), Lissa Marth.
                                                                     SUMMER I		 JUNE 1 - 29 (no class 6/15)
                                                                     SUMMER II		 JULY 6 - AUGUST 1
SUMMER I JUNE 5 - 26                                                 SUMMER III		AUGUST 3 - 31 (no class 8/17)
SUMMER II JULY 10 – 31 (no class 7/3)
SUMMER III AUGUST 7 – 28                                             Time:           4:30 p.m.-5:15 p.m.
                                                                     Location:       Ashwaubenon Community
Time:           5:30 p.m.-6:15 p.m.                                  Center
Location:       Ashwaubenon Community Center                         Fee:            $48 resident; $63 non-resident
Fee:            $24 resident; $39 non-resident

                                               Flexibility? Purchase a Barre Yoga Strong   • 10 classes per card = $70/ resident or
                                               Fusion or a Fit & Fabulous/Za’ Jammin         $85/non-resident
                                               Mashup class Punch Card at $7 per class     • Expires December 31, 2023
 Register for a full session at $6 per class
 (resident) - online at        • Register and purchase in person at       • Must present card in person in class -
 or in-person at Park & Rec Office Need           Park & Rec Office                           Non-transferable

                                             FIT & FABULOUS EXPRESS
Fun-filled, total-body conditioning class in this calorie-burning, TUESDAY & THURSDAY EVENINGS
strength-building, body-energizing experience designed to SUMMER I		 JUNE 1 - 29 (no class 6/15)
captivate for improved fitness and life! Target improvement in
energy, total body strength, cardio-vascular conditioning, and SUMMER II		 JULY 6 - AUGUST 1
overall fitness from head-to-toe in 40 minutes or less!            SUMMER III		AUGUST 3 - 31 (no class 8/17)
Intensity level – participant’s choice!
                                                                   Time:      5:30 p.m.-6:10 p.m.
Easy-to-follow floor cardio with strength and resistance inter-
vals using hand weights, gliding discs, balls, and floor mats      Location:  Ashwaubenon Community Center
Strength training included with EVERY class                        Fee:       $48 resident; $63 non-resident
Exercise mats recommended for floor exercises. Bring your
own mats, hand weights, water bottles, and sweat towels.
Classes led by NETA® certified group fitness instructor,
Lissa Marth
                                                      Join our fan page on             Spring & Summer 2023           21

                  FUN RUN GROUP                                                      BEAN BAG LEAGUES
These weekly informal runs are designed to promote running            Our adult bean bag leagues will continue in 2018! Leagues will
as a conditioning, competitive and social activity. The runs are      consist of 6 to 8 teams and will be round robin. Teams will
planned to accommodate all ages and all types of runners. This        play every team in their league so friends and co-workers can
includes the veterans, beginners, joggers, racers, males, females     be certain to play each other with some friendly competition.
& families. Time certificates are available to EVERYONE in every      Best out of 3 games, teams play first one to 21 and must win
race. There is no entry fee or advance sign-up required!              by 2. If you can’t play every week, DON’T WORRY because it
Contact Michael Vandenbusch at 819-5510 for further                   is completely free to have an unlimited amount of substitutes
information.                                                          play in your place.

DATES:      MAY 3 - SEPTEMBER 27                                      WEDNESDAY NIGHTS JUNE 7 - JULY 26
                                                                      Registration Begins: April 1
Time:       WEDNESDAYS @ 6 p.m.                                       (Registration Packets available online and in our office)
Location: 	Ashwaubenon Community Center
                                                                      Time:           7:00 p.m.
             COMMUNITY GARDENS                                        Fee:            $25.00 resident team /$40.00 non-resident team
             @ BILL DIAMOND PARK                                      Age:            Anyone 18+ is welcome
Interested in a garden plot? Call our office for plot availability!
We typically still have plots available in late March/April for the            FOX RIVER KAYAKING TOUR
upcoming season!                                                      We paddle through the historic refurbished De Pere lock, then
                                                                      explore the Fox River shoreline down to Ashwaubenon Creek. This
TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 2023 @ 8 A.M.:
                                                                      route offers the experience of the main channel of the Fox River and
Sign-ups for NEW gardeners begin.                                     opportunities to explore a calm, scenic paddle through the creek.
Fee:         $25 for season                                           This adventure will be led by the Fox River Kayaking company. All
There are 50 plots in the garden plus 2 elevated gardener boxes.      equipment provided. Minimum 10 people for this program.
The inorganic garden boxes are designed for individuals with          PRE-REGISTER BY TUESDAY, AUGUST 1
mobility challenges, allowing for easier gardening (less stooping,    DATE:      THURSDAY, AUGUST 10TH
bending, etc.). The plots are a combination of inorganic(42)          Time:      10 a.m.
and organic(8). Returning gardeners have priority registration,
followed by new gardeners. Plot numbers for new gardeners             Location:	Meet at Ashwaubomay Park to be shuttled
which are available to “reserve” will be posted on our website                   down to starting point
prior to March 14th. Please call our office for additional details    Fee:       $55
or check out our website at
                                                                               CARD MAKING WITH JANICE
                                                                      You know how heartwarming it is to receive a hand-written
 CEDARBURG STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL                                        card in the mail? Well this class is the opportunity for you to
Come one, come all to Strawberry Fest in Cedarburg Wisconsin.         learn how to make simple cards that will be a joy for you to
Spend the day strolling through the amazing downtown                  send. In each class Janice will teach a new design layout and
Cedarburg area. Vendors and shops vary from arts & crafts to          you will leave each session with four completed cards. The
flea and farm market goods. Enjoy the beautiful time of year          cards will be generic enough to be used for many occasions
harvesting strawberries. Wisconsin Strawberries provide the           (e.g. thinking of you). Artistic talents are not required for this
perfect addition to all those tasty treats! No matter your hobby,     class. All you need to bring along is a favorite scissors and
this trip is sure to please everyone in your group.                   we will provide the rest of the supplies. Minimum of 5 pre-
                                                                      registered by the Friday before.
DATE:              SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2023                            DATE:     (NO APRIL CLASSES)
Departure:         Sam’s Parking Lot @ 9:00 am                                  4TH TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH
Return:            6:00/6:30 pm                                       	EVENING CLASS 6:30 PM CLASS THE
                                                                                4TH TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH
Fee:               $32 resident; $47 non-resident
                   (Trip includes Motorcoach transportation.
                                                                                MORNING CLASS 9:30 AM CLASS THE
                   Additional expenses are not included in fee.)
                                                                                4TH WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH
Ages:              All ages are welcome.
                                                                      Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center
                   Anyone under 18 must register with an adult.
                                                                      Fee:      $5 per class
22 Village of Ashwaubenon  

                     ROOKIE T-BALL                                                       LITTLE NINJAS
               (Parent participation required)                      Children will have fun building teamwork, memory, balance,
Looking to introduce the sport of baseball to the little ones?      control, discipline, coordination, fitness and improve their
T-Ball is designed to introduce the game and skills of baseball     gross motor skills. This class will prepare your little Ninja for
to young players. Participants will learn skills such as batting,   the regular Tae Kwon Do class. Instructed by Marcela Charles.
fielding, throwing and running. Unique and fun games will be        THURSDAYS
incorporated into this fun class to help your child improve the
skills they learn. Classes are designed to develop motor skills,    SESSION 1:         JUNE 8-JULY 13
promote physical fitness and create self-confidence. Come           SESSION 2:         AUG 31-OCT 5
ready to learn and have fun! Parent participation is required.      Ages:              5-6 year olds
THURSDAYS, MAY 25 - JUNE 29 (6 classes)                             Time:              5:45 p.m - 6:15 pm
Ages:             3 & 4 year olds                                   Location:          Ashwaubenon Community Center
Time:             5:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.                             Fee:               $25 resident; $40 non-resident
Location:         Ashwaubenon Sports Complex
                                                                                        TAE KWON DO
Fee:              $35 resident; $50 non-resident                    A great activity for the entire family, Tae Kwon Do presents
                                                                    a way for parents and children to learn, have fun and grow
                                                                    together. This family-oriented martial art is for young and old
                                                                    alike. Tae Kwon Do promotes good physical and mental health,
                                                                    builds confidence, and develops respect for self and others.
                                                                    Loose fitting clothing is recommended and limited contact is
                                                                    expected. Participants must be at least 7 years old.
                                                                    SESSION 1: JUNE 8-JULY 13
                                                                    SESSION 2: JULY 20-AUG 24
                                                                    SESSION 3: AUG 31-OCT 5
                                                                    Time:              6:35 p.m.-7:35 p.m.
                                                                    Location:          Ashwaubenon Community Center
                                                                    Fee:               $25 Resident/$40 Non-Resident
                                                                    Ages:              7 & older (adults welcome)

Looking to introduce the sport of soccer to the little ones? Then
sign up for this fun camp. Kicking, dribbling, passing and more
will be taught. Incorporated into this camp are unique and fun
games that will improve your soccer skills, speed, strength,
coordination and agility. Rookie soccer is a program that will
engage children in physical activity in a non competitive envi-
ronment. Classes are designed to develop motor skills, promote
physical fitness and create self-confidence. Come ready to learn
and have fun!
THURSDAYS, JULY 13 - AUGUST 17 (6 classes)
Ages:             3 & 4 year olds
Time:             5:15–6:00 p.m. or 6:00–6:45 p.m.
Location:         Pioneer Park
Fee:              $35 resident; $50 non-resident
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